HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-01-29, Page 7, gene stare**
s! Give me tbe girl whose lipi disolotie,
arheineer she speeks, rate pee= in roma
ad'nenwhose words more genuine ine
Thee ;pane or any thitdog stars
0 (Ma me those silvery tone' that Beam
*normal singing in. a, drams,"
Awesome bossism) to view,
AnieroPlanaelteasonsarta too.
• a
" Olve me that one whet.° temperate ming
le Always toward the geed inclined.
WhosisdeOfil Bernie from her emit uesoughs-
Twin born of grace ann tatting thought;
4111tie me that spirit, -seek for her
Tab's my eonstant minister "
Dearrrienda-I been your earnest preaares,
sem yonx lovely wife downeteire.
diSliennive ciedrerGEDION AND "mem
Kies es ErsAvIlas
Xt hal; been ;gild by a, modern ,Engliela
'author tha a woman ie. Invineible whom
lietterbeeme made up of kinentaminee, Mg=
end teen. However happy this description
of .*woMitine influence may be, it isto be
seined. .that 11 ie alone, or eliould be alone,.
exeroised•within the domino circle. We do
not live in A °Denny where Oriental onetems
prevail, or in an ege.when the "kiss of peace"
to regarded as a eambol of. Christian fellow.
' .ithip, as it was in the time@ of the Apostles,
people no longer,when sendingnewe to
their diets= triode, piquet then to mien
a -77:a' • their neighbors with the lips in remembrance
Of the gliamit. Thili . may be becamee the
modern methode pf travel are se great that
Manna is annihilated, or it may be that in a
practical country like this there is no time for
a relative to run about the neighborhood to
lags all the men, woraen and childrenwho
hem known the depaeted:one, or it may be a
result of the general revolution which has
aken place in the modaa of life popular With
modern goeietyS 'It is true that in Eastern
lands the Meg le Atilt the higheattoken,of
good -will and nipped. Even -in higher but
more primitive latitudes than these, tie, for
inatanee, hen been act vividly portrayed by
Lord Defferin, in his book on Iceland, it is
the imperative duty ofa venter to • kies the
entire household -or .at lead the female
portion ot it -prior ao departure, aa a token
that the eojeurner, has eninyea the moiety of
bis entertainen. But in weetern civilization;
• at least, the signifidance of the kin hag lost
much of ite original meaning, and Burns'
defence iB no longs; applitiable. That amok-
. one Sign& pat found it neceseary, Oenin
bis day, to deferel the gentle =mister,'
exercise of the lip, one of grOunde being
that -a. • •
If it wasna bona
Ministers wastes do it.
• But in the experience of Rev. Mr. Lane,.
pastor of a ehuroh in Winolimiter County,
New York, it -hes been denionitrated that
this itpectial mark of patoral affectitinfor his
• flock may be too freely indulged in even by
brethren of the cdoth. Mr. Lane is a type of
elergyman almoetunknown, we .are glad to
my, in Canada. He enouraged those indent
.church entertainmente where forfeits Ple9
• Imminent pert, and where as a matter of
course epooney diaploye are a predominating
ehsre of tbe favors going- in these eilly
• gamed, and to remain a single man so as_not
to armee the -jealousy et the fairladiee, he
• might have ineaped a seandel which has set
bimeelt and a:portion. ef his congregation by .
the ears. But the rev. oaciulliet did .neither.
• Having recentlyaaken tante himself a wife; a'
thangemine over the mishit of his dream...He
' table in -certain quarter') as it 'had been, for
bie liberality in this matter enabled hies not
only tokeen nue withthedeniands• of the
bows market, but to be.,prepared to eustain
, he pert :he had hitherto played among his.
a Amis.. -Bac
the sandal mined. SItsimpearlathat.bo
visited tlie hone.° of one of the marriedladtee
othis'isongregation with whom bated but'a
eihort time before taken part in a forfeit game.
As he wae departing he attetnnted aoskise.her
- in regular form. idbe had never, previously
declined theatieltdatron, but on this !tension
;the did not appreeiate the. brOtherli-
nese which Mr. • Lane said alone
prompted his action. The gime .experience
befell the rev, gentleman at the residence of
another mauled' member of hie cangrege-
• lion; but bothladies thought little of the
wiener until a young girla-dblieribed by the
eltrgyment's friends as a Mieehief•maker
brought a ohargn againet him. that ho had on
tWo occasions triedto kin her against her
• wall. 'nen the two other ladies came deem
with a w00% accompanied by their linebands
and relations, each one demanding an invein
• tigation. A board • of clergymen ant...tor
eighteen bean lastweek hearing. evidence,
and then rendereda verdict to theseffsot that
their Malting brother, who writ -ended that he
wag but carrying out the Saiptidal Mimes
Lion that we alumni greet eatetither with a
holy kin., had Rona Mat improperly. He
vas censured accerdingly. : The finding,:
we think, woe n proper one. It will not 'do
for clergymen, Or 10 foot any ene.leinterpret
the :Seripture as ;Mrs':.Latie did,. Even if
modern habits and etiquette viire ouch its to
warrant tbe literal carrying out; of the
epostolia lininatinn, 11 would be fenna that
etrietly enforileclathe..kissing.olLinen,:and.
woreen alike, and yea have yel-trfind'.. the
man who will be apecially solipitoti
to greet in the metheatiet fortheithees man
or a very plain female. In thiematter there
Mina to be a epeeist!' of natural seleotion theta
does not do credit tothettrmartiality of thai
ministers who are apparently anxious to
• bestow the kiss otspeme uponpenoixo vilio are
ocenmitted to their pastoral care. We may.
eetwoh for precedents at we like, but the
constitution and habits of moiety „of the
Moment day ire so much altered -the iciem
of propriety bave undergone, nth chiinge-
thM kissing tut a friendly ealntation bee had
its domain greatly curtailed. Indeed, there
are few, if any, exceptions to the..rine of life
which eireumeoribes thee:melee of this token
of affeetion to. the &mimetic) circle, and beide
it to be id. least indelicate to engage in it
othertase.• A cordial shake of tne hand' ie
gene iniffident to demonstrate all the feelinfle
of friendehip neceseary, even mike part of
a clergyman. It ikintereeting to note, how-
ever, that Mr. Lane's oongregation-or,. At
least, a portion of the membere-think other.
wine. To Amer that 'ahoy believed their
neater had only exeroleed hid due Meanie=
si a sheribenrof bie flock, they presented
him with a tolatinni at the don of last Sunday
night's service.. It took the shape of a well;
filled puree. We on only soy that Meta
diner. WO do not beliette, however, abet
society Ala lest anything by ite general
adherence to modern gala- of propriety, nor
do vzi) thinkit is likely to. • •
. .
. •
A shaking Murder Was. committed On Oie.
26th December at Calton, pear Marlow. A
woman named Green Seek home a female
acquaintance, Whom her husband' turned out
of the house,•as he objected to her presence.
Mrs. Green then armed herself with a
chopper and earving,.inahre, and while her
htieband waa defending himself from the
forMor with a tea-tray, ;the plunged the
latter into his heat, Musing immediate
death. Inre. Green hits been errand.
13enton"ii Record Lenin°, Made famous
by the Manitoba rebellion a ieVriyeara Ana,
etas seen palming through town last week.
BM, the noted leadersof the northern half-
breeds, Is paid to beat or near Von
boine, awaiting the ttirminatiOn of hie exile.
An authority' eitya that the wild turkey
Wilda Mit be auffea before routing, be
mum Muffing epoile the getter Of the bird, „
. ,
0E4 On, 0,41e14.4101AMINT,."
Tire new Patillad Extravaganza.
The libretto of the new 'operatic. eltraTe-
gauze, " H. M. O. Parliament; Or, Tha Led,'
who Loved a GOVernMellt Clerk," is now in
prhit. The adopter of the pima), in hie pre.
faete, dieclahne any political proollvidee. The
piece is in WO mots. The inusio-le Um mine
as that Of H.M. P. Plnefore:' The following
characters are introduced and will be readily
Sir Samuel Salmi, E.21,G., Ghia Plummier of
H.11. 13. narlittaneue.
Captain itaaeto Commander of H. M. S. Penna.
taa:tifter,clerk in the seellogawax donut-
Inenlist. antler IlfooDecteleye, a misantbropie mem-
ber. a
ante sauna aatatimmal member.
ann./mire, 0 poetical member-
angeitaa, the eantainn daughter. •
Ere. Eutlerlein, Purveyor oi refreshmente of
EL. 01. 6. Parn•Ament, a monopolist.
"The Chlei,Finaucier's lime ring of senatore,
members, clerks, etc., by a full chortle.
The liret Aet opens in the library of the
Parliament Buildings ; the second on the
terrace in front of the Pallement, Buildings,
by moonlight. The following aeleatione from
the libretto will give BO idea of a few of the
songs and choruses introduced, and those
acquainted with 'Pinafore "-and who is
not ?-will have no diffieulty in " placing"
them. lo Act 1,, mane cine, titers is an
opening &erne hy men:niers eimilar to the
"Pinafore," commencing:
We saiLthe shin of State, •
Tho' our craft Is rather leaky, Moo etc,
A barearrolle in place of that in "Pinafore °'
commeneing " Over the bright blue pea," le
then ming. DM as followe
Up from St. John, Nara,
• comes Lir samtim. siaery,11.M.Ca
, Wherever he may show,
Up, np tee price or au things go.
bliout far the great t. P.,
And Mr Samuel aillery.K. Di, G.
kto„ eta, ole. •
. There is a good part ot 'the time taken up
with dialogue, and then there are two scene
by Sir Samuei, SiUery. • , •
Tbe first begine , •
Sir namma-lam 'Sir Samuel Bitterest. as,
inventor ex the groat" N
'Whose praise Canadians loudly sin&
• •
Ministers -And we are the Ministerwho form
atie etc. .
The second Bong begins :-
Sir Samar -When I was a team the year as
a was errand beyin a druggist%
X washed out the bottles and X relied
the pins,
And rammed thepatients for thcir
• tittle bilis.
I washed hut the putties so caro-
• Tbat now I am a Minister and
Eto., eto.,sto.
Then cornea a glee beginning- . •
A Government' clerk is a soaring iota
And ought to •bi, hl dottntry's pride.
lie will always be genteel, tho' per•
. chance he want jimeal,
Aud vely many things beside,
ete., uta, etc. ,
• Then ensemble-- '
At half -past eight,
• Just while the fihuss
. Is in debate, ' •
lerom the gallery •
• • I soft will stfil.
To Alban't Church
We swift will go, •
• A clergyman,
For weal or woe, .
Will make us ono, eta, etc., etc. •
litater6un sings to the Captain :'
Butterbun-Thinge ens seldom wind they seem,
Power ;win pass away lice dream, •
• Ouee-,hotrutanryears-ago,
• edddettly gore out diaao, •
Captain -1o, I knovr
Later on igiinkfaintiat, is nieje tp-isy - •--
. . . , . .
°Sir *Sarnuei-nor Fit 'team yen that the great N.P.
Mac t; be spoken et respeotimes.
• And always be regarded as a sacred
ming, • , •
iiiterus---And an say the Miniaters who form
.ilia httle ring, etc., oto.
There are,reany pages of dialogue, some of
it of s sparkling nature and entry line amus-
ing. The burletque eoncludee witha very
telling mane between .Britannia and Canada
on the annexation question.
TIRO 'fay. .11114. 114,34010:1VIS'
The Joey, Visanie to Agree nicer Three
and ft emit Hoye, rare Felsobarged.
ITAVr .HAVAN, Jon. 19. -At 3.03 p.m. tha
jory in the Hayden case reported a disagree-
ment, and were Pent back. Mo. Hayden
gobbed liyaterleally and bent A handkerchief
to her lace. Hayden manifested little emo-
tion, Tbe foreman of the jury reported the
diesgreement and ended that eome jurymen
thought there wee no reasonable lope of an
agreement. The Judge thought they had
better retire,again, and if there was no hope
Of agreement they might relied Win.
9.80 p.m. -The jury heyo sent * com-
munication to the Court making, "Rave
We is legal, right to bring in a verdict
under this indictment of murder jtt the
sedond degree?" Harden was sent for and
look his mat in Conn without his wife,
being the first time she had failed to be in
Court. The jury entered and the Judge
charged, "11 the jury is eatisfied that the
accused is guilty Of murder in'..the emend
degree they phould say so."' Hayden's face
fluahed, and his Wendt; were downcast. It
was felt that the question was eignifieant.
The jury retired, but ten minutes aiterwarde
awe into the Couenroom. This time Mrs.
Hayden was present, prepared for the worst.
The jury Announced that they were unable to
agrees, annanniaditicharged. .
-Hayden was warmly congratulated by his
friends'and Beverol members .of the jury
shook hands with him. Hayden paid the
disagreement of the jury' was a great relief,
as the ammonite was getting terrible. He
had no doubt thamajority of the jury were
on hie eider, He eind „one lorer Pia no
attention"' to the teatimony. Hayden wag
convinced thie juror had made up his mind
The defendant, Rev. Herbert H. Hayden, id
pastor of a' email Methodiet Church in the ,
Town of Madison. The murdered women
was a poor and uneducated girl, living with,
her father in the hamlet, of' Rockland, near
Madison. A criminal intimaey is alleged to
have existed between them, and the murder
is dalareatiy the State to Min been prompt -
ed by d determination on llayden'tr part to
• destroy tlie expected result of the -union.
The defendant Wag arraigned upon an indict.
ment charging him, in three counts, with
having produced her death by cutting' her
throat, by poison and then by Woking and
'tamping her to death, The• State attempted.
at find to ,prove that 'tile print of Hayden's
boot ' heel oorreeponded with marks
upon the girl's face, but this endeavor 'was
finally abandoned, and the ease now pap
uponthe evidence tending to.prove the usea •
Of a poison and a knife. The ease has been
on trial for over four months, and every point
has been subleeted to a. most thorough ex-
amination, nearly every man and woman in
the towns of Madison, Rockland, Durham,
and the eurrounding country being placed
ripen the etand for the State or the defence,'
and the jury going out at one time 10 visit
the gee= of the murder. One �f the roost
remarkable points in the ease Mahe manner
-in-which the swife.of.thtemousedshas.stoods by.
him throughout the trial, and, as Chid
Justice Parks remarked in hie charge to Om'
jury, the defence reap almost entirely upon
their Memento and those of the Primmer. ;at
Tee BiSOOP.Dth
' At Stamford Bridge Grenade, .London,
England, Deo.15, 50 -mile go -as you piens
for amateurs, the path was in good order,
weather clear end cold. The . winner lar
eurpassed all previous amateur records, and
was well up to the bast professional perform.
anoes:The race was implied all the way, and
the remit uneertain un to ttie last quarter
mile. The following' evident is abridged.
irons tbe London Sporting Life: '
The starters were : F. W. Firminger,L.
A. C., H. EL Griffin, L. A. C., P. G. Hebbleth-
Waite, L; -A. 0, C. H. Mason, L. A. 0. J. A.
Squires, L. 4. S., P. H. Stenniug, L. 'N. (1.,
J. A. Voeloker, L• 4- op,, J. F. Denning, Dub-
lin V. A. O., C. F. Tamer, Spartan Harriers,
G. A. Dunning, .Clepton Beagles, J. Hoyle,
Bengleiratk-SpelleraCiapton Beagles,.
I. 0, Milligan, Blackheath Maniere, R. A.
`Nilsen, Brixton, E, C., E.,p, Chester, Royal,
School of Mines, 0, G. Green, Baffaleee' F. 0.,
C. E. JL Houldsworth (Introduced), L: kl.
Potts Iiiitroduota-da,-D. Pullin, Hampstead,
F. C,.; E. A. Trenton (introduced), F. Wynne
After describing the steraand the different
&apace of natation, the report finishes as
follow : '
The mene during the last two or three
miles WAS almont painful to witnese, as both
the leadera were ob,viously done, and it was
simply is question as to who should drop
&at. Tremendous cheering greeted Firmin.
ger aa he etruggled by the Clanton man 600-
yarde from home, while a fresh burst, again
and again repented, was given as the
", Beagle " with is , supreme rush gotsway
once more. 300yards farther on. This
proved hieleek effort, however, as after
•gamely initialing along to „the top of
the -groand his leg gave way, Alla
he . fell heavily before his friends
could get to him. This enabled Eirminger
to stagger by, and, after jogging slowly up
•the,etritight, win by about 130 yards, in the
tidiest amateur time on record, viz., 65,
38m. .11. Dinning was lifted to his feet and
walked vacianny down to the tape, anclthus
took attend prize'before being maned off the
track; Denning, spurting home the last
quarter, finiehed third, and Voeleker fourth
(both the -latter obtaining ;Inver medals; for
beating 7i hours). Potts and Speller, wlio
were the only others that Completed the fifty
miles, were awarded bronze medals for beat.
ins 8 hour&
According to the White and Blue, theta are
at present 49 undergraduates in law of the
University of Toronto, 25 of whom are
proceeding to the degree of LL. IL; 280 in
medicine, of whom 200 are proceeding to the
degree of M. B.; and in arts 632, of when
More than 400 are proceeding to the degree
of B. A. Of these 632, no fewer than 23 are
girig, all of whom have raatrleolated Within
the nut four yearn. -
Tho Targclet forry.boat in the world Is now
in operation between San Francisco and
Oakland. It can take foul train of Mil
Walt mini trip;
Woodstock Is proud of Ws naw 040,000
Episcopal Miura.
A Young and Deasniful itilorried Wommut
!PonfilAPPI .Pr!1,4LIffik=7C4.13`"
ilittsband lining for Eivoree. : •
BUFFALO, N. Y ; Jan..19.--.Oerhiglisociety
eirolee are at present greatly- Moved over it
vary Sad of aparaWof ii couple. It
had been widespread that the Wife bad led
•rather s loose lite of late gars but the
publiain 'general Waiiint Of: Cid true
-date ol afLurs. Biit of late the,- whole
story has gained wide ciircnlation. . About
twelve years age„.Willitm 'Locke, eon of
John Locke, • launder ' and contractor, of
Delaware tivenne, Marled 'Rebecca Crane,
' one of the liandeoniat women in the eity;
the dinghter of is party, living on South
'DivisMn street. The husband took a -hate°
for his beautiful -41M On Eleventh street and
fitted it un .with every comfort.. For a time
the, pair lived happily together, 101 110 wife
gradually became the slave of drink, and to
such an , extentthat frequent attacks et
.delirium tremens wore the remit. Unia
iiiately, and about six piers . afters the
marriage, it became necessary 'to refiiove
•her tO the Asylum of the, Good Shepherd.
The home on .Eleventh street was broken
im; and her *lire° ohildten 'were • taken
to the . Image of their • grandfather
on Delaware avenue. Some months
afterwards thewretchedwoman left the
Asylum and lived a miserable halasterved
salaam, getting is lodging where she could.
This fact coming to her busbandas knowledge,
he at once contributed 450 a week towarda.
het support, and continued to do go alp to the
tiregent .time. Notwithstanding WO, the
wonituk UM alleged, has led is terribly 'ohm-
rIonedlne. A divoreetnitt has been instituted
by the hitablind, and is nOwbefere Viet:Jennie,
The details of the womenat depravity are too
!thinking .10 relate; and one hardly knows
' which to -pity most, the husband or the Wo -
Plan. whe-hassettorified-hereelf, ---•--•
Jua1aueo1 Ors enerrisrE DEE RS.
Counterfeit Anierleatt and Canadian Coin
Seized. •
OBIUM10; Jan. 21. -The Beisrot-Service
captured, last night, David Bondi, Sylvan
U. S. Iteynolde, Lafayette „Ingersoll. Neva
Ingersoll, Frederick Ingenoll, Frank ,Gibson,
Lucy Ingersoll, Ids Ingersoll • and.; Levine
Look in the act of coining money. Mettle;
dieii, acids, eto., besidewen hundred coun-
terfeit American and Canadian '001110 -were
eeized. Marehall, Stevens,•Jeffereon, Tows.
ley and -Wm. Reynolds, who belong to the
mune gang, were arrested at Sandy Creek at
the same time. Counterfeit bills and coins
were found in their poseession. The offieere
are after two more counterfeiters who are
ouppoged to be in Mexico.. . • s
Oiwzoo, Jen. 21. -,The first Ogee of capital
. •. • , .
ptinistinient in Tioga .County -canned this
'noon. Daniel Ruda, an illiterate negro,
-in Jade ninrdered Eldridge Iiewey, an aged
farmer, who lived alonli in Newark 'Policy, for
the.pnrpon Of robbery. The crime *ea iSf
fiendidt atidoity. Ocala openly confessed,
'laying he deserved to die. He has prenerved
tibiae exterior, and pained laet night iteeni-
linty with lea anxiety than hie exeoutiener.
Tim attention , .tOok place .on is
ettuasirei in • the jail yard Mated
for the purpose, is • cordon of Military
attending:, The gallOvnt was the'liaree• as on
Which Penwell was eaeouted at Elmira in
1877 for wifeinurder. • Two hundred !spate
GM were present. Prams *were said in the
prieenernacell at noon, and the deeihWarrinit
Wee toad. . .
ONTARIO Aaiti. dULTilaAl• CeitattE.
though the Uninber Of Bidden:0 attending the
Ontario Agrieultriral College is greater than
at any tine Wink !still the NOM= hat
been laud ,to refuge • Oar 180 appliante
within the last four or five months. From
this feet 'slate, it ict monifeet that the fernien
of the province are really beginning to tinder -
stand and !Manta:date an Dna end innate Of
the College.
Aborit thede clayti the 'local oink:Ian reaps
his ;canard. ,He marches pronely tO tha iente.
moil council chamber, Is evfOrilin, and in the
name Of Wit:nutty, natio° atici matial righta
&Menae that is now Drat shall be Mt
through 0Witinp.
fikeoltilegt nhollealoree (Fate on natant
Sec Eafteren in New tropk-Vididren
icsarvesli, ineutest, nod vaserwitte
treateG1 In the Name ot VbarlOr•
The New York Stan giVell A Metal Of the
inside management of an educational and
charitable. institution of that city v,zhiolt hee
been run on the "Dotheboye Hall" eyetera.
It is milled tbe Bheeflevrti Vold; and Weil
started by Rev, Mr. Crowley Bone Yeara
ago 10a handsomebons° on East Sixtieth
street, o has appealed widely to the
nubile for contributions to UM oupport el
the children in his fold, •and hail further kept
hie 70aale benne tile public by endeavoring to
get control of the fund oat apart by the City
for the support of the original Slumberdts
Fold, started by Dr. Tyng, and from the man-
agement of whipS Bev. Mr. Crowley was
ousted some years ago. The Superintendent.
of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
to Children on flaturday made affidavit before
Judge Donohue that the children were. nu
lawfully puniehen, without muse or provotiset
tion ; that there were no !servants or attend-
ants in the fold, and that all the nienual
labor and demean°, work was done by the
children; that the ohildren were kept in a
filthy and unhealthful condition; that they
had no proper inetmetion, no proper medical
attention orcare, no pronee place torpor memo
61 ear° in ease of shaming ; that therwere
not furnished with proper or oufficient food,
but had been for a• long time past kept on food.
utterly unfit for them, producing dieettee and
;nervation ; that one of the children, Louie
Victor, was ozi the point of death from at to-
y/dim, and that the other children !it'll in
the fold were in danger of sharing his
probable fete. The records ta the Sunny
ehow that Crowley haa kicked genie of the
children dor:name. Tne former.. matron
notifies that he beat and awed the children
badly. The netglibore Ilay that the
children cry contiimausly, leek Merged;
are looked in their room, and • are
nen to eat ravenonely the fragments ef
Mod their unhappy little comrades landide
manageao proeure for there and pass to diem
through windows : J adge Donohue upon this
ehowing issued a warrant directing the
bringittg before him of the enildren of the
fold. The officere, with Rome difficulty,
gainen satimitteme to the louse, and took
charge of the 32 little boys and giris they
found there. Their ogee ranged from 7 to 15.
The unildren were huddled together in the
front baaement: 'There Sere only two chairs
ands small kilohen table, on which is girl 1,5
years end, benberit and bowed by herd toil
until oho 10010 1110 an old woman,was ironing.
On the kitchen range !stood. a entail pot.
• Superintendent Jenkins explored it; and
found alio= a dozen beanie which the girl
said was the °Andrea% dinner," . He salted
them where. was the relit of the dinner, and
they looked astonished. He hunted for more
provisioes, , but found nothing except two
email loaves of oatmeal bread. •When the
.children found they were being taken away
they were overjoyed': " Let's go right away .
„taTelte„nasesit ounkanatatents! thanairied.. As
they tippeared in.court the clothing of tome
• of them was very dirty, and emeriti were very
much emaciated. A- number. had Imre needs
and. atieh 'monde= ulcers as nome frail
neglect and .bad food. Sane had beans
painted with Odin° and daubed' :Atli max.
curialisalve. ;Judge Donohue postponed the
• hearing pi the itase until Saturday next, re -
mending -the, ohildren-meanwhile ata the-
Soinetl. ••
Edition at a 'Discount. •
":---1201•0202ti-Ituri•....-;:._.-Itr-taeOttire at the -Royal
Inititntion by Profeeeor Dewar, on the
"Eteotrio Aro," Edison's alleged recent die-
OViciricia. were net- -even inentieneda --At is
private meeting 'of acientistasthey - entirely -
discredited the reported suesestes et the car.
'bon horeeshoe. The•Daily 'Enos:New york
despatch,- dearibing the frepti diffieintiets.
'Which were arising . and the oollapee of the`
horseshoe:device, has demolished the spicu.
iation for a fall in gasahares. A rise of ten
.per cent, followed, and- Meek brokers
there was little or no genuine allingatt the
recent low prloaa. Tntaliew York party of
• bears is discomfited. It is eepOrten that a
prosecution is oontempiated aguinst theParis
:Figaro for in recent punt! of Edison. French
scientists agree with the English in recogniz-
ing Edison's experinientel ingenuity, brit
they affirm that bis repeated mistaken
anounaements aredue to, /As ignorance of
previous diecoveriee whit* are. familiarto all
expert& Inventors in Moretoe's asutomatio
Telegraph Mk why Moon offers no reply -to
their °bargee otbad .feith.„ , .
Dropeteed Expenditure reie Public Afield,
• Alma in Ontario.
Tba preterit area of the timeline
•many extended as It ha been under tbe
amnion in tbe boundaries pose, Whieh we
cannot think there will be. any obstaele to pre.
yen Abe Deminten Government from ratify.
Ingavin regain: greater expenditure to Make
accessible * lodge tract of country not
hitherto under the ()aerie GovernMent-
The affaire of the milord preview) cannot
be conducted for the molest that snffieed
for the narrower 1:zoite. For this reason
the surplus may be expeeted to undergo
diminution in the not distant iuture. The
40210 May not be far off when the revenue will'
not mare Mau suffice to nieet the neoesear.
ily extended expenditure. Abd we ma,
even conceive of the arrival of is time when
It will be inadequate. • Againet snob a 'eon-
tingeney it would ben been proper to make
• a provision, and it might still be wise to do
so. -Monetary Ximea
e -
• emend Events et the Week,. ---
71010200, --.-There hi another Boast
event that has mused Mayfair to totter on
its base. •• The announcement has been nude
-no one linowe how; no One knoWs whence"
-to the effect that the Princaof VITalee' two
gene, Prince Albert -Victor end Prince George,
who. are Serving on board a inaii•eawais
have been tattooed' on the nom with India
ink. The moiety journals'ari •hysterical on
tne el:Minn. It appears that the symbol of
•the broad arrow bag been artistically .ina-•
The thought of bowing the knee to a tattoried
king is altogether too Mich for Mrs. Grundy,
• min the sacrilege wrought upon the ,connten.
Muses of the Lord'il anoifited•hasi provoked
is torrent of indignation. lint Vanity Fair
cones Mrward to stem the tide. It Marne
On excellent antheritydrom a soma wffich
it believeiSto be peoullarin
indeed 'that it id officially charged to make
the announcement -a -VW the mark On the
'side of the nose is only an eighth of an bush
long. ••
' New Yorlt, and the C. P
, • 7 ,
it oorreepondent • writes to, the ,Buffalo
• Commercial Advertiser: "In your Railroad
Column mention- Wail mud° reoently of the
projected branch of the Canada Pecan Haig'
road, from Lake Nipining to the •Hault, and
how it will ehorten the tinie to the Northwest
from Montreal,'Portland sind Boston.. That
connection will Cause a revolution in the
winter carrying trade of .the Northwest, it
will be so much shorter than the route Via
Chicago, and . probably benefit New • York
more than any other Miantie city, all oho will
have the fleetest limo. •Itis 449 mikes from
this eity to the Sault, via Hamilton, and 400
miles from the Sault to Eyiluth, added to.the
420 -miles to New York, you ase, the whole
distance from Dninth to New 'York is IWO
miles. It will be 1,800 milee from Duluth 10
Portland, via Montreal. Mid somewhat more
to Boston.' .The copper and inn intemids of
Lake Superior Will profit greatly bY,theshort
winter route to thelOwer country.", -
Iscattexamt' Omen larrno.-Peroona Who
adhere to the 'notitin that deem; pipet are
net dangerous will do well to note what is
close call the Coint Souse at Booltecter, N
Y,i had the other day. While tearing up is
Mesa on the eat gide, adjoining the eounty
treasurer's office, the workmen found that
the flooring ant plata underneath had been
badly burned and Oland. Although plum -
bore hed frequently taken oceselon to ineist
that the ;item heating pipes Would not burn
or ignite wooden Work with Which they Might
00020 in oontaa, it wee evident that pipes
afforded the only imus0 for the charred con.
dstion Of things under the Seer. Errata
who have examined the burned flooring say,
that it Only busked a little air to fan the fire
into a flame, and the Conde -Mollie Would
have been ablaze.
'Mare she Vold Wawa Veiny Xmas.
Afeteorological observationi have •now
beeame so extended that evidence Midi
nollOMolatinif to enbe Um to determine
pOeitively the source of the .001€1 Aerial waves
Whitt IlWeelP sop= our country during this
winter seeeon. The indiestions ere that we
ewe them, to She great area of bigh barometer
in Northeaetern Siberia. where the mourn
immetimes exceeds 31 50 Mabee, end tlie
temperature falls ee low as 76 0 below zero.
• T4E3130113 of greatest cold is in the neighbor.
hood pf ,Yoktitsin on the Lena, where the
•avenge tberoinmetrie reading in jantary io
410 below zero, and, whom tbe !merest cold
• exceeds by ten degree* tbst experienced by
explorers in Ugh arctic, regions. This is also
the region of the highest barometric pressure
known in winter; and froln it, deuhtlese,
Proceed • tbe waves of intense cold which
play so large A part in our winter •saner.
The strike or the (Meanie Brushers' Union,
shrregaarded as completely -abandoned.
Coughs, 'Colds, Hoarseness, Sore
• Throat; Btonthitis, Influenza,.
Croup, Whooping Cough,
Asthma, .and eitTry
affection of the
Throat, Lungs, and Chest,
, including °
"11 does not dry up a cough,, and leave the cause
.hehincl, as is the case wain most preparations,
but loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allays irri-
tation, thus removing the cause of complaint."
po:poir BE DECEIVEThyby articles
• bearing a, similer name.. Be sure you get DR.
with the signature of "I., BUTTS" on the
• wrapper.' 50 Cents and $1.00 a Bottle. ,Pre-
• pared by SETH W. POW= & Sons, Boston,
-Atanr.--Snld byadiaintatrard
'A Protected. Solution, of tlie Protetide Of Ion,
,15, as. easily ,digested 4114:ttSsimilated. with the
- blood as the Amplest food. When the blood .
does not contain -the usual quantity ofaron',-the-
deficiencY can be supplied by the use of the
PERU VIAN SYRUP. It cures a thousand
• ills" simply by Tosinna Ur, lievictortannea, and „
Viranizma the system: The 'enriched • and
vitalized blend permeates every part of the
body, repairing damages and waste, searching
' out morbid monde= and leaving nothing for
disease to feed upon.. This ie the searet ofathe
wonderful success of this remedy in curing
Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Boils,
Dropsy, • Chronic Diarrhma,
Nervous Affections Female
• Complaints
Ansi all diseases originating in a bad stateof
the blood, or Accompanied by debility,•or,a low
•• State of the system. *
• CA.UtION.-]3e• sure syousget the "PE-
RUVIAN SYRUP." •Bold by druggists genera'
• ally.. Pamphlets sent free to any address by
SETH W., Fownn & Sons; Px:oprienirs, 86 Har-
risonAvenue, RiistonMass.
ilglaio DB,
. TinS standard articleis compound:.
ed with tho greatest care. ,
Its effects are as:Wonderful and as
satisfactory as ever. '
11 restores gray Or fddallitirtnitS-
youthful color. . •
It removes all eruptions, itching
and dandruff. It gives -the head a
Codling, soothing sensation 'Of great
comfort, and the spell?333r its use
becomes white and clean.
By its tonic -properties it restores
the capillary glands .-te their mormal
vigor; preventing baldness, and.mak-
ing the hair grow.thick and strong.
As A dressing, nothing- has been
found So effectual or desirable. ,
A. A. ilayes;11.D., State Assayer
' of 3Iassaehusetts, says; "The con-
stituents are pare, and carefully se.
.leeted_ for excellent quality ; and
consider it the' BEST BfiEtARATION
for its intended purpoSeS."
Prico, Ono Dollar.
• Buckingham's Dye)
• This elegant preparation may be
°relied on to change tile color of the
beard from' gray or any other undesir-
able shade, to brown, or biotic, at (M-
ention. his easily applied, being in
one preparatiOn, and quickly and ef-
fectually produces.ft permanent color,
Which Will neither rub nor wash off.
Manufactured by R. P. HALL, &, CO.,
ty 611 Dinged:, atd‘Doilett 15 ,thibitos,
For restoring Gray Hair to
its natural Vitality and Color. • -
• 'A dressing
which is at once! -
agr eel), 15 1 e,
fectual for pre- .
ser Ong the
hair. Faded or
• gray hair is SOOn
restored k
original color, .
with the gloss and freshness GI youth.
Thin hair is. thickened, falling hair
checked, .444. ballnosS Pft9P4..t11030.1„
not always, cured by its use. Noth-
iitfr7catitrigart-the lfair where the
follicles are destroyed, or the glands
atrophied( and decayed. But; such ai
remam can be saved for usefulness
by this application. Instead of foul -
nig the hair with a; pasty sediment, it
.will.keep, it dean and vigorous. Its
occasional 'use ovill prevent the hair
'front turning gray or falling oft; and '
'consequently prevent baldness. - Free
. from those • deleterious substances
Which make some preparations dan-
gerous, and injurious to the hair, the
'Vigor can only benefit but not harm
it. If wanted merely for a •
noLhing else can be found se &sir.
able. Containing 'ueither 011 nor
it does not soil white cambric,
.and yet lasts long en the hair, giving.
it a rich, glossYlustre and "a grateal
perfume. "
Prepared by Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co,,
krattual and AnalyticalCitemletai