HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-03-04, Page 5OO" .• •'!",0•• • !,,•41/4(1.' S;ALE .1 • MOM ael. BANKIIIIPTSTOCKoviliCALLANDER&Co • CLINTON.' The entire stock of DRESS GOODS, TWEEDS, STAPLES, HATS & CAPS, GROCERIES, &c., • • - • SELLING AT -A TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE MILLINERY AND MANTLES .4.4;dd -.7.:47=ES '1112X:4444.1NT 1,P1B=C=.„_ ,NiTe offer the *choice of one hundred .and fifty Ladies TRIMMED HATS, at, $1 each, o;iginal prices $3 to $6,, THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD. NO RESERVE! NO HUMBUG! N.B.—Shop 'Furniture for sale. cheap, consisting of Stoves, Se -wing Machines, .Show Cases, &c. OLINTON,'March &1822 JAMES.NOBLE BusIN p b/ o . . ( DESIRES to intimate to the people Of Clinton and • thathaving purchased the, Grocery and Provision Business formerly carried on by Mr,. A. P. ROSS, be has ri added thereto a fresh and well-selectedstock of st;CH AS TEAS: SUGARS, 'RAISINS, SPICES, . ETC. ALSO, A SELECT ASSORTMENT OF •-, ClIa001-KJETZ,"iL7 . aSt erT.J.A.:0.4S-VVA-13;740 HE WILL ALSO KEEP ON HAND A GOOD SUPPLY OF , • 19 HAMS,. SPICED. ROLLS, 'BREAKFAST BACON, I FIAST-CLASS LARD in pails or tubs, or by the lb., to ttnit purchasers. All Meats, and, Lard warranted 5rst-claSs. All of the above he is prepared .to sell at bottom prices for cash. * He will still continue as manager of the Furniture Store for Broadfoot &Box, where he is - prepared to sell as cheap as any hose west of T,o_ronto. MUTUAL FIRE INSORANCEGOMPANY. . • ' 11. , 11111111 I • 11 MIl011011Mt0111.011,01A0041111 64311PA: OAK C4t Pi‘tge FOR PLEASURE, comfort and health, smoke only the gem- • inc GOLD FLAKE. Rronounced, by all who have tried it, the finett, purestand beat Smoking Tobacco in the world. c Ask.your dealer for it. And if you cannot get it else- where,' write to the undersigned for cir- cular and price list. None genuine with- out zny Tritde Mark and signature. SA.XTON, Globe Tobacco Works, WINDSOR, Our. •1 MoKILLOP • A CALL.H.EfirEICTFULL SOL'ICITHD. • • • Clinton, Feb.12, 1.880. PRIDE of the VALLEY PRIDE OF THE VALLEY; wily IS THE PRIDE OF THE VALLEY having V V each a call in the market? Beeause IT STANDS • THE TEST, and the proprietor, ?nor A.M. SHR1ETES neinghis utmost efforts to place it in every house.. held in the land, andi.also, in all druggists hands, S�. my' poor, sick, wan, :Dyspeptw. anffsrers . sgfer to --lnger,1 but—try, a gantplerPackage. It Costs you but 25 cents, and makes half a gallon of tke boat Blood Purifying Tonle ia the world. Five , • packagee for $1:- Can be got ofthQIl�.wi8ditgigt g ,T which are but a few of the liott • W. T. BRAY, Whighern. LAWRASON & HODGE, Mitchell. LUNESDEN & WILSONSeaforth. JAMES Et. COMBE, Clinton. C. Et. hIoDERWELL, stratforg. 3. P. LAW1I&SON. Blyth. 0. THOI1SOS, Tilhonburg. ' LIVINGSTONE & Simcoe. • G. K. MORROW, Georgetown. JOHN LIVINGSTONE, Lista well, J.W. BROWNING, Exeter, 3. MAORID, Clinton. X. E. NEADS, Ridgetown. G. A. POWELL. Chatham. CENTRAL DRUG STO1it4 'Exeter, _ Aad at wholesale and retail, by PROF. A. M. SIIILIEVES -Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, ' GEO. DIEHL, CABINET MAKE DEALER IN ALL K/i4D0 01 FURNITURE, UNDERTAKER , &o. Victoria, St, Clinton. 6 -4.- ryinE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE TO STATE -1.10.thip,ublto that he -keeps constantly on hand a large and superiorolase of • • .. . . 00.FFITP$ OASXEIT! .) • •--f-• " • . Coffin Trimmings * and' Robes, • . . . With. a splendi'd REARM. Plata torrfus alwaye en hand. Partiespa.abe supplied in ono hour, at '' any tirdo, at . Than can be iiro.eured at; any other place. ' ........:..-1,--- A full stock of FURNITURE °limo.; 11.1.0.*10:, Alvals"hAnd. 1877,TROS • STEVENSON.. vislats..inei,consintolas. ..tjo 11* 00:1V1BE 'CHEMIST le DitlIGGIST $ . Ifas removed to the promitee knewst as ' rine 0.1..a.) cr.swroist.leto•rvr.,, Whett. be will:keep fer:16en5 lent anal general assort - D14748, CHEMICALS Ji.ED MEDICINES, Dyn STUFFS, OILS, &O. ro.e..4(312)a0)18, PeC612)t.9, and COM)Ottlid* awe. fully wide •11p., rith despatch. Clinton, yib. 27, 1811 • ) ,TX -105: AGtNt-5 „ Farmers wishing to insure will find °this Company nue of the best and cheapest to insure in, and will bo waited on artheir hotnealf information las sent to the Agents:office. • : • 4y ..11:i441. ALLAN LINE iiiMPObL-1.1011DOWDERBT—SIAIHt SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE. Cabin; Intermediate and Steerage T eta -at Eawent•--RatesF7-- WINTER SAILIBT619 via RAI...IVAN,: PERUVIAN, February 2803. H.TBERNIAN, Marelt 6th, Parties &Airing :to.•bring out friend's from the old country, caa save money by Orchasitig prepaid certiti- motes out the agent tit Clinton. ST.RERA.G4 TICKETS TO Liverpool, . Xionclontler,w, Glasgow, Own*, town, :13etfast, Lon4bn„Bristol, Ca d11 For through tickets and every information apply 1,0 . A. STIMITON, 0. T. 1i, Agent. Clinton. Clinton, 3nzi 22,1880, , JOILASJ11111....Al .11.1111L11.11 1-11 1111 *EVER MITRED SUCH BARGAINS TO THE , PUBLIC AS THEY AIM DOING AT PRESENT, IN -Alp LINES CONNZOTED WITII T111 TRADR. THEY. GIVE PERP'ECT SATISFACTION HARNESS OF ALL STYLE-;- - 33.l.TIPP.ALO ROBES, TrUnksi yentas, Horse Blankets, SLEIGH BELLS ETC. Light Harness it Specialty, fl$05.T.i. CALL nisSrntitErtILIN SOLKCITLID Oborrox, oa, 80, 1870. 'instructions have been received by the Unit. id. States Collector of customs At suspension Drop, New York, to admit the importation of cattle Ions Canada. The Cestonss revenue for Fel., at the nye. ral ports heard from; ehow a very marked WI- ing off -as compared with the revenue for the same month last year. -A, lady named. Cooper, a member of Dr. Potts' church choir, Toronto, has been dinoie. sad because she tookpart otPinsfora" per. ermance for charitable purpose. The preliminary trial of the pilsonera inthe Bidanlph case was resumed Saturday morn- ing,7n3. Donnely was in the box for ax hours. He identified John Kennedy, Jim Carroll and James Ryder- as three of the mat concerned in the shooting 0 big brother John. ' There seems no longer any reason to doubt that Oen. Grant will be the Republican nomi- nee for the Presidency this year. State after State in the North declares for him,' latestbe- ng New York and Connecticut. In,the West, there can be little doubt that he v..11 carry all before him and it is more than likely that a very respectable share of the Southern elector. al vote, will fall to his sharp. • Wilson' Wild Cherry. One of the most thoroughly yellable medicines now. in use for the Canadian public is Wilson's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. me mem which attends its use in cases of Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis croup, Whoop - IU' Cough, Loss of Voice and Weak Lungs, is most re- luarrligabhileal OlY prepared to meet the demand for a good medicine of the kind, in the retail store of the proprIe. tors, its.sale increased so rapidly and became so largely extended that the manufacturers felt it was only Imes- sary•to Introduce it through the newspaper ef the coun- try to ensure its adoption as the national *pre for die - cues of the respiratoryorgans. Every leading druggist in Western Ontario now hells it. Be wise in time 1 get a illtue and hare •It' hs.nd when required. The large bottles are the isreapest. t3LINTON 011.4.1i1LJETN. Maich 4, 1880, Wheat, fall, red Vbush $1 25 a 1 27 FV*Reat all white 1 25 a 1 27 Redchaff, - 1 18 a 1 23. . , 1 20 'a 1 25 Oats, 033 a 0 34 0 45 -.0 56 Barley, . Peas, • . • 0 63 a 0 64 Flour, ------600 a 50 ' Potatoes, - 030 a - 0-35 Butter,- 0 16 a 0 20 Eggs, • ' - 0 12 ' a 0 13 00- a- -8- 00- - •. 0 50 a 7 00 Sheepskins - 1 00 a 1 50 Pork, ' " 4 75 a" 5 00 Beef, - • - L00 A 500 Clover • . • - 2 75 a, 3 00 Timothy . • 2 75 a 3 00 sol/Tilt mAxicias. - II/75h 41i 188061 . :11 1: Oats - Peas • - - 0 60 a 0 63 Barley .• 0-45 a 0 55 Potatoes - • . ' 0 30 a 0 35 Hay - - - 7 OQ a $ 00 Butter - 0 16 a 0 18 Eggs, ,. • 0 12 a 013 ./lides 6 50 -a 7_,Q0 ' Wood - • - - 200 a 2 50 remr;6 00 a'S 6 50. rmk, 4 75 a -5 60 . . . SEE AIN • 1011. S ALE, - - -• , 1880 . • " 1880 & "'Ay's MAMMOTH HARDWARE STORE UtERT STREET, CLINTON ALTONA AXE, VICTOR AXE, o CHAMPION AXE, MEN; RABE OF AXES BEM IN STOBE, CHAMPION SAWS, LANCE TOOTH SAWS, DIAMOND SAWS. NAILS, 1.00ICS, HINGES, SPADES, SHOVELS, CATTLE TIES, HALTERS, ROPE, CHAIN, STRAW KNIVES. EVERY mass or SHELV HARDWARE. TABLE QUTL,ERY, a full stock, TABLE, DESSERT and TEA. SPOONS. TEA KNIVES and FORS, CRUETS, $1<A5'ES. SKATES,SI<A'rES., PAINTS, oup...s, WHITE LEAD'OfARNISHES; GLASS, PUTTY, BRITSHES, ETC. LUBRICATING OILS.). or-alctpiNailtsjzitnGem.t.,0IRE STOVES, HEATERS,' GRATES, RANGES. CoolSTOVES, BOX. STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, PARLOR. COOK STOVES, RtTSSIA-IRON HEATERS, RANGE'S, GRATES, COAL movEs, STOLE -AND "DOUBLE HEATERS—ALL 'MAIMS. PLOWS, BARBED aiENCE WIRE, WATER -LIME. CHANDELIERS—two, three and four light, either in Verde or Bronze. • - • - GLOBES,.. sio.p.xgoLDERs. LAMP STOCK COMPLETE. eArciNDe or Bronze . . • pBARRALCoKuER11S HEAD LIGHT OiL7-HIGHEST NON -EXPLOSIVE. • ATLANTIC MR.—WHOLESALE, BY THE BAR.EIEL;-LOWEST Manufacturers of every class of Reefing, Tinware, Eavetroughing, &c. cLovEit SEED. TIMOTHY SEED. CASH paid for Hides, Sheep,skins, and all -kinds of Pelts, D.AVIS & P.A.'S, -Mammoth Hardware Store, Albert St, Clinton*. CLEARING S • SEED BARLEY, • SEED PAS, SEED QAT6,.. FRItSALB W. H..PERRIN'S. Clinton, March, 1880. ' G. T. R. STAPLE and FANCY • Oiv,ing to the-improvethents about to be made --in our premise!, . ' we will offer for sale ..our ' * ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS .AT AND UNDER COST, F And 'Northwest Territory. A special party willstart from Clinton, for Dakois . 2116gond N. W. points, on the 9th of Blares', going by way of the Granf. Trunk Railway.. Parties wishing to go with the saine,,itiould send their names, together with &menet of baggage, steelier' effects to.. bo taken, to • the undersigned, from whom any informatima. can be obtained, If a .suMcient number signify their in- tention of 'going,a special train will befurnished for the through trip. Special Trainre.vrill also leave•on the 2nd and 7.61h of March. • . • . 'A. S.TRAITCN.,, Agent .0.: T. It. •• Clinton, Feb: 25, 1880. „ • ' S. FOWL R ! SON DEA LEES UV WATCHES .CLOCKS,, JE'WELLEItY, Albert Street, Otimirow- Wo kave mat kdded to our stock. • Ise lot of . • - VIOLIN and GUITAR STRINGS. . • , , • S P,.E,,QT. A o ADWAYS xnr.0 th sToOK, - 01iatos, 06t. 2, 1879. . • CARD OF THANK!! J0EN _BGS to t0116.01•11iO4hfinkti ol public in general -IL, for the patronage bestowed On hitnfoi the past two years, andwould now say he has on hand a large and well selected stock of HIE. ant Yreldt.iforsteils,.. :.Broadcloths, Doeskins, Scotch, , English, and tanadian Tweeds; As ever shown 10. Minton • besides a fair assortment of OtistioS l'urnasnixos, nate, OaperShirte, col. 1w, code, Tics, soviet underelethiee, Geode, toll new—ne old stocka-5t2 bo sold. as heap as any other bowie in Clinton. Tie wOnid alio state that he kaa taken into partner- ship Mr. W. ld. MOORS, (for the petit couple of yoga es Weizman with Mr. Pituasteel). ' All garments tantedetn gnarentled iorfect tinuuL, uuu name of smart &lizoolm. snunni onn Ks A SPECIALTY. The bueinesa will be carried on in future under the 4-1MITIS 41:. MOORE. Remember the Place—Dingman & Humble's old stand.. 4I.:;t11.1 TrespeOftuily Clittea, Oct, 18, 1870. clivtoho Dee. 24, 18". - CONSISTING • - • ; . • TWEEDS;• FLANNELS, ,1 BLANKETS, .pArTcy, DRESS GoODS,33LA:CIC LUSTRES, twINCE.YS, . . • CASHMERES, , COLOURED. SHIRTING8;. TICK- INGS, GREY AND BLEACHED COTTONS, TABLE LINEN, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS „ . • • AND DRAWERS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS • , T AND -.:SHOES, -4:0;, &b. • •,• . , The .virhole stock will be Old, without reserve, at • , such prlees. that :cannot fail to be apprciated. - " • „WILLIAM COATS: k • • All parties:indebted to the a.bove rn oveiclue .Ac-. co -tin or o es, witrue-eltp Without delay. Clinton, ) W H. slivlpsoN-, oo'keeltert St tio' er, AND DEALES F.A.N-C-2- croons_ • • ' •". ;0' , 4)... • .. •