HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-11-03, Page 41 1 1 4 THE WINGIIAI TIMES, NOPE [BEP 3, i904, TO ADVERTISERS of ehaa as must be left at this OS:* not laSor than Saturday noon. tritse copy for changes must be left not meter than Monday evening, Glossal advertisements accepted up 10 troo * Weduestiav of each week. lTr►BLTJ}81iA 1878 Nif1`; 1INGnnAM 'TES, l >rIrLl'fI'R"i'R>PTrRr tatl�& AEt PROPHIWTOR 9:'HURSDA,T. NOV. 8. 1904. THE ELECTION, lucre this lame of the TIMES reaches oar readers we will know who is 'fern the affeira of Cauada for the five years, There is little doubt iu mutest of many but that the Laurier inlstratiou which has so successfully anted the affairs of the country for Plat eight years will Le given another f office. This admiuietrutiou to the people with a great de - o# ooufideuce. They have no sins ooeimisiicn to auswer for. Their iaition bas been oleau, they have the wisdom and foresight to take tate of favoring circumstances to latofteote the welfare and prosperity of Mae isometry stud as a consequence Can- isa.s grown and prospered under their ;ar+oia est ax=ver before. They have shown tadinesa to remedy defects and plbpiarrxz as they were presented while measures were progressive and Tcalculated to Stimulate the indus• .atts'ias of the country. The reveuues legs/eve been more than ample to meet the sfgrowing expenditure and there has been ea% large and growing surplus annually stwhich has bowl 'taken advantage of to tlmaterially decreaee the public debt and ,email this has beau accomplished without deny general iacreaee iu the taxation. In short, seldom iu the history of Canada has a government appealed to the peo- ple with a better record to their credit than the Laurier Government and it F will be strange indeed, if they are not trsubstantially sustained at the polls. NOTES AND COMMENTS. ,_It will soon be all over but the cheer• frog. Dr. Macdonald is the man for East Huron. We would like to see East Huron give Dr. Macdonald 200 majority. Vote early and then assist iu getting every Liberal voter to the polls. r,i The threes, Hurons shoald elect sup- s porters of the Laurier Government. Over confidence is a bad thing in elections, See that every Liberal vote is polled to -day. Every vote in East Huron favorable to Dr. Macdonald and the Laurier Gov- ernment should be polled. Canada has sold abroad over $470,000 worth more products in the past !seven years than in the previous seven. t Dr. Macdonald closed his campaign with a meeting at Gorrie last night. During the two weeks and a half, the Dr. made sixteen speeches and travelled upwards of three hundred miles. Hon. A. G. Blair, who has resigned as Chairman of the Railway Commission, will pay a visit to the St. Louis Exposi- tion, and will afterwards take a trip to Europe. Mr. Blair iutends taking a 'vacation before again settling down to business. Failing inau attempt to get Mr. Blair to speak uow, Conservative papers are digging up his old speeches and repub- lishing them. Copies of the old speeches have been scattered in every section of Heron. They will likely have tittle effect on to -day's voting. We had thought at one time of hold - this -Wane of the TIMES in order to ve our readers the results of the election at in doing that it wouldthrow us over two days late, and we have de - bided to publish this week at the usual ,dine. Next week we hope to be able to ve a complete report as well as the rrect figures of the vote in East Huron. jjers What are your friends saying about you? That your gray hair makes you look old? And yet, you are not forty! Postpone this looking old. Ilair Vigor Use Ayer's Hair Tor and restore to your gray hair ail the deep, dark, rich color of early life. Then be satisfied. Weir 'rt/+r riaterat the enteral r7 Mehr ins4 oa; . greatly ir `+.�ilaitinr, N.Y. io'r arlc Hair CHURCH NOTES. A successor to the late Bishop Baldwin will be elected by the Diocesa'i 51414 of Huron, at Loudon on November 29111, Last Sunday was the 25th auutversary of the induction of Rev. John. Roes, 13. A.., into the pastorate of Melville church at Brussels. The regular quarterly services will be held in the Methodist. Church on Suuday next. Iu the moruing there will be a reoeptiou service, and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be adwiuis- tered, Successful comnounion services were bell in the Wiugham Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning last. There was a large attendance of the members of the cougregatiou. Rev. Mr. Perrin of Wroxeter preached the sermon at the preparatory service held on Friday afteruoou. One of the pioneers of the Methodist ministry north of Toronto passed away at his home in Allendale on Saturday, iu the person of Rev..George Clark, De- ceased wus born at Brampton, York- shire, in 1830. In 1853 he came to Can- ada, and the following year took up land iu the fourth concession of Noruianby Township, near Markham. Mr. Clark was at one time stationed at Kiucardine. Special meetiugs will be conducted in the Salvation Army hall on Setarday, Sunday and Monday, November 5th, 6th and 7th. The meetings are as follows: Saturday evening, lantern service, en- titled, "Dick's 'airy." Sunday, special Salvation meetings, comineneing et 3 o'clock in the afternoon and 5 o'clock in the evening. On Monday evening, a special musical mettiug and social will be held. The meetiugs will be conduct- ed by Ensign J. P. Pool and Captain Hippern. All are invited. NEWS NOTES William Bidwell, a C.P.R. brakeman, shot himself dead in a gun shop at Mont- real. Thomas Merritt, ex -policeman, was sentenced at Hamilton to five years for shop -breaking. Mr. W. P. Laird, barrister, of Strath- roy, and uncle of Mr. R. L. Borden, died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. The county of Wentworth has com- pleted the purchase of the Beach toll road, and now the last toll gate in Went- worth will disappear. John T. Evans of St. Thomas died from heart disease aggravated by being thrown out of his buggy when his horse was frightened by Hallowe'en revellers. At the meeting of the Hamilton Pres- bytery Rev. Neil McPherson resigned the Moderatorship and Rev. Dr. Wallis of Caledonia was elected Moderator. Mr. McPherson is going to a charge in Indianapolis. • Sending a Man by Mail. Many persons will be surprised doubt- less, to know that in England a person can be sent from one part of the king- dom to another by mail—just as if he was nothing more than a mere letter. One day a man called at St. Martin's le Grand with the object of consulting a directory and finding the address of a customer who lived in a remote part of Balham. He was not acquainted with the locality, and was most anxious to see his customer at once. These facts he mentioned to an obliging clerk behind the counter. He was at once informed that he could be sent to the required address by registered mail at a fee of 6 cents a mile. The man gladly accepted the offer, and in less than a minute found •himself in charge of a smart messenger boy, who very soon guided him by the shortest route to Ms destination. The boy carried in hie hand a printed blip with the description of his "mailed parcel" under the heading "Article re- quired to be delivered," and this he re- quired the man and customer to sign be- fore he loft the latter's house.—Chicago Journal. How a Fly Walks the Ceiling. Few people, probably, know what it is that enables flies to walk on the ceil- ing. It has been supposed that their ability to do so was due to the fact that each of their feet ie a miniature air pump. This theory was found to be un- sound, and it was than explained that the feat was made possible by means of a vibcoas substance which exuded from the hairs on their feet. This theory also was abandoned as being only partly accountable for the facts; and the preferred explanation is that thee are enabled to walk 'up -side dawn on smooth substances by the help of capillary adhesion. An investigator has found by a series of nice calculations —such as the weighing and measuring of hairs—that a fly would be upheld by capillary attraction were it font -ninths as heavy again as it is. Each fly is sup- posed to be furnished with from 10,000 to 12,000 minute foot hairs; these exude an oily fluid, and it Is because of tho re- pulsion between a watery surface and this oily fluid that a fly dada it difficult to mount a dampened glssL—I3Nrper's Weekly. You can teal o lot Deere *boat' a girls Meas on any question by the shirt waist she wears than by the graduating essay idle reads. Beauty Don'ts, Don't eat when very tired, if yon ex- pect to get any good from your food and preserve your beauty, Don't eat more than oue hearty meal a day. This is the secret of good looks, health and long life. Luckily for the doctors, few people appreoiate it. Don't eat much meat in hot weather if you would keep your akiu free from eruptions. Don't eat hot or fresh bread if you want to be healthy and beautiful. Don't eat cold, starchy foods, like po- tato salad and cold porridge, unless you have stroug digestive organs. Don't eat ice cream too fast. Eaten slowly and allowed to melt iu the mouth it can do no harm. Don't drink iced water. Cool water quenches thirst much better then ice - coli fluid. Don't drink mach water at meals, but take a glassful the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. Don't drink too much coffee on ice unless you want a complexion like leather is color and texture. Don't eat potatoes, peas, marcaroni, cream, olive oil, pastry and bonbons if you want to lose flesh. Don't go to bed hungry. A glass of milk or a cap of chocolate will refresh you. Don't think you can eat too much spinach, lettuce, watercress, dandelion and carrots. They are complexion beautifiers. The Canadian Westinghouse Company of Hamiltou have closed a contract with the Grand Trunk Pacific company to equip their rolling stock with air brakes. The amount of the contract is about $700,000. The act imposing $500 upon every Chinaman entering Canada has had a prohibitive effect. Since January no Celestials have come to this country, with the exception of two who escaped from steamships. Live Stook Markets. Toronto, Nov. 1—There was a good run at the city cattle market to day, but trade was slow. The demand for good botcher cattle is very steady, and there is not enough of the right kind coming along. There seems to be no end to the supply of rough cattle, and they continue to be quite a drag on the market. The total sum was 120 cars, with 1,900 head of cattle, 2,626 sheep and lambs, 1,000 hogs and 64 calves. There was some difficulty in the railway de- livery today, and a good many loads of cattle were not delivered in the market until about the middle of the day, and too late to be put on the market with ad- vantage. Export—The export trade is fair, but prices are not running very high at the present time. There were one or two good loads and prices were quoted at $4.60 to $4.65 the top. Butchers—The market is steady for good cattle, bat easy for the common and rough stock. Still too many of the latter offering, and not enough of the former. Picked cattle are fetching as high as $4 40 to 44 50. but loads of mixed will not average more than $3.65. Feeders—The run of feeders seems to be drawing to a close for the season, though there is still a good market for a few loads of choice stock. Prices are steady at $3.50 to $3.60 for the best steers. Stookers—Market about steady ,for good quality. Sheep and lambs—Trade slow and prices easy except for lambs,` which are about steady. Milkers—A good demand for milk cows at from $30 to $60 each. Hogs—The market is weak, and pros- pects are low. Quotations are $4.90 for selects and $4 65 for lights and fats. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. heavy $4 50 $4 65 Light 4 25 4 50 Balls 3 50 3 75 do., light 2 25 2 75 Feeders light,800 pounds and up- wards 3 3 50 80 Stockers 2 75 3 00 900 lbs 2 75 3 50 Butchers'— Choice 3 60 4 00 Medium 3 50 3 75 Picked 4 25 4 40 Bulls 1 75 2 50 Rough 200 2 50 Light stock bulls .. 2 50 3 00 Milk cows 30 00 50 00 Hogs— Best 4 57 Lights 4 75 Sheep— Export 3 40 5 50 Bucks.....r 2 50 2 75 Culls 200 3 00 Spring Lambs 400 4 50 Calves. each - ... 2 00 10 00 WINf18AM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Nov. 2nd, 1904 Floor per 1001bs......,,.. 2 50 to 400 Fall Wheat 1 ............. 1 00 to 1 03 Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, 0 30 to 0 82 Barley ......... 0 38 to 0 42 Peas 0 55 to • 60 Turkeys, awn,..... Geese0 08 to 0 08 Dunksc. , per pair ..,. 0 60 to 0 75 Chickens,,.. 0 80 to 060 Butter .r•doit ... •• ...• 020 to 0 20 Wood per cord 2 50 to 350 Hay , per ton ,,, 6 00 to 1 50 Potatoes per bushel ..... . , 0 40 'to 0 40 Tallow' per lb , ......... • . 0 5 too U 5 Dried Apples per 11), • • • , ,. • /04 ♦tib y 04 Wool d01.11 • 00 tO 0 00 Live Rogi, per cwt. l± CO to 5 le •••NN.• ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t•• • Wrestlers DID YOU EVER HEAR OF THE ROARY McLEOD TRIP ? • • • • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I believe it's the best trip • in the world—far better than any new-fangled trip in existence. That was the trip that threw Jim Heron in the struggle below the dam. If you have it all right, even a bronco cannot put you off your feet, let alone the best blood horse. , As Hamlet says, `' Come on with your horrors !" We say, " Come on with your prices !" All sizes of the best Farmers' Overcoats in Wingham ; regular prices $ 13.00. On Saturday at to a.m., will sell them at $9.04 Also, 1 o per cent. off all our Fur Coats, at the same hour—arid they are marked low as it is. Other Overcoats from - $2.50 to $10.00 SUITS, ODD PANTS, COATS and VESTS as cheap as the cheapest, and no humbug about it. mat : Truly, this is a great Clothing and Gents' Z •••• Furnishing Store. • • • ••• •A. R. S.L'IITH. ••• • Chisholm Block. - - - WINGHAM. • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• e••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ladies' Waists. This week we are offering a large variety of Fancy Waietings in the very newest fabrics. French Cashmere, Mohairs, fancy and plain, silk wool, besides many other kmds of materials. You have your choice of a large I number of pieces, just in waist lengths. Call early and select one before they are pinked over. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. This will be a week of special values in Ladies' and Children's Under- wear. We carry "Watson's Unshrinkable." This will be good news to many, as those who purchase this line of underwear know that they are bnyiug goods "that will not shrink." Prices to suit everybody. Special values in Children's Underwear in all sizes from "Infants Rue- ben's Vests." Children's Tights in grey or black. Also a nice line of Child- ren's Underwaists. GLOVES. In this department you will find everything in age, color and quality that you ask for. A nice line of Black Cashmere Gloves, dome fasteners, from 25 cents no. Another line of Black Cashmere fieece-lined—a very warm and most comfortable glove. In the Woollen Gloves we have the most up-to-date stock. We have them in bine, red, and in white, the very thing for this cold weather. We have them in all sizes for children and also for Ladies. We have a line of Woollen Mitts, aery fine, in all sizes, and in colors red, blue, black and white. In the Kid Glove department, our stock is always complete. .,,_1t COATS.. We cannot close our "add" this week without mentioning a word or two about our Goate,direet from German Manufacturers. In style they are the very latest, and in quality they are unsurpassed. The prices are the very lowest. We invite you to call and see our Coate. Everybody is praising them and they are selling rapidly, so come and choose one before they are all sold. FURS FURSI —"'E We have a large and beautiful stock of furs in Scarfs, Ruffs and Caper- ines. Oar Furs are exactly as they are advertised. D. M. GORDON. Highest prices paid for produce. 1 oar 1ra,eArrkd.d.ehrri tniiiiro',r to drdrdrAdrtor PHOTOORAPH$ I Notice our Grottos All sizes, large or small. They will please yon. We oan also frame them for you. Did yoa Netlee the Frame*, For Photos, etc., eeq M. E. ZURCRICCU elatrlt•OoliaaateliOneotauaannar C. J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts Rents and Notes Collected. Con. teynnotnR 'done. OFFICE --In venstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. DR. OPENS, of London StrEGEON, DENTIST, SPECIALIST DlSEASES EYE, EAR, NOSE AND TIIROAT. Visite WtnRham monthly, Glasses property fitted. Rasta Catarrh and Deafness treated. Wingham Ofilde--W. Mclubbon'A Drag Storm. London Office -225 Qneen'e ave. Hours : 11 to s p.m. Dates of visits—Mondays, July 25, Sept. 5, Oot. 8, Oat. 81, Nor. 28. 1 JOHN & JAS. 11..ICERR November 3rd r was a cold day, wasn't it ? That is, it way a "cold day" for many a would-be M.P. The men who buy our All -wool Unshrinkable Underwear AND OUR All -wool Tweed Suits AND OUR New, Stylish Overcoats 'AND OUR Pure wool worsted Sox AND OUR Bax calf Laced Boots AND OUR Heavy wool Tweed Caps AND OUR Silk Tined or wool -lined • Gloves AND OUR Made in 'Canada" white and colored Shirts AND OUR Pure Linen Collars and: Fashionable Silk Ties are the men who fee,; real comfortable and happy, be- cause they have comfortable clothing of a high order. Quality fully guaranteed, at very moderate prices. We're doing a big business in our Boot and Shoe Department. PRICES AND QUA'.ITY COUNT, Of course we show the best styles, but you must have quality as well as style. You'll get both at the " Big Store." We would like to show you our new HAND -MADE LACED BOOTS for men. Chrome tan ; positively water -proof. Will not harden, but will keep soft until worn out. Every pair guaranteed. We congratulate ourselves on our success in getting a shoemakers' hand -made boot of fIrst•olass quality to retail at 83.00 a pair. FUR GOODS. It isn't altogether very keen F it weather yet, but it's Fur buying time for all who want good Furs. You'll get a niucli better selection now than you will later in the season and it's worth something to, have first choice. We have 1 FIRST-CLASS FURS I and we guarantee every piece to be jest what we say it is. Persian Lamb Coats, Mink Trimmings South Sea Seal Coats Astrachan Coats Ruffs, Stoles. Scarfs, etc.. in the most fashionable furs. vyyynyyryyyyyynyyyyntyy vvvvnvvvv,yvvynvyyyyyryv b.4 [$PEOIAL- PRICE SALE' OF NUMEROUS LINES OF 4 te se la 0 0 i ioeasonable Goodo I TO CLEAR OUT QUICKLY. Ow P. 1 CI taA few only of the many lines can be mentioned here, such as : I Ladies' Astrachan Coats and Capes, Collar- ettes, Caperines, Ruffs, Boas, Muffs, etc. S 1 s E. A large assortment of LADIES' CLOTH JACKETS must be I ► cleared out at YOUR PRICE to make room for other goods. 3 C .�. 1 Ladies' heavy fleece -lined Hosiery, Puritan brand. 3 A special • line of Dark ' and Light Flannellettes, 4 Lace .ae and Damask Curtains. Dark Prints, Tweeds, Cottonades, Etc, Ready -to -Wear Snits, odd sizes. 4 1 Men's and Boys' high collar double-breasted Reefers. Men's Tweed Overcoats, usual prices from $10.00 to $12.00, 1 now from $5.00 to $6.00. 1 Boys' Snits. Men's Odd Pants. s COLORED DRESS GOODS, regular 25e, for 22c. 3 A nice line heavy Melton, always sold for 30e, now 25e. 1 3 CARPET! CARPET!1 1 E A special line Heavy Jute Carpet, to be sold at 15e, usually 20i. Hit-and-miss Tapestry Carpet Weaves, splendid value, 25e. A better line, nice colors and patterns, for 35e ; and many other lines equally good value. OILCLOTH AND LINOLEUM Linoletims from 1 to 4 yards wide are goods y©a den save from 10 to 35 per cent. on. It is to your pocket we appeal. Money well client is a pleasure to all. Call and see these goods. Produce Taken As Usual. .T. A.] Vi11 +AAAI► t1lAASAA,AAA41it1, awAVIALAMAAANAAAAASAAAIM