HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-01-22, Page 2-7711, -- . � I I - , . �, - ,. I W, I . � - --- 7----";,- -
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.4 . after the fail of Quebec. The chapel was a mouth Indicating a strong will. He at once day, as he was obliged to ArIvo done to Rsioul. It was my intention . to have , Out weir WereIsil 100voll.
- A Wploed.lbejaL 'to -morrow under'sny
11 .. find edifice of &Toy stone, with � I Give Scotland her 1RUM-nds to ilog of and
. , , a lofty steeFle pressed me very strongly to come and stay at away at noon a' distant part returned. the day after to
I A folded pa,ge, old, stained wad blurrod4 , surmounted by 4 1 drove., and ornamented by 140 Chateau. � . of the .estate where some. expensive im. circumstances, arid I may as wall leave In the I toast, L L I . .- �
. L
. I found within your book laO night. au_pId fashioned dial and ,orce:,earidudy 11 Sir," be amid, 01 If you know the oratill. provemento were going on., Nor had bid morning, especially am is willafford. me grook. Gpo'gria. the Charms of Killerney to boask ,
, I , v
� earv, eat 0 vo England to pzido in -her own Wlndeiyqiu� I
X did not read the d1ra dark word d Images in niches. on enob aide of the Ion you would give no by revasixiiag, . I good #diags Aer downs mud 4 aff �
, I I saw in tile slow-11rollfisi; light. - . . L . I . I you daughsor any opportunity to, speak, to him, pleasure to be $he mo, sponger of . gles so greart the
, - , L or ,Mo
. so putit back. and left It ilaere, "' entrance. Only a tow popeous were moving wouI4 not. continue .to refuse. We, loacl a tot some of herlemals friends arrived In the to the Young mane You raust remain here . L -
L . . . I I I - I
,&a it in truth X (140.4ot care. I about. the roads, and we Could see the farmers quiet ),lie In $hia old house and are always course of the 'morning. 1 was left, attayown until the and of the week, for I see Yon are, 1BIJXh?'h= takes the carmtok, whose boritses
� I - I busy at their barno storing grain, or taking glad to see the Abbe and his friends I , Ae desire in the library,' where I found some aboutio' volunteer to accouspolay �md'; but grand I I
- L
I AJ21 -we have all a folded lent .1 . � .14 a, countr,v oWl fairer -his own forest land.
. That in Time's book of long ago the cattle to water, Ad we drove worso we. I understand you take an interest in oI41 papers from which I wished to. make . some that certainly I will not permit.,, I
We leave: a balf-rellef Could ace the, ,Chateau deg Ormeaux, the to. Canadian times, I p1lill be most, happy to extra I eta. In the evening, L. after dintfor, we This fair forest Jana. . . �
Falls on uo,Waen wo hide it so. .tintlous name given to the rooldonoop of show you memo rave works and manti oiipto were all assembled in the large gravid Wirentment Of Jil,apillm to Nebooll. , This rare forest land. .
a L L g -room. -No land can Compare with this fair for tland.
L I L L I as
. . I
. I We Iold it down, then turn away, . Beigneur do Gaerollevllle�& large square which may Interest you." � and then M. de Guercheville. learned, for the Proloospr Lindsay, at the meeting of the, I I .
L L - I I
And who may read th%� Page to-dily ? 11 I I I Detroit, gives;
.. building, with a square tower at one end, I was well satisfied with tbe'quiet quarters, first time,the story of the mysterious noises Social Science Association, in I Along Ito broad rivers And wood -skirted lakes
I . . . I
. $ot von, my child; nor you, my wife, I overshadowed by magnificent olms. which I had found at MarmontoVd cottuge, but ixt the east corridor. When I came �to mention the following rules for the treatment of What E done of beauty Ate summer tide maki;*1
OJLL OL My 'L . L . I � I .1 I What still rover grace. fill around it is thrown. .
Who besid study Chair. give the place its distinctive name, when I saw that the old SeIgnour Would be the music, he looked exceedingly perplexed acholara in the public schools : When the greon of the maple to scarlet' has �
, , For all have something In their life At My zequestL the Abbe lef I me at the annoyed it I did no& ace pt" h . . 1. Lessen the hours of study and shorten ow
That they, and they atone may beax" L 0 L is ladepital and then gave a quick exclamation of surprise, . Ig a J3
. . . .1� A trifling lie, a aeadly sin, house. of A habitant Who took summer offer, I allow(d him to scud for my pork. as it he bad remembered some ciratImatence the sessions of study 'or PUP!lo,Under 15 Years: And t orchard tree bends like a mere, wMaW, .
. I , � - L L 11 W&Ld
� A. something bought they did not win, boardera,whilet he,,went onto the cottage of mantean. . long forgotten, of age, , 'Reath the burdog it bears in two fair forest
4, . � I the cure�& Prot little bull .ding, L almost � I V. 11 What instrument CIO you ouipose it 2. irovide on abundattop of light -from , Jaudl I I I I
. .
� I Uy f olded lqaf I how blue eyes gleam covered by wild grape Vines and CanadianIvy, I was soon at home in the Chateau which was?,, -he enqaIred. the left aide If the room Is quite narrow- This fair forest lmadl,eto. I S
1. and blot.the dark brown eyes, I see.; and within a stonei's throw of the church, A possessed a capital library, includirs' I! That I cannot tell," I replied ; ,47ffiii� from both sides It the room is wide ; but do . I I
And golden curls at evening boam. . g such, . -
� . Above the black looks at my lines 1. French woman of middle age., very otout and treasures as M. do Gnoraboville hid opohou 111116110 was Very low indeed, quite muffiad and not allow the sunlight to fall directly on the In winter, how grand o'er Its carpet of onow, ,
All we I that leaf fit folded doiin, good humored:looking, received us with I a of. ladiatinoti as I It, it proceeded from a die. book or paper. To the music of belle a. slaigh-riding to go I,
The,Seigneur himself was of an old . . Norless he enjoymentwaon over the too, 1
� � I I . 3. Ventilate tbosohool rooms thoroughly, we dasht �
I I An.d.ayo for me the looks are brow.r - . courtesy, and promised the Abbe to do her French' family, which had come into the tunce.11 I . I On exultaut—g I oy PaBb - all price; . . .. !
. I best to make mecomfortable... Then. my,ldnd- eountiyat.tbo,ond of the seventeenth can. ."Your story," paid M. do�.Gusrohevllle and In accordance withille most approved WhOwould not poorsoula,',lneatbatropleount
And Yet I love them who sit by, , I I- � I . tamicd, 1. I ,
, . .
. My best and dea,rast�,dearest now, ,friend left me with the understading that he fim- 46 his hatme showed, he won deep, ended 41 reca, Ila to my mind something .1 had for. methods. I Give for sharing much bliss in this brigh�, torest; . .
. Ishey may not know for what I dgh. would oeeme early the next morning, as he ,from a branch of that family, of which the gotten. If you will wait a f8w minutes, we 4. The Dupil should sit eyoDc'.. �nd should " landl . . . . � -
. What brIuRs the obadow on my bi Ow. . ravel the mystery.,, . I hold the book at least twelve inches diatani. . ' �
Ghoo to at the best; Bo let them be, bad to go and visit a sick friend and might celebrated Marquise, who withstood the may an , This f4ir forest land,otc.,
� Nor come betwLen my lit a and me. not be able &'oee me. in the, couree Of the blandishmerits4of Henry IV., vias the j400t Thereupon he went out. and. returned 5. Pupils should avoid whatever cauees a .,
I � . . evening. . . distinguished member. shortly asking us to follow Lim. The house. congestion of 'the head, facar�and eyes, each �Jusb think 61 our.girls-all . as kind as they're,
- . I I I
� They only rite nt twilight hour; In. , I . 11 She it won, you perhopir remember," Bell keeper and a servant, preceded us with ligh-tg as tight clothing, cold feet, the stooping fair, .. I
I ho light, the Jamp, axid close the 1.11.,d . to the corridor, where my Is . And a no the onow-flake while jet in the .
Small perfume lin6ors in the flower I was 000fi at home in the supga, though e"bid Beignelly, when the convereation had ed -room win Position. etc, 1pk,1211 .
. I . . . . . turned on him family, am we were looking over situated and fl. aally'ontered a large chamber 6. Pupils should not study durivg recovery In vain would you match, Eearch this planot SH
� 11hat aleapa that folded paile belamd, certainly plainly furnished cottage of jean _ in the old tower. The room was filled with from illpeas-i or wheii-aWfatiW-gres"odily- ---roti6d - - . I I—- . -
� so lot it ever folded lie; . . FraricoI6 Maimontel, who, &too kap% the post, some ortraitsi "who repulsed . � . . , .
. 121 will be uidolded.,when I die. I. the gay furniture which had been ivj azed-ili fact it latiguq. 'Such encb;ntresneo rare as thosoda.41111gere.
. . . offide of the yillage-a sure evidence that he 1110111199 with khe haughty zetort," I Eire, my nowned. . I . I
� . I . - - . mugt- have been n man of some volitioal rank perhaps is not high, enough to permit was a lum6ar-Toom. The houet-keeper laid . 7. Text books wiJ readers should be printed The Grecian's beau -ideal of beauty would stand .
I . me to be your wife, and my heart is t the lights, on An old cabinet which stood In good ink and with clear bold type, a.little A pool? chance near the maids of this feir f&reat , , .
I influence when, he received the plais. His 00 high against the wall ;,it was evidently , the worse larger than one Oxteenth of an inch. land, � . . I
. . . TintE, mys,rEwcorg CABI[TiET- knowledge of English was very meagre and to permit me to be your mietress.1 11 I I
. .. I � . . .� The Seigneur'n brother, a doctor by pro. fox wear, most of the bronze ornaments with 8. PuJsila should avoid everything which . . This fair forest land, etc. . I . .1
. . . . -----!- . . I found it more agreeable. for both of us to ered being br6ken ; and the has a debilitating efttck upon the general . . 1. . . I
. , - . . fall back on my own stock of � French, which -fossion" though he 'rarely practised then, which it was cov ' . I Success to HA yeomen, who till their ovm farma
. . . BY J. 0. I�OURIKOT. , bad received, large acc000loni since my joined us in. the course of thed only park that appeared perfect was one of system, % . Unfearingevidtions or rent',dayalarms- I I
I .
. .
I . . . I learned that he had. a sou,xiovi, at college, I the Louis Quatorzolegs. I 9. Exercise in the open Air should be Men who ha.va achloved by thd axe, not, the
— , arrival In Quebec. Aq-tho evening passed we , I I . �
. . . I . I . wondered If he hid anything 16,do with the The Saigneur pressed a, epriag concealed taken freely, and every Precaution should be Rword, . I I .
I I . . I I
. . . I were perfectly friendly with one another and d The ri t to the prats'a we them freely accord; I
. 1. . . ,a 0 disgrace into which Raoul had fallen ' ' He under a bunch of gropes, and a large comoart- .used to ktap the bodily vigor UnAmpalre I 11urruvilor them all, and for 1AJI*0JBe who band .
I . . . I . I heard all the news in the vill4g . tjm�mis- moat flow open and showed us a knight on something which is too often neglected.
. I 'Very many �eara ago -I bopb my friends As we. sat chatting, a bright-eyed, rather seemed art off -handed, pleasant gets I - i . An To make otillmQrelitingustbisfLtiifor6B&ls6ndI .
. I � .
. will not require the exalot . � ,a
I , I datc-I was living ratty girl came in, and We old man intro- , much more a man of the world -than his. hognoback, f ally equ!pped for the battle or 6dnoiwtlou bs dearly r We I �
. pu all It who-io , price Tf2la f air forest land' to. .
P I , . toninainent, Suddenly the sound of music In a shattered canstitation and a ruined eye
I in the plosearit and picturee4up City of Qam- duced her go his youngest child. brother, and I 'moon diomiseed the suiploion . . I n. January, 1880. .
, ; ' roes my'nP , was heard, and the knight rode forward on a eight. . � .. I I Kinapto I . . . ' � I . I
k � boo, and among the acquaintances that I . ,, Ch, father," she said, soon after enter.' ' that bad flashed so ind that he wall mimic stage, and t . hen stood motionless with I I 4 - . - . I . � � . ... � , * I
. .. . madesoon After my artival,was the Abbe Ing, I'doyou know' what I've heard st,the , perhaps jealous of -the favor which had been . $QO for a Pair of IZO.otA: . .
I .. ,� 'Lotbllier. He waabdrineeted with one of the Chateau?— Marguerike.andthe other servanlis.',shown to Raoul. .. , * at at root. Two air were played�tho , , . . - I � . . C.E11,16UL010. - . �
0 '. . I
I I � � 11 . . I - - 1. I . I . . � fiple6t'i§tirrinLand'the'lagt�plaintive�L�ind then -Garret Oates-, an 'octogenarian -pioneer of � -- I . I
. educational inatitt4tions ol-ific-'b"fity",, and was Will have it thit the building is haunted- i I-Accomps"Jited X as 'Gue'r6fileville arid his ' - A Mcmarkuble Invention -Tem Extensive, A
. . .. . - I - . 6ousidt'red one - 9f the beat beholdre in the musio-and strange pounds have been. heard* � brothbr over'lals ,principal farm, which oov, tho'knight turned and'vanished behind. Tha Norfolk County, in a letter to the Ss. Thomas . . Coo and Daniger In Itilunufacau're, - � � I
. � - To him I I. was indebted, not oul red several hundrea acres, although it was medbarlism was, perfect, and the musio, effeo- Journal, tells the following experienced : -- I � . * .
6ountz*. � y several times. in a part of the houis where 6 . I Celluloid is one of the most ramarkible of . , I
. . for numerous facts respecting the early his- I only a portion- of him possessions, ,which tually drowned the slight creaking -of the passed the oummFir of 1.813 entirely bare -foot, modain inventions, and bilo fair to be not
. I .
. . noboilybois beau living for years.' . . . ' . . I I., . as my wiutbr ehoes had given out, and �
. tory ,of Lower Canada, but for many interalet- 41 Old wives' fabled child." reached to the hills Away 11eyood., One of secret OP111180. leafs extensively -gr variously need &hail vall,. * I
I . I d oustome of the III �iarguerits both beard the most interesting objects we saw was a 11 This old cabinet," on' Id K do Gueyelse. 116 * L nearest shoemaker wal ! fi0y Miles canized rubber. It is )produced by mixing .11
. ing details of the manners an ib Stephanie and � L brought fro i my away. But When the weather bedamecoldI . 'il
French Cauadiniio.' Undtir his guidance a music the other ioight--Thuroday, I large stone building, once used as a saw.mill ville," was in Franco by f & . w6nt to Vittorip,, where I nuw1aely got a pair gum camphor with a; pulp of guys-dotton, and
. . Q aeb I so and its subilrbs b"ame as familiar to thitsk,fl I � I I but now. as a granary. The mill was alway�' grandfather, and wits . the. work o � subjecting the combination . to a high 46gred I L
� - . 6 I Parisian artizan. It you 'will look at a store lot which I paid 63, that being the of pressure and' heat. The result 113, a hird . L ,�
� I I . we as the old town by the son where I wag 11 They're both silly girls," replied the old all important feature On the 0 ImtO Of A G,Ovbr' III do that it war pricq. I'pul th6 'in on and started for, . L .
L born. Even flow, whilet I write, I can see man, "for filling your oars with sudh non. Beigneur, for under the old foudal`�enuro the 010801Y At it, YOU 11 product ,bf Aitraordinary toughtsess'and � i
L the firs4gofed, solid: baildinge fastened on . Ill,, L I � . . . . . .1 censitaires,,or holders of land, were bound to FAR Intended to r present a tourns. house, but bef ore I reached there they, were 01%stiolty. L It can be,mado ptamid agalzi a"
� . sons . . . grind their coin at the moulin banal, or lord's ment, but it got broke add the ,other knight all In plecei, as they ivere what was termed . L .
� the hill sides, or nestling at the foot Of that The youriggirl, however, appeared still to I . . �2! . molded,intip�atsy required form. Any color �
. . noble promontory, which overlooks the dark . have her opinion on the.aUbj6ot, And followed mill, *where one -fourteenth part of it was Is Missing, thougla,-me you see, the machinery slop work, and that of the worst description, can be -givaikto it by the use of coloring matter L
waters of the river that carries to the oce' �Of the house, to taken for his use,as toll." The habitants we still works perfectly., I had entirely forgotten being gowed with atitche3 halt An inch spart,. during the piqcoss of manufacture. Thattoes .
ons- bar mother to Another pirt . L L 11
. . 'Any hundred miles below, the tribute of We tell her more aboUtit in all probability. The - saw on the estate were just the oarite class of - the,. toy, until, yoll alluded to the. music, I threw them away, travelled bick again, and I
I L. .In . . I . 1. J to which callilloid is pat tire numerous, and
great lakes of the West., Again am I bathed, old 'man then become very Communicative, people, inthair faces and m4undke, tbat'o)ie which, f cour roceedo from a little box, got a pair madli that Ldid good service. So I ' It in extensively'. I
. 0 in $a are constantly 1poreasing,
I by'the mist of the lovely fall of Mon liftorenei, and toldone many things Concerning the sees at the present day in .some old 'Breton COUGOR1.1L t�?�iuterior. Years ago the had'to travel two huudred miles on foot and -used is a substitute for - Ivory, wl-;.ah it To-
� . tumbling in one mighty leap from the rocks,* Chateau I and its inmates. M. de.Gaerahe- village. � . . 1. � . � ombinetwas cono'gned to tho.lumberroom -7�ij-R foi 6no frihir of oboes. It' took eight I ,
.. I eatables so clo&4 -that it is sometimes d!M. ' 11
1. -1 until it could be sent up to Quebec for To- days time to walk'the distance And wait till cult to detect the""differonaQ. It is said to L , I � I
� nearly three - hundred feet above, - or. am T'lld Wag. evidently 'more feared then loved ' The evening at the Chateau piesed.away: .
I I pairs but itL as forgotters,,and Isms.evor the shoes were made, in addition to the cost QmILiVO;Y ill ;
11 Coasting "down the. aides of the immenoe pleasantly..- Mademoiselle do iheroh6VIIIO -1 7�� . o .
by the people of the district, who still looked ,q strength and elasticity, and not: L I
lee cones which are formed at the foot, and up to him %sthair "great man.11 His Only wfts a charming musiciftin, and sang simple since remained there among other odlia [Lod of living. The 66 won at that time to a warp or dlicolor W'I;h time. 'It has proved .
I .
*1 . � � Oa adi - . . . 9quatter in t1je wilderness eqhivalent to 060
. afford so much amusomenit to the pl ',,auto' daughter, Estelle, oil 'the other hand,. was -ys Lan airs, which are favorites among the 13nds." . I a good material for- j�wno and organ keys, ,
� . ,during &e . habitants; many of whose fathers an L ..You nine get it ispa-tred, 'papa," said at-prenerst.. Buttlerawho as .1 I
. . seekers of jovial Quebec many elearly.agreat; favorite -to umetheeingbatio � If grand. me Years after billiard balls, books of 6�ushoo, lookiuR�glssx �
, L 1. ba�vo thie'troussotion.would -bear mitnesa to the -framesi-bandles -for knives-, -forka- - umbrell" � L ' -'- - -
months that the frost king holds the land'in fatla�rs had been vo - -f ... .... ... - � -- �
,pageurs and coureurs des- M'dI18 erohaville; " it is a pity to I I --
. lanKnige of_q,.-ppopI 7 . y,11---,---- - -(ikr
� , onatur4llyA OtIt'a OL " rie6ft
_ . -, -.. , - ev _ - -b - Silgiour' nod ihi--dooio'r'-t6l'd- -1 3 "Of r- _4 -y' hidden hwin - . . load 0 iny',itto�oyment, So M ny� I and.rannyoth-erarlicloo.L 'It'in ' '
- __ _Ilim, joy-grftep- -.;;,-,-,L - ,""... I *Tliii �;, EE a 0
7 " , , ... . - .1 . . I wag i � cWii�iie'un "�ej' loth for her Teo al 018, I I - Wuch cheaper i
., L bay 9 ; Vmust try find think of it; but if them sufferqd from the great scarcity of than ivory, and'is cla mea to 'be better for . .. I
! I Bat I must remember . that I have not oat beauty and amiable qualities. . , %necaoteff illustrative of the I ' lie of the simple. - " Y01 ' I . . ' I . .. L
'down to,describe the poeial'or natural charao,. other favorite win one *6om' the 'habi IV9. iny memory serves me oright, there need to money." . L I . . .1 .
.. . t minded, old-fashioned nati 9, and'then wit . � ' ' I . .. decorative purposes. - *16, - ii also laded w1kh .. . .
I L I . I terhties-of. the old-capitalof Caundai 1 hove's 'Called Raoul, and fr6m what he said .1 I all, parted for, the night. . be a secret drawer 'somewhere in the cabinet � .;' .'' ' - . . I much 'Success L to-, imitate � tortoise ahen,. .
. .. L short story t6tell, not connected immediately I In . , . .7 .. , I vi. . . . I I . which i4lfull of otrange. Contrivances." . .. , . . .rhe solur system In ISSO. , 1-malsellite, ember, plik Coral, and other coatI.1 - - .
. With Quebec, but with a pretty village which is jectured rightly that he Wits this Young , i an. ' I I I , - . . . . 11 Aft . or/ fumbling about for a minute, he The year 11880 will have"foar 'ealipses & L . L
L �. I . ... - . . Ihod neerilhatmorning in Quebec, L � . in torials. In imitntion of tortoise shell it tie.' . .. .! I
, I � , I sat. f6 -r a ;�hllo In my bad -room -a large, found A L L :madd.In 000mbs. napkin -rings, m%toh-bOXeW,-. .. --
. 'L .. 1.11 oit,daled a,conalaorable disk I . � - , kn6b which be pressed. As deep of she sun and two of the moon, so follows. :
L . I", I . . molls d6,6f tb6'eUU.j&U' 0 � .
I � . Boo ones IXOM 1b0,dIt-TI- -,4-But,whstiothd:zoaoou,11 I"kedi-111hat. � Comfort - ' "' Von Ing .
. - . . on ihe:St. L'Awrence.- U after my intro. . able Apartment .overlooking the riviii dra i fl M. de Gaciolieville I..ghg A -tot I nary 11, card�.caoemi etc. Imitatione of pink,00ral�� - , '
I . - .0 p I I P . _
I Raoul never Comes now to the old house ?1� anind ajoying. t ial� - ... -.1 , vbiblallo. --th, -weRtern.- q marker -of -.,North- jdW,&I _S �
L- I .BmOkiJ3g-"Ig � - be. pleasant 17� I. .. ... 77 !� .... . I.--.,- -11 11 a ,
I.. - .. -dustiest toAlle.-Abbe I-stated-that,it--vi6o-my-.'*',*,"-Ati�,-o.ir,-it--iif 6 stinfige"dticky.- ' He *as,.- ' . 11� � I ldry'4yo- wado,atid gold at prices.much .- � -'. � �-�' 'I
- , interstiois,.at'th6. earliest opportunit .-fire of maplemplinters, whitsh blazed on this 11 or spa we h0i'find. an old will,or oth America and the-Paciflo-Ocean. ' , - The 0, , I
I . 4 I -- .- . . .Y, to visit * you must know, the son of a notary who long hearth "with its'jaiini brass andirons. The do ardent revealing some family secret. F.'' An annular eclipse of thp sun July 7, below those of the genuine. &me is true :'% , , - ,�
,, some of the, Old French villages and,see the managed. the affairs of the old o6ignourie. night 'as chilly, as is generally' the case in I are, will you thk6 the zesporsoibility Of firts . t L Visibl I a I tOL . I I of - Imitations Of malachite and ambs;N . .. - .- ,� .,
� . habitant fit IsWown.home, Theroupon,the His mother died when.'be was only three or W the southern holf 'of South% *outh.'Pieoes for pipes, cig4r.liolders, atss.i ore. .' � ', ' � -
. . . the tuouth of Sq�tembar in' Canada, and the ' oking in 2 11 . . . . America. I I . .1 I . common. - It io, also used an a. sabr.11tute 'for .. 71. . 'L
� .� I .. Abbe .Very kindly offered to give me letters of four years old, and' as he grow up he was a room had not -been �oceupied for sometime. The Cure thus t An unimportant Partial eclipse Of the porcelain in niskingdolls, heads. Theframes . �
L .
�, introduction to some friends of bid own at . . at the Chateau and was much loved ,Be I a,i for fin hour at leait watching $be, laughingly addressed pu I I . .,
L logo in quintion-which is calledr like t= dy- oPmoioL IS Chimney, an ,him hind in and brouitat out, shre enough, . a sun December 1, -visible- in tho. Samhorn of eye glasses, dpera-glagess ard spectacles , .
. . . the VII -after'one of the Er.T a,, Who 'was a kind, gentle. Is " parks flying - up the U small package, which )is handed to the Ocean. .1 L . . . . . . . I
I ea many others in Canada, list' eighteen In" 'ate mmde�of it. More recently it has doms�a* L. - '
� . I ',he died j onthe ago- - Raoul then the clock in the lower hall struck 00 -fin , Seignatly, who appeared, startled at the reall. A partial volipse of the .sun December i,to use in combination with -linen, �Okloym dj� L . . I
"'A I Baints e6 numeroa's'iyl the -Ruman Catholic and Estelle were playmateis from an-eirly ago - sent niei6 bad - i'lima been -iiliI4 i6i goal . zation of his prediction. - When he bad 31, -yipible to the eastern portion of North .
. calendar -and moured me at the same time -just like a brother and.sistir, and when his P ' , , -
, Tzer for, shiA bodomo,,cofis and', collars. ,, ' .
Aid Ocean. 6 ym,ter,a, . .
� that I would nee the habitant very,littIfs time, in.the 6id canopled -Fronch..bedat?1, d, looked at the packsgo,'he dropped it with the America and to the north AtIm has a itard, glistening sur � , .
. . father died, he went to live albqgp�kker at the . I I few. I .
- -.... -altered-froln' whij.ho-waff 1&Bt -aintury-whion- I , . -probably held-many-generhtiot 1100- 6xclamatioui—Mon-Dieu-I �' and then-addedI-- -�-A-tottil-eclipme-ol-the-moo"eo.bmbe)r.-16,--
- . Chateau in -it —was7bibught up as one of "the .which 1. _Iike-'thai-ot-novily-laundered,litten; is elastic \
� . bei' oxthk. under the -dominion of Great. fatally. .He. was adnested by MonsieniI Is it was firstput up, when I swoke.with, ait�rt, !, it is the missing money." , . � ��. visible more or loss to the whole world- * I � -and Impervious to moiaturei, and when. added � . !�,�
� Wits . in. 'Before I bad availed myself of this ,Cure, who in a great malidlar, and. thou was imagining that somebody wag stirring/in the. The�Abbe picked up'the parcel Bill, run.. A total, WLipea of the moon June 22, 6,n be renovated with 6 moistened W " nge. ,� \ . .,
- room. I listened for a momiiit or Y90o and. ' I " al bank. i6fes, said: ' -,'- visible to the western edge of No ill It was an explosion of .
� - I . hindly offer the Abbe called on. me. st'rily' ming over sever 11. I � . .r
. , . I . .. . colIuloId,,*bioh'woW \ - o, 11
nd stated that it waa his intention, I I I Yes, there are -exactly Z250 here. � �
. oent,at,liis own request, to study law in the soon' laughed at my foolish fand. The America. .
lodg a at Quebec. Now it is said . . I . . � the cause of a f actory being burned, down. in
. .
� . . itigi moonlight was'otream a I t the �partlllent L , I$ Poor Raoul? " I hesrd Estelle (who was There also Vill be an ocanitatiou of Mays -N,,,-York thei other -day, causing -considerable
I � two day, liter, td take a trip into the country, . �
, I he got into bad .habits, squandered a great ' ' load . . .., \ I
� I , Land that he would be very happy to have me deal 0 and playing some str�128, Ifte,k, ith some at my aide) whisper - inioluntarily6 It wag March- 17, visible to.the -'eabtern. portion. of of life: . � . . \ I
as his coyaparsiow. I *gladly accepts I d the L. f money, ati4i'so enraged M. do Gaerohe-� old wood engravings. hariginiv �F quiAd ovident . - to me ihat thi. discovery of the North America. .. . .... I . . . .. .1 I �. . .L � I 1. I I . .1 . \ 1�
I I � . I
,\ - � . villa that he hao'donied him.the hopes. n me Walla, so 0 ni � . I L . . I � .. � 119ALVAGE9.0 . F DIP11vanniA. . . I I .
. . Is that BotalWo latber,'who is delineated with A Roin'brand like fidelity,- meni of Raoul from his former home. The ,- � JL JUlde Joke on.lkDInker., � . , 'J . . . . .� . - :1 �
� -the �arrftingements. Another story' that the French men* and - wo. .. who ,.are notoin bad something i go with the be i all- . �'
I necessary - to accompany him .at, the. L time . I - . .. . I L . I I I . — .� . I . N
iuvitatlbn and made all I
� . agXeod Upon. . , . , " L � . avmryproud inaujiihis w " noticed that . F, ,I L I , I .
. I . . . 'Wall sys seemed almost to'bughAt me as I oat lip 'and necessary. explanations vote offordea Mo, - '. a lorable Eilects� of 'llanors�nce It" - . , ... 11
I . I . , . . there an Attaohment.growing up between . Young Plaker is anything but deip, but II)ep I III, .
I - . I I . 1. II. . L . � . peered out -of the curtains. . heard nothing,- Into in the evening, by, -the Abbe,,who came' still he has latemory"for all along expressions.. .. . . .. lvnrelesiInI�ss. . *
. I I
� - I I the.young Man and Ide'daughter and '00 however, for L . ralinut ' except the tick to my room. . . � I . . .1 I The other day at a little social party I he - The . revorted I ravaged of . di . phtheris In . ,
in 8 ingulted R oul .ill the left -the Chateau is . of my'Watoll,momoioll' -I -Lbad' placed on "A. yinr ago," said the Abbe.* 1IM. do, mentioned the faot.'.that the mill f clerk in Russia Ifflor 6 fresh Ana moot lamentable ' ,' -
. .r . E-axly " ill morning 'of a fine September- . a a A If ..
. . . I - day, when the sun was j not rising above the .1sife, never since come book. Bat it -is not the dressing table. was I art . arigh 1 3 1 g . duorcheville receiv0do sum 'of 1250. for the 'he is 6 .0 . . � �.
.� .
I . � . a y ever-tallso . t1wC11100 in which. mployed had re-, instance of the extent to which the -greatest
. Uri6unding hills andlightlisg'up, the roofs of easy to got fit the',trukh-nobod myself once: more comfortably Under purpofe of Paying some workmen who were, signed. � i the ,V.&L, , �. ' ' - i
. . the City ad that they fairly, shone, 'I was of -,Raoul at the Chateau. None of us believe , ' hasnau Calamities- may be sigrivated. by , , , ,
,:.. , I .. . ., . . . the bad--clothee - an 1 beard , a constructing a 'now will., -on, -the estate. "And you've go 0 . aney" I suppose, ig 'It Is , ' � I I J
: . . seated in the Abbsi's study, -a cozy apartment he'ever did anything wt;ng 'he Won. a kind I . I I norence and onpeiiatition.. often . -:. - � .
. I wall lined -with the choice. I . held, an' it � somethii was being dragged 'Raoul was at the time onL S :. vi4 t to the, Pinky I" jokingly enquired one of the bdysi " found: absolutely impopoiblelo persuade the' - , ,� , �
I . I authors -of English " I,behavedlad-and.l don't think even the of the .00trrldor, and 6" Chateau, Land on - the -night previous -to . , L, ;
. L .
I . . n Iterature. :We -soon took our W.01 . stealthily on the 110 'an PeQjmnt8 %jo .. Accept i"AiCif.. aldL Of - L , I
. .' -h d Vroheh� 11 , . city could -ch * ange h , is vharaoto;c as - dome will, ' - a " 11 Ch I Yes,,, *sarcastically assiuted.rinkisr, BusBi ' I . :1
� , � . �. I I . � few snoments, later a not8if Of Sri 1111�1110wff his departure fok Qa boo ,he Was -in 'the - I'vegot the-vacanoi-in my ruing."' , any kind -evaii wh6ft' in extremity. 'To. all . t
- I . - I I L
-... . I I plaiesits, the old.caleche, of which thbAbbe have it." . . . � . .
I L .. . . . thaVa.80", g �
I on the Point, of sir distinctly' brok the stillness of the might study and saw M. -as Gaeralleville place. ills iggioa the piettient. girl such 2era -they� rpply With their -wonted - �, - - i�
Wh,u�l reaohe . . I .
I . I was to net on driver, and were - - I had an idea as I.Iiatersed, to the old, man '� 7boirl resob'd r my watch and found that , money in the eacritoire and 16� the key care- " ,is . I . I I
I I. the ; oom, and, thou everybody laughed, fatalism, 11 If We are- to. die,' no'. me I I .
. . . starting whon's'gentlasnall crossed the atreei that he knew more About the-matter.than be. irso O*ilocki' I conid not. jesoly,ola the irtantel-pieco,- whilet, be wan . , dichims - . . . . ..,
I - . - I It wag: UOtL * ek] � and - PInkaK says .he can't f or the life ' Of Can 006VO, Us, if wis are to live, � We don't need � . . . I
.1 - quickly and.banded,my -odrapartion a -letter, wished to telL However, as it was already' Voli,ve that a member of. the family would givinig the yofing ,man orders cola6irming ' him iise what it. was t . hat ' . . I I
, sly 1 . ch. , - - . I I �oo sronsedL their- it." The - p6longed -tests of. the. Greek
� Ing something Fit the same timain Pron late, I returned to the pleasant room which 'be.up ployin a musical -instrument at that we articles he wished a ,h6 c1q. ., . .. , . . .1 � . . . 11
. -
. I * the purpoft . of which did not reach me. I 'the worthy hostess 'bad got ready *hilat I .110 0AX, XXOJU I — -merriciesit.. 1, , I .0hutolli the practice of baptNing infants In .�
L . time- - but t - -m�nibva.irvb,f.,y-vaulr,-r7lu-1I Mo -w th 'oil kUcW*",dOrA&'rnJo&too .L . — , . I "
ij:Vi- had: ..... . . --b f---- L -- 04, � -t --i- I— U. 1. - L .
I I � I I I I . L . I ----
. a di -,-u- hilike a over a ore, by',foldin' ooro, i ich -aire genera y open . I
. -
. .. - . .-"--r�oqgniZedhim.iMMedigtOly-40-4-YOU3)9-4n4ll..-Vias,lifjtelijugL-to the-'go8diJ)bf,Lh r:husbana; -�oad-Afi 0. . L___ I L . L - , 1. . iie-cold water,. which -it, would be thought . .. , :
. �
.. who bad desisted me on one occasion In cup - . . . . .9 I '-In ma;uy of .the United , Slated divorce imitpioug � to warsn,. -and of -clothing, them ....
I . . y I � . IV. , . , I beard. " oonfeeo,.I was somewhat 'startled with the bed -zoom in whioh. the Seigneak' eon be procured for a groat variety Of indafficiently until the .0goL of seven, in . . . J
� � ieg some old'historical doonmefits which I . . . � I
. L hodL did tip In the Ldgislative Library; 'Next morning the.Abbe, called and told me' when I � membered the story I had heard at pleops ; and on the night in question he saw -, from the most serious down to compliance with Boma 'Absurd supirsti onj ' .
huat ha&L.t . causes tA ,. ;
. I V�rsd 0 , had come par. L Raoul dIstisiotlyin the moonlight paid 11 incompatibility," or the inability to m4ke yontly cause countless dei&s. Nothing is .
had been introduced to me by the X1, . t he old friend,. w,h6in he Haringfitel'o on, the previous evening. I was , from �
I .- I ticalarly to see osl old -notary, Who hid been- -011 the point of putting on my dreaming 9OWn- -1he esoritoire to the -,door leading -into - th . I .
. ---librarlan,bul I -had quit on his name. ' ' . a good broad.-, A Virginia Judgai however,- more astounding-- to - a foiaiguer -Q&v_*j4 .1
. ,at rate Pon 0 forgott -college friando-wa not L*OXPGCtQd 013CI ' . He thought nothingof the.circumi hns lately added to the'liat by seriously - ut - I .
H6 was a fi in,,, And had not only one of his a /going out into the corridor, when the hall. !! ter redkiessuees of life among the Slavoniank
. , .. . copied.bxit. tranelated the paper, in a most to live many days, and that consequently he moic ceased and the noffia began again,',,as it stance at.the time, but you can imagitle 1118 declaring incorrigible, Republicanism an - raceit wMell evinced itself during the great, . - .
.. I . L admirable manner., He wan very young- , had, been unable to age rsie the' night before. a mothing was moving OIOWIY 'thy0tigh' the astonishment the .next ,morning' when he offends sufficient to ja4tify� the granting .of Cholera epidemic of ,1871, in details Whose . , . ,I
. . I About eleven he proposed to take Too to the ,11, I unlo6ked th door as,quiekly as to the esoritolre.and found the money -a divorce. A:Mra. Latham broijist a suit -grotesque, horror ourpassed . anything in I
. . -not more than twenty to all spjpearauceff-� I .0 L 0 as visible as I looked wout-Lthe key ilso wan lying ,on the table, i
and somehow or other it aaamed t6 ble, wheis old manor 'house and I gladly Consented, could, buk nothing w 1.10 for the severmilee of the conjugal tie on the Defoolo history of the London plague'. One, . ' ' .
I noticed his retiring, subdued manner, that LWhilat CA the way. I queStioned birat wit into the hall, which appeared perfectly dark, and not.on the mantel. piece. Qmestionswere, poor wretch �etuallypoirited with pride to. a -3 L' -
a, to I for the moon had at that instant . gone down ground that her husband had joined thei . . 'I
respect to Raoul, in whom I. beg 0 put cautiously to the house -keeper, but she . ooffi a which he had 11 bought'ohoup 1! an soon . I I
. . lie was oppressed by the sense of some rodent hills.. lican party. '.'The lower Court rejected I ! ',
. bomewhat interbsted-ohlefly becau96 t4 to. behind the Shutting the door I got declared positively, that neither she- nor'nzy, t 0 U L
misfortune. 'I had intended questioning thef , . . a petition, and noon'the'oase being taken as the pestilence began, and .kept standil*
. 'ill ago t
I . . . . . - librariah respecting him,'but something .oc. appeaJdd to bo -some mystery connected *I in into bad, *hh: the determination of' of'the servants haa,.,intered the room that t6 o. ourt of Appeals judge Anderson in a corner, of hid. zoom ever since. in. , � , I
L ourred to prevent the fro -oarryibg out my him. . 11 I I I .. 1. � . . haviagafall ,explanation in the morning mornin . g -In fact, they never did. ice Until Me I 1.
. I I 'a � . I,, All, I gee, my old frion . d an . d . g . . . delivered his opinion that the husband?o readiness for immediate ua6,.. ,,You know," J
. . . . . I of ,Mai. from some of the family. 'tie Guorchoville had Come to breakfast. - 'The fidy., the, moral taint of he added With a, ghastly Chuckle, " if My WI (a I I
intention. . I . L - to y . all the I met only ANIle as Gu6rchoville dud her, duspidion then took firm bold on . actoli"Was "per - imv* - , . 11
. . . I, i had given you up," said this Abbe.- , montel,.has been retailing the Saig- hloU, she felt, attached* to hisn,, and w1iiell and Telsould both die about tile Same t L - �
I . I11 A moment later you would have misged'uo. news," replied my ;oompanion. I I k is per. Uncle at breakfast, as hoi father did not *TieftVa mind illat'Raoul had,ins Inch rabraink, likely, ekdlude him from the' beat we can hotfi.go into this 06MU, nd I tha Will. - L , �
I 1.
I I will n6f iall to'do what you, wish, and trust featly true the doors of the ateau are feel very 'Well, and sent his excuses for big taken the monek. When the'Seigneur learned =Itly-ln the State." Therefd . to bd� pro- save the expense of anotheill, I . , L't . I
. aid long to have good nows'to toll you." closed against him. - M. ,de noicheville .11011"OTP8041168o ILmontioned the oiroum- forthefirat time thaiRaoulls.adbeen'some. noursood.for the divorce, but ' was'overraled . . .1.1 I ;.
With these wordil the Abbe bade tile young believes he has boon deeply ouged by one otanodo which bad. occurred during ,,the what extravagant and got into debt.L At by the majority of the Court. Wp, henr a Rev. Dr. Collyer. tells thin story "Of" a' -' * I
'i in Whom I he had placed ev ry confidence. 'light, and as"I did so I noticed that one Quebec, his . suspicion ,of 'the - Young mail'o wedding iii'Yorkshird: As the man, came out - i
, . . L man adieu and touched up his horse gently I Syn. not free to state t good deal about party virulence in L Canada, L t
% . I. -with the whip. As he passed rapidly over Ve o6unistancoo, . looked at. the other in surprise. After a -guilt -was very much strongthelmoIl- BeOu", but can form very .little conception of, the of church with his bride he met an old Corn- , ,
1. I
I I for, It is M. ss uero dvillO ,A a chatgp against him, refused Penton, who said : 11 There, lad, I wish thee . I
. the Tough pavement tow�rdo the ancient gate . VvIlish ,"- .X,AOA9,Of^-.f�W-mor, onto, Dr. do Guerchoville indignant fit th iitensd bitterness of partizan foeliag through.
leading to the, county I my companion theY sh6uld be a V Jima at, R , ir Is �;N,6` � -. observed � -` . ' -to come near the Chateau whilat under so ' , '. 1� I
, . &on man o " , no, L t all explain this Me .out large sections of the United States,. much joy ; thaws gotten to vona.*� aii &by
� ." - . - observed : - .. I .71 - - � spoken tome on t a 0 ject, and positively : 11 I can a' ttOlf-ii-IS' lobanieful art, acoasatioii. '110 -did not-deby whidh continually crops out in such utterances -trouble.!' -.1twad Very good to Isd'itsefired of '� � . . .
I declares he is entire] isnocent of what he dertainlyvery Carload ; for the servants have, 'that he had gone into the 0�tldy late At- . 'a way " . . ,
I . 1, That young man boo friends at the place: is true the Young L rema .on two Previous .0( &if the. above., � -- . that, so khe'�ridejroom went ow-fil ... � 1
. fowhichwearagoidg. Indeed, ho"Wasfat ,had boon accused. .. 'Casiong, heard' the very saight; when all -the household had retired, The recent fire in Boston has again dem6il- To] dicing; but'by and by he found he had got �
I was somewhat a . 4t 0, t d otinto debt' 00,1110l)101000- NOn8OfUd,howover,baVeP"sId bat declared that be had done so pimply to - Tried without getting a wife. . It was a hid I q, � ;
- L ,One time, high -in the fmVOrL,O1 Monoieur do. but I. cannot 'I ; vag Is an g 11 I bad left on the strated the fact that'iron shuttera, and 'also. Me' - and so when he met him old Companion . I
1- Guerchoville, but movie differences have Urs. begbve Iso is what the o1a any. attention td,their otatementa�Jindeed I got a Pooket-hook whidli he � Job I .
, . forturiately.00durred'betw6en them.11 Seighour 0 is very obativaia in his don'tthinktry brotherba6 yet been toldof eocritoije; Oheil M. do Guerolseville bad partition wall �doors:inade of'wbod, covered On t'ho' street oneday he saido With it very
I I I � , with tin, .afford� no effective protection
I opinions) d(,W. h ad him.to be. .The care, Who. them," I . .1 concluded giving Wim some- inotruatlono with long face: 11 I thought thou told me a0I dame
. I . . . I By.this time We bid passed through the, against the progress pf the flames in the hour .
- �If) I I I hope You don't - think," said M'dile do reference to dome bueinami ha,wishid done at of trial. 'Conflagrations havei. in every � I
I gate and the Abbe's attention was directed to has known �il corn his childhood, is eon. out of Gralsoloy Church th4t -I'd gotten to . I
, .
� .. something also. We Went through the pretty fident that the truth will come out sooner Guerchoville, addreshibg me, 01 that we put =g��hen he persisted in denying all instance, proved the 'utter worthlessness of t1ond of"all me I '. troublo."--!!--.L.-4icl-tall-thea-.;...--.- -----...-J
I , or later, N that it will be I, favor of his you purposely. in that room -It IsAlse most f the trannaotioniM. Xei.-Gaerelse. I o."onid-his friend, quietly, ,,but I didn't
.1 L . kubuib of Boauport and caught i .glitupgei of he letter you saw the young man comfortable in the houeo,-nad nobody ever, . villa became deop . ly incemsed,. and declared iron: shutters' The sales even - were not -in 8 .. .h . . ', �' " I �. . . %
Montmoienol sparkling In the morning nall- 0611 cases a �oourlty against fite. - Another 'all theo-W loh and." .
PUP11. L� . . I
I hand ide wh6n we were itarting yesterday, believed there wag -anything in the storie's that be was sure of his gufit. A Is just to 1. I i
. -� light. The aotintry through vbie4 we drove Big t6r his oldiriend and tutor.'s , Which Maigmarlia and another L SerVont have soy of him, however, that when #is first out I - remarkable fact noticed after the Boaton'fire -'It happens -mi almost, every large lire that il
I I . wag d6ttea by neat vilias And, churches with w, . was that the covers of all the -books bound, people fleeing from the flawoo jamp�. from - - I . I I
I : . their tapering spires, and quaint ornaments We had now reached the entrance to the boon telling. I th6ught when I was told of buret'ot sugar was over, he was As ready.as . , . . I
I L I - OXAteat, Which wao'fronted by a high stone themyv6terday; that the silly girls had made any to prevent the mqtter getting boyorsd� the in leather were destroyed; while thosb which . Windows, and thereby hill or soriously'injure . 11
I .d I We met many of the natives -the men in, rod , to frighten t I he honAe-keoper who is , the ( -myself, for he was had canvas covers wore perfooL A Turkey themselves. A contrivance is in time izx'
-shirts or bloums.and the women in Cape and / Wall, and passed up , an avonue of ,fins them UP . family lure' afid, I %ther pookot-book, With its, contents, which Germany by'which much calamities could be �
. . . a' , . I
stiff homespun droones. The villages eon- , moples, beached and elms. A Wall kept very superstitious, and no favorite with some UUwilling to inj tire ille young man's,proopedto I
� . stated of one storcy, white Iowa- lay diiectly, In front of the house Of the sOrvauts-" I . . . in life, The Cure never for on instant be- hap#�ued''not to be of mtLoh value, was prevented, This contrivandels a sliest of, �
� washed,red roof � , - malted into a consistency like glue, while, a four or five -yardo oqua . � �
� I and a small donservit6py at' one side, "Alter what you have. told me," continued lieved that the young mail was guilty-Mldllo to, ,made of strong I
. houses, moot ot them clustered .round tte facing the east. 'Over the a I COT we as,# the Doctor, 41 I must believe that the servants do Gaerehoville held the dame opiuiou�as to canvas pooket-book, Containing Mr. Riddle Oftntr4o, ,With strong handles on every ,pidoi I .., 11
( 'A- - I chuioh and the carolo fooldenco.'NowandActi, the data of the building -1. D. M4�6nd ilid hear homothing. I suppose the Saignour the Doctor, ho,was never referred to in the I ivaluabld papers, was found intaer, - , , 60 that ft Cars be hold by twelve or wore Mon. . I
� . we could. sea a large, pretentious looking - k charged before A magintrate, In an Those jumping olsobta hfive been. for many -
I building'of stone or wood, surrounded by fail somel words In 61d character which I 0ould will rather plume himself on- the fact that matter Inmy hearing. To -night, so you have A )nor.
. � Lombardy poplarmli temples Or eltdo and : not .decipher, bat which the Abbe " gold wag this old boned in haunted. lbolieVoitidonly oenn,theyoung man's ilonocersoollasb6on' 11311811011'PiOVInciftl tOWD, 1'00ntly, with years. In use id the large cities of Germany, !
I . your old families that are properly butitlea to revealed In is very extraordinary nburser ; it selling tobacco in the form of Cigars, without And person call jump dowsia-into such a I . !
- � ;
the motto of the fatally, � 11 from the ill rd or fourth otozey of, a
giving the idea Of substantial comfort and .ghosts in their houses -they are luxuries Is very curioue that the missing license. set up in dofonee that there W shoot I I
respects I I I )Illty. Those generally belonged to I I RtTI1qXX0 VIIST161A FAXL9." I money should A , 'Is no . . .
I beyond the roach of Commonplace peoplo.,� have been found in the old cabinet, ,-, tobacco in the Woods, They were mado house withouv receiving inj uries. . .
I . .
� I . the Seigneur, who so long tioroided feudal We went thrdugh. a large hall, with oak 11 I remember heating a olaii1ar story About � 11 Who could have pat it there 21* I asked. ontiely of cabbage-leAv6s and bay. Charles Parkharst went -from Providence, �
. I � . rights over Wide domaing And '110000001`11Y stained Walla and a stone floor. ,decorated a year,ago.11- said MIMIC, 11 when Poor Raoul M. do Gueroboville declared that he had., � The donaition of the streets In , Now York It. I" to California 112 149, Atka becoming a . '�
I . . . exercised 'A large lnfiuen�'d throughout the With volt ani bear skins, mud found our. log& us., .Unole-11 I I ' bar of years� this winter is said to be dimply horrible. `11 alat ate driver Was known at one of .
�� . not seen the Cabinet for a istim , to tht6o or Ut crack aim in-fiaba whips of
I . rural districts, even lv)ion the ocignibriAl iel#es it! the librAry-a handooradi sity Her; she stopped suddenly And blushed is a standing reproach to aliAmerioan" cities th" 1100 ,
abolished. / , Indeed, he had forgotten its existence until
I torsurewas rd0m, IN do Guerefieville received us With Isligistlyo As Ifishe had boon betrayed into tfic .o entionod the strange fact of the ransio. except Boston that they geord unable to the coast. Onda he took his coach and.
It was'nearly dark yihou We arrived it out )much dontiboy, and Initodsided me to hid mention of a home forbidden at the Chateau. 3' u In divide methods for doing .so simple a thing paomengets thr6bwa crowd of highwaymen
. I � The Abbe made some wore alluslonil'to the , by whipping up' his ran 'I
destination, Which Wag h large village prettily daughter, an exceedingly Charming girl, with , ,
. The Doctor,oviderstly obsettibg her donfudon, api. g and carting dirt from pavements, itango,firing Into the I,
, , - Her changed the tdpid, and.took we Into tile leaving for.she city at an early hour the next Tise bnblin Nation says thak 11 the great i
ooqueoteredly the side of a small strdam, dArk blue eyes and 'Ivory regular featured oiabloot, and thers announced big intention of 60 per 11 crowd And killing 41 Sagarfoot,0 the leader I
I I where it. emptied Into the St, L%ftence. smile wag remarkably sweet, and she wore garden to show me some taro autuniallst flow. Of s;. Railroads drove Isla into
� �Ilhlel largest hquado were low, rudely built hot halt In coils twistid round her morning. . I . bulk of English Calihoffoo are a th farmicg, and he ilavoci much monoi. The
I - � I . � . - phapolt eta which he was lilmooll Cultivating. . Tic" ,
structures of otone, some of whIch gave the head, The old B61gileur himself wag a small, � . "I nqed'bot 011 �6d 11 he #aid$ 'It thfit M. bittet6ti loss df Ifolklid, mild A6 Efiglifit �pther aay he died. it to now known that,, ' . i
. I I evidence of colmoldarable age- Indeed the wiry looking-fasif. with keen eyag,which wore I I vit. . do duarchaviltwwfolloa to',ropalr, As soon so 11 Protestant exhibits it more of It Charley Pukhtitat 11 was a wo 4116 I I
� , U . �, I
�, Abbe pointed out ildvotat orootea immediately deeply set In his hoed, and with it Will otid - I did not pea the 061guour, tho test of' the poliolblo, the Wrong he has ubirstoutionally libel Itlillmoleat home and abio.d. I
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