HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-01-22, Page 3„
(10,94, News tor our Podly
* Pflentits. .
ooze votes own Pree.
'How wall we remember, the fair dap; of yore,
Tim old faim house kieffien, the hright painted
Wflose. deri ..r childhood, whore motbeee
mar Mee
311iimiaed each corner About the old place.
%dame piesoX our boyhood! we've not Been titem
The custard and pumpkin, the apple end mince,
scantily and deep, and eo mammoth wee;
Rut then our. near mother, she made her own
Then pretty, fair honeevilleovItIt home bright
and neat.
Your kitchens° tidy, your household complete,
What happiness beams in your fair sunnyft tee;
With tinbwy weite apron that adds Blum a, grace,
Ton make your own bread, that is 'money and
white. .
You "put up'', preeerves, and make cake aark
and light,
Would you fashion a dainty your lactutehold
would prize,
. When pretty, fair housewife, pray snakeyour
own piee. '
And dear little -maiden, expecting to wed,
,zloty doret pass shut by mitla a Moe of your head.
yOtir husband you'd please, an the dies of
'Axed make ben the sweetest and best little wife.
PraY, would you be neanny and wotod you be
'Why, 'dem' little maiden, then Make your own
-HOW-TO coon A 0271.1.1,
First, never fry it: There is no mastery
about broiling it beefsteak, and yet ninety.
nine times in a hundred it is badly 000ked.
The simple art le to cook it eteak withopt
•!molting it, and to retain the juices. When
• yon root your cake of Indian.ink on a palette,
and happen to put your braeh in your mouth.
and twee it, the peetiltar savor is that of
• 011I1)011. Now, carbon is One rif the
Pednets ot the imperfect cotnbustion qf
• bydro.osebon, and tlae best lampblack is
made that way. If there is any nude of
India ink about it steak or chop, it is at
lain.. The" mt. then,. ie @imply to broil.
without„firing.. or blazing, No steak can
be °oohed without • watching it. The
,. fire meet be very. hot, The • outside.
Sliest be well cooked in order to • keep
• the juice beide .but the onteide must have
scam any thiekneei. The thing to do is to
teen it steak from aide to side, and to keep
doing it. Never pepper or sing a steak until it
Is on the dish. To pepper it might not do so
xnuCh harm, but to salt it is almoot a crime.
• Never es° a girdiron with too broad slate ; that
scored We beefsteak throogh, and fries over-
done dry portions. • Dionne your girdiron.
• If there is it blaze •from the melting fat, the
•flame will barn beyond the steak.' It is difl.
• ecdt to arrive at a proficiency with a sleek
which has too mueli fat on the edges. Trim
yornesteech well; and, if there be fat on it, when
your girdiron is inclined, "let the fat portion
• be up towards the haudle at firat. Good Oaths
Wanes be waved iestantaneoufily on a hot
Sate. Butter is aciralseable on is Meek, but
enty in very minute quantity, If the Mae
steak he of good quality, out an inch and an
eighth thick,. and the cooking.artiatio, the
juice Octhe ineat-follews every out': -
• TO /}000ele 00Id Turkey. -Out tip the
remain!' of a turkey in sraall pleeee. Add
Wit half.pint or rime et good, high
flevored' oyeters, cut In piton. Strew the
bottom of athlete dieh with cracker craMblf,
cover with a layer Of WOO/ and 4 leer of
oysters, add is very Utile ealt, mantle pepper
• and Mee. Repeat Until the larkey and
laden ere need up. Md 0 little liquor from
the oyetera and net them in the even ter
twenty minutee, then edd more canner liquor,
an egg beaten, a few email lumps of butter,
Nome cracker crumbs, and a grate of nutmeg.
Let it brown nicely,
People who have been frigntened by pie
• events may at home make a delicious lemon.
meringue pie from the following roseate° :
• Three Milne of butter, two teacupfuls of
white anger, the juice of three lenione, the
grated rind of one lemon and two teacupfuls
'of boiling water aro put into a porcelain,
• lined eancepan and boiled together for five
minutes, when they are thickened with a
teaspeonful of 00211 etarch. When the pan
removed from the Are the Y011111 Og three
• eggs Previously beaten are added and the
whole is poured into a deep dieh lined with
rich e page. Bake for About twenty-five
minutee in a quick oven. Have readythe
whites of three eggs beaten to a froth with
two tableopeOnfuls of powdered sugar and is
little lemon flavoring extend. When the pie
come pet .of. the 091in, coven it with, thie
meringue and return the dish to the oven for
a few •seconels, so that the meringuemay
color to a light brown.
Cream Ogions.-Boil in two watero, drain,
and if they are large out into tit:carton, and
pour over them a cup of Bolding milk in
Wbtdh'plifeb-iff Soda, had -been- Mitred; get
Over the fire, add it tablespoonful of butter,
half it teaepoonful of Corn starch wet with
milk, a little minced parsley, with pepper arid
salt. Simmer and -pour out.
Potato puff.-- To each two cupsful of
=abed potatoes° take one tablespoonful of
melted butter and beat to a creara ;• put with
tine two eggs (whipped light) and' a cupful of
•milk, galling to taste. Beet all weir; pour
into a greased baking dish ,arid bake quickly
to a light brown, •Serve in the dieh in which
it was cooked. .•
• *geed way to keeP, cut flowers freeh is to
lay them in wet clothe. Telie them out of
*the .vases at ,night, eprinkle With cold water.
and then wrap ;hem up in clothe made very
wet with cold Water. :The weight of the cloth
will not crush the moat delicate licwere,arhile
it keeps out the attend prevents their falling
to pieces or opening farther.
• Fried Farsnips,-7Soil nett' tender in hot
water 'slightly salted; let them get almost
.00ld, map° off the ekin and eat in thick,
long Anise; dredge with flour and fey in hot
dripping, turning as they brown; drain very
dry in it hot colander; pepper .and sett to
A fact worth' remembering in oonneetiOn
with eealekin is that after it hag been exposed
to rain or snow it should be firet well Weaken
and then hung up to dry in it room Where
Mere is no artifieial•heat. /I dried by a fire
or furnace beat the fur hecomea Matted to.
gather and defend.
„ The pantry shelves are getting grimy, or
finger...retake .; around' the door.latohes are
looking dark end unsightly. Foe, leek of
thme they are lelkdayAfter day, for it is hard
work to scour ell the time, and -it -Wears off
the paint, tee. Thehnebanci keeps his bottle
o1 -oil. or perhaps a larga-ean •holde It, fee be
never stints in that. Now suppose -his wife
• bas her bottle of ammonia to use. She takes
• her bit`ein of 'Neater and clean cloth, jeit puts .
on a few droes'of the flaid•wid wipes off all
the dirt; it ie worth half a- dayfe labor, and
does not hurt the paint either. She weld
pat &few drops in her dish water and bee how
easily the diehes Could be aliened. • A few.
Amps on it sponge would clean all\the win-
d ows in the sitting-rooni, making there shine
like crystal. It would take the stains c if the
tes.spoons, and n teaspoonful in the inop•pail
would de more tower& waehing up ,the
kitchen floor than ten poen& of elbow grease
applied at the mep.handle. A. housewife has
- - ---jnete-aa.-much-right-to-inake her_workeas
and expeditious an her husband has. If she
• dose not do it, the fault is her own in a 'great
siesseure. . •
• TILS Women To oast. • '
Throatiets of pearl are now very fashion-
. .
sble. At first they were • finished with
•tassels et the ends; now they are 'clasped
• toned•the throat. • The Primus of 'Wales
ware hero with it magnifietantdiatnond'clasp.,
Dreeity ehomi are now -made to mateh,the.
tenet, andeare embroidered to correspond With
the gloves worn at the dame time. Dalt:black
• kid shoes loote beet 'ernbroidered with gold
darts,•whilii Weer threads are Most Mean/a
•on pale blue, pink, or white shoes, 'Berne
Iodise embroider their Own chauestieree.
Woven petticoats that now come -for little'
ghle• as well lie women, in attractive patterns
and -bright calottirere • last .takingetheplaise-
of flannel. They are not Flo liable to shrink
in waehing,' and while light in Weight they
sling to the figine.and make it very Warm gar.
meet: •
Melt hate with inoad,brinie are in voguelor.
neriage-use-Only, They are trimmed _in
many. ways. A very suitable atyle is to have
the brim turned up on the left aide and three
tips coming from the top falling over this
brim.A email (emote is just completed which
is made of mose•colered satin, embroidered
-with embemire beads in designe of palm
leaves. The lfonnet was trimmed With fi
maraholit tuft, covered with eachemire span -
pies. Lan contrast to this tiny bennet, around
thane& is went a Very large cravat of °resin.
colored g4 °xenon de Lahore," with clesigne of
^ Indian feulard, with gold intaimiXed. Ora.
vats become larger and larger. They are
einizetimes twelve inohee 'broad, and being
very long, the lower Tart of the Wain is
severed with tulle, lace or crape.
Yonng ladies are using flowers for the
otsiffitre almost to the exclusion of all else.
, Soft flowere-olustere• ot. drooping Utter..
delioione tome, each., petal ready to
hall and half unfolded bade -are favorites.
• The eunflower is modelle . in request, not
the eutflower Of the kitchen garden, but a
anbittnated and 'ettnnatuous affair of yellow
eatintbat is coneeived only in the tropical
dancrof a Frenchman. - -
Mies Toetin2, it sohoel teacher of-Kittitas
hkW'taken -TP-' it 'ran'tileiM;"
fenced iI,lnitt a house and raised 612 hellhole
of grain, besides teaching her echool.
• yotthg lady Who did -net adifilte the
custom in vogue among Inie sisters of writing
it litter and then croeil-writing it to illegibilty,
said' ihe would Prefer her epistles " without
nn Y overskirt." \
There are • now: fifty girls' • antong the
atudenta of Cornelitniveraity,, and thirteen'
est thein are frilehment„
• Mimi Lilian Whiting,`.en the edittirial etaff
Of the Cinoindati Contntercial, eteye-orher
post Until eleven &Clot:110A night, She le
said 10 look the •ploture of.,Btrong,, healthy,
fresh, young life, and hap proven bYliet work
that a Woman part do well on asdaily paper.
imaireei Ann /mines RI AtiliT RATIL
Eggs often turn black when 'belled herd.
If they are put in boiling water ten minutes,
and then bite Cold water, th0 yolk vial remelt
bright /Ulm.
Lamm, Ian. Young married woman
-Munid Me% Itsekitged-seVenteen; Of .Nkftid;
was brought to this city under arreet as
dangerous lunatic. She' had before her
'marriage ; bren_easpeeted of 'a tendency to
lunacy and -after marriage she Made meddle
attempts to .talm her husbaod's life. Ile
abandoned her without Mimed in itonie!„
end she went Uwe. tO her - entente::
Ahem. she manifeeted her. murderous: pro•
potiiii tepeatedly: Once she boiledlunifei
matelies in the tea: Again, ehe put poiaon'
in the porridge, threw 'her Child Oat Of a
Window, ewidlow,ed a large dose di Paris green
herself:from Which oho was saved by timely
niedioal aid ;•othathen declared her intention
of hanging herself and prOcee•ded to an mit
ef the way rthed.for that purpom. Hey friends
could bear with her conduct, nd longet ;and
had her looked up.- Slie :white examined by
the medical authorities nett Tuesday.
Ricirnardinarr lacretuse ot:Wwench Vann-
° • dlanss.
progreSe between
French-Canadian papere in Canada and the
:United Mateo, concerning the French.,1
speaking inhabitants Of 'tho •latter country.
The American parent Mainline the number at
400,000, while our journal's will admit at the
most only half that mutation. It might be
supposed that statiatice of Mine port would
be easily obtainable t� determine the quo.
Mon, but it seines. not. Among the facts
brought out in the ditedassion, 'however, are
acme of much interset,, that is' it they are
lads and not fancies. ie Canada,' which
tekee the lead in the debsee, aesertifthat in
•the Prolinoe ,Quebec the English speaking'
inhabitants are eteadily decreasing in unit.
ber, andlhat in the, other *time .4f -
Dominion the ingorniug immlgrante,, and the
natural increase of population, scarcely make
tip for the lotteee which we are sustaining
thrthigh emigration tothe StMee. Therefore,
-argues Le Oancz,da, only the great fecundity
of the Freneh-Canadian rue secieunteler the
imam of the inhabitanta of the Doniinion.
It is ehown .by etatisties that the French.
Canadians double in number every twenty-
eight years. In 1765, the French:Canadians
in Americe ntituberia-84;00-In- 1817, they
numbered 1,a59,00; and the rate of increase
is still inadiminiehed,.. notivithstanding the
asserted stoppage of 'the advance of the
Englisn.spealripg Canadians: These state.
manta tire musompromieieee, • and phould
afford much Comfort toour Frenchameakimg
tellow.eitieens.'-Aceording te their tenor the
Freneh-Canadians are taking Canada more
effectually than the Dutah ever took Holland.
• • •
E1110141su 40014411111.. COX,UPEIr.
,The Admiralty have just eome to e &Melon Be,. Cornellue Murphy, 0.04 Ceittletown
xe00001p.tairdiener4leodet:Ithewb:oirPmeneganulblitnIviobnjolidvirtriihhipf7orbbeitY. dc!latlivee. Beldret,v4Pleat oienk''Pe "OlTehh.,. Ballemena. Wbfeli
was erected at a coot of 48,000,. was -on Deo.
• Tho Bpelilng *form Affseciation In Eng- •-3,13$1.1tohaly destroyed by film
land has received twenty eehemes from their . Dr.Eiringtort, Q. O., bee been, kat:Warred
authoee In response to an invitation, and from the County of Tipperary to the County
others ere awaited, • of Derry, am Oountygoint Xadge.
To Paes hiM "lie 'they would a tree" were
tjut instruction's given to Cie laborers and
tenents.on the lata Cake of Portland's estates
11 they should at 6117 *Ina° meet the Doke.
In Norfolk, hot month, two men qeized and The Royal, Helene Society hes voteda
killed, it 048 Whieh had taken refuge in a medallion to Mtn Themes Begley, etudent ;el
barn, from the hounds, and drove ewity, with the, Queen's College, Belfast, for eavieg
it, passing huntsmen and hounde. • They Edward Magee froMdrowning on the 801h of
were afterward Aped. june 'apt.
Mrs. 'Webb, of Ledigioy, readied her 101st The parish priest of Bedlisodare, Dr.
birthday a few diva ago. She ie In gtanl O'Borixe, has reported to the Sligo Board ol
health, and eau read and 001lITOLBES on the Guardians that some people in hie dielriet
topiee of the day. She le the widow of the ended thet they had not tinned food for
late Mr. Webb, -banker and Deputy•Lienten. 1301n0 daye. •
ant of Herefordshire and Worcestershire,
-The White hall .Review hes mem to be-
lieve that tne Russian deepen:10e found in
COO have all been received at the Indian
Office. They are being printed, and from
what that journal learns are likely to astonieb (..,eGiruta•
bah Bassophobitit and Euesofoolish English. Identenant has appointed Mr.
A Maidstone correopondeni reporte the
death at lifeidetone of Mre.ElizabethWeaver,
who was in her 1051b year; having been born.
,at Maidon, Kent, Sept..10th, 1775. he had
enjoyed exceptionally tiood health, and until
levemonthe.agoposeensed all berl000ffielf,- time of payment of -which he extended to
Wheixin her 101st year oho is stated to have Nov. 291la to his tenantry in Carlow •
emserrn.ed 37s, 6.1. at hoppicking in one. Brun,
At the Connaught- Maim at Clarrietr.on.
• Shannon, on Thursday week Patriolt lld'Huge
' Among ihednaidelits Of the sevete Weather waireentenoed by Ur. thietice Harrison to be
in Fiance le the freezing to 4403 01 it Felice" hanged in °Minty Galway jail on the 16th nf
run in Paris, °La pair of 16ver° who 00°04 January next for thewilful murder of Michael
eaah other'i
egoidety n the ditch Dt 1110tOrlla- riehenY. at Woodford, County Galway, on
oatione, bemuse their cruel parente would not obrimma, �,e jaot.
allow them to meet at Mine, ,on4 of two girls: • •
The Marquis of 'Waterford fell off his hers°
who lost their way in the anew, while retain- .
-• -while out feat -hunting on December 19th,
ing fromeohool near Viney. • .
An *Areas recently obtained divorce from Beeborough, Kilkenny. The. place
where. 'the accident moaned nejsr Where
her second husband in' London on the some.,
the third Mar uis fell and sustained' fatal
mono. His citairdshitili sevelerf out, but
what novel ground -that when ehe married , .
him in 1876 As; firetrhstsbandorhom sbehad • .
married in 1867, and who :bad left her soon ..tne. nut extent of bus bit:wk.:ran 'et tin*
Known. .
deputation from the tenantry On the
-L-eitiiiinderryceitiari and Diiwn estates of
the Dowager Lady Garvagh waited on, Lord
and lately Garvagh, and presentedditem with
an address of welooine on the occasion of
,their first deli to Iritland-7after • their'
marriage. • Lady Garvagh was Med -pre-
sented with a 'very valuable eat of diamond
'jewel& . • . •
In consequenee of the constant failures of
the Misting cables and the .expected increase
of Irish telegraphict -business, the post-et:gide
'authorities have determined Upon in,oreasing
the Minna of cemnianication by laying s new
cable containing it core of four wires.. Opera.
tone have already been commenced, end it
is anticipated that the new line will ..be corn.
:plated Oda week. •, • • " -
The 570a Regiment arrived at Kingston on
Saturday morning ,week board the trans-
port City of Venice from Natal. They dia.
embarked at noOn and Marched to Dublin; a
glistanoe of,emen.milets,..vehere,theY0:.wille-ba
temporarily stationed. it to expected, that
detachments of thelegiment, will be sent to
the disturbed 'districts in the West, The:men
were-mithasimitically cheered.
•Tite jreinctt victory of Mr.. Lee in Donegal
has 4 great 'Aigeifieance it, present.. The
county bits hit herto 1.)0011.'p ‘0OntieriffiiiVe
inreetehold,„and Mr:Lee..w.aa tleficitad-there.
1.876 ; view" he 'lir dittorithit• • With -683
majority. Three !care ago sno Conservatives
polled 1,975 votes ; last nleetion"they polled
1,630e though ttiey niver made; such exer-
tions; ; wbibe the Liberal strength-. iacteased
trom.1,876 to2,313. Pilo band 'agitation Is
the cause..of thia extraordinaty change In
relations • for thelarniers of•Donegal though
'not • -holding enteetingey °feel .desply their
poeitions. .• • • : ' •
. . • .
A novel inisitlent took Platie tit the Carrick --
on -Shannon meeting �n • Sunday • Week. " One
of ilux epeakeee,' Mr. Lynch, •in- the Opuree Of
hie • remarks, . referred to, Her Majesty in
• termof loyal teepect, which Were not to the
taste of ,some, persons in the crowd. • The
thieeii, • tliti:T4tiiiikeiliaid, • witiMe: greateet
emereign who -had sat. on the thiene. eince
Alfred the Great, and were•phe to coins here
beforitthein the would receive _a .ceadmine
failthe. • The. epeaker wail interrupted with
, Mies of i'Nd, rio," and 11 Qiiesti•on," and was
reminded that he ehottld epeak to his ranee
lution ; but bele' (needed to remark that Her
Majeety wae rio maker. of Uwe.. ‘.(Loud
.groane, and it voice, I:, Tenant right Anahuac'.
rule.") . Lynch then declared that
nothieglut 'a Parliameat in C011ege''' Gavot,
•weuld reetore peaces and- prosperity to •Iee.:
-land. In makingthose statentents hobs& no
fear. He .believed Ireland • Wt -part and parcel
.Olthe empire, and that nattite. intended' the.
. islands. to be !one.' The epeaker Was •finally
• proved my point in the end. -On the. reveille . Pusheduside to make room for afr. Devitt,
of the 'Spanish ,dollar is.a.repretentitien oU ' •• . • • •• • •
the Pillars' of llerculee,• and 'round etch , 101111E.wnoop.uv C14.FiGi'.
.pillar le, a scroll with.theinscriptien, . • • .
isitra." Thisdetail° inthe course of thine has • • -
Heirtney svere Brieigen. up and Captained
-.degenerated into the !lige which. stands at
tit Riounted ranee..
• present for • Aineriesn as. welt as Spanieh " • •
".6;" • The scroll round the pillars, I • • _Ortswe, Northwest gentleman
take it, repreeents the, two serpents eent by writing , to , this . eitY describes -an hieldent
Jun? to (betray Heroitles hi his oradlm . • . werthY of mention. He nye that shortly after
' the arrival of the form at the Ogee now called
How TO PAie AN aXAMINATION zim IAN.- Fort McLeod 0aptain0renier, Sub-Inapeetor,-
it Examiner -Do- you smoke, sir 2.. Candidate *as pont. by Col. McLeod with ten men to
-4 do, Mt. Exandiner-130e you it ewe arrestn desperate °barmier, a negro -named
• aim? Candidate -Yea .sir • (extendieg a Bond, for murder, and whti had •for a length
there six) Examinete-NOW, iir, what ie. `Of tfine defied all authority., After riding .all
the Aril .daty•of it lawyer -ClandidateTo night he With his men arrived about 'daylight
aolleot fees. Examiner -Right.; what Is the at the wretelee cabin, and captured him
mooed/ Coriaidatee-To inereasethenumber 'Meet Cleverly and effeettially putting a Mop
of hie 'client& Examiner -When' does'your • 10 110 negroeimireer Newham; On'returning
satiation. towarde yotir • client . change? do Fort Dietleod with hie ;prisoner, Captain
Candidate --,When making is bill of costa: Crozier•pereeived the terrible "Whoop -up"
Examiner -Explain.- Candidate -Then we gang Of ontlaWs. WhO had been the terse of
occepy.the antagoniet'e poilition. X tiesurae, , the whole NorthWeet, and had' robbed and
• the character of...plaintiff, and he hmoineel cheated the ram' Indians• year after year,.
41efendant. Egeminer-L mit decided, bow preparing to leatie Wheep.up with their. 111.
can you etand with the lawyer' conducting gotten paince and • althotagn four of -• hie
the ether bill? Candlclate--Qheels by jowl 1 horses had give n out, the Captain attacked
Eiaininer•e-Enough; ; yoU promise' to. be the deeperadotie: with onlY . aixmen, made
an tenement to your profeesion, and I_ wish phoning of •the Whole gang, and confiscated
you succese."„ New. are you .aware of the • al( their goods, nunthers. of house, waggons,
ditty you! owe uta? Candidate-Perfeetly. large'quantities of fine, rfileo, eit.ehootere„
Exambier-Deteribe the' duty. 0andielite4 buffalo wheel, Mee' The eitploit is Worthy Of
It ill to invite you to drink.- ExitininerBut apeoial recognition,.
eappose I' decline? Candidate (seratehing • •
his head) -There is no institute of the hind NeCer break the table with your kinicklee end
on the booke.1 lenamalettnewer the question. do not talk •nitusiewhen .you are _playing the
-Exatisinisr-L.roti Aro right -rind thereolifithirielt-My quiet ginne-nrwhiettes-rula whioirinost-
With which you have made tlae atusertfori
ehowe you have reed the la* fittentively ;
let'e take the deink,,and X will aign.year
-tifteete;"-Ireotern Law 17,otirtiaL ,
• yhe Americoni Fresh bleat Co-, of Cork,
pliteed at the Mayoral dieposall 1,000 potinde
of onset (beef and mutton), for the Ohristmes
dinnera for the poor of the city,
Moat Bev. Dr. Delany has appointed the Rev,
Michael Canon Shinkwin, P. P., Glounthane,
to be Parish Prieet of the important parish
of Bantry, in mumeesion to the late Very Bev,
Nioholas Leech, T. C., to be High Sheriff of
Drogheda tor the ensuing year. The aotive
duties of the office will be in the experienced
hand* el Mr, Butterly, T.O.
Mr. Henry Mills Banbury, Marlton House,
Berkehire, has made an allowenoe ef 20 per
cent. on the half.yearee rent due last March,
after, Was, withouther knowledge,,Mill living.
He also had married - second -time -in -1872y
and did not die unt111877. '
In the Court of Arches on Saturday week
the case against the Bev. C. Miller; aged 133,
vicar of Harlow, EMS,' was heard. It was.
proved that he should bemtepended for three'
Oats for. drunkenneas, and witneesep proved
that while. conducting eereice he was ince.
herent from the exceed:fa use of port wine.
The Dean of , Arches said. the charges were
proved, and he would postpone judgment to
Bee whether a suggeation sato the defendant'e.
repignation oame to anything. .
. A ballet girl, writing to London Truth,
°aye that she is aware aotressee never get
beyond the outskirts of fashionable society,
and that if they are invited to patties and
balls it is only that they may .be stared at
and make it renntation for i3caentrieity for
theilhoetesem ; • but- she adds that -eat:lasso
can from the etage see' into theatre boxes
'when the auditing° cannot, and that ladies
-and -their- " mloon"-:"--frequently" tionduct
themselves in it very remediable manner.'
She Bays that thresocietY ladies cannot paint
themselves so well as actresses on, and that
she has often wanted to atop a lady ter emooth
her rouge an -d straighten her eyebroese. She
also alludes .to Mocking widen:ma in 'moiety
and wondertrwhat they are for."
.• NorriaRastlerIele_of -Wight, ,:whickwas...
lately.pnt tip to auotien, •has 'been thirohased
by,the Duke of- Edinburgham it Marine . rest,
deuce: It ie it handwrite neaseioxi 'in 'the
modern castellated' 'Style, .etandine on 'nigh
• ground between Osborne and; KUM Cowes,:
and conimandingir fine view ot ' the Solent
and Southatapton Water. It wag builtsemee
What • lee* than a. (wintry ago frOns. the
deeigns •of J. -Wyatt' (afterward Sir Jeffrey
• Wyateille),. the- arehitect, ' for 7.4ord • Henry
Seymour, front whom it was tented Inc some
'years by the Duchess of Kent, and Her Ma-
ned,' spent a, part 'other childhood there, It
was purchmed about forty years ego irOzn.
the Seyradur family -by -Mr. Bell, whose family-.
/lave since tioetipjed it. -It•ie underetecidthet,
-Iturpthee-givert byllie-Reiyal-Highuess Inc
lee .maneion and its adjacent grounds was
£80,000. • . • ...
The editor of Abe. London WhitelutlIZe.
view at a dinner recently• propounded • the
foll•owing question: ." What -is •thebrigin of
the sign ter the, Arnerioan,„dollar ?" The
Anteriesta ,Oottitul did toll know. It was
euggis 'by e of the guests, upon the
atitho 4 dee and Queriee, that. the Mine
was ,a oat of • monegram of the United•Statee,
front ' II, 13.." Rut Vali would not do.. Th0
AinOlioall dollar, , says' the editor,' ii taken
from the.Spataish dollar, and the. sign is to be
' found, of couree, in the associatiOns of the
.O.Paniela dOlier. We. iittered the -.table with.
books in the course of our reserirchei, _but •I
• Lewil for the euppreision.ot Mendicancy ate:
, •
strictly enforced .in ,Bwitzerland. Relief Im
refused to theidlet and diseipated; and the
property of opendilarifts may be seized and
administered for their benefit While they are
placed under Oficial guardianehip, ehottld
there mein anylikelihood of 'their coming
to want. Ott the,:other hand, erphane :are
isolated in every potable Way. , About:5 per
cent: of thednerabets ol the. Communes are
annually relieved at their omit. A re cent
return proviii that Wiped= is not More
widely prevalent in Roman Catholic. than in
Protestant cantent.: • •
A, remarkable prophecy was made recently
by 'Werner Siemens at Berlin, when
lecturing-terthil neer cif- electricity: Speitk-e-
ing of the tranomiseion Of foree, he predieted
that the 'energy of the solar rays manifested
in =rents of air (winds) or in fella of water,
woald by and by be llitIa thrOtigh the Med.'
ham of eleettioity to furnish all newiteary
heat and render us indepenVnt of. ordinary
fuel. So much het in
field of electrical dieCoveryifintlife prediction
may be nearey verification than le generally
eupposed. •
.....Nosertwicer PROORRE10:-Mr. Jamee .Ander.
ten, Clown tiniber agent Inc Manitoba,
ge6Watiii and the Northwest, wae in Toronto
on Wedneeday. Ifejtayli there are new thirty.
three saw milli! In the Northweet,-einile of
thorn Combined goer and Flaw mille, with
that ten or .tWelee 'are now going up. He
.thinks the Book Lake or Pembina Mountain
region Is the beet place- for Pettlement in
the country ; the bind it wonderfully good
and it id Well timbered %eightieth. Mr, Ander.
son expecte a large immigration next Halm%
• 44
Nob ro on Men and Things of 4
Itottert204 to Everybody. •
Oriolleti." We have OM nothing racing groats
n the Waif of plegierism than tine exploit of
he Rey. F. Bell. Ho is well known in these
Mr. Glitch/tone, previous tO Platting Inc
ficetlend, made direct overtime of reeencilla.
lien to Cardinel Manning. The tangent
friendship of then eminent persionagee, dat.
Ing from Oxford, and cordlally maintitioed up
to decade ego in *fie of the widely diver-
gent tenor of their later life, ha* been
frequently alluded to by each. The pablica.
tion of the Vatiean pamphlet, in which the
ex Premier ought to amp his overthrovr
by the influence of the Irieh hierarchY,
produced an immediate 030mi:element
between the churehman and the otatesman.
Mr. Gladotone's further philIppice against
Borne, ita rulers and ite religione eyetera, of
course widened the breach Mr. Gladstone 10
now anxioue. to repair.
13trPaul's (Aufilieen) Church at Requimelt
hes been reopened,
A Methodist Church le to be built in the
Nebo Elver Settlement.
It is proposed to build a hall Sidtable for
religions worthip at Billie, NoEthwest Terri.
Since Kno; Presbyterian Church, Palmer
Mon, heti bean reopened, Minnow stand during
the singing.
Mies Lane, late of Montreal, bequeathed
$2,000 apiece to the Anglican Ohurchee of St.
Jade and St. Matthias in that city,
There pre in British India upwards of
1,200,000 Christiana of which, 11 10 claimed,
1,000,000 are Roman Catholics,
Rev, Dr. Jacob Ida the oldest Congrega-
Sonal minister 'in America, if not in the
world, died at West Mi3dway, Mese, on Mon-
day, the 5th inst, in his nissety.filthyear.
Canon Farrar wee awarded $10,000 by his
publiehere above the price they agreed te pay
him for his 1' Life of Christ:. His "Life of
131. Paul," just publiehed, promiees to be an
equal emcees. , •
The" Russian Goierninent Calle on the
Vatioan, which refusals to compel the Bishops
of the Romish Church in Poland to abandon
all ritea implyieg the 'separate natlonelity of
the Poles. ' •
Mr: Talrairge found time in hie last eternion'
to- denounce cremation tiff barbarism and
nnbiblioal, and think! when there ie no more
room for the doodle) be buried God will °loge
this world and begin another.
Laet fall the Committee of the Canada
Methodist (Mouth called for $25,009 to be
paid in by tlae end of the year for the Mice
dewy Relief Fund. • The treasurer has now
received the full amount in hard cash. ,
Sap; Leo XIII.: He who, in the eduisation
of youth, neglects the will end concentrate*
allihis energies on the culture of theintellion
succeeds in turning education .into a danger..
weoPoo irkthe hands of• the wicked.
The 'dying words of John Wesley were:
"Let rue.be borne, without hearse, comb or
, escutcheon, by six poor_ men, who shall each
receive a. burial fee otitgeinea.;:.-la pledent
pomp, X wish the tears' of them thnt love and
v/ho are following me to A.braham's bosora,"
Dlr. 'Gladstone, in a recent letter; said that
los effective cultivation of the great office
of preaching is perhaps the mostorying want
of the Church of England, and ,vocal ex•
preesion and articulation are an important
and meanie' part of it." ' •
The Boman Catholic population of Canada
(1,846,800) is provided for by 23 biehops,
1,559 priests, and 1•617 churches. There
are also 18 seininariee, 40 colleges, 85
mildemier, 247 convents, 92 religions corn -
=guides, 43.asylume, 34 hospitals, and 3,544
elementary. schools. .•
, Canon (hider, the well•known Ritualistic'
rector of OleWer. Preached in St: Praire
Cathedral an Sunday evening., The SThriatian.
World. says that when the Canon entered the'
pulpit many of the .00ngregation ,rose, from
..tnetreeeite end quittedthe bedding. _
The ancient bell.tower of Lichfield Oahe.
dral, which was burnt in 1315, socording to
records, stood in the Jame, but its-eite • had
become unknown', and:. only new' have the
foundationis been discovered while .3:leaking
exeMatione in the bieliop'e grounds on the
north side of :the :edifice, and near • to the
Chapter -House. " • ' •-•••- .
•',.;• In 1808, aceording to, a correspondent,
there were one Bishop and foliation diergy,
'not inelnding the non.reiiident -chaplain et
Quebec in "connection with the 'Eplempal
(3,111risi4. White WO ROW have the Bishopaof
: Montreal, Q Toronto,. Huron,: Ontario,
Niagara and Algoma, seven in. number, and
no -less than 536 Oletgymen. • •
.• trailer Moody'extends the cold slid/Older
to Dee Bice; and is not in favor of accepting
Daille•offer to assist in carrying on•the meet..
Mine It is thought in evangelicalUroles that
his converiation is too freely seasoned with
sawdust to make his exhortations veryprofit•
-:able to the .hearera. Dan hesitates to take
thie. eitaw•of it, but wants to plunge in M once
• anddowhat he can for the.moral regeneration -
of soolety.--;Rochester .Exprese. .„
Moody and- Sarthey have been laboring kr
:morathan a miinth in flt.:Lottle,, hut withenit
theic. cuetomarY mimes. The meetings have
been growdedf but emotion has been acarce
and cOnversione few.' The looai newepapers
have printed • full reports, •and thm. clergy of
the eity 7laterii generally, cotintenanied the;
movement,hut the result iattneatistactory to
the evangelists. Brother Moody has become
• diem:imaged; and irta meant Meeting declared
that he, vim " sick and lima of this earialeee.
nese at to salVatiOn;." •-.• . •
4 paragraph having appeared tip Ohio
paper tis the effect that 41; the Anglican Church
coins Eiagland$58,000,000 a year," Bishop
Bedell writes -to the editor thatthe Church ot
'England is entirely -Supported by its own,
property, and that the fair way to put the
case is that '1',* the Chilteli' of 'Bogland sup.
. pike religious privilege and pastoral eare to
the people freely at a toot of . *50,000,000
per 'ear." .. • • .
The Bishop of itoehester in a pastoral. let.
ter ottlhenponthe Church te 1' doff the some
:what sedateness elm has , Inherited
-Joni generationa of high•backed paw," and
calls Io - "lay Mangelistet who shall usually
minister by themeelves' in nnliceneed towns
or the open air: The.Bislicip:thinke that one'
of the resign; of the movenient will be to coin.
spel the churchmen to appreciate and esteem.
-.-tholigh not in . all •thinge to coneur with
-those whom they once fancied to be their
toed. • I_ ' • • . .
Pope Leo Kik; recently received the Baron
•atinethari, the Belgian Minieter; at the Vett.
can; and spoke Most frankly to hint on the
necessity of bishops and priests snbMitting
t6 . the lawn of the cotintriee in Whioh they.
live. , Thie mind' nob imply that the Boman
Church apprciveti 01 what liberal Palliamente.
and Minieters are doing. "But," said the
Pontiff, Most sensitaly, "1 will not have
blphops disturbing the peace of the World.
Pacitie instructions," added Leo "have
been given to :the bishope 'of all countries,
ineanding Italy."
Bov. De Shaw; of the Boohesta Preeby-
ronAneeelB1 huogwillitecmiaillesriorerZygalati3KEidle8"111401/De.
guise; fared with his congregation. They
crowded the churtah at 'the time of !service
• and listened, with thtir pipes in -their menthe,
to the clergyman $01 he read Immo ming°
which they did not accept, and then they
called out in Matabele, 01 Rolm° ! That to a
lie. We do not believe it." Once the mis-
sionary went to King Lobengula and paid he
• desired to leave to deft one of the Southern
towns am he WaB in Wallt of new teeth. • The
Xing paid gravely, "You have told to many
fablehoode and I have borne with you up to
tido. But now you outrage my good nature.
How dare you at your tiine of life pretend ..
you oan get new teeth I Go away with you 1"
good playera even of the railroad genie gen-
orally obsetve.' To be constantly calling out
what -you itte..doingeor What Foniehody else
is doing or ought to do, Is like diatating your
:kyle of game to'othere 01 Resuming that you
Aut IIITERROTIRG PROTOORAP11.--SIT Charles know more than they do. •
'TupPerlute-been preaented with a handeoree
photograph of ti The fiat engine eneployed
on it vublie railway." It hi handsomely
frarcied in dead gold. In the centre etande
the photographed the loccfmotive whioh was
driven on tha Atothten & Darlington Bail.
way -the firat railway opened in the world-,
from 1825 to 18580 Under the photographs
of the engine are portraitii and antographe tif
George' ptephennoti, Edward Pelee; Ira
Mewbunt,1 and Jbeeph Whitehead. The
latter wao fireman 01 the original
iron -horse and is now Sentraoter on See°
tion 15, &nada. Padilla Railway, and the
only one Of the four above Lamed gtill
*lug. •
MilitaryInstraction now in operation at the
Drill shed, Toronto, ie 'attended by 'gime
twenty•two cadet&Thom men ate from
Halton. Middleger, Gtenville, York; -Peel,
Durham, Kent, Waterloo, Leede, Lanark and
Ontario. The cadets are.all commisaioned
oft:loom The Sehool is ender the immediate
ouperintendenoe of Lient..Col.
A eon of Albion, during the recent (revere
weather in Paris, laid a wager o1-82,000 that
he would remain on the top of the Ate • do
Triomphe for four • hours with nothing On
but it snit of thin °Rivas ; and he won his
bee. The theritometet showed fifteen degneo
of oold dining his ;Sojourn on high.
* °
tery, in it recent german, declared that if the
Church would fulfil liar minion, mho must
avail herself of the richerrethich her children
urmnmrnlIlIlMo avar_havelentrgatlioring-foy:
ber. ln ociniiicinence, the 'rightto
luta in hie chetah the Anglican Litany, the
Detim,"-them Gloria- in-Kaceleie;" and -
the Lord's Prayer taid by the whole eoligrega.
hon. Re thinks the Preobyterian worahip
"for the most part, too bare and bald a
thing. It would 'not hurt tie one bit to have
eome liturgioal forme, and thus aeoure that
variety and that. tiniformity which' ere alike
eissential elements of true woreliip."
'A new cave of plagiariem lute come to light,
in whieh Batt. V. Bell, of Nottinghaint 128^
land, le impliosted in making free nee of one
of Dr. heeph Parkeee eerMone. The London
Fountain publishea in double colnreini
comparison whioh must prove very„damaging
t0 -the !Mid Bev: Mr. Bell, Dr. Parker galls
fir an explanation and Proposed say Mame.
thing More it it is not forthcoming. Dr.
Parker's! eermon .waic published under the
;name of 41 PoRiburnotio tnfluentie,".brit
Bell eallS "Vacant Chaim and Empty
An extieneive Itoheme baa been Bei On foot
in England for the development of the
notthern territory of South Australia.
A mill property mid the other daY• in
Berlin for 118,100ewhich the Nan pays would
be cheap at $10,000,, having mot §14,000.
The News did not see its way clear to
coupling the N. P." with this transaction.
Un his way from. Einosidine to Walkerton
a M. Carrel was attacked by two men,
robbed of 4800, and left tiecl on the road
tbnyttetto robbers, who drove a horse in a.
Ayer's Catha,rtie Pills,
:For all the nurposes,of a Family Tiliyai0,
for -and miring Costiveness; . Janadioe;
Indigestion, Foul Stomach, Breath,.
Hea.daohe, Erysipelas, Rheumatism,
•• Eruptions and 'skin Diseases,
iouaneits, Driver, Turnore,Wormae
' Neuralgia as a Dinner Pill,
for Ptirifying t.,he Blood, • •
Are 'the most of-
fective and conge-.
nial purgative ever •
discovered. They
are =nal but oft%
feetual . in their
operation, moving •
the 'bowels surely
. and 'without pain.
- • ea'as.,. io' their operation,
thoy aro still Ihn
t most thorqugh and
-•=e- ••ee-•-• Searehieg cathar- •
tie medicine that can be employed: cleana- •
ing the stoMaelrandebenvelsrand-everethe:
bleed.: In Small doses of One pill a day,.
they stimulate the digestive 'organs and •
promote vigorous health. .
Aran's PILLS have been known for
• snore than a qearter of a Century, and have
obtained a World -Wide repintition• fOr•thCir
"Tiptricks^r-Thecorrect ,diseased, action
the , several assimilative organs of tho
• body, and are so composed that obstfue- ,
done within their range Can rarely with2.
stand •or evade them.- only do they
cure the every -day etimplaihts of every-
bodY, but also formidable and dangermia.
.diseases that have baled; the ,best of:
human skill: . Willie they prodoce power- 1 • •
ful ellbeta, they are, at the game dine, the
safest add best physic, for children.- By
their aperient action they gripe much km •
than the common pergatives, and meter. -
give pein when the bowels are not inflamed,
• They reach the vital fountains of the blood, -
and strengthen the system by -freeing it •
kens the elements Of weaknese:7"
Adapted to all ages and conditions in
all climates containing neither • calomel
nor -any deleterious drug, theee Pills Mar
be taken with safetytby anybody. • Their ,
• sugar-coating preserves them elide fresh, ,
and makes them pleasant to. take ; while
being 'pnrely vegetable, no harm can.arise
from their use in any quantitY. • I • ' •
' •
Dr, J:C., AYER CO,, Lowell, Mass,
Practical and Analytical ,Ohendsas.
SOLD BY ALL LietiGateTS BweitYweirSZ. •• - • :•••
AY611.?P '
°try' Pectora
' For Diseases Oi
• , ,
Throat • and _Lungs,
whooping Cogh,
• •
Bronchitis, Jt.Othm0,
and Canstamption.
e reputation Ithas ettained, ht cot sequence -of . .
the marvellous euros ithas produced during the • ,
,last half centary, is a sufficieet assurancet� the •". '
public that !twill cooinue to realizethe happleet
results • that can be desired. in mildest every •
.section �f coidatry there -ere melees, publicly .
°Itnetve,whohavelmehrestoreddroin alarming and
evn ilcsperato diseases of the lunge., by 'tense. •
AilWholiave tried I t,acknowledge ite superiority;
find where its virtnes are known, no one hesitates
Delo what medieine to employ to relieve the dis-
tress and sneering peculiar td pram:entry turec-
tions. Ciueruxz rZCTottAli. AlWayilititOrd5 in- : •
-itane relief, and performs rapid cures Of the
Mildeiviirletiee of bronchial disorder, toted) ai
thd more foemidable theetwes thaltinge: ,
a safeguard io children, amid the clistrees.
ung (11Aeases which beset the Throat ana Chest of •'
Childhood, it Is ; for, hy its timelyaee, •
riaultitnatui ere mooed and' restored to health. -
• /Ida medicine gains friends at. every trial, tte
1110 'cures it is constantly -producing aro too re- -
nuidtable to be forgotten. No family 'should be
wolvtlaortwitilli.t, end those, who' hhave oo. us.etl it •
Binineet Plosielaits throughont the country
preacriha it, and Clergymen 01100 .reemetneed it
froth their knowledge of n4 effects, ". si •
Dr, i, 0, AVER 4/ CO, Lowell, Massif, .
Pre:Alen" and Analytical themists.