HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-10-27, Page 10tastairamias
Ii*1i Qualities
Ritchie's Furs
Probably no garment for women's wear offers greater
scope for deception and substitution to unscrupulous man-
ffaiturers than Furs. The reputation of Ritchie's Furriers
r integrity and reliability is unquestioned, Novices in
Furs Call make their choice here with an equal assurance
of safety as the most expert furrier.
For Ritchie's Furs are dependable. Every fur gar-
ment we handle represents the highest quality in Furs, the
latest style, the finest workmanship—and they're finished
with a luxuriousness that makes them royal garments. fit
for royal wear, and withal they are most moderately priced.
Woman's Natural Dark Alaska
Searle and Stales, made from
heavy full -furred skins, fur-
nished with 6, 8 and 10 tails,
chain and silk cord fasteners.
at $.5, 6.50, 7 50, 10 00, to 25.00
Woman's Natural Dark Mink
Scarfs and Stoles, made from
finest selected skins. finished
with 8 and 30 natural mink
tails, at $25, $30, $40 and 50.00
Woman's Persian Lamb Jaoketa
24, 26, 28 and 30 in. long,made
from solid whole skius,bright
glossy caresatin lining of fin-
est quality. $130 OD to 150.00
Woman's Electric Seal and Veer
Seal Jackets, 22. 24 and 26 M.
long,lined with finest quality
fancy bilk or satin, heavy full
furred skins, at $25.00, $30.00
$35.00, and up to 50.00
Woman's Black Astrachan
Jackets. 24, 26, 30, 34, 36 in.
long ; finest quality linings;
solid whole skius only used.
$25.00, $30 00 and up to 50.00
Woman's Natural Dark Alaska
Sable Rub's ; large barrel
shape and E m p 1 r e style,
down bed satin lining. From
$8 50 and $10.00 up to 15.00
Our Dressmaking Department is giving perfect satisfaction, We
invite the ladies to call and leave then order for a new Fall Suit.
Alex. Ritchie
—Sixty-five more days in 1904.
Eight weeks from Sunday will be
hristmas Day.
The town of Rat Portage is chance
8 name to Senora.
—Mr. W. H. Ruitoul has moved into
Alis new residence on Leopold street,
—A. R. Smith's ohauge of advt. will
Ise found on page 5 of this issue.
—"The District Lodge of Instruction
U be held in the Luoknow Oddfellows,
I on Thanksgiving Day.
.d.For twenty-four years Vap-Cresoiene has
/keen extensively used for all rms of throat and
troubles. All D uggists.
—Earl Grey, the new Gove rnor-
lleneral, will sail for Canada on the
'4'8risian in December.
—Winter will soon be -with us again,
!Ind we all hope for an improvement
yser last winter.
—The regular meeting of Court Malt-
And;.Catladian Foresters will be held on
ieriday evening of this week.
'--.Alfred E. Elliott is offering his farm
ni. 103 aures for sale. The farm is near
• Ingham, in.Turnberry. See advt. in
other column.
..—The choir of the Wingham Presby-
"' n Church assisted at the entertain-
• The Wolin of the !testa.,
Whether it be true er not teat the.
Egyptians 4.000 years ii, 0. discovered
the true functions of the heart and
thee anticipated Harvey, it certainly i8
true that Michael Servitus, whole John
Calvltz burned to dente ut Leneva 1zt
1553, in hit, treatise, "Pe Trinitatis
Erroribus," published . in 1.533, first
maintained the imperviousness. of the
septum and the 'transition of blood
trohu the right ventricle by the put -
moony artery to the lungs, thence
by the pulmonary vela and left auricle
and ventricle anti the aorta to all parts
of the body."
fore+ than eighty years later Harvey.
taking up the work of that great physi-
ologist, completed it, and in his work,
"hleereltatis de Motu Cordis et Sall'
guinis" (1628), promulgated to the
world hia,alseovery of the true func-
tions of the beast anti of the regular
and periodic clrcelution of the blood,
and it in nowise derogates from Ills
fume or the Merit of his discovery to
say that it was lt1cletel Servitus who
pointed the way to tills discovery for
Yon may lead me ou of Wingham
but you cannot drive .: out of Wing-
bam. It'e pretty • ar, to beat a man at
his own game, nes ; :r can you make a
horse drink dirty iter. Read our ad.
A. R. SMITH, Leading Clothier.
—Work has been commenced on the
alterations necessary in the removal of
the Bell Telephone office to the new
quarters in the Vanetone block, next
Brunswick hotel.
—Mr. John Dawson, one of the pion-
eer residents of Sinless township, passed
away on Sunday last 'in his 74th year.
The funeral took place on Tuesday after -
n tion to the Wingham cemetery.
—Guy Bros. Minstrels gave one of
their popular entertainments in the
opera house on Friday evening to a
crowded hoose. The show was very
much different to that of last year, and
all features were well in the front rank.
Guy Bros. are always welcome in Wing -
ham. '
—We have this week received a copy
of the report of the first annual oonven-
tion of the National Association of Can-
adian Stock Breeders, held in Ottawa
last week. The book contains much
valuable information, and copies may be
secured by writing the Live Stock Com-
missioner at Ottawa. ,
sent in St. Helen's Presbyterian Church
en Monday evening.
—Attend the public meeting in the
own Hall on Tuesday evenippg next,.
old hear the political ques -ons of the
s!"`'` discussed. oar Sore Throat e.Coughs
simple, effective a d safe emody for all throat
a - fl(flI £5 Found .n
Cresolene A 11 antic Tablets,b
r ytoa,cthegerm ' al value orCresolenewith
e.. soothing properties slippery eln, acid licorice.
100, A1llirugt{ists 400
—A public meeting in the interest of
. Macdonald will be held in the
Foresters' Hall at Pineville on Saturday
ening of this weer,
---Mr. J. A. Davidson, a well-known
ewspaper man and for many years one
the publishers of the Guelph Mercury,
�{,,. = •
at his home in Guelph on Sunday.
Aswan fire in Mr. James Maddi-
stable on Alice street gave the fire-
* run on Saturday afternoon. The
tt a s extinguished, before doing any
_established 879.
Whooping Cough,). cup, Bronchitis
It, Cr , r A ma, Diphtheria
sale coati to Asearnatlds
vet us loge kstat0t.hed and stsodsra remedy
dipa$e. indicated. 1t rum, .eCaue, the fir ren•
e7*ositis antiseptic Is carried won. the dieeesed atm
: *K flee be,nrh;ai tube* *lilt awry breath, ttrfnt
_... w4' c.sttant atmant tbosf of 5 calmest.
letlabikefr e!' angrrrias from chronic 'bronchitis, find
rake[ Irma Goghs At inland eothdhtitnda *f
Is sold
At mkt pre.
rerfpt n Sick
itiss..ttn.tese oat•
tc treat K
ils.d for
MA St laws Of.,
tl . $0*
The new factory 'bf the Winnipeg Cas-
ket Company at Winnipeg was burned.
Loss, $20,000.
The Australian jewellery trade want
an increase of protection from 25 to 35
per cent.
Miss Mary Sachs of Doon, aged eigh-
teen years, was killed by falling on an
iron grate. A prong entered her eye and
pierced the brain.
nor:wileeh and Deet.
'"here are some means of dietingulsb-
ing between borseSesh and beef," said
a meat inspector,
"Raw horseflesh is a brownish red
in color, whereas in raw beef there is
no brown. Itaw horseflesh is soft and
tenacious. Touch It, and the finger
sinks in, while as you withdraw the
finger the tissues rise with it and cling
to it, as though intermixed with glue.
But raw beef is not soft nor tenacious
in this way. Raw horseflesh, further-
more, has an odd, metallic smell.
"Cooked horseflesh is denser than
beef. It is as dense as a lump of
cheese. In taste • it is sweet—a sweet-
ness sickening, to my mind.
"The best test for horseflesh is to
take a piece of the fat and melt it.
Horse fat will melt to a clear oil at so
low a temperature as 70 degrees P.,
but beef fat won't melt to a clear oil
under a temperature of 112 degrees:".
The Gallery Gods' Applause.
Lawrence Barrett once told of a
conversation he had with Edwin Booth.
The latter had been congratulated up-
on an ovation given him by a crowded
house on the opening night of an en-
gagement. "The sweetest music to my
ears," said the great tragedian, "is the
shouting of the boys in the gallery. I
know they are not applauding because
I have a reputation or because they
wish to make a. display. They simply
give vent to their natural enthusiasm.
When they shout I know that I am
giving a good performance. As for the
parquet, it may clap its• hands out of
politeness, A. dramatic critic who had
certain notions •as to how a line should
be read will applaud if I read it his
way; otherwise he will remain quiet.
I can never analyze the applause of
the front rows, but the gallery, is sin-
Gere in its likes or dislikes."
FORGtE.—In Wingham, on October 20th. the
wife of Mr, Wm. Forgie; a daughter.
KELLEY.—in Morris, on October 4th, the wife
of Mr. Martin D. Kelley, of a daughter.
I{ING—TOMREY.—At the Court street M. E.
church, Flint, Miohigan, on October 12th, by
Rev. J. It Beach, Mr. Jarred C. King, son of
Mr and Mrs. •.eorge King, of Blyth, -to Ina
Blanche, daughter of Justice and Mrs. oJ. M.
Torrey, of Flint, Michigan, •
COnsnnY—MgxxrNG.—In Morris. at the resi-
dence of the bride'a parents, on Oct 19th, by
Rev. L M. Webb, of Brussels, Mr. Wm. D.
Cowley, of Stratford to Miss Mary E. daught-
er of Mr. and Mrs, Joint Manning, Morris.
BARER—In ICranbrook on Oct. 19th, Adam
Baker, aged 42 years and 5 days.
Formas—At RuthwelI, Manitoba, on Oct. 12th
George Forbes. formerly of Morris township,
father to Mrs. Neil Mc1,a'hchin, Brussels, aged
78 years.
DAwaoN—In Kinloss, on October 23rd, John
Dawson, aged 73 years, 7 months and 19 days.
103 acres, adjoin g Wi ham; seventy-five
acres under cults atio Good house ; ' new
barn. Splendid pp tunity. Exceptional
bargain. Addre.
The inanslgel' And two clerks of the
Bank of Hamilton were held up and
robbed. of $2,000 between Plum Coulee
and Winkler, Man.
The town of Palmerston carried by-
laws by large majorities to extend the
municipal electric light plant and to
furnish the Public Library building.
John Gowan of Westbourne, Man.,
while shooting on the river with one
of his children, received fatal injuries
by the accidental discharge of his gun.
The report of the provincial health
officer for September Showa a large de-
crease in the number of cases of deaths
from diphtheria, there being a decrease
of 32 per tent. Deathri reported from
all causes totaled 1,967, in a population
of 2,120,114, or 11.0 per thousand. A
year ago the rate was 11.7. Typhoid
fever, hovfettet, has increased.
Nelson Thompson, on of Air. Robert
Thompson, of East Wawanoah met with
a very unfortunate accident on Tuesday,
He `vas teaming a load of furniture and
when going down the hill west of the
village, soma of the furniture /tipped and
the lad was thrown to the road, the
Wheel, of the wagon passing over the
left leg, The leg Was broken above the
knee, and badly bruised below the knee.
The yottng Man was moved to hie home
and the injured leg attended to by
physician. '.t'he accident will lay the
young mac aside for wady weeks
` 5s00
Fountain Pen
To the person who writea the
words " W aterman'e Ideal Foun-
tain Pen " ou the batik of a Cana-
dian post card, the greatest
number of times, we will give a
hand so ui a Waterman'e Pen,
whieh Belle all over the world
at $5.00.
The writing must be in ink, but
any kind of a pen may be used.
'J'he card may be mailed to us or
enclosed ip an addressed envelope
and you are requested to put your
name aoresa the one end of the
front of the post card, so that we
will know where it game from.
Put nothing on the back of the
card except the words " Water -
melee Ideal Fountain Pen," and
the oftener yon can write these
words the better ohauce you will
have of seonring the prize.
Doingsthis week at the Bee Hive
Contest closes Dec. 11 1904
(Successors to Alex. Ross.)
Night calla at Button Block, or resi-
denee at Ritohie's property on Scott St.
or third house west of school on John
street, Shop opposite Macdonald block.
Applications for ue position of tea/eller in
S. S. No. 11, East " wanosh, for the year 1905,
will be received by e undersigned up to No-
vember 1st. Applic nts to state salary.
J T. CURRIE, Secretary.
Box 184. Winghain X',O.
0110= is hereby' given iiursua. to R.B.O.
1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 38, that all persons
havingclaims against the estat:.1 William T.
A. Fishleigh, late of the Tow .f Wingham in
the Countof Euro • merchant,
harware re arch
deceased, who died on , r ab t the 18th day of
September, A.D 1904. re equtred to send by'
pont prepaid or to de v- to R. Vanatone, So-
licitor for tile Adminiits x, on or before the
25th day of November, A.D. 1904, their names,
addresses and descriptions and a full statement
of particulars of their claims and the nature
of the security (if anti held byt3temduly cer-
tified, and that niter the said day tate Adminis-
tratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of
the deceased amongtheartiteentitled thereto,
havingregard only to the claims of which she
shall ten have notice.
Dated this 24th day of October, A.t).1904.
R. VANSTONE. Wingham P.O..
Solicitor for the Administratrix.
The Canada Business College
cleat I*AM, O54r.
is unquestionably Canada's greatest bnsiness
No other echedl gets snob RESULTS,
Itis now current talk throughout the coun-
try that the student who wants the beat train-
ing a and a good position when graduated must
attend this school.
00 stndent8 placed in year It 19900.
800 'Y, ,. it 1902,
376 t' It It'' 1900.
If these were placed in picayune positions
ho'dh $3beeWWorththee apaaccekin this paperath t it
taken to tell it. But When the salaries averaged
aver $000 per' annum, A few of them,ovor *1000,
the publid Should know that ne other business
sehool in Canada pttbliahee "holt hats And get*
Many of air fortner graduates are how Coln-,
Inatidinsalaries from 2600 to $4000 annuatl7.
e pay railway' fare to Chatham up to $A
and can secure you good beard at $2.60 to *2.76
per week;
ealry6=brithititscrgelft Gen tttda write iierted br
D. Mata' halt a, Obr, ibla thins that'
Applications will be received by the under-
signed upto Tuesday, November 15th. 1904 for
the positon of teacher for 3. S. No. 9, East'Wa-
wanosh. Applicants will state .qualifications
andsalary. Duties to commence Jan. 3rd, 1905.
Box 182, Wingham, P. 0..
We have a proposition
which is interesting to every•young man
and woman who wishes to enjoy the best
success in life.
EDUCATION is the key to our proposal
and to your success. Write, and write now,
for our plans. You may study at home or
at the col,ege. Only a postal for all partic-
ulars. Address
Yonge 41 Gerrard Sts, Toronto.
W. H. SHAW, Principal.
There'll be lively doings this week at the Bee Hive. We've been
watching the markets very closely for money T saving values for This
Store's Selling, and have succeeded in gathering together th,e
greatest array of the newest and best value goods we have
yet shown. Every department is now filled with the season's needed'
goods, and prices here will save you dollars on your purchases,
ladies' and Misses' Jackels
We have received another Shipment of Ladies' and
Misses' Jackets bought direct from the znakere and
on sale at prices that are sure to please, We are
this week giving a special discount which will
make a big weeks' selling in the Jacket depart-
ment, Every .racket We Show is New
—not a last season's.one in the lot; you cannot af-
ford to miss seeing what we have to offer when
purchasing your New Jacket, •
Our Dress Goods Section is always a centre of et.
traction. The extensive dress and suit lengths
shown here have been aelected from the best mar-
kets and no effort has been spared on our part to
place on our counters the very latest production of
the loom in Dress Fabrics. This too is the depart-
ment in which our prices save you from 10 to 25
per omit. on the dollar.
Have you learned the value of
our Grocery Prices ?
Overcoats far Men and Boys,
There's a newness of style and finish with Bee
Hive overcoats that appeals to the good judgment
of every buyer. We had busy selling and prices
this week will make buying very interesting.
Come in and see what we are doing in this depart-
You ean't save dollars easier than by making yonr-
overccat purchase at this store.
Tsble Linens, Towellingo, Blankets,
White Quilts, Flannelettes, Ticking.
Wrapperettes, Hosiery,
Underwear, Shawls, Gloves and Corsets,
Fascinators, Silk Shirt Waists,
Black Sateen Underskirts,
Ready-to-wear Tweed Skirts,
Men's Furnishings.
CROCERIES . If . not,
it will pay you to
do so now i •
The Bee hive --- The Keeler Go..
From 'Wingham to the highlands of Ontario
including points Mattawa to Nipigon and
Garden River, inclusive • also Kipawa and Tem-
lfikarming. Good going daily until November
A11 ticketS valid returning on Or before De-
cember 10th, 1904,
Single fare for round trip bewteen all sta-
tions in Canada, goodoing Nov, 2nd and 3rd,
Valid returning until Nev. 4th.
Great World's Fair, St Loafs,
818.30 round trip, with stop -over privileges
at Chicago, Detroit and intermediate Canadian
stations. •
Through Pullman Sleepers twice daily.
For tickets, illustrated literature and full
information call on
L. HAItOLD, Agent,Wingham,
Pi ciFIC
Political Meetings.
Come and hear the q • estions of the day
discus sed.
the Liberal candid to in East Huron
has arranged t. hold meetings
during the' ampaign as
folio •• s •--
Brussels, (nomina-
tion, afternoon) , Thursday, Oct. 27
Walton .... ...... Thursday, Oct. 27
Wroxeter Friday, Oct. 28
Bluevale Saturday, Oct. 29
Belmore Monday, Oct. 31
Wingham Tuesday, Nov. 1
Gorrie .......... Wednesday, Nov. 2
Dr. Macdonal' , the candidate and
others will address these meetings.
The Conservatl' a candidate or any one
in his behalf will be given an opportuni-
ty to speak at th meetings.
A11 meetings w 11 commence at 7.30
p.m., sharp.
Ladies are resp ctfully invited to be
cfod3 gdn on ltovember batt and 3rd; re-
turnman ti November 4th.
Bet all Mediate in Cenladte,'pt+tt Arthur,
Ont,, end Bast,
eta Ida find frpt'bicalarif•froetitYiultitea'-
eat Canadian Pacific Agent.
A. E. NOTMA ,,Aast.'Gesi4 i?atrdr:,�ga*
Positively Free
Do you want a New Suit?
If so buy, it here and we will
keep it pt'essedfor six months
free of charge.
As shown, with high closet and copper -lined reservoir,
with corners richly carved, has met with every success. The
reservoir insures plenty of hot water for the kitchen, while
the high shelf 'or high closet provides extra room while
cooking and adds largely to the appearance of the Range.
This is one of the,best Farmer's' Ranges we have seen ;
has large fire -box ; burns'both coal and wood ; has a good
sized oven ; has six 9 -inch cooking holes—in fact a first-
class range in every particular. •
Price, complete with high shelf, only $37.00
Fishieigh's Hardware
Store open 7 a.m. every day. Closes 7 p.m., except Saturday.
iWith this season of the year there invariably carries
Ithe need of something new in the Furniture line. Per- $
'haps it's a Parlor Suite, a Bedroom Suite, Diningroom ;
Suite, Sideboard, or some odd piece, Whatever your
/ need in
!FURN IT U . E!-.
f may be, we are prepared to supply you, at most moderate «
• prices, in keeping with the high quality of the goods.
Furniture Dealers and. Undertakers WINGHAM.
ate matehlese in design and Is now prepared to attend the wants of those
fabric, and we have a large dtoCk requiring Itis services, at a reasonable price.
to select from. No necessityof going out of town for an auc-
tioneer. AII orders left at the TIMES ofSee
t - will receive prompt attention.
in all the ne'4vest and best mater•
tale at right priced,
Panitiligato .>f, itttylliad
And sad` if gran are going to get
de not buyy a ready'.naade until
Jou see What we oa11 make yon
ene to order fedi,
We give yott all It'Preesing in.
vita on to ball. .
WO* 142 TAilAYA.
The undetsigned has for sale a number of
thorougfibred Large English Berkshire Sows,
from three to six months old, seine of whieh
have been already bred. Also a pair of young
boars for sale. lelse haveforService,
el yeurig
boar, Which was a prize winner at Toronto,
Matnech P. 0.
*PRE undereigned offers for sale his farm,
mat half .of Lots 7 and. 8, Concession 11,
Tnrnpl errs. The farm contains 100 'acres of
good lend 80 acres cleared. 10 acres hardwood
ush, 10 aures of eodor. On the premises are a
good atone houhe, bankbarn,atotte pigpen. etc..
Also a spring &reek and typo Wella; And is well
fenced With cedar rails. 8iat millets from Wing•
halm, and convenient to ohuroit, eohool, post
office and blackatriith shop, Rimy tome. yor
lnforination apply tb ilIOM. '"• : • " • ..w
Gienannaxx /0.0.
Camp National, No. 130
ITOLD their regular meetings on the 2nd
Ai and 4th Friday in each month, in Odd -
fellows' 21•a11. All visitors welcome.
R. MAxwitm, O. O. 11. U. CnoWnta, Clerk.
g, We gtls ralitt0 - our 'work, in g,
SfE, FINISHPFuBr1:ilElgcrIt.
;1 The latest stylus of 1ltoitnts
ggalways on band,
If Armstrong & Co's Studio