HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-01-15, Page 5-7,-- ____ - V __"T_1 . - � , , ... — 11 Ri , 1 ti ~ .v mp "�, . . 4 • \ ... IIlio Prlee of` 'tit'hoar. nripap and onzlahes the blood, permgnenGlY oaring q , /� 7 ''Phovalnq.aLlvhPAGiII.theCgnaAiPa ll gzkaG iq con- �argamajorityv1dipa�Pe9Nr1ain4 ie., It. irnpWrlti:es... GREA... � CLEARING �LE ,.I,S�4i ��,��j� ����. /�„�'.�' „q A•��.. I trolled to a greet extent b7 the foreign demand• IL of oompetin medioineP oft da , It haq abundrede It staAdrtgl:gbeadanc,,,,t, ,IledamoA t11 + do a pummer raetorativo it ataads oar '1" stood the n " ,rope are ghort in Russia, 8ranoo and India, England cast of teA g P . raaetbnymoreOanadiaaWheat,a-aGhoPrioe cense• yggra,andiPto-dayxaorepo �larthanavar - • ! quently adrauees• Bot the pHoa of Wilgon s 9oMpoand ? it enableP OF " I syrup of Wild .Oherry never ohangeq. A tw@nty-8ve, P9aEem Ea beer up against the aomPtagt dr%in to which cont bottle will cera any .ordinary Coughs' or Cold and to is pabJected byy a' high temperature. Persona who - , Tonaark,, , *of in oldgtandin aapap atBranehitiq, araeabfecttebilfpllP.Co$c,DyPanter ,#nPoeolon,&e., ''�''' �. 'J,' �''''y (/'�'�) h ndred AL oae. p 60 sent bottles have oared Con he should take. the $ boahonees Remedy, %rine of the mow+ Yom! �.+ V I 08"" � PAY ft , - p I Remedy In pint bottieq, fl;. Pule, 86. eEe. a box. Sold ATL�D A and Qolde, irhioh have been proof w h.av t aA isms es, and ilia proprietors poslGively olairn that 4 $18ottla will by all medicine dealerP. • ensure a largge farad a alit. an danger from Cron T ^ - m • ' " Ilronahibis, at rp I oeq of yPleO, CgughP qn. d go1119 ., - — �. '' 1, C E o ate! L V' Sx V I CTO R' A'; 'M ILO . �a J.07 anion the Ubtl e . and allkindXoddipeaeee,feriawhol@ caseon, This la .- --- -- MAMMOTH 11 I DWARF' STORE, no 010 1; boastr bat a feat whtahhaSRI,' dy beonpory . OORnLAND'6 SWEET CASTOR OIL egiiallys ]Y ORDER TO DIAKL ROOSL ECB pP$INCi aOODp, I WILL BIaLT+' T8F'i3dl ANOE' QEF uY FAIL • ^ . ; . an by thonssnd,t of Canadian. Famlliae to their antire able foto children and adults, F•,ndersed by IN Winter stook as touowP, aomprlping eat 5 orlon• rs in Canada. The difficulty of MEN'J3 LONG BOUTS, ficin' $1.75 up. WOMEN'S LIEATIIL�It BOOTS $1.15 u]=. t aver nis dooto Near Penetanguisfiene, on. Saturday last, a administering of h nauseous medicines, and the deR, suability of having them pleasant to the taste, MEN S LONA FELT BOOTS ".7G " ygOMEN'S GIoAT SOOTS, $1,75 i` ALBERT S ' CLINTON. ' ! boy nine years cid, son.of Mr; Isaae Blondin, induced '1`. Copland to undertake researches BOY'S LONGBUOTS it $1,75 1 WOMEN'S FELT BOOTS 1:255 "' of Lafontane, P, Q,, .a French settlement, ;which resulted di "the discovery of a Sweet Cas• , f4 drank over a pint, of whiskey i n the Absence for Oil, erfeatly alatable, of rho same strength YOUTHS LONG BOOTS, $1,25 '4 ' . p p Of his parents,, and consequently wag not s and medical qualities as the ordinary .Castor IF V017 $ ,ANT BARGAINS, JUST I,OOK AT %1HESIS PAICEEJ, rind then call and , covered for some time after. 'Visa first geen Oil; and while equally safe and harmless,, yet exan fue my goods, and this will antI ly the cloaeut buyer. "I he was in a fearful. state of Intoxication, from acting with more eertaiaty, and producing nei- . ALTONA AXE, EVF,BY VICTOR AXE', CT3 A IPION 14X8, the effects of which lie died Sunday evening, tier nausea nor griping. Some children say it $ARNESS. DEPARTMENT.. s AXES sEPT IN gTOCK• t is honey; • others call it syrup -the all'sa the James Moors, anTorontol3ay, y' ar n says-" M childrenydrinK Haying a ver large stock of Eirst•Olsss SINGLE HARNESS on hand the subscriber would CRAMPION SAWS, LANCE TOOTH SAWS, I)IA1 pND SAWS, like it. One e t had -his ear cut off by a boy skating behind, it like water' another-" We had to. bide the direct especial attention thereto, AleO DOUBLE`HARNESS, both heavy and light. Being ' who was unable to Sto Himself. when Mr, tl r the tivould have'finislied it ri ht ofF " fr ood stock and b experienced workmen, . he can uarantee the same, NATIiS, . OOKS,, HINGE_ S, SPADES, SHOVELS, CATTLE TIES, HALTERS, ROPE,. P ., made up , om g , a y p. w CHAIN,, STRAW NTYES, 111pore feU, another-" 11Tg little girl has taken git twice SOOTCIi COLLARS warranted to give satire. satisfaotion. -:s without an irauille and does not know what ' o TRUNIt;6'anll YALI9EB..—Avorylergeassortmentsndveryeheap, TRUNKS from 75 cents apf Dr, Kfng�s California] Golden Compound. itis, thougK she hates the ordinary. Castor Oil, EVERY CLASS - or SHELF HA]Ei,DWARE .. . Is a strictly vegetable preparation and will and we never. could get her to take it without a lot and 2nd class. SHINGLES, from 40 cents per bunch, up. A room over the Shop let ositivel ,- cure D s e alai .Sick 'Headache, fight " et another -"T wish.you success of TAB.LF CUTLERY, a. fall 6touk, TABLE, DESS + RT find TE, A SPUONS. • ' I Acidity of Stomachy Dyspepsia, `u of Food Pain our SWEET CASTOR OIL ; it is a splendid thing "ATa2' GOODS WARRANTED. JAMES TWITCH:ELL,; g y .- TE A KNIVES and FQRKS UIi•IIETS• V in pit"of Stomach, Low &p its, Biliousness, —sure to take the place of ail the common qil." � Constipatibn, Taundice Liver Complaint or The eAthordinary' demand for this improve, - -- -- --- any affection of the 13tomach,.or Liver, in the merit of a. staple household medicine has brought SK A,:TES� -AT S A T �5+ w shortest time possib14. You are not asked to fraudulent imitations foto the market, but the buy until you know what you •aro betting, ublio can guard themselves against substitutes GREAT OY ' ASI N TS, AILS, W H19'' E. L A D',' d A R N I SHE$, 'll,Therefore, as you value your existence; do not' which. unprincipled parties are attempting to SXJUJUI STOVES$ gLASS, PUTTY, BRUSHES, ETC. • ='zaiY tiK^ g "t0 our Druggi8t; 3 -, 314,-00) E' a 'l..l On the reputation of'this article) by seein - 1_111...._ _ 1. 1 1 1. __ _ _._ . -o _ _ „. __ __. .- :. :. y.�4, , RwaMm (7---�o .F ___ r.. -i A IiAai ... - .and get•aYt j Pottle a'ee of, c1aa7:pF,-�vluch3x11L Ahat.ihe, name Corl.aNn s� Ssxali AsL, - - „.m__-_._7_1_ _ _ .. Q,. �y w_1,-- ..ne�I-:--, „-- ea-. - - 'nm .mac-: -x.. •i:- a;....._..". .-.....,,�._ •_ •IS,}0..��A�• 12- O,T, r�T ... rtcN p .I.t shore what a regular one dollar bottle will do, is on both wrapper and direction label. v - r `LUBMC i I F `C3 L Elep" ant, al anck j,EW OiT; 11 Ask for DR• K>;NcVB Cl.k IPCRNIA GOLDEN CCD[- Thd undersiggnned, having purchased Messrs. Coo' ki }� 81-q,y s, PBI'lolYl I�t,��.eS� �o�. .a��o�' 89, n POUND, and tarts , o other. T. H, ComBE, Clinton !J,', Copland & We interest in the above prepa- t r Coal StoTes7. and Nall Stoves, 'at , � Backlen�a Arnica Strive. ration, Are now manufacturing ft from the orf- S'1'QYIaS�. ����117'" 1?+�i111GES. Us best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruiseg, ginalrecipe.. ` ,' NOTiIPIIIt01� Sc LSrMAN, '1'Oronto;. 't Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, .Chapped' D's SWEET CASTOR OIL, Ob, .RED`UCED RIDES JEOR ONF MO1I TI COOX - STOVES, B.QX STOVE, PARLOR STOVES, • PAFtL.OR C00$ i -Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all l.inds of Skin Ask for COPL. S e , ? 'STOVES, RUSSIAARON HEATERS', RANGLS, - GRATPS, 'COAL serve the name: Do not be deceived. Sold by 1 , _. _.. Eruptions, !•his Salve is guaranteed to give, Prise 25 conte. Notwithstanding the advauee in thouprice of Pig Iron, In ,order to run off the balance. r SINGLE AND D`JUBLE HEATL�'I—ALL MAI�ES, erfect satisfaction in a er ogee Or money re, all medimne dealers. ,. STOVES, Sl , t • P y y of our stock (A Stoves; to make. room for spring stock, we,have' decided to sell Stoves. at ,1. r- "- fended; Price 25 cents per hos. 1?or'sale' by' " - -' rROltii TEN TO C+II' T EBN PLR CENT LESS THAN USUAL -PRICES. J., B. Combe, Clinton, 6' FILE N q oI Iwo14 n u TEx Tlsi> s Ire T1.1�'►E�iAT�R-LIIYIE. . Trio n a c ON ALL CASH PURCHASES DURING TSE MONTH..Ok JANUAR.I,: WE,WILL 'PI,Q1A/Sf BARBED �EIOII'+�e _ 11 It .. _ _ , ,,I 11 . WEIGHTI rGOLDI Do Ydc.,KNOw ANYTIIIN(i , ljliAHpEI,IERS— , . \.._._ A ' «'' or IT'! zPNoT; IT zs Ti>zE xou ]lin. GIVE THE I OLLO'VING ,HEAVY DISCOUNTS VIZ;- - tw0 three and four IigRlt sillier in Vexde ,or Biome." _.. . , . t Pain cannot -stay where it is usQd• . It iv elle . ... . DAOT cheapest Medicine suer made. Oris floss aures 00'KING .STOVES" -. 10 per cent 4Discount. RACKETS -in Verde car Bronze .. coi3imon SoRIt TI11t0AT; One bottle has cured f ID . `. * - ti • -- ho intend - BRONCHITIS ; 50 eta. wortli -hap cured an old + CHIMNEYS,, - A meetin of all ar es w in e d cin f_ .ren�i Dl►�count. GLOBE S,, SHADE SOLDERS. T:A3fP S14CIC C011fl'LH?` TEMPERANCE HA1 Ij,: I.N CLINTON, .on •n PATENT p , . eight applications cures any of EXCORIATED, — _ - . MONDAY, the 2nd of February; at p.m.,.in' NIrPLEs or INFLAMED BREAST ; one bottle has- p - 15. per. �ce t . D •SCO nt. HEAD LIGHT 0.IL HIGHI ST NON: EXPLOSIVE order to make necessary arrangements...A.:'eared lame hick of eight years' standing.. D. P PARLOUR . T1 STOVES, p : n X, n , .'I, . : full attendance is desired, Plank, of Brookfield, Pa., says :-•" I went 30 VES 15 per cent Discount. ATLANTIC 01L -W OLESALE, 13Y THE BARREL, LOWEST PRICE. , Clinton, Tan. 15,1880.. miles for a bottle of your Oil which effected a PARLOUR. COOK STO . p . .. , ' _ " . wonderful cure of a Crooked Eimb. by six applf; VES - _ - -15.. • el° .ceYlt..�D1Sc:OL111t.. of stet class of Hoofin , Tinware,. Ear�etroughing, &cam : _ . .B®IR NI, cations, Another who has had Asthma' for . . "STf1 . . . tU -- cars, sores "I have half of.a 50 cent bottle ! IRannfaC rets y g HBNDERSI Ill Blyth, on the 12th Inst., rile "y Come. one, come all in want of Stoves while this big discount is being offered and avail , ' :: • . T, and $100 would not buy it if I could get no + g ' CLOVER SEED. TIXOTRY' SEED. wife of the Rev W. Henderson, of a. son.' more." Rufus Robinson. of �lunda, N: Y;, yourselves•of the greatest opportunity of purchasing Stoves cheap, ever offered,to, the people . . IED. . says : "One small bottle of .your Eclectric Oil - of Clinto d vioinityr .. - IVIAR'R . teetered rile voice where the perspn had'inot • �7 �v +, A com� ,cto stock et. EtARDWARtE, PAINTS: OILS, GLASS, COAL OIL; LAL+IES, S, c..CA "])c`11C1 for �I1CleS, 'SheepsT ill , .and all lei , d. of Pelts, � VINE Clinton, on the 13th lost., s oken above a whisper in five years:,\ .Rev. J• p COAL OIL $ V THE BARREL AT SPECIAL ILATL+r3. by the Rev, Mr.Thomas, Mr. JaF,C. Vine, . Mallory,• o£ Wyoming, N. Y., writes :: "' Your d - ' of Hallett, to Mins Elizabeth J. Gilpin, Eclectric Oil eared me_. of Bronchitis in cue AT, S6CATS.. SKA ES. SKATIES. ES, i of Mc$illoli.. -- . - - '- - week.". •_ - � S.KATE3.' T _ ... _SKAT , -- - ' _ . • � � � �'•� P, 8 . . It 19 composed of SIX OF THE BEST OILS THAT . . . . .DIED,. ARE XNOivN. It is as good'for internal as for ==�� ., .Cy1.V 0!�.J- 7 HxkDZRsnx-In Blyth\on the l3th• inst., this . exte rnal use, and is believed to, be immeasure- �,,j /�� )1 - 1'' infant son of the ItAv W. Henderson.' ably superior to anything ever: made. Will, IGi N OF' T1I� PA VLUQI;, ' BRI(Jl B7.00h, C7LINTUIV lYlammoth; .Hardware Storey Abet. ,St.$ VhiltQy i.' save .you much suffering and, many dollars of . . . - . . CuatlsOs.-in; SP'ivanosh; on the 6th ins£., C1lnt6n,,Dcc. 25, 1870.' , . ' 1rIra. Cumings, aged S2 years, expense; r T o°s.-Ask for ur: Thomas' Lo -. . -' . . - •BnwARE OS IMI' A I. .. - - ' ..•.' .. r; leotrio Oil. -See that the slgnatnro of S. N. THOMAB, ,, .,. '- •., • - - -- w • CLINTON L MARKETS. to an the wrapper, and the name of NORTHROP & LY- r .:. AH-blowulnahobott e, and T,9gE NO OTHER. Bold B �ieTT E ,- , .11 - Janunxy la::__­_.­� ,. 1$80;. u dioino dealers. Prise 26.oents.. Northro d . T � bis all me p . , ,L p ..Y�-E... Lyman.Toronto,proprietorafortho•Dominion. 0' . ' R - 1. 1r - The market, -for wheat is weak and uu�, - • •a NOTE.�Ecldctric�Selectedand.Electrized.. :,HOOSES 0j� .CATTL�' • ' " stead in come uence of the very large • ^_; 1:1:-11.__... _ r,.. - _ _ -- ,,. - amount tIi atore at different clots: :There'• . ))E' . EX_-`FL�`lil-A_L• E`RT+.112ED - , 15 I H04SES and CAT- • . Inn,• are over 2x 400 000 bushels -•of- rain, .in . TLE, wbztever - "' . + .[OD . 2J1C019EliI. PESIODICA)L PILL9 be thou ego and con• CABINET JV1A Ct. sight 'and su}lieient .Ooiitintiall arriving " • - — : Altion. aro vastly im , . , - .. ' y g known'm dioinexs no im carrion s rovY,d,.an_every way,':, ' 1. This well . s P t T PI E .grid F .A Y to fully' employ all C 1Tyind facilities. .:7tn but asurb.and safe remedy. for..FemaI Dibi. ] y theuse of • .. DLALIxt,]ai ALL ISINDa. t1P _ .other grains•themarket isafeadywithout.aaltiesand:Obstrnotions,fromanycausewliat- �'(�,(�� ..> • eber• and although "a powerful remedy, it eon... , ' any Ohan.ge. Pq1 . steady at quotations. •. �1 �j1 �'T '�T f�1 '�7 n tarnsnothinghnrtfulto:theoonstftntion: rl BLOOD' PURIFIER' l _U R lel-I 1 U LLE , W JLP Beef plenty and cheap.. Apparently, now TO MARRIED LADIE.. S.\ . ' W . . is as good a time. to dia ose of farm ro- - - - g _A _.__- P. Itispednlfarlysnfted ___Ttavilwit -regul time _.____- _ ItioneevptheeseEahT -- __ . duce as it will be in "tho fature. .:, bring on the monthly.period .vtfth regularity. imparts new rt1i1 has a' "� ,,.. In alleases of Nervous and' Spinal, Affections,' . vigor, and really ®� . Wheat, fail, red, #bush, 21 20 ' n 1. 3 _ ' � � �� � � � . marvelloaa effecthpon "` a -O �= Wheat, fall, white, 1 20 • a `'1 23 Pains in the Back and Limber Seavinsea, either the heotorpoor A e lei ff • .- 1 18 a 1 2 Fatigueonslightexertion;.Pitlpitation of the ' , , eat of animals. No &o., jf;c, , Spring, R c a 0 onowouldbeliavehow' , - . ' ... 1 20 a 1 2 . heart, Tlysterioe, Sick Headaches, Whites,. �thework of fattening cv the 1111 rOVelnents about to 111a(l0 111° Our l)rUn1JSg4 , Fife, aadallthepainful• diseases occasioned by a p - Oats, 0 33 a` 0 3i�" e,¢ for 1 r �'Yln� to s Barre 0 33 - a U 5:6 disordered system, these Pills will effect a cure . , . i i�. itated by the PURIFIER., of TIC. O1, 4:st. �1191t011. , We Will Offer for sale -out Barley, . whenall'othermeatishave failed. DICKS U .I , Peas, 0 G3;.: a 0 66 .. b' Flour, . 0,00 n' 6 50' These Pills haveneveir:bsenknown,to fail - "-TIMPRQP1tlET0RS, " Potatoes, = 0 .3b tt 0 iii where the diro0tions on the'2nd page of gain: ­11 - hlek, are well observed. , . mac ,�. cra...co, G Butter, • - U, 1a, a :0 1G, P �.. -" �� 4 1 Forfullpartioulars; get a llamphlet,froo, of , , :. — OF .I. 1 K OF . l�t�'9( HODS • �'hiTi�� 'ST - IUggs, . . , • . 01 a 0 5 Hay, - S 00.: .1 9 00 agent. a • . EDINBURGH AND MONTREAL, . • aQli,biUSE,.,NEW`S(OR$SOLrt PRePR1ETUB.. -- •+ . Prepare. 6180; a splendid _. _ - �.. • 7 UU .a 8'OU Hides, $1.00 and 12.1 Cents for postage, sheloled to BLjBTER OINTMENT &LINIMENT .Shea skins • . • - O '80: a 1 .00 p Toronto , '. . . � . Clover _ 4 _00 a 25 - Northrop & hymen, , Out:,, general jq�,ioh are bee 'the best stables is the world•,. 'AT UNDER COST 2 0. a ' • 3 00 ag'entsforthe Dominion, will Insure A bottle _ . ... - . . Timothy, 7 yf0 l .: , . Pork 6 00 s 6 50 , containing over 5.0 pills by return marl:. T r-, DICK'S S HORSL AND CATTLE 1 0 -ml -K`1 ' r . gold, in by J. H. Combw'and W:1t.. ICINPs and be convinced of their merit. Tnrke s U 50 ri 1- UO :_TA NSISTTNG OT y �',0 35 .a". 0'45 Watts; -.9. Erickson and F. Lumsden, Sea: , •• • Geese For gale bis . y W r. • ',".:: ! ' n forth, Jfdd, Carronbxook; Parker &, Cattle t,Y3 . CO Da01.a - (l 20. a 0 2. p - r and. V. Jordan,Goderidh; M. Cameron, Bay. .S'AS..H- COMBE -DRUGGIST,, CLINTOM. • ',� 1 fl„ f, 0 k � Chickens .. _ .0.•12: a .0.1a field -Tao.Bonthro ,Bodgorville;andallmedi. • - . �y7 •' ±`;�a Beef',. - . . . . '4, 00 • a 5, 00 , . i I► GRAY°5 SFI'ECLFIC MEDICINIr . . ex a, a ' neaealera: P, �1 TNETI :.SLA NK ETS F1 N CY , 's n The (kaent.. , . TWEEDS, e;EArhRTkl WARILF..WN :.Q1 TRADP,�TAllh: TIIADVAIARS.' +`� �1 ! : . .. . English Remedy. - . . I _.>f January, 15, .1`gSo .' - Ug ESS U ODS, .BLACK "LUSTRES, .WINCEYS, An utifarhng pure Wheat—','all .. $1:20 ,a, i'23" DLI�GKS1iiI��INC. 1 for M__ G r •: ' neap, 8permaEorr- ' , DR O Spring .., _ILIS! 5.._,1..20 .. _, ( I SP g f r1HII undersigned having purchased the stook and (�y,`' lige, Impotency, t ._ _ _ - Outs 0. 33 a 0 34 1 leafed the. promises of MR. W. GAULEY, on Albert - and all dlaeaeae .' CASHMERES, ... TRE`I3 �S$Il�il?il`TC S, TYCA — Street, opposfto,llTr. Fair'p •Mill, takes tile means of that follow, as a ' . Peas •A,63: a -0.6G . ' r, notifying hie friends and the public genernll ,that he kq : sequence of, Self• l�E BUBSORIBER $EGB LEAVE TO STATE ,�� $arley • _ • 0 45 ...a ., 0..55 intends.earrying on the Black ng business in all �" „ Abuse; as Losaof .L to the publia that ho kleepeconstantly on hand l �y TTOIV S Potatoes - - 0 30 ' a 0 35 its branohes; and, therefore, solicits their custom.• +' t?. :I Momory,•Univer• . a lsrg$and ailporiorelaseof . . 1NGS, �7fRE .. .. � . .:,% AND - BLEACHED • ' CO Hay - . 8 00 :a 9 OU ' Being practically acquainted with everythingcontiected r• \r r sallassitude, ainTaking. ., . .. . x o.ore Talfin n After Butter - 0 15 A O lfi•c with the hnhiRess, he can guarantee satisfaction. b'inthe Back,'bim• • T• Serge ls'haelia„ a ISpecli►Ity:. nese at Wisiaa, Premature bid Age, ana.many eche. . CO'F'IN CASKETS - TNEN I30SIERY, GLOVESL. I, �, SHIR'lCS Eggs, . . • 0 14 a' U 15 D., pTEPHENSON . diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption, and' Sf " ; ., 7 Hideo - - - -.. , 7 ' 00 a . 8 OU. Clinton, Apri124,1878• Premature Grave. Full particulars in our pamphlet AND'--. TABLE L .,�.p which we desire to send free -by mail to every one. Wood .. 2OD, a' •2 5U • :.. .—.�. -x.. .-Thg S�.00ifle Mediainais-sol,11,-sll.dra'taEa.at_Sia._ •. , :'.GLATS 11 1. ND' •!DAPS, BO �'T... Flour; 6 0o a 6 5o P 9 gg- p r _ boffin TrimminggL a� rid Robes, AND ' JRA I�TER.,S, . Blyth Mills 'fOY' Sale nakknge,or6 packages for $5, or will bo'sentfree by : ,, ,, . Pork, 6 00 • a 6 LU _ „ mail on ""receipt of -the money. by addressing ' . HE ell known F1onE brill' and Saw and Shingle THE GRAY MEDICINE CO:; Toronto, On 'With a splandid HEARSE. PLAIN. COPPINA always �, �• �y 99,�. GODE1tIOli MARI- 'Ta :- w Blyth, t o'Great West• SErSold•iciClintonby.all druggists, 0 on.hand. Partiesoanhe supplied in ore_ hour, at - . , -::AND S.LZOES,•- �Cy W...* - ' , } Mil inthe'Ills o of 19. r h - Januar ' 15, 1$80, , ern Station, will be old on roaeonable terms:; 'IhaRe . ' ono time, at k Mills have beenand 'are now doing a largo and profit• M �` jj^^/1-� , - . . ;Nisar -Fall $1 20 a 1 23 able 'business. 'The owner being about to remove EO ES 1VIAKINL71-... . N PER Cr"VTT'L.I1�+aS Zt,X -.;I ` ' . � • Spring - 1 20 a 1 25 Manitobans whore. he has acquired extensive timber Flour - - 5,50. u" 6 00 Ilmits,'dosires to die oseof hie 'ro err here. The,. Thauoanboproanredatan other lace. n n 9 0-•-- y n• Qatg. . - A 32 R,..O v3 Flour Mill hae.fourinu`af etones,lrith flooring and 7 ---x ' grieting maohinory; large'storohouse; two dwelling ,�1� . S A full. sto.ek' of FURNITURE l�1 "p.`[�� 1 stock will be sold •with'out r.QS . rve2 `df','. Peas, . 9 61 a 0 6d ho and stable, with five acres of land, The Saw' 1►1 I w�°'► a7 . �,i. ,Q L L j hV ri hO e „ • . Barley, - . - 0 45 a , 0 lib M111 as built in 1$78, and -can turn out 2".000 feet of .,. .i . 1. 30 a 0 35 lumber per day. The machinery in both mina is near• T.GS' TO • ANNOUNO39 THAT• SHE nAl BE• , . Alwayson hand. : d y n WSON. such xices that canrio Potatoes * 0 1 new, with the latest Im rovomants,. B atovsn iia Batter 0 17 a 0 7.8 .Also, will' b6 sold several Tarin Lots in riIorrie and . , " T$Oi3'. sTE'fYEJ p t fail to p,be appreciate 1. Eggs, - , (Improvedanosh Clinton,Dfa. 10,1877. " .. Ras 8 1U > O QO hou�eoe and cobuilding it is in Blyth. t' with several r ; , . I Hay, Ibrparticulars,applyporsoaally,orbylettar. the Victoria Black oaEr Twitchell sr Stort� .. . DIONTUPAL' CAT'%LL .lf Adtlil:'1': owner, Mr. P. AELLY; 71LY7, onto } } 1. .. • Ii , HA7,E. - •-. �. 11 — 'whore all ordms wil bo .pram 1y attended' to, and .� ��� _ . . c. wrzlLAvt CoA ms iVIONTREA'L, Jail, 1�,—At �,t. %1a17i'iel mar-. Ott. 7,18"79' Huron Street; Chaim. A, k�E1iFEC�l' I'['I"(IUgA1tANT1 LD. ' p kat the receipts were eleven 'cars of cattle, , f> :D �JL' f�1�AN. ' ►7 � . _ ' f which•le'ft' for Vigor market. ,Cilnton,Oot, 28, 1879. • . . . All l)arties indebted to filo .,ab.ove in ovel'dru ' Ae-. three or four o g _ Sales Of cattle on the market were not numer-' I L. NE 'T 0�1 &IIIIS TS . " HST Si�T1T T - ons: D'. McDougall sold 12 cattle at 310 live 0 .7 - r, _ 1 11 1:.,. . :THE AlLAN -LANE : • ���t�lo� � p �i���l coitllts o1, Notes, to p.�y 11n i>Iz fur ' weight; also A, small lot of hogs at 53c. W. . 1{innear sold his load to S.Price At $p3.80 per NnvEB OI'FEM, D. SUCH BLUGAINS TO TILE j�FGS to tender his thanks t� rho p' ublio In general PUBL10 AS THEY ABF DOING AT PBESIONT, IN ; :i•r for the patronage" bestowed on him for the past 1001bs. Several other loads'tvero sold at 30 ALL LINTS CONNECTED WITiI TIIE- TRADE: g - ' p two years, anikvwould now say he lies on. hand a largo rri,...�,.. v,,.. 1A 1912- 1. ' . _ to $?�. •The corre0- range of pricey was from ' . LIVERi'OOL .`' LONDONDIRAY OLASGOWI I t anis 1va11 selectaa atgck of 3c to 4d • ' ENO T At Vrger market''the reeeipta aotapilsed 'THEY GIVE.P RFECT SATISFAG ION SHOR,'EST SEA' PASSAGE. Ll1lThl gild French 'Worsteds; about 180 cattle, • According -to sales reported the best beeves stion-0 : ani tinoaintettnd� toelragotjokw . sold at about 4c -to 4;ld ilex alb, and inferior • tl "'I"tis ' o e i►t t.ovest atea7. .Broadcloths,: Doeskins, .Scotch,' • at from 21s-to:3:-jo-per lb live w6jgM. Sher gold at $4 to '85 each, alid lambs at HARNESS, apf ALL STYLES, � EVERY ^SA1'11RDAY O:RORI QIIEBRC. 'English, and Canadian tweeds, $3 to 3.50 do. First-class lambs 'readily , Y • As over aheivn in Clinton ; besides a Lair assortment of bring $, r ',, GFNTia aUl7ffe floe Senrfauttloiato pnh�ias, Col 4 each, n IT 1+ A 17 O .O L !!, +� PwrEfea' desiring to bring but friends !roto rho clef 1 •�= - •:— country, can cava money by p•traliasing propaid aortiil• + > W_ . mates f om ilio agout iu Qltnton. ods 1 n :- 1 s nd will be Sold ag 7lhe tlreikt 81koslionees 061hetly. Trunks; Valjses, Norge Blankets, ; . . ea nl are ne o d stock -Land • I Is au Indian vogotablo compound, composed of the HT?;E1tAC#If YICl6F;Tt7 TO sheep as say other hbuse in Clinton. juices of a varfoty of remarkable modidinal plants and ; r iT hip would also State that r t has taken into pnrEfsRa (y}rI T3,T.LS .E ETC. ship Sir. w, riI. riI0O1tE, (far the past eoupla' f roars as of different M M I s ! I iverpool,- 4071donderry, filcGs�ow, (lcre7ts� I Wants, whenaeomblued, lstsog bnstitutM As to set sim- F ,J , salesman wills will lbe came: uAtdnooasly upoh the Blood, Gong }, L r, K[dnoys, '' i3Oton, BeU'4t 1, ]iondwif 13Pt8G0f, Cardtg The buehioss will ho carried nn in futtiro ander Eha name of SMIT11 k MOOSE, Digestive Organs, Naveus'89atem, rcc„ tee Ing t10 i`cl t .$TILL i (i, ,�' .fj �peCl It ! i riot throagh tiokota aria. every information apply to , fancti-no to healthy action, and, being pure vogoti• t A. STItAITCN, (1, T. ll., Agent Minton. All garments turned oat guaranteed a perfect 0E. able, is as harmless as natoka's own btvorag'e, Thfrl AS 1lSUAL, . Olinton, May $0;1978. " medlcine is a decided beniAtin all, and a parmauont ..k (;all aemi)oeftilll•y E1b�li it ecl. sure in a lat'go majority of dfaeasos of the blood, such ' - as Scrofula, Eryeipolns, Sait Iihonm, Oanktlr,° Pimploa A (roil,#r ' ItL aI'BCT1i 1;7:K.Y fi(li i�Jx'PLiI), f . '1�i, tis. , } p �]] ' 9lilxi# &I D10OR1s. &a. IR prosorlbing tlria modiolno `Ivo So nbt olaimtbq? I Snbse,4 ibe for the, Nell Era . Mintoa, Oct.1G. 18(0. it alwago parfoxms euros, blit this we do say,. that -ib Cl,tzlseN,. Cat, 8o,1810, , . .. __ . . 1 , s, .a • . . " Is. , , I . . I . . . . , *. . -.1. I I 11. . I , I . . . . ...� I � . . � ­ I.. .. . 11 I .. . .1 I . . . . ... . � . I t . I ,I . I..", . . ., -. .. „ kI. - f.. q, , . fir, ° • ,,, .. n - -