HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-11-20, Page 3AM3 J E 0 . . . . 11 . . T" X%COYAWC*, . � . �. . . I bartled arrows Into the assallaut'is body never , , I I - I -----, � , A TA*AQX0 XII*VORN*v . 1AXWE.PARX"E"VING x4malpff". I - I I I ­ - - ­ -----­-----­— GRANT IN CHICAGO. I . - I 0 1 . COLLISION AT SES � to ft* following linsix vote. suggested ,upon, , I I . 1 14. eats 14tailossir4l the tableaux to 13, 0, James! U be willidirawn. The result was no more ,nor owns nor foges came algli. When - How DIORNSOV W0110we'll X's wavally3mvems to A."cricis. ii mtst-Too C.-Itrontan Sypte I Uts Address to tWe Arlay,at Wen- I - - I Lawics, Delaware, iov,-The ship L04Y I Cbmah. ' , I %be � success of The slipetiment became fairly . . I I astabliabodo the, neighbors, its there were no I I I � Olroumstamoss do Nometimew Occur which I I (LoAdlart. Telegraph.) . I : , � I , "e%90e4 Oatotro, collided I . from Breakwater for X,iow Yorkv .. .- with the steamer Champion, from . � . 011'�X TW OBAloga, Tea: 4 invention, patailits in those days, copied .life valuable tender and soon not a living porcupine .that It OfAloult to escape the superstition there ,&to doomad g4rallipti, 00 A" imolal., � According to Dr. W-ilh I . Qlm. schmoelat whose voluminous treatise entitled 16 M&kgqWtJk, CONORATULATIONS FROM STATE GOV. I I - _ ­ �Jatfiaraerfimldahfps . . 4. � for Obarlestov, striking tb Now York . 0 . — , __. an mink ng her In Ave � I --W1 back the ourtatul There they, stand- � Units. emblemai of a trust I I could be found in All the country Around, - and Uncle Jerry's fame spread for and wide. has lately,ocourred In Oo)orado. A low weeks ago English geolilemon, the oldest -_ and BabanIE;-t-,Wo-,-IFDTO,Iiiir6��-olliods for the . I EANOUS. . I . 14 . minutes. It Is rumored that tweAty-five lives � I so mchin a land wb,oro o6meth not . 9 The War. the Inoth, the ruso; . � The crowning effort of his life, �-this ex- G�f young . son 4 baronet, put a period to his existence I I prolonostion and embellishment of , I . . I . human Aile,nlili areuentlybeen onfielatedt000mewbat Claxamio, Nov. 12,-Whon Gen. Sherman ad were saved and thirti,two lost, The collision, ' . . ourred thirly-five miles, off 'the Capes at I The fIg area at %he glorious aides, Ablaingwithus or , � S . XO I WAIngitiaroug.... as swildoncIdark, 4 hatiotion of his genius and the complete ovprtbrow of him ,good reputation -was ex- � by a heavy does of morphine. at a hotel in Denver, 001,, I . saving behind him the follow, severe criticism ip the German press, one of the four groat natural nearato that have bagled announced the conclusion of the session of the At , four . my of Tennessee, the, audience oat up o'clock yesterday morning. The ship was badly damaged and is being towed to . , TabPaven's un. 4 . � aphere. I .. Pendell in art attempt to terriliv the wolves. A . - big grey wolf bad played sad. havoc with his � nook, destroylmg -at intervals Ing note addressed to a friend: My. Dz&n Jnx,-Thirty�olx .hours. 490 I 'gition for at loms$ a score of centuries inveiiiii 1. I . bag at length been discovered by a gentleman - 111. 1. I shouts for Grant. This was persisted I until he &rose. He suggested it was better to fol- � Philadelphia. I � I Ifelth. balding fast her token blest, christisula Sundry young olgtte,lo,ny� own'death warrant ; for twenty. . whose university diplomas demonstrate him low the Programme, as he was not down for . BrAtIah and Xforcian Grain Wrade. . � � 1*0 16stio plgn-w! -Once upon each fair forehead placed, I L . The oal*eo And oheop. besides mutilating a , I I I favorite heifer, Uncle Jerry i fit a trap, four kra the ]Wei I kept up,my spirits, but L twelve, as you fifore thou lined noticed, I to be equally at homi ia phi losophy mud I , fall a speech. The wullisloca isugua and to. � newed the demand for a opeoch. Thereupon says LoignoN, Nov 12.-Tba Alaric 4and Express - . A decided Impr4vement in the Weather . pledge of lifedivine, Ith. with her lustrous eyes uPralsed, . caught the wolf, and. -obtaining the Basis , tance I toriled a little blue. Philosopher I belleved, I . medicine, A oreover, is a blown .nd who, in professor of pathology. The transmutation of the I . Gen. Grant deliberately draw from his 19 is t week facilitated wheat sowmr, which . layra Ly forward in the sontuarn and some of the ToHim. who bore all loss, X6 that fair brow may wilax lier crown beare His cross- of a neighbor, tied his logo together, clooe4 . his mouth, ond_ otaklmg him to the ground, I I myself to be, but still I am fond of life and . . living, and it is hard, I find, to make one's , m tells, quadrature of the circle and perpeituall 1 pocket a. manuscript and mo� deliberately )middle I read the fall wing longest speech of his life : 9 clotinfieo, In thd higher dlitnds of Scotland the commencement og inow and right After she . I flayed him olive I them, setting him at liber I ty# I mind up to cast one's 0811 off from a world � - motion "till remain unsolved mysteries, .- I I probably because, Dr, Sohmoole has not yet � I 11 After, an absence of several years frosts have fleceakitated the reaptag of InEch I , grain In art Imperfectly ripenel con-dition. 'Tho I XoM calm, bright, joyous, beautiful t I . 11 uprift the fair 011"i eyes strange As it may appear, t,ho Skinleos brute , I.. swam the crack and ,died on the opposite I I I which, though far from perfect, in, after all, a .. I very lovable world. Harieet of all to leave I ­ � I I turned his attention to them , , but the elixir life iovealail All that the from gatherings of the Army of Ten. noosee 11 affords me. heartfelt pleasure � - root crop is only expected to be halt an average . I yield- It Is strited that the prosp3at is the most nave citight m gleam of tbab far latill I Beyond these clouded skies. I ,� 1. 3);tholionotforminoment-view- - - 1;%ink. When the horses ran away mud caused tifedeathof Unole4rry, the people -said it old friends like .yourself-, stau I It ... � ____,.x_o__A1llQ, 11114, tried front the fir -at to the bitter end. I don't of stands to us. aspirant to. immoderatisiongevity, has, to do -is till, Wt gaIgrades 119- bQ,Aggu wl yQu­=y­Wl 1 - --_ in arms in the groat conflict for nationaMy serious ever encountered by the present genera. I I : tion of -scotch favInem Irseb- ,reports are ,- . - - I less unfavorable, the weather having been The golden city tair? war to the lookeir-ou she mays, . � Was a judgment, ' , ILI the olden time All elderly peraolon were I want at lhis late hour, when the gnrtain 18 about to ,m,, on the Illet not of the ArAmEl, Of t a absorb a sufficient -quantity of lemon juice daily, or better still, to eat a fixed nufahwr of and.upion of all'Statep, under one free land always to be maintained Government. In my very I � fine. At Mark Late Englisli. ,wheat $9 rather more I . . y I as. it is overtliore", a . respectfully called uncle or aunt. Uncle 4rry'swife, Aunt Nally, was atidy,indus.' a misspent life, to eulogize, bat I speak truth . . lemons, having relation to bleat list age or , , I I sax,every morning and evening. Dr.Schmoole .1 long absence from�tlfe country I have bad, a L freely offered, but the supply Is undoubtedly , ,,,,, ,,, this time of the. your. The'donditionis .� � �� 4knd Chaxity, In Ood-like mots, . _ Feeding this hungry bay. . I tridus old lady; bar house was always In when I say I feel leaving Tou-yet, I 'feel it I deeply Good bjre, door old fe low - adduces several instances of the effloacy with I I ]most favorable opporwatity for seeing and , . comparing in my Own mind our institutions p6mewhiLt improved owing to'the more g&vormblo , , - . Weather for thrashing. At a :616jority of the I 1. 131 , sp I onsin I it throusli her gentle hands I Godls,A-ifte of life and joy. order, everything 'nest and scrupulously claim, and her cooking perfection itself. The . . , I . . I , and in the afte ink as kindly as you Ton which the consumption of lemons stimulates aged persome to evade the nadmalto of the . . L I with those of all the European countries and most of those Asia, Everywhere, from provincial markets business has been m1most I impractidsblo� so a large proportion of the grain . L offered has been to the. . SO mav It be her lot to give I 'llaright g , "Utithabe L uerdono from above. fails, ham and eggs- had allavor seldom met with her fish delicious. Her can of your old=,t" I L E. BjDzvon. This unfortunate young, man's mother was I I . .. , , I Phantom on the Palo Horse. He is as yet . unable to mention any came W,Which thell of ., I E nglaud to Japan, from Russia to Spain and I useless milibra, ThefdW . line dry lots to be Inot with. changed bands on . . former terms, I while inkrior Were . : . comes where never mmaven1m Own best RM of love. � __ elsewhere, and were L -111, A.... -h,..a _­ _-t A. -fi-ml a. first, margied to Mi. Jermy, oldest Non of a . . - _.- - . , , 1. . . , 0 itabibation-of1emon juice hat ensbled_.#ny I Portugal, we are understood, our resources 1 ___,l______-_1_. — — -M ------ I PSidell5L quite . . � _ . iteglected..­ -_ - - , ,. � - - -_ . . I . I . ,xiiii GaILD's IMMAM. white, odulA not be excelled; and her -, _­ -..- AUTMVIISIO JULIMMIX Using 110 live 10178VOr, WIT, ­­iWi_h;_d_­_ "_�­ ua he confidently hopes in future ages for remote tion ounty of Norfolk.. One ____ __-_ � __­--__ ----' -_ - '_ -_ Bud intelligence of our citizens recoignizid' I ­_ be_o;1;i;A;iN;0_t W;(;�;�^Nw. Fl;,Wr,��V�;rj�gl�ir'�- L I A lovely child lies Jeeping there, butter was so yellow as gold and as fresh an now olover. ' The ladies all, both young, I and I I 11 evening Yx 1848 a' masked man passed into to I supply posterity With an illustration in his the window of Mr. Jormy's, stately home and ',he Uy receptions. have been your receptions ; they have been everywhere kind, and wilknow- vNelinbusitiesson Monday, but mince then some - reaction.bas taken place. Speculators hold aloof, and coundence Is somewhat shaken. by the in. Andseeinglumdream , I , d The angel band keep Watch and war . beam. � old, declared positively, there was no place like Aunt Nellia's in ,all the country to visit marked the position of the family. When a . the senior Mr. Jbrmy the dining. own person of ,his theory that who will only eat lemons enough need never die," . __ ledge that. the United States is, a . strong, independent free nation, composed . . . creased visible supply in America. Holders, ' I I L however, have been upheld by the rise of L . I Till morning's welcome Drel pcia on, sweet child, if such the guard thee while shadows creep. at. No lower than halt a dozen wofild meet' there by secret appointment for an after- quitted . room arid went out to ,see the state of the - E Failing, a living example. of Indisputable l immortality, such as would carry cooiction 0 of ,'strong, brave. and Intelligent peopli;, prices In New York, and there has been no dia. . k .1 L . � . . position to force sales. On the whole, there be's . . . I .Bound , 33loss Goal for suah purt vision$ bright I lob - ' noon!a visit. There was no piano to thrum, night, a bullet was -lodged. in his br a,114 His .son rushed out of the library into the ball at to the heart of the *oat hardened sceptic, Dr. Sohmaele directs our attention to the capable of judging at their rights Bud . ready to mlibutainthwiIat all hazardia. This * been only 9. retail con . . sumptive demand, Which was satisfied st previous prices. The sales of . 4WhoVOUldLWSk6thyolebp?L .L . . � . And you, yo guardian angel band, I 'tested - but there was a little spinning wheel to be I with its perpetual purr, purr, purr; $he report of the pistol, which stretched, him Also lifal4sm-in lart iuBtsnt- Ills wife was . celebrated painter, Conutwaideck, who died in Paris A short time ago at the tomewhit IS not & partlitart. itedoointion, but IS I COMPOsea of men who are united in theL datermin Stion L I English malting barley were checked by liberal trap orts of French and German barley. Maize was neglected and prices slightly east despite . 'It oh I strivathat yon.mmyWill .Taur right to wear the angerg-rolles. I . over sia. no pictures ,to be admired, but there was the great aide otipboard, the shelve . a of which presently on the scene, but only to -be des. , verately *ounded, me also was hor maid. The advanced age of 120 jeiro. The proledoor seems to fancy that this lougli a that no foe, domestic or foreign, Phall inter- re b t , n an an& the imp4ptemanee of 'Our �11 q W 6 the comIlarmive absence of arrivals. Th.,q6rriyals . I mt Orts of call have. been large. � , I .11 . 4heat is in victorious . -rati: girial real angel's minister I ,This Edda death'#- turbid strearn. Bank oneath1he weight of numerous pitchers b J and tespotf, sugar bowls, prateo, deam I ugo, _11maravier won tracked, tried, condemixed and executed, and now,the poor lady, who lost her . artist prove . the correctness of the above -quoted. theory, grand, free and enlightened lisiltutiai'lo, and the unity of all States. The irem our a state of Suspension, buyers hold. � Ing off,tending further arrivals, and prices are . . . I , i I . I fully a F illing per quarter lower on the week. Gr4 , grant, in bours'of storm and grief, - You find them rio 11 ohild'u Dream." eto.;'6to gZi.t their broken Bides turned be* B,, h 'OntL Of Many'of these bring to mind f ... t husband nrider circumstances no trilgi- loies her because Count Waldeck was in the liabit. � every springtide, -of devouring huge quanti. . - 'tie .'of tility, and the energy and ouptry, It � offer Irlesoureas our compared to Maize Is in fair demand at about 8d per quarter I I decline. Busineoi in wheat for shipm . ent is very .4 I . . 33car still. the cross that Faith,haa chaped ; . , viiappy associations, while others recall days cal. oldest son under circumstances ocaroel k. lose so, ' A terrible weight of troubles a of horseradish OoAQ in lemon juice. 11 It was 'not the horsairadialf," says Dr. population' . g ' orations tbe area, postpone �She day for an li � imited at about 2a per. quar�ter. decline. Alsize I and barley are easter. . . .1, L Lean on, Hope's ancaor true. . . Lot gentle Charity Still guide . L I � ,.ad. at ealdneis, and their histories muit his repeats. ALI ter a lively conversation on the pros. on a allogie bead.' . . . . Be . I limoole, 11 but the lemon juice. that pro- L � longed file life for �ammmy But to boike when our descouddAte will havoto .. . consider the question, � Lof . how the soil is S&Ias of English wheat Wt week, 86 552 quar- . . . / term at 50s 5d per nuartor, against 52,867 quarters � I r i .. 11 at 899.15d for the,mum litst. All that yon, Bay sav CIO . I 'heaven, I .. And for us all: FitU r in I .peat, or yield of the crops, and of ter the nows of the day, mixed perhaps with a little scandal, Ine's Voynge and Reception 10rincess Mou. 00 ycaja.il we. have only the progeaeorla word for. the truth =port them ; how the '=as .1 ican be pro. human, p� quarCer a wedk year, The imports into the Units& Kingdom for th6 . November Ist ,.rilino angels sef3d, we pray, - . . - To §uccor and defend us here," had -been worn tbreadbake, the. good Aunt . . . 11 at Illorne. I . � of this postulate. It way be that the veho. to e, without Support W reference - to the taste or desires week ending wer6 1L.L85,766 owto of wheat and 279,696 cwta of flour. I . I I Tilt Waste O'en LL11 they. I 1. . . . AilmO-. ; Nellie announced that 'tea *is ready, and the Princess Louise experienced' a stormy and ment pungency of the horeeradialikep; Count Waldeck's vital opark aglow for ouch an inor. Of the people, and when bat a L ., . .1 ­ . . . . I., I HA= -T - 11, I I visitors are politely invited to Woet by.1i A moment's silence and all inatine their heads, lunpleaseld passage from Canada to England. , The Sarmatian was detained ,sixteen hours !Ifnate length of time, and* thb iocret of few can exercise ,the privilege of, the plain luxury of Selecting the articles of food lit ey . , � I I .. Ayer's .11 � I . ... . . ­ 3?br the Hamilton Tibmai . . dud each silently pays grace according to her ., 11 I own way. I . by a river obairlietion before reaching Father . . Point, in the. St. Lawrence, and afterward,'on Immortality lurks within that fiery. root. Besides, the Count died after .all, no that will eat, quantity and quality of clothing they , wear, b4 *ill1emain the abundant home . '. I . . - . "' - . - I Wllr� N TIRE; C0VNTI[9Y ,WAS " . Sto IfWaj the p1jildoophloel a a nfbf tbo-day "arriving, off- Anticosti, encountered. a heavy I Jemon juice, Lot horseradish, both combined, . . only enabled him to atavd* off -the evil day for all wh6 posoese� energy and atr - I ,�df . engt . .­­ --! --a­r a, Sanap, 11 G. :_� . . XOUN I .1 . . . I to pour the hot tea from the cup into the I . . saucer, in order that its shallow depth and oubw storm and gales from the east, which -ttion of nineteen hours in 'involved a detei L L a period of. time Which, considered In relation I make good, use of .them. If we. remain iXuo to ourselves, such a country Is one to be 11 I . L . . . I . . broad surface might assiat In reducing it to addition. Sp0al state.rooms.*ere set apart to eternity, -cannot bat be accounted its brief and unimportant. . I proud of. I am proud of it -proud. that I . . . . . F or Scrofula, and Yarns AbOUt Uncle Ned. ' , . I I . — . .. ingL .the proper temperature for drink . To. .wards the close of the repast the elderly -lips for the accommodation of Hot Royal High- noes and suite on the port side of the saloon, . I "Makrobiotik and Eabarilk" tiaah,s us am an American, citizen, and every citizen, nortb,',south,:east and West, objoyo a common . '. scrofulous diseases, � � . pelas, Rope, or, St.. Anth , 1UXT INELILIKEIN IbOG HOUSE AlVD A I . � ,ladies poised their saucars on the of .arid in so sequence a fthe 'heavy weather the , . Bas . what we are to do. III 9 the way of swallowi, lemon j nice In order to obtain an age to which ' : and should feel, an equal pride.: I ny ii I i'� ; iptions and 11011. I � " -6 Ert . I - I - . 'A!E,S. JL'J.LJtt'ry.1 L . . . their. fingers and thumb, And sipping the fragrant tea, seemed dreaming away in a Princess compelled. as a rule to keep to her apartments. On three occasions -only thatof Methusaleh Was.'so to speak, more ,heritage, am glad these, society meetinga� keep I Eruptive diseases of the I .. .. I . . . . I ­ . . I . I I I state of blissful happiness,- hourolike thin , . wait shamble to on dock, but she several 90 - immature adolsoence.. To ladies over forty and updor fifty, commencing - the citroulan up. so long After the events which they commemorate have passed away. ,They 11 I'� skin, Ulcerations of the Liver, Stomach, -Ridn6ys, xror�etcttima Zvents M1.1ch Cast Their - L Shadows � vapor appear ,to float by. as minutes, while the tea.intoxicatiqlalaots. 'At lemgth'one of _4 . with the times dined in- the saloon other -passengers- fortY-foar '111. mum. system, he prescribes two lemons per diem, - do not serve to keep up a sectional feeling or , bitterness 'toward 'our late foe, buttheydo . .. li Lungs, Pimples, -Pustules, ,,Bcfore� - .� ; . . � . . . . � the young ladies glances at.tho tea grounds in her *and hinting it against the bar -.at a table , net apart for herself . and suite. On the outward of the while gentlemen between those* ages must . 61 alsointilate !1 at least three lemons daily.- keep.up the feeling that we are &'nation and . s, Blotches, Tumbirs, . Boil I . L ,.. , 11 Salt Rheum, Scald - . ' I ' it was about the beginning of the present 11 11 cup, Point Of L her hand, hastily--onquires : . . ,voyage.. Princess in the some ship, and under the Between fifty and sixty tho,dome for 14dies is down that it must be preseriQd ofie�wnd indivisible. We feel Bad maintain that those who fought, L - I .Tctt�r, L I f . ___ Head' Ringworni,. Ulcers, I � century that Canada absor6ed - Uncle Yoi Jokiy ;ihd hailed from eastern Now rk, . sl Mrs. B--, —will you please tell my I fortune T1 $I Well, now, Li me, I'ver same commander, Captain Aird, Her Royal Highness was (qually,'if not more, unfortu set At thrile, forA gentlemen at four lemons a day. One leiRoh, more per diem i is land fought bravely,.on the oppositeside -have Sox4s, Rheurr iatism,yNeur,dgia, Pailibi ', . d, . the Bones, Side and Ilea Female , He was a light, active man, and 'appeared to , given over telling foitumem sipee I find they note as to weather. The train Conveying H. ordsia'ad to each sex for every additional from the United States an eq,4al claim with ourselves in allo the blessings -of, onr LIVeikiiessi Sterility, Leticorrhma, arising * I . . . have concentrated in him- the powers of a giant; no man could lift a bigger'load a,, run . _comatootrue. Only.. think, mor'n a year ago - -1 said, when I looked at the tea.' grounds in R. H. and -party Arrived. st St. Pancras Sta. . I L tion, London, on the.-filut of October Is'-. decade, so that centenarians in . ask conetime*, if women, their .eight lemons daily -if men, We *Cla4 for great and common country. tin them the right to travel *all over this broad i L ifiternal ul6ei6tioti, And U�eri�e . . . .-from. I . . disease Syp1lilitic and Mercurial did. . . . : . faster than he.' 11is mind was Eta strong native as 11,8 L - bodX -, he.could look beneath Martha's cup, I I see a handsome young man 1 1.50 P Considar4ble , preparations Bar po,fewer than nine. . Upon atta 'u'rio hill 1i tidred twentlet L un and h year therefore, latill and. elect' w!Iere' th . a light, 0 . By please , . L . I I !l -OPSY, LD epsia,. Emaciation,. ' .. . cases, DI YSP . . nad * the surface and oiJivive the- sound material . . in bed apparently vary ill. Take lyingL .�.. . . your cup again land beat it well againot your palm, had beeit mma-do for the reception of . . ' Royal Highn sea. The arrival platform was , like Count Waldeck, the gentleman who . 'period I citizens, `61enjdy� to ,settle and' become 1heir arid' religious convictions . . Gen oral Debility . . ., ,Wd for Purifying the - I . . .. I 1 . . . . I.. mi bottom. 'In this respect be ae4med gif Led , h a kind.of Lappy, instinct � consequently . and place it Upside L doWW on the table *wnd. _ . roe times slid give it back to, turn it roand-th i laid with, crimson 610th, am d. - bairiers. were erected to prevent anT -uadue crash of Spec. should at .that experience . the. . desire further t6�jrolongliia exiatenco would I political � I ftee' -from: molbstation or oBtrac'em 'on of them or their connection I � . .n. . Blooct. � . . � �'.,. -, . - ' This Sarsaparilla is a combin' aiion,a&� . : ­ . ... . � * . . I . : . 'vd.getable 9 -at opinion and advloi,we're sought after on . I � ',or . subjects; me., I took the cup,. and ,.putting on my . . - -find nimself fao'e tor fade with 'the 'terrible . tatoro: Soon after one o'clock a Pair of kI& I . " -pr ospeo"f having to -swallow ­4-,015�101�oms- either account. mith-tLa.pash,, Va, hak ..nothing-. more-lor-' alteratives - Stillingia; Man-. . I . . . � ", ­ L ­Ii, " L -_ 'L - ­­­­!­_.� ...- ­­.- � --dr 6116;W, D-0-cli d ­d -i ' '� L -�Ic�­y - wl t the. Io I � _ ?#qaterious , AR 4!�� - qy_ . saintly ii7ia�rr.fe"ry'.'­I_f__a_ ­aoW­_wa9'_ =ely � epeog-14-Se ",els.4oisey-ar--giest�number-of- . people standing near, a house, 'and I see ­fA5W9a0kb3ghftm�PalW0" ­Mgjagty�rolayniag . N, I ' , and these,'wbre,shortly drove tolhe station . � P9r an -mum for teh onecooBive ykaro,- if he ouroolvoa�, and would rejoic � to s t . 9 I - be6ome powerf ul rivals in the development of , . . . � of, Potassittin andL.11,011, ,and 'is the indst . I L . � , ' '. - , � � I . . -:. " ill'. rry was consulted, and Unisle.Jol be alwaye made use of ono of his two roilkelliee. I " , soraiethiog thot looks like atofilu.� You know L the rest, Phillip was, bdriod in loq4 than a followed by the carriage of,'the Princess of , W ­ -was the first to great the Princess ,a'as wfahud'io live Idiig." Pdrfia A sAacilide of life I .P I would be hold dear by the maj6rity of cen� L - I '6ui'. great r6souroas,Jii the acqui-Ation of 411 drIcaoidus idedicine yet known for I ., the diseases it, is intended to'cure. I . . . �- one was to roll rye flour' ' and the Iender - �, . motith -and Martha is grieving herself to who 'Ll.,16L when ofio Blighted from-ifie sal Con. tenarians ifit, hall to lit'purobaned 15y-- -the . . .]note that Should be do0irable"in this life and --in- . triotiem and love of -cAuutry.-u­­­-- �- ­ L I .. __1 . ---1 0 . . . . . ----Its Iiiii�df��fi-�iii-��sltilfiillvc6m-' ! leaves of grass into a ball"and thrust it into. the cowls .mouth, saying eiie had lost her dud death.' When Polly saked me to 1ell her fortunp, " I Polly, thin is 'really The Dake�of.'Teok'was 'also -in attendance, . a long -The Prinde.s3 dark robe and deiglatition of 40,000 . lemons. The � -- notidt! of so sour a diet is enough ta suggest p"'Th6 .D, in invited. 'the 1 1.0.91 - "and � . k1ned, that tlle full alterative effect of' ' . . . I . - ' ' - ' - and requited, a. now ona.;- thM Was all that 11 � said-, fanny ; I see 'A.'- ,big follow, - a , big wars a 'travelling mantle, trimmed with fur, and to those with a sweet. tooth." ourceas, of 11 . . � � ther vav States I ,Govt-xnorm of, . . prominent Southern man 'to send, in -'ills . �e, . .i ach is.assilr6d, and,while it.is so fiiild� , , , , , , ,. I . . ft . . � I . . . . astobliJilirmless-even to children, I is � . m for was -wrong. The other was his nbstku I "llionerboin," in whiob. the tall-wfis water and -a big- ship; on the, deck ,dressed .carried in, her' .hand a magnificent ' sorrow by the friendly aid of the dagger or tho'bowl. .It in allarbely possible even care, �ongratulationsi art -Grant's return, has �. . . I 'stil I so eff ectual - A� to purge out from thei. . . I . .qa8d i ' examined, and an imaginary a avity, being a yoting man Btanids -in a long pigeon. . . . tailed coat with heavy, shoeo on his ff6f, bouquet of -flowers.. The meAtink between . I � herself, and *the Princess of Wales .to think of eating, 4%Q00 Jemono without a I . ad a number, including one from -Alex. receiv � M Stephens. Stephorti, telegraphing from system those impuritieli and corruptions -. . . . I found lot the extremity of that useful Append- .� jige in fly -time, an ibc%ion was madelli6reln, and a bundle anA a stick in.his 4%nd.11 "' Polly 0 aid, I Mrs. B- I 'didn't. ask you to � h cordjal7desdi.ript. . -the Woo oft a most ion and two t6gother for a short'. time. The mijudder and a convulsive contortion of the facial muscloo. What -would life lie worth, Washington, Says he llwoiild�oor . I tainly Pay - Wl I . " Ii,h d6velop, into loAllsome, disease. . . � , '' . . . The reputation it enjoys is derived . . I - I , in order that the aqulli�rium betwileff the. inalcolunof nie. Do -you suppose I would , chatted Princess - Louise also ahook hands, with- evei2 to the "hoirof all Ages," if ' � saddled with his respects to Grant .if ,he could be in - Chicago. His generous, magna- I I from -its clues, and the confidence which . '.' - . .. cavities in Ahe bornm and"the cavity in the tAil might be 'reetr,re.d, bicauee, as one could � marry a foreigner? , Now you all know Billy M__L., in a good husband and thinks all the * several of the party who wiere in attlindauce. i Vefy.little delay took.pl6ce in the departure. the ChrOLiO Siam ach-ache that one Would think must accrue to the Wight isondemmed . ' . Atinous mud - patriotic- sentiments ex. pressed to ex -Confederates at Ban Francisco . . prominent pliysiciitiis all'ovet the coun- I I . . . � . '.. I pose itt it, prove ' their experience-' . � try re ' . . I . � not exist withozkt thoother', a cure would be , I worla of Polly.' � -'B.ut Mrs. B-thiB is not . I 'telling The Princess of Wales drove off, followed very . ' to - imbibe .tho juice, of a dozen. lvmQ,s daily'? - � � . met a warm response in the breasts, 6f rail.. . � .1 . I of its� usefulness. I -- ---- -- I . tire .always' careful to tell,tb clad. He was 8 my f ortumb,"remarked the young lady. P inceia Muisb, who was. quickly by the ri . .. . I . I . , . I— . . i lions in this country without regard to Aeo - It . Certificates attesting its virtues Ave . owner to feed'the cow well Bud to give her � . �' . ,, Well, well, giia me time. How fine I how attended by Lady Sophia McNamara. -. The. . . ­ ; * I&II: lions orthose political differences of oplui 1, ated, and are cc � I . accumul I initantly being all the a Sit She would eat. , . � � I . fina I I see a late letter, I see a fine house, . I Ham. R. J. Moreton. and, Mrs. and Miss TAIE PEACE AN.D 31�11NR RKVX39 . which led to a lamentable conflict In arms, I . . . received, and as many of .these Cases are . . . if a horse Veto taken slo'k, Uncle TirrY 0 . cariiige and -horses, and a church with a tall 'prudAnt do. L Moreton were also in attendan The ant. I.. . COUNTiftY. ,. , I That no such differences may . ever arias I . L wn;'they furnish convincing ' . , I . I . publicly. kn6 ,. - - , advice could not be di spanned witb,-partion- larly where an attitek of bots wa.it suspected, steeple in the distance.. Now"be "a g#I and you will be really happy-" TbO riagg drove to Kensington Palace, where Her 'RoyiLl Highness will stay until her return to I . I. . -_ . '_ A Vilonderful Agricultural Region. . . A . . again should. be the. earneet desire of every I I . . .. : . I eviden'ce of the suptiri6kity of'this Sar- . . . � � .. � . . . I ' for which he possessed an ii1fillffile remedy, ,which in a low instdnoes he had been known party bresliamp with repeated Invitationsi to . tea,all round, and the farmers. say, "I There Canada. As the carriage drove ont of the . !r was which Her tion a hearty chee, . 1. I . � I . "(VIctorla, Colonist, Oct. 20.) � , �, . patriot." . Gen. Longetreet eerit his co�aiiratwmtions � . . .. � saparilla over eve.ry other alterative .. ... . . - , .11 .1 . medicine. So generally, is its superl- * - : � to divulg6'to 4titimato friends, alwAYE1.1ibm- � . , . .are 80 miany women out ta-day there will '. at% give,h, Royal Highness aeknowled ad. ' Before leay. 9 ., . Mr. Cambia'. Q. E., ieturned. from an ex� and said: ."We have- many exoellont men � � who most naturally and pi6l�erly aspire to the . ., ority to any other medicine known, that ". . . ­'_ I . � � . " ' � ­ .� � . -- , . ever, witla the 6trict Injunction not , to. I . . I- Barely be ialu-soon."' � , HANS.- - . � -ing, Ahe Princess Louise ,expressed her I pl6ration of.Peacis .Rivei, � and Slive Cakes 'entered . highest office. of the People, but it seems � we need- do no. mor , o lssuV6 the - , - . . . I e thanA . . " � :. commufficate.it to others lost they lose 'a I � . .. . I . . ithey . satisfaction at tho-way in which the jot. ' countries *yesterday. ' He British . I . . - deeply met in their to ennoble the' . . � . ,public tbat.tbA best qualities it has ever " � the -power. At, length naughty oceptio xuade the 'secret known t 'the credulous 0 � I . � .. . . . . . 1 � JLN. EXTR&OUDINARY DISEASE. had been Performed. . . I I I . . Columbia by Skeena River, and Aravelled as . — ,� ' Jareastas-Lesoer Lake, thq- ,hearts nation by sigain honoring Grant." . I - 11 possessed are stiibtly�maintained. .- I ,' . . . . I I . . I ... .. I neighbors &a follows: Grasp the bridle reins " Inyvifir leftband-jilraw the horse's is close 3, W ' - . �. __ . . . . . Mine M. Ddvis,a fesident of Toronto; was to.. __ � _:. I ------- I Railway Notca. . I . . Conductor Joseph Droper, of the- G. T. R., .Slavii_ -follo3"n 56th parallel'of latitude nearly the whole distance. He dolacribes the counfry, through. __ - obvit Toombs sends the. following': , R ,decline to answar-6xcelit to say. I present my' ' ' Grant � ... . I I . Rr,PAnFD BY . -- . . . I - —P I , �. .. . '. �., . I - Dr'., J. t. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass,.,,..,. . ­ . . . I . I. ' . I I to hie breastoo as to 'el6vate his belly; then oently received into the General Hospitaltfier . .. afil iotift being Sclerodernia,or skin hardening. is one of the most travelled men on record. which be passed for 250 miles seat arid wast; personal congratulations t6. Gen.- is Country on his sifo arrival to III -' He fOlIghi .Practical afidAnalyacal Chemists. . . . � .. . . I . , SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ZVERYWHER& . . I . -rapeat the following' seilteneff three times, ThaskiBof tho:uppok half of her badj ,is He has been railroading now for over'twenty; an& 100 miles north and south; no fertile and fo,hia country honorably and won. I fought I . . " . ;. . . . . .. . �' I . . . . .. .1. striking against the horW&-i,Jda with the right It and three times at daek-repetition : . drawn tightly, and in me immovable and as seven years, .twenty-three of them.an. the Grand Trunki and during that period of. destitute ofrooks or hills. - For five or six days the trails led through beautiful prairie - for 'Mi" and loot. 1 am roodyto -try it over I Death to the Union.' " I . � VD, ( - - . . � . .. . ..-. ... � I im_ I . ­ F I 41 Hanna and Foist and Tanis weiiV- to the told to plough oorn ; they ploughed up har4 as ordinary sale leather. Her disease, Which is aupposed to' be th a- first ever rem '.somewhat time he had avera'god'900 )miles per week - . aentink_ for 40,800 miles reprei -1sad clothed with nutritious grasses, with here and there a poplar or willow copse. The agabi. . . � Wade ,Hsmpton deellued to* res and. Con. I p , � . . V .. � I . . '. �. I . . . 1111111111111111 I . I � . .'for . threemormo-v�hlte*ono, red one,1116ok one� . corded III Canada, puzzles the , , modictil men Who hlive examinned the un. per year, . . I the twenty-seven yearoL a - grand total . soil ]a composed of White Silt, with a.covering Oratulations oRtlait -from the Governors of 1, * Maine New HaiiIpobire, � PounsylvaniA, Mary. . I .. . . . g (; I . . . 131iki . . I. � . . sod with three blows they killed them .all.". The comalu6ion produced,lly the -blows pro.. - . . ­ fortu . nate, young woman. It has'gradually ' Of � Gas million tv'o . hundrila and sixty. three thousand six hundred miles (1,263,. of black loam from three to twelvejaebes in I dopth­m-= ' exact , counterpart of Manitoba � , land, - Uichigan, iiiaians, Illinois, Minnesota, Kane,,. and Nevada. Gov.� Hoyt, of Penn. . . I 1 I . . . . JA N g I � . . . I bably released the hold of the gunwifig,boto ,worked. itoway, from the' neck downwardd,. mad a' present it is doubtful if its' spread to . 609), mad it speaka-volumes . in -1 . avot of Mr. , � land. , Fine p%Bturagd abouttas every- syl,ania, says- I I The people of Pennsylvania . 11G I - - , .. I 1. __ : - - - - . . �., . . . -1. - R on, the horse's stomaelf. He Was in passed. talon of many -secret remedies for diseases I . . �,ho ,02, half of list body can b6 prevented. . b6perlia'aftreerpit the railroad, that nona; of the'trains under his charge h.ave: ever met - 1wheils. the' -grass growing so thick .As to, form a a ad.. No white settl6ri, besides - note with. pleasure tito completion of the around the globe by Gen. Grant, On .� . - , . L, . . . . .. - I . . - I., I& generally considered incurable, perhaps the . . mosi important being a sure for the tables, -he general health of -in very fai 'T the plitient r, I and at times she is cheerful and conhae,tit o at . with*a serious Accident. I I . . . . . . . I I . 1. 1, . those at- the Hudson Bay � Foots, were seen. � Very few Indians were met. Balarandmobse circuit his secona-fround, by their acclaims, -they will . . 0) . � .. . ; . ut , � I 11� " 0 . . t - , � , I , I or the bite of "a .mad dog or other rabid ani- '2001. ion' a permanent, oure.- One mad I work. in ape aking of the disease, says thot it was first According !to commissioner Fiuk,91 statistics' the 'met passenger earnings. of .Were abuident: At Fort Dativegan, 150 & 'Rocky arrest, him bore on's lap - until, $a 1881, he , shell- b 3 inaugurated the blilef Magistrate of &'I. rpt 11/ rp I ',, . . I I ." . ... . rllw/r ­ _!.. , Ee MI ENJ Et It wad obtairloa from a celebrated Dr. Grouse afid-imootted into thier country at An described by'Curzio in -17a; that there were 46 c-ses of this affeatioiL on record, 33 being . I I several important roads for 1878, were. as- follows'- Michigan Central, - 0.2,078,80 ' mileo.enot of Mountains, on the . Ball. Parallel, very fine wheat wait grown this the nation. the President of a free people, and iu 1885 sixtY millions of us will'bid him � . PM = . — . . . . - T -nig stiindard-ar'ticle. is conipound- . I . . early day And is Substantially as follows: as Reduce halt a cent (astibigent ?)of Pura in women, and 13 in men, �and that 7 of the . Great Western, Olj760,811'; Canada Soul" . I 96Aeonand'harvestea III- August.. Potatoes, cabbages and other hardy vegetable are GOd-speed to thi fulfilmerit of a Perfect 11 . ... I 11 . . I . . -with'th " I . I . . , . ed e greatest care. ' I . I copper to filo*dttst* divide this into nine . ooses had a fatal. tormination. Hebra,. the authority read, divided the distlas'a Into,two arm, .6446.175; Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee, 4390il3l'; Wabash, $1,160,546. � , . , Abundant. Similar evidences.of fertility and . . I career. ... I . I � � . . ' . Its effects are as wonderful and. as , _ . . . �� . I .. � . . . .. . � � parts; dividd the failde tongue of a colt (�ntl. �variotios:-Skeleretaa atv6phicum' and 'shel. * The reports that Vanderbilt has gained mildness of climate were observea at the I 1. . . I 'T"E' W". Rim RIEVICIZ U T r�. . satisfactory,as ;Ycr. ,* - . .. . I . . . parts - spasmodic) into- the same number of 1 l. .,aud wportioffof the,jawboue of a dog (bosh) - crein . a e levatum, of which the. former was , . .. . 0 ontrol. of She Great Wooterh have no ..basis '.controlled other `Bt&ti6nj.* A colabiderable portion Of I I i d bounlry lies in British the fine prairie Ian se. . I . . I I .1 �_ . ' ' . . -or failed hatr.to its - I . . , I It restores gray ... I .. . . Itito an equal number of parts; add some blQbdroot. E 'Bob of those parto,mixed to. always incurable. � . . . � �, I �of fact.- Instead of being . by Vanderbilt the road has i6eived important : ' :Colujabia. From "Lesser Slave- Lake Mre Goraou carried Ur6 Cambia's report' and, WhentmoTos, Nov. 12.-�-& telegro;mfrom ,pms to Secratiry Schutz, dated Los Agent 4A .. - - , . . youthful ' Color., - ' . I .1 It .all. erli tiops, itchinct ' ' I I P .- . gothar, mskes:oue dose; Ao be taken,on an I ITAYSIVIEUX-OVS AFFAXIM. . , I ­' '"- , . � ­ - a on conSions from hint'and- Is doing ii-Jively business mow-n-dayo.* Being now in the pool deepatche a wto FoA.-B Imantan. _. Monte. Pinoa Ageno�j Nov. 16,13sys 1 "I I [krrIVed- hire , aid, immediateliproodeded to Chief ,remolies. - W I " 11 njul dandinff., Jt gLy-es-the head. a: ­ __ - .. . . . ' . . . I I emply otomacb, once a -day for nine suceeisive LONDON, Ontario. -Last evening an elderly it comes id,for its share of the ooathwastern Dawson And MoLeod remained.to make a yesterday house, whero .1 rapt about twenty cooli nsittion of great. � I . ng, Soothing so, . 0 C, '. days, abosiining from milk at granny food." . nale To reach U. Jerry's "hundred acres". ' man named Auguo.Carr, who is well known, . in the city, won found. ineensiblo , uadii Very *He business. Freight of the line of the Wabaiob� * is ving daily vla. the Canada Southern careful examination of the country The- 'OurSY'i 1. I lie River U too maimed *ilr reach Rea Liver istex th - chiefs and head ]men a the Wh last I . in 0 . . � I its Ilse , i . . 4ponlfbrtl!.�and the scalp by ­ � . ... '.. .. . 1. I � . frorrithe lake shoro frontier the mountain bad -to be climbed aid a heavy pine forest ansploloud circumstanced. - was carried to the jiail. Dr. Hobbs Was sent for and .arri Share roads, an and L446 U is �'delfvorad year. ' Mr. Cambid returns itf�'eXiaellaat who bad come in obodionoo,to Odray'o orderi,' health After his most arilaous mission. - Mr. and at here Axe -expected. 'The camp of -thesie become's w1iffe'lMd c1dall. I ' I . .1 .. . . I . . By its tonic proplerties,it restores' ' ' 1) . enetrated to I i4ida,' Shallow stream, OvOr- - . quickly art I Iv6d. In making an ei%mination, to the Great Western in this city for I � . .shipment to' Biiftald -arid - other ealftern Horetzky also arrived yesterasy. He has Indians in :about fifty,miles distant, on the Gunnison River; Noth'ing is obanged In . .. . . . I "ands to -their normal- - . 11 -1 _.' I T: thQ capillary gI - which a corduroy bridge led to a magnificent grove' of miqlao. Here the track turned to of the man he gave it as hil opinion t 1 3 hat morphia had boork taken', by or administer- ppinta. . . I made, a Blame ex liver. . amination of the.Peace 11% is positive that, country and thilil,ko well of it 11 I . the situation herei Ouray " vi-or,,preventing baldness, and mak-.. . ... I I 0 0 . I . .the left, loading through the sugar bush to ad t6 the unfortunate mon. When searched, - - I . I .. .1 .1 I . . I . I . I . . . - I I guliv of' the Indians Whidia..eatisfied of,the . .1 . . ing the hair grow thick and strODg. , , . 'I, - .,� I 'the clearing, where's forest home suddenly . a bain'll: -book for $100 was found upon him . Ourreaders must,have ofterk observed that . ' .. . . he will have -power enough -to arroo . t and Canada,is not alone in her'londeavbri1b I , - As n, diessing;�-niiihina has been � - . . I " . Came On the south book Of the In eight. broad slowly moving streath stood the oLdrdy- but the money Is placed in the bank beyond his contiol,he receiving only the interest U It.requires a' great deal of exortion'on the part Of street cat. horses to � S,=oaro: � .hold them. I remained. all might with nmro-temAnt farmers me settlers on her for, tile domain them and returned here to -day.' .I expect 9.1 We now learn that the other foun(I so effectual or desirable. .. . 1. I . I I es, M.D., I State ' Ityer , . � I . A. A. Hay � Ass, and -&-half house,'built'of'smoll timber, well "abluked,11 plastered and surrounded by a % and the money -is payable on his death'a . . - , , - . sapeal Ily if heavily laden. A mo tic a which has just been, brought into use, on the Gen. Batch and,the attaches of the Comm14­ day tvio Lincolnshire -farmers Bailed from oibn to-mcirrow, and in order that the work of I � I I of Massachusetts, payS, 11 The coil- � � � number of little out-bouseo. Further oil . . Mr. W. S. Gilbert, ;the celebrated play. tramways inLondon,will obviate this disad- England for Now Zealand- in compliarloo with , takinglestimonymayF procted at once I s6ll a requisition from upward of �boo farmers I . . stituents are pure, and. carefully�sa- ' I I stood the large log barn. had otablos. -To -south a cle*lng, of forty or fifty heres of vr lghtj and Mr. ' Arthur Sullivan,"the wall Snown musical composer, and who togethei . n vantage bi utilizi g thW-paw,ar generated, in stopping the Care for the purpose ofroatartin� have a number of Indian witnesses in aii. and land -owners. who ocoupyr or own in the immediate 091 Iregate isomoidirably more 'than 10,000 tondance. I soofild deiira the i I 4ected for excellent quality ; aud. I �, . , - , I CC the -REST P�REPARATIOX. . I , nsider it .She rich sandy loam,, ana'art the .north bank of the stroom the lofty plaeo, like grorkmiliero, composed the -6 E. M. S. Pinafore," arrived in New York oii the otlisfuship Bothnim. ' A and.thun saving the extra exertions of the hors6o. ' The contrivance fo .0, coiled obring, - presence of Captain Payne, Lieutenant Ohorryt acres, !taking them to proceed to thaf.-oolony; Seoul Ratikin,, and such, others 61 Thom- I . for its intended purioaes." . ,_ - ". - stood sentry to ward off the cold north and past *1n& Wild elate, racoons Ana foxed gentleman, clad in a long, -heiiVy1ravolling ,�Ith broad far triffibilug'and travellipg whRih' in, wound, up by the stopping of the ant; and whiall, when released, -acts on thd in order that, after peiional -inspection they burgh's command as.can testlfy� in the case; may report upon Was a field, for emigration I . . also official copies -of h iespoidence tnbo�ia I . . Price, one bollaro' . . . , , _, , I .. I I ___?�,�,,f.,i* , ---- It veto greedy opionres in those. daye and - exa � *a coaJ 11 . cap,'tkipped lightly down the gang plank- Wheelif 00 as to impart motion. it 6to, too, for farmers of means and ospitaliold, with between Meeker and T'h _ or gZ'a,d`M66kd special reference to Such. as hase And�ezpe- �, I I ."� : - . - - - .. I - I k, ,33-1101T is DyFe . penaivo. boarders 1 the Poultry line- Uncle Jerry, at 'well as others, this was Mr. Arthur, Sullivan, who is of medium height and tbilakeet, dark complexion, as an Robletatice to horses up a steep grade, the powerbov , Ing'. - been Acquired in a piqised. , riepeo of forming in Lincolnshire. , I and'the Department, Since coming 1�ao here I am ojitigilod your views as expressed � Aa= . . - ­fMaAl I . ­ _. . 1. � . I � I FOR THE WHISKERS 4 I lost' heavily by . their depridations. It is said will evaporate, but our with black monstaishe'and halt, closely crop. brown In � They Intend making travelling more cort. In your. telograirt of the 6t h in t. were correct ing,down, grade and kept otorea,in the'opring Is . , un 'I the offorgy is required. Donbtleoll,!Dur lent on the continent of Hurons by adopt. ti vern and wide. In caed of failure .we is all ave . . .. This clegint lireli aratioll May bb , � . genius friend's did. not, It condensa and centrea pea whiskere! arid large eyes. one ,thing, at*leigt, be, is charmoto,ristidelly Eng. , street railway authorities will take advantage Jug our system of railway earrhiges. Little plenty of ttble to Worn the gottisio, and it in I relied -oil to change the color of the ''I I -in the hen question. ot c erplexity Itiah -ho4esto the 'Single eyeglass. Mr W dist , ofAho now -invention, if its opodeso in guaran- ; tao& Z . ­ - .. is wide awake in Belgium matters Of. buohiots always time to commence war, ' I shell try and In setting the first example. The Imtsr- anapusla the work of the Commission, and board froni gray or any other Und0sir- � I bit great taletits' blaborated a remellyr For ,several weeks a caretal watch Was kept if S. .Gilbert, who followed- In big imme P wako, is an unmiotakabje Englishmen, tall I .� . . UTAV AGE, I To uAtonNs 6v vxci; national Company of glesplog Caro has oub, . shell keep you advised constantly." mitted � project to the Government of Btuis - , - I able shades to brown or black, at dis- , ., 11 ' C Otion. It is easily applied, being in � r for the advent of a porcupine into his do- . I main, At length one Wad captured'-sall hill And of commanding presence. possessed of art ft manner. . 'easy, al5i'tuioi'vind Una acted . - When lovely mastaims, my and jolly, Mind that their hair Fla turnin gray, . Sold for organizing a great exprons train m Jorroia n ,I lion, the ,son of HePwPlt between Oatendi Cologne, Berlin and the died . h on, and quickly and d - one, preparati . . noodles, skin oftried with.il-hills no sharp m�l 0 -to the was stafleaund placed At the ontratio. I I " Tolopheme," the ,,fat' 0�6i6n, word.9 in They never should be moliarch 11y, I But live In hopeo-And wait --mud Pray!, . . . ,lxLcr;, who, halo just � sudde nly, was an Russian frontiliri, The tralift VA111be excla` I amlable'�2upg man of literary 'proclivities fectually produces a 1)ernlanOnt C010r, I 4* I which -will neithdr rub llor,wash off hion-rood. No animal date approach the the last monstrosity invented by united States newspaper writers for &�'meoesge out . . I !hair surest *my to catch a lover . Arid bide old ago from every ye , I 4) ,oively cornpoW,of ishoping cars and saloon olirriagoil. ' nough, he -was found dead in Iii; I V,&ranhg,611dying a novel 'Which bore - this title . . ftnfifaotured by 11. P. HAL4 & ft, . I . Pat =pina while In pooseo0lon of his quilla hat with 0 switch - of his toll he driven his . I by telephone, . . I - '19, when they do gray limits discover,, Then to the boirbot'o go And-4uo. I � I Woman , . wiltoo-Postooripto'. � 'at the 10lood.0 11 Taken - I I . . . .. I , NASHUJ1114 X.R. . I . . . .. . . I I I . I I . 11 . " � ­ I . . I I . . . I hu 14 All PaRgint, A&A Voilits k 1114040, . i hhL . . � . I " �,1114-.W'-, � ",a I . . I � I . ��� . I - % , A1.11111111 I I . I I . I I I � I I � I . 1� I . . . � . I I ., . . �1. I . . � . . -r . I I . .. I . ,� I I I I . , ,. . I I . � � I I I I - . I 1. . I - I . . � . . i. , � " . . I I I . � - � ll �, . � .... . I . . . / . I I I . � I :1 I � I 1, , - .1 I . I t , , , , - ��,,_ V I 11166 1. I I I 1. ". � 11 ­ - i�_ _ ,&.,I 11) ­ L, AbL-.1-1 -1 1� I � I I . ". i_ _� 'I � � ., i - . lkm,� �.. I � . . ;` I ., . " ­ . I . - . 4. 1 . . . & I . . . . I 66..t ;a_, � 14�_ i