HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-03-11, Page 1• ANb CENTRE HURON GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOL. 115, 1O. II. .04.1108-41.00. PC» Aortum, airgance. CLINTON,. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1880, groteg"aat an ')41‘" 6ar". Dwelling' house warateil Air ON= rQ I,END, IN LARGE OR SMALL stlitf-5 -LTA. on good mortgage seemity, at moderate rates of Interest, IL ILuas.• Clinton, Augnet 901. 1869. 7 -ti DIST OF LANDS I DIMON 11.018 SALE BY the Orttadlt 001.14Pallyntay be [teen at the office of HAI,11 t ourfdersigned. • Clinton Jan.17 187 9. MRS. WHITT, Teaoleer of Music. Pupile attended ,111. at their own residences, if necessary, 'Beeidence one door south al Ur. 0. A.Iisciffe,-Queeu Street. Olinton,May 15,1879. tr, • flH. DOWSLET, M. D., 11. R. 0. S. England, s yaiolan Surgeon, &c. Office and reeidenee next Molson Bank, market square. °Buten, Jan. 18,1880. OontaininiN Or seven rooms, and tieual con, veniences. Address or call at the Naw Baut Office. Clinton, Feb, 26, 1880. . Cottage for Sale 1111118 frame Cottage on Rattenbury Street, one door „A. westof the Methodist Church. This cottage half Oven rooms, hard and oft water, cistern, dal. Terme easy. 11, IfA.LE, . Huron Street, Clinton Q1tnton Deo. , 1879._ HOUSe for Sale. THE two-story framil house on Huron etreat, belong - Mg to Mr. a. 0. Miller, and now occupied by Bra. flTIES. REEVE & WILLIAMS: Ofilee, Bitteritairy; Balfour, will be sold on very easy terms. No money re- . _ atreet, imnsediately behind, Ransford's Book Store. guired down, if good aeonrity is given. The house ia Oeles bonze from 8 a.m. to 0 p.m. well built, comfortable, and conveniently situated for a Clinton, Jan. 29, 1880, profeeeional or bueineas man, - H. HALE, Huron, etreet, Clinton. 'YOUNG, M.11, (GRADUATE OF .TOBONTO (14°1'er 63°879' Oe Iluiversity,YPhysioian, Surgeon, &e., residence Good at Mr.lianningat, three doors east of the Temperance ouse arni Lot for sale idall, Londesboro, Ont... " • .--a.-.:•._tstai evaseve; Jame 14;1879; " MAP! gagqiiker offeralor.eale that. property.nthg " _ Lot No, 13, Freda -rick -Street, oh Whith is 'sleeted a • Till. STANBURT, GRADUATE 01' TILE MEDICAL .1..• Department of 'Victoria University., Toronto, for- . „nearly of the..Tiospitale ank,Dispensaries, New Toil., ' . Coronerfor the Odinaty Opt, , ' • -July 22.3674 .. „ 81. rtilt. APPLETON, OFFICE --&t Residence ou ▪ Ontario street, appeal/Le the English Claureh. • Entrance by side gate, U Clinton Dee 4 1879 • , e, lag ONET TO LEND. -3 have any amount of -money' tolend, on good, improved farms only, at 74 per cant, interest payable yearly. Sum no object if socuri- ty ample. Private funds. JOHN S. POUTER, Settforth, 10,41ARRIAGE LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES.- J1L Apply at the Town Hall, or fifth() residence of tho enbettaber, near the London, Huron .44.Bruee Railway StatAoh 11. • JAMES SCOTT, • Issuer oi Marriage Lieendee. Clinton; April 270r, 1876. v 11,11. WORTHINGTON, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, • Acconchenr, Licentiate of the College of Physioian, and Surgeon,' of Lower Canada, and Provineial Licenti- ate and Coronor for the County of Huron. Ofilee and residence,- The building formerly oecupied, by Mr, Tbwaites, Huron street. ' • Clinton, Jan. 10, 1871. • titoiy-and-a-half FRAME HOUSE, with good Generale' usual cenveniences. The lot is one-guarter of an acre, on which are a number of good frit trees, well, &o. Willbe'Oldan•aeaeenablezterma...„, • D,-14/A0GILLIN. 20A$80.' • . House to Let. TO LET; 8 house with 9 or 10 rooms, with hard and soft water, and all complete, situate an Ontario Street, at present occupied by Mrs. j.11. Rimy. Poe - aeration given an the let of March. Three-quarters of an acre of ground in the lot. For further perticulars apply to Mrs. Ilacey, on the premiees, or to JOHN OOPELaND. -Clinton, Feb. 4,1880. . Far.ms in Hullett.. ' .1:DOUR 000D nubta on the Fourth Conoession of -12 Hallett, within live miles of Clinton, well elearod and with goodimprovetnente; will be sold on easy terms: Lot Seventeen, South•half of Nineteen, and North.half of Twenty. Will he sold together qr acre- ratelya ,• II. HALE, Huron Street., alinten. Clinton, Feb. 6, 1880. - •• • • , Houses for Sale. . 'GOOD BARGAINS. • ijcwNrevtiliontotO. License Inspector's Notice. LL persona cleshingLieeneell, Wetherfor MOTELS L. or faloP13.in this Riding, must have thelaapplioa. Mono in the hands of the Inspector BBrOBB VIE FIRST DAY oF .APIIIL NEXT. STEPHEN TATES, License Inspector Wet Huron: Goderich, March 8, 1880. INSOLVENT ACT OF MTh, And Amending Acts. .. ,-,--- IN the matter of PETER STRAITH, All Insolvent. A. Writ of Attachment has been hoed in this cause, an the Creditors are notified to meet at my offlee, in «ojerkOn WEDNESDAY,,the 24th day °MARCH, I 0, m at 2 o'olook p. . to receive statement of his at - 12 a and to appoint an Assignee if they see 0t and order the affairs oi the estate generally. ROBERT GIBBONS, °Mani assignee. Goderich, March 9tb, 1880. . . Soot &roll Airicnitoral Society. TO 'OWNERS OF STALLIONS. �vrsEris of Stallions intenling ibit at th'e South Huron Spring Show, to bo held e.t Bruce - field, 011 Tuesday, April 18th, are hereby notified that By a new'rule of the Society, they are required to make tit iteaitr,edanttrio.oa:with the. Searetaryon:..o.rbefore MONDAY. APRIL 12, as no entriee for horses will be taken after ehEowntarineya.for Bulls will be to:km.1214111 o'clock on the G. EDWIN SeeretarY, _ -Egmendville P,O. —A Large As!sortment— UN VALISES' • &O., &C., • . " --J1.7ST RECEIVED -- 1- -8- Street, Clinton. S. P11111 Proprietor This Ito- ONE six -roomed Cottage, price i'800 ; two fivoiroom. , main CENTRAL HOTEL - late Farmer's - Albert den well, &c. One half the. price May remain 011 • • . . . : ed Cottag ee, $400 and am Each has a good' gar tel has lately, been greatly improved and thoroughly refurnished,And possesses every requisite for the corn. mor'tgage. -.01'- foot and attentive beetle*. • - Fob. 10, 1880. Huron Street, Clinton, - t ' • 711-.--HALET--- f orb and convenience of the travelling public.. Good Clinton, Nov. 2eth, 1878. • • '. . Newton Dennis Harness Shop. House and Lot for sale, IN HOLMESVILLE. ` , • W. E. CARTWIl/GHT, SURGEON DE14TI ET Ortal1k1 0 of tbe Royal College of Dental Suageous of Ontario, has openap rooms in theViatoriaBlook, Albert Street, Clinton, where he will constantly be in attendance, and prepircd to per - forma every operiott�n OM:Waited with Dentietry: Teeth otracted, ,r filledivith gold-, anialgara, or other filling material. Artificial I eons inaerted,from,one 1,0 IL full set. Clinton, April 17, 1879.. 1 rrtilE undersigned offers fer sale, in the Village ef -L Holmeaville a quarter -ore lot, on which in erected a Concrete House, with fraine adaltion..and -frame. Blackamitli Shop, driving shed and dal*. , The nous° has seven room and ober, and tho let is stocked with ____ , choice fruit and the none! conveniences. Will LADIES . BOARDING • SGHOQL' 11,111.(tsino jetroy reastreesonable term,- Full partionlarsbo GODE111011. Holmosville, Feb.19, 1880. . • . • • • . eavenmmeamisemesassassamem& • • MRS. FLETCHER. i_TAVING otablithed asehook for the higher educe,. ▪ tion of„Voung Ladica, it tie- pieneaut and healthy Town of Godesieb, 1. ROW 1114.1)1V.Ta to reeeivo a limited number of boartlera and day 1111 Itt.. As far rs able with a' careful. disitiplino every endeavor will be made to mike it a borne to those entrusted to its Ore. Every attention will be paid in order to 'give tho peons O thorough Eugli,if Et1111 a'L n, basod cat /Dab Selma principles, cam/Ming ,vith it ti10 advantages ot the higher branches, Mall of Which orporionce8govr,m08GC2 from Toronto, liar, been secured to 'waist, • Could a few I • pill,' for Vocal Musks be",„socrn ea in Glinton,,MISta Dc,lia ND: a pupil of airs. Crania,. of I Toronto. w uld be gild to give leasons at their hentee, Papile renelved at any thee. Any apairoue of atttend-.1 or at the school, if &Ornate. ing after Easter, would oblige by .sentlinal early for Circular. Goderiolt, alaroh 4,1880. :PP Arigtzortal-tina. ,trit;httita,„m..‘DviniTt ulzed, lolOapwieasrodi the ariditore' report, submitted to Patna or run Vanzer. Price SI et:tits per paeltagP- the council, be printed for 1ie information of ter,sa.no. • • • • enamel _ the Tatepayer,a,=Carried: • Moved by B..Stan- PAlTIES llosllitilg t p„.p.erties of the oil that producepain and gripinar arc rile the of alapie street, opposite Mr. danaes at Ottawa,' praying that thedredge ba sent' Ime.most-senselve persons. -In its 'mannfaeture the Is prepared in a 10111.1 perfectly agreeable to children • • eliminated, and it is rendered.not only Mild nag pleas- kJ Fair's• .Rent noiaierido.• AITIY t° tO imnrove the Baylield harbor, and that the ' louse to Le.t, bb addressed to the Aliniater of Plablic Works, r • . 'bury, seconded by R. Bailey, that a petition ' ,- • - Amin its actioo, but .absoltdely taSteless and palate- • - T.. COOPER.' • ' ble. , It is pre-eminently the finest laxative and car •Clinfoni .b.- • reeve and clerk be au thoritecl to prepare and forward said petition, on behalf Of the eennail. Carried IVIoved b EL HOward Seconded ' CALL AND SEE ' TrIE:11". ' • • - . . - . cmirro,s, 3rarch .880.- . , IlVIPORTANT. , PRIDE of the VALLEY Acsimemsimmerimmomm., HOL M ESV MLR . COLBOR,NE. removed from this piece to Porter's Hill, liff dale Farm, returned on the, 4th inst„ having brother carrying on the bnsinese hrerew, 130 re.‘ rmaardteotaElnernogptaty tlionior tollraoonygflari'ettedswwieent bo MovED.-Mr. B, J. Hill, storekeeper, has • PERsewarill.e-arCo,glAbiTsosuar:liaB;v:afi,elneahetrbr: NEW Horsn.-Mr. Thos. Potte cently purchased a lot here, has siartod the Pliesag4p.ttohough pleasant, has made him bet - "cation a a tram° 11°112°' Thifi Pine still his satisfied with Canada, for b01110, as he goes ahead. ' found xi° country so progressive daring his Coldnnizarriarir Surrsn.--On Friday even.- Aflame, ing last a complimentary supper wa,e given to EptywaioNAL._Tho. following lint allows a number of those about to go to Dakota, at Knox's hotel,liolniesville. Between thirty and the standing of the most successful Pupils of of odr,tyaffaetr ddoowiongtoi otobitekeexcteollewnbt iroebp, a sithopr000yoida. Sso ro. utN:BOai 2sa;ot oaf for a, rPistooryr.uaii tya be vfe or r ca saosfso, 8;f: ,3i jr., .pt Jas. toasts, and apeaking were indulged in. Mr. J. Moore, Annie LeTouzel, R. LeTonzel, E. V. Floody occupied the chair, and a very pleafiant evening waCl ipentass 2, A. Abode!, L. Stewart, Herr Fisher. i , OBITVARY.-There died near here, on Thins -class 1, W. Stevens, G. Vanstone, M. Heddle. _„„ day morning last, another Of the early real- ViIima.L.-The wedding of liiss Phoebe dents of the section, in the'person of the wife Crews, of this place, to Mr. H. Walters, of of Mr, Win. Cattelon. She had, been ailing ' Godench township, took place on the 4th for Some time, and her death was not entirely •inst.., with great valet. .As both bride and unexpected. Deceased was a raember of the briblegrootn'have a wide acquaintance •in So - Bible Christian Church, and during a long re. cial ciroles, the event of their marriage was sidenee here had gained many warm friends by haploid forward to with muck intereit. The• her genial dispoeition. Her remaine were in- favored. guests were numerous, and a large terred -in Clinton Cemetery on Saturday, a procession of carriages accempaniedthe happy very large number of sorrowing friends morn- couple to the Zion B.C. church, whore tho• playing them thither„ The funeral sermon 'marriage ceremony vrae performed by the Bev. was preached on the 7th inst., in the Method. Z. Broad. The bridal party were elegantly isechnrchlwhielilyeas kindlygranted for -the attired, and presented a handsome appearance eceasion),•by theller:---Mr..•--Thomas," pastor of as they etood before the altar.- • After fuiji., thrXge 0hristain church. ; ing a drive, they all returned to the father's i. (Mr. Wm. Crews) residence, where dinner GODEJtlCII TOWNSII1P. was served in grand etyle. The Benmiller _ Brass Band arrissal in due time, and played STALLION SOLD. -Mr. Thee. Connell; of the several -pieces selected-fer- 14th con,, has sold his stallion Clifton Gold- lengthy programme of music, dancing, sing - dust, to Mesers. Alex. and Henry Reavelle, ing, &c, occupied the time until supper was of the Maitland eon., for the sum 0 $500., ' announced. 'A 'variety of tempting luxuries loaded the table, to which ample piStiee was done, after which each soon separated, sorry to have to bid "adien to the bride, who was ao highly esteemed by her noonaintances, al. though Well pleased with the geutleMan -Of her ehOfte, STANLEY. Warm Monsh,--On Thursday last, while thrashing at Mr. Henry Steep's, Godedoh township, a whitermouse' was caught. This is a rarity, and the little captive is attentive- . ly cared for. — • - FAitu Sorm.-Mr. A.. B. Nesbitt has sold his farm of 80 acres on the 16th con; of Gode- rich township, to:e. Mr. Baskerville, of London township, for.the sum of 3,8OO Ijr.N ealeitt contemplatea a. trip to Manitoba. ' . ARROW ESCAPE. -One evening last week, yery nairow escape from what might have been h serious accident ..*8 experienced at Mr. John Ward's on the Maitland ctizicession. A member of the family. was ,brushing a stove while another held a lanai); (it having heen left -Tutitireienitig-lnIord'eictliat' the- itliVeiglif Cool off,) when ilia brush struck a piece of loose iron, throwing it against the lamp and breakiq it; part of,the oil falling in the girl's lap, etiturating it, 'while -the rest, with the burning •wick -falling on the floor, quickly igniteda pair of socks.. She attempted to =ether the fire with her bands, lint did not succeed ithd_Wes'setriesvhat burned, when Mr. - Ward, who was in another part of the 'house, went and put'the .socks in the stove. Very. fortitnately, the clothing of the girl 'did not take fire. • • , ...---.4..:,..:......— • . - 113kYritiEtii. , -... - _ _ • asimenteas • .rarEMEMBER, ihis ie the time Of Year and: the kind that is sure to end with a.fatal result, and the only COUSCIL PROciliniN08,-The Council met .1.11i of weather to contract a; nnt.laria,in the spires° , sure cure ia il the Orange Hall. on the' 2nd init., ,purisu. ' • THEPRIDE OF THE VALLEY, ant to adjournment from last. meeting. . Pre- . sent, the reeve in the chair, and ..Messrs, A. purely vegetable comPotrad-compesed of Barbs, ..Cleave; 'Stanbuty, Howard ,and Bailey ; the 'armee corner of Lantdas tad Welliog too Streets, minutes' -of last meeting were read and ap. motifs, barks 01,d vines , and prepared by Prof A. 3r, , London,'Ont..2 wholosaie and tt.t.t.il dealer. For ealeroved. Moved by IL Howard, seconded. by by all the trinelpal drt ggir ,a, -et whom the following l't. Bailey; that Win. Harrieon. be appointed. er.) n few:- . JAMES IL COL.11.E, Ltaiton. Collector for the e anent year; -Carried. :Mov- • .1 r TIIMSZSINRUNI r- LITMSDER & WILSON., searortlik . ed by II. Howard, seconded byll. Bailey, that SCOn 86 so W NEI .. . — ' ja , W. L. na.a.N.msforibia ,. Isuiz;ettaci.i:. . • . the minutes of the meetings of tilts Council 3.... la: 31A.ORID, Clinton.' ' ; , , le, published in.the.Seafortli Expositor, Goalel . ottintar. DEVG. STOItte;31xetor. rich Star, arid the Clinton NEW likiA.--Cairied. , Meved by R. Bailey, seconded by I': Oleaye, lz• '. r..^...t, :111 ;, ...,. „A.,.TA tired per oent cheaper thannny_other Medicine io the relunded $1 nach, paid as tloglexea, when 3,..,c• a 1.4 Each packlale'grciesalTan(eleitIlTirt.do'f Nacre-42re lam. that Richard Loelthard and Wit.' Fowlie be ST R 01 BROA.DFORT & 'ROL tiNDERT& KERS -Ilgilbert• Street; Clinton. •1;. "`'''"-en't (1-hul'uttl"e'''ir' 'fever "4 they °aerie& ne.d.Ogs.-,Uarried.- 1.loyhecl, by. H. Ague, Jimmie rover, 1/yspepsia, Sprefuat ,Chol era Mor. seconded by ' I Cleave, t at fifty snout!) gEy, TILE" *. ., • thartic 'known, arul as a remedy for -Costiveness, Con-. FARPAS OFFERED FOR SALE • BY THE UNDERSIGNED, 17011YITY OF OLitilt0.11r, ANI) Erst WEEEE, AS THEM ARE DECIDED 13.tiRGAINTS. x x pig SIOST FkVoEllIrEPTEfus-..: MONEY TO LOA 1111ORTGACES .and other securities BOUGHT AND WAD, stmatmn, and all Intestinal Derangementstt is une- qualled, and is destined to take flic place of crude oi.t , ' , 11:1 oney to Lend; , aki all &attic pills and purgatives.% For Sale by all Druggists at es cents a bottle. Don't fail tO tfy it, , CeN GOOD • FARM SECURITY. INTEREST AT N.! , Eight po Ont. J. BIDDLECOM E) Clinton, Dee. 18, 1970. CH.". rilirntir' ... . • • 1 Stay Heifer. Watch and Clock Maker, . 1 02E14 ni,ructribiligilleittIthrigll'All JBWR,LLER, &c;, • womaropeetranyanitounce tp his austotiers and the punitermsrally, OM he hits removed into his former building, on • • .A.LE.gRT S'rEEET. Orgoeifs, TEE M•AaRarr, Vaherehe will keep on hand a select aisortmentof • Clocks, *Moho:, Jewelry, aria Which. he win men at rOteenabh; rate'''. Repairing of • • A. S. FISHERt • 3: 13IDDLECOMBE.,A.mnint Srintstw -Notary Pnblie and CoraralasiOner.. outton-0364: i, 1878. „ • . . • . Clinton, March 4, 1880. • . . .. • . •. . : ' L: ' ^41 !_e1;9„,s47,1 11111 41%; .: • qz 1,4 s 4. ,;...;.-e ter...14 • .. . . . . 0 - ' 6 o - ',..: = 'a' 6 •-• . . _ - : lg. : A: : 7:e. : : ... : "t : 0 (4 44:liggiot,Er., ,8' won ta '.° -•••*.°2A-g-ied.-5; '-.---• ' ... A ;:i 5 ':c9.-1°Pa''' .-T? r!..1, 1, 4 4,4 . ' m . ,,) ...,...,.0 --...-_, . 0, .....i ce 74. ,..4.6,, Elg 444 0 e ..e., rS 0 ° .U. 0 . . I ii I . %.• Ci . , .... = . ,r'''''0 1/4 '‘) 9 fi'g "Si • = M • , 71 Ili : L 2,-. . . .. .. El 0 '4 El ,b '4;fc A i 'A t• ' , . fOritiel SOale S Lial. ci H 01 lia.ti.121.1" -5.1' . . . tre°) 0 (41.44 il'eltql 114 . , . Kr% hl pg;.2,-,.-: ,..• ci..-.!.-, „.1.! • • a., aa •;, 7 ta i't ta — VIC ilAfFt.:•"`' ':>.co,,,,' .' CS ..1 g.t.'t1:•-li -";--1.-' :14' h4 c, :.,,i„..;gr•••• ,, ,., • I3A It -rEQN:t.,' -- '40iimat ' oft , . . . And iiardWare 3Iekliant. Cza 1)4 0 ttE4,...1,81.04 oniti T ON, Pet, r I eeilf litk• . i • . . 111:00 . bil. A:4 §"ggilll'i . w . I 0 ,?.•Iil 03 p0 el** o t " 4 `I • HEIFER, -coming 2 years old,' with a little" 41iita on body. The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges, and take it away. - 3IRS. R. BINGHAM. • Hullett, Feb. 27,1860. " • ' • .FARM FOR SALE. qN. EASY .TERMS. rr" efibeeriber offele for sale the west half iarLet No..19, and the sOuth half of ,•Lot No. 20, in the 7811 con. of..1inllett-100.aeres, 00 -cleared. •Situated about S. miles from Clinten, and there aro erected thereon two log bailees. For terms and •partioulars, sPoly to . . • 1 I • . Co-Partilersliip Notice. ' ixTOTIOE is hereby given that the undersigned have eaterearato co.paitnership for the purpose of doing a tannuitar, Men° TRADE under nib style and nITE ef -.-DOHERTY & 0433BINGS,-.- • At old stand, 77 Intros Broca, AtBERT STREET. Oil ertisement appear in a feW days. . OoitnEtr POPErrry, • 1,titAraS (=BIROS. lintoxi, Maven 4,-880. , . 1:22b IVIANITOESA. .GrItEENNVAYS • iirtYtiCIATTIDdiqer Train' ler this •yettri vein start from 0337.11\Trir.M.A.1.41.A. • 01.t • TUESDAY, MAItuit Pith? ' - to be folloived by others on TUESDAV, APRIL GM, VIJEKDAY4 APRIL aOth, TUESDAY, MAY 4611. Freight ietteee th'e del previous to all the above' dates 'Dtte notice *Mho given of all fame partfee. Rates alwo is "the Iowes4 arta the %Masi pains taken to have arrangements most oomph, itoa satisfactoq, Persons joining these parties are released from all care In bonding baggage, freight, live stoek, 150 lbs. of Baggage Free. GreetWay goes through with ea'eh party. Vor pattieniars apply to JOHN KNOX, • • . • Agent, OentrAlie • Y • by P. (heave, that the Auditor's report be accepted:-Ctirried. Meved by R. Stantrary, seconded by B. Bally, that this contrail do, now adjoarn uutil the first Tuetiday in April. Carried. • WhitCChiltral. '..fhere is a good opening here for a medical practitioner. • • The fences around Whitechurch are in a very dilapidated condition, • The wind storm of the 296 uprooted 'h number of trees hi this neighborhood, • • A new and roomy porch has been erected to the entrance of the U. M, filmy& here. • The crows are making the biggest "hum" around here, just now, asstirinour that the spring of the N.P. is to hand; • On Friday,the 6111, a meeting of the Pres- byterian Seesion was held in the &larch hero; a change of ministry being sought after, myth Couneil grant $40 towards the village • Cenxein.-The coancil met pursuant to auL, journment on *the 1st of March; At 11 a.m. The reeve being unavoidably absent, the de- puly took the chair; all the other membera present. Ivliantes of last meeting .read and • hclepted. The •eollector's statement laid be- fore the coufacil. -A petition signed by V. Diehl and others, respecting:the, disposal of -about- two •aisies 0- read-allowancerwas- laid over till 'Mkt meeting. A: petition, signed* by Joseph .Harvey and others, respecting the division of pathreaster's beats, was retial and laid over tall. next Meeting Tenders for tosvnship printing were laid before the coun oil. B,y•lavvs isio..1 and 2 for ..1830 were read and passed. Mr. A -.•Darts' iieeou'nti for $1.20, and john Johnston's, for 40e, were laid over till next- meeting; • Win::Pliiiikett'S'acct; hot being satisfactory; was laid hside. The own.), oil adjourned till 1 p.m. • On again .taking their seats it was moved by J. Torrance, See. by P. Douglas, that Jos. Higgins he collector for the•coming year. -Carried. Moved by 5: Torrance; sec -•by P. Douglas; that the 'con- tract fontlie- township printing for this year be given to McLean Bros., Seafortla, 'theirs being tho lowest tender:' -Carried.' Moved by John McKinley, sec, by P..Donglas, that the acct. of Sas. Ailrenhead, $4,75, forlimber and Work; and also the acet.•of John Harvey, $2.50, 'kir work, he pekl.-Carried. Moved by 3. Torrapee, sec. by 3. McKinley, that the acct, of Wm. Bell for $6.95,.' for gravel, be paid. --Carried. Moved' by P. Dotiglati, see. by J. Torrance; that the reeve giyo au order to A. Stinson for $1, for one cord of weed for the liall..-Carried: Moved by 3.'MaKiiiley, Carrick Lae been foreedt • , ' 17A,C failing healtb, to eeek The bankrupt stook. of A. Xnex e Wingliam, Waft offered, by auetion hot weekt betas only 22ets on the wee °tiered, it watt withdrawn. Prior to'removing to Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs, T, G. Jackson, of Winghana, Were bat. %reel; presented with if,handsoine copy of the is , tOky a mothoilm. Last Tuesday Mr. Jas. Hilton, of the town- ship of McKillop, killed a large porcupine on his farm, This is the largest of the kind we have heard of. . • On Tuesday night the barn. of Mr, James Nichol, on the 4th con, of McKillop, was en- qteuraeuditybyofsmonabeentvaagoadbootnhdose, wgrholoe.arined. oft On Friday evening last Mr. Thos. Anderson who for some years past had carried oNtliti • shoemaking business in Brussels, was striek:. en With apoplexy, and died the same night, ,& canary belonging to Mr, Robt. Aitobeson, of MoKillep, .recently hatched out a: nest of -young birds, which makes the second brood • 'this,season--za total of seven. palm catiaries. Who can beat this ? • Mr.Wm.11, Poole, son of the Rev.Dr.l.loole, of the Canada Methodist Church, who was sta. -honed in Goderich a few ' years ago, has re- veived,lais-diploipa-ofwM.X.,,watle-heeransvAt-, : the.Detroit Medical College. - . • As Miss Jennie Milt& of Bast Wawanosh, was driviriginto Manchester, one day last week, the Vehicle in which she was riding was rue -into-by-that-of:Welloriveracif-the-sarrie town--' • ship, smashing the buggy of the former. On the 26th of Feb., a man named Alex. Craige, Of Goderich, underwent a rather dan- gerous operation, namely, .tying of the large artery of the neck. This was Considered INA cessaryon account of a pulsatiup;tumor of the upperjaw which was composed of a union of " blood Vessels which were liable to burst and . kill him at any moment. The operation was suedessfelly•perfortued. After the operation, the supply hawing been cut off„thetkimor col. . lapsed -but whether it wangaitirritichtferdate • • or not remains. to be seen, • • Jamee Felton, W. M .' of L. O. L., No. 252, being -very sick' with 101m:oratory rheumatism,. thelodge made a "bee" to get him up his , winter's wood Elis friends and neighbors Of that vioinity gathered, and there assembled : 126 men arid 4 teams in ,• ter More; who gaVif the timber -gratis. The ° ••• ' day 'plstsed off quietly, . without any accident' . ana that night there *ere 80 cords afire wood . . delivered ab M.. Fulton's doer, and 12 cords; • left in the bush which are yet to be dralni up. • • -The amulet meeting of the East Huron Re-. • •foriii 'Asiocieloai was 'held at.,firossetle, week. The following officers were re-elected: • ' • President, T Steachan, Grey; John Mc:Milian; •Hulleit ; Treaserer, ' P. • , Theravon, Brii•reil4Seeretary, D. McGillicuoi. clY, B The town ip .chairmen %screen., 'aerated as follows Grey, S. Sletn mon .; Mor- ns, W. ; flowiek, Chas:. McLaughlin ;• Turnberry,S4, Fortune; ISIcKillea, A. Kerr ; • liellett, jou Ilan; Brussele,'Ot. riath; Wrexot...A., 3 ' • ..• • • • As Pr ,Car46r, 06 this vilhse was dri g to • , Manchester on Thursday monfinow, n t ' O'CloA, ft. M., he ,root tvi tit an ivicident fen ' came eerie zesting ,hiui 1119 life, long mimed the complete doniolition .y. ' The De. had reached the corner by fla 's store. whevi• stallion beloonteg, to. Mr. ' .wi tl.., which by soms te.oars ur other ' 4e,. enot1.eiiiog around the corner, Ord so Et* ly hprang upon the valet° i.a . • )r.-- •,_ Isee:by John Torranee, 'that the acct. of E Holmes & Snn•for 663, for printing done in 1870, be "paid• -:-Carried. Moved by J. Tor- rance, sec: by P. Douglas, that the clerk get 50- copies of the anditer'e report printed. - Carried., Moved by 13; Douglas, Sco. by Sohn Torrance; thatthe following be the stuns.ap- pointed for the imprOvertiont of the several tides in this tOwnihiri, for the present year : London Road, $75 ;con. 2-8, 8125; coll. 4.5, $100; eon.. 0.7, $125; co,u. 8.9, $80; cone10•11 $1O; Bauble lino, 8170; Baylield road West of Varna; $50; Bayfield road east of Varna. 8100; side road from Parr line to Babylon $10 ; side road frem Babylon to Goehen, %Os side road from Goshen to Brewnson; Carried. Moved by J. ,Torrance,• sec. by .T. McKinley, that the tram ot $300 be granted to the town line between Stanley and. Hay provided the council of Hay' grant an• equal amount, and that the clerk notify tho clerk of Hay to that offect.--Carried.Moved by J ' Torrance 'sec. by P. Douglas, 1114 Dr.1Vodde' acct. for $2, for attendance en J. McArthur, indigent. be paid. --Carried. Council then adjourned to Meet at one o'clock on the fith April, • G. STEWART, Clerk. iTtanzitatv."-The new powerfor whiten- ing the teeth,' sweeteninithe breath, and sti- easist little toilet gera extant. Ask yotir tlruggietpt "Teditzunr," price 35 centh. wee cempletely deetioyirg, 7he.. , • Dr. Was throwo out of the buggy on. he road teat -force and had it, not. o. ,rot • the timelY arrival of Meserei • Altitivitl .ict -- .Beadle, who had gone out in eat...roll. he. , • "::;.„• • stallion, it isim ' possible . to tell win+,1 t« vt vYE, . • have. hapPencel. Once considerable treatte Messrs. A shwith eod Beadle eueeeedain eon. querieg the stallion, find driving him up into fence corner, throw a'briaro over his lowland led, liim to Ilia stable. The animal was per,. • fectiv wild. and it is almost:as miracle that . , • the Dr. oecimed suCh. %remmanner- arkable without. getting ' seriously- Record, • • "` 'Dr. I 'g vs Cull tendril Golden Compound. • Is a strictly 've.aetable preparation, arid *will, • positiAly Cure Dyspepsia, Sick , of Stotnack, coming up of Food; Pm a. in pit of Stintiach, Low Spirits, Bilieuitess. C ' onstipation jaundice 1,iver Complaint Cht),.,4,;.-. . any affection'ef the Stomach 07 Liver, ih tite shortest time possible, l'ou are not askeel.-sta4,7 buyaiutil you know what. yeti' 810-7gettin.,M,“ Therefore', as you value Your existence, 'doWi fail to go to your 1)ruggist,- j. „H. COMAS, ' and get a trial bottle foe of charye, whieb •ihew what aregular one dollar bottle • ivilksalo Ask -for Da, Kiwi's CALIFORNIA GotOkir,Vo5 roe:0, 1104ml:elm other. 3; Ochritif, Clint • =dating the mouth. brightest, neatest, ELIMQN ITEMS- • • AI Alex Mowbra , while 4tel in to laa Y P g e band. r. . • . a boiler in the new shingle mill here, acci- dentally had one of his' right hand fingers . John Leckie, isressels, has started. a Private token , bank. The itiudis .stilt, of an higher order. The ladies wonder that our merchants de not show a little more regard for the condition of the entranCe to their places df business. On Friday last we found Mr. Jai. Martin' at bis itew warehouse here, busy assorting maehinery for the 'coming season. Already three of the celebrated Oshawa 'Champion reapers are under way for Manitoba. It is said that this machine ,is The only one that .can stand the work out in the Northavest. • • 'While the Teeswater creamery is being en- larged for the coming eeitison's butter business, we don't hear a word of the Whitechurch fac- tory being built. The:time is again approach. ing when the dairy Maitriirld-thirlitilatinf. man will be heard to erg out that.'" it don't pay to keep cows." It is not creditable to a farming community that tide iyatem of mak, ing butter should be so slow in coming into use. It must be adopted; and if we are lag. ging behind, the best markets will be found already occupied. 'We should like to gee some real interest taken in the matter. Here Is a faet-allowing 2811a of milk to ono of butter, which la as little as the average will require, frout,Aptil to November, we have 20,31,7 bdtter„ gay et 10e., giving $2,031,. 70, under the present working. The products of the milk at this oreameryaold for $0,280.30, $3,887,00 in favor of the co-operative aystere, the only asset is the lose of elsim milk for feeding, but note the labor bayed at the hdizae. Farmerstake action. Morris municipal expenditure for the year was $11,79q, A man wants a.litinna to put down a sal t'well At Wittghatb. . , Mr. Jas. A, FoWier,ef hal gone to California, • • , " Mr. L. Hardy has ptirchaaecl, the Old fourt- dry.proPerty tat Exeter. Mr. N. Davidson, one of .Settforth's ohlest reSidentg, (lied a few.clays, —Mesiefe,"11.-&"E.Spfeen'of gketer,lmato Old their ilour,and feed business to Mr. John Back. Mi. John Moasos1 ari old reeklent Of Mamie, -diuchitirestdeitecrirribitt-villarriastlVe nesclay. , • • Mr. lames Broadfoot; of Morris was last week.tbrown from a home and had, his collar bone broken. A wretch attempted to outrages young WO. man of Wmgliain A few nighte since, but she stromk the fellow a smart blow in the face and escaped, ' Mr. John Gash, 2frfr. Wm. McDowell and aeveral other young men front MoKillop left &dotal; on Tuesday Jost, for the BIttek Hill mining regioim, On Timidity M. Sno. Carrick. formerly of the Exeter iktectop,-- and Messrs, Pesthole - and McLaughlin, left for Richmond, Virginia, with the purpose of aecing the country, and bettering their prOtipeettg, if poseihie., , . . . ' ...----,* aa ao.---, , • -.– .q, Doniiiiion Parllamentri i If t;',-1 The govenuntint contemplate subekt fir''.,:4,1' gde,".10 ,,, -ii• ,). line of steamers from St. John to Po e .11 is said tho overnment ' eluding the Weat Indies-. " . ' ....,-: lids session to 'bring in•ANcesure2e, to issue life -insurance lollies. . The Postmaster of the /Tense of was placed on the carpet 60 TAtir8 Speaker for using impertiriehl• I wards the Iron. Mr. MackeitS10,:yT was reprimanded for his enntlildtp, . Mr. Farrow isdistingeitaintlf;. '..P • Ile has given notice that lilkeir irtni le n°4'01\1311 :int' eltatif odnwehnaa6nbnidal 1 Itniht tral I Et '9.;ii, .,,:.'4.. .1''''',.';4'::;''11 . hands of the Receiver. does the Government iiite.r, taA,Clal -N, ' a' try a further issue nf ,I.0 a eonvenzence of 'Change, ins 4, , nOW, tO ate postage stain) • inconvenient ? - " A G. 310b4dirligt,114-go7tuoitt).VatAted-h4"1"41 lodged to 138 one of 1 Idedialue, , It mile (false Of t..44 , , trotblea of the 73 dl aida ilt iebewani nii:eruday rtht 4V. aze:00:047,11 .dfiitintateislitoto:81tud in the elvinte ,..ti4'1'sseennlodesbe :471%1 00 g1ofek 111410