HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-02-12, Page 8•••:
- • • ' • ' • '
Sc'" faltmers. we se.° ahlitki he a, Mae
humane tO thmr ifersee,a and vihen
.. ,
that those (*frill It le alteaelecr may be
led to," stop, nd thiek" hefprebending
* .
"""....-7-h-----a----4T-;" - -7 - ' ---''.
• a• '
For the N'elo .1104. - • ' - -* • . '
laamiesiT. oer A 11110.al liCHOOX. ISTUDitel.
roads are bad poitletet On afi large a load as
if they 'Wire 'aphid. . A. little fore -thought
, _ ,
them -trouble • ;sod
We wish ism he distiuetly anderetegathatve 4o not
ti.°01:sr°,rbgleT470T0344:n14/°:,,th. "Pog,"o° PI:
Mind towails views far easier to learn then
to forget. ;IWO; I have. not' treSaassed
too much' n ray space, I reithallt, yours,
. •
- .. • a
- , • •it
.' 'ifir A 3fARTX4 TO Tug OArlate. . ••-'
Ai,..1:0113133414 aet au %Safi'
sale much,. after ..- ,
yiptati011, .• .
4540. • li: V.'S. P,
e4ntdia , eb.b.ih, 1880,
.. . •
7, . .A_' • V _ •
• lea thous/as me hoputi in 4 Ins g
The noses far away eave sewn, '
And faney anus iny !gains. e •
. .
. lc Tee Ile/3g for pleasant ride&
c:lues the/Alla of snow, • •
or o'er the Otos lee to slgo, , - .,
Wean) Thiel) ors atreamlets row. •
It aye hut Suelhl'a hilly Inlets
-,..-:-,of circles, planes e.nd lineil ; •1
'ttt'AnT i'LATERS.--1). number of boys
whom" parents ;Ippon they are et oonooi,
,are in the . habit a deny gathering at 4
builditg 4 Buren street, and idling away
their. tirce•,"Vereicinueh to the annoyance of
the owner of the premises. Their names.
would look well m print, but they can avoid,
their appeararme there, by giving up the
TO the Ect;tor of the,C Union .1v*cts 4ra. .
Demi Siii,-I ilea by * metion in the
(lemma report, iu youn het week?* issue,
that the Connoalmedeolded on preparing
plane of the new market Wending; with the
et •
end to the street. Their aetion, therefore,
is contrary. to the desire ofai large number
• .......-......„-_,- ,
, .. ..
-INA -
'icenshaiton, Pembina County, Dakota,.
1.0"En1 r ..
. _ .... i, .. .... . n ItA...,..,e.... eb,....... It'47.1
.. 09
. ... „ . . •
,,,, '
- YU/MU 01,00104., "MINTON: .
The stilton, are formulary bets
of plus and minus siess,
, .
An peeirg Iwo put away.
i cannot mirait here,
• tor Vranneer 4044 4:40. Algebra
Ilaste4t1 of it appear.
sarcely dare adtheire day, ..
•or watch the sparkling stars,
habit and attending school, '
PERSOWAL,-The very manY friend?' of
lifr, L. AL Scott, formerly with Fisher,
Craib & 00., bUt ;tow engaged in. Cleve-
land, will •be pleased to kern that lei is
"going up ,the ladder.' The firm with.
otthearatepayers, as manifested. by the ye-
taloa subni.itted to them at their kat meet,
ing, The mere matter of leaving the 10eas
°oh 'of said building for futere considers.'
tion,, is, Ao !some extent„ a Wee, for r ain
firmly of the opinion that ell who voted fer
danuary soth, isso.
ro tht3 EaRee, ef eho melee New Er,. .
Sin, • In youltssu " f I ua y 1 th I o "
a pare -graph callinge"npoanu threse5whenh4ace
• made lip their mind to come to Dalivia,to, *neve;
; and disenas arrangements; I am truly glad to
find that suela a novereent-is contemplated
. '
' .
. .
..4 ' r •
' ' s...
' -
' '
' ''
' '' . •TRADE
,; -
For fear 'twill eall my mind AIM'
From fractions, calms and,squart ..
'and It 1 tainti 0 sweet old agree,
.ser /noes lost to my view,
.yhe. trim, tears perhaps may. eonie,
• - Thelip may quiver too.,
.......... ,..,„ , must ewe, - '
They interfere with beeke 1
-••-• They put the angles but of place, .. ._ ,..„.
And turn the lines 0 hooka. •
.. .
The founts of Joy -the youthfoi fires, • •
...a.mt,That,attlassiedin, my ltreast,
' That once, with hope, this heart inspired,
AreAwindling JuOrest. •
My, spirit Sags within mcool;y frame, • .
fay heart le groiing .,
It was t so efore mine
To this; the Clinton ,cohotd.
. Because ray:raind is not my ow,
-ley thongets are hefun4 in °hone; •
-.- -lhemeseresomeithere
' • And fancy shuns Inyteeihnas.7*.Pnerm -''''
-e•"•-•.,.. • - - .
i et • .
Then rear t ye teincle, a•ith au your re g ,
La dreary.dirges mow; .. •
Come, howl! ye Savage 01004 Of night, •
Ana ioin my Bong ef woe, ' • ..
' which he ie engaged employ a regular etaie
Of aixty clerics, and aioge his short engage-
ment there Lore has received the .charge.oe
a separate odepartrOgot.'
TPO 011TD.-In referring to the hat talc-
en at Exeter last week, (aa noted hy us)
stbioenStL917‘1Vjuhiniler Wit3?
ctohnegrfaquilObillg‘ e•ce.0,3rdeii3,./1„:
ori the acquisition ef brother Holnaes toitis
ranks,' we cannot but. sympaah.iee.with WM
at the lose of the very large hat." The
congratulations are rather pretnature.
Neither of the .hate at Us.
"i'llIOns-Fariners are beginning to avail.
. . . .
themselves. of an advantage that hes lone
been within their reach, but hitherto little
Used, as 'a'fileans a finding out Prise° of
..-To 0 in other - iiitses It is now no an
prodi.p .
oommonthing for farmers to telepraph t'c':
. •
'different -points asking the. price of an mai-
cle they may have in,' the Invariable result
being to thatthe offered here
the motion, had settled in their own mind.
where. the buildading should be placed, a
which, I think 1 am safe in predicting, will
be on that Part of the lot n ear IIir.Speoner's.
I presume this prediction will be met with
ith_ie. eeniark_that , 11 they ihayennot edema-
beeemirtaliee,minseipzeet,ta anY P gee, vi hich rnav
• '-'" ----•
but those of your rea. dere
.wil° were present at the last Council ineet-
11 doubtleas an stain mein the• rent ark
ItIgtwilt is very easy to draw plaininferences
f_rcen the statements there made. Th. elieve
tine is as geode a place ita any for a, if
built with the end to the street, butI don't
thiok •it should be built that way, Of
Mite° I don't pretend to knillr geerything
in respect to a building of this kind, but I
have sufficient self-esteem to -think .1 know
• . -
what will Idloionkg plaecljedTaddtvIitydeonoltbhealtielvoet
that a bui
will look well, ,If the emanate°. manag• e_
to get one elected that will:look. well,.
and an certain that AO one who cornea here
. wth
in regret it. I have only both e mt t ime
in this country, yet it is eufficiently long to.
coonrveinrecespmecetsthtahtauI hona:e. talkne:ocia wni:temsteenItoion
tshtsaievesrVoivbeertimleannd lawsadidia4dmteiaedhoeoy t.thhheeonisUeEnerivtii.eed:
i t d nai havet'aalrag
eaonavaersaaaet- wth them. I will aim' Ply mention
that theY are s,ucla. aos worill neaotirafesyeraylle inacoomo,eros,
and. best of all •ther e' 1 d 11
being open for settlement, •
' ' My brother John, William Townsen_d,
nayself (all late of Trickersmith ) ar• e.lcastu.eg
en the .littlee Sett Riveo
River, forteefieo Bales
north-west 'of Grand Forks, and about twenty
miles due west of the Red 'Riier. The land
here is of theliest qUalitYbeing a blackloam,
varying 20 •••depth-front-three-to--senn-Teer---
an cepala e of raising large orops of all km&
of gram and roots.. Ours is a new settlement,
composed almost entirely of cenediime, which-
gives it a einee reeinnblanee to home. We
'hays; a, ost office,
. . . .. .
• i .
. * RE • ,
• . .
.'.• • v ,
. - . . ' . . • :. , . ... - . ,
. , , •
Imperfect:direct froni Scotland, arid the" goods are expecte•fl to arrive about the
__.. ..
15th Mat.' We will shove, . without exception, ONE OF TIIE FINEST 'LINES OF
. f . . .
SCIOTC11. TViTEDS IN TUE COUNTY. Our trade durin.glhe last tivo years hat
. .. . ,
greatly increas. ei in. • this line of goods, And we predict for the• coming seasoo a bi o
demand tor Scotch Tweed Suits.
e ... ." .
- . . --. ---,-- ---""' - -- - ' -''' ------- '''''.- -
Pi..ncelif wal .range from $15 to $25 per S. uit •
- • - . -
• .
. . • ..•,.••
• oeo. '
-'''' • --4...-,
prove Pri00
• ,aned
atthe seine thne meet 1
p and a wheel is ta be open..
. .
.,. 150tvir zu_ptivli ,.... .. . • ;
. . ,. . _ t ' . ' .0,, • ...,...,.....- • •
, ,
mat been as high as elsewhere. . - •
Co mical,..-Tha, town -Coulleirriltief-16--.
will admit .." the error1:941.e.nactny7Wa,fna, ye.an.ts" '
have insPeeted Several Plans and figurative-
.• seidailinlhe: Brilinaitnagnt,- but in et1 nla OrthCi
expect to h.„avo One in
• ,... - •
, . .. _ ... . __ •
' " •
Tna ice prop ie now b. eing harvested . - .•••
• THE Lenten season .coremeneed. yeater,
day. .
, I)ivssfoif Court will bo,held• in tis town
on the 25th-inst. • • . '
A valve • large nuthitity. of ..wood '. was
brought into. town while .sleighing 'lasted.-
luv..w. WADE winTreaeh ha .eh.e B. 0,
church next Sunday, morning.and evening.
. House soLo.-Mr. Jas.- Fairhas (Repos.
ed 'of his cottage On'Albert Street-, to. 11,_
Mrs. Mowbray, on private terms1:, .„
"11/1.aav farmers in this neighborhood kill
their surplus:stock and retail it in town,
"'in (identities to suit purchasers.".' .'
. . •
. ItonfT. --There is i Man in Clinton whose
Wife .never kisses .hine:becaase he smokes.
She kisseshii because. the loves lame • ' •
• •
A eecian' on behalf • of the. Ladies' Aicl
Society. of the Methodist Church, will be
held at the residence of Mr. T. Stevenson,
teemorrow evening. ' . . • ...
morrow night A4 lux animated. discussion'
in alt
will ail prObability enliven the, proceed-
ins, we would advise those who can mike
at convenient' to attend; to doao'• not
meeeli, "to Bee the fun," hut toshow. by
their presence their interest in town mat-
te' and aft lso to gain better idea of what
Acttlally transpiree, than they min by read-
jug a..report of the proceedings. '
. .
Loss inr FIRE -We regret to "le'arn that
Mr. Hilder; (of Bruce•Oo.) formerly of the
Manchester; nailla a short time since stiffer.'
ed the loss of his grist and saw - mills, to-
,gether with" tlieir general contents, • and a
• large qiiantity of pork which he was pur-•
chasing'for market The loss is a heavy
' One, and as he is well hp ia Years, . will be
much felt • • : . , . . . . . . ' -..
RS -rowan) DEATH- -A report has reach.
-ed here to the effect that Rev. R. -Brewster
died a short time since, while in- his pill:
pit • We have seen nothing in the papers.
tri reference to the matter. • He was for -
lYlooated the building all over the lot, and
came to the Came conclusion I had before
so .doing, ' which was that the building
shonld be placed with the broadside to the
street, neer the front of the lot.' .
I am Aware of the difficulties' the'Coune
aU.> alloys have .overcome in the re•erection
of the. huildiag„ and may hope.they will
succeed. in eatisfying the maprity ef the
tatepayers. I do not expect them. to Sittig-
fY all -which 'mayin,clude myself. I shall
be •tharitable in my .. criticism!" of their
co. urs.e, and not impute into. them any sin-
'stet' motives, believing ther will do the
very best their judgment 'dictates, but 1
presume I ant atlibeety to say I fear some
t • r
.of them hair° go se y .poor judgmenL . .
• Many people seethed ti) think that when,
the building got burriell. that would end
, • ; . , e . •
the mareet troubie out it seems to have
• been the re-oper,ing'efaa. old sere, oridllea.
relanse. gives siges of being werse than the
orieeinal disease: My * riirate °Piaian is
that it wo_ oldehave heen,7' P • r
our own settleMent, as
silso a steam grist and saw mill There ici
large quantity of first.class land around here
to takaup yet but We expect a large influx of
Canadiansin 'March, as nearly every person,
here is w‘rviteiehgtorheSmacev. eurraiinfaartmhotsr.'fbrieerned4 hte:,
come Wave
.w first to Manitoba, but not finding that
c.ountr what the had se ' •
left it and settle
bere :ad, one gdYnaheetrene* bealfnetbilleea_deGx9t:veinozemPseean:01
settle Dakota that the Oanedian-Government
do to •settle Manitoba, it would be full ' • '
short time.. • • . • • • 'n a
' ' The elimate.here is exeellent. 'I like the
winters much better than those of, Canada .
-we have clear, dry, cold weather; on accOunt.
.ef the air being So dry, we don't feel the cold
.:Ien.. mceocthh'e. iT4h:policatos.b• neer!, been tad:eel:114i;
beet ofpure spring water, and in that respect
are .far ahead of. other clistricts -where- they
have more er less alkali ha it .•- I had almost
forgotten to mention that there Was a contest
held at Enierson last fall, between Manitoba,
Dakota and Minnes.ota, and-a:prize offered for
the besteagricultural-produccretherdevielonebr
•• • .-
• ' .
O. 1.J Ft •A
• '
ABOV. E. .Gt.).
• •
' . . '•
• . • •
...1-1.11IOR TAKE
rin ER IOAN.S.dC4FillTsdItTySnobwbey
. W. :Gob.
• . ....•
i:;,1),S. ..wp HAVE
- •
• - .r
., '
. .
. pS, . WILL
• .
• ,
• •
' -
- ' •
. •
garoeoaism. . pe..r.tini
. . - ••
' '
' • '
. .
. •
. ....
. • '
' -----
- •_
from Buerele.;
• •
:PeemoNam..-Mr. W. G. Webb; -Clinton
who ee- emerly-counected with -the' IVIethodist body, neer to have teethed a market ground,, the judges WaS in favor of Dakota. • . •
and trse . . . ,
veral Years ago learnt operatingwith Messrsyelled here when Clinton was a cm- e -
Watts :& _Om ,. here,haaaccepted. the. pod- 't but Ina sometime after went to the• • but what has been done cennot be undone, • I don't kno'vy.what part of Dakota the peca:
end 'I can • only. hope that 'when the:build:. tale in your neighborhood intend coming to;
Lion- of book-keeper and telegraph operator yaw 'stitesi itn& inassociated 'himself with': ir is put no matter where,' all bicker. bet if they &elide on this part, they.should :
in the Gregg -II -Ouse, Londen., . , ' ' the Meethodist leecaly.th,ere.... • .. .: .... ,,, , e
, etteroamins.to 27111wPayorts. aandeatdhyeilio= .
-.... .. , .ing.ep&division will Cease... ThaUlflug 'Yon, tiatakeVil
: iiilEAD OP Tisre.--On Saturolay last ' a • Exceirnaotn.•;--The • proprietor "of' • tie. Mr.. Editor,- for the. 'space Oecuaied, raa.. .
Clinton- ERA has actuall received • from ' • ' e • - • - • .' ... .. to ren close by. us.- Apologising for troubling
poor tohin deed shivering for.'a leng time • .• . . • . . , Y . / • . maul, .yoars, 0,,c., . -. . . • .
an.a tree 11:z .the,yard 'of Dr, Williams,: It an outside subscriber, • cash- for. heepe per to • • • -. • ri • I you, •
°I" l • • - A...4r.r/TRAL MAniET. MAIL • • . ..• : ' '..1 remaio -yours,. etc.,
had •-evidently 'been, end,•of 1,8%.....e. -,That growing_ atelep ace s_iiaten,..,Es_ii,., 10, 1850. , - . RRED. BRIP.IC ROB13.•"•-•
' a
. '
• . . .
) ..
, . .',
• '
Ten Cases
. •
. ,.
. '
. '
ee...the., .... .' . ...-± • , - . . - - . ••• -................minw•-- - --'
tnieledliy- ...iniMeat-linv.
ith.this acce.ssion w.ealth. • nowebe
risie thatpredietedfirea weathertistead of .w. of.. ,. ..
S'KEPTICIS211; . " ..•,.,,,...-„,.. ,
basis • -•
It sitovr. stoim. .. • ' . ' , ' . .. . . ., epic, to do.bu.suniss on a, specee ..niasts.--eate- • .HURON. 1T-21VIS.
• ..,.... •• oak' (Quite correct,. from which we infer ,,, . . -
THE Ratteribury- Terrace (not `h• 'great'
shile Since without any houses bait). keeps that the people here were formerly able. to .4.;0-ties.EditorZtAhe Clinton km. 16ra. • • . Mr. Jahn Hairkshatv has taken. possession.
get' unlimited credit. known Sinr-•••.•While
- • •••• -
,...-• ..., ., ,
,There are • . reeding.' an American news.' of the. Commercial Rotel, Blyth .. . ....,...e.
illiagenp;•-•.The latest additionlheretais a•• er. eariorisrliowevere -why binsiness 'at:Gtecie; voet.f“div-aity.tigo I 'Oitnie across the;f012 '''. E ' • • ' • • • ; , 4: Z• , • ." . , ,..„:. •
,-.--,1....--•-,- •
seat, and. comfortable dwelling recently riohedrine '
. e was transioted On a' sliest° bags.' lowing paragraph, which I•thoueht of such mployineet es very scarce in &aortal Ja.st ' , . . • .
srected ley Ittr. Jai. Patterson, • e - - . - now for mechanics and laberina mete ' • •
.piasterer.. a serious. nature that a few cbmineets .,in ' • a • •• •„.. - • • ' •
. Sr.iiE,EF PE±M.a. Es.• -•-•:On Tuesday a, nolleit,wi- 'cOnnectiOn
Plenty of roem for More. : :. ,' , 2 _ therewith. Would - not he out nt, • •Stussela.towii clerk gets a80 a year; salary.; e e
• John" did a thriving trade for a short time, 'nerhans
place, and • , ..
be prodeictiva.of. gOod, tbe, celiac. tOr; tipa.., treesurier.e‘t_ 0, Assessor, $40. -• „ , . , .
STorrnro advertising in dull times is on the etreets here, in, dispoiing of the us-• and. le; •••--- ae-iita - .. . . , . , •
Pe You w .s.b.sist mein malcine• them The spring sittin,,,,, of t ie Court of .chancery lekEenlES' to intimate to- the peopie of Chilton .and:.ticinity; thnt•hatingpureliaried the
like pulhng down adorn when the ,water is ualetatipnereepackages, knives, note books,. public •:-• ' •• - • • • - '. ' •''' - will he held at Goderith, on the 25tlaof April; I/ 'Grocery and Provision Basiness ferreerly _carried on by Mr:A. p. ROSS; he ;has
low. When trade revives, it *III rush by ate., but he stopped when informed by.Oon- . "Judging from. what Is saki on the lee- .4 ' t • ' •
Mr Jas.: Lovelies leased lio ho el at Shop. added thereto a fresh and well-seloeted s.bock of ." ' • • ' ' ,
iirn who des not stay it with ready cus stable Paisley that he Would • he .arrested ture rostrum and papers edited bytheieWhe. '` .
one time coo tie e y i r.• . ' •
pardMn., fez' al - ' . d ,t ilh . M NIf ' ' ' • • • - • • - • - • • " • • • ' ' • • ' '
:omen'. 'The way to have such always On for &outline a crowd on the streets, ',We call themselves ' free thinkers,' one. " • '
aantiie g
,.. would J; Bennett.e - •••••• . - " ' . • • T' ''T- : .."Nr.' • Pr• i •IR.1 O. 0 HI P.11.311.8
throuh advertisiag.. . .' ', .• ' have fiequently expressed surprise that infer that the belief in God t '•'•
.. .. . , . • and he Chrls-; ' ...
. ..
To CORRESPONDENT. -The cemmunica. people win buy fromtheseindividuals _in tiall. religion is seen to be numb-ereci among.
' ' ' . • h thine f ." • • " . •
Ion over the signature of "AnObserver," preferencetoestablished and rehabledealets t .e es o the past. . , .
In the United •States, at • _east it is quite
n reference. to a recent •supper, is .of aucti" --iip'parently supposing that they .can ,iiily .' .
poss.. e 'a _ p nanther o . iose who hold.
i character . that 'We cannot • publiali • it 'cheaper.' - We' believe that nine . tithes* out bl th t th • ' flt1 ' '' •
. . - • skeptical, views le on the increase but I
monynouslyebiit if the author will attach Of ten O street pedlar gets a better pricti •
As Immo to it'we.will inteit it., '• .• for his ivarea than do regular •dealers, be- . hope that. it is not the case 10 •Oan'tida; to
any 0: • t• 'tent Th ' • • •
' .d
ahe friaries of.•RM. Mr. Be, h,
. alermiter at Walton, recentlylresented him, '' • • '• • ' * Sudi li.s . •• •,
.with 40 bueliele of oats • - ,. ' e ••
- • '
Wingham.tOwn• treasurer gets $80 a year as - TEAS., SUGARS,: RAISINS- SPICES - ETC: .
I - ' Th 1 k '.." 1 assessor and .. . l• . . . • •., 1 ...
.a sa aZY, ,e -c er. ,. who is a so
ALSO A. SELECT ttseoitTagpNv OF . . •
II. • • • . • .. . . . , . .
co ector , gets , . . . $300 a year • • - t .. .
' ' ' ' ' ' ' •I• ' .4a..r
b' bt
id in cash -and until -tie le „Jett ex .. eie ean e no 911
: LATE•Eortfts,-*-Sonie councils think they Side"' getting:Pa .i.. • P• P . ,whatever, but that.churchea themselves are
re keeping late hours if their..businese is refuse to petrenize them, 'street. pedlar to .
to blame too. very "great extent, for what
iot transacted by about 10 ni riti. but ohmwill flourish and make_ .m. eney mai' of • the might be termed ' a periodical -revival of
on ebuncilltirs • amp till after ;12, and :gullible'. • . . .. ', ., ., , ; . , skep,ticiam."•* Instead of 4 church being ." a
hink nothing of' it; At .10ast Ibis is What -.THE. DOteeraMats,:Sevaral....Yeara •ago eivine institution! some Of thelo areturnetl .
... into " a nista-awn a the- devil " an th
hey. d,id eiretwa occasions last, week; . when the Donnellee -. rad, a stage .lino • in • ta , , . . . , cl. e
• . • • . consequence is that where individuals
• SuDD'EA' DEATHS -The infant of yir,„.J., to Lenden a.couple of pertzes (now ,resid- .Under. other circumstances, have.had left.'
Lodersonv died Suddenly oh.,SuodaY night ing in.cilinton). intended going to London
irevionsly =Wresting ne signs of illness by the rival stage, but were deterred:. fioni ences throvvn around. tberkthat vaeuld have
Produced lasting benefits, a colitrarY result
that -ever, Mt:F. Rumball also- lost An' . so doieg by , threate of being stmt.:: Mr.. Is .produced. by ineonsieteet influence and
eeven -months old :clad,. an • MOOday, .. ..
Geo. S.warte, Of the of Wales, hotel,' ax:omple: • .. : . • • . ' •-., .
f the t .'
. Ori fehectecasiou o • e camp linen aiy supper C 410.40/...krawy.... Alz
.given him last Xt.,
week, Mr. Thos.: Simpson, .Of • '• • ' . ; • .. ••,..• ... '" ' • a • -. • • ' • - ' '• ' '• • • . • • .
Stauley,•was presented with an easy °heir. • . IIII 'S*11, ALSO REM' ON 2/AND A GOOD thaperat Oa ,
, .. .
• William Wilson thargediiith eteali•ng a coat - '
from john • 'Gardner of . Goderieh • Township_ . „ HAMS, SPIOEICU. ROLLS,. ErteAKF4Sir. ' BACO.Ni
hail:been sentemood to two moinths.in'gaol., .- 1 ' i b b II. lb ' t 't • b ' ' All M• • 1 . d
-e, . •
.. ..e , FIRST-CLASS. LARD•in pai s or ti seer y . e . ., e inn pure asers, ea s• an .
mi'the eve of his' departure to Missouri; Lard warranted •first-class. . All of the above he is prepared to sell at bottom, prices for cash':
' •
ler. T. Armstrong, of Varna, was ;the- redipi- He will - still continue . as manager of thaTurniture Store o oad oot da RoX, whiye he is
ent of a purse of M011eY from his Moods in,(49! Prepared M sell as elieap:as•aziy lionse west of Torooto. • . - - •
:tomPeran•oO lodge, • ' ' ' • • •• • :., • • . , . . • ' A CALL RESPECTIMMY SOLIOn'Elv.. ' •
• • alesare: Hagiert . . , • . . . • ' •
01won,Veh.il, issi. . •
, ;Bros., of Si•amptoe, 'state • . • ,
that thc.agricu tilial boiler whickrecently ex- • -
vhich was ine„good health of, Saturday ' .. 'kept t4°4,1•in the .vtrt.
.icinity Of London a , In hY-gone clays thafact of anindividual,...ploded
SENTENCED AND Aocztairan.. eei.week ;number of years, one day Taorima.Domiel. 'beag an acknowledged menthes* Of some re-,
.. • - 1 • sat in the bar ,som what under the in- li"lous denomination _wae eonsidered a, tes-
fas. Matthews, of this pliiee, Was tried bee Y • - , •• ; ' • • •
bre judge Scrr; chartgedf with etealing 27:411ritir,.,thi.en_ _, ,pleolsly'kulde_ tirmi•tc;yire,_liailf 'itn.liUildi
W,Mar this lue.-a--"- eravl iliTrtas . o(?.-attairlitielli.
in •Stenley„ Was :not ''eaaniifactupee by . . .
. them,..either at 56. Thomas or .13rampton. .
• • •
• at2is' said *that the Wife Of ii, gintleman re-• •
CoOotlf stpils9InnxtLcluoglitaoploalnntearaanniel . • - REAT cLEARING.sAL• .
e :ii.2:.. .. -
.. •
roods-fipm.11 ene-of place. - - -- --, --:-. -41, .P",_...i • . States,•so many who have heen'tonsidepd
Ele was Sentenced to.one ainith in jail: muzzle over his .shoffider, and fired, re-
Kr. and left!): D. Stephenville gerdless. of: consequences. The bullet pea- " memb.ers le good standine" have brouaht
that Zia may 'onae hear.herhus .and pray. - • .. (V ..:
..... ,
charged. With' dishonor upon . the . church. to which they
• acid - encOinfortably close to Mr Swarte •
mr, Geo, Maehepn Of the 3r4 concession of •
receivingthe above goods, were acquitted. • • , . • ,. .. • - belonged, that now,•adays People look with
bead, burying Aged
Stanley his a o loll gaveleirth. to a. lam. b. • •
. . .
.13 0 C:•.)
S 4,,,Sly S La)
in the wall ; • Donnel- d
a egree of saspicion Mien sach.. Very fre-
Var.,AneneaS.•--/kext.Saturday is St..Val. 'Iy then fired another shot,' ivrth '.as' m doh-
aitioe's day, and a glance at. 'a Atationer's non-chalancee whiCh lodged in the veifin ' quently • the guilty, ' nartles' are_ among. the
- fi g• inoneyed•or aetive men'of tlie church, ana
rriedow reVeals %Valentines o varou
the' - a A' . . ' .
gentleman here, who lived in the neighsealer thee twee theirgood-will and -cash
linds--cornio as Well as sentimental -and
cill the .27th elf. January. A ewe ,belongiug . • - • .
to•Mie Adana Scottejr,, let 11, cote 5, Morris .
, . •
d air et latnbiion the evening of Feb'. a . . •• '
aroppe 4 p
3rd TWITCH ELL'S ' VICTORIA- .1311.0. Ck.
' ' ' ' 040
. • borhood of the family for many years, said. -pastor'd 111 • 1 " k tff ' '
. an o em s win a the o ences,
be Most fastidious Can be Suited whether that they were very welling and obliging sci and the Coneequenee is thet the "unthinking •
regeirieg -skewered bleedingleatts or here long iiis 'people kept On, good terms with multitude:begin•to think there is More Pre-.
idcariciantesrepresenting different 'phases them. but fif their ill Will was inclined," fesslon than practice With. church members;
. • . /
A uglinesa.. : . • , •• , - • ,. , .., they would suffer for it We underatind and blame. the.. primeiples iestead Of the
•P ' 1 ' ' • - ' • • :. •
IIOnSni..:'t IliquirieP• . wants ' to knew" 'that Mr. -atm.& Donnelly was at 0110 time' principal: • ' • • . e. •• .. . .
When such thing' as these' are•Of everYI•
whodrieee the best teatia in Clinton, :Well, employed As biaoksinith,' with Messrs. w... be- • • .
that's a hard •qtleation to answer.. 'Messrs.. T...PLeitnew & Son, when that firm carried dayeoceitrrente, it Is not to be WOndered.at
Ferran, McTaggart, and Irwin ' .all &rive. en business here. ' • • • that there are so -many:who beconie, ad it•is
ane teams, that of the first named- beiug,. • • ..... conienonlyeexprehse.d,. eauseaustee with. re-
• • . .
M CharlesMason. has •soid his impoi•tecl . • ••• • ' •
. . • r.,. . , • . A • ‘"' ' . • - ' . . Li
heavy draught stallion,. "Donald Dinme,' to I and Winter Stock as folloWs, comprising i. . • li • :- -, . • , . • ' . ., . •... .
NIL E. B. Ilairfs; of Pine Grove., tewnshin of
MEN'1•1: LopTek n. nnrg, . r $175 " 'WOMEN'S L ' n BOOTS • . $115 up.
Vaughan.. This is. the mine township -f-re* , -- e- ' • hore . .. up. • - a , . • mania • . . .
whence Mr.adason brought:14'11.We yeatriag . MEN'S LONG FELT BOOTS " •. $3.75 1f e WOMEN'S:. Goam, I3,00., TS., • .: ••$1.75 , e •
ale Ifascheintende 'purchasing. another !ionic •BOY'S LONG. SOOTS, • ''' $1.75 • • " WOMEN'S. FELT '..BP9T, 8, . ' 11.25
. .. . . , . . . ,7
to take the place of 'Donald Dunne. .. . , - ...a . -
. . ••' • • . YOUTHS LONG BOOTS, '" $145 ea" • • • • . -
• The Bityliel&fishermaia ere .working hard at. ,:. . .
1.10 ' YOu Vietale! aiiROAINS, 3UST ).001i." AT THESE PHICES, . mu!, Vann trill and'
'theieherring nets, and are doing a geed bum. ercuMbite My goodgi and, this will entitity aite.eloseet
eonaidering the stormy stateeof the wee.' '
.. . - ligion." • Literally, they 'ate not disgusted
noes . . . .
ice fishing
perhans.,.. the' liveliest in their movements.. ' . - . • • . . f - • with religion, beeaUse true religiondisgusts
U Iriquirier Means heaVy draught. teams, 'A. • PEW WORD14 TO 'Obit PAT.R010. no .,.) tie, but they ,are. disgusted' with. the
Jas. 'Fair ' • * '
ther; TI•eY do net.expect any this
waiter which is a great dieappeittinent and'
• 1 hi, i ' d v'll 0 a th • fi h'
loss bot • • omen an I Line, a e ice a ing
' II .'ng a vete, large stock of First,CIass SINOLE MARNESS ori hand,, the subseriber would
why Mr.' owns it. • : • . . • ---' - • • Practices of those who, .professing to be re-
• 'Thg publishers of OW eArElir ERA are tl ' •
-. lantice:-A.a. °denied 'llady. who' a short ' • • , . . ligioue, (and froni wheel. le results Of te-
time ago moved to this, place,.. stated the. • • . mailing .a number of - accounts to ligton are reasonably expected) produced
other daythat.' elm had Seen more ,pork .• parties indebted to'. the q$ce. ...rit reseitsedireatly contrary to time 'teachings,
• • - • . a theteof, . . • - - • .
come into Clinton • tithe wintet di/m.81m many ease* the amownts are so seta
• , . . . 1 vetture the aSsOrtion thsit nearly one
ever saw in her life before,' awl said she as to cause some,surprise that. the?' half the recoenzed • member e' will - upon
did not know what the. people did' with it '. have not bee la d i. - • • y ' 1" b. • • ,
It se. e ong ago. et, careful examination, e fopnd to.be more or
ell," apparently . under the .Supposition '
thatitas contemned here, "A great deal- feh,. tie ay' .g.reggte these small aceownts less skeptical in reference to their ov,en. be
°/ ' 'd ' ' lief, and am deubtful If nlorathan this ratio
brought a good deal of money in &ciliation. •
Airfi JAIL Ching, ruothee of Mt: "
and Mrs.' j. Sweet, • of the Lake Road near
. Exeter and resides with the latter, is in .her
. ,
Mb. year and is in possession of the same Net
of teeth wh'eh did.her service iri her younger
- - - 1 . - - d - - • knew
.days -and they 'are full. sets, an never •
. the touch of 4 dettita's finger. She' has. 88
anted fma 35 ireatgland children. •
e - ' ' -e ' •
direet especial attention -thereto. ..Mao DOUBLE HAANESS„ both heavY sad light.' :Being
' ftom ocie stock eand •by experienced workineti, he can guarantee the• same... My
S i d t '. 've entire satisfaction. • . •
TCH. COLLAR .warran
' . . - .. • :SCO '
• TifellIMUS anal "i/AUSES. -A tory large astortmentsnd vary sizear. , .TRUNES from 75. zipnto z.11), ,
. • ' ' to let 1
1st and 2ncl Claes SIII.VGLES, from 40' Centsper bunch, up.. . ' A room civoi the:shop : .
• ' • ....e. • JAM E.S TWITCH ELL.
•• .
. '
, a d ,fl
a .potk has certainley• been brought into • • '6°' UP 10 Ina, 1'1'1/ 1811 ''e 4° ° 4:42'8' • cOuld .t lye "on intelligent reason for the
town, but we believe there is stale °timid- anct they are scattered. over sualt au.
. . liOpe, t at is within the' ni.'' .
orable.atiloutit iii the country. , • ''•
." ' ,., • „ . -extent of country as 0 ,renele9.4 a per, ' In Cailaila the sable state Of Affairs exist
' gond dal altogether too. costly - - as in the neighboring Republic though to
.1:1eare MA.NY ARE yEALIFTED, i --Eight' al-. -- • .7. • •
'" 4 Much lees extent,. rend if christiants.lah
dermenein Ottawit, according. to the Pres iVe have to thank litany of our subscribers
• . ---
A. few dive ago a farnier or. usborne, and
his hiesd man tracked sonle animal from the
'bail to the woods, end atter. digging kir 4
. , - t of eke k ',III' 'tli.
thort tune upon a „nes . _
standing the unpleasant perfume' they sue-
.. . • • .
. .. , . .. . . .
urnitu'iej litniture .- --urni.t.,ure *
Preis, ate to be unseated at oricaOs they • • -for matting •their I•eneuicas before -the to " etein the torrent," they.batte go to ay
itra withoat the proper quelificatioes; -The • ' ' ' ' • • ' • aside eerthin .practices and -views, and ear-
. - • oxpiration of 'Me term There is ti • . d li it dl • - ' el
• • lies y an n e y work. towat s the ac-
Act reads that the property on which the , 0972.6. pleaingl'e 24 ' catering ' to the complishment of that objeCt. It Is lisdieSS
Councillor or Alderman qualifies, "shall, V4&12 oi nigh people ; indeed' with- to say that !skepticism and 'it8 attendant
at the tifild of big °leaden, he of the value ' 4 4. ' ' • evile clO not exist et all, and therefore the
of . QO in terms or $1600 -in cities, over Otte that tat czfe qf a countr,y neics-
and above rilkhargets, liens and incumber• ' Palm' illEtt0T IS not 'worth considering,. .. rt does
fneb/ie/teratthu/d be intoterabk. exist, a Very ManY honest and Iritelligent
MIMI deeding the same." ACcording to .The outlays 'n a n,eteeliaper are*uch mirdsters .wiIl tustahl-but the focce of it
this; it inay belhat some . of our Clinton /cower g . 22. iS generally' supposed
and theee c not be borne unless its , has not hardly been. felt. thilebs checked,
Councillors illegally hold their !seats, If iio • ° -110WeVer 'it will be felt,and thatbefore late%
I halie'Act desire to alarm - eo Ie or lead
any a4s of theire in their official capacities. , pearena deadteraa theio pew of the
1 P P ' i
'Will be ntill ..and void, ana any ratepayer • . . ,. .. . , them to suppOse,that the bulwarks of soe c•
. . • ;. COngegteg tOill6 oeconung prompt2zess. tY are giving way, but it is useless shutting.
may proceed against them. The matter 10
Them cons- icterations are So ayious
a most serious one ' and. should be loOked the eyes to a feature otthe present day, al.
„it A is liaba /lei, 4,„,, 744., thi, ready too aPparent. I am as. earnest for
into at mice, As, duet rectified, both the . .: ''' tti--h- -,7- -.at -4-- .1.- `,..-- ',7' ..i.:"*7 7: .,...'7; the present ated future well-being of my fel-
MeMbers grid and *the orPoration may .4c8acco eucci 0./ 3.'edecowei roPmmenang low•bcings as any one, and direct Attention
get into seribma trouble., •• • . the deplited tredsury. • to.this subject at the .present time, in order
eeeded in killing eight full grown skunks
a day or two afterwa;rds skinned the whole 8
. , . • , . b h ' li ' ' th
1 iu tne carcasses e ma. ilr oever e
g th Must ha been fond f.
Persons were . . e9 vo: .. o
scent. .
, _ ., , _ .
Mr. Geo. Sproat, of Tnekersuuthl has per -
chased free -Olt.' Riehard Gibson, of Leaden
townehip,s, year and 4 half old. Durham. bulk
for the sum of $140, Re it rea and phito,
fr • 11
awns a very fine appearing itninial.., N . .
Govenlock, of lateltillop, pnrchasediat theBow
Park sale, ait Brantford, al bull calf It menthe
Old. Re alto petchasednOottevold rain and
s to. pig. r. ameS• ic eon, 11
a .13erk li* • - - '' at J D'' k " - f
Thekersinith, has iiold ohe of his best bull
oaly.4 s to Mr. Thomas Mc_Lituohlin, of G_rey,
lor',1180.; and Mr. Janus ,Forguson' : ot Grey,
aleetpurehasee froth 'partite. emit Brantford a
young thoreughbred btalL . ...•
, . .. __-....... . , . .
.... . el , •
. . de •
B-. la' oti cifoot
• . ..
, , ... .
1116 lamest mulles', soloolod Stock of FURNITURE ,over. on exhibitio iii. this log;
, .
. ' ' ' " to sui the times The !dock contiste Of
Which they ,are prepared to sell at prices t . . .
' . . .
• ' . -' . -, . - • ' - . •
. ., „ . •
-N ' ' . '-' ." . II' P. -- ' '' h' t f 'eh tl et hOUSOS 'WM
Ann everythin,g reptisite in the furnishing me. Attics wzs mg .3. unix i i ,e
wive mouey by grvitz ne a, call. We• hevii also on• hand a largo supply of °Orlin/ ,,,,..
demi • tion. ' Alio a FIRST.OLA 9 •
oeleiegTe, 11913tS AND TRIMMINGS, of every . . e . . ,. ,
' HEAftse all of Whieb %Ve are prepared, to furnish at very low rata,. '
' t
Vir ' ON
lianItiBetateilt . TIM .1•1,ACE-ionicti. Ithacu, Atniarvr stiturr. , riNT 4
. •
,1,•••,.. •