HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-02-05, Page 1I" • t „ . VOL. VS, N. 8. W211111118-4449 Pee Amount, in Zanee. AND CEWIPRE HURON. GENERAL ,ADVERTISER. CLINTON, ONTARIO, TIIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1880, traileats"' • VilottOgitottal anti AgoNgT VOIttRNP, IN LARGE OR. SMALL 8041$ 443- on gobd mortgage security, at moderate ratetre5 terest.. H. BAB* %In clinton,August 9th, 2808, A isIBT OP/ANDS IN HURON rOlt SALE BE -CA- the Canada Company natty be seen at theo800 of thoundereigeod- 11 HALE, Clintonoiort.17. /879. lbrItS. WHIT, Teacher pi Musitt. Pupils attended 'ALL at their own residence, if necessary. Residence one door Booth of Mr.47. A. Hertt'is, Queen Street. Clinton, May 15, 1879, ew putrti*emtuto, • '' *a Wanted, . A.*GOQD GENERAL SERVANT. Apply to • 14.. . MS. DTI. DOWSLXY. 49l1ntors, Fei.„4, 1880. ' ' F. GRAHAM, • AamxxoNErn, TANI) Jr COMMISSION AGENT, • gelerlen. Liconeed Auctioneer for the County.of Huroel,, 'Termer alienable, ' Godotiell, rob. 5, lege.. N 3I: DOWSLRE, M.. D., hl, B, C. 5. England, „Us. Phyaielan, Surgeon, 80. Office and residence next Mohon Rankossarket equare. °lintels, sets teosso. TR& REEVE & WILLIAMS. Qffice, Rattenbury A./Street, inintediately behind Itaneford'a Book Store. Ofdee hours from 8 a.ns. to 6 OTOTING, 141,,B., (GRADUATE OF TORONTO . -University') Physician, lintgeon, &e., residence Mr.Mazining'e, three doors emit of the Temperance Han, Londeaboro. Qnt, Londeubor0, Tana 44,1819. 1118. /37ANE1IY, GRADUATE OF THE MEDICAL 15 Department of Victoria University, Toronto, for- merly of • the Hespitals and Dispensariee, New York, Aoronerfortlie_County of Huren,13AYrrEnn,..Ont. J'uly 22,1874. , 81 Dit, APPLETON. - OFFICE At Reeidenee on Ontario Street, opposite the English Churoh. Entrance by side gate. CUlisten, Deo, 4,1879. ' 11,1ONEY TO LEND. -I have any amount of money .1.11. to lend, on gelid, improved fermi only, at 7i per (went, intereet payable yearly. Sumno object it eeeuri- ty ample. I'xivate funds, JOHN S. POItTER,Seaforth, •tARRIAGE LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES. - "'apply at the -Town Hall, or at the residence of the su Kber, near the London, Huron Bruce Railway SWUM. • ' " • JAMES SCOTT, Issuer of Homage Licenses, Clinton, April 27th, 8878. , • TAR. WORTHINGTON, 'PHYSIO/AN, SURGEON; Aoeouelseur,Lieentiate of the College of Physician, and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provincial Licenti. ate and Coroner for the County of Huron. Office and "reuitlentse,- The building formerly occupied by hir. Thwaite, Huron street. Clinton, Jan. 10, 1671. ••• MHE OENTRAL HOTEL - late Farmer's -- Albert , Street, Clinton. B. PIKE, Proprietor.. Thie ho- tel has lately been greatly improved and thoroughly reftirnished, and possesses every requieite for the_com- fort and convenience of the travelling public, Good, stabling and attentive hoetier. . . Clinton, Nov. 28th, 1878. • W. 18. CARTWRIGHT, S enamor; DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, hap opened room' •in the Victoria Block, Albert Street, Clinton, where' he Will constantly bb -lis attendance, and prePart 8 to per, form every operation connected with Dentistry. Teeth extracted, or filled with gold, amalgam, or other filling material. Artificial teeth insertedirom one to stun set. Clinton, April 17, 1879. 16 tilleaaaa OVINE'S-- 1 .STOR .01 Is prepared in a form perfectly agreeable- to children • and most sensitive persons. In iterannufaeture the properties of the oil that produce pain margriping are" elimmated, and it Is rendered not only mild and pleas- ant an its hCtion, but absolutely tasteless and palate, ble. It is pre-eminently the finest laxative and ea - thank known, and as a remedy for Costiveness, Con- stipation, and all Intestinal Derangements it is one:. • .qtmlled, and is destined to take thb place of crude oti and all dinatie pills and purgative's. For sale by all • lik.01/11ista at 0,s cent* a bottle. Don't fail to try,tt. ONEY TO .LOAN 04 EASY • • By wistelit the pylepecipat can be . repaid In -prst:i'or -at sasity tante dttring • tliap •tistarn '• - • • , Asttestrret N ' • ' 'W: 21.1x,11.Rii.N. °lintels; Mareh.1819. • • . : Watch and Clock Makar, . . ...stIEWELLER, &c,, • Wouldrespcatfully annottnie to his customers and the public gcsserallythat he has remelted into., his former on • •. ' ' ALBEItIr STRXET, orroiTTS 'Ti111., MARKET,' Wherelie,'Irtill keep on hand a select astiortlent of Meek*, Watches, leweley, and Sill/Myna ofali kinda, 'Which. he will sell at rekadnable 'ratee. Repairing of every deseriptionpromptlyattended to. • . J. RIDDLECOMEE, ALBERT STREET Clinton, Dee. V, 1878. .. a ..is A ji, 2 ,.., t.,•.,4-tc•ta .ft 41 1.4.A0..01,181" tT, 56., ow a t.,•gm .... t....:1; „iIs 0 ?;":4'tt.g..E fa Z .-10.1t,"•24.*8 Ig 0,4.4.o.ic'Iti."cf: , For sale, <1 il,1 f,,t.41414-'‘ ig HEAVY. DR1116/11T HORSE, seven -years old, A , 0 . 9. E - g , . .p ,..,,, , g u :,-; 4 ,„... ...e.*,..2 sous ,and kinia, twins 040Y. , ii filt,0:`o' nrly.,5. 0 WADE ntioSs011e,tort. 'Jan. 15, 1880. - ic.C4d g 6 FL , <.. .,.., p .ri •,,4 74 Money to tend, ! ..., ntNi GOOD ram SEOPRITY. .INTDREST Air Psi b- 'ets.s.-- st, FA A 1,-...,-.7.5: 2 V.,/ Eighb per sent, •• . ., =As. airouz e rictl.,1‘,11.,..., zi-a '4-4.'1/4; Clinton, Dec. 18; 1870. •. ,• • .9 '- t; go-, • 440 "6•11itell House to 'tent m Vrirt-1°.ag'6'411- Al 0 4i:Li phtli MHATcbnveniently kituatedhouse Seri/sorb, oacupied .1- by H, Aoki -mei as a store end outdone° on V14. Y.......• . o 64 l'.' E`5 5 V't 11 1 .g tali Street, last south of the G. T. S. Good stelae E i1.4ar. -4.67 ii r.-44 and ether conveniencea on the let. j. ALLAISON. o n's' ,k.' Pri 4p'g ;15 .... g 04 ' ' '01 Fi 1. t: i 0 ...6 .3.... i First special Passenger Train for _tide year; will Stilt • from , . ; . t . AtOilise to *Let. Awhil Tragedy! Five Persons Itiordeired • by Melo, -near Luca. TO LET, a holies with 9 or 10 rooms, with hard and soft water, ma au complete, situate on Ontario Street, at present occupied by Airs. Z. B. Battey. Poe - session given 9n the lst of March, ror farther parti- elders apply to Mrs. Macey, on the premises, or to J0 ws COPELA.ND. Clinton, Feb.4,1880, --- M10171t GOOD FARMS en the Fourth Concepsion of Hallett, within five ranee ef Clinton, wen cleared and with good improvements ; will be sold on 'salty terms. Lot Seventeen, Settth-half of Nineteen, and. North -half Of Twenty. Will be sold together or sepa- rately,: s H. BALE, " Mums Street, Clinton. Clinton, reb. 9.1880. , S:VOGLPR DEN-TIST 9 GOLD MEI/ALEUT Or 'THE R. -C. D. S., ONT. .. • • . Office and residence-Acheson's Block, near corner of West Street, Gonsnion, ,Ont. MORTGAGE SALE or Real . Estate. TT.... and by Thine Of tbe Power of Sale contain- ed in a certain mortgage made 14.1131E8 WREX- HAM, et ux, whieh will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale in ono parcel, by Public Auction, OD Saturday March 6;1.880, At 8 (Meek p.m., -by D. DICKINSON Anotioneer, at Bell's.. Rotel LondesborD3 That property in the Village„ of Londepboro, being eomposed of part of Lot 26, in the llth .cbricession of the Township of Hallett, and more particularly deacrib- ed as the Easterly two Roo& of land part of Park Mot A, Whenhani s Survey. There is erected on eaid property a- auperior two story Brick Dwelling, nearly , new, and other improveinents. Terms and conditions will be made known on day of eale,.or on 'application to . W. W. FAMBAN, Clinton, Feb: 5, 1880. , ' Vendor o Agent. MAN ITOBA. •VREENW-A 1880, °MN-TM/A.2.'1.A T1JE6DAY, DIAlteR 16th,- • to be follovred by others On - TUESDAY, ARK11. 6811, TuESDAY, APIrtr, 20th, , TuESDAY, MAY 4th. Freight leaves the day Previous to all the above dates • Due notice will be Riven of all tutors earnee. Rates alwars the lowest, and the greatest paint taken to have arrangementa most complete and • • •' • satisfactory: ' Persons joining these parties are released formal' care in bending baggage, freight, live stock, dm. 150 1 s of Ilawolvve Free. . - Ur. Greeaway goes through with each party, a ror paiticulthe apply to THE NOTORIOUS DONNELLY FAMILY ALMOST OBLITERATED. 1413046 Ont. February...4 1,880,, About 12 o'clock last night a body of men blackened and masked, entered the dwelling, of the somewhat notbrious Donnelly family, and murdered the inmates, the father, Ines ther, one son, and a girl, a twice. The tild man was shot at the door, the othOs being clubbed to death: • • .A, small boy named. Connor, who Was in the houge-atthattraertoolerefugesundee-the- lied, and escaped unhurt. The maskers then set tire to. the house, which, together with the murdered bodies, was totally consumed.•• • Another eon (William) residing about 3 miles from the homestead, was woke up at the same time, when his brother john.went` to the door and was shot -dead. • . FURTHER pkancar4.4.as. For some time baa incendiary ftree •and other misdemeanors have been of .frequent occurrence, and :whether tightly or :not, the Donnelly family were blamed, if not as -the• actual perpetrators of the Crimes,' that they there the instigetiors, itna hence an intense .feeling of ennlity culminated against them through the township.... ,A 'Vigilance. Com- mittee was foisted some time ago by the settlees, as a means, of protection from these • outrages, which, verhit'all their precaution- ary measures, did not seem to have obtained the desired encl. The last fire was on the RiderFarm, on Thursday -night, the lith of January, in the very midst of -the Donnelly settlement, and the four Donnelly brothers were at a wedding when -the Ere occurred, but thd"father awl mother, who were at their house at She time, were arrested ot suet:d- ada Of heing:.implicated in the lateening.-, Their examination was still pendirio, end.- waS to have been closed yesterd ay: (We'rines- 'day) but the mornin0 light displayed -111e ghastly spectacle of the net renta Ms of the inmates of the Donnelly homestead berried, to, a cinder, after being 'first miirdeited:with axes and such other such weapons as 'citine. . .• , _ . . If IS saidthat about twenty men, diSgu4ed _ evidently-heyond-recognithpf; engitts in the bloody work. 7 . ' ' Alittle boy named Connors, belonging tO Lucan, was staying in the house over night and when the attack was made, he dodged. under the.bedwitholit-being discovered.- -When the murder waS committed and the house flred; the gang decamped. The boy then emerged from his hiding place and got to the village. The parties murdered are James and Judy, the father and mother; Thomas, the youngest eon ; Bridget, a 'neice -four :there. At the same time another party Called et the residence of Win. Donel- ly, three miles'from his father's house, and wokelim. His brother John being In the house, got up and went to the door, when he was linmediately fired upon 'by two shots from a revolver, and killed. The' man, inien getting Up, could see no trace of murderers; These are about the facts as fttr cell he Seertatned. lu the exciteirtent Of -the -ma " The cold-bloOded atrocity Is withont pre- scient in the, criminal calleudar of4Joutario. LLISTORY OF THE T00.0131.4E5, , The histor:y •of the Deninelly family, the victirns, of' the terrible atrocities ,recorded -above, .is one tvotild' tee -nitre more .spage:to narrate than our., liewspaper etin Watt]. Rightly or wrongly the name liaS been associared with innumerable chimes hi the -Townehip' of Biddulph. and village:of, Lump for the past twenty years,' including in the category, murder, arson attempted shooting, cattle stealing, assatat and tats. ceny,• besides Many miedemeanors of it less heinons nature. The Old man Jaines Don- nelly and his wife came to this countilr be- tween thirty and forty years ago, and settl- ed on lot • 18, in the 6th con. of Biddulph, which at that time comprised part of the' county of Huron. Shortly' after taking up the fifty ;acres mentioned, the father; with. the vietv, no doubt, of providing foV in- creasing family, squatted on nnother fifty acres on -the llth,Con. of the sarae tOwnship,. but, after a long and tedious law suit, his claim to the.property was deeideft to be in-, valid, and heves dispossessed by the Cana- da C.,ompanyi and the lot subselmently cattle into possession of jos. Carswell. This gentlemanSettlectiipon it, built a good house and. 4mtbuildings, but One tight, shortly after harvest, the barns and granary Were destroyed byfire, together With all the sea- son's crops. This crime was laid at the door of the Donnellys, but the fwerpetrators, notwithstanding a large reward was offered by the Government, were never discovered: Some Unto after this, Mr. Carswell had a number of his horses and cattle disembovh- elled -during the night, and the blame 'Was 'again attributed to Lite farinlyWhOSe taking oil' has been detailed above. Indeed, for the past ten years the Court seabeds were not considered complete ;unless one or more Of the gang were up for trial On one charge or atother. There tura seven boys and One girl in the flintily, and Of the boys Michael and Jainee are dead, tlte former being killed in a. quarrel at Waterford a few Months Since. James Was said to have died from consumption, but those Nflio mere:in a posi- tion to kite% •state that his death resulted from the effects of a piStol balf,'While endea- voring to OSCSTO front a Constable some years sinee. Robert, another son, has been but re- cently released from serving a terra in the Penitentiary for attertipting the life of COIL Everett one night as the latter was about tO miter his own home.* William was °oh -Meted in 1876 of assaulting and wounding Constable Reid, of Lticat, while in illecharge of his duty. He (William) was eentenced to, Drile tetotthe imprisonment for the offence but through the intervention of his counsel, 110 was released betels) Completing the teem, on the plea of Meknes/I. Sohn, Thanes, and James Were also indicted at the Sessione in 1876 for larceny, anaultendatternpted arson, JOHN KNOK, • G.W.R. Agent -A Centralia. c • Fon PLE.M.Tra, congott and Ite-dtil, t•roolte ouly the g, • irte GOLD FLAKE. Pronouriced, by all who have tried it, the. finest, purestand best Smoking Tobacco. - the world. Ask your dealer for it. And if you canna t get it else- where, write to the undersigned for cir- cular and price list, Nene genuine with. out My Trade Mark ,and signature. SAVICOM, Globe Tobacco Werke, WINDSOR; ONT. asistssara DWELLING . HESE • WANTED rioNtatIStsto aft Or MOD rooms, hard and soft V water. Addreaa Or call at Nay, R9)t' office. • Wilton, Jan" 1680: owr ta...17,t. .51EG 1:44 5 t, f.14.4 ' 94141AAST145 Deca8,1879 , • GOOD CHANCE FOR iDAIMAIN Farm for $all.e. • nritE *eat half of Let le and tts saorth.lialf of Lot .1. 16, hi the Itrd con. of Hallett, containbig 100 wed, 90 acres tinder good attitiVation, balance timber; good /Mine hottie, frame barn, nen and stable, 18 acres of fall Wheat, good brohttra of bludee fruit. Tito wade is well weterea, wine* st Wise or the town of omens Will *ell Cheap or exchange for teen Prepartr. For particular's enettire OnIthe preniitlea, or to J. 0. 13nINTISEtts Jan. 22,1880, ` ste Osittecet but their cane were remanded to the Assizes. In the meantime the witnesses were spirited away, and the accused were subsequently held on their own recognizancee, to appear when called upon. Petrick is followinghink. smithing in the vieinity of St. Catharines at the preen:Int time, and the retnai13113g 80n$ were at home on the terra. Michael, Thomas; and Robert followed stage driving for several years between London, Luau and Exeter, but finally gave it up. They could not brook opposition, and the MBA 19110 had suf.! &nut pluck. to °rose their paths, in busi- ness, sooner pr later became a loser in either stages,horses or evipmenta — Two or three times thetoppoeition stages, were destroyed by lire; On one amnion e team Of horses were eubjected to horrible cruelties, and at another time the Mlle of the dumb ani- mals were cut off and their bodies maltreated in a fiendish manner. The members made the qaarrel of one of their nutnber a family -Matter, 'arid iffoitioa•iiiiieitiieliipon their op- ponents in the most summary style; and after the most approved Ku -Klux fashion.- Indeed they have been the terror of the township for rhany years, and while we doubt not many orintes were imputed to them which they had 'no knowledge of, or hand in, they were, in the opinion of the law-abiding people of the township, responsible for the mint of the of. -fences- which terve-in-tinr'paets treem-as blotispon the fair name of the 'minty. The old man served a terra of years in the Peniten- tiary, for the murder of s neighbor named -Ryder, many years since. Ile was sentenced to be hung at Goderksh, but his friends ex- erted themselves in his behalf, and his sen- tence) 'wets commuted to- imprisonment. for seven yeare. Some weeks" since, the barns of air, Patrick Ryder, situated on the 7th concession of Biddulph, , a short distance from the Donnelly • homeetead, were de - strayed by •Lire, "the work of an incendiary, and the old man Donnelly and his wife were arrested for committing the deed, or being ac- eessories to the crime. They were reepanded for examination upon the charge entitle day (Wednesday). ,They (the Doneellys) bave been at loggerheads with the Carrells, Keefes, Ryden, Kennedys and many of their. -moat respectableneighbors for year, anct but little sympathy will be expressed for them in the terrible calamity which has almost obliterated them from the face of the earth. s• 1 'County Council. • ‘001iXntuii, Jen. 29, 1880. The Council met pursuant to adjournment, tPhillbilWeinnutrened'sreiand,:chdapproved. Tenderc; plans air: Ail the members and specifications for building bridges - wen submitted by Messrs. Hardy and Gibson and referred to the Road and Bridge -Committee. Report at Aft Hardy, Road Commissioner, was read and -referred to the Readand,Bridge COmnsittees ' Petition from Mrs. Dicksom .matron. of „ the, gaol, for an inereast of salary, was read -and ;referred to the Finance•Qemnaiteeet • t , I Report of Mr,MenzinAteld.C.dinnitasittlitr. was read and referecl to the'Road' and Brichte Committee. ' • ; ' . • Tha following acec)unte were referredolthe Finance Committee ,HohneSa Sop, John Pasittora, T. J. ItloorehOuse, Geo. Sheppard, Winghasn Tins',, Hugh! McGrattan, Howick EnterpHae; Wm. H. Raisfoyd. T. B.' Flays, John Martin, S. Stannic°, L Hartly„G. Ted- ford, D. R. Menzies, A. By, D. Dickinson. Moved by Mr. Hayes sec. bysittr.; Enna., that this Council agree to give the $100,granS- ed to the McKi1Iop and Logan boundaryspra vided au equivalent is given by the County of Perth or the township of Logan -Lean -tad. Motedsby. Mr. Denier; sect by .Mr. ChidleY, that Mr..A.S.Fishers of °Beton, Mi.P.Adam- son arid Mr. T. Kidd of Seafeith, be re.ap- pointed HighSchool Trustee tor their respea tive School-Carriej. - , Moverhy-Mis. (Maley, seconded by Mr. Hardy, that Messrs Malls/oh, Of Clinton,' atcl Gregory, of Exeter, be:appointed on the Beard ef Examiners:for the curtent year-'-.Carried.- tiloyed by Mr.,11enning; see, by 'Mr, Ba. chapati, that Messrs. Gibson, Hardy, Girvin;. and Afenzies be appointed Read Conireission- ers tO RSSiSt the reeves of -the variouS-m 140 -- building' or repairing of tho county idges, 1 politica in this County when callecl up by any of tne reeves to assist- in letti g the and that the reeves of such Municipalities re•• queletthe-assistance-ef-theeommissioners nears est the said bridge with power, it necessary,. to have the aisistancecitan engineiv-Carried - Moved by Mr. Kay, . sec.; „by Mr. tVelker, that Mr. Hardy, Road Commissimier, be in - stained by this Council to hay° the bridge on the boundary line betvreen Usborne nee Ifibbert rebuilt, as it is unsafe for -ptiblie tra- vel, provided the township' of Hibbert pay one hall the cont. Reterred to the Road and 13ridge Cotnmittee. , * Moved by Me Mason, sec. by Mr. Kay, that this Council grant the sum of 680.0' for the purpose of having a County Show, on con- dition that -not leas than two of the Riding Societies araalgasinttes Referred te Finance Conatnittee. .. • Moved by Mr. Strachan, sec, by Mr. Cur- rie, that the Treasurer be instructed to lay be- fore the Council the amount of the•cost incur- red ih the payment of Biidge COmmissioners for superintending the county bridgese and for Plane and specification, for last year, and lay it before the Council at the •present session. Carried. ' , , • - Moved by Mr. Hays, see. by Mr. Johnston, that the tablas be removed. from the centre *of the room, and that the desks be re -arranged according to the alphabetical list of the muni- cipalitiee. Carried. ' ' . • Moved by Mr:Gibson, see. by Mr. Young that the Warden and Clerk be authorized ,to consult nme eminent architect with a view of having the difficulty of hearing in the room removed. Carried. •• Moved by Mr. Monziess, sec. by.Mr 11.33,1il- ien, that $200 bkgpaEtked, towards rebuilding. Theist-31cup desitroyed bithe lite fire at Clinton: Referred to the Finance Committee. - The anounts of Henry Horton and Dr Mc- Donald were [similarly teforted. , Statement Of amount paid Road Oortnnis- sioners and for. plane and specifloetions for bridges was retia and referreddto Finance Committee. . The Council then adetjureed to meet 'again tantoerow at ten o'clock. . • JAIL 30. Connell merparsuant to adjOurnment; war, eton in the ehair • all the comicillors pressent. The minutes of yotteeday There reed and appthved. Petition, frotelvit. 0.• L. "wag - Alma *old 44 others of the village of Egniond- villa, praying to be incorporated as a police village, was read. Moved by Mr. Castle, en. by Mr. Weir, that the above' petititni be .deferted till next June meetin .s-Oaeried. , Petition 6 Mt. xiao. and others, for a gta f to improve the county boundary bete Meltillop and Logarr was read. Moved by Mr. Hare no. by 3Ir. Evans*, that Meson. Ilardysand Menziee, Road Coin- miesioners, examine the road 40#0 mention- ed end repott at the' next meeting of the C°Munoevier.d-bCyDarrire.dieeh*anee, Nee, by 31t. Ho. garth, that the Weems and Clerk be author- ized to request the: Ontario Government to distribute a portion of the eurplues now in the Provincial treasury, in the game manner as wasdoneunder the forreer distribution of the surplue,-Ca • •. Moved by , Block, sec, by IVIr. Hannah, that in -future -aro- Rola -Commiettionees-.-cr Reeve, -expend. any grant by this Coancilon the county boUndaryswithout a resolution from the Connell of the neighboring county or township interested, that they will bear their share of the expense, Movect by Mr. Cook, see. by Mr. Whitely., that the Waraen-ond"OlOrk;•"onboboirbf this' Council, Memorialize the 'mai Legislatiire to so amend the -Municipal Act itt reference to the taxation on dogs and bitches; so that any ratepayer may own one dog or bitch 'without taxation, and that any person owningone or, more dogs or bitches, MIMI pay the sum of 115 for such additional dog or bitch. Lost on division by a majority of 24. . • • - Moved by -Mr. Maeoll'; teem by Mrs Grahams in amendment,that the tax on deem and bitches be as follewd i• that each person own, dog or hitch, shall pay a tax of $1 on a. dog and $2 on a bitch,; Annually, no. that'the .owner of said animal be required to 'have a bolter around the, neck of the same, -and every canine found without such collar may be diet. Lost on a division by &majority of 36. • Moved by Mr. Hogarth, see, by Mr. Mc - Milian; that the Warden and Clerk remnoria-• In the Ontario Government not to melte the township school bolted systeut,eompulsory, as very large majority, of the people at the an- nual public' eohool nieetings-have decteed itt laver of the schooLsection systent as at pre.; gent. -Carried. • , ,The Council then adjourned to 'meet at 3 o'clock. ,. • • • . 3 &clack, p„. The :Council regained; the Warden an the . Report. of Mr. Dewar, P. S. Inspector, was rend, and on petition of Mr,.Wilson„ sec. by Ur. Leckie, it Was received and ordered to- , be published in the minutes. , .. Moved by Mr. Graham, ems by Mr. Walker, that the Warden anti Clerk be instructed, . on behalf of this Counoilsto petition the On- tario Government to devise soma means te 'regulate Orgovern- the workitig of :steam threshing inaehines, sce that. life -and property Matt be better protected by hieing ell isoileesi propetly•teeted and inspected by a coMpetent 'engineer-be:foie Passing into the -hands -of the • operator: said boiler to be stamps:Vas having. passed inspeetion; We thoutel Mee recom- inetd thet a trainiegsseliect_lin_added. tosthe. College' for tbe .17grpole;of giying. Ouch instructions t fareters'irgiesend.setherss, relleivra dertitleete teem such echoed that, they.Wore competent to rgn engines. -Carried. , • • • . " Movecl'4)y Mr: Detler, secs by Mr. Bell, ' • thet the -Warden and Clerk be 'authorized on-. beliaif Of'this'Couneil, to memOrtilize thetes. 'earLegielature to allow. the bill to ineotp-matte the Gritted Ontario Central R. 11..Co„ • -Moved by. Mr. •Ifenziess sec by Mr.' Me, Millen,. that the Warden' and Clerk beet:ether, ized by, this CoMicilsto memorialize the Legis- lature to ea amend olettse 515 mid? tellevving clauses of the Municipal -Act, referringlei the opening of . boundary lines, as to apply"to township roads leading to rivers forming tovties • ship, •beundatiee. Itefeend to 'Road. emu]. Bridge Ceittniittee,", ' • MoVed,13/Stgr:Hegerths gee. by Mr..Esioit, that the. mutsicipetity,Of Beyfield and ',.Steph- • en, and, any otho inuniripality iliich may need hand cuffs, may he sep-pited witb one paiseacis and that the Clerk be instraCted,to roonto : . .Moved by Mt. Sheehan, sec, by Mr. Wein- mon, that the Clerk be inetructed to columnnicate with.,tho 'Trustees' of the,ingli $cheolt of Gerleeich, Cliuthe and SeMotth, to regent, the Beards to furnish this Council ,witti a statement in detail of the expenditure of -each High Schools to he laid,befOre the Olouneilsn' ita Meeting, in :fusee nesi.-40arrsed., . • ' Earn" b• of Mimeo CoMmittee, was read!. • . . • . • • REPORT OP TILE FINANCE,' cOMM/TTEE. ' The-follevitrig. Matter hiteing, been referred , _tosent...eatansittee .afteesdue ..cetsideratieh they recomittencl as follows --That thepati- tion of the Rifle Association of Ontario bo not granted: .That thesum ef $50 bo .paid to Mr. Meyer, in full of bisileteim as recommended bY Mr. Bey. That this Council do. Pay .half, the account as; submitted by Councilof tomb- a ten, on the basis Of the agreement ;Made in re- ferende to the Grand'Beed Bridge., s Motion of Mr Keine to raise $3;000to int-. b prove boundary.' linos, reccimmencLthat it be' granted, • With reference -to the .employement, of a short -hand reportersreceiiineled- that it, . be left in the hands et the Warden and Clerk with power to act if neeessaiy. r 0 The report of the_Treasurer Of the receipts - And eapenditure for the Year 1879,, be teem., ea 'and printed in the minutes! , and; thattlio • e. • e money to tin seredit of the oinking fluid. be b invested an soon as:prectioahle, and that no.IM ,terest be chatted at the -county tate Until if- • teethe 14.411 .daY. of February, in each gent. T That . the following accounts • be , paid t -t. 'Holmes& Son, $86,20; Passim% •$9,50; T. -1 J. Moorehouse„ $5.05 ; Wirighana Tinter, $4 t Geo. ShopPard, Sus ; . If, McGrattan $18 s Howie]; Reel/piaci $2--; W. H. Reiniferd, 35s s 13; Thos. Hays, attendance at the Grand Bend bridge to.fintilly gable and accept contraat 'as 6 -OOmpleted, $1.1;.J.Martin, $4;.S.& S.StanlakeA 113; L. Hardy for inipecting epilet driving at , boundary between Huron and Middlesex,ste., 0 $29 ; Geo. Tedford, removing jam at Summer. hill bridge,, 88; D. Menzin, eeieien 'on county bridges, $o ;.A:Itay, plane and sent,' ficaticens, $16; D. Manson, caretaker of to Clinton hickupi $20.;:a.nortork, supPliee for re Court House, $17,68; Thstt tho motion . for. a m. grant of $800 for the purpose Of a County Show ti" be'defetted to the June Meeting. That the Ann of $100 'be granted to the town of Olintat for the peeves. of • rebuilding ther.loelttip, That. the Accounts of expellee* for the Road sE Ocimmitittionere appear perfectly. satisfactory, th and.. yeur conirnittee redornMend that the sem° in Mailed as to theie appointment be ,sidopted Report of and Court House 9_matei,ttee-• was road and Adopted. JAM. atm COT/RT HOME comurrrir Your committee beg to report that t ey Stave visited and carefully inspected the jail; found it clean andwellkept, and the ofilemle omu,, teens. There are at present- incarcerated At• teen persons ; thirteen melee and We females. Your committee regret to and that four of the inmates are insane, but are pleased to learn the• necessary -steps aro being taken for their removal to the Asylum. Theyllea 'regret to report that they found the drainage defeotive.•• in fact ie no use, and would recto/Rinse:aid that it be examined„bY a primer person, ..a_nti pceeereToy;ktrinorgkobra60-1.eite to put the ;same in pro - We would algo recomraend that'two strait taekets, one for males and one for feutales, bo procured for use in jail, one nisht-stool and a stoveffor the dace, as the One now in 'use is • very defeettve. Thosselethitigreeemmagied to be procured kr use in the tail bits been or- dered, but not yet .arrived. All of *link is respectfully 'submitted. • • dolor Karam, -Chairmen. eiReport of Salarin Committee, read and adapted. • REPORT OF THE SALARDhl COMMITTEE. ' Recommend that the Raliiry of the.isit. Mat- ron be increased by $50, and. that the sadorin of all officials remain at the sittnefigure aslast year. 'AII of which Is respectfully subraittecl. ' Xprta Liman, Chairmen. The, Colman then adjourned tilt 7;30, - Connell tom:tied.. - The report -of the School and Printing...Om- mittee was theti,:read, . . . SCHOOL AND ; PRINTING REPOT. , The School and Printing Ootamittee'e re- • • • port was almost wholly taken tvith refer' enoe to bills before the Local Legislature, amending the.Municipal Act, copies of which were sub/ratted by Mr. Roses for the purpose of gettingth&opinion•of the Council. ' on the same. The cornfilittoo recommend that the tentlerof the Exeter. Times tor print. ing be aceeptedpit being the hitheat ;ttletton XI:sr Etta being next; Sestfottit&poetor third, , arid Goderich Star fourth. • : Moved by Mit...Leckie, see. by Mr,: Hays, that the School hha, Printing ireport be so . emended as to instruct MIT remsentatives in the Local Legislature to use thentiefluenett to prevent the bill- abolishing market..fees from. becoming the leth of this Province, as we eon - shier it an arbitrary measure,-Oerried. , ..Letter from Mr. Ferran, resigning his trusteeship of Clinton Righ Scheel was reed; , • Moved by Mr. Chidley. seosby Mr.. Debtor, that it be accepted; and that Mr. Wastes be appointed in Ins plade..2•Cathicals ; • Moired. by, Mr: Carrie Sec. 4. Girvio, that the 'sum. et b'e ;granted' to 'each, of the three Riding Agricultural- &Met* in the County; to. -be:, by them distribtited as :the. • gateernmett grant .now is amongst the Several • branoli Sticieties within the riding.--Carrieds - • ska•anceent motionsof-Me, Gaunt, see. by Mr. Gifyiii; O ..notassutten..,intinee cconseerses: Thci-.report of the Read and Brido Com.; rnitte.3, as follewsi wakthen, road. • • Year ConusAittee bog ,to ;report as follows " on the 'Vithioal.ntattere subinitted fop. their .coistideratiouS they weld& recommend . that' ‘, • the treasitter be authorized to pay the:trues urde. of Lanniton; the -baleen, of our .shaze that May Mill be unpaid, as wen ei the War- thnst;esiess.eCed°413$0:-.tahTe°11:tbder of T. Bahia.% . tine, for building he Blaelt Creek Bridge on . for the esum- of '$673, be, accepted; and. ' that Mr: Hatay itetrected to hare. the .cOntraet 'cloSed. • : They Mcorentend that the ,apptoecheg fif• e, biftlge on the line -between Heron and .Middies scx. be widened. So as to be safe, on condition thaC.13iddnipli pay half ,t116,cost,'- •• Reccanisienet that the neesnar • he a' ro he -tiOne, to the. &tilde Bridges between Steeks......--- en and MeGillivreys if. itliddlenx thereon; Tiney,salso recommend' that -the's-1Mo be ilt--7,iset---s-fatstn Stephet fie, re, baited. ,•:. • • Recorelmend, that -the .alontinente of Wrois Mee Britto bit buffet' eadarinstead tf note, . , Mt there is great 'ditlieuley irsknding a stable fentidatiou for stone; and..the'Cost. of suitable . atone will be yety thigh;and- that the, need- ta,ry changes 'tit thts plans be mak, m'' as to • make the mmentrueturo: euitable for . ceder ahlitteents, Sind crib's...filled with Stone ands covered withogravel ors ten, atidthat the con.: - tract lie acaleil -tender. Recommend that built of stone, with 4 span of •ten feat, covered with.. coda dither,. ,with a• covering- of „ one oot of gravel. . . • .• • IleCommend that Slit, ablitmetate of the bridge on the tolinOro t'oad., 14g 'built Of cedar, ad the span to be. thetenie as at pretent: ' RecOmmetul that the, matfett for bedding a ridge on the line between Vsborein and Hib- ort boAratted. , • s • S.. • Allot which it respectfully submitted., 7,A, Gmsons.Chaiinsiii. ' loamy's naronv Since ,last•theeting'Of the Council thebridge. it the Wendell Hee' between' Middlitex,mul .‘• finron.hase been completed. The appremdies should be wichnied and, raised higher.. I hive iamined the SaublebriagW.on.the boundary theabr thene whInter lalgatillovitradaYtataelitineld way eine p'oett and teritee.ont;ef the -centre bent. his bridge will need-eonliderable repairs' or ohm' rebuilding.... Theft alSo a small. ridge on the-Londoia.roadAetween Hay and nekenegettli. that' vhill rehudding this limner. The Sauble Midge between Tray And .• rteepPattia'teptrialifer•BAn8d nerecififieria. n; f'lleri{r*?Blax10% reek bridge; between -Stephen ancl.Hay, kind eielleibv:dlititantieetfoyrortelaftiorildyinetrg tahvepeakocatea,iwhich, f which is 'respectfully inbinitted. :Lariat% Road ComtnissieneeS : Di IL Mathztes Retests' -; Since last meetingef Connell the approakee' Help's bridge hs been completed. • At the • quern and in Company with Att. Gibsou; I . amined,axid tOokriteastaretttent of Wroxeter ridge, and had. plans And amielfications• pre, . and for a new structure, Which will belayed ' fore you at this nieeting'for yeale Approval. , Would. recomened that the corde of the new inOtiite be coveted With galvanized iron on e 6011 Side to preVent,the thet, fora getting to *leen. This could be astne.at A owit net odeaiiig $100. At the requeet Said it Cont. .10.th Mr. Hays, 1 examined &leveiJgo,ae ctfuilly bolittod. • hydeafrelel eatietieti it is otele for At least ad andhe.r paea:d...A.,11, wield gh:aiiI3etelstelt‘ ad and. paned. By-law, appointing County Aliditers, was 13Yslaw, appointing Beard Of Atidit, was lititx2rta. Bysltetv, appointing -1109 an se 0 raiment Waif road And pained. The Connell thin adjourned to meet again the hreit Ttneclay iu June next. for the present year. All of whieh is reepect, Billy ethyl -fitted.' P. W. Yeoman*, Chairtettn, lVfoved in, amendment by Mr. Leckie, sea nu by Mr. Carter, that the report be amended by, instructiug Mr. Adainson to employ a shortband.reporter for the &MC selanenesse re Oarried._ , . Moved by Mr. 1,Yeir, See. by Mr. (ilium, re thet the report be atnetded by neither grants ing or. deft - the •$860- inked ter Cotenty ini sh ovh, -Carrie . The Tteport, at amended, was then wdeptea oit - • , •