HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1880-01-01, Page 1•
- rti.,40,.cen.rrsaniumoiasAaaninesztrimmeseasmotiatroe
VOI.. 13, NO. 1.
Tzessea-$1.30 Per Annual, iu utlynatee.
grotegotonat and other Otard$. NOTICE.
FIR. REENK. othett ti‘tt..41itt io„to., to. rt„tottouttt-, ' I lit. AHPPuse LETON has removed his Ake to
1/ Albert Street, t !Luton. li his o 041. Ontario Stthe
reet, opposite
Dec. 4, 1879 English Church.
- - - -- ---- - - -- Ottiee. at the side of the House, and entrance
MONEY 10 LEND, 1N LAROI. 011 h MALI, SUMS to it by the side gate.
[nears .
JAI. :01$1,..id mortgage security, at m , ., odeat, rateel cnuton, Dee. 1,1879.
Clintun,Augaiit lith,1862. lit f — Stray
ALIRT OF LANDS 15 If E Into thCRON t' ul, SALBY . -
the Canad*Oempany �8y bt meet. et the °Mee of c t the eubecriber, lot 14,
11.11E e premises e18th con. of Ilullett.about the middle of November,
thanadersigned. 11 DALE
Cllaton,Jan.17.1879. TWO CALVES and ONE•YEARLING. The owner is
hereby uotified . to prole property, pay charges, and
.----- take them away.
AIRS. WHITT, Teacher of Memo, Papua Attended WALTER RIDDELL.
Ill at their own residences, if neceseary. Residence liullett Dee. 22, 1819. Int
fite door north of Mr. C. A. Heat's, queen Street. • •••-• - ---- _ .
oton, May 16,1819.
Stray Heifer
tiNG, MB., (GRADUATE OF TORONTO c AME into subeeribcr'w premises, lot 0, 13aytield
versity,) Physielan, burgeon, do., residence 000000510n, Ouderieh Townphip, about the end of
aiming's, three doorsesat of the Temperance March, a black and white year old HEIFER. The
endeaboro, Ont. owner ie hereby notified to prove property, pay expen-
Lendsaboro, June 14,1879. bee, and take it toray•
I TE OF THE MEDICAL Goderich township, Dee, 19, 1879. 4iu
.1.7 R. STANBURY, GRADUADepartment of Victoria Univereny, Toronto, for- - -
merly of the Hospitals and Diapentlariep, New York, House to Rent
Coroner forth., County of Huron , Bay YIELli, Out.
Italy 22,1874. 81 —
, II 1 HAT conveniently situated house formerly occupied
D.1 by H. Jackman, aa a store and reaidence, on Nic-
OWSLEY A GIBSON, PHYSICIANS, BUIL- toria Street, just south of the 0. T. R. Good etab le
rezone, Aeooucheure, dc. OM ce,llattenbury Street, and other eonveniences on the lot.
seal Consolidated Bank.
D. H. Dowstus, M. D. A. 11, Ciiiisolt, X. EL Clinton, Dec. 18, 1879.
Minion, May 10, 1877. —
R w. WILLIAMS, ILA., Mit., (late of Trenton,1 Cottage for Sale
• Graduate of the University of Toronto ; member
?THE frame Cottage on Rattenbury Street, one door
el the College of Physicians and Stirgeone, Ont.
-111 west of the Methodist Church. This cottage has
ONTICII Anti RusIDENca—The house formerly orteu•
21 'even tootne, hard and wort water, cistern, &a. Terms
pied by Dr. Reeve, Albert Street, Clinton.
1-111. APPLETON. — OFFICE - kt Residence on
JI-• Ontario etreet, opposite tbe English Church.
Entranee by side gate.
Clinton, Dee, 4,1879',
, the re.illeuce
Huron Street, Clinton.
Clinton, Dee, lffth, 1879.
House to Let,
-ICITABLE for a mall family, convertieutly touted
-LYJ- Apply at the Town Ilallor ut bt the
$ aol at reasonable rent. Apply to
oubecriber, near tbe London, 1 inron lauce Railway THOMAS COOPER,
Station. JAME8 SCOTT, Clinn
te, N 20
ev. , 1879. of Shepperd & Cooper.
Issuer of Marriage Licensed. — - -
Clinton, Apri127th, 1(070. 1 First -Class Dwelling
11 AR. WDliTG
IIINToN, Pll Y'liCIA:,,, ht'll.GEON, rilo LET, ClIF,AP. Situate en corner" c,f Eud
lie m
Ji..! Accutizhour, Licentiate !if the Cullem,.1 Physician, A- Ittittenhury Streets, including large stable, in --
And Surgeons of Lower Canada., and Provincial Licenti• chard, &c. Or will beosold ou easy terme. Glaegow, H. Walker.
ate and Coremor for the County of Huron, 001,,c mod W. W. r,,,RDAN.
Se. Jeliti'S WARD. - (), 8. Doan, H.
residence,- The building formerly ocoopied hy Sr. Clinton, Nov. 20, 1n72.
Thwaites, Huron street. -- - - -- - — - • — - • • — Moore, \V. Muir, E. Mcuntcastle.
held when the Clerk called on the Mayor,
f 1111E CENTRAL iturnt• 111.03 Flinneetl — Albert 1111111 AC li Es, of iill-kl, TO be eut liy the cord.- '
I- soest, minion. b. VIRE ProPtidtor. This bo. -12 WU: be ivt in 14,, five end ten acre lots, ay stem as the first candidate, to express hie views.
lel has lately been greatly 411,1:Coved and thoroughly Aped3 p, ME. SF.Altl.r. cause before them as au old
itO.E.mr.s At
vweey”intruitthdeiditintpreisettisththate ictowuasuoiir,‘,Inoort rbuyouitheto laapckareofafrtouortnt.ueulli u tgh et rhee
" 'r ell u airne) '-
. g I, Mr. Searle, who done it. True, he moo- ments of the town, he hwoouwldoutldhetnrygoanidn
l 'Aerially gave them a suggestion and helped for atores, or getting a revenue in any
the members, but others did the same. other way. However,
- —
In reference to reducing the number of aid in do3inRgBEthrre vtehrayubheeadt tthheey
ealLutiodr.s for
IT BLOWS A HURRICANE. councillors, he was in favor of having onl3 Me. C
two in each ward himself, but if there were returning him by acclaraation, saying this
less, they would be over-worked. Mr. was the third ticaelhe had been returned,last
Forrester would never be found aatraddle year heading the poll; as chairman of the
the fence, and as he believed the ratepity- Street Committee he read a statement
era would record their votes for the best showing that the amount expended on the
man, bad no doubt but that that person satbroeuetts 8d2u0roinigess18t7h9:aaanylitly,7e3a8r.057i0, 51000
would be Mr. Forrester.
MR. SEARLE was glad -to think Mr, town had- been incorportted, He recap: -
Turnbull had no personal feeling against itulated a few of the street improvements
him. If he had a salary similar to what made during the year, stating that they
that gentleman got out of the people, he had eudeavored to give the best satisfac-
could make them a speech till Saturday dun, although he knew it was impossible
uight-$1,100-for what he thought was to please everybody, As to the market
about four months, work. He had asked building, he Wati in favor of rebuilding
Messrs. Farrell and Jas. Fair to stand, without making a oent more debt on tbe
but they would not accept. He would town, which he thought could be done with
have to assume that Mr. Forrester was the money on hand, and was in favor of
present. During the past two years Mr. moving it to the front street and building
Forrester was absent from ten meetings. so as to bring a revenue if possible. He
He (Mr. Forrester) was chairman of the had no fault to find wall eny one, as all
By-law Committee, but could not get him had done the best they could.
to call meetinga to pass them ; the blamed Mo. Mootte said he understood that the
things had been gone over and over, and ratepayers of St. John's Ward wanted to
were not yet to press. The Clerk, finding question him, and was willing to answer
he had not time to write up the by-laws, any question. Was in favor of the market
had employed Mr. Forrester, and the being built on the frout, with stores, and
Council, finding it was illegal to pay one only two rooms for the Mechanics' Inati-
of themselves for work done, were going to tute. Had always recorded his wote and
pay hire $15 through Mr, Callender. He if re-elected would do the best he could,
had spent a great deal of time on the street; MR, Musa said he felt honored by being
Mr. Corbett likewise, in looking after the nominated, would not boast of his abilities
interests of the town. (The Mayor then or debase the a e ravbei 1 themitie aotof the
ey boenate .0 f his read a communication which has appeared elected would
in the NEW ERA, in reference to the die- ability, was in favor of building the mar -
orderly conduct of some young rnen.) It ket on the front, and utilised to the great -
was because he put that in the paper that est extent and made a source of revenue.
he was opposed. Truth was truth, and he If his views suited the ratepayers, he hoped
could give them more of it if they desired. they would vote for him. s •
It was the cricket clua that was kicking up Mit. MOUNTOASTLE aaid he felt that by
the ru mpus, and partiee who had been attend- his re -nomination they had shown a Ger-
ing a meeting in the Methodist church late tain degree of approval of his course. He
that night were insulted by them ; Mr. had endeavored to do the best he could.
Forrester was a tnenlber of that club, had Thought the new building should be built
these parties been working men, next with three or four stores beneath it, to
morning weilld have found them in some bring in a good revenue. Woeld not bind
other Oace. He %anted to enforce what himself to any plan. Thankful for tho
was right, but, moral sentiment did not ratepayers retprning Min last year, and
back him up as it, should. 'He was not felt sure they would do so again..
astraddle-the-fence-eas thorough temper- MR. STEVENSON said they had already
ance and thorough radical, that wasn't heard so much he had no doubt they would
astraddle -the -fence. lii reference to the sooner go home than stay. He had head -
proposed market building he would stfg- ed the poll last year, and if the eleetera
teat that the new council appoint a build- had confidence in and returned hint this
ing committee, who would procure plans one, would serve them as faithfully as he
and submit them to the Council. Was could. Had promised to try and keep
willing to build to the extent that The mo- down taxes, and believed they Mit donee°,
ney now on hand would admit. or if the During the year, he was on three cointnit-
people saw fit to give three or four thou- tees and was chairman of tivo, and thought
sand dollars more, all right -was willing he had' attended every et.uncil and cone -
to do the very best thing possible to get a inittee meeting during the year. Had al
revenue from the boilding, but would not ways been oppesed to the market building
promise that much of a revenue could be standing where it doe, and favored the
got ; wanted a building suitable for the front as the proper place for it. Thought
wants of the town; was in favor of it being that if it was built with three or four stores
placed anywhere on the lot. Some had it would make a very large building, but
stated that lie wanted to fix up the old if it could be built with suitable rooms for
building, but ho assured them he didn't. the town, and then bring in a revenue be -
He did nut drive a team of horses, or wear sides, well and good. Had worked har-
e gold chain, but was a plain working man. mouiously with the whole council. Being
Thanked the electors for turning out so chairman of the Cemetery Committee, he
nobly, it showed they were interested as thought it should be pt in better order,
as it was a source of venue to the town.
If elected, would do is hest in the inter-
ests of the town, if defeated would not be
MR. W. Coars thought it unfair and un-
wise for a municipality to enter into coin -
petition with private individuals by erect-
ing stores. He was in favor of bringing
the .building down to the front or (turner,
and if elected would try to carry out those
The Mayor then proposed a vote of
thanks to the clerk, when calla were Made
for Mr. Paisley, who mounted the platform.
Public Meeting in Clinton,
and considerable of what
was uttered there.
The proceedings wind up with a
Scene "not on the Bilis."
On Monday nominations were made for
the various municipal offices. Compara-
tively little interest was taken in the mat-
ter, as is shown by two wards electing their
candidates without opposition St. An-
drews and St. James' Ward. The Reeve
and Deputy -Reeve were also elected by
acclamation, wherein the good sense of the
people was displayed. Interest seemed to
centre mainly in the Mayoralty, Mr. D.
Forrester being nominated in opposition
to Mr. Searle. The following are the
nominatioas, with naover and aeconder in
the case of Mayoralty candidates :
MAYOR. --W. C. Searle, mover, John
Leslie; seconder, A. Dodsworth. .D. For-
rester, move's, W. Coats ; seconder, Jas.
Cousontaotts-Se. KOROR'S WARD. -J.
C. Stevenson, 0. S. Doan (declined), M.
McTaggart, W. Coats, S. Davie, H. Cant -
Ion, Dr. Worthington.
ST. ANDREW'S WARD. -E. Corbett, Jas.
Twitchell, T. flibbings.
ST. JAMES' WARD. -Jas. Turubull, G.
Clinton, .411.10, 1s71. To Choppers the evening, a public meeting vras
,ralurnished, and pl.fiRl)6808 Peery Tenctistt,c for thy cow. " "
text and convenience ot the tta,, tiling public. flood • Dee. (,1"871.1. -, " Ihapleton gait Wm 15
*Mbling and attentive hostler. _. ..___ . - . - -
Clinton, Nov. 2Stb, 1821.
W. E. CA.WPWIlltzliT, sslioeoN OituTisT \WINO to the loss we have sustained by the late
Oraduaie of the Royal aleire of Dental (. lire, we will be compelled to COLLECT ALL AC.
Surgeon* of Ontario, hits opened rooms COUNTS TO CS. Therefore, all parties indebt-
in tile 'Vittoria Block, Albert Street, Clinton, who 0 he p, us will please call at Ida. J. A. Ytilt.1...a EXPIIESH
will constantly he in attendance, and prepar d to per 0Y1,1( It, and settle bv payment er note, AT ONCE.
form every operation toupee ted a ith Dentietry. Teeth ERWIN A: SCAN DRETT.
extracted, Jr filled with gold, amalgatn, or other 511ing cunton Dee. 4, 11:;79.
terial. Artificial teeth int (.0.0 front one to 80111 net.
Aptil 17, 187'0. 16 Organ for Sale.
MRS. BEESLEY'S Foi; SALE, tirbt.ClaSs Parlor Orpa •, nearly new,
MILLINERY Establishment, Willainlieul:tets7.go.zi,peirydteor ad when iirst purchased.
A large tomortment of FEATHERS, FLOWERS, Clinton, Dec, 18,1879.
8 9 and RIBBONS, in the newest ,bade•. — .-_________ .
tee styles. 01 S , . , de. ., INA W iti I I/ 11./ and FA.RM
o, stlarge stoeck of, FAL,,,T and STRAW / NTS, of •-••
•i 4 Agent tor BUTTRICIt's PATTrutri, of garments of a.. '
descriptions ; a large stock ker t on hand. For Sale.
d straw Hats cleaned and altered
e Assortment of Ladies' Mantles. : q111E SAW MILLS teown as the "Tungen Mitts,"
-E. together with a gnod frame Dwelling and Ilank
I.„4 chi en Nua604, and 1,84les, 0E111119 of winmer Barn, lima!). new, with fifteen acre. of land attached.
--stook of foromp ou o
stoek at gretAly rektited prices. Now is 70er tanle to • This well kt.own and TIOI1111,113 property Nvill be sold
receive bargalne • cheap, and lila ral terms given to eloile out the estate.
Clinton, July 23rd, 1870. Five utp.s of hind with Mille and buildings, or the
' MID to lie sold separat ely, if wanted.
Abio, Lot 8, con. ti, Stanley, DM arose III good, int-
, pr..ved lane. w ti1 s,1.1 cheap and liberal terms given.
And AV, AV. l'AltitAN,
Executers to estate of Wrn. Tnrner.
Chlitso, inq :.0, 1079.
ItIONAT zogx.
• Good Securities Purchased.
0 TI/Lli:A) ..50
IV k 100 K
Albert Street, CU N TON
AVe IA'. 1111,10110, till, 114 I.f
ALWAYS utter IN Vito k,
Olilitiort, Out. 2, !mill.
`43 ':•71 fC.?r
..rtiq 2 W 111
0 WM
3 It litclla Me principal cats
Ito repast t part fi r ail 01
larA3 47.EIV.E1):4. ME. term
er touan.
1 teeet 154
"vg• 1;Ir . ,Sa
SCOTT 86 BowNE5s
42 LE
is prepared in a forni perfectly agreeable to children
Anil most sensitive persons. In its manufacture the
ploperties of the oil that produce pain and griping are
and it is rendered not only mild and pleas.
at.t tn. acnon, hot absolotely tasteless and pnlata-
I Ie. 11 is pre eminently the finest laxative and ca-
thattir known, and as a remedy for Costiveness. Con -
int all Intestinal Derangements 11 une.
inialled, and is de,tincd to take the place of crude r'
and all drastiC pills and purgatives& For sale L.
1 iruggist, at as cents a bottle. Don't fail to try it.
H <o
I - -
B A. I? 1 It 0 N ,
public ger Vant , but thought Mr Forrester
should have Spoken tint, Ho xeferred to
the purchase of debentures by the Coun•
cil, stating that the Finance Committee
had talked over the investing of the Sink-
ing Fund, and he had suegested the ad-
visability of boying up our own deben-
tures. The first strugele the present Coun-
cil had was in the appointment of a Clerk,
and it waa by his vote (there being a tie)
that the present Clerk was accepted ; he felt
se.tisfied that the choice was a good one.
During the past year there had been lots
of work to do, particularly by the Street
Committee, and all had worked harmoni-
ously. 131atne was often thrown on the
Committee, wheo it should not be done,
as the proper party to blame was the over-
seer, who was paid to look after the work,
and it was uereasonable to expect that the
members of the committee could be on the
street all the time. 'He had taken a deep
interest in looking after shade trees, and
thought the ratepayers shotild also take a
greater interest therein. He had also at-
tended to the straighteniug of tie posts,
and believed Clinton could be made ono (if to who eheuld rule the towu, and he want -
the neatest and cleanest places in the Du- ed the ratepayers to rale it.
minion. Ho might have made mistakes, A voice, " Are you in favor of building
but took credit for doing the best ha cold. down to the front r •
Had suggested to the Council the propri. Mtt. Si: titan was always in favor of doing
My of getting Parliament to lessen the so since the fire. Would thauk the people
number of Cuuncillors. Had assisted the for their petient hearing, and hoped they
committee in preparing by-laws, arnd,re. would vote for him if they thought him
ferred to those for the protection of shade best qualified for the position.
tree:: and mettaiirement nf Wergl. The MR. Cuinhav was ttbsent Ace >tint of
Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and himself had the death of his mother.
met the insurance vahritor in reference to Alit. MEN'/,IES being called upon said it
the inerket httil,lilrg, im which they ob- was not necessary for him to make a long
tailed S5,t;SO. In trying ti invest the speech, as the people had returned him by
intmey the hank here mils offered 4 per acclamation, by which he inferred that his
cent, but learning that other hanks offered course had been approved of. Being chair -
5 per rent it did likewise, so that the town man of tho Finance Committee, he then
made 1 per cent hy their communicating
with other hanks. The Mayor's chair was
ft hard one to sit in, for as soon ne a Case
was decided it made, him an eneniy. He
and the eonstable didn't agree on all things,
Fold bit therefnro hail to put up with dif-
ficulties that were not properly his. Cum -
plaints were frequently made by ratepay-
ers to him which should be made to the
Inspector, and the consegilence was they
chtehed. Ho feared no ono, even if his
opponent was a feet high or 7 foot 10. Ile
was a man of small statue, and was often
imposed upon. If he had a night in which
to addresa them he would give them some
af the ins and outs of the Council. Stated
Ault he could not get a return of tho Con-
stable's fees within a certain time. Mag-
istrates had to make out their returns,
and if other reterris could not bo had, it
was impossible to do so according to law.
S.58 find been collected Its poll tax of which
•Tio return had been made. Wanted mu-
nicipal matters done in a business manner;
did net charge any one with diehonesty,
but believed certain things might, be done
better. Mentioned the grant of $1.,000 to
the High School and $3,4100 to the COM -
mon StAlool, as showing ratepayers where
their money wont. Home one said that if
he was in public office he must expect all
the kicks, brit if there was no better ap•
preciation of service than this he would
not accept it. Thought Mr. Forrester
should now come forward, when he would
Mu. Foidtikren not being in town, Mr.
W. COAT,., 48 his mover, Came forward
and said hie reason for nominating him
was beeamie he thought he waa a straight-
forward and trusty person, and if elected,
would prove an efficient and satisfactory
Mayor to the ratepayers.
Mn. TURN CULL, as his seconder, said he
had no doubt if Mr. Forrester had been
present, he e.ould antisfactorily lay his
views before the people. He bad nothing
personal against, Mr. Searle, but thought
the position should ,go around, as it Wart
not the custom to give a men a life -lease
of it. There was this about Air. Forrester,
there was a true ring with him ; one al-
ways knew where to find him ; he had
opinions of his own and was not afraid to
exprese them. Mr. Searle had gone over
considerable of the couneil's doings, con -
CLINTON. Dee , 3875.
tried to do so in thia parhcolar, we think.
• It perhaps right to state that Mr.
Forreater was away from town And did not
know of the nomination till late, btherwise
be would have attended.
Mn. PAISLEY said he had been rascally
accueed by the Mayor. He had been ac-
cused of nsing public money for his per.
read a statement of the receipts and expert- Bonet benefit, which was false, and lie de-
fied. aoyone to bring a charge against him
ditures, for the year, (which, we regret, ottr
space will not permit us to give in full at and prove it. Would give 8100 to anyone
the present time.) He stated that they who could prove anything wrong against
had endeavored to cut down exPenBes, him during the past four years he had been
which had been done in many cases. There ' connected with the town. Searle had
had been no vexed questions before the never taken an information since lie had
been ma.yor and tried to Iceep him froiii
°minty Council, The Poor House matter
had dropped tor the present. 'There had
been some discussion in reference to cut-
ting down representation by doing away
with the deputy -reeves and giving reeves
a cumulative vote. Referring to the ef-
forts Made to form clew counties, he
thbught it was no use agitating the matter
at tho preeent time, Cliuton was ea central-
ly situated that when new county buildings
were wanted her chiding could then be
pressed, with a better prospect of success'
then now. Was in favor of encouraging
railway entererise if it could be done with-
out expending much money. Believed in
lending assistance towards improving roads
whereby business might be attracted here,
and ratepayers should bosalive to the duty
of encouraging everything tliat would tend
to tleia object.
TOUN BEM, said he was somewhat
in the same position as Mr. Menzies, the
ratepayers having kindly retorned him by
acclamation, for which he thanked the Several ratepayers- No he chain t
electors of St. James' Ward. He was Others-" Yes he did."
much amused at Mr. Searle's reply to him, The mayor endeavored to reply, but the
d • as f,,,-. reat to p'er-
ReevA-ee, it4rahate and Hugh Love.
Derumrativex4eGeo.0ast1e and W. Camp-
bell. Courrodrons-Jaa, Aikenhead,
Douglata, J. S. tiorner;-J. McKinley, and- -
J. Torrence. Mr. Sinipeith .was fe-nrhni-
nated for the Reeveship,.W. positively de-
clined the nomination, Vieo Mr. Love
consented to run.
Reeve -G. Elliott, Fl. Ford. DEPHTT-
REEvz-J. Whitely, J. Beacom. COUN.•
CILLOR14-Jos. Laithwaite,David Cook,
John Wigginton, Chas. Naftel, Jas. Pea-
cock, E. Acheson, Thos. Ginn, John Oox,
Thos. Naftel. At the close of tbe nomi-
nations a, public meeting was held, the
candidates expressing their, views, and I*.
though there was a little personal feeling
manifest in some_ of the rensarka, the ut-
most harmony prevailed.
REEVE -3- Leckie and B. Gerry, 0ourt-
CILLORS-3 R Smith, P Moore, •F Fletcher
C R Cooper, W H McCracken, T Town and
F Vanstone.
Reeve-Wm Clk $C1LLORg. -A. -
Taylor, W Watiant rie, C Flood,
John Cook, W Way an MiIIIP19.
MAYOR -John Beattie. Reeve D D Wil-
son. DEPUTY -RISE ea -J Carter. COUR.-
cutons,-South Ward, 0 0 Wilson, W
Hill, A Strong. Hest Ward, D McNaugh-
ton, Murphy, William Grassie ; all by ac-
clamation. The &muted in the North Ward
is between Messra Clod, J Beattie, J Hall
and G
REEVE -L Hardy. Conaremoits-Jas
Pickard, E Drew, Geo Wills, Jas Willis,
W Treble, W Bissett, W Febwick, A G
Dyer, John MoLaughlin, .T Renton D.
Wanless, George -Sairiwtelle - - - -----------
Macie -B L. Doyle. Reeve -J T Gr-,,
row: Dert7Tv-Resives-F W Julinnton,
C.. Bet I or. _
REEVE -S Eason A Rutledge.' 00CfPf•i
IJILLORS -R Baker, R Stanburg, H Howard
P Clove, W Logan and R Bailey. Mr. W
Connor was nominated for the Reeve -
ship, but declined, as he Raid kthad Always
been a contest between hirmieff and M. Ea-
son. Speeches We're made by the the•dif:
ferent candidates, the utmost -harmony
-John Mason, COUNCILLORT.-J08 BLOW -
son, John Dighton, John Britton.
Ratve-D. Walker. .DEPIITY-REBVE-
John Hannah. COUNCILLORS -R. Elgia,
S. Landsburough, J. Nig)), W. MunCiali.
REEVE -0. Forsyth. Dertrrv-Reeve-
F Clegg. The'old Council was re-elected
by acclamation.
, REEVE -S. Hogarth. DEPUTY-RI:El/S-
O Either Couennaaoes-Ratz, W. Baker
and J. ItYan. All elected by acclamation.
Mavoe-B Wilson, re-elected. REEVE
-Thomas Bell. COUNCILLORS -Ward 1,
John Neelands, John Ritche, R M .
son, all re-elected by acclamation : Ward
2, Goo, McKay, H. Leamix, H Guest, W.
McClymont ; Ward 3, H Kerr, Jae Hanna,
F Roderus, 0 Lloyd, Geo McKenzie; Ward
4, W W Jno Elder, Wolter Scott,
-- Young, Seattle Kent.
Rett's -R. Webster and Sohn F An.
dre ws. Den -Tv -Reeve —It. Hamilton and.
jos Griffon. Cor mottoes -John Whitley
P Clare, anil 1). M ureby, elected by ac-
clam ation.
carrying out the law in a cowardly manner. IlitmaEse-Charia-
He was a snake in the grass. This, thing Gaunt. elected for their fourteenth
would ask you to do things that if a con- successive year. COUNCILLORS-eDurnin,
stable would do a worm would not crawl W Dinahan, Jno Washington.
over hint. Searle was only a figure -head. coi.BortNit.
Be (Paisley) did his duty without fear or REEVE- W Young, T Gledhill. Derv- •
partiality to mayor or anyone else. The 'ry•Rgeve-A 'Allan T Moulds. Comma..
$58 poll tax collected was over and above eolts-A Mulioty, A Boyd, I Fisher,
what the roll called for, and was explilined Harris, P. Carroll, 3 Snider.
by Mr.. Menzies. If Searle had anything
else against hint' he nhould brine it out, he
wasn't afraid of it. 4"feanzartri: the neiv powder for whitening
tfie teeth, stimulating the mouth and puffy.
a portion of he audience. He aid
The mayor rising to reply was.hisaed by
ing the breath ; the brightest, neatest, most
perfect little toilet gent extant. Ask your
to make him out everything that was bad.
ley had misunderstood him and was trying druggist for "Teaberry." Price 85 cents.
Did not charge him with dishonesty, but ae
maintained that council business should be A train &timing the River Tay bridge in
done in a business manner.
Scotland, on Sunday, broke through, .a it
PAISLEY-" 11you chat* ine- is -behoved that-150-ter200 persons-haveheex---77-.
with dishonesty, you beat about the Muth." drowned.
A leading iron Manufacturer in Ottawa has -
been complled to reduce the wages of his
employees n order to equalize the loss sus-
tained by the increased cost of iron and cod.
but would not make any reply thereto, as e
it was not worthy of it. He (Mr. Searle) mit of taking notes, and the meeting soon The Conservatives of North Lanark on Sat.
had tried to lead them away by side issues. broke up. urday made choice of Mr. Joseph Jamieson,
The above will only give the reader a an Alreonte barrister, as their candidate la
that constituency for the seat in the Housed
Commons made variant by tho death of Mr.
He felt somewhat pleased in looking back
over the past year, to see how harmonions-
ly things had worked in Council, although
all did not always agree, they agreed to
differ. The question upnn which the last
council had gone in on was that of econo-
my, and he believed the people would he
eatisfied they fulfilled their pledges. Their
taxes were one-sixth lower tine year than
lant, and he thought. they cmild still be affairs.
reduced without impairing the efffei
of the greets. His previo
thonght, had brongh tI
fence, in reference
He then referre
form a part of ti
ing, in particula
of the town, that
io's Institute ehe
had, beetkprevion
very faint idea of what the meetffig was,
particularly at the latter part. The clerk
tried to maintain order, but it seemed lin-
possible. Part of the crowd cheered,
hooted, hissed, yelled, atampted and did
everything to make a noise. We sin-
cerely hope there will never be a similar
scene enacted in connection with public
uently interrupted
s remarks, and
as were all of
give Hut is
-ma Liberal party may not be immaculate,
but as the world goes it ia far ahead of its op-
ponents, and if wtso counsels prevail, it will
soon recover its old prestige. -Ottawa Mt
Now and again some eourageous elergyinall•
refuses to allow his pulpit to be converted ih
to an advertising medium; but there ,arii etilt
A good many advertisertilinte iininggltat
thia,palpit Tha pulpitt is no Plea° Oriid
'Weide* . 0110101 &h igerg take a
1410104 goy 11 li
'e mor'tfn to ke the tail
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