HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-01-15, Page 40 rr . v 11u.Ckt�Yo1r� oto rale. ��i�i'h.: COUNTY VOUNO SI CANADAsa rOUT90Ai, PUTT R30. THTC r9or�oosp 1Yaw' I AMWAY, ,A� * . p y The politioalydestiny of this continent is by The. S' tial iveaan article oa this matter " _ � Notice -.-1'. ,Adamsoo The Io, oaing is still ity Councils, la- no means settled nor can its fdture bo fire � g , ' Hardware -Davis, & Pay boring to, extinguish County Councils, but dieted with cortainty beyond a very limited in our last weeks issue, :, lengthy notice, e can understand the 'matter Stray IleffoTs--It. Cole so far as. w , period, SVhilst the United States , m.1tte.d. but fixe fail to sae :any sound logia in it, h. $traylleifers-Sv. Tebbutt bas root yet given good Arid sufficient rea• lyposseeses•manyadvautages,alluringenough Nets Furniture -'w. B, Crich . to us kinder present condat ne, we are sans,• .Wa .said we wndted to know where the 'U$ IMER Bargains.-Craib, Macwhi,rter 4, Cc, sons why that should be done. Ae we his at the same time, of ce iia grave impar. traffic was cin to .come from, and the iivroe for sale --Wade Brae, have not the $li htest ildes that Ctount feotions which are.prett sure takbecolakedan- g g + g y Signal answers that they pointed that out — Councils will cease to exist in our da , RerPous evils when the now waste places of the.' on the. 10th. Dec. last an y � ' y, Republic will, have been filled 'up; and the , ,. d that .the also In three sizes. , No lady who has Once tried thea�l ZvoU1CI b0 - will not occupy much space in Poietin$ out struggle #Or existence air this continent cow• re -published a letter from the GioGe, show• tt'ltl1011t t1, lYl for four s . a few weak points in the argument of our menses under new conditions, Comparison . • t1111@s trial, cost. Zn rainy and snowy OUthe two countries is now unfavorable to log very clearly, 311 their estimation, where 'iPea ]]81, they are unstlr asSetd fpr comfort qua we Gotemporary,ie says that the work Gallacia, and it may be arae that, iu a mate• it was going to Gome from. �Pe bog to - S - P e@ them s could be•equally well done by a ccrnmittee risk or money sones, our connection with an gay, that we. radically differ from the coni JO /� w,c """` ""i of three men, For ar argument's sake we European monarchy is disadvantageous, but AT JOHN HO�GI NSI 11 g there are other things to, be considered and elusions arrived at both in the article and will grant it,, now haw aro those three 'a re -arrangement of boundaries is not unlike. CrREAT CRY 1GOUDS. WgiitiE O CH10011 ;��f men to be appointed? vur Gotem o r y • place'•p the letter. The roasokking waa just ae. jxC,,�+ ,��8£e tri.; �+ �1 (6• ages of e . r pray for the ndepedeat act ou of CAj%A am_pt'tae sound .in them, as the. inferences Chat are ._ a �' n y , bat we will suppose. they are wa .Ave Press, intended to; be drawn from: A few of the oaAroxA>, 1'sPER.OF T$1 Cc]i1Y�I'l'X. elected by the people, ons fqr each riding, ,The fregnenr appearance of paragraphs. ataEements made in the article now under are they td do the work the Council now similar to the fore Ding, is an evidence review. Speaking of the large amount of THE ,'NEW • .l different kinds d .1. f ooda manufactured in I R 1 I YEARS T$iTRSI?AY; . tYN, "1`5,' 1'880'. doer such as equalization of the uasess- that the existnp system of government in suite other towns, it endeavors to. Convey . • - _ : "' �'�" �" " - meat rolls the idea that if this railway was construct ` xATI01VAT., .OUl21tEhOF.' , iOadaucl bridgecommtsstoilers this o.lui try is not. altos ethtir satisfactory, y We begin kilo new yearwith . ' ed, GFoderich would boa better locality to b v The national currency advocates are still appointing arbitrafiirs to settle disputes and that, ore very long,, the `public inilid erect .ane carry, on similar manufactures between neighboring counties in relation will be disturbed by, discussion .as to tile. than the planes named. They may as g7 laboring to spread theiridoas in relation to f p well first as last disabuse their minds of A H'U M. On Gr>rY COTTONS,; Nearly ,2�() )leCt?S 111 all, )ill - this uestion throw h the county and to road and' bridge making, GCC., i£tc• If formation and adOptlon 'of a different + + Ch�SeC1 befOrQ ill@ jJ•o01n.' 1 . • ' I q r G YP thc'idea of being a maptifaoturing centre, that should be done, power and labor system, are. holding meetings. and issuing circulars .. for alar tile, facilities are lack in.-. _.-...... w.Quld_be.amposed...on _.filo..-sllottldens.•elf •- .lU the ueatiour',could -ami -we zea -no- ..-- he-concludin�•- ora a h -of the -article _.. _- _.__ . - -for this purpose I:aat wbpk� a mooting . o p p 0 Y _-- __._.______"._. -'hold at �t: {ia't}larinea, .the 1Tayor of. n D e l e of fl y it •ooltitl not, be=tlisoussed r , _ ..., ,...- - ,a _, Dalt Inlning la in' CSCQll1 ion,•�all� argues .. _ the city presiding, at which Elle following our local members, Anel there would be no without any party, or f11CtlOUs spirit, it that the raillvay would aid it, and the �p� i resolution was said .to be carried uaani- way of checking them, or. of iornedying any would very liketv.draw out some very mina the railways. . \Yo think It ti �4 experi- A H V .On SHfR'�INGS,•_ • tdOusly:_".. - •• • . blitditahe..•.�..,, ideas with- reference to,-thb,best course to ence of Mr, Attrill in this kind -of enter- ° . .mistake they mi * a , The Ex osaior sa s rise bill doter any other capitalist from /, � oil `I''I( RS AND f)'Fi�ZM�; ,. P era should Ld commisston- pursue or Dyatem to adopt. No harm can attempting..tho same, for.'many years. to t That a currency notrbased an gold, and p y the roI exem t from ruinous rates of interest, should ho ld be. elected^ by the -township result from the utmost freedom being ex came. 1 .. be issued by our Govrrnmeut,• which, boinfl u .-.�.�.�- - -, �"� on"HQLLA` TD, . " full legal tender for CIT debts, would supply. ,councils. lToty and when is ETlat..tc,be eruk' a iu the discussion ; in fact, the morn N S 'AND< DAMASKS. . Tile LondouAdvertiser, init.fe.W_X,e es;tinn9 .�....: • _.... _ ,_....,. w _ :.. , . _. ._ . _ .4..^...._.,.:_,.. __ onrEpeoplewith the means to develop our �pnb- done, other . n • by the. xray, it_ is nrtw tharau ply .)t-:is:--discussed'-the-more,' per- - lie works, foster our infant industries:lig hten donO? 'Tho heads of he town's '� caun- mauen on municipal matters, mains somesugges-. p T + r T t ' ,' our; taxes, and remove. the evils which now t ilii . t becomes whatever course isadopted A H � � 011 �vIN CE�, S. ANTI Zi LAN N ELS. tions which •are wbrth.cousider}ng, and with exist wider our present financial system:' oils flow meet and elect theta, after know- �j ehave no..anticiputions of Canada being iyliich the quite agree, exec t to that or- • i .l? g P • . That such aresolu-tLQn:;hould.,hQouirip,d inK;sotnetbilli;-.f tbeir fitne�e.for iLe,posi.: anile e t se„ Jnited States at est fur' ' b OnI 11 , ., iln; to compulsory voting), Our . . TS, ••. ___ , le tion iefer `"llnatirantl sly,-wi3-thinic- wa•-ctia Tarryousily ,.Jton: .'The eleGtioa o£ persons. to a ualize rasa cera o . .. .. I q Y y E come,, and -it is quifo probe:' Cotemporary tbinxs the intiodaction of the . M LA KE understand The sane persons that were the ass4•s$ate,lit. rolls either_. -b : thQ. eo l , n r . : , y, -- ---. _ .. _. _ ... -_ . , y p .•P Q ble,.ilk..a.t such- a.thing may.not. be. consum- ballot_to -have been --highly- beneftelal-; sit; -. On M T .- ___ . _ . y ____. A . I . LES, SHAWL, AND •CLOUDS, at the meeting would• soon 1'eurn -to what direct, or by the township councils in sea, •mated within4tho exiatenee of the present ;est.a legal restriction o£ cauvrtssiYtg; is in " extent they•wore in a minority, aixd;-con- cion, would be a difiieult matter, anti most generation, The •geographical position of favor of school trustees. being elected on the g . sequently, the inutility'of raising any ob- certainly would prove unsatisfactory,. a9 Eho two con tiles and ©' P same clay as.councill'ors, voting thereon to A. H `� on k UrS, 1.. there would ba no sig n n their -ir commercial re- jectioii. to Che passage. of �uoli an absurd ple•means of reetlfy, lations. will, no doubt, lead. to an effort be be by ballot, and concludes as follows:- . ••-----p--- . . resolution, therefore, it must not be taken ing any mistakes, or, correcting any abuses "'Let us have. all our munici al. elections ` 1.M the Might ing made, i,n that direction before many take lace on the setae da andpli the 'same ' 0 for granted. that all tyke. attended that y b perpetrate.: ears. . man place lot,the law requ ra every voter to �S ectal, Cut .-Prices , . �o clear: I meeting are fit. subjects for the lun1.atic aB . Last session .of the County Council.8 Y. . J Y Sepaxatiuu from England is a. question come np to ,the poll under penalty of Using q disfranchised; and let canvassing .be made a tum. But, seriously speaking, it is hard eommunioation was re¢oived from another FURS, SIAWI2 MA Y that but very few will at present seriously misdemeanor.. Let the. qualification for school - S NTLES,, OVERCOATS , oration1. Count Council req -nesting p entertain-ae a matter of fact, we' do hot trustee be th'e same as that, for a oouncfllor, FANG �%OOL . OO ` to.believe,tliat such a res4luticnabould re-. Y co -o rT DS, &t.�i. calve the asDent of an educated- aadronce in the establishment of a central council r neither more nor less: And then, perhaps, • suppose Y' Y g the subject. an election will be.'gven pure ,...and moreireo - . .. eom used of the warden of each_. cczuncil.- _ _ 1 --'- , su ose ver titan " have ]von such as .we aii_proae the one.at,_St. Catkin- _. PT,- .. ; --_-- • p a moment g consideiirti�g=nn 'wore sue and amore` correct • aorrectexpreesioaoflpubhoopinton 1@ marl�J for air dly b'oods.is Excited and-advallcillrr --__ '_- _1. Our council wlsel ob'actod as this'wonld Wool. Y J , than it -is now., And then we• ma have better rr cines to -be.,, , a question forced on the public Mind at y be unnecessarily creating legislative bodies. - men allowing themselves to be made Candi. 1S 4U C. per lu:, 'which, must affect'the. price of �oocls iri'; thi3 fix- Papercurrencyaltlo.ughostdnsibly based present, it would, we believe' meet with •.5 1 dates for public honare, and better men filling - tL1re. We are a .r� aring • t(l tiL�i;e�. °-stool � � r' Butthe.requost ahbtvsthat there are some so much o +< P P - �, ,and will .HUM. ,AT' on gold, is in reality.based 'on labor",- and- -- -- --- - - -- -- pposition that it would be • flat- public posidona; than wehave at the present. if who want to go in .the. very opposite'direc• „ ` " ., . :. S..:as long- a,s 1we ca;n, till the bi hoOI' that iia must be made redeemable in some product tened out intirely, as tha people of Cana- g . .. tion to out cotom•. orar y', We thinly - � ", . • • • iDN!PAit10. LEGISLAVIAE0 P Y the CE tel taken leas • ' _ _. r _ .-•� _,� , irf labo;,; or: othorwiae l[t would be . de re - ' �da..ai i not ygtil;ttg tA-Ont&Ipli$1t ttgaB::atrinde ' x .y. P In prices - st0 S us, P_�, w. - m _ p . . _.__ ... .... h,... ...... .. � _., .1t _ - a �. bbtkee .. .Ire li these two ••extremes is ilia. • .o d:dnt`iiSl .. _. - flu Frid _, elated; in. value, seen thonah-the govern= :.. r . any. .. aq last, after tltbliW14116 inali• ' right one for the present, • ''' What will be the a ilea; the:; Lieut:- Governor' delivered his ' ltrant aright iastie-N. The interest is 'not - - . , especial feature .or speech e - _ E• �ONETlT�. 1 p o 'the assembled Legislature, ' of B A The advocacy of a siulPhficatiou of an principle of ,any new system of colonial •which the following is W "4 .N vY : pro � � SAS 'governed by'the,Cuantity_o£,.pnper nolo=..:I. _.. the on 1 a.° natit 1. olT .or" til - ti a ink ro velli e - _T. , 6omen a its ma, m nt `it .is.. tfHeti3t to _ .: .. : -,_ - .. _. _ ..... __._osilation, .Fut u' off "tH .1,. _..t..... __. . _ . r . P ... , detertlnni , wnratulated. them, on tliewabulndanoe ,of .V.1.''�r�- �-- -�-- -, l p e. toneB y and In 1( us .-...".,.. ___ _ G �.x'o'i ran:.l'-use. OhlnOry, does not b.:,,any means •. •,pr bgtpt ldJ1At_.ti!o_baljeye::wlll.rIib;itrwdiredt' •.-:Elie,„lagt--h'arvest'.-.and tlwle lncreasir e-• . I . •._ .. _ .. r ..tli ' l'e:,�Stabilit ,:of�th"n'titu--. y •r: .., . . _._itat.- y itYid` g - , _L �I' , s mand for'cer-taiii classes o£ luintier,.pro• • .. ..`'r- give support 'to the ,argument for its ubo almost immediate result of a discussion of 1. ti"n_% the, tou,tttr and the 'amounts of :. . -.. . • .. duan r a .beneficial affect on the •i , Ary, pilon. Wo' w1I1 a the niattor will bo a move to -1' , _uterests' �., droit, if it `will•.bo -any . , stlnphfy:go..-of the country. fold thein o .'t - n'o - .. f . h. �- a lcunn1 .. g.ipikal ,ill .tho,.00untry-than ., verntnent. ;and cut •down lafftslatve. ex- able official•tll he took t J Y • Y ., ...._- _ .. 4 ... • comfort Eo• the .Ea1lgsttaP•, 'that an auto ., a •. P • . t, Thunder Bay, .�'ti,llm fol yiLle. -• 1.I.Stsay. Helfer iaoaunlula.toct. prod no, of Tabor. ,,A house - lienees. I . and through -part of t;lro territory awarded cystic •government. or managenieipt isahq tint F 8T LA$3 FA � r farm tl'ist trait rents for , LQO er • 'ear' -`�'-"- -= to Ontario, last siimtner and eom tide q- 11111; )\o: s5, du tlw 15t1t- $\iE into anbsorracr•s ',remises;' ' -._ .P y , . , me d t, //'y' . • , i , lot 6, Bayfield son. of oderich Township,; belonging to Mrs.. C, V concession, Goderfoh !'o ns i - ` l�ato'PEGTx._-P03i�T5 to the attention of the' members the to- w p, about the .end of, ' r s�y.2D0 lTt'ieliel's o£: klieat, tiv.'buld• still cheapest , but, until -filo miliriiium ponies:, I.`� (}ordon; Will be sold for cash or ass part Credit. Only 11Iaroh, a bine& and white oar I ono mile from Clnton. The farm contains 8o aces of orn.er'fs hereby y Old, arty, );li• The .- coo opine we well have to log alone :Same- .;" Thou h the times are t • Ports relating to the resources of that sec• choice la y notified to prove proportq, pay aspen_ f et the 2£sfl bushels of wlfeaty "oil an eqw-. �` . int yet ripe for any •tion of the rot �, land fn good._aptiditien,:tine.-ar'ehardr&o,-,•Ap, -ace,-and tako it aim- - - - thing after't�e Mariner we are now'doing, radica1.41r, nage, we are confident that We far- P : v nce..,._,I�o,-mentioned the ply to 11"HALx, . JA. I . � ,dent in thQ ehapo �of.ri20ney, no- latter .. goeing'ones a Un -otic inllcen IaI tna existence of Old deposits 1nt110'IBlanda Of O1.ntOn,.Jaly81,1878: o• - •, NbS9;k:. g p Ocacriob, townahip,.lpoc. ltlr,187U.' . hat nuantity'c,f ]tills were ise.ued: The amongst notices of motion before the Local m g 6 and Tly beforefat• the Lake.of.tho Woods,'and as,,it was all. _. _ tutors will tlualk ion Y . Legistature now in session .is one by Mr. 1:1. tempting to commit a :nation like this fo � si tiotpaied that a large influx of population , • ant xopresonta•,interost on the money H• Gook, for a retnrn.'whicli will elicit policy ofgormanont protection." would take place there',: recommended that ' ; • Gent in tilt pavchnse of a farm or.. the anion st oilier th}n �a" th` � 'l'he• foie join • i's. cli . - measures, should be. taken to secure ,the. • - . e amount expended. 6 6 Aped flog a recent reservation, of .Dace,. Curie cadence .. . ,uildin of al:u se. tad so 1 P. - _ P a : . fi.: ... kt- ,.,_ ung.-as.elG.ht on Count Coun^i s County iety Yarkptkblicatioll; unit'ivaiild indicite had':ta&en taco between file Grover . .1 between:18G8 and TerO,., P, ,agents r ten per i aiTt can bo made in the building, both inclusive; Such a return. tvi 3 r of the Dominion cilia be a. grow 1n ilio States of mole and the .Province,, with y��Ir��A�� . ] of a house, purchase. of a farm or in as most valuable document ane] it is to be•hoped fred'ont in: aternarlonal A' do. 'That the reference to the award of the,boundarynr- «,, . . ocher •venture; money will brio<• that that,. inview of the interest note taken into bitrators, and he expressed the hope that - ' ., e h Aineric., tariff trill iia subject some ra- at the approaching meeting of Parliament � ' ,, �l . amount of interest:' question, it maybe found'poasible to get tlia ;tical changes, are long, is beyond doubt; it would, receive legislative .'recognition., I. . As to a' iun debts'siedeto in our re, information'both early and cog lete, .: • Achangeis,propbsed in the.,nianage'ri ent . " . P Y P g. P and that these chap -es will be a modifies-. •�• • .D the boys x tory a PeAetan ui " of sources, l'n}iteninry taxes : &G. with,a_irLore _ .. _..__ . _:.-.- - efo • tion s, q Y., - :ai . shore . m . tlie'tvar o� ma inb f,. a v . _ ._- 2 e nail certain. - - -�'GfiICUL'�UliAis F.iOCILrT1ES: • , Y e It more 3n . extended paper currency the idea is g. ab:-. _ - keeping with its nano and. not1.1. Protection in German ° e,. � . o Aa,anr County and Township AgAcultu y has; lead two •results species of penal disoipline.. l,he Ontario -' surd it is Teaily not.worth contradicting. ral Societies hold their annual gestin s for. which are vorjsuggestivo_of what ma ''occur o . • S . y A„ricultu. " Clollege is :recommended as ' • The Hon. Isaac Buchanan' has' published the purpose of olectin cillos bearers f an Canada when,. 1n •cod tune ...wed •% S.. . or.1880, 8 .. oma to north of more assietalic o " and for auditin accounts oto, earl m estimate thb efiects.of the same elle 1 "'O : y e, a ,. ns ro pIace... y y of the' National g .. Y Dann policy n Ca it in a more ernianent o ilio • ary, it, seems to be a well chosen, time to c ll nada' increase in cost of food• and decline P P a . n, and , also • Cu re Gestin wh ch he'aa a .:' "Plan ' a . n ,> of recommended that a aommlasio : • ' . • y, y • • tiful the attention of the public to some. very im, shipping..' Exactly:the,sainq things. occurred: n should be IN 'Or An in -t a p ointod to en UirO 321 0 • 0 .. . and ekes alone ben',:a cony`s, iblo. t ' t t. matters in .connection therewith, he United States, but ,inter Pp q t. mattor3afiecf B. P Y b. .. - • , . t. CTm,_ the a �r'C 1 i hat file old. fashioned count . and to ski nal resources of that count, : enabled he •i u tural iutereste: .. , . . .. Y coil . iP Y rte . crkb` r 'off for,plentiCnl and suffic>ontly .rem•unerativo soeiotteD h "vo outlive their overcome the rine, infliction; E$ erienae in,the Xac Y,1[ h" tor, . .. , "iI I h d t sir ,usefulness is a fo A anon `while the la$- . P working of. the Free ' . i I ... . . fact ret_t, euerally admitted:__�ind-it is:full ter remains a 3nelanchaly_faot-to the. rigent Grant Acts has... shown _:thatthe . abaolu a -•- - t _.� - . _ ._employment " By such reason)ng all that --, a? Y g P t1. I 1. •, time some"steps we're taken to remedy the ; day. -•Ottawa .Erse Press. relinquishment• of the rig]}ta of the. Chown ' as -necessaryto frisks this count, tos er-• . ,• y P P • thousand and one evils that have'crept, un- These .'two results" ' to the pine timber u ion the issue of li ` lits have ahead cony 1 0 . ,: ' ous, 1S•to set the,prin:ting press ping .consciously .perhaps, into,out Agricultura3 Yo .patenthasaneouraged a wastefultreatmenE .- ` AUB NOW`OF,FERING' • Societies and are Gating out the vory vltals.of red to some extent in tins country, theS of oily pine' forests; and, Iles, been 'attended . � . - issue nates. The absurdity of this cizn be the iiYstitution. It 39 not enerall known b dad . the. Cilli g Y r Y :cost of food having materially advanced in with loss -'to the revenue, without eorres . easily seen, if 'a .person- •will .think for . 'Public, ,we fear, that our. Provincial.Go ondin bonofi"t to the vernment expends in eaeh and..bver Ga some party oUthe Domtnlon,.an.l the ski"- pp g•- _ looatee, . Amoasttre moment or .two.: r1t'the pr@'sent aims. over 000 on A Y Y r' ?� designed to protect the ublic wterest in �* p p ,p� /� - �77, ricultural , and other kin, ping interests being gn the decline. these•r$a acts P11 I MY "µ' 6 �'p� B R�7 A IN S fi , is recommended. there are thouaafpds of ,bills of the Consoli= dyed Societies, Thele are 81 Llec6oral Divi- . The tie resod conditio s"Pri Sbeicties to Whom rhe• Governmentpay i`iiL 46ANADA. p:ACIr•1C P n of the aaricul- datod]tank still i. the hands of skis people;. x#A>Lii VA,Y. turista of Great Brltain'leads to the expec*- ' - IN .`- ' P P 'annually $700, each one thatdraws upon the "' • o ti bit; no One *ill take ahem 'at `their face purse strings of the Province • to 'the tune of Canada ou ht'to 's`: ration, that a considerable.; iiuminration of $550; sib that are contented with make haste slowly an the farmers and farm ' •rnlue because•thoy aro not redeeniablia on Mo each, construction of the Canada. P.aoifio•iiailway: laborers to Canada.niny, SILKS; . ESS � GrbOT3'S • `M A•NTLES bo, . anticipated durin the resent • �' ' • • aunualy, tho,whole amounting to the bery re One of. the great arguments in fayor:of the g P year: r presentation.. "1'hoy' ere,, redoe.mablo 'at spectable syln of $6'J,350.i! -Port.Hope.ai de. construction' of the road is that ' Care'wl11 be taken too lace the . t to a wort of P claims and ry .. . .,rl some future time, therofore sonre -parties The dlscusslOn, which the behave kind its imperial necesDity £or the complete defence of advonteges of -the Province of Ontario fa- JACKETS, MILLINERY. LAG E S:, ' y wil1, Il take thein at a discoun a origin int the empire: ;If. it be a work of mperiiil ne• vorably and' prominon.tly Fpefore that or- ccI " .. g his section of the countr I? ;4. g •. Jura- ra- ceseity, the -best thing, Great Britain. can do, .tion of the population of the United Kin - the length of titile that it is anpposod will ference to ail amalgamation :of the various is to go to' -work 'and build -it.. It is not b dom. g FURS HOSIERS • GLOVES, UNDER- - Y ,S > . ' any means .a . nedessity. tq Canada, and will.:. • In view of Elie satisfactor 'results t "" ' els}pee before redemnEioni' townahtp agricultural eccieties has become - . • Y hat ''' " • .. , not be for years: to oomo; anti; there is really ..have attended, past efPorta _... .. . fp 1 y.. General . throughent the ,evince y P tcwardB the I ' To' kee 'u dollar bill at par it must be prett no reason why. should be at the ,ex- OLOTHING, BL,:NES QUILTS, province,, fusion of ];aw and: Equity proneedure 'in redeemable :ail preseata'fion in- otne.thin2.. and.there'appoara to 'be an almost lineal pensb o£ building a railway for the b8 �^^,; I'heovince, a inaasure which •b con- . r a country on the other aide of the water, a• o , Y . .Bid , ... that the world will- take in. exchange: for. pious opinion In favor of the scheme. The' nada'a connection' with whieha.s larger amat- t sting the Superior Courts of Law and FLANNELS FETING , T, . . . . a doll isµ Y .. ter of •sentiiment, and 'must sooner or later E nity9 And providing ,for the fidoptioli of S S'. .. - S,. I ,COT 01� .. co, and no .ma' leas bosh pretty well ventilated up opine to ail ond.-.Taconic Tileripaw. . a uniform and improved system of prat a nth of labor s piodu kind• of.legislatit;o legerdemaln.can change here,•and all that,remains Ao. be done iti If• w ai a not r "' Lice and pleadings,: is recotumonded, which • • LINE • o g ea�lymistaken,tho•l'cle• NSP IL rt .that fact. : . „will comP)ote the wort; of assimilation. � ; order to realize theL. of many, . grron Was it oils time as moult In favor t,f • • Some'extonsi i Y , nn, with dee safeguards, of .• TA �tE AND �' A M T L Y' ` a • • is for the directors of the aevoral societies, harryine, along the oonstrueti'on O' this the: jurisdiction . of ilio Dlvisi n ' C r : AJEETING ON (;OtTNty eoU .,, : 4 'Courts OURZV TN'G GOODS. appears to be called for by public opinion 'I% to use their. efforts to bring about.a union, read,; _ paper) a, any journal in the Oro- - I : The nbty• Nunty Council will meet At and hold a oli 't -• P and a Bill with that object will be laid bei c� n t; inatesid of so many Vince, and Abb fact that it adopts' a style fore�th.6 Houie. ° • , Godorieh, on the 27th inst, Zhe 'first township iindriding allows. It. will come' of 8rnument peculiar, to Itefovni. journals � , from proceedingsln the bomtnlon l4ar- ' buainess ,the v.ilt trausaat- will be the toh,►ntent at its jj�� 'j RR ACI y this- sonic day, and it might: as, well be anly, on lira tub`dot,`ma . lie sacs tad s :. • t last session, the early Cho C1 , �f' s n a lition, uf'the l7ominibn'Ihsolienu. Law I �P�I ITER election of warden. 'there are a nutnbr done -at `'.ileo as fu'rthor in the future. e4ideuco.thaE•the'romsrks of *the Reform n ears Y in %becounoil rdlio.are ca sable of'honorabl Town v t►p tin ire imminent ; and in view of " - , In'1ttX'oCLI F1.0' 111.4-44D. . p y, ship shows hata done a great amoun papers were drawn from oorreot promises, that Quant, a measure- for the equal dz'atr) '1. button of the property of execution debt- ' MO disahar inry the duties of Etna otiice but. of good, but we beliovb the lkavo outlived Tito baildino of the rOatl, as propoeetl by, ors aliotild be - 1 f Y placed on the Statute ]ioolt there 3s no predkdttn ►collo will be• rho one ilial, usefulness almost invariably; year the party in power, woftld bo. not only tb© of Ontario, without delay: 1. chosen, Tho pieseut lnaurnbont }n cillos fu slid out,. the prizes fall into Eliereatdst Poll ima inablO but coo tlderes t The frequent 6erious accidents attelpdeil ' has satisfactorily. $fled the•poaition, and it sago kande, which would not'so liltel bo vet disnstr usl imaginable, the. finances t rt ••tit many insta3lces with logs of lifts, to , i o y Y y . , this brakomon employed on railways, suggests • is.poss%ble may be ag&m,:selected, but there the case °were a larger show hold, as the couutty "'A trrauB•cotitinental all -rail .the importance of some legislative enact• • . . is a 1. prevalent feeling that the .honors of competition would be greater. line," sounds nice enougi 'lint the amount : tnent to comped railway companies to talte . . • the p • t be a inuallyabastotw• .1. moans to prevent them, A Bill relating • that it wUlild cost the poeple of tianada t0 to. exemPtions is. remised: ' The ergo- . ed on one1ind individual, no Matter how worthy At t]io ,lust meeting of Godorieh token p "` 'enjoy the ]pleasure (if any ono carr take tion of now parliament buildings is show,u • Council; the inatterofgetting a steain engine 1io niay be Another lustier that' will or in mfl pleasure in it attendant on the os roasion to bo needed; and provieron for that pure • 1V d 1, fair use tl] connection with the p peso 3e xognoet©d, The speech concludes y likely come up is tbat.of the Poor Houso, is sacs Dui of allcom, 1? //1yi . Corporation, was discussed; when they :de ' y i ar1D011 t9itlt Eliecaatr t~lth tilts pro>niso that ilia annual reports, K , whioli luny o may nit rbcoive much con... T'ho proper method. of building this road of the various departments, to ethat, with "' sideration, aoecikditis to the leanin ss'of t11ts Clued to pureliaso a tVindntill at $50, .We r g 'rho tb P g .. K n wCTe not aware befoie that the editor of th' is Only t0 $OnstruC' lE aB frit as 1teCessary �'v I� v ditnres"'and t)io ostirnatos for the ottrrent :� pt )rc accounts of receipts earl x on momberaY. Stair tivotkld sell hlmself:go ,ekes .ly! for acttial user ,. • earn will: be laid before the TIbllsor • p .. .., . .,.... , .. .,,....._.. ..__ _ - . A . .