HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-11-06, Page 7_ .7 eel Wee eft a CO., it. It applied ears ago be a cer- to their had beep f Green% rough the er, nutil immense, and Unit- ififfering Costive- igestion, see with- nd get 4 le bottles aire4 ep- lity in the properties que is not t wili. es- t disease. Northrop bly adapt- rvous. It on, checke Ivens tis - to resist , tated: are it has no to a regn- n eases of specially •7 passed off. umb ague, of disease ate. The other in. le eehiele principles agreeable, fileacious, . • astirig and. .and vigor. y and ner-' asing that disease to truthfully me toineee- :- order, but aea would be farther a to exag- able Medi- ineWine, route. TniES Its • ETNIN0 1D. It is the dose cures has cured d an old. cures bad EST sig to • CORLATED bottle has ding. D. I went 30 effected a • six appli. thma for-- -- ent bottle uld get no , N. Y. lectrib Oil • .lead not ' ik " Your. " tie- in one OILS THAT rnal as for • measure- iviir dollars a . • Ilionia,' N: . THOUS, . • nRoP te Ly• HEE. Sold Northrop a ion. ctriFed.. ally Suit- orsed by fficulty of nd the de- file taste, , researches. weet, Cas- e strength ry (letter • • less, yet eine nei- ren say it I say they ren drink hide the ' ight off j" it twice ow what • aster Oil, 9.4 ith , tn. Inge of &fit ing mon oil, .' improve, s brought , , but the bstitutes pting to by Seeing TOR OIL, Melissa. ' e Katie- theeiri- iv- f • ' Toronto. in. Ob- Sold by . t= ILLS position le DWI- sewhat. , it eon- orttime ularity. actions, avinese ,•• of the Whites, d ' by a t eenre ; _ to fail 4' f pare, ,free, Of Eaton, , Tosed to . general bottle 1. W, n Sea. battle , Bay. linsedi. 4. --' •OLINTON NEW ERA. r bATuRDAy last wits* ,saint' ay. SLEfous.-A number :Of attended Tag indications ,Ore that "winter hits Set In in gulled' ' . • he . '. . --EC . : • '' • •tempted ic 'I7/10 004 P4U14411,4 400X. of e peewee We te eeep-oea. No ea" aeoule mut pb , , 0m me Immo seia wan se ege:wo 04040, .r40071.3, WOO* of aetir ....will woof Wiley itiseeas, etc. ree sale by ell SIErbirillAwn, the Wiaohaster maxi hanged at Cornwall, on Friday. He: fest/ion but there was nothingqiew is said'that 27 pereone from Ottaw for the jeb of hanging him. . utiRDEt, wtta, Cur. -.A. few / ,' 'August Flower" wee discovered to 'thin cure, for Dyspepsia aud Liver 0 A few thin Dyspeptiee made known Weeds, how wooly 44(1 quickly they eured by lie 1113e. The great write 1 August Flower became heralded th ceuntry by one ;sufferer and anoti without' advertising, ite Sale became Dreggiste in everytown iu Canadi, ea BMW are selling it. No person front Sour Stomach, Siele Headeche, nese„Palpitation. of the Heart, In Low Spiritsoite,,,eau take three de out relief. Go to your Druggist 0 bottle for 75 cents andtry it. Saml 10 cents. . 40, • a. , TAKE • ,• • , ' I . A imam, of Euglieh ,etnigrants arrived church. ois Sunday, in slelg IsaSvNe°bWeenirsittiri-g isistumoutilearlery7 birciS' liel:.4W-TriedaitlY6' . 0, wisideas been spending a nember oC month la tife old country, has, . Pr Is a good sign tolee so many new board rethrOetl_toto.WO. ' ' - - •• - - , -hereabouts. . ' • -• ' ' .. so , q It r..).T...T co, t: if , . 111 - .. . 0 N 'I' , . i III . c.' .. e vuo, ei We 14gii give the Army ,,Era to the feticcia being erected by farmer's Mopgx,rrgs.-411 the'..tnon-professional 2sTinauens •of farmers in the surrounding candidates attending the 3Todel 'School hero, •01,9e of Deco 1880,for si40, . 1Vew Era, and Weekly (Rohe for .salne tinge, for $8. . - _ .. ' New Era and 'Postern ..eldver- goers for octane „time, for $2.75.. . , . Subscribe now, and therebY get the remainaer ,o,r this gear free. 41nerican 41911°481"1184 the? be" farmer's yournat in the wori, Si a year, . • country have net yet begun, to take UP their obtained Certificates at thelate examination root Mixt. . , which will be honed on the -31st of Dec. ' STOox Sow -The • stock, of Dingman & Mu 111msoocx 3101uncgru of Dakota 4 . , _ . . 4 $ RamWe, stationers, was OP Thisrsday sold formerly ensployed with Mr. jas. nor, `cif for 40' cents on. the ;. • . , .. . , this toWn, had 1,700 bliehelS of Wheat this , %low` -There was finite a fall Of WM' last year„ ever 500 of which he sold for some. 1004: alio early ibis --week elle weather was- thing over $0 cent% and the halance."he ' cold 'PM wintry -like. , Could dispose of for over ;1. , Oze MOnday two Indians were in tovfn of- Qum Taug.-The following, in refcr- ' tering skins for Fele, they having come from ence to an %liter, eelitellas More truth than Munceytovvn, in the county of Kent, ' most people are vniling- to admit ;-}Ie does A SMasn.-04 Monday,,a dog came out more gratuitously for the town than all the of MrMD•Cantelon's arcery b jumping rest of the community put together, and - ' • • b° ' Y - - often gets cursed for it, while the man who through a, pane amass in tlie doore donates a dollar for the let a july, a Sun- Hiemm-While fall wheat was quoted on day School or a social, is tenderly remein- the Stratford markets last week at $1.18, the. bend. • . . . e, , e_l e . Everybo. dy 'Wiling an OVERC.OAT . ShoUld see the finest largestand -' • ' in town. being imported stock . - • . ' - ' ' , • direct from Scotland.. Fill al -nes of NAP GOODS a all " - . ... :. • ' . . ' •. prioes.:.. ' – . BEAVER OVERCOATINGSin Blues ' • , -. 7, Browns and Blacks. , . 0 . 0 , _...4 ..4 _., „ ., ---4 .`1 ' -r•-i • - tml t'll ,_ _,ttl til L'21 . w. 71. c=.3. • tri , tx1 t,,1 • t4 buyers in Clinton were paying $1.20and $1.22, e, • . . , roomy AssoceArrobe-Eisewhere ' will gOW4 g$111.0. BEAU tr IN MiNn.-4 fact that ratepayers be found an advertisement calling a meeting X, ' should bear in mind, is that tne law requires of poultry howlers, to be held in this town, . . . , . DIAGONAI OVERCOATINGS in . e A Pau Fee*, HAGGARD 0017N1 au attenuated; feeble frame -an im petite, -these indicate a lima of vita system, and an absence of nutrifying the blood , If the enfeebled, h s' in . • . :, . P Y speedily bunt up to such a ease, suredly Bucaumb to the inroads ( That fine tonic and fortifying agent, , . ..., .. & Lyman'a Quinine Wine 1 s. admira ed to the needs; of the weak and ne Is a prompt end certain aid to digesti u,ndue waste of the muscular end a • one% and besides braces the: spittle those inaladies to which the debil specially prone. As an appetizer, superior, and it is higlilY conducive . lar state of the bowels and liver.. : peeloilia• fever of alnalarial type, it i effioaoione, if taken when the fitems Fever and ague, bilious remittent, (I and aguocure, are aniongthe forms • t • begot en of miasma, which it eradic choicceSherry Wine, which, holds le . . . MI:haute in solution,. is an admire . for diffusing its tonic -and aorrectiye the system, 'Its flavor is Hi Ingredieets the purest and most i and its effects are not fleeting,•but 1 thorough: .A. restoration of health may be looked forward to by weakl . Vous persons -who use.it, alwayesem there ie no irremecliable orgama _thwart.its.goodeeffeete.e, It may he •said of it,, that -it is a. PAM, WhOleiii with alterative.propertibs of a high to claim for it the virtues of a pant • of course be absurd, Nothing could from the we'll of its proprietors the wet° the virtnes•of this really vain Ask your druggist for the Quiz prepared by Northrop & Lyeaan, T; . . . . . . . the payment of all taxes by the 15th of Nee ,on WI 21st inst., at .2. p, In, The object of • TOWII COUtiell. vember, • the meeting is to form an association for the .,..- — • . . ' The fegular monthly meeting of the cows- KTtLED.---Mr• Rartley Laycock, of Buf-county. There should be it good attendance falo, a relative of the late George Laycock, of all pa,rties interested. The miffing of Doul- • ell Was. held 'on Monday evening -all the Pellibere Prafent-except Messrs. -Glasgow, of Clinton, was run over and, terribly rnang. try is an occupation which many more might led by a train on_ Fridav enter „..upen, requiring comperatively little eantIon, rindLealle, Minutes °nest meeting _ - . '' , - • . " • time, atui being. attended .Avith a certain ,,,jegaienewyneu filEnVicEs.-Totday (Thuile read and approved. The finance comenittee's aMeunt of pleasure and profit, report, as foliowS, was read :-.J. Wheatley, day) being thaniusgiving day,,services will . ., . .,., :,• ..., • . INTRREIEDIATIE eirocnie.eny.--.Dy- au over- quarter'S sabre', $15; J. Irving, work on be• held this morning in the Methodist and. . . streets, $1; W. Whittington, Work In ceine- Presbyterian churchee. . sight we omitted to mention thatlfr, John , Level', the•vrell-known publisher of Montreal terye&c., $2.50; J. Callaeder, quarter's dal- AN American recently. wrote to a Well- has issued' an intermediate geography two 0; arY and registration fees, $57.03; Erwin & known stock -breeder in thisvleinity, inquire three weeks ago ,which is admirably adapted Scandrett, charity, $3•50; RA*. Ourlett,Worir; Ing ES tOthe prospects of his being able to for school use.• 'It containe a • ler e - ber •g rn • ' .. Vt.e., $4.25; T. Gibbings, chain ter scraper PUrchase three, hundred Cotstvold sheep- •of clear and accurate maPs„ renning eserm- IT Scott natter's Sala ,te 132 251 ' On motion of councillor Forrester, secotided RErmINED.-Messrs. Hearn and Freeman, tions of the 'taking countries; and is just what • ntOn export company, w o vvent to le wan .e 0 m .ere of the Cli ' h • • - t'd t • • t st • il ' M L 11 h by councillor Er pup s. r. ove as „ . . . . vvin, the report was adorged. E 1 d sh t tl ith • f in ries an advanced geography, which will ng an a m me ago w a cergo,o Mr. Citidley, on behalf of 'a Mr, Ilawklas P' b • A I ' • b of Port Albert, directed.the attention of ,the cattle, returned to two on Saturday. shortly e issue ... e Is sure. to e .a good counell to a lot, which had been Sold for MILL PACTOny --We are one, • • . 'IVE rriir . . f Y.' ' . • . taxes, on, which Hawkins had a claim. The informedt at t e closing.° the fanning mill Back mom Daxora.-0.-Mr, Charles Mor- matter was considered; but nO' action, in re- factory of this Nape is only of a temporary row, who recently went from Clinton to the eerence.thereto taken, : ' . character, -end. that it will op shortly re- nortnwest, and milisequently settled 'in Dile • • opened. . • . • , . • Moved by councillor' Turnbull, seconded • • „ . , kotai has returned to town for:the winter; .• • ••• by 'councillor Sheppard, that this council ' A T4LI., Os,,m,-,Toseph Littlefair, son. a and intends removing there in the spring. petition . the legislature' of Ontario to so 1tIre Emerson Littlefair, of Morris, was In He. states that it" greatmeny are .settling in . amend the municipal.act as tolimitthe,num- town:on Tuesday, on his way to Hamilton. that State e thetelf of. whom are Canadians; ber of councillors in eaeh ward in tov6S to 'lie stands six feet two inches. high, and is tied although there Is Tg,a great many acres two. • - . . . 1 . .. • . • only "eighteen years•old: • • . 0,, of available land, ho•is'of .dpinion that in • Mr. Turnbull believed the' wOrk_of_die_ de • ettiereyear.ltWALUILIM.taken.up.„ be- '' • . ' ' h - • ' ' • . , all the new shades. . , . ,, . .. _ . , . , . - ' . • WORSTED OVERCOATINGS m new ' • ' • - - • - • ' stripes and checks. - . . , . . TWEED •OVERCOATINGS at all . , . •••, - : • prices. . ., . . - , • ULSTEROVERCOATINGS in checkS . . . , and strines - . • ee . it . • . . • • .„ , . READY . MADE OVERCOATS --We . • . . • • have a tremendous . assortment of ' - - th.•'••11 'through e above goods, a. our own make.- ' • • - . • . ' which we can guarantee equal to . .. . Ordd work•- • . . '--- ----.. . ere,. . _ '.. . . , • , , „ , . • • . . - .. I . . . . BeSides. showinff_thalargest stock L,..4 • ,__,Kb ,_,,e•sw ..i. N. k•I N re. • . •., . 0 _n CI _., • C -J - C-2 . n , . • , n .1/4 - :1 • ' ‘-.-z . .... ,-.., c...-1 — a.• ' e , 4a; . IP, . 1,.._ o;,.. '4• ;•> P°. '. •H---- . • ' - H i -i i-5 • F-3' . . ' . e-je T „Ile . . ,, , , e,,,, . .. . . ,,..„,„ - , • - - •• • nitAlITEIttr wirleEP imegulorlutcrl' Mires it to be a4road rain- rowine countr ' • * - • • -440411061140-10:1111tiefitlY conducted 'with 4 e; lee_,Y setvicesle coenection with the Methoe 1 •''' g • g - • ''-- - 'Yl in -town - '' we- are. -sell' g- -the - Cheap- i less men at the board as with so- many; and --tlineclimateins far -as liehadbeen able ' , on aY Ilex • Judge that is preferalaie to Can da His ' -1c * • . . - dist church, will be held on S ci t• w . • ' ' - ' t° • • ' "teas eyen willitig that the number be redu.ced - ReV. Dr..Williams of Goderich is ex cted - - ' ' •• - 4' ' est and .1tre as an ins ectioir of our. , , Pe land is two relies from a tailway, at which , 1 . • • toene in. each ward. ' Then, with the:Mayor, •to i h i h t ' . pr. ac n t e eveinnoe , - - • reeve, and deputy, there would be a counell - -' li ' . • . . b . . . .. . . pOint wheat was.quoted at 90 cents when he • prices before pure asing elsewhere • of seven -quite suffleient for the transaction -CAtirmie.-Farmars returning from mark- left. With the new settlers, most of the , , . . . , ' of business in small. towns .. By reducing et, and hayingtooney on their persons, should buildings erected are of 4 veryordinary kind, .cum. the'nuniber just now be Very buildingsdiatinguish , . , .. . • . CAZ/2. CD (4 cf) ?.,.„w CD CD CD.`"• -•W CD Cl C4 , C/2 ee, en .. .`" 1-'4, ga CO • the best men would be brougbt careful, RS several highway while good subatantial ' robberies have of late, been perpetrated on the.Older settled districts. .... , ,. out, and greater. efforts put forth , for their electiOn. • ' • ' .• sUch persons, in variouoparts Ofthe country. • .Woarity or .Arreetteet,,,e;We •advise all See Mr. Corbett hiimorously reniarked that .. • S' 'Brag. D.I . ht last Tk M our reads, whether' they. own a foot of land . own. -One n. gwee , r.• . . - . - . . he believed .there were too many . county W.' Wade, of the base- line, had ten Sheep or not, to supply themselves with that tree- councillors; but was not so sure about those worried by dogs eight er which died front , sure of useful,,,practical, reliable information, fin town. There w.as one satisfaction in hay- the effects thereof. On Sunday fourteen be.. the American 4aricultu'riet, so named because Ti , .ing a large number, and that was; the • re- ionging to Mr. John Mooney were worried; • started 38 years .ageeas a aural journal, but aponsibility was thrown on more shoulders.. ten. of them 'dying 4. • • • . now enlarged to embrace a great variety 'of. Seriously,howeverhe belieied it was a hum- . . ' ' ' ' • . . .' • most nseful reading for the Household,. Chi'. ENcounAorico.- Oae busioess • -man In . so many coune ors, an .WaS • . bug,having' ' ill d ' . drea included; for the Garden 11 • ' , as.we at the . town reports thetlis saleeeiver the counter, • . , . our CLOTII ' TJ : , ; • - ,. • - UNDERCLOTHING' CAPS . IT) ... . . . , - • . • . . .. . . , • • , . ., ' . .. , & .f•-• , c., ... ,iI . - or . - ' • th 11 . , - , , .GLavEs..isz , • e 1\VT cc 7' • . ld ' ' • • .. .. th we.a . • .: er. . MITS • . . .• • . • • • P - i '' e i . - iv 0. a i le et f• Tuoinae' Berzon= OW , WOHT11 •TEN . WsloaT ta Gem! Do You Bnove ',At . or iev re Noe, xx IS TIME YOU] Pain eaanot stay where it is •used, cheapest Medicine ever made, One common Soma Tuumee ; one bottle Booxonitzse' 50 eta,. worth has cm standing_ ,Coucut ; :one or taio bottle caaes.of-Xibide-and KIDNEY-14min, ,eight applications cures tiny Caeo of E •Nisewas or INFLAMED BREAST ; .one 'cured lame back of eight years' dal Plank, of Brookfield, Pa.,. says : • .. miles fOr a bottle -of yotir Oil, which wonderful of a Crooked Linib. Ir tittleire, :Amither who ItaaIlia A Says f • 1411 have halfof a 56 ; left. and 1100 .-Vvould notbuy it if I c more Rufus. Robinson 'of. Nun& says : " One.small bottle of your:Ea restored the voice where the per* Spoken above a, whisper in five -years..' Mallory, of 'VVyoniieg, N. Y.; writes Reit:arm- -Oil-onred‘ me: of-. BronClai Week.11 • . • , . • fa composed of Six or eni. bear! ARE KNOW. • It is as good for •ifite exte rnaluse,Tand le believed -to be i ably.. superior to anything ever mi save you much suffering .and Many expense. • • . . .- -,v, DawAns or IsirrAtiOss.-Ask.for Dr.:: lectric OiL-See that the signature of 8: 11 Iron -the-wrapper, and the name of Now MAN blown in the bottle, and TAKE NO 01 by all Medicine ,dealers. Price 25 cents: Lyman, Toronto,•proprietors for the Domin Nera.--Eeleetric-Selected end El 'much hi' favor a the motion. , Altho.ugkeit, Farm , for elleelassese-Eaehevolnint giver .-*-' rid MS caSh receihtri--1-1-are been Jar r this • was possibfolo" get fir -five bad. men as, well ------- - 1 ,ge . - some :600 Original engravings, with desprip, • as five goo Ones. . . _ • • - ‘' • fall' than for a. number . or years 'pest.' He tions Cif labor-eaving and labor -helping: core ,,.-. Mr, Forrester thought it would be well to carries 'a heavy •ptoelt, and. 'this IS certainly trilianeel, of .pants, • fruit, flower% Animals, vemoRIA , BX OO . _ , . CLINTON. • . haVe• a less number,' and then pay them bet- 'aii. encouragi•ng sign77.--- ' - ' • ' .etc. 'including' 'many large and, pleasine, as ,, . .: , . .; . fe ..,r..- • Said the greater part of cooed' . buee.. . :Scretzrurefo'Uncso.et.,•-e..In Februeetenext Wein as instructive, pieteres young. ani - . . ... - - - --neskWitdoneln-cernmittwand'If the nine: • bee was • it ducedelt would, put a• great .deal- of .work on the few. In committees:. • - . ; •.:.,.• . , , ' • . .Mr. ChidleythOughtthey Were getting too: rnanylegislators, even in the county touncil., Believed there wonld be less contention•ancl business woeld lie,done more smoothly, and - ..just se:well...1f the Al-.. thOugh there had. liot•been much discussion inthe - - --- • - • • .for thereiviirbe fiVOSinidaye. .This fact oecurs. Old. The .constant, systereatier exposures of but three times in o century.. Thep; after „Humbugs and, Swindling Schemes by the Ail - • • 1880,. we will have to wait until 1920, before, 'rice/041*(0e .are of great:liable to- every •onet• ' the shortest ' month iii tbe'•yearecan..ageiii! mid Will iiiiiie to most Pomo*: mahytimes its boast Of five Sundays - . • . ' . , ;cost_ -Altoeether, it is one of the most valu- -N,e1 861,e,,,._The tletioueja PrOPertY, on• 01)e0 ie well aceeheapesteJaniriale. any where ' • the.fourth•concession of Hullett, which wa,s• . to. be found. The test is . only $1.50 a year., offered -for -sale here on liOndify;ViartiOt'dia;• -or el. copies-for•$5.--.Single•:enmliere•k5.,centee. - posed of • ..An upset rice had. been fixed on Siibseribe at once for 1880, and. •reeeive the. . ' • • 'P 'Of 'free„ : . . . . • •• m\TONCT..• ..... • - , • • ... _ . .,..COMPI:MITUM ., • ., . • • ' .years, .. - - reference... - i Press in to. i , people were talking the !roatter.over considerably; and they :seemed desirous- of " lees legislation.'" Believeclother towns would also:petition the legislature, and as the town continued to • this Year . each parcel, anti.' as the bids, did not refich 'restor send S•cent stamp 'tlie6e,the pronerty•was reserved.• . . , _ • ,for -postage on . a specimen doper..: Address, ' ' .. . - , • , • . , Orange Judd Compauy, Publis1zere„245 Broad- •LECTIIII.E. lecture on "Rome" will be way, New Yce.k. '' ' : delivered by Bali. D, G. •Sutherland, in the . . . . . .. Staple • oe, • n. . a d tioo• . . Fano ' . . ..• .. . ... grow it.wcedd be entitled to addltionalenem- bere. 7. ' - - , . - ' The mayor stated that he had noticed le: .. ptil0r places that the bitiSiness was not as , ca. Methodist ehurch, this. kT.huisday) evening:- •A Sinall fee 'will be' Collected at the door- - •OnireAtivr. '• ,, '..• •• " - • • Theleeture is. based on personal observation, " ,.. warrola larnaSSIN VA' TUB NEW EN,A„ •p;r44 evili:doultleeS lie w5.11 'Worth bearing. : . . • ,.„„e__, .. • . - . • •' 00 . B• 1 , • • • • well 'attendil to , where they bad . a large- number of • councillors is where they had •a . few. • It Was at his suggestion that. themo.wm, tion was brought up at the . , Feat* .SOLD'e-Mr.• John Shipleye On the ' ..• . • . ; WILLIAM IL LIIECI1, .1. ..P., .. Huron read, has purchased the •farin of Mr,. lett Of Blueiale, was horn in the 'township shier, Miliett,Whichejoins bis 'fiwn; Of' Augusta; in the year ,1$29. He VMS a . • - • '. , ., • • . Joy among the tonktrei .. Oormetain'i SWEET CASTOR .0th eg 'able for .children and adtalta. • En over 000 doctors in. CanadaThe ai . ' • administering nausequs inedicines, a sira,bility Of having •thein ,p14'ahant 'to induced 'X. Copland to undertake- ..whiehresidtecl in fire diseovery ef a S tor •Oil, perfectly Palatable, of the sam and' medioal qualities as the ordina 011, .....na.while .equally.safe• and liar acting with more certainty, and prod nausea riozgriping.. :Some chlid, is honey ; others caltit syrup ---they a like,it; -One-parent says,-`... My child 4. like 'Water i': anither.-".We :had ti bottle' ar.they.wofildliave finishedit x another --" Aly littlegirl has taken without any trouble,: arid does net , la it 18, though she hates. the ordinary C and we never:could get II dr to take it • . . . fight?' . yet anoth'er-" I wish you , your a w , CASTOR OIL ; it 185 spier -0-....suVe kethelplace.of-all-the.core e extreordinary demand lee this ment ota staple household medicine ha fraudulent imitations into the market •piiblic :an geard themselves against si (which unprincipled parties are atter sell on the reputation of thit article) that the naihe COPLAND% SWEET CAS is on both wrapper and direction label ,The undersigned,elnoing.purchasei 'j Copland & CO's -interest. in the abo rafion, are now. Manufacturing it ftton girialrecipe. - ,,. - - • , . .. ' . • • ' . •NORTIIROP •&•LYMA.N, Ask for COPLAND'S SWEET CA.STOR, ( -deceived. present time, and. thought it best to ,test .the .opinion of . the cotmcil in the matter. . • . - ' ... _Mr. Stevenson believed it-would-beltdVis- able tiebeing tire number down to oneetts'he had noticed that -when there •were 'only five at the council board the business was quickly. transacted. . At any rate the general 'work .....wa.s done bye few of the meiebers. It Sethi, ed to him file number of t that•the• greater . eooncillors,the ledigerit took to get through. the work, • • ; . . , .. • • . .. .. . • ' - The Motion was thee earieedenenimously. • • . ee - . .... . • •Mr..Corbett directed attention to what has aireadY beef' referred to hi:these colonies- the Ostablishmeet of a market day, believing that action in reference.thereto sbould ema- elate:with the cotioell. , • • . . . • • The folloWing.by-law, regulating the sale of wood in town, was read and passed :-.• • ' • - ' - BY-LAW NO; XII FOR 1870. - ity.Law to reguiato the soiling of wo011 in 1.10.taion of • • Clinton. : - ., , ' — . . ' • . . ., • ' - Whereas, it is•eirpedient and neceasary to establish a 'wood market, for the town of Clinton, to regiffate the lake and manner of selling cordwood, • , . „Be it therefore enacted by tho Municipal Council of tire Corporation of the Tdwn of Clinton; is renewal-, • L That the Marketplace or Market grOund,' is hereby Cstablished as, and shall ,hereafter hei the Wood Market Cr the ToWn of Clinton. . ' ' • . • •• .. . IL ,All firewood brought to this Town for sale by . loins. shall be conveyed to the Wood Market, for in. - %pectic!' and ineasOrement ; and shall be so arranged, under the direction. of the Weed Irapeetor, as' not to 'Antal& the free passage' of teams; butthis clause shall not apply to any person who delivers wood, in. purse: , mite of a previous contract to deliver the EEME, tO•awy lIerson id the said4Town of Clinton. ' . • ' for $4,900.' Iteontains 70.actes, and is good millWright.by trade, and *erected a number land. :There are twenty acres 01' (alt wheat Of mills in the eastern part 01' the PrOvinCe inid Mr Shipley gets'a team in the bargain. before • moving westward. In the year 180 • 1 • ' • . • . • • he settled at •Bhievele; hi the township ,cif ' G000.ForcEs.--;Last Week Mr. Jonn:EabV, Turnberry.., .Aboht. •this- time he. •formed 4 of PennayiYania, Purchesed• from Mr.. 1;1 --e. porgany ofiumself aed his brothers, for the -Gaunt, a We.wanoeh, a span , Of. heavY-.. purpose of carrying on' an eitendve besiness 'draught-colt:it; from. John Mason's e Bank of. .in milling. Mille were accordingly. built at. England., • for the sum of 40385. He else our-- - Gorrideand saw and 'grist 'mills in his Own chased a span•from Mr.. W. -Dickson •' of Mc- viilaee. In connection with these mills the. Killop ' ' $400. .' • , from " 9rown. reince,"" rot , .. , . pomAny.dirtidti. oil-cur.:6 and ptoftlablo. .. • A NrcX,Steet..-We learn ongood authorit , . bUsieess for sorde year% Iii•186a-Mr: It and • 3 his brether 'Joseph withdreW theIr interest that hir.Hadwiii, a former resident T W .noSh, who, lesS than three years; ag,o, 'went t& in themills at Ciorrie; and. took theBlueeale. Dakota', has Cleared the handsonie' sum :of mills IiitO their Own hand% . 'They carried. $60,000 since his residence there. He has on the business 'together seccessfully, till done this by the increase in the value of the thetinie Of the decease of the subject ot this hind he took up; aod • on the modube lie sketah, HetookItri: ne•tive Interest in the _ welfare of the•village And toms* in•which . • • " .. • • '. •• ' '• • - • ' he lived. • Ile Was'. a Strong agitator. and ' : TJAilaid . tunny. - At Messrs: ,Davis & faithful worker, for. the village Pay's Store can be :seen a turnip, grown on • theSouthern-Extension of -the W G dr B ' th f• • f At e j ' p • f the 1 • • .. .. . . e arm. o •• i. amea air, ea s p ace, 'Railway, ' ere was -a coMmissioner l'or tak-- that weighs over twenty pounds . This is inn Aid It * d • ti f 0 • • ' ' -- a ay s, an a ins ce o . e 'peace.. not an exceptional turnip, for Mr. Fair had Ile was frequentlyUrged to accept election. aelead or two fully as large, arid as..the land for the township councileand on one oeca- was nOt Particularlfwell prepared, the seed ' 1 h ' d ' h l' ti b t t•th ' 1 s oft e accepte t e e ge on, u a e c ose t h • (I'd It 'd itlithb. I mus . have -a- goo ea ,5) 0 w., . - ciTii'e of' the year he chose to retire. The masonic', growth. •: . • . - • .. orange, and temperance societies were favor e ' ' , ' HALT•cPWE'RN Piteielts:-On 'Friday even . ed. with his membership and influence.. ..• Ing a number of the youths in townindidaed_. About the year 1860 be -professed faith in lei the customary Hallowe'en pranks in the : Christ; at a camp..meeting held at Gorrie. • .- --.• • • - with the IVIethedist churCh :shape of removing gates, pack Ke at once united packing boxes, and ' • • ' barrels, in.several instances causing the own-. of 'Canada; bi whose conimunlon he lived, .ers coesiderable trouble to recover them.. At and ,tited, Two years after his conversion , . • 'united: ' . • • ' . • • • • ' • • „ • ': - • . ' - • - . . • ats an ,v. Opts '' -7- - ..- . . beforerthe:recent'adva.noe. • • . • • . . - • . : - - • . . : . 1•LORI. . . • ranches, ,satis ' ' -... • .. • • • . .]:11.1.D.e.py„ . . , ng an res d .D . .. .. • ' , . .. .aps full ' ' - _•__.- . . • . • • • • . .. . . . oes.pure -- - - •• - . ' .--' • . .. .. • •- • NG '''''.. , . .i.n. all • . . . • • .. ........................,,,..........-:,:.. -- —ra------t— . . c Jon...guaranteed .. . • . • • . . . • :Mantle -Ma. ' • -k'• - ' a ing.. . . . . : ' ' ' . '. • hnes.: . ' • "••. . • sed•ther. ..• • .. • ' . . - - .. '• - . • - . . .. - - . .; . __ ' • .. - • • its. . • . • .. • , serve- the name, -.--IN-Fnot VC all thedieigiedealers. Price, 2$ cents': . -LEL • That the -Town Inspecter,-and- hikitssistailt 'are 'hereby appointed Inspectors of 'Firewood, and it 'shall • inoVed one Cif heewaS in niarriage to Mtge Jane' one place•Nhere-aecloset was , __, , . _ _ _ _ . the mischief-inakers got roorethan he aetiel. • Holmes) daughter of 44.1404On Holmes, , betheir duty tomeasure all • Firewood brought to the Market; to, marlethe..quantity.of.eaeh load -on -the .004 in red 'chalk orspaint,, and to give to the preen >fleeing:me sante a tieket al:molting thd quantity, the -4eality,„ liatrie.ofselrer, and date ; arid the fee to be paid for every Isiah load shall be (8) three cents, to •he /aid by the person orpersons selling the.same, and that the Inspector it making measurement of the' quantity of such load,. MIMI calculate the .siune at the•rate of 128 cubic feettO the and.. • • • • . Iv. That aarperson or persens offering Firewood for sale in the Market shall, at the request of the party to: rhom the' same shall be offered, forthn•ith' exhibit to auch person the ticket of Inspection, bereinaftey requir-It. ed t� be obtained therefor. ' ' • • ' , v. That beech, maple, and irOISWOOd, when seUral, and free from limbs, shall be' cOnsidered 'first.class,- that' OM, birch, and soft maple bo second quidity,,and' pated by falling therein.... • •• . - , Esq., of Hcilmesville, in whom he found an , — • - • • " ' • -- -.----.`" • ' affectionate and owe: ' ORB:BART.-A special"Metting of the Olitt• • pied ' Various. offices. of responsibility • and too: cricket club Will take .place at the Cora-. • • • ' ' • • • - n , ,. • honor with the church, of his choice. e ' 1 h t 1 - ' ' M d ' •I • merma o e , on . on ay even ng next, for, was early chosen as a. leader, was superine the' purpose of making 'arrangerhents in re- tendent a the. Sunday .schoor, . trustee ' a.. gard to the skating rink for the potting tea- li h d• oil& ' ro ell it d • Atth ti iktbt '. ' c ure an pars ge•p p y, n a year, . . . • son. e same me a cr e c a , pur- ago tag May he was selected by the Goder- chased from Daft's all England team, will ich district as •one•of four delegates ' to the be presented to • Mr. J..Herland, 'Cite-. has • gene , . ., . . .r. made the largest baiting' fixeren.° for the rat conflince held hi Montreal .• 'in '' 11 s's' - . Sentember„18 8. . , • , past season. e ,u • attendance of members Early in july,'1878, he 'receiVed whet 15 ls requested. all ternied 'a ,slinstroke which,: though - • • . • - . RETURNED mom. NIANITOBA.-MP. he tim - Hugh nee apparently serious at t e, was pro . • ..• • . ... . ' . ' • ,. - ' . f • .- - ull..lines. ' " RDWARE PAINTS :OILS . . • /* ' ,- • '. • •• * . ' • ...9 .T.RE• . . oe . . . , • ' • , cultic • -.. :LA ever.and , G .. S Actin , „. e ' Et . . - • , / .. • . ' • ' bring•op. In . • . . . . . . , GREAT FEMALE RE] . .. __. . _... ,. • .. .. ,, • Jeep illotalnis PRItetenicAlL.N . • _. ... . • Thiii.well known medieineis no ini , , • . but nfinre arid safe remedy for Fema , _ . -- s ited Obstruction% from, any cat • , thou h a e er til r in el A p w f e .edy s nothing hurtle.) to the constituti . • TO MARRIED LADIES . Ms pinsullarly suited. It.win,ta a fil, the moothlYperiod. with re •alleetTee of Nervous and Stied Af Pains in the ,Back and Lianbie:,114 exertion, lealpitatioi Hysteridee Sick Ileadaoliesi all the, painful 'diseases ocee,sion &Bordered eystem, these Pills vex ledfe all other means have failed. -Therm Pilifi have never. been known thedirectione on the rid page,' are well observed. • ....... • For, 1 tilIpartiinders , get, a pamphlet . - 3013 MOSElei ;NEW YO1p1SoLs Pao $1.00 and 12i cants for Postage, ens & Lyinae, irereete, On,.,, .- - . for the Dominion, will insure e . . . °tier 50 pills by return mai 8 Id • Or t by J H Combe tr' 0 in in on . . a a MAWS- g. Riolison and r. turas& -I .„... , . .._., ... , , . ul „ Carronurocia, =emir. a ...JA a Fatxrdat, 00deridil E. Camaro le. j 'poet) • 0 le0e et ille,and a hemlock, haswoecll cedar, black ash,. and other soft wood be third quality. . ' 'i `.. - . ' : •YI; That it-Mall:be the duty o• the Inspector or As.' Sistint to measure' and mark the quality of Firewood sold ander the latter chaise of Section II of this 13y•Law e, ...,.,..., tha buyer or seller of the 'same, after it Shall have been piled ; and for which he shall bo pia the sum of 6 coda per cord, by the party in ore= • , VII. All By•LaVes heretoforepassed, in any Manner conflicting with the previsiona ofthis By.Law, aro herd- 'by repealed. , Vim Any person breaking any of the proVisions of Vila By -Law. shall, ;upon Conviction thereof before. the mayor, or some other Ithiggistriite haYinik Moore, of this. place; Who went with the last be.bly the 'cense of.his .slekness and death. spent the. greater .part of the past sum- G • t t M it b -•returned . He se Greenway par y. o • an o a, on , , a an v 0 11 y, an as e M - 1 • d I 1 it d the Saturday.. Ile took a quantity of leather mer In entre With him to see if, anything in his:line of atmoephere Of thetsection Of conntry seem, h„ ..., • Id b d' e li• t f WV t h ed to agree With -hint hopes Of his recoyery ','"'"'ness con a on , u oun la o f ' if - ' t rt 'Ined. 'These heft r " was just two weeks too latein the season to were or a meen e . a . i ve ,, make anything like a . speculation out of it, were,soon gone, and early in September he litho . eh he sold it at' a fair tiger% Ke cede to HolMeaville, to spend the remainder a. u,, faald" Hobe and of his days at the reeidence of his brother. good many. going to .1i/an . , , _ . . those he spOkOwith seemed to be well pleas- in -laws -a. R. elohnes. As his useful and its • .• • Fatignoonelight .• heart, • " ' ' ' ' . ., .. . sad ,ee,ft . when uunette - . . r . Taylo 9 • .„ • • where , , , • .. phlet, . - • SI3OROU(111. 10 -D - ' L Iv E . . • ., . . - , gov. sth,1e/Q. _ . e , . agent, ' Sorfeit ftirlialiction d•pay for h ed vvith the dbuntry. Was Much impressed lifiPpy lifo•drew sitar close, he. Was filled ea offence a fine of ne Donee fee Musiveof costs, for the first Offend.), atal a 'fine of Four Vollars, exclusive of eests, fore 'dry auteeqUentOffenee , , , wet in &Unit of payment, andvthere bell no &Altai ../oand, MR Of which suali fine Orin.be leY ed, shell be :. commuted to the.CoM J II ith h d 1 b f • th Mon a rw at a ati or 0 /arty& Of ten days for thd Oat Oohed, and tWenty days /Or every s!lbeenuelit oftende, itnleati line fine be Eater ' .. 'Ole Ity•TAW shalltake effect Ond-conto into fOrdi' Off 'and immediately after the passing thereof, Passed this 3rd day of November, A. D.,1870. ., . The council then adjottrned. • vvith th it t Wi ipe • d ti h t e With the consoiaticinh- Of the gospel,' The • „ e c y o . nil g, an te c arac e .. 01 S I. I .1111trusted, d forI • maiiy °fits Wilding% cool 4180 the amount ay our, hi w oin e an w tom of business transacted there 'The eost of he lived, was bis Joy.and his strength, At •• ' ' b • 1 . ' tins • he seemed to be Deering throngh the liVieg seemed to e near y the same as itt. ,es . . r•I t ,r • - 1 ' ' • Al and 'Lino' u On thin s divine having eai at,o, but cloth ng was dealer. Ma- ev ,. me e p , g , .0, - eliatits carried excellent stooks, but tralleact. enchanting ,vieves end foretastes or heaven. ed bueleess on a cash baele Did netnottee At length the chariots of .0od Waited upon ' ' ' • ' hi • 1 ' n theeinorning of Oetoter 17th, any differende in the elirnete and that tinkle in, anc o . ., .. . • section. Oa met it nutnber of lIaroopeople 1870, theY bore his happy soul to tne ifted of , . , Who Were well satisfied With their position. Cloudless day. . , ••• Th t• d •iid• ' t' 1 • el ere are con !nue i ma ions o an ea y diseoluthei of the British parliainent, . A lioiniehaild. Necessity. - . , . • . Sgyar s 0 ow i Is t 0 es rem y n a per orthe following tereplaints:-Crattp in the limes foid toraseh. pain in the side rheumatism in all RS forme Mlle. mai& nab, *Mule Spinal CoMplaintit gPraini and Bridges. Don't • fallto proonre a. It, equal bat _, toyer been enown for rorooring pain firen eases. • For internal -aria external nee. Bold by.Ait I , amides. • • ' •--- r. • • • . ,StOP dint Caligh• . ; Nerthrep .ftiGYAEDIE' PEETONAT, 1.1 ' ' ' agentli ALEAU fa composed of the , Mot healing balsams and gimes.. The Balsams which containing enter Into its sorepos'tiort ' k n ea by n tiveri wil la ' . 1 • W..e 0 ,,,6 6„ , 0, AMerida :was aria alecovereananu aro dOEIMUCCE WU. I, other Vegetable tonics, no blended together, that, 1 - is a Spada° for all affections of tho throat and lunge, 10EUII: T,hentietreignf'kettlee "8 fled 811511811/, al111•4111 OE- and snared (Aloof, ;no Standard preparations of the day. e Pot Coughs,. Chlds, ace, Per Mb by all dealers, J 'lnedoniers., per, bottle. .. eel Wee eft a CO., it. It applied ears ago be a cer- to their had beep f Green% rough the er, nutil immense, and Unit- ififfering Costive- igestion, see with- nd get 4 le bottles aire4 ep- lity in the properties que is not t wili. es- t disease. Northrop bly adapt- rvous. It on, checke Ivens tis - to resist , tated: are it has no to a regn- n eases of specially •7 passed off. umb ague, of disease ate. The other in. le eehiele principles agreeable, fileacious, . • astirig and. .and vigor. y and ner-' asing that disease to truthfully me toineee- :- order, but aea would be farther a to exag- able Medi- ineWine, route. TniES Its • ETNIN0 1D. It is the dose cures has cured d an old. cures bad EST sig to • CORLATED bottle has ding. D. I went 30 effected a • six appli. thma for-- -- ent bottle uld get no , N. Y. lectrib Oil • .lead not ' ik " Your. " tie- in one OILS THAT rnal as for • measure- iviir dollars a . • Ilionia,' N: . THOUS, . • nRoP te Ly• HEE. Sold Northrop a ion. ctriFed.. ally Suit- orsed by fficulty of nd the de- file taste, , researches. weet, Cas- e strength ry (letter • • less, yet eine nei- ren say it I say they ren drink hide the ' ight off j" it twice ow what • aster Oil, 9.4 ith , tn. Inge of &fit ing mon oil, .' improve, s brought , , but the bstitutes pting to by Seeing TOR OIL, Melissa. ' e Katie- theeiri- iv- f • ' Toronto. in. Ob- Sold by . t= ILLS position le DWI- sewhat. , it eon- orttime ularity. actions, avinese ,•• of the Whites, d ' by a t eenre ; _ to fail 4' f pare, ,free, Of Eaton, , Tosed to . general bottle 1. W, n Sea. battle , Bay. linsedi.