HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-11-03, Page 8NJERSQNAh. TRE WINGIIAM TIMES NOVEMBER 3, 1904 Mr. S I , Gidley, of Blytb was in town of Tuesday. Miss Hill, of London was visiting for a few days. with Wingbaui friends. Mr. W. G. Nicholson, of Morris left this week for a two weeks' deer bunt in Muskoka. Miss Alta Clark of Whitechuroh visited her friend, Miss Jennie Murray, over Sunday. Mre. Thos. Todd, of St. Helena was visiting with her daughter, Mrs. D. E McDonald, last week. Mr. and Mrs. 0, 14, Laing, of Berlin were visiting over Sunday with Mfrs. Laing's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Macdon- ald. Mrs. Prine of Paris, who has been visiting her cousin,Miss Lizzie O Elliott, for a month, returned home ou Thurs. day. Mrs. John MoWhinnie, and two children, of Sault Ste Mario, Ont. were visiting at Mr. D. E. McDonald's last week. Mr. John Vasbinder, a former Wing- hamite, was in town on Wednesday in the interests of the Geo. White & Sons Co., of London. Mr. Arthur J. Cook, who is now fore- man blacksmith in the Wm. Gray & Sons carriage factory at Chatham spent a few days visiting with 'lis family in town last weak. Mr. Alfred Elliott of Wingham was in town the other day on bis way to Trent- on where he has bought a brickyard and on his return visited Mr. Robert.Stevens whose daughter accompanied him home on a visit —Clinton News -Record. Mr. Jas. McKelvie was in town 'for a few days this week, looking to the repairing to his restaurant building recently damaged • by fire. Mr. Mo. Kelvie's Wiugham friends were pleased to again meet him and see him looking so well after his recent serious illness. J. J. Elliott, V. S. and Mrs. Elliott will leave next week for Colorado, where they will spend the winter for the bene. fit of Mr. Elliott's health. Mr. Elliott has a host of friends who will wish them a pleasant sojourn in the south and hope the stay may be very beneficial to Mr. Elliott's health. 1 1 41 d -„ Buffalo on Friday last. `—Mr. D. E. McDonald shipped a car '` load of cattle to Toronto on Monday. if —Regular meeting of the Town Coun- cil will be held next Monday evening. • —The next regular meeting of Camp Ut Caledonia, Sone of Scotland will be held next'Monday evening. —The regular monthly meeting of the Wingham School Board will be held at.next Tuesday evening. —A number of Winghamites drove to of • Elythlast Thursday evening, where they B* spent a pleasant time at Mr. J. Mc- Murchie's. —Teeswater ratepayers by a vote of 1$1 to 5 have,carried a by-law to assist s" .Arscott Bros. in enlarging the Tees - +water tannery. —654 people from Walkerton, Chesley • and other stations on that line visited the sugar beet factory at Berlin on Fri- day of last week. —Mr. Herman Jerome, of Hamilton has been appointed agent for the liidassey-Harris Co. in Wingham, as successor to Mr. Alf Glover. Al. Proctor, well-known to many of our readers, is moving his fam- ily from Gorrie to Newmarket, where he has rented the Jackson hotel. For twenty-four years Vapo-Cresolene has been extensively used for all forms of throat and bronchial troubles. All Druggists. —Mr. Michael Delaney has moved his household effects to Stratford, where the family will reside in future, Mr. De- laney having•secnred a situation in that city. —Work on Wingham's new post office building hes been moving along tepidly during the past week. The atone work up to where the cut atone starts has been completed -Get ylonr, sale bills printed at the TIRES office. We can make all necessary arrangements with any of the auc- tioneers. A free notice given in Timms when bills are printed at this office. --The Bell Telephone Co's local office trill be moved this week to the new grunters in the Vanstone block, next to the Hotel Brunswick. The new fittings are now about all placed in position. I1iIi Qualities ARE ASSURED IN Ritchie's Furs Probably no garment for women's wear offers greater scope for deception and substitution to unscrupulous man- ufacturers than Furs. The reputation of Ritchie's Furriers for integrity and reliability is unquestioned. Novices in Furs can make their choice here with an equal assurance of safety as the most expert furrier. For Ritchie's Furs are dependable. Every fur gar- ment we handle represents the highest quality in Furs, the latest style, the finest workmanship—and they're finished with a luxuriousness that makes thein royal garments. fit for royal wear, and withal they are most moderately priced. Woman's Natural Dark Alaska Scarfs and Stoles, made from heavy full -furred skins, fur- nished with 6, 8 and 10 tails, chain and silk cord fasteners, at $5, 6.50, 7.50, 10 00, to 25.00 Woman's Natural Dark Mink Scarfs and Stoles, made from finest selected skins, finished 'with 8 and 10 natural mink tails, at $25, $30, $40 and 50.00 Woman's Persian Lamb Jackets 24, 26, 28 and 30 in. long,made from solid whole skins,bright glossy curl,satin lining of fin- est quality. $130 00 to 150.00 Woman's Electric Seal.and Veer Seal Jackets, 22, 24 and 26 in. long,liued with finest quality fancy silk or satin, heavy full furred skins, at $25.00, $30 00 $35.00, and up to - 50.00 Woman's B 1 a o k Astrachan Jackets. 24, 26, 30, 34, 36 in. long ; fiuest quality liniugs; solid whole skins only used. $25:00, $30.00 and up to 50.00 Woman's Natural Dark Alaska Sable Ruffs ; large barrel shape and Empire style, down bed satin lining. From $8 50 and $10.00 up to 15.00 Our Dressmaking Department is giving perfect satisfaction. We invite the ladies to call and leave their order for a new Fall Suit. Alex. Ritchie BEAVER BLOCK. WINGHAM. MINOR LOCALS. Back in time to vote. A. R. Smith w as in Toronto this week attending Big Sales of the newest clothing for his num- -Mr. D. Stewart shipped lambs to ero us customers. — Read the TRIES clubbingrates on, page seven of this issue. —Two weeks from to -day will be Thanksgiving Day—a public holiday. — The latest in invitation cards and visiting cards can be secured at the TIMES office. — Voting to -day. Liberals•should see th at every vote favorable to the Laurier Government is polled. — Miss Edith Walker entertnined a number of her young friends on Monday evening, in honor of Mise Hill, of Lon- don, who has been her guest for some days. —Auction sale of dairy cows, heifers and steers at J. J. Denman's farm, jfi mile east of Bluevale, on Saturday, Nov. 12th at 1 o'clock. J. Purvis, auction- eer; T. E. Walker, prop. —Mr. J. M. Thompson, who has been connected with the Fergus News -Record for the past two years, is leaving ffr Kemptville, where he has secured con- trol of one of the newspapers. Mr. Thompson is a brother of Mr. Wm. 0. Thompson of this town. —On Wednesday evening,Oct. 19,1904, at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. J. H. Osterhurst, .B.A., B.D., Mr. 3'. E. Ams - bury of Toronto was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Clara Eliott of Wingham. The happy young couple will take up their residence in Toronto.— Wroxeter Star. —The Young Ladies Fortnightly Club will meet on Monday evening next at eight o'clock sharp, at the home of Miss Bernice Reynolds. It is regttested that all the members of the Club who can possibly do so will attend this 'meeting, as important matters relating to next season's work will be discussed. —About 6 o'clock Friday morning at Atwood fire destroyed the Foresters' hall, Fullerton & Roe's offices, A Mor• rian's implement store, and R. M. Bal- lantyne's house was damaged. Most of .the plateglass windows broken in the stores were covered by insurance in the Perth, Economical and Waterloo Com. panes. •:-•Hallowe'en, last Monday evening, passed off very quietly in Wingham as far as we have been able to learn. A few gates were removed and other in- nocent amusement indulged in by the younger people.. .—The jury sittings of the High Court opened at Goderich on Monday, before Jostled Idington. Barristers R. Van• aOOne and Dudley Holmes were in flubtendance from Wingham. Mr. F. G. Spading was serving on the jury. Sore Throat tend Coughs A aimpie, effective and safe remedy for all throat i.aitations is found in Crosolene•Arctiseptic Tu.bleis idatvalue of Cresoleaewith �nethacrmk' properties of slippery elm and licorice. IOo., All Drug/Lots 401 —fibs Wroxeter Star says that within. "VOW IGO acre farm's have increased tbonsand dollars in value in Bowick. 17, con. 10, which Was gold a few ago for $0,000, wM disposed of for the other t1ay. Bubbles. A footman— the chiropodist. The biggest forks are tiney. The fruit seller bas many open dates. The newsiest letter is not well posted without a stamp. The baloonist expects his manager to show him up. It is really a serious thing never to be. serious. The surgeon seems to be after inside information. There's such a thing as hume rule, but as a rule some men don't stay home much. An actress wants a nice part, even if it is in the divorce court. After the first attempt the raw recruit feels like saying "I'm done." To steal a march isn't so dishonest, unless you are a musical composer. When he becomes a father the cham- pion pugulist may not find it so easy to hold his own. Picture the discouragement of the photographer who doesn't take. Even left-handed people stand up for their rights. No doubt it was a minor poet who wrote "Down in a Coal Mine." The physician may not understand the tongue of a wagon or the dentist the mouth of a river. Some people lose their heads in spite of their locks. Money raised with the aid of chickens is both fair means and fowl. Rival cornetists naturally enongh come to blows. ,u X5,00 Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen Preece, To the person who writes the words " Waterman's Ideal Foun- tain Pen " ou the bank of a Cana- dian post card, the greatest number of, times, we will give a handsome Waterman's Pen, which sells all over the world at $5.00, The writing mast be in ink, but any kind of a pen may be used. The card may be mailed to us or enclosed in au addressed envelope and yon are requested to put your name across the one end of the front of the post pard, so that wo will know where it came from. Put nothing on the bank of the card except the words " Water - man's Ideal Fountain Pen," and the oftener you can write these words the better ohance you will have of securing the prize. Contest closes Dec. 1, 1904 ntommasstollommmomorstupoom COOPER & CO., (Successors to Alex. Ross.) We have a Proposition which is interesting to every young man and woman who wishes to enjoy the best success in life. EDUCATION is the key to our proposal and to your success. Let us give you our explanation. Write, and write now,for our plans. You may study at home or at the col,ege. Only a postal for all particulars. Address NOVEMBER SALE f " Yonge & Gerrard Sts, Toronto. W. H. SHAW, Principal. The Ontario elevator, Buffalo, col- lapsed, causing $350,000 loss. Toronto customs receipts for October totalled $806,012, an increase of $219,588 over October, 1903. Norman Taylor, aged thirteen, Was accidentally shot and killed at Sutton by a companion, The pay of the permanent corps of the Canadian militia has been increased from 25 to 00 per Cent. all round. Antonio Sarver shot George Morris in a quarrel at Sault Ste. Marie. Morris' life was saved by a steel comb in bid pocket. Over three hundred deer hunting li• ceases have been issued to Canadians, and one hundred and sixty to Americans both slightly below last year. The Government of Nova Sootia ha* made an offer of the principalship of their new Agricultural College at Truro to one of the stair at the Ontario Agri- cultural. QOltege at Guelph. In seventeen seats it is now deoided that the Bond Government ofNewfound- land carries fifteen. Of the rmaining nineteen it is expected to secure twelve. The Opposition failed completely in its attempt to overthrow the Government. .8 THERE'S A SHARP, QUICK, BIG, ELEVEN DAYS' SALE NOW GO- ING OlsT AT THE BEE HIV . WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS. WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or resi- dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St: or third house west of school on John street. Shop opposite Macdonald block. FARM FOR SALE. Ladies' and Girls' Jackets,. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, SHOES, UMW It. will pay you to take advantage of it. The Bee Hive --- The Keeler Go.. WINGHAM, ONTARIO. a. GRAND TRUNKVYs EM HUNTERS' EXCURSION. SINGLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP. From Wingham to the Highlands of Ontario including points Mattawa to Nipigon and Garden River, inclusive • also Kipawa and Teni- iskaming. Good going daily until November 3rd. All tickets valid returning on or before De- cember 10th, 1004. DOMINION ELECTION. :THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3Rn. Single fare for round trip bewteen all sta- tions in Canada, good going Nov. 2nd and 3rd, valid returning until Nov. 4th, Great World's Fair, S,t. Louis. 518.30 round trip, with stop -over privileges at Chicago. Detroit and intermediate Canadian stations. Through Pullman Sleepers twice daily. For tickets, illustrated literature and full information call on L. HAROLD, Agent,Wingham. 103 acres, adjoining Wingham; seventy-five acres under cultivation. Good house ; new barn. Splendid opportunity. Exceptional bargain. Address ALFRED E. ELLIOTT, Wingham. TEACHER WANTED. Applications for the position of teacher in - S. S. No. 11, East Wawanosh, for the year 190.5, will be received by the undersigned up to No- vember 1st. Applicants to state salary. J. T. CURRIE, Secretary. Box 184. Wingham P.O. HORN. ELLICOTT—In Wingham, on October 27th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Ellicott; a son. WALKEn—In Turnberry, on October 29th, the wife of Mr. Geo. Walker; a son. , Cvn1lh—In East Wawanosh, on Oct. 20th, the wife of Mr. W. J. Currie; a daughter. THOMPSON—In Culross, on October 20th, the wife of Mr. Henry Thompson ; a son. MARRIED. Kansa—SoLATER—At the residence of the bride's parents, on October 20th, by Rev. H. Larkin, Mr. L. G. Kruse, of 'gingham, toEliza- beth Margaret, second daughter of Mr. Willtani Bolster, of Seaforth. ?rtllroun--Ronsn'rsON--At the residence of the bride's parents, Hulled,on October 20th h Rev. Dr; McLean, Mr.. erbert Pringle, of Wingham to Mary Jane, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Robertboii. ArrcnrsoN—AtvnaUbbly.-••At the rebidence Of the bride's parents Blyth, on Oetelier 25th, by Bed. Dr. McLean, Rev. W. Wilson Aiteheson, of Dornoeh, to Janet, eeeond 'daughter of Mr, and Mrs, J. A. Anderson. ST ACnAx—MACDoNALD—In Grey, on 'Oct. 20th, b Rev. John Reath R. A., of Brussels, Mr. Joohh Ef Circ 7 n, jr„ to MISS Isabel MacDonald,. WED I1ArrntAt�lr—In Cranbreok, en Oct. 22nd, Mrs. A. Reymann, In her 50th year, MCDoteAtv--In.16e8t Wawanosh, on October 28rd, .Malcolm McDonald, aged 75 years end 7 nionfl ts. .....asaseseisaaollilladiftio** es y... TEACHER WANTED. Applications will be received by the under- signed up to Tuesday, November 15th, 11104 for the position of teacher for B. S. No. 9, East'Wa- wanosh, Applicants will state qualifications and salary. Duties to commence Jan. 8rd, 1905. JOHN ELLIOTT, Jr. Box 182, Wingham, P. 0.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IAOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O. 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 88, that ell persons having claims against the estate of William T. A. Ffsiileigh, 4ate of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, hardware merchant deceased, who died cn or about the 18th day of September, A.D 1904, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, So- licitor for the Administratrix, on or before the 25th day of November A.D. 1904, their names, addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of tier claims and the nature of the security (if anal held by them duly cer- tified and that after the said day the Adminis- tratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice. Dated this 24th day of October, A.D. 1904. R. VANSTONE Wingham P. 0., Solicitor for the Administratrix. The Canada Business College, CHATHAM, ON'I. is unquestionably Canada's greatest business School. No other school gots such RESULTS. It is now current talk throughout the corn• try that the student who wants the best train- ing and a good position when graduated must attend this school. 2.04 students placed in year 1. 19900 860 ., ,I „ 375 " /, u u 1900. If these were placed in piesynne positions Worth $8 or $4 per week the showing would not lit Werth the apace in this paper that it takes to tell it. But when the salaries averaged over $000 per annum, a few of them weer $1000, h public should kn that no other business the oW t school in Canada publishes such lists and gets 1012811 L T 5 .'Many of cur farmer gradgaten are now eom- mandingg salariP,i from $2500 to $4000 annuall7. WHY SHOULD IT NOT BE YOU? We pay railway fare to Chatham up to 38 and can secure you good board at $2.60 to $2.75 per week, sgholIn� published by my buinesoon Cadwrit ff, ilseLACfli.I►N as Vtl:,' eitatbaaa Oat. CANADIAN PACIFIC. WILL ISSUE FOR GENERAL ELECTIONS RETURN TICKETS AT SINGLE FARE Good going on November 2nd and 3rd; re- turning until November 4th. Between all stations in Canada, Port Arthur, Ont., and East. Tickets and full particulars from your near- est Canadian Pacific Agent. • A. H. NOTMAN, Asst. Genf. Passr. Agent, Toronto. Positively Free Do you want a New Suit? If so buy it here and we will keep it pressed for six months free of charge. OUR SUITINGS FOR FALL. .AND WINTER are matchless in design and fabric, and we have a large stook to select from. ALSO A LARGE RANGE OF • :a , •,•r , ,,,.r.•n• QVE RG OATI N GS in all the newest and best mater ials at right prioea. Patitings to suit anybody And say if you are going to get A RAIN -PROOF COAT do not buy a ready-made until yon pee What we oan make you one to order for. We give you all a pressing in. °vitation to call. • MAXWELL Mon :Aar Tamen. Penn Esther Range ®I® As shown, with high closet and copper -lined reservoir, with corners richly carved; has met with every'success. The reservoir insures plenty of hot water for the kitchen, while ,the high shelf or high closet provides extra room while cooking and adds largely to the appearance of the Range. This is one of the best Farmer's Ranges we have seen ; has large fire -box ; burns both coal and wood ; has a good sized oven ; has six 9.inch cooking holes—in fact a first- class range in every particular. Price, complete with high shelf, only $37.0.0 WE INVITE COMPARISON, Ashleigh's Hardware Store open 7 a:m. every day. Closes 7 p.m., except Saturday. AAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA With this season of the year there invariably comes the need of something new in the Furniture line. Per- ' e n Ihaps it's a Parlor Suite, a Bedroom Suite, Diningroom . Suite, Sideboard, or some odd piece. Whatever your i^ / need in IFU. N ITURE. : * may be, we are prepared to supply you, at most moderate .. i c iprices, in keeping with the high quality of the goods. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON Futniture Dealers and Undertakers WINGHAM. I AAAMMIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VVVYVW/VVVWVWWWWWW4 WA. CURRIE, s WINGHAM'S AUCTIONEER Is now prepared to attend the wants of those requiring his services. at a reasonable price. No necessity of going out of town for an auc- tioneer. All orders left at the nuns office will receive prompt attention. u SOWS FOR SALE.. The undersi'hried has'`for sale a litfifiber of thoroughbred Large English Berkshire Sews, from three to six months old, some of which have been already bred. Also a pair of young boars for sale. I alsohave for sertliee, a young boar, Which was *prize winner t Tronto. -P.-Gill-SO NS Marnoch 1'. 0. FARM FOR SALE. i farm, Pd offers for salt his f m Tieast hail undersigned: . 1 half of Lots 7 and 8, Concession 11. Turnberry. The farm contains 100 sores of geed land; 80 teres cleared, 10 acres hardwood bush, 10 acres of cedar. On the premises are a good stone house, bank barn, stone pig -pen, ete. Also a spring creek and two wells; and is well fenced with cedar rails. •Six wiles from Wing - ham, and eenvenient t0 church, school, post office and blackriniith chop, Easy terms. For Information apply to CANADIAN ORDER WOODMEN OF THE WORLD' Camp National, 1\o. 139 ia-OLD their regular meetings on the 2nd 11. and 4th Friday in each month, in Odd - fellows' Hall. All visitors welcome. R. MAxvrzLt, 0. C. R. H. CnoWDER, Clerk, • goongo mown* 11 PHOTOS!! ire guarantee our work, in SLYLE, vii1ISII ANn PEBIfANENOY. IgThe latest styled of Mounts ggalways on hand. Armstrong & Co's Studio WINGHAM Glona nnn'P. %11111g11111 Igga,