HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-01-01, Page 5AT SALE 01? STOV Cooking Sioyes Parlour Stoves, Box Stoves,, Coal oves'. allii Hall Stoves, at REDUCED. PRICES FQR, ONEMONTR Not -Withstanding :the advance in the price of Pig Iron. In order to ran off the balance. of our stook of Stoves, to make room for spring stock, we have.decided to sell .Stoves at PROM TEN. TO FIFTEEN PER OPNT LESS THAN USUAL PRICES. ON ALL OASR PURCHASES DURING THE MONTII OP ;JANUAIIY, WE WILL e WE TEE FOLLOWING IIEAVY DISCOUNTS, VIZ:— COOKING STOVES, - R 10 per cent Discount. - 10 per cent Discount, COaL. �• STOVES, �- - - PATENT HEATERS, - 10 per. cent Discount. PARLOUR. STOVES, - - 15 per cent Discount. PARLOUR COOK STOVES 15 per cent Discount.. P _ BOX STOVES., - 15 per cent Discount. offered, n i account isbola o and avail Come one, come all ° in want of Stoves, Whileeo , g . , a y of pr of , reatest opportunity of unman, 2. s cheap, ever offered to. the peeple t big di iu Stave o£ Clinton •`t'[otni ;y;. A complete etaCff OALUWTi$ tNt1U111, AT $GLASS,fC PLOAOALTES.L, LAMPS, &c. SKATES. SKATES. SKATES. SKATES. 'SKATES. SK : ((�� B�^^�,OS... SIGN3 Oil'' TJ -l -K PA. OX.00II- , X UCII nx. ?CT+':, CL'TNTON . skates, Dec. 25. 1575: SALE' GREAT CLEARI.NC aF $ocT8110 is AT . TWITOHELt�.e:�__JV': TORIA.._BLOCK 00.• N ORDER TO MAK1: 1100,1)', FOn apEING.000DS, I WILL SELL THE BALANCE 05' 11 i1 FALL and Winter Stook as follows, comprising • MEN'S LONG BOOTS, from $1.75:0. WOMEN'S LEATHER BOOTS $1:15 up, MEN'S LONG PELT BOOTS ,"• 0.75` '.' WOMEN'S GoAT BOOTS, $1.75 <' BOY'S LONG BOOTS, "' .$,115 q • WOMEN'S. FELT BOOTS, ` • 41.25. -" YOUTH'S LONG BOOTS, "." *1.25 11? YOL' WANT BARGAINS, JUST LOOK' AT TIIESE P1t1C•LS,and 'then uicil:and examine my goods, and this will satisfy the closest buyer. HARNESS DEPARTMENT. - • Having a very largo stock of First•(flass SINGLE HARNESS on hand; .the subscriber would direct especial attention thereto: Also DOUBLE •HARNESS, 'bdth heavy and light. Being made' up from good stook, and by experienced workmen, he eau gnarantee the tame., My SCOTCH' COLLARS warranted to give entire satisfaction. witiSNKS and VALISES —A very large assortment and very cheap. TRUNHS iroin 75 vents up. 18t and. 2nd class SHINGLIS,`from'40 gents per bunch, up. A room over the shop to let ALL GOODS WARRANTED: JAMES:. TWITCHELL .• • 4444t- • Geed, Advice. v New is the time of year for Pneuwonls, Lung rover, &c. Every family should Have a bottle of Bo801I17L's UiRDMAN SxnuP. Don't allow for one moment that .cough to take hold of your chlldien.lyourfamily oryourself. Consumption. Asthma, pneumonia, Croup, Hemorrhages, and ether fatal diseases may set in„ Although it is true 4ERMAN 13YINIl' 18 curing thousands of those dreaded, dleeasee, yet It 1s moll better to have it at hand when three donee will cure you. Oue bottle will last your whole family a whole winter and keep you safe from danger. If you are Cousun}ptive, do not rest Ruth you have tried this remedy. Sample Bottles 10 cents. Reg- oar site 75 cents. Sold by your Druggist. The cold in the North-West has been in- tensely severe throughout the past two weeks, A frigid wave swept down the Red River Valley in Minnesota, arid at one place the thermometer registered 68degrees below zero. Intense •uff'ering is reported on the Pacific Railway line in Dakotah. The weather has also been very cold on the Pacific slope. AVs Accounts and (Notes due os must be .settled • WITHOUT`URTHER R. CA.LGANDER & Co, • OLI NITON, Dei:, 80, • g 4.g: W ,.5... W , ,t w g `1 W II i•• L'Q a / .lit s W . W 3 U1.a m I-1ft_ .4 ,g W _ p-1 HA k E4 o ik O CO Al 41 41 c • Each Successive harvest in Great Britain• for four seasons has been worse than the one that went before, so. that each year the de. Mond for foreign grain bias increased. In America for three years the harvests were; on the whole, slightly below the average, but the area cultivated hasincreased at a more than oorrespondiug ratio, so that America has always been able to increase her exports inro portion. The present year, .which has proved tho worst of the four in Great Britain,' has proved to bo one of abundance in America, •• so that the increase in the exports this • year have far exceeded the increase of any previous year. For breadstuffe alone Great Britain paid to the United States over thirty-two mil lions of dollars mote this year than last, while the increase over that of 1874 was about eighty-five nfillions of dollars. For the four articles bacon, Hams, butter and cheese Great Britain paid the United States last year about sixty:six millions of dollars, an increase as compared with 167.4,of about twenty-nluo Mil- lie* of dollars, In beef, live stock and other kinds of feed the increase is quite as striking. The present has been an extraordinarily " fat year, for theagriculturists of both, Canada and the United States, and if they are .. wise, bbey bear in mind that the Year of loaners will • probably follow. It IS ne S1ikely • tbat 80011 a combination of largo props"and -large r prices will occur during successive years.. ,Large crops in Europe and a bad season here would result in a combination the very reverse. i Wliut ell Men Should. Know. To 1lolieve a Cough.—Tho troublesome Gough caused by an accumulation of phlegm in the throat, especially in the morning, experienced mostly by "persons effected with Chronic Catarrh, can bo relieved almost instantly by taking a teaspoonful of Iiagyar(l'e,Peatoral Balsam which has the advantage of being iiarmleees'to the stomach, and at the: same time improving the appetite. Dagyard'B Yellow Oil is one of the surest remedies in the world for the mire 'of 13henmotism, Neuralgia; Lumbago, Spinal and Bronchial Complaints., Deafnese, Ear -Ache Crampe,npralne, Bruises; Gaffe, Stiff 'Joints, SwelledHands, Sore. Nipples, Stift Neck, Chilblains, Tatter, Frostilites,Chapped hands, Wounds, Cuts, Sore Throat, Stings of Insecta; Shortneee of Breath,• or any Diseases that aro painful or sore. For particulars see' wrapper eeeempanying each bottle. For sale by all dealera4 rise 25 cents. • . 111WHI & 1.II!15. NEVER' MITERED, SUCK BARGAINS TO TSE PUBLIC AS THEY ABS DOING AT PRESENT, IN ALL LINES CONNECTED WITIi THE -TRADE. THEY 'GIVE PERFECT SATISFACTION. MIL AS HARNESS, . OF ALL STYLES, YI,E , BUFFALO ROBES, Trunks, )1'allses, Horse Blankets, SLEIGH BELLS, , ETC,. Light Harness a Specialty, AS USUAL.. ' A GAL1t Rr,t+PECTri1LLY SOLI JTI1D, • 0140505, 00t. 80,.1879. BLAOKSMITHING. T1IE undersigned having purchased the stook and leaped the p .Ar7i,Y„I,DnAlbert Street, opposite SIrr. talr''5 Dlil ,takes this moans el notifying his friends and the public generally, that lie intends carrying on the Blaokemithing business in all its branches, and, therefore, solicits their custom.— Being practically acquainted with evorythingoonneeted with the hualnose, he eau guarantee satisfaction. florae Shooing a Specialty. D. STEPIIENSON 011ulon, April 14,1870. BETTER HORSES erCATTLE o.a. *Dr. ' CREDITABLE • Dlesers. Bennett & Richardson have just fin- ished their season's threshing with a record very_'creditable .to themselves and to Mr. •F, T Craig, Strathroy who manufactured the Separator they used. 1)ariug'the season Messrs. Bennett & ardsonthreshed ,,,63 jobs, 4 of which' amonut ed to 6215.00, and from this earreaderscan have ''some idea what 63 would amountto, and the time " it would take td performthe work, with 1VIessre Ja4: find Williarn-Bennett as feeders, and'Titomas "1:{ichardson as -Ener neer, . . Oi the 14th,.dayof Nov they thinshod.:49,7_ bushels of wheat in four hours, oii•'the' farm 11r. Win. Foss, which threshing was witiress ed by Messrs,Aloyle, Buchanan,' Augustus, Reilly and malty others, Messrs'. Bonnett and Richardson attribute. their great . success in threshing this season. to the fact.that the Michigan 41'ai•irar 'Separ- ator' they Separ-ator.theypurchased.from Mr, Craig is capa- ble of doing the fastest. threshing and bust cleaning of any in the township, 'or any other J machine that they have ever seen •wnrk. • • l Mr.Bennettwishes it to be made known, that he Will; match. 'his Michigan Warrior Separator, as 'rnanufaotiired by L'.. J. Craig, of • ,Strathroy, against any other separator of the same size in the Dominion of Canada forI00.- 00, and threshwith them, for either 10 hours or a week,: • Points to be :considered• ar•efast threshing and good cleaning. Tie also wishes. to have: the machine ho competes•with do the "same ii ----o- fo T8aiThct: as the Mia Igoe Warrior, and that is, .put the'grain into the us e — not into the.stapk. Arise, threshers, arise, foliow the steps of Messrs, Bennett, & Richardson, purohase a Michigan Warrior Separator, as manufactar- ed by dr 1l J.Craig, of Strathroy, as•it"ii the• only Separator. that goes Steadily but mightily to work.—Stratlero;' Dispatch. • miss oRoLL 13'3X1,10,,,)ANXOUNCE TriAT SHE no •Victoria Block, fiver TWitchell's Stora Whore all' orders will be prornpNy 'attended te, sad BIDDLECOMBE Watch And .Clocii I! • HORSES and CAT- TLE, whatever may • betheir age and con- dition: are' vastly im- proved, in, ovary way, by use of • _�.CaS BLOOD PURIFIER - .It to- nes untho system imparts new lite and vigor, and really has a marvellous effect upon t _ _ either the beet or poor- est of animals. No. .ii onewould believe bow the work of fattening .. for ibemarketiefaoil- •E l� p' itated by the use of • vie:t'S BLOOD PURIFIER., THE PROPRIETORS,• . - TDIC tic' Com, --OF— EDI\lpTVItGfI AND. 1t1ONTREAL Prepare: also, a splendid BLISTER, OINTMENT & LINIMENT W,hiph are used in the best stables in the world- . «'" Try DICK'S HORSE AND CATTLE =D— ?;CINES and bo convinced of their merit. For Sale JAM. II. COPIES D1tUGCIST, CLINTON. FURNITURE,.:.; PRIN BEDS, T,(�IIE'sulirsoribaF lrego" Eli inform the inhabitante. of - .Clinton and surrouading.country, that tic has Opetted New Fein er° Store, ON YIeT OIlIA STit]TET, SCHOOL ONE Itt101?.SOUT[t,;017 t . nlElir1,. • •RemOmber l , PiirtIos in heed GLdny Clung in Lis lino, are resposttnlly Clintoti,.Deo. 14, 1870• invited to call Alia examine his goods before •pinches- lugelsewhere. NEVADA SILVER. One Consignment Nevada One Consignment Nevada One Consignment Nevada One Consignment Nevada One Consignment Nevada Oise Consignment Nevada Silver Table Spoons; Silver Dessert 49o2213.. Silver Tea Spoons. Silver Forks. Silver Tea Knives. Silver Cruets.. HAR7�WAR NAILS, LOOKS, HINGES, SPADES, SHOVELS, CANTLE TIES, HALTERS,: ROM CHAINS, AND A REAVY STOOK OF SEEN RARDWARA. e PLOWS, BARBED FENCE' WIRE, WATER»LIME. PAINTS, OILS, WHITE L.EAD', VARNISHES, GLASS, PUTTY, BR SHES, ETC. F + OLINID,_.3VE;▪ f f• VXRC�YYNtA, Ia�33}3 T,U 3 TC A�'zJ� Cor OILS Elo hana nd safer oil. STONES, . HEATERS,. .G-R,ATES, RANGES. The ROYAL DOUBLE -HEATER COAL STOVE was first introduced this fall, Wo have sold a large quantity: Theyare giving great satisfaction. COOKING STOVES, from all makers. BOX STOVES .from $i.00 alp. PARLOUR STOVES, every style. RUSStA4RON HEATERS. PARLOUR •COOKS; : great variety., RANGES , GRATES'. • COAL STOVES FROM $5,00. VP,, -4.01 CT ANDRI LIERS :_ -,.�%E D�� -AND B: _ Z_. _. .._: BRACKETS IN. VERDE AND BRONZE, .: PAIILOUIt; HALL, AND 'TABLE LAMPS; Y1'ORCELATN SHADES, CHIMNEYS; — GLOBES,-SHADE•rIIO.LDPIIS_ .A'oonxpietn stock. el_LA7jII_ T1U MMING.6,2 IL. O' HEAD. LIGHT OIL. ATLANTIC • . WHOLESALE, , BY THE 13AaREL, LOWEST PRICE. MANUFACTURERS OF - ALL KiNDS .`OF TINWARE, •EAVETROIIGHING, CASH: a "oASx For Hides,' for Sheep' Skins, �. for all kinds of Pelts... AT �A71S PAY'S Mammoth Hardware .Store, Albert St, .Clinton.' s,.. 1?entember• the place -- Victoria. Street. Clirlion, Jane 12;1879: G1110. DIF.AIL, CABINET MAKER UNDERTAKER „.: .t lier.)- BOOKS A SPECIALTY ARING TAPL F.AN Vie' otia St. Clintoit '1E-NTIRE—STOOK- OF DRY GOODS CARD .0F. THANKS! P. 13E48 to.tender his thanks h the nubile in general • fer tffe patronage bestowed on him tor tho past he -has on hand a;large lift..tbttil'4itigo On Would roSpOotf nn -ice to his onetomers and the 'morello u;111 keep tM hands tieleet ea iortmotit of Which he *01 sell at reasonable rates. Repairing of S. SIDDLEOOMBE, ..AVIZ1111, 85.5141;3, THE ALLAN LINE SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE. onbio.in terra oil intO Anil Pi Lecke TI k. OS Latvest Rates. EVERY SATURDAY FROM QUEBEC. Parties desiring to bring out friends .froui the old Owe On1 the agent in Clinton. Bieeryool, Londonderry, Glasgow, (2. urettoi. tom, 1340181, London, Bristol, Card!". For thrOngh tiellOts and every intonation apply to BTRA/TON, 0, Agent Clinton. Clintop 3,lay ROI 1618, • A.. broadcloths, Doeskins -Scotch, • English, and Canadian'Twoods, 'AA ova 613603 alinton ; iit1/11.14'11 R (40 assortment Of Goods all noir no Old slock—s.M.1 eold. Shoop as any other house in bitntou. no would oleo state that hal*. taken into tiptfier. salceman with Mr. Plunisteel). Tito inisinese *lithe eartied en in future under the natio Of SPX= Pc 1140011i7. . etirciente tamed eat guaranteed s ported ht. 15, ISM English Remedy. An unfailing cure for Seminal iiecili- MO? aii diseases sequence of Self. Abuse, as Lees et Premature Grave. Toll particulars whiely we desire to trend free by mail on reeeipt of the 711611(1 1,:flohl in Clinton by nil tl T AND .UNDER C.O$T coNsisTmiu TWEEDS, FLIANNELS, BLA.NICETS, FANCY DRESS GOODS, IlL.B.CK.LUSTRES,-WINCEYS, CASHMERES, COLOURED SHIRTINGS, TICK - TABLE LINEN, HOSIERY,,..GLOVES, SHIRTS. AND" DRAWERS, HATS AND, ,CAPS;• BOOTS, The whole stock will be sola without,reserve, at such piices that cannot fdil to be appreciated. WILLIAM COATS. 'adebted to .the- above in overdue Ae- otes,. will be pxpected to pay up In full, .vitlkiut delay.