HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-02-05, Page 2-- ­7� , , 'I - V.0F­I1.1F1F­--- -- - ­-------- - �,----T­T=- I --W--W"M"X-""WW---- T-gopeaq I , # rll­r� � I I _qPMVt1­W' � 5 I . . 0e I ,�, . I . .1 I I . . a li I I . I -. � . . . I � � , � I , � I . . I . I I . - . I ­­ � ­ ­­.. . . a . . I . I I I I I 11 .. 1-1111--.1111 -----.--- Of course 1'wouli$�sny Unites I man . 0 � TosOXTO, .Tau 20.-Ths Speaker took the AKMAXXXVis WAIN MAND XAQ,W11 9,4^., , classes, and that 11 God Almighty and His FOBBRUTAT OTTAWA woluFa have done 10, A. -No, air; YOU � oblate as three ;clopk. T 9W. I son Joan$ 01IT10 mass on, Oak 8140 aloo.'t 41, . . Laughter.) YOU Would . � I The foll6wing positions worm presented: 13Y - � , , several otbqr 11 rato -1 is -1 I needzVt tog was BIT. � . . . 3181allitheasty and, ,I vitaverottlelit at the . rXit. " oraton #44ramed, i have made the fs,ojif YO iuldL-houesssly FOURTH PARLIAMEV-41116T SESSION. Mr, Noax-Frolft m meeting. It oc . . F Certain, ministers of Therold, sh , . I "04r.tro 1V4r4"X;3RW. -ondl maintali) that woo honest. (Renewed� . lot the, pr9hibitloxt, of the, Pole of liquors on. Ciperer 1441on-A V%0.100 yeessoularym . . I I . laughter ) . � TORONTO, Jan. 22-ThO Speaker took the Olirlatmas Day and other bolld eye, By Mr. [To give our riss4ers gamic, Idea of the man Autbows sland-writing. , � I - . � Q. -That fj what you, call bonest-a chair at three O'clock. � Gibson (Hamilton)-From,she Wellington.. who to followed by . crowd$ whi" � . � rover he goes A quality of. which han4-wrIting Usually - I I I Wool )Pigeons" and', WoUersl boo@ hetrayil of your friend? - A. -That VMT UvArIXON. � QrQY It Bruce 31941WAY 00., 11941114t 001tRIA In the States, We OIIP the follo*lng from the ,lot RIWAYN-givea claar indications, is . the I may Suit youo but not me* they got a prop6did changes in the Aak ina-uporatlug Now YorkTimes of the 171hiu4s. We Joel 91gsticilyorotj am oft who Swindle the Country. I . The following Bills. wore Introducea �Aud L � fln a I he writer Inadaptinx I . I . contract worth 050,000. Or 06O.P00 through . , . . the Toronto, Orey & Bruce Railway. 'that ILA apology In required for its production, his Mind so oxte I . reac I i following Bills werointro4weed and bat i�, will � . . I exist demands. ,Of liters I . - me. d the first Jime. . The . ,ry I . - I . open the eyes 0; matiY 4what HE REVELATIONS IN A 'LIBEL SUIT. Charles Mackintosh depoeed that be bsa Ralating to the Incorporation of the V01age read a first time: I . going. ori 6146whoro.) , I " , . to Mon, you always flud that flowing Power, such. I . I I of Chealey-Mr. - Sinclair, , . . . as Obarles Readelo, or Charles Dlokenm�,, or. J � put in a tender for the printing, after an In- To.amend the chapter of the revised ssat- Denis KOAriiOyl the California gaud lots 'Sir Henry Taylor's, or L Anthony Tr I . ­ To further amend',the Act Incorporating u � L . I ollope . I I . terview with Mr.'Roger; that hia.appliestion too respecting land surveyors and she suryty, "orstor,"Iftew an sudiencelast night to bear Olt -10, Is . . I . , the Trout Valle Railway Company -Mr. , him that A I tied the large ball of Cooper Union. ld In an easy running liand-luald and, . wa I . F � , - The' libel' suit of: Po I . of leads Mi. Paid =0140us or otherwise In proportion g i . I .1 , �rfek Boyle Tm. The a made up by that gentleman ; and that it Striker. . I ea. I Ono. I . �Zobe boo resulted, am It woo, fully expected to was an undeiratcoil. thing. If all Other things To amend the F fee Grant and, HomesJoad The people were mainly of the tough And rail 4 1. 1. I I _ I To amend The General Acto relating to the Act4-Ur. Pardee, - working, 0140900, and the meeting was under y to;, the amount of orderly or arsletto s .1 pault, in a unanimous verdict for the. defend- 'Wen, wall , blo, tender woo to be wau.mad 1 Y Torontois Grey & Braoollaldway�Mr. Morris. feeling 1p the Writer's mind,' Carlyle, Joe ln-�- - , ate , . -Xt � - was fully . anticipated that there McLean' Roger It Cot, .s.ind he wassobavo To amend. the Act respecting the Sale and the control of the Greenback Labor -Reform, stances though one of I , - I I I the most Poetical of . on interba CON01039" INQUEST& Management Of polio l4nds Mr. Pardon, socialistic pfttt�.� . RsIph Beaumont, �Jhe seero, is certainly not Anent, Hiethought, I ,oula be Some ugly revelations of t. Ile would, not deny lie had.got 11 . I I ­ I . his I contract. - The House went Into Committee on the To Incorporate the Floo Lumber Company. a, ohoomakerorator,11anuounced Georgeftir reconstru .1 . �o; disgra eful system of Parliamentary � . � I �, � I . I . I ale with pain and diffloulty what bid* .a . I , ""'00() to give up evidence wan. a general Bill of the Attorney -General to make further -Mr. &Wray. - as chairman, and at ter a brief opening ppeoch I at brokerage which has been nur- Patrick Ba � � , � 'I � � I not mind and eyes have seen. and in thepatlent'. In deritsa of tho yi'arges made, agalust, him. He . provisions respecting coroners' Inquests. gn,l,hei.as or reform movement and &gal but Oomewhat crabbed and oddly emphaBI � zedz 11 . mired, under the present; Government at lima received no I DITCHICS AIM DRAINS. " tib 'der of Government, he Jutro. - .. - . � 11 Us 11 .11 4 a M money for giving up him Mr. MOWAT OXPISi11Od that at 140 it had liff 0 ; A U &L .a. I tu S ,g or I � 11411U.-ISID 'Welaw1h, R. - 9 Q - . 01 . .­ ; "s, . r. iSnox 'Do J � . ., U. "it JAenry I � I . interest. "4 been Intended to provide that in cases where , - anqu to v, a at . 0 O' dand, th , starlbst possible moment, and those antiolps. tention of thaGovernmont 4, uring the present . a Billingsgate, ,champion from the. Taylor's hind runs wi free and as cleat, 'i � I � - I I I., I . � I Mr. ApGzn recalTad,. He stated in answer the coroner was likewise a medical witness he * I I Pacific slope. Kearney was in the Com. 40 the The * Mr� Trollopolo . 4200 41tielimond. . �- I Most" wAre Pot disappointed. Theallogedlitiel goodon to Introduce ik measure providing that �mittee RoomWban announced. but 126 at runs as easily � to quessione'that Cotton, bad given him to -should not, he. paid fees is inch witness I - I I : Was contained in, A series of articles in the, � I I I I - 401, muniolpRutlea'and Individuals way, under I as the needle, jer)E . 1. Boyle's ,unlesable affidavit, afterwards to be ma once strode across the platter . . in � Globe during November, charging Boyle with puderatand that the money paid for proper restrictions and oafeguordow make . . In to receive up and down in a sawing machine; and Prof. I . I lattertiaa to be given to Boyle, and ihai Stated that there visa good reason forthe I - the mOulause which -hi always seems to I I having for a consideration withdrawn his, . ditolies and drains under and Across rail, � I I Tysidall'o, who has as much At least in him., I � � tender to , r the .1 Parl amoutary he (Hr. Roger-) had given Cotton the,, oul$ holding of a post mortem examination. But I . I WAY like though � he pretends to ignow it. .. 11 I I . printing at of clothes for the services he bad part . armed. from further consider fian and convere tracks $bat are, within tho Legislative control H I of the orator an of %be man of 'science. and ' . . I . 14 I esi6n . . � I . � a took a drink of water, throw down his whose, mind I . ! . . % Mtaw r of X .1 I . - . Of the Province- I I 0 orninently fir, .- . r .- oLeau, Mr. .TustIaO Commit, who kled the case, said with gentlemen, acquainted with such matters, � overcoat, pulled tho, reading desk. to the back I . xible in the . � Iloge 4 Co. At the trial on Monday, Mr., . STATUTE LABOR IR VILLAGER. Power of adapting itself to the external World, � I Roger, ,of She., firm of McLean, -whatevor might be this "Uh of this trial, he thought it wise to apply it to other medical . I of the stage, and, again advancing to she tons. smooth ae a, h; Ole. ()a she ot . J. 0. I I I . - -, witnesses nomall.' j16 also explained, as he Mr. BADaintow, in moving the Second rea.d. ' � By hot � I there Was no doubt that a great public good . front of the Platform, buttoned up his POR- hand,,many poets, many very eloquent poets, I . .1 .. Roger 'k Co., Admitted that 120 had employed , would result from it.. .We should probably had before, that the Bill providsd that the Ing of big Bill to amend the Municipal Act; jaqket� and said: Is Men and women I I desire seem . I . - a Mr. Cotton to appro , to betray in their band writi . sob Mr. Boyle, and I ' ­ " .- I* � - . I � . -hat I the system which permitted irre- oorojiiijabould make affidavit th'At there was said it hadreforonoo to 1511.4tuto labor, mablil to call Your attention to this platform to. , Alorbetw6effilbeir owh ih6dgbj - .1 offer him inducements to retire. At the trial find t .,)g . the con I aa.She'firat witness ex oponsible pargo I ne to tender for Government good reason for believing that deeesied came the Vouncile of villages to make the sawe fti ht. You don't And on it any bald-heade and ihe words . � I aminod was 11 , I . . I I 9� Ids in which they are compelled . . . - torr awa, who, d9poead be, contracts and afterwards to sell them would Ao his death by other than natural or deal. compulsory. He had received aommumda, hot pated honorable blike and bummers toi note It down, Mr. swinturne's seems I 11� - 0. of Ottl dental meano. tions from several villages concerning is, . 'diegrace she Intelligence of this audiencelo. I . I as gentlest the kish Gana4ian' be.put.notopto. He was sorry Wheat that always to be �n a tangle, expreoiive of the' .- � . � that question had been already engaging Mr. Mcllmoiq said medical witnesses had ' The motion passed, And she.'8111 was .read night.'#� Thin Provo I � JEoylelo paper) and that'he had received cor- t ked obouto o laughter at way in which his mind overleaps the word he , lain n I yle public attention, and that it* seemed impoo. - no option in regard to ,vast martem examina- a second thhe. . � once,andhe hen went onto asythathehad in oteo for money from Cotton; Bo, - held on the command of - . � I . dealing with, and mixed itRelf up with dome . I �­ I . - �. -- , sible.­to­A1ud,"­1k Xsmadyo­ HOW ADIT07413441i @J -01 --word-with--which-ho `iif--is�cf1­ 11--------- ­) ,over - ­ ­­ . . Keqqiy kqo_ I �, bd tions, ,which they I .... ­ ­Tf­ =, . .thpAtL-the-meatip,g...P,boald,,zko,t. be her . - ­- - ­ -, .- W-lot-none,of-the-mopay-from-tho-note.ow----- could .hope that this trial would call the coroner. It. would be -ph' inj notice � it a - - - widely advertised, because he was afraid that Anil in 1301 1 � . , I � . The order paper having been read and no I L 0 next witness. He that a great medical man w.ere diprived .of his fees for . oh less degr4 M : I H. J. Charlton man th 'if it was to many might come to hoar.1im, mon's h to throw I . .1 - I 10 Boyle'objected to . more Strict attention to the fact . 13 uh private member being ready to Proceeds' - . I . .. = over the war a a said h - a was a contractor. public evil existed In the prevailing. practice. boldingpo8t mortent examination. . der ouch M, MowAT�Thia is the, only dify-oft which and so Rome might be disappointed. .He had writea shadows of diseatiefactioi . i . that ,they . . I I sorithdraw his tender, and wished a partner- It would be for the jury'to, may whether the c1rcum"MuC83- the Government hiVo*so right t Wtth been.acoustomed, to speak in the free, open ' I I 11, I - . ship with MoLeabs Roger & Co. Witness Mr. Daiaociii: Suggested that � as. medical IQ. go on I I do not expense something more or Bomething I . articles meant that corrupt ni6neymas paid their bpaineeo, and we do not.propose t air, with the earth for a platforin and. the lead, or, at �sdl events" 0 . I � , bad been employed by that firm to get, she . ado . . 0 go . omething different. I . b I . by Mr. Roger,mith Mr. -Boyle's knowledge, or 'mOn 85 a rule did not care to be in . on with onto to day.' As there fs'no,private heavens for A root. Being urged, againist his NOW I g it, more noticasible than the difference - . withdrawal, - refused to be bought that it was paid Into Ate hands of Mr� Cotton , . .expectations, to make a speech In New York, 'a .1 I . � I . - bus Baylis - . coroners, he believed a layman should be businees ready to be gone on with, I shall, . b6tween the .bands of thoia wh tu-t-'. a wish. . . in 0 seem -p I k up, because it would be Injurious to lit Jor big tender. If they found thp�meexiing furnished with powers to hold inquestal. ' therefore, move th'at the House adjourp. he had chosen as a� subject Is The Co. .Jug fied,with their words, who seem to And a . � , drawal.. Boyle was offered - 63,000. 'Witness to be simply th . At money.was patil'to some- I Mr. CAacADnN said that even under the - -The House adjourned at 3 40. , E-Piria and the Downfall of 144 RO- certain Pleasure in the. rapidity with which ; � . scifferid Boyle notes. and cheques - for that body for Mr. Boyle's sanders they should find Present State Of the law no 'bibilical man of TunaDAY, Jam 27�Tbe SPHAKER took the public," and. -should usi ,language -Suit. they express their thoughts, and the hands Q I . I . . . . ut' high Standing' cared to take .the Office Of chair at three 0,0100 - , . I those who 0e dionatiiiied with their words,. . � I amount, in the, 6ourse 0; the f3fosmination a verdict for the defendants. B I if, on the . ,4 P.M. , � I ad to' ,-.himself. !1 My ' expressions," ,f I I � by Mr. Bethune, Q. C., the following facts other hand, they found that the articles coroner, but it the law were changed so as to Attar routine the Assembly "took up the he' cout!nued, I to . will not I rest-asay on the. and tire diBP08bd to torture language till it . . � L L � . I . �csxne ouk: . charged corrupt knowledge on the part of make him submit his bill with, an affidavit. I consideration of several Gov6ramsixt me&. sordid stomachs of � the robber class who live exprespea oomething mo � to oe'lege.-Londo' I � . L ; . Q.-D,ld you state the amount of notes and Mr. Boylesthe v�irdiot must be forlbe plain. attached to the County Attorney,and thenTsy Buren. I � . I . I I on Murray Hill, among whom are 0. P. SPectator. . A i � theques ? A, -Yeo, 02,500-l' in notis and tiff. The plaintiff denied that Mr.'-Cottbn hiw,.as it he had been guilty. Of perjury., no . Huntington, 'who'. commenced life in my � I .. I . . . . THE AGIIICULTU13AL 06LLUGh 13ML.- . . 9500 by cheque. , ' � was agent for Mi. B6ifi, -and hold. that Iman of Pelf -respect at all would accept the . Mr. WOOD (the Treasurer), in moving -the adopted state. peaaiing pibks,aud shovelo,. but 'Gnun ST,kxilqG'--One can.acquire an inter- , � . ' ' i . . Q. -Did -you say who would make the notes the jury could not infer :from the offlee. He WAS aware that, in some caeco, and . second.reading of Ahe Bill. took ocoasion to who,to-day is stretching his , blood. stained and obequee? A. -I said they would be made city, there bad been an L eat in mining Property in many ways. He . . by McLean, Ro at & Co., and, endorsed by ivi4epoe that. he was. A more die. particularly in this point out the good which the inetitution had fangs across the continent and sapping the can find a mine himself; be,oan supply' ,,- : � 9 I graostul and discreditable transaction he unseemly Scramble among the - coroners for already effooted, and'to say a few words in life's blood of thei'very people, and -driving another man with food and tools, and I give . I I 303111. . L of never know than this -the Ph ameloos way In business. The fact that not only medical appreciation of both tfie retiring and inc()M,., them into � the.00ndition of Plave . .. Q. -Was anytting said about the forra men but gentlemen of the long'robe were I I ry' yon '4 him a share in what he may find (and this I%' . , which thowitnesses came Into the box-twoof ng prificipal. - I I New York see forced to submit.to this plun" ,,,grub staking.") ; he may buy a mine when, I letter? 'A. -Teo. I penoilled out a. form of them especially, one of � them Stating that he appointed an coroners might explain this. . The motion for the . second reading. Woo , daring piratii�(Iaughter)-wh6 to -day flaunts found, or a share of it, bearing In mind the, . ­ . . ' . withdrawal. I � I considered that he did not think that there I H9 advocated as a 'remedy for . his liveried flankies in your faces, and calls * . . . .. I (Laughter,) carried without further ale6tioalon, . Western Paying, that 11 a prospect hole to not . . . Q.-WhatdidyoudowlWit?, A�-Igavo was anything wrong in.ito lind the other tbiaeviLthe appointment- of one or, two., ., - I . I for an Empire.'? (Laughter.) After paying , it td Cotton. � - I admitting that he was a conirairstor'o- broker. corotkers In a riding, bach- having jurisdiction , AGRICULTURE AIRD AUTS. all mine ; I, or. he cad-lavest in Stocks. ' - -I- " �!, Q­Wben did you next Boo L Cotton? A.- 'neL Mr. Crooks' Bill amending the Agricultural SLimilar.complimente to James Gordon Bon. Zhub-staking a good. man; and', if L possible, . I . � ­ He hid ver ieenL anything of i��more within acertain district. . I nets, he said : 11 And next comes J3y Gould,' � About'an hour afterwards. ,' ., seem to Ooronero, who were generally. medical ment and Arts Act wag read A. second time yeater. ad-(laughter)-lopstiled accompanying him on his search, may be. , � mi L shameless character. There did not day. It. provides for the. transfer of "the , the lean, laute.rn-jaw called the bait' way . , for, said allL - . . Q,Whou did you first a this letter? be want of good faith on the part, of the the indignity of eubmitting their affidavits to paliena-(laughter) old hand. ,' 7 oversight of Mechanics, in �the obark-anouted, cot. ,,you make your. loss at the' start.,, Buying - . , . (showing exhibit 11-tho letter of withdrawal defendautb,and even If their chargeamere not the County Crown Attorney -and acting on Btitut6o,the Ontario woraut- (I aughter) -look at him so he crawls - w . . signed by Boyle) - A.m-When Cotton canke ,inades good the.avidence ,showed that -there his opinion as to whether an. inquest Was 800ie�yof Artiste, and the Schools of Art and L through Well street, crunching the bones.of a claim or claims is not infrequently Batisfac. ' . : � . . . Design from the Department of Agriculture .tory ; but said, with quaint gravity, Another- . I � Is back he had it with him. . I -auepialon. . necessary or not. I I hisviotimal (Laughter.) Thisiasnotherof Is old-timer," 11 If I was a'. capitalist, and I'd. I I , was great reason for I ' * . to that of Education ; empowers the * Eduoa- the American aristocrats who vants Grant - I . . I I 'Witness also produced the noted which had The tired at 7.45, and re-ontdred the sul?)MUMENTARY. DRAINAGE By LAWS. . tion Dopartm . ' see a mine worth - halt -9, million, I'd Want. to . I . . jury re I Put to make regulations. for � I i been drawn up, in accordance with the -letter Court at 8 45, having'been absent exactly one . . 11 and the Empire,, 4 have done thus for with - Mi. MPWAT MovecT theJecond. rea"n of 1 -buy­#tJqLAb-0u-VAW9"t -Ave-tho0and.dollaro, , �4 , * , ­ i� veipj - - --QY-Q 11 . JJAt 1`&FqW lTm-r-0t41JUd­ I , -450:= �hi:t=` Tho -fm r6viiidna respecting piortiomilons of the Leg ........ and have some Advantage on.3n side. A mam. , �.,:.. � .. . . ­ � � alwithdriwat;­ He"algo"Btated -that 01; ,eman--anirounoe&�ths"heir--iE6-�t-iffi-o-m-a-k-d-i it 91114401-Ha9hanic4Inst as�and tl:s,,,wtb,TAJ �, V - I : . " the ly . . woo paid to get Hope to withdraw his tender. verdict was for the defendantO. . . supplementary� drainage .tii-lswo. He grant amouget Abend ; places Institutes on -,who pale into coutempt before tho boloo- can't see very far JZ)toL.the ground,ly It in L : Witness was a tenderer fox the work. * He. Mr. Donovan, counsel for the plaintift, explained that its porpoise was to remove the Same footing Lee Public' 'inStitntions oal railros'd highwayman, and robber -(laugh. . stated that no geologist. every -et- f=ad� avalu. . L L I did so to oblige Mr. Roger. I demanded that each.juior be polled. This .doubts .which, bad arloon as to the W L ter) -that bloody figure of carnage andruin,. ablemine . -the humble prospector Veingal. I I L' . - ith ,respect to the purchase Of books who dines upon tlie'earoseen of hid victims, I . I - Q, -Then you were Mr. Roger's eat's-paw 7 was dome, and discovered I .that -the � vordiok authority of the Government,. to purchase or apparatus from the IfIdUcation Depository; -, ways at the front -and even.tben owing muolito, I ; . I . A. -I presume that's ilibut the way'of-lt. was a unanimous one, . L � drainage debentures . under Supplementary provide . a for'sn annual audit of ihe financial andW,hose memajons are built and oemensed , accident. WiW ]its bu'ri3s laden with a' littid I , , - - . o I . 1. L . - I ­ . by the wells and tears - and cries and blood r . I . Q,"Whoinado,out your tender. A.-MrO . by-lawo,-wh1oh the Bill treated in the same 'affairs of each Institute, and also for the . . - baeon. and flour, Perhaps& little cogA ai and �. I , . 11, � I.. . . L I . CAUSE 01F THE DETHRONE . Way m*original by -la (laughter) of the widows and orphans of those. sugar a frying -pan and, a ooffae,pot, * and, ' ' , Meger. . . . I . . . . . . . . - . . I . . t we. It also re4nired inspection of ail Institutes by the Tublio' Whig perish of starvation -I refer to the thief , . L . i ' \ Q.-Thev you gave. yourself no for Mi. , . ITIENW OIF ABD11JL4Z1Zt, '. oupplemeptary-by-la,W to be published. : School Inspectors ; and creates the Prisgi . With him pick and shovel, this hard Working - I � L . - . . . I I . I . I L , I - 'L . . � deiqt Vanderbilt., (Laughter ind cries of I good I') - 12 . I I 310jer to use-se-he.pleaded ? 4-70o. - - ­ ;--. ­­ ­­. ­, -.=77 . ...... � -­.. ., - -, ­ .­ case the latter should be-publiolied., TheBIlI of the Agricultural College and,. the Professor He too wants, an Empire. The. next, on'this pic. car ttaversei the length and breadth of, - !. . Q )ld yok think-yQu wire doing�Auythliag ' ,.EL l3tartling Revelaillion's., L.' . '-*zii'e�"'tlifi�'�#boiid'-tim6. ­­­ 1­1­�.­­ UfAgriculture-in:tho�saine-iy�atitation�ex�opi,o-.Iy,,i�f,-'tL ' the minersUreglon, undekooing ' I , � �] . , , .. �­. . . a a CY-H(RrW.­Fi'0 "--- md­lhii 'Whole- Field' many and a W Y" - -A- ----" (6-- ­­-­ -7-1 . " "' ' J , dishonorable, an�thitig 11wolthy a -I _ on . . The Herald's C'a'lio� . - ThE BUDOET. ,- - . i r . ­­­ . .1 1. -two'g- amgQri of on$ ­ , I � ir, i,,;' 27-� 1 memberi of lho.Agrioul u 6 andArts Amnocia. gedak hardshios, plieft- -1 . ,u ' - Field wants,�an Empire. The next,we in . L . ;-,I,, - ­ -opeatable-man 2 � A.��No­­-­ ­­ � ... ­ -- ,- -letter-containa the Startling partfe ' ' sion. , � , , --- ' . -­ I L crew. � , eed, laying his. bones 'on .some desolosio, I � �,� " -.- ­ . ulargi until- � "' -Mr. MowAT state&.,lbat .the Proviiibial come to in the Rev�. Ile. John, Hail (s�noation ' .1 Q. -You are ng,t osahi=44�you do not feel now uurevealed,of the dethronement of Abdul Treasurer'ex,pected to. ,make 'bia. financial speecbesi uniformly fivorable to the Pro- and intense quiet), who di . . . , hill-side'or In some lonely capon; and then�� � I . Bn�,gilded�reli- . - - gensi ­ -dr6-&­­­­- ­ . Insulted -to-be- called: a contia'd broker 1--A-i-7- -,A-ziz Sulton, ­Tuxb�y,- A ___:�­�_ ' . -on�y­to4hink, -Of-it-onw- -in-five---litua "" . " . L ­­ L " � _­ _,_____ ____ ­­­ ---of ...J3i-W6.;LThe- .61tan-�-statemen"n-Tuaodai�neXtiL.�. . .,--VOle-&ALLaingeo�*.er6�.insda-by-UasBro.'-Boll,�-Tro-fl1iiu- Ta -,ta-!$tOY�0'00,WO--iVeri:96ii-dii� -flidi�i6ii�­1­11.­­.- ­­.. ­ ------ L .. . Not-&ALSI. ' ­ �. � I ' 'elMai'lion informed shot -him favorite wife, ` . , L , �, . , . I . Young, ago no WdhdAr­LoJ late years Abets � Al . I 1. , '' � , �. �h . .3) � ITCHESANDL ATEBCOURSHO. . ., L , . Hay-Jand Meredith; str' . gh. q . -A 'All a ' " 1W . being 'morning. Hall says (imitating the clergy . L � I i Q. -You were prepared to O h Wanted, Was unfaithful, olfirged bar 'with the crime, ' - � 1. . chiefly laid on the beliefite Which they would' . ' mining has become at regular and legisim . MAWS style) I it to ter-ri-ble, it - is terrible, . I suppose.? A.---�No. I was not; -Imould not and in apilvate room of ihe harem bewt her ' Mri RoBiNsoN �Kent)', !a moving the second confer directly on �oung'- men desirous of . I I ­ . , brethren, 'those, awful Gommuniatos�-thb an occupotion an manufacturing; and it. in .. ' .- - do4.,,!tbAnR that was wrong. , '' I todeath, , Before'dy'ing she sent a message . reading 61 bib Bill -to amend %lie Ditohes obtainibgLan education, .and Indiredly on in undoubtedly. true that method and system I I , _ That'is sabording, S6 your code of - to Hossein Aont, Grand Vizier and Minister andWatercoixroes'Act, ,stated that by thd - arts and L manufactures, I.. , . iiierable-fentering-contimptibla .whelp I , have been -largely introduced, and that She L , � . I 1� � . ous of the Act only thode� owners who' : . � 8u leaned laughter and cries of 'Ohl') owners of paying mined And - successful.. I .morality. Where wouW yqu draw th6 linw ? of War, her paramours asking him to reveng, provisi OTHER GOVERNMENT MEASURES. . . ho,ppdar, he, it his age and intelligence, cast I iy'� rightly claim� ., A�If lie bid minted me to. sweet a lie X her death�' The. latter' conspired with othisro aotually ocoupied1ho, land were campsite& to . I The Bills reopecting coroneralinquesto and- a smelting -works . in I - . . .., � do the nedese4y. draining. this Was taken . stigma upon God�i noblest and beat free. that they `.are engaged in oober-' I .. . ,.4 1 1 1 . would not have done'it. ' , - ' I of, the Cabinet, and they marched to the Pat- . . supplementary dridnage- by-laws were passed meri-m-tho workingmen?' And last, thoug An& industrial . paranits'- but with. I . Q,-Y.ou ,were prepared to tell a lie, buk ate. with -troops, deposed' th 'and idvantage of by the absentee owners� 'very th 0, h . I . . :, Sultan' , - I T uizh Committed and.reported With Blight not least, is the devil-fish-(laughtPr)-the P, I . 1� . 0 in many. 6mies of hard* amenitmento. � . . . .1 poll . ,She great bulk of modern Argonauts, fxom ouxr� . . slot to owear to, it. (A laugh) Anything prooloinied Murad, the Sultant nephew, ..bid much to. the prejudle . I . I I . . I � I . . Working oettlero. -The object of his Bill was . . . I I tical devil-figh, with false tooth (laugh- . I .. � � . I . I I I . . ,olse you Would not do �. A.--74 would. not anc00000r. � . . . .. ­ I 1, . THE JVDICATURE ACT . I ter), a false wig, a false heart (laughter) and a poor, sanguine pick -user and burio-driVej to. � I I .. . :1 steal for him. . , . I . to force all persons owning lands,to make the , the Now Yorker who,'without the* alightest­ . I - . I t . * ,- TEM. KINBUICIED--noDIENi , - - -necessary drains. '-. ­ I � . I I ­ I The House went ii1to ComQgtoe on. the false gizzard-(ebouto of laughter)�ho has ,real knowledge of - what he is.,doing, ,, takes , . . . :11 Q. -IA doing as you 'did yon did no ' 1. .. I . . � . . .. - - . I . Bill for consolidating the Superior Courts of .got no soul -A fraud -the banner fraud- ... . . . . . (tau liter) -the . .oypher Lfraud�(Iaughter)- in. Wall Stieet,.it is so cortiln sis the I., .. , consider :thit,'y oul.'were ' Meeting' -fro 'in the . . . I bIIATTZI,'XORTdAG39. "' , 'Law and Equity, establishing a u Oalfilyarrinelff and sets that the gambling and not ----I . That is are I mote consideration Xx1planation of the Extraordinary Affair.: Diform eye. 9 .. . -,- I ­ - , ­ . � country- . for. . . I Mr. MEREDITH moved the second reading tom of. -ple'ading and jyriotleo 1berbin and -the election fraud��tho- lr4ud. -of - all the . commercial ihstliidt predo 'Minatoo. A- . - - I . ...J I a contractor 2 , A.-YOO. , , , Aft Ingersoll- correspondent gives the fol- of his Bill to remove doubts arising out of . , mtkking further provisions for the due admin. frauds -(yells of. . laughter) -Sam - Til.- � \ , Witness also d6pooed4hat aten interview .lowing explanation of the. delay of the dead, the Revised Statute respecting mort , A Bud ististionof justice. -The first clause, nam'Ing-den 1 -(roars of- laughter -and applause) . . bank waspointeld out'td the. writer in a latges . . , " . . , � V. I between Cotton, Boyli And himself, Boyle bodies at Ingerooll, as dilated on by a Sentle- males of ,pera'onal property. He M1161ained the Act der above: wa's passed. 'The second who stands or elts, in his ' - mining town which, with a hapitaf'of $50,000,. 1 . I i %, \ . had first declined to sell outi and- then added man belonging to that . town,, in-woonverastion that . . � I - OMOO, IlkQ 9 had il,poaitim6f 'from 41700,000 A 800,0001� " � , ' Its intention wan to make one general giv . 0 0 � .. . he would loavd the matter In the hands of with 4 repre'seiiative:of the-Timzo:-In May power of attorney sufficient under whichlo I thi Ing it offect, was � allowed to stand.. Ther gray'bld sIiii1te (lanihIci), with big Puckers and Which had made §43,000- not profits ixt � . � I ' .. . . I � I rd.olause, uniting the Court of Appeal, - spread,oul all. along the continent, fixing slid . . � I I last two brotherej viin"'had lift this part of . . nine months. 11 But they 'say that there is .' . - ' , -- Ootton and witness. . effect all renswale of mortgages or bills of the Court, of �'Q ueen's Bench, ourt ot ing them a I I I , Abe C It a hine. (LaugVter and applause.) no money In bianking.11 was added I meau: , � , I . Q�HQW much did you pay for Mr. Boyle'n the couutry Sometime previously, died . auto, without the meoessity.of a new authority ,of Ohancery, and the Court of .common You.n1ay seem astonished to think -Tilden , ' - , * : I , 4 -- tonaer ? A. -Ono -Abi f 0500, and within three weeks. apirt (from natural' no money as compare'd with wh,,T memo, of . , eque. O � for, each individ.uk'GaRe- ., I . -Plans, under* the name of the .Supreme wants i .sin 're, but lie Is one of the-plasy- -sh A --- - I 1 102,500 in- five - notes of 1500. eaohj thn't 110 causes) at Trenton, Ont., -Avillage -on the Iiifi ' . . � . I . . I �- P1 am can make in xiiining. -When a fellow -. ­ - 4 � .. 1 .. � I Court of Judicature ior'Ontario', was Peened. haliors 1 his great drama, and he and all his a I , . . of the -ai T.� ' . ..., . . THE DASTITUTS INHANE. can.go out and make a forty or fit ty thousand ' ' ' . � .1 03,000. . . It,; and were forthwith buried - . - , .. . - .The fourih clauie, dividing thd* Supreme kind are being uq"ed with a perfect understand- dollar otilker,' banking's e re ty us 1- . . . I Q. -Did you imagine, from what took place, 'Atthat Plate. This roonth­Aho1rienild-of - Mr.W.,Lirp,its,itiih6ving-this'econd.readii3g' ' . . C Vis p t , $10 .1 . .! .. - ' � I .. I Court hila two.'divisiond., viz., the High Court ink that the'Republican nominee ,will be We Co Id anything better illustrate what has juet�. . , I . , , that you. witrai authorized 4o reprea6ut Mr. ,the deceased,, wighing to remove thim to Of big Bill to make provision for th9 support of JaRtice and the , Court �of Appeal, was angurated even- if:not elected. The interests . . . I ... . Boyle from that .:time 7 I A��-I did no%. I the family - burying -ground, near- Avon; of. destitute inmani persons, said. that. it pro- -pa,se beaun told ?-H�7crls 1tfaga4Ae:fdr February. � , ,' ' : 1, ," . I . ad. The fifth alatfie'fixed'Ao most Of the of Tildea are idefitical. with the interests, of I . . . , - . . I . � I represented Mr. &get. '- . . I I South Dorchester, bad'thook disinterred on �Vidod that the power �of determinipg the CouiA ... . - , , ­ i "I . I ' � ­ . It was passed. -The sixth clause con. the Republionn' leadirm, and, their interest is . I . .. , .. I . J . . Mr. J, u. Roger deposed to 'the obeque- the 13th Just. They were , than- johipped Assistance to be given for such persona'should atitusta the Con I The * . ­ ,(�What I � - ' t . � I . � . . � . . I .1 . rtiand was passed. seventh t6fill t4eir pockets. There Is A large class of a libindwitho4 6, wife?" asks the , � I I . . � 9., ado out an.. Won for the willaraWal on the following day, arriving 0 Ingersoll on be taken from the eiand4uri and given, to , - Yonkers Gazette. It to the dining-roora in - ; .' 1- I �.. I 0 a equeo were niadis ,'.th6 19th Just. They were directed to the the County Coutiollo. , - - 1� Sol I . dlauge,regardi6g appointments, was amended . po6ple who want 'an empire,'and I'll tell you i I of 0 .lie$ nirsot.: . .. . , - . . . so that $hey Ishall'be rondo as provided by the why : Walhave . been fooled Qua' pay6holo.. the,parlor,, the cooi-bin in Abe. kitaheni thw * �. . -! I � Iton. � , . . uncle (if the dooeasedi living thirteen- miles Mr. Mow&T approved of the Bills and at his � B. X. A. Act. The �tighth oliuse, 4empecting gizadby nice bladder. tongued, oily his an shirt in h . iaing,A dePot for solid clothes, ' . . I 11, I . 4)u . ji.ya, Is to I . . .. t j, from Ingersoll.. Arrangements had', provi.' suggestion it was allowed to stand go an to be that. ale : : I .. . ,- ave On Ivan any a aquas, no a . the qualification .of the Chief Justice and okiteo-;-(Iaughter)o and classical', frauds- A.,trystIng place'for divorced etocki?gs, ss�. .. I . . - . that ungd Jos I .paper. for t 6 withdrawal iously been made' with me to look- atter them retoxg , . . �1 " I or � . I . . , � , -Ad to the Committee on Muniodpal Bills Chancellor, wad slightly a3monded. The ninth who vote their own .ealarioo.. and say Smoking furnaci,.a jji�ate tandemonium'.,h, . . . . I ' ". . immeatately,ousheir,a rival -4pA as t 0 con-- -to be,ip-po'[iLted,.he-pre'iiumadi,.to,rnorrow.- - ­ vlaneg-'Tespedting the-qualill -imbrig themselves, ---,-How-- oliallywe'-collect' ­esvern- of -profane-runiblitgoi-'s laiiatio-so . .. I �� . . of othe ton ero.? .�I ave. At � ... -1 ........ 4. ­­ Wit of judgao;� , Y--1 . ­ � . Q. -What did ,you give Maokiiisomb 2 signers bad shipped.them by 'freight Instead . The House adjourned at 5,40. . was struck out. No 'further as (Laughier.)- Donit,.yofi. sea itf InW- More. Atliat'' APO ' .1 . .: I A,Well, thit.was a regular 'bus! I need .of by'expreso, I matuot aware Of their arrival . . . dlacusoiou took ,it t ' I � e. a -10 . arl street man. i I ., . . . 1 .- . ToRONTO, Jan. 23.�Tfio Speaker took the place until the twanty.sixth .clause was My, Advice to you in not to pay any says. , , - � . . . I. . . , I f transaction. It wag not of.'. the I ionic order until the day afterwards, understanding they ,,,Bit at three o'clock. ' . . I . How depraved is the literary tinte of youth . . .� f I . . estrivedat., This clause xelatee'to the maki.ng taxes. (Applause.) LPtth000thleveogoto 1-/ . W this. . I I , . 7 could not comeas freight, the whole tinio 'A petition was presented by Me, Gibson of appeals, in which no change is made from work for A living as you do I 11 Kearney next Take 100 boys, aged, about fourtesn'ameh ' ' �, '�� . Q.-M-Ackintoove was the'l6west tender, I occupied in bringing Ah6m from Trenton to (Hamilton) from about thirty plargymen of the existing law. I . . advised the peoplb to vote for the' A may, be safety , 'wagered that ninety. . 4 I I . moelves and' and I . � 11 believe. He sent in a latter of withdrawal I" their 'proment to ' sting place occupying but different denominations in the, City of- Ham- � On the 51h sub -section of clause 62, - ob. organize with that, object, and said the 'nine of them would rather read a story callask, ' . � . . I - A. -Yeo, it was necessary that he should. ' seven 4syn. r I .'. . . . . . ilton, that intoxicating liquors be Prohibited j6otion *am taken to the tower which it gave men who have heretofore been 4oled foi "Red Headed � Jim, the Assassin of Cabbage, . . i Mr. Bothune-Olis yoof, of canine.. (Laugh. ­ � I . . .1 I Is � i ; . I ter.) . . .. .. DRINK AND DIXcriltAvibuir. . .from being sold on Chriotimaw Day,`Qo6a.., the Judges to alter'the rules of procedure in: regularly. would then got up and say, By-. . Alloys" thair to peruse Pro,.f. Goldwin Smith � . � . I . . Friday, and days of public thanksgiving, the courts. The section, however. passed. God I it'll Aever do ; theme mudaills and 11 Moral Interregum.11 I . ". . . 4 . q. -what consideration did he get? A.- jk Drunhen -Woman jr glits her Igother The sedond report of the. Committee on Clauses, 45, 46� 56, 57, .49, .72i, 13. 74, muddleheads Ill op�nffoomte Our property.' Among the replies to an advertisement of' * I He got $10,000 worth, of boude. Thst was 11 Private Bills contained a recommendation to 80. and 82 we're,allowed, to -Vour wen, loOr-legafted 't I I . and lgmcsther�i her Chlid. . - -stand for­fadher� -robbers, a uld a 31111WO COmInitt8b Or. I A.'CAllaidate,8 -- � - --- -- - - -if ter -the matter was sottlad-by-tha,Hodso.� - ----- FA - . - - - Jan. 24.-A Yes � . extend the time for,reoeiving Private Bills to - consideration. 'The Bill� was O�qnsidered up .in millions of money Find -- �ob ,0,6906- _,pull 8 organ.. . . , I I I . �There was some negotiations before HALi: x, X. 8 , ung woman - . ,000 of lot, music teacher.10 ate., was the following ----- ----4� . 11 .. � . Wadneodoy,� 28th Just. The report.. wai to the 85th clause when the-Cominittee rose. people. 'On one side wo, have , calling for a " Gentlemen, I noticed in yoni advertisement . � � I � I . lie sent the letter' of . 'withdrawal; - on, -of named Mary Hayes, aged 22,',m, prostitute, ad d. ' , - .. .. . The House kdjourneil.Rt 10.1:5., republio the black goats who baie Separated foran organist aiiii music tekbhor,. sith6ir lady - , , I . Ople . ' � course on were not goinEf to pay him so got drunk last night and fought with her � 1. I . - � vy . . Who f6116wing"Bill wag Introduced and read � . thernablvibs from the white sheip- (long . uld get the contract. mother. Shortly afterwards she went to bed, .. ghtsk or gentleman. Having been both -for opveral -, � I lit . heavily unless you 00 a first thne': To amend the Municipal Act.- ' , . COLLXW[O.N.�AT SE- A.' �-the devile-haveleft the'angelo. (Laug t..er.� yearo, I offer yon mJI services." ' � , : . I I .. . � . . now. kitch W I So he'to got ? Ai--$12iOOO taking'With 'her her five months Old child. Mr. 6iboori (Hamilton). - * . I I � I . . �- .. " . I .. Who see they ? Monarchisto and. Imperialists � . 1. . . .. � � . . � , . � sitogether. . . .. 11 Thio,morning about two o'clock, a policeman , � After Mr.Cnooxg and Mi. d6on had spoken -The Rlal�dlrda"n Sinks an, itagerlt . a . n .... .. murairirs -61 the , people-fiReasedus . -of " 'Week Sim icitoo.II-Dr. Sqaills , .41 You I I . I Aficov red tfio door.of the house open, and on .,,,ad itot cry, mP'y, little man, because your - � ­. - - . . :Q."�-Jn Ono Jump, or. i.n. time -2 ,, A -77 -IO -0 I . . to; questiotin 61 privilege 'in. reply to letters � - Barqiu�;-W ;irtue and morality-,desertern of the wreak 'bO � �.­ 1168. . I - I .I- �­ , .going upstalro, f6undthe motherlying on the in tho Mail, - . .. . . . wo ]Lives I,oss. , . . �. . sister lie$ 'the - medeles; she will foon. - I I i .. I . -land pirates -(laughter) -water sharks- better." Practical bbild: !! Boo-hool I .. 10 � . IQ. -How much s.year? A.-Ithinkpotem bed, drunk, liesidi the lifeless form of her ' Mr. RoaEuToox asked wilither, it is the HALIPAx, Jan. 24,--7Tho otes'mor savdiftlart (Iafightei)-gair� thleven-railroAd highway. , were given him for 02,000 a yean . � ,child.. She had omotb�realt. ThebodY,6f intention of the Government during the pro. arrived from -Baltimore tci-dayi and -reports � Stock skiniiero-(Iattg'hter)-pltindering .ain't crying 1000 the's got still " 1910-1coo. I � - - I I . . Q -How much of -that have you already the'ohild was removed to. the worgue,,and the Rini. session to introduce any .measure, in that bn Friday, the 23rd inat., - about one " might catch ,am 11, " ., . I � is 04,00D.- .. . woman to the station. This girl beldings - to o'clock in the morning, whop blood-hounao-(laughter)-who fatten upon e ona In a Springfield perform, - .. .�, � I I paid? A'. -I think it retqonoe to. sanitary reform, and to further yery dark, ohs corruption, and grd* rich. bn'kobbery�� I I I . I Q. -Did yotl-pAYHOPO.I�ZiYthimg? At" Windsor. . She came to Halihit'with her irnpr�olo the weaus at present -adopted. for ran into the otoin of tHo American barque monopolisto who . 0 corner 11 !griln and auto of 11 'Othello 11 coolly rose on one elbow, . I I Xo. . 1. I . . . . mother and sister two -years.ago, and thes. . obtaining reliable, vital statistics for the pro- Sarah H. Fraser, of Portland, Mafn6. J.he opedulato in food-aborti6niotd-blackleg turned over bar 1. Pillow,. thumpid it two or, ... I � I . � ton I . do . . . I I barquo Bank, and her crew waie.. moved V - s- ,,tucked under one corner,. and - - Q. -Who did? A.- Cheri i ' negotlated three have kept ohs of the'worot dens in the Vin . � ; ith (laughter) -thimble-riggere) "' (laughter) �- the"' times . . . that. . . � - city. - - - - . � . I I . . Mr. MOWiT repliedinJiie negative. , the 'exception of the, oatt%juld Wite. Ana One Peter Funko"(Isughter)-parjured judges. composed herself to die comfortably.. - - , I ­ � , Q.�Boyoo &Co. were got out of *the way'? . HALIPAX, X. JO,�,,4au. 125. -w -An inquest win, Mr. Runn moved for an order for a retnrn* - man. The night WAR very dark,, and the . f also sweaters and abysters (laugliter), worm. ', Mrd S. - G. Grog6ryj of Albany, hnnounced, - , - I . ik,-.i aonit know Anything about that except hold bloy,ida�rors slid body of the Infant smash- 'frowtho'clerks ol'the municipalities Nod barque having no� mail Oat but her jib, and eaten bandits and journalistic humbugs,' that he will have ready in Sixty days*& flying . . . � I fromhearSby. , , . I .. . .. -area to mik n mother on Saturday morn- county treaoureri of the expenses Ineurred. fit no light-fiesern, the accident wa� unavold. (laughter and applause) who opon their stink. 2nachine. with which he will make a trial -trip .. I J � I I In lurthep evideneis it caine out- that part Ing, and a verdict Zsf accident al death To.. each municipality of the proVin6e, under the able. . . � pot batteriso (laughter) agaii I ist humanity and to Jdondon, England, going at the rate of '. - - �, . . . , . Oftho, Boyle negotiation woo conducted ou'a tutnedo' - - ' � . � Voters"Lidto Ads showing. the respective I Captain 3006Ph Sheppard, of the - bArquOt . thirty mileo an hour-., . . . . . - . . - .. . .1 . . states thati his vessel, prinolple-thes cancer breeding editors of the I � � . .1 I . Sunday. . . . . wig xun Into on Friday . . . I Michael Starro, called in rebuttal,donled he - I 19111"OklING 81ACIDE. .. . amounts pald'in each forprepaxing, printing, m aing, when eight,yinilessouth of, South infakild black plague, (laughter), 1. mean the . Hoopitality,­�JOVIRII)ootor., "Managato- . � ­- . I . 11 . . publishing, distributing and* fyling the voters, or, 1 . newspapers -those editors, the inferhal little keep yourself alive, eh.?'�- Patient, "It's .. . mado anything out' of the Boylo.contract; ' ' - -to th Shoal; by the oteamehip'Sardintan, which doormats, the i I . � . I . I Listo; the number of appeals a Judges, . iulturei (laughtir).- I'd rather An much an I can do.9 Doctor., 41 Well, You, . - but-Oottoft made 0,000. � , WAiiAxoNETA, Ohio, Jan. 26. -This of ter. court.-carrica. . . . . Struck the barque. a glancing blow oil thd�por t die In a minuto And be In the right than Ilvd know w . . I Jame's Cotton gave an account of how he 110011 JOOO star, blacksmith, oeVerely out - I quaF)orI going otr . here to find moi , Always glad of 6, 1, After a brief discussion Mr.. Prefghton" aight through her. The an hour In the internal fairor of their pralod. oall.'r [Exithumming,] I . - . -- . his wrldt,pwhlllnl,dgove,A.OMith'0-00tibO Awl captAxt end him *its were in their berth I I . zot-ther-letter-of, withdrawal.from Mr. Boyle; � mation to donvott the ordinary standing (Laughter.), They are the, mouth-PlecOR Of . Pit -, , 1 I h whe never Drotpided to pay any of the d9oply into his brooms. Ile then placed the soleep, when he was *Arskenea by a irdmend. , The nod of Waloo-will visit SL re � 000 he got oheques for to Mr. Boyle, slid awl to him forehand and with a hammer drove committees Into .Permanent committees woo one cra thieves and out-tbroato.11. After expressing tbroburg totakd partin :oole6rating' the � I I , . , 1�,,, . Ph, and on recovering from the Shock the -belief that every daily uewspapor� in tho 'twenty-fifth anniversary of the Czar's �� 4 , how the littei had never asked lit It home. At this Point * ho was discovered. . negastived oft a division. J ' . of it. . in k6r ,any An'attembt to .pull the iron Irdm hie bond On motion of Mr. Hawley,. the report of found lit4self in the w4tar. He woo piokeii city is in imperialist organ, he made another sonsion to the thkone, . I . . 11 r a. h me igating commission was up about half a mile %,way from the wreak by raid -on the 64 bludgeon murderers flunkies, Forty.tWd years ago,, Thursitiz-An'.061 ­­ . � ,� & Q,�Wby didn't YOU tell Mri'Roger, when fAilOd- W114111-11111 Wits APP89 a he I elf .P, bovii from the Sardhilab.� RIB wife and a okook gamblero, white -livered, uniti6nal-baiii. I � One L ordered to to brought down. � soaniau� Whose name to unknown, were I � �Wlnter of 1898,-tho,%WW��Triveger entered 0 t . � you handed him that latter, that you were not wrenched It liom his forehand, where it p - , on Motion 'of the Astottley'Gimeral a smashing Shylocklanvagabondo, hell born And going to pay Mr. Boylet? A. -It they were trated two Inches. There is email chance of drowned. The captain and nine of the hall. bound thie#00, brainless Ono � Kingston harbor, and. on, the following night, ,. 11 . , gassing the contrast it aid slot matter to hill recovery- DIOBIP041011 to Roisigued lie the special, committee .was appobited to consider harquo's crew were brought to this pod by be and nasty jbO retu,n,dlo Toronto. She was then in. . I , -t- ­ all ripsoures purporting to amend the Muni, L by . fraudo; the filthy, niity Pole-dato of tho Government service. I . , . I whom they. gave 'the tabsbay. (Laughter.) 0161308- . I .the Sirdindah, and are being cared for iiii Unions Union League, Lotog, Ittiloketbooker , L � ... Mr. OhArltoh said to me that they 'Would I . I ohial Act. Their names are Messrs. Irobli6r, American Consul. The Sarah H . Front was The Politont old lady lveo'ln, Hamilton. I . It an Allopath � id. and a houl000pathlo phymi- - Bishop, BadgetoW, Broder, Bell';, Calvitio 0], a Voyage from Portland 40 Modanzis with and University olabo, and all their lazy, she knocked at ad ,r and waited until it, eve 49,000-.­�050 . 0 in cash' Ana Ave.ft6leo of Man should consent to oonoult together, it Croigbtoui, 0a l Freemen, feoblg,leged, , dirunkon, 'red -eyed. lop-eared,, ,*as opened for h6e 1�r 1 1500 ORO L . I bNon. (9u. I 0 of box ohooko. She. was A vessel Of moldy -headed vampireii and 'minall-brabled r. . L � I h. would be a strange pair o does. 11 4F The'late Mrs. Sarah ]Kelly, of Putford,. I , H Graham, Glboo.n (Hamilton),'GI , r Q. -Aa a filetid of Mt. Roger Slid An bound . 520 t'goo register, bills at Yarmouth, MO."In lunch fiendo, whose bloated and'peatibro, win, why didn't you tell him that You wore . The'warriage is Announced of Laid Ton. r6n), ardy, Harcourt, Hay, Lauder, Laid., 1870. She Raged from Portland, and L , bequeathed 0100 each to the U. M. and Con. . a ' Apo - ' k, Morrlok, N,,relisb, Nairn, Wan �ermoni V11on white they move and foot6or money to Mr. Widens , wall known as a member 409 the ' t W; ( 0 1 owned by Bretton, Soil & Co. L gregational Chmehoo. ' not going to pay that can � lZnoogn Kant). no at . 000411 . 11 . I I whem th tit.11 go doutfirdid III this style Ignantly) -Ad. A0. honest Joint High Op6mloslon which negotiated Woolay Waters and Wlglo � - ON ... on L - back ,to Amextoos Anti � Boyle 2 A. (indi d000lt. ' (Loud the Weekly of Washington, to the widdw of T , Laot'YoArL J1jJt$y.Jb1o0 duClo we to foagbi to the ond! And closed by claiming that on Biondin is coming ,� man you wouldn't boys, I he k ones 66jourried at ivo 0,01004 . " ; Ift the PeOP1610' aide mats working mon 69 all -probably will impact h10 fdat of crooning - i . . I . . 'Uughter,j � the late Mr. Bowolifte, Q. U. ' , . . I . Faucet . .1 11 0. . " " Niagara 011 a ropei I . I . . � I I I 11 '. I . . . . . , . . � � .1 . 1A , . . I . 1. I I . . . - I I I I . . I 4 .1 . �. � � I . . . . . . . .1 I I . . ­ I 11 I . .1 � � I . I � -1 -1 I I ­ 1�­ - , - ­­­­­­ - I � I . � . ..­,­ �, .­­ L ­­ ' "L."'.-- ­­­�­..­ ­­.­-­-- -­­--­-­-­- ­­------­­ --------- ­-----­­­­. ­ - L -1. . . .1 - ­ - . . I I ­ . . � , ", , .1 11 't, 0 � , X", I , I I . , I I I ; ", 'L . I 0 . . I i , " � I , , , 1�. �11 " ,�, 117 I tw .`� "I . � �;� L' �, L 1 ,� . , -� .&��,L­ � I.", inn� I � . � . . . I . 1 . I . I . . I . , � . - � . � I . . . 9 . . I . . . .1 . . I I �. . , , I . . I 1. . N . I � .1. I L � . .1 . . V , I I I � . . � � I . . . . ' I . . .." ­ I FL I � 1- . . I . . - . . . . . . 1. \ ,J r, . - 1. . ­ . .. � . I . ". 'alll.t � . . I . . . � . . I 'L .. " L'. sli�� - 'A�­ J.i,L 1. k1- ­ 4A � - - , , ­ ,,, ­ '' - � ­-, ­- J L � - ' ' IL � I I ­ ­ - I AA& . , . 1. .., . L ­­ . 1. I I � I I - . L' .. I., ,. ­ ,.,- " . . -