HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-01-08, Page 5GREAT SALE OF STOVESI Cooliing Stoves, Parlour Stoves, Box Stoves, Coal Stoves, and all Stoves, at REDUCED PRICES FOR ONE MONTH Notwithstanding the advance in the price of pg Iron. In order tl run off the balance of our stock of Stoves, to make room for spring stock, we have decided to sell Stoves at 7110M TEN TO FIFTEEN PER CENT LESS THAN USUAL PRICES. ON ALL CASH rTJRCHASES DURING THE MONTH 010 jANUARY, WE WILL GIVE THE FOLLOWING HEAVY DISCOUNTS, VIE;— . COOKING STOVES, - 10 per COAL STOVES, " - 10 per PATENT HEATERS, — 10 per PARLOUR STOVES, — 15 per ' PARLOUR COOK STOVES 15 per BOX STOVES, - — 15 per cent Discount. cent Discount cent Discount. cent Discount. cent Discount cent Discount. one, eenie ali in want Of. StOveis 'Vihile this liiddisCount is being offered, and airail` of Clinton and vicinity, A complete stock el HARD .PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, COAL OIL, LAMPS, ;Arm. COAL 011. BY Tag . AT SPBCIAL RATES. SKATES. SKATES. SKATES. SKATIES SKATES. . )uome yourselves of the greatest opportunity oepurchasing Stoves cheap, ever offered to the people 11..A..1-M.A.1-713° 131:0:8".. sierW 911, THIDpADLOCi, mxoi i3r.OcE, CI...1.14"TON Clinton, Dec. 25, 1870. • • • 01`. . • , • . 1300.117S ,43z-SQ•M.:.s J. TWITCHELOS, VICTORIA . BLOCK. 000 . IN ORDER TO MAIM ROOM FOR SPRING GOODS, I WILL SELL THE BALA= OF MY FALL and Winter Stook as follows, comprising MEN'S, LONG BOOTS, fyom $1.75 up. .WOMEITS LEA'PHER BOOTS $1.15 up. MEN'S LONG FELT BOOTS " $3,75 " • WOMEN'S Goer BOOTS, • $1.75 • " BOY'S LONG BOOTS, " $1.75 WOMEN'S FELT BOOTS, $1.25 YOUTH'S LONG BOOTS,- " - • - ' IF YOU WANT BAROAINS, JUST LOOK AT Tagsg PRICES, rind then .eull anti examine nty,goods, and this will satiety- the dasest bluer., . . .. ------ . . . . • HARNESS • DEPARTMENT. _ Having a very large stet& ofFirat•Class_SINOLEITMESSon hand,,theniiliscribtr.wonicl. direct especial attenticin thereto. Mao DOUBLE HARNESS, both heavy and light. ' Being. made up from good stook, and by. experienced workmen, he can guarantee .theeatne. My SCOTCH COLLARS warranted to give entiresatisfaction: * TRUNKS and VALISES. --A yery largo assorixamit and very cdamp. ' TRUNKS from 75. cents up, lst and 2nd.class.SHINGLES, from 40 Flouts per bunch, Tip; A room over the shop to 14 ALL GOODS WARRANTED. 0 '. • : : JAMES TWITCHELL. • The following, from the Montreal Witnes is sufficiently suggestive, and need*, no con. ment:-A "It was fondly ptpeeted that Canada would learn from, her misfortunes, and that her peo- ple would, at least for a year or two, be very • careful about ,going financially beyond their depth. It is to be boned, that in private busi- ness and home expenditure the spirit of econ- elny has gained some hold, and that people are not so willing as they once were to buy as liberally as they can get trusted. This is only a hope, however, the indications seem to be largely the other way. Stimulated by lower prices than those to which they have been ac. oustomed, people are tempted to get things that a year ago they would for the best of rea- sons have done without. There probably never wag such an era of public undertakings as is now drawing upon us. The air isfull of demands -for grants--goVernmenb grants- and municipal grants—and the Canada. Gazette full of notices of applicationsifor charters. It is to be hope(1 that our towns will lay down for themselves rules which will absolutely limit their expenditure to their spending power ; otherwise ruinous taxation or repudiaton will be some day the only alternatives, *There may be a certain extent to which. public, works should be built at the expense of the public, but so long as grants for this purpose are made to companies of persons who have invested no adequate amount themselves, they should be very carefully limited indeed. • . . Tho hungry dream of feasts, the thristi of water, the dropsical of drowning, the sick of health. 24 enjoy health beware of every ailment, and if eoffering from diseases of thelidneya, ate., USa Voitorie, Bubo, and -UvUr:1Lakon1irti,ne,thlrciinio1lo1xiewlll •previiit Bright's disease of the kidneys, diabetes, eto., and is a positive specific in all disases of the urinary system. For sale by all dealers. • Hagyard's Yellow 011ie ono of the surest maladies in the world for the euro of Ithemnotism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Spinal and Bronchial Complaints. Deafness, Ear-Aoho Cramps, sprains, Bruises, Gallb, Stiff Joints, Swelled Hands, Sore Nipples, Stiff Neck, Chilblains, Wetter, FrostBiths, Chapped Hands, Woonds, Cuts, BON Throat, Stings of 'newts, Shortness.bf Breath, or any Diseases that are painful or sore, Foi• particulars See wrapper accompanying each bottle. For saleby all dealers. price 25 cents. 1..&r,.•;.r.rxerr,:r.71,14,,T;'•• ,r.4.0.1111,7,..3%S.1., • 1\1"" 0 TOM . . • A1I Accounts and Notes due us must be settled WITHOU1 FURTHER ••• Ra_CALLANDER & Co. CLINTON, Doe. 29, 1879. • . , • rt OIDENTOil . January 8, 1880. Prices cluring the 'past week havp re- mainecl very steady, with but little change, but there is feeling of uncertainty as to Piiees holding their. present Ogure, and there is some likelihood of a decline, as there is- a large amount of wheat in sight. Porkastis steady at quotations. -The quan- tity brouaht in this Tear -is -rot as -large aa I ,Retloh. 44 22(51 a$71 Oats, . 1. • Wpwhollaseea,att: zw'ehditr, hu.sh, .$11 •!,..58. aa 11 2828 7 0 33 a 0 3 4 BFtrley, • - • 0 45 a 0 56 . .r 0 63 a 0 66 • Flour, - . • • 6 00 a 6 50 Potatoes, - • , 0 30 a 0 85 Butter, 0 15 a 0 16 Eggs, - • ' 0 14 a • 0 15 - -8-00- ''''.9•-•9 00 Hides, - • • ,7 00 a 8' 00 • Sheepikins - 0.50 a 0 80 Clover - . 3.75 a 4 00 Tutothy Turkeys .275 a 3 00 6 On. a 6 05 0 50 a 1,00 -035a-045 — Ducks - 0 DO a 0 22 Chickens - - 0 12- a 0 15 Beef; - • - • 4 00 a 5 00 1," • sizikr ORTI11 MA.DIKETS. ' NVITO NEVER 0111211INFASII011 BNAII0A;NITEETi 0Z7P111,4, 00NlixoTEVY1111 1.11E 11.43Ltilith THEY ,GINE PERFECT SATISFACTION k . 11 HARNESS OF AltL. STYLES, BUFFALO ROBES, Trunks, Valises, Horse Blankets, SLEIP-if BELLS, ETO. Light Harness aSpecialty, AS USUAL. A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED* CLINTON, eet. 80, 1870. — ELACIESMITHING, rrIBE undersigned having purehased the stock and 1 leased the proraime of bin. W. GAMEY, on Albert Street, opposite Mr. Fair's Mill, takes this means of notifying his friends and the public generally, that ho intends carrying on the Biecksmithing business In an its branches, and, therefore, solicits their onstom.--; Being practically acquainted with everything connected with the business, he can guarantee satisfaction, -.;..neast...0-1mehar...-.8, Specialty. D, STEPHENSON Clinton, April 20879. „ January, 8, 1880, ' Wheat—Fall '1-25-a 1 28 Spring ,-. - 1 20 a 125 Oitti 0 33 a' 034 • Peas. - --••••• 0 63 a 0 65 „ Barley - - 0 45 a, *0 55 • Potatoes • . •30 a 0 35 • 8 00 a 9.00 • Butter 0 15 a 0' 16. Eggs, . 014 • a 0 15 Hides - - 7 00 a 8 00 Wood • ' 2.00 6,_2.50 :Flour, 600 6 50 Pork, - - 600 a-'650 00DERIVIN RIABILETS • Xatinary, 8,1880. .Wheat --Fall - _ , $1 25 a 1.28 ' Spring - 120 1 25 " Flour - 5 50 a 600 Oats, - •- - • 32,s 0-33 Peas, • - 0 61 a 0 63 Barley,,- • • - 0 45 a 0 5.5 ,' Potatoes . - - - Q--:.0. •a;.' 0 35 ° Butter ." 0.17a- .0 18 Eggs; - ' 0 14 a • 015 Hay, , . 800 'a 900: or' AUCTION SALE TTNDER and by . virtue of a Power of Sale con- k) tained in a certain lifetime, dated the 20th day. of September, A.D. 1875, and made by nt/BERT • Downs, there wilLbe sold Public Auotion, AT RATTENBURYS • HOTEL, THE TOWN OF-CLINTON, In the County of Huron, on , BETTER HORSES 0 CATTLE lioREIES and CAT- - LEryhatevettmay- be their age and con- dition, are vastly im- proved, in every way, by thew° of DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER It tones up thesystem, imparts new life and vigor, and reallg haft a Irealathrverelith°eN5beeaffgrtPuell• Leto woofu ladn hi r:lai el liv'e hi;w° the worrakaof &dowel; 4-E it5thde.byrtkbti,a,fr,;i DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER./ THE PROPRIETORS. - TZPIG--IL'CC)„, EDINBTORDII AND MONTREA.1... Propare-also„-a-spiendid BLISTER, OINTMENT & LINIMENT Which are used in the best stables in the world. NEVADA SILVER* One One. One One One One Consignment 0,onslgnment Consignment Consignment Conswinnent Consignment Nevada Silver Table Spoons: Nevada Silver Dessert Spoons; Nevada Sil,ver =Tea Spoons. Nevada Silver Forks. Nevada Silver Tea Knives, Nevada Sitirer Cruets, 0 , APT • NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, SPADES, SHOVELS, CATTLE TIES, HALTERS, ROPE, CHAINS, ANA A REM STOOK OF SHELF HARDWARE. PLOWS, • BARBED FENCE WIRE, WATER -LIME. • PAINTS, CILWWHITE VARNISHES, GLASS PUTTY BRUSH' ES, ETC • I . • • I,UBRICATING .-4,ellUan • Searand Castor 011. STOYESt111EATERSIGIIAKOE& The ROYAL DOUBLE -HEATED. COAL STOKE was first introduced this fill: "-We have • sold a large quantity. They are giving great satisfaction! COOKING STOVES, from all makers. SOX. STOVES from $1.00 -up. ' PARLOUR STOVES, every style. RUSSIA.IRON HEATERS. PARLOUR COOKS, great variety. RANOES, GRATES. • 10- COAL STOVES-FROMI3411 a , . • • OlECANDLIERS IN VERDE AND BRONZE. . ._,BRACKETS IN VERDE AND BRONZE. PARLOUR, HALL, AND TABLE 17AidiS, PORCELAIN SHADES; CHIMNEYS GLOBES, ,SHADE HOLDERS A complete stock of LAMP. TRIMMINGS. • HEAD LIGHT OIL. : : ATLANTIC OIL. WHOLESALE, BY THE BARREL, LOWEST PRICE. • WANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF TINWARE, EAVETROUGHING, CASH OASH OASH For Hides, for Sheep Skins, for -all kinds of Pelts. Try DICK'S HORSE AND CATTLE MED- ICINES and be conviimed of their merit. • Bow Salo jar • 31.11. COHSE DRUGGIST, 011ANTO ITURE; SPRING BEDS MATTRESSES. f MTH ;subscriber begs to inform the inhabitants of 1 • Cluiton'and surreunding. country, that ha ha8 ' Opened a Now .Fariturg bra,: " vr0T0RLi. STREET,' • ONE DOOR SOUtit OF Parties in need of anything in his lino, are respectfully. invited to tall and examine his goods ham purehas- ingelsewhere. • • ' Remember the Ates --- Victoria Street. -aria4.'i ' . fy arto: ...v1A1,46,.• 0,10. 1:=1,,kei '.1•1=',1 r j.-5,‘,.; ,,,...,, •,..,, rt., . . -oses• „,„. 1 . '."' • '.° Y:',kb.,441i),'. aut$0 4 1 r; ' • k..-.44, '• - . • ''.." "Pair'4 SC' . - . ..: '1'. 14-1 '•f!'- • , .'...? 0== - ''''•.(i:„ . '..tirl(. *.!,' ;, „piy,. 'it:':. .- „..:. , .4..foiiii, ==1. .-‘• . dikait ,,,. ., ,....... ,i,•164;‘, .s..e. la=Zi# g's - . tr7 'at (1) PI . to",r,, ' • prp . 0, i.,., . , rel - o . 14 ,,,,,,t -i ps3 li,11 cri F-4• . • pi p, 4., g % e4 ' r 04. i : a pE, Pdi res : ii ' 14 .42 • U2 PI `;','" -4 1; m E-. . ca p: ..:4 cd :1-.1 X 'ii'l 1 • .F..3At: -, 4 w .., . .g, r, re P" P,,,s• p 1.4 i r., 4 (8 f0 ., te r,,) g 1 to -i : trl aVA " I 0 ri El o t'.0 .° F4 41. r4' 1 g 2 Al "" ••„..2 Z la , . r4 • g ' 1-1 •4 !°4 3 ° WE' rx4 E4 '0, C:LI o •,..2 „...4 tc rfi Vs '. r•T4 A res4 4 ." ' -..-' q lag, 0 R... am crl g 4 .... g • ownineilisollear Vednesday;14th day:of.ntiary,.1881, At 12 o'clock, noon, By JOIN C. CURRIE, Auctioneer,• The following Property, vis: -A part of Lot Noinber Tatenty-Sevon,fn the First Otameseion of the Township of Wawanosh, in theSounty. of Huron, containing by admeasurement, fbrtj4sares of land, more or less. This property adjoins the village of ' Manchester. Tho land linearly all cleared, and in a good -state of cinitivation.. • Worms ,and conditions Will be made known on the aryl sale. For farther particulars apply to li• TALE, Esq., 'Clinton, oito the Vendor's Solielters. bxviSeN & JOHNSON, • vendor's Solicitors. •IOHN 0. 01/BETE, Auctioneer. . Gederloh, Dm. 28th, 1870: TITB .A1-41.14Tsr.,14.INg LIVEROOL—LORPONDERRY—CLASOat SHORTEST WA PASSAG-E, Canine Initeiranediate sand Steeragollek. etio at Lowest Rates, EVERY SATURDAY FROM QUEBEC. Patties desiring te bring out friends from tho 016 country, can save moneyiby pUrehasing prepaid eertifi. Mites f Mra the agent in 'Clinton. STEERAGE TIORETS TO Liverpool, iondonolerry, Glasgow, Queene, town, Berfaet, iondon, !Metal, Card;,#: Per throngit tiakets and every information apply to A. STRAITON. O. T. 1t., Agent Gluten. °Unto:11May 80,1878, v GEO. PIEHL, QABINET'MAKE 4tutet r* ALT. Kline or FURNITURE UNDERTAKER Victoria St. Clinton. CARD. .OF THANKS! J 0111s1:1L1311 - • 'MOS to tender his thanits thil public in general 1.111 for the patronage bestbwed ori him for the past two years, and would llar/ay he has on hand a'large . and well selected stock of , ENGLISH ..ami..Prollei iforgtods. , . . • Broadcloths,..Doeskins, Scotch, English, and Canadian Tweeds, • . As over shown in Clinton ; besides a fair aseortment of GENT'S ruurttsHixos, iii Nat, Cape, Shirts, Col- , lore; Scarfs, Underclothing', &c. floods. ail new -.no 81,1 stook -and will be sold es ekcap as any other house ix Cliuten. ' Ho would also state that he has taken Into partner- ship Mr. W. IL MOORE, (tor the past rumple of years as 'salesman with Mr. Pitonotoon. • The business ba carried on in future ander the none of SUITE MO0Bli.• •• All gain:Ionia tamed mit guaranteed a ported fit. ' A. Call itespeoftully 8olicitea. de MOORE. ' Olintoof Oat, 154 1879. , GRAY'S SPECA ElO igEOLCINIE. TRADE MA1tE. TRADEMAEL. English Remedy. An unfailing cure (or Seminal weak - tine, Sperinatorr. Ilea, impotency, and all diseases that follow as a gootkonoc of Solt- Alm000to Loos et Memory, - Borote Takium.sallassitude,pein After Ta.king, in the Back, Dim - nese of Vision, Premature Obi. Ago, and many othe diseases that load to Ineanity �r CallottmptIon, and PMmatuto Grave. Full partietilem lu our pamphlet which WO dewire to send free by mail to every one,. The Speelfic Medicine is sold by all druggists at 81 per package, or 6 packages for $5, or will bo sent fro° hy mail on receipt of the money, by addressing TUB GRAY 11,1E1)101XE 00., Toronto; On ta'Reld in Clinton 'by all druggists. 'Y" S. Mammoth Hardware Store, Albert St., Clinton., IT. SIMI:DS-01\T, Lli AND DEALER lig PJTOZ a-ooms. SCHOOL BOOKS A SPECIALT • Rimember. the Place—Dingman & fumble's old. stand,. ' , Clinton, Doe, 24, 1870. • —0E— APLE and FANCY 0 — • ()wino tbAlie b .. • we will offer for sale our • . ENTIRE STOCK - OF DRY GOODS AT AND UNDER COST . • • CONSISTMG OF . . TWEEDS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, .FANCY DRESS GOODS, BLACK LUSTRES;WINCEYS, CASHMERES, COLOVRED-SHIRTINGS, TICK: INGS, GREY AND BLEACHED: COTTONS, TABLE LINEN, .HOSIERY,GLOVES, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, • - • The whole stock will be sold without reserve, at such prices that cannot fail to be appreeiated. • WILLIAM COATS. • All parties indel?ted to the above in overdue Ac- counts or Notos) will be expected to pay up in. fall, - without delay. •., Clinton, Nov, -13,1872. • . • - -15