HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-11-20, Page 7-- -- --- --- 111111�, -77 .- -----Iqn---,rWRM-"%- --1Wq414A% 1�� - " -
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wel my waa�cr. obol1ko4Mr.XOO;%W ninob, so IQUO 04be. 'persons led Law WARINIR DISAM11801. OsIT44 14 " ally $O-Ifthl show 113104'"101
.. , 6 o
, n to onds,avors at appoam.
d � TOO WID BIQA'$ P114FITs . �
was call 6, friends' t.ul Act 0.00 tender moult tug and 00.0clusang him,, and. Wdbou friendly . plarlb A*o* of 60 I #us=-ooft,
'Who Hn be '1 , i W
- Buffalo. Ohrittia;& A&ocafo son ot went pleaded, lot him am almr* The truth ralittoup wore at ISO$ re -6 Raw You, Nov. �,Ospj.afn Itooltwoodi of A A borrow atleave It
, �Xlsliljshadl parmleteii ... .Om 44strusum 4.
Mits Mar,v J. MoOoll's W-Y#ingl, pboudg, I w , Zoxl)ozr, 31"gland.41 $be D014 Mayor's tho"Joal stammer Obs 'a Jrjaay � , I
.- ,. lor � All thobolu $be 0OU14 not Jortaste it, Shoo In aiu of do haut dn 4040whxd 114% OArAgOd bp ,mplon, which colII4e4 night whilo crossing Ili
'' , , . . n tall& .. . . . . o Grua
'fOrlboomitig volunlo of poem's .. is We. hav& d I 1140 ,,9 GnHdh&U to-AIS744 nearly 90 with the Lady Oatskvis, arr4T94,14 $him city Dark The, slearso I
, W inan, was not a go,ptlompai In any. mopme Sally. , , ,
� s, , r In 0e. neW
,4 . seen an Indifferent guests W9,14 Present, among: thern Her, I , . � sit on, 0s, I
I .over . production from ottlieword. 0oodbroodingigomateslilold 0 Well. dear Laura, so you moon. to mikrry this afternoon with the rescued sounion, and Una, sad. liar Simo In- running to clalmod to I .
� .,her Pon, not wpoem that W,as,no stu Malootyls, Ministers, the German,& reportsd at the agentlo, offles She plunge Of . k an recoxd-aboat seven 4010k, .
� S .4,4�e4. pgonpt an ilinfit marriage, for a we -bro4 � rabommador. � be the boo I
d , .0 iWagow McCraw oftpr,4Ljl?I, #be sold, with . 1.1 . I ..
. . i _
She United, States oharga d10
.011,80mo, of thought." I woman I tril L ur We h . 0qiroi, Lor4 the -FqWA*-U-1Q4M--=-Q-Q-k*1, A., %, Jais-imL.Ugardod, JW�Jm*QL4h&-bom%. W
I .-1 --- -1c 1-=,- . 'no's from-& �MAO 0WOPtAses, Ong day, Whop a 4 Os � 0 ilmstord and the Lord Justices. 'Tb . -------t
: W and V- gar Man. U-ViVN6-sit-WIP book from a boW 6 Lockwood., opoond"offloor, .0, va0eile In,tho world, and on Tuesday , I
,Dear, honored, father, who IA abildhopillsi. years . fool J,mourojon under bia Ministers and,Lord Chelmsford wore, gr. a , I
. , d � ,, q Sad . Miller; as&.
- was both vulgar and digestion. . . I men, Obarlei Fobler, Vredorlak MoNami, from. New York for Liverpool .
VId'st till tome the place Of parogto b"Otli. � proolso Mrs Mouraw I with cheers. � , .
13offilt4fullythat soaroo I felt th:0 1040 I . .. 11 11 Sad the � Frank Jackson, Frederick Richards s deck having on board 109, vablia passengers, *
_ - - - 0 W. Laura y.kAm perplexed, and triod to recall 01 How dare you may '$bat 210 rotor I The German Amballoador, in, replying to I I . I I � � 4 I 1. I 1-1 1. 11 I
I �
. . Which fii�*ht Of Odith CN,U fully 001n0epOSto . to erself any undue encouragement she ad I a toast, declared that none boy, Richard 0, iings jobief engine am , prominent people Im ..
A mother'o AOVo and ga.�dapoaj� glad I tutio, . angry Laura, tons or once. . .. . I � Oro woAgy ,, Ong thom many ''
I , � Were Moro Basis; grit assloiantonglueor,.U.15, Banco; the Mates., ],�voijthipj ,Went well, =V1 .
My barp to sound thy pralse, nor could I choose miglit'have given him ; but her pg;kqo.ke.409. ,'How dare,yQu encourage him?" replied desirous than Germany and the German it . I . . I .
* ' . I I In
go4titited bar, and she izaamed hiii am being SaIjy, coo . I roman, radward Jones, Win. Farrell, PAtAok about n i a 04jqck in Fri
I -A nobler, Jitter, theme., 4n, bailout Man. , � � Ily. 4mperor 'to ,Nee $he Pence of the worIA - . . . � day evening. Who
. -064'o. noble,at work,, t1laaakt. Pox 14ruth Au4 'boost by Nome passing fancy, and aniWered � is I don't' A roan donti want to be refused Flynn, Los Kelly; coal-puser, AJ , 1-4 0
- . . .ex. Base ; night was dark but the Aeomem:
. . . � , �.. plairitain,rd. - , , � not foggy,
. ItIght his pole I most delicate Moro than 6108.11 . chief cook, Ionic Hammond; porter, John In .. .
. -A chant A tb� kindest and . Lord Bucoxerism on rising to reply to I � . I � . charge of the POOODd Officer, ona
. . , gionUndismayed, who Dolor at wrong � I � .1 I
. aping regret that she must- 90'Xon don't, thiukho la 04 , AtharlpoOrolo;.wal era, ,keeping a proper ooqro6 ukd4
.0vaugh tuiluit'haill. WiAked,b , I Jorsootho 111414porp oxpre .Al-beeprefus. , do th Foster; stewardess, 0 t � fall
� Wcallaq a toast of the eve health of Her I I .
I I �
I � , I Tho doors oat enthronid in places high. , , poem to hurt him feelings, And II6.ping-they you, ray agar? go thinks even now that, You Majesty's Ministers, ",a" the I , P'. , '' George Holland. and Moses Pinckney. Four appeal When suddenly, and without wara-
One Who dis4abied to cringe to any poin � � � I . . woo received With three -
: , woulil still continue to be friends, � ire trying So draw him on, again." timeaffiree cheers. He said the aspect of of the passengers And two of the crow, Cap Ing there, woo, a terrible crash. Evesy
44thouga thereby he might have gotten gain . I ., , .1 I . � ' . � � I I I . I
, 444 WOU POktiod. ease . , and all the good Partly because she was shy, partly because :: Sally, you era. t bad." affairs was pinch more ostialaotory than , .
V 00' tain Lockwood said, were picked up. by in timber In the vessel seemed, to quiver, whOo
? That bavokminds wbul4prize as f4r above , she was an A orican girl, ohm d$d not go to Laura. you ore. too hopelessly abourd'If .. I un%nown barque, supposed, to. be Nonreglan" almost at the osine. Instant thedeeUbecamo I
� i: , I A Conscience a 0an and'vold, ' in 11 I I when he last spoke on a similar, occasion. .
. I of Oil offon,06.1 liar moth But Sally's agog was provedo, so she bad , which, lowered her boats and rescued, strewn. with Masses of broken ice. It qulpkly�
. , or with this note, or, Indeed,00nfide .. . I - Business woo Dow being 4ono Which three � � I
. . . . . . I Id to be bound north, Captain dawned ul .
. " triumplAunti evidence within the third mouth vro.qld boys been deemed im; ON. -pop the. initial of Captain Jones and
- , - � . . . .
- .
. . Van in the vilest, thy broad charity . is. to anybody;. yet Miss 13allylo sharp eyes ,fter this sharp skirmish, finding Laura Ono months ago . 'p IL"oe,'Do4o"d gave the following account of the his -crow by. the presence. of A huge while, .
� I Could clear discern the good�-tllo spark dirlue, read the secret with the acuteness of fifteen 8 . I - ible. Theonly-quostion now wiLowbothor disaster -. 0, We had A romarkshl I y quiet flosting objectibe, . I � , an
. , a day, in tears over a note renewing Mr. Ma Pheirevivsl woo temporary or permanen$. . .
Though latent, waiting but the. qutciconl6g -,Fhen fifteen Is Route; Laura, t twenty was, I .. I � I , . I I � � 0A that tho vessel bad r
. � . raw smiled a. Crawls, offer in, not 11 � - I � I Theopinion of Her , tothotbneoU4eacoldent, When into an iceberg. An examination oftM
. .
W - breath no vastoh Jor her. Mr. Moo . terms, but adding that he Mojest7,'o Government voyage . I �
. . I I we leftnPowXork She. weather was foggy, but Topoelprovod such to be She came. Boats,
. A01 noble infinenoo, example puie, , grimly pleasant smile whad he rev ved should not, after pravlogo experiences have was that the r6fi'val. *415 of a 'permanent and . I
. To Jac it Auto nover-dying 119MO. � . al , I . this cleared away before we . I 1pte"l, lo,
. The loweitout6ast wits thy brotherman; Lmuri'o answer. Worldly wisdom van not tried; him fato again, but the unialstakablo 148ting character. He tb ught that the were, ten hours were found broken into, a thousand spi
20 Levito thou, to take the other side, w I 090agoment, even invitation, she. )Iad I � 0 1 out,' OR the into .,Ili
. , looking In him � I . 11 � 11 I I ,rnlng= collision. I left while the forward oompartmont � ad "ovii.,
- . ; he regarded her regret and On official returns demopedrMed, that footw my room about vo in post three, and crushed in. In this doinpartment we
A kindly, hplTing, #And was ever stretched hope as tantamount to on, Acceptance, and in given hial of late really obliged him to do so, because they showed the revival who . . .. to two
� .1 . - , L I � I � I
Toallinnee .and from tilyliard'woa store, , � Sally roved and 34sura cried, but counsels � . 1-1 I returned to the pilot house form, tow socondt. sailors, whet wer
. , "Viloligavestbounbifully, $oneun0hqred, a, week or two reappeared At Mr. 13tocktoWo . . I 11 not local, but universal, For instance, the, . � . .1 a almost burled Oive fit their
. . . I I
, 12stover �. I . bortho, bq;t. who wore rescued somewhat *
- , q. -- of monee prevailed a 04106, NO great iron Industry had doubtless in a great � I .
'Mamided left thy over. open door. - . -, houi As plousp poetic and prim no.ever, and � . . , t. last. No A .I bad hardly got kaek to my'room again ivhen
, .1
. . was taken of this impertinence, a d, the M, 1. . I .
O tea . 0 OWE I . 1 heard, iQmp Ono, sing out , Bat I � I � I - .
h 4 t of ortainess did'st thou require-, wall in id by Laura exactly on the old , A the 'demands from 11 - � I I ahead and Injared by their, comradeo. The, groats#
: . lserablb exeuge for heartlessness ; 0 � -he answer 0 moure revived owing to ,ad for a time among as
. .
I � ..
. , . footing. she was pleased. io think sent was the nimplest And severest the United States, but Slid returns proved that hard by 11 I jumped, into the pilot-houpe consternation 6xls� . I .
renter be pitied, in thine eyes, , . � I I . . I And Zang the bell to stop the oteimeri. -then paosen h tremendous
I ..
4.. --w . - t - rate - 0 11 h had oharle4ed no. iMfooling at her rejection; he � peg&tjVe.: * purchases. of iron were not limited to the . I- , � . gers,W o,startledbythe 1. I
I ac I , -9, ku w. t � 1214 a, himself , I was as much, plaised to be virtually accepted 11 I think "yon -will shut the door after you United States or vario to baol;at fall speed, I saw the ship, coming ohooko sustained by the -vessel, rumbeit
'we - - I W . I I . � no European countriess. . � I . � �. I.. . � L
:_ I to own orild-,itinight be.otherlives; 'by her:. smiling woloor - and Sally, who , this time'll Bata $aily, Is but yould better look � bat were coca - . down upon us and that a collision was inevi. on deck, Through the coolosis, of Capt. -P
. 4 bow sheath the. burden of Too .Late. , 1. I I ,.Ad, , . � I . .. .. . sioned by miscellaneous do. I I . . and the' crow,' siaed by Mr. 8 ' ' .
� I , . bated, him, was ,arlous to goo that he had it too, my,dear,ll - . inands of our native industrieii. Ev;iry table. The ship bad fall, mail on, And was Jones � I .0. ..
. -returned to him former footing without even I . I . I .he article of � tropical produce ad headed right at us., We were going under Guion�ozio of. the, owners of the yesool, who" , . . I I
. Yet she mlg4t have spared Laura, for a b risen In . I . � . .. I ,
-A man thou arbot sim e,abildlike faith,, ' a dint or stain on him mail of conceit. bad learned this lesson by heart. . I , :tesmo d had just oat the foretoppall. She ,wag ow board with his daughter, 4 pa3lI0. I I
� � .
i Enduring patience, a4rundying hop . She turned upo Laa as en is be lift . . I . .. yalue. ..The chemical trade, which was a r AD I . I nted''. The doni . Age was found . to -
� I .
- .pibeyerlty, has been unable tons be -oto nature DO% to, immediately imparfl the . .
In One grand word, thou art a Christ-181ke man. By at index of I � t uak us right on the bows of the cat -head was prove I .
I think with sad regret of all the y cars ' - I the. door that morning. 01 Laura Stookt it - t - on She starboard oide.and crashed rightin , I .. I I . . I
I . -
I � F - . I � . .9 1 FRIGHTFUL I .. CATASTROPHE ! Jo extouts its orders. The'rise in'valuo of � 6f tbp vessel In " I
asogd far from thee, -for Frov4dence decreed - are I I 11 staving in our wholebows., J was afraid my safety , I Ordinary weather, and
- "Thatrmy life path, when thy protecting love . . it you a tool?", . - , . " I silver would, In all. probability, relieve In. than . I . � I
. Why, Sally, what, lathe matter? what . vessel would sink in almost an instant and tit It was decided to put Into at. John% Nfla'. .. I
, �
, I . needed ost., sboul.4 far diverge from thine; " - � ST. Louis, Missourl-& Post despatol� P�ateomoix.of one of their greatest parplexi- ;)Ace ordered the first mate to go forward and which was. reached early this knorninge It*
I .W . I I
a lbave issed thee sore a thatts." . ,,@ 1,4no now?lp hae'the following from ties. Puring's, period of unprecedented
ut,Aver by my side thy spirit seemea�'IiFll-lk.lx "'Donel When you refuse a map, why , . Kansas City: 11 A , - see what water the Ohamplon was making, will 'ba a mouth before'tho otesimir will, be hi
. . ostan -and counsel me to choose the good; don't you refuse. him, an I frightful eatmatropbe has .just -occurred hero. -depression there had not been a single meet. � . I
. An . but before he had time to return I found my a co ditiqp ogitable, to. resume - bar place Oft , -, _' - -- - ., : -. .
- -
I - 11 . . . - 4. nof have him !ngtoexproso discontent with themational on �
. .
d sweeter praise on mawas uslarbestowed At 1.30 this.afternoon fire'vas discovered In , I � ohi the oid ad the second the line. The passengers ire li�ing viell 6soreoil :- I .
I T an 0, 11 flou!rt very like thy fit , is 211 institutions. He w ,p fast oinking. I n or .
I . her,child." dangle after you like, th 't . . I . I ... .
-- I I I 4! Who told you I ralused himill, said J, F.�Corlisl aiiol;or factory, corner .of Second . lobed our brillian breth. mate. to, get. the boats III readiness, that is to for by.the Oompany &S St.. 46hn'o, and all ex- �
� . 11 I � � I nd before the . fire. � - ten in Irelaind would be a little more emulous . - I 11
Held I not lacked eoroft'thy sympathvv Jaura, blu;hIng red so a fira'-Illy. and Main streets, a . dejart, of this example. He was at a logo to com. out them loose from the ships as it was fast press their gratitude and appreciation for Slis .. . 11
- . 4 $Your face told Md,. slid varlous other Mont, Arrived the whole building was in � I I going.down. I Also ordered him to have. the � captain and, she crow.,. They � will resume - . .
. X12y tender guidance, ever ygisereproof, - . I .� I . I . . ..
, Xy muse, had taken loftier flights and thou, Indications. 1 can see with my eyool if you Hames. - A few moments 'iubsequently a . prebend how the, Irish people had broukht dut.,adrlft so that. I might 66 their trip. across duriiig the week - .
. at BdOn thy youth again renewed In uto . ,. . ,boiler bl . - I I 11 . thamoslyes to believe tbat. thq, bQat renisily "'Nra'r"11 I I it � . 11 � on, the 1. � . .
Aed' . . aw tip 404 the - ]roof' � felt in. inn useful -in case the steamer went steamers Gmooisi�pbd XqvRds,wbjah will call,
But having to foregb so much my strains, ' . eari'Ll'. . . . . 7 far economical 14treas was political Agile. � � � 1. .
E'an when I sinp of thee, are falteilag; � ODDS, sally, what have I done? Iaonit fl�ha" - wake fxbm .- thirty to fifty . down under foot. Iwao afraid: she would stSt..Tohu!a 63i their voyages. Thoosplain, , -
. ,
Aud'yota. d000,.untathomable flood, � girls employed � in - the upper sloreyo. tion spa'social confusion. (Loudlau liter . I I . I I
' - - ny I .1 9 , no Warnfug., My next work *ad crew and paesengerd all agree. that thayhmA
I . . .oee,a -r4aaou-wI1y-On8--O&uAQL- dislike to, I and Oblate.) . -Doubtless there, were portipno .. I , . .,
-off6iiifofFLoctiorLsurgenin-mygoUl, ,- - I marr I y, a man, and'yet like to lie fri4ia-dowitV -Narny--oapaped -buL 4--kinalhu I- arp �! 1. I . "ve "' the lady �sqsbbdero of theii-giiiif a ' .
F . � I . " - very narrow exompe, which wits iii jimessure " I
1. I " -- - - of,IroIsnd=wh"e-Aok6V-o.uId io-ognsiderable to warn .
Ia. toiceleas nausio, slid within my heart . him," .7 . --; - _
In vain I strive, to give it overflo .v ' . .. � . bur4ed in the ruins. Three of the.unforld- _t _ duger., I.rv,shed into the cabin and cried due to the strength and. seaworthiness of *of I
� st1fj6rjpg it a remedy was XIOIFZN"� 'Thili �� I . . .. .
,, It must reinain.& sweet, imprisoned song. .. . . 11 Perhaps you -4.6tilt, but he does. In -six Dates appi#re'd iat one -of -the windows just. ' aloud, I Ladies, iiiil ghip is -going -down, you. voeoeI-..--. ... . . .. ...... . .: . . .
4 . . before the roof, toll, with their clothing in Irish people should remember that they Zia no , - - - � � . � � I . �
. . I MAZY Ji WAOCOLL� months see, it he don't Offer again. I'll give, never appealed to English sym . thy Ii I I vain. t a moment to opaie� Never mind. � ST. aoimNla N. F., Nov. - -10.--�Wheu- .
.� I . . � . if ., you my'golcl bracelet if lie do'eon't. He don't , Ilameo and hair scorched, shrieking pitoodelly I pa I Your clothing ; 0 . 01118 Oat at Ones-! " I be, steamship Lizona, etruok ' . I .
I . . . . . I . for help. Thby ,suddenly disappeared as the It would be the duty of Her Majeaty'o Minlo' r - . . I ..the Iceberg On .
'7 . . - . - � , .feel rejected-, not at all, I agents you. I . tore to watch She condition of Ireland With lieve there wore. but three, ladies there, bfit Friday night many gentlemen were, 10 the, , . -
I I ut, I lic- Door Afier,Yo I u . * . Laur I 4, it you had been- a I. 'IntQnse lbxQltement the anxiety. requited by - the situation.. The � I . - mokfUg-room selling poo'lq on the number of .. - .
) .911 . roof Is] prevailed. lamnotsure. TheonlyrospQnseIzeceived
. . - . l'�tlA,y6llOWg6z1'ug The. fi grace are still raging fiercely, and It p6w, 0 . .
'� - I . I .,..�1-1--..-�--��-...,....'',.I I. I. -- on,the. edge ,Of � gross Pond, .you couldn't be - . Irish people should iondescona to remember - was loud ocreaming:. They could come out miles the vesool would inn he 13 I .
I -- . , . . , I 1. ,- I � . looks as if the Whole- block would. 10., -The I I easily, but -1 suppose they .boosind panic,, .. .
i . more silly thanyou are. I . I . . I that -their harvest; though bado' and though . day. .*Soddenly- a crash came and '
1�I Laufal out by the window of. her, rophli - Laura opdned liar large sym 11 Sall buildings In the lo#ality are use, no hot they were mu6'h iii0re dependent upon it than - - stricken. My dating. called me away, sud'I halt'the. occupants of the room upon
reading a nAp, nothing ba� perplexity, I . Y, I factories and. are Mostly woodeti.structuree. I Nvoks still in hopes the women. had obeyed the �
� and don't think you ought to talk,that way about . . are the English people on their% still it Was I I I � In the -saloon at the same time a
11 disturbance in her fair. face. Sh� was a noble, it; you'ra only a little girl.', . I I I The corner buildiug, formerly occupied by the nine . h better that the harvest of Eng I land. oummous, but I ioarnea afterwards they -had playing. g000mparlimeali, to. t * gl , ,
intelligent, well-educated girl, but utterly ' ' MD a I not. I believe they were all looti But one . FP.ju n of
4 -6 A little girl I Then you're only a baby, , ban I g house of Watkins 4, Co,, has altd dy . . . .
� to Addressin e � . ,
unsophisticated,' or. as .her schoohmatea -Miss' Links; and I believe in my heart you ouccumb6d. the fire. . . go the Lot Mayor, Lord Beaeoue - female was guyed, the stewardess,- When the. our Oars with Feathered Sp
I . . . I � - � ,field said: When I addressed yodi prz� I being sung li� tho lodies*d geltle an. - I
.., -- ,called her with girlish ailing, ,, green.,, ard-a great, big, dear, -imprackicable baby, . . .E HT . ,. d7e�ensor I informed him the Government ship Went down I was standing by the in ' . I � U� ,
. . . LAT A PA ICULAUS. min the midst of the vp�g, Sao shook, throw
- Uke-ro. who-po XA-kksmtQcf-fi-iA.In-�hor-o-QaiaL -Just.-walt lilt- he offers -.sgainl-hnd4ve!II, � zoo - n-KANsaz City, Mlssouri,.Nov�-& terrible was contemplating large milit � I occupants 'of. 9!0 .'saloon', viol I fri
---. ... .. .- , I I rIgg(ngi. and neik me stood a number of the
I . .1 . . gry opera. I - � � I y- -00
and . I , - I maid, I Boys, pays yourselves, don't jbili goals, Kjoig I ,ar, 1, I
t surroundings. She had been ' born Mboisriglitilien.11 .. I .� orew. . i liddie, of-Kines, -111108
i dissater occurred.it the =rner of Second and ' tiong in Central Us, the objqot being to ,
I * 46 . . Wna me." 'Raab took a life preserver and land, wag thrown ,violently morose i ah
I brought up in's city, been sent to more than bally I If "Bat the lecturer had vanished Main streets yesterday. Tfic - eitapnive . strengthen and - render secure the ho'ce E. "'i
. � I
I .,one bo$rding-edbool,' and seen much good in wrath. . . I . . I . ,cracker and candy. manuf4etory of"'Carl & noithwastdru. boundary� of the Indian, expressed a determination to istaud. by ,mo. iustsining layers internal injuries. . 0 - .
, -
It society in ,her. "fasharls, house; After a low. s000nds I saido 1� Throw the life deck the. Poona was full of terror.' Groups I .
. � but - her Howevb)r, so the summer went on, matters Sons, occupying four briok three otoray,bulld- .E.mpire.'7 These operations have been raft overboard; I'll comb sI16wirds;-JumP passengers were.gathered together, expect" g ' . .
I .natur6 wag. red ' ically unworldly, and could reverted to, the former footing, entirely. ings, t,umbled'down arid was completely burn� iignally onces8eful, and British influence Ia' I
receive nothing -of a,counteraotive kind from Geology now ooiupled the McCraw mind, and' ad. 107 perbovo,.mostly boys and girls from fully . eat' for your lives., This was speedily done and every moment, to b� engulfed. QWe i g �
I . . I I .. abilabed in Central Ants','. (Loud . . . . I I . . .
i . things about her. She was as romantic, as with bags and hammers. he led his neophytes twelve to twenty years., of age, Vero at ,Work cheers.) Hlre-1ord Boaconsfield warmly they Jeft me. I was -the loot to leave. the above the vousells prow was 9 a. age, oha,. . .
� . sentimer,tA], As ideal, -enthqqjastico j,ppQabot up,and downi and . ..filled the echoes with !a Ahe factory. - All escaped, elteept, seven. eulogized hard ..Lytton and .the avenging vyegel, and went down with her.. . 1-060A dowy mass : of tho monstrous .iceberg,
and gualking. at twAnty so a,girl of top; oouuiio of g0los, oyenite, volcanic formation, The cause of the dpoideni t is iiot deterniffied, . Referring to South came to the ourface again. -This Inay seem stretching five hundred feet across the- bow7p. - - ' , a
. . .
. 'believed what people sai . . . army in Afghanistan. atrangai but it is nevertheless tho fact. Y Three tall pirmaclen rose sixty or seventy feet
I 4 to her, had implicit dip of strata and the like -utterances and gave but is. p so ... d to --be a repetition -of the Africa, ha,osid the recenk war there taught . ,, .
�' - , faith in the newspapers, despised monoy�-!It occasion for the enemv,ti), noel, uln� ;. t"h. . ... . kept near the surface Of the water, and �so I Should one of.theye ice ateeplao'topple over . .
�, .., � --- - I .. A,V-Rtr-e-eJ-P-XPINIQAjM-NAX.-tha-colonista-A6mothing-.of:-tite-ar."L.self--
1- T
IsTo FT-a-clEnowledged. . she slaver know t pot I a 11 -12 "-Iii-ng Ydr lost year, namal -suppv6-did-b-ot-st-pbria-du,tlie-,Ktfbti6ift 6f,thw t6-fa-fi7i6f flii oll"Ed'-Fioneugard would be . .
. son o a h V asked. by a � y, a etAroh .jexplosiori. defenca, on which they must in future chiefly . . . . I
� . I - - want of it-aud had ,entire trust in honoi�, vialtorin search of information what ii car- As soon as the wells fell, the buildings took iilj.� We sib. about to.61febt'06the 6hanges . vessel While she was going down.. When I sealed. Captain jories immediately tambeid . . � .. :
honesty And hindilieso- .of 611 -about, bey., tall, bl . oniiibite to ths.1incrinead came to the eurfaae.I found.� mybelf close to w the bridgi. -His, first words were. is My . . . ",
. no mountain in � the distance wad he 'firt The firemen were 6n: hand in live there Which will 6 I :1, I �
I . I Within a year 61 ' the tinu ' , the 'life'raft, on which I was- pulled. thave �, I .
.. ) �re ari Introduced, curtly. answered !I Trap I 11 the astoniLed . God, mien, where are yourbyes.11 .He was
� . �. '' . I � . minutes, and by their efficient settled tho happineso,of the population amongat whigh . .
. , to bar sho bad formid.'au acqaIntance' hud- girl having meant to ask its prolpeFrisime. . games wire kept from ixiending to the btLild-. the colonisto dwell. 'If, I. arnal . . been obmmander of the Champion for the pe ictly pool and at once gave , orders- Jla :.. . *..., I . � . ..'', ..
V . I . - . view the ext I rff . . :, . ..
t . w1kat she .called a friendship, with A Young But when winter ooverqd� all geological 'ings adjoining. - As'soowip the news t,gQDbrAIIy,Xwoujc1:bsy that notwith- : p_a_gt thirlLma,yoAro-Leonard, -the. first OfflOer,' back the engines. -Affthe�shio.backediU' � .. . . I
. L-9mead'- -zelfiLtionE - I . .
'.. Inku in 14nnis. Who was a law student and br wailu-'i6igi when 'the collision took place. li ' - 4 at the ,- � - . .
1, rather an-unuous . ,Mjtjops;�And.- wilks-, were � brought -to,' -w, -,Md. Vgfiiito And fr-165047-6f-195-a6 employed standing Eniope May. be covered with mil- He ran forward. she moment tho'brush 000dr stedto the staxboard'and'dippod visit . . . . . ..
.1---- - ' 1-4801111011 Of-tim-411bg MEL sudden end, this 'strenuous-, Youth deviled 4, flocked: - to the - scene with - anguish 116no bt Armed ruen, we have'not merely hope . . - . .bows, vvbile the itiole flosted off- like a great. "'.11. ... L- .., Z--- .. ,- ,�... -
I - . � ., W .''.... � -1. ,
I -# Mo.Crow-for ho'was�of;Sootoli deooaat�wss -riewdisolpation.' Oolloatisig.-irs d " ' " ' rkd, and -that was the Init-T saw of hinv;-- He phantopf ohlb�.- * The feeling tbat the ship was .-
� � .. � gge evening on their countenances. An ,soon jai .the but, belldf that 'peace *111 be rakilritained.. In . I . I. I : . .
,,� was a tried and experleiKqe .. z, � . - - � -1 .. . i . � . .
J- -, -- .J)Oorf -pioum-,and: - priw4b. -a -degree,. - -LAUrA - school, In the lower part -'of -ben --ho-boat up t6nuuenoed ,@ 6mun, and had ' '
1. ' - among his own Dili .11renien subdued Illb flames they assaming,that Veae9--wllI'�be--msip.tsined 16iir _s.qu , ., sinking.,Mused.'m al-gentlemen1o, fiquest . -
� thought him no'neara, sailit no apula be; and rloruitg'� ' . sort to - bacome digging for the dead; and at midnight bad got amoum'a that no, great *Power,would. shrink �afjekwitViiii o,iii'. ition.yburs. He -was, Mr., Plerrep6nt, British vieb-oonoul, - to- urge' . - , ': - ' ...
. considered their . Entim'soy'a-privilaRe to bar. � . - from its responsibilities. -If ths'plogt . ex- - about.48 years of age, a resident -of Brooklyn, .the captain to have the boats -preparsd� This, , 7 , .� . . . .
� * teachers, and Laura took up ,the. project with out three-EmmaXempor, Anna Beaker ana I
� . He W49 Ono of those -People who talk a sort soinenjonthusisem.- So dooilo ...-Those .still missing and t6jiai�eind,weslthlest empire in the worli, . and leaves a wifj-aAd'tw0 chilAren ."- '' � I � - .. .. . ., .
.. wag she � in Charles 0olluliz. . . - he promised to do,'and one boat was l6wastd. I
(, . -of riflned And poetic chat that bounds *011 I Captsin'J'Anian',.mastet 6f.tKoboitylo" . tier conWderablo ddlayi durinjivIlkh the fiiA. � ' - ' ' % .
. -�adopting-fill himinggesti6no, no devoted to the * supposed, to be -in the-rulas srai� Loaiffi Rum�-'- with -i�'pdrvermd iuteipfetasidb�bf I its - inoular i - . a I , ... � I , .
, � but, like the fruitless fig-ttie'-feedo, no, lijim; wdikhe had inaugurated, thWhe considered. melt ADIdY'. MeConnell, George -Kemper and- stiii-effiki .1 about a quarter pasi twQ, yeetdr� .officer descended .to -make 6a - examination. - , -.�- . � �
.chsraoieri -turnsa-an indiffier6nt ear to the . '' � - , � , .
. I I #
� soul. His modaitzooreation after haid'atudY -himWI "before'. long. . to .have fortned � Jbhn Kemper. . 'rhilbuiiaings and contents,, feeling'sudAdAunes of continental Europe, day morning. ,When wi bad sailed about three Wihen he returned it was ahnouncea thifl.he , ,.*.� I . . - 1. I.,.
� 'dlhb de��, -lier'-wind-und-moulded---liet-6haracter,�and- -valtied-IL a tb�tsl lose, � Another - I believe the country is.. endangered. ' It Is to, . I I I
I , . , consisted chiefly in long vAlks, an . .t,S70;000r%-are Miles. the,collision occurred. The might steamship* Would 'lie to 1 during the night. .; ... I
I lighted, in getting up parlies of his own 890 looked upon him creation, In a certaip pro .. I count says that in tho'seeofid otorey about suoh-indifference I Attribute many fatal wits.' was blear'hild waim, and the moon .ias The examination showed. the Arizoria So, be. . . � ... I .
I � - PDX. I . .
A 40 divert the way.. Miles arid miles had way, much as. Pygmalion looked at 1114&ry� I ty girl a ' 'put off from the stairs by. but if t,ho.power and ,Navies of England sip shibin,g brightly.- We hAda rusti-on the lookout, . I
� I. to- . water. tight. 'The passengers somembled in ' : . . I �
- are - the, oalobil, when the Bev, Ji M. Ross. . �
Laura btocktoft follow era 06navaqtly" but there could ,have' been: no ' I . I ..
I . edblobtrides overbill ',Ws. statute, yet, Do doubt, 'with a profounder �i � era eking She doorway. They ran 'to felt And heard in the - obunalls of Europei I . . . . . ..
. . I . I . I
and dale,' distancing -�11017 1080 enthusiastic sense. of his own . power and glory ' in She . t : iindoyval an 'before tiny 6ii could stop have 6 conviction that peace..win be main. Jo9kout on the .qhAmpion': I ins informed ofiggestda that-prayerm 'baofferi.a. Hardly I .. . I . � I
comrades; she in' ' ith fatigue, he'0061 . fashioning, of .such *an liking ' . . , that ti�be "Man who should have been he whsa1baf: ' % . '.
. � ut1bg w , as ' Boeing in them ie'veral had -jumped, receiving terrible tained for a long period. (Loud -cheers.) - If . at t had Ahe suggestion. been -uttered . . . . I I I
il- �. and gaunt, the nAbay hair that, thatelied'his Laura a4efledflon of - him own' goodness and wounds. AVIsat " the door to the stairway Engiand'doserts' bar natural post' in the : lookout, was loosening a pail. The ship. sank .,passengers �- knelt and joined' In ."appro- . . - � . I . . I I . .
. anjular head flying in- the breeze; big -high' I greatneoij. a' deeper emoitioji stirred within was batt " ' is girls iolissed. councils of Europe'war N too probable. ' A .in four minutois 'after the aollisibm; Theta pristo prayer.. Then ".Praise ,.God from . . . I .. . .
I . cheek,b �. ored dowb� And t1 - � I . . I
�. ones And prominent nose turned 61 A him - than* she � had ever before awakened; Ib less than - five minutes - the whole was, a eplebrated Romani'li6ing aiked-what was his - w - as-& terrible panic. 1at ones. orderea,the .whom ailmeAsingo Flow." was oing-vilift. - * I - . . I
, , . . I .
I �
�. . crude pink in ,the keen. air of: the Dennis Seli.jQvp wag his strongest triiii and he lei%rn*-* mass of hissing flames.- ,Within 6ould be policy, replied iM,VeriuM et libetras. That is boats-.1owared; im that they were In the water impressive earneatneg0i Heartfelt sobp-mine - ' � . , , .
. .. -
s . hills, And . his . great red hinds. gwingin ' His eyes 1203aid. the orlis and prayers of the imprisoned a short programme, but'itwould not disgrace. b0foro:t tealuer - went down. ,Two of. her .. I . . . : , . .
. .. . � I g beside ad to, lava her from thin motive. : .1. gjed with The chant and tears stood In strong . . . I .
I . .1 , . I
him like a pair of . . pro el d iboard my ship At the lime she ' ough overamet was, - . . .
raw pendulums. P. , , shone wlii1e he talked with her. as pleasantly girls -and boys. The"flimes wpre oo'fierce a British Minister. , Itim oneon whio4the mould miss.- 'The night th ' 2.
. n" . . th . A nothing could be done for nearly half . an . - "' Thirty persons were Iost, Among . . I I .
Sally Stockton; Laurals little .Sister, lei . an eyes pan' shine, and a milderpink . struck. . � older. A passenger stated that the sm,116to 0111" . I � .
. . . isting! Ministry Will 61wayo act. In pro-, I I
. fully given to parodies, trivestled the. ",Bat 't'lling.l'h. kbilng'..bkoozei .bbitowed�thongh hour. Oaly one- jjerson','a girl, 'was - released. ep7o'ning Your Lordahiplo',heilth, I' shall. this ,a . the outlook had admitted that ;they wets .. . I . . . I I
� . kle . I I them the first mak - and five womon'�'. The - . . � .1
P � . . of Ivry 11 for Luurals benefit, .and made.the still vi livs.r . It Is-supp000d'the. gioat.smaou twelve who , are missing warn' passengers. not at their posts Ili' tho.prow of the ship , , , . . ...
refrain : .. '� .. . . � � : I sibly vlvid�suffaged his countenance al Ilt.of time, nsit year Ia all prolghbility have pleasure' , I
' .
� , I . .. . I . , . I I .. . . Thenteamereame fit.u'l arid'- on. Thore,was When .the -collision ocou' . . . . . .
.. � . . .... . I . . with..'an and glow. whopeter: she came into stock leauded ,the wallb to 'crumble. The to congratulate you On' Your skilful adminis. . rred. - The � siouve . . I
. I .1 . . �
Press -hero ye see my, light locks w4vej And .the ochool-room.. . ,no possible, meaks !of -avoiding her; 'It was offered for this , dereliction was that Sher . .
. He 'was ad coitain that he . .. bul . Idi . ng.*as considered perfectly safe.. -.'.' .tration. (Loud sud prolonged ahearing) . . - 4 . . � . I . . I �. . s .
. I . . .. . � inlpo'41ble to toll the ext ut of. h i . .
. . C.armylbudguffmw, ' Was in love with her tAt-be resolved - not to . Sir Staffora. Xorth7dot6 ilsor addressed thd .. , ,a at i0jurI00' fore part of the ship had been painted during .
And be your oriflamme to-diy the reclWande of. . I . I ...
� McCraw. I I I . . wait till theyear expired which be hid set . mim Am . xx,&N iWijlj�AiGN .. ' 'Company And In the* collfroo of his: speech : WILECIE OF T11X,SOIIOONRR PETREL. - the day. - There Ia every. reason. to believe - , - . ' 1, I . ` ,. . .
'' . .1
. � I .
Lauts was very aug . ry,. but everybody 'a . loo for thilimit of his delays and before spring . I . ' I.- , I - -, , . , . . �declared that the financial position' of the: , -. NE4 - tonx, � Nov. � The, fq1ovinj adill. that had 'a .,proper - -outlook been I ., . � I . ..
I bid fairly begun he igain,'though I]; a rather7 I CiL01VTfA,, Nov, I 7--�- The Qabul . and country neeff create no alarm. '. L� - �- tidnal particulate Of the wrebi of t . byeehooner maintained . tbe ',o6tsitrophe would havie.' I . ' � ,- - - . .: . . .: . 7
laughed. She alone, sho,thotight,unaerstood letooloxinal, and- a abide warmer me � uner, Jollalabid columns `e&ated a:janAiou on, . . . . 1. L I . . beenaverted. A'diffloulty woe experienced fix . , .� . .. I
. .. . , Patrol, which left, Now Bedford; Mass.', on . � � . . . ., .1 � -----
. this lofty spirit, and,einjoyea being a 'disciple. requested Miss Laura to accept -big heart and Thursdaymith the English troops, and are I JU8WJ1Fl[X13L3t0-! HOMICIDE, . likunching the slngle:boat, which was loWeriL , - .
. of him fine theories. , I�Wdff a pleaidre. to her . � .. I . . 'Saturday, October 25, With. a miecellaneous . . � , " ,
I to pound slong'after bira by the dusty road liand, adding : I I I make % this. -odor IA . t, he .houooa in Shiopur Ca�tonmonti.. Tko-wino- , ,.L ", � � - . . . . - - I .. . �eargb -for Brayb, Cape do Verde Islandoo'have Though the sea ialt GAIM. it Was the univerma., � - *� , . � , . � , . - �k'i ,
a union Will conduee to" far is setting in' early. -*MibhiRmu-r-! A. terrible -h -Arizons,ounk within , . . .11 - I
* .. I It has been diabov EAiv SAomilw, . - Shw had Awenty-ouW at a . I *1 . . . .
confidence that each ' been Obtained: - 1? . son � ooriviotfoh that %4 the , � I ,.
aided, and tome up in -time to hear hipi -00171 oni mutual spiritual good And render wore . Prod that the night before the bhttli of tragedy ,was ,ennoted in the Township of On board, min . an hour; hfter .the bollisl6v, not a soul would : . . I I I . ..
- I with a gesture of coMmalid' and digitif mon, . I ' on sinday, .morning. Louie . . eteen 61 whom were passengers , . I ,q .
. useful to both ofus the discipline of thl's life ChAra8sib Yokoob ' Khan . was � - *Isiied. Mount Haley Working. their wa� t6 the Imla4do. '. The 'have �ono'aped. The bow of the, eiesmir W" I - 1, � . '. .. � I
- . . .1 ..'' . .
I . stratum, "Thatelondilf or, perhaps, "That and the insane .*. ot preparation for the.life to : bf Nijab � , Uhhommedo ,. wh,o�` .,com-, Zelza, a farmer, has been'bounijbied's little weitherwas all ' Va -dealied. until ill smashed oft and thi.water.'fight bulkhead ' I . . . I . .. .� --�
cow Ill* whereupon Laurs.fell to sad Admired I 21 . . . %: I Mended the - azj;. also 'off for sometime, and on Sunday morain he ip, , ": �* .. . - , ::..
. . .1 I enemy thli next I 9 Tuesday, when allot, could - .proved the salvation: of the ill' . , ,- ., F � � I..
come. � . , . . .. p . � �- . �
. at it,,Gabld Writers may, in the Infantile I I . I - . . that A stated, plan. Ioi his i clocapo from' our became,,vidlently -iniatio, Him wile called - I atiff bz,t i'rang up and, .� . I .. . I I I � I ; . , . . . .
cones of hei.-Ifeart thinking the thini'wniltoo' Unluoklly,tho. girl who received this curiously eamp has . been � found . Oat. Yakoob . MoseeD. Marsh, aheighbor, to her floals- soon. Inorisied' to a gale. Tho.,-sohZaner . 1. .1 . - .. .. . - . . .. . . .
as k -w 'tance. whan a desperate � 06,00unte labored beaiily� iik h choppy loon, and, shipped I . . ' . . . 1� . ,
'red'bedause Ur.� MoCraw a- aid so. * - . mfethodionna Atilted-noto at the door carried Khau. jo. . bow � I i r ongued, GOLD =N&No xx qumisilv. , -. I ''. . . . .. I I
, beAdmi I _ pZRbti-0sjIy_ * -lar-go-'quaiitities-of-Witer"ll-theAmilm-wer � I .. , � ,.. ., .
� at it,to Sally; who reco - - Eon"- . , - - --.-
I . - Then they would pause -bilder some gre' ' in'zod the Sall slid anga- All, his attendants , except four ---have Melza stabbed thewoman eight -times with a tako)i Ili, and- St. George," ham, ,written a . . 7-
a--fi - - - - a had do often said -was- -6 " P ,�- mile -. acudded - belbri - ir. obbfif, of I L' . � ,.,. I
tree, an, w ion -their companions -had gathered ]at script all erfool -lieen dismissed. - A sentry is constantly On knife, Inflicting what I . .
: , about them, thli,!jouth Would draw from his photograph of the nta' , . . I may Prove f8t8I I the gale *under.- -bare ' ..polei. At letter conoerning the Beaver gold, * mines � ,.. . I I �
. , , !I. 11. I . duty inside -his quarters tind a strong guard, wounds. 'Marsh def6nddd himself with 9, hoe 'ten night the ' Wind Loontaining Valklablo'informstion. Am i �
.. b4lf.paot L tit opgot .. 0 � � '. -
capacious pocket 9, SM0,11,volume ofpoatry� ' She 0artup stairs with it 'to Laura, and Mo.- Outside.. The myotery-as to what has been for sometime, but finding that ziothing but veered to the northwest, blowing a hurricane. 'other matters it Lie claimed that the' 'black ' . . . . .
. . and tortari Tennye6n or'doolhim 13towning 1141mialY stood'up while she read It;. f9r Laura : done with the bodioo of Major Cavagnarl'and� him lifs Would appilase the madmen, -he 4eizbd ' A U,rifi, sea was running, and It, required sand alopej which has heretofore been th � . . I . .. L I
. . with' such tricks of alboution ad college bad was too simple to understand expedients, and his companions is unsolved, , Our relationg an axi Iiind crushed Melzals skulls killing - - I 1. I I . rown , . I .
. , . I � I .overy effork of .the crow. to keep the vessel away* As vAluelo6o, is now found to yield .. . I
.! . taujilt im, and much la'ok of pereeptionAa. dared not quite Ask Sally Lto isave her'. Poor - are asouml: him in . - . . I ., : ..
. *as In- --with Wit. - ' * � I . - -,--gi-r-il-abe*o-o--illa-b-geireni,-bq-"-6r fice a k '-withL-the tribes', - .L . ng . � a Ina . re � ptantly' L An inquest was hold yeSter from falling into the. trough. of the sea had Onflicidnt quantities of tho'priciong metal to ^ , I .
I . I .
, F'O 8 satisfactory hopeo - . .. i 1: day. afternoon and resulted in a verdict Of being Wate lie -expenditure attaoilea,to tho I 1. . I I
I But in all these walkg ina talks.'Obd Vega- ,for her.'' .Even to hot 11110i0pljOting soul this . doi . L I . . . an r1ogged.. The - Waves washed the OoVer .all I I . . .
. A leader of 'tae Dipoitg has- been copy . *decks; a every one. *as In danger of. mines, leaving the nugget ---- - - - -- -..-.-
, Ingo, though he eingled out Laura as his lettor-was ungracious so we , 11 as ungraceful , i6tea justifiable h6iiioi' . � . 1. . . . 0 k0Z�_pkp4S"Tb8'
I a co . UILIR ' - - L . . .
L annotati6p L -0 - ,Aoplraoy ,to -wage.,. -war.-Againat' the.. - ' , - , ----going,'OVerboard. TIt6msnAVGiCWIie61w * -dams-wbich are being erected in LBeauca to,-. .
companion;. glad tafn6d ' to. her . for the between the written lin.io ran that . QuIegri'abdoentenced to tranovo;tation-for . L nolult . DE. E.J.D.- I � . - I was I . I .
�-- apprepiAtion he failsd-alw-ays. to obtajn. that.letters000ftenbetray; th0selflOV0116 life. "Ten of his Acoomplibes Wore sentenced . . . "' . - - I . . L I.. I washed from his post and nArrowly escaped. divert khe� stres.14.s. from their poorest, arli'.' *. . 1� . .. p . . .
$ from 'oiheis, she � 11846i ,dreamed of any innate tyian�jjthe obtaieneso.the otiffneso of � . .. I 1 dto � wiling., BY ,f6u*r. 040100k. -On thutsday, works employing large numbers of. men aid .v �L . I .1
. . to ten years' tr � I CHARLIKSTON,S. Cirolins,-Part oidlarg of a . ..
. peculiar And peknonal interest on him part . the maii's nuture.undeill , lansportation. . .� .ran morning,-tho decks' -had been swept clean, :..Almost, certain to increase offeettlilij the . ' I .1 I I I . . � i
nod 'his w6ida. - . rder of live children iAL taumstrr Co., N, � 1.
abore than that community of spiritual in- Salljt`unfeellugly. wi.tched her. face. as she T11E, ]INDIXIVS' IN BlitlIVISIR . Q, illow that Mrs. James Adams difiberately And part. of the m1siphiset h4d 'been carried success 61 AII08'a who -have engaged them. , . . : . . . '. .
toresto vffiich: who once the fair Platonic day- read. . 1. '.. . , . . . . . r own, death and th . 9 murder of her Away.. "The'storm increased eyeri minute,- oelvec in this undirXilng. . There Is , pat - , . I . . . I . . -1
. - . . :00LUOIB14. STARVINO. : .; planned hei frdjawh&t Im- -- An1Uk%Vfive'.61oIOdk, a- terrific gust of wind . doubt that ill job. havit � ' - , ..
I "dream of many a girlish goal. , Girls in theme . . si;wiii you * have my gold bracelet 2"' AN'. , . . I . . I children While insane, osidi to . the compAnles wh I
. . 'Asked, 00 . . , . �, I I . struck the Petrel broadside. The kehisinder _operated during the past summer -have I
. days'know better, -6r Anow more, - 13he --had* in kingly, when -hot- olaterAsid the� -N'rYtiNpfird6,-X6v, 17*.-Thb'TndIano at have been.tho well, founded,jealousy, of--hqr* - . - . 000 '. . I . .
13A at are to- the plainmask toil Over the side, and. a a-utred; giatIfyink returni fron tlieli Jaii4i0j7 ' . .. .
, -never'bidlier pulos'qitiokousaorhor visions- ,note downi ,,,,, Oh, LAura,youlll. believe me Wjjlj�iis, Lake, BAtIsh Colatialil husband. -Aftei cutting :the throats"ofher Of - . 1 ..
i� perturbed, b.V $him man., ThootetioallY she next time, 'wonlk.,'you? The wrotabl . the five abilarin'aiidgring her own clothing, she fewminutai later the.otfier mast was onsp.� .and will3tho. nbw onergy that in -to bodif- . ,. . . . I .
� . .
. a oited td be starving. . Their Chief publishes ' .-..As it' ruok. -' the oUddertaking int summer. wei ' . . .
. admire cry. Iselrob If prlg I ,loan .I.e.t pik 1'. . love] & ps . ' . . . L fell it' at' I . .
him; his mind seemed to tier, v, in he'll fit to , p , ST Majeoty;,re Appeared 6A m6ixelohbor o. house and begged to 'POd Off- presets. L I I
ody touch 'a In 'at, goo 0 ailing be killed with in a%q.. . The children ,all lRy first pinite;.who was at the who3ejl.knockj�g. may. expect to bear o an immende - . . . I . . . .
, . ny I the -bad . - . . .. . . I
I despot thin A � t�l, 10 y that,they'hii6. been deprived of the means 69 I upon III the prosperity arid populatWA - I
deep. Ili's selfish reticence 'and. bib tiiotio appeal -to Z , '" i f *
m7 at ,
L .
, 1. temper were a great deal Lank"o 011,00 ? ,4 like to - express, my -mind . L . I'D . . .
I . .. . livelihood ,by the whites, and Asks relief - 'dead . in perfectly natural blin'sensol000 and outting',off: all the fingers O 126 bf , .
, I
. .. . . r . .
I 'raind It -had, and his pompous oblf"oonesit to him ? � . . I . A t I positions. . , . . . 11 . . ., L df his right hbnd� , Tho vessel then fell. into. I the, Ansot Xegions of Lower Canada; Ad. �', ' - . .. . I
as . I - Already stated on company alone oz. .
I ,a .ying that the young men will no a arve . the troigh of the sea and capsized almost' a , , , I
. was but a cover for the moo& areas -And dog. 110b, Sally, doulk thfulf'Of thatill said III peace. . 0. , ..; .. I., "D V 'peots -Mina Nome I
matie ignorance of anyllibig more profo - und innocent Laurm, . . ; . I I . r ,:p ' " " L I I , V.Rl9,&D1U uJis 31),Wkis.. A VNINP., . � fininddiately. Some of the ptan clang tj - 31000i't year to employ. in Its I . � I .
. .. L. .'. . , 4 . " ,the .3,000 in . I .
. than , bib law books, V,van his profdasea ' "I My dear, it Would do -nd good if i.,did6 I 1. ; . - - � . rigging ino hull and others were drawn il&br , The Grand Falls of the Ohau,- . I . . - I .
TOligiOU Win a fofm that did not modulate or A CoiqoirosioN' To (iAvAbua ' Cnuomo III the course . of a , rapent mermon in sk� , and lost.' Manuel Pop'a, with big littlo'boy . diere Are tobe dajbmed at a cost of somot : . '. . I . .
L ' But, LaurA,'do, do reject him Once for all this :STUDE1qT8.-"WZitIDg from Lourdes to Rev. James' Street Dtethodioi Church, Montreal, An. Ili's Rkme, unfastened a, yawl boat and got 025,000i and it is said that the 6ontriot for. . . , I
. oweeten his daily life;- As kept thb-command- time, 0hut'the door on fibb, or job L � ,� .
. 00 m"IDIA Father� Roorlen, of Tdrontb, ,Arohb Bev. ..H. Johnston, formorly of Wooloy� into it, but the crazy man Jule sprang towards, this work ham1eeik already, given out. The I . . . . _-;�
Monte because it'Was respectable and proper .uooa)osay-and.youkdow you always did O,kp Church, in Hamilton, reiparked -0 Sornii the boaf, struck it on thie side and ohlisiged'it. bad of the strinm to very 'rich, and there in- ,. . .
-hit 16 'or $he doors aj at-, I'Vou'll . hav, a to ,dq, it A. in. ,end arrived st Genoa at about soven , I .
to*do so, not,becauee he JoVed to obey Av Lynch says-' I We left Pigs at eleven o'elo . L .
Father and'"Mord4.. )Honesty, cleanliness, ovor again, I;aura.l If . wisestudents of the signo'dt the heavens AVO All three perished. ' The vessel finally righted Also a tradition that mt:tho Vallp, -during the , * ,* L' I
" . . . � jean Invasion of Oandda, A,
. I met Compliogaiist , . � . .
o'clock. I went straight So the jpolloge for forecasting terhble calamities next year and and six inen gdbied the deck. After suffering A I . . I .
� economy, a cannin. �h'ara And useful intellect Gs I dont want to lifirt hid feelings, though, foreign missionof kept by priests of the t1iON6At8fOlI0wIug- Itis4t1MOOfPlaUptArY untold ogonied fr6m bungar 'Una thirij, chest, Was lost, - Containing half A, million - �' I .. I
� . - -and tplerable self -aputrol wore. his virtues -,, Sally, I think that. would bd tagind'. Ition mission, My 014 L , .. .
'. . . bu I t to a person w1th-finy sense of humor great . compliment to pay Dab, bf coutoo." L confreres. I here obtained irilialiono ,and oonjfinotions. ,The act Were picked up on Monday ,morning ;dollars Lin gold, That the country will be . I L'
the great, favor of -sending . thres' s o junative - planets will b'd- M%ro, Japl- by the barque Rebus. The flist Mate, J�'dr- very materially enriphed by the employment . - . * - . ' * .
I� they
'L I
. I
I he was absurd too often, Rod . 'I Laitra I -Laura I . you Mako Me think of the college free 1, even they will, be � provided tar, .Saturn, Uranus; Neptune, :apiter game, -loot him Wad. Auninbet of sails Were of so Jarge A numb6r Of minefg. sho, by the 1. ".
, bid rampant � conceit . inade - him ,wbaf that borrid Mon. we -'Just last year at home Market L .
I ..Obpoxious , to dVdrY' Ono, with.. the - laftst, .Xe%yport 'said about Niagara Valls-you'ra I it I 010't 08 an a I ot or necessaries. The, being in perihelion in autumn of 1880. They L miglitgo, bat nous Of themagine within hailing .1 Which Will thus be provided - - . . I . . L -
1. �
L , -I "" 'L . Ia] ex ense Ill t eiijourne there and toll us that the only times when out plan0iry di8taneg, Tile following ,its the - iranieo of for. a large amount of agrioultilral and:. . L . I
I _pdroolihon.oichafactert' Luckiy'fof Lsura,o latiotifflaweetgr66a.0 willyoulptine *rlU 0 a n L , I'm ear I .
. neither humor n9r perception win, in her :the note ?11 � .. . r �L .. lot eirebur000fth6ologyj Oystem appr6ilmated to thlosingalar condi- those who perished - John Fisher, captain , othet produce, ;hero, can he, no quebtloi.i of - . I.,
. I
I . .
11 No. Indeed 1!1 woe the fudignant answers 0 'a is a great favor. I the year A. 1). $42 we -had thg poriliellons of mate ; Jeraldo Wartinj SI . V'Soo Gormb, - .o , I .. 11 - .. . I 1� . . I ". .. I
% mako�up� But Mi� Mboraw was a judicious, � .0 o I la's, or! Sake, are i hibtory, 'tion were periods of teriible visitations- In � Burg000f Arat mate; ' Zohli Ford, sobonj doubt. '.
I r not ate's otal. I .
. peraout and he by no, means jutentied to� Arid suni. could only hoje that her inter. , lieve t tit on ifioreaso t a number f6d ihiee of the planets, undo icootd1bg to Gib- Silver Bernard, Mghuol Roderic, - Manuel An Italian soldier, named Merlotti, hoA, ' ! � I :. -,
1. Offer Platonism to take possession of bid L foroboo.hAd been of, uad, but she d6oblea , proeure some froo'pla6eo for -my Itiende.71, 100,000,000 ofthe human' race died Pena ' scantly to be takoji to an hospital I V , .. I
. soul, and blind 'him to bid boot interests. lie it when In Hay she saw 'Mr. MoCkaw,. after I 'one at that era, In 1665 ,,,,,, Jobn * rens, John Lrbconix,' john r it 10. ., .
1011= visitati 0
The old trick of getting up A sham fight In Ofe if Xasoot Stsi4rd, Pordaneso, a dtazy tepee for ofoltntosolad Wale diaeoverna to be x I . . � L..''. I
. tally understood that 'Marriage with Liturs abriot season of oulky aboenoo, yield to of a thestr,ej and then throwing thatowas,4nothoronah oonjunofiou,�Jnarked Th& following In the lilt of those Woman. she entered the Army AS the begin. . .. I
1, Stockton would ineure him a high Pooltioll Laura's gentle eivility and evident 6 'he I ory man called Sale, and Another poraon called ping of the 0,rUggle
remors the ttatilff,d figure of a,man, 6verthe railing, by the great plague ILI London, Arid, WhICh -Andrew. with Austria, in 1660, to� . -
'L � in odoiaty and eventual wealth, and. his at havisig offended. him. He could not WVA successfully' playda.ab Leadville. The also harvostbilmilliolls. in 14urope, Asia .And saved and now in this city -: Beiij. MAkjjjI,. save her brother, amairlea man with oft . .
, ,
. friendship of a year culminated in a formal to pera6jvo,,. that, being a lady, she WAS excitement in We lower part of the ,house Africa, And the fearful onqt I ilry. in - , 'It .,Too,' G6rmio;')3ebj. Oormlo, John do Gross, children, slid had served 6ver since, receiving I . I .
arid distietat Offer of marriage Ili -tho.pote painod to, have wounded bid fbalings, caused a panic, And ai uOtrosa fainted on the three planets In perihelion proved ,so jopbph I . . .
which we found Laira. reading, and DAM. and, was too simple, h6idaso to know'theit stage, . . L DRAW and Jocko� Silver. . A Model lot bravery I in the Austrian warl, . I I .
tating I . I . . I I n I'deattuetive to mapkind,what will five do ?I 11 .XABRow ]kgOApX. OV TIM AisIZO]1A. , FROBi big. King Hum*rt presented her With this crops . .
Over; .1 The only successful toolpe I , . . . , - . of life ordoti And directed her discharge OIL �
tiny attempt at roporatloi would, be'treated as , . - �
. she *ad Alted, gtlo*bd and, disappointed; tepentanoW go took the kole Of An injurod. 6 preserving The * only housework 4ome girls do I# to owsudn6lti . I
.1 . . . L.
. , . .1 . ,� all barrels. 'Baia thQni yourself. . � :dust arduo allot A been. - � . . .-H"trAx, X. S,. Nov. 9.-D6ol4taboo tall. 11.1briblorl' 11 . . - . . 4 �
I . , . . I I I I 4* ,�-
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