HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-11-27, Page 84M tra to the U,56. aiobe for n ddvern $2.75. ereby get dr, free. it, the best world, $1 T Totinsoav night last with the coldest tint; 'iviuter, so far. BAPTIST services will continue, In the Temperance Hallgevery Sunday evening. TEN year old spring chickens have been abUihdantlrl,+010 disrin; the last. few days. SACI;AldE , rALServlces in connection w;ta tWillis church will be held on Sundav•,ne.xt . Are interesting Menitoka letter, front Thos. I1agyard, is crowded out this week. It will appear next. IS ale Tann going to b done n If towards it is holdPair ing a Christmas, time the thing was under way. Wit had a pleasant call from Mr. W. R. Davis, Mayor, of Mitchell, on Tuesday, He reports general business as anything but rushing. MAD Doo.—On Wednesday a *mall dog, belonging to Mr. A. Clark, and supposed to be mad, was killed to prevent it doing any damage. Show S•roose.—A heavy snow storm set in last week, continuing for several days, the fall amountiug to about eighteen inches. The weather being sharp and frosty, good njeighing was the consequence. Y. M. C. A.—Owing to 'their being an- other meeting to be held in Willis church; on Friday evening, the meeting of the Young People's Associatian will be held this (Thursday) evening. MEcaANzcs' INSTITUTE.—A meeting of the directors of the Mechanics' Institute Will be held this evening, to take steps to- wards re-establishing the Institute. There should be a full attendance. DaA1:rGE.—We understand that the Wing- ham VinS ham Ames has changed hands, Mr. Sullivan, late head master of Dundas High Schfioi, having become the proprietor, Mr. Galbraith being retained in connection with the office. v •u^(y.ONB!I'ABLE'F.TfIG Ti, of Wingham, arrived here on Tues , evening with two prison- ve- rod was held etpal business Tiaob abeept- ` 41i, a }pori ;" k anciFg With ,Writ. tk usual re Qommibee dates for the by,he use bernifd t. r oil 'use ap• y e ho g" of ers, on his say o Gclderieh. Ile wished to nm ed"the remain ov r night, btdt the rock -up facilities e,, and here ever fnads at fo> hi swauta asel h e- levelp ranc@ had to "go west." Q m, the noun- WE do not think there is any person in light and town that would steal wood or coal. Never- theless there are different ones that com- plain of frequently losing such, and there are those residing In town who seldom buy any, which makes it look rather suspi- cious. SPECIAL SERVICES.—The special services n counectiou with the Methodist church jl continue, Rev. Mr. Clement, of Strat- lucted 'n Monday and Tues - >•d that Rev. Dr. present this submitted *.building tempo - of the 'adder h n in Goderich iness in these ry du . b Teves thei'e is less done in Win - tam in one day oderich and Clinton put together. am Times. (Don't .you believe it, ue has been "stuffing',you, plan. . CONVENTION.—A meeting of the ex- 1ye committee of the Huron county bath school association was recently in the Methodist church, Clinton, to e arrangements for a Sabbath School nvention, when it was decided to hold same in Wingham, on the lith and 12th cember next. ABLY A FIRE.-41.tew evenings since place in town, some hot ashes were from a stove and thrown outside. As nee, they fell on a manure heap, ting some straw therein It was soon ze. Had it not been disLtovered by passing, a serious fire would in all have been the result. AR3f.—On Thursday morning was sounded, and steam got en it was discover- :51iney on the house fie firemen deserve s iu responding to from considerable kly on the spot. (sequence of the ngements have r the use of his , and when the t the following ve the alarm : B. reitr of Molson's orner Mill and Maple t house on the right et. Persotis living in town tvil,l alarm the ry. ., Wliltteeljttii eh, The weather has set in very .stormy; the snow is deep, tbrra are li+e #set dri£te god eleighing is good. Root crops have g1I beep, got in. .Among the most successful in turnips we learn that Mr. John Steen; West Wawa. posh, on weighing four of his average Whips' found them to go 8511 lbs,• --tope and recite off, —the effect of a top dressing of *alt. Mr. McCraib, Kinloss, bee lost a ten-year- old daughter, by diphtheria, '`There are one or more other case* in the neighborhood. Mr. James Gaunt, Kinloss, has ehGt down bis saw mill until after New Years. e ac been" . ailfM. w 'that a has not d that Mr, ted a shop ce open ter, -of Bur - has reeei•yed .f Elorai and on the 4th. d d 6 Ili —A. young man, son ;batty, recently went ' e uo in object of which e •1•too sq pie urge manufacturing lhrn$n re8} could learn a trade u b'1g be .N.., y issatisfiecl with farni- eing of Opinion that the could do be elsewhere. Being an intelligent man he kept his eyes open in the se of his wandering, and adding the 4n,fiirmation he gleaned by inquiry to that which he obtained by observation he came to the conclusion that "the thing is over- done, business is bad iu all branches," and he returned home last week, satisfied that farming is the best of businesses, and deter- mined to stick thereto. POULTRY AssoCIATION.—On Friday after- noon a meeting for the formation of a Poul- try Association was held here, when the following officers were appointed:—Presi- 'dent, Rev. G. Clark, Blyth; Vice -President, A. Dickson, Goderich; Treasurer, W. Mur- ray, Clinton; Secretary, Walter Coats, Clin- ton; Managing Committee, G. Irving, W. Smith, and W. Coats, Clinton; D. Ferguson, Goderich. , A fair amount has been subscrib- ed towards the funds of the as;;ociation, and it has every prospect of. success. It is iutendedto hold an exhibition, in the this towp, about the first week in March. Sothe - of the- fanciers Are importing birds from the old country, and seem determined to work lip the poultry interest of Mils sec.. tion. - • HULLET-T. Moistures.. —There is not likely to be any ohange in the Council of this township next year. All the membera having given general satisfaction, arid, thus far, there being no 'ex- pressed disire to ohange any of them. To get their equals for efficiency is possible, but to get their superiors, is impossible. FARM•SOLD.—Mr. Geo. Flintoff has dispos- ed of part of lot 13, 5tlt con. of Hallett -50 acres—to Mr. Henry Freeman, for the sum of 1,425. There is only a small clearance on the place and no buildings. SocLtr..—A social, on behalf of the Episco- pal church, will be held at'liie- residence of Mr. Chas. Lovett, Base Lipe, to -morrow (Fri- day) evening. GODER1CH• TOWNSHIP. Marx:xuu'r-Last week some mean wretch entered the, 111ethodiat church, at Tipperary, and stole therefrom a table cover. PROLIFIC; Sb}v.—Mr. Geo. A. Cooper, of lot 40, 911i con„ Goderich township, has a four- year-old Berkshire sow that has brought forth eighteeone pigs and rained seventy-five of that number. Now, who's got the champion sow ? POSTAL 17'ArILITTEs.—In-reference to #,hey •petitiol y forwarded:. to the I?oStn1if`trx'3 get the Malls from Stratfot' er, the following lette'tz fro t has been- received by tri regret to see, holds out.' e:. beg to adktlowledg'e the receipt the 8th meta : ebpipfalnin of the .orrespotidltnte fol' 01iiit,efrand 'othe of tho Buffalo .;a'ntdLake 'Jd N 51r ngemeiits, . as regards ru . t in force. In reply i am to ostmaster Genera Chas quite reach r his consIderritlont a iii:mus regre s is power w ltboutJncllgips ludas ex= e a remedy Te' the lucon*erde e6'b ni- — -- BLYTH. ASSISTANCE.—Efforts are being made to procure the services of a young man to labor in connedtion with the Rev Mr. Clark, on the. Blyth Circuit Methodist Church. If such• is obtained, (incl it is ireare than vrobableitwill}- This will give preaching at Blyth morning and evening, and the other appointment will' receive greater attention than it was possiblt to give them under the existingplan. It was high time that something eves done in this re- spect, as the circuit is too large for oneper* son to do justice to. EXPLANATION.—Rev. Mr. Broad, B.C. min- ister of Colborne, before preaching in the Blyth Methodist Church on the 18th inst., stated that he wished to placeihimself right with the pec. pie, as he had not found things as expected or my they had been represented to him with re- ference to establishing an appointment there. Ile withdrew an announcement to preach, which he had made, and stated that he would preach there no more. , • HOLM ESV PROPERTY SOLD.—Mr. E. Kelly has dispos- ed of his property and business here, to Mr. A Duff, teacher, for the sum of $800, Mr Duff takes possession 1st of January. INArrENTIVE TO TUE Pectic—The other day several intending passengers waited theap- proach of the morning train here, for the pur." pose of going east, but the train did not stop to allow them to get on, although the semap- hore was raised. The reason for this unusual proceeding is best known to the railroad Au- tharities but the practice will not raise them in the eyes of the public. HURON ITEMS• — $ 4 sacxso- LOTHING: AND FURN ISH1N "VICTORIA "BLOCK, CLINTON, ONT. 1i$TA¢LIBIIED. X854.: • 41* .Oeaga tiyrtf,pa2 NO Oilier Mediae* in the World wits given Inch M tent of its curative ciu;4ll1ies• Beaelvlie Uitaant Srscr, Inthree yearefee,o. million* four hundred thoutiand smell bottle* cf this .medicine were distributed fro of c1arlle by"Druggiete.in this aoantry to these afllietod with Coesutnption, Aathena, Crone,. severe Coughs, Pneumonia, and other.diaeailea of the throat and lungs, gild/3g the Arneri--- can people, undeniable proof that (laansAN. Sxnur will cure them, The result has been that Druggists in every town and village in the Clematis and 'United Statea are reoom- mending it to their cnstemere. Gia to"l'onr Druggist and ask what they know about Sample Bottles 10 ciente. Regular size, 76 cents. Three doses will relieve any case. Mr. Davis, of Uaborne, has ;14 foot 2 -'heel mangold Prone the age of 1 to 80. • Thousands of people, from tate of sixteen to eighty years, are suffering fromrkidneweinfolainte and other dfeeeeea arising from derengemeoe of the nary organs, who would be relieved by a tow dopes of Vic.' toric Buchu and Uva Ural, and a permanent Imre made by the neo of few bottle,. Price $1. See our UNDERCLOTHING for 75 cents per suit. --- Nothing like -it 'rias -ever -been shown .forthe money: - chi K .....•y,. K" Fula • lines of SCOTCH LAMB'S -WOOL UNDER– CLOTHING,.ili allsizes,aiti at all prices,, 'See-our•FUR CAPS_-PIUS'H-.0 APS, -C-L TH OATS; &c., for the. cold weather, . • p• See -our KID GLOVES; CLOTH GLOVES, BUCK GLOVES, CASTOR GLOVES, (:ALF GLOVES, KID MITS, &c. Mr. Teblo, of Exeter, is making vehicles for Manitoba. ! Mr. Hyndman, Exeter, grow celery nearly 5 feet in length, leaves and all. • llev. Mr Jameson has left Wingham and gone to Arthur to reside. Mr. Archibald, station ageut at Wingham, about to be removed to Fergus. Seaforth butchers have vacated the m4rket stalls and rented shops on the *lain street. On Monday the, e were 1,000 turkeys ship- ped from Exeter statior for the old country. Brussels C. M. Church have ended their special services A ith quit e a nnmbcr of conver- sions. Mr. E. Hosker, of the Maitland 11ouae, Goderich, has gone extensively into the rais- ing of fowls. - Brursels Methodist Church intends hold- ing a district Sabbath School couventiou at an early day. An unknown person was coufngyI in Gode- rich jail as a lunatic last week. Be was not able to tell his name. Willie Ferguson. of Goderich. dislocated his wrist last week by being crowded against the stable by some cattle. Mrs. J. Hunter, of Lshorne, recently full in- to a eistarn, and but for timely assistance, would have been drowned. Mr. Geo. A.,MCLeod, for many years airesi. dent of Exeter, died last week. He was one- of the oldest Free Masons in the county. • Mr. Samuel Twal, of Morris, recently pur- chased fifty acres of land, known as the hicGarvie Farm, for the sum of $1,000. ' Mr. Alex. Davidson, of Seaforth, will ship several thousand tprkeys to the Liverpool market next week `:"Trico paid, 6 ets,,per Ib., live weight. One day last week a valuable horse belong- ing to Mr. Samuel Cantelon, of the 9th con., Goderich township, had its leg broken by a kick from another horse. During the past three weeks Messrs, Hut- ton & Price, of Wingham, have shipped 2,500 sacks of flour to London and Glasgow. The firm got $13,750 for the lot, delivered at the station there. ‘ Mr. S. Sanders; of Stephen, hat bought the farm of Mr. Glanville, lot 19, con. 4, contain- ing 75 acresgfor• 4,000. dr. Sanders, at the seine time; sora 35 (dress past of lot 23„,' eon. 3 ,te Mr. J Sanders, fo 2,006 •' ., „eeting wa`s held:it'f' McPherson's school ii Turnberry, on r t`i1-Inst.,.,to sec be p bople of that ii thottgllt of oed division o ty. After titte;'was fully diresohttion onsly carried , -t£«rt `hat, the swore oppj sed* k chemo, er day as Mr. H k'f +!tt5, Of the 9th berry,, was Frio. "u g in a field on b,tuilited up a large stone, • under ea, asneli o 1st vesnake"sr '..Therargest 't ` Clause 144 -•• : bout fobr feet in length'i stle also Cam toss several nests of grapsho Zip s, sheet 'fo'i•-'nchesunderground. - Mr. 'Oa Bussell .of the 6th concession \•of Mo ie, metitlr!ui d,44gisforthne a few nights go. He got,' 1f+y,4j nItg cows killed and another serion } tY tinted. r.'Russell had a Straw pop blti re -upon cedar posts, neon which !et' , arge Ord*stack, The pen. was of aiongh to It ep up the staok,'ancl qts$$$$( tee' ;lttmbled)lown upon the oft:ttle k511itig 4t14iil, ►ifing the0l as above stated. ikt. t" icemen, your odCe ur b lit sere *fit bove Was in it,ttPe,Ate leer's that been st iffed to 1.45. p.m., to ith to -day. . r-.' Wm. D. • aSsbaa.t +410111•11. - Sale Register. ,f Mr. C Henry, lot 32,14th oon. Jwuship on the 2nd of Dec, J. et. go loth and houses in Bay field, ,h Particulars on applicatit n to . \V•. Harrison, auctioneer. Ste. of Wm. Bingham, lot Al, 7th ilott,,pn the 10th inst..I. Howson Beforeo Is a good pied 't #1'l otitoro m for a an to have in.nn upper chamber,:tltiiid he has eon:Anon sonso an the ground floor, ailia'abottle ofagyard's Pootorial Balsam on the shelf,- far rag in case of a guidon cold, cough, or hoarseness. This Canadian remedy Is no - surpassed as a curative tont in croup, bronehltis, In - Ottawa, and all pnlmonnfy complaints. For sale by all dealers. See our TIgS, • SCARFS, MUFFLERS, LINEN and PAPER CS LLA S,•.CUFFS, WHITE and COLORED SHIRTS, BRACES, HOSIERY, FLAI TEL SHIPTS, UMBRELLAS, &c. ' • We hold' the finest' -and best -assorted -stacy of FURNISH - ING GOODS in town. figr Our stock of HATS, in Stiff and Soft Goods, is still com= plete, with tke 1atest.novelties from New York & Buffalo. " Our stock - of OVERCOATS is manufactured by ourselves •and we show a big•. variety. Jackson's Fatolls Cloth1llgalld Fll1ilisio:• VICTORIA :;BLOOK, ..C3.INTlrN. FIRES FIRE IN A FEW DAYS WE, WILL BE :OPONED AND. READY FOR BUSINESS, AND PEOPLE 1YI'AY LOOK OUT FOR ,$ UNPARALLELED BAR AINS 1 • 0, B. Williams, storekeeper, Ego*,, has decamped: "TIMENmuts PQn ,;; y, armulontiAtae,. anal to this we will add that it takes but a short time to work wonders for feeble and nervous in, valids who use Northrop I,yman's Quinire Wine. This is an article of highh repute not only, for its remedial valuein cases of general andner,: voue debility but as an antidote to malarial di- seases. Its, flavor is unexceptionable, a matter, of no little consequence to persons whose palates - are affected and stomachs revolted by medicines of a disagreeable taste. Sherry of theChoicest- 1ir`aiiil` s its f[uidbas s;aiitl With this are conjoin ed pleasant .aromatics. Nothing in it can prove harmful to any one, if proper judgment is exer- cised and directions are observedin using it. In cases of chills and fever, and billions -remittent, it should be taken during the abseu a of the -fe- ver, Such nervous systems, as inluntary twit- ching of' the muscles and limbs,, restlessness at night, and undue sensitiveness to yiolent sounds and motions, are soon - removed by the Quinine Wine, It not only invigorates the stomach -and system generally, but it exerts a most genial in- fluence on the. mind. To d 8 e' 81a itis a ' u- larly valuable, and it imparts a relish for the food that enables the stomach to digest. Persons who ' have impaired their strength by overwork, should -resort-to-it as -a- renovant-of-failing. •energy, -and ladies in feeble health should use it to increase their store of vitality. The entire physical struc- ture is reinforced. by its tonic properties g and, except in cases where diseases to which it is not adapted .predominate, the results following its use are invariably decisive. • Be sure when pur- chasing to ask for the Quinine Wine, prepared ,' by Northrop ce Lyman, Toronto. All druggists sell it. Mitbhell'sBeliadonnel p vet India Rubber Porous plaster. There never has been a time when the healing of so' many different diseases has been caused by outward application as the present. It is an undisputed fact that over' half of the entire po- pulation of the globe resort to the use of ordi- nary plasters. The principal ingredients used in making these Plasters are Ceum Olibanum—or better • known as the Frankincense of the Bible -Rub- ber, and Burgundy Pitch; which when scienti- fically compounded, is Anil of electricity, and when combined with the pure medicinal gums, is found to be one'of the greatest healingmedi- • ums ever brought before the human race.. - They are acknowleged by all whohas e used them to act quicker than any other Plasters they ever before tried and that one of these Plasters will do more real :service than a hun- dred of the ordinary kind. All other' Plasters 'are slow of action, and require to be wprn Con- tinually to on-tinually•to effect a cure ; but with these it is en- • tirely different ; the instant• one is applied the 'patient'willfeel.its effect. They possess all the soothing, warming, sup- , porting an,dsetrengtheiling qualitiesof all other Plasters: :.Many whtriTave, been relieved'eef RHEUMATISM, TICDOLOREUX, and.va- rious other pains in the KIDNEYS REAST , 'or SIDE, and believe itis solely neby the electrical qualities which the Por ia Plasters contain, and yhick is imparted the system,• thus restoring them to a healthy condition . They are very soft and pliable, still very ad- hesive ; and a sure cure fnrsWEA.K BACKS PAINS IN THE SIDE D' BREAST ;: and - are invaluable to those' who have a COLD•of long standing, and often preyents CONSUMP- TION. Some even tell us they believe they were entirely cured by the use of them' of a long- seated Consumption. . • Prepared by •CEORGE E. MITCHELL, Lowell, -Mass BEING OFFERED, . AS SOME OF 0 1' GOODS HAVE BEEN SLIGHTLY DAlYMAGE i BY RE- MOVING AT THE TIME- OF THE FIR WHICH IN ADDITION TO THE REDUCTION A READY MA,DE _ IN .THE PRICE OF OUR GO i DS, ON .ACCOUNT OF OUR GOING OUT OF B S: NES'S, WILL MAKE THEM AT LESS THAN HOLE - SALE PRICES, AND The flATET BABGIIINS eves irr:B:B s Tom AND THE GOODS WILL IBE NONE ,;THE ORSE FOR tTTTARING. 11e CALLA1,1111iR CLINTON, Nor. 27, 1879. Manitoba wheal is arriving in Toronto: I1 is said by many, ilr9t try ono remedy, and then another ;but we find in the p ant mafority'of camp that those who try ilagyard's Ye1lydw 0f1 for all pntposas of a liniment, have no use for any other proparatien, it does its work so effectually that nen° others Heol apply or be applied. It is equally good Forman or beast, and can be need internally for croup, whooping ctiagh,and asthma, externally for rheumatism, sprains, bruises, ebilblaina, bump Benlda, and alt pains and nehCo, froth whatevereanso [l y mayrooetir. Sold by all dealers at 25 cents pet=bot o. 84 Cruiokshan'k St., Toronto, May 18,1878. Masers. Dlilbubo, Bently b jharson, Gentlemen, --Last fall Ii;5ontraCted a seve cold, which, by my boated,sotttdd on'myhinge, fannd everyindieation of the first stage of consumed n,and, like mars others; when aeaSeit too late, eamfaoneed to, doctornp. Itried many remedies, bntgot no b'ettort was almost satisfied I was incurable, Accidentally I heard of your Victoria Compound syrup' of Ifypophos. phltos, and as 8 forlorn hope bought a bottle. I Imo mediately felt relieved, After taking five (5) bottles - ant oared, and tower folio butter in mi nte, I would hoairtlli• recommend your Tfypopboepliites, Ilespeetfaily yours, W. 1114D1tIDGI;. Sold by all Druggists :PIE WIT'$ E3E•_SALTY!. 'An; infallible remedy or. all diieases of the eye (aecttte: or chronic), granulat'ion' of the lids, ulceration of :the 'lachrymal •;/lands, film, and ibeabless of the vision from any • cause: THE AMERICAN EYE -SALVE is presented to the public with .the assurance of its efficiency as a Curative ' of most diseases•of the eye, acute or • chronic inflalninatiou, whether induced.by scro- fulous origin- or otherwise,'weakness-or-defect of yismn, diminished tone of the optic nerve, or a diseased state of the tissues constituting that organ...: Also., for all persons whose voca- tion requires an incessant action ,of the eyes,' the salve will act as a charm -in restoring a uni- fornr healthy action, where weakness, • pain, and misery may have long threatened a fatal ter-'.:. mination. It' is the most simple, • safe, and ef- fectual remedy ever discovered. The materials of which it is Made are pure, perfect, and costly, , compounded with -elaborate care and exactness, safe in its application, being used externally, and, of course. avoiding the pain and danger which necessarily. •attends the introduction of caustic minerals and eye -washes. RkNowonss • - and OLD CRItoNIe .SORES, of scrofulous origin, or resulting froin whatever cause, yeild to the AMERICAN EYE -SALVE. IT IS USED SUCi- CESSFULLY FOR PILES. Its soothing•ef'- fect is immediate, and a permanent cure requires but a few. applications. The proprietors of "Da..3. PETTIT'S AMERICAN EXE-SALVE,"•while making now and improved machinery for mak- ing a more perfect box for the EYI1-SALVE, have changed the TRADE' Manx en the diver eo•as to . correspond with the Cut on the Wrapper, Cir- culars, Advertisements 'etc, We call attention to this, as it. might otherwise be regarded as counterfeiting: • ' PETTTT of; BARIKER, Proprietors, Freedonia, N. Y. • NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto, Agents for Canada.' THE GREAT .FEMALE REMEDY. • JOB MOSES .PERI- ODICAL PILLS ' This well known medic- ine is no.imposition but a sure and safe remedy for Female Diffi- culties and Obstructions; from any cause what - ifti-cultiesandObstructions;fromanycausewhat- ever., and although a powerfnl remedy, it oon: tains•nothinghurtfultotheeonetitutioia, .• TO MARRIED LADIES • Itis peculiarly suited. It will, in a ehoittime • bring on the monthiy.period with regularity, In encases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness,' Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the heart, Hysterics, Sick Headaches, Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a " disordered system; these Pills will effeot a cure :-$o• •"iother means Wive failed. .,'tsP'ills have never been known to fail .reotions on the 2nd page of pam• ell observed. articulars, get a pamphlet,free , of . E,. ,a ",NEWYORg sols PRoraiE4'on., d 1 ai cents for postage, enclosed to 6Toi Lyman,, Toronto, Ont., general agen ,s, ICO Dominion. will insure a bottle containfn averted Dill* 6:y r'ettfin mail. Sold in Linton by 3. II. Combe and W.114, . , Watts 1 li. Hxokaon and .F. Lumsden Sea-,, forth; 3. Kidd, Carronbrooh; Parker tot Uattle and F. 3orlan,'Goderichi E, Cameron, Day. ae1d17as.ltonthrori,Radptervilleland allmedi eine •lea}ars. - lJ