HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-11-20, Page 8•
"7- willaleSPV07. ,7777,1"7
•Wartegli give the New Era to the
• .01e1 of Dec,,,1880, for $140.
•Weill Era and WeeWy 9Iobo for
,ilanse limp, for $.3.
New Era gad 'Western 4dver-
440* for Bonne tisne, for Sg.75.
Enbferibe now, and 'thereby get
The fornainder of this Year free.
4ntereceeta Agrioulturist, the best
* Salyster's journal in the IVOrlay
a gear.
Zen gOpif$, '4t*
AIN'T it cold?.
• Onve live weekimore to Christmas. -
Wxxo, " Martyr to the Cause" please send
bis name to this office.
Tux flood gates of heaven were opened
wide on Friday Moreing. •
Comm Council Will assemblet in Goder
rich on the 2nd of December.
3,1Ermiu for the formation or a Poultry
Ilisociation to -morrow afternoon. •
. WE believe that it is the intentIon of -the
• Clinton Orchestra to eye a concert here
sometime next. month..
• Pr is no uncOmmon thing at the post office
to hear one person inquire for the mil mat-
ter of about a, dozen others.
WE ARE pleased to see the Couutepance of
• , 'Dr. Gibson again amongst us, he having re-
•cently returned from England.
LARGE Porkeo.-Mr. JasH Lindsay, of
Rose variety, which weighed si Ths. •
' ItAir., stones (something !smaller than gecee
eggs) fell on Friday. Several windows in
-the ModelSchool were broken by them:
town penetrated the interior of
ion the other day, and discover -
es therein -the iecumulatien of
rs. 4
T. Tow. -4 0..• Locke has closed
ave Office 'Mee 0.l )ra'removed to Handl-
, ;where he goes ipto pktnership with
ther person.
SHEEP von DAKOTA, -Last week Messrs.
Snell & Son shipped a Cotewold ram to
a gtmtleman ifi Dakota, recelylog therefot,
the eum of 05.
Ern:mews Finte-Mr. John Shipley, of
• the Huton Road, nowOwns ainaost five hun-
• dred acres of land, which Is a pretty exten-
411Ve form for this section of country.
• He 000 echir hand with 0, hearty shake,
His face grows meeker and meeker ; •
You know Jilin Nifell in the fall of the year,
He's the annual offic&seeker.
. 104,ual PIIROHASED.11V. W. J,:Pgidey,
thisplace, has purehased the farm of,Mr.
W. Bingham; lot 31;7th con. of Hullett,100
&oral, ata very reasonableligure.
- Pints S. Oliver, 'Of this
"place, has rented his farm lot No. 34, in. the
. 2nd con. of East Wawanosh, 200 acres, to
• Mr. Thos. FL Taylor, of the same toWnship;
ONE of our Subseribees has jutt-laald; In
cash, for his paper lip to nearly the .end of
3.881. We would be much pleased if ti good
2nany would pay up even to the end of the
present year. •.
ON Friday last several go -as -you -please"
walking matches occurred in town; in fact
• they might properly be termed racei-the
-contestants racing for -the nearest shelter
'from the rein. "
STREET lamps would ha-Ve been much ap-
preciated by the people of town 'during the
evenings of last week, but 'we tiresome we
shall have to wait awhile before the town
indulges in this luxury. • ,
ME. G. T.HoovAnn, editor and proprietor
sof the Arthur Enterprise, formerly employed
in the NEW ERA office, and related to sever-•
al parties around Londesboro, :died after 'a
short illness of typhoid fever. the. other day,
SINGULAR COINCIDENCE. --,--A singular cci-
incidence occerred last week in this wise':
• • The Blyth Correspondent Of the Seaforth
positor sent that paper „precisely the edam
dtems.which three correspondents had sent to
the NEw En,A., of the same week.' • •
•Amen meoro.t.oen.e:.-Mr, Fted ;Wit ttiug-
m.1, '
bam, a. pupil of Clinton. High- School , (and
son of Mr: •FratielS•Whittingharn; of , this
place,) has been engaged.te teach in Sehool
. Section No. 8, Metertei at a.e.tilary. of,
duties to commence in Jatuary.,
Outt BArrisx friends are endeavoring to
forni a society Of that denomination intown,
and With this object in view, serVice will be
beld in the Temperance Hall, on &May
• evening, to eomfnenee at half -past six. Rey.'
Mr. Gray, officiating. . •
We have recevied a, Communication- over
the -signature of 'T -he Vagrants,''. being o: re-
ply to the letter Of afr. Searle of last week.
We cannot Publish it anonyniously, but will
'do.so_if-accOrnpaniethifay .the name et the,
author. The letter o t week wasacconfe
'loathed by the writer's name, and it is only
lair that any replies -to it should have the
name attached. In future, all. Cornmuniea.
• Zone where personal -not public-eMetters
are.diseussed, mitst-have thename attached:
• Onereason for this is that we toe often have
• responsibility placed on our shoulderse-
Where it does not belong.; and we do not care
and do not intend, to bear. 'unpleasant bur-
dens In this respect. . • •
roung men have written us, asking advice
in reference IP certain pursuits' in' life. • The
aquestioh of the first, in reference to military
life, we have answered Several tlittes.before,
an& would sitnplterepeat what we then said,
"'Under no circumstances would we advise,
_36010 enter the 'regular Service." The se.
cotid one wishes .te 1)8801118 4 sailerovhieh
be can do at almost any Port in 'navigation
„neb.Son, but our advice would be,for him to
• learn some trade -not a professiod-where
• the remuneration it fully as good es, !Lenny-
thliag 0186;30 lietteet1111; etiOr to farming.
The third, not being strong, :lilts advice at'
to what trade or profession he should learn.
3f Stating enough to work at all we Would
• *ideate hitt to.learn 5 trade, but what par -
titular one must be left.tO his Own jadginent
land lncflnatltin. While On this subject, we
',Woad say tri till youngmen about starting
tint in the WOrld-e-teara a trade, Do not
/link that the professions are preferrable on
• account of their different social relations;
if a WWII eves the same study and often -
Alen tO a Uncle that he Would give to some
Other pursuit, they wlfl find that linadcially
the trade will -give them jitst as good' re.
'turns as the otheriyhile their social Stand -
ng to litit Oile Whit biretta to any.
. e
, .•161
1 114-01$TUATIte$ OA343..-The following eases
were disposed of berore Mr. McGaeVa, J.P.
on Monday. R. Coopev vs. T. Swars, as
intuit latter tined $2 aud costs. U. Brown,
vs, D. Reynolds,. assault, latter tined $1. awl
fro; linpeall$e1Yangidc8ovsts..M. )3t4"t4
Ma. Moe. E JOSeitt, Whia has for some-
time been engaged in the teinperance move.
meats in the Easternetates, has returned, to
Canada. Ire has obtained a .situatiollin one
of the dry goods Stores tit Seaforth, and we
have zio doubt the people of Huron will oc-
casionally have the benefit .Of his musical
ebilities. . .
' Oto3astass osett ;rim .Sivow.-It bats alavays
been a reproach to Clinton that snow was
allowed to Ile on the sidewalks during the
winter, and although a few citizensmay.
have removed It, Am attempt was made -tn.
enforce the by-law in the premises, In Lon-
don last year the plan was adopted of running
snow plows on the, principal streets ,,at the
expence of the property owners, and the re-
sult was very satisfactory. Oleaning the
sidewalks,ts as necessary as sprinkling the
streets in summerand there is no reason
why It should nettbe done by a frontage tax
in the same manner,
Y. M. O. A. -The usual meeting of the "I',
M.C.A. was held en Friday evening, 14th
lest,,In the vestry et' Willis, church. Read-
ings were given:hat-Messrs. Irving and Tay-
lor, Mr. R, Irwin acting as critic . for the
evening. A resolutionwas passed, to have
devotional. exercises, readings, debates, &c.
every alternate Friday night. The• subjeci
chosen for the next debate is "'Resolved
that intemperance is more injurious to the
human race than novel reading." The hext
meeting will be held on the 28th inst. AS
thee meetings are not denominational, the
pnbliegre cordielly;lavited to attend. •
Mrsutibutsivori.-- We tind that some
parties misconstaue the weed by-law lately
put in, force here, by supposin„„o that wood
sold on contract has to be taken on the
market and inspected. This is not the case,
as wood so sold can be delivered anywhere,
without inspection or measurement, but if
avdistinte arises -between butter and seller,
, the inspector may b'e called in to settle it.
In this•connection, we might also,state that
it Parties wanting small quautities of wood
would leave Word with the inspector, he
oti1d4iftertlenf1eech to them without their'
waiting on the.SqUaiiiiirfOng as Ware
times necessary for there to do. '
- , CO1aPetointFleatA1tar "teuPPEet.
. .
On Monday evening a large number -of
the friends of Mr. E. Doherty; gathered at
Swarts' Hotel, where a complimentary sup-
per was given wuil prior to biS removal to
Galt. After full justice had been done the
very substantial soppet,, which refleetal
credttably;upoe the caterlhl.o •abillties.of the •
host, the chairman, Mr, B. M. Racey, pro-
posed the uSual loyal toasts of "The Queen"
and "The Governor-General and PrInceSS
Louise"' Whipli were, cordially 'drank. To
the Utast • "The Army and •.'NaVy" were
coupled the names of T. Cooper,.N.' Robson.,
and W. Kitt. The chairman 00 proposed
"Our Guest," and in doing so, said ..he was
muckpleased to meet So many young mem
and on:.s.uch-anocchsion ; Was glad to land
young then risiug-un with the embitiOnof
filling honorably reepopeible positions of
trust, but thought there should bea greater
willingness inaelfest to take an fictive 'In-
terest -in public .affairs, as there waa o ten-
dency tO stand aloof from these. It wesat
times unpleasant to be azubiic•-inan on 'ad-
couitt.of the criticism- of one's acticeis, but
• It was:still a .d.iity- Which- shout& not -bedisa
regarded. He was glad .to say tlitit 14;
'Doherty, Who had .been in his employ for e
number of years, was -an Industrious;
etreight-forward„ honorable and ambitions
iconn-g-miric,luid white regrettlg:bieade-
parture, stated that it was•witha, degree ,Of
• satisfaction that he had noted his progress,
and that of other young men Whobad beeu
in his employ.: He and Mr. Doherty had
always worked harmoniously, and he was
sure he expressed the sentiments of all pre-
sent, when he wished him success in hie
nate epliere. ,He had pleasure in preseding
' to • him .the follovaing, ;address, neatly' ein-
based and framed: -. , ... .. '
DE.te .31e, Donsarv,-HavIng heard that yell. re
about to IWO Clinton tpeneer intobusiness in another
town, we, your friends, the young men of .,Clinton, de-
sire to take this •Opportunity of expressing to you the
high regard and warm friendship we enter foryou„
and 6ur appreciation ot your business ablAand tho
warm-hearted, generous diaposition . you ' lave ever
evinced towards one and all of your friends, cluringymir
resideriee in Clinton ;and we earnestly trust you will
be successful:in your new sphero•of duty, and thatyour
future fiercer may be attended with every blensjng, and
:fulfil the premise of Yoor,early life...W. it a"... inv. 0.10;
. 1
' . :. W. JAcssoi,
•• ' T. Fowtim„,' • •
'• W. B. Moent, .
, . • .
•' oil behalf of young men.
: Mr. Doherty kindly thanked' themt for the
honor they had &le' him, as he felt thgt •he
did not .deserve it. • In neceeteng, his new
positionhe was acting On the advice of Mr:
Jaaceg, and-wilt1Lthe desire to better -his • pO-
s'itioo.• • Had always laied• to do .his;best
hem, and Would ever continue ..so :to do:
Vett that he carried away from ,Clieton the
„kind . regards . and good wishes ,of a large
. circle of acquaintances, and would ever re -
Member with •gratitude the fat --that it had -
been in Clinton he bed received hiibusiness
training and developed Whatever . ability
therein he had displayed.' •. ' •
. .".The Learned Profession" Was then drank
and responded to•by Mr. Fred. johnaton, of
Goderich, who referred at sonielength to
the great facilities.and advantages posaesS,
ed by Young men of to -nay, :overthose of
former ditys, for their educational, improve-
ment. • .As an old 'friend Of Mr, Doherty's;
he paid a high tribute tO him, referringto
hie distinguishing characteristics and con-
gratulating, him on his progress no the lad-
der of success: • . .
"The Mechaffeal Interests" was respond-
ed to' by Messrs- john-Smitli;P,' Robli; Thos.
.Foivier-and IL Dennis, •F‘ Rairtvatr apd Ex.
'press Interest,?' by Mr...Ttis, A.,,YuilL . "The
• Ladies," by Messrs. W. Jackson, R. Dinsley,
0. S. Doan and W. B. Moore. "Mercantile.
and Manufacturing Interests" by Messrs.
W. H. Batsford, apd'W.• BroadrObt. .e The
,IStrangers," by Messrs.. Potts, Tuttle, and
Heaton- • "Hotel Interest," hy•Mr, P, Mc-
Laren, "The Orchestra," by Mr. T. Moppet
"The Press," by the NEW.Ene. momenta-,
the- "Host and Hostess," by Messes: Do-
herty and Jackson, on behalf of Mr. and
Mrs: SWarts, reSpectivelyi the company sep-
arating at an earl Y hour, after spending* a
Very pleasant Urine. • Dering the evening,
the Clinton Orchestra, tinder direction . of
Prof, Feitzer, rendered n number of piece's,
In it. flret-class manner, and were highltt
core plImented by. severe' present on aecount
of Midi skill. We, might here remark that;
consideti be`, their limited Practice and youth-
fulnees, they'have Required great proficien-
cy, ereditable alike to them and their in.
Mr. Doherty certainly hasreason to feel
Proud of the honor' done him, and has tan-
gible evidence that he carries Way the
goodwill and esteem' of a large eirele of tte-
quitintances. By referenceto another part
of the paper, it will be seen that his period
of celibacy has expired, and that In joining
the noble band of betieclicts he carries away'
In addition to 'good Wishes,' &C.,.411 esti-
inable lady In the person of his newlyac.
qiiii‘ecl Wife, Who, on the occasiOn, teceiVid
a number of valuable presents
PlIESYMTATXON. OR Tuesday evening
the pupils of Mr. A. Taylor, and a number
of friends, assembled at the:residence of Mr.
James Fair, strhen Mr, Taylor Was presented
with a handsome writing desk and address.
"-Tr wee onlY five o'clock on Monday when
the afterneen mall train on the G. T. R. ar-
rived here. Ilow would it do for the go-
vernment to hire a dog cart to run between
Stratford and Goderich, and carry the mails?
Not A BAP Fastins.-At the sale of the
stock of Messrs. G. & R. Johnson, a few
days since, a horse said to be "only') Afteen
years Of age, and which had put in eight
years, eonsecutively, with a threshing ma-
chine, sold for $72.
'Pas WIFE of Mr, Gavin Johnston, of
Montana. Territory, arrived here on Satur-
day, and will spend the winter with her
Clinton friends. The journey occupied nine
days. -three by stage and six by rano She
Is much pleased with that country. •
1,0110 ENoUGH xrROUTE.-About a month
since a gentlemau in town expected sorae
bills ter a sale, which he was to distribute in
this vicinity. Continued Inquiry at the
Post office resulted in "nothing" until last
Week, when they came to hand -just three
weeks after thsetale had taliegeplace. As
the distance they had to come was less than
20 miles; the parcel made "the champion
slow time" en route.
BY reference to Mr. Coats' advertitement-
it will he seen that 'he wants to clear out
hie whole stock at cost and under, for the
purpose of' Making improvetrients. By em-
brachag this opportunity of getting cheap
pods, at a season of the year when they
are especially wanted, he will be, so mull
the sooner, at liberty te make these improve-
ments, and thus give employment to me-
chanics, 'which is much needed,
• ItiyisnorroX-LThe Rear. Mt. J:lifoirattr
Hayfield, has just issued a sermon "Our the
sin of Torturing animals," delivered in
Greenock, Scotland, together with apumber
of letters and notices upon the subject of vi-
visection, . We believe there are but few in
this cotnetry w*,i do not utterly condemn
this cruelty, and Svould urge the punishment,
of all practicing it, regerclless of' the plead-
ings of scientific investigators, Price of
pamphlet, 10 cents. •
DEolosicii,We have received a ten -verse
poem in memory of a certain person,..deceSse.
ed, which the sender claiins as original.
WiliairrniTit demist as to Arena nelltY,`
and in order to spare the humiliation which
would 'follow its publication With thenuth-• . • -
or's name waned, we decline publishing it.
In order that out readers may. judge °eats
merits, we.publish one verse as a sample :-
• ,The silvery rays of by -gone days
May shine along his track, '• •
And works of hand will be seen in the land, :
•But,•ah I when Will the wanderer coma back,
zsza.11LtsuED 1864.
See our UNDERCLOTHING for 75 cents per: suit.
Nothing like it has ever been shown for the mortEW.
)11,u'll lines of SCOTCH LAMB'S WOOL ITNDER-•
_ , CLOTHING'', in all sizes andnit all prices. •
.. .
. &c., for the cold weather. * - -
• 11/ITS, &c.
PanAerini0,-11ev. Mr. Broad, 1.3. C., of
Colborne, preathedin the MethodietChureh,
here,'on Sunday evening. •
•PER8oNAL. --Mr. JAB, Taylor, of the London
tree Press, bag taken an interest in the Re -
Cord of this place,
. -
PRICES REALIZED -At a sale on the farm
of -Mr. A. Campbell, Stanley?, ecently., year. ' .
lings realized $20,, -yr. old heifers:, $30 each,
and 2 -yr, old steerl 870 per pair. As they
were uetmpreved stock, the prices realized
were very good. The sale was conduoted by
Mr, Jas: Howeep,..of Clintoni • "
- 4
Artoses.-Two car loads of apples were -re.
•aently shipped from this townsbituollani
We hold the finest.and best assortecl.stock ofTT.TRNISH-
'ING—G,Oatomi-;- - • - ' • --
- -
Our stock ofHATS, hi Stiff apd. Soft,Goods, is still com-
plete, with the latest novelties from New York &Buffalo.
• • .• •
Our stock of OVERCOATS -is manufactured by curselves
and we show a big variety,
• .
. Pon Tire libinta.Woobs-Teast weektwo
,Tierbisdn,loys, three Elliott's., Cole • and an
Anderson, left this township for the Michigen .
Mue'icii,Ae...-There is ioine: talk of Mr.
Henry Ford being brought out t� oppose: Mr. -
Elliott at theapproaching mimieipal elections;
but we do mot put much faith in the neport,
:Until Mr. Elliott. acknowledges his determi-
nation to retire there in little prospect of him,
• being , "routed 'Out." :Mr. Ford Would -doubt-
less Make. a geed reeve, but if we are tightry
-informed; .he has no persOnal desire to ran.
There is -Also some talk of Mr. Whitely being
opposed, but who will be hiS:Opponent is not
known. ' The old council tioerd will likely be
reelectekalthough they may have cippositiOn'..
1ws'MAtcH -- Although Friday. last
Wined out such a disagreeable day, the at.
-tandance at the plowing match, on the farin
of Mr. Gordon, 3rd amt. of Godcrich township,
was very -faiTc- and some 'good work'
As. the- title& list Shows, two of the contestants
who were cerinly expeeted to be prize win.:
ners, did not smeceedin getting anything..
111r. John -Mere*, Who ranks. hS 'o,
p1owmau;]3adhi plow set deep Li* clay soil.;
but it proved to be looec and sandy,' and • his •
work was consequently' net what lie had in-
tended it should be; Master Robert Minter, •
who did some' really` excellent' plowing; was
ruled out on account of being over the time.
allotted. Mr. B. G. Nertice. a chip
the Old hitiek"_inplowing, his lather being a
noted plowman, and . he Is no* coming into,
prominende as hie equal.- 137s„......trust. the As -
Sedation may eentinne, these contests, but
believe it wonla be better not to holcl them
later than October, under any circumstances.
The following were the successful competitors:
CtAss-M,s -1st, 13. '0. Courtice'Goderich
Township; 2nd, Douglass Frazer, Clinton; Srd, Peter
McDougall, Godcrich Township; 401, Alex'. Thompson,
SECOND CIASS-SIlth-lat,DMican MeEwen,Etenley.;
2nd, •James 13. MeLeam Tuchersmith; Srd, Charles,
Simms, Goderich Township,. • .
Tem» CLASS-BOVA-1st, Andrew McLean, Tucker-
3inith ; 2nd, Charles-Upshall, ifibbert; 3rd; Peter Me-
Laugblin,-Hibbert ; 4th, Thomas Pickard, .Goderich
Township; 5th„ Wesley lifarquis,.Goderieh Township.,
.instiss-731sx-Cteo. Hydo;Shaltspeare ; :301.11eNair,
Goilerich ; Mr, Reid,. Stanley. 13ors-John Salkeld
and James Duncan, Goderiph. Township, and Jas. Tees..
'AMMO, AIBETINO-0011110111na at noimosvino, on tale
Srd inst., monshers all present, Minutes of last meeting
afore read and passed. The.house of E. Kelly, Mimes-
ville„ Was appointed for 'holding:the nomination for'
reeve deputy -reeve and three councillors for the town-
ship for 1880., The polling placqs.and doputy.returning
officers for the several sub -divisions are as follows'
No. 1, Orange Hall, 4th con.qt, Elliott, deputy return -
'frig officer; No. 2, 'Orange Hell, hoar XII:, 8th eon,
Nixon Sturdy dep. rot. officer; No. 3, house of Thonms
Harrison, r. H. dep, ret. officer ; No. 4, house of Wm.
Herbison, Sr., W. IL, dep, ret. seeder ; No. 5, house of
11, .Elford,. II, E., dep. ret. ofileer ; NO. 0, „house of E.
Ailemil'Ohntolon, dep. ret, officer.
By-laws confirmingthe above, wcro passed., The ac-
count of John MePhersolt;for thunag•es tt. buggyth gully
creek; rendered by Davidson & Johnston, was read by.,
thirTIM,. It wits moved. seconded and carried, thae'
tho account be net paid. • The following.necounts were
ordered to be paid, viz :-R. loluiston Sat. 4th con.,
; R. Elliott, reducing hill and gravelling- on 48h eon.
$14.75; Joseph Wilson, gravolli»g• on mill road, *10;
-George 11M;.gravel for latis con:, *12.80; James Cox,
repairing oulvert,'Oth cOn., 52; Hillock, cutting hill;
Oth cOn., $16 76, and repahing on side road between lots
20 and 21, 78h eon., $4 ; Wm. Tichborne, repairing, Oth
con" 818.75, rind culvert, 7811 00h,, *10; Thos. Sturdy,
etilvert,Ith OM, *11.25 ; P. Hillock, culvert, 7th Con.,
*eye ; Janie; McDonald, gravel for cut line, *0,80; P.
Cantolon, repairing culvert, 7t11 colt., $2 Thoff,
jeaVel Mr eth con., g1r; selecting jurors, clerk,V,
Reeve *2.504 Assessor $2.50, total 811• Jamas Gallagher
gravel for 701 eon:, 610 ,(1, Burnett, %for road.ro gravel
pit,• Con., 51,50; IV. Rathwell, culveft, Daylleid
eon. sudden breach, 54.50 ; Clerk, being cost of ng
cowl of revision oti voters' lists, inclnding constable s
tees,. 51.50, and cost of honso, *0, as per statute,$34.08 ;
James D. Parke, payment hi full 00 gully bridge con --
met, *00, and for filling approach to gully bridge, 510;
0, Young, work 00110 0,1 S. 11.nearlots 20 and 21, $3.15;
A. Hay, surveying,.814.60 ; Jacob Miller, indigent, *0
Wto• de. y $10.25 A. ;Vac°, de., 215. Coun-
cil Alen adjourned to meet again on the first:Venda;
In December, ,T, PATTON", clerk
assi_s_sawsasiSsissioss.fs;isseil;fmrss '
lawmen Waet, Oor.---A few years ago
"August Flower" was discovered to be a ger..
Ulu cure for Dyspepela and Liver Complaint.
A few thin Dyspeptics made known to their
friends how easily and quickly they had been
cured by its nee.' The great merits ofGreen'
Anguet Plower bonnie heralded, through the
country by one eufferer and another, until
without advertising, its sale became immentoo
Druggists in every town in Canada and Vett-
ed Stated are selling it. No person suffering
from Sour Storaach, Sick Headache, Costive -
nese, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion
Low Spirits, etc., eau take three doses with:
t)ouotttrleelfioefr. 74crenttosyardroDy raggisetamaprebrootttIeas
10 cents,
The ladies of Guelph have tendered their
eervicee in the coming municipal election.
The price of tea hes gone up fifty -cents on
the pound, and nearly every married man's
fiwill ever, buttoned with pine until the elec
t s .
Scienee is a•good piece of fitrnitute for a nUin 10 have
In an upper chamber, provided be has cOnniand Mae
DOnathaanigorenntir 0/100haantodraul)000IIII04041141Ora l'odareecut cog
cough, or hoarseoess. .This Canadian rennet, is tin.
surpassed as a ourativeugent In croup, bronohitia,
nalledoeterraon, all pulmonary complaints, No sale by
The Canadian Oustonis ofEcers at Frelighs.
burg, on the YerniCat froutier, are irePt very
busy in the effort to suppreag smuggling; but.
in spite of all their watish#RIness the smug-
glers are plying a lively tfiade.
IT ISA PITIABLE SIGHT to behold tv yeraug
person, enfeebled, nervous, pale and obviously
sinking into a prernature grave. Yet how often
do we see men and women, long ere the mer-
idian Of life is reached, in the condition de-
scribed, • The beet invigorant for the nervous
and weak of all ages and of both sexes is Nor-
throp & Lyinan'e Quinine Wine a highly
sanctioned and widely popular remedy for gen-
eral debility, dyspepsia, RR irreplee habit of
body, and depression qkrepirits. It is alio a
specific of matchless efficacy for fever of a pi.;
rioclie type. The doges in cases of bilious, re-
mittent and intermittent.should pot be taken
during the fever fit, but if the directions are
-folicFwed-a-curemarbe -cohfidentlylookett foie --
Both muscular and nerve -power is increased by „
this celebrated tohio, which also renews the -
appetite, and yields refreshing 'slumber. Its
timr is aromatic, and free from medicinal
taste, and the stimulant united with it is the
purest and choicest sherry, Manypersons are
deterred from the use of otherwise desirable
medicines by the presence of sonie ingredient '
unsuited to a delicate boestitution: 10 suck.
objection as this cep be urged against the Qui- .
• nine Wine, whiciewerainently wholesome. It
is .not a more Palliative of the disorders and
-disability to vrbioh it is suited. re.estab-.
lishes healthupon a permanent basis, by en-
tirely removingfthe cause of its loss. When
purchasing see that' you gerthe Quinine Wine
bpyre pally eddr ubaygtoter.th ro p & Lyman, Toronto. Seld
N R. I I
or iT ? Nor, rr Tir3
Vain cannot stay where it is used. It is the
cheapest Medicine ever made. One'ilose cures
common Sons Txuno& ; _one' bottle has cured
Bninitomms ; 50 cts. worth ,has cured an old '
standing ConaH one or two.bottles,;euree bad •
oases Of Pilots and KIENET TROUBLES"; eix-to
eight'appliog.tions (surge any case of Emit -seen
Naretne or TimiatraBD BREAST ; one battle has '
cured lame biek of eight yeets' standing. D.
Plank, of Brookfield, Pa„ says i-L"I went 30
miles for Li bottle of .yonr Oil, which effected a
'wonderful mire °fa Crooked Limb. by sire.ppli- •
cations." "Another. Who has hert.AgataiLfor__:___
ware fakir -01-EitelediatIFOre'66 cent bottle ,.
left and 5100 'would not buy it if I could get nn
more." Rufus Robinson of, Nundai :N.
Says: "One small bottle of your Electric Oil
restored the voi6e where the perm had .not .
spoken a.l.nlye s‘whiaper --
Mallory, of'Wyoming, N. 11., Writes ! " Your
: Ecleetrfe Oil cured me Of Bronchitis in One :
week. ' • . . •
It is composed' of Six 00 THE nsr OHS THAT
• AHE ;mows, It is. as good for internal as for
external• ns.e, and believ.ed to.be immensure-',
• ably ,superior to. 4113,p/dog ever. made. Will
save you much suffering 'end Many dollars of
• °"-xnPsev,T•tn *E lisar.tixol.fs.-.4.55 for Dr. Thomas' Ea-
leoarie ,Oil. -See the signature of S..N. THOMAS,
is on'the wrapper, end the name Of NonTnner & LT-
arAN WWII in thebottle, and TAIEHN(). OTHER. Sold
by alIrriedicine dealers. Price 26 cede. Northrop '&
Lyman ,Moronto, proprietors for the Dominion.
• NOTE,-Belectric-Selected,stodrleoltiized. '
• • _
. Joy simorig_the
Coreeasn's Swim 0,tsroe On eqU'ally euit;
able for .clifidj'en and adults. Endorsed by
over 600 doctors in Canada. The difficulty of
admieistering nauseous niedicines, and the de-
sirabilityof ohavin.' them. pleasant to the taste; •'
induced . T. 4WEild to undertake -researches
which resultedin the diseovery et a Sweet Cas-
tor Oil, perfectly palatable, of the same strength •
and medical Omnlitles as the ordinary Castor'
Oil ,'-aitci-ivhile equally safe , and barmleSS, yet
acting with more certainty, and producing nei-
ther nensea nor gripiag:, Soreechildieneatkit
is libiley ; others call it syrup-,-therall say the ,
like it: One parent gays -J. Alrchildren drink
it like 'ivater,; anotiher-"Ve kad to bidethe
bottle or they would have finished it right Off
another My. little •girl has taken it twrae
without any trouble, and doe :4 not know what
it is though she hates the ordinary. Castor Oil,
and never could get her to take it without a
-.-figlittli-yet-mtother-!Wwish-,You eitecess of
yourSiVEET CasToit Orb ;_ it is a spiel:Laid thing
--,sure to take the.place of all the comnion.eil. •
Theextraordinary demand for this improve-.
raent of a staplehoueeholcl medicine has brought '
friudulent imitationa into themarket, but the
public can guard themselves against substitutes
,,,fivhith unprincipled .partiel are attemptingto.
se1liithareputatien ef this article) by seeing,
.ie on bothavrepper and dieection
!The undersigned; baying.-pureinteed afeeers:
T, Copland et Co's antotest. In' the .abeveprepe-
ration, are now manufacturing it frotri'*he prp,
I •,e
ginal recipe. •
: NORTHROP, & INMA:IsT,-.Torone6.:
serve the name, De riot be deceived. Said by
'ail medicine:dealers.' Price, 25 cents. •
Owing the iippie:Ovemelata_alontao be made in. our premises,
we will offer for .sale our
AND SHOES,,&c,, &c.
The whole stock will be sold without resbrve; at
such prices that cannot fail to be appreciated.
All parties. Indebted to: the above itt overdue Ac..
counts or, -Notes, will be expected to pay up ,rin
without delay, -
Clinton, Nov. -ift 187e.
• A. Lake, of Exeter. lately shot 28 ducks
in one day,•
1* is Baia by Many, first try otio ronicay, and then
another ;but wo find in tho great majority of cases that
those who try Howard's Yellow 011 for an purposes of
a liniment, have no use for any other preparation, it
dees its work so offeetnelly that none others need apply
or be applied, 183,1 equally goba for man or beast, and
can be used internally for cretin, whooping cough, and.
asthma, oternany,for rheumatism, sproine,•bruises,
burnsotealds, and all pains and Relies, kohl
atever maw they may emir. soul by an dcalers at
25 emits per lftutle. .
a'?" t •
, . Craleksbank-St., 'Toronto, May 18,1878.
Meseta, Milburn, Bentiy& Pearson, '
Gentlemen,-LAst fall 1 contractra a Severe bold,
whiel, by my neglect, settled on my mega. 1 blind
every indication of Die first stage of consuroption,and,
like Many altars, wlian alinost tab late, oinnieneed to
doctor up. I tried many rernedies, tee got no bottot ;
was almost satisfied I was Incurable. Accidentally I
heard of your Victoria Compound Syrfm of riyeoptoa.
roues, iota no a forlorn hope botight a bottle. I tie-
moatotely felt name. moo taking eve (5) bottles
ont °urea, eta never belt bettor in my life. / would
heartily retonitnencl your Tlypophosphites.
- • Heim:tinny yours, We EtZMII/Ot.
• .
This well knowo medicine is no imposition
• but a sure and safe remedy for Fentain_Difit,t_L___•_
tildes and Obstructions from any cause wli at -
ever ; and although a powerful retnedy, it eon:
tainenothing hurtful to the constitution. •
It is peculiarly suited. It will,in a ahortlime' '
being on the monthlyperiod with regularity.
In eileases of Nervone and Spinal Affections;
Pains in the Baok and Limbs, Hetviness,
Fatigtte en Blight exertion; Palpitation of the
heart. Hysterics Siok Headathee, Whitee, •
and all the painfu'l diseases occasioned by a
disordered system, these Palle effee t abut°
• When all other moans have failed. •
These Pills have never been known to fail
*bete the directiots on the 2n4 page el pem.
phlet, are well observed, !,
For alltiartiettlars, got 5 pamphlet dree , of
agent. 1 •
3013 MOSER ,NEW YORK Sons Peopelex on .
$1.00 and 3 ai cente for postage, enclosed to ,
Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., gegen)
agents fot the Dominion, will insure a bottle
containing weer 50 pills by eeturn mail,
Sold in Clinton by Z. H. Corabe and W. R.
Watta ; 111, Hickson and F. Lumielen, Sea -
forth; 3. tida,V)arrOnbrook; Palter & Cattle
and X Xercian, Goderielo E, Cameroo, Bay-
field elas.13oritheon,Itodgervi11emnd allmedi.
-oleo i Wore ,