HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-01-08, Page 3111--_7 _"__W_._ , � 1� - - ____ - __ , -""�.,,�,---W&%W-'P��*.,-�-- 14 6 Is . I �, . � I � � . I , . � . I I I � I , . I . - - --- . - . . , , , - I . . I Cbrlootinaut Anilmom. I opportunigestor tboomploYment of water � Po or. It was dotted with mills and factories W�'11 - everything qatemed to go on as usual ; his young wife was brisk And cheerful now that . I - ,I WONDER OF THE WORLD. - --- --- � I " 1111 I . . Ohms. !!!�� 1919, 19,&CJ11AST9X9 EXeLAINS. Usidong, mothers that may be me, . BrLng iOUV Wreathe to dock ilia shrl at kinds, The Inhabit DAN .Of the place A her buoliand woo, - out of danger, !1n4 I - . . . . . .4 , orizo 09 five ffalneso Offered by it Landau � of ino Motbor-Mald divine, I . , hod ,come there poor -or their ancestors had, I With her Child upliaboir knee; � I _ by bard, work and economy it bid, been appeared not to be. )tampered by she'. want I *01 means. . A Trbfniph dit Exialosserlsox Shil I- i isweps , Awar lor Ire;opest-Tosso An Ailriedionee"iK I Xxotp,plesslon via it son - IKOW the GICURPLIFIM 1111I.P.r. ,ovam wee Y Journal to oolonfil competition for the bast Parody on Sleakepears's "Haven Ages at Manl�hasbson byagentlemig, -and Shbiitlroarr.tivOryo6ag4qf.pr*Aae - . For th In the power of each person to become rich 0�4thplbettordsyo. do I SUPPONG Mr. WelAvill bad to come to the, ; I she fAresit Wsiy IgiLrid Illileasso -Virst Rail 11toll I . lWan"41crotoodid-bonto lf,,14. h t on ,� won a ofolitmitst. 0 TIZA following Ali the pro,slustion; , , . Altholigh-thOOPPOrtilultleal for b,BqQmjn � .g p6 to gone attar 0611,11 said Bernard one day," Whitt - � 11 1. _ 1.111so, .r � 09 theMoss dit Life Grently A= rUT- � � agntreal society, f" . � I , - . THA, NEVEN Jotsio OF orTA (yZIMMM). A , I I . . -mothers, come I . I I I I Gas Confessed now bad &vastly decreased, otill It was six. I in your glauceit deep andialid , I I I The Adoration of tue Child'. Pecked that each one would do him best to money we bad ,mast have been Used up long � i to V lg� . - I Not Mi Stu -x . . , gle survi t is . Too � _.AiV,qly,_4 I � ,igvg m "YAnPauthy-Nat Trace the Jill-ratea I . -The Xoftaimo. Poo., 81--n Now York Werald's Annexation - 6jium. 11 to on, the wells, - � Ali thaworld'as sham, 'And CL11 (12i womoil in At atereli shammors; � i 'Come, your childrount the breast', ., I attain wealth, lot,chrounistan000 be what they I . Lift yerfulotiongdotplAlso would In ovary hard-working and 1pron or, P Yes. ply dear. that Is All. gone ; but father ham not helped us." I .ssf, wral" placovered. , fin ev n Mr. Moo.Xiste Id a to M.P.P. for Glen. Their theme Poinviloncewith earliest Wanor . . yo . And each one in her time plays many parts. � For 10.11bl�lprtrhll of better ctayo. I . .� I - - I I . 1 OU13 o6manity every thought, except that of 64 0 But howhave yovi-?l . L Lozmon. Dec. 29, -The gale Which destroy. garry, hap come down frovA the position taken . - by him me I published by a Be I rald Interviewer, H9r sham 5 being seven NP9908. At"Arso the rr, . yants . � � money -making, In apt to 10 crowded out, li, Children, come with confidence, _x � . the beginning of1to career at �east ; dollars mild' I I You mustn't talk; the doctor has forbid. dark it- YOU know- But if You .Will Ilaten, I a d the Toy bridge was the moot violent.ever Been in Scotland mines the memorable o4orm r He makes the following . explanation. Smiling, serene in lace -4 . to . raped basslus Doludesinamns% withitroml,esof beauty, . � Seek the boulidiudort , Of this gentle little Child, andeents io.tho standard of measurement . 'Who . willtellyouwhat ham happened while you . .. . of 1868. From the OMO the gale kJagAn, it CA the 301h InOt. I VAN present at the � Fifth Avenue Hotel, Now York. A it lend Which turn out all A she m. Tilits, the 8011�07gjrr, With hoydenish tricks, atili ignorance o-orlaid - was love and innocence; for am 1. _10p rui gwiLless owige of praise An ; in ouch, a place the 'poet. the, better days. artist, the dreamer can find, no congenial I havaboon ill.', $,.I . I am all attention; may My tongue I r continued to inorea' so In I ary until a perfect hurricane raged from the south ocuthwap6. I . � showed me a copy of the Now York Herald, � In 'h Bythin vesteering of 40domplishinents. who thaDi6ufanta, I . � , rt " I � Nor t Q, I)IvLh of - - . a . abidlng place. I � 11 ". ,, asy.,thip Is especially the . . I cleave to the roof of my mouth, It I interrupt 1. . . � � - The streets of Da de I I I .. n a were covered with whic Appeared what purported to be an .. interview between Sir Francis Hinoks and it With most precocious knowledge of thow6rlaj And cunning willia to eslittire wealthy upon". I . . -Harporla llfa�azhte., a% r 1. me in a prosperous community in the I beginning of its prosperity, IOU." . I . 41 Well, when X oakw the$. our fortune was , debKs. Chimney-poto and slates went Wbi'rl- I Ing through the 8% Gauging Avent'danger to 'Herald reporter, -audin which bir Fronde Then the Beautv talk of All the to*ii; " . ,Her photograph In every shop displav,d, ! " By and by, when the � Intoxication of money. .1 THE WAY- or ;CJKJC WOULD, getting begins to subside in a measure, other fast dwindling away, I wrote' a note to im I father otating how we were situated, and AN . loot papeeng6rg. T a street were almost I , It is deoert6d till ;he rumor of she demolit on of I . wag mcor edited witIx Mating that I Wag AD annexationist and that I attended an annex&, , tion demonstration in M . Bach fool of fasbion dangling In her trgtiu- Her husband quite Igo, . ored, 'Then the Cha.verotted, Leading her charge to 6ve.r-y ball. and rout. . � .. � . and more humanizing influences are allowed i . 9 I . 1. I . . I to creep in, and are recognized. The poet's in anger t I oward him had left Me, I asked him to send me some money, bat -lo .1 I 11 the famous bridge a0raoted hutafteds to the shore of the Toy. Reports from Glasgow, I I . I ontreal. Shortly afterwards A Herald reporter called to inter. with patience worthy of m better cause I All 11 node and wreathadrgroijea" for *elwer 00111. � I book finds a plaqe,,on the centre,table, and In go What Ill . � . � . � .1 I I 0 And he-" ' 'paisleys 0 1 and Edinburgh say, that viewma. Irequeoted him to accompany me . . I to, A 'room, where - a couple 09 Montreal With frowns for dittrimointalS. he . I shows .. . T sixth SIZ61M � . ,a r I 6g'your 4aughlzr and I are engaged, and the hearts of mail and women; tile paint � I ­ ­ - I I , and the. scialftop are honored, And the, r 01 Be careful of your tongue, elk; it must be 010471109to tbQ roof ofyourmouthno .10 ­ � W tLe atorn,reenook raged with great violence, Tile wind blew' In . tremendous gusts. The rain gentlemen -Mr, Al. S. Lonogain and mr. .1. S. . . The lean and scandal -loving Spinitte,e . . 0 . Her pamperld poodle wAdling by her side; , we-,) , . ' I I fi.�Engagsgd.l Young rn�no have You lost works, , beginning to give 491ightby their , L 1117gryopote:11, Pleaso; I'll be its mum as 3,000 till ,. was drenching. All the accounts mention Hall, j on,, who. were then guests at the hotel, -joined a. � The cony I arostioit wax a general u I With ehrugp and inuendoes thinlyvollld Blasting 06 reputation ab each breath- ' . I And . I L are symmetry' and harmopy, and thethought . 3rouroenoes? Do you know What you .1 I .L I I Years Old, you are tbrongh Is I r the continuous howliag.and roar of the wind, I on, a tidorg the company. The reportertook agalioplays her pfrt. Lastatesilinfall I Which ends the sell. d asembling * talking about?i, 1. which they contain, are welcomed into every I home. -vslloythor�pe, h wever, had 0 not so 1: it appears in me, . . I " Bat it joeME4 my father WAS ai�igry' gig, - which deadened the falling crash of thowhole i Lft-tV6 'of L I ��"7�� r, Ii _ . J . a immense Way bridge; . I no elltho gh L he' And u I ban test I I I , rc�ortodo portions of what I stated n � history a . . I I a am old age devoid of reverence- . Sham tooth, chain hair, sham bloom, sham everywo. � ., I Iiiii-piu-6 presumption reached this stage in its March toward com. but11 . I L I L. . your daughter-, , .11 plate civilization, And Bernard, Who Was an ever, and Instead of remitting the needed I 0 1 helps 44. said .h . d,d*,not Iona =on to BY which has hitherto been regarded as one Of . ' th6 wondero of the world. ...�'.­­­ _­ , correctly he . , � hog . , so intermingled , .. I - L 'AtL thing, . . . � . . � 1. . , I ... 1- � _. ... .1 - 11 ­ - . I . . . . . !1. ­ . -is Don't mention my diinghterl'yetang-'13ifin - I Waff It " , artist by nature and - by practice, sadly ;I won't hear of it I � strangers without security. I$ i . "The bru-11 It has been officially ancertained that 3he -cannot PIRO my views With other'matterd, and so mteotased them, that the report of the inter. TIKE TAIr BRIDGis; iDlitsASTjoXi. ... 1 . . . . . Out of place. . Is We hoped you would ,give your son. I . Bernard Holm, with an aged housekeeper,' . L � , I . I I 11 Your tongue, air, your tongue; I am not number of passengers exceed ninety. This information has been obtained after the . I view gives a very ierroneous impression. 'First, and distinctly, I told the reporter that I Th deplorable disaster at Dundee, recorded , I OU telegraphic; columns to.sjay, will can" I flent�ll . . liv ad by himself In a small cottage left him . . 14 Never I It I r do " . by big parents, who wore both ad. He through Yet. Not long after that the bank with WhI ch he was connected failed, and a most minute onquiriep by the rallwai"Y"'. authorities, and may be railed on., This . was not an annexatiotiist t1im an annexation fooling ' . r W in many & household in GrestBrIlaing I . I 4 doubtless were preparing to . . ­­ - 41 Carrie omyis=�01 -. . - . .. .__ ­ .--. � I .- nfoWb�r--bbl6V-,tbd-,indaltlWrt�ight, . . AD, was 00 . 0* 11 Never mind what she says. You c i With dark hair and eyes. He always walked L L Was IKk_WjtbOUt o' ' . . pomayinther-world-.-Whon . I . his money was gone his frionAgiAoserted him. afternoon diving operationa4vere conducted. . I . Two successive attempts were made to reach did, not to any appreciable extent prove Canada, likid''that',not annexation U -in celebrate . . � -0 - � -XeWQ�LQX4-__"_�_-__SQvy4h9 -annual_ feative- -----:-, ­­­----- ­ period in'the northern Of the island, 1 . I -have my consent, nor my'4aughter. Do with his head down ; now and then lookin . � I 9 IOU underotand?" Heiguffered greatly. M y heart -bled for him, L , . the wrecked tral With 1% LTIOW OfLd . . in Igoovering demonatiati on'mecting .had been held 1, 'Montreal, Then I told them that the people Part . � I . At, ... the time of writing, the particulars of She n I --When not at work, hii 64 I do, air," And Bernard Holm tur Ded up as it surprised. � seemingly spent all his time in sketchingand 'rresolutoly . as in ten days he had grown ten years older. I couldnot.onaure to think he , 6 hould go an a . the bodies of passengers. On the fire$ occasion the river was' so muddy that noth. of Canada were at Present perfectly satisfied. He disaster are of the most meagre description -.t � I but If seems certain that 340 to 200 toward the door. . drawing. i 11 Mr. Weltall looked after. - the retreating That be beggar among strangers, go I invited him to 001nall here live 0 no ing f -a diati' t character could be learned. with their political condition. &Bked me what I congideked the political destiny of the I parmons I 'V have met a terrible end. The ontantrophs, . should be the successful w000r- . . 1. I 'form of the young man wIth, an impatient' of Carrie. Weltall, the I acqompliabed heirsom, and with us; I he is here now. - . On the, second oqpsolou the .weather was so equally that the diver could not descend, country was. 1, explained to him, t bat I did � .. took placeduring a gale, and"it is reprepento&, � that the bridge Was blown down whilst the ' ' . land perplexed frown; the n , he .. suddenly i . , tke acknowledged bellis - of Valloythorpe, -called him book. An expression of 'vexation paose4 Over I � - Is, ,. . , Singularly enough, only one body was washed - - _ � I not consider Canada's present , political condition Pei -as !mmfient; that the Country . late train from Edinburgh -was crooning from . , I . I . - . would- halo 'been rbgarded %it too absurd It What have you to supper, a wife with 21! Bernard face, but -he amid nothing. . .1 "You be. dolioxis., It was that of a lady, about --sixty- � . "had'-posood ' ID. a 'wen I tough- - five., tury- th . . . � ,Now,ppkk,t,.pL_L)andee. How this CAM9, to b -a . - - - -1 -6 1. __ 'Fir-m-noPir"'eRr, . a bit of gdooip for even the most . "I haven't much yet, li�; we at Q both inveterate U16,bearer to liawk about. . won't vexed,- will you, my dearie ?11 his wife said, ffi'anawar to hie fears of age. Her body was removed.'Joi room At the station waiting identification. and Anses; o political change Commencing 1h f I � ascertained has Do 1-1 .- , but it fit , . . . . just, as likely that. the I .. . . � I 'Young and cmn-,, . When -"be returned to report the result I -to What buoinesi'do Intend to f6llow?li I - I expression. 'oHO is - an old,. broken down fitted forthe reception of the diad. It affords Wi th.. a 2C,,,h reginte- and ending. with the Confederation, of the. North structure bad oollapmed prior to tile arri I of - � I I . . ve, I � You` . -96 . . . of.the Interview to Miss Welton, he appeared � �. . Wall, I dontt know, exactly; 1�11 not to'be as elate as one might suppose, -con. ma4 ; the truth is, hid mind is affeated ; he is very quiet, and keeps out of everybodylo accommodation for I more than a � hundred . � persons. . I American Frovinegs. We were now in the I the train, Allcl that it dashed � Into the raging abyss below. ID any case it, I . 11 Don't know I A young Man Of Your 890 sidering the reasonable c6nditionsuia upon , vithout any'lnoneyi and *suting to marry a him. The difficulty was, he had too keen a Way lie much no possible.,, I " Cho Won, lot him itas', slid welcome; but ft Thomas Boubb, the angluear'.of the 'bridge, with a number of other engineers, sixth stage of political existence as a colony, and I did not lool� for Any change in ,the n or .0 to not to be wondered at that there are no . � . . ourvivors fell the tole of the horrible - � � 11 ho,has Always had every comfort � , I � AWAr sense of his -shortcomings. A man with a - - . . 1: jigitl_w knov-'e-xicidy- what to do.in life?" coarse-filir a_,vmtur6_ and .the. eame..alinitieo� , , dd�* . ­ ....... ­­­­ -0 he did not sh . Ow much , Pity on us when. we -wera. in- trQUbIe._: -But -now-WI-me-from-whkt- - , wide. an inipeo tion to -d my.- .-They found that . I -the-whoiepiar-foif�da . tione-werBi-i 6 . --The - * iiiii, f future. Oar. preocat condition was best , - - .iidaptod to-thid dev. eldpmexit:of our-tog6drobs- .to , - ' I . I I- __ � � gu�phmaent. - --The-Way. -Bridge y_ndt-'_:, - - . - - �­ -,- - .. . I . I "" . . I . i,--, it%�Mg -be generally k, . �� . . nown, is the longest bridge jui ­..­­­­ .. '41 -Mr. WeltwIli llivasu- I' I . . . . . ambition whidil r Would in all probability have succeeded better have entertained Go I was a child; but I far.. I I source you have been drawing yo .. .ar sup. 0 opini n of himself and others is Wat $he and the construction of our public works. In times -*when the country had attained I a the world , being close upon two zones Ila . .. I .sin than Bernard no , .have never monlioned it to, any one, fearing I , Miss Weltall was a magnificent y oung � . . . . e plies."' 11 Po you remain � bar that short story which train px000edod without interruption until it reached the high girdero. Then one or more I population of 10,006,000 or 15,000,000 peoples length. It forms a Portion. ot. the North I, "I Bxltioh Railway' . I I system, 'and was built . -might fan, and tllen-l� . . lady. . . . . , � , � . "Are you doing anything at prenent9" the ' WAS published in our magazine not after of the back carriages went oil the rails, and when the different provincLe would be knit,together by rail and Water conlipunion.- , within the past ten years, with the object � i . . . . I use , J word �11 magnificent 11 because . 91 Ilam employed 80 sin engraver in a jew- con think of no other adjective that describes . . woweremarrieV Y6umentl6nodlitl)n suoh.s peculiar title, you know.11 * I %viug coming tigainat the lattice work, and'tore the structure to pieces, causing the �Irightfttl . - tion would think that the time of , many . i of making the Northeast I coast -route - . .. �,­ from England' 'to the. north I ellery store, air," � . "I I . I . - .. What wageol" I � . hersofally. She was tall; a trifle taller than' . her lover', I I . .. I I I remember it, but what has that to.ao' ?" wit�,m disaster. The showers of sparks seen by those riatio,,al Manhood hal arrived. , Any view - , now exproosed upon our future destiny inns% of Scot. . . r �', I land the Moro Popular for the travelling � . I I . :1 . . . . and splendidly proportioned. Her �. IV . I orty doklaro a-mon1h." - features were regular and cleanly out, her. I I I oy qup.6tions - . . I U Bat � you thoilght it was quiti good, on shore are believed to. have .been causv& by the collision of the carriages with be mere matter of'speoulation. , Annexation t tile U ilited states the Public- Prior to its creation, the passage of I . . the Tay had either to be Mbo plishad by � . I I . Is that your ambitious to bcoome a skilful . complexio I . . ,on . I I . � . n was light, while bar eyes, which , didn' t yon?" I . . , I I the iron work., " , . . . 0 was out of question, I . Theta was no appreciable, sentiment In favor , . . . going the oirpuitous Perth routemor by Gross. - , . , gra*er?" . were large, had the habit of looking at. one , r . No, air, it is not. - I have always-," I with'a thrilling directness, and her hair was � I believe no, but: whd-11 I... A I .1 wrote that story.," Her Majesty promptly made enquiries, and , I the following. message was received by Pro. of it in this country. The Mothir Country , . I I � Ing &'ferry at Tay,port, where the Frith of . . I . I Tay is of times in -a very rough So, � . . . . '.sWell, Mr. Holm, you yourself must see 'ad black as midnight, Her will was imparle " that It would notdo to coneiin my daughter. I . . - " YOUT' I I � . .. ­ to If I .1� I � I - lost Brownlee from Sir Henry Ponmoulty this ---- would Do% concede a sufficient measure pf Imperial. representation if it wore practicable. state. etw000eful I bad the' bridge been regarded, � - I 11�� . " . ous, even more inflexible . than her father'o.' 1 ! � .to you Without farther notice. o Ae sct she was entirely unlike her without means.; without a I . . . "Is Well, if , that isn't enough toastoniali RD , afternoon: . . � I . . . ,,Sir Henry Poinoonity to the Provost of� - There was nothimglef i then, according to my view, but independence when we had fit- I . that Operations have been begun to build At � . a similar bridge over the F r1th I At Queens. . I I I ... ,profession, sainted mother, who had never hadm� Will . I ' , ' .Might fil=60t�'Sfty; 'doing one, thing And of her own, though her husband, at times, Aesigning something different. This shows oyster 1'� . � 11 I wan paid for it I -too," she -continued, a . I 'coming Dandoe,: . . . . . I � I I Cau, you give . the , particular 8, of the talned the populitti on and degree of progreg. give development referred to. . This, however, . I . . ferry, to connect with the same system, with - . I ' - . I the obj eat of cutting off the neoeasijy. I 0 I . , r a . - .. � r . inotability,of character. More firmiaeos anc Complained while in oompmu�, in a jocose � 1 WAY. of the dompotio away him wife exercla eia finer color into her face; �l and the publishers wrote me they should be -glad to I npialing O&Iginity reported to have taken on Tay Bridge? The Q ae . . an -Is Max— . . wili a question forihe fdtdre, and If,judepand- I . . . I I . ferry over that- rivei, and emouring !111 an. I . � 1. rail routefromED81RUE1 to the North. The ' . . . . 4ecision Are required in order to succeed in' . . the world, ­Air. Holm, than I think you Pon. .Over him. � , - - , . . ., Carrie Weltall became Impatient with the publish mud pay for t anything I might be pleased to send them. I - , . . ' I . I . place preesibly m�,.qcked. . She feeld - moot deeply for those who have lost1riendoer relatives in once should come I expressed the. belief it . would be with the consent of Great Britain, establish- - I construction of the bridge, which has had . I � . . ... such it tragic collapse,. . . , * I., '* cOst in 1IT"olghbor.- , � I I ,so &�'Bat what is ,this ambition of y6urs?lk young. painter for notembraclug the , a . . -oppor- . I . ! . 'It to to become a paintbi, * eir,,an artist.,, tunity of showing who . t . - he wig capable of, I r Id � me anything about it . YOU #ova to ­ . . it ;I And r I I this terrible neoidenk.10 � - I .. � fullsletailo � : The -which would be strongiliened by the . ment of a friendly indepondept nationality on - .' . hood of 'a million'poundo sterling And ivanl � , I � , , bilieveid to be of Builloieut stability to , . . 96 Indeed I - Held you I ever painted any' I with wore, alacrity; especially, too., when . 4hing 241 - I . .. 11 . . I 61 I wished to surprise yo I I bad U dome day! -Provost ropliedli givin . . .Y .9 . . of the accident. I this Continent.. This,'howe*ek, was a matter for thelaturii. In the Meantime, as.,, die-, with- . .stand all tha otdrma incident'to the Tay? Dint . . . . . I . ­ . 1 I I � . . the prize of Success. was herself, -for Abe . b � - I -' 9I A. Yo�, Air, gnito a Dam er o pieg - - _ ; :­­ -,­­:ii-(H6;�7­ * ­ _ , - I *it' ", "I'l-If 11 ,-- ges. ', �, , - was,in'olined,-to-tak6-a�,hopefuI ,view -of the' d: I 88A them a number -of articles' before, you -worw taken ofckI`Ahd'Whnd'y4-4'iWU4 ill'I Al io­ , �WO.DiE - Ilif,Major Mirindbio arilied sk ban-- - des. Ila W ' ilk institute a searo,hing enquiry' 'W eugsion.is thd:0WOtd 6fjjuth,wI-mgtl-iyo-bre" in die. . . _ __ ". . . 61--D Und4i;- - '7 -- ­­­' ' L' .'s' - - �vltumtcd at thii'sOuthweat portion : . . . . the Vife, end being at Newport, a h, ' i - , . . . . a arming __ , 1. - W_� . I -*no 0 your paintings, -sitnhtioW,;, mn'd,-:ohe­' acbeieded , '' I a -at i6nith' in' __ bring?" - -­ , I , ' � managed to send . ono- occasionally - ' TlldrO'O concerning the cause'of the d4mater.'NOthing c of §IjVgjan a 0 pkiety � _ , r political improl . ongoing all - questjoho that relate 16 'the . , . . - . watering -place.- - The,river-is ,very deep andt I . I . . I . ­ _­ . . .. Xii I.. . -.1 _ Jnfrtsing�,=t,b ome,of. , ,A - her own enthus. mueb, I .am afraid . - ... , - . I 9 is went to, the task before.'him - "Not very . ova not jai - -any'aa-yet­-,--T--"` , w are the money has come-liomj­- . ­ - 11 61- ils ­­'. . , Bernard could snl� 1��k StSe in 0 once; , . will be -permitted to, be removed--fr6a tA � .�. . P. A meanwhile. ' -1. Wr Ck - , untry future wait being of this Go i .pressfit and. . 'Bush. owift. flowing at this prace,'And during a 11 . . . , . . . - I .� 1, I " 0 toint and an � ebb. tide -for, a lihough Olt , " I . - 'A r 1"In - - . -_ .Or � bul�b --dXpropinou boost steenuge no 0 0 not utter in words; then the'thoughs. 61 him . , . . -ie-- � � -sold 7 . AUTO raMe--g-o-o-d-iVirito. - , ., , , � I I 11 No? are YOU painting� anything at pro- In a littlo mere than half 9'yAkr the paint- . . . I I . . . ___W6­To-iiaTeffi4 101p. and. amement- Wit . . - am - . . lbo'nowe of the Tay B ' _=.�.I!�� o-'manvidi as matters orb i.m rigIgnd., SWFf dilbld I E .v000- mav - . I... � - ..., - . .­ _f _mjia&AoW .00e.a]2,*-tb,o..ii&.opertitoo-JO�s-.. -�_­_`­ __­_,_____ " � 'ho "'siderabl� distance above the bridge . 1. I . . . � . . . . I sent? 11 .� . . Ing win finished end on its way to RD Eastern .so I am engaged upon. a I painting Which ownf I . allure come iuto life mind ; the a,ohes. of which calamity at ridgg,- Scotland, has' been received here was deep h the Statement attributed to lij as corrected in that I min Am annexationist,'and I therefore -4t . 1. . . .4 would be imposeible'for any human being, , .. .� ' � is �city. to' compete for a place outhewalli, of.1he' P I , � . -about half finished.1" . . . I , exhibition lev 11 room$. "I A few -weeks of . erijb dead -hopes lay bitter in his heart ; he turned I . h a head iway�s inlet was -gathering before . and universal. . It. is alinoot ths'only eukjOct � of Conversation., Thousands oUpiople vilic, I . do Dot feel it necessary' to Jpublloh. a lett6i. however. good 4 swiMmer, to save hintrialf. . .1 . I . . I I I , I . Tho chances are that the majority of shone � I -_ What will it be i worth when done?!" , - w4iting, than came.tho docioioji-of thu.jadgies, 11 I do not know, air I am not sure that I his eyes.- Tho -young wife stole gently to hie . either know th r oard the which I h&V , a writt6n. call! g upon.him for an exp'lanstibn, . 1 03 . .�, .1 . I � � ­� I intho carriages; who were, not kilidd in the .. I ; Which Ikas unfavorable. It had not been . eon get anything for it; but I Am in h6peo-.7-11 thought. 011hy of a Plata on the ficademic "Wall, side, and Musing him 69 the forehead, placed A - l6ttei in bid, :12said. do This," said she, * - train or have r aeon to think they, had, have the whole day long besieged all the �� - - Arc,Yva antlefivol with thoprosent p9litical ­ . I , descent, -were carried seaward and drowno(L . . I � r . What - VoInuet, expresdour astonishment jit,. . .1 I . - Mt. Holm, all I can omy'stprooent. Wine, an . Yconsequently its illanceo of 'findinj . fit that when you have decided upon what pur- a purbhaeer Were next to. nothing. , - . . ' " Come while. you were Ill. � I was, merely tempted to brook it, but withstood the is mp. places , where the latest'-intelligen,io from the tone of the'disaster to to be looked *for.� I The status of Canada? I am. I Am quite Gent . ent as a :British howbver,'is that ttio Mo . agile oolumag which . .. I . . . � . - on pqrt. the bridge -iliould have Coll I ., P apae4 `1 . . suit to follow, and you seem in a fair way to., ', 61 I knew just how it would turn out.before . . succeed in itme will talk this matter over a sin- Bernard : - .. I sent it," t4ttuh.11 The following is the letter they read . Acogether: - bulletins are, surrounded by crowds eager for Canadian I but I 61tall not foregb, oven at'the risk of emoonintering obildish critialgin, the . � - - , It 113 true that this Structure was. re. . .. I - , . . .9 said. . 11.m If you dqoiae tobsoome a painter, come to Mel is - Try Again," answered hio'betrothed.; when your picture ii finished and the cash for, 14 . � � � I . ' so Mr. Holm : Door SIk,-I write to inform the least scrap of information, but little news in at hand up to the prosen me %. ti which right of free thought free discussion And the ,a inalienable right. of very. Britiolf subject to. . 11 gardedas woubatantial one; that the utwooll . . � . . . . . ottre was taken to, opduro * -safety. It Was . .,. I . . I . . . . � never give up tin you suceeed.11 . � it -in in your pocket,'mna we will see what can- � . Birnard's Bphitfi were low fok a long. time be done. 'If fail I , . �Ou that I have received an .Offer of one thousand dollai-s"for �onr �palntiv& of I Tbd � I throws any ,pdditibnal light upon the cause - of the sooldent;l .A tremendous gale was consider all questions that 'may directly or indirectly donCorn'Canadmls or future however. -very narrow,.,being only a single I I I.. I .� - ,,-, .. I :1 rail track in width; But' Mr. Bought, O.E. . . � . . I I:. I I you cin -see no hope for I., r � I . after. Mr. Wialtall soon lipard of. our artiat,ii -- . . . I .� .- You,% Sir' �Good, day I" - . � failure, and wig not' 816vfln ADM' "" . monitig the Two Infuences.1 , I shall hold,L the �Iosara -b On jeitlto y'_bu_r'6_rd'ok_._ '- '_ --' ' " '_ _' '. " I . blowjrig._ak� me -the it .the train-ian ialion. the, .1 11 - '_ bridge, but fears preaeut � n Bard to the questions to, -ba we*,f are. - I ' -re ; . . . � W. 1 . � . ' - - *1- hose, seriloes in this oongk.oction were consi. , , - - - _. - � - - ­ . s ­ � . . .-.. dered so' great tiliat Lie was awarded the better ., . Mr. Woltall was in the office of his extensive unfortunate man1efore him. Bernard was : - 6 manuta0uring 69talilihliment -when the aboid Informed that, so limbed failed in his past of , 1. .. �.. I 64 I Allow me to congratulate you On Your great success. ' Youri . a to a remark ble-pAins. no were, nor naturally could: be, ontortilued.for its safety. I . I The bridge across the,Frith of Toy was dipaussed at the, meetings of the Political Economy Society, they way be maby, It is . . I . ­ I . .. of KnightDood at Her Majostylo hands. had . I the utmoat oGnfidence I . . � I . . � . I : , I A the BtAbility ,of bid - -, conversation took. place., . .1 . 'Of large find of al . most Aide . rinante pro' - : the compact.,of 'course' there Gould be no P.Or� farther thought of marriage. lidtiveen him and . , . 1 I . Ing. TO paint .two faces us exactly alike in every feature as these in your Picture Are, completed in 1.8781"having been in.process'of dometrual i6h. for. several -yearai. more than piobable.that, like- the opening meeting of thatocci�ty, ey will alwa3o turn do UAnadian indepenthnoo,or . ,workmanship. The'Pillare were of coneritte,. , : . I . . . ,� , and were built in epilersARD18,11rat ounk, and . �., . . . � I done Mr. W-sltmll-impmosea one With a sense � his daughter ; Aiid'lie wished . that. all. inter - of Inflexibld solidity- His head was large, . course -between them should ounce henceforth'. - - � and, ,till to represent. love to. our tend . w-mmU, -humanity, charity. and unselfishness in tile . ­ ,-'WhOn- finished it was pronounced one ,of the - strongest' and - most trustioriby, Pieces upon .. an' nexation, for the end is the twin. brother of the other. - . ,-.-- .,e4outlyaolldified.. - ' ' I . , .:, . . then moved when the concrete had eqffi- . . . , I I . 1� . Thwupporporti6n of the. . , , his face massive ;. his forehead broad, with The -daughter un corners its hard,and well def fortunately : was present at I ined as those of this interview and objected to having an affair " ' ' ' ,face Of -One, and cold-hearted- avarice, Bullish. Inegs and hardness in that of the other, is a . of railroad bridge engineering -in -the " world Inciluding approaches the bridge. is .. 1. I I � .. . . . .� � � - ­ I .. . .. I . , bridge was mainly of irs5u. . The :only expla- , : n alion.of the probabW cause of the datantio.. I , " I . hii fire and burglar proof eafe.- He � . wore A' in which she was one of the principals cour . I heavy gold watch and chain, with -a heavy . corned thus summarily disposed of without great attempt worthy of th6 efforts of genius and Ouch an only " genius could acco6pliah. I .. about two miles, long, and sit the highest point ninety-twO above high ivaters. and . -L . ..'sTh.vilt XyA.w,enrojson_.,,__�_�_P 'I. I'm kinder looki I n',aibund for a- book of I , I Druesure. � ___ . . Some idea of this height may be gleaned from - � : . . I . . seal; also a diamond,breast pin worth then. ba�ing fili�thing to. gay I in the. matter., . goods of dollars and the wonder Of - VAIIOY- Hitherto she* had reiniined-silont,;�. but now LWa If thin painting were mine I should .. 11 Ond of the .twins the Bank Preeidbut mn'd .the ' ,feet eighteen-Joet at the lo,feot. The ouperstru,.. _ tion consiots wholly of. viought iron poetry to give my daughter'on Chrisimm," r J xPlaiDed.an 016A,lookifig man thopther, . . . I the f aos that it was oon6truoied oo gs to allow . ..: . . . . . every de I . I � ecription of iveosel to pass up ajid I It 0 thorpe. - o his .boost that there was no jibe tone with -flashing eyes and a b I I I . � urning nonsenee abook him ; meaning, thereby that spot .on either ;clieek, -.and . vehemently . 6thei*,tbe Honest Man.. I am , a z uthori ad to ,Pff or you �2,000 for your neit 'woik Of Art, I giraers'. For a mile and a half. the bridge Is perfectly straight, but therd is i cuive of about � I day as a Clark in,a bookstore come forward to . I Wait On him. . I. . I .. . � down the -river to ,Perth without in the least :, . . . . . . . . DifilVdilig ttibir Imsets. It may be that . I .. � MOO . I . . he excluded everything in.*,Iife from his declared that she - should , marry Mr. thoughts whose practical utilities were prob. Hold if he have in leaving the choice of subject to'. yourself.- . * Yours truly, " P.B. -k,L . -a quarsdt of a mile . radius it -each end. , '. - - " is Yous, Birit Havo, YOU, Any choice of ots ? It . r ��- . . ... .thie great beiglit; and' . b 'd - - ' I � . . I , the faot'thmt the.1 ri go - - I . .. _. 1. I . .. . - would' . bar I I : lemStical. being -then -the, wealthiest And spit 'of anith!ng berfathar could do or say , a I I laost'impooing personag6ln.the village and .' - . --I Bir.11 11 P. S.a-7`The thought in -your picture � was 'by. .The great. height from which. the bare fell, . together with the. loot .the . t Ahe' passengers � . .. , . PO - . . ` " Wimb I a'pba6 4hoy are all off the same -the . . wai built ilia sori of circle, In *htoh it would ., I . I I .. hava.the full force In Bile from the, east is � I., 9 . I to the contrary. Yes, shi should marry -him I ... 'for Miles around, his astonishment w'as`OOm- to-mortow , a . - , should her father got too imperi- Dirnaid-Molm inform acoidentilly discovered the person who I miahes ,to bay it, while- -looking over rej acted wers'all looked up in -thew, according to the pjactice on Bridsh..railwaye, is held to Pieces" replied old man as he e6anned the - � . shelves. 'I- I dou.1k know much about lcm, but I the trice cause of the disaster. L%tei Par'tl-. . I 'cula . '. . . I rt,j,wiAPe-awaIted'wilh much interest., . m came to . plete-_ -hat' ously. Mri Weltall grew hot and vl6lemt.st , _, him that he and hia'daughter were botrot hod. painiings. The j�dgeo,.I am sorry fo .any . I had failed render certain the dettruction of all -on -board. tbu � ) gal she iddinie to-tbink a*happ of Ahst-�Vra , - _ 11, I ­ I -_ - ____ I - � . . . , � I I . 11 . . 40. . ., . I � I 1 thioi as one might suppode, and declared in .. He could ' n , ot credit' his, sense of hearing, , hie turn that she'laight ,do so il',abd wish I ad, ' to understand the meaning of your work. . I - I I . . It is not thought that tile care can hive floated any,, considerable , dlotaiies from the chap named Toniiyni�66,." ., 1, " Tennyson, you'raeart.11 ' '. I : . .. . . 1. � . I . . I 1. . I � � . . Cossamercial Traveller.*' Ati,sooladson.'. "' - ../ I. though it wao not Ma habit to discredit any- ''but bhe.would no longer be's daughter of his. , . . - thing pertaining to'himself; and,ho could The Weltall'blood was subjee$ to, violent � . . . . 11. P. B. M.11, 1. . . It -was not many montbo affer'* this that, -. perpendicular Una with the opotwherethey firstatruck the water.' Nbtracoof thecare * 61 Waal, I Boon 03, I hain't *no hand to � remember nomeg'. ' Do You know 6ything. - . I ­ The Commercial T . ravel I lure' A3eool%tio . it I I I . � of Canada Dick, and hold their annual meatini . . . . , find no words wherewith to c - haraotaripe the commotions at times' and it boiled in � . I . the I young inan's,surpriBing audacity. - ! � � lioth father 1 an Mr. Weltaille ioorrow d efilioilons ended in -has been found in tlio water except a ,few I I . I . ab6ti this 'ere TcInnYaom? 11 . . 1. 11 , holo ot �. theiir rooms, on Adellado � "treat, Toronto . - I .. .. 11 ,a 1___­lJ - . � . . . veins of and ,daughter now. I After recovering, in a measure from -hie Carrie turned and, looked .her father full in* . .that deep sleep that line no. mornimi, His . death was - peaceful; his ones -atrbng mind niall bago, Whi Oh it! some way boo mind - re. leased and floated aohqro four miles from the . Why, one the. leadik pb@431.11 I 1.1 Married man � I., . yesterday. The reports of tile Secretary and . -. I I . . Treasurer- oboupied -oomitime let reading. � I amazement, his fi I . Cut impulse WAS tq utterly the face. -',-'- : - , - �- - . . . I crash the young man's hopes, mud put up. .I, G60dobyo,.then,ll *said she hotly. "You � I - � was am .0 child's again. He apolm sit the gladness . and the glory. there fit in the earth , .. 'bridge. The.depth of water pit the scene ,of the accident is considerable, anagreat diffi. . . . Nes.,, I - . . 'Rove sround in putty good society, d6so . r . . I Thera Are now, ,it is otat,od, 1,226 inkimbitra � . . on the rolL The balance in cash at, the � .1 0 MY affOdti no . effectual stop to iriy� farther, development:of have no right to diotata whor 0 this lova affairs of which he had I ` hitherto, dome, 8 when life and love and hope are yotiog' � H`�'. L � C'Ult# will be experienced WVA%big the care. __­ " bolt' Ever hear he walln's exactly: straight?" I � . prasent time is e22,000. - . - , I , I _ - I . . . I � I . . --- Ardoomeerned. Mr. Uolms'l-and .they . � . . -been Ignorant. But when, Mr- WGItall go* 'went out together. lies among the flowers, and the birds ohig t . 0 h" If t a oper I ation is attempted, divers will be 'oent.down '49 wily, Mr. T I annykon is supposed to be a - the Mr. Xehnedy then read the annual address. . I I . tile . . ... I . I -that Bernard turnod away with sit air I . of do. '' Is Where will you go now?" Bernard said. him -his oncra neglected friends. . .., . . . � . on the subsiding Of the atorm to . . � �. ascertain the Condition and location of the gentlemen," said astonished clerks, ' . I 'I though, Of'oourFo, I dot t kuow'snything and the moqtIng adjourned till evening. I . � . . result of the election 6l'officare for the I . . � 1 .. , 71 fiatee, the thought suddenly flashed into his , 6 $I don't knowilP was the abort reply. __ I ,mind that he would not be likely to show , ­ - &,I will to* on," amid hot 'us he mar4 -U, . lifi __ . I . . . - I I .. . . I . . . munnt rain , ... - 3. ,_ submerged Cars. ' . . ' ale.gr&mJx(i�"-arkdjw--e",Wz-that only About his private lifil.11 - . I I :"Does ho-uno 'auy slang words 'in blo .The enaning �oar 'wag as follows :, Mr.*. hmed . . . � I . . . . - . � I � � I . 'Pattereon, President, -Warring Kennedy, . . I � � 1Imi§b1f­_.diCfiAnt viuloar-stio pot a - ty 14 -Lot . , , . t V 7 OR, 6- immediately, tholn'jod_ will coine liome .., . ,31oung lady's love; and if that mere"the us, with wells He had Jboon- roused, foo,"and __AA fifty-six paosoi3ger tickets were taken st,the _­ --.-.--.-. --I.- � ­ ­ 111. -1. I � ,?,r I See . I V?l I . I I 01 Conrad not." : -MC. . . - _ffia_ ' 1 - - I � .,. . .. . let � VioeTProsidafil ; "' Itight Blain. ' . . I . . . Tres,aujor these were elected by, sia-, - '.. � . ­­ .: - . . . I I � -1 the mercury Is gradually" slinkimig . ., lower . � Mi. Wdltall h -pow his daughter well enough. vheD occaal on called'for it, he was not'sidati, to know that ahe would marry him, whatever and IoW,or, and the first thing we k w-itwill be a candidate for the Quebec TO gi,slative last.stopping place, bq% theme do not account I - for the number of young children reqatring � . .. - "Auythiiig about girls cAnp,ii'away fiom " ; I I . I . olamation. By ballot - the 61ections .. � . ,.% tate of courage, he would brave the. lion in I he might any or. do to the contrary. 'This - hie depi�or walk up to the allotted cannou'lo L Council. I I . . . L . I I � , r , . ' no tic ,kets, nor for the number of passengers . for Broughty Ferry, 'whose tickets were not homo with' pirated or iulibers?" . 11 Not A word.1p I � wore : Mr. Robert Gouinlooki 2nd Vioo,Prooi- . L I . I . I 0. Black J. & . , , . dent '- Directors, Maseru.. J I ­ . I . � I __ r was it conainnimatibn he woild' not consider, Moutit in tiree of battle; for ageo, moknowe, ­ . for a moment. The wily . . Mr. Welta)), there-. ledged teat of bravery in a man. �.. if ovary abrea of I Wool -a hem? ad � from the olisep.of the universeand every fibto of cotton taken up. However, it this statement in cor- real, ItIa elislont, the lopi of has be", . � I The ..reason- I'm a ]sells itartloki er�,O said the old man, -1, ij because My gal is.rather on W�;. Mair. . . , Debbie, A, H. Macros J.. Bonnick, . . . . . ... L. I J. burns, R. Wo Darling, G. A. McMaster, A. - . . . . . . fore, called Bmiird Holm back, knowing " Very wall, lot no go,over to jhe'R.iV.- Mr , � .� that If he acted in a more, OD110111story man-. Targlo's.11 The Rev. Mr. Tartle was the, PAC:' 'to- pichea from this terrestrial ball, could be spun Into yarn and knitted intb one stockings life greatly overogtimated. Three bodies havo been' the romance. Shelm just dying to elopo off . � with.Bomi,pirato; or be lagged off by Nome I. ­_� A.'Allan. For Hamilton-' lat Viod-Prosidant. . L . .. -4 , V. E 4 Sanford; 2ad Vloti-Preiislent, - 1, H. -, � . � - i, '. . . nor- any imm�di`st`e action contrary his son at ,whose church she attendeaworhbip. .1 . I Wishes would not, in 611 probability, bdtakOu ; - 11 My dear, I ' which would be as long ad. the botto'Dileag1pit is deep, and be round to th6 more washed ashitra near the scene of. tho( disaster. All . Itijon-hiller, and it that 'ere Tennyoon'la on L . � I . rectoro, J, A. -Orr, lid. A. Dalloy, S.'. I I 1. . S,one` Di . o I and ,putting him on ptobatTon, to it were . a believe you would make 9 Joan of Are," said Bernard; but she took no enough, nse equator for a ghttertil wouldn't hold enough the newspapers demand a searching onq,ify - 6ald6nt.' to the the . -thO 0101ill I don't want big verses.10 .;l. 96"Oh" you Can, be sure that his poems are X11P, A. Bealington, J. T. Middleton, N, E. - I . . .1 L - 1, ­ ... �� I � . . . Glannio. For Iftntreal-S. 'O. Shorey and � I . -time Would ba gained ; and wi;li time many noti�a of the'iemark. ,. - . , , . things might come to hid help. to satisfy the Christmas 01shes of a Curly- haired. am cause of a - ' L ��, . . I . . - � I all rlgh�.. They contain nothing but the E., A; Small, Vioe. 'idento; and 0. con. ­. ... I � prof, . _� I . . . � 11 . . Xn less that an hour they were husband citl of fiie tender bat prp000loud I . . .1 AVol'i . I � AN WJXO MARRIED Tuamn WivrS.- puregt'scntllaen�.Il . . .1 I I . sidine, 0. McArthur, H. Stufford, J. gooth L I . I Why Mr. Weltall was so opposed to Bernard and wife., After the oerdmony was over and - . I . as a son,in-law will Ito rencilly understood he had time to consider what !,ad bapponed", . . Yeml`O� . This is a hard, bard world, is t1 is verdict L , . Celia is -greatly orerola6d. reepectf Au8t 119 11 `Xcither thing is, one of libe girls in,our . nelg�borliood.sont off of ter o6me one's poems, and W. P. Niles, For Kingotou-S. Sather. . 1. I 'land au4 B. W. Robertuon, Directors. , For - � . IL . when it Is known that he was'poor.. and Do. then the nal. Mr." Turtlo was 'so astonished . that. he gave his best griiatooat, with his last . body'L pattioularly,jaValleythorps. A person of OVOXY one aa lid slowly rises from the OliPPOrY Pot On w Ily Bat 0 hloh he so eaddej . I Woman who has for many Years pAusba her#alf off as it man, and who has married several and U0 'ere pamphlet come nigh woikin, a . heapofevil. Thirelwasneonginftaboute. Gaelph-C. Atild Viou-Tresident; and X. D. . , .. . I I . .. . ArmatronglDire6tok. For Brautford-S. 0. . . - notof Consequence enough'tto be noticed oermons� in one of hie pooketot to a tramp whoL happenodalobig Asking &line . either favorably or otherwise, he was lot .; then he down. - . . . . L 'It a p9ro6n should buy all thos'e' things W140S.- In 185 57 A girl .basting the, name of. EllonTramayno came to Melbourne in thd boy with a glass eye, and Another about flittin' with a toilet outho'corner, and I caulk tell- . Hamilton and .T,. Harris, Directors. For ' ' . ., Quebec --4. B. Howard, Difeetor. ., �, � . � I � � 11 ' I . � . - severely alone.L.The last young -men of tqlclhia wifii.:. Two hours afterward valley. , ­ -!-,. thotpe--wh-0 play . . � I ' P' ' im"'On I ,; �. 'T ad billi4ida I or we "" tided fiy the newg� Three - - ­ alley bOVAt which "no family should be' withouk", 'he Wo A ul have to ergot at:16set, 44,11-A (16"d" 069anUmiarch. On1et arrival she married A f8llft�pasacvger of the name of Mary DaI4. - you what, 'Twaanli a -wdek a' ford- our Sarib --;ik,3 began to day ohe*d to loollar a beaus! � . The Annual didnei took plaea' at torward4 , " , I 141- on cisjoyable time being Spant.L_ 'Th ... . I .1 -11-1-1 0 Ut vice �. 4 L , 6L . 0 0 �khd r horse is 0 , arranged- dancing patties At bdUka after wakd b iae L and �robm'wero an ' buildings evory yeii t6ho)d them all. " lianty and ;asoti I I mod -heronlf the harle of, 'Edward Do IAROY EVRI16. Mary havinig.died, an , d'askial hei inoilbbk ubt'to', gJvdliajm�,WAy,! I � I : ; �,- :." . - �._. �,,��%­­­ ! 6Vali wag bobapIM"by Mr. T. 'u. Stoma, 61 I , . , * I I � much cat'n, 'Which each was floor manager in turn -held . . .uh'd at what had taken PIVOO ftO . . the rest.. - I him! in supreme Contempt ; they considered . (I Men should not allow ilia It wiles to split I! says a mild contemporary. This is � . 'I she It married Sarah Moore, find On JhC and 01, such along so.. that. I kept 1�ar ch,arnln' bulter from six in the mornial. till I . Hamilton. . I L . . . .1. I . . I 4 ' "'L . I . I . . 4,, 1. . . I hith a milk-anaawater sort of young man, That night mr-. Weltalre home wag a dig. wbom feelinganzapassiono Word ' Mal and cheerless placo to the choleric old =, ' onoonsiderato. Howeanamai2refiloo big death of Sarah to she" mairlea Julin Usynard. I Julio; is still aliv,d, but Miss Edward -Mo Laey ten it's night. and I goose it reformed her, but I don't Want to net her goin' agin.11 . , New YorlE Is Considerably excited ever the I . . I I ." Proponod. visit of 'Mr. Parnell, ' M. Is,, hisd - - . I of such a I Mon. Niho warj let k clOnO 'With his wealth and . Palo east that he was Incapable of any action hiacivilapkit. "Whata when wife comeo up' with tears in bar- eyes and says, so Now do. d6ar, lot we 90, Evans having gone mad has been confined in the Xow Itunatic AoNlain, where his Or her .. . . . a0sure you that Tobuyegrilti poems are . I . . gigantio pieparatifto aro, on foot for his, I of a decided Complexion, either good or ba. pity,,, saialrionds u, and acquintancos, 11 what a pity that she The rest of the good People Of Valleythorpe down collar and split wood for an hour to got 'up an appit1to.lo . . sex wag diecoverea owing to each lumato being an',� light'll amid tito Clerk, . It . Waali I'm goin'tition, the marhat'jast roceptioni A,conoldorabldproportionofthl . . , I . . poptilation of Now York is domponod of either I "i , . should ,throw away her prospects ig this I held. him in nearly the Noma estfulatisin - he wAsilot regariled as a very likely young man';be mad WAY." And they ohook their heade , - I It A pun My gout I " a punster arim, I ­ l'8oXA6Punintlamesbybfaiit1II1 - forced to take a bath. The curious cirou'm. stance connected with this oaaefs.that not Vn OW, but after dinner I'll call ,Bad Age jitit book. It thi!)Wo a single Crooked word 1, I Irishmen or their doo-condanta, and an one . . . . 11 , , characteristic, of the Irishman abroad is , I wax not rich, nor in a wi, -do so; that Mournfully. � I I v to becot . I . I wall his 'unpardonab%'old. Him might Tiia �(, Th on O-ptia hot," it friend rel)liotr, r . . .1 That pun -kiln shell a In I 11 , . .1 , 9a one of the wives revealed the imposition that had been ptsotiged upon lior; nor did the woh't haV8 it, for I Alain't goin", to haile- Sarah slidin, dow n from hot obambpr winder I I hospitality th6ro eading a prospect that Mr. . I Parnell and his Companion Will have a teat ,. , . . -111�4 " ie, . I poverty yo have boon forgiven had he . ang couple -,ap6zit tho first Part, of shown himself their honeymoon h6ppily, and coutimtedly in eager abd oubcoaafal in working it. Holinto . . . �. � , An English Iludge recently decided that, a miners with whom Miss Edward worked for abovetwenty years over suspect thak she was at midnight to moot nbllrigand, and it ohs Ever tons me n8in that I'm a kicker I'll box Is good timo.'t ,They willoolloot funds, and ,� I I s3nd them to the Land rioaguo for diatribe. - , . I . out of Mr. modest home; but when Alto But he WAS note- lie idled his time Away honeymoon waned, the oting Of failUrO, -30U I in oke tohing.'- drawing met of falfle tooth.were not to necosearloa I, for A fAtMer'S Wits, And nongulted a dontlai Who A Womaii,-64ondon Truth, . � T 6 present postage stamps Dead in Hog. list card, even if she in going on 2& 11, * . I , tiou amongst the suffering poor. I '� " Mr. X.L.To old,the groat English comodlan." J and Painting flnually in Bornard'd mind, became obftrpo;'� I . foolish pictures. lie woUld never Amount and obarlibf, and finally Worked its logill. - had OUPPI18d them Without any Cxlirtoo authority from the husband. . ant� will to superseded next year. t' It has been found that ilia black obliteVatIng I Ilip no hardest thing In th6 wor 1 Id to do go 11 . . houniatio gout, W Is suffering savorely from r .. to shything,' That was the verdict Of ,roate resulk-lid VAN seized With brain fave I .11 rs V4116ythorpe, This tillago, Which a gomara� Which lantea kldng time. When he hid I . Mrs- U09her, wife of the DbV, B, V, Usohero mark ann be taYen out No well thatthe $tamp a Go& coriatautly that You do It wall Is to mind . I yout,own business. . , and big 000, Mr. lohn Lawrence Toole. ban I ,� beat! ilofiod to uliderg6 fin ampatatl6a Of, � . I . tick or two before had been on the verge of a recovered far enough to b6o,ble to think, he 1, .404171!--*:�,4,d�d�jnoving civilization, of the Protektafii Reformed Episcopal 6�xutah, of Montreal, has Wou PHMIA64 by be need soaln without the Certainty 'Of detoo(ion. Toobviotothly,paporotatbinnor � . The County of tilidbln will Ila r6prootintAd, the leg 'no the Only chance of I saying his I . . life% I . . . � _ was situatod know that the little money he had on hand �OJX A Atr0eld Of. WAtOX Affording apleadid must hav3 boon'dxhAnstod long agot but . as the . cawing ol t of her school *,Ili a top, service of otuaiinantil. porcelain. I . texture will be used, ..ana the color Win be I I t the appromob1bg sep,sibo - of the Local the first time ova I . . lot of B&nt% ciatts WAO pro. The Impetootia - I I , . . �. . . $I- . . . I.. , I I I � .. . I 1. . altered. � 1, . . . , Lqlslmt�rtre Ill yCeIrNi. , I bably fatally burned. , � ._ . . � � ­ � , I _, I I . . I � . . . . � . I .1 . . . . . I I � . � . ,.0 . I . . I � . I . . � . . I . J. . � .1 I . I . � . � I I � 1 41" ... . . 0� I . . , I . I- .. . � . � I . I � I . . I . 11 . . . I I . . I e t 11 I I` 11 I I I I � 1 I . 0 . , . .�. " I � % I I . I � . . . . . I . . . . , I � . 1. I I I . . 11 . I I . I '. � . '. ________, . � . I _ ... _ _ - - _ . .,,.r . . t, I . - � � �Ja�l . ­ I I I , I I I I . I � I . , I 11 ''. I I . . 11 - I I I . I I . I . I . . ­ , . . I P , , , .. . I . ­ I . . � ­ I . I 11 ( . . 11 I , - . . I , � - ­ , ­ � *, -, , . I , � - .. I I .- I .. � �. � . . I . -, � ,16.1 ,a I I I . I . , , . . . ­ , I I , I I . I � , . �� - - . � I I I 11 , I - i ., . 6 - - . � 41 4 , ": �, , I . I , I I .A,, . . - , , ", , - , - i I. kt.__ a �� . . ___ - I __ __ - ), ', � 1-1.1 ..... . � 11.1 -1 I I I �., . ,� I . . 1. I . � . I . 1 . , � I k" , . - , - � . A I I I , I I - 1-41L, � � - .1 I I . I I 1�_ ­. I— ,, '. . I -, Me"