HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-01-08, Page 8CLINTON NEW Elsa,. Those of our subscribfrs who areyet in arrears,. will very much oblige us by paying up at once. gown . SAYpk'•t''o. 1FIoRSES certainly earned .their oats • on Thursday last. Jaaanane 1st was 'a glorious day, so far as regards the weather, • Geritaal, business wag exceptionally good in town last week, while the sleighing lasted. THE Episcopal church was the only one here .that held'' watch -night services on New Year's eve. HURON PRESBMEM—A'regular meet' °.ting of this body will be held at Seaforth, on the 20th inst. A vEisY. large amount of wood is this winter being brought into town, good, dry wood frequently selling at less than $2 per WE are pleased to,observe that Mr.; W.. Kew, formely of this place, has been chosen Superintendent of Whitechurch Methodist Sabbath School. A THAN Set in on. Saturday, which.re- sulted in the clearing away of the snow,. •• • and wagons had consequently to be brought. into requigition. DaxsiEs.=Yesterday daisies in bloom were picked•in the garder of M. Thomas Cooper, of this place, this is an evidence of the mildness of the weather. -N*w CBtvitoir,—The new Baptist church in tcovn will be formally opened former• shap,,on the, 18th inst., further'partieulars of which will be given next week, THE Rev. J. G, Manly,' • agent of . the Bible Sooiety, will preach in the Presby- terian church, on Sunday morning, and in the Bible Christian, in the evening. ' "One more unfortunate Anxious for "strife, • Rashly importunate,' ' Hastaken a wife." • RE -OPENING oF. SogooL. —.The.. School re- opened here yesterday, the<only change in the teaching staff being that Mies M. nal lander takes Miss Grundy's place. •NEw.MILL.—,We understand that Mr. E� Mountcastle, of this place, intends start- -ing•a sawmill-afros'near Blyth; provided-• 110 u s are getting bad. Tans isthe kind of weather we would prefer to experience in March or Api~il, CARETaxdR.—Mr. Luke Trause'has been. appointed caretaker of the 73ible.Christian church. Tug Hullett Branch Agricultural Socie- ty holds it annual meeting at Kennedy%. hotel, to -clay. I+EiT TQwN,-•••Miss Fletcher, lately em.' ployed with G. H. Wright & Co,, as milli• ner, &c., has left town with the intention, of going to Winnipeg,. ANNIVERSARY S.euvItns.—ga Sunday -next anniversary sermons inconection with the. Methodist Church of this town will be preached by the Rev. W, McDonagh, of Kincardine, morning and evening. On the. following Tuesday evening a tea meeting will be held, when addresses 'will be de. livered by Revs, Messre. McDonagh, Wil• lieges, Sutherland, and others. NE,wsPAPORxAL.—As a 'daily, the Port .Hopp .guide entered upon its third year on the 2nd inst It is well printed, ably edited, end the .enterprise, to judge from the advertisements, is well supported.— May its political influence., and physical dimensions never grow less,—giant week the Mitchell Advocate came out in an en -- larged form ; leaving aside its politics, it is a first.clasa newspaper. he can purchase land .suitable for the .per - pose. . to Kloxsn,—A boy named Moore, employ- . , y ed with Mr. Geo Knox, was kicked in the face by one of the horses( on Sunday, but. beyond a couple of outs, he saistained no.. serious injury. • A CERTAIN; gentleman in_ totvnasttended.. "-'—every-'numinatrion-end public-•meetingof a similar nature for the last. nineteen years, ,but omitted to take in the one held op. the ;29th December last. • ,. ' • OBEY THE LAWS.—The Government In- • 'spector for Ontario has instructed the Town Clerk to prosecute, withouefail, all parties who neglect to report births, marriages; and deaths, ,aa deatbs, Ina required bylaw. REV. 'D. .G. SUTi1ERLAND, of this place, - took -.part in. the •watch -night cervices .at the -Centenary church, Hamilton,. on New Year's eve, delivering an '•intereating • ad- dress •thereat. 11e will ,preach in Goderiah. on Sunday. •• MATRIMONIAL. --The Isaner of Marriage Licensee in this town states that during his terra of 'office, flip township of Hulled has furnished.tnore wives than any other° towbellip in the neighborhood. This speaks w@lt`f lir Hullett, . °ENTRANCE Exahttera xoN.-In addition' to the names of those published•last week,- .as having passed, the entrance exemina tion, is • added'. that of Master • Matheson." Alias Lane ,was highlyrecommendbd; fail- ing only by a couple of marks. ' , B,EN'EFITS oF-'ADVERTISING(.--•A couple ' of weeks ago „f, firm in town advertised for' 200 cords of 'weed. The paperlaid not been tong, issued before: they. had 'their' w ants supplied, and could lave had five Mimes the amount. Who will sea' khat ad-' • vertisements aro not read, SrArxsTIcs. TheBEM berof births mar- riages ar g ria es'and deaths recorded with 3he Re- gistrar here/for the past half year iri :- Births, 39; : arriages, 16;• deaths,16., The • total for t'hie year being, births, 964 mar- riages, 89 ; deaths, 33. The number of births/indicate a'very .large increase":to the ponuuiation, the numberbeing far in excess - ofaany previous year.. '.• PERsoreaLS.—Mr..J. C. Bryantaexo erg" assis ant.iah.School master here,has been spending his holidays in town. ' • We had a pleasant call last week froom Mr. Spear, of Kenn county, formerly of Stan- ley; be likes his•new place of 'abode well, andalthough. a Conservative,; he is riot willing to credit the N. P. With all his party claim for it.: . • BIBLE SooI1;TY.—The annual meeting of the Clinton Branch Bible Society'wilL.be held'in the Methodist Church, on Monday evening, the f.2th inst) at 7:30 p.m. Ad- dresses' will he delivered by the:sooiety'a agent, Rev. J. G. Manly, an& resident • ministers- of :the tQ1vn. Thecommittee will meet at 7 o'clock, A' full attendance is requested. • HURON LIVE T 0 _ ssmcxATION —T he. annual Meetingof the members of . the Huron Live Stook Association, for the elec- tion!) of effacers( and directors for the en. suing year, and for the transaction of other important business, will be held at:•Ken- nedy's Hotel, Clinton, on Friday, 16th inst. at one o'clock p. ne Itis particlarly de- sired that as, many as possible of those, in- terested in the society will attend °• this meeting..'A meeting of the Directors of the aboye society 'will be held at same place andaan the game day, at 11. o'clook a. m. A full attendance is desired. _ AcctDn ir. --On I+riday, while sawing was' in operation ht Fair's mill, an accident happened, which though not resulting in any' serious injury, came unpleasantly near it,:- `A board hod just been cut from the log, when it- fell over on the rapidly -ter volving saw; which hurled it through the end of the trill, with such force as: to carry it fully one -hundred feet away, In its passage it went uncomfortably close to the head of'a workman in the Tog : yard. Tut Wnsr,—Conversingg with, a Canadi„ an lady the other day, who,,is on a visit hero hilt whose home is in Montana Ter- ritory, said.'4t she much referred liv- ing in that dmafant land preferred on ac- count of the mildness of the climate and . partly.beeauso of the advantages it offered for secu"ring wealth. ' She said that there' were a great many Canadians there, who were all well pleased with the country, and gown$14. (ltd it iiia+~ ITTLLET.T SeuratsE P.trs'r."---On Friday evening ]ast a large party of youngpeople made a descent upon the resiidenoe of Mr. H, Snell, where they speflt a few bourn in social bnjoymont. SoerAL.—The next social in connection with the Episcopal church, Summerhill, will be held at the reaidenee of Mr. Wm. Marion, 5th con. of Hallett, on Friday evening 16th inst., when a very pleasant time is anticipated. BLYTIH. TEA MEETING. --On New Year's day a tea meeting was held in Blyth Methodist church, there being a very large attendance. The chair was occupied by Mr. W. Clegg, Reeve. After Hall ;justice bad been' done the good things provided, Bor. Mr, Clark read a finan- cial statement in reference to the different churches on his circuit, showing that all were. in a satisfactory condition, being free from' debt. The Rev. Jas. Graham, of Seaforth, then delivered a lecture on " Progress," Abe- ing `practioal, instructive and entertaining, many quaint anecdotes, (in the relation of Which Mr.- Graham Has few supb'riors) being given to illustrate certain. points in, the lee - tura. Very material /service was rendered by the choir. The proceeds amounted to about$65. Sonoma TRUSTEE ELnoTION..--The elec- tionof'a trustee :for St. Andrew's Ward, dari' .resulted in there- anis ayesterday,d o ff turn' of Mr, W. Cooper, by aahajority of ten. The contest was really between Messrs. W. H. Ransford and Mr. Cooper, although Mr. Whittingham was also a can- didate, 'and greater interest was manifested than in any preceding trustee election.— The vote was an open one (not by ballot) SEAFORTH. FOiiwSTRY.-The Canadian Order of Fores• tors are progressing rapidly in town, several• initiations taking_place evcy, night. Bonrrsn rfr, Robt. Johnston, of Seaforth, while on his way to Mitchell, on the 30th ult., witha. team of horses, the team started to ran away and he, held on to the reins and was thrown on his back, breaking a bottle of •aqua fortis, which he,had in, bis coat pocket. which burned him frightfully. At Seaforth,,.on Friday last, Joseph Mc- Bride,a ' a lad about tenor twelve. ,ea o f 2 e,, ..years while attempting to forge' a cartridge into a revolver, held the'muzzle against his abdo- men, and hammered the cartridge with an old file, when it exploded, passing nearly through bis body. The doctors have very little hopes of his recovery. •–ter= Wl]ii*celiult ch, . boAL To NEwmA&TLE.—We nota:0. a large quantity of "cord wood being shipped north., from this station. • ELECrini BY Acclaim ION;—Reeve—Mr, R. Purvis,Kinloss.; Dep.-Reeve—Mr. 3. Nichol, Kinloss. • Mr. H. 'D. Henderson; ..Presbyte- rian,S. 5. Superintendent; Mr. W. Kew, Ca - and was ns•follows i Cooper,.74; Bamford, . 'nada Methodist S. S. Superiutondent. 64. This is an astonishing. vote for school • Henan WAltaiwa.—On New Year's night trustee, and we hope the interest awakened Mr. John Gillespie entertained over one hpn- by the contest, w.ill_not be' allowed; to flag dre hiie ds an, andon relations. The serene p Ovid w beim: during the year, but that in general school was for the ,ted, and: The tsps add lasses matters,"siniiltar attention will be given tripped'the fantastic' till early dawn. thereto,, • TiA aftearNo,-The E.M. cherch, on New BIBLE CHRISTIAN • TEA MEETING.=The .,Year's Eve, 'held a very successful tea meet. tea meeting in the Bible Christian, church ing„ in;behalfof.theirnewparsonage,eddress- on New dears eve was well attended' and es were delliefod .by v. Messrs. Davidson, everything passed off in a very satisfactory •Cooper, Renders and 11 Ir. McWilliams., inter.. manner. •'On the following evening a so- sparsad`by excellent music rendered by Tees cialeatte held, followed by the.lecture of. water B. 117. choir, h1r. W, Kew in the chair. the Rev:, Mr. Thomas, entitled Tears • and Kisses." The chair was occupied by -> ' BAYFIELD, ,' : . - Mr. E.:Holmes. ' The Rev.' gentleman TL&IrnoAn.—The great topic of. the, gay gave an intereating and instructive lecture, _ here now that the elections are over, is " rhilr interspersed-•.. with-. many:'anecdotes =:and:,_:r(Ad,"_.,.Dn this -gob -se the-.ratep.ayers.drro el.: peaseger-eme-ameary-atimaraterreeatea olio mind, and the roe* Moi day_' a oleo-. power and•influence of these two ways of : tion .showy that they ,tome .extent,• expressing the feelings and affections, and willing to sink party '" lin 4,44personal preludics,,in order teaaccorep islitr e ends. was attentip ienand appreciatively received Mr. 'Essen% influence le great; and int)" can - by file . audience. The . choir rendered not succeed in procuring what is necessary t good' service in entertaining the audience: carry on the liidertakine, then no one else The attendance -.was good. • The ladiee'of ;need try the church hadprovided-amply, in the Way, 5'ABBATII SdnooL TEL MEETING.—A fes of refreshment, .for:' both entertainments.' meeting in conneotion with the Sabbath school LONDESROR.4. BvaxNEss.---General bedtimes :seems to be flourishing at this place, a visit to the village' the other day, revealing a state of activity unexpected, 1nxa.— .Tbe mammoth carriaget factory and bending works some time ago erected: here, are ati11 idle, a monument of tolly and unwise expenditure of capital. ' SwEars.--During the Christmas holidays, Messrs. Outmode & Taylor disposed of near• ly three hundred pounds of Dandy; this will givesome idea of the amount of sweets con- sumed, Sdnoon,;-Tbe people of this place lire still' very desirous of having sohool accommodation within the village. We should hardly think 'the population ie enough to make it self-sne- ta nrng--that is, without taking a large circle of firm property intothe limits. STANLEY. EI.ECTIoes, The following 'was the vote polled on Monday : Reeve —Wm. Graham, 277 •r H. Love, 141, Deputy-Reeve=G. Cas- tle, 221; W. Campbell, '207. Councillors - 3, Aikenhead, 191; P. Douglas, 244 ; J. Mc- Kinley, 211;. 3. S.1•Iorner,,45 ; J. Torrence, 226, P. FORESTRY,=The following nfffcers Iver of St, Andrew's`chnrele Bayfield, will be held. e. n he evening T e da Janna 18th IMrosSTION.—Not iong since a man passed through a portion of this township, sohoiting aid to enable him to return 'to • Ireland. He was apparently an able-bodied young man, but whenever he struck a hones he ryas a moat pitiable object, and his lamentable tale generallywrought on the feelings of his hear- ers. so tht they gave him a good meal, and a bit of silver.' In the. course. of bis peregrina- tions he brought up at Brnoe'field, having in the meantime acquired a lot -of loose change. $e could not resist. the opportunity of having a good spree, and he indulged in an old-time joli&cation . until hie money was exhausted; when he started off to repeat the plan. Such tb e ofwhichthereo n Wattmetersash are to ma going around, should be arrested as tramps and' dealt' with accordingly. installedin•the. Court Clinton Maple' No, o e g ofu s y,January , 16,- C..O.F.,' Iast:Friday' evening for the Addresses are sexpected front :the following' ensuing term,. by D. D.' H. C. R., Peter Robb, -,of Clinton, Wm. Sheppard, C.R. ; Hy. Stevens,Y,C.R.; D. Dickinson T; Adam ,Cook, R.S.; Wm. Cook, •F.S.;: John Junor, S.W.; Arthur Cook, J.W.;.Wm. . Young, S.B.' Geo. Sage, J.13: The court' mets eirery.Thursday evening in•theFor- esters-hall. We believe•the.order thrcugh the Province is in a very flourishing con- dition since secession,'and the: new endow-. mint system is giving perfect satisfaction, tie membership in this count is increasing. rapidly; and every member is Highly pleas. ed with the order sines'separation. • It :pne:.of--the cheapest life insurance compa- nies in' -the world:• • They. carry an insur- ance of $1,000 for the small suni of six' or seven dollars per annuity. IVIarirrona Fox, foie erly of''Gorlerioh township, writjng to us from Nelsonville;: Manitoba,` under .date of the 15th' Dec.., says :—Mr. coo. Leary, a candidate ,for election to the Manitoba 'Legislature here, was ;formerly a' teacher on the 16th. con; of Goderi h tewnship. Wo' have bad pretty cold, weather, this month, the.mercury ranging, froom 20° to 30° below zero,: for the last week. • . We had quitea snow 'storm here on •tlte- 4th and since that we have had heavy winds, which hare caused pretty heavy snow drifts: Our thriving village (Nelsonville) is grow- ingLasts tlrer' fast. um, loin( stock com- pany:was formed here, which built a' "saw` and' grist mill, thelatter capable of run- ning three run of stones, all of whichare doing good 'work ; there are also three general stores,two shoe shops,' two'cabi- •net shops, two blacksmith shops, one tin shop,' :ono harness 'shop; two boarding, houses, a land office and a numper of dwell: inhouses. There was a doctor here, 'but he -has .moved out of the villageinto the country.:,'1 suppose because there was no one sick, consequently he could nob make a living.. .. Towle Cotxrclxi.-The regular meeting of the town council was held on 'Monday evening, all the members present, except Councillors Sheppard and Erwin. lalinutoa of previous regular and special meetings read and approved. Mr. J Morseapplied for a remission of taxes, an error of $300 having been made •in his assessment. On motion.he. '.t'vas ref nru1 tl,: tl1•tl SMII;of $4.. ... The Mayor asked the coancil if it was wills ing to deposit the whole of the insurance money in the bank, here, this institution offering 5 per, cent interest, the same as otliers; the council signified its willingness to deposit it Isere. • Mr. J. R. Holmes gave notice that be would accept' the terms of the Council ha reference to a lot .that had' been sold far taXes,4; Mr. I.L. AV. Moore addressed the Council in reference to .a. similar lot.,On moMessrs. essrs. Smith, Jackson an: Spooner were granted the privilege of using the part of the street in front of their property, for building pur- poses. Al the Conclusion of the 'proceed- ings the retiring MtAYOr Mr. W, C. Searle, WINTHROP:• �-C`1‹:?-01tT'S C1othingFurnishingH.0u.se ENTERTAINMENT.—A very successful exami- nation was held itathe school •house, section on Tuesday; December No. 10,23. The eR amination was conducted by Mr. D. H. Droat, teacher in charge; assisted;by Masers. J. Droat, A. Johnston, G. Johnston, Duff, Acheson; Dever, and Blatchford. Tho conduct during the examination Was, excellent, and the gene._ Tal proficiency• manifested reflected great cre- dit on the teachbr, At the close of the .ex- amination addresses were delivered by Messrs. Duff, Blatchford, Atcheson and Johnston, who expressed themselves well satisfied with thecondition of the school: In the evening an.entertainmeut was held, the programme of which was _well executed. Mr. Duff gave a'reading "; Messrs, Herbert; Scott, Foster and Bellies took a prominent part in the evening's entertainment. A vote of • thanks was tendered' to Mr. Drost'-for the excellent manner in avajah,he had prepared the enter- taininent, and after singing the National •An- them, each one separated for their several homes: well Ica®ed with the evening's pro- ceedings. A Vrsarox, • GODEII,ICI ' TOWNSHIP,.. DEBATING:—The Tipperary boys are about organizing a: debating_scciety,.to be hold in. their teniperanoe hall,. RETURNED: MT, T, Elliott, of the..7th con. who was away in -Dakota, has returned home with his foot badly frozen..'Maas "'taken up a large block-of:.land' in'•the nest.' . _ To BE DONE Away. -The hot air furnace of St. James' church, Geduld'. township, is. to be done away with, on aeconut of it smok- ing; the'chpreh will' be heated with stoves, Donco SVuL .-11Ir. 7. Yeeeg,'son of Mr. Hy. Young, of • the 9th con.,has rented . his new hotel at Wingham, for a term of ten reverend gentlemen : Mears.Musgrave,. lvfc- 'Years; for $1,000 per year. Mr. Young: has Coah, Thompson, .Stewart, Danby, Living, stone, Patterson, Gardner, and others. A good"choir will be m attendance. Doors open 6:30;ar obe:'laeraeii -at 7 -pan. •Tickets',' 25 cents, S.S. scholars free. Proceeds to go towards the Sabbath school library. ` ileKILLOr.. Arci»ENT.=Mr. John Harahan; ofi McKii- lop, met with an accident on.tL'ist Inst., by being thrown from a lead ofwood, breaking the bones of -Mullein]; having put his arm out to save himself. He •laid the 'bones set and 'is now• doing well • • . • BeeNEe To DEATxf,—An old Bud much: re-. seeetedgentleman named. McKay, who lived about . seven ,miles north:of Dublin, in the township of McKillop, was burned to .d-eath on Thursday.. ' The, other members 'of the housebeld were, away .from home. Baring the day MoKay went'to, the barn to attend to some cattle and when be cane back .the house .was:in 'Hames. It istuppcsed-that he sitter•= edto remove some valuables, and being rbeu- matio`and rather helpless, was unable to re- turn., and. perished in the flames:, 'had was 60 years old. The family had gone to church and when they returned the building was:in'ruins,, and the charred .bones were all that remained: of theold than; An inquest was held on the remains. _ GOD.ERICH. 'RESxtfll.—A severe rain atoren took plate in the neighberiood of .Goderich on Saturday evening and a heavy freshet occurred in the Maitlandriver,resulting in the .destrection of aa largo amount of mill andother property belingoeg to Mr. S. Platt, besides a number of valuable cows and other. animals. ' Fi:Ihi,- .A fire broke' out on Saturday night in the premises owned by. B.Bingham, and -oc- cupied by H. W. Ball at a fruit store and res• tanrant, on the Market Square. The rear of the building was completely gutted Mr'Ba1i's family had a narrow,escape, some of the Child- ren having climbed over an adjoining: roof, Snell's Hotel adjoining was injured. 'Loss on the building about $500; Ball's stock and fur- niture, $400; covered by • in/nuance in. the . Royal. HOLil ESV ILL.1, 1rom.,—Mr. Henry Disney is home A i a visit ;' he likes' London very much as a place of abode. .- Cx Acus R --lf r• Colsnelly, Elie teacher en• gagged for the Ho HcdnietVilisTgalideNassumcd hit duties on Monday. CTtA nil .—Mr, Duff hal taken charge of the post office and store here, purchased from Mr. Kelly, and it fitting up the office witlnligecn- holes, etc„ a n ugh needed improvement, MIs$xoiAit Axxxvan$Aniss.—.Sermons in• behalf of Metnodiat 'Missions will be preached •• nn Elelmesville circuit On Sunday the 11th inst., as follows :---1Iolmosville at 10 a,.m,; Tipperary, 21 p.m.; and Ebenezer, 6i.p.m., by ltev. M 11. Waddell, 13. D, Shaven at Tot a.m.; Sturdy's, 2} p.m.;"arid Giomi, 61 p.m., by Rev. Jas. Livingstone. Collection at each service, • .Meetings during the Week in the following. order; Zion, • on Monday, and Iloimesville, Tuesday, to be addressed . by - doing well, the apportttnities for nth/mecca wished the members t to compliments of Rev. ,Messrs, it. FI;. Waddell, and 3. Living, ...-xnentr sheconsideredi being greatly -fn ex. Ole -season) -hope& they. -would -end their. -stone.:. - tbenezerr O Monday.. -Sharon, -ween cess' of those in Cagatla. She stated that seats comfortable, and stated that he had law and order wag as'Well observed tbero' filled the civic chair for the last time this al; here, ;year, and probably far the last time forever. N day' and''turdy's,'t\'edfaesday, to he address= ed by Rev. Wears. Nadi. Smith, and R,. C. }fenders. Each nmeoting tc begin at 7 p.tn. raisedenterprising sons. . SuRrniSB.—The young folks of. Tipperary' got u•�i a surprise party_a few evenings since,. taking posteasion of .Mr, Able Reed's house, where they " tripped the light fantastic" until an early hourin the morning. A FIANnsea2 PRusENT:-Mr. H, Steep, of the llth con: of Goderich township, purchas- ed as handsome piano for one ofhis daughters, as a Christmas present: Miss Steep is to be congratulated over such a fine gift. Vxsrinta.-Mr. Wm. Sheppard, youngest sen of Mr. Jas: Sheppard, of the 9th con., has returned on a visit from Iowa;, his 'pre- sent place of abode: His father did not .re- cognise Hien when they first met, although it is only two years since he saw him; NEABLY A FIRE.—While bliss Kate Cente- lois was• playing music a .few clays: since, the 'lamp worked offthe instrument, and falling down, ignited 'the oil. Had it not been for the bravery of Miss . Gantelon, who .picked. 'tho lauipttrp nd-aran n t ith4it, a fire'igllt: have resulted therefrom. - _ DltTNicIrAL.-The election contest, on Monday, for -the Iteevcship, was ;the most keenly contested one for a' long time. Pre- vious to the election, public feeling seemed to be pretty evenly-divided,but it was gen- erally thought that Mr, Elliott would come out ahead: Tho result shows bow close a contest it. was. The vote for Reeve stood, Elliott 272, Ford 279. - • ;COUNTY COUNCIL.-.. ' The following is a (partial) list of those who will form the County Council for the present year, As McKillop and tlaborne are in wards, their deputy -reeves are elected in council VICTORIA BLOCR,' CLINT A', 014'11,, • Ka Business facilities unequalled, and our Stock unsurpassed, by any Furnishing establishment in the vicinity. JACKSO3'S '0T1j1\ c:ANo flo CLINTON. • sLCNICIPAnrrr, .Ashfield ,.. Blyth liayflelcl Brunelle,. .. Clinton ., , Colborne Exeter Goderich , Geiderich t'p,. Grey .a Hallett , Bay .. , IIow: le k: MQrrls . 11i oKillop., r Seaforth Stepson Stanley,..:+. Tuokeremitb,,, •Tarnberry Usborne i'Vawanosh E. Warianosh W, Winghana i+++ W7roxetor,, . , REE`E. IC 1Vebster,. W. Clegg... J.1sson 3. Chidley .. DEPItTY•BEBVL. Joe Griffen . D- M'Menzies.. W, Young...' A. 'Allan.:•.,,; L Hardy., . z ,, . .. Y+'.W,J'oJanson J, CDetloi'...-: jos•Whitely;. J. McMillan., J Mason , Dr,Euobanan J. C. IKtilbfleish John if ting 'b+ t'trti cok.:I. G. I+!rsythes, I , Clef ., , .. , E. gays„' . D. D. Wi1soIY J 0.�Carter.. S. Hogarth, , 17, Either—. - : W,Graham. , G. Castle D. Walker,,. J, llannah S. Bleck,, . , , 3, Henning, , T. Tiny I, Potter It Currie C..G]xvin L (haunt T. Dell J.T;Garrow•} - l 7., Ixmbson. . We have not yet hoard from: the township of Grey, omitting this township, 'changes have oecerrod in the following places, as own - pared with last year :—Reovos-•-•Bayfield, Col- borne, Goderielr--tow'nehip, StixulayaTThbortt'e and Wingham. De titg-reovea .-- Ash:lel& Colborne. Seaforth, for the first time, returns a deputy -reeve, • • �oL.Boo School Bc',�ks SFORD ea. -fir—. A PL A.�.,, OOL YOT3-14 AND SCHOOL .ALL � S C. .A:�'.L L;�L • AND.DON'TYOU'FORGET.I' All orders promptly attended, to, '000 THE FINEST QUALITY -OF 'ATIONERIp9 &c:, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.) ALWAYS OST HAND. REMEMBER* T11E. OLD STAND—CITY l'3OOK. 8110E2E corner of the Market Square and Albert Street, Cllnton. neon, Ede., I@i:). WM. A ■11 RAN FORD. ° Wholesale AA 'Wail Beek:eller and Staila