HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-03-04, Page 1•
, •
• ;4,
• VOL. 15, 110. 10.
1ARIIN1-401.50 E'er Appian AM a4leamo6
.Ntsg$001004 Alia *A1/11t):, 154rI114, • 1E:louse to Let;
iv the corner ef Maple street. oPPesite Mr. ;agiel
sa st.,./ Fairte: Bent moderate Apply te •
,_ .. OE good mortgage security, at moderate rates of COOPER.
Atereet, IL Hats, • Olifstext, Feb.2600880.
Clinton,Anguet ihh, 1860, • 7•tf .
A , LIST OF LANDS IN Nonois•FOR SALE BY welling house Wanted
-43.-•the Canada Oompanymay be seen at the *Aloe of D• '
theundersigned, • Xi HAIE, Centainiug six or advert roomy and ueual con,
• Clinton, J anal. 1879. 1 „ • venienceis. Address or call at the limy ERA
ounton, Peb. 26,1B80.• "
Cottage for Sale
Mins frame Cottage on Retterthury Street, one 400r
J. west Of the Methodist Church. Thie cottage hae
seven rooms hard and Boit water, cistern, &e. Terme
Huron Street,Olinton
°lintels, Dee.18th, 1870,
• Muse to Rent
"UM WEITT, Teadher of Mask PAPUA. attendee
,13.•L at the tr own residences, if neeessary. Reeldenee
one door south of M. 0, A. ilartt'e, Queen Street.
. Clintentillay 15, 1879. •
U. DOWSLEY, M. D., M. Br. O. O. Englend,
Pessician, Surgeon, &e. Office and residence
next Matson Bank, market uare.
Clinton, Jan. 10,1880.
BEEvz &Iv:anus. ,•• Office, RattenbUrY
,...1-efitr,eet, lAnnediately.behiad Itansford'e Book Store.
. Ofikelonre from 8 a.m: $Q • .0.12.
e1R$011; Jan. 29, 1889.
O. ,Illatversity,) Physiciani.linriicou, ete, residence
at Mr. Manning's, three doore east o i the Temperance
Hall, Londesboro, Ont. .
Londeeboro, Irma 14,1879,
•Departrae,nt• of Victoria University, Toronto,' tor-
merly of the Hospitals and Diepensaries, New York,.
• ,_
410r012erfOribli-OOILtl$7-1:111114T012,BLWIELD, Oa. ,
D. •
flit, APPLETON. - ogrion -M Residence on
Ontario. etreet, oppoeite the English Church,
• Entrance by side gate. -
Clinton, Dee. 4,1,879. •
r - - - - ,
AXONE! TO LEND."I'have any amount of money
-”-----1.7:1.-trrhuldron-goodrimproved.forms,..enly, et 74 pee.
- cent, interest payable Yearly. Sum no object if ewe'-
, ty ample. Private funds. • .
JOHN 8, P,ORTER, Eleaforth,•
. AIL Apply at the Town nail, or at the resident° of the
anbecriber, near the, Lepton, Huron & Bruce Railway
Station. ' ;JAMES SCOTT, . • .
-eDientir of Marriage Licenses,
Clinton, April 27th, 1•876eate,,N,,,...e.,,,o, '
, •
-El Accoucheur, Moonlit' a of the College of Physieian,
and Surgerms of LowerCanada, and Provincial Licenti-
ate and Coroner -for the County Or MIMI. Offiee and,
reeidence, The ilktildine formerly °coupled by Mr.
Thwaites, Huron et eet. .
. Clinton, 350. 10, 71, • , •
e Frain OENTRAL - OTEL e- lete Farnier'e -Albert
1 Street, OlintonV:13. PIKE,'Proprietor. This ho-
tel has •litely been eatly improved and thoroughly
- refurnished;and-pos „Seem every requisite for the com-
fort and eonveniene . of the travelling publie.• Good
stabling. and et tentive healer. . • . • • , •
. Clinton,1$6v,,28th, 1878. .
W. E. CARTWRIGHT, Stumm DSsxxer
Graduate of the ,Royal Cullese of Dental
Ira a surgeons of Ontario, has opened rooms
In the "Victoria -1310 sic, Albert Street, Clinton, where he
- - - constant1ybe4. n-attendoneer and -peeper ct-to• per-
forin every operation connected with Dentistry. Teeth.
- extracted, m•JIlled with gold, amalgam, or other filling
material. Artificialteeth. ineerted trent OD e to stun set.
Clinton) April 17, 1879. • • • 16
GoderIch. Lieensed, Auctioneer for the County of
Enron. Terms reasonable.
Goderioh, Feb..5,1880.
A. §.. V4GLER,
D • 1\T r.‘.1" I S rP
Office and residenag-Acheeon's Block, near corner of
West Street, GODERICIT, Onb.
rilisaTcenveniently situated nonse formerly occupied
by.H. Jammu, at) a store and resid'
ence on Vie -
feria Street, Juet south of the G. T. It. flood stable
and other oonvenienees on the lot.
3, Ar.417A1SON
Clinton, Dee. 18, 1879
House for Sale.
. —
MIRE two-story frame howl on Murat street, belong'
1- ..ing to ISIr 3,0, Miller, and. now ocenpled h Kr,
Balfour, will bo sold on very easy terms. ' Nopsoney re-
quired down, if good 'festally is giyen„ Thethouge is
well built, comfortable, end conveniently sitneted fora
professional or beeinere man. .• l• •
• . HALE, Huron street, Clinton.
'Oetober 179.
GOO And Lottor sale
rpRE subecriber afters for sale that property being
a. Hot No.18,Frederialt Street, on Which is aided
story -and, -a -half FRAME ROUSE, with good oellar and
netted convenieneee. The lot ie one-quarter of an aore,
on Which are number of good fruit trees, well, &a.
Will be sold on reaeenable terms, o
Clinton, Feb. 213, 1880. • '
• " House to Let.
MO LEL it honeb with 9 or.10 rooms, with hard,and,
-IL soft water, and all complete, situate OA 'Qntario
Street, at present occupied by Mrs, J. 13.• Rimy. Pos-
Bowdon given on the let of March. Thretquartere of
an aore of gronna in the lot. For furthermarticulars
apply to Mrs. Remy, on the premises, or to
Clinton, Fqb. 4,1880. • . • •
*• Farms'ln.,Hullett.
COOD FARMS on the Fourth Concession of
12 Mullett, within five miles of Clinton, well cleered
end with good improvements; will be sold on owl
tonne. 'Lot Seventeen, South -half of Nineteen, and
North•half of Twenty. Will be sold together or sepa-
rately.: • , •
Huron sireet, cliuton.
Clinton, Feb. 5, 1880. •
llouses for Sale.-
own, well, 'dot Onb nalt the pride., may remain on
Elbztgage. • " • H.•; MALE, •
'Feb. 19, 1:0. • , Huron Street, Olinton.
House and. IA for sale;
. „
TELE unaersigned. Oir0re. for sale, in the 'Village of
Holrneeville, a quarter -acre lot; on which is erected
a Concrete House, with frame addition,- and frame
Blacksm,th Shop, driving shed and stable. The house
has seven rooms and cellar, and the lM
et is ocked with
oboioe'iruit trees, and the usual conveniences. Willbe UCTION SALE
tpw Advartionnanto,
• Stray Heifer
C(IAMB into subsoriber's premisesiLet 15,12th con.
Hallett, ',bout the middle of September, a BED
•HEIFER, amino 2 years old, Vila4 little WIlltO OR
body. The 'ranee is heeeby notified to prove property,
pay ehargee, and take it aweY.
Hullo% Feb. 27,1880, •
THE umbeeriber offers for eale thawest half of Lot
•No, 19, and the south half ot Eet No. 20, in the
7th con. of Hullett-100 ems; 60 cleared. Situated
• about 5 miles from 'Oliuton, and there are erected
eon- two log home. For m
or ters and Partionierc,
Clinton, larch 4, 1880.
INSOLVAE!iiii.AST A. OF 1815,
ronN D. navio,.. „ PLAINTIFF.
PTE lantana, , • ,,,, . ..DEPENDANT
:Awn=Of Attachment hat Wird In this
. Vase.-
•ROBERT OrIEBOES; OfileialAseignee„
Goderich, March 1st; 1880.•
Co-Piiotnership Notiee;-.
N()TICE in,leereby giVen that the undersigned have
enteredinto oe-patinership frer thepurpeeeof dOing
Ostrsztax, MIMIC TRADE under the style ad MIR OX
At the old stens, 77 BRUM BLoCIt, ALBbRT STREET.
iltertieellIell.t.willeppear in a few days. . •
Clinton, Alarch-4, 1880. •.
Noixoz is hereby given that a party ,calling. upon
me andthrough what gave reason to euppose
was ra;erepresentation, obtained •my signature to a
paper which they professeCwasi a commiseion to sell
for thetn it portablb BlackentithVorge, and upon re-
, fleeting upon tho way my said signature was obtained,
have mean to suspect that the said agreementevill be
comforted into a note oft tiiirirrittlin in abovu my sig-
nature. X therefore cautionall parties against buying
atrynote purporting to be mine as I have never; given
any such note, arta will not pay It. •
. JOHN R. s.stlionneeoir.
Mullett, March 2, 1E80.
AVING established it school for the higher educe -
Men earning Ladies in the ideasant endhealthy-
ilf iii•preVrredio receive a limited
_number Of boarders and day pnpio. As far as practic-
able with a careful discipline, every endeavor will be
madOto make it a home to those entrusted to its tare.
Every attention will be paid in order to, give the pupils
it therciesa.Noglith-P,decatian,,baftedenJilett Scheel
principles,•boznbinin with it the advantages of the
higher branches, biallof which expernmeed.geverneeses
,from Toronto; have bean Secured to assist..
Could a few pupils for Vocal Music be mond in
Olinton,MISS DURAND, a pripil of Mrs. Gralnick,. of
Toronto, would be glad to give lessons at their homes
or at the eehool, if desirable. .
Penile received at any •firae. Any desirous of 'attend-
ing after Easter, Would „oblige by sending early for
Goderich) March 4,1880„ .
. „ •
sold on very reasonable terme.' Full partioulare on ap-.
plipation to ,
Holmesville, Fob% 10, 1880. • '
Is prepared ina form perfecity agreeable- to children
and most sensitive persons. In its manufacture the
properties of the oil that -produce' pain and griping are
eliminated, and it is rendered net only mild and pleas-
ant in its action, but abSolutely tasteleSe and palata-
ble. •• It is pre-eminently the ,finest laxatiee and ca-
thartic.known, and es a remedy for Costiveness Con- • ,• •
stipation, and all Intestinal Derangementsit is Lune-,
quailed, and is destined to take the place of credo, oll
and all drastic pills and purgalivess. For sale by all
Druggists at es cents a brittle. Don't Ellie, hilt
- DL -33119.07 -M13 -E
Watch and Clock Maker,
• Would respectfully announce to lite customers and the
• -public generally, that he hint removed Into hie former
building, on
• ALBERT Srgivr, OrroSiTz THE -MARKET,
Where he will keep on hand a select assortment of
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, and Sliverware °tall kinds;
which he will Bell at roseonable retes. • Repairing of
Clinton, Deo. 5, 1878. • •
•A A ig t 7.; brb
41 *1419 g 11 11,
'.11% 711*.1J1 u t
pi.. el em o 5 7,•• e.,:os
••• •••B
—1*Emw > I.
o nom DA
U.11 1:31,Hra g•!.t.t, „,g.2
,g ,*
' cs,.. •- •••eD.
e0'. /44 El lf°
• et, .08
/WII VI cbg4
II, s..33 0•-•
ento, g
24 .2 te 1170.- gta
w • Eilvl,g4i.E 1114
.2a g 14r. railt.,4
-g;5•.r.g b4
901,1.4, 4.R.E 31a.t1
.)31i0ATFOOT ,8/ BOX,
Tr filbert Street, Clipten!
First' spedial Tliesenger
iToBA., —
Traiw for this.year, will gaff
froth • . . •,
to be fehowed by othere •,
.TVEt4DAY, ,Arn.11. oth, •
' • • TUESDAV. 20tia; •
• TUESDAV •111AY dth.
Freight leaves the dairPre4folifito all the above dates
• Due notice will be given of all future parties.
Hates alwaysthe lowest, and the greatest •
pains taken tO have arrangement; most complete and
- • satiefactory,
Pereons joining these partite; are released from all cano
in bonding baggage, freight, live stock, &a.
150 1bs. of Baggage_ Free.
Mr. Greeaway goes throngh yeith eskeh party.
For particulars apply to '
• TTNDER and by virttui of a Power of Sale contained
1-1 In a' certain Mortgage dated the 15th day of 3000-
-ary,-A.D,1870, andamde'briattoji--Soorae- the under,
signed will sell by PID31,T0 AUCTION, , ' „
. .
At IgeLatim's 11 otel, Clinton
Saturday, 6th.day..ofiarch A.11. 1880
. • f ' 'I /
....., . •
a.:P. OND 0i21,000c. IN THE AFTERNOON;
The fallowingprolforty, vie: -:Town Let No. ito, situate.
on the south side of .Townsend Street, in the said town
of Clinton, ohntaiping by admeesurenfent, oho rood of
land, be the same more to leen. ." • ' .
• There is erected. on the said ifroperty; A gdod one
story Brick, shingle -roofed Dwelling, 42 ft 24, -and 22
•b.Y ':). • . . • •
, • . . • ... •- . 4
. daTyoortmosai.eat,id condition 4 •scin: oe made. known. on:4he
. . • . • • . . • .
' The Deeds may be inepeeted at. the office' of Ca-tss-
, . .
nos, Herr & Caunnon,,Goderielt.
.,-For particulars apply -to,.------* •• . •
- • • ' , , - ', Vendor's Solicitors, Goderich.
1 DAVE) DIOXIINSON; Am:AIM:feet. • ' - ' .
. • . • .
, Goderloh, Mareh 4, 1080. -
• - .
• _
, -In the Coarty of Huron, On- •
0Wlit, Centralia
And Kardvotre 'Merchant:
MARTO, Pei'', 1880.
• •
VICiN.7:27-01, 0.611NTOIV,
IfORTGACES all. other lemilies
11011414 AND ,SOLD. ;
Notary Pulilie and Commiesioner.
Olinthn, march 4,1880...
' .
. Money to Lend,
•Os do» 'ram St01/11ITT. /NTNEEST AT
Eight per cent.
HERtOR,De0..28, 1879. ,
The Duty of ilie Doctor.
No physician does justie to himself or hie
duty'by his patient, diegused at the thronght
of (taking Cola Liver Oil, d.oes not prescribe
Scores Enutsion Or Tun Orr, Wrrit TOE IBM-
PliosrniTES Or loam AND SODA, as they know
it is the moot valuable combinatiOn of food
andeisclieine for the Conetimptive, Scrofulous
or debilitated patient that has ever been die.
covered, At the game time it ie perfectly agree,
ablo 10 thc
For the Arew Erg,
• A, &JONG.-
ny ELL.
• Warrior of the isbattered banner,
• Soldier of the broken spear,
• Pilgrim of forgotten watchword,
Listen to a word of cheer
• Through. this world in shade, in sunshine,
If you'd win the honor brave,
Grave this motto an Your standard- '
Keep your head above the wave. y.
Though your eaglo'S convering pinions
May not reach their envied, height;
Though your crest be not embellished,
With the characters of light;
Be not hopeless, fearful, doubting,
Waiting for a waiting grave, •
Trust ; and try agent the battla ;
Keep your head above the wave.
17*,i 'tapirs &sox,
same ageoyould not bring more than $13 or$7.t•
oven at the credit Balers.
It may he urged that fattening cattle, at
the priceegenerally received; •ie p ale* way
of Making money, which is, to ;mine extent,
true, but it is generally A ore *ay, and if we
!produced a better chase of cettle we would re-
ceive relatively' better prices; and whether
prieee are high or low, the manure made by
this means Id alwoye valuable, and the better
wt feed, the
ere valuable s the manure
heapin keeping up the fertility of the farm,
!which is liable to :suffer when men tire led to
growing Wheat and other grain croPe in toe
large'proportion to grass and relit erops.
There has been a very large demand for sheep ,
' during the laet year, bell; for soottoo ahooPp
for the English market, and for breeding sheep
for thp An:aeries/1 market,and the, very 1:0013
impreved demon& and prices for wool Makes
the outlook for, this clasp of stook very ens
When on Love's wild myistle °Mtn • °Purging. - There is perhaps no elites of gteek.
• Ypu areecaet ribroed to die,• . in the country that has received SO little care.
When you're rock'd among the billowe,. • and attention as heve our sheep, and I Veil-
. Though no lighthouse greet the eye, tire to ay there is certainly no class of stook
There are life.boats seeking for you, that has paid ae well Or the care and'expense
Some Grace Darling loves to saye,-, devoted to it, and there le no atoek that re,
Strike out I let her see you swimming,- sonde So readily and so profitably to a little
. Keep your head above the wave. extra attention in breeding and feeding. The
.eemi.annnal dividends they pay in a crop ,of
wool, and a.crop. of lambs are a sure' thing,
:satrap ageeptable,•-•finfl alniost- clear. profit.
Increased attention ought to be paid to sheep
raising in this Province. The English
ket will take all tho good NAVY sheep we can
raise, at ,good prices, and this heavy drain
that has made. ,upon our !Sheep, for ex-
portation both O.:Britain and 113.6.1:Tnited
".• • Ufa is °qv what We MAIN it, .„%174.t.96,,,11111-,deli1,oted-00414.
Gran:T.:inn glorious, good end true ' which will be felt in higher prices to those
113 the life of hiin whose purpose • • . who hive to buy in order to stock up, •
18i te pray, to hope, to OD. The remark,' we. have •made in i•egaril to
Misery, becomes our minder,. • •tho, Wisdom' of using purebred hulls, will ap-
When we yield 'ourselves its slave; ' ply with equal force to the use of pure bred.
Happy in the right is freedoni, rams ha improving the Ordinary sheep of the
• , Keep yeuf-Bead above the 'Ave. ' the country, both .1a. regard. to inetton and
• • Never deem this World unlovely, • Wool prodoction„ • •
. The comparatively: good 'prices that leriVe,
It is beautifully graod--. °
Bearing all the master -touches, 7 . been paid for wheat the last two •yeara; has
Of a niatolikas niaster-hand- already had the effect of leading our farmers
Nature blooming; to, rush in the direction of too ;Imola wheat
Stars are shining;
Don't sit clown to fret and rave . • growing,,whieli• I fear will be found to be a
mistake. Manitoba and the North West Will
-And consume your strength.to son be a strong competitor in that line, and
Kn'ely your head above the wave,
: we cannot -expect to tope with thoee sections
in Cheap wheat 'production, besidep,. we Will
goon impoverighour farms if 7e do not feed
stock to make Manure. . • . • .
. A question, Which might engage:the atten-
tion of: your. °lab, is the tariff on American.
oorn which grain Was formerly fed in large
quantities by Canadian farmers, .who found,
cheaper an MereLP,EoRtfilile-to .140,41.4
onrown grain, litit'Which eeeros to be effectii-
ally sluit. Out bythe duty imposed upon it.
in this, and Army sections of Ontario, the
pea bug hae renderedthe growing Of peas' fib
ppieta .pereplate.f snore, end: the question lila •
arisen, -"What grain shall use for fattening
our steek-?" Though I have little sympathy
with the- idea -ref. farmers -interesting them-
•sebres itt the prevailing :syetens of what tos •
Taw called, "tariff .tinkering;" yet in vie*
of the fact that thegconapose the vat ajori-
ty °film -ratePayers • it ie.& %libation whether
protection is the inherent right of .only the
mounfactarers-the few -Or whether vhat is
" sauce for tht. goose is not also "sauce for
the giinder;'? and if go, iwhy should:not the
farmer have.protection on his Wool and other
productionwhiph have to cenipete with: the
impeded. articlos. '. •
'Having indicated a few subjects which may
serve to elicit diem:Mien, if, not to afford in-
-formation, I eubscribe inyselrizifnIl synipa-
thy with my'fariner friends,, . •
• • Yours faithfully, jonx O. SNELL.
• •
"Tho AgrieulturiAs of Canada,' WAS then
gitoin;and responded to by Mr. T. Moon, who.
said that the Oubject of agriOulture Was of gi-.
gantie Magnitude and of paraniount frappe-
Mime,as all were dependant upon it for their:
daily.adstenance, and it woe the basis of all
other institutions and employments; and illus.
tratsd these truths from the .aany, routine
of 1)0820088 patent to every One. Spoke of,
the: rapid increase of wealth by the clearing ef
the forest and.00nverting the Mod into pro-.
duotive farms.; the springing up of villages,
:towns and pities, and each ono of' thee,' con-
necting themielyee together by means of the
iron reitall being the outgrowth a the agri-
culturist.. This being the ease -,he showed the
lamOrtisnee of every one doirig their utmost to
uphold: the cause of agrieulto ;and sold that,
that man Who develops the resources of :..the
emintry to the grealeet degree is deserVing of
the highest commendation. Pointed out the
necessity of being well informed' on the sub-.'
etaaee, nature and • quality of se„ils, as alt
knew they greatly vaned, and this knowledge
would' enable a person to make the post of
wile. and guide him in the application ..of
barn yard midartificial manure, so as to main-
tain the soil in its !Wirral fertility, and apply
those qualities that it Was deficient in. lie
said that some phople. had -referred to unlet-
• • Should the hand of dire miefortune .
• Sweep away earth'e tree:mired prize,:
--,*"Shed, bittiltie=ifitar otpity, '
'Labor nward, upward rise, .
Work for honor, pray for mercy,
liirture truth and love the brave,
Say to every nian in sorrow :-
Keep yon r head abeve the wave. . •
The Bullet Branch :Agricultural.*
, . . .
. .
Last week we had no more thap time to
nominee:the holding of the dinner; and we
now, therefore, give a brief sanunary.•,ef
ptopeadings7lAfte7 the °lath was remoVed
.the ohairnian gave • the Usual loyal toasts;
whichwere loyally responded to, after ivhieh:
Dr. Williams reed the following eloquentimd
inetretive _letter .frenc
Lodge Stuck Farm, Edmonton:, -As he is a
*ell 'known importer and breeder of Mock his
letter will be read with * great dealer interest i
' . : ' . • '-.Etenoreiv' ' Jan: 80t 1880.
De - • -
Arr. ArichOlas Robson, accrelary Hallett .4i'gri.
: ..cuttwal Society. , . • : , ,
lify Ditkie Sin, -I Inn, in -receipt, of your
esteemed (aver inviting me to attendthe an-
nual dinner of your society. I desire to nay
; feel flattered by the repeated invitations. I
havebeen favored with, by the offieers of
.your societies, to :participate in year annual°
festivities, and it would afford me great plea;
;lure to accepti the invitation thie time; but I
regret to say that circumstances Will not Per-
fire. Which I do not at present teit•my way to
maikenu.'ve-n Strong- fellow -feeling fOr,:nly tiro.,
thor farmers: of the line county. of Huron; ,
and Would enjciy tho oppertunity of meeting:
with them, and discassmg: matters in which
WO are mutually interested. '• I am hopeful
that we have been the worst of the finsincilll
dcifyiession which has for several years- past
prevailed, and that 110.1110, on the eve of bet-.
ter • tinks, A stste which. I ara:, sure :we have
all heartily wished for.
• ' If theappression:haiha,t1 the effect ofteaeh-
ing us lessons -of economy, which, I feel Pre
it lies,.. then:we may reasonably look for a'
seheon of substantialprosperity, and it, win
-he Well if the lefteons of the dark:days have
Ma:pressed upon no the My of rushing into .
hazardous speculations, to which- we are apt
PI be tempted when money ie more plentiful.
The swicessful opm-H-Wig of a market for our
live stook, on fhe Other !Ado of the Atlantic, '
and . the increasing demand . for tattle and
sheen for that market, is certainlya.favorable
indication for the future, and should lead mit
farmerfito give more attention to improving.
the quality of their stook, by theame of pure
-bred-male animok which can 'now be obtain-
ed at reasonable, prices -prices within the
reach of the average farmer. A pure bred .
bull can now be . bee& at . figures that war-
rant the venture as a ,g00a: inveatmdnt, aithe
convenience of having a: ' geed bull in the
neighborhood, the gasibig in linie of going long ' toted mon-who bad made good and suceeseful.
distances with Otis, andthe improvement farmers, but thoughtsuch men Were highly
Made- in a man's own stook will more than educated by the e*perienee they had enjoyed;
'pay eapensee of keeping, and the bull should: 'in contact with men offintelligence and °du-
b° worth, for beef, at the end of his term, cation'. Spoke favorably of the mode rttpi
nearly aa •much •as his first doh.. And first, and. the effects resulting from it. Pointed
here, I submit that the slaughter of bulls atout the necessity of keeping well posted with
three -A° five. yeatit old, when the 'animal has the °anent business pf the times if we hoped
proved a good breeder, and id quiet, is a role- t� be succeseful faunas; briefly tomthed upon
take: .A.bull is just .ali useful,
and just as the feeding of stock in preparation for. the
likely to preclude good Stook atten years 68 English market-shelter.for firinimplements
hots at Iwo or three. , . • and economy in,the whore Manageinent of the
/ think danaditin forniars owe it to them- farm -urged the adoption Of the cash system,
selves, as a- Matter of vital interest to them. so that they would not only kin,* the Pod.;
:selves, to give earnest and immediate atten. tion in Which they stood, and .be exempt from
tip' to, this nutter of producing the - quality Misunderstandings at settlement day, butit
of cattle and sheep Which the export trade do. Weald- lie found the best Meerut to prevent
mandsOir order to keep exporter!' from seek.. extrevagance. Ile coheleded an eloquent and
in other and foreign' field s of supply; ' Xn instruetitis epeech by a few words of Imola-
this oonneetion.1 would else urge the miller- tien of the Dominion and the people:Who in.
timise of feeding young etc.& well; to keep habit it. . °
them improving*frOm Ibirth, 'se aft .to secure Mr. aos, BiggioefolleVved„ who took up the
early maturity. I belieye all the experiments eithjeet of agrieriltural sofiletieg, and the incli-
And tests that have been made in this diree- vidual and collective benefits to be derived
tion, go to prove that more imprOVeinent and from theta and coneltided by urging all to
Mere profit is niede in feeding young animals bscontememberts of such. sociatiece . .
thanalder ohs and that there le lid adVan. Mt. 8. Andrews speke.of the pradical farm.
tage in -Wing irders1111 they are nidnr• than- -err; and--showelthat-ohly-suelt..e4d. be.slie••...
three yeerli, and I AM not ,pertinadect that eciesful, : . •
there -is not More profit in sending them off Mr. N. Matheson, vice chairmen, in giving
at two years. The awards fit the leading fat " IhipetterS, breeders ,ani heaerv, gave tit,
stook tJbows Of England and Anierioa . laet Prelate to it. feW Womb very -commendatory of
year, all pointed in 'this direction, Alai amthOen whm. had exp6nada large aniounte of
Willing to Willey° that it will yet be generally Money and labor in importing geed stock,
admitted that twe yeor•olcl beef is the Most thereby improving the gook .of tin &AIM*.
profitable to both the producer and thetrader; Mr. F. Gallant, of Goderieho responded on
To this end, the first requisite is to use pure behalf of breedere !Ma teedere, although he
bred short horn bulls, in order .to pre:clue° a was not now engaged in tlaat,oecupation, but
better 'elms of cattle', and the seeorld.'is to be had had a gretkdeal of expoyiertee 111 iitin.:.
feed them eo as to keep them steadilYlinproy, libation With it: Strongly pointed Mit the
ing fromt calfhood till they are sold for ship- necelleity of uaing good. and pure Males; and
ping to market. As an example of the adult. exercising great Otte in feeding; As We ne
tag° of raising well bred, ream,I have 50011 retrains. tgoocl weight for tho piglisli Marinate
rade Durhanrstei
er oolvo* !sold n thig neigh* 11 10 iniperative that this principle int.0 ho
orhood, this whiter, ot eight Months to, (lamed out, .. .... .
ir $14 each,. while coninion calves of the Mr. W. 4. tiggins also briefly responded to
, •
, .
• .
• 4
the toast, saying that as he had only been' a
few years engaged, in thoroughbred etock rais-
ing, he 'mould not say Much on the -subject,
but he could, cosy that he took great interest
in it, and ho found it more profitable thao to
raise peer stook.
Mr. A. Ines followed in a fevr worths illus-
trative of the wiedom of using first•olass thor-
oughbred !sires, if we expected to carry on
stook raising profitably,
seolriaj°phunt Cfourmthingdyfe°41°eWxeedrliounrglin'ngoaairril'Irg-
out the .objeot had ia view by those who melt
that day to organize a sogiety for the purpose
ot holding a union county show. It °Trafl
WerthY of 'every effort, and he hoped encomia
Would attend them, as it was thne the small
township 'shows ceased to be held, anil a good
central exhibition established.. He alsd spoke •
of the °tittle trade with England, and the no-
cessity of having welt bred and well fed (cattle
14 'Berstein, the trade. - • '
A number of other toasts followed, respond:
ed to by Messrs. T. Cooper, W. Jackson, w. •
▪ Ransfoi•cl, Jos, Chidley, D. A. Forrester,
.,..., Powell, ,of Pennsylvania, A. BOOR, John
,Beacom, and ;several others. The interest of
the opeassion Was heightened by several songs
behag sung in good style by Mr. T. Neilans,
Of *Hullett, and Mr. D. Morley, of Clinton; .
The party broke up about two, e.m.; eft:Pen:: ... •
joying a good time.• .•
, .
•EAmy risinon.•-•.--A dozen fine- eheli' Were " • - " -
•caught with the rod and line, in Mr. Donald
rams liENTED. Jas; Laut has rented
the farm of the late Dittman McEwen, for a
Md, jr,; had also rented •the •
property of Ms:. Thos. Baird, sr., for atom
of three years.
DDERA.L.-m. C. Cameron, Esq., M.P., has
kindly donated $5 to the liolreeiville statien,
which is to go towards the internal improve- ,
went of the building. ' '
Sartioae,---Rev. ;1', Philp is holding special . •
services ha connection with the 1VIethodist
church here. : • • _
THE SCHOOL. -Mr. ConnollY, teacher of the
school here, is giving general satisfaction, a
thing generallyy.. .
• .•
• BLYTH. .
. B.51Eiz=while_win,..2...ilic.:1A._ifie..,....vrood` •
in 1VIOrris,. on Wednesday last, one of the logs • •
rolled 00 mr, •A„. McInnes, breaking his, leg,. ,
and three of his ribs: 7 '
AcCIDDN.T..--The other day while hauling
manure with Dr. SloanIs team, Mr. Clewit
fell off the load and was severely hurt. This.
is the second time that he has niet wlth 611
accident of this kind Within a:short perks',
Considerable. 01.HEMQ1
WEE caused here this week on. /earning I
Messrs. Wey and. Wm, Brownlee
"left for " the laud Of the fred.". The fOrn
it is' said:, leaves liabilities in the neighborh ' 4
of $2,000, and has evidently been prepo
for the event' for some time, General Burp •
is expressed. at •Mr. Brownlee's dep'arturfe •
he ivas:not.000sidered to he embitiassed,..
was looked tlifein•AS strictly hottest • incl.'''. • •
it is said. ho will even pay all his iodeptechi • ,
FARM RENTED. -Mr. ' T, M. , Elliott b
rented his farm.of 00 acres, being lot 89,, !stn. ".°
eon. or Goderieletowuship,. to Mt. W..Phiepe,.
for.a terra of. three yettre, for e1,000 This
is considered an exceptionally geed rent; but.
there is an extra good orchard on thePlitesie.
Mr. Elliott is going to Manitoba to speculate. • • ,
GRANGE ASNIVERSARY:-On the evening of
the 251h -Feb., one of the most enjoyable • - •
dal gatherings the writerhis ever had the:
pleasure of attending in the neighborhood,
was spent at 33ro. John Budd's, our esteemed. •
searetary, (this is his third terni of•office). '
•About fifty ofthe members and friends df the
order wers,entertained by our host to asump-
tuous dinner, on the occasion of the ,anniver:
eery of the birth of Our grange. The • justice .
that was done to the table spoke amply for
its Merits, even our epicure seemed satisfied:
After the Clothwasremoved, the company- .
betook theniseiVes to mirth and the dis-enssing .
of the general topics of thef day • with games
plays. yoeal and instrumental music the even-
ing passed away pleasantly. About midnight .
the company broke up, alLhehig-satisfied that „.-- • • :
it is good to be a granger,and also .pleased
with the hospitable reception given them.
. • ONS WHO WAS 'TILERS. • • -
•• ,
,11,1A-„AsS.--1/7J°asit.. NgS
etvicoM; he, ef
e�n, caught 6 "Wight cold last week but hat • • -•
dinee turned to mflaraation of the lunge, and ' .•
very 'slight hopes are entertained of his' re-
idn6Avethrcris;eavsieciniiiktY inof late, whole families are
'fluenza has been spreading
etriakeix down with it at a time. It is Very.'
tontdgeous and is supposed to be. caused from
the sudden variation in the weather.
'RE-xxoannis..,•Prof. Salter has been on. •
gaged for another quarter•at-Sunehine,, to
conduct the singing class as 'formerly. We
joinin wishing them eolith:me& success. •
Enikanortit•-The following -ie tho correct
standing of tho pupils of 83. No, 5, Morris, • 4
for the month of February. The standing is
baeed. On proficiency and .good conduct :-
Fifth..form,.1st, Henry Clarke 2nd, Jahn
tubba; 8rd, Stephen Taylor. Fourth form, •
1st, Distrld Armstrong ; 2nd, Wm. Haelam ;
3rd, Almond 0101)611 ; 4th, , Alex. 01.0akey.
Senior third, Ist", :Alex. Dadour ; 2nd, Thos. ' .
Wilkinson11. ; 3rd, Sae. Lawrence; 4131, Ed, !"'
Wean. Junior third, Id, Geo. Wilkinson;
2nd, Itobt, Russel ;• 314, Wni, Stubbs; 4th,
Jas. U'ilkinsou. • Senior second, 1st, WO?
Badour.; 2nd, Frauds: Taker ; 3rd; -AleV.
Hood; 4th, Annie Lobb.- Junior 113t, •
T. C. Wilkinecin ; 2nd, 'MOM; Masters; 3rd,
-Melissa Tsieker ; 4th, Chas. Taylor. Senior
first, 1st, Ellen ('lank; 2nd, Cantley Baines;
3111,..Annie Campbell; 4th, john .CO•Conrier.
Sutler tint, lot, Wm.' Ward; 2nd, Albert
liaggit ; 3rd, M. Bailey; 4131, Peter tadour;
Dronehitis OA inflammation of the umbone lining
of the Votehial tubes,or smaller remit/alio/ill of tbo
windpipe. In ito milder form itis oommonle ogled a
Vold on the oh*. Thermal symptoms eta hoareenoill
dosotigh, a slight 44000 of fever, followed by OXVOiSt•
pitrati013 of10.1100II0 at fieet thin and aftertrarde*MbuiN
the, Severe forme there is more fever, cough and op.
.1)1.081316n at the °hut, whit% yiell to repeated donee of
liagyardleDeetoral Daimon, at tho same tira4 adog,ing.
alight diet, and keeping the bowele open With LW+
yardlo ot eoreaother mull purgrtive.
. . •