HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-11-27, Page 3I ---,-----, --,---,I,--, !Zlk��� . � I "I ­ -1 I i, , 11 __ Wool I -WWT . I T I � . �/ . '\1 I . ,, " � � 1 ,4 f , I �, . I 11 I I . . � . 16 -1 ;�� �- . . .� � on I _ "948 01t wlkp�o anoolresseA6 W171 high to Ito quivering brim i, Titmoricallog chalice, and "" 411 b / -,Vl."��--,---------.-..-,-.-,. . � the close O&PUTIty � I of miae, nadvooman, iind gong. , . I Thougli.owastly the dark wine slwbn;. hidie swoop, more tyTIannous blie, Who. till the moou wox 44n,, ' JELdles.mmu fr4in east sea to West 005. j&,ucl atioug O,b � 4 wine be, # the re . IR61ortbeloss is woman, mare otrong. ifeit fair of the Jove. 91yeq throe- . Q1 viie,'qnd woman, aua Boil;. I : ­ � . 'Buttlip-rhyme-of thy Rbino-empgbypan .9 - Is niore Sweet than thyself, XApralio. As over the aight's lolge rim , I � t uptuopsly; Them obarotest Vol . . I Fie, stringer 10 Bank tot me, To btuO with 0, subtler tboug,- �. I . 'Her only may I not goo . I . 0i wine,and wg�imsn, and 9,014g. I .. I I VNVIO." . . 11 . .1 Then box must I serve without plea, . who doeth bar servants much wron3,� Q aea�A tons of the Jove gWon threa, � . AL)t line. 4nd, 00insu and 0049. � .. _ � Trau�pertutlea to Mil0erla. I It was In the reign of Alexia Milthailqvitabo "that of Peter the Great, about the midd , Is of 4be seventeenth centnry, thit biberla � received its ATot *carsviu of crimlaalo, and . $bcgo has boon A regular finiju%I guocaggloo�of , , them since. The yearly contingAnt increased Urgely under,tbe late Emperor Nioloolgo, audL tromt, About 8,000 in the middle of. bid reign ibBi total number of -transported peraons has . sison to 18,000 or 19,060 under Ajexa64er Ir.,. I or (comprising � other countrisi than Siberia) 20.000. While a portionot theme conviots in _. 1. . , 00THIN ILARE ]USAST81.0 I X Wiliole irleet Oir sman Boats . Wreloned on X,onke Qn�nrlo. . X "ad I'llps 9f i'mapepo � $AMTT�o ITAR330a, Now York. - The otealA to$ Seymour, of Og4qnsburg. left CAPO Vincent Yfttorhy At DOOR With A tow o,ousloting of three dredges, two dorriolta, , Ana Boven spowo, owned by Beklor & At. DOW, of Buffalo. Tiosy, had fine .weather until after pRoolng Galloup Island, off, I Sa0kottlo Harb6r, when. a, galo of wind froin the norkboadt with a heavy opow otorm met In. The lux � ana tow got within, five or fix tuilt'". Of Odwego when she !OR% �t . IS lights. and turned around sudepoleavoXod to hold the fleet until daylight, �nt the Asol broke away, and was lost, with Oil ,hando, exoopUrg'Blx,­wbo . were resousd by two tugs., Thirty-oue persons, including 11 � . I I three women and Que girl, were dXnwqed.. The fleat.to atotalloso. Following is silist ofthose drowned -f Mr. Arnold, one of the � � . I - - .. . m .. or; JAWOR J3, ZOU1190 13119410; rasnux I Grand Rqplas, Mich.; Patrick Pon, chino'. Canada; Them" Thompsoj�,. I � ; .L11Z . X41110 I V19; Ludeon ,Morr!Bon, Welland, Canada; Jerome Manson, wife and daughter; Chao. England and wife, Chas, Craryough, Laohino ; 4,dWard Beanoau, Bnffalo,;, John Wood mud son,, Ogdensburg; Noah Garraw. JDgdono. bwg-, U. Marsban, Ogdensburg; Wm,'Soott, Ogdonoburg; Oa0t. Sam.. Logan and Win, . LoiRan Moirjisbuirlz, Oat. '_ ­ ' ' I I � a U . 0ifiorig, are onudemood.to bard labor, another v4WZG:),, XX9W 4tom. —,,-JUlf 139 J- A - K � 1. 11 and much larger portion simply hold tho . � ,Bitter, Of Buffalo, picked up ork,the like Position, of forco&ooloalots forbidden to leave mud towed here to. day, was . abandoned half a a � Tob,l,k fall of,,wa,ter. The ongineor was oa:ved 444 ,artain place. The government of takeii to Sackett's Harbor. The pilot -house 1, along receives nearly half of. the convicts- I I - ' . *boul . a 600 . annually �in recent I years I - door, 6abirt slide, engipe-roomi, doori, sind I . 'v forecastle of he Bitter a �. Tomak, �obout 2j600; Jantseink, 8,500; Irk' I , were Op no and Reab . . � I- ;. A & & . 41. 91 6, Qh. ­ ____ ___._ , - , .. WkIKIK WAIN ONBABIEV9, - iA , — A .. ow-Foilblened Tom*-$ I At the. 154yaquet given to erant In Ohleagg on Thursday night by, the Army Of � Tanusonee, Mark Twain was called upon to Koppond, to the toast of ',The Ombloo, ; 44 they comfort Do In opt gorrowerlot us not forget, QiOm in our festivities-,, Uri Qlemeu4 said , 10 I like, that, We U.%Ve not all had the good fortune to be Indio$. We have, not Ali been Generale, or posts, or oiateomon, but when The totiot works down to she bableo we Stand onvommon ground (laughter), for' we have all been babies, (Renewed laughter ) It I ' 0 a oh&fil$ . th'4j, forr a thousand years, the world's banquato have u I I I , 0stly Ignored. the baby 'oughtur), as it he didn't amount to anything. (Langlitcr ) It yon will stop land think a mirmte-11 you will go back 41qV or one hundred years to your early . , worried life (!an8hter) mud r000nlemplato. , � . your Ar4k baby-you'w �.111 'remember Abet . �. I . be amounted to w great deal, and even I something I I over. , miro.) You moldlere 1" . all know that ,h(,. that little follow Arrived At family headquarters you had -a baud fit your roolgoation. (Laughter.) He took entire, command. You became. wlickey -his were body-4vant (laughter), mud you had Watand around, too. (fIgnewed laughter) Us was not a commander .who =Ado Allow, stioeo for time, distance, wealher or anything aloe. (convulsive soreams') You bad to otouteibio orders whether It was. possible, or not., (Boars) Ancl,thbralwas only onetorm of machinery for his manual of tactics, and tholtwas ,she doubleqnick. (86outi.) flu Areated. you with every Sort of ineolonce and disreopeok�(laughtor)-mud the bravest of you did. not dare to say &word, (Gloat laugh. ter) Text could fade, - the, dopilt otorni, of Down and,Vioksburg, and gIve back bldw for blow,, butwhen he clawed your whiskers And pulled', your halt, and twisted your noon, yon had, to. take...It. .,(Roara.) W46n the- thunders of war were Sounding In your Touching, vlalkolre* " U0,614., , )#ALLASIT SICAL IFIQUT. )6''Adle Wco ,, It Is generally supposed, that small.oh1l. , Oran, I*A their volatile tomparamewwond I ", Novq � The OhIllan AdMIrars " it The wbl:ligtg ,I 11 Aix 014-1*obfoa�d 48 141, , _ Unloose, cannot be tan4lit or Imtod 10,110 , ,i" '. . " .. a the HumooAr'm dapture uptake her ct a, , morlig, - L%aJqo gre - With cookery. Miss Coroon'bas proved.olutio , $he contrary, Last. year 64 bad a ol"s of . o and a With the Almost berolom, o of , a& raw 00 90POTIN tho the Hosocar was so battered Ana Bra adopting al The foutteoutUsud I children, from Abe Now York Home tot that she Is probably no . , slope. Particulate of ..- . , be, worstbe pings v Soldiers' Families ; tb[4 year ton o , . do f thism, the entire cooking for %be Ininatoo,,@4 Is got. ilia conte � .. gde a. . o% show that the Humecar � to t rrible :fight agat4ot hope. 464mirs), (Iran .9 .. . I . � emble � me flourt . shed= I lit# liorodoery baoxi I . , 150, In that, institution. Icall the 0146000of hit W40 oh.QA' v a In the oboervatign turret Bud cartled below. A three . some embkmo of fat Wo Now York Cooking Sohool a are . . . . . 40 pupi, more Industrious, helpful, And intelligent Wen hunilreil-pound, shot onbacquently cruohed� 'gun I aimbol, which ,might When these wero ( .the little obliaron,from the mission bobwAs the ,.Sear's 4toerigg gear, . pasoed� through the Teasel leaving, a groat Abe t.ffoot wag quota: o4mumo .Rod charitable, institutiono. Ill point of fact, the qbildrealo classes lire breach, mind killed Gran, his aldoi, and 'then gave each Parisian," have redioc . too most charminj On dusef 01 and. Important, I � � .. I I � ravoral others. Wile- Uumicar became unmavogemble, and was left, COMPIOtOlY At - SO& mottoes ore km�] I I foxibe whol000,mO effect they will have on the otralts, of society they represent, The artisan the m0rO-Y Of the 011111RUO- -One gun Was Swallows are more a bird of the Danish b I I . . � dome I e . Fit in I situation for these litt I Is folks and - oltmabled. Pat of 218 men Only. 80 were left ­ � , I &I've, and a malwity of these were, :ate that !be was I IN older 6148. compriseil. tho pro] - p,armt,lom and - cooking of -Simple dishes, getting the, table 0 I I ODW i * - __­ ­ wounded. 71*0 mandate hod one. 1 1 11 . outh.11 Gold own 0 � satin ground, the4l I I. bringing in, the dinner, waiting at table, re- � -moving . I And washing ooilod d0lies, and rogn- seeded each, Other lit their perilous post ; three were dead, one grievously wounded, -in , , . � -maintain prefer to, revered I f&ahlov, it the f,ghlol I I Is ting kitohbn And dining room. I - 1, his 1 4 the fourth barely able to � . - I jag qu - Suit ns did Ja I . Let, us, go and take a poop at the obildrcn�. A little � . - Ilook, underthe guidance of a kindly fi ,trumpet, and yet the rat Chilian boarding party wa's successfully driven off, This wai I I ­ , In her oostunio boro� and black docks, or , �. ' I . . . matron, is p%SBIDg dowii to the baaement; we . the expiring, vilort, Bud the next boarding . , I I .1 the drowned oottlob, . 11 . enterwith -them. . How merrily they babble ' I . as itey divest. thems6lveo of buts And. Shawls I party seized thavessel. � Fern advioss. state that Congress passed 11 11 from writing paper i may style thewoolvt What a ripple and trill of childish laughter as they birive'lor'tho first rowsolchalvil several Bills according to the widow, of Ad miral Gran a full:paniton, and bestowing, le banni. de Ue'see. serve many 6t thei n Listen: souddenbueb, a settling 11 down in : I � - I upon her and her children a valuable dwelling I I in the principal streets -of Lima.' Another the fashion will at 181 ospits, and a amo qblng - of aprons, lie Nino Corson Appears, and,- doffing bonnet and 18 street Is to bearbla umme, and a monument I existence, 11111 the. I ciases so, be an out i cloak, takes her'Opeltion behind the table 1. . - � 0 with a cheery lo.05bd afternoon, to be erected to his b000r. The families Of others of the Huasear's or . .ew who perished in dieealism,.Londo4 . — I - I . . , children." , T he lesson of the day, Sol, o the black -board, the battle and the survivors are p.pproprimtel I I � _Y Tho'brigmbtioei 9 , � I is "Fried Fillets ot Flu I a . nder,'? . 11 Maitre � rawarde4. --Saboorlptlon4 amongst Ali classes ward Islandi from 0 d'Hotel. Butter," 11 Grilled Fish Boneooll sad for the purchase, of a now ironclad axe pro,- . . to Bermuda, experb � . 11 Carsomel-CuetArdo-ilt -1 . I orgaoing rapidly. . . . _� . , � .. �. _ � � . - . � . . . . , Alig, voyago"and on! during thick, siorin I . --Two or. three girls are usually chosen-' - I � difforout ones at saolt lesson -to assift In 16ATE COAMMS AND EA)MLYGOXIM, . . . I I . ,, , west,reefs. The Tel . making .the diofieo;. so when the, material, I .. it 11ow Bovi Dr. Orcalooton Care*d his Floe , part cifthe cargqarl I I . was laid on the tablei and. the lesson Raw . . of a A14A JXUb1t. I The Detroit Ffo . nuanced, Miss Coroon said, 11 What. little girl Is anxtous to helb me cut the filletW-8,0me . . I . . .1 � The Baltimore American tells the following Indian wear would1h their comfort by viol , *'tit strong hands." .� . ,onewl . - , . . good story of. Bev. Dr. Ormiston, formerly of the Central Ptes0yierlap Church, I i Miss Emma Thl A dozen hands were hold up at once.. . pastor . � lm -#.A 4,� U . .I utak, a, little under 4,090, and the territories WSSP 9 Ov. r all - Q 0 QU . JASM C , .. card you so 41rlev who -came- wdiN � . . rr- - * , , . !,_.your faces WwAajh@_�0046_40, Seloating-one-of- -the.-, Sides . ... JAp9A.;__Ao.wondar_1bSv XbO MAJOASY-0 - I ab6fil oinking- , Zer..englns-�waa. choked_up-,..-m,, . I At Chicago Oreseber, was driven to Musloal-yestival. . , ot Tralusbailtal and Jakut*k, sbout500, From witbd6al o,ud$hedeck�loadof:ooslwafjmootl,y' P�6ii�7aad ",Wfili-itia-dy- tread, bat, when arouOd and stood. by her side, ,Miss Cordon, speak sharply to some of tharnomberm of his . Postal cards, .- 1870 to 1875 -there Weie traniported to Want- I he turned on %he torroro of the war,whoop- taking up a sharp thin bladed 'knife, deftly I . waphed off; The water to the 1;6110 now church I . 4an Siberia 40 000- persons, and a little uu� . 'the r Wag (laggliter)-yoxi advanood in tho other dired.- out off %kid whole I'Mide ]piece or fillet of the . in New York when he found that In Autitrla in 18 1 alto warm, sh6vir ' that_ fireo'bad I . � I no small number of them wore in tho'babit, of I -_ - . I li­kni 'banding the knile to . ­­­ .11, .1 ­ 164 ­ __­­ _1_--__._11f__.__._ I - . . - _ - - der.36,000 to. ZRatern-SibPria- ­­ ­ I -%ion, gkad.- mighty - glatt for the , chance, 'too. fi4h,entir6, onol'then . I . . . . In such a maltitudo, dispaZged o�er im- � , ­iifiog S . 1. lid aga, (Renewed laujghter.) When he callod"ivr thowitoblAl girl at. her Bids, gmTe minute rushing out of the.churoh during the singilig " . .. � I I . t =ends olimoes, and the m.9j)rity on linch free. _ . 6ng . wbio .. - was the . it or, ' wore all moothing syrup, did.you . wntur . 6 to throw out directions from time io time, ore of t . a last bym I U catch social -1 I I itermaj it. is -not easy alwayw to mAip4iD-dieOl-_ ad a W , g-mg6loting fl 9 Oynto. � . which � W.. tro ,Dr, Ormiston, when be was 0, . . ­ - I , I.... 1. I PT � any didwrouiddrgboat certain aervIoes,boing-. -followedso- accurately that . the,remaining, , nice. Bev - � �. . tow. he ore a the ,schooner ollie P. I I � .1 - . I I I caUdd-JO1­1d"LL 0 in that Rome city- _-1_.-_...'- I .. - . pline odpeavautdosertiona, fioucethavoie lubsoominig an officer and a obntleman? three hiletaweie soon .lying, akin side down,. . I ., 1. - .b I .;� _.. . 11 , � . *�tor. !died ,Corson., then, taking - up upon � ,Downey report that at 11. 30 last nIght,,whqp found " U` I llwell�;`111`g - Often considerable diracrep%noy between the (136laterous laughter.) � No, You got. up and on the eon - n sting , In p I it . Official figure of transportation and that of the fifteen miles off Odwigo, they'almostbolliaed. got It. - (Grant- is . ughter) , Whon,he ordered the k � milev ob6iv6d the. the . first Sunday that -but.lowdl ilia eon- : . 'olonists present.. 'On . -a long, I � � I class how to out the � actualbodyof forded, a with the Seymour's tow. They saw � I gregatiou had arrived. .Us waited until sho. I ' � . . line of lights t1frough the miat mud snow, the- pap bottle and it was not warm, aid you fillets clean from the akin. ' - the lat lif Jamu%r,*, 1875; e. g , the respectite , talk back? (Laughter) Not youi (Rs- Meanwhile Another girl is. called for to timl for biginniog 9 mervioe, when he . and Supposing it wa's Oswego they abortaired. I . I road In his pulpit ready to offai the openin - . mumbero for Tobolak were 51,000 and 34,000. nowed laughtior.) You went to work and make the breading. With flushed ,checks � I � '. .9. Bull and prepared tq run in, when suddenly I prayor. 1$011 the, poo 0 _.- . In some cases a third or oven a bqlf of the, boom. ; warm Is wee in ...Or � .. od it.. (:31iouts.). * You. even - do. I and. an air of, importance, a likt tb g . pla kept coming-dllwn - - _.__..____.________, . ther- new - tv-derriek- under, their jib the aisles one at a Magi The grant preacher . , ZgIatered convicts I &'iv,a_,`ais­s­p_ p-sare-'a.-_ - ocondtol go far in your menial office; as to steps up, seizda the roller, and vigorously S , � ou"Who remain the great- khajority have They board no voices, and. saw nlothing more. stood perfectly silent in him pulpit, turning it . - ke take a * duck at that warm, insipid sluff,� � rollutho broad -crumba -to powdbr, beats an '. � I � I . neither regular profasaloa nor cousiant"00012- , The following compoped the wrec d Root � egg up with a opoonful-of water, andr.otired.. life penetrating glance to each late covisi as he . ' . . . (U%ush I . earjrloing that-artmi- no far-so,known: Tage 0. A. ThAyer, Phillip. , tat) -just to see it it �wm right, three o0enedXI4 pew. door, and for fifteen minutes . " pation. and it. -is not � * -parto water.- to -one of milk--�(tpwultuoas Tlie Older girl, �wbo by this. time has pro- .. � "lity 'timing fiightftil proportions. In the Bakpr,, Charles, M. Bitter, John Hicklor; ids them, dips this Silence upon his part was kept up, until � . . . . government of Toboli6k there is on 6 average � dredoe.o, John Hiokldr No., 1, John Hickl�r laugliter),-�-m touch of sugar to modify the pared the remaining filleta, bref I a the last arrival had bed2, seated. This was . 1. xo5, ana Cloodep. . . i ,,* : _ colic-(laughtel)-ana-sor6p of peppermint, themin the egg, and in the broad -again, On 64 absolato'cure for lateness In that churchi - � . i . . one crime. committed annually per-goventT. � , , , ,io kill those immorkii bid3oughs. '(Boars. I ) � lays thdm. . on a dish, id Teadipbos to be It . led * two convicts; in the government of TomA, , The rejanne-cutter Manbattau, with an 0 I forthemombers much traterradjo sit wall. one per . eixtysevon; for the twoprovinwe Oaw.ogo life crew, went _�p Abe lake to. day in ,I O"%U taste that stuff. (Erianghter.) Andhow a delicate brown in Smoking. h t lard. - ' tug in thsir ptwo for a. half hour before the ' " . . 011 � . orto nothing many thinge.you learned as you .went along I ' - ,1 Now, children, you obaerve that"we have. - there in Dearly one crime por 1.'000 iftbabi, oeAX of,the .wicaks, but rep . I , servico rather than run the gauntlet of their' . ' . . . I . , . Sentimental y6ung-folko'still. sake stock in the a ulee b6holeft ; Shall we Ahrow it away or � � I . tents atiunally. In Siberht,'taken as a wh�leo 0613n. . ... . . . . . . . I mying .that when the bab,v� use.it.2- I think it, would be nice p,ril pastor's kebn eyes in the,eblemn atillnosi Of . there is one robbery by an armed person for � D, N.. T.­"'Whan the byauOial old . i .Jod. We . hie church. There izan unwritten I law of 1' ' . . . � - , - -6very 31;000 Inhabitants, and one"bomlol" Rile struck the lost Rest all.the tugs out 16010. smiles it is because the arogals.are whispering. will, take some-muatard, salt, RE-ppor, salifd - church .mannere � , aside from. . any question' , . I to him. -Very-pretty,. but-toio thi4,-almply oil,, and vioegar-make a pests of them, and - I . . . - for Idea than 0,006, making security of person Irom,66 tow except the Seymour and sought ' I I - let . us ,broil of - raligiolus propriety, ' - which - demands ' :=_,; . . . to savo� thomiolves. . - The soowa "soonspaxted - wind on the stoninobt my fri6hd� (Shbuts.) Spread it over the bone. Then in Basslan Asta!qDILabRu; "i�4tkRJLIL . . ' Wgrvelt- ..P,,omp.iness::--in."rri.v,al,--&Ud.-."�a��,reopail,fafu — I -WIVOT-o" _tuim -11 -the -baby -,proposes,: to-take-a-vailt-al-bi ' n- ,4t-oll�-an-oiltd-gri'diro.�Tana,�atterwird�,, . eaterii Europa. I �. : ' 1�,::. ­ — Vr __ �. 4at in tThWIug -Tl!§ye-i.' . stay until the benediction is pron6unced and - , t9A 11 - I . i . � : � . k a 6f jiff. I hour, two - o'clock in the, mbiail)97- ,with upriga. of pardley or -slices of lemov, ., .. I The slight It . arrier of ,bb'Uril iSL6moily Punkand ibis su�poded all the crawarelost.. 1181111i . � I . the-offiolal distalssal-givin from thepulpit. -T � .. . � .1 - - ps. I used by the fugitive convicts, and distance Th6 tug Boiker was shandonvA in a sinking (1111glitei)-didn't ydu rise up promptly -and Novi beflideelho.-filleta from*thb fish, we have And yet.one Will find in nbarly-siery church ch .. �� � . , , , ondition, �ut in getting her a rlinitizIr, with a mental addition. whiou would thih, - making two delicious dishes where .. - q, .longside of the 1. .. is not of.muoh, account toA Rusoiam'� The , riot i;�priovb s, Sixuday 86o6l book peo�le commoDlymake, but one.,, . in this city, a disregard'of these laws which ' not . . Ally &-large numbir'Ol � the' , dredge Guidon she. otove.a, hole in.thelatter ­Vmughur)�-ih�t.- .that �Wai - very . .- IQo . kt I . at .times .becomes Intolerable, and which In . � I . � police arrebt aunny . . I i the , . T49 children id Very wise, a little . - . whic�h quicklk filled li�r,ihh watei'stid both . no Small, degree disturbs both 'minister and . I . diseritrA ;-mora.than ton per coate 6; the thing you word, -about to . propose, your- bub*gry for the dowing f�Ast.*and exceedingly, I . , , , , . . . 0 1 %eons sent every'summor, from A10000w1in crews were lost, except Thomas Smith and self.? (Greatroara.) OU:you-7wore,under .interested. An unusual flatter 36ok . place, congregation. ,' Irk many churches., the, lost I Siberia are fugitives being sent back, Many, two Sweden. Those clang to the cabin 61 the . . I .. I . halt dozen seats in 'the body of the house are I . ' 'Pod diselr,liiie�.�(I'augiltoi)-4'nd, * Be yon when two little glili Were, called. for to make - ' ft La , L - the. -dredge and -w re plokoik4p at.-4"li, _ , y thin- -L . . ... � ­ n.OUBtardo,ly Slid one to mlike "L - occupied. by:perstnio. * Q _mJ*ayS. tom�o -. , .-however, esompai-altogaiher, and recruit . � . q ' ' "" ­­ L Kht b. _ � "we . - down _ th07 room in " ,alto Maitre � 4 . . . L I . , . _ lit faltering. up- and in& to come � in . a fe . W. minutes, after , W I . large army of vagsbouds��. It is. not Wonder: Ssymour. 1: - . . I . .1 I ..... . ' All tfie L - .1 . . .. h_ ,, _ _,,*_'__,,,,, ,_ , _ -J, t. �j' .� _'L_. �_' .. . '�_, , ­­­­ i" '. � . .,� . Tour tindress uniform"'(taughtei)­you not d'gotal.Buttei." 'hands - iiint UP at 06 &L,f . . ' . . LLTZR PARTIOUL Its. � : - -,:. . f.'o6jtmjd8.­ ! biigun,-andgo out'. !sw minutes- - fat that t a .system O ranspor a ion . , . �, . '1-' ;niy prattiod- uid-ightfica' bah,,p�iih; - 'buiti 'once ai'thenierd montlou.0 rhe servidg-11as , . . in � befoisitia�eudea., ItignOM46men"byaby" ` pr000ntoolargely practiced ftDde but little ' ' OGD]kNSBURG,'N6WY.Ori,VrQm,' the -best even tunidufoyotirmartislvoii�.'iud triW for 406' girls W40vere, chosen' marehed I I ,tLh me no,w4o are-ontirily to blame fort I . tgkvo.rationgjarietB.'aiislothero6dou�tea.w.fCw information up to Able morning Wig bellevad to oing 'I-1dolt-'a-by baby in the tree top," around behind the coatiter, and, b rooignbd. .4 ' . . I the topraosion of crime, or among politicians . thas the only persons lost on bomjr& the tow of for �iiostance. . (orbit laugliter.) ' What- a iomainabriubsiaea into L �Qla ettentlon.� , State Of thingo'- for L the rustle of dredge * I . Sibsrim I 'itself, , I - . PI I . . heard in the , aisles. after the Service concerned with colonization; tbatug Seymou6mroCapt Login. bid brother, opsetwele * for in 'Army .,of .- Tennessee. -One of the little7maido boat tho,eg& luatily, * I An colonies, blegine to � Ad .other, awe6tening *ana flavoring it openied I ally as, often ;as' the, are like the Brltiah Australl .. Willisin Arbola,'�.art owner, and the cook (Laughter.) Anil Aaran-affiletiou for� the iihile, i . I . I � . k the * sending to her, of no. much and her busband.� of dredge � No. 8. * Tho �, for -it is not everybody . within 'quArt of milk acoording Ljo direction, Built' now'boots.. PASCOWIewa it ,to:11- . . ressal ' . . . Y neighbors, to( . . ,ti6nn "and . to th Ive '. . � . so human refuse," as ii might bo'called,whiah, . wotild h%v6 -boon savea but for the tug Bed'ker- a mile around 'that 'likes militarymusia'af on'the firo ito boil, ,stirring it 'darofully";, I tt tag v � ML I �Otsteps of Dr O&MOlely!a: . far from onriching -and- far* iliz' i ' J110 manigg intotbe dredge and Moving Whole in' three in the morning. - l,L%ughtor.) , A d then -a Sieve was" Nola, over' the beaten: !, Collya . L . . 1. I , I L . country, poisons ,the. air 'with Its f0tid her. Nearly all .,Of the Seymour's -has when ybu hid been ko�ping this Sort of thing iegVvo*� the milk with its lomen rind Dr. Ormisto:n. and bro I L emanationsi Bud drives away the inbibitan1g, � baen found,'- - Bud' it is ,thought that up two or three hours, and yodr little 'velvet-, and ougar,strained therein, then poured I' which is - oo - offensive a I tit . I . The penal oybtsm in Bussiac is fully discussed With, ,,the asaistapoo that ham been sent head intimated,that inothing suite I d him like dupe, which were placed in a baking -pan, wit h() the beauty Of 4 church L .. . . � . In a recent Article by M. Leroy-Beaulien iti� out All will bb:�.icked up except. dredge No. 3 exercise end' noise (laughter ;. "I Go on 1% 'hot water a airoundfug them. . The little g Iri '. , , .. . I . . I ' the Bevue daQ Deux Mondes, .to.which we Riot: land the tugs Booker and Thayer. which - what -did L �yba do ? - .. you. , *simply wei;i� then cautioualy slid the pan into the oien,lier .. One. of B"iiiar . . I . � indebted for the above faoW. ' - . - , foundered without anyone on board. One of on I -until you dropped ' in the. last. tong, aglow W'"'Lpridain'llie onto performance - I * I - . . . . Previous to a . _w� ' '. 1.�' .­ 4be dredged to in Wad all right.' and 66 is. ditch. , (Laughter ) ' The idea' thsit a baby. of -her taek. Meanwhile the third 'little. dam. - -Pattkammeri'noil 8 I . The Coun.toos of Dudley, who is said to i6ft- Mud Pettit it suchoroand., will.tindoubt. � doeanq utoonut to .anything I Wh�,,o'n6 Oaf bad chopped her paralby, mixed it with an 'in . I have recovered her loug-lost diminondo,stnJon. edly. be'placd- Up tb..day., -. . I , . . I . baby . is just m.-housa anda,frQnt yai�d full ounceof-butter, steaspoonful6f lemonjuice, father. -law was rat I &Atha Great. Weater):03tation from barmaid, . '.1 - . . .. ... . . I . L. . , itself. (Laughtei.) One �aby.�can fQr_L hnd.whil. to after which she daughfdr!g handi no � *: � I - . — . by ;Is salt and.p9ppe ed with hie future son-m� Bra MOM0,yearo since, i's onp of the lovely daugh. . ons. 1* I Dish more businbou than you And your whole. rbtired to her, Beat, and another small child wisknown.for. , . . ters of Sir -Tho . nine Monerieffe. -Her husband *�- '- VnX..,1NrANxMU: .3vLo, . 11 , . &tjona $0. L came forward to drop the. fillots in t4e Brook, is wild It i, wbio , I I — Interior Dapartmont ' can 1 . him the' ion I u6t. I I so entric, B . n I ounLed Her Majesty' Oatte and was Mr. lijails on & . 1. , I A . The a , ' Ing lard. - All ihe. clape wgitQd for the lemon Many� . I.: - (L' . . ppli d. by private letters ire .(Laughter.) -lid is enter Hoing, firepreoei-, Stories were a Od of 1his J6 — " , 0 , ' a ' � , , . L - -KAPIGAMeAllst.vatrov.. ' I" h a good shot. -11, ... 4 ,1-1 1,_A'_.,.1,._ rimful of liwlssi activities . (Lauah- efietarde. casilnx troubled. Rlauces tit the I no. I 'Form" I . �, I 4Or_Ab1Or__G% I --- . " .... - - - m:tb70y-W­Sr-86T0-Wry­a -somo-of-whloh­di#­great-ho r-to-hidr- and horseman,- and VSKer of A UrOl-VISSS iishw.- been found already,, and the w6r 'ioonl just ter.) Do what you please, you OR oleo iiiii forth from ing- at thWdid his chivalrous regard rpure in classics at Oxford, be.- was the ,Vic- a r on the .reservation. . (Great the O�Un sid placed ,upon theJable, the "lea- . I L a ' monced.. ,In --Lorca thirty-two,' y iorra hilw OtAY . - , womanhood., One 'of, those a0colmi; . . = an extraordinary delusion. fancying, . Ora S "' ' . AS I Almagrers, thirty, Pperto Lubibrorag -ten ind shouts.) - Sufficient, unto the day is One son concluded, the abildreirl or6wded.-aiOund litelyL recalled t L I ., . I , on 0. in t6'�tssto L L . himself at timis. &' a certain inter _.'.... 'hat o my mind by'thatidwe kf who citing AlcantarillA eight , have been found,. but the ,baby. (Laughter Y 'As Jong' me y at . and.raceivb -their oharbo- of, the *Uhano6llor having bestowed. -a ban blue .*.. . rrawcal . condition, and then Silencing the, street in number of missing .is something beyond: your- Z�Ight. mind don!v you - ever -praj for finished results- of � thn Union, Little tin - , I . . I . . . , . LL .. . . . front of his house, and oinking all the usual, belief. 'Ai Lorca .the WAtor'. OR ' 0 dOWD theL twine. (Laughter. Mr� Clemons is the pails popped up. - mytorlously to receive the praient on the daughter, of a Tyrolese $Boxnt- .. . , L � I in irl, w.bbae acquaintance he bit a . A ­. � I'.., ,. . . . , .... I preparationp. � This drove his first wife, the 'rivei'like a walli The suburbs age )note than - .father, of a pair.) Twins amount to a .well-earntolUnintlea. . RMBalidbliawls were 9 .1 I . .� . . ' 4- - �­ Ut.. L -1 'bep lidatil a one- harried on': of outhful. re,mbles. through 10 % * a. 0 ".. - L' . beautiful Miss Do Buigb, away from him,. 11 .. d nod': the littl y I I I I I and she died within the-firet yesi. of th6ir lage, -at Xi6, of grief., -.13ines hid, mar ]E?*T pe, and what wits a I w """ go' � Fall lea and market Series 0 _ y cultivated firm 'country "houses and � . %_ 6. P I S ,. I difference -1 '.:betivoiij� ,in't spy rem 10 triplets aDa 'an ins urrictioiL (Upiops" us J _� ling on the- ' . I . doors, and pang pavement,'cooed an n- dilultered with satisfaction over the co L This country nisiden, w one f t to . ted Catholic,,- was.,m wealthy pb a � .to. . �� 'L ly 4 . ,� I I I .1 I � For the P1 Xiage with MISS Uoacricffa he has been per- - - gara,ns pisjt�o witi, . flowergardens, to Dow an innienseiaud plain shouts.) - Yss, it is high time for a toast . tents Of their little Pails like many dpVofj enchanted young tto You I are , t . rent probablymot drenining, of' t 0 eon' in , . V -61-A Ibr O . . featly firms from any, eccentricity until -Within: . - __ ___ ____ '_ 0. was attacked wiih the last. y'eRr., when It ' _tfiere--io- no: other Word for Lit, .ons little I to the wassop to'redognize the -A kapdriance., � of %bablog., .'(Laughter) Think what -So im a dovecote peening corn'. . garper's.Xa#ar. iineforDecerkber. , ..L . .. I L , *he I to- - bit' - i ODS1 7- .store for, film',"'Ifiat' -he - i . * . , Indigestion, -­­.UeadmOb1w, ' ' der. paralysia. He is now in Parls, snA,in 6i baby came floating down in the middle of the stream, safely borne along I ri its orhale, .ilia - . is in ptore for. the pieoent . crop I F ifty . .. I I L� I � . . . - . . . posed . .for her hand ,vin_ 0 or ,� job was categorically refneed by tho. paro t on .... . .Eruptions' ious es , � - �. �. , . ,% to avoid the inconvenience of visits" he . changed big quarters fyom one hotel to I . . t littlo thing quietly'. playing with-fto � yeari from now we shalt all be dead,- L I' trust (laughte4, and then this Aag$' - -' . I . ` ' . . A. 66 straw." . - - . I I . . account. of his Protestint. faith. I . Z Was , . . 1,Te NO r . .. 11 L . . I I - "other everyday, to :o6forind his friends. He only opens hia letters onea. a fortnight, t4o,!oor 00 With great care mud caution L ft rope was thrown tiVer It and it wag safely brought No if it atilf survive (and. 'lot us hope. it may), will -be floating over . 'a Ilopublio numbering 'A Woodward avenue car going north yon - torday full of passengerd was boarded by a sorely disappointed" at the rebuff, but tore himnelf. away from the obliet of his affdotion, . . .1 ,.L " �� ­ - -=; . . an indulgence foi which he had to pay dearly � to the'oide' and the baby was -osVed- , 7, - .. Should' ' hiiie been found to own it' parent � 200,000;000 .could, according to the settled . .man with a book and pencifin hit hand, rind. , who a few yoots aftorward, was, against hot wish,. for6ed to marry a strilot oatholfc.� she - � - - I He bought a fine service of the other day. - old Dresden -for a fabulous oum. � Fifteen ,,in !, found to claim blemma bad L its a 110 exproosed his, desire to adopk it... At Motoii I laws ofOar increase. Carping Out sobobli6i. of stito (laughter) Will have. grown into -a . Ad straightway began L taking & Vote of" the . . Someansweredindsome passengers. -didn't, . - settled -at Salzburg, and died there, 'aft6r. giving birth to,'A 44,ughter, - In whose .* welfare I'll, --- ... - -- .. ... -,. . ... _-. L.-.. __ __1 . I days later he opened a letter in which the . Identicai-servicerwascifaidd him.for less than . a man was, brought out thro . ugh the rent of politic At lavlathan-a Great �Elistorn. The' babies of * to -$ay' ,,will be on deck, -and Some didn't exactly itudirstana what lie Wits I 1p to. When he came fil6ng to is little . � I . the Chancellor took a Warm - interest. On . , , - - .. .­ --- . ; and . quarter the amount. . lie 'U'pixty-two 6 had %eq children by- his Second* Wife. ' his h6use ; hd had been three hours with the . ,water up to his chla, holding aloft hio two . i cradled Lai. them be well.tiained, for wo ale goluE I . I .L -bonds. . old woman Vith-ber lap, fall of ,parcels. find' . . *: L - ' L -1 bundles obe"dolled out - - - , hearing o f his pirotepe's engagement bud. I . L approaching weddingi Prince Bismarck sent I . ... .1 - , - . . L . . Carom or 'MAXG�AOZ.— . A - Frenchman . . L ' dhildren. one in each blind His Vita bad been swept away ]Sefore_�is eyes, witli Do �ik ,to 1006 A- big 6ohtkicl on the Among the three- or four Dill. � ..- ',, Thera is fear o , fi�-d We L I 'Us fifthe family, � �mlr bar his best wlshoo,. secompar.iod bi avalu- . * Able ... glfi.��Verlin: 0�nlapondenc . a Zondon - .., ' I I namedoinirefona hawpublished�s smallwork . hands of Saving her. But reports,' of indi. 0 1 - 11121uler'.11aer2o'nolff rookinj in' the land are . Sri grown up I L our Christian named are I I . John , H6ury, B0iSy`Auu,'kU011nda An . d Am - r . oli'L . . I . . Globe. . . L I .1 L!. . . . . in which he revives the niguinani that the O"_ I . . . I liest Attempt at,humanspeoch were imitations L . vidual cases would fill a volume. . � - L '. t I I. . L I Some,' whiah, this Dation wofild pr000tys f6r L , I ed thingo', if we G'Oula - know age' . L You'll got Out And that's all the constio of me.,, . .. .. I . . . I . . . � I ,. . I I L . . � .) . I or the Otis$ of ADIMS113 i NM,A dIns I .. 6tural Bounds 0 be contends that 'tit of recollections and I . . _...... .___., ------ m_ I � . . .. I I . � . . '. �CoPobhagen papers * relate that ubt long I R%'naecsr they are, In, olio,cd these I . which linoonocio . ud,rlairagut of the ,radlao the "I am U66 taking the congoo, r6adam", * lie 03 ,,I am. olmply�.�, , .. , plainid. . . V" ]English 4aricnigurikilvaininhowleners . . � . . 'Opinion Of 041inrie. - -'� I ' . I I , . I . I - . repetitions of those sounds the names of ago,whiletJae 'TkO64, Denmark was driving Alifsta fithimis at this womont 'teething .(liugh..- . 11,.Utf,rifoe on Oui water tax if you dsrollt I L XOooro. C. r S. Land-, M'o 'P'., and As Bell He ined certain natural iliendmens, Bud of. aniniftlo .e L along,the, r road, it I oiding from .ilia - . .. � . ter)`; think of it, and putting - in a - word of she interrupted. 11 W'6111 dig a, Wall b8forb . M , ; P., the English � Agricalturd Commision. . In& the . . . and � other objects, Loiilkillifea. He snag . capital to the Pa in a of Bernot6ff, the royal 0 1 . dead . earnest, Inert I iculated, but perfectly we'll pay another roddent.11 , I . r. - ore, hATIDR - paBood through � I Now -'York, L ,blgod. I numerous OXAMPIGO J11 the French language,.. equipage c'ams into Violent collision With A. jOstifilable profanity ovei it, too. I(Laughter.) , L "I 4111 not the WAtsr, tax mall', I sm,ORU- ' *Ontarlo, Manitoba, Minnesota, Nebraska, . they id. .. . I ulto that trod to Ifti2lit be found in An4_-A vablolovIiielt-wai being- inomalibusly -driven jA Another thplatu renown ed Astronomer asting'thin osrl�". . . v I I . I Wyoming, Colorm'd9c Texas, Kansas. , and - ­____ __._=h__ - .. rornot other languages if search wore Made, and -Tot-_Tbe __Kl1_'9 by, a well XnOwn yoting no _ -Xq- Is blinking at the obining mF1kjfva`j`WHt1h_UWr . -"`Wcll-,yOU`OWA0AUVAO8`M5 111Th-6X1­s-ppdd-. � " bothered to death tho Illinco%, l6ft. ObldagO yesterday -for t , 0 solim. � , I 1 ATERo" suggests that the Geographical lsooift � Paris might tarnish inStractlono of happily was unhurt, .but him carriage received to � ouch serious damage that HisMajostyallghtecl. liquidinteroot, p�;r little oh&PL I and wonder. in � vhmt has* becoine of that other one WOV I'm with danvitoseis at house, and I don"t dare ,what n'ew-fangled Capiared by'h Chicago reporter, they - gave- him their impre Lesions Of the country. They 'In I a . ! . A .their travollori . to collect from among ' -of different countries all the natives in order to -finish the journey on foot. The . �6 greatly confused at his - young Rotor W1 - awk call the w6t-nurge. (Laughter). In anotVit thb future great historian is lying, and doubt - - olothbo-wrbiger�.yowvd got --- �I won't Oub-, scribe 111' . . . . 1. U� . 0 donsiderthe-systomof agriculturo*praoilded ���� .e tuo0k.. . I . d in the Wei 'St�tesita tough and decidedly V, I I I � ... .... tota . I - dAi 'A ive . . thd sounde traceable to the 0ouroe U410hied. -. --------al6vo-.-U.,Gleilrefoiid� loot opinion that - the wardn000,mdr wait his perpldxlt� much relieved .Ing addressed him Somewhat. fia when'tile L.K . , lose win continue to.lie (laughter) until big . 6arthly mission. is ended. In another the .The- pass6ogits w�rob all laughing, and - he didn't want to giveit fip that Way. . I I � i- ­ I CRT - -Wanting in -science. They would not 067 . what i&yiiitended to report to- the AgrIoul.- Jr, an -tire "no offipo� ". . . series of nounds, voids, and expressions thus follows : I I My'dear'Mr. --�-, I 'would really , future Iiiesid6ot is buqlng himself with no 6i Madam." fie begani . . 00 :4' have YOU BUY 0106� . no Within , ex ran go can rarely i tural Oommilooloh of the ImporlaI.Parlismobt . I ' ' � collected would sia'In the'discovery bf the brigin of language. * Taken. in connection suggest to you the propriety of' studying your 1 - Part- As d0ftobabn a little better'nelt, time. If profoulidet probUrn of state than what the mischief has become of his hair so early t. , . . . ­ . long to—i - " I WOUot''01911 any poetit[612 if I did tot It le 11 ada ,ito,d that or cy. . cm, , Not ,only do regarding their vioft; but. they India . . . l8r:1 .. 6 , they a.xpeaed there would be di� large 4ml ra , ta 'the every, complaints,of 61 "Aill 0 1 with natural sounde, the origin of words our own lavilluage-ouch as thunder, Igb, in you haa not preparpa yourself word Oftref ally' for I)VOTIOUS PDXfOrmauceS in 'Whi6h 1. have (laughter)i and in /a mighty arraY of other cradles there sto now some 60,00b future ohs shouted. and, now if yoli don't Step POO- I tsflfig�ma !Ill. open this package of popper and .tion of tho Utier olesg'of farmers next Yea ' ody,- but also toidable and dange not to the VJAited. -States, but ,to Ontario diseas6 that I ITO bafflO4 416`156s, . . ­ - - ­_ . WhISPQX�4.600mes evident. - - , � I - sleenyou'I Bit afraid I should nover hay -4 -boa - pffiqg-o &qrg, ggtting lih him _Lxondy_tO ,,M- p 'fill your a3reg for you,., and my, lililiband will- I I—, ' a British. ,.farmers, they said, � whir War humans ill.. ' hille they produce po -.- " � . - irittlo, of Syraoige. K, Y., . . Min. msiy Ann a Prondh lady, and the widow of an - oWicer the pleasure of wundonflig'i dtR �06rmando 0 in at jail -, and if you continue to-appegr 'In thin __C _ 0�681011 ,to grapple with that 1 oimo- old, � problem a second tlmq.�, And in otill bud' . . - � .thraoli you to b9ot,111 ' Tho, man Willi the.booklet up"And dr6pp Oa o'a lit h6me thad in ,Otlibr, part of th ful OiT60tso they in r r 4. , ,A,& $it the same thne, Jay I American continent. - y Spoke, highly, .6 safest and bes ysic tof, children. the Britlob army, hen !Allen heir to 01,000). 00.0. The estate is that of ;&me# Motz, 7018 you havehow taken up, with no better of , on000lo than his nitemadd yolu.to-amyj ionic, more cradle, Somewhere under the flag, the futurollhilitriouo Commandet-In- Chief of the offi�Ddtfoii ,irree rrego. . . . . I - I . . - � . . I . -Manitoba, and hopefully of ille Canadian . cattle trade with Bnaland. � . tbpir aperleat , on they giipe.mueh - . � than the � Qdebeci who wit. an, Amele of Mrs. IfAirls. . Metz. adopted Mid. Hagrio at the ago . . aliect heirs thing iney.happon which -will effectually' do- of PrIve tab of All$ plesourd'of ever seeing you figalb.0 I . , 11 Americao armies in so * little burdened With hilf approaching gtan ibill. ties as to be his whole strategic mind . Calvl� Church (.Presbyterian), St. lohn I was sold at auction yesterday under !'Oro. clostir6 of mortgage, and wee bought for tb6 � cora On I . .. k li - �urvatives, And in, I . ' Is Rio hot inflal . I * To pain Whey thi bOwe The Majoi -61 UsmeaOldi HAV0,214, hat- ' funned an Order in donoequenbe of the dis . . . . . icy reach a Vital totintain s oftbebl fnd fourteen years. - The ,diher ate his two daughters. Ons of thorn Is . I in On Frlda� night ]Ant a young woman giving At this moment to trying to and Oat some way . Mortgages tot 69,100. The niottgtg6o amount . . . � f� f turbanceo there on. the Oth Inst., 'When the, strengt li the g stem by frdoingr 'gill London, England, the other Is Itingstoo, hotaidai !let hatband 19 Colonel at entergil W dry goods Store At 961levilld and, Mado a Small purchase, tendering coin wbich to got. his big the into his mouth-l[langhter) -an achievement which, meaning no diere, to 011,800. The church abet 620,000 six yearn ago-, but 6 split took Place In the con, railroad warehouges wore l'obbbd, th4i A001 th fticrYieht0b�weakncsso obtablighintintli must alone tit ton o'clock lit. - Adapt6d to all arms and conaltior, Do Moutmorencys of the � Uoial 11h0ii0orif. WAS Scenic, be 9purlbuo-la payment. When spocti the illustrious gnott of thirs evening gregatioll last year, and many U11116 prow. nlghl,u�ahlh ilia exceptl6n -of hotelo,-,00ftoo At climatess qonthfnilg neither cftl( ,.Mrd. Harris ban a tomantle history. , Hor mother wad twice married. She who questioned ohs Wit she got the money lit A another store, Find won't out professedly to turned his ittiontion to some 'fat ty-six years agoo, and if the child Is but a prophecy of ingut memboto left it. Those 'Who remain declare that one of the mortgages 10, Invalid, house a 1 , which'ard to not any deleterious drug, these Pills ) 01066 At elaydn. ilroti duok until dayfIght no be taken 'With Safety b)r dhybody� T 14'renah lady, bfit"AddiPt6d An hat second rotarti the money Where ilia said she had got the men, -there 6yo mighty few Who will aoubt and a suit had boon brought ill the Equity . person WHI be permitted $6 leave the towni sugar-Poating, pretervei theni ever tr husband an E �glloh officer, She died -When it. A boy was seat to follow list, mud found that he succeeded, (Laoiliter and applAtloo.), Court to set It 4014o, The ease *14 be board., �Aiiclall wbotiiigil exceeding four pqn.0110 , lira and makes thftl pleasant to'take; vv Mrs. Harris was an idnah' Ma. Harris also ohs aid not vlait oily Store, but made the boat � I . I.. . - � in Dobamberi. . . I � prohibited. being juiely vegetable, u6 balm Oda, a married tin E nglJoh officer in 'the 171h of her way acrost the bridge. The woman Is The rumor that General SlokloBI daughter A bhgqtkOt WAII 'given St NOW York loot Thorn . & alolm that no Frouch 1worntlis, 1rom thoijutc in any �aRutity. Wiliment *, ho died Suddenly thirteen $onto boliove& to be thkagetit of A gaug of 001ftntOr' . I hAs eloped with Anian fiainsamodatWo in, 6oning to ThomAt Bayley Pottert - member h6*6vok W her positibn In life ms� be, will - tURPAIMD AX - I , 1 from ogoi she is � Ito* walking- for DOW Jamaica annimnolughet, alsterlo departure, 1XhO beginning 6 filters. I A I NO, Motloilsry'oft equal the obild'd gqfihl� tIon of thaos. , 1 Is to is great of nothing;" Paris, laddDied by Edward k.V161d, of No. 110 Broadway, New York, Who is m000dlatod with General 0116k, tot in isw, and is how the of Parliament tot Ro6lidale, by A number of prominbiat oltlAelio, Secretary 11vArtd presided, and 40110red. hu, Addrass 'of I A. noband a burat up , . at aidw put before bar , biblilea piece of tough bdeftiosk, With biahi I Dr. 1� 0. AYER %CO3, Lowell, Ma! ,, b6tiOd polstUd- She *Ill 61dw It with Irish I 3praotlottl iiftl0leal'iblienellato, . laales are Weer over, Watt Out and 111104 by the Wets. pile � ohs 061di 1,'�and nowhela to plit We -61 the'latiet In New Yok1t. representative I . weldomes I I . I I , "� . A SOLD BY AJA , X G14TS r,yZhyWHE herbs sad well trimmo.a vegetables. . . , . . , . I . . . � . � . . . . . . i , I r , I - ---.----�l-.-.-�"--l'-�-..�..-,---.�.",-...-�l----..--�.�-,--.--�.�,,�,-�- I . . I I . I I � , 11 . . . , . I . -_ 11 - , I .1� . I 1, . I ,