HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-02-05, Page 7•
IEN014104/11 €0.1.11081114
utuitilif •C0.1.41"11111‘•
SCOTCH. VOLII ,111111. rrelkable nillirig.•
-,--- . The winter fisherles ez New Brunswick nem to
The Umbel:T. P. Presbytery have sus- be. proymita mine 02 %mime Five tonkof *melte
Seined a call to the Rev. Thomas- S.Dickeon are mit weekiy nom wreatora station, on the,
Anahterarder, to Bell street Church, . ' llnotgerocIlno4eniatiLtiefsor gm° aembrtitioat? markets, ane,
eeuet venter
Mr. Alex. Shanks, ,whe for nearly forty the meat tercet Wall """a 'value to the eel"
yore hem acted als, grieve to the Rev, Mr.
. ' o ' ' ' ' 4.whozin:;:b°01.etndl.ti era" nail bec:ira*OraCti'0(91101-RinivelLdr, 4itl°4 t°
Ornikshauk Mortlsola died n the 20th ult et0.00 eorth or- lobeteie and gem worth. ot
bliss -e, tempted /tea aide of large, else
from the. effect! of an inandent,
eserstreal Cattle :market,
efotteneer.., Ten, 25.-Bustriess at St. Geoid
retezket was, eetremehe. dell. Tke reeelete ef
nate by ratievere 6 oar _10140, end onty halt et
these were sold bare, the remainder going to
Viger market. A. keel trader sold Ill good .cattle
ld out hie Ine at
r'raiokfarnAP:PartX4Va%10 ot about 2o head
a Iv • ,
Was purchased by Ald. lteeh. aim at 404.10-ve •
wle:ieah":21: eaf:04.3d416.073:311u.°n"."4 701°:titglabir14:31;6°E) Ill:
210 to NO. A dealer named Armetrooll held two
only* espacree-etblek" or untie"-
• Ail the " Moo" me Aped up. big with. fete,
soros ezey read ot great thoughts ble *Mut, '•
Some reveal a wenn come too late..
.Tbe.cony'l. le blurred -may be bad,
The light hoe acid op ,ressivelY bet;
Columns. waiting to mice In that 0 ad."
Thee had been tetogether Angst,
only a vim/me-cc thick" or u Mitt"-, . -
Lathe bend travels ever the "�e'
Weaving words where clerk chaos had been-.
Bringing wisdom and wit fen topme.
X.et "10"4'make cense endowed"- •
Wage a " side-heade of that local 0 pare:
Close up vAth that leoer-•• Found Dead
AMA anima on the late .0 Paled War. ' ,.
• OnlY a "lipase ",-,-"thick" or "thin -
• And yet what a 'elfference they make, •
Asir 013 "MEW." WheS abOSt tO hefie .
on some trouelexeme indistinct • take "•••••
When eye directs hand to the "atick"-
Wizen the" boxes" are low -very low
Taxa eet, eleereet, e pt lejeee ei 744.,__
, When a "jell "decides .who is to go.- ,
0n13 -ft 0 space "•,1itlaialt " or "thin"-
Terms technical and not understood,
'Wept by hose who have entered withinhale
' Tee great einctuneof our brotherhooe..
..sbir pratt him come down through punt age-
Bpreiiiiingeisewledge-diffesine Pure lore-,
Slaty our oaxtons still in f ature 1311pge •
-- °Mamie° the ratite of yore.
-The death rate full/MI*110 Week reached
5043 par .theiteMid. •
The debts of English towns and' cities for
. .
sanitarY imPrevemeiate arnonnt to X230,000,-
000. ,
Sir ftleXander- Grierson, Bart., died and-
, _s_.,„.,
deilly on Saturday afternoon wee,r, wag,
Walking in hie garden at Southeea. - .
The. tomb of Beejemin Dleraeli. Lord
Beaconefield's . grandfatherLin the 8Panieh
Oemetery,, Mile End Boad, gest London, use
lately been roistered.
It is propooed to place a window. In the
centre Of i he new epeinal chancel of Christ
Church Eaatbourne (4ust-coneeerated by the
t . • . •
Bishop of Chichester), in metnory of Peincess
Alice, wha during her laet visit to England
interested herself much in the . poor of the
Sir Brydges P. itannieker, Secretary to the
President of the Local Government Board,
been appointed to succeed isiejoe George
'Gotham, who retiree from the paw/0 pervioe,
after a 0037100 of thirty•oeven years, as Regis.
trar.-General Of Birth& Dpithe and Marrtagee
for England and Wales, • •
The Oaae In Which MU Annie ODwYer
sued Mr. Patrick Maguire, lieeneed. vintner,
of the North Strand, for demages, laid et
42. 000, for alleged breach of peomise to
marry, concluded in Dublin the, other daYa.
The trial was very amusing. _Verdict for
s • .
AI lar. Sarrovsa_roturnivg from ;h.° Inee't
of the TIPPerarY hunt he Grossed the eeantr$
to hie residence at MaYfield. Ira taking a
I d ble d'tch his horse etumbled and as
arge on ,i . •
it wait blowing a terrible gale he was actually
blown out of the *Addle and hiad his collar
bone broken.
'At Dublin the statue to Lord Gough tenth°
erected in the Mentz Park, within a gonahot
. • • • b
of 'Wellington; the foundation, as to e
immediately got reedy for that of O'Connell
at 'Carnal° Bridg.e ; and it haa been proliosed
to remove Neleon'a Pillar, without -which
Dublin would come to be iteelf.
Willion 0. Domino, oe manor. , limo,
Penaghadeei ha° granted through hi° agent'
Abbeyleix, to hie tenantry on the following
townlanda - "keg& Darnleughrat 200",
Rueh•hiii, Lieholan., eto.-it redaction of 25
,per cent., except an NOM° -wee, euela as
The Duke of Argyll gays : fl In, Canada 1 , • - ' '
. • • • . C0111111CVC1111 ./0101101.1,
had abundant evidence that old hereditary
"aeeratten° are not bag attong than at
home e The. firm of Joseph Little dc Co. dr
P. ort Rope has diadaved Dr. corbet't re Yi good ."
• a
There are nine 'Unitarian churehee in ."'"3 1:4
'''' " "tz' teaebreent hit've been Issued tc:eant7st
, A. B. Lalonde, /metal store. Baekesbary ; Davict
Seotiand, located as follows; One in Edna. mee0inmehie, dry goods. Norwich • "wee
burgh,Ab d F i I Girvan, Dundee,it b h te O 13 d • ' '
er een, A s ey, • rvan, no an, er ware, wen oun . A. W. Beck.
--• : ..,. - • •- meyer, hate, Tommie and Honore Gavnon & 00
JJ narwhal(' rerth and two in Glaegow. • - -- -- • • - ,.
an . ; • dry gouda gurnme,
Ditellagenoe hail been received of the death '' '
J. R. Oronk.o n old v etthlithed boot and shoe
a.L0a.bul of_af._ ajor John Cook.. The decamped dealer.of Aylmer, unteeice bas been conapeliect
o.Lheer WM sae eacona eon or the late Mr. to seek ineuteenee ht the bands of his creditors,
Alexander Shank Cook Sheriff of Roos. the reason asoenedtoeing the hurd time and the
. - - • 1 expenses teetered in tutting up bie handsome
shire. , three.storey brick store and. dwelling combined.'
Bev. George Satindere, Aberdeen, after He effars forty cents on therionar.
leede, tvelolt he wan unable to sell at a profit.
There Wore SC 0 cattle at Vigor' market three
quartered weich were from tit. Gabriel The
qualttyrwas good, but prime were unsatisfactory
andnetbrelydegreg0eneteehlew.g.RpeteRgb9oPrght°12112 9chbordoe
wen*bev°a at ti fc49,9er Tba.chliveanwd orieigdandh se% r$oi Abel, Pa
about en each Jame Hakim soid, 7 head Ord of
' ' t fr
a load of 2o cattle. to differept butchers, a OM
$25 to $35 each. P. Renege, of Inver Beaudett
gold 6 out of a dozen cattle at from 620 to eee
each. hiraones, of Mttehen, alsotold ota at .
about no to no. About semen geed sheep were '
ales wre reported at
In the stalls and.e se254 to
64 50 each. George Patterson, Geelph. the owner
of 0 oers of cattle, told 12 head to ear. j. ganeedy
at $50,
Y")mrPsliseitinjilakiematin,hier act
call to the pastorate of Woodside Congrega- ''
tional Qiniroh.
Sir George Balfour, member for Kincar-
dineshire, who has just entered on his 70th
year, 10 named as Colonel-Oommandant •of
the Royal (late Madrae) Artillery, 111 IMO" ,
amnion to . the late General Cornwallis
The. estate of Itsokineetom• formerly the
property of Mr. R;;!bart Salmond, one• of the •
directore of the Cit 3r of Gitiogow Bank, bid
which fell into the hands of the liquidators
on the etoppage Of the bank, ham been Bold
1 II f•
/ ., 1.‘
f". .1a, '
S '4,
L 4
Weep not that vve must part;
l'OitillgS are short, eternity is long.
Lite is but one Istief stage,
And they that my love ends with: ele aro wrong.
• Liat to thine own heart's oiy- .
Love, cermet die. •
,Thatthou.sofar a'way2 e .
Thythonghtsare din with me, and with thee
• And absence has no power • •
Teleuen what by nature is chvine. .
List to thine own heart' erit-,. "
Love cannot he.
Then weep ho more, nay love: • •
iffeeping but shows thy oust in me is small. .,,
Faith is by calmness proved.
For know this.tinth,tbou =patriot love St all
• unless thine own heathery
Love a • nnot die. . • ,,
On Moeday of last week the Liverpoo-
stipendiary Magistrate committed a youth.
named Patrick Kelly' to the ' aasizes on a
ereere.,„ le. ,,,„„ ,
°Imirge of wilfill4 wk----"" --""
Bridget Gibbons, eixteen 'year') old. During
a (laurel on Christmas Par prieener stabbed
the girl in the neck, caueing instant death. '
The London Iliad pays five guineas a
leader and three guineas for other matter, but
these are only its regular busineee rates ; for
an article of opecial merit or happy euggest,
tvenees or the like is rewarded.witie a cheque
for ten, twenty, er even fifty guineas, Of
course it has its /spatial staff, one of whom
receives 22,500 and another 4,000.4 year. •,'
At the Village of Wear -Gifford near Tor-
. rin t N th D () tl ' f ' d
. g on, or even, a gen .eman o in e-
pendent Mane, named lenink Wed, shot his
leasehold farm, etc. The tenantry are highly
Pleased with the reduction as .they previously
efused 15 per cent. .
r At the. Loughrea Petty Sessions recently
three ;nen named Miehael Kelly, Michael
Buthe an ic me y e
.-. k II M' h 1 Kell wore charged by
vonstable ughes with having roamed about
.. on the night of December 18th' with their
tapes blackened. The defence was that the
. men b fa went to a country
,, y way o.. joke,
wedding ' to dance m domino. The - Bench
diseharged them with a oevere caution. •
The.Lord•Lieutenant hae, on the mom.
mendation of Vieacinnt. Etonek, Lieutenant of
the County and 'City of Dublin, made the
following appointments: Sie Ralph Clank,
of Ferry Park, Rahway, to .be le Deputy
Lieutenant for the City of Dublin in plan of
1 •
Sir Edward Borough, demand, and Dr. Evory
for . •
The speeches delivered hy-14,...filadetone
in Mid-lothian havnheenPhbfilailidin-ioliesp
Pamphlet form for general dietribution. The
'whole of ' the speeches in Scotland. are
publiehed in London by Ur. Ridgway in a • :
well.printed octavo of 250.pages. ee
At- a meetbagoiConeervativee held at Ghia-,
gow, it was resolved by a emalk mejority to
support Sir James Bain as a aeoond•Coneerva•
tive candidate for the city At next general
election. The first candidate is -Mr. Camp.
.bell, of letraoitthre. . .
At. the Glasgow Circuit Court last .week,
Robert Yorston, writer, Glasgow, was . found
y o VID two BUMS, One 0
• uilt 1 ha • gembezzled t • f
wg hi h amounted to nearly I600 belonging
' e • ; • • 0 • - •
tO a Baptist Church in Wushaw. . He wee
rientonced to three. months' imprieonment. , •
The Parieh ot Fogo has lost one of ite most
worthy and beet knoeen 'patiehioners by the
death of Mr. George Hamilton, of Fogo Muir.
' "
lil,,, TliN.,
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1 i 1
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C " -
ill ;II„
. -----
,' ---
. r 4 es
'• i #
, .
, ,
• il
.s -s -,--e-
, !•1
, Throat
4, R
but loosens
R A •
Colds, Hoarseness, Sore
Bronchitis influenza
f • f• t
proup, Whooping Cough, . .
Asthma, and every • •
• affection of the -,, • •
Throat,..Lungs, and Chest;
. • including •
• _,, .
does not dry u a cough,' ncl leave the. cause ,
Pi 'h 6 '
as, ;is the caie mit ost preparations, ,
,11; cleanses -the lungs and allays sari -
strong probabilities, of Another Ourbreak
/Great Popularity of Ltiathognmed Jan
-The inetuentini Chieht lendecidee,
Lormois. Jan. 22.-A (Jebel despatch MS
matters here are very uneetsled. • An
outbreak is ponible at may time and
is alrent.certain to doeur RS SOOn aS the
snow melts. Mahommed.' Jan is very
popular among the Afghane, who will
willingly follow hini again When called
They do their defeat,
wife through, the nook with a carbine. Death
appeare to have been instantaneous.' The
deceased -lady was in her night dress when
the deed Was perpetrated. 'Wed, who had
been heard to threaten her life on the previ-
one night,. has beep apprehended.
At Leeds Porn Court on ed esday Week
' . . w 33,
Richard .Gankrodger, a corn, miller's aaaiet-
ant, Wail committed. for trial for having
caused the death of his wife by thrusting the
dem of a' tobacco pipe up her nosteils riming
a quarrel he .hed with .her ametbete age.
I. ha aMM °amid a fraetelra of .the °hall and
of the brain which ' was the
Kennedy, of Belgard, Olondalkini • to • be,
Deente.Lieutenfint for the county, 'in place
of William Caldheck, deceased. • •
Peculiarly terrible was the death' re,
contly - • of . James. Hayman, a , youth
engaged in cleaning a steam crane at Sutton
Harbor. By he vidence at the, coroner'e
' a
inquest it appears man was inside the
&hasty oiling it, ivhen hie foot canght•the
Ma •
.yalve which set the engine in motion,. and
amid a maze of wheels he was torn limb from
linib, hie trunk and his head only remain-
ing. When. extraoted,' he groaned once and
es A . ,,,
upon, not admit
and say they were' only dispersed buena°
they had no cannon with which to dislodge,
the British from Shaper, but the next Um
they will bring cannon. Shirpur has' been
giviatly strengthened, heti* is too liage for
she present ;written of 3,000 Buropeate and
4,800 natives to hold and at the;
mune time take the 'offensive against a
combination of equal stretigth with the
last. The Khohistonis continue to, treat,
1-et.4 the eat—Y-_e_;eneet-lee-eaeel-eineeeetet-hfieP-ehgneeeW_henieleteestivea-found-an-empty-lettee,
immediate nun of death. ' •
George HeBrooks, letter carder, was prose-
euted by the PostMastee.denend,• at Bristol,'
for dealing post letters, there beMg between
three and four hundred mining. Irene his
Christmas Day's,deepatch.-Some were regia-
. tared and many contained Ohristmae presents
--purees, money, cards and photographs-
'some of which were found in Om posension
of a woman apprehended with Brooke, at a
- The Lorde CominissiOnere of the Treasury
have had under consideration numerous.
applications from tenant !deniers for de:.
auctions. from inoonie tax where rent abate.
ments have been or are being made, and also
as regards the repayment of duty to landlords
who have remitted n per centege to their ten-
ante in consequence of the. depression . at:
present /aiding in, agrioulture.• The •Lords
of the Treasury -have eignified to the Board of
Inland Eireann° their willingziess to alio*
llitlatthlY„rlaided--cin the "estate Of Charter-
hall f rora • Vine immemorial, working as
joiners, millere and. at. other useful callinge.
' At the Glasgow Circuit Court, Lord Dens
'said that theft•and robbery, at all times and
places, Boomed to be on the increase, and the
atrocity raanifeeted in one ease was unparal• ' .
leled by anything wIthinhie own experience, ,
though he was the °Red Judge in the thtee
• ,/-1,
. 'cl, 1, ,:, ,. 1,';,?,,, ,;,r/./ •,.
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- ,,,,! .1, ,,. „. ,..1_ r a • •
e. e , "t1
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ee, 1 , Nee,
. oieffliant,,%•• ;
e` ' esur . ..
' •-. •eee
,, ,- ee-e...
e• . .1...
thus removing the cause of complaint." ,.
NOT- BE DECEIVED by article m .
a /similar name. Be sure you get DR. -
the signature of 4.‘ I, BUTTS ". on the
per. 80 Cents and $1.00 d Bottle. Pie -
by Sint W. FOWLE $4, Solis, Boston,. ' -
Sold by druggists and dealers .generally.
kingdom. • . . •
The late Mr. Dunbar, of Serebster, deft..
ablent 21-000:- eVhiole was tote at interest
for twenty yearn, for the erection of a refuge .
. P7 -r -7-r-...
quiet when diatutbanoes commence., TWO
influential Birders of Wartlak have come _ein•
-neutilitt hoped that-eithere will follow. The
excitement at Ghlaznai and"Logar continues.
Mahommed, Jan is actively preparing for
another rlaing. The uncertainty as to.
whether the Britiah intend, to -holdear-abaliden-
the country prevents the influential ,chiefs.
from cordially oo operating with us or .pre •
paring a Government tO succeed us. Nothing
can be done utast our policy is known,. It hi
believed that it the Aighene are left to ehoose
an Amcor they will: choose Ayoub Khan,
•eorenninder•at Herat; who -is
hag. Bath the prinnersevere remandedi .
Cardinal Manning, .epeaking at a temper-
ance meeting at Liverpool the other.day, said
that in Maneheeter, Liverpool and London
the -Teetotal League of the Cross numbered-
fifteetheumind of the soberest men in .Eng.
elandee-Dregkezineseriffectiot Zirglaria's-
'factory hoods to Buell an extent, he said, that
• Americens who had visited England to study
the labor question dedaied that the factory.
labia of Areerica.wai morteefddient than that
• of England, -fn riOnsequenne of intemperance-
,teneee,the.Engeteee,_ • ••.e. ' s• - ' • --•- --The
:LtBefore_heteRrIghtoneMagistretes-on Tues.-
day week a got/anemia ' nanaed Zillah Milner
diiiitiletie islifiliietitedriiithen Of the SiaVeyek•
of Q.ueen'e Tien oertificate frozn landlord or
agent of the amount of abaMments made.
. The Right Hon. -Lord Leconfield has
through*.his agent, Mr. J. W. Scott, Rods.
levin, Ennio, .notified.to hie tenantry in the
. Reaped .-dialriete. tleitelnielne.. Ceeregliane
Eizabor, Diiii Island, 'Coro', 101e:terry, and
Low Islancl, that seedpetaten of a superior
eile,se will he dietributed amongst hem at the
planting ioason at the rate of 8. 'per . skate
to all whose rents are 210 annually or. under,
and le to holden of property excemdirig. AMA
Xilruah Houseehas ieft.Kilettehefere-Etiglitiet•
with a view of Importing a large .. quantity' of
for decayed tradesmen .beloegieg to or eon-
neoted with.Thureo;_and the trainees have
been lately looking tor
I ‘-''-
out for Waite the.. PP'.
posed huildieg. e. . ' • '
-the •unentalled property -of hie predecessor in
ayrahire. .. It comprises the astatine and.
thansione Of. Fullerton and Meriden and the
barber and- land about .Ttoon. • The eaten.
Mee 'Kilmarnock Gaiston
'.•;`, i
, e ,--- ., •-
''4•''' - teee
----, ee....ea•
P , or -
_ . ..
and .• °data pasts to
Lady,. Henrietta':
Pentinek, _eldest Meter of
- Veit • •.- --- ' •
' '
lateedukee--- . _. ._, _
-.77Tlia•cleatli•iiiTrinnonneedi.af the•itay,'_Jo!aii _.
Stewart, • M. A.,,, Minister • of Liberteidet ee
-father. of the ' Chutch. of Scotland; at the
adianood age of eighty -neon. In the Church
Courts. Mr. Stewart was ohiefii known for
,.the part he took solar Years.ago in opposition
to what were called innovations. .Mn Stewart
is•eurvived by a daughter, 'whole the wife of -
new George Davidsen, istee
V 0
ee I •-•••.
4‘ • '' '
. N . TO N \
1, . i . -'‘,_-:1` - - • . - . , _- • -, , ..,.'
A PrOteded
. ,
Is as
..ille "
.--- •
Solution Of the ProtOltide Of. Iron,..,
. , . ,
. easily digested and assimilated with -the ,
as the simplest foo. : 'When the blood
not contain the need quantity Of Iron; the
can be supplied by the, use. of the ' •
SYRUP. ' It cures' a" thousand . •
simPly by' Toxiwa. Ulf', IxvioOneensee,and ,,.
the system... The -enriched and
WoesTimeeises Agetemicresem0. •-•
7 --....... A.11. '' r .
.a. Pialenarce shr.s.t 18 as. Wide -spread ...as,
. Calm" Thloilee. '•
The New Mirk Evenin4 Post thus refers to
the advertising sheet dodge, a speciee of
ranicting merchants not unknown in any ,
silty Me:Mande : Oar esteemed contemporary,
the Bun, toelay intermite its Canandra ones
semi) the imperial 'influence of -Don Pedio's
bedstead long enough to upon 'outdo
Waa Chat*Ed by a ladyedeneed petteiwith ari
Ms:Gault. The defence was an odd ' .•'
. 0 one, namely,
that•the complainant, besides elandering the
defendant, had (mused her to be prayed haat
St. Paul's Church as t• a pormon troubled_ in
'her /ninth". According to the defendant, two
• t•
ladies related to the comPlainan had' also
.been prayed fore" that truchtulnese Might be
• . voiacheafed to them." Tee defendant was
fined a ehilling arid costs and bound.over
to keep the. peace. •• -
• • ••
new seed potatoes•for thevateof his tenentry-
in Olde. •• - - . • • •
A Meeting of the tementive Committee Of
the.Daohese of Marlboroush's Fund vmeheld •
on the 31e1 ult. Mt Dublin Caatle. • The
peahen presided. AritOng the sebectipeione
were Mr._ G:adstone• 2-50. end ..the Duke 'of.'
Northunzberland e 2100. • The Duchess of
__Marlborough.mad a letter from Cardinal
hi h he tated that h dee I
mauellele, ert w 0. , 0 . . . 0 S' Y
avmPathized with . the object Her
Gine had in ' view, and ' that he had.
,the min' of Kin.
fauna . . • iv
' At the Gleggew Circuit Court on' Tuesday
week,- Murdoch - Jeffrey • Stewart, eighteen
years of age, 'lately a clerk in the head office
of the•Bank of Scotland, was -charged with
having forged batik cheque or orders for
money to the amount of about 24,000. The
pH/toner pleaded guilty-to•two of the 'Merges
and the plea wage accepted: HM Lordship'
then "passed sentence of fives, yeare' 'penal-
'servitude. • .
Among the vietims of the Tay Bridge dis.'
aster' was John T. Ohatterton Baxter, B. A: .,•
.w.hHoeiaioatre,dp for eometinie under the name of
a moniker'. of a .theatneel
conmany. -It has been agoertained that he •
left • Ediebarg_h On Sunday afternoon for. --aee-e-
Dundee. • He was a young man who is Stated
to. have had a successful college oared at
Univetsity, and to have
ee e'Vl
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out morbid
. DrOpty,
the blood,
blood permeates everyepait of the:
repairing damages and waste, searching -
secretion& end leaving nothing for
to feed upon. - This is the secret of the
success of this iemedy in curing .
'Liver Complaint, BOWS,
• ' ' •
_:Chronic Diarrhcea,..
Nervous Affections, Female '
• , • Complaints,
. -...-
all diseases originating in a bad sten •of
or accompanied by debility,' or a low .
of the system. • . - e . .
Sure yen, getthe •".leEe• • . '
Y Il UP." Sold by druggists gener-. ••
'Pamphlets sent free to any address by •
Finny & Sous, Pioprieters, 86 Har-
Aveaue, Boston; Mass.
shine . - -
obscure phases of newspaper adeertieing with A. sultrier. IN e3 rittrittnrir.
the following clear and eteady beam:• "-In — . • .
• -
few dePartments of.hesiness, too, his Ogre A, Trencher's Hair Tolled and isiii.rnee
beilitriaore mianpresentation and downright • •' - litlapped. by a Venue Lade. ' • •
swindling than in that of advertising, ••• The
Rash tunes for that sod of thing were, •eight . eBneentone Jane26.-eOn S Iturday evening
, a number. of t e mem ers.o eat rant or
or ten • years: ago, when. worthlese sheets, Methodist Chtirela had_ assembled to hold'
with • only a nominal circulation and .i no ..
Influence. sooureclehozity to obtain advertises -.prayer teeming. White they -were engaged
,memtila_Imeiteting at no falsehoo , in prayer .a Miss Clinch entered the chi:itch'
'd *and and walking ft -Rielly •to -where Me. Broaawtos.
ooneenting tis almost any terms, BO long as .was kneeling. caught hold of himby the -bait
they got what they ware after. An enormous of hirthead and hit him /several times in tne
amount of money was obtained' from Over- i. . • - hold
users In Ibis . way, .3:440h- 01 which might face, when three gent emen present tome
about as Well have been epent 1 .. e n d her and Prit her yut.. It Is eupposed-that
'n.stickin ,u •
- ,- - 'Miss Clinch. is laboring under 1M-helluoina•
posters in dark . cellars." ..The revival •of tion. - She fancies that Mr. Broadway waits'
hastens ie brioging this sort:of sheet into . . . i . 4 i.Mr
exideine again. • A day or two ago we had -to marry her, but no eause is .aes.gne or
three of these' pew publioattons, litid en our the attack. Mr. Broadwo hes tot eiven her '
any cause to suppOse that he thinks More
table at one time: • We ventutelo say that ' • .--- • , • . ,
we gees then newoomere• mOre. attention of her than .of • any other member of the
than they receive from nine out of every leis . grega on. . _ r. • roe way es not a retina
Italordained preaoher, btbeb
persons ----------------------------------------5;
already colleotea .. £1,300, whish he had for.
- .
warded to the 'Bishop of Galway for clistrilm-
tion -in the de:Moses. of Galway,' Kerry, Timm
and Rose, and that. that fact alone prevented
him from making a further-colleotion in aid
1 II r Grace's fund. A letterfron1 the Agent
0 e. .
General for South Australia was read convey-
ing ari .offer of aseistanoe from Hon: W.
Morgan, Chief B.euretary of South Australia,
Communications from various distressed
ditstrietein the -West of Inland, were creceived
and considered, and several local committal;
appointed. The names of .the Count/zee of
- Mayo, ,
vveetmeathe - the Countess of Lacy
Bieem-fleld, Lad. Y.de Fr07110,.Lady Constance,
Bellingham, Lady Mary. Burke, Lady Amer
Daly, Id a 0e)onor, Mrs..Co an Mr. Gerald
a. . t _ g s. _ _
_Deitee, Mrs. Edmund Deese and Mr. Blake
were added to the General.CoMmittee. . .. '
Intelligenee has retched -01cinniel that' on
• .- •:. •
'Christmas morning a rather merlons row
occurred botteeen • some Meenbere of the 7th
at Philadelphia He is • described '
also' as ,
- - `' • • '
having shown mark.ed ability on the dap. -
The canoe of theedelay in finding the fated.
train and ite •imnritioned victims at • the bee!
. . • . - • - • • - • • • •
tom of the Tay was the excessive muddiness
, of the water. , The divers could not me. an
h b for. th nor • Th • t i . 1 ' ty f t•
12° e e e a wa er 8 well - (Ie.
deep'whereihe train sank Fox, the' diviir,-
walked alongthe.bottom until he came Nen*
u., againet 110Me object °ikon... .rie at Ant
;nought it was a•part•of the bridge, hut whenfor.ehirifying
, he felt over 11 with his hands he_ found Even
the' engine. The first thing brought up was
the lamp of .4 •railroad carriage. .
, . .
• •
• -
Aye, r s-
- 'ndigestron,
• - • •.
' ' •
For Scrofula,
lt3 . scrofulous. diseases,Krysi-
pelt's Rose or Ste
' ny's 'Fire, Rose,
. •
• all
„ ..,
'Ayer's:. Cathartic .Pills.; . ,.
. . e
For all the purposes or a Family l'hysic,
and :Mr, ceuring costiveness, eaundiee,
Foul Stomach,: , ,EAcath,,__ ..... ... .
-_ottclaohe; Etyeindas, -Rheumatism, •
• Eruptions and Skin - Diseases, Bit.
iousness,Dropsy, Tumor/Ole-ones;
Neuralgia as ae Dinner Pell,
the Bleed, , '• ' ' -
— • Are • the most. .efe
• e ......--e---e. . ,
feCtive and.'conge-
-- ' ""ra --, nial purgative ever
the position for- somotimeeselle inelittedinit•
hasty glance Machina. to us . heir utter ones/din the Brantford Oollegiate Institute;
worehleseneas, and rthevith they Were . g. .. ..
and ss. from Woodetook. . • •
pitched into the waste basket. Yet nob" of .a _e___.
these.sheets had a .floodilearrey.of advertise- DIsteItiatitii:V STUDENTS.
merit& and it was Probably eddy for ' the ' . - • • . — . • . . s .
elite of the advertisements that they were t
Timer ileechristiatzeitte ItehaVlor as a
printed/ The anmaieg pert of the matter :' ' Y. 311.- 0,41. Iffleetlug. ,
its that the tradeenien Who- -paid ha' the' HisetiraJaii. 26.•=4 disturbatioi3-aceurred-
Weer lion of these advertisements undoubtedl J at a exteeting•of the Y. M. 0. A. 'of Queen's
balloted that they would thereby make their University, .held in the Medical' College' last„
warn known to the public. The error in evening. A number of young men oommenoed
their calculation is that then Amite them- the di/Audience by singing a hymn in oppopi•
seiveit are not public. As nobody made tion to -the ontegiven out, and when they
them bemuse they containpeither news nor cotild not clone the meeting by. this meow],
spinielie of alle worth, et follows as 4 matter they went outside and conduoted..thenmelvee
of donne that advertiaieg in them its apnea very uiabecomingly. - They oapped 'the: affair
Wade of money. It is rather worse than thie, by lookhig the worehippen • in. One
because itenan who advertises once or twice of. the• members climbed:. Out • of an upper
and gets no edam from it le • dispooed to window, and beethis Menne ' 1e1 'the broth,.
believe that advertining is ncit necessary; ren °et,. • • .• . .
' - • - • - ' '
and having reacihed thie opimoohe
iiiiiIiiiiii'iri that:Mien; ICWOuld appear that
.4 party of the hussars and eivilla.ns tutel been"
drieking together in the • canteen tip . to
dosing hour. When the civilians were
- . . • .. • .
parading about . the streets • they met
-- -
three huesare put on pan. Some angry
• • • • ,
words were eitolianged between :them.
It hi alleged that the soldiers . who
*Me' z 7-eaid ethbo-f— roni-the North -0- e -er-eleteee-
/shouted "Down with the Pope. and Popery,'
and. that the olviliane retorted With • other
insulting Orin. A row was the Mull. - The
human went into bareaokseand-brought out
fourteen or fifteen of their 4nrades contrary
to ordere and a general melee followed, about
e , e .
wenty-.six yonngmen or tue OWn as 1 g
' - • - -- t ' nein
the soldier& One .of the young men had one
of his linnet badly brui d and a a o d was
- - ---- - le ' • w r
len from 'one of the huggers' The 'used,
under Lieutenant Johnson, tuened mit and
diepereed the dottrel bitok
In eeply to a memorial addreseed to Lady
Matheson by members of the:naval and mill.
• tery reserve corps reeiding in the Lows " on
• the eubjed of acquiring /mine land tenure in
the island,” oho says,'" at this diatance, and
with my present knowledge of the state (Alba
- crofters in the Lem, it la impoisible for me
to give a favorable reply to yourrequest. .By
God's blessing, however,. I hope next Summer-
. . ,
to revue e
t th Wend, when it will be my
earnest endeavor • to enter into all matters
a concern e We are o
th t " ' th 'II Ube inhebitants in
the same Writ as that of my noble hue-
..„,,: .,.. ....,...,........ , . . .. • .
"amt. ; . • ' - •
• The demise Of Miss Cecelia tinloch, the
, pro rietrix of.the estate of Carnoustie, took'
. P
Pine at Carnoustio noun on Haturdayalter• •
noon. Mimi Khaimah Was a .da ht f th
. ng .er o e
late Geotge Kinlooh, Of Kinlooh, the firet
member for Dundee under thce-RefOrne Aar
and in whole honor a_ statue we ended ha
bert Institute reund glom° yeare ago.
.., ,e her younger , .
The ptesent Sir George Kinlooh l
brother. Mies Xinloch was 82 yeeroi 'of age,body,
and had 'been in falling health for monis eon.
al era e Imo. Somatime ago
d bl t' ' . V ti ' she gave a
large 113021 In aid of the -funds of the Seamen's
_ . Society, and itie Understood that she
h I ft b ' sts amo tin- to between
a° a equa -
24,000 and £5,0u0 to several .looal charitiee.
• 1
. • .----
. Blood.
as .
. •t
g eta
i 35
1 ''d
1 so
Eruptive diseases of • tile
skin, Ulcerations of the '
LiverseStomech, Kidneys,
.'il 1 Lungs, Pirrifilese-Peettiles„
,P..%1 - Boils; Plotches, Tumors,
1 Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald
le • . •
• Head, Ringworne-Ulcers,
Neuralgia,. Pain in
Side • and Head, • Female
' • Sterility, L •• • h • • •
eucorr ceaetinsing
: t 1 1 leeratioe and ' Uterine-
el" 1 - . ' 4
Mercurial dis-
SYPIliliLia "(1 . •
Drops,y, Dyspepsia, Emaciation,
b• it •ti d - or Puff in the
il y, . i f . Y g
. , - . . ..
Sarsaparilla is • a combination of
a e. a -• •vigorous
hie 1 ea"' dyes Stillingia, Man-
1.'ellow Docke-•evitli the ledides-
end Iron, and is the most.
medicine • yet known • for '
it is intended tie core' •• •
• . • ' • • '
ingredients are eo ekilfullO
y CM,
that the 'full alterative, effect.'of
assured, an eV ii e 1 IS SO mi
I •1 't ' 'Id
harmless everi to thildren, it ie
e ectua .as. o pulp out ibin le
ft ' 1 t • • • - ' t f • ' tl
those impurities and corriiptions
develop into loathsonie disease
. . „
reputatien it enjoys is. derived
1r -discoyeted. They
.1.1 -- are mild, but ef-
•• . - 4 fectual . ah their •
-.- - .-••••, operation, .MoYing
'± the bowels surely'
' - and without pain. . .
- -
seat., -1-1.- Although g e nt le
' ti
le in their operation,
- they. a.re Mill the
' ' r' Most thorough mid'
....e..- • . ing either-. -
....-.. search . ..
• . • - • 7 . •• . -
tic medicine that can be employea . eleans- .
ing tIM stoma& and bowels, and even the .••• •
° •, • •
blood. In sin.all doses of one pill. a day, •
they :stimulate the digestive organs and
promote health. .
,, yen s 1,31.3 • een nown or • •
A ' P'haveb ' k f
. More than' a quarter of a eentury,'-antl-have•-•:4---
obtained a world-wide reputation for their • .
virtues.. The . t d'. - d To 'n
They conec mean ac 1 n. i , .
the several .assimilative organs of the
and are so• composed. that obstruc- ••
. • • h' f - . . 1 .itTi•
tolls Int in t mir .range can rare y 'Iv
stand or evade them. Not only do they
• • • e • •
cure the eVery-day, CoMplaints o every.;
. body, but also formidable and dangerous .
d• •
iseases tat , aye a e e es o
human' skill.- While they preclude power- •
mat once ee
deprfired. of an indisPeneable Mean& when- • The Trade and . the 11.e/sources of Aus
ligelligently used, of increasing Wide. • , . • gratin.
"r 0 .
and -.biOtight the
• '
f wheel have been einatenced
moldier& some c . . . ..
thimble drill forpenods varying from newt to
fourteen days. he
T '. h
—..-- . New jah. 27. -Mr. Spencer, Consul.
' cricket.. • • Geiser/A at Melbourne, ' Austral. •
, • la. in a
Tho .following is . from the Fo'retit and deepatele to,the .Department of State, dated'
;Stream of the 22nd of January ; e, . .Decemberel, trans,nzite his pineal , report of
.. - • the . trade- of that colony' • glowing. • that-
ThfLTED STATES VS. OANADA.-NOW Si thitinao Australia oom ri ' ' f 3 000 000
t p ses art Area • o . .
hat the oanadianeericket clubs hould look
ahead and 'organize an oesooiation similar to the agnate mikes, with a population of 2,600,000..
one in operatiOnArt, the United Stated. -Walesa It0 progress - has been znarvelions. The
this iii done and. a committee ,elected by the , greatest diawbeek to the trade of Australia id
repierientatives of the clubs throughout the Dem. ,
linen, the international -ninth)); "which is to .be SIM want of. .4 market for ite surplus produe.
:stayed tbia year in the United &Mee will be• a .t10110. • Experiments; ere. being made to teat
Allure. It is absurd to . call•th'e match " Centel the ponibility 01 minding 'Meats to
btates vs, Canada," when the sides representing E "lad If rice fl.tb • t t d,
both countrlee are not representative. Teenier. ng n • e c ee u , a expor ra e..
iog strength of Canada is excellent and ehoted he • will largely Inman°. Next to eitising.horees,
put forth ;Iet therefore the Canadian clubs banish. cattle and eheep, the , mining interedt ie. the
their petty jealoneies dnd put an moven in the . Most important. Lar ge numbere of Chinese
field this season which will do honor to. there- .
eeives and theft people. There is no Match are employed in the gold, diver, copper, iren
*hien can do more good or increase the popie and coal Mine& Several companies have
larity of OM game more than this One, and we been henna, to develop the /Abduction of,
trust within a short time to noted that a Cana-. . • •• . i • . A •
dian cricketers' amosiatioe hem eon organized. : . Petroleum, found in barge quantatuie and orli
• • • in
stolen sword was t
baok to the barraok ground -nett morning.
earn able tie inform von that the difference
' between the Prime Minister and the • Irish
gore a et been pa o e up, •
S t i has'to t h d ' but rdieubt
whether it has been really reconciled. Lerd
Beaconsfield charged Mr.. Lowther with de.
. fioient information both as regards the nature
dextant 1 di t 1 thd
an o s nee n e country, an
also with referenoe to the •oliaraotet of the
"tanti•rerit'etteltittion and the adviaabift of.
• -- ' • • Thi�
taking eteps to cheek or Ituppreae at, his.
at least ie what I am told. I ant assured
khat rebuke and resentment Went go far that
re - • - --- - ..
0 erten Deoretary qu e e ree
"" Hi d Downingt t
la a htiff. we'nt to the Marlborough. Ohib,
wrote his resignation, and; taking i obi
handed the same in permonall at the
. , . .. . • .
Prettier it resictenee ; wnereupon the rem. er,
1 P 'I
who hail 'a Me faculty for this gort Of Oran:
wrote acceptance and notwithstanding his
. . .- ,
B • -it.- • a i
Sas Alexander Damao- rune e coo ve•
-blondee betray. Give money, but never
lend it. Giving only make,' a man ungrate.
' lendingak hi ' ' If Men
ful, It m es m an enemy.
worild Emend 133 doing good to °then equator
of the money they spend in doing barna to
• . . . . - _ .. ___,.., .___ Lt...
themselves, emery worm, VIIES114IrOw "AV
'earth: Mart
front its cures;' and the confidente which
t' 1 ' ' 11 . th
prommen y ittsiciatis .e, over e court-
try repose m'at, prove. their experience
of its tisefulnees. •
. Certificate5 attesting • • ars vntues have
accumulated lnd. %re constvitiv being
,t ' ' „ , ' el .0
received, arm As many et nine ea•seg_a/0,_frotir
ful effects thev'are at the same thne, the
' • ' ' ' • f idid n B
safest and best physic or c re . .y ,
their Aperient action they gripe =eh less.
10,11 t le common purg a ,
tl 1 • a eveg mid, never , .
" hen the bowels are not inflamed. •
give pain w
v r h the vital fountains of -the blood, •• .
°•' eac i ^ h '--- . b f - ' 't
and strent;tnen t e system y reamer . x
-of -weakness. -- ... . -•
.....,. . • geed quality vatiotte .parts of the colony.
From etatistio just pribliehed it appeare The trade of the 'United States with Aug.
- ' - - -
rheumatism and the ,bleak frost- idled for
Oaf thernitte kW:111170300 homes in Berle, balk bronly'forii "per Oeni. Of theliiial with.
Oreltieive of public buildinge. Their total all ootintries. With• Great Blitain it is'over
value id estimated .at tweaty.three millions $70,000,000 ; With the United States it le
eterlirie. The superfielea of ahe (MOW it pet lees, than 08,000,000. • .
down at 20,000 'sores. There are 600,000 • ' -- •
"Pall Mellin-thos--Lortdon-gondolarattencied-
by his faithful Monty, androlemnly depoeit.
hag Mr. Loy/thee/1 mittimus in the gorgeous
caravangeria returned home, At thie pdint
ttif the midis Royalty
Wati-oreatedeto- eitiliee•every-•
A d . ' lit 3
thing -even Borrow. _ w Men a yena. y is
the pruilehment of the Mao that buys her,
The only 'thing I ant adoniehed - at Is that
peciffie are astoniehed at anything, -
• • •
, A .rnA '1 05 he w air, •
---t says: r 0 ae I , Ina
milow left his traced there." ithmt be-
came of, the balance of the harneen he don't
Mate. . •
Pair.haired Misaletcher, atithor of "Ms.'
met," whose engagement with Lord Went-
,is ill of brain
worth bats been broken Off, Borne;
fever in
- b1-1 -Ic" - ' - tl In • 'T 0 -i•- •
pu ic y nown, ley nos 1 c n lacing,.
evideime ,f the superiority of this ..Ser-
suparilla .oVer every other alterative,
medieine. Si genetally ig its superi-
, ,
ority to aripother mecifeine knewri, that
- -
we need. do ne• Mere' tan to asstfre the
nubile that the best ualit'es it has ever
.. q 1
possessed are strictly maintained.
- • mtelsenni> eee
Dt, 1, t, AYER 84 CO,, Lowell, Mass,., •
l'.1.actidal and Anaiina ligieat ethesnts". .
601.o. 31'Z &1.L tetueelsetitewnente.
the- elements - - - - ,
. . I •
Adapted to all Ages anti conditions in
all chins:MS, 'containing neither calomel
d I t '. d 0 th Se rills may
molt any C 0 Mums nes, e
b ,
e taken with safety:branyhOdY.- . .•r
. ug . t• erves theni ever •freeh,
r-coa iii pres •
8 'a k tgl - I Ant to take; while
and ma -eS iem p eas . 1..1 r,se
being parely Veg.etable, no harm co, a a
frein their use In any quantity.
' ' ' V --' • .
br. J. C, A ER & CO,, Lowell, Mass,
7$rftetical• arid Anelvtleal Choral/Us. .
...„... ....... . - . ..... kerm• Al
yards of, sewere. The .population ntunbere Public meeting' arelheld at Oberlin,. ,
1,990;000, or about 100 inhahltante per for thepurpose of driving the tebinied dealers'
Sere. . otit. Of town, - Liquor eellere and billiard
I ti•keeperis halt already been eitpelled• re. C. EL Green, aged forty:Ave, roother 11-.0° .. ,
of four children, committed etuoide„ Itt Rix- It is reported thatreh Minuted Befilerrier
slopped in, and, I hear,
. .
not merely requetited" but dommanded that
e , Cremes e rou e a eas enspen e
until it Mid be derided With .1thei official
,,„..p.,,,,_ Timu. inconvenience and mandal.-L Gmi•I'
.1 mon A:thiSt.
ford, Pa , 3;esterday morning beeatide her ore& end in, the matathottire of steel, has
husband wait Unable to provide for the been did/Seeded On Oornwall.pteighte, High.
finally. .0 land! ofthe Macon.
• The ,baily Netbi -ender/Winds that Mr
Gladetehel recent speeehei in Scotland ere
to be Published lit Guile. -