HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-11-03, Page 22 10 ADVERTISERS Was et ehangtss piust be left at this not hetet than Saturday noon. copy for ahiutges must be left not inter thiol Monday evening t 1 advert eemente aoeepted up teapit Weiltteedetv of each week. laiiTABLISHI:D 1872 THE WINGiIAM TIMES. R ell,i.I(1'rT. PPRLINHRR ANTIPRoPRIa1,OR THURSDAY. NOV. 3, 1904. NOTES AND COMMENTS. There can be rte dnnht, gars London Tit*Bite, that the su•;oes_ees the Japanese tstve had are attributable to their re- mark.tble advance in seientiito accomp- shments, their ast-nlnding personal o f u 1 e i � t rad rd to andth h.hsa a revery,. 1110tual culture a•nong the ' people at ',large. Japan has a population of 45,- 000,000, the Ro o'ran Empire more than 140.000,000. But in Japan 4,302,523 children attend s hind, in Russia only 4,193.594. The differt,nce is still greater as regards the higher edno'ttioual est:ib- i lisbments in Japau compared with Rus ia, A receut despatch from Ottawa says: - 1 Reports from many districts indicate that potato blight and rot are again causing serious lots to the farmers of Canada, This ilis.•ase has been quite prevalent iu va•ioas parts of Ontario and Quebec, and, althuntsh a good pre- yentive is known in the Bordeuux usix- ture, few growers s em to have sprayed their potatoes Mr. L H N.iwn:au, of the Ste( Divisiou, who visited nearly every county in Ontario during the summer, coatis ms Luis statement, and that iu many eases he found growers sadly weenie; rti kuow.edge of the disease and Lute heads of preveuting it." CHEESE OF GOOD QUALITY. Mr. G A. Putnam, Superintendent of Fartuere' Iuhtrrntes, has received an iu- terming report from the chief instruc- tor fir easteru Outerio, Mr. C. G. Pub love, who has been visiting a number of .wholesale cheese houses in Montreal He states that the September and October Cheese outputs received from Ontario by these hooses, and intended chiefly for shipment to Britain, are superior to those of any previous year. The quality 18 mord unifurui and of a higher grade, and this improvement is held to be due, in a large measure, to the systematic instruction which has been carried ou in Outario duriug the last two years. The chiet iestructior for western Ontario Mr. S. H. Barr, reports the same satis- factory conditions in his district. Mr. Putnam has also received answers from several iustractors to a oircnlar etter whecn he sent out some time ago with a view to securing hints and sug- gestious toward continued improvement. Some of the replies are to the effect that a number of factories should have cooler curing rooms and better drain- age; that cheesemakers should reject all taiuted and over -ripe milk, and be more observant in several important details of the work. One instrnotor thinks fac- tory -owners should have no option, but that iustruution should be compulsory. TILE WINCIIAli TIMES, NOVEMBER 3, 19O4ie IN THE ,EARLY DAYS, Railway Matters in Huron, Bruce and Perth. The Listowel Beerier is publishing extracts from old file oopies of the palter The followig article, of local interest, appeared iu the Bauuer of July 20th, 1$71:—Our well informed Blnevale cor- respondent thus summaries railway affairs in the vicinity of that village. The star of,the Broad Gauge is, eviueut- ly in the art eudaut there just now. He aays: Our village is now iu tip -toe expec- tation about t andru Roil - way. - t>o the8 oeRr 1 way. As you are aware that I am a strong Londou man, ypu will give ate credit that what I now say about the ]3amiltou road is not at all colored. The President, Mr. McGivern, along with others, paid a flying visit to. Ain. ley "11 W -u ant r e_ n e, i lzh and Lockup v, where he held meetings. He laid a very plausible scheme down before the men of authority in these lnunicipelities; I mean our Reeves, and they were enchanted with it, and have agreed to accept all that the president promised. The road is to come from the main branch at Palmerston I think, to Listowel, thence to withiu a mile and aquarter north of Aiuleyville, thence to near Blnevale, Wiugham and up to Luoknow. I must confess that there seems to be something iu this scheme. At least there is this, I can evidently see, the people go `in iu almost unanimously for it. It seems to be the most popular with the people of any road that has yet beeu on the board. Elme township has promised a gold buuus. Grey township is in for it, Morris too. The Wawanushes say they will have no other if they can't get this. Turuberry, so far as I can see from the Reeve and Councillors, is greatly in its favor, and while we could not get a promise for more than $25,000 out of Turnberry for the Loudon road, she seems quite willing to give her $30,000 for this Hamilton road. The last town- ship that was most unwilling t0 give it was Kinloss; Mr. Purvis, the Reeve stack our to make the Hamilton men keep to the route through Hawick and Wroxeter, but when he saw it was nu use he gave iu. Mr. McGiven, the pres- ident, has gone nome to ascertaia when he and a delegation composedof all the Reeves of the townships iuterested, can get an interview with Sandfield about the $ 2 , 0 0 0 per mile subsidy. Then when this is settled these several townships will immediately sub- mit by-laws to be voted ou for bonuses. The whole road is to be surveyed, located and put under contract inside three monthe, and is to be built through in two years from the time the bonuses are given. CURIOUS FACTS. It was found the other day in London that a stolen dog which failed to mden- tify its owner had been dosed with aniseed by the thief. Aniseed destroys the sense of smell temporarily. The dog did not recover for two or three days. Fishermen on the Lake of Neuchatel are using automobile boats. They are driveu by a benzine motor and light, ed by electricity. They are fiat -bot- tomed, glide noiselessly over the water, do not frighten the fish, and are a great success. Dr. Waldo, city of London coroner, Paid in a lecture recently that a weapon in the hand of a man who had been mur- dered is always tightly grasped, so that , the fingers sometimes have to be eevered before it eau be released. In the case of suicide there is no grasp at all. \i'lidney Disease and Rheumatism ***terribly painful of l manta sew thoroughly cured by Dr. Ohm's Kidney -Liver Pills. ace rheumatism arises from derangements kidneys it can never be cured until these a are restored to health. By actin` directly kidneys Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills h kidney disease and rheumatism. s. Mor.LAs, Newmarket, Ont, states :— have wed Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills kidney trouble, and would not be without 1 for a Creat deal. They have certainly aft a world of good, and I would not of twin any other medicine for an ailment ss /dad.' "My bsbend Is troubled with sciatic rhea lend is using Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver They art doing bits more rood then any he ever toed, Anel we both 'startle re- asons es an erdclient tnedil lee." tit. Chloe's. Kidose-Liver Ptik, the comfort .W ars, tent pill a dose, 15 cents a box, at 1:11 Peretee tad 'Iguana* of br. A. W. see Crecy We. eiaisaetwhim gt. OItsmVg IhteM. As a Convalescent Food Mr. Wyman N. Thomas, Ompah, Ad- dington Co., Ont., writes:—"My wife had congestion of the lungs along with other troubles, and became very weak and run down. By the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food she was made as strong and well as ever. Of course I had a doctor, bat she was weak, and it was Dr. Chase's nerve Food which built her up." BOB BURDETTE TO HIS SON. MEN SHOULD SEE. That the water peil is empty. That the ash pail is full. They they have Left their newspapers scattered over the fi-sor. That cigar seine have to be cleaned up. The sofa cushions have to he re• arranged after a nap. The soiled linen has to be put in the lanudry bag. That yesterday's clothing has to be hung up, That boots and overshoes have to be kept in place. That household labor is irksome. That the majority of women have too mach hf it to do. That wives grow uninteresting be- cause they have no time for reading or society. That there are hundreds of little things that husbands could do to light- en the work of .the home. That by so doing both husband and wife would be happier, That to find out what these little thing are needs but two open eyes and one generuns, thoughtful heart.—Ex- chauge. 61O0 REWARD, 91100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now kuowu to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutiourrl disease. requires a censtt- rutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure ie taken internally, acting directly upon the blood ami !rincons surfaces of the system. thereby destroying the founda- tion of the disease, and giving the pa- tient strength by bnilding.up the consti- tution And assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so touch faith in its curative powers that they af- ter One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials Address F. J CHENEY & CO , Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. So yon are not going to chnrch this morning, my son? Ah, yes; I see. The music is not good. That's a pity. That's what you go to church for, to hear the music; we demand good music on Sunday in chnrch, no matter what we are willing to listen to elsewhere. 'And the pews are not comfortable. That's too bad; the Sabbath is the day of rest, and we go to church for repose. The less we do through the week the more rest we clamor for on the Sabbath. The chnrch is too far away. This is indeed distressing. Sometimes when I think how much farther away Hea- ven is than the chnrch, and that there are no conveyances of any description on the road, I wonder how some of us are going to get there. And the sermon is so long always. All these thing are,indeed,to be regretted. I would regret them more sincerely, my boy, did I not know that you will often squeeze into a stuffed street car, with. a hundred other men breathing an incense of whiskey, beer and tobacco, hang to a strap by your eyelids for two miles, and then pay fifty cents for the privilege of setting on a rough plank in the hot sun two hours longer, while in the intervals of the game a sicratch band will blow discordant thunder out of a dozen misfit horns right into your ears, and then come home to talk the rest of the family into a state of aural paralysis abont the "dandiest game you ever saw played on, that grriniid." Ah, my boy, you see what staying away from church does'. It developer a habit of lying. There isn't one man in a hundred who taonld go on the witness stand and give Oath, the same reason for not going to church that he ghee to his family every Sunday morning. My eon, if you don't thing you ought to go, you wouldn't make any nooses for not going. No man apologizes for doing right. —Term Ohristian Advocate. Reflections of' a Bachelor. A woman is so queer she can guess wrong and yet hit it right, A great run of luck always begins for the man who doesn't get married. A woman can hardly wait for her son to get to the age when the people can make him President. It makes a woman very happy to have it rain hard on the Sunday after her next door neighbor's new hat comes home. A widow has a mighty quiet,'soft way of making yoa do a thing you want to do. The hardest thing is to convince yonr wife that you wouldn't like to go to church if yoa weren't a drinking man. When au old man proposes to a gir he should accompany his proposal with a certified check—not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. When a girl is afraid a hammock will break down with her alone it's funny what a lot more confidence she has is it sitting in it with a mau.—New York Press. They Know It Thousands of people throughout the country know that the ordinary remedies for piles—ointments, suppositories and appliances will not core. The best of them only bring passing relief. Dr' Leonhardt's Hem-Roid is in the form of a tablet taken internally tnat removes the cense of Piles, hence the cure is permanent. Every package sold carries a guarantee with it. It is perfectly harmless to the most delicate constitution. A month's treat- ment in each package. Sold at $L00. At any drug store, or the Wilson-Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Out. Household Hints. All canned fruit should be kept in a cool, dark place. Drop a little lump of sugar among the turnips while cooking; it improves them wonderfully. To kill rats, mix equal parts of brown sugar, corn meal, and plaster of paris and place thin compound where they can eat it. To color lace scream had add a few •The wise saying of a rich man may drops of black coffee to the starch. To sound very much like the fool remarks of a poor man. Adam went up against the matrimouial (tame with his eyes shut—just as other men are doing to -flay. 411.0011.11.11110 NEURALGIC PAINS TOWN DIRECTORY. ARE THE CRY OF THE NERVES FOR BETTER BLOOD. Enrich the Blond and Neuralgia Will Dia- appear—It Is Only There Whose Wood is !.'car and Watery that Sutter, No part of the human system is more seusltive than the nerves. Many of the cause exorusriating pains that afflict meta kiud come from weak, shaky, shattered nerves, and amens; the nerve paths there is perhaps none causes more intense suffer- ing than neuralgia, which generally rtt- eauks the nerves of the face and head. sometimes causing swift, darting, mote iziut; pains—at other times a dull, heavy aching feeling which makes life miser- able There is only one way to get rid of neuralgia, and other nervous troubles, and that is through the blood. Poor watery blood makes the nerves shaky and iuvites disease. Rich, red blood makes the nerves strong audbanishes all nerve troubles. No medicine iu the world can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Palls as a blood builder and nerve tonic; every dose helps to [Hake rich. red blood, and every drip of this new blood feeds and strengthens the nerves and banishes all nerve aches and pains. ,noug those wire ref .r stirnroof of this is Mr. John McDermott, Bond Head, One, who says: "A few -years ago while work- ing as a carpenter iu Buffalo I got web. I ue;rlected to change my clothes and next morning I tiwoko with cramps and pains throughout my entire body, I was unable to go ro work so cened in a doc- tor. I followed his tre'sti>nt, but it did not help Inc. As I was linable to work I returned to my home at Bond Head. Here I consulted a doctor who said 1 was suffering from uenrelgia, but though he treated me for some time, he else failed to help uta. I had often read of De. Williams' Piuk Pills. so decided ro try them. I had not used more thau three boxes before I felt they were help- ing tne. Frorn that ou 'I had gained day by day, after I had used some ten boxes I had fully recovered my old-time strength and have since been able to v ,i k at My trade without any trouble. The pains and ashes no longer torture the and I have gaiued in weight. I think Dr Williams' Pink Pills au tnval- cable medicine and shall always have a good word to sag for them." Neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatism, St. Vitus dance, and the many other blood and uerve troubles will vanish when Dr. Williams' Pink Pitts are used—but you must get the eepuiue bearing the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pine for Pale People" ou the wrapper around the box. Sold by druggists or direct by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Pointed Paragraphs. Bachelors define marriage and misery as synonymous. . One-way to find a woman out ie to call when she isn't in. Amateur gamblers.soon reduce the art of losing to a science. Man wants but little here below— with a little water on the aide. Neither force nor skill can turn the current of a woman's will. A woman really thinks she means what she says—while she is saying it. When a man bets with a woman he always loses whether he wins or not. The summer girl was probably born with an ice cream spoon in her mouth. Any young man who can save up money during his engagement can afford to marry. Rather than prolong the argument, a wise man will admit that a woman is in the right. When a $2,000 fire insnrance policy rabsagainst a $1,000 house it is apt to start a conflagration. There are two kinds of girls: ono leads a man heavenward, and the other steers him up against a soda fountain. People who blame others are apt to praise themselves. The work of a pickpocket is done in a momerft'of abstraction. A fussy person quickly sours the milk of human kindness. A spinster hasn't mach love for a woman who has had two husbands. It isn't always safe to tell a girl that yon admire her blooming cheek. If a woman admits that she snores you can sately'beliove anything she says. If the professional angler has no fish to string he proceeds to string his friends. make the lace a greenish hue, use a little cold tea. When scouring zinc, use a little keno• sane or bath brick, pulverized, and lime. Wash in hot water, and polish with cora. neon whiting. A stone jar with a close cover is one of the safest things to keep matches in. Place on a high shelf out of the reach of the children. Gum arabic and gum, tragacanth, in equal parte, disiieolved in hot water, make the best and most convenient mucilage you oats keep in the house. Silk may be restored by eponging, and while quite damp it should be rolled on a 1*-oomatiok and left natil quite dry„ Silk should never be ironed. BAPTIST 0HupoU—Sabbath services at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:80 p m, General prayer meeting ou Wednesday evenings, Rev. J. N, MO. LEAD, B.A., pastor. Abner Coseus, S.S. Superintendent, MrrTuoDIBT CHURCH—Sabbath services at 11 a >n and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:30 p m. Epworth League every Mon- day evening, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. R. Gundy, D.D., pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH—Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a m and 7 m, Sunday School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D, Perrie, pastor and S S. Superinten- dent, P. 8, Liuklater and L. Harold, assistant S. S. Superintendents. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, ErxsooPao—Sab- bath services at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sun- day School at 2:30p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. Wm. Lowe, Reotor and S. S. Superin- tendent. John Taylor and Ed. Nash, assistant S. S. Superintendents. SALVATION Ancor—Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. POST OFFICE+'—In Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m Peter Fisher, postmaster. Pueeto Lo m,esv—Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Mrs. Orlando G. Craig, librarian. TowN Cooxom—R. Vanstone, Mayor; Thos. Bell, Wm. Holmes, W. J. Greer, Thos. Armstrong. G. H. C. Millikiu, David. Boll, Councillors; J. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock,. SCHOOL BOARD.—J. J. Homuth, (chair• man), Thos. Abraham, J. D. Long, H. Kerr, Win. Moore, A. E. Lloyd. Dr. A. J. Irwin, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS.—A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid. and Miss Cummings. BOARD OF HEALTH—Mayor Vanstone, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Agnew, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer. Wood'oll Pho sphodine, TM fittest Nene assay, is an old, well eetab. Hatted and tellable petaasbeen reeootd� and need over 40years. All drug. gists in the Dominion of Canada sell and recommend as bell Before tssd ifer. the only medicine o ills kind that auras sad elvers universal saMefaotion. It promptly and Msures Loring of Nervous ?oak. Mdsd.: • fft ttdUtor'r y . '0...-.-.*". tnblek T':'t acid as one. ys. eaerre I IA If chi fire h children acquire the bad - habit of biting their nails, which Will disfigure P t When you. begin to notice a man's Ddr name in the financial columns of , Ma 4atflir--_Nailed petell t�+ seta ei the tin etyxi.s' r tibe'pti'ipl�:-dddrass Kers, rmb the tips with aloes; the "d � n eco is mrspaper it is time to looktt�or his wiles bitter taste will remind them that this is ' ' mime in the eooiety columns. forbidden. 1 L feted Rgloom ad Walton Mcxibbou,, dr A. I. McCall kRgisttaa. Prettiness covers a muiltitude of brainlessness in a girl. Women don't seem to object to having red hair unless they are born with it. It makes a nice holiday foy a man to be able to stay home from his office and put up screens and awnings. A strong solution of vinegar and water is efficacious in. restoring the color of black Lace that has grown rusty. Rince in coffee, then iron while damp with a piece of flannel laid over it. WINGHAM Machine & General Repair Shop is now re -opened, and I have secured the services of a man of over twenty years experience ia all lines of Mill and Farm Machinery; also Bicycles, Guns, Sewing Machines, Umbrellas, Clothes Wringers, Lawn Mowers, Scissors. Hair Clippers Sharpened Saws Gummed and Filed Keys niade to order A tripl solicited. W. G. PATON • Victoria St. — WINGHAM. NORTH END BUTCHER SHOP. A PRIME SELECTION OF BEEF, PORK AND MUTTON Also a large stock of Oared Meats of the finest selection. Alan Mika Hams, Bolongna, and Davis' celebrated Pork Pies. Leave your orders early. Highest cash pride paid for Hides and Skins. THOS. FELIS. Opleette ISkatirtg Rink, ESTABLISHED 1$73 THE WIN6II0 TIMES, I8 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY' MORNING The Times Wilco. Beaver , Meek WINGHAit, ONARIO. Tants or Suuscar error —51 JO per annum in advance 51.60 if not so paid. No papier discon- tinued till all arrears ars paid, except at the option of the publisher. Anvsamesixo RATES. — Legal and other casual advertisements Sc per Nonpariel line for first insertion, Bo per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements in local columns are charged 10cts.per ins or firsinsertion,end 5 oenta 1 t t t per line for each subsequent inserton. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Farms for Sala or to hent, and similar, 51.O0 for first month and 60 cents for each subsequent mouth CoNTRAC7. RAmis—The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods :— erwca. 1 TR. 8 MO. 8 Mo. Imo. One Column MOO 15.00 516.00 fN n, Half Column 85.00 18.00 10.00 . 4.Je Quarter Column 18.00 10.00 8.03 2.00 Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and. charged accord- ing)yy. Transient advertisements must be paid for id adtbnce. ' ' ' Tea Jon DEPARTMENT is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the county for turning out first clar•s work. Large type and appropriate outs for all styles of Post- erp, Hand Bills, etc., and the tetest styles of choice fancy type for the finer clssees of print. ing. 11. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher T P KENNEDY, M. L,. M.C.P. S. 0 f • Member of the British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Moonlit.* in Medicine. Special attention paid.So diseases of Women and Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p, m.: 7 to 0 p. m , DR. MACDONALD, centre Street Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, eto. Office—Macdonald Block, over W.DicKibbon's Drug Store. Night calls answered at the othce. T. CHISHOLM, J. Si.. CHISHOLM P.S.O. IfB. ND,cee ,NOP, O. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS. ETC. OFFICE—Chisholm Block, Josephine street. RESIDENCE—In rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls will be answered. DR. BROWN, L. R. L. P., London, England. Graduate of Loudon, New York and Chi- cago. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Will be at the Queen's Hotel, Winghain, 4th Tuesday in each month. Hours from 2 to 9 p.m. .1.1u• VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, ratet of interestivate and . No commisssion charfunds to ngedlouwrrt- gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham. J A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &o. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DICKIINSON DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY To LOAM. °Orrexea: Moyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. s., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Snrgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Lisentiete of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. yr T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST.. Beaver Block, Wingham. D. D. S.—Toronto University, L. D. S.—Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. J, S. JEROME, L. D. S. Has a new method for painless extraction. No cocaine. t epic`a1 attention to the care of children's Moderate prices, and ell work guaranteed.. orrice.— Inhisholm block, next door to Hamilton's Drug Store. I�ssia�w JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. Sales of all kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, ,Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales of Farm Stock and Implenmr.ts a specialty. All orders left at the Tineas office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. Es S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont, 1, • LICENSED AUC'T'IONEER' Is prepared to conduct sales in this section. Special attention given to sales of farm stock and implements. Dates and orders eau always be arranged at the TIMES office. Wingham, FARM ERS and articles they wish to ne dispose of, shove uld aor d err tise the sane for sal• in the Truss. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee thatou will sell because you may ask more for the article or stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the :Tracts and try this plan etof posing of your stook and other RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. TRAINS LEAVE 104 London 8,60 a m .. a,lOp.at. Termite &East .,9 a.nt, 6,50 a.m.— 8.06p.1n. Yinoardae..11.10 am1.40 p rat.... 8.66p,>s, ARklvn nom Kincardine' ....L60 a.ia11.16 a.ta.,,, d.06 p.m. Louden 11.I8 a,m.,.. 7,86 pan. Palmerston e.es a,m, Toronto dr Esat f.IQ p,its e, pas L. HAROLD, Attest. winos*, • CANAD1A1t 1dAL"It'i(7 ItAilt.''11`.AY. V TRAINS LltA'1'11 Fall Terohtrraid bat e.a7 a.aa,,.. S.41 Teamster 1.17 p mlt ....1e. p.til, % seawater... Aaaxva (lee a 5.48 pia.7.areata a tinct ., ,,..1,1711:s taa1e.4e J.) MEiiIB, At ae.Riagkart. QAK APPLES. Formal of * Dl Fropa_wted by all Innate Guiltily. The little brown balls popularly known as "oak apples," which may of- ten be seen growing in clusters upon oak twigs, are not fruit, as some sup- pose, but forms of a disease which re- sults from the attacks of, a minute gallfy (unties). This little insect, a distant cousin of wasps and bees, is provided with a complicated piercing ovipositor in her tail, by means of which site makes little holes in the tender shoots of the oak, laying an egg in each, and at the salve time introduc- ing a drop of irritant fluid. The substance of the shoot is thus stimulated to unnatural; growth and produces an oak apple or "gall," which may be regarded as a sort of vegetable tumor and serves us a home for the grub which hatches out of the egg. This can. easily be seen by cutting open ayoung grail, but in an old one the insect has escaped by driving at tunnel to the outside. The oak is infested by many other kihds of gall. Some are tufted, oth- ers look like currants, and others again are the little brown "oak spangles" seen on the undersides of the leaves. Each kind of galley leads to the pro- duction of n different kind of gall.— Loudon all—Loudon Answers. BOWER BUILDERS. Birds That Construct Gardens For Their Own Enjoyment. There are five different bower birds— three 1n Australia, the regent, the satin and the spotted; one in the Papuan is- lands, the catbird. and one in New Guinea. Their brilliant plumage 1s golden yellow, glossy black or spotted brown, often with a rose tinted collar. Their boners :u•e in no sense nests, but miniature gardens. adapted for en- joyment and courtship and set In the eye of the sun, A pavement ment of equal sized''pebbles is nr ranged, and number- less twigs are thrust firmly between then in two parallel rows, inclined to each other, inclosing au avenue about a yard long and several inches wide. To decorate this arbor gay feathers, ruddy berries, pearly shells, bleached bones, even watches, knives and other glittering objects, are tastefully placed in and around the entrance. The New Guinea bird, still more of a gardener, constructs a miniature conical summer house, with internal gallery.. Before this is a meadow of moss, kept free from grass. dust and leaves, on which bright flowers and fruit are dai- ly offered by the enamored male bird to his mate. RIVAL MUSICIANS. The Earliest International Pasta Conte!* Was field In 1720. The earliest record of an interna- tional band contest is of one held ii the year 1720 between the bands of Ilandel and Buononcini, a gifted Ital- ian composer, who by his friends and admirers was declared to be infinitely' superior to theeGerman master. The king headed the partisans of the Ger- man and the Prince of Wales those of the Italian artist. The controversy has been perpetuated in the lines of John Byron, a popular poet of bis day: Some say, compared to Buononcini, That Mynheer Hand"l's but a ninny. Others aver that he to Handel Is scarcely fit to hold a candle. Strange all this difference should b• 'Twixt tweediedum and tw•edledas. An international band contest on a much larger scale was held in connec- tion with the Paris exhibition of 1867, in which selected bands from Austria, Bavaria, Baden, Belgium, France, Hot - land, Spain and Russia competed in the presence of 30,000 visitors. Russia took the first prize, closely followed by France and Austria.—London Standard. Simonides' Delay. "Why should we expect religion," says Sir John Lubbock, "to solve ques- tions with reference to the origin and destiny of. the universe? We do not expect the most elaborate treatise to tell us the origin of electricity or et heat. Natural history throws no light on the origin of life. 1las Bibliology ever professed to explain existence? Shnonides was asked at Syracuse by Hiero who or what God was, when be requested a day's time to think of his answer. On subsequent days he al- ways' doubled the time required fer de- liberation, add when Hiero inquired the reason he replied that the longer he considered the subject the more ob- scure it appeared." The eeyehelle■ rslands, The Seychelles Islands form an archi- pelago of 114 islands and are situated about 1,400 miles east of Aden and 1,000 miles from Zanzibar. ,They rise steeply out of the sea, culminating in the isle of Mahe, which is about 8,000 feet above the level of the ocean and is nearly the center of the group. Alf the islands are of coral growth. The houses are built of a species of massive coral hewn into square blocks which glisten like white marble. )lilts Reaao*. Judge—You let • the burglar go to ar- rest an automobilist? Policeman— Yes. The automobilist pays a One and adds to the resources of the state. The burglar goes to prison, and the state has to pay for hit keep, trs vletlsa. Nell—fou are simply making a foal of young lit. Saghedde. Belle—Oh, well, I'm probably only saving some other girl the trouble. 're 1Rte Credit. M-40 ybn ate tinder the impresiden that I stn 'a Woman hates' of the wotrdt sort? She—Ne, of the best sort. T !ptll:,7ou wovsit Intend to wlarrr. lr