HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-02-12, Page 2-"cr— • ..••••••,..--4.4444.1144Mk A The Page las lb. Kineknik• [IRELAND'S Ob, that whiter setergon, a Mien anserry. Mini time -, AAA the jolly, tat tesekettle obese its elating till • i ' • .- • „ ,. 'Twee the tilting Scottish air,. , And it seemed, I do.deolitre.. 41, then& benign) rived by feiry tras forever Joining*, ' • .. . . Then the bagpipe ceased to pla,y; And another nine etreightvw sang the kettle,londerdoueer, till its rice grew ' . very big; And the feet eflatighlbg sirla ' (Girls with iiherierook in their curls) Ton could, almost hear a -keeping tinge to that old Inde iiii. Darling, smiling, cupping Bale Grasped win% tiny kande her dress, And a pretty courtesy making, while ;he kettle made a bow. • " L'il your p irtnerbo," fritid she; "Forwma. backward, one,two. three:" And pneey area k. Brom I my dew," in one IM — - — - -.--. • • „Marie me-ov!. • Anil tbsydanoed right merrily ' Till %was dearly time for tea, • The kettle tilting tbie way and than that Way- • what fun l ' - , oh, And ite hat bobbed • up and down . units moist and steamy crown, With lie -latter falling off et last, and then the ° 'donee wag done. e DISTRESS. ,---, New /Ore, Feb. 4. -The Hereld's Dablin lipacia eays these hundred thoneand people ors !lowly starving and can only be kept alive by euperhurnin efforts. Local efforts - • b . . . .e.re - seeming feeble. end ebe pm& are looking to the world for succor, The returns by the counties where the chief distrees extols Meow the number of then suffering ere ee 64 COO 'et 1 411 260 ketone ; moo, . . ; away', , ;• Sligo, 42,930; Kerry,. 83100; Donegal,.• moo; Bei -common, 26 150; Cork, 23 896; Clare e ,* 4,860 S. Limerick, 7,00; Tipperary, 6,300; Leiteim, • 5 800; Wicklow, 3,600; .BIOnesben 2 306; Westmeath, 1,900; Long ford, 1,875; Kiikenny, L790 Tomei, 312,370. Nnw Toex, web, a,__The. New yore Herald - •• , , , announces that it nag. opened 4 subscription for Irish relief, spa they it heads it with a contribution of one hundred thousand dollen. " ..Daards, Fab. 4 -,The Blausten Home Irish ' .. i Ai Ty. rt_ • • •fir_i milluiSM la ma 13861, Gouty . . . . W s . . -see-, . A" FAMILY MURDERED BY MARKED MEN I . , TUE 110VSE rump ' AND Tom seelews costae/RED. • --- Another tti. 011 Called to his poor • - and fgla01. e . ---- • .xivolv, rob...A...some twelve emote, bet. night a bear of men, blackened and nieeke_de en are theoWelling of the somewhat Bete-, roifeBusidDdrtorpnbe,lellyifdadmileley4ievoinlignti;,athnedTmouwradeerhelpd e.- I .. and theta have 17° In very • eon . very . ;Igor • with the , majority of their neighbors. Only the other Week Mrs Donnelly, who a now a very old woman, vise .grested On $ charge of intlen• • diari in, by petting fire 'to a neigh.; bor' . barn,. .‘ but got clear, owing to I e evidence being" baufticlen$ against her. . One of the sone met a: lad end at Waterford Station, 0. 0. it , two months ago, Awing been nabbed to dearth. hY e drunken commodore. There ]le no Mug to the Ours dune, whe Mera JO have gene about Oar work in a .most systematic way. The boy Connor, who Wel the only one in the house who escaped, Could not make out any . of their tame. Thee erre bewever, believed to be m.. e,m, bent of a. secret vigilance moiety,. the havetakenthismethodto let rid of A deterinined he made b the authorities to get;tvelliritteild PFulaii de aetiderlh: . - Tem Wrong en Emma -The editoref an oohing* who hart Probable Imet a Utile ex- - perlenee, eget "It an editor omits Mays ming he ft line If 14.0 opokis or thins oe .. they ere, PeoPla are MO. It he smooths down the rough points, beis bribed. If be eine things 'PY arab proper unreal hog Unlit for the Position of an editor, ef be does not "forniel; his readere with jokes he la n millet If he don he is • rattle h d leaking •ta Imo,. ee he conderehe the°, wrong."--- -h; fe "a geed fellow, but lacks discretion. If he left Wrong and injuries no Unmentioned hale a ' °mated. If be indulges. be pereenalitimbeie a blackleg; if he, dog not. hie paper a dull and Untold." And if hal. fitted Mr hie pro, Session. he Will go right Ahead, dohn ae neer the. correct thing es possible, end let the gamblers' grumble and amuse thernielms by Writing anonymous letters. . • - ' - ' inefatt ac shirt ink e.d temOVeet rheind itb4 Ate. rvrate;21 ' Ma..1.213. dell,. P..........ar"Ire' Pailleb4 ' - • - ' . English leteekeere elleitteta. MI Cable.) ee mon, ages° e-Lannotaritenetherearkets. veer; meal, deperease, mei Prices -show atinther elseline upon male or the mom exegete. There is rea any stewing in •ths position of sofflt... TwreiliawitnqMteberuifietiurerelderprntiutTlfessinyYel4awlow. Am, which chowwcti au sauna.. ,600 v.rd. buy is quoted .1 47» to ale, asainst Sac to 601e in °ember here. plantslion•ceylon has again fallen. aittoanatia. grinlogre.fgenollogetofir:de.lvir ergdikz.z: met with Beale 0.3(11411 on previous Pew Orme. amtinentel xr.ports sbow buurness uou nadir.. .Vilialb147Yodj04„u 0; frgione.r.."„tn,°,714mr. pot. on 000:11110ll 0SOWIA s.orts twig toinguegany spoon. Wive demand Crystallized vs eat Indio sold to, ,A.. mod. iirsutf. went at current quotation& me.. rieRa 'oefusciihgerilvere"krepainb°44xtotrio; lo4Wext, lileirveg the weekly seise. 4, he stook in the 'United Kingdom. allholgb 23ca tong ob....theta lino Year, ill 28 Mu 02 # let. than that of Ma. A few cargoes il pew Burraab.riechave Ibsen gold for spring shipment at easy rates. week. inactive. IA b 1 and generally lower. Tee is we at, . .4 an.' °I"'"'"1" . ' - . • .now.mmonsonommeemIS , . Bellet..(lommittee publiebes• pitman% from , letters.: of Catholic and Protestant Arch bishops in repudiation 01 parolee. charge of . . .. . . discriminationagainst rent defaulters, in the ilietribution of the funds. They highly, (tom. omittee's laborts. . • Mend the Om The Lust mayor gesompThieil by the of Dublin win pogriir:t: petition ofilia Corporation .in •fayor of the amendment of the land awe at the Bar of the Hong of Commons on Friday. • . the bernatell-the lather, mother, one eon and a ed (It niece), boy named connoy took retail* tinder a bed and maned. They' than ea fire to the ho es, which,together, with the murdered bodie , was totally con = Med. Another son, re iding about three milee from the homestead. WO °tilled to hie door about the eanie bone and. shot. H. e. ft also dead, •The townelthe I wad With excite- k na94' . • • • ' Lapis PenTiOniptipl. • . . e • 14.1011r. inn( :OJE! THE PRINCBSS-, .. . . . • .,-.7 • • elevens Weather en . the Voyage OW- Peer neent, itionigese ingirera. Poch .NickBe. from 14„ n . . _ . • , liairrax, Feb. 8, -The, vestige of the tier- Malan was note& Very eventful one, although the Prinosse is likely to remember alor int severity. There wera no very great gales, but thepaseage throughout was, ea might be - .. .- - • - :01. 1,. e $ •i' •••. : 9 , • te O.,. kt'• I 4 I, i..1..V. 1 '' 4 ,••• • ,Da: A., I r" ". 1.•'. ... A'• . 41 a seersbe- ere" ., . .., I • i y/jV " ' ( • . . AMONG THE CHIJRCHES. • •• ' ' ______ . • . ' ' WIP,elely rabulluzn f or Lay and • • Clerical Readers. 'I.Othe United 'Kingdom there are 60,000 2142avenet; .hwahvoenaavie591120 sinyineategrooresihreQ Units betw 827 meeting houses and 14,500 mem- ben. . . •,,, - The New York Obierver ego that this talle about the. poor not having privileges to attend church is all bosh, and that thereat truth is that those who etal, away had rather be loaf- ors and heathens than Anything else. . ' . . . . . , • • ifteli.'DeVid Jenkin, Of Monticello, Iowa ! haa get into hot water .hy preaching the; Daniel kept the one in the" den g lny by force of personal magnetism, and. his expul. non Is. tobe•undertaken. ._. - • . - • Wilting from. Litringstonia . to • the Free Churelt Record, DA Laws says that the slave trade is offeetrielly stopped in hie. old headquarters by the mission. A number of boys lege been swain for Christian Widnes lion. • . s . '." . All the monumental tablets, armlettwo, in City Road '• Chapel, London, escaped the ravape otehie recentlre. Onlennei that of MrS. Widmer, bas fallen horn the Wall.. Thwas at et the -eloquent Robert Newton w Somewhat injured,. but the fine bust was pre Nerved.. - . " . . e . ' • :Methodism.. L3:•• . The progress of Weeleyan oAla the Fiji Winds is indicated by the fad that At there are now 84e •chapels ' and 291 other P laces where preaahing •is held, with fifty sight missionaries engKed in • preparing the way•for °them. -The .memberehip numbers 20.274 pergaRe. . ' . .... ' . • ... - The notion • prevails- that the EpiscopalSe CmtreetherehttelPduelpetirtiregiepovbrretio!toLtifotte, •but according to a regent essay of Bey. ,D Ele Miller Deb., Of 'BC Mark's 'Church .• Frank. • ford, Pa.:, there afe,525.unemployed Bpieoopal -clergymen cif the 3,300 in "the United States,- and only 2.000 hold rectorship., • • • • . Rev. A. .13kyltiman Herring, Wawa Bt.. Petra telerketwelle,Londoneevell known in Canada, iiiii lady laitied-a " circular WOOD' papers,. suggesting the formation of enligre tion clubs, ./to enable industrious', well asrastered persons . to. emigrate to • the colonies, and-. especially recommending Manitoba as.a'field for emigration. . • , • • Bey. DA •Iteid • stator that the receipts for the Presbyterian Home Mission•Fand up to the • 27th inst. have been in. Marked and encouraging contrast with these of last year up to theirame date : e• • . . e e ' ._ . . 1880, Rome Minion Ruud from au ' • .. • sources, e ...... . .. :. .. ,..... . . .. ... . emeno ei 2272., "" • • ' " ' " • ""' 7^64 all • 1 : •Cii • ‘ :f ','. 1 ' ,..! . , I. t. , .V, .. see s, -4-4 , ''' --s- , • ' . - e ,f1. r,'o ,. , , ,a,,,, y k , el- ................r.s..........max.m......s...•* ' . f -• , .-.,a- ekes en. - •,-..t., ..;) t , e. RAIL w,t3r Autultion11103 • • - . ._._. . , , .. . - • , . The Overeat of aneking lend coupling! on she . eeeent Western el„llway ...ex_ 1"-eibnett by the deitneger.. . ' The 'Committee on Railway Aecidents ' met..Yerr°01°Y nwrningr Mr. Toting in the elude.. . . .. . • • . . • - • . Mr Beaming, Manager • of the Gres t Western Railway, explained the syetem of coupling cars • in Enelends An ecoldent hardly or never happened in tide portico,: the men when counlica being protected b .• , e! a - a e • ...-! ..,_ • - , •11.' y the enure, te, wince,. there were two, one at each end, on the English oars. Is weep be impossible to. adopt -tho Engliiite system- here as the. change of rolling Meek would involve an Gnomons outlay. • The ,railway Men in England were never 'caught In the frogs, se they were 'enabled to pay aline attention to their feet, owing to the easy method- of coupling. On the Great Western Railway of Canada. the aceidente during the past flee ,yeare had , been as fol lows : To yerdmen, trainmen and switchmen coupling,. 4 killed,•80 'injured ; !ailing from the eate,6 killed:10 injured,, brakes failing, 4 izeurede ought in the frogs, 2 killed, 3 injured" train off track"; 8 killed, 6 injured ; 5 killed, 15 funned • thud, 25 LONDON,- Feb. 4.--,A wog chocking tragedy " was masted about two o'clock this Morning in the ToWnehip of BleldulPh. about . three maga from Taman and fifteen from this cite', .et appeam se rev es the hots can be learned, that a band ;of some tweaSY masked laaa Ogled. at the house Of William Donnelly, ert Their ra at the door wae Wrialeh's corn s _ P , , answered by hie brother John, who opened . .. the door . and was immediately shot dead. _ , . . _ . s distal),. to The Murderers unite proceeded,Apart Dounelly's father e . house,. anent . tw.9 orid a half mike distant from nig son'a... . battering .1' ee -° the .' door, beat the old Man, Donnelly, hie wife and eon Thomas', arid anima who evas stopping at the house death, whereupon they set fire. to the building, which- was immediately etere awned, leaving . nothing but the charred remains of those murdered A young man by the name of Connor., haling from Lupan, who was sleeping lit MA Donnelly home. escaped the notimot the murderere by creep ing tulderneath a bed. Eventually he escaped from the building without Nary, and details tle mender" as the molt •fe.roolous and horrible; •The Eailhlerare wale arnied with guns, bludgeons, picks, shovels, ete. The Donnelly family have for the past feu: or five years been very notorious • for . their evi.' dent connection with fires at idiom and viol- expected at this meson; quite roagh.. Last night mow storm, which caused co mug' foggy g Halifax, was not felt amenity On the Mesmer. There were passing shpwers of • MOW, but no heavy blow.. Her Royal Highness Buffered seeerslIfroM trea-acknelle throughout the voyere, itud vias anxious to - - get ashore .and to rest Be 9.rdeitlY as pore sib's • "hence all. medlars deremony was d, need ' ' with on the arrival ispe w ..yesterday. • from the 'prince". Einem. the only igidents of the "Tome worthy of mite relative to the oreW are 'the fellowing fireman died suddenly of heart disease. The sp- d - - • - - . Onetime an • mite subscribed eight guinea. for his widow in .b.ingland. Treesegnen had 'their bands.fresabitten. The Princess sent them lettere expressing .her sympathy and enclosing a Viand to each. The Primacies is' resting at Government House this afternoon, . and the . Menthe le visiting' the Lunatic Asylum.- ' The party will leave for Ottawa. hi special train at 11 'o'clock toatorrow. The . Marquis vielted the Dartmouth .rope walk and Olender brewery this afternoon. The print:oleo alley a few hours' rest drove to the %eerie Rotel, evbere the ladies°, her mite were •stopping, and lunched with them. •This evening there is a dinner party at Government' House. • • ' • .„ . -_,,‘" a ' ' . r 1, .:"., 'a '54 4 / e s .. tat '.1. ,e We • OF THE OLDEST •APID MOST ' ItELMBLE . ' ' - • ' I. t,IlLI ee'e , Ill [i , i, . Oe i re I N 0 • "" , . vz, s I! "I' 4 , seee. 4 ;se e , iT t•,.. . .,, A ere- .,. seee.. ii , ' 4 g ..r k 'e. If. t Ise • A e l:' 4,ti ,.,,. ' I, ' 1 SC • N 0 .e. ss • -0 ',I ,, . ekees III4 Nili: ,1 f • , ,e.- s , ,_ - '1,1!' I II , . t.1 1' T ' II, II .11 -- s pee,. ,k A r. :,;/ e 1 ,id. ' j , ' s 14. t ' C ' - *4..• • 1 , REMEDIES tee 'i HE Wow) kin . ... THE PURE „DF Coughs, Colds, .Hoarsenesg, Sore, '4 ' Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, . Croup., Whooping Cough., As and ' every . 7 . . affection of the Thrtiat,. Lungs, -OW ' Ched - - .. a in.cludinfY 7- - . • .., '. CONSUMPTION . WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES•r. '" IS does not cirylep a cough, and leave the cattee behind; as is the case. with most prepterations ' ' . • 't ut loosens .- . b '.. ° it, cleanses the 'lungs and allays sm tation, thus removing the Catl.q8 of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles.," hearina a similarname. Be sure you. get DB.. . WISTAIVS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY; . with .the signature 'of "r .. BUTT,S ". on ' tlicr • Wrapper. 50 Cents and 01.00 a Brittle. Pie- . Pee - pared .by .Szeri W. Pewee & Sons, Boston., ' Mass, Sold by druggiets.and dealerigenerally : . . . other canoes.. ; killed and 116 injured Other employees e • . . 4 killed and '27 binned. Mr. Broughton And Mr../Efetwori, hie chief engineer, then showed the Committee alarge. working model of a -Great ,Westernem; with 'resection in- miniature' of the treeke showing tee frogs, wing rails and guard • rails. Their opinion was that it • Would*, .dangerous to fill the emcee between the wing rails' end. guard eatile, as the flange of the -wheels had to pass ' through the wing rails and an aeons ^Mutation of diet, ice or snow would throw is nit; and for varlets • other criminal offences • ' ' a ' .. bordering on murder, the father having neur- . dered a man.a nuenteir Of years ago.. A... son is serving a term in the Penitentigy for at. tempted murder.' Another eon was killed in it. brawl at Waterford, Out,, a .few menthe ego. The masked men. are supposed. ese be. those who have so severely ecillsred from the Donnelly depredations and teemed- themselves into a Vigilance. -Committee and ended the career of - shill, family in the manner shine described... ..e. s , . :es" ., ...,:.. . ' ' '. • - . TUE witen-niectAl., Aoronernee. • , • ! • . , nevem Storni,. .0AnieneraToirti B..10eb.4.-Arwrigreeasterly , snowstorm commenced ' yesterday and eon. tinned - . during ...the . night • with unabated- violence. The stone had moderated a little; but it is still drifting and snowing along the line, and the roadie heavy e Vite Vice Regal train is just passing Say abre Statism; Sony. eight Miles from Almeria*. at ten a.m... .Thir, Vice 'Point . -r- -e,...eses ' e • ' eee si -ree , , le e i e s . Is 1 _ ,„; 0 , , --... ‘, ..t, ., , .. re .'.'( . . - • .., e , e a e •• ' t train oft the track.therecetipeoy had L694 , frogs' on their . trackes-- makiege,.. 14,000. • ,spasees to • fill and -. 'keep', clean, ' so s -e -e- party will probably. reach . ..-ee, monocle glooptiZ. -,:.:„:-... .. Levis about wen or eight p. ni. • • '. es se • • 'Lima,' Feb, 4 -The murder of fire mem" -.• - ' • - • - • ' ' _ ..,... , e ---es----ts„..esse- . , eel i .4 ,. . 41- :, -, e 7-••'-, { ee ---- , : ' . that • ;the s suggestion ' as to filling would be.. impractiogle; even. ' it not. • dart• genius,: Even without .filling„ it melted all the attention of •the traclimen to keep the spaces. clam end ,free frointilenruotiOns. • In', adopting , any • special 'gainer, . aediffieulty Would, mile froth the traffics with the Unlace stateL,, There were . 1,760. • different car couplers patented in the toite.d, Suttee, but e. Meet universal .so far none had. seemed to l , . , approval. - .The Gnat Western Railway used. a system as much g 'possible .1h accordance With the views of the men aneof the Assoc:Me time of Mr builders, who had considered this Very 'eubjest'' and liken evidence Anon it. Leak year 141 companies Sent their oars over the Great Western and made in all 128,637 trips, • 00 that fi was • impossible to have a sedan that would 'nee Work with ,forsign rolling stock. The automatic .couplers got out of order through rut' and when subjected to the winters !nets . On theetreat Western . . .. - • . • . . . . . ... the running boards were extended six inches over the top the running 'beard .Wee twenty .four inches wide and was made of - short neinaliedeboards: placed croeserimee The iron ladderwae placed at the, 'side of the mere • api" requested by the brakemen, and a abort rail and a its were flied at the end of the cars to tiwilitate reselling this ladder from fiet age. On 15,000,traininin last yeilA only one man was hereby falling eft•therunebig bond: " e TheConmittee adjourned. . - . . ... . • " , bear n of the Donnelly family by a 'band • Of ,• .. . masked Min,' whiartook place this morning. :er.,"ella. OPEAlte . ARIVIABIENT. Se' • , • • las Seamed, the moat The wiehole-ctsamet. ent (referee'', cumP -.1 throughout the distrait - It 1 -' n f th .^ I. .13 e ° a e • Jeanine .Notiogge-llelemoreig's Isesigns most horrible tragedies which has ever taken es " • n • . ^ ' -' • • " - ...,pon -ranee. .1 .• .. - , .. •-f . place - in feenada, no' - Atli, bimetal. of :the .. wees v, . - - -• • ' 'extent of the:crime, " but booting. of the : -e'-""----^"410372L-7--21: :kikerekl'etilere 'teem deliberation- with .' which • • it ' was •plan . Berlin M.M'eleoram. says : In bureau., ned. , It has , ' been no - scent' that °tilt° 1" •th8•Itil'ablIclbing citteettm hi 'the ninety burden of military .expenditures for manyyears pest there his been. •an in s' k Powers of • E • • • . - - - beneath which the great. • . mope, ceneely" linter feeling against the family, . . . - •• w - . t es our mpire; are.groen ng, and. because of .their supposed complicity "in a • end e the chdisarmament ances for general dismainente_ The number of mimeo bordering on murder, and, oftentimes resulting in incendiariem, The entire continent ill one man wimp' of jealous history of the -family is an eventful one and s.Each is erme o /3. teeth, and nation • . ' d t th •d ma y o spring a its ne g r e, , eon. their life has been -full of questionable es- e,„cl,„t,e,,: s„.e„ t I hb° ' throat . .. ' any, trade,- enterprise, aom- -pions. Coining toCanadamanyears ago, ""e""eer '-- y... mem, and all that , tends to •the properite they , were amongst the earliest settlers • in this district.' Wm, DolimehYrkhe father, was a and happiness of the country irk paralyzed. I had a conveieation Cite Morning with ' te golicemome, drinking, quarrelling Irishman, i "always ready to engage in any dispute that leading public man. an earnest and zealous supporter of the Government, on the relations might give him wipe' for his fighting powers • .-g • . • . • . • , *between' the 'Ctibinete of Berlin and Pans. and neverenupling to raish.a. disturbance . He has. had excellent opportunities to make on his own behalf if no one else would Men, . himself acquainted with the beside workings _years ago,. he was: a_participant in • • . • " • . . • • . . • . of Court ': and Cabinet circles, and to fa ore- tilted with being well, informed eoneerning. ,....._ .. . e. rem entree .... • ... . , . . . - .. . . .. - plain) in Township of Stephen, • Bismarck e designs.. I give his statements Vann took , • ' mar his present . residanie. By a genes 01: without reserve Re arena that the imams Well directed blows blows on tile head . of ' hie of the effective strength • Of ow German army antagonist he•killed him, Was 'arrested and is first move in a. deep laid plan directed. • tried for murder at the ;Huron Assizes. The. .eolety_ against Fires.% • The enlister denetit• lury-,M we .• reraember ' rightly, found' hid Stration ot. the =Mare strength of Germany, .gniity of manslaughter, and ho was sent to ' by."fillin-geup the various arms of ' theelervice .er ., ).1.. i*. -4Prrr i -''' - 4 ''. e 1 . .. r ' e , tea* 40 ell 11 43 ,....kft-r, - - e, •• '• • • .. . * .•/, .., ke 4 q s', , 1 • ------___-,,es. ---- -- . - . , • A .PrOtegted.':Solutioa of the:Preto:tide' of ben; •• " . . . . . . • Is as :easily 'digested' and assimilated with the• e , : • - blood AS the simplest feed. • When the blood, • does noe•Containthe liege quantity of Iron, the deficiency . can be •su,pplied , by the use of the - FOR ti WAN Sill UP. It cures •si e, thouetind4.. • • • • ills ". simply by Toniro•UP, InvicionArine, and • • VxrAT..mino, the system. - The:, eniiched ands . e .. vitalized. blood permeates . every - part of the . . s • beep, repairing damages and Waste, searching • Increase- . •••••.•••••., .••••••$13,351 01 • ; The "aerometer of the blearing of .the nevi' B. O. Church; at Bernie, rie beautiful and, imposing 'edifice, Will take Place on Sunday next, Fob '1st. The Fight Rey. .Bishop, Walsh will . perform • the ceremony.. The church is One of the most handsome sauce tures it western Ontario ' • • . . • ' - ' • e At s meeting of the Glasgow Free Presby s tory recently the Bev: Mr, ;Campbell gave notice of a motion asking for the appoint ,mentof a committee to. . investigate certain news expressed by Professor Pendlish, in his opening lecture at the. Free Church • CIAleges. A conference to Consider the menet was held. in:private at the 'close. Of , the Preabyterr meeting, ., . • .• -.... . • • . .• . - - • -. • Theohniehesof .Tierienbe is a rule cure i , . - . way heavy indebtedneee, se the following will ..show:_theAnglicanahuritheitentrabertwenirt..- one, With 6 teal 'indebtedness • of 275,500 ; there 'are ten .Presbyterian churches,. with an aggregate debt of 111-21,600.; .ten Methedig. churches have aburdenef Ian 000' the six B.aptiets are 'entirely free from debt, but the other smaller bodies era heavily burdened". . The Pope is Amid to him forged the . sonnets and phiseworeby . resolution of making the treasures of theVatioan Liblery • more to the worM.' ,He. has .flatie toommiseion to guider the_ beat s means publishing -iiiiiilagie1761-the various collect. Mons; endema ordered that One of the roOine in the Vatican be set apart for the use • ofe persons who wish to ponsult.the books end. mintrigoripti of the library.- letenemtienreof • • i • scholars have groaned over the !fleece's Welty d volumes and of the rare or unique pinta ., . . ,* parchnsente so le.alotisles guarded by the, Supreitie Pontiff, • .. . • ' • • • •• " • The Established Church in England is. , administered by 2 erahhishope, 28 bishops, 3 suffragan hishopsc 30 demur, ,,74 archdeacons,: 610 rural deans, and 23,000" clergy "of•oll cheese, one, fifth of whom have to parochial Charge. The yearly hicomei range in the higher glides from 215,000, paid to the Archbishop of Canterbury,tO A2,400, to the . . . ,. Bishop of •Sedus and Man. One thousand• pont& a year is the diaeonattrierage. There Ma -16,000 churches. 'The arose income of the Eseablished Church II. 0,000,000 per ••annuta, and the Ohne& population woo... 000. • In Inlaid there are 2 arebblehopi, 10 bishops, 1,288 benefice., and 2,000: clergy, The ehurele going population is 760,000. . . - : out morbid secretione, and leaving nothing for • • ' . • . ., . Ve. .. "er '' e 4 ' s .•• j'A ,, ' „ reg ee -• • --se p:5,4r,.4.• !telseelPe„ie . ee: - .--e \ . .• len IT "111! ligitkl' • . e" "'' I f 4t.,• ,,,, .47 .z., , .- • se- ' 'W/ egsse r.,, e -.6"eeee. . disease to feed upon. This is the secret•of the, . ' . wonderful success of this remedy in curing • Dyspepsia; Liver Complaint, Boils , . , . . • r. . . P Dropsy ... Chreinie... Dia:Thom .' '... Nervous Affections, Female . . . . .. ':•.':CoMplOiritt,„:. • And•ali diseases Originating Inert •baci state of. .. the blood; or eccompailect by ,debility, or a, .• • . low - state Of the system, e ,, , • . . -, e CAUTION -Be alio you get the -"PE-. '- . . RUWAN S YRUF." ' spla by druggists getter- ....' •• . ally, ' Pamphlets. sent free to any, address by se. Burix.:W. Pow= & Sons, "leropeieters, 80 'Har- risen Avenge Boston, 'Mass. . ' ' • .. . . , •• '.• Beecher on Borges: • : ' " . • ' • ' AlIke recent Burns' Mogen" in New Tea,. Henry ry Ward Beecher replied to the. toast of " Pont and eingerat" He ',agree by .sayipg :. "-Nature ifireyalericeiseTher, own. Things will have their own course. . Men may ...aye 'Row much hatter is philosophy.than fancy; how inuali better is kat than, •imagination 1 But, atter all, in every age of ...the -world-gene.. and ere it will be until the very • end -in the testae of fang or r of •,imaginatien, We lege found more comfort, more joy in life; and I think we have Algot n d ' • • More morality and - .. - . 5)..° . .. ,„ religion in is than MI philosophy and the More permanent f orme of fain ' Indeed its . _ . ,. - the, Penitentiary for a lengthy period. ..Ae to a 'war standard; ilea significant lineation the family •grew up they gave unmistakable to France to partiolpate be the lew, of hitter-. proofs 'that -• they participated in their- national represeion against Rilitliste, Banat. father's ideas Of life, • and. the ,boys have lets, Internationalises and other Organization.. liaeriThitigagarlif -Many ..a....briiVI:7- They '-iiitintled-16-.1inbVert-existing-Grivernmentr." have also been blamed for most of the die .Theie dangerous eleinontis Mere attained O graceful crimes Which' have made Damn pewee that Tender's combined, action on the Amens, or Waning, within she pest few part of the various Cabinets absolutely neetsfr .Two . of the boys drove a stage eery. In the Chancellor's opinion neutrality between London attl. Mean . for a on. the park, of any of the Greet Powers number of - years, - and ,as ' it was ' is inadmissible.- . In ' case France refuses found to • be a profitable undertaking to cooperate in this crusade against the •'started -'line.; II international Socialists,Germanywill' f ' a neighbor .an opposition e. . for. had no sooner done so, hatvever, than his malty . demand e her compliance, and an 'coach hoUse.wetaisitalat-theAleadotenighti- -immediate -mobilisation ' Af-thtreeGainen - . .. . ' essessee aimenniellt, . - _ ...... ..._ • t f Ari.:: inni No • i p _ TEGETA Me ...e. • . - s - -1 -4-7' es' , IA , •••.- el.. V--; . , LC 1.1-A“- ._, ,..'7. 440, \\ i ,.,-_ -- . , ,, 11111 sees- • .' (' , . ' .• ILL Ae el rne. " " h -e El Sill . - ' 7, ,, ...fi E N. E, w I - . ,LI I Bi, ,...r....,........ , _, ...... ..e. , ../ . . sere mexaurtwo, ,...-1 -, ,-. . , . TIM article is conipoutul• ,eeel with the greatest earn.: .,..' - • • . • Ieffects' 1 1 -1 . Its •are as Went erfu am as . . . t' f* t • • " sa is ac ory as eve'. .. . - . • . '. ;It restores gray or faded 'hair to its yotithftd,color. • ' • - - . '' ... •rEiethoves -iiii."e'rri)tiOn-s 'itehing • • • d • 1 " d wed andruff. It Ives the hen a ,, .„ , , • .. g. • CO011118'• 800t1114 sensation' 6f great COmfort, awl the scalp by • lts use beeomes white•and clean. . . By it's- •tonie pro • ertieS it restores ' - t 13 - - - 4 the.. capillary glands to their normat vigor, preventing baldness, and mak.. big the halt' grow tilt& and'stronese. AS a dresSing nothina lifts been' a. • - . - - - 9 • • . . ° - I. - f011nd so effectual or clesn'abte .: • • • • " . . 'A. A. Ilayes, M.D.; State A.sdayer. of Massachusetts Says • " The • con, t't t 1 11• s 1 uen s are pure, ant • carefully,se.. looted for ecellent quality ; and - X.' consider it thri 1.1 e-- -flST -l'ILEPAttATION - Of it-CifiteteteaseitiepOSeg.'!"-*--- - • ..• . . i • • *tide* ' One ollar. . ChOrry.:Pectoral- , „.. ' ..d. ,, 4. ... . The reputittion.it the marvellous lesthalt publio that . iesulte 'section Inion4,wholinve even des" Alt tylnehavetr h n (.1 where as to whomedieine tress and , larks ' . slant relief, milder earietice glie-me •- ),.e Ae ingdiseases _ .....__ _ . , ..A y 0 r 7. 8... • A - , ... .• '• ' • For seis-oeWes .0 the- e . . , s s • .. • - • • ' - ) • Tnroat • and - Lstagse. • " • m . 4 , , • . • . .. . . . , , . snoh as Coughs, Colds,. . . -......----.._ • . • . '''''' ,;• Whimping 0 0 u gilt:, .-.,,,,. ••- • .-• • • • • : • • 4 B thitl • • Asthma ese, \ ron e, .,.,,.. . - .;,..1/4., , . • , nrc,C.ensureptlen..;-.., has attained, in conseipienee or cures it has produced -during the ' . . , _eon, ass, .,..a. ,0 the. century, is it.spin i t . 1. i I it Will obutlinto to realize the happiest. that cube itesh'ed. . ie almeet everk or country them are persons, publicly. been restored froni alarmingamt 'crate diseases Of the hinge, by he UM P 1 i 1 1 1 it' s'i i rieelt • al tem thew ec ge s i lc ye its virtues areknown, no Ono hesitates: employ dm- to em . sintering .peertlia. to pulmonary ante - • , t • • ..... • A hi' Canny raciotar, always a.to.r,..s , - . . and aierfornis rapid cures or the. of bronchial disorder, as well as r , "id bl die asea of the lungs. oim n o o . .... _ . . a safeguard to children, amid the distress- which bbsot the Throat end Chest of . 1 iv isomethin despot•to and seems to ' 'd teller, g.,. . . . bevelled more Ai do in forming languages. ; than anyother••.' • ' ' 1 pan ,of man. Almost al language is meant for. talk and there is little left for the bent. The begint ' moment• we o . , . s•,. give language, any adequate expression of . .. .. thought or strong feeling .. e begin o use b • t • _ symbols and nietspheires..Itiesthe funniest of to Mk thelangtiage lef the heaet. It poetry eP is the language of the unspoken ettegione, In the reining which have been Made this evening, some allusiona have. been made to his morel chareeter, • / 'do not like to hear those allusions made. • ilo is dead and gonet I would' Only 'ask What . did .this Man lege on tenth that weli good, and what does his name deserve by reason of the good?''What we would have done in his plies. we dare not • think. When the tanner garners his then. sands of inwhels of wheat he nevers mantras how much straw there was or how Minh of elude As . for Robert Runs, the Words he has •epoken. for humanity, , for 1Mnor, truth, fidelity, petioles, Courage and endurance., have done more for. Mankind, In . Scotland than, all the Neatens that were preached from • the pulpite during his life time." . . , ' ” ' 'II take1 1 and hone and stage were burned to ashes an • Austrian armee wi, • 'p gee, n ..., -,blamed', •withoffensive" d defensive The J,Jonnellys .were for this, but no accordancethe , and direct;•f forthcoming•At • . later'-alliancewhich h b t d •'WU proof was' a, as been en ere into between date another stage Owner had ' his - coach the two Empires. Should thillepreselve hew . . in piit s fired t be rejected by the Chamber and passed by the. sawn . ems, whilsts owner was •,a . ; ,. . . . _ , ,, . :, by a veiled assamin eta lonely portion the Senate there may boa dissolution, resulting between- London and Lawn. , Then not from the antagonism of the two Houses. It roadstigiclard a few of the inhabitants of the Township of • is • thought mann' that leading "Erelicit :Biddulph had their buns .and, stacks of Republicans will not Vote' for the megrim . , grain burned down, andiron !sundry linens , The glutton °fig question Will then bang Which It had been reported' the Hannefire upon theresult • Of the elections. Should' a hid. used, there seemed ., good • Amgen to Republican etaajOrity be returned to the • new 'suspect them for this also, Still there was Chamber a refried of the dentates of Bismarck. to direct proof to gimlet, kid the gniltybiiins ' will probably eta after it a realighinitle escaped, In . time, , magistrates were war with the twee allied Powers. On the °outran', almost afraid to set against - the it a ConserietivAi majority brretinned the supposed ging, and local constables revolutionary, • elements will be entailed beeeme so frightened of the vengeance which throughout Europe, and war may be avoided appeared to hang over whoever meddled with in this way. lily. informant expressed the the alleged incendiaries_that thee declined to: earneit hope that the elections eveuld result. make Any arrests, In this .dilemma the in an . overwhelming Conservative majority, assistance of Meanly° Meleinnon, Of figoll •end.that proper .and finely Menges might: ton (now Chief of Police of . Belleville), was be taken to lours cue a desirable and. , In. got, and for a time the lawleseneee ceased: the gent ot the. passage en a law ofjaprilm &few menthe afterwards,' hewever, chat of lime and *vivant enforcement pt. Our same, incendiarism became unpleasantly frequent. Germany will at ranee take the Milliners of a - e .Ationote, were if/ throw rainy treble general (Rearmament, which, by relieving her off the track, and . other ' diabolical Midgets, will tend to moue for her internal in the East• A strange disease has appeared • . Nntl of London, . It ie an ', affeetion "of the eye; knOwn in the infeeted, district as 1, the flier to the limbos mug bliffhf'" 6nd *4 fim-- -- ' ' It is *indent and dangerous, . not seldom destroying the eight if it be tot probigly - -taketri#,-hanch-Tiaree-weeks-ago there were. Ilixty.inne'ogee • 130 Ilene. The epidemte. id ouppOried to ehripel .it find& impoltationa • ' . A Men *he herr ell thedyepelerishe wenn, it his own Menge,. but laughs' • • - t if his dinner' le on tipstoe you can tickle bine With a joke cut of an arithmetic. There is nothing more painful then ter. be compelled 'So eltrip short and explain ir, joke.. , -Lcindon 4081)110k to aleph& drover Inning .from „Berstein stetion-s" Hen you. are Scotty, Isaiah y'r beets for twopenoe, end Rinke you look like a goiriereitir Drover-" TipPenee I Use instate al that! Man, ladle, it iell east len' me aer brushes fora Wanda I'll poilish then meal' for ilitrithing In ' It 1101 hielt decided, aye a contemporary, that.a.hintuatayi bailiff has not authority to tell geode that 'have teen Mitred. 110' land . . Th 1 I th of Tenets: -. . • Ito too n ? neighborhood .. • ver, Hungary, muting to commit tearfulde.b 'd devouringall cattle tconfined pre , anon", a no. auks became sqfrequentthat the ampere, tranquility, the frieudehip of.' &testis and the tion of 14110612 ethiale villa' a bade fair to he. preservation of the. conquests . of the 'latter , g . . . • dada- depopulated, offeree a good salary Power. • • " . • ts Y . k i i italic or Mho Wee of • A prison 40 .t P" safes;, - - • was returning home Ins sleigh . was at. who- ., ,g.. ._—__ ticked b a aellt of wolVes arid Ordered the 'driver to beaten forward,. At a•sudden angle of 4h e reed, however, the vehicle was upset . ' and its occupant tern*. plane by his ravens one essailents, . helm hie bimodal gement • amid roam the slightestsseisteuce. The latter managed to gage. In another locality the wolves entered 01 yard adjoining an int and mimed art ese, which became an easy prey to their voracity. At Szalouts a eimphiard was wow by surprise and mend, and in other esetreste many potions have had harrow seespee. . . The grind jury on Smudgy found twenty.. five indictments Against WV, Edward Cowley, Manager of the Shepherd's Void, New 'fork, -' ' heating' charging him With. etartneg, and tingly iletreliting the children placed under hie me. Cowley WM tweeted. and bail Was flee& in 1600 mi moll indietinent, in default ,... -,,,,,., t....s......'1.....i..a .... 1., 41..e. relaiw.V.i . h ion for a. areeig man o ta e t e pos t o -Chi f ConstableDetective•E • f 1 • ' . 7- • • • b, Everett, ormet y In reporgng the reception ree_Fgof.jetord, 1 th ' 0 • i •P li • d 1 tt 1 t Ft il ' • -- - e"- - ' ' e "' - 0 e• ntar o o be, an a er y o ein • gait old and the etaff of the Ve sat ele asaki t ,. and, . , ea g , ton, took he poet madethingslively the earrespOn ent Of the North China Herald hit the gang, notwithstanding that numerousnoted that there was not a tingle case of attempts Were made ta• ireinide prigonere, seamy during the whole voyege, , This,. be : and attempts on • hie lite were made. learns, wai owing to Mae fie° use of a anion. One CI the . 'Donnelly . fanny Is littlithmry that springs but of the eternal fee in fait now serving & teem in the Peniten and mow during the short amino. It eggs limy for a most determined atteroptieleke .„ profusely, and hail a tante like the topbero, the lila of Everett be shooting him. Whilst but more said. • The fruit" ft dried and then Berndt Wax entering his house dem one , tilted with milk of the minded, and it winter night, the Wonabo ' treseleow Can be carried ins frazenstatefor lb:Monde fired at hint from behind a. woodpile, of miles. There was elate Weds curious kind the allot taking sited Within an bleb .451 'the of food Made from the whale's hide, which is constable. The crime was tread home to pickled andasaten freely dortpg the winter, Donnelly,. notwithstanding a determined • Among the prftlient arrivals in New York "kilt WI his "lady" to swear him out of it. is • Al annex BMWs. of .England,s who " --matters- --In t - ' gd - - • •ds• . For a time, wore id, but latterly Mettle it daughter of et•Preil wit Gant.. the Old "reign terror" has been resumed, vt,,,,, ii.,,,,,,hi,,i, .,,,,,,,an,, 1,,, iii,..„y„.„.1., and incendiary !litre and other merlons arena* '"-"" '''""s'-'7 "--- - """e""" have been 'sequin. Rightly or wronglyk the, Credodilee trige shed hypoaritical tears, bat .11/11%iiiiIiiiii vaa,a . nroitia haitataal *a - ha IS take* iftl tillifillffii• itt AnLvii, rt Uthaa *Mt*. ' .ft,-. . 1••••1. enin en eare im. CV^ "'''VAI) eammag_ithriskii.ra pa* • &It VW ' . ' . FOR. THE WHISKERS. ee , - . This elegant preparation tilay be , relied on to oliange thu.dolor of the beard from gray or any other undesirl. , 0 tn. ac r, a s-, ableshade'1t brown• bl 1 • t di La .ias . •.. . trebton. ..i.b, is esslry appnee, beipgut . .1 • .. 4 One preparation, and quickly and..ef- factually proilubes a permanent color, Which Witt. neither rub not wash off. • • a e. re ' n , i 0: CO' ' Mallilidetured try B. Pe HAses. est . n • - • NASitiTA# N.H. . • • • n„io by „lir, „ ,,t. ,ita beam le, heedete, * .• . 141." ^1 Childhood, It is invaluable; levity Its timely use,- multitiicles ate maned and i'estored to health, ",, This medicine gam Mends et:every tileletie- the cures His tonatruifir•procluoinr-aFel'ee re- . ,_ ho - markable to be forgotten. ,No fninily should .04thont ft, and theae Who' have eau used it .,„- 6*m • ... ---2-- ' ' • . , E hitrit •Pllysicifine throughent the tenuity - rn 'inscribe it, and Clergymen oitee recommend it front their -knowledge °tits effects. 'ry . , • :. , • . - . .PriV:...tAlt,F.13,,,pv, e . Dr, ,l, C, AYER & C0,1 Lowell; Mass4 ' Iserietionl end Antilytieni !Chemists. eale; ns. .,11.1, DIMODISTS rxRuywatur. 411, 44 • .4 •-•