HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-01-22, Page 6.., - -_7;_111__1..,W1._ =-w- __ Z--.,.----- ___., ___ ___ ------------ - ___­­__ ------.Mv--- �-, ­W­WAOWN-�- - 71114-7-40014111111W - I -­ __ - - � __ 0 . -_ I ��-, 'w"W 0 11 I 4r"P"P` I I "e" 4 I I . I . . . . I 51 � * � '. I I 0 . . I 1, I . . r - � % . . � - I , . I "Wokelk A"141111 ONTIRIQ oystem, of pleading and practice, and to mako Seven, Storm in Oregon and Washing. - THE TAY BRIDGL bad. bewAlloit, tif a loss of his Comrade, .Joseph I I , ,QI$L&TrREs ,tF I , Jortlier provivi -)A for the due administration , Anderson, a printer in the ("Ourier office. � � � Vourago, brothers I there in nothing � I In the world brave Man ohort!A Seem, I *FORTH PARLIAMENT -40T WON- of justice.,, In explaining the object of the Bill, be said that he bad not -had time to got Abe . . y Details. of the Terrible monster There too were its weeping paromu or William Uteb,au only son, w . ho bad Squat . I � if the beept be firm and steady,, I if the arm be strong and ready, I 4 xwf our oatigaze dims, ear. � 11 Falter, � — - . ToagnTo, olan. M—Tho Speaker took the I � . I . Bill diairlbutod'as widely as be deoirid; but . I he would have It diattibated, after wjilq,h lie "L . X40S99 CW1 ]1,,XW'JWU., I I . � . 11 - Don4lee., at . — to visit 121a - grant _ Aparouto ILI Oupar. boveral remarkable smoapes are pleaded., Ohly Cowards $Mnt and, . I -1 I Ctilly crayons obrlqk and palter, . . Only dastarde are dismayed. chair at thraero'clook. The following positions were presented : would be glad to receive suggestions from any I quarter Oil the pubj eat with which the Dill I � � I � . )barge Amount of propeiror Z T)pe Thrilling atory ot an mye-witneso. , .. I . I � � , Two gentlemen who bad intended to. travel-, by the train from Edinburgh Wore, Prevented. , . 2toot each trial, never fly it . Iface Misfortune and defy A;! - brothere'l—W49's ? By Mr. Morg&A—,Ql Wim. Collier and, I � Othere, , for the incorporation of the PDT$ . dealt. The object Of The Bill win to Con- soliclate the, Superior Courts, and to, have I .1 I � I Iftstroyed. 6 1. BY theloot Sooselimall we have details of , the terrible lie Tay L Brasil by, Circumstances which detalned( th , It they were too late. A, BIT. And Mrs, Brown,. I I . � courage, Afraid . ; I . . . Rowan &Lake Shore Railway Company. I , By Mr. Haroour$—Of A.G. Hill and others, . � one Supreme Court of tile rxovince, In- . , stead of the separate and Independent " —_ . AN FaArvisoo, Jam --, — Telegraphic. 0 , - , accident At Bridge: ,, 5TORT Lop AN *711-wrrNE801 I who lt;Ldboon in Edinburgh . from Dundee on I I L � a wadding tour, were So have bomw . � Courage, brothers I therele nothing � — Intho world true man appale; - ,of plif tort, for in Act to incorporate ,the I courto of Qtleeted Bunch, Common Piano, comintirrication with. Portland, Oregon, inter.. L , . I $or a has been restored. The following narrative is furnished by An . � returned L 'on Sunday afternoon. They were, however, , . I I . � still bo'true to man end woman, 4 rue MAD, � Wo the God of truth 'A ' True to dut, Niagara Falls Street Railway Co. 1* . Thefollowing Bills were introduesd apd: Chancery and Appeal. The new Suptexce Court he proposed to divide into two briucheo ruptoil weeks I - he Ddopstabee state, that on t 9thluoti,middle oya-wilmossof the Calamity-. IsEn joying the . � cozy comforts, I of my Qw D_ parlor fireside on pleased at mi om Ali party to remain, and at Thi last moment, chiefly on account of the. bols. poll when y calls. . ]Is that's lalso in word or doing to Tead She first time,- 'No sitIond the Munici- . pal Aet—Mr. Calvin. To amend the Division . . —one to be of original jurisdiction, and the Portland woo visited by the most severe storm known since the settlement of the . I tiunasy right, I listened to the floroo clamor , . I Serous weather, they, were relaosantly per. � , lioul Q9 bodl bvAugq ruin ; , . � . Isying a stil a losing trade' � I)o the truth. and fear no evil . I � Courts Act—Mr. G boon (Hamillon.) I other of sppellato-jurlediotion�, the former I ,to consist, of the Courts of Chancery* Queen's I � Country. Very little rain Accompanied the of the storm without and felt a deep sense of I I. . I 11 gratitude for the security I possessed, . onaded to postpone their return for a day. I I . . I - � � 1. � I I . Bpeak the truth and shams the devil; , _ I I Onmosiorkof Mr. wool), IJ30 Housewent into Committee of Supply, Mr. SiDolair In B,U,hl andOommon Pines, indthelatterto � gale. Damage to property in the city 0,76,000. � o at While the galows ' its height Bremen, . I mingled with a testing of Compassion for the . A Notable Quarrel. I ., . I Courage, brothers 1�wbo'a afraid 2 I . I the chair, and after pausing the formal vote � . . boo imposed very much am the Present Court of Appeals was composed. Then the Bill , . . HAII,S large twb-storoy wooden building, woo . I poor," sailor on the me& bat Sling with the storm. 'The children .bad gathered round, . 14osDom, Jan, �.—A notable quarr�l is orb . I Courage, brbthers I there is ngthlug f ar Civil G,;vernment the Committee !000 provided for a uniform system of pleading and prostrated, and is ur mark were oough t under me for their usual" Bible o � Spring, and loot, between Sir Oarnet Woleeley, pomman-. . . Brave and true men should Might; ! Idle's awarfare bigh and holy 11 Not the lofty the lowly I andreporked. Tne House then went into I � Uommittes, of Ways and Means I and Adopted � - practice In the high courts. For the, o6uve- of the business of the Supreme Court the ruling. Harry P. 116inrioh woo inotantly killed., In Eisel Portland the now Catholic with an instinctive sense of fear they needed close to aide h_ 't ev der -in -chief of Her Majeotylo forces in 13cqth � Africa, and I Dr. BuRsell-, formerly cotreepon. I and I . L 11 God and angela watelitbelictht; . the usual formal resolution. planes � of original jurisdiction he proposed to divide 0hurch, is a complete wreel�, and a number 6L my as board the,wild efforts of the blefit to Alto r b dent of the Thnee, and -now of t he Telegrap,7& . . I In the roar, and rush, arid ta�tle, I In the sweat and blood of battle. - Mr. CREIGHTON asked who ther it is the intention of the Governing 0 'introduce it into three branches. lie did not in. buildings were blown down. Reporto from the . Interior Indicate that the storm r I aged with groat . In the assume � at of thowindow. � � . I olar" $ha, Sir Garnet charges the famous, $Cribb with falsehood and exaggWation; iu the letters Fight so man for fight axtayed, V91hother vauquishe d or vlotorlous; I pt � during the present session a vy measure pr Go tend, however, to number the b ranches I first, second and third, so was the Case in violence. It in impossible to estimate the value story of at. Paul's reckon the Island of Molits, tiiinkin alit t'h.ptw 9 the storm without � * written by him from the Cape. Andsoll bad . )Us : � I. I � . � Good men's lives and deaths are gloric, � . .1 CiDarago,6KQtberal-whp*o.a,fraiq? . a I victing for she rednedou Of number of mem. bers or otherwise altering She conAitution of � the United states, but he proposed to retain I .- I . . of'Properlydestreyed. The obotruotionto roads in many localities will for a time stagnate might help me to imprego upon their young 'minds denounced the. a onduot of moms of the British soldiers In the Transvaal, He rapeated - *� , 11.1-1 I - - I . ]PUnialurn"". . . county Oonnoild. I , I . � the historic name@ of Queen's Bolach, com - Dion Mean and Chancery. Those courts, business. Trains will be delayed several the terrible nature of the dangers to . which the Apostle WAS exposed, as the Ship lay the statement of the Inbabitanta at , - � . � -._ , Precocious otateemanohip-B3y q t a Mr.'MowAT-I have the pleasure of Baying in, reply that the ritatter is under considera. however, would be no. longer separate courts, divisions 1 day�,, The Jines between here suilDalles were baried'un4er fallen timber, so deep that new riding hqlplefloly upon the waves with f6ur I between it des Heidelberg that, they had, cloaxed out alli poultry yards. broken into all canteens, I 11 . ­�_ � '. ­ .8bl -Mm-k i-cblbrygrab� I " x ' I 1� I ­ 41, � Sion. - (Laughter.) ""' - , . but of oue.,higir,poupt., ,,T _q .-M.- . ,,43 pbrtanco of having a uniform, system of lingo will h i avo 10 be constructed; AcuffiqtillW I atioliors. and certain tructio no 11 . . �, _ While thus engaged a bleat 61 wind more I � ransacked linings, anil stolen oven tha, � .. - . � .., - Winter works, so hard Jo be bold that it , . satualli keeps Wall warm. . �. :,., GOVERNMENT COND110151ONS. . - � - . � pleading arid practice would be admitted by thb gille attablod for a short Time tile velocity . , 61, eighty. miles per hour. A number U fari n ous'than before.had caught the chIm By church clock. He bold that though Sit I - Evelyn Wood, when at'Utreolat, ordered all � - . . . . . .. Soine men do not like crumbs of 'comfort Mr. LAunim moved for an order Jor names of all persons appointed by the Ontario . evtry one who had studied the question. The difference between the Systems followed houses were blown down. So far as Is of, a house almost opposite my parlor I =own and. brought them down to the the liquor shops to be closed, the law officer* . ' ' . They Want a whole loaf. I if is.,probably very true that there is noth- I Government ae.�Speoial Commieeianere or Committees of Enquiry . regarding matters in the courts was so great that wlawyer migh ' t be Very learned in one system and yet known there is little load of lifew Great � numbers of cattle I are reported . to have been- , . ground with a thundering crash that startled . 1. everyone olus to our feet. 'Skippingoverto did not sustain his motion, and 11 the Dutch. settler . refused to sell e . pirits to the ooldiers� - _­ __­�­ ­ �.. ­ . ­ ____U&u6j�uuder the. -sun, but.did-arty.one ever.. , we such weather? - pertaining to provincial affairs- hince.the. year � . entirely. .. at- aea..with_ another- Still there. �kllled by falling barns and traeg. Two mon, named Mason mind Hindle, were the casement I gazodout-upon the street, and - . they ransacked him supplies. Wolooloy dee clarea that these assertions are infamously I 1 . . We know's man whose wife doesn't kiss . 1671. . Mr. MowAT said the hOn. member seemed. were good points in both systems, and in making the eyeteme uniform, he proposed a frozen to death on Saturday near Young t then a blaze of mo Jus I onlight lighted up s of. the Tay d9wp I I . untrue. Russell is now,on his way home and. - I blin becauee he smokeno-ft i�kl ass him, . ". k, F ! . because she loves him, to think that a commission was a bad thing; � to take the beat points from both. t3ach Station, on the No P, B. R. At Tooenter, Washington Territory, a free . below, and, the long white sinuous line of tho the diaotteoiou'promiseir to be serious, for the-� . correopondentla no. meau antagonist, The I � � . I . . In Texas p, man dosonlk care whether halo -but if he had studied what bad been done b� � commissions in other- qquiArles he would a system wan adopted in - England ixr the - Jadicature Acts of 1873 And 1875, and I . woo blown ajainal the school house, demol. Tay Bridge came into view. I looked at my watah and saw it -wag oxactly seven o'clock. I quarrel Is mush relished at the, Horge Guards# � . committed -to jail or acquitted. He'll be I � . 10611n; ,round town, before night either way.. change him opinion. A commission, Was. a - ', it had worked admirably. The proposod- ishJng it. There were twenty children in the . building.. A son and daughter of John WI, ' , ,,, The Edinburgh train will be due imme, where Sir Gah24 is auythiu I 9 but a favorite. Tbia large military faction N envious of his. . ­ - . - . . _ __­.___ — __ - ,;---,. _ ,. , - --:, � 1. . . � - Eighteen hundred - and eighty-- Is -maki lug,- rog'alar, a .constitutional And ai eminently-. :British m _,pequripa. information, mind -Aot-was not, however, a slavish imitation of I k46 Eng lish Act.. The proposed. Bartlett,were instantly killed and another diately,I I exclaimed %Q my wife; I Come Bnd let us watch to bee, it it will attempt to arose sudden rise, and would be groatly.nj oiced at, . I . � � I . � . . quite a bosoh bf the weather. The young * -opea7fg; _ -� sometimes of ev on preparing a-Chemies as the 1. . .legislation , aw was .a ptea 'Athbr, to the, positiod an&- _,.@_C_1$ daughter-,w.sim--.danger.ouely�jpiur � ,pyqW.- - on�ouoh,a nighV � So Saying, we"Wrood down . _ iture. - .1sponif - 11wd, -_--I.. .. ­ ---_1 ­ .. ­­­­­ -....I.- I � . , Shing evidently hasn't the hang of it yet. , . bit in of !f�gislation. What the Government B - cireumstancee of our province. One question bounce at. the Garrison were prostrated;'Do Iijam wore lost. - Much damage I wag done at the gas in the parlor and prepared , to .. await , . . .. ­­ ­ .. _. I Should Comini Ulso V ' ' . . . oplb honest ?11 Inquires I thg� � . . I q, . 14 Are the pe Now York Tivin. It is a little I difficult to claimed wag that ev6Y oonalfliesion they had I � *Appointed Was a proper one -that therp won. which arose in considering ,this matter was, ' when obould the'ohangen be enforced ? He , Salem; a portion of the roof of the State I . ' ' the appearanoe of the train. The light by this time baI become moot fitful. Great - ' Number three of a s6rieo of prize ques- -1 - � ., .. . � . ­ but we are quite certain' -the * , '"y ; I y would be . . I i ' intment. They were a neceonty or, its appo found that the Common Law Procedure Act . into HOCSO was torn off- - . . The body. of Jacob Swangor, aged sixty, mousse of clouds were. sweeping across the tiona"promulgaSed by the 1oudon Whitehall- � , eview is 11 Should adultootialne, male and , I It Sir John Macdonald wouid only leave thenj I I idoxie. . . quitb ,willing that Any investigation should be made, lint would like the motion amended no, :was Passed in June, 1856, and weDt . . force in August of -the same year, He thought woo found horribly mutilated -in a. b expanse of the, heavens, at -times totally. ob. ... . souring the light of the full moons I There female. be allowed to kiss each other?" � � ,. I . . . . . .. I � Sala tbinks,an American mob Is The best . as to Cover the whole period of government that wan too short a time, though he did not - Washin gtQn C&"iy on irtidaymorning. . 110 ItA d evidently been murdered with an axO for she Comes,' cried one of the children, and at ome of the inli were received are as follows - ' � . 11 . t, . � I I . . I matured in the world. It, d be Inter- voial Onoo. Confeiaeration. With thin amehilmeDt .. knov? that any inbonvertiones -followed. Be- , � . . . -money. ,� I that moment the slowly.moving lights of the I , 72114,, BRCAUkn � � I , � . I *: , t6 hear from this, gentleman -after She motioii was:unanimonaly carried. ., . fore the -Bill passed iis further stages, he I � � . . . Edinburgh train could be distinotly,seen ' Jacob, after ,bavibg pereonatcd Esau, � I ,eating I . steeling a mule in Wigs for instanee-that Rk, Ross, in the absence of Mr. Daroche, would suggest to the House at what time he I . - AN E140PERXENT1 ISP011161 ED. rounding the curve st.Wormit, and, Passing, . I kissed his cousin Rachel as soon as he saw :___ _ is if a reliable medium bould be procur ed. moved for an order for a returq from the .thought the .changes Bho�ld Be into effsot, - . I - . . � . I the signal -box at t4o��.@qikth.p-i4o,.,O.X.ktqxj.i i& _hor,,And__thWr_par#,utR ,� ., , , ,,, � - I I . . approxed_ . �. - , . . - , . � � . . . L I This young man who buys jewellery for his � reoorde. of the elections to the Legislative . I . Assembly, showing the aggregate amount of iNbolbor during the.,present year, After. the . long iaeation, or during next year. - Tlie'llill - . w1be Isooller of the - Mouicholols Mnactity I upon. the long Straight. line ofthe't portlon-of -one a. The train' a on the bridge ilie 6iih, � The they will care for it no 4ittle so,., . Ocorg� 'boys do I . . I iT for AutrLai. I I �.- . truallove often feels like one who canto bread I votes polled for each candidate in each ilea_, � ; was read a first tide. . I . Sho ixy an AuRry'gliumband. seamed to move along �witb greater Swiftness, . - skepeare.8mys, 11 Kiss Mai sweet o0z;11, all �, i ­ I mpon the waters, expecting it to return after toral district in which there has -boo' a con- A Mr. NowAT introduced a Bill for the relief '- 'HARTPouD, CODA., Jan. _.-To-day Mrs., and, when the engine enteied the tunnel. I and � Tennyson says of hime�lf And bla, , � . � anany days; he knows that after marriage he* toot the total number polled in canh division ofCo-operativeAssoolations. Inexplanation. Charlea'Wtbater w" about leaving, with her . like Cloisters of the great girders, my little . 61 Cousin Amy 1�­. And our spirits rushed, - - I win take it to the pawnbrokers And got him - � � I and the number of Damon on She voteral liots of the measure he dwelt on the advantag on three Children ostensibly to Visit friends in . girl ixactly described the, effact of -the lights toge; .;, I her at the tonebing of the lips . I . snoney back. - . . . of the game respectivelyi and the population of Snob. associations and stated .that it was Now York. Webster came'home and found � ough the lattice work, when she . As a ladyis concerned it must, consid. , I , The Detroit Free, P�ea� ersig whon You'008 'of each constituency as shown' by the lant desirable to encourage them by providing that the family about to take the cArriage for the mi'cl=x 11 Look, Pepsi. isn't that like.. .be . Breda. fair'proceeding. It. aho7lamarried.it. four or five . children who need Combing, � copious. , Mr. Roes remarked that he had no stooklicildera in them could have.§1,000 worth depot, afid, Dr.'flawley looked in the house. I lightning1l ' All this takes some. time to. Cannot be amia 0. I I . . I wasibing. and patching, holding a convention doubt the Oppositionwould rectil'thia return of stook, instead of "only 4400 worth " Webster broke .open the door, and shooting � write clown, but to, the eye it seemed as if Brothers and 'sietns itisis, and their, J , . , . on the front door Map You have, COMO to A 'with considerable interest. (Hear, bear and followe: The Bill provided for this extension by both men followed. Webster wits shot I almost simultaneous with the entrance of children shonld follow their emample. . lioune where the mother points pottery. � I . . , . laughter.) .1 of the ability to hold stock, It,also provided through the hand, and Hawley wounded . . 'hays th a train,upon the bridge, a cometlike buret . 1, One touch of nature makes the whole, -- . . - .When -a inan wine a sword.at A raffia what . Mr.,goartis, riferring io the remark made 'that Co . operative Asebeistions should.bo at I badly 112 the arm. The doctor he..was 'the of fiery Sparks iiprang out as it foroibLy - . . world kin," a kiss being'a touch of nature, - . I � . iloeshe gonerally.do with it 2 It is too fine I . by Mr. Roko, Assured that-gandoman that the I erty,to buy on ore, it, an to pGre age. a there on a prbfesoional visit. After � . ejecited into the darkubse from-tiromt �the I . . they ohouldkihs to maki them still wore . , . bra - - I lor &king coals ,with,-not-oulted-for-the l . decapitation of ducks' -heads, and is altogether -,,OPP013itiozL-would-vvelcomeLthat-raturn--Mr�- Blake was,.bf opinion tuat minorities ought I . . .. . n narry nwhnm- -- ---;--- I . I a portion of the money in cash, And mortgag, shootin MroMeboter started-forthe train _,;;1iW1_&h th a Id I but wai- Aopped bythe , . st"Au 0 Is _IRA"O g viliblq_ trail . _ seen till quonched­iu the water below. Then . I _akin, . . . . . . - . I .1 , I Family affection Is a tender and beautiful- . , . too long for a carving knife. Perhaps the to be fairly represented, and would no doubt lug the propprti for the rest of the money. .Police. Her husband expreBse ' d willingness that shwahould but forbade bar to take there was absolute darkness on the bridge. plant which cannot be too carefully nurtured. � I . . I . best use it could be put to would be to! fail . wound . under the bid for burglars. . . bring. his views, *ith his accustomed Lability, before Slab l4ouseof Commorth. . The -Opp' i oal- The Bill was -read a first time. .. . Mr. MOwAT introduced a Bill-rdepecting go, the Children. There, has been news goosip � ... OVER'TIM BRIDGE. � I . . ; I . . I � - � . i A J.ParaillbeLior Teackers, . . . , , I . I . I I To A . The satiric "Liberal Address," in ve 'a. in . tion: in this House represented *a very large : . � of she Bill cofouarlo inquests. The obic-ol about She relations of �the parties for two or ' 11 . . �. throb . . , A silence fell upon our eager group at.tbe window, � Then, with htnuiiing force, the idea L aged A.Batis. In Brazil, a teacher having pb . . - becomes Government, . . � . . BlackwQod,ii forToobinber; ba a couplet that I I , proportion of'tho people ol'this country, and . when this return was.brought down it. would I wswto oblige ocironera, when applying for t he payment of the expenses of an in(luest, to years. .. I i . A .� .. I . . .1. . � . . . . , broke upon my mind. "Heavenel"I cried, . I " factory examination a , official for lite, and'. is promoted,. no$ as I .. i .MY 11 Iii applied to the ToIrlies-, 1. . we . I I . I . '' - � I I . . . show.that, minority Am . th � my were, -they wbro,' � take An affidavit that the :death waa of the . Enalnud's Conduct In' Sough At 11 . I � . . . ril I 11 Ilear the train is over the bridge I- With a gro*ing.horror I watolied the'eurve"at Abe vaeancies occuri but acdording to big term of! .: . �- Fox with my Obristidnity. - I . A like a little Cant, sir. . ­ - . . . . entitled to juat land, fair dealing from the majority in, the House, where they spoke the I . olaso mentioned in the Statute Book amol) Beaty. 9 oases in which inquests sere noes I The NEW Youx, Jan. �.-The Herald,'s Lond6n special says that the arrant of ifie three Boers north side to try If I could see She train pass ' - Minatei jagged that but, no several, siervice. After five years, comfortable'onlary with: � bongo rent, Mr receives a smallponsion, 1. *he, ' ' 1, � Laura:.,(with trovel)-1101if If this . I I I . . . I , I Sala I �­ " I - Aply-Una-mud: _X-_W4r.o_J1rQ --- box ­..___­.__­_,.. - -----:--7 I voice of more -than their number indi oatbil. r;7_-Mx,fA74R3F4T7- -tho-honi-%exitlainfia- � qsSurell I -tie ''at Billwas read a first timei' - : , - . --T-he�following-Billo-were�alfioiiitrbdci�Od,4- I far high treason is very gonerallyconderim6a, . orign-Fibuilp"d t - dtfahli6i�rlic 'hia'Wavrike-JAMI-1- � point; . d ru9,p0y1qg.-.pbjjeot broke;.the continutly,*Of, ."N'..04 - - , - , ­- - � t I that I shatch'ifil tip my be and for - every Scholar above thirty � :, goto-awad'dition to,bM.' 091 . , , - _16gy-A I ` -------- U-Jit�.` ----- -- - � . _. _1 w -tilm",ext v.. . � ' ',eatimatail, . . . es- . tb at eve n i f he h aa hi s- kaii E'o_nly on- O. n'th" I of the nu&ber' he had,- they -would still . Ybigk6_fiAfh.­__1. .7 . ,egr,,,%i n4y' I -a Ion -fid -a � p'b'd t 'I b --- 6 '--I-- � '. 9 OPPO, Mi , y-laws.-M4110WAS. To dritary drain I - thd-i�trbmgbstlii3giige-A-i-gii-:i-d�i-i'c6i-du-c�ili- .. . ().of. point, and hurried,down 'and aeioss_� -the Magdalen 'Green, , equal to -' one-third oL-the' ­ q �.-1 , --I'- ''" " _V11tv-siCk.-�' cost., Oi each pupi ,a -tilition. . � � 1. xamember, she doeo got a husband after all.!? � . . . .. . - ex�e i n ne so fair and � just, .dealing from this . providelor the examination and '114xiiing of , the mitter,'Baying that Englind had annexed . . I . a country aer large AS, Francebelonging toThe al to; meet soieral' individu a all, bout - upon the same errand 4 myself. ThaterrIAO . or disibled, a proall -extra pension .is. . I � . I . ­ i Theblaaksmithof Glamis"doocription'of . 3net:phys1oswas-'11.Tws, folk disputifil the-- I . side of Ilre, Housei., (Henri bear.) He Was glad. to know thit she bon. gentleman was persons. employed as engineers .elsewhere' than on steimboate.-Mr. Cook... To further :.Vu'tch Books, and, had, broken bar faith with . that Republic. It will be remembered that in uittiie 61 the gale at this time,'may be inferred provided. - After ten years, service' the, I salary, pension arid re%ulaites-'are doubl9d." - � " . . - "gitb r; holhat's li � steDifil diahs k . an What, be . . . grateful to . the people of this � _qountry. for the amendthe General Rail%�ay-Aot,--Mr.-Cook.: � . Mr. Any -1858 the title South African Republic was from the. fact that, demeendiD9 .the silopa of the green, I 'hid 'to. cronalu'down upou the ' ", driased, and � � After twenty years, it is again In " . life.insurance is bestowid. i6oli hini, 'IS . thatlo opeakin' means, arid he that's speakin' 'means result of the last election, for he anticipated MoRms asked whether regulations, been , taken by tV6 Trauaiaal, and. the Bo6o were - grasp !o prevent my being blown bodily , a policy ' ' by Govelament sufficient to keep 121S., . __ - I dina. ken. what. he himsolle-thive � . .. . ::�Zz,.- . . =atsphy*11.111'. - with great joy what this return would show. (tlear,- heari and laughter.) It. wag a feeling. orderor'orders h0a adopted by the Executive Council or any of the Departments, recognized in their power by England, Hol- laud and'Arpeiies. in the ionic It is� mwmy.� It seemed aa -Af, the wind:.had -compelling ,the , family � from want dit case of big death. . . . . Theybaa thelf usual evening quarrel se � hearthioi� I that they could hardly have- expected the bon. gentleman to poeseoi. , (Hear hear, and prohibiting officers of the Local. Government. con fro'm acting a . a . IDA I yoro,reaves noilloro or . year. hoped that Froudels championship of The become a - solid power. One gentleman WAS. blown against another After twenty years he is put, on the.tatired-' � list and receives the same pay as army and, � ]they eat by the On' one aide. -lay I . ?. quietly -'a blinking dog and'on the other a . . I renewed laughter.) He was glad. to know . I Aldermen,: or holding Any , of such pdAtions, wronged people will bive the effect of call! ng the Attention of the Governmeh.t to the injus- � OD ibb green, and both tumbled together. The masaiie iignal-post beside the higbal-box I . navy officere.of a certain rank, but is may,�-' , ' . . � � . . , opurring cat,'and the old woman pleaded with that the bon. gentleman: had become a con- L L And if ooi to what olasheirof offi cars such rules ties OOmm*itfed.­ It is siguificant that the I on fire north end -of the� bridg a was bent,by even then continu a to t each and to' revelie &� . . . I � . regular salary. . . . . bar growling husband : I I Yost look at dat , Vert to One'Of the vi.e*o' exprehaea - by the Apply and when' the name were A.dopted. biet6rian has,reeently lost a son who hold an ' . Ru the wind like a willowwaud, entering cision, .,-. I � ­ . . . . Rat imt to g; they never gwarrelm. unt fights I like no." 11 Yoh," amid the old growler; " I Eon. Mir . Blake ­(hear, hear) -and he hoped thlawas juA a beginning, and that the bon.- Whether any rules, order or orders have been, adopted by the Executive Council, or by any offielal position under the fioveirkment of the Tranmvialo� - . � . � . L L go n d. upon the esplanade the pebbles . . dunning about With Lunch' force that the . . — . 1. I . I . I . I - L , . .L , simplifying the Ballot. - . . . � I . know doi;, but ytfBt die dem together one . � . . -gae b � . und-404,Y.Ou lazen I!$ gentleman would soon become a convert to - a 11 - the views of Mr. Blake. (Uhears arid. DepartmenS of the Government, prohibiting L I officers of the.Locat Government, 'or any. of I ., � . I . . L I � Mr. Edison Admonished..-...... .. I . . ,were hands and face were positively sore with the I I 'the t The form of ballot paper recommended by' - . the Hamilton Tikin posses"s_lhe�advantags - ---.-- L -dime., . . . _. - -.- - _. . .- . . I . We believii the following Is a.sublime pieqe ___ - langhter.)t � � ,� Mr. MoRnia Proceeded to express. regret . � in' thein, from t6king any part in Dover ion or � Legislative elsoilons except that Of voting . I . � .. The Now York -miud- lo- -getting excited ovor Mr. that he can My It violence of iiniiiiat. . andi, hold behinduryback -for. a minute, were completely - of being extremely simple and easily under. . stood, whether it would be oultablein other ' _. . . . of melody.' We dedicate Wto the collector of t axes, - , . . . that the loader R the Government bid not . .. therein, and -if so, to what O'lasa of 'officers I ,Ediponlo pretension - revolutionize the gas 'business I arid SOMO filled. with the drifting mand and pebbles. Looking towarik -the liv6r nothing clearly respects or not. - One thing is 'certain, that, I . -_ I 1. I I � , Pon . .. 1. . I . I L . r '. I 'No shairin blip, huipal4deau, ! met the'overture of the leader of the Oppool- fi�n to avoid *.with a frafik and itich rules apply arid - when . the same ,Wore. .1 . adopted. .. people Wafit "Iturto furnish more light and . . could be made out. .The water* from the . for maily of the -.electors -the form of: She,' - paper ' cannot -be top sihiple. And it is just L' _ L . . I I 18 p, mb&6h'r bhochd gu craiteah ' . . X choldh cor a graldh.'a a lineasig anradh.al . . qqpPtities . � generous reopon3e, 11 .. I . .1, ., . I ­ Mr.' MOWAT 'said in reply that no regula- direction by'she L less talk about what hii is doing. The I I World Admonishes him in this way: : I I Mr.' broken Newport Witter pipe on. tho'bridge was pouring int.6 the river arid, being� caughtin - . . as certain thal the � present 'form' is L too . Ainy oper . 'that diefranchiseg, . I � Clasuin, . ". . . � 1. . . ' IS In uair dhI eirich na, slantou, - . , . . iargain � Mr. MoWAT said the bon. g6nUbman must have been Asleep, or he would have heard - Sides had been made in this - Executive Cciuncih. The Minister of Eduea , d on ought So kn6w'that . the public. will E is not be, disposed to '�put .its faith .In him its descent ,by the wind, was laahed into ,' . spray that helped to veil the gap that .complicated. p ., from 2,006 to *00, voters, ovoiry Provincial - Blas ise to . � I .. - � 'S a smaointean alk Disortahillbli-m-ft l0a-h -an- n , - . . . - I _uAlul. ­­­ . I . t-0-:6, �L � tfiit-be�dld-respond tb* the offer of the leader- the Opposition in a similar spirit. 'The G� -tion-had-mad cl-rulain-bi:8-Depar(ment-that- ill Cfflo'BIOL -� I should dev 0-te. their vholc� time'to: _.___ w -VI . _. ___ - ld�d­- dt-141("ftibupt- inuari longer. If" h Oeo-XO .mrsty - - . . ..in - ad- by- t flmi� --hig-en- ado in- the frou - A I I aleotion.is surely susceptible of improvement. , - � , I that an ,. elootbr 'after being , . t is. no. w6nder ' I L I . � . I I . - — � 4 . L . 'of motion was then cairled.": . . -L their official duties.. In some cases in which L m,aeures for narrowing the gap betwe I I On Mo. I fulnoss of promisee arid bialick of, perform. -of -gentlemen highway. � A number b&vjug- noir . collected below "L t)iq ' bridge, on - -_ � boxed.with aireotion-9 by his friends 'and by - ' . I . _� . I . CmURCU �OPENXNC.. I I I . . � . . . �, . . — I , . .11. L Mr. METCALFE .moved -for it return of -1. The number of regular students, also of h& had* learned that the time which should bw * . devoted to the public service was being Price, concerning the"61ectric.light, Haoug4t the of them ibe esplanade, one climbed.. up 'and_ lifterroading a half sheet of` �:, his opp6nenfo, . Vague instructions, and, a still Inxther . J01101cation ofs Now Frembiteirlan Church I , . . . I , occanionaletudento, aamittedat t7hiversity , occupied by officials. in other leattere.. he.had. also to be. informed that delay in putting hie L invention td a ten& which can be accepted into tDii signal -box Above, - fliers learned from the man stationed less than .'a . laft6i. . . mystifibation from thaL r6turning-officer, -is , , . 'bowilderedwheAthrnat , I � . at Blosielown. . . . I I . �.. ". 4 I I RiDGETOWN, ,Tan. -.-YeOter4gy the Costly I . . . , College. during the years -1875, '1876, .1877, 1878, 1879, diotingulohing, the. males from . . specially ineitructed the cfficer that such A Course must.not be Conti nod, . L ' .'-* . 11 ous A a0arobiog and impartial test has' affected not onty,the r6putation whiehho,has mile from the-acene of thogreoi catastroph a that'he . . know nothing more of. what -ha d in'tabe to."' - perfectly � � -face with the present tangle of -Iinss,'orosa- . �. 1. I ... � an d beautiful fiew. kresbyterian Church here . - . - . "of -Xiiox , the lemaieg. . 2..Of the 'humber ..of. such. - Mn Cp6s: moved for a return Showing thq - . . ' . . . I acquired as a mechanical gbiiiiO, if DO. AS fin L-� �; happened- didD that tholrain signalled,to'bi in .lines -AnVeounter4ines that .make- up- She,— .1. I ., . I dedicated by Prof.. McLaren . . . .Vag " � � * Colin 0, Toronto, ansioted by & Rev. Mr. otuderito ,who actually attended the. College durinj Those - and the number who Amount of money collecto& and'di6burised by each Uouridy Ti�erl` OAtarid from 1868 instructed man of 4�iirioe And,& competent I "all having dUtbibLd upbu.tha.,brld�o fully fi. - . (janadian ballot.�bwen Sound Advertidei. . . .. . I . I . I . :� , 11 . " . . . . Gray! of Windsor. The �audltorluut wag . .. - ­ - - _ . - . ke : at ng room At 01"of, the throg years, . matriculated at the University of Toronto. ' to 1879. L * � ­ . . . elecirician, but also his reputation go an inventor 6votedsingly to hiaown purillito 'that leen minutes before had never. reached his I . otation4 and 4hat all telegraphic core MUnICA.L . DICKEN MEE-Tio DiPCOMFORTS.-Vito.. si, Do 4orneatio diSe . orto of, David Co - 1041f pp�rfi,pld ` . I . . .I.- . ,p , ­­ � . -166t o6"guat *aer th throlag that* . . G_ __ I . a 3.'The respective �oalarisa of professors, Ifut6ri"ind 6thiiiii Iii-iocilit"bi-ifioneys fibva� Mr..CRRId3IT0 N thought the retur ji�ksd . . a - ...... I -_ ,A- 6noi joi-was aktogethibi fd&-Wfg6 ve %lieved - (to nphalclw At.iB .... ext ly.bL �onpi ... ;� Ji6D th liei­sM6 had a -­ - W�l -_ ­ emobd. Wiiia the of - ,h - ­­ ­___ _ .. _ ., ­ I and bora iw no exaggerations of the real. ­ L . -- . . . . ehiir a 6 so and all Inds of seats had. to I,- . . I I ,the 0CII.ge Itundii. 4,. The total amount of Mr. R096 (LHUXOD) Agreed with Mr. Crdgh- , the language of lamps) be, has' turned she eL . , light alternately on and off th � progress L ad In reality happened the -public know. no W am Well no t),Ioy_ likelyto klk6w. do he', mis6ries of the -Dickens houeeliold up r t flaocid2'morag( ofits I ` . . . L L'� a i - he other denominatioild Ali PTO � . closed their all Chan i honor of the event. the annual Income of said. College, and of the� annual charges upon the same. ton, Adding that the return if brought down would be ad bulky that'it would never , &t of his invention -in a manner 1111TIOUnintli :Will 'Over .be -An-entird traiiii, with its living freight, ha , d - ;men% -mistress. -Things , . b appened there which never could by any poo. , L . . l . . To-pight a mammoth supper was spread in . the basement of the church, of which About .L Mr. -HARDY submitted* thk report of the 1 printed or be brought before the public. The favorable to the manipulation of gas stocks, The holders of gao stocks have not forfeited been swept .into the bosom of the Tay, The 'rest was, left to the - imigi- sibillt� bav a occurred under any othei L too tree; as, Dickens himself used to declare in des.. . I eight hundred people partook. Addressee mere delivered by Rev. Minors. Gray, 6f.Wind-. Inspector of Division Courts for 1879. , Mr. HARDY presented the report of the . . motioii,wao subjected to considerable around. Mont by members of the Government, And . their rights as oitizsl2o by buying gae stocks, , abil although they would have, no right to natidn., In . the clear .-sunlight of the morning I have again visited the spot, bUt 00 porationof6pirit'L. Ihave seen theirL house. ' ' barricaded and garrisoned by a drunken Cook,. - � . I . Box, and Walker and MoColl, of Chatham ; inspector of Asylums and Prisono for 1879. I . Mr.HAuDY stated that the refurn of Con- Was, After some discussion, in which the question ofthe roduotioh of the numbs i Of complain It their investments were ouddonly . destroyed by the invention. a light better calmly W" Lthe river then- rolling� onward the-oes, that, -. save for Jhe jUdontent I si�'L a he * n 1, who*exeouted a war'dance t t dra i 9. ,. I L � . I rev., giintl4rann from Bothwell, Thames4ill" . I - � . and St. Thomao,. And, by Mon. Do MilWand victiono.under the Masters and Servants'Aot, - County Connoillbrs:- was, mentioned, Carried I I . . .of and cheaper than gas, they certainly have , L . .toward ' in.,midriver, it' hie evidence .of the great gap room windows, -hurling defi%no6 therefrom at .' .. , . I . I the excluded family and assembled inhabitants. � . . I . all the local rathistorsof the town. Thecash L receipts for Sunday And to -night aisover concerning which enquiry had bden made by . . -the leader of the. Opposition, bad boon ple. am mraonde& . . . I � 1. &r., DRIDEN moved fo,r,An order of .the also right to complain kf delusive proolsma. r tiono of the invention of.puch a light are so woo difficult to think- that the significatit scene of last night wag. other than a horrid I , of the neighborhood. On bno occasion a , . . gathered at, , L '' somewhat numerous . party %AB. 11 '.1 I . I . I � 15006 . sent6d, to the House , on the 17&h - of Maroh I I 14ouse for a raturn,ohowing the number of � put aboUtLthatl etook jobbers way make"Use . . . . . I. . nightmare. . . Ili 0 table,whan Maelise remarked to I . . L I I I . � ... , I . . I . � L . '.- 'L lost" but had not been printed. � L . ' . councillors comprising the several County. I Councils -of this province from 1868. to '1879, of-1hem, effectively to cl�proea the price of . L � I . ` . . .. trilis IN D�NDEH. - - . .dinjuar . . L ,big neighbor Ili fin iiii0e.oul voieo, "Isn't I I AMM7ACULOVA 19soApoi. r. Writ. Wood- I . yatt, employed at the, Go W. R., L Brantford, SOTICiO OF XOTION. r 7 , I Mr. Bidgerow-Thuroday-Unquiry. *bon the number of seasi . Qng hold, and the amount . . gas stooks:11 . . . I . I I I .00IMNE, ,. The sensation Produced by Lthig sad.eve-nt" . there something Curious abatit the table. L i cloth? It doesn't shine P Onexamination,; 1 . . I . . . � icame very near losing him lite on Saturday I . the return an to the value of the Present ato paid for the - attondAnoe of members. Tho motion carried. .. . The Cleveland Yoice recalls -this holiday over the, whole of Scotland ham I jeen Ina. mango. -The pride which the people of :. . it struck the. persofi addressed that the dinner, L . everd"$ last. Up; Woodyatt left the station � . I I . � vilh - the -object .of lighting 1he nommPhoire of the Parliament Buildings, and tbe. probable. cost of now -buildings, will be laid before the I . . Mi. 0900RO introdUCEd a Motion providing lea incident : ,,Young men on limited salar, arid still more limited'aredit have 'got to be , . Scotland have Lin their Tay. Bridge has led I WAS abr�ed upon a sheet. Far more trying . - I than Bubb .. I . . to. gn6stoi however, itile � � lamp. Instead of. opposing the bridge over ; , � � " I . .. . I I . House. - . . . . thattho resolutiong, providing to r the prink� Ing of thavotoo and proceedings at the order careful how they .Practise their little games era to' Visit if a lar.ge,"x!,umb nd aides it since its Op n I, 1817,10nd Shure ate few families -the .any - wl : OcLeentriaity Was the Strong Ungunge ith I � . . . the canil. he attempted to cross on the ice, . . I n a rough an six holei Mr. Creighton-Thuroday-,4-Bill'to Amend the Liquor License-Adt. � � of the Speaker. only ; for She withdrawal of a on the fair -,sex. A youthful Clevelander who answers the above description Come to whose sense of the gravity of She a6oidobt� is. which 4he hoat received the converstil . blun0ers of the poor little hoateos.-,Philt�l . . -Hie crime for help attracted SL 'Couple Of, � I . I from the 006kahutt Bridge, Who Mr. Youn,g-m-Thtlroday�Fdr-papero or cor.. . member from the House while the validity of . his election was under debate; and for the grief Christmas, Day by presenting ilfw Idol. of his heart with -&-pair of. oolitaire earrings not rendered more vivid by faixiiliarity with I pDal the scene, And the power with which pare L delphia'Bulletin. ... � I . -, gentleman ­ . nootted him.. Had' it, not been - for the L resporidence b6tween.the Provinotal Govern- . mont and that of the Dominion juregard to . punialiment of corrupt praotioap, which reso. lutions are alWayo-okiried At the opening . wrapped up in a dolls, -tisement. r store adve. remlillooenoe .assists' imagination to realize the awful event,, In Dundee, L 0 I course, the -Shall a husband'kbep his wife informed - I disputed .n . I of his businiso off'sirs ? This is a . prompt action of Iiis. risoners Mr. Woodyatt ''.. . I - .. - . , . .w.buld,uniloubtedly have boon arowne.d. the award of the arbitra,torsin inferno so to the northwelit boundaries of Ontario. A.lso-- - bf the ionalo'n, ''be otailding -' oiders of the ,, .L . lie says it was, entirely, an socido.lat. bicit she. soutth . . a jowell6ry back. and wontopeak to him . . . exaltem . ant reached a opainfid Climax.% As. . . 'for the AgODY Of the and friends wh6 . - , quostioli *48 a matter of theory, While as 8, . I mattor of fact it is often determined by'the ' ' I , I L . . . . Lord Young has dimmio0ed*aeproutisture an, I � action brought to %jet aside the will.of the Thursday-Ratun. showing the number of aboidents on Provincial railways during the , nouie. Mr. CRUIdATON said this waii evidently ab., endeavor to do away with red-tapelem, arid .. on the street," . . . . . I . , L London Tiluth : It hag .b,en noticed that . Iils parents waited the arrival, of the train on, Sunday night, who could describe if ? 14 True sor. . Chorister oi the wife. Some women inAlot . . I upon kiowing all aboni the, affairs of their , . . -1 . I . . - UteRobert'l!iiiiPlbtorii'ool�ietime.wgtbbbitikirr � . - L . -oom of about in Ayr, who left 96 Capitol 016 11 of poisons killed loot five ye - - . . ,pi,jGp,d,�,rt'(,,'tb,�,,um e,,r ­ � , a, was glad to see it, 11, He noticed that in the -the votes and Proceedings this 0080JOUL word , gi who have happy homes, .4lona more easilythail those who have been mnih bullied ' . row," said Balzaa., ,,is difficult to describe', . t requires so much Simplicity." In this ease humbands while others Are an persistent IW - 2 � treating them AS st . with entire indifference. . . . ;elo,000:to the Mogisiraten of Ayi in trust, to TORONTO_ I J 0 _Th Speaker took ill$ chair three Legislature was used, Whore in fohnor years b� their friends ;. and this is only natural, forthe letter fear the. wrath of their family neither the simplest phrase nor. the Whole I matter Of theory it seems to no that the more I I I I . repair or rebuild the old bridged Ayr When I Injish atbing might be'required. Themoiley 1 at o'clock, L . Mr. MOWAT preunted the report ,of tfie L the Word Parliament was udedi Ed wished to know whether this was an Indleation'that to Tho'bappy girl, who for once Monte ' MOB Ishes host ,of intensifying adj6otivog... would adequately portray it. It is revealed to the thoroughly A wife keeps herself informed Of her buieband's business condltl�n and conw * I . I . . . . is Wk propelIC life,rallied bi TompletoWo � 1, I 1. . � Ordinary thinks any misters, and the Lord Committee appointed -to prepare and report 1, stif of Standing Committees, on whioh we, , the Government.did not approve of the use of the -word Parliament regizdiDg this As- a roplotande to her wi to which she has . 3bqs6med, froto under' not been si -the curb -people of. Danaea, by their own, keen oym- I pathito, and Ili like,mannot, k will be gauged . h clact the.bettei it is for'both. . It Is better for Um' b 6616W9111 Opal oenoeio often, . '� ed&UI30 L a w .� , question as to the disposal OU tire capital Sum Ind the following local names ,. . , I f . . oembly ?., . I .. . ' like a restive filly, and, deoididg to bolt, . by all those who road the harrowing tplo arid a 0 pra6tlod ; L "A wholesome corrective of busin it a I Vould boot be reined. . . after,the deaths of Slid . , . . PRIVILEGES AND ELECTIONS. Nwrey, Uaxomdeiri Or's okmri� MoUallo-n, MR06o'ergi- L Mr, MOWAT Said he'dia hot raftoto that she Shall be.6ble to make mat. taro all right,with her friends by and bye. note the too oim�le facts. From an English and her perspective is always batter. 'It is: _' hot . . Ulo-reutori. .. . son, Waters. opinion hold by some that the use ., of . . point Of view Ouch A CAtASttOphO At Bubb A better for bar because it giVd a DOW L . . Worth is favoring the Introduction of pur. I Find had sont,out some elegant costumoo PRIVATE BaLo.-Ildemors. Awroyo Baxter, . the word Parliament was Improper. The word.waa not, however, used regarding the Adelins, Patti, on her recent arrival in Drooden, was met At thd railway station by 6, moment oesmad to come At the close of a joyous season as if in t000kery of rabobt field of thought, and enlightens her natural, imipuloes and feelings by the practical coil- - - . I 'Ple. , -color withAur trimmings. Bonnets . I of that I bf light purple velvet oi' matin ate recom. Caseadenj Chisholm, Hardy I Heiropurt, Me, -Mahon, N601011, Waters, Parkhill, Ronevenri RAlLwAYjL Legislature in the British North America Act and it woo *611 to 'be In iddold with the party of her admirero, Their spok6omant a (Jonerali handed hot a beautiful bduqu t, and . I a IL holiday Mik1h. n Scotland, .where ,Now a Year's D y IS the popular festival, It mocked siderstions of every clay Ms. It dosEl not . make her less womanly,,hub Dow and thenIt I I . / . Lmended by the milliners to accompany black �Megorai Chisholm. Crooks, I Gibson (Hamilton), Livingston, Robortoon to, ., I L L As I I . was about to deliver an addrooso who# the . asoario of the -prima douns approi6hed festivity in advance and cast a dread shadow between the and still may make her ra1pre oonsible. 'Mr. the I 1 1 satin gowns. American Woman, am & OIROO, I cannot wasp thircolor at all, -auait thoy�e. Calvin, Creighton. � . , Mr. MERADITir Agreed With t he making of resolationo standing' orders, And Bnggeoted Impr him and said: "Your Excellency,, plosoo . people planiureo in preparation. It � was - it . and Sikes' agioldal plunge from now"t 4 Scibiianolon 'Bridge at Niagara' Falls is the, . L Visa they will avoid It. Worth finds his own STANDING OADEM.-M000ro. Glboofi (Ham. ilton), Livingston. I I . that the motion requiring the Clerk to bring the agreeable task Of oddrexal ng = for in thig drought she May easily Now. Yoneo , Day Weak in Dundee. one of We unfortunatit second that has occurred from that structure. I L . .. profit In sending out gowns that will be . bought because they are, his, W which will . PlUbLid ACCOUNTS. - MOSSiM, Hareouxt, - , 11dray, down the offioial returns of voting at elections should. be made a otaidlog. order, He catch A dreadful told In I tbo head, and every POSeeng0pst Goorga Jobnotone, .wao the only son of the In Pario particular oolunino and bridges,have beectine so frequentbil for golf-&etruetion� � _.�. be thrown adde after.a short time as unbe - I Young". L- . . ­-Ux.Vool) introaltIL Bad a Bill reopqofing the aiso suggested that With it, view to-expeau. I ouch Rocident'loosto tile 15,000 Marks. I 1. I . -a patk-kooper on the ft .Fort estate. He was ti D bb married Lind him betrothed that giiiidiand are kept near by to arrant oir . - to. . . I toming. , L . I . Agricultural College. . I Ing the business .of the House at each .session, petitions for private bills should NOW I$ the time to have 612 your table good piump, dignified duelif with's. bnnoh of engaged 0 went down with -him. In the Tay Bridge drive off would,bo ouloidea'. Mr, Sikes had . journey by poll to NiAgAT4 for his' purpose, 4' . . Hon. Fernando Wood aid a Very PIOR00,11t thing InWaslaington a few 6vaningo since In 11 Ths Bill woo read & first time. , Mr. MowAT Introduced a Bill entitled an be in at on Oallier.Lde,to than il now $of down for them, � . I I calory bach side of him, Ilke two coni;ty judgagtipholding a lumber of the Supreme station there wera hot, A few heartrending "oned, A mob trembling from excitement and timed him , loAp for Christmas Evoo mailing 6 letter to big son at ouch an 110uk . . I pitlDii an onfortainment: in. honot ol Miao Act .91 To Consolidate the Superior - Obirito of Law and. Equityj to establish a uniform . . The motionoarried. � . court. . told of his loss mother, Mrs, Moldrdul- ODO'l L L that it would reach him Christmas Day, I . I EMMA 0. ThukOyt � . I . I I . % I , . I - . � I . .. . 11 � I . I I I . I I . . . , . . . 4- , L I � - I : . I I . I .1. . I _ � .. .. . . . . . . . ! � I I . � I . I I . I I 'L � I . � . . , . I . I . . . I L 11 . I . I I I I I . . I . . . �. I � ,. . . I L I . I .. � . . I . � I I . I I I " I � � I - . - � I � I . ­ � � . - I L I so . I , I � . ,. . . . � � . I I 1- . ­ . . �. ­ .1. . . I . J0 . .1 I . I . I .- . I . . I . . . I L I � . I � I � I .6 . . . 11 . I . . - I . ---.-,-,-.-�-11�-,-_,__�,.,�..,.._�.f,."�.., . ___­ I , ____ . L I I I 6 ,. . . . . ,. 0 1 L 11 � ., . � I � I . I . I 4 I . . . , , ,� * I . . .11 I 11 , I k � . . . I., . I . I I � I . L I � I � ; .41 4 " � t I . . * .. . . . # � . L . . I ,;,� " . , N . � .1 � . L. 1, .1. - L, - ­ .. . 1. ,, I , 1. -1 .111- �­, , ' " � "' L , ' � , I i �� I 4, - , ,.. ,11i�7 ­�, 1.11 ".1 . 11 . . I IL 1. 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