The Wingham Times, 1904-11-03, Page 1SHA VOL III,-NO.1708.. Fine Tailori . ____ T.____,.„=7 AILORING is our business, and it would please us ex- ceedingly if you would step in for a look at the elegant hew Over - coatings, Suitings, Trouserings, eto., for Fall and Winter wear. The pat- terns are the handeomest that weav- ers' wits could produce. Come in to see the new ideas, and talk the matter over with us. Quoting prides for tailoring means within:as you know, but what you can get for your money is every- thing. The best dressers in this commun- ity are our steady patrons, and if you favor us with your order you will be in the hands of skilful tailors. Come in for a look and a talk, at any rate. , HATS AND CAPS. Iu gats and Caps we have all the latest styles, and when you ueed any thine iu tine line you should not buy elsewhere before seeing our big range to choose from". Prices 50c to $3. New Underwear, Ties, etc, arriving daily.—..— Homuth Bros. Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. MARRIAGE LICENSES leaned by FRANE PATERSON. No. 28 Victoria street, Windham, Ont. No wituessesreanired. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,00 0 ,0 0 0 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,474,000 Fanners' Notes disoonnted. Drafts sold on all points in Canade, the United States and Europe. SA'PINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest alloWed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal $0th June and 81st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. St. 'Vanetone. Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid up, $2,250,000.00. Reserve Fund, $2,000,000.00. Total ,Assets, $25,000,000.00. Preeidenb-- Boer. Wsc. Grnaort. ViocePresident and General Manager ..J. T'IIl'tnntnnt i Assistant Gen, Manager, -H. M. *swabs DtPE3:1T013$ :foiw ys ggndrle,GeeO Ratafoord, Cyrus Bi Inspector—B. Willson. BA.VXNGS BANS. Ieterest allowed on deposit/tot 0.00 encs tip - wt , andd b ear d edoprincipal on 1st May and, ilerrates Bp eI 1 DspoIita alto reoelwed at current W. CoBTo1:174D,. Ageat UXOSms1 B Nf di S0r owl ll'l1 , liblicitorik r BuIk Teas Are ao good as we say they are, probably bete than yon think they are. They have no fancy names, .They need none. Simply ask for our 2ao, or $5e, or 40o Tea, and you will get in your parcel this store's idea of tea good- ness without paying more than you ought for it, Of course there may be people who have formed a preference for some other brand or blend of tea, who wouldn't care to change. But we have noticed that the great majority of those Who try these Teas of ours stay with them, R. A. Hutchison GRoonnIEs AND °ROOKERY Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59 Real Estate Notice. It will pay you to come to me to buy your farm or town properly. Never before had I such an ext, nsive list (both in town And coun- try ) onn•try) for sale. !have about 6.000 acres of land, comprising some of the best farms in the coun- ties of Huron and Bruce, and now is the time for the intending purchaser to have a look at them. I an also suit you in town property no matter what you may desire. Prices rang- ing from $400 up to $4,000. Col ection of runts and accounts a specialt�6 Life and Accident Insuranc e effected. C. J. •MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent,' VANsroNx Snots. ' • WINGHAM. Orr. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. The Ne Bridges. "The steel forte new bridge south —The Daily Star till let of January, 1906, for $1. Leave your order at the TIMES Office. Fewer F l Fairs, B, Cowan, Sup rintendent of Agri- cultural Societies, s ates that there are too many fall fairs and that the num- ber must be ranter ally reduced. It is proposed to limit he nuniber of agricul- tural fairs to be ld in any county from four to two, and at the people should be allowed to vot at municipal elections to decide which f ir should be continu, Dr, Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied. Times CI bing Rates. In another colum we give our club. bing rates for the f 11 and winter. The Thaw is able to giv clubbing rates on any of the leadin newspapers and magazines. If you not see what you want in our net, en uire at the office. The Trues will be se t to new enbsorib• ers from now until th lot of January, 1906 for $1, and new ubscribers to any of the city weeklies w 11 receive the bal. ance of this year free All subscribers will be given a copy our Christmas number, further parti plats of which will be given in future issues, Read the clubbing list on page e ven of this issue, THAT DRHS8 Goons SAM—When in town just take five minutes and see what we are offering. Slaughter Sale Of Ready -Made ClOthing and Overcoat% decided to clear them out. Shippin Sugar Beets. The farmere i this district who have grOWn sugar bee s this season. have been buoy ter the paa two weeks pulling and stripping theta We understood that upwards of lift n carloads have been shipped from inghera to Berliil this year. The cro this year was a good one. Mr. W. Gratis vehb reprerseete the Berlin Beet Su 00, throng,hont this pert of the pro hide, the other clay visit. ed a farmer in mbtoil county Who con- templates ein king beet growing. He Wals think of cultivating Strenty• acreage linid re thorough cultivation. MOAN, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1004, Wear Greer's, Shoes and Rubber* New Teach ing, when two new who has been very to the Board, has the place of Miss nation takes effect Miss Sprang, of A place of Miss Cor next year, as Miss six months vacati r Engaged. Id on Monday even. teoehers were en. tanning, of Clinton, en engaged to take Lean, whose resig. t the end of the year. burn, will wire the yn for .eix menthe ornyn has been given 1/0TJ8E TO RENT. Apply te 0. J. BIA- The committee in charge of the I. 0. be held inthe opera ning, Nov. llth, are meat. Mr. Will Mo- ot Seaforth will be be assisted by local d prograln of songs, ental oolos, readings, • will be Served. der are requested to parties they have in'. e committee not later y) evening. making arrange evening's entertai Leod, comedian, present, and will talent in a vari vocal and instra Members of the have a list of the vited, handed to than this (Thurs Smart youth wanted. Apply by letter. Joke from attended the Lan now, wheee pass It is said that th $1.20 iu his purse the soribe was Watigisain Times lucky escape. allowance for the be the "devil" to returned home. likely that Bro. on the previous were so low on Bro. Mooney. the Blyth Standard ter meeting at Lack- ckets.were at were. Standard man' liiad but strange to relate man altio had a very obably the thief made fact that there would ay when these meu ipley-Exprees. It' is ooney paid the "devil" aturday, and funds nday he could not at- tend the Laurier meetin Young gentle= to secure bo ard and lodging priva te house. Apply by letter to b TIMES office. For violins, guitars, mandolins and small goods ot all kinds, go to D. Bell's music More. The S The second sno occurred last We Thursday morning and roads were ren sequence. Speaki falls in the Provin gram says: Last fell on the 26th o ly reaches us abo the first snow di 1I, and in 1850 i 19, which is the the first appear hest date since on Oct. 3 and t fall of the season nesday night and and the sidewalks ered sloppy in cOn. g of the first snow - e, the Toronto Tele - ear the first snow October, and it usual - t that time. In 1899, not come until Nov. did not fall until Nov. atest date on record for nee of enow. The ear - 886 for snow to fall was 's took place in 1888. MILL ENns.—Just received, another large bale—mill ends of cottoli, at IsAno's. Come quick for bargains. The Chicago & North astern Ry bait issued a new publi tion entitled "California." I con ins a beautiful colored map of t staie, a list of hotels at California tou ist.'resorts with their capacity and rat , and a most interest- ing series of pictures showing Califor- niate resources and attractions. The prospective visitor and settler should be in possession of a copy of this profusely illustrated foldet. Sent to any address on receipt of two cents in stamps. Low rates from all points. B. H. Bennett, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. We would recommend a via 10 Gra. ham's Greenhouse. The Chrysalithe,, mum Flowers are magnificent and the Carnations “perfedly lovely," Frances street. County Coun Standard, was in to Mg on his mime Bradwin intends be which is oorapOsed East and West W will would make a and he has had co in municipal a Secretary of the 8 and is altio Seer° tore Society Of known in Wingh I Candidate. n on Tuesday, call- ous friends. Mr. ng a candidate .for for this divisiOn, anosh. Pro. Brad; good represeutative, airs, beieg now a lyth School Board, yth Bolted of Trade, I/ of the Agrioult lyth. He is well. , as thie if his native Accident at Monday often: Walter Rose, formerly at preient charge of gas and eleotrie lightpl wee making somerepai nett & A.dolph's cense, by gas and would un beeu soiree:fled had it 11 assistant, tvilo was able once. Mr. flay and tw on the seene promptly, attention saved Mr. Ros claim a feWlainutes mo have been beyoud medic on while Mr. at, at Listowel, in Messrs. Bon- e was overcorae oubtedly have t been for his to call assist. doctorti were nd immediate The doctors e aud he would I aid. To LizT"---Ifirst class furnished centrally /melted, breakfast su desired, Enquire at once, this office. oom lied if x 234 or Election R The Liberals of Wing arrangements for the re eleotion returns this (Th The large hall lb the Ma (third storey) will be 11SE will be received ever the graph Clo's line. The ha niehed with chairs and heated and made corn public invited. Iu addit the Liberals have mad with afTorouto firm to gi with magic lantern, thro .opposite the Macdonald lion to the returns being will be shown. If the w good one. rns. in have made eiiing of the relay) evening. donald block, The returns will be fer- n be properly n'to the above arrangements e the returns n onto canvas, uing character ther is favor MUST BE SETTLED —All aCeCill 8 (1110 the Ito e firm of Ball Bros. u settli-d by November 15th. Afte at (btu) the) A very pleasant ev Tuesday evening of th number of the busines assembled at Mr. Chas. end tmesented an address, accompanie some smoking chair. proved a worthy and and his removal will large circle of friend Chisholm intend leav' take up their residenc will be followed by t nanny Winghamites perity in their new ho ing is a copy of the ad Mu. H. H. ODISEEOLM Dear Friend—your Wingham have learned your intended removal and we gather here this press, to some extent, of those virtuee in your have drhwn us toward in disposition, rectitude uprightness of characte confidence in you, and esteera. We shall mis bor and friend, and ale oles, but we hope that change of residence in vantage. We realize moved, Winghain lose nese man and excellen some other place will We ask you to accept small evidence of our teem. We trust that be bright, and that th perity ruay ever shin your family. The address was a number of the btlene rn Honored. t transpired on week, when a men of the town Kneohtel's shop Chisholm with by a very hand- Ottisholm has onorable citizen, e regretted by a g next week, to in Torouto, and e best wishes of abundant pros- e. The follow- ress any friends in with regret of from our town, evening, to ex- ur appreciation character that in business and have given us ailed forth onr you as a neigh - in business cir- he contemplated y be to your ad - at by your re - a reliable bust. citizen, and that ain by our loss. t .is chair as a onfidence and es. our future ,may sunshine of pros - upon you and ned by a large MOM Check That Cough Do not allow it to become chronic. miimommoolonimilidorio DR. FOTHERGILL'S "Laxative Quinine Tablets' bouts. Does tot cause ring. ing in the head. Gives quick relief for all feverish ooa- ditions of the systetiu 'FOR SALls Walton Wino° Nominatio number of the East Huron n Brussels on Thum inuel: more so tha Dr, P. Macdonald Liberals, with Ba by the Consery Where was consi ranging the order Conservatives wer John George, of P Dr. Macdonald. would not agree. plant was agreed u made m the fol George, one hour; hour ; Dr. Chishol Macdouald, trim at Brussels. ination meeting at ay of last week, The of a noisy nature, en previous occasious, as nominated by the ster R. Vanstone as and Dr. T. Chisholm Lives with Barrister Ins finaneial agent. able trouble in ar. 1 the speakiug. The auxious to have Mr. rt Elgin, epeak after o this the Liberals Finally an arrange, on and speeches were wing order:—Areh. ., half hour; John Dr. Macdonald, one minutes reply. Mr. airman, gave general Si A TEAR If ADVANCE one oft lb wished ern oym office, atter four an of 13 and t store or , or at this office. Married forth Esposito marriage of a man of this tow quiet wedding residence of Mr. second daughter was united in Kruse, of Win was performed The bride, who father, was gow gray silk, trim and real lace. dainty wedding groom left for other points, the with pleasure th with the rainy f best wishes. t Seaforth. om last week's Sea - refers to the well known 'young --,"A very pretty but as solemnized at the in. Sclater on Wed - t six o'clock, whets his Elizabeth Margaret, ain. The ceremony as given aWay by her ed in gray voile over d with silk ruohings After 'partaking of it rettitraSt. the bride and Guelph, Hespeler and ride wearing a brown hat to snatch." It ie 'ends of Mr. and Mrs. g congratulations and Horne fr John Wilson, on Tuesday eveni months in Mani he reporto that 04 ishing condition. with many forni of this section, a ing prosperity, Wilson spent a well.know tow through illness Wm. Robertson last spring is I parts of Alberta shape. He is Oho hie new home an did moms. m the West. .5.. returned home g after spending two a and the West, and ntry to be in a flour - While away ha met r well-known residents d they are all enjoy - ben in Manta, Mr, ay With our former sorry to learn that Ur. n confined to his li0H80 some months. Mr. who left Wingham ed ni one of the best • bashisfarin in good oughly satisfied with ie meeting with splen - A Great Many For the best makes of Pianos, call and look through D. Bell's stock. Prices to suit purchasers. They are the best money can procure. Remember the stand, near Bell's factory. Politica The public =Set Hall on Tuesday e of Dr. Macdoisald ed and was a go Stewart was the oh few remarks introd for nearly an hour, with the iSSUOS intro servative speakers in East Huron. Dr. M and popular Liberal Huron, spoke for nea dealt with the leadin fore the eleetors. T did form and gave w the most iuterestin epeech he, has ever d evils of East Huron that they should be the ballots are coun should be elected wi g held in the Town ening iu the interest as very well attend - meeting. Mr. D. =an and after a ced Mr. Arch. His- t Hurou, who spoke dealing principally uced by the Con - different parts of cdonald, the able candidate in East ly two hours and questions now be - Dr. was in splen - at many say was and convincing livered. The Lib - have a candidate roud of and when d this evening he li, an increased ma- NoTion—I have arranged' with the Dominion Bauk to manage my bnsiness and all owing me on notes or mortgages, can pay principal or interest at any time after falling due, Remeniber you need not pay until you are requested to do so by me. I thank all those who have done business with toe and wish you all every prosperity. Ontario Fruit for the West. A prominent fr it grower in the Niagara district, Mr Robert Thompson of St. Catharines, w o has just returned from a trip through he fruit section of British Columbia, r ports that though fruit growers and ft it growing is iinew industry through B Usti Columbia, the British Colurabia growers can teach their Ontario comp itors many valuable lessons especially in he peeking of tipPles. In this connection, he freit diVision of purpose malting a ecial exhibit at the ITovember Fro% Plower and Holier show in Torolito, f the various varieties of 13ritish Odium a fruit packed by the growere themselv s. Similarly the other • he represent . The matter is one as t• hey tire meet g with keen °lumped. don in the Wes muskets frorttl3ritish Oolumbift, and in the markets Of Groat Fakir Farmers' Listitu from one of the paying that con cured at Simon ed with the illega two with operati Donnybrook Fair. a fine of SOO was other two oases of fits were colitis gambling machin is a complicated the making of bets dollars, and cape ing five persons wit at the same time. rountein Syringes are sold in our drug stores at thie time of year, and as our new supply has just arrived, we invite inspeetion of those we sell at All are good values. n, Superintendent of es, received a report Provineial detectives ictions had been se- gainst one Mini charg- sale of liquor, and gambling devices at In the former case imposed, and in the 25, each. Their out- ated. One of the affair, providing for of from one to forty le of accommodat, get -rich -quick ideas AlliMcCall 86 Go. Druggists -and Opticians ly Star till eud of 10 subscribers should ta low rate. The Home Someone has home newspaper you." This poem given a passing he likes you, if people, he allows petty spites to int ws-gathering. stranger, yet alo dearest friends and your tiorrow Those who woul your home paper, minded of your e in the village p your boyhood d paper never forg do not deserve it, the right lines ha at any time say fur to turn the w ent and see if it h Said nice things giye it credit. Herald and Week - tor 45 cents. New e advantage of this [ARCM AND B ES T So far as we can team Busineee College in Canada grtionaree so oy and at the same time a percentage of its students as doe/. ae 11 said that "your ver loses interest in ly you have never 1:101Ight. No matter e newspaper man or is true to his pro - es a paper for the personal matters or fere with his work of e may meet you 08 a g with his best and bronicle your succecs wherever you may be. forget you, but for are ever and anon re- nitence by some item per where you spent ys. Others may de - you, but your home s you. Possibly you. but a newspaper on no pets, and should it lugs that cause your ng way,study a =m- a not at various times f -which you fail to CENTRAL sTRATFORD. ONT. Our courses are up-to.date. in. atm:eters experienced and facilities unsurpassed. Students may enter at any time. Write for free satalogue. —Times and Weekly Globe till January, 1906, for $1 65. 1st of Grit and 'Tory get the same rates when insuring in COSENS' Agency. Ali kinds of Loan, Real Estate and Insurance business transacted. ABNER OOSENS. Winghain's Leading Shoe Store aommasimummummarianmicam We Sell Good Rubbers What a lot of weather we'll have right along now. Everybody will have use for Rub- bers nearly every day. It's a wise thing to protect the feet at thie season of the year. Look well to your Rubbers All kinds are here. Storm Enbbers, Low Out Rubbers, Sandals, Fonthelds, Toe Rubbers, Self Acting Rubbers, etc., eta. We have a good pair of Rubbers for Every Man Woman or Child in Town No poor Rubbers. Poor Rubbers are cheap and worthless at the tame time. Rubbers from 30c to $i.00. Pit say 811111)eit Shoo. W. J. GREER, Shoer to the People. t.