HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-03-11, Page 5.0, a xivaght Enwtioe Inapieteres notiet4-.6. a leselrent aeat-B. Re* *bange-W. H. Atineford. Stile tiorabag-Oraih, Mepwhirter .k. Co. 8. FL .Ag. Pride of the VOldp-A. M. Shrieves- Budget epeeoh.-John Aledgine. • .-.••••••• Tilq,UPDAY, M41101 11, 1880. 'VERY PAR PRoar TRUE. • 'There is scnrcely a single town or city in the Doinieion that has not experienced some revival of trade, awe new induetries-cmened or old ones extenclee, and in every such case a large increase in the number of hands on- ' ployed and in the 'lumber of ihouths focl has been the result." When the London -Free From penned that paragraph it knew as well as we and " every other adult persoe in Canada that it was telling a .whopper, for no person can take a walk through the streets of any vil- lage, town or city without seeing tho evi- • deuce -of a great shrinkage in the amount of bushiest done, aud the decrease in po- pulation, Take the whole of this county mid we doolat whetheta town or village in it ean be found that has not witnessed a decrease. in population and a curtailment, of business. We were informed a day or two ago,.by good Cionsesvative acthority, that there is applaee in this connty in which the bulk of the real estate in it could not be sold at ell now for more than one-third • of its assessed value year s two-atie: ONLY 1K1L.GI1G Team.. With more oandor than igii, ltfr. Plumb, after a lengthened speech ueon•the Pacific Railway, stated in the Heine on, Friday that he had been tojci by his leader to oc- cupy the tn of the House, Sir John ---lenowirig-f seelFtliat eite..Catild:thralo more light upon matters pertaining to that foolish undertaking than a turnip in a cel- lar, but the revelation made by Me: Plumb, as to his prompter, does give an insight into the condition el the Goverement. is plainly evident by this adthiesion that it is not business that is intended to be dope by the Government, but the killing of time. The House has already been sitting a month, and but comparatively little has been done, mad from all appearances no - thin of any impottance will be done.: AR that the Government new desire is that the supplies shalt be:voted And then the members may go eo thei . homes as soon as they please. • If the country is satisfied with this state of things there is no help for it, but it will be find out i a. few years that the country is a great loser iri consequence of such conduct. ItAflWr • 0519140WIN SMITH% VIEWS. Ceneervativea OW tiers age Were very ir;Erf tif=i7iiatuag. deldJrnTietitin'v.Heri" are a temple of item from his pea, which they take to heart ;- That or Canada to conotruct a raliroaa at Probehlti terpensti ota hundred Milliona for nurpese ef opening a connection with British Columbia and her fifteen thoueancl whites can he, in a commercial point of view, anything but madneta, nobody has been yet found ee- plenty to oity. Lt may be added, that of all remedieit for the commercial distress; the most strangely inappropriate wonta be what, by confusion of theught already noted, is called an increase, of the currency. It would be like injecting water into a man suffering horn dropsy. Throughout the crisis there hes been a glut of money. The dearth, both in England and here,has been of investmentt. Masses a money. lay in the London banks at a nonainal inter- est. The mein cause of the crisis has been over -production, stimulated by a previous period of rapid development, which WAS brought tuddonly to a close, partly in conse- quence of a break in railway enterprite. To fancy that any relief can be obtained by fur- nishing Government with a larinang press, and bidding it print off quantities of irredeemable paper, would surely be most absurd. ' LICENsES, eke. Proyiecial Sebeetery has just issued hie report on the werking of the Tavern and Shop .LicensetAct, for the year 1879, from whieh we gleen the folloWing par- ticelars. ' • The total number of licepsett lamed in the East Riding of Huron, during the year, was 39; in the South Riding, 58; in the West Riding, 55, on which license duties, &a, to the amountof $2,811,69 were colt lected._ . • • -Tavern Shop Comparative state men t sheivieg the !lather of • Year. Licenses. Licensee, 1870 • 144 le Ottawa 17ree Pre,” pittely.tays :-Should it be 1871 130„ „35 in keeping with the National Policy, then we ean only velem for an Aggravation . of our 1872 03 ,. , 38 ills, and should it be constructed with a view. 3673 134 • .40 to sustaining that policy as a natural part of tavetn and shop 1874.e150 " 38 a. proteetivt system, then we may be peeper - licenses issued' 1875 .164.....37 ed for isolation and infiationeethe gorernrant. -1876=-1116— Wilriiiiireasa in WTI:title bit the people Will etitex meichantte irreepeetive of party,I TWO QinteTtoNs Rester Answeeen. -Why should mete wear Daudet Because they are condemn the N. r. se 11/1 entire !Allure, aeve- great promotion to Um throat and Immo, and ada .0101 elnemetAthemielteleteleus en, uutterle.eettlial. -.4tothPermtnittottyearsuoe. In1.141°14d. .their business. uo the ball rorse "-e reautt Pigment., 'Milers." °camel . when used for coughs, colds, ttokutur latbe throat. mammies, ere., tbey act like it eharhe A large number of shipbuilders Who termer. ministers and lawyer* use them, physiciana re. commend themaud elegem and public spealters eay Cloy are the very be. moraine in existence. or the cure ot such complaints. Sold by all medicine-der/16mM as cents a box. .• ly found employment at St. Catharine; are pew working in Buffalo. Benefits of the big - goat fraud ever perpetrated in thie country. The Ooneervative papers are all enjoying Government patronage to tho extent of about $$ a week, while Reform.papers, under the preeious administration, had to be satisfied with lees than $1 worth a week. This is a specimen of the present government economg. The Guelph iferald (Coae.).inty# there is much actual saffering among many of the pee- ple in that city. and they are under the neces- sity of attending the Soup kitchen in order to keep them alive. This surely cannot be. Did not Mr. Tilley the other day say "Canada Was fleVer so prosporout as fi is to -day." • in the Oetario Assembly on Wednesday, • a vo te of $10,000 was granted the ena.ble to Provin- cial Government to take the necessary steps for assuming possession and settlement of the territory ceded to Opted° by the award of the Boundary Commission. This leeks as if Mr. Mowat was. going to stand uo bluff game in refereuce tithe rights of Ontario, Sir L. Tilley made his baeiget speech on Tuesday, 10. S1101.ii a deffcieney of $2,000,-' 000. • He intends to lime $8,000,000 more of Dominion currency, and hopes by this means to carry an the aflame Of the country without going to Europe toborkow. He makesa nuxn. ber of changes in the tariff, but they are not of a nature to bring in more revenue, in feet the addition of ten, colitis on coal will -likely decrease it on that 'article, We have no time this, wook to make a critical examinatien of the speech. • Referrriug td the . propoeition to issue an irtedeethable -National -Cartency- The nromduritice „ the pfat..ton erears;• 1877.. eel 24.e.e,.. 16 -- beeame-poonar,„ Vast-monopoliewavershaclinee -1878: :•20 the land, and people will be known by a broad line dividingthe enormously rich from the ale. jeetly poor. The °that is fax more Crevethan people imagine,' and we think. there never was a time when thremonetary institutions of the •country and the productive toil of the pe,ople. required more profound and statesmanlike at- ttention than at the present moment. 1879 130., ..19 Amount of linos collected during the year, East Heron, .$125 South Huron, .$360; West Huron, $398. • . The following outnraitments were made in this county for drunkendess, in -the re -r speritive years :•-1874, 34 ; 1875, 50; 1876, 24; 1877, 29 ; 1878, 22; 1879, 15. ----eseeeeee FIXING . VALCis BY, LAW, I In„the House eh Got:amens Dr. • Orton • • brings in a bill entitled; "An Act to regulate the elm inberingtof Real Estate by loans'of • Money or otVerwise," and .kr. Methot has bantling which he calls "AA Act to fix the Rate of Intere,se end prohihitl/Aury in ' As we have aheays been opposed to the colt- struetion of the 'Nettie elailerey by the- Go- vernmeet, we cannot be itemised of pertizahe ship in Oen _OppOsition- to the-_aiiiitiuitaieteLof its constraction at ,the preeene ime, in fact, • . in ties matter, we can truly say that weenake no distinction between the iiresent and etiolate., Government, the only differeneebeinC that the present one origiueted the mad and costly echeure. Ten years will soon expire since the . • commeiviement of the undertaking, and sera $30,000,000 or $46,000',020 has been sunk in. the undertaking, and scarcely a mile 'of it is in a condition to be rup. The present Mine. nut .on Lake Huron, we, care not whether it is the Katninistiqua River or Prince Arthur's- Landingebe an out-of-the-way place, niia ziot approachable with any aegiee.of &tee or Org. fort in the winter, and will; therefore, be visit- ect by few ddring that period; and even durr ing the summer tithe itis doubtful it the railway from that Pfacewill be eetrimized as liberally as the Northern Pacitie from Duluth; Parlez ordinary eirderestandes navigation OU Lake Huron dens 'not °pee till abohe the mid., ale or latter enclef May, mid by 'that eizne. a large proportion', of the seeing settlers have • gonawest lay the wayeof Chicago; a roar.) that an Old railWee•rnaivence told us theelie took" going to aud' from, andn,nnid at*ays tale, irrespective. otaegood Capailian line, as the leder Would alws be through e 'vete spume ly. settled coitiatry, if settled ee alt Itis, therefore, 1nOst probable, that if run at ell . after completion it will be at an heaety outlay to the country. • , • , - ' O'n wheturine& a small papulation • of .4,-• 000,000 should undertake the construction of a railway a thmisarta miles away, misting ovel• one hundredMilliont, through a wild and nu. settlea country, front nowhere to 'nowhere; comparatively speaking, surpasses 00 corn prelienleionto_diviner -If-the:territory-through' which it,ruts wet rnled. by what is called a foreign people, every one %%enact see the mea- nest of thrOwing our money away upon it, and Mortgaging, every toot of land In Ontario and Ogebed teemable Us to ceinutit the folly. And•yet it;ie :just as foreign as any other ter- eitory.i over which the. Anglo ,Saxinerules 4 it only.out tragthation that maket it other- ' wise. WS clean tele, a selPgovernea people ; . equally so is eveteeportion Of North Ainerioe, ,and, teerafore, wherever erego we can have's. voice in the inarlagoindlit, of the pelitieel and •ceettery, We believefit . evory tub staildiereon its own bottom,and every section of the country paying for, int own improvements; it was threegh pursuing , a " course the opposite of this that Canaaa.has become so deeply ievolved in debt, and has • mused such a feeling o atitipathya.s bole exe•, " lets beeweett the KestoincrWese _ the Province of 'Quebc." • Mr. Orfon's bill. provides that no higher rate of interest than. sevemper dent shallbetherged upon meet,. gagesoirreafeetateeand theno mortgage or other liep Whetreoever on real estate shall be valid in which a higher rate than seyen pee-ceut is charged. Mr: Media proposes teefix-the. rateeotiptereeti :Qtleted •when no rate is agreed upon at six pefferta sad to limit the'rete• ivh ich May'be legally etipue lated te eight -per cent. Both hills,. 116w- eed; are f ulleif penalties fdr the inftect ion of their provisions. 'Thee' Mr 1VIethot'a. bill provides in teases where one pays a' greater sum of etiterest then eight per dent: I he may receiver. euy time within the aniree of one ye,ar, not the aratint paid.i excess„ of. the legal rate eimply,ebet the whole amount of interest paid. This willegive 'ertful chedgett an excellent otmortunity cif. .outshavirig the note:shavers by payiug in, excess of the legal retie:which is always an easy' matter with pote-ehavers, then tak- ing action and recoyeting the whole amount. There is one weak point in•Dr, Orton'abill whialt it is not too lateto remedy, fortun- ately, as the • bill has. not yet passed its third reading ; he hat made no provision to 'compel • roan •societiee and'individuals to loan their nientey at •the legal nate.. This is a weakness' which will bo, fatal to Dr,. 'Orton's scheme tarbotiefit the egribillturale lets by a cheap' rate.of 'interest, .for unless caPitalittiare pretrented they .will carry their money to: places 'where higher rates. are obtainable. If a compulsory measure ofthis leirid is not added to,ther bill it fit.) be feared thee many of Mr. Ortein'e unfot-• etinate cinietithents, whose real: Ceti% it, notgaod enough value for seven, pet Otani looms, Will have to go withoutany and have theirland 'bropitht under. the Sheriff's ham titer as well: Mr. Methot, after giving us eight clauses of %bill bristling with con- ditions and hedged about With contingen- cies, • suddenly 1: aonounces in his • ninth _elause that the_proyisione_ofehis_ Act,. shall- not.extend to or affect any incorporated bank. Evidently they° is. a greatpolitical future in state for both these "interesting" gentleinen, for Men who (ran FM jamitily wrestle with And throw Mich economical probletna, are bound to rise to 'higher. ef- forts. 'When they have got through with the bills in hand wo•wouldrebotemend Dr. Orton to introduce an AM to regulate the ptice of buttet Seta cheese, and Mr. Me. thotio bring inc bill to fix the price of other itouteliold necessaries. • •Members the House of Ceninfone rebeivieele consid- eration of 'their valuable services, $1,000 per sessioti,:. besides mileage and the tradi- tional trtinks of stationery, and catisiaring the class of men we get, as shown by the _two above named.gentletnen in their entelligetee measures, their services manta but beponsidered dear at tiiiijfice. TW GREAT FEM4W REMEDY. Farm atm* tee., el Mr. W. Smithson, lot 26, 5th con., of Mullett, on thei 16th inst., J. Howson auct. Mortgage sale of real eatate, inZurieh, on the 20th of Mach. 1..1,1loosenbury, sum. W. W. Ferran, mortgagee. House and lot, household furniture, etc. be. to R. Thempecm, corner .of Rat. • tenbury and Raglan streets, :Clinton, on • the'1301 inst., J. Howsonauct, : . 'FOB MOSES PERIODICAL en,Lio This wellknown medicine is no imposition but a sure and sale retaedy for Female Magee and. Obstructions, from any causewhat- ever ; ancl althouglt ft powerful remedy, it con-. thin n tithing hurtful to the etaustitntien, TO MARRIED LADIES , It is peouliarty Belted. It will, in a shut time bring on the ea.onthlyperiod with regularity. In athletes of Nervato and Spinal Affection, Pains in the Back and Linable Heavieess, Eatigpe on alight exertion, Palpaation of the lieavt• Hysterics., Sick Ifeadeehee, White, and allthepainful diseases oecattioned by a disordered system, these Pills willeffect aonre when all other means have failed. These Pills have never been known to fail where the (lineations on the 2nd page of para.. phlet ;axe wellobserved, For fallpartienlars,get a ettmphieteree, of agent. JOB MOSES , NEW FORK S one Pnoeuriceoe. $1,00 and 324 cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop te Lyman, Tpronto, Out, general egentsforthe Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Clinton by J. H. Combo and W.-11, • Watts; F. Hickson" and F. IiiimsdeneSea- forth; J.Kida,earronbrookt Parker re Cattle and F. bedsit. Gedericlif E. Cameron, Bay. field; jaratonthron,Bodgervillrand Imedi. cinedealere, • BORE.., •• STODDA Egmondville,dieFeb.:29th, the •• wife.of Mr. -James •Stoaclatt, of a eon... " .DIED. • • . Ceettiee.-At Holmeeville, 'on the 4th-inSt., Annewife of ble, W. (Jantelon, -Aged 58 The Oficial ot-the- Government lend pellet - it finally illustrated by 'the' follewhig front •: the WintaPietTieres, the organ of the Conser- vative party in Manitoba : beinigratine - agents, who hate been closely identified with the speeialtettiu business, Marne that nearly. alf oe those. who set out for Manitoba in settled in the United States." • few days previous to pioregatien it Was timed in the teeal Mese that no further nee ie the way of grants of enemy be made to reilwaes, therefore SOffla af ties of this determination of the Gov- nt mad the town was that the surplus eh exhausted, anct that inttead of it he. y longer a batik balance, it now only on paper. Mr; Mowat.ract this ..allega. quarely Md stood that the surplus re. intuit: The idiot of tho lelitisters hot the result of want of motley, hat the t of an expression of publlo Opinion whielt, :Minot disregard and in recognizing the !tvhieli they dieplayed-w1•• it ioult to say how it will go. Geeteek.-----Itedlitaton, .0tethe-8t1t inste Amite -PaymmetnughrmeofetlmtelWitnd--e-M-a - ,tha A. Graham, aged -two years and two •rnonths. • . • Aeeneson,L-At 'Diastole, on 'the 29th Abe, Thos. Anderson, formerle of Manchester. Seurreas.--In West Waw nosh, on the 1st • t. , St 1 St tt , one 01 •the old- ese residente of the township NOTIVU.. UDW!1. SPE • We have just conoluded another year's business. We have taken stock, figured up, aud are NOT LIKE THE FINANCE MINISTER —TWO MunoNs SgoRr—(18 says the -Grits did it) We can report a fairly successful year's trade. •We, have NOT MADE 011R FORTUNE'but have managed to pay one hundred cents on the dollar. We have enough Dry Goods to pay for all we still owe, and a little besides, and are thankful. We are now WAITING FOR VIE PROSPERITY the vise men at Ottawa assure us is coming, SiR JOHN says it is; SIR CHARLES makes the same announcernent ; while Silt LEONARD is making a boom on his QW11 hook bfmanufiteturing En= lg.SLLIOItTS OF DOLLARS in. Canadian Dollar Bill's. Now, if he v0111 just divide fair, and give •Ilitron County, say, ONE MILLION AT ONCE, and- then come up and*see us next summer, HE WOULD • FIND THINrS HUMMING HERE. NOTICE is hereby given that a party calling non me and through what 1 have reason to Rowse Woe mierePreeentatien,- obtained my signature to s- pasm. which theywofeesed was a commlealonie sell for them a portable Blacksmith's Forge, and upon re- floating upon the svay my said signature was nbtalned, have reason to suspect that the Held agreement will be converted into a not of hand written in above no, AP nature. I therefore caution all parties against buying any note purporting to be ;nine, is I have never given any each note, and will not say it. • • "RYR. -BA:c1P.WER.CP04. . IftfIliarckfansu 21680.--- • keelX•. -1V1013TG44.GES, NOTES, AND OTNEI • :000,dsv1 •fI g40,11A :13rtle0 11.eNG rC:aSeil:1 W. ienBAnz , Otintbn, Nov. 9, 1879. • 47 ITIHE eubscriber desires to intimate to the people J.. of this vicinity, that he is prepared to attend to till kinds of PRUNING and GRAFTING. Ilaving had a:very large experience it; this line, he, feels 'confident that he eau give satiefactiOn to all entru,sting him with orders. Rates vory eeasonable. • . E. J. E0I,JTLEDGE, 8T.,,,Op1nro2„, J. H. Q031.BE HEMIST DRUGGIST rt- •111firremoveittnthesioraisee known as ' ' The repeal of -the Insolhet was. carried: 'oh Thursday last. Henceforth mon will re. quire to live within then meant and' pay one hundred emits on .the dollar, or be under a load of debt for life. The insolventy statistics for the . year 1878 have just been issued, by which we fittd that there were 25 insolvencies fit tlerort daring that thne, with total liabilities of $115,418, When'thoto lot 1870 aro published. they will be found very teuell in eecess Of.thess figarest On Monday the antountionent etas the English rarliatrAnt, that it would bo ds solved in ft for days. Tiara n'OVV8 was ao mkt - den aid unexpected, that a perfect pante seized the members as they rnelma to the House telegraph office tona the news to their eonstituents) and before the office timed, mune 500 metsagee were Rent Mee,. Who con.; test is oing to be telteen and close one, eta I . e 0. • ' The Great Sisoch�lires Reinpffy. Ie au radian veg,etable compound, (millpond •of tit.° juices of a variety of remarkable medicinal 'plants RES herbs; the various properties of these different ingre- dients, when eonibined, is so constituted au to Mit sim- ultaneously upon the Blood, Lunge Liver, Kidneys, Digestive Organs, Wartime Syetem, do., restoring their einetions to healthy action, and, being purely veget- able, is tie harmless as "niture's. own beverage. This medicine la a deeidedhenefit in all, and .5 -permanent 'cure in a largemajority of digeasee of the blood, such as Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt Rimini, Canker, Pimpleer Au. • In prescribing this medichie we do not claim that .italways perfume cares ; but this ,we do say, that is nitrifies and enriches the blood, .perinanently owing. e large majority.of diseases arising rom its impurities. It stall& far ahead:and unequalled among the hundreds of competing medioines of, the day. It haa stood -the fest of ten years, and is to -day More nepular than ever Ae a slimmer restorative' it etandamnrtvaled; it enables' • system to bear:up against the constant drain to Which His trubjected by a high, temperature: Perschis wise • tire subj ea d'to bilious Colic, Dysen te ry, Indiges tion, &a., should take ,the Shoshonees Remedy. Prise of the Reniecly in pint bottles, Sl; Pi11s,85. ets. a box. Sold '1,1y al' medicine dealers. " • • . . • PEOTLE TOIllifintD by the mealy disagreeable Sen. sations produced by dyspepsia, 02 510 thimmervous end weakolsould,use the standard tonle-N`orthrop t Ly - mart's tpinine wino; They will find it agreeable and .benefielal.. It enriches the blind by. siding digestion and assimilation; soothes and invigorates 'the nervous system, and imparts a healthful appetite. 'When used an a remedy far bilious and intermittent teen, it pro- duces the happieet results, if taken betweentheattacke. Contaleacenceil hastenod. and untinielY4Seay Of the physigne.and bonstitution is arrested by it. The itpir- ituoue constituent, sherry vfine, is of the best quality, and the aromatics combined with it, renders its flavor 'additionally pleasant. They,who uee.,,it gain flesh as .-vrenas etrang three e it exerts a -cheering influence up- on the mind. Is protnotes s healthy secretion mud flow of biloisound repose and regularity in the action -el the .bowele. If judielowily used it may 110 taken withont apprehension°, any ill result by persons of the west delicate tionstitution. A fair trial Is all that is needed to prove the genninesia of itk claims to publie confidelsee and to the truth of the genera) verdict in its behalf. No larticles of its class commends itself so strongly te nervous invalids who require.buildincnp-lione 10 RO 141 adapted to fortify the system nowt the' dan- gers whiels threaten the debilitated. • 'It elsould not he , mistaken for a mere etiniulant of appetite, which many go -celled tonics simply are. It soregulates Use Stomach that it is enabled to perform its various functions' With iegutirity and vigor, and as 0OtIon is not only thbrongh but prompt. Ask ,for the "Quinine wine of NoriliroP & Lyman.° Sold by alldruggiets. •• • — • • risc, OLD C:1)1.4/Vr. 1NT!ITO,TICIa, W,iieife he will keep ler sale A select and general assort- , , ' ment of DRUGS, „CHEMICALS A11.1) MIMIC/INES, .1 DYE. STUFFS, OILS, eic. - t'peurriptions, fleceipts, and Compettlids care- fully made yp, with de:qpateli, • Clinton, Feb. 27, 1870. ' ' , . . 000 - . . The undersigned desires to, sincerely thank the people of Clin- ton and vicinity, foy the patronage extended to hixu during tho past year, and 'would say that in entering ,on a,nother year's trade, everything will. be .done that a thdrough knowledge of the trade, long experience, close attention to business, and a reasonable-'-capital..and-untaraished,credit_ciin,do,.TO.KERP THE BUSINESS, IN THE FRONT RANK OF COM- PLETENESS AND EFFICIENC1.7,*arid will offer the people - AS 60QD VALUE FOR A DOLLAR as can be done'by any legitimate trader, and trusts. to merit a fair.share of -the confrdence and' patronage of.the general public. NEW • GOODS. arriving now almost daily. Stock zvell assorted • N HODGINS GREAT DRY 609DS vfiA,Ratgoust, ALBERT ST. OLINT6N; Meath 10, 188e. • N. Inee ruts CLASSTARM, 05,_on. the 15th., oon. of Goderieh Townehip,.belonging to /Ire. C. • Gordon; will be sold for cash or on rant credit.. Only ono ruilalrom Gluten. a he farm eontaine 80 acres of Mrs': IVI: J...•Norsworthy 10:-S000-goti Dose. , choicelefeleteemtegetolitengte_bie-ereeteorefteeeeere. „...e.....ezeeee4••-,-,........,-„,.........:,...e.e..................,......--.......-e I. _Pk to ' .TeSEPII-STILEEIV-E-LENTON. • Clinton, 3.413; 21, 1810. TENDERS WANTED. -- • • - Qeeenn 1m:9:tens, in bulk 0,11a separate, will. be k..7 received •. ••• • Dail. Hardt 17th ,• . • .• For the several works necessary for the erection Of the • new brick • llIiaud. Butti. Plans, specifications, and all neoaseary infotmation given by applying at the office of the Town,Clerk. Plane speeifications, &a., will be on view at the above named place from 8rdlo 17511of Mareb...-Seenrity will be viired to the amount of two-third4 of the value 01 con- trast. Theloviest, or any tender, not necessarily ac- JoRN CALLANDER; Clerk. ' Clinton , Feb. 20,1880. •The Electric Light ont(lone DI THE R SUN'S EA FLECTIONS FROM • • STOVE POLISHED WITII THE -HOUSEKEEPER'S FRIEND - • • • Alf AO IC STO'O17. s Mitre fugal° is superior to all others in the market. A. Xs warranted to retain its lustre in any climes, and tinder all circumstances, and is not affected by heat. No duet, dirt or foreign substances will adhere to It. The following area few of the many testlmoniale received t , Mas.,Tlioa. rent-ebe best I ever eaw. Mus..Talute Turtimunr.-The best I ever uses. MI18. W. COOPER. -No dust or airt fronsit. A. mere:Noe-se taken see so eteck. .mes. G. Oviseow.-I inner need a polish to heat it. ger'Ank yeiir grocer for it. 113.11011 10 CENTS. •• Trade supplied it wholesale price. Manufactured only by • , , • • W. Trim:Tow, Clinton, Feb'. 12,1880. GREAT ''CLEAR1111.0 .SALE, ..orre • AT • TWITCH ELVS,.. VICTORIA •. BLOCK: . --000 onDzit 're 'MICE :ROOM 8'011 Seen* Goons, r wrty, SELL 'TEE BALANCE OF MI' FALL' .1. and Winter Steak AS follows, comprising • • MEN'S LONGnqur$, • front 8t.175 ifp."\YOMEW$.1A,Vienteat •B00,128' 8L45 up, MEN'S BONG PELT BOOTS 41 $3:75 ". WOME&'6"GOirBOOTS ' $1174 BOY'S LONG. BOOTS, " $1.75 " WOMEN'S Peer BOOTS; .81.25 " YpiTTIFS LONG BOOTS, e $1,25 " !cy vor WANT DARGAIns, .IUST PILICES, had limit call and examine iny goads, and thiscwill ?satisfy the Vilesest hang*. , ° HARNESp DEPART'MEXT. Having a very Large stock•of First -Collate STItTGLE HARNESS on hand, the subteriber would. aired' especiel attention thereto': Alto DOUBLE,HARNESS, both heavy and. light. 'Doing Made ap from good stock arta by experienced Workmen, he Can guttraptee the same. My SCOTO Et COLLARS warranted to give entire eatisfaction. IIIES/IS and VALISES...LA very huge asnerlitiout eta very cheap, reline% limit 75 eon tti up. lot Ana 2m1. lass SIIIN.GLES, from 40 cents per hunch, up, e A room ever the Atop to le, ALL GOODS WAR tAN .p JAMES TWITCHJELL. Our Spring arrivals m e up a total of At date, and our Mr. Macwhirter is now inthe wholesale markets, completing what we believe to be the 11,41taS'11 AND° MOST COMPLETE PIJRCIIkSE. OF NEW G091).S ever bougkt 14* the. Clinton trade.' He Is assisted there by our . • Kisses Walker and Dale, in buying the MILLIN- ERY, MANTLES and FANCY GOODS, in which department WE A.RTO" KEEP THE LEAD.' NO OLO OODS TO SHOW . which.liave been tying on the shelves for from five to fifteen years, so that now people Will not buy at any'. price, the holding of which, is the most direct cause of failure and bankruptcy in the dry goods' • trade. CRAI139. IYIACWHIRTER 'etri 000_. tT01411RnAIJ HOUSE • 'Clial'en, March 0 y.. IkS0 ., • Le,,esee. ...... ' •