HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-02-05, Page 4\ 0 - __ - WT -Irll- Mr- . ��, ; . I I t �,-' , . I h- I . " . ,., . I lik I II .1 I I I To the 11*41". 11 lopgavity. Tho,venerable, Presiding Bishop ' I I � Vor the HIM Ion TMXX: 1. - I . Ufa 411110911 in althniatio woroxemonod, by the I - 11 to -_ I I . I . l8PVV^T10X IN 9STALUX0 ^NP QIVX, I - . P " -, � � .... .. I � ,I on , ., I 0 . whan bills Are long, 1014 Oradit low. . A440ings are.baiiastheyoujibe, of the lmlestant. Episcopal Church in $bis country. now In his .86th yoary says.. $.he I I � VANAIDIAN 010!KOOLS ji[IFT]k engaging Method pursued by him. Be taught the Ratio I I several 70"11,644 On his retiring, J5RV-ALJPAL0Al1CXrAkgLx lmxm,4nBAW wog 0.1un, 518TX Is. irm"Vi[xvim., ,*ke4mis# I youpgrred, Cb 41 Yosr"ralatent, swodwo Was very much in bve %Yb And banks down with sudden blow, ' A44 non M ,re . is 01160. -1).Utpoupryl I 'Whon #0 rater 11 An big private den K. Y. $^ ties been making 4 041011101tkn Ola the 4ubjoot. 110, reports %hot, the yovitigest ' YEARS ,&CxO. - I myseqnsintarloo with.thomobooldeam 3, I 60 , The thinking tendencies of after life no . It speaks volumes foathe excellent Mijobirl. , I wl , A(grl �"o, . One night she told him, In her tends , mttw,t "� . I L' , _ ., Looks sad'and savage as a bear, . 1. . of his predecessors in office Hired to Mee 76 The 10ch"et IX`01480�Wh4'D nourils-Irba, , . I 1. I very much guided b.i, past school-doy our. cry of the School system of Canada that the, . . I t Is 40 good $or a- to be &logo.', � 43ea4u ,)as go his lauds axe low --;O then, ; lLdLss�-ot,yoqr debts beware I - . yeago, and that the average age pit'dooth it . ? he himself were to die to -morrow, would be Aluster. and a Noccesury q as'dificallem -The Battle, Ground 0 Stoney V'reek. icitindings. - Our soboolho use, as I have said, . method of wanagamokit which ban been in existence in the majority of the British Notkil Said Fred, 41 Juat'so, adirlinglittleelf- . T9 Xelf,fL Z!v6Oft0at11O09htOX 1AXAmetlibomy ! I .1 *Your gorgeous gown of now silk Stuff 02 yeats. One of bio, predeceesora reached I., (13Y o OLD I . wr) . was located Lon a pleasant rise of ground a a .. 4 former battlefield, booldo a large graveyard I Americau Proyluawalprmany years wits not . . . � . . . Tb on said the lals,vbIle Freii was all " 11 I " I . Will suroly,ldoll %fo Wondt'ma? � : I -0thodo4u4 -bonnets, you!ve enough I . ' . , . Your Jaoksti,'t6o. ar'sintheir .0 L.0 and anothe"13 yearn,. � .. L I -10 Rev. Dr. 4, 3). Minaerli, of 91knoad City, . - Our school spient is one of the great and � � expenolve,144titutibno at our country; 'great L Sad near 'a venerable old chapel; besides . I 1. this. $he principal, shokoughtexe and otage I I on ly ad 6D opt� by England in her revised Bdu- cotl Cod . I L . I I into ,but, It about .$a be. introduced , France. In the latter country, for the * jor 4_0 . You Ought to buy, yourself a torri .1 I � L lia took the hint, " talk, It I 0 ­ . � . . ­ It' temperance I . prime. . Noticed to 41 run up little bills," engaged 4o marry Mrs. Diggs. She In I I results hAvatollowed Ito establishmentand , � routs through the country ran within a few I first . il me. in Its history, and after the most was -at %. meaft. That L speaker increased In eloquence sold nollfifil, , I i Because your' last axe t paid. . , Nor maltiply 4 thouiandyolteno beoutlful,. accomplished ,and a jadgelo I . I daughter, but. she is m, divorced woman, ano ,greater still Are expected �o follow, To avoid I in part the levied asm000ment atteridhig the rodo of thadoor. On the sontli,thiabs4owy . I I bxoW, of the Mountain rose; an the ,north, . determined oppPoltiDit an the pett of those I , . . - and he cried .- is Yen, 'my friendo, we'll ft . . By bilusiog others to their aid, 11 0 � I on tho ground Many 'members of Dr. I .1 . . I . I I . . pup port of Common Sohoolp, it would be Well IL I I I L I I , one, of the largest and best cultivated forms,, - . I , have hitherto controlled the schools, the ,Who L I I L education, a$ the people If aboit to. be placed � I our temperance vessel out of $be mite And I mud oil to hard, dry around, and, thou OR - . You; see how 11 Pater'o" ragged brow , I . MaderIalo congregation obpot to the oiqiri, . . L . I - , for Mo � nitoba and the great Northwest, which I with orchard Bud bar I no. and 0, lopg, low, I I . In $he *hands a$ the taxpayers, who will . I . . . beautifully alongill . I k I I aLseamed ,with lines of care and�rlof 'Who oiuse Is plaiu�audovon now , L The pastor balled a meeting of his oolograga. . I . L . tion, which is Presbyterian, to consider the are now being op oned tip, to copy the example of cup neighboring; 13i.stoo, and get apart a comfortable 4welilug, with verandah, perched 0 n ii gentle hill. To $he eastward lay. the 1 � . L .1 henceforth have a votes In deciding What the I . . . Escapes Sri alwaya narrow . . I . Who Over: � i . H, IscaseReeme alto beyond relief. . ve hundred pounds. . Alsinoome-Juata question. Arguments for and against the ,, . I . L . Portion of the Government lauds for the gap- I . I alley of the Stoney Creek, Where the studies of their children ,shall consist of. I I I yet it.cannot be said that in all the PrOylaaelL to - Ad of a broad coca 6 " I pe? . IS nothing-Wben a thousand's duo. marriage were madeby laymen and the I Part of common Schools. American arm was roated while proper' I y I , mg at tba-,J)Oininion, the 0 chool system is much .. I 11 It costs us more to be miserable than Would Things really are boyond all bounds� . . Th# reason, ladies, 110p with you I . I I alerg7man, in an impassioned speech, main- talned Mrs. Diggs' right to become his wife. To those who are basking in the intense- tual blaze of our present schools, food for the following day's match on Bur. linglon Heights, which never took al � � 11.1 ' L' , go. it, ought to be. In Ontario It Is true, we I , Mo, . , I ke us perfectly happy. Perhaps I I . '�k So MRILY Watit9j'YOU always BSY� .. ,A Tots woo not taken, because he intimated , . that he to do he perfispo , . L some account of one, at our old'oehobis may I beyond lay the village; which, though , 10m,aneil. had its hav a of late yeard Arrived at aperfection in I educational matters which loaves little to be I 10101118060 Patches most Man, but aobwabs And a cold I ! winter bold the first . so many things we have to buy; . meant go pleased; rega;d- I be of interest -by which they may be the . I . . stagehouge, poot.r.floo, shape, agores . . I domired. Oar Schools are well managed; the . , I . I , morig.ago, And iohoney runs so fast away, L ".- 111hat we can't puy (although we try); . lose of counequouges, - . The R5v. T. V.,Roy, converted Brahmin, �sg,s better able to appreciate �hq many'advaul, that He within I their arsap. I and wills. If the reader does not weary I will reaspitu. standard for teachers his been raised so high L I I The height of Industry-& girl go indus. � , And So the bills Just'grom and grow,, . L Like. MuBhiooium,_ouly not so good. � who figured In Hamilton, Toronto and Oar Schoolhouse Stood in the corner of � late; The graveyard was considered Snored, go to keep drones and poor Material out of. their ranks, while the machinery for teaching triong that when she- has nothing oleo to, 00 . 11 I I she knits, her brows. . . � And 11'Patei 11 pacos to uud fro His Sanctum, la'a h9rild mood I ourts a year or so agog has not been having a, very time in the graveyard connected with the old Mptho. that Chapel, on, the Stoney Crook battle. , and we were not allowed to run riot Inside its limits; there was ample space in front for A � . has been much simpli6d, leaving nothing � He Bala he wanted horlo, be his'belpmate. L I .1 . I think yomaDmeGmas might refrain good . Cincinnati mines the ' ne;7s' got abroad . ground.- ,It was quite fre sh slid no I w when I L playground. The massive old chapel inspired to be wished for, if we ex9opt the teadepay art of Rome of the educators to oil the P, I And she replied that ch .6 could never be wage , I YOU eannotLyfly; L . From buying�when . The reasou is so very plain � L I'money among the ,pious pork packets that he has been.denouneed by 4be'Rov. Dr. Ch I I am. first attended school there, in 1821, the isat , $ablo be I aring the date 1822 rudely out, in a L us with veneration and aw L ,a , ' ,. and the: Sheen on the wiDaow panes inclined ad to Imagine , . . 61 cram " their pupils beyond their capacity. How different are matterg In Qaobso. Wedq than asoisker Whim.. I I " 44 My I Ittle Lill, which do you love bost--�. . Th at runs so fast away V, I . u6strain,expenses-st , oy at home; 'Make tl 2ater " happy if you can; -berlaiu, of the East India Mission, a an . a impostor and bigamist. When he tried to, � , no ; It was an expensive otructure,for Ito St9 d i fl da yt a e sets or , edit on the enterprise and weary. apix,td lingered within, who, however, I .1 became invisible when flesh and blood ap. not know whether It is becaugi our neigh. " bore have been asleep these past hundred Is in mras or tbli big bag of osady'r, o, I love, - . 11 hoot mOmma-Whd gives me the big bag of I ,­ I ,*,d then wustover crash may come, ,, . An 1. rater" willbe an huineii xuaml - . - speak at , k Gospel temperance meeting, a I . . . few evenings ago, some of the brethren blamed I , desire the _.Of those Who contributed to Ito I erection, in Order to educate as far as lay In I : proachact th -place. On � � pig, legitimate lurking funeral occasions the school was Allowdd to I I . on tquencoof their years, Whether it 10 in o 0 1 Poverty, or of! la6k of interes� In thpir off. -. � I owndy." . L . 0 : . . . The hardest working Marx and women an I I ��_ , I . and others gang a hymn to drown him voice. I their power not only.the children grovillog up I attend, with the atrie , Juno t -in' tion ii4�, to &read upon a - grave. Loyalty was Spring, but it ,glanot be denied that the . I . and - those who do the working and planning ; ES. � On Sunday afternoon be Restated as, aide show at an exhibition of healing powers bV in the sootiolu, but al so to sosiBt the young men and the young women, who were already Becuraly fastened upon-� us by the pro. I P'soploof that 15rovincesie awhole.0entury behind the Age in their educational affairs. they are few, for moot people consider me.oplad- . band goods the cheapest. . I . � I . I . ­ - - - - � _ - 11 ­:_ - an alleged doctor, and made a speech. telia unpleasant things said about -by -the beginniag to Stuart under the thougbf of I being almost Illiterate, to obtain, it they � sauce of the little mounds and pits where our country's dofo94Rr,_,-lv_Z]sepJng, who . This is the only conclusion one can, arrive At their I . . At cards he said," Let lisplay kiss ;11 � And she, 11 What do 0 � I 'Intelligence. . ,,�sntercstlua Budget di . I . . . . . .him .missionaries he atirlbuieit to doctrinal and chose, the rudiments, at least, of an English , gave up their lives to Wi-eure our froodom.; and 'every leaden bullet, and' every, rusty after a perusal of the latest report, of Super I intendant of Education. We have often you mean? 1 1 I � HOW can you says thing like thle?" - � . Whon, blubbing, tothe angry Miss. - - A 13�w me hoilist Episcopal church to to be � I l" , . Sectarian jealousy, which had' followed him across the ocean.. He admitted that he had education. ,Tha. thick walls. were of stone; three large square windows gave on abun. bayonet, -and .other fragnibrits, were to us been compalle,d to speak inno otinted terms of indignation of the parsimonious character I . I Said he," I Meant kies-scone-O." I . I � . . ­ I "Why, !I)Uilt at Georgetown. . . . . I been in jail for bigamy, but explained that -as dance of jight, one being placed in the east 'west valuable relies of the midnight Struggle. ,We circled round. "Lorony's osk'tree'l . of some school trumt(fas in Ontario. On One you'd better knock the d6or down� I . I . WWA6 you.mint?" 410oh, try darling. I Rev. W. Craig, late of Montreal, io-likely to be the now incumbent of' St. ThoinaW I incident du� to big ignorance of American laws. Then he prosiched a Sermon, and, s I . hat and and one on each. Side, the end . being occupied by an enormous fireplaci, the I .where the first sentry van bayonetted and the firat &Stan, in our own neighborhood, the 0001 ' trustees up a vacant county school fox . don't lot me wake any of your totally. I'm . .. .1 . � . - Church, St. Catharines. . . --- - - ­ I Adams -Mr. *Spurgeo� College, over, he wept, and asked help to ger out pf town'.' After � the_h&L had -been iambs of whfifi were carried straight,up to I . I p,he li_�Jght of. a man's head, where bloodshed. We gazed on the valley and the hill side, And campared notes cquoerning thd' . I put competition among APP'leants and awarded it . just using your knocker to wake the People - . � . I . . I next door. I'm looked out, d'ye see, an& - --of S� A -Un- .. . , I - Is on bid way to Turonto to take oUrge of passed..- arohnd be Rona what Purported to be Hin I . doo , - _ .. PI.O.Ontrac. ­ , ­ - _,_h it' tion of about two took on age do gave'i& I T-ositiorr-of -tin Invading -urmy,---aud-in our - I . to-that-teacher...wha-promioed- to-tAke, thq. , lowest Salary. * This was a most disgraceful I I th ytie'rilver & knocker.!,, I , . .0 I I I � I - I . . I , I -she LewA.Wreu.,BaptiA Uharoh. , , . � Mr. hymns, by way of showibg his gratitude. , - . . "And or�sidd'width of the massive chir I a,,y., 1, ,� ' fact, the. firoplaca 'occupied more than half childish imagination could Almost see their ft�tillory in the road, and on the south of ij,' � I proceeding, and we are glad to know it is of infreqnout000tirremee. in Qaabec,howeVer, . , Old Lady, 11 I dinas ken what silo folk that ,, I , . oanna, like folk as folk should like folk; foram I . The Rev. W-Agner, of. St. PA�110 . I i3righton, Bug,, line viritten to the London Mr. Thackeray wrote as follows : I f, know this, that if there f4e some deride the width of tho r6ow, which was probably ­ with the reserve in the rear of $the - gulus- � While the principal part,61 the infantry lay on , teacli6ra receive less 'remuneration than do I folk liked folk as fOlk should like'lolk, folk . . . � . . like folk, I would like folk well folk I . . .Post denying hW reported sebassion,to, Rome.. . � "who do Wrong, � there are. straightway a eighteen by twenty feet inside. I To supply thin me mmoth ilioplaeg great the a . loping ground at the , fact of the high, , laborers. What matters it to the trustees that theme memo teachers have the moulding 43 as ever . . .10 I . . . tin' folk war folk ii -we catch theollit . . , . A- Baptist college is to be established near . Winnipeg. 'Rave. J. Crawford.'D. D.i and thousand newspapers to haul up these unfor, tnnateo, and cry fie upoethein I while though quantities of Wood Were required; but as value rounded hillRad in the meadow. Wafaricied vo.e aw the lane on the of the road and of tbe winds of the young, the develop- lady's meaning,, we are Inclined- to think She - I . � . I to r . ight. - , . '. , ,G. B. DAvis, B. D,, will forifi part of the � I 'the press Walways ready to yell and bellow timber was of no in those days, there .*,, Seldom any scarcity --of fuel; the only I .north alm6at in front packed with' man; Ahey who . ing of their faculties, and 'the power in 9 large measure to decide - whether those , N 4 .. . . I— Two lovers. Enamored book- - keeper -410h . . _. . 9, . , faculty. . . I Bishop Macrorie and Arol(deacon Under. � excommunications against these stray delin' quient pardons, It somehow takes very little difficulty lay� in, getting it out up and in obtaining enough dry'wood to make the green fled at the apOrnuoh of, tho'Britio h ; and,' terrii1ed with the formidable array. *6 nerv- placed in their charge -the future men . I � . . � . you know, rm not like an oroluary vjqrk. I talk th the members.of the firm j aelt'as -1 do to - ,­ wood have paidi vist to, leanduls, to hold a I.. aocount.of the good ones -of the tons of thousands - of honesi men who lead Christian burn. 11 Dra . go,!' or logo as large As two 01181y glanced westward to catch a glimpse of ' , the steady, Silent, five hundred heroes who and' women of the coulairy --w shall be intelligent and progressive, or ignorant I . . I you-" She-, Oh, good gracious I 'George. I � I .solemn funeral service on the: i5cone of the � . , . 111ROBacre. - I I � lives, who give to the poor generoual�, who . yokes of oxen could haul, made up the greater . . ' part.. All sending children to or sitending , . oment more would "charge into the In 6 M . - and retrogressive. What is eviaeuil aimed Y is cheapness efficiency to out of the u dongt really, do you ?11 � , YO I ,� � . ' .. . . I An experiment -Mistress I so Why, whstr � I . Last year the accommodation provided,for deny themselves. rigidly, and live and die in their duty, without ever a newspaper the school freely Out, . tribtitbd in the fuel line, eltherin cutting or hauling. Young man midst of the enemy's camp of twenty five hundredi seize their' two generals, and so at, ; - question. Surely it canl6o.t be expected that . . .. ever in ihat small, Jane?" Jane , 11 Pleases',, r . . I . . . ' . the poor in elementary day bolloolo in Bug- . land, was 3,942,000. out Of which, the Church - paragraph in their favor. My beloved friand'and reader, I V*n"Bh you and I could. working for, iar&era se p a month during. 11 . many'ruen via they could oarry.sway, and, facing about, retire a abort distance, and in thGfembles,who GOMPDOethelarge majority of the Staff of teachers in Qaobco,,Qan b6effi- I m'm, the brandy got Spilled. and ILi den's I . i � . my beat with the Padden; but"I'm afraid it . . . . . . I provided for 2,252,000. . � do the same, and let me whisper My belief, I summer could have a winter's Schooling" of . three months for a dollar and 0, quarter, tri . amph watch the retreat of that array so 1. . , . clent or earnestin their, work when. they have be ranging from 035 , I I don't flare nice with paraffin III � � . � . . . I Is . Dqring the year 1879 no Iasi than eight .Roman Oatholio clergy have been received entre nous, that of those eminent philosophers. who cry out against persons the loudest, there while they worked nighto and warnings 16i Tnere 'were formidable a few hours before. . I The result has, been that from this school to satisfied with Salaries too 66 per annum. Such a mia6rable pittance . Debating societies or 9 asking, Can th . . . goatreadon? Hocan,buthedoeon't ,no F, Ali t 0. . � I into the ministerial rapka .of' the Anglican . . 11 Communion. are not man who have got -t y heir knowledge their board. � no andirons for , this great fireplao4, -but: instead ther�aof fire. I . ous, patriotic, and a moral people have A Joy I I is barely duffiolent to keep body and moul , together, far less to a' teacher foi the . . � . . Hislijkle in worth too much.11 . I � � , . � . 1. I I . . I I I I . � I . . The report that Bro. Ignatina, O.S.B. of �� Oi tile Church by going thither often. But , you,whohni ever listened to village -band or I 0 1 1 proof stones of thti proper shape were used I � to task the wood upon." The firat important ' leaned ; and the influences' by - which they . . . were . surrrounded at School have been felt -repay yearsof preparatory Study necessary to-Ift The devil laughs in big sleeve, and says ,, . * I . \, that,dvery New Year the gin' I � tiers will beive, �, I . ..Llanthoney Abbey, England, had ,aeoe�lded J I .to, the Church of Home, to be wi thout I have walked to char& as obildre ni'on a Bunny Sabbath morn ;, you Who have seen the pa. r. I point to -be observed in making 1hose, huge � wherever their lots' have been cast through life. I not remember that one of my' for this sum in Quebec her for her duties. Yet - woman are expected W -thach the'lVe Saving, . '. their little- jo4e.,__J).tlt 14ey rpioy_k . , . . . ' ' round. I - - $eAs- . amp ­­ I - I ­ - - - . - I . proves . foundation. . . I . . I ' . motils wife Wrlding the nick man's bedoide, or' . free wsii� to get a large backlog of timber that Would burn slowly; lot when a ,do . abhoolmateif ever committed a serious crime, and -incredible though it'may se'em-the . . . a of agriculture -I We observe that . . . . � - I . i I . . . � . I . I When' a 'respectable .man In discovered. I . I I Letters from Bomb state that A rich the town clergymen treading the dirty B tairs . I noxious alleys upon 'bid snored-. builneme, backlog gave out daring the day, a.'genernl or was ever in prison.. ThereforiI would may, 'let our' schoolhouses be -pleasantly Poland , . eotors� lament b cause Several Of the insT , committing a crime, the proper thing for ' - I 11 I . -loraign lady bad offered three million . - Iranes to the Pope for the restoration 616 any . " do not raise a about when one.of .these falls rebuilding df the fire must take place, and all who ov6r &�isiated in the .'operation will to. l6cated-fai away from low villagei ; make . there is S' disposition 'among-1he- famale teachers to rebel. against impartinK instruo- him to do is to ask a onspennion of pubn(l I I opinion until the thing is forgotton. . ­--_-� . . . I church or churches .which . may * need 10-1 . I . away, or yell With the mob that howls after . . . him.10 � . I I I . . - I member quite easily that it was's vexatious the schoolhouse and gr oundo so, xttraotivo.so- .b PORBI li ; lei there be three or. four "mares of, tion in agriculture. We do not wonder' that. . . * . I I . . . Robert, who fears he . in .rejected-" But - . . .. . . I I . .1 I . Atoring. I i " Amoligthe Moaries of Ne'w'28aIind the � I . � I . . . " . ­ _� . . . ­ I and a very omoky job. The toaro we have ': shad on' such occasiong were mufficiient to am. .. land attaohel to the school an, -a place of . . I such to the fact. How can they teacH that of . which they know nothing? In too 'much . . . I you inowi Rebecca, we are commanded to . I . 1�11 . I . . loveeiaribOdy.11 Bebiooa-�-, I Yen ; and. sol I I . Church of,Bn.gland Missionary Sooissy has I ­ TIME TAX.PRIDPE 1131"APITE19 - . . I - , � . I _ . . I . pries our grief for the loon of all our friends. a length, The backlog, six or seven feet. I . recre atioil ; plant it With a variety of trade and Shrubs, particularly evergreens'; place a . I .It to.expect of a young girl, who can a yregard - Al , I . do love bvorybody.11 Robert(Plna orioany)- , .. . . r . I . '. I . 'f�­- twenty. seven native pflosts. sad 220 teachers,,, with 10,815 moraberd ,.,embraoiog, one-third Finding of the Bodiew-Farther Details. . I . ­ � -1 . I I . , . biing rolled Into. a -bed -of -hot conle.,tho-baok- I -.1air"Atasu 04 OX�god motl3bore vdraw-kround hery6oition " eithellija stopping -stone W,_,.WhS.t,_Rys;ybody?l1' , L ­­ ­ --1, 't'_-_­biokSj, etillig""""down" ' -'in"' _* 6 ot or 0 si - I , Iteboaaa--(mhylly),,,.��..--�.,--- �-, -- 1111_- ;­�,�;. . "Well'YOU kn6* proijit a . , r ompany to Always ". , . 11 I . - of the entire population. . 7. . � . twenty bodies have. boom , found Nearly I ., in r. Bull she top, slid I stiol k were mounted above it, the pupils such Influences as.vill- elevate I . ., 'their tb6ughtif and curb'their passions, .and ealth. and. � Poverty. is of-excepted.11 down 1� , L . .. . !.., , � ; . . _1�1�_ L.. 'I,. - . - _­�, , I . .­ . I 14P . . n 61 EmmAnuel I ' : BpeJkn,_hgi_ - 'i] 0 Tay, -viatimi* of ths.'diomter. Only ond� ears trade of, injury; that ban the thf& in front came 1% big fdrdstioli, next the brands, __ To Bya�qwmt in ,,put fall D , _gpa the qhiud4i19g ' our inathutioug, _.."contilane in-Saf$ kes - will' P. I r lult-of teaching in the Veritable black holes RI&Itts4which-STO ­1dad8­td do' duV:;P!-.A3yAia'afnetti6f--bt.'-thd�--i)ld�:-Xdhb . . . ".....__ ­, ­ t *1 ^ , , ­­­ 1. - I - 111. A warning addressed, t6 him Non y a -.--. . . -1 . I. I . . 1i ., 0 I_ -.1 I , - __ ­ I - h9zjLb,, _ 9-A pgpyoaaUp_�a t ­­ . - - -Q rand Stephen's Parimb,. Lynn, Masi. to erect at I It - ­ih"Weri�' 4oai'-br6lfeni�­�Mdi f- ,.' -ifiiv� bruises abbut' the face and 4 b� Allose- end, ,IcL_y - -*lie Peg gild -ilie-groa"ro;-orashitig-aiii:Wiii'- I � ling,-mo*ou Racked- a the , ,.Jng;�4aiid,-our-peoplesAkorality.-.Aud a � lie secured., . . . HASS. I -of ;498-Riongook schoolrooms. Insuchplie-es I . � ercial type 6 probably am exthiet I 1. I whole COMM I � � , __ � I I . .hie own-coat-gn - elegant stone a . hurch,,wish-a . -aeating capacity of Soo. � I L, I _ -Ao i�oi-16o'k-"stie,'oi-s-n-tl'y-'iis I rious t ... i I .. . ' I - I -amall-,hurrioane.up 6himisyt and.the,room behig-Irood'from in - . . . � .­ - ­­- ­ �. - � � . __ - . _ L � . � - I I . . . . I . .constitution can Iasi but.f0t-AlOw YOUG It- � a to I a state of affaini: which' much requir a ­­ r-________ _ #is the patriarchal raod-mbo 'had liveds liks- - �­ � I I � . I . . . him. in five English reigno-was by chance - - . I I . . The Church A660,litkil 11hie learned that caused death. The stoker$" still , had - ' received two wounds -one a ova the right amokel the door and windowm would be oloo'd . � G aud al"eave off weeping and settle into coal. .A Imonogtr Ship Now Building In Engi.and � . - � for the "Man, ]Lixie., - . . . . mending. Thi P06010 df-.Qabboo stand. in . . - , I or O&ibe agg$ in awspigrammatio form SUB' . . . I I . -they have to wait for the termingtion'of Mr. . Matikonochielp three years' suipenoion'before :,Y,e,aud the.other on the left cheski he Oro we had Also been slaigid, and the face . posurs,' and ihe "master," too, suddenly - i il boosm6 a nice'alsla again, and stamping the . ­ . . -_ . ' - ' A-Zlew steamship., *blob when completed their owi2 light, it, the way of the prograis of thitr province, unions they ta.6 Immediate remembered after fifty years.' ".Tom" be �- . .� I . , # � . . . I said* 11 I have1nown m.an-vigo made bioney, I I - , . �. I they caulake fresh Oiooesdinai against him, ,a, ad rumor says they will try to keep -dp -their more or less burnt. From those appearances HIS supposed that Marshall thrown I selies off his* bo6tm, and brulibing his-clothei down wlll*ba the largeit and. finest moraillaut vessel , in the World, is' now being built at Barrow, measures to..ensuro grbater efficiency In their teachers, grant ine.reassit remuneration I . � and1la riot spend It;, and 1. have known . . � . I I . . . men who- spent Money, stid did not Mlike it; . , . aphitfi till the en&Of $lint tim ' 0. " I . . was Violently Sgainst-the engine 'when it , went withbiobands and Pulling hiAvOlki .and wiping the preipirstion from, big fore. England, forthe InmauLln' a. She will be readyforusein the spring of 1881. .The! for their arduous labom and b.etter school honiis to teach in. We know that Montreal - . th ,. . , . bitt'I'mover know a man who could bo . - make money and . spend it." The father .1 From the best Statistics attainable, the . over the bAdge, And that his face� w &,a burnt I by the'llamem rushing out of the fire -hole. head' *Ould owdstly say with a nigh, 11 bring in 8ZL wood to -dry.', City of Rome wasiegarded as.the moot appro. . lid possoomed of Abandamee of 'Institutions f 11 . I himself -was a prosperous, example of the � . . - . �-� ''I -him Almandck de Gotha states that out of 388,- ­ " 000,000 of nominal' Christiana -in the world,- 1 ' -A letter worded 81 follows ..Was picked tip , To -be capable of building and keeping UP -s- prints name which ,could be given to this - addition to the Inman fiseL'-Her dimensions fitted to Imparteducition, both In the. high -iii2d.o6tt�iwotigri%tldi�-but--outildo thXt70ItJF-'-_ . I first group, and ho,believed __ o . 11: ­.- ­ , it A t 1m__ - _­ , I ­ - - ­ ­ � . aspiring'to Similar success In the - last. a. . . . : I . � . , - , 332,000,000 are .Episcopalians ; 56,000,600, k . . I . . I it Arbroath wish some places of wreckage : . . good fire was an important qualification for a teacher. It the word was passect round that are to be as follows : Length at keel, 546 feet; with but rare exceptions. the -condition of the . , . I - . Is. not the complaint made � . by nice young , .­ I are non-Hpiscopalian and of -these. the , I 7- � larger portion are to boF found on this coati- . My DE:An FATHE%�I.intend coming home on Sunday nightby the 730 p.m.tra;ln. laopingthat . . a." master didn!t know nothing about- build- length over all, 590 feet ; breadth of beam, . 5g feet ; ... depth of holdi 38 fait 9 inchaff,Land- , schools is deplorable. Notwithat ending the. atirt which Qmobed-had of Oats rial she his I . � , I ladies that men persist in looking atiliern so '_ - .. - !­ , I . . 1 L I ­�; L . _ . . . Bout. . . ­ . . L � 1. . . you are all well and meri&, and kind Joi,a to all yours truly, _. . . J11ABIZ BAIN. . Ing fires and keeping the children wiring". his 'chances -for next winter 'would be, depth from top of deck-housem to keel, 52 short L I n . fallen let 6 sinhorproviolonforthe much, out of tuna with theirgailb.ral. behavior . I � ��, ancl appbarance 7 Why do they make them. - ... .1. . . . . . . At the last Session of the' Virginia Confer- ; once at Norfolk, Rev. J. H. Atnime offered a The writer was in thd train .. .11, and Probably L had the letter In.her -the doubtfal�be' might answer for summer I � feet. Bar measurement win be 8,300 tons, or over 2,000 tons larger than either the City. soucation of the young.. ,May not thlo, account, In ionic degree, fog her decadence In a .Sog L - , .." Irresistible, then,111 they 'do not " ' - ' . '.' . naive '. L ' . I ' - , , . I . * . ,resolution that At the future sessions of this . .,Con threads the members will refrain trots tile packet. . . ' -The 116ardof Trade have instructed a, local. . tiaohing,.but not for Winter. Teachers were paid L Six shillings asid threeperi6e, to I seven - L Of Berlin or the Arizonis,'And 800 tonsUrger. than tha�aeg via, ihe new , Canard-Niesmship'. otherreopeati ?, . I . . .. , L _Ww� ,� I . I I want to be looked fit?L Do they arrange thomis - , . I I , . . - . 1. bang6a looks, thood stuffed birds, those frills . L . . � �. . . 'L., I'll . - , 1. .. �- . -use of tobacco in the church where thii,con. Pthotqgrapher to take no many different photo. � graphs ofthe broken portion of the Tay bridge � and sixpence, H..oy., per ,quarter (3 moo.) fol each pupil taught, with board among the which will be completed thin fall. She -will 1. bevver four-fiftho the the Great , - ,� I JL French Vievr of Pa;ncil. - . . and tucks and godrigs",and flutings,' simply L. . I . . 1� L, .1 for the benefit Of insulmata nature 2 W14 . . . . � I . I- 1. . forence is hold; -And it was passed without a I I . ' � -- -- -dissenting Vote. I , as he can for the use 6f the when it .the Couqrt - ­­­ I _ - ­ employers in� prbportion_to ... ,the number,at ' of size of Eastern. The as' of the City of Rome .. OlSL . . LOVD , The Paris Tet4pq qom6, � , Ian. 24� lio#q It - ij ' I : . I . ' . � . ' ,,_ do they have t] :quid _Sol those rosy - - - '--- ­_­ LL �! �: I " . � . . . ­­.- . . . . The Congregationallats. recently celebrated resumes WF enquiry into t fie-dioastar.-i Soi-no I * attempts. will probably be. -made to .photo. Paine -�egoh­ Bent to the school ; Otherwise . ton shillings without board, in which oaja�an On= , will be of 8,600 h .... powir,-witb sit cylin. ders, three of which die high . -nil )nting on the sympathy shown Portion by American dignitaries. And Legislaturemi.saym . I" _,.. .1 I 1� ioith and intly li 1. checks, Pearly fps, I they an . , not to be looked at, at least? NO'L the mom, .. � .1 I . .; �. 7 . 1 4 1. - , . 11 L . the 250kh anniversary in ,Salem, , Mesa., the . � home of the witeh-killing, torturing, Oto.j graph the girders under the viat - ori he they. lie, by a now process, which is said to1a, I s000gnt-was kept -of the number of daye attendance!, and the pay was doled out accord- pressure, ;and threelow pressure. � There will be eightbollaro, 'heated by 48 furnaceii, , and tlie'veboal can' be � . ,Parnell had evidently bisn.4droit in Selecting . , the time -for his American, *campaign. . The plaints are out of order. Lot ,only the w ' . 1 ___14J<41 I avert their eyes from the fair or ' eatures for a . ..�� L . �­ I . . . indulpdinbythe Parltans; andinkitedtho I ,Q askers, whord they formerly' whipped and � - * ' listed Successful to it depth thomo. '� .. of tiaLin ' . . - . 1, '. ­ L. . I . . . _. . ­lg .'' L ingly. One ofour beat teachers ilan employed. at ton dollars a.month, With board guaraii. I propelled at the rate of l8f knots an ,lid' . ur. A large spread of convoke ' can * ba, mst,. which Presidential sleatiourwillbe hold this - year, . I L Bud the vote of -7,000,000 Irish electors Is, day,,. make as if they were not apart of ths . .. . I IBUXI sithig order afthings for a few hours, . . L I I � I I .. I and-honged, tojpin t am. . -, muti ­ _ h L' - Where. at the Onakars I - very _jioperly declined, und, - I 11 . . - , � - . mancling and Dream. . tood Lai castongary. 'Write was an uncertain of a school opo.1), and I will enable the steamship to make good time, , . ' L very haportanti The'rele no Wish to estrange the Irish, and this In why Parnell in supported. . 4vid the door things *ould-would�but it is -� . . . � . I . an Impossible to,imagins who they, Would. do# . I .. I . . . I . . instead, read them a homily on their can- duet -in the paiti'underthe,name 6f religion . . . L . ' In'tha courmd of.1leflootare'st Otte, the' L , wa Lkethod .keeping 000ASiOnally patriotic - people would,.oub. I if n4ceselary, without the aid of 4he ongines, T he saloon and ataterooms will be � placed , He will return to, Ireland With the preatig.!t of , . _ . � . . , an that anything of dis kind vill ever happsa . OUL the BOX. L * . I . 61 the itern I � .. 1 . L . .0 liberty. ; , ­'4*'.� oihei ay aning, Dr. Logan made the following Scribe one or two pupils, who had no children I . . The amidships, and will aDlatida.every facility 'for great success and strength given by a respect - , Part . .. � ­ L I . .. - - I I - I . : -1 I I .. I . 0 . L . . . � .. remarks In . regard to dancing and dress. .. to send to oah66J.' , Oar oohool'Lbooki "� 'joral6it aid, luxury, All the latest improvv- able Rum of money,' His Vii1y will. there- . . I ''. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . I Theralosioniodently held in the.Isle of He Said: 11 Flautiol. doeff-not add anywarmth . wore W6botefo Spelling Book, Zurriyls I in'eilto are to be added, and the entire cabin fore approach the- coming �ele,ctions in Rape. .. - . , . . � ' . I , . . � OL J0_0_�l .,- A ". ----,-- - - Wani-to­WhI611--alluslon., hsi­already lboan �tQ--th-o'body,-but'l%36illtscfaoieutly in-rataining- . L , -Small English Grammer;- Johugon'0-1)10001�. 'to - - - i-ri-a-M ... t--- -'aa ..... . ­ , jjis&.­� - ifill lilelop an. i y urniphe and upholi d,rourgats,lbeir; ,V,t]X_Utr,_______L - y� favorabla­ . .- . _tge_W,al1._...._:. I—— -_._1 ­­­_ I—— , �­­-- --- - . , ­ . , I . . In 'a certain college under . �-----made-aud which had tho.hearty co-opbration,' the heat'of th e body. In the eot!Mation.L of' ary, to wh1W we referred ascertain he t I . I A dta*ing-roota which can be occupied by - organization all prepared and *iilh Plenty at . . L . I - -, .Presbyterfoa . .,. , auspicim, not a handred,miles from Now Yokk.,,.- . .. ­ k of the Bishop. was .Very -Successful. �So .. general a Stirring tip of Church life has par.' some ladies the wearing of flannel is iqui. valont to debarring them from thopleasures L part of oppeoh' to which a word belonged. Onfreading'books were'that very.-6jeolient 1001adlem at .oube, will be placed on the deck IL minediately over the, saloon. - The smoking money. Tho:'Parlo correspondent -of the . .1 )c - Ti*ias. 'commenting,'ou the. above, "a' may� . . 11 It is a rule that the students shall - attend " - � . , � .: . . . . . . . I hapaneverbeen. witnessed in this ancient Of A dance. It la'a little' unfortunate -that L r wo k, Murray's English. Readet, the L ... , , I room will lie above the :drawing -room, " LeTemps seems to be under the 1.32 1 church'st least once 69ch Sunday, either in ' � � . I the college chapel or' name other church in ' . I -diocese. A real and Solemn impression ap. years to have -been made, and there - is every this agreeable, and tinder proper restrictions . really healthy roearoise' should demand, the stament and an oce To national Stray newspaper. The - hard Walkirigamalm Arithmetic, -and I I and will accommodate 100 knickers 'at Once. The City-of'Aome in to be built of t e a b J_Wlth� that the American subscriptions tor tPheoreallaoin . Of the distrails -of Ireiand will be avallatle for . ' - - ' ' * L * " I I town which they shall. designate, and for non . _ _ ______. _­ ­ - reason to believe that the results of the rifles of the lives . ..see . .of so ajda� of our fair afterviards � Daboll%. _Ao_mp16.tad__tha_ -Hat. � I a double bottoiii and sloven bulkheads,'. The _ Wk purposes.01 " I . I Electioneer . L attendance satisfactory reasons must be given. . I .. . I I Of course on Monday mornings, when thm � - - � Spiritual -Awakoning that- had- 4sken place in . 430 many souls will bereal add lasting i' mothers and dieters. I ho a, I may be par. up . doned I(I offer our lady friends a suggestion Arithmetic was taught in great part wi thou& L A book, or one Made to answer, for Several . top deckv,are to Ili of. the best teak. -No expense islo, be opqxad in making $.hio'mlkg. ' I � . - ' . . Beet Sumar.- .. . I .. . reasons are called for,'much Ingenuity and . , - � � . I . . � I . I � he Churalim6n of Worcester - . Mai , a . . have - . I . I on the important subibat of -fall dress.- I would inodesily &Skif it io'posoible, to spare . Blates Were'scarce a'ad Without = Midpericils- hard tOL obtain. I Was ' I nificent litggmehip, - poifect-In every respect. , L � . , . . - . We - confess' that we d6ub.i whether it will . . some fan are bipught out, In one of then . . . . I L I, . aterviewe Prof I I- jasked a student, 1� Mr. . . 11 - acknowledged the raceipt,of a fragment of the English Cathedral in the cilyfle'din which . from thirty yards dress or even twenty-five fortunate in having a swan Riots given me She will have the highest cIaoifficat Ion of any . L L . vessel in the Liverpool Rbd-book. mud in the I be possible to got theepriment of Parliament, tothe continued oxemption.of bset�mfidgftf 0�, where dia you Att6nd. church yestere -. � - ,. I . I 1. � , , .1 .1 day?'! - . . . . I their own town takes its name. The Oh . arch. men of tokou have also,received yards dresel, a sufficeint quantity- OILY from . jho train �withcgut loosening. its usefulness . . by a kind old 1.ady who I bad ,. brought it I from. Duchess- County, 'N.Y., Thus we LBritish Lloyds. The Inman people expect thst,"io 'far :as the transportation of pampon. from taxation.: A&SH events, the subject requires consideration; and there is no . ., . Mr. C- replied� 11 The First 0hur6bi 'L . � I - : . . . . I a'similar I I . rslio� Which to a poititni'of thaf tiacery of a . disused window in the -Church - . -to 'cover the arms and- the - chosp -. I feel L satisfied that if this ouggistiori were adopted istragilad on for yesrs�4hirasing for k . - without the means of acquirinj it. At= I I L gage and fro , fght goes, the City of Rome will prove.tho monarch of the geao.�J�eWL York grave 'age inignoringibe fact that thesuccess ofbeot i * Our -sugar nanufacture Masai the logo 01 glr.�, I . . . . � 1. . ' Th6profoosor, looking a little Surprised, . I . '. A . . I ,� . . "Areyounot of St. I . ,. Botolphsl,, Bostoni $fie lantern of whiclild . many precious liveis might be � isveVl . - 4. __ . .� the here froraLth� ,a . eNew England StAteo, who 'had- been iinder Tilnes, . : I I . . . . . . I principal branch of revenue, A'ar6a t deal gild, swarej Mr. C-; that . I .1 1. . I I I theia who no service at the First Church leg-, , I . I . o . One Of the many architectural 'glories of Linoolnebire.-�-Don&in on i churchman, I I . ___ . A youn9voman has appeared in Kant, , trained the great Kolih Web . Btex7g,oystem, came In search -of situa- � --- L ' . �A correspondent OIL , �� ­ I the Sanitary Reco, rd, has been said of late about oneourliginj trade with the West Indivi, but the %boot sugar I � . terday?" . ' - ' ' - , 1. L .. I . . . . I This wag a poser, but was coolly met by. t , - . I . , I . . At the monthly meeting of the S'�oi�jy for 1 nil and, whokoops. talking', talking, and nobody can tin d*erataud a 'word she adya. I I She . tlonsA The first employed introduced Wood. bridge & Willakd's - Geography ; ' 'they wer6 Writes.. A friandofmine bough s fish 11 at' a reopectablii fiefiniongir's, it was wrapped product is likely to prove A. damper. The . . wean, professor, the fir . st church Z carne ' ', I . . I . . Z�l . I J110 Propagation of the' Gospel, 'on -the 1%h is 'respectably attired and has the appearance brought in by the stage coach aid. wore ex-, . 'no In gaper on which were 'plabardo printed "L duty on West India sugar in about �W to 511 I per dent. ad vdlorem, had it Oill,have to cong- I . ,L I : . . L I . . - ..: * general laugh followed, and'voMehow the , 'A' ofiDecember, the Soorstdry on behalf of the L Standing Committee -gave notice that at the of a foreigner." They liavo'oent for linguiot s and other wise Mon J in lialu.'Nobody can penbiVe, 01,75 per copy, �y ��xy,delllrhto we L - were with them. Geograb - ka ftl'r 'Zeii I 91 do, In_ diff6rent Oro. After eating the fish, the. family, were beftud with nausea and . pots with an article notonly � free of duty, but , . - L L L L 1 young gentlemen got - resoued.-Harpee., 'I- .� L, , I . . � .. . - meeting to be hold .on January 16tb, they ... � I . ,toll what she rabang. She to without money � taught i anew existenoo who Opening up - to v 'glorious vom thig,,canuad I , no doubt by the poisonbue 'Inattor aided by. a subsidy from the, public treasury., And thedi to cap the climax. of absurdit�, *a . - I I . . - Afdyaiinc. . I I '' ............. �� -1 . .. . ­ . . . . . � I I would propood a- regolution having reference o and MoCollpy, the last and to donie4tiently taken ogre - of by 'the town. The -Now York World recalls We .. uo-A wide and Worldlay spread,- wdi before tin ; the neighbors talked ab'WiFi 1he . in the printed colors, for* ou Putting' the tongue upon a part printed in green a hre aboutto give another subsidy to establish I . WASHINGTOR AS A VOTEB.�Woshiugf L on ' I I I . I , � pam. I graph of - which would . be: is TheL Society tradition that a Saraden. girl who once up. book and stopped us on our way to school to. . atingingLoennation- resulted. � . . . trade with Brazil, a rugar-produoitik colony, while we',"r Subsidizing an industry for the . . I voted at all %he Fairfax election" until the . . . . .1 . hereby do .0010muly realfirm' the Several . -resolutions by which It ceased to recognize peered in England in this Same fashion was , more kindly'treated. She could Say. one word$ look at iti all ablaze with colored maps,; and . the good old lady who as VO )Us She little filstG - The library of the -University of Toronto is, increasing. 'In' 1859i tho very purpose of obstructing it.-JournaZ Of 'L I . Comnzercc. -* .. ..... ". L , . . - - close o, big life, uniformly. supporting the , I Felicia! elandidatoo. - Although living moraw . I 11 . the Episcopal authority ot-Dr. J. W. Coleiieo, . . however,'whi6h People undere . toodii" Gilbert," . I . called the back one'. mornin 9 of' I Proudly gradually number of volumes visa 3.4,023. ,Evety ypar Rinds ., ! I �. . I I I ' . .. .. . an- . I distance from the cotirt-house at thei Alex I . L . ' � dria market, lie generally voted early. 'Thor -and records its grin determination to u Phold . _,; - - and maintain, no far as ties �jn its power, the and so who passed on till she found bar Bug. Ilehlover,and became the mother of Thomism- passed the door, to enquke it that book I - � I . carried was. a "joggiii1pl, "YOS, mRrm-" udditions have been made, and now the fturea 22,204. Last The most 3119M7,oplat . 11 ronclad Vessel ln tub wakid. . . - � . I polls were *reached * by a flight of atepa, I . - Role Episcopal authority of Bishop maororfe the a -Becket. , lk . I :1 Does. it hay the world turns on aidetrado ?11 stand year 722 volumes were added, a larger. number than of any previous . . . . . L I �, ROXg, Jan. 24. -Tho Italian double. outsidel.which'in 1799 had become old an& obsky. When the General rescheathe otspg�, . I 1 within colony Of Rdtal, ad committid to. :-;Jilm. by the Church in 8 outil, Africa.,, Lord Longford proposed as a romedy foi . Irish universal- abstinence from 'Well, Yes, Mari*." 11 It Has, it lied I Don't . believe it I" , The book wits In bad repute lot year, The oldest book In, the Hbrayy is A dopy, of Dankei publiolied-_ at Vorlige' Ifti, 1402. turretted lrondladDailiojs the most powerful L war. veoiel, in the world. -On Saturday L ' he placed one foot'upon them and $book the . - - - , , , � - - , t , . - L ­ - --- - �- --- - . Father O'HftliOt R HOM(M Catholic priest -distre0a - whiskey,' the SwOulif thus Mad to be ap- Bomethild ; one pious individual 'Asserting - that it van a dangerous book and contrary to -"- * 11. . Sweetly Rings 'a nineteenth century post -1 she givo ibutteeti'miles per hour,. worklug'at six. crazy s000nt as if to try Ito strength, Instant- L I � 1� twenty braway arms, one above the other, ., I I � 0 who has been twelve years a missionary in I . 'South Africa, In noW In England with the plied in mitigating. his countrymen's dentita. tlOn- "It all claGOOB)"Jit Says, "orindividn.' the Soriptares, in Which it was distinctly 944bat will heal my bleedhig heart V Lint, itarl'-Jilit; PUL'onplentyLof lint. Or,Aolds sevenths of her full capacity. It is expected alidwill attain fifteen miles per hour. Hor gramped the atifrws,* and a do�eu-moags- . braced it. Nor did, a man . Move 11 I . view of 'establishing an Idsh colony in the 1 Ala, without waiting for others, would. spend otated that Joshua commanded the nun and. moon to stand still, and. they obeyed. cold door key to the back of your nock, press performance greatly "exceeds the ro6ant ohoul4erg . until the venerable chief d posited him Voke � . � . . north of the Transvaal. About twelve In ,months ago a Protestant gentlemen being f on relieving the wants of poorer neighbors, to their own credit, what they now Spend on . The next 'teacher introduced mikhawa a small roll of paper under the end of jour' lip, and hold up your left arm. This -last estimates. Her armament L Oonoloto of four 1001on Armattong gnuo, 83 feet long, firing andraturned, 661 oaw'hifj least bovii" amid one . � . : . of thow. halI* a century, Afterwarar 4i it Wits .. - .Natal offered him 6,000 Acted of land in the ­ ­­_­ -�--Tr�anftli%al�:ft)i,�thi),purpoo6o--,tf-,s, Cathoitly, whiskey t6 their own destruction, it would be ldds-neoesoary.� _. to �mako. frantile-appoals to the Grammar, and we no longer looked to a did. V g;YAP R0qr141r1J,ha_PAXk - iQA �0_02000k_A.o romedy Is to be used only in case your heart .blqaUat-then000�-­- _�___-__ - a projilotiliol 2,500 lbs. Weight with a dhArgo. -of.�50-,Ibo..,btpowder�--Bho�hao-sloo-wpowor.- I . word than kinglyP"Rarpgrls Ragazine. I . __Itr L a- I -.----,-,- ­_ - frbtLt,"oi&t-la,nd��s-talf-tgo-thi6t SOM I -.mission, 116 taken OatL with him'On big . Zeturn a considerable number of fro dasman Government, Or ' the looidlorde,t. . or public charity. Temporancelo It's own government, I which a .word bolongedi - Rig method of" teaching grammar was extremely happy ned I . � 1 � it is said that two Wrongs *111 not make fat raw Ana torpedo boat, . . I reckless political speakers. Iii Asserting the �� . L and twenty or thirty families in order to Ito own landlords$ Ito own- Board of Works.)' Interesting ; he held evening classes And one tight. This to erroneous. Even one �ho Toronto Chlet Of Pulled itis just pro. decline of her commercial Intereststprildiolad - . ' I took . . establish 'A 'white actable Father 011191re � describes the, Zalds so standing in Lient.-Col. DlokieL Comweigaing the'Daffer. In Rifles, hag race' Ived orders' walked the floor and lectured an bout, when' We Would be told to open but books and oam- wrong will make one write Sometimes. Just Open a mangi name wrong in the paper and Jented big annual report; It shown that durlh g 1879 5.905 moloo mud 1,249 fewiles Were thii'decsybf Hamilton, We otosslom I then to show the b000lomensoo Of the 1,4 kidn- . physical and int011eetual,bapabity istprowe amodg the to hip to Toronto the long rifles kit present unell b� the L pendinnis. We would than Pates a few moo how,quiok he Will write you'about iti . " .arrested, of whom 2,808 males and 556 females aud-dodai 11 outery ,, and we, Are. happy to bo . . able to dQ738ratulato Hamilton on a tlFide oi- l oavages of the eart:hp,and believes that they . - . I � MMY be highly clilliz Which will b battalion, a replaced by th6 short Saider-EA1161d. � sentences, giving out reasons for everythingi, I and correct false syntax so we P6906d along- There are four dommo' n schools in Prince, � Albert Settlement, North Saakatellowgui -and wore Alachargod. The' Oblef rboommabdo the establishment of a superannuation fund . I hibit which wall showi. the amount of enter -' . . . . Apparently 14 . - in as true now as It Wag in The Turkish Minister for Foreign I In this wily we wore kept earnestly intdreated a lady from Montroali Miss BWets iiabout 132 'connection with the fore$, He sloo to. price and vitality she p00000mel,koictatV � I I Viltes. . I 11 . Paulos time that the bfil do of bishop in one to I . be doolrid. Adad from hit Ito �Aoalro Ana Sir Anotin Layard have signed a con. for in our study, and carried pleasantly throu gh the work. jab also introduced Adatn'A starting another for young ladies. I '-Ohii2afndnoaiiii6ttLfiderstana,Rhy EnglIOh,L commando that Illi4rated teloni be returned to the placed where they hall from. He 16196 I I 6 .1 I I Lent begins oil the 11th at Fabroart, land( ' other ftdvsa-� I 114960t. 'It 0168140 to be craltiontly conductive to vantloa the OUPPraMiOls Of thil 011�va trade InVO.rkey. Arithmetic, in I eochilig which he Was ittasily, _ forturiato; many )a a fair WAY to through , men hi its n1co"lattle mice and love trips. advocates the Institution 6t a mounted patr6l in 96 thari is no* 100 not three wooks didog . society will disport itself. . L I . I � . I . I I I pass .. . I . . . connection with the police. �. . � '*blob I 1. . I � . � . , I , L I �L, � I - ­­­ _. ­ I I . I - I . . � . I I . . L 0 - . 1 �. I � 11 - L � I . . I. . . . . -1 .. - . I I � . I . "I � . � . . ­ _� � _ � _ __.. I � 1: ­ ?�.­­­.­­­ .. . I .1 . . . . L � . - I I I , I - . . . . . . . I I . � .. . _' .. ... .. .­­­ ...... I ­ _--_----,-L- ­­­ ­­­ A I . , 0 - , I . I . . I . L . I . . I . , � I I. I . I . I I . " . . . . I . . . $ . ) . 1. I I � . I 1, . . . �, I I .. '. I . I 4 1 . . I � I ; . � . . . ; ; , . . L I . . ., I .. . . . � . : � . I � . � . I " . I . � . . � , I � . , I , I _ L. 4 - , "..- ____ -_-_-_A1_1,6-___ .. _ � - . ..- . � � , _ _. - ,,I& _ ,,_ , , . . , - 1, - � __L:_AA.. _�411111111i!6&' I . L I I I . . I . . I & I �"_­