The Clinton New Era, 1880-01-15, Page 11
15, NO. 3.
Annular In advianee.
grottOlonal and Our
-11-'2R. REEVE. Moe (for the preeent) at reeldenee,
Albert Street, Clinton.
Deo. 4, 1879.
on good mortgage security, at moderate rano of
Interest. IL Heft.
Stray Calves 1 •gifni •d.ittrii$ttnatO.
EVES n E YEARLING. The owner la
wOwrotzinto Mae d
18th eon. of Hullett,about the middle of November,
Premises of the eubscriber, tot 14, I General Servant Wanted,
hereby notilied to prove property, nay charges, and WHERE nurse girl is kept. Highest 'wave paid. --
take them away.
3Iullett,Doo:22, tut
Clinton, August 9th, 1869. 741• House 'for Sale
..Lk. the Canada Companymay be seen at the office of
thoundersigned: H HALE,
Clinton,Jan.I.7, 1879,
lt/IRS. WHITT. Teacher of Music. 'Pupils attended.
.1N.A. at their own residence, if necessary. Reeldence
one door Beath of Mr. 0. A. Hard's, Queen Street.
Clinton, May 16, 2879.
DOWSLEY, 7.1. ee.;X...D., es•Rnebseds
Physielan, Surgeon, &o, Office and residence
nest Motion Bank, market square,
' Clinton, an. 15,1880.
University,) Phyeicien, tiergeen, &a., residence
at Mr. Manning'a, three doore eaet of the Temperance
Londesboro. Ont.
Londesboro, Jane 14,1879.
Irepartmenirof-Vietoria,University,. Torento,„for..
sporty of the /Imitate and iNepensaries, New York,
Coroner forthe County ofIlueon,BAYemn, Ont.
July 22,1874. • 81
'EPs W. WILLIAMS, B.A., MB., (late of Trenton,)
Gradate of the Univerelty of Toronto ; member
of the College of Physiciane and Surgeons, Ont.
Omens AND BtalPENCE-Tho house formerly oecu••
pied by Dr. Reeve, Albert Street,,Olinton. 21
• DR. APPLETON. - OPTICE - At Residence on
entarin street, opposite the English Church.
Entrance by side 'gate.
't CUntbn,Dt4.1879 ' ' ' '
1110NEX TO,LEND:LI have any amount of money
..1.Y.L to lend, on good, improved farms only, at 7i per
cent, interest payable yearly. Sum,no objeot if soeu#-
ty ample. Private ituade.
JOHN S. PORTER, Seatorth.
Al Apply at tho Towe Hall, or at the residence of the
subscriber, near the London, Huron & Bruce Railway
Station. • . JAMES SCOTT,
' Issuer of Marriage Lioeuses.
Clinton, Apri127th, 1876. . •
Accent:hour, Licentiate of the College id Physician,
and. Surgeons of LowerCantida, and Provincial Licenti-
ato and Coroner for the'County of Huron. Office and
reeidence,-- The building formerly occupied by Mr.
nlitraitem, Huron street.
Clinton, Jan. 10, 1871.
MICE CENTRAL HOTEL late Farmer'll- Albert
Street, Clinton. S. PIKE, Proprietor. This hci-
tel has lately been greatly improved, and thoroughly
refurnished; and pomade enry requieite for the com-
fort and convenience of the travelling public. Rood
stabling and attentive hostler. •
Clinton, Nov. 281h, 1878.
W. E. oeurseneensT, Suneieri DititTnT
Surgeons of Ontario, has opened robins'
in the Viotdria Bleat, Albert Street, Clinton, where he
will constantly be in attendance, and preparid to 'per-
form every operation conneated with Dentietry.. Teeth;
extracted, or filled with gold, amalgamoir other filling
ineteriel. Artificial teeth inserte4 from one to Mull set:
Clinton, April i7,1879... 16
• Money to. Lend,
imia GOOD *ARM nouetiTe:- INTEREST A.T.
Eight per cent. , •
.Clinton, Dee. 18, 1879. . •
• .,_
Wafch and Clock Maker,
• JEWELLEit, ezo.,
'Would respectfully announce to his enstomere and the
public generally, that he has removed let° f ormer
P •building, on • .
- Where he will keop on hand a gated aseortment of
. .
Clacks, Watches. Jetvelry, and .Silverwareofellkinds,
Whiehlie will sell tit reasoneble.rates. "Repairing of
every description promptlyattended to.. •.
Clinton, Deo. 5, 1878...
WATCHES, 01,100,kS,
-AND-- .
Albert Street,:OtINTON.
o ----
We hive. jest added to on; stocien; fine lot of
Clinton, Oct. 2, 1879. •
e .0 e tre -
41 g.g
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rig Q.c.?;toLi.E
TIRE two-story frame house on Huron dreet, belong -
1. ins to Mr. J. C. Miller, and now occupied by Mr.
Balfour, willbe sold on very terms. No money re-
quired demi, good security is given. The house le
well built, comfortable„ and conveniently eituated. for a
profeesional or burliness man.
II, HALE, Huron street, Clinton.
.0otobee 6041879.
A SUPERIOR PAM of aria hundred and Ave
ZA. acres, cemprising part of lot 88, conceseion 7,
Hulled, and well known as one of the best faring on
the Base Lino. About 75 acres cleared; good clay
Noll; frame home; large log barn; good orchard;
tering moderate. Apply on the premises to the owner,
seenuceD ARMSTRONG, or to •
• IL HALE, Huron et., Clinton,
Sept. 15th, 1879.
Farmers wiehing to insure will find thie ConiPanY
one of the best and cheeped to insure in, and will be
waited on at their homes if information be sent to the
Agents' °Mee.• dr
MILLINER"! Establishment,
A largo assortment of FEATHERS, •FLOWERS,
BILES and RIBBONS, in the newest shades.
Also, adarge stock of.FELT and STRAW HATS, • of
tho latest otyles. CORSETS, &e,
AgentfOr Burman's P&TentM oi garments of all
deecriptione ; a largo stook eept on hand.
Pelt and Straw Hate Cleaned aQd altered
Large Aesortment of Ladies' Mantles.
,ARGR -stock of Crompton Im_proved Coroets, for
Children,' Misses, and Imam Selling of summer
stook at greatly reduced prices. Now is yOur time to
receive bargains. •
Clinton, July 23rd, 1879. 1 •
MONEY TO /14'.0A.N;
ON gAsy ToRms;
By .1,71itich the principal. call
. • .. •
be repaid iu• part or alt. itt
• .
attY...A.AMe .eYereeke
eesse.,,..: • •se.,,-seee•-e--e••••-e-e.-eee.ees-ese-seeie
Let easa. •
Olintolu Mardh.1878:
J. II; .c101VIBE,
Has removed to'the premises known ail •
rhe Ox..awrorq iroTiuta,
Where he will,,,keep for :leen: :feet and general assort -
•DYE STUFFP,e0ILS, &c, •.
P4er.riptions, Peed:pea; and Coiapiriaids (fare-
• -• ; folly Made, ap, ?eta devote&
Clinfoti;• Feb. 27, 1879. • '
NATE" TO katiNe
'9ooa-Seeurfties tuyehased,"
• • - FARRA'N:
•Clinton, 1879.
ASTOR 011.
Ie prepared in a form perfectly Agreeable -to children
and most sensitive persons. In its manufacture the.
properties of the -oil that produce pain and griping are
eliminated, and it is rendered not only mild and pleas-
ant in its action, but absolutely tasteless and Wow..
.ble. leis pre-eminently the finest laxative and ca-
thartic ktiown and as a remedy for Costiveness, Con:
dipation, and 'all Intesthial Derangements i t is une..
smelled, and IS- destined to talcnthe place of crude oil
and all drastic pills and purgatives!. For sale by all
Druggists at 25 emit, bottle. Don't fail to try it.
Goclki AS. .NEW,
IR) 1V1. 1R.A.A..0111-5t,
oraN'ox, liot., 1870. 114
. Apply to.
• Stapleton, Jan. 75, 1880. RANSFOR.D.
For Sale,
A HEAVY Elig.UGHT. IGIRSE, oven Year* oldr
XX. sound and kind, terms easy,
WADE BROS., Clinton,
•Jan, 15,1880:
'Stray Heifers,
I 1.014 into pubsoriber's premisee, Lot 82, 10th con.
of Hulled, On or about tllb let of December, two
Yearling HEIPERS, one white, and one spotted red,
black and white. The owner can -have them PrOving
-PrepeitY end paYingeipenegif.-- ' '
Eulielt,Jan./M.1880, •
Stray .Heifers.
nAmli into enbscriber's premises: lot 49, Maitland,
eoneeesion, Gederieh township, in ()debar lad,
two small' yearling minus, one greyish, the other
meetly red. The .owner Whereby notified to prove
property, pay charges, and take them away.. •
Ooiierich t'0, J102. 11, 4880. .1,
will *main the Town of Goderleli, on
Tuesday, the 2/1h day of January next,
All Accounts against the Connell mud be Presented.
before the lint eeesion of the second day of meeting,. .
••• PETER ADAMSON, Co. Clerk.
, January 15,1880.
ew •Futnitt#03
mBE miliseriber woufd reepoodully annOnnee to the
•4- public that hR hae on hand a fine stock of
which he wilt sell esker suoh geode can be bought
• in the Dorainion.---A-call-rospectfully selleited before
purehating elsewhere, . " •
Remember the plaee—One door nOra of Sale's
, W. B. MUCH, ,
lioneeie Wee . -
BOW. P.Alak .11[ERD•
The -Canada ,Tut Tana Stair Ageociation
0. .
THUBSDAlf, JAN'Y 29, 1880,
AT 12 o'cLMfT-Rn.,
25 Thoroughbred SHORTHORN COWS, HEIFERS, •
. RAMS and -LAMBS, either imported froni the bed
locks in England, or the produce at suoh stock;
- either imported or from imported stock. '
TERMS -Cash; or for sums of $50 or over, approved
note at 12 menthe, with intend at tho rate -of eteren
per cent per annum. • . •
. .
iSrAddred for OataloguedMIV. Zeus OL& tan
eget Bow'Ptirk-, Brantford P.O.,•'or • , , •
Jan. 10, 1880. Auctioneer, Celt
Girl Wanted. '
.43.. within liberal wages will be given. Appy to,
Clinton, 3att. 8, 1880.
Note Lost.
T" public are hereby cantioned agalnid purehteing
Note for $10pnade-byikuousr WA -run, of the
14111 con. of Hulled, in favor of the undersigned, due
about the Id of October, 1879, the eame having been
Londesboro, jan.Ist, 1880.
• . 'Organ. for Sale.
- „
pit SALE, a Arst.olatie Parlor•Organ, nearly new, '
end bi just as good order tie when first 0v:ba9ed.
Will be gold cheap. Apply:to
Clinton, Dec.18,1879. , • '
001aSe. to gent -•
esinetT conveniently eitnatoebonse fonnetly occupied
by IL Jackman, este don and reeidenee, on Vie.
torte, Street, i het •sonth of the G. T. R Good stable
and other eonveniencett on the let.' •
Clinton,. Dec. 18, 4879 •
•liaise to Rent.
11131E subscriber often that very conntilently situ.
ated house atpresent 0�t1piclby himself, to vont.
ft posedeee aii thes‘tisual requisites, and there is one
and a quarter sores di ground, with choke fruit trees
and stuble thereon ; *ill be let on reasonable tame.
Clinton, Dee, 113 1879,
Bakery ror4t4tile or to Let.,
THE Bakery contiguous to Die Royal Hotel, on On -
tart° etroet, formally in tile oeoneation of Mr.
Pedersen, is offered f01` Sala Or\to lot on readimble
terms. Apply to
Clinton, Nov. 18,1879.*
-.A Leo reigOile ate bereby °ante/eta againet urthnS-
ing a note of hand Inadd by 2o1n Eilty and Ekon.
et PLedgeon in faVor of Robert linty, SS the earne has
been paid in fall. •JOHN EILTY.
linucte D05,20,1870. .
Cottage tor Sale
yfiame Cottage on liattenbary Street, 'One door
',vest of the Mothodiet Church. This cottage hae
,seen rooms, bad and soft water, ciaterreem Terms
It, DALE,'
Huron Street, Clititen,
Olinteli, Dee. lete,1870o °
For the New Bra,
Tfilt Suiting's, SABBATH NOUN,
The voice of labor it is hushed ; no sound %US
on the ear,
Save the voluptuous matin's note from song.
eters warbliog clear.
The universel Sabbath rest of Nature and of
Rah breathed its sweet quietus and sacred
joy ebroad;
From the far East the rubied acme has sailed,
on wings away,
And the raptured bosom a the sky proclaim
the birth of day. ••
"Up from his burnished chariot -couch imperial
Plicebiss hie%
And dries with eympatbetic smile the tears
lean Nature't cayme—
While secibleErebui forsaleeethe el the
And wraps his dark funereal veil on the por.
tale of the West. .
ON enema most hallowed! Sabbath morn;
upon, whose augel smile,
Deems not a ()loud of guilty woee-breethes
• not the voice of toil; •
There is a grandeur in thy life, a magic loftier
• far •
• Than, all the glittering pimp of wealth,. the
• pageantry of war.
i •
There s an eloquence of love irethysoft arched
brow, .
-That not the finest touch of Art or Science
. dan bestow.. '
There is splendor glorified by ihy deep reign
of peace, - •
When power and wealth are, slumbering, and
humlgt„pgegiona_ge4so ; ,
'When the frivolity and pride of human lust
repose,. :-
When Natal) sings be • Nature's dod, and
Hope's bright river flows. •
Methinks,iupon Creatioe's morn, when new-
born n the arch -
The myriad constellations bright assumed
• their silent ,march,
Such peerless .joy ineffable had dewnect on
• mortal eyes, -- • •
Suall glory must have filled the earth, an,d
• • reigned in paradise. ' .
Methirilos thee, when the warning -bell shall -
toll its lase deep knell, •
And aU the ransomed host arise eriid glories'
that excel,• ,
, Transcendent beauty Mich. as this shall :mi-
nute., amaze,
Until their swelling hearts shall 'rise in ever:
•lasting; praise,
And now with Weepy, holy heart, the family
• choir are. singing.;
.Aid now with solemn, sacred peal, the Sab-
• bath hells are ringing, -
InTieeelli of softest symphonies. they' All the
ary sons Of toil' -
to th'-synta-
gogues of prayer. ' '
Adown the long, still avenues of cool 'segues-
. tering trees, ' • • .
The teinple eon& -her sweet 'appeal on morn-
ing's.muirouring breeze, .
And out among therural hills, end. cheerful
country dome ' • .
It breaks, to still the strugeing- souls and
solemnize their homes •
Forth from the haunta of sin •and woe, come
forth ye sons of sorrow, • .
Nor let eavation free,be death, remorse;
to -morrow! • ' •
Come teeth, ye weary sons of toil released from
„ labor's wheel, •
Accept the precious eest and peace the Gospel
; truths reveal !
Come fortheyeAtirsty; hungry, Mg, to where
abundance .
To that eternal fount of love from which sol-
vation wells 1 ' '
Come forth, all ye whose nobler parte are
canopied in night, • • • • • •
And bask in the Sabbatio bliss of Elent;en'fi
effulgent light! '
oseiimaismwouriam IMMO
, •Purtme, CoL.,,Nov. 15th 1879. '
The traveller who has dime out here for the
first time is almost sure' to "experience a feel-
ing cildisaepantmeet avhen he reaches 'Pueblo.
Tele name is apt to Biggest the idea of allele.
ken rather than an American towea, but it
se happens thaelthere is really .nothing Mexi-
can about it except the inmate. After'a seareb
of two or three hoUrri I was notable to find a
single individual of Spanish origin in it, and I
was"told bya newspaper man, who appeared
to be well informed as to the .composition of
the population of the place, that he did not
think that there were two Spaniards in it.
Thenstlie-feet-thort-Pueblo ire situated in the
valley of the Arkaneaa, among the foot bills
of tlae Rocky Mountains, is likely to -suggest
to the mind of any ono who has been accus-
tomed to the scenery of the St. Lawrence, the
Ottawa, or•indeed any of onr Canadian rivers,
the idea bf picturesqueness,fertility, and
beauty, but the traveller will look in main fer
any of these in this partiefilar locality, The
Arkansas, like most of the other great rivers
of thewestris a fraud. It is just abodt as
mean an apology for a river as anyone who
lies Isom accustomed to real elvers couTd well
conceive. There is, it is true, more weer in
it here than at dome points farther down, for
it grows "small by degrees," if not beauti-
fully lead.," the farther it moods from its
bue evefehere it is a river of sand rile
Baer than of water, A huge atteem of quick.
sand with a few veins of water running through
it. And instead of the verdure and beaety,
which ere,generally found in the velleye of
large rivers, one finds nothing but a state of
sterility, which leis painful to comteniplate.
here indeed' had repeated aesurances from
the people that the land is of the most excel-
ent quality,. and that all that it reeving to
make it eminently productive is to "get the
"weteront of it ;' and• en the cisme principle. '
I may say that all that ib requires to make
?debt° beautiful is to fill the Akkanstie with
'water instead of sand, and toolothe the barren
hills which suirenrid it with grass, trees,
shrubs and flowers; but the revolution in no. •
tura whieh produceethis state of thing% would
turn the waldernese which surronds it, and
which stretches out for haffireds of miles to
the meth and the south and the oast Ofit, in.
to a fruitful nem, -
As it is; I ein afraid it roust be confessed
that, from art artistic point of vie*, there is
very little of interest either in the city itself
or ite eurreundings, except it be the dim and
distant outline of AD Rooky Mountable 'which
tieci scarcely visible front, the aity 'on account
of the hills with 'which it is henamee in. Itis
trao the Colorado Land Improvement Cem.
pahy has expended e large Maim& of Money
011 laudable efforts to give it a more imposing
appearance, bat thee far its excreta:is have
resulted in but little Advantage. The dosigri
Of the dome:any was 56 bring the town up out
of the i'alley and from ening the barren and
sandy bMs which eurround it unto a level and
elevated plateau which lies to the leest and
south of it. With tine view the plateau in
question has been irrigated and planted, at
great expense with cottonwood trees. But
though the water is on the land, and the cot-
tonwoods are growing; the city hes not yet
come up out of the hollow, and probably will
not come up for some time. There are a few‘
metered houses and a couple of churches on"
the "Mesa," as theeplateau in question is
called, butthe business is all done in the. vals
ley, where, also, the bulk of the people reside,
and probably whatever of growth the town
will have for opine time to come will be there.
And it seemr to be a pity Shat -it ehould be so,
for barren and desert -like ap, the hills and the
plain that lies behind them are, the valley is
still worse. The town herthe appearanoe of
lieing-ffebppied edieWneinteeitleett or ineteiteliese-
Ner will anybody wonder at this When he
,considers that there have been but two shame
ere of rain liere in the last, six months, and
these were not aufficieut to wet the dust to
thTe hileePttollsvn iatnselfin—city, I believe, they call
it -does not seena to Stand on a very sure
foundation. It appears to Olke its existence
to the Atehecsoil, Topeka et Santa Fe Railway,
but it isnot impossible that the very thing
which has called it into existence will yet work
its ruin. It is now the .western teminao a
this read, but it ia not probable that, especial-
ly in view of the turn which things have tak-
en in the mountains that it will be very long
befere itil.pushee up. toward Leadville and
the -other great -mining -centres. At presentPueblo is a sort of depot for a large part of the
supplies which find . their way tothoeminese
The Wench of the Denver and. Rio Grande
Railway, which'conneets Pueblo with Canon
City, is already carrying much of the business
past Pueblo; aue Denver is pressing the South
Park Railway forward withal possible speed,
in the hope of connecting Denver with teed -
villa by railway communication in time to se-
cure ti' the former the 'trade of the latter. In
view of these facts it is Morally certain the
Attheson,Topeka & Siete Fe Railway Clom-
pany, one of the most wealthy and powerful
corporations on the continent, will not be slow
-to-extend-its toad to the -westward.Jp_thee
event it is more than possible that this dusty
little town will only retain the shadow of the
prosperity which it enjoys at present. It will
still be an impotent point for the shipment of
-cattle, and there willIbe a limited amount of
bnebandry carried on in the valley' of the Ars
kansas, and of one or two of its tributaries,
whereeirrigation is possible, bet bah of these
together will not be enfficient to make it a
piece Of any importance. 'Here, as in the
other plebes wlech I have visited in the West
the 01141.00 are, in the faeeeef Multiplied dif-
„ficeltieined discouregemeeteleilaoeing to effect,
the moral and -social- elevation a the. people.
The Roman Clatholics seem to have the fore.
'most position.* They have not only g thriech
here 'but a school also, under themanagement
of one of their,. sisterhoods, and whatever is
clam in themay Of high eclucationof the girls,
Protestants ari well as Rcenanists I suspect, is
done chiefly by the "sisters." :There is also
a Presbyterian and two:Methodist Churches
in the piece ; but I judgethat they are all weak.
The Baptist Church has an organization, but
I think items no pastor at present. The Rev.
Dr. Cornelius, an aceonlplished minister, who
appears to be well acquainted with several of
the ministers of the clenonainetion iu Canada,
who has been doing mission work at one of
the isolated andlonely miesion.' stations some
two hularecrand fifty miles southwest from
hoe, is. I mederatand, coming to spend some
time with.this.struggling church. .But when
the Wader learns•thet all places of business
are open here on Sunday as on any ()thee day•
in the week, te say nothing of the appaling
profanity of the bulk 'of. the people; and °thee
vices incident to a send -barbarous state of so-
ciety, he Will see what up -hill work these.
pioneer Christetian 'workers have; and how
much they deserve • the' sympathy and the
prayers of Ceristain peoples •
'DU:BERRY, tho nevr powder for Whiteliieg
the teeth, stiinelatin'tlie repute and purify -
the breath, the brightest, neatest, most
perfectslittle toilet gem, extant Ask pane
. druggist ear "Tealeerry." Price 85 cents.
General New Items.
Immigration from. Ottawa district still, con-
tinues te the lJnited States: '
. Two ,hineyecl and nineteen deaths from
sinell.pox occurred in Ottawa tiering last year.
The'Prince of Wales' two sous, who are on
H. M. S. Bacchante, are expected at Quebec
during -the latter -pot -of JOinuary.
• The N. P. continues to bean in•Montreel,
Four failures were announced,ola Thursday,
rione of them what might be termed'unimpor-
taut ,on es. • •
Mr. Valin, Conservative M. 1'. for Montnio-
rencieaeknowledged 'bribery by agents Mon;
day,- and his seat will be declared void on
Tuesday. .'
A.n illicit still was seized by the revenue offi-
cers Thursday in the premises eflfelasrs. La-
tremouille cis Denier, Papinean street, Ottawa.
It was 10 full blast. •
The death is announced of Prof. lereleerrae,
of QueeleseUniversiteeleingston, which took
place on Friday, at Petereoro', Where hie was
visiting his friends.
Keely, Of motor humbug notOriety, is once
more heard from=this time in connection with
a gun which, it is claimed, will throw 0 pro.
jeotile fifteen miles. •
Mayor Tobin, of 'Halifax, N. 8., has receive
cad a cablegram trom the Lord Mayor of Lan-
dau relative to the distress in Ireland, . and
soliciting aid in that behalf.
. A bather of London, at a supper given by
ten of his brother butchers last Tuesday night,
eiie twelve pc/uncle of solid food. Ile olefins to
be champion eater of the Dominion, - •
Two industries ate hunaming under the N.
P., but -we don't And the mini:Steal organs
bragging about them sae mambos they Might.
These are emugglieg and illicit distilling.
A couple of tramps were detected minute..
clay plaeing stumps on the Canada Central
Railway near Mechanicsville,' The obatruo.
theses Were remoVed!befOreanydaialage resulted,
A London East man has instituted Milts :Maw
against a large number of the Savings Batiks of
Ontario to recoyerdemages for failure to make
the required returnito the GoVerihnent. The
penalty olainaod in each catees about $75,000.
Aeboautiful young lady -died in Montreal on
Tuesday last ureter peculiar circumstances.
She said she cane from Brockville. .She TM
in an interesting condition, and on thedate
autniee gave birth to a ebild, from. the effects
of which sho died. Two strangers; cane te
the house,tookthe corpse away, and have not
since been seen.
E.•HOLMES dc SObro
A boy nained Price!, residing in Orange, N.
was Ricked in the mouth by a playmate
on Sundey. The kick knookecl „a tooth down.
his throat, feene which be choked. to death itt
..(few nunlitee after.
'A Pembroke man wished to marry a widow.
She refused his aderesses, and lie went to the
barn and cut the tongue out of a valuable
how and has enlace been sent to jail, A
happy escape for the widotr. s
- Rey, S. le: Barker, of tee Cougregatienal
Church, Brantford, caused quite a little ex -
clement on Sunday evening previous to com-
mencing his sermon, by attacking a number of
his oongregetion in net •the choicest language.
Sierra Nevada, has been visited with a two
days' snow storm; snow has fallen to the depth
of eight or-tene=e-elilmArliding the track of the
entral-Pacifie-Railwayeerushiug the -snow
sheds, -and filling the cuts in some places to
the depth of -,twenty-five feet. • .,
Sir F. Mucks writes a long letter to a To-
ronto paper all about the redent Annexation-
Indepeedenee-Loyalty flurry; and one of his
antagonists elesignetes him as an" Imperial
pensioner,' and one who on that account is
root a disinterested party to the discussion. '
A deputition waited on the Goyernor-Gen-
eral on Saturday aed.presented a petitiontask-
ing that be world use his influence to assist:be
the amelioration of their countrymen in Ire.
land. They were gradously received; and .
His Excellency, by his renatteks, succeeded in
sending them away happy.
Diphtheria has been. raging at-- Sprine11111
for about three weeks. The origin bas been ,
traced to a trampeorhe sfeune 'a - lodging there
of December. During the
past two weeks about fifty miser have appear-
ed, most of them of a ,virulent type. So far,
four oases have proved fatal. The schools
have•all been closed for about three weeks.
e Messrs. ICeenleyside tts Co., wholesale bis-
cuit and candy manufacturers in London, have
been compelled to suepand bushies, and the
Official, assignee new presides ever their estate,
lislanaeiit it has not yet transpired what aro •
the xmmecliatocauses for the collapse.' Rut
one thing is certain tbenew tariff has done
nothing but hamper' the busies._.
Mr. Alexaeder Ferguson, of the firm of Fer-
guson ifs Hendry of Mitchel!, has left for parts
unknown. Since New Yoer's be was massed ee
out of town; but no 'particular notice was
taken of his absence until Mrs. Ferguson hand --
ed Hendry a letter • from his absconding
partner, an Monday, saying that he had left
the country for geed, and telling him to vsind
up the.buisness as beat lie could. •
Out of a lot of 205 swine shippee., by Dan.
Coughlin; of Se. Thomaseeicsee-the -British -
market, 150'ffied,onsthe paseage, out, and-the-
Ins.peotor for the privy eDopmeil. pronourices •
tiidibaso to be maligifeet typeoice fever or
hogeahelera. The hogs were isaid to be per-
fectly bealtlaywhen naspeeted at Port St. .
Chagos, awl it is thought that the (Rai:weevers:- -
conk:acted' by expesure. and rough weather at .
. ,
:The. statement publishe in the lase s
Qaeettee shows that the bvonue of the Doe • '
menion for the -first half of the current fiscal:
year was $10,551,391, and the expenditure
$11,748,904. For the correspoudinghaf year •
of 1878.9 the 'revenue was $10,592.658, and
the expenditure $9,1401,402. Ie will thus be .
seen that while revenue has decreased by
$41,267, expenditure has ciareased by $2,5.18,-
Mic1ieel Obeneee, David•Sponoe aud J. Irwin,
who were Oonvicted and sentenced to five years
in the penitentiary for shooting with intent to,
kill in a religious row' in Montreal, were
released on Friday after serving only half
their time. They were bound over to keep the
-peace for tlie remainder of their unexpired
them. The remissien of sentence was obtain-
ed as the result of numereus 'petitioas
entially signed. '
:Monday 'morning 'a nicely dressed paling'
isfonlan callecl:a the Ueionollotel, oesSiencoe "
street, -Toronto, And engaged a mem. Shortle '
aftem she left, -Selling th,e clerk that the would
be back to dinner at two oreloek. . She
returnipnd late in the afternoon theeseivarie
girl heard a noise in the room.. The door was
broken Open, and.a yotutg child was foupd. in
• the bed. • Ite lane sleep was evidently (mused
byleudanum. After being caked for it •wes.
sent to the Infants' Home, and, flee 'police .are
otethe look out for the unnatural mether 'Who '
deserted it.
. The following, from the St., John, N. B., .
Teleriraph; does not indieste 41. V't,rg prosper.
ous state•oftrede ;—
The trade oeSteiniiireeaetlie year, whieh
closed on WednesdaY, Was theeereallest in the
histoey'a the pot since Confederation.
value of the emports of St; Jehn. for 1879i1ey .
be set down at $8,000;000, which is less than.
half What it was in 1878, when Our imports.
reached $e,102,000, and uot much more than "e'
one-third whatthey weicein 1875, .when they
Wei° valued ab $8,301,000: The value 'of
our export's for 1879 was also less, thanen pro-
vicnis years, although the falling away was
not so marked as in. the ease. of our imports.
We exported goods to the value of $2,540,000
as against $3;000,000 in 1878.' end $3,642,000
A writer in a Belleville paper calls atten.
tion to clause 80 of the atiseasmene law, whicee
he argues dome more to destek0-4ereate of
Ottawa, and in do doing lielliableffiiteld injury
on the country at large, than any Other case.
The elause'referred to says "the assessereIca4 • -----
useless uncultivated lands at the same rate es
they would sell for in the discharge of a jest
debt." The effect of Remo imperative instruee,
• tions, it is claimed, is that wood or forestland"
is gest:Mod at the sarim rate permit as culti-
vated land, consequently farmers whothave to
Tay the same taxes on bah very soon make
up their minds that it doesn't pay to.keep up
wood hind, and the axe goes te work, the pro-
ceeds of the sale of the wood yoldixog a fair
pemeetege on 'the value of the land, and. it fit
eliee in a cendition to give.a yearly return. It
at as suggested that if the clause referred. to
,were revised so that only to nominal tax were
levied,, many ati acre would be saved that uns
der the 13reSent law is doomed. The'question
is worth eotuOdering,
Good Advice.
Nowle the time of yoar foe Pnoumonla, Thing
Fever, &e. livery faintly should have 01 bottle
of BOsetutz's GERMAN senile. Done anew for
one moment that cough to Mkt/ hold of your
children.iyour family or yostratilf. Oonstimptioli.
Asthma, pneumonia., Croup, ttemorrhagesond
other fatal diseases may set In, Aithough Itis
trU6 GEVRANSYlitIr is caning thoutsenes of titmice
drefteed Oconee% yet it is moSIa better- to have
it at head when three doses Will ettreyett, Ono
b Ottle will 'estrous whole family a'wlmle Winter
and keep you safe from danger, if you At6
00081.01113t14;(60 (10 not rest Until you have tried
this remedy, Sample' nettles 10 cents. log -
rear size /4 cents, Sold by your Denggist.