HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-11-27, Page 4tie Qn. slay lata. & Co & Bo1oe, to Ntet tilt l Vito HE COUNTY. 1879. UIROVLATION.. eeniable currency that the amount n in Canada a. - 0; but we find he banks, just ember and Oc- e• that amount.. tatentent, of 1,007 is given ; OOQ Dominion e nearlY69,-, ay they. dol is also the orth elm• Canadian retnrne'to e n, when has} a sura•: ►n i pay)" ?EMU POINT . The proposed boat race between Bahl and Courtney is declared .off—'s sawed as it were. The election ,of three more of the Quebec ministry took place Iasi Thursday by large majorities. , Dominion Parliament will meet first week in February. It will be a session of parti- cular interest. The peoble of the United States have tent- porarlly laid aside the other idols, and now Worship Grant. The Montreal Witness Is of opinion. that the study,pf Latin and Greek inconnection with schools, is needless. • • i w ,'' The troubles In Ireland have•aroused CO the patriotism of some of the Irish in the States, and they want to • come over to Ca- . nada a-.nada and "take satisfaction out 'of her." We do,not by -any means wish to brand -the whole nation of Irishmen as the same,, but the Mat satisfaction Which those Irish.. American -agitators care for, is what they can take out`of a juga -Hon. Peter Mitchell, ex -member -of the ,ioh A. Government, recently said that " annexation to the ijnited kitates is the very best thing that .could happen tat us -that it would increase the volume of commerce and. 'help min every way. Loyalty is a mere sentiment -what we want is trade." If Refor{ner expressed himself thus, what a howl about'•'?dis7oyetitj. to: the Crown's wouldbe raised by the Conservatives The editor of the Par)ner's Advocate is a protectionist, but.he wants the duty remov- ed from corn, because it. is the best thing to fatten cattle with. ' The OttawaFre Press advises young men to take a deeper interdst in the study of politicb, believing that much good—indi- vidually and to the-, State—would, result e therefrom. We ordially endorse the ad- vice. Rev. Mr. Hammond, reevival et,, has just started services at ,ondon. It is to be hoped that the newspaper. men of the city Wilt come within his range, They are a hard.. lot, and should have a .hole week's service devoted to them. Referring to•ttie d'i dt 01 -the -Dentin , n' Government In, throwing .the beet pot ons of the' railway lands in the North:we, into the ands of speculators the N * York imea says :---It : is - maeyellous Atli; a Go- ernment so eager to foster imlbigration to s-Northw-est territories;sho idso'ntanage lands In that region a: to repel multi_ tildes of settlers. • QIi x 1 It. e'sreetting' out, as webene,, rosperity, let us consider • ' - g to avoid the miss ee,.•have been the . Ono of these is m in the country is of these mortgages security for'store' ened to death with e where store they t the mortgagee, is, neelf; The simple Would do away with e the country was new store as the settler's only . But a Yen then it was his.drity amount,o ,his indebtedness. year ye he•year in which he did..nbt do ao mi °ttr ` yy be looked upon as a .year of failure+,$ ld settled countries there is lit. tle excuse r.this. T.he'trouble is, however, that the b tter a man becomes able to meet lents as they arise, the, more de•. e storekeeper becomes able to force lihim, counting that' the farmer. , keeping no, books, andsure of ieste orgood.prices, will spend a great of a in that way than they would if they mpi e would oer. ';ills reXuir been p tbfimila t, e*travaganoe at ,C*dit,:ta oa g people•" , In the galtd Iiia f f;Oetober we find,i''dealrI�h�u'' ' dne;#o nth had/t'o find ttse money for every ,purchase, 2, which about' lie knows, too,that ho canget mach higher 8..., y the sa a • Canada,'' led, as' it a myg- ain , in prices by waiting till he can get it in produce: These temptations to do business on credit are offered always'iu.the most friendly •spirit. The only, or at least the first and chief reason why, many,merchants do not deal for cash is that they are afraid of offending •their custom- s -•-In fore--ars,-who•consider-themselvea.incnited-b3!-bur 1nb ask' d or ready money, particularly .. s o .f . t of 00,= they: happen to be in easiercirounistances than banks in if Olno'` tom, nInQ are a ler in in We t ,Mount s over 11. re, if i• a ,;• $ doe tful. Ix the as is there is at, tern that requires a lith. a "enplanatien auk•-lbat is " Notes and e r its on other banks," 54,142,167. This nor my ought .to be counterbalanced by the se .1 ;amount of notes and checks tother banks n the jiabiif ties oolumu, but it' is not there "" There are several other diser(+� cies which need explanation, hut we think n ave given enough to show that it requires g t faith to --aeoerh_. without %Ii8Pt010n of zt CO, . cry," the statementd that bank managers a o in tho. habit of making monthly to our Auditor of Public Accounts. There is another item, which wq' will ac - sept as made, although we have no better grounds fes accepting it as matte than any of the others, and that ie the amount far which directors are liabte •57,014,835. Here we have direct evidence that the different boards but a lot of s ecula- tr s are directors nothing p efdi tors --in other werds gamblers, .Only think of it, that the direotors who Aro supposed to be mostly composed' of wealthy' men, and must have large funds of their own to invest and manage, should be indebted to the banks of over $7,000,000 some poor fellow that is just beginning, and actually needs such assistance to get along at 11, The poor ptrnggling fellow may nil the Ttrrw. BORN. DOBIE.•-In London, on the Beth Jost,, the wife of Mr. G. 0. Dobie. 01 asot ' FISHER. -In Ilderton, en tltgl,Oth fust., the wife 31r. Y. Fisher, late. of Clintj?n, of daughter,. SMITH. -In Blyth, On 14th hist., the wucofMrGeorge : Smith of a son. MARRIED, ,ADY--•FERRIS-At the ME. parsonare,, Eniorson, Manitoba, on the 28th Oot, by the Rev. J. Matthews, Mr. Thos. Ady, (formerly of Huilett) to Miaa bi. J. reale, all of Belmont township, Manitoba. UODKIN-ADY.--At the C.M. parsonage, Nelsonville* Manitoba; on the 7th last,, by the Rev, D. Ben, Mr. Thos, Godkin to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. Thos. Ady, late of Mullett QEMIMEL ELLACOTT--AtWingham,onthel5th'rnet. at the residence of the brido a mother, by the Rev. A. F McGregor Mr. Andrew Demmot, youngest son. of John Gemmel, Esq., of Tnrnberry, to Miss Lou lsa Ellecott, of Wingham. RIIIBryer tthe rarsuneeea the 10th Mr JobinPriors,. of Brussels, to Miss. Jane, daughter of Mr W. For- rie, Kinloss, DLED. WAY. 7n Blyth, on the 20th Inst:, the infant daughter of Mr. Wm, Way, aged 6 months 0 days.. SCOTT. -In Morris on the 14th Inst., Mr James Scott, aged 01 years. LONGMAN-In Manitoba, at the residence of Mr. T. Hagyard, of croup. Lillie: youngest daughter' of George and Sarah Longman, late of Mullett. aged 1 year and O'.months. NICHOLSO1r.--Suddenly et his residouoe, 14th con„ of Stanley, ou 21st inst., Joseph Nicholson, aged 68 years. ' 4.14INTO1y Misr MEETS . November 27, 1679. Wheat, fall, red, ijnnish, 61 18 a 1 20 Wheat, fall, white, . 1 18 a 1 20 Spring, Redehaff, - 1 10 a . 1 15.• . Fife, - . 1 16 a 1.18 030 a 081' = 0 40. a 0 56 ... •- 058 a 062 • • 5 50 .a 6' 00' 0 30 a _ 0 35, ..- 0 18 a 020 014'a .0. 5 - 800 a 9 0 -700 a• 50 • 0...50 •'a., 0 80 375: 400 • 275 a 300' 5 • ; 0,50 ' a . 100' 9 35 a 0 45' -,,0 20* a 0,22 ' 012 a 0 15 $IFILEORT]ti ,. ARKETIS. Vats, - Barley, A Peas, Flour, Potatoes, Butter, - Eggs,Hay, •• •- - • Hides, . Sheepskins- Clover Timothy •. Pork, • Turkeys Geese ' Dnokt - Chiokene s - a 5 25 Wheat—Fall • Spring' Oats Peas • Barley Potatoes Hay - Butter Eggs,._ • ,Hide• Wg•d • F)6nr, ' ovember 20, 1819 - • $1 18 a 1' 20 • • 110 a 115 • 030 a 032 0 59 a; 0 62 0.45 a 065 O 30 a 0 85 • 8.00 a 9 00 O 18 *'019' • 0 14 a 0.15 • 6 50 a 7' 00 2 75•, a 2.50 5 50 a 6.00 • • . Free of boat. The most wonderful remedy of the age ie now platted within the reaoh of 111.' Be he,-rtoh_nr poor,.if .soot. not5itig.-to•.give+thia-great`remedya 'trial- •Dr•Eingl's- a fforditrifellten'Contpocnd;lor-Dyepep.ia,-Siek••head-. ache, Low Spirlts,Lose of Appstite,ISonr Stomach, Com- ing rapp of Food. ,Yenow Complexion, General Debility, Inactivity and Drowsiness, Liver Complaint, `Jaundlee and Biliousness, for which it is a certain and ipesdy erre. No person should be without it. In order' to. prove that it will do all that we claim for 9t you are giving a trial bottle free of cost,whfoh will convince yon et its truly Nondertti morns, and shock you what a re- gular qua dollar size bottle will do. For sale by J. Combe. Clinton. Bncklen'e -Aruf •. -' •. ca =Salve. ..:...:...- • The best Salve in;theworld for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt' Rheum; Tetter,• Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Skin. Eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to give perfect. satisfaction, in every case, or money. re- funded. Price 25 gents per box. 'For sale by J, H. Combe, Clinton. Bakery for Saleor t0 Let. TBakery contignoue to the Royal Hotel, on On- torio street, formerly in the occupation of Mr. Patterson, is offered for sale or to let on reasonable terms: Apply to • • JA1IES FERGUSON.. Clinton,' Nov. 18,1870. • Stray, Steer.'.'. (-IAMB into eubaeriber'spremises, Lot 26,18th eon. l/ Hallett, about two'monthe.ssnce, a red aadwhite: year old STEER. The owner is hereby notified to grove,proporty, pay ohargee and'take it away. RICHARD TAYLOR. Unll'ett, Nov. 6,1870.. 1 Boar Pigo><: service. • f THE undersigned has, at his premises, lot 80, 7th con: of•Mullett,-a thoroughbred SUFFOLK BOAR for service: ' It took first• prize at the Prpvinoial Exhi- bition, London, in 1878, andfirst wherever shown 'in the county. Terme, 31, to bepaid at time of service. THORNTON WALLACE. Hulled; Nov: 20;1$77. . Stray .Sheep.,- . CAME into the premises of the,subscriber, lot 89, 8rd con., Tuakeremith, abort the1stSeptember; one .Ewe 'and one wether, both marked with red ochre, and two Lambs. The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges, and take them away. • SAMUEL, WHITMORE.. Tuckersmith, Nov. 1, 1879.. • i Notice of Ajiplicatioltt.. NOTIOE is. hereby given that .application Will .be .made, 'atthe first sitting: of the Ontario Parlia- anent,fore charter to Construct-a'railway-from-Bal•- FIELD TO CLINTON, or some other point on the Gland Trunk Railwi •• • RoBEItx anongISON,Chair ; man while be, thriving _better ._than the -apparently - i -- ----- 2011N ESS ON,-stot'etaiy, wealthy farmer, for he feels his debt;•and is ' ' :Rayfield Railway Committee. essening it year: by year, while the farmer, , BSJrisld, let•Oct., 1879. 63 , nd his family are, unknown to themselves, owing poorer instead. of richer, and are per- haps much nearer ii aolvenoy than they imag- ine. Instead of regarding the refusal of cre.• flit as an insult, a man should regard the offer of it except in needy circumstances as ti tomp- .Farm'for Sale. ^' THE estate Of the late'Aloxander Gardner, being lot 28, 7th'0on0eesion OodeflohTownnhlp,, containing 80 acres, 70 cleared, balance good hardwood. A - never failing spring creek, wellcalculated for dairying or tation from the devil. Let him alio tltauldstoek•raieldg,•-•a substantial story and half frame -house, and geodontbuil-dingn; also a geed bearing or. not regard -himself as a dependent, live with. chard, with 85 acres adjoining the above, which say out store geode tilt he can take money in ,his' pooket,and then let him go where he can get., them aa cash prices. The merchant trill soon find it to his advantage to give him the value f his Cash payment in some form or other. at even if he did not the farmer would. •gain. • reat deal more by thus. keeping his expen- d. re within his income than even by having rid. 'ey that is really not his out at 10 or 12 pot ent, interest; for, having the money the bu ' often permits laimeelf to stretch it £o the , moat, allowing the store -keeper instead • of hit self to Nome the judge,nf..whal• lawn afford Doing d largely cash business would anal) - the sabre-koeper, if so minded, to reduce groat y'the amount of credit he accepts front the, holesale inerolient,--lifonlreai IVIIRCss, • (01—Died in excruciatiugagony, and w1tholttltojie III tb,e future, protest, the de. fdrmod illegitimate +child of Conservatism in South Huron, The unfortunate had long shown signs of constitntienal debility, and strenuous efforts were put forth by the faithful to preserve its life. 'Tenderly as it was nursed, however, it was doomed to it sad fate, and on ono day of last eek ended its agonized life in the arms of its iriontis, It is rumored by. aomo that the unnatural parents strangled it,. but this story is not credited. Tho grief of the relatives )s great,- but has-been softened by the long illness that proceeded its decease Bxcler itcflecter, be purchased at tho same time; if desired. For further particulars apply to'. ' ARCHIBALD McPHAIL, Porter!sMill. Or to ROBT_ MILLER, Watford P.O. Ooderich township, Oct. 7,1$70. SAWS. SAWS; SAWS.. .:•SAW GUMMING. ri1TIE undersignedhaving a machine for the I� purpose, isrepared. to Gant Saws on iico short po: and in• the most satisfactory reannee. AUSTIN CALLANDElt, PowELL's OLD STAND, I#tinov'Sy., CLINTON. Clinton, Oct. 2,1879.. 8m J. .L1.. COM13.1fvJ, CHEMIST E •DRUGGIST, Has removed to the pretaiset known asp Xlict 43Lb CLINTON fxor]diff, Whoreho will keep for.sale a Heleet and general assort. ..ant oI na DRUGS, CJI•I1;12ICALS AND 1111DICINI;S, DY1l, 'STUFFS, OILS, &O. N'eseo'ipiions, Receipts, and Compounds .eare• fully made ttJ), with despatch. Clinton, Tob,.2%,1873, w BLACKSMITH NTG. 4 -• undersigned having purchased t' ie stook and. ,L leaped the prengieee of Mn,. W. ovuLzr, on Albert Street, opposite Mr. Fair', Mill, takesthiy means of notifying his friends and the public generally, that he intends carrying on the Blackemithing bo,ln46, in all it, branches, and, .therefore, solicits their custom.-- Being practically aegnainted with everythingeyonneotod with the huffiness, he can guarantee eatiefaction. Horse Shoeing a Specialty, � D. STEPMMENSON Clinton, April 24, 1079. MoKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 'GOMPANT', THOS. NB I•LANS, AGENTS lummox, ONT. rarmer, wishing to insure will End this Company one of the best and cheapest to insure in; and will be wafted on at their. homes if information be sent to the. Agents' office. 4y Notice. Tho Council of the County of Huron WILL MEET INIIIRE C0 L*RT IIO USS', OODF.1tICH, ON Tuesday, 2nd day of Dsc'r, next. PETE$ ADAMSON, o .;,, . w County Clerk. Oodarleti 7ov.203h 18h. . [E- ALLAN LINE LIVtfIPooLzo11aoN'DElla-=—• oLesoo- SHORTEST 'SEA VASSACIE. Cabin, Intermediate and Steerage Tick. eta at Lowest Rates. EVERY SATURDAY FROM QUEBEC.. 'Forties desiring to bringout friends from the old 'Santry; can save moneybypurohasing prepaid certifi- cates ertiflBates foam the agent in Clinton. • 'STEERAGE TICKETS To Liverpool, ..T ortdonderry, Glasgow, Queena- town, Belfast, London, Bristol, Cardin: Por through Motets and every.tritormation apply le A.'STBAITON, 0. T. R., Agent..Cilaton.. Olinton, may 30,1878. GEU..-DIEHL, CABINET MAKER DEAFna sx atL-x;ADs;oi F=TRNIT u.N.DE RTA KER Foss &e. Victoria $t. Clinton. SCOTT 8- SONE'S ALATABLE. STOP -011 Is prepared in a .form perfectly agreeable to children and most sensitive persons. In its manufacture the properties of the oil that produce pain and griping art eliminated, and it isrendefed toot only mild and pleas- ant in its action, but absolutely tasteless and palate- ble, It is pre-eminently ,the finest: laxative and ca- thartic known, and:as a remedy for Costiveness,' Con- ' stipation,aand all, Intcstidal Derangements i t is sine • - -qualled, and is destined to take theplace of crude oil and all drastic pills and purgatives. For sale by all•.' Druggists,•tt_ss cents a bottle. Don't fail to try it. • iTD1 & 111111S NEVER` OFFERED 8II071 BARGAINS TO THE PUBLIC AS THEY ARE DOING' AT PRESENT, IN ALL LINES • ;CONNECTED WITII THE TRADE,. THEY GIVE PERFECT SATISFACTION SUCH AS • HARNESS :OF ALL -'STYLES, 'BUFFALO 11,0BES,.:. Trunks, 'Valises,.. -:H.acstilankets, -FiEErca B4tis,•F.C. Liget Harness- a Specialty, AS USUAL, • • A (;ALL itl SPECTE'ULLIf 'SOLICITED. CIINkoN,'Oat, 80;1879. • BETTER HORSES 61- CATTLE HORSES and OAT - TLE, whatever may be their age and eon- ditlon, aro vastly Im- proved, in every way; by the use of moms. &o00 PURI 'EIER It tones up the system. imparts new filo and vigor, and realty baio marvellous effect upon either the best or poor- est of animals. No 4e toe would believe how. { the work of fettoning 1. forihentorketisfaeiI- 40,fr 'Di3 f-' stated by tbo use q DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER:5 THE PROPIRIP•.TORS, - mc E. . tic'. OF IRDI lMiilli l*1 Alin) to' A+btE At, Prepare oleo, a splendid BLISTER, OINTMENT & LINIMENT Which aro use l in tho best atabl'es in tbo Wilde Try D10WS HOI7SE ANI) CATTLE: MED. WINES and bo convinced of their merit. Vole Sale by �- JA$.II. CO1I111E, If11.l)OGIST, CLINTON. - rN A. SiR LEONARD TO SEE THE HUM SHOULD COME TO CLINTON IIE Will FIND tT EIT41MINGr IER L 9 . FOR ONE WEEK. • FOR THIRTY DAYS,, b FOR THREE .MONTHS.. FOR ALL THE YEAR ROUND. FOR EVER., TSE A))11AL CRAZE AVAG coons MEN The public will doubtless observe, with a anile, the usual amount of nbise among the Dry Oood4 men that for several years has occurred about this season. Some announce a special pale for one week only'; sortie 30 days; some for 3,rnonth8; some say they sell at coat price; some below cost; some say they mean to give. up the buianu.for ever, andafter awhile they settle. down and all go on ae: before, and no one has given up the trade, but everyone'keepa peg- ging away as usual while the only point made by the storekeepers is their trade Is degraded and bnsinesslunsettled by the lack of faith and honesty with the public. This sort of humbug might do for a while, but as Mark Twain says, IT IS TOO THIN. 11 fa a hollow mockery, it. is•a•farce, and people', soon get tired of being - duped, and are unwilling to drink the insipid stip' any longer, but turn away somewhat dill/noted at the whole system of puffing and. . humbug.. • THE „I7NDNRSIONED ,DESIRES, T0 ANNOY/NCB That he is not Diving up Business, That he is -not selling at Cost Priem That hi is not offering goods at half prise for 30 days Or 3 months. It is not profitable to sell at coat price, and. pay expenses into the bargain, but he is ready • to stand s fair tussle with any in the business IN OFFERING. TO TEE PUBLIC AO 000D A DOL- LAR'S WORTH Or 000DS FOR A DOLLAR. AS I3. TO SE HAD ANY PLACE IN TEE TRADE, I have no goods to -give away, but am ready to make it interesting for • any who want Goon VALUE Pon TEEIR aloie$Y". I hold•a stock of goodsthat is not the culls and refuse of Previous sales, but a Stool of fresh, choice, first-class Goods that would do credit to town or city, and at prices that will be found right in every liar• • tioular., No offence if you buy or not:. Prime value in all COTTON GOODS, Prime value in all LINEN GOODS. Prime value and a lovely lot to choose from in all the new makes and colors of DRESS Goode. Prime value and an immense stock to choose from, of COLORED CASHMERES. BLACK CASHMERES in three makes and all qualities, ofgrand value. (A new make just received, in Black Cashmeres.) • Prime value in BLACK ,AND COLORED SILKS, and a really' beautiful assortment in every quality. - Ynme dalge-in_:f,}Rl;Y,_Wr:rrx,•-REDS FA140 ' -and HEAVY FLANNELS'.. Special reduced prices for MANTLB$ AND SHAWLS to clear. Special reduced prices in OVERCOATS AND • CLOTHING• to clear. • Special recuced prices in NI TS & FUR G00DS. to clear, Grand Tattle in TWEEDS and CLOTHS. Grand value in WINCEYSJ Grand value in FANCY WOOL -GOODS;'- - --: Grand value in MILLINERY, • x, Grand Value le every Department...- ..-• -, - Grand Value at all times. . - Grand Value so the year ream' SELLING OUT NOW 1 — SELLING OUT NEXT WEEK I—SELLING OUT ;IN• - a MONTHS 1 — SELLING OUT ALL THE TIME BUT AM NOT BIViNG UP. BUSINESS; NO, NOT A BIT OF IT. - Stook always well assorted. Stock ,now in grandttrim. Everything ready. Everything cheap.. A fieet•olaes staff of hands towait on the people. All costumers :buying a large par: oel get'a special discount and liberal terms. Patronage reapeotfully solicited. THE HUM IS HERE.'• - GREAT. DRY GOODS WARE11011SE, Alert &Ito. • .;Farm •for Sale. THAT RMT CLASS FARM, No: 85, en the 16t1 von. of Goderich Township, belonging to Mrs. 0. Gordon; will be sold for cash or on part credit. Only. one mile from Clnton. The farm contains $0 acme of choice land, in good condition, fine orchard,&c.. Ap- ply to :' - -- H. HALE. Clinton, July 21,1879. • Farim. for; Sale. • . - LOT NINE, on the Wend concession of Stanley; a choice farm of 100 sores, about 80 cleared, excel- lent soil, geed buildings, orchard, &c.,. Will be sold on . favorable terms. Apply on the premises to Uio pro- prietor, Mr. COLIN SMITH, or to -- H. HALE, Huron at.., Clinton. Sept. .lbth',• 1879. -___ FIRE.. W11 ARE OFFERING GOODS THAT WERE NOT DAMAGED At prices-Iower..than the lowest, AS WE • ARE NOT GOING OUT OF. BUSINESS, An .annual complaint, p t. of se velar houses in town, ' that now the " cry is worn as threadbare 'as theiroods. We find that new • goods. sell` themselves, so don't have to resort to such cries to raise—an—exeit-einent, dbel-ieving the people.have memory suf -tient to -recognize -tile- olcl signs of " Giving'u Business) .and Cd Selling out.' re_ ar these of o ".. ` P ....._ g. � �. ____ ---- .. G _��.t,.�Ls_old: acclus,intalice�, and ���o sufficiently• intelligent to :see that these advertisers. • clo not 'guarantee -lower 1>ies-titintheir regularfgurcs. We'' would • call attention to: the following fact,. viz, that our- IV .stock of INTEE ..G00I?S is comp1ete,in every departine•nt;-.. -we.. are shelving tl • .. • FURS , . .. shelving b 1C .largest assortment. of high class_ goods_�ill .Minton,=a long=.felt. want supplied—our cus- tolners:having had to go'to, the •cities toet a fine class of goods. S. S. SEAL SETS. from 26 to '.$45. 73A.LTIC SEAL Sg�is: frm 4 to $15.. ' . MIN SETS from . � $15to $40+' PERSIAN, LAMB, O.xT1;Rr .ALASKA SABLE, GERMAN' MINK, &C,, &C., ill great Variety. IN LADIES AND : Girl'i'e ' FUJI OAFS wo have the largest as- sortmenl ever brought to:'Clinton.• MANTLES— We are showing . our full range, at prices .to.. suit all >, MILLI N E RY—Tllo newest shapes arriving daily. - Dress' Goods, Wincies, Flann ls, Tweeds, &c.$ &c. The most complete assortment in own, and prices guaranteed . In every case. "s raib, Macwhirter & Co,, MONTREAL {HOUS.E,'-CLINTON. Canton, Nov., IVO.