HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-01-22, Page 14. T21111M-01.50 Des' Annani, In adVnIree• - • YOE.. III, BM. 4. s ayen.wr 0 0 AND CENTRE HURON GENERAL ii:DVERTISER. CLINTON, ONTARIO, 0111URSDAY, JA.NUARY 22, 1880. groftoinalc and oitur gart10. TAR. ItEEVE, Mee (for the present) at milldam Albert Street, Clinton, Deo. 4, 1879, Air ONO TO LEND, IN LARGE OR SMALL SUMS .11.1. on good mortgage seenrity, at moderate raters of Interest, H.EAX.E, Clinton, Anguet 9th, 1869.* 7-tf ALIST OF LANDS IN HURON Yon 9J1 the Canada Company may be Been at the otdoe thoundereigned. . Clinton,dan.17,1870. • iurEs. WHITT, Teacher of Music.' pupils attended .111. at their own residences, if neeessary. Residence one door South ot evr, 0. A. Hartt's, Queen Street. Clinton, May .d,i879.., DH. DOWSLET, M. D., M. d. O. England, . Phydelan,Surgeon, &o. Moe and residence next Molson Bank', tnarket square. . Clinton, Jau, 15,1880.4. ifTh YOUNG, MB., (GRADUA.TE OF TORONTO Un1versity,) Physician, Surgeon, &a., residence at Mr. Manning'S, three doors east of the Temperance Bair, Lendeehoro, Ont, Londesboro, lane 14,1879. DB*13TANBURT,GRADUATE OF THE MEDICAL 'Department of Victoria 'University,. Toronto, for- inerly of the Hosilitale and Dispenetiriep, New Teri, Coroner forthe County of Huron,BArriaLn, Ont. . July 22, 1874,, • ' - -81 17. WILLIA.MS, B.A., MB., (late of Trenton,) JAI. Graduate of the 'University of Amato; member of the•College of Physicians and Surgerme, Ont. • OFFICE Alin Mainnation--The house forznerlY eon- . • pied by Dr.,Reeve,41bert Street, -21 - flAPPLETON:- OFFICE-- At Residence on • Ontario street, •oppoeite the English Church. Entrance by side gate.. • Clinton, Dee.'4, 1879. • • • ' MONET TO LEND.. -4 have any amount of money -LTA. to lend, on good, Improved farm only, at 74 per tient, interest payable yearly. Sum no object if soma- ty ample. Private funds. JOHN S. PORTER, Seatorth. . 1VI ARRIAGR Limnos AND, CERTI1'ICATES.- -0.n..,iipal,f1A the Town Hall, or at the residence of the enbseriber, Aeat the London, Huron & Brno Relives). • ' • , .., Station, ,' •' .1 M jAES .SCOTT.. . . ,),,•04, Diener of Marriage Licenses. - ClintontAprilli7th, 1.876. ' ' •: , COUNCII, OF THE COUNTY OF HURON, will meet in the •Town of Goderich, on. ' Tuesda , the 27th day of Januar next AU Accounts againpt the Colman reust.be presented ,before the first mission of the second day of meeting. • PETER ADAMSON, Co. Clerk, Atiinary 15, 1880. MoKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE OOMPANYI THOS. 111EI.I.4INIS, AGENT, . • • PURLOIN(' ONT. • Partners withing to insure will find thie Compani one of the best and cheapest to lotion in, and will be 'waited on at their home if informstiop be sent to the Agents' office. dy TAR; VOUTIIIN0TON, P7S1CIAN, SURGEON, Acootaheur,Micentiato of the College of Physitian, and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provincial Licenti- ate and Coronor •for the County of Huron. </Mao and residence - The building' formerly oneupied by M.• Thweites; Huron street. • Clinton, Jan, 10, 1871. rpHE, CENTRAL HOTEL -- late .Ittirmer's -- Albert .1. 'Street, °Buten. S. PIKE, Proprietor.. This ho- tel has lately boon greatly improved and thoroughly refurnished, and xxissessos every requisite for the QM' - -fort Iiiirlitatienionee of the' travelling public. Good stabling and attentive hostler. • . Clinton, Nov. 28th; 1878, •• • W. E. 'CARTWRIGHT,. El =wino); DnivTisr , Graduate sche ce1leee of Balittki. friteial,a Surgeons of Ontario, his opened- rooms • in the 'Victoria Block, Albert 'Street, Clinton, where he -wilItionstantlyte-nr -attendant*, and -Prepared, forte every -operation connected with Dentistry. 'Teeth extracted, or filled with gold, amalgam, or other fUling :material. Artificialteeth inserted from one to a full set. at Clinton, April 17, 1879. - • .•• • 10 •. Money to Lend, • ON GOOD HARM _SECURITY. 'INTEREST AT Eight per cent. • cue.s. runcar,e. Clinton, Deo. 18,1870. • ' . " • • p-D-LTEGO-M-B-E,.- Watch and 'lock Maker, JEWELLER, L., Wouidrespecataly announce to his eustomere and the public generally, that he has removed into his former building, on • . ALBERT STREET, OPPOSITE THE 11/ARENT, Where he will keep on hand a select aesortmentot Clocks,Weiches, Jewelry, and Silverware Mali' kinds, Which he will sell at reasonable rates. 14pabing of every deseriptionproniptlyattended to. . . • . " J. BIDDLE'CoMl3E, ALBERT STREETManton, Dee. 5, 1878. • ' • • ' • S -TIOWLFR SON- • • DYALYns IX. •- • WATCHES, CLOCK.S, JEWEL'1.1.1•RY,i Albeit Street,CLINTON • . We have jast added to Onf stook a line tot of VIOLIN* GUITAR:STRINGS. •—•re 1 SPECTACLES ALWAYS REPT IN STOCK, Clinton, Oct. 2, 1879. ..- ,.-os.A.e....,...4ertrel, • 14 •01." ;1044, 8 g g•L' Iv . Is:. _II. fl 0 -41.1.44-60. ..,,, ____,.. 0044.3..g.141x, .7,10, ....... . • •,...4 ,..t.,..,, .3. rzleamem..,,,.. ci.:145,52§.2 -4 1.1 s..il .:0 iiii• 4.- 0.1 fl...0.,.... Vt,,.., , fp5 .,,A . E.-. •• .01 IA. 444 015 of, , -'14 c44.4•0 '004J-1)! - ta " =11' W. ti •-a - - --. -- ---. , , -.--- KA. NY 48:-B --..2 h,,4',P. rt,r . > 0.* ,,p,......,. sc... 476•,, "sr.:4`.. - sol iiat'S.targ.,t4-1„.. IMO j1a 4 • . W 4,'" >4.i.P.. ty -0 el:, 4,,..P4 71 ff '41.0.44 at< • A gi • • LI 0 t fli 4.07-4 P414, 3313110011 etr,r4 livkillsta, ' Rum P- PI 1154•FIlizi. IA 0 Al2% 111i pm \NOP 1" astel, pJ.1.,A .., ..,.. r.t. A. 0144"C3`rJ.0‘2 ria .104.2 4 Nr21,'.2*,,3. 0 :al TrPS 3 s ra•ti 1.11 piiiii g eat, 11 LS 44, • • . e P1 Aoircivg - - - -c) . 4.-1,,,vigovi 00e41#16044 irtilt. yo ...414.041.0.411:s•,,,...., re u.ni.irkili La aVt. - •:"•• • MONEy TO LOA ON .EASY TERMS,' litivribleh-the principal can- • be repaid In part or *ail at any time duringthe term of Loan. APPLE TO . • W. W. FA.RR.A.N. Clinton, Mareh.1878. • . • . J. II. C1OMBE, CHEMIST DRUGGIST, Has removed to the,premises known tui • The 'OLEO S.:71f.41N'T014.7 Where he will keen for sale a tailed' and' general assort- ment of ORUGS,---CliEMICALS Aim MEDICINES; - DYE STUFFS, OILS; &O. Povunriptionsi Receipts; and Compounds:4E6re- - 1,ully made up, wit4 despatch. ---- : Olintori, Feb. 27,1879. • ° Males Fe beam, MORTGAGES, NOTES, I Now tivtrtiOententO. 1,, General Servant Wantd., WHERE nurse girl is kept.. Highest wages paid,- ' V T Apply to HIM JOHN RAN:WORD. I Stapleton, Jan. 22, 1880. Opla Securities PUrchatied. 'COIN VEY:A.NCING. & ' W. •ARRAN: • ' Clinton, Nov. 9, 1871 • • ' 47 SCOTT & BOVINE'S LATAB STOR 011 Is prepared in a form perfectly agreeable to 'children and most sensitive persons. In its nianufaSture the properties of the oii that produce pain and griping are eliminated, and it is rendered not only mild and pleas- ant in its action, but absolutely tasteless and palate - 1 his pre-eminently the finest laxative and ca- thartic known, and as aFemedy for Costiveness, Con- . stipation; and all Intestinal Derangements i t' is une- qualled, and is destined take the place of crud 'bit ' and all drastic pills.and purgativess. For sale by all ,Druggists ac 25 oents a bottle. Don't fail to try it. New Furniture, / 'LATEST STYLES; Pind.--0W-Ei ST PRIORS.- , Tam aubsoriber would respectfully anndunce to the • public that he be On hand a fine Stock Of • PLAIN* and FANCY FERNITDRE AND DEICOLSTERED GOODS' • Such as PARLOR SETS, EASY CHAIRS, PATENT ROCKERS, WOOL and SPRING MATTRESSES, Sco. 'ceilidh he will sell as low as such goods can be bought - In the Dominion. A call respectfully solicitedbefore • purchating elsewhere. ' Rentemker the plate—One door north. of Salt' •B. ORIC.,11, , • " VICTORIA ST., CDINTONy Clinton, JUn. 22,1880. SECOND I-IAND FIRE-r.PROOP.- GOOD AS NEW -4, Wanted/ • 1 .0 000 FEET of good, inch BASSWOOD 3 LUMBER, 12, 14 and 16 ft. in length. in exchange for Furniture. Apply at W, B, CRIMPS FURNITURE ROOMS, Victoria Street, Clinton, Jan, 22, 1880, Insolvent Act Of 1875, and amending A as. TORN littLEOT, Plaintiff, venue DANIEL ¥I 5) LOT, Defendant, A Writ of Atteehment has is. g eed in this canoe. It0l3ERT GIBBONS, Official A.ssIgnee. Goderich, Tan. 14,1880. „ • Insolvent Aet of 1875, and amending Acts. TN the matter of DANIEL TIOILDOY, an Insolvent, -r-A Writ of Attachment has been issued in this cause and the creditors are notified to meet at my office at Goderloh, on THURSDAT, THE FIFTH DAT OF FEBRUARY, 1880, at 2 o'clock p.m, to reeelve state- ment of his affairs, and to appoint an Aesignee if they see At, and order the affairs of the estate generally. ' BORT, GIBBONS, Official Aseignee. Goderioh, J'an. mosso, , . Meeting of Creditors THE creditors of the undersigned are requested to attend a meeting, to be held Ban:MUT, ZAN'T 51st, at 2 o'oloek p.m,, at RATTENBURY'S HOTEL, Clinton, to receive a statement of his liabilities and MA - seta, and to adopt such steps as may be deemed best .for an adjustment of the IMMO. All pereong htvving claims against vie'are requested to forward a statenent O f the same.on or before the 28rd nut. • :CHARLES TIELTAR. Clinton, Jan. 22; 1880. . . , • PRUNING. ad GRAFT1G 91HE enbseriber desires to intimate to theopeople of this vicinity, that he is prepared to attend to all kinds of PRIMING and GRATTING. Having had is very large enigrienee in, this ling, he feels confident that he can give satisfaCtion to all entrusting him with order& Rates very reesonablo. . • • ••• E. 3.11011TLEDGE, jan. 22, 1880, • Sm. Mut; Sr,, CLINTON. GOOD CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN o . :Farm for 'Stile. . TIlE meat half. of Lot it and the north:lialeei Lot 16, in tho.t.d eon. of Mullett, containing 100-aores, 90 acres tinder good cultivation, balance timber; good frame house, fraine barn, sheds and stable. 18 acres of fall wheat, goo& orolaari of ohoiop fruit.' The place is well watered, within si miles of the town of Clinton. Will- sell cheap. or. eat:hal:go, for town prdporty. For `•partieulara-enqUimon.ihe:prinniees....or to • • • . J, C. BRINTNELL, • Jan. 22,1880. • vin Warm.; P.O. PRIDE. of the VA1II4EY PRIDE OF;THE VALLEY. VETHII IS THE PRIDE Hi-THE-VALLEE having V V ouch a call in the market/ Bei:antic, IT STANDS THE TEST, and tie proprietor, nnoeA M. smineyes ie using his ntniopt efforts to plade it in every house- hold ill the land, and, also, in all draggists , • .96 ony pbor, sick, wan, Dyspeptic Sufferers seer no longer,. Ina try a Sample Package. It oohs y011 boa 25 cents, and'makes half a gallon a the best Blood Purifying Tonle in the world. Five packagoa for $1. Can be got of the ollowing druggista _IThich are but a few of tho list: N7.• T. BRAT' , . LAWRASON & HODGE, Mitchell. • -LUMSDEN & WILSON, Seaforth. • • JAMES H. ()MBE, •Olinton. • ,O. E. MODERWELL, Stratford. '" LAWRA.SON. myth. O. THOMSON, Tibusinburg.. LIVFNGSTONE & CO..; Simeoe. 0. E. MORROW, Georgetown. IOHN'EIVINGSTONE, Listoweli, 3. W. BROWNING, Exeter. • !' • 3. M. MACKID, Clinton. • hl. E. NEADS, Ridgetown. • • ' • ' Et: A, POWELIC, Chatham. - • • . • CENTRAL DRUG STORE, Exeter. And at wholesale and s•etttil, E1t0E. H., Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer,. 269, corner' of Dundarrand Wellington Sta. DoNnox, Ontario. . • , 44m THE Al.!LAN, LINE LIVERPOOL— LONDONDERRY—OLASOOW. SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE. • • ff/ablia, In tarinied late and Steerage Tteic. , vas set 'Lowest Rates. iVINTE/t SAILINCIS yia HA.LIVAM. SARDINIAN, January 24th. CASPIAN, January 81st. • MORAVIAN, February 7th., " nYlittviAN, Voinuary 141h. • " POLYNESIAN, February 21st. Parties deeiring to bring'out Olinda from the old country, San save money by purehasing prepaid certitl. cedes I .om the agent in Clinton. . STEERAGE, TIOICETS TO • Liverpool, Lon*clonclerry; Glasgow, .,'Queens- town, Belfast, London, Bristol, Cardiff, FOr •through ticlrets and every infoivation, apply to •A. STRA./TON, G. T. rt., Agent Clinton. . °Haan, ahn 22,1880. " e•sismieen, s10010111 . , . . . For Sale, . _ A_BEAyst DRAVIIIT HORSE, Seven Yeare old, ..C3... iaind and kind, terms eaSY. . . WIDE BROS., Clinton. Jan, 15,1880, ' . . . ALF PRICE IR) IMPORTED. • BAR IRON', &ARMIN & WOW' HARDWARE' ;CLINTON, DO.,1871- • - • eat. • . Stra* Heifer& nitig• itito 8111)004126es pretaistis, Lot 82, 10th eon. kJ. of Hallett, 00or about the let of Deceraber, two Tearling HEIFERS, one 'white and one spotted red, black and white. The owner can'have thorn by proving property and paying expellee& ROBERT COLE. Hallett, /au.12th, 1880. • • Stray Heifers. r1AME into subseriber's premises, lob 40, 'Maitland eonceesion, tioderich township, in Ootober last, tworatan yoariing HEIFERS, one greyish, lite other mostly rad. The oven it: horebY netifidd to prove property, pay chargee, and take them away. TE11111ITT. Goderieh Cp, Sao. 8, 1880. _ • House for Sale. totonery tante house on Duren street, belong. .1-• bag tO Xt. .T. 0, Miller, And now ocenpitd by Mr, Raltour, will be,AOld Ott very easy torme. No money to- qtaired doWn, if good security is given. The house le well built, comfortable; and eouveniently situated tot a professienel or httsinette men. /I, RALE, Unroll street, Clinton. ' Clitoher_dth,187,0, . • „ E. EIOLKES & SON' EicblISIseret. Staitoltip ad Village Ittnitero, • sEAFoRT* SLY -TM ' Outrun Noxes„-The Blyth circuit of the Methodist Church has made provision for a second man to labor on the Omit, and has oecured Mr. S. Welwood, as colleague with Rev, Mr. Cleric, for the balance of the y.ear,. This will enable them to have preaching at Blyth twice every Sabbatli,Ifand" Once a Sab- bath at each of the other four appointtnents, Mr. V elwood will commence Ins duties next Sabbath. • COLBORNE. • Sunrcak: Dze.T1c.-On the 1.1thinst., d man mined Jas. Sellars, residing in Colborne, near Manohester, was found dead.413 bed. An in. quest and pose mortar& examination wee held, but nothing was° found to denote that any foul means had been done to cause death; but it was supposed that he bad taken rather too Strong a dose of ;sleeping potion, he being oomeWhat ailing, and had slept toileath. NORMS Din, -Mr. Henry Beetle's stallion, •conqueror of the Wed, died through rupture of the stomaclann Sundey nigbt. • HOLMESVILLE. COUNCIL MEETING...1.2TM NOW township council inet here on Monday. When the follow- ing men were appointed to offices: Jae. Pat- ton, clerk ; Wm. Curtis, assessor. OONCERT.-A concert will he held in "the Methodist church; on Tuesday, Amery- the, 27t1i. Several able speakers aro expected, oleo the Goderich- choir. A good time is looked for. • . . ' Wnrrita CLASS. -.Mr. Chas. Kennedy, of London, has darted an (evening writing class here and at Porter's Hill, which proves to be a suecese, as there are many who are glad to improve the opportunity so rarely offered in this neighborhood. BLACKSAIITIT. $110P.—Mr: C. Travis, former- ly assistant blackemith of this place, has leased the blacksmith shop at Lofft's Corners from Mr: Wm, Wise, of MonntPleasant, four miles from -Clinton, on the Baylield Road, where he purposes carrying ' on business.. Charlie is a -good energetic fellow, and it is with pleasurewe introduce him to our•farim er friends, and trust he will receive that pat- ronege his good Work ,aacl integrity merits. GODEIL1CII • 'TOWNSHIP. ' laiUMEROGS COlolOtigh, sr.., of the 12t1i. con., has no lees than .56 grandchildren aticr54gteill-4iiiiidChildien. Dmair.-011 Saturday lastUri:. Joseph Chuithill, of the 14th con., died after asome- wbat lingering illness. Her -remains were in- terred at Holmesville, on Monday. O1netarc.SP1:3.1,usceveral parties resid:- ing'en the, llth dn. of Goderich townehip, ave-euffered-tim-lues.C.L.A.nnuabee.pt.thei fowls. ' Some say that a fox has carried 'them off, but it is the general:opinion that tlie an- imal has only two legs. - Tara Bnoxen.-:OnSatui4ay last,h1r: Peter Cole,jr.i.of the Bayfield Coneession,ilost a valuable mare. It 3vas Standing itt the stable during the night, when a horse in an adjoining stall kicked it on the hind 'leg; breaking it, which necessitated its being killed. GooDX-romos ,-Recently-Mrt-E,Mason of - the Base Line, purchased a pair of colts,. xis- ing three years old, got by the Bank of Eng- land, far $115 and $110 respectively. He has resold the same to Mr. W. Vodden of Hallett, for $130 and $135 reaneetively. . This shows the benefit of raising good stock. , The annual meeting of the County Orange Lodge of North Huron will be held in the Orange Hall, Blyth, on Tuesday, -Feb. 3.rd. • ' - AULL.ETT.. Mr. Ames Yohnstell; Clerk of TurnherrY; Smatrtrfess,The number of births record- ,and his brother Win. have purchased a part ecl with the clerk of this township, for the of R. Rookey & Son'e grist mill, Wingliam. past year,, was 80; marriageo; 21; deaths, 41, Mr. ,G. G. Giltion, formely a resident' of ,Mrssxo.tav MEETING. The regular' an- nifalroissionery• ineetingat St..Peter's church, Summerhill, Was held on Thursday evening last, when able addrsees were delivered ou the mission work of the diocese. -by Rev. Mr: piled one cord of beach avood m 40.-niuntes, The people of. Oranbroolc and viciniti are Exeter, and tke ineumbent, Rev. W. 'Honda- , ROBERT.- him Craig and Wm. Taylor, the two men -Who are euppoied to have robbed an old man of the name at Thompson Morri- son, of the sum of $109, on Thursday night last, between McBride's and Dawson's hotele, have been, sent to Goderich for trial. Craig refunded $31 of the money, and ettid Taylor had the rest, vrbile Taylor denies that he has any of the money, only that he- was present and saw Craig rob the old man. Alquals. • Mr. Isaac Nicholson, of the 3rd con, who has been iU for the past month, is slowly re- covering, SINGING CII,A88.-Mr‘ Salter, of Clinton; who lias had a singing school at Sunshine for some time past, has succeeded in organizing a large clan Belgrave. Mr. Salter's eer- vices at the fermer place have been highly appreciated, and we wish him every •snecess at Belgra,ve, Remove.L.-Mr. Thu, Broin, of the 5th con. took his departure on Thursday, for the„. comity of Kent, where he purposes to reside in • future. --Fle spent most of the mummer there, and speaks of that place as being well adapted for agriculture. During the short tine Mr. Brown has been here, he has won many warm Mende who are sorry he has re- moved from their midst. We- join in wia12- ing him -every succese,- AN . STANLEY. _ _ _ —Rum SoLu.-Mr. George MoGreior and Doneld Ross have bought Malcolm Camer- on's farm, lot 25, on the 3rd con. of Stanley,, for $6,400, each taking 50 acres. Mr. Wm, Cook, of Brucefield, has bought' back the farm he mold some "time -ago to Mi. D. Stong. It is cituated on the 4th eon. of Stanley, lot 20. • Snommea AND FATAL ACCIDENT. --A shock- ing and fatal accident occurred on the farm of Mr. Malcolm Cameron, 2nd con. Of Stabley, yesterday afternoon. A threshing was in progress, when, without a moment's warning, the boiler of the engine exploded, injnring three men who were in -the im.mediate vtoinity,' one of them Mr. Duncan klawati, 2011 01 Mr. John' McEwan, of Brucefield, dying 8001I after from his injuries. Deceased was a most estimable Youngman, highly respected by all. Mr. Wanless, owner of the engine, was Injur- ed in the heed, arid burned across the bowels. Thos. Mann was very severely injured, but no bones brokenras part of the, boiler was thrown on him. Mr. •MeEwan 1Vali just re7 covering from illness, end, was only there about 'fifteen minutes as a spectator. " HURON ITEMS.: - &Oath town efiRnbil vete4' their Mayer fa;""effitrivtelit.-- ' ••"' Mr. John Collie, a E026114yille, has pur- chased the Pailley..ciclvecate • ' Mrs. John Hawkehaw, of Exeter, died lait week; after a short ' ••• Winghitn merchants are consideting- the advisability of forming aRoinel of Trade. Messrs. G. and W. Soutlacott, of Exeter. have etarted a tailoring business at BlYth. On Tuesday Mean. White and Bissett of Exeter;and-a Yankee buyerpihippec1-11forees to Pennsylvania. The annual meetings of the Counfy Grand Black Chapter of Perth, will be held in the Orange Hall, Blyth, on Jan. 2th. , . Exeteros now manager of the Coss .Avenne, and Pair Ground Ry per, aSt..Louis, Mo. . Leckie and Jacob Reymann,. of ,Cran: brook;"felled the tuber and cut,: split and Hicks, of Godericli, Iteir.' Mr. Rebinson, of sop. There wars a large attendance, @lowing. raisin a bongs to aid in erecting a grist inilL the interest taken in this part of the_ church. considerable ancient has already been sub - work by the naembers. • • . SOCLtL -Th;•eadial which as held at Mt.. The liardwe're'stoelc of the estate of O'Byrne • uite a& Go, Exeter, has been purchased -X°13riell'14- on --.'ri(l'al-Cieningt•was MY:7.1aw. -Ileward;-01-fixeter; Success. Though the roads were very muddy ".f -at 77?-,- -dente -and the evening. dark, a large number were present and appeared to enjoy, themselves very well. The thue was spent' in social Plays end games, interspersed with voefiriiTaitei tru- mental music. .A sumptuous repast was served at 10:30, and all ereenied to partake of the geed things with a real Zed. The com- pany dispersed at about 1:30, feeling -satisfied that they had spent a pleasant evening.. The next will be held at the residence of. Mrs. Glazier, on the Base Line, on the evening of Friday, the 30th inst. All are, invited to attend. . • COUNCIL MEETING, —T1.10 municipal council .eleet, for the township of Hullett, met at 14ondesboro, on the 19th inst.; According to. made ansi .subscribed their respective declarations of qualification and office and en- tered upontheir duties for the preeent year. The minutes of former meeting were read and confirmed. It Was moved by J. Mason, eec. by J. Lalhatn, that David Jackson be an au- ditor for the present year. -Carried. James Campbeu. was appointed the °thee auditor by the reeve. Moved by J. Howson, see. by J. Britton, that Robt, Smith be re-appeinted assessor for the present year, at a Salary of $90.-0arried. Moved by J. Britton, see, by j:-Lashare, that Thos. Neilens be 're -appoint- years, with the exception of one yea, and the people of the township have taken this method of testifying their appreciation of the many yaluable services he hap rendered the naummpality, both in the tewnship .and Coun- ty Oeunolls. , Op. WednesdaY, Mr. Peter Moore, who re. sides near the Red School House, Tackersmith, met with most painful accident. He was . insisting a neighbor to out Wood with a, saw- ing machine, when a log rolled upon his leg, breaking it below tho knee. It will be some week, qven under the meet favorable cireum- stancea,before Mr. Moore will be around again. The quarterly board in connection with the Bible Christian Society have 'decided that an appointment be taken up.4 Blyth. Services will, therefore, he heldan the Orange Elan, every Sabilath afternoon, at 2 o'clock. The Rev, Mr. Broad will preach, every two weeks, conimencing Sunday next, 11A13. inst.; every other Sabbath the pulpit will be occupied by local gentlemen. , On Wedliesddy Dr. McLean held an inatnet• . on the body of Michael Burns, a laborer in the 'employ of gr. Cribb,. of Goderich. Deceased, . came home as usual in the evening and cow. : telaillaneet elan!, Paliniclu ininabhoinstiainci°h. hour ea ftteTwkarhdiss died. At the inquest Dr. Cassady, wile had been his physician, gave evidence, and a vet - diet was returned that death was owned by , congestion of the lungs. : • - The annual meeting of the Stephen& tliv . borne Agricultural Society was held at Hawk- shaw'e Hotel, Exeter,' on Jan..8th.....:,The fob lowing officers Mad directors were elected :- Pres., Jas. Oke ; Vice -Pres., D. McInnis; Set, A. G. Dyer ; Trees., Jas. Pickard; Auditors, M. Eacrett and Wm. Sweet ; Directors, John Willis, John Hunter, John Glenn, Ohris. Rae:. rett; Wm. Lewis; John Dignan, Brook, Thos. Werry, John Fishborne. • On Tuesday an inquest was hold by Dr. : McLean, cozener, at the Nile on tho body of the late -Jas.•Sallows, who died on Sunday, at . the age of in years.. At the inquest of the • ." familya.post mortem examination was- held. by Dr Taylor of Goderich, and 'Dr. ,Young of Londesboro. pr. Shannon, of Goderieh, was also present to give medical testimony. ° A number of witnesses gave evidence, and tho. verdict was that death had resulted -from na- • tared causes: • The ' annual meeting of the 'Turriberry Agri:3146ml Society was "Old ab•Bell's Hotel, Wingliam, last Thuraday. The .following of- „ &en were elected for 1880: ' Pres.4John W. Walker ; Vide.Pres. John Cautts.; See.- Treas.••., ---••••• John Aederson, Directors,Dr. Tainlyn, J. Farrow, Geo. Moffatt, Wm. 131anshard, Chin. ' Henderson, %Al Young, C. ,hloGregor, G. • -Thiglies, 'John Little.. Auditors, John Nee-, , lands, R R. Talbot, ,Thce,Sec'ietyhee,:la RECO,of $136-ou, " • '• • - • - • At the anunel meeting of the onembere of , tlle'Ttioker•smith"'Bratehr-Ag-rieulbural-Sooiety;.. ••••••:. ". ~:••f-• • •••••••• tlie fallowing officers and direotors** eleeted: . • -PresidentiJohn McMillan, Ilallett;')riee-Pre- ' • • sident, Robb. Govenlook. Direetors--Tueker-. Beath, Wm. Chesney,.Robt. Elie, john Me - Lean, Riverside • lialtett:-Prank Fowler, jr., Geo, Mindie ; S'eafortii-Dennis Hegetr and • John Dorsey. . Auditors--•Dayid Johnston. , and Gee. E. Henderson. •• Secretary, Gordon, McAdam Treasurer, Robt, jamiesen, ' • • nal'trhileFwnedelc:-.114Iltinsit°eiting-hirldsttWeiltih' viostosi : brought fOrcibly to our nieutory.the .sceno en -- acted on the 19th of jialje• 1878, ' when we beaded a procenion of Orangemen through • the streets of Montreal. We-Wereso fortunate 'as to, escape, arrest at that time, although pnrsuecl by the mob.'' The abeve item is clipped from the Goderich •Sfeir. It also. . . . • Messrs. Virateen and Jesse NiTiliata, of Grey township,: recently out, split and Piled 84 cords of wood, in 12 days, being ati ineritge- of 7 coeds a day. • -• Mr. II. W. C. Meyer, barrister, of Wing. ham, Ves been appointed• oomransioner for taking affidavits in and for the Courts of Ma- nitoba outside that Province, by Taient..-Go- vernor Cauclion. • Ono,- day recently as Mr, Frank Carrick, an employee in Brennan's tannery;"Wingham,wax trimming knife. he accidentally struck the fpraosmeingtheasiieh:p4mdaite, who held in his hind a knife, splitting the fore finger of his left hand pint to the back of his.hand. Kayser'is Hotel; BrucefieiclkhSs again fallen into the hands of Mr. Stong, defamer oWpdr, he having re•exchangerl his farm for the hotel property with Mr. Cook, Mr. Stong has pur- chased Mr. Kayset's lease of the promisee, and will resume possession after the 1st of April, Theannual meeting of the district Orange Lodge of Maris, was held in Londesboro on the 13th inst. The following officers Were elected for. the ensuing year McGill D. M.; Arthur Woodman, D. D. M.; G. Har- rieon, Chap; Cullum, Treas,; H. Clark, ed collector for the present year, at a salary See,. C:V. Floodr, D. D. of C. Of $90. -Carried. Moved: by J. Button, see, by J; leasham, that a by-law be prepared and pained to confirm the foregoing appointinent of offieers.-Carried The by-law was then reacl.and passed. Moved by J. Britton, Om by 3, Howson„ -that Geo. Brownlee.be refund:. ed $1 ; Thos. Carbett, V ; Wm. Holmes, V, D. of - . (leg tines for 1879; the Said parties having The Many friend:: of Rev. hir, Ti paid for dogli owned by and asseseed to ether -pastor Of Union, Presbyterian:Chinch, trtica, parties occupying their respective premises at the time of the last assessment, -Carried. field, will learn with deep regret that he,,i0 confined to his bed with a severe attack of Moved by I. Masem,-ned, by J, Lashamt that illnese. Some week: ago he caught a bad cold the follo,wing sunne be granted as charity to the- following persons : T. Erwin and wife, Whioh wattled upon his lunge. We hope the 2 per week Mary Conley, of reverend gentIemata'si illness nay be of short $; at the rate $76 , per year, to be paid to john Varner; dtmation arner; for her . board mid clothing, and John Buckle 75 ete. Baring the past six der of last Weed, Per week. -Carried. Moved by J. 'Britton, Messrs, Geo. and Archibald Getty, John Pat - gee, by 3. 'Mason, that, J.; Heyman, and J. ereon, Wm. Rielly and E. MaNainars, cut and LaShara be appointed a'hommittee to Widt on equared.froni the stump 14,000 feet of aquae the friends of Findley MOW and Wni. tireba, for Mr. John Latimer, timber ma - Kenzie (two old and indigent persons previous- chant of Toronto, _The whole of thid tiniber ly supported by the eouneill to ascertain .if was hewed by Mr. E. MeNainare; and it wag their then said. friends Will not support them, made' on Hie farm Of Mr. Wm. Ifehtfiellitell Carried. The following account WAS Patiatd; U0101140P. Williams, repairing scraper, $1,90.A complimentary sOpper will be tendered The coinacil then adjoatned to ineet again at Mr. Leotard. Hunter at White's Hotel, Elim- Londesbero, an the 6th February, Ville this evening. Mr, Hunter has been in JANIti BSAITHWAM$ 'biwilihip Conned for the Past fourteen cents. Try si and be convinced. - , The "annual)ieeting of the GoderichiDistriet L.O.L, was held on the 13t11 inst„ when the following officers were elected for the emitting year :-J, 8, McMath, D.M.; Thos. D. M.; David ceoke, D. Chap.; J. D. 'Sec.* J: Woods; D.Treoad R, Johnsten,D, brought forcibly t� our.memory the scene en. acted.on the 12th of July, 1878, in Montreal. ' We were in that city at the Aline, , being on the ,,,staff of one of the daily -papers, and - saw the whole proceedings of the day. We " ' • 'did net:see any procession, :many one beading it, nor Ives there oue, -• Not did "we• see the mob chasing the editor of the :Stir, .--,We. " think that The editor of that paper mustliave - Li very - elastic imagination, or he toilld !hot have stretched out the truth like he did in order to make himself,a bit of a lieto.- Wing-. ' ), ham Times. [Our cotemporary is4not yet ac- • ' • • quainted with editor of the .5,04P, or hp youlct know -that his imagination is a great dealmore• "'elastic" than even his little boast in this . . • . -p-alagripli iiidielfei.17------7- — ----"':"-- ;7,— . ' ' btalyelownolg num named_Wateassey,. of Shakes. ' 7 peare, Ont., in a scuffle on Saturday had his leg Charleston' N, C..- is shipping -straw ewes. to New York; ono of the regnIts of the unus- ually early vvarin weather. • Isaac Logan, carpenter, of Dresden, Ont., was 'drowned Sunday morning about two ' C4cloelc, It is supposed that he was intoxi- . cated. He was Married, but had no family. • - • , Mr, _llayld,_MoDonabl,a___wealthy_farmer, . . - . _ - residing in the township of Athol, died Wed. ' • - " . nosday evening from the.effects of a kick 're- . waived from otie of hieliones the day previous ., The wife of Mr. John Rodger, blacksmith, • of Hamilton, who had been suffering for some • days from a felon on her finger, died :sudden: ly Thursday morning after taking a dose of morphine prescribed by Dr. Riddly, .. • While two lads were sleigh riding on the river, at Elora, onhurt:clay, one named c,T Farquhar Strachan ged two years, a son of Mr. Thotnas She:chit 'fell off the sleigh into an air hole in the ice and was drowned. 'About one o'clock on Saturday morning Jas. 'Cleric, aged 161 it call.boy at the Grand Trunk station,Broakville,while working on the track," , was knocked down by the pilot -engine and Mad hie heed completely severed from ;hilt . , • ' body,: ' . On Wednesday evening last Mr. Tho.. Matheeon, of Mitohellr,reet with an accident • by which his left leg. was broken a little al3ove The.knee. Jle was returning from Stratford, and when stepping from the platform into the • omnibus at the station, the plank being nar- row and icy, his feet eta and he fell be: tween the platform, an the vehitile. Mr. • Matheson met with an accident' oome years since when the leg that is now lirOlten was seriously injured. --#.4iso-a----r•-•-•-• . • Why 'Will- You Allow is cold to advance in your Spawn and time encourago. apab torious nmladies, melt aS Peentionia, Hemorrhages and lung trOttblett When all Imeletliato relief dint bd BO readily at. tattled. 11080RES'S GERMAN Stittrri has gaited the largeet Bale in the world for the Mad Of cOuglid eolt19 and the severest lung disearme. Xt is Dr. 130801100'8 tan10118 German nreserietion, and 18 prePared With the greatest tare, and no tear need be entertained In adealuistering it to the yougest thild,as per dirt:WM-On& • Thetale tif th18 nriedieitle 18 Unprecedented, Since flitt ititre. dtteed thine Inn been a constant inereasing 110 - wand and withont to single report of 0, fatitird to do its work in any ease. Ask your druggist tie be the truth of these remark& Large size 76 ' " 44ffiabisliiiserkkeene- 40bin_nitaisiim • • •