HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-11-06, Page 3Divided Live*
**ids& Wall I Tbe words unfold
Alatdden One of anent pain.
We Were as One in data Or old 2
Pivided new, eetransed andodas ,,lor
Hew eau women main?
s The'd,rgo en 1 the bowl retie .
-Of 14 0 end Duty must be run.
wepase um olden meal:le-place,
Or look each other ni thetace,
• 'And Went the haat =One. •
Divided livee l And, day by day, ,,..,..
ifige bard to bear the lees appears ;
•Teso oft the loved one tlIfte awthi.
Afar from us, and Hope's bright ray
la quenched hi lonely team -
Thereat is dead that wise op sweet,
Lest la the love we called our own;
Our lde him reamed. its noon-dey Maly
Tnehmihis roegh tor wearg feet,
..aud yet we•walk alone.
• .
aro node time can ean fulfil' •
, The prorate° ot those early days;
.04r ,Werks eobieve aueeeSs. but a.in . .
The all Wound throbkand ever Wel,.
Divided/lvee, diitided wayst
Ts inh c's X VONTENTION.
.citrasniarri surAmsior.
The Government ot India her picked out
front *Meng all its competent servants en
wail doom to accompany General Roberts
as political age t to how and lain an an
.. .. n .. ,. , , .
Prohithiliths .meke him the .noit envoy tO UM
Afghan youth with fait control OTOS Ons
relations with tht eetintry. Thet is. says.
the Speciater..itAltrione feet, Oren in Lading
where ',uncaps, have once. Or twiro playa
great parte and would deserve record if only
se au event in the history et the Elmore
naieh a anr_eon mea be ha .0 h ve
. . . a . .. y . . . t a .
foUnded. The politicel agent, moreover
iota an expedition hi &heaps theh anoeti
Important pereon in it anti so much will
depend on thie one thet it may be worth
while to ()copy a page in explaining who he
• - -
ie. and what his -political opinions are. Mrs
Beuew-ar se be ia atylea by on inaeterate,
Anglo-Indian habit, Dr. Bellow -la even in
India, where men are so individual,. a very
remetkable•pereon. The son. of Drevet.Major
Bellew, 'who int his life in the dinstrous
retreatahhornaahaenthans 18,12, ana ado.
played in boyhood - an imueual deho. '
thin to golentifio limonite more especially •
1 -
geology and botany. - Arter a donne of
'Andy at fit Georae's Hoenital In 1855 - and
- ' - • h• • • 4 . •
when. scarcely twenty.one years of age, he
received .his,_ dargeon'ohliplema, and an
- - - -• - - • -- - - .
• appointment- In the Ent Indian Company's.
medioal tenpin, then nolose corporation. He
was, however, so exceptionally yousg that he
ga y a e up is commies on, an
could not le 11 t k h' ' i d
went out to Scutari to the military hospital, .
. ,
there to pastithe neehful interval as' niediaat
v l t ' At 13 • h d II' If
o un eer. outer* e ma e intse rm.
• uneful, and received much --teetimOniele from
. .
the . eurgeons in command, that • on hie
arrival in India, in 1856; Lord. Can-
nine plaited in his hands the medical,
charge of the Guided then "at now" the
' - 0 ' 0 .
crack wept of the Irregular. , service.
While: sail* in thie opacity, in 1857,, Bir
H. Lumeden, who' had xaised the Guides, took
him with him on hit minion to Cendahar.
There the young' doctor, etill hardly more
than a lad, set up. a ..diapisneary asil_tieqUired
the reputation, which' atilt •adheree to hint
throughout Afghanistan and the frontier, of
being the greateet amone the English hakims
- • - - -
the one wbont a'• great natiVe could. mad
advantageously consult. Ho .oured Slier°
Alt hinteelf - of a painful disease, -and the
Athena in 'return actively • Resisted win ,
14:008 . _o_n_artormirisiss.,._i_n_._
' *UR •bifnitTriiiid—rl
the studise of Afghan history and dialeate
'to - Which. he devoted bimetal end in
which he acquired an extraordina; ran ' a of
h I d "II ' " ha lei' Y g
flow a ge. e is .pro a the egoond best
Y - •
Puehtoo oholar alive, and when. in 1872,
he was gelosted to anomnan hi P 11
y r R. 0 ook
t - a i h - . - . • .
• o e eten .to hettle ounciariee, he,in six
months acquired' and reduced to a systematic
grammar :Oprevionaly unwritten language of
tho provinee • f t d 1 d b th
-1 'a -ea. - eP•alc- • , Y ' °
Saturday Bedew, if we remember aright to
be previously unexampled. This mieeimi
a second . minion . to Yorkuna with Bir
Dou las Fora • th and hii e mid re tation
alunr-Who-- could --linderetand ashy-
tongue, ' which on hie-heturn to_
On Friday
to regard
the idea
It will
but no
. -Siena,
a prontareation.
ma ntem
• 00Verllaleat
25 742
• the
• .
. .
Oot. 80.-A, •proolamation ageln
Parliament Until the 19th of Le.:
is Pubillhedi hut does not eoittitin the
0 for the despatch otbusinees," whigh.
be necessary If the aeseion waif con-
before Chrietines.
.News eays Nome are •e0nildent that the
of Parliament will be announced
or kteudai. It. ta ranturad that Ow
will undergo the Moat vital obange. ,
mane that EarlBesconsfield will retire,
the nearepapere except the Noss seem
farther prorogation art negativing •
of disaolution. .
rumors of Cabinet change(' are Pre-'
ast, 20.-TheAmeer has placed hie
. .
in the hernia of General Roberts.
- probably be accepted.
ask tiet. 30. -.-The P0Prdation• le quiet,
doUbt a deep hatred of British. donth .
exists. • '
OeL 30 -Oen. Roberts hag iseued
. ... . .
The Afghan authoritiee
' ' " - '
°bleb are instructed 'to continue to
• • ' e invited to h d
order, and ar .. , ol con,
with Gen. Roberte. The people
be treated with justice and benevo.
and their religion and custom!'
Loyalty and good -genies- to the -
Chown hill be euitably rewardea, All
are to be punished,. Arrangements' •
it permenent administration are to he '
after the above eonsulte.tiOn. ,'
. .
• •
Riaeseva, Onter10,-The Mowing .are the
offieeriaeleot of the T. hi. 0, 4. Convention.'
the enthilnii Me : : .
president -Rev. principal Grant, an. '
Ylee-Prestslents-Ideeete• W. N. Nesbitt, ha
Saadhain, ache Bert and 0, Gaielicett,
inieseger.eteriwe-Nessol. 0.. Felconer anci D. A.
imr. G. A.Younst of this city, is a eseteher of
the Exec/01w Cosinitttee4 ,
-arrow the Ereouttre.0 report le learned that
tho f011owing Assodations ,eue. p.ended. .during
the year : 'Almonte, Barrie, Bowmanyillel
Elorthlhoderiok •Oahewa,Stratfoed, Uxbridge
and Blohmond-nine in ail. Seven anodes
tope had not vepertae, and Bevel:how been.
organiaed, as lollowal Oampliallfoed, Hess
peter, Tandesys taltreetsville, WitipiPeg, Eimer.
eon and Meaford. Tbirty-one Assooiatione
reported, of which, the. followIng re emu.
mary : Aggregete memberehip, 4 338 •
i /
an/WA Current eXPentles. eethee ; open
reeding rooms, 17; .daily,attendance in eleten
repotted, 1,006 ; oven own buildings added
at 4202,000i debt •on same, 067,970, the
Inger portion subscribed ; four have building
tondo,. to the, amount of 419,04a ; tieventeen
haver libraries of 7 477 volume') valued at
n ____ . .' ._ t • _ t
5 ,1.61 , tWthty iWO own imhitare valued at
The meetings of the Convention,.011-Fridar
from morniug till nighr Wire . arohni rh
intereet. Revs 'Principal Grant took -the
chair.' After devotional exercises the subject
.. . . , . _
of Young Men'e (Median ' Aspotilations in
„on .r .
nt y towns wae disouesed. A very noels
lent paper on. thitsubject was read by Mr,
GartehOre, of Eglinton. _Several • dna
addresees were made, testifYing to advocating
the neceesity for carrying on Asiociation
• .
work in Ottr sMailer town*. Thenoneidera.
tiOn of railway work WAS then entered into,'
.,,,. . ,e. . e .,.... it am, • -. t t sT -
lar. et. MN, iu0 all y anon ary a o.
rent°, reposented the neorisity for 'epeeist
efforts among railway .men, who were sub-
jeoted. to more than ordinary 'temptations.
This work has assulned .great proportiond,
'arid the • 'efforts ' of ' the- Asiseeiation
have- been recognized isy-the railway '00mi
patios tosuela Mt eltleat that in many plume
an the continent every- encouragement is
prOffered, TOODXS being provided and furniebed
(or their nee At the StAtien0, and the rime-
tube. placed upon the -regular pay Hilts of
:the -Companies, ,aahAti, -9.14...ritilread._ mew
testified to the coed that had. been done.to
him and how muiih need there was for vexing
no effort to reach and bless the. " railway
boye." ?deny othet railway' min epoke
upon this eubjeot, . and .urged upon all
Christians 'and Christian . As'soMatione to•
WM ' every endeavor to sto th 1.3 d
p e un ay
traffic. •. ., - • • . • ,
The eubjeot of Y. M. C. A. work anionget
commercial • travellers' w.as opened- with ad-
'hirable paper,. The discussion of this topic
warentered into with moon zest: • '
. It wee decided to hold the Convention next
year at Ingersoll. • ' • • ,
The following oomposothe ExisOutive Com-
mittee for the ensuing • year : Qat/bete-a.
• LDS OdehasY) °Thning 4 twmPlimen4r,
dinner wed given in tho Bogota gone,
Toronto, to Mr. James flails of 'the firm Of
Jaime Hall it (ion. cattle destine, of biter -
pool. England. Mr. G.' Ii. Franktend, pre-
Mr. /leans in responding. tO the WAD Oi
hilhhealth, maid the Canadians bad protection
for their °Otte by the sohedule Put uPhen -
the *Weenie font the United ,fitateln '40
desired to Imorees upon those reising
• . - • • •• • •
the Meek here that there was greet Ina- .
Pertain° In baying the antral& well
bound during the winters and in hitting ,
them well fed, Farmere ehould not spare
the grain, for it would pay them much
bettek $n Bea tbe cattle than the cern. There '
Was no prejudice -at thie time in England
• against the Canadian cattle, ;unlit they were
of good quality and arrived in good..coxidition
-whish be was happy to say they aenerally
did,. they tiould ina eold oadily at re.
"urierativehirioes, Beferring, to the exports.
non of• elidep from elanada, he did not see
any reason why thia ttade ehould not remit
great proportion(/' but for the pimp.. they
received. he had often thought it Wa0 the
011t0aets of Canada that wero gent to
England The Id heels nd th 7Y
— . . ' °' 8 - - - • a - 8 -CITIng
---imist-bu --what -the 'English-
131260- were- • 0 t - -
market . demanded , wore the fineet wethers.
The people of England demanded the beet
article that could be had and were willing to
pay a good price fot it. . There, wag plenty of
teed and plenty of rooin hete to provide the,
English market with obese and cattle, but
if the people of Canada did not take. eine the
great Colony cif Australia would out them ont .
• pi the Market, for evert mow there wae a
shipment ficim-Austealiaa- 'It might be Mich
that this was not tenable, but it wati claimed
that the cattle shipped from Australia int,
rov d '
P e in health after . the first week.
He hah heard With great regret that Canada,
wee sending her beet (settle to Buffalo or
other American ports \ to come into
.conspetition with ,her own in the, English,
markets: -The- finest-boef -war thus • drainet
• away from 'Canada, end the dealt of raiding
it given to the 'United States. •Tne hiffieulty
:with the Canadian farraers. waa that they
feared a little outlay.. As goon as they bad o
little grain they rushed to the market with it,:
demanding a cash .zeturn at once. , They
' enemeittn-think.-that • money.put-into- cattle-
was money. thrown Away. Ile urged that'
those within reach 'of bie voloa. who had any
•igficienoe among the farnters - and the print!
also .ehould take the ruietter up, andho all'
poesible to Owns upon the Canadian farm-
era the great adventage• to themselves, even
at a large' iffiniediate :cost,. of raiding the
vety finest cattle' lot expOtt to Great. Britain,
.... . .,,,-... .
!AMC* TrOsAtillgelli Ot the Cillititwe
Wehttell-SUllialli: PO Indian
' Squaw intercedes for liter
. Whitte Sisters amid Ob-
, , Inins thellr•Rellenifee.
Loa Pima Aaitticrr. 00101ed0 ThrritorY.-
A ranner hist arrived from the Indian
camp on Plateau Cheek reports the women
and children Pals at Ouritah. h.olise, Wee
miles below, l'heh stood, the journey
well. . re. Meeker thinks Suiten Squaws,
wife of Ohief johneon, did More then sil
then to pave thel lives She a in
e , ,_. . . r• . W a k . d
as a mOther. end their parting . wee very
tetteiting. Rad it PO been ler the timely
arrival ef °mare order to imam fighting
M itt' command would have .hee a ni-
...---„er! a. 6 . a • •• - - - 4 4
444441044' The outbreak may be attributed
to four things, • hie ;-(1), repeated Mange,
aba leueniug l'h° mumIn4 °I ratien° iente"
to the Indiana ; (2); nO head chid the teame
• as 0 ra he e • 3
a y r , ( ), a Ute Indian for inter-
preter unfriendly so Meeker; arid (4) plenty
of whiskey !Mobbed by rancho men.
h_______ , , . . . . ...
'human, voi.-A *Meow irom MAMAS,
-Nu- miles -moth. of -Denver nil the t iri
. .• • a. •-- • .srin.-48
of cheap° Grande Railway, says the women
• and childrenhedently 001909 anlOag theUtes,
ham arrived, and will remain it few. daye
a ,
e ore proceeding to Denver, Their twentY.
" '
two dayie of captivity has been a terrible
trial. They were delivereh to Adams after an
exciting Council looting .five hours. On the'
a roaoh of Adams t a
pp h oaptivee•were. hid
in...a...bash a --short• distance • -h • p-
-- - • • - from t e 011al .
it us n i
During the Conn° fl . a , a eter of Ouray
-and equaw of Jahneon, mule a , "mooch'
strongly advocating the release . of. 'the
prisoners. It id the first . instance on record
of a equaw'd• appearance in an important
clognoila She was folk:ivied by Johnson who
quot'lid Oaray '0 orders' and advice'.• .It was net
until Adams threatened to leave.. mans the_
prisoners • wire -hinged unconditimially
that the peace party prevailed. After Meeker
was killed a. the women .attompted
to egoape to the brush. front the burning
-h a • d
tn dings an were hred upon. After being.
secured they • were meinnted en. ponies-,-,
*Lao . 4f).tguir Oil kl.r3.yrio.,. oldest child
fled heliin_d her ; Mtearnin With her infant
in her firms and fare. Meeker, who is sixty-
four years 'of age and lame, were compelled
to .moompanyhhe-oaptors. When they struck
the camp at midnight Mrs. Meeker was -dig-
'Wilt h : 'd b "
mounted an e o t e groun una le to move,
the Indians jeering the "old whitesquaw,"
Next morning they were operated, Donglae
• • •
taking Miss Meekert Perepie taking llt!rs.
theater and Mie Prim and children bone
' • ' . - .-
guarded by the Utee. The sufferings of Miss
Bloke w • • • • -
r ere indescribable daring het . day
with Douglas, whose • equaw abused
her Oa ono occasion Douglas. threw
- ' - - -
down. some .blankete and compelled Miss
m • - ' • ' - ' '
a ilia- to stab them and exhibited ho her
- . - ' -
kinver--Th-on-h-daptaisird-ahidthelar Ter laer
forehead and saids. " Indian 'going to shoot."
The courageous' girl 'never flinched. He
• - • • s • - .
asked her if ehe wait afraid,' and her ready
• reelponee "'I am. nol afraid of Indian(' or of
• death'," elicited.the admiration Of the 'natant'.
Theh • turned their Ade
• ion upon Chiel
Dou las ' a d• h a sl k I ' 'Is' - '
g , . n e nu rom er presence.
Sohn whet the captivee were placed in charge
- • .
of Chief Johniou, and through the instru-
mentalitysof hohnson's •squawfiuther 'hung-
• s •
nines were prevented: . - • s ' . ' • ...
' ' Log Piece, Otstober,-Qurey was • fifty.
miles ahietent limiting when the neWs. ..oh
the initesaare'. at White Brier readied him.
,-Fle•returnedsatLenue,-and-lient.fleetruun ere •
. litrevtiles.
• '
" We are living at present in the very MOS
a fyranny,” exclahned a Weetern ecribe.
Ails i Put been married, have you. . -,---
The only, prayer of the Indian, tribes m
Ontario_ moil aq beh " 0 Rising Sun, d .
my steps to where tho deer. an4 Weepy ere, ,
feeding." ... . . .
The eelephone is making sad inroasts upon
good Manner(/' The politest perewi generally
bitting conversation with a rade. ehont of
"Aiello! Who are yon?" .
- • • Theyetood all alone andlwas late,- , . .
And detp. Phadowa were cast, by•the gate.
when ner very had brother, t130 SeardP.• .- •
+Climbed the post and lighted the lamp, .
And the meeting adjoerned. without dote. • • .
. •
41 toter gayly .dresed young lady netted
her, Sundayeeliool class what *as • Meant
by the pomp and vanities of the world.h The
answer thie henget, but rathet unexpotecth
"Them flowers--cur-yourhat.". - .- --- --- - .
• The wasp- feede on the hellow•peecli, '
And the thistle dean is mowing, blearing;
The Cara is detio, and the morning red .
In the eastern cloud is growing.
The bolly.oak staff ia brelten in two,
- .apccthe weed -Ares are all flaring; -
officially compiled for the Gorman
.. .
11110Vrthat 'Oar.. ,vw.:_eat.:4101:1111a7.- -
of the empire vs,ry oonsidirably exatiedi
1816. In187•5 it was 42;7a7,360, for
whole countra, oe which 'Phil& leach •
404 -and Bevaria 5 022 370 a In 1816 •
• h ' ' ' • e
popalation of the whole country . was
for Prussia, 18,706,978, and for ,••
'3,607,036. The figures fin the.
send -e-mallet Shan Artrin-about-the- . : -.
proporlion, being in the average an a
• of nearly el00 phi cenCnotwith- .
war. - - 7* .
. •
. General
• Bleiodi
' 'vegetable
a drake
• - • -
. hi * s
.4 .
• •
Ayer. s
-• .
• • •
.. •
. ' • . •
For Scrofula, and all
scrofuleus.,diseasesi Erysi.-.
elas Rose or St' Anthe.
P 0 . . ,
ny's Fite, Eruptions -and
, , ,
•Eriaptive diseasea of the -
e skin, • Ulcerations - of .the
Liver,. *Stomach, Kidneys, : .
' Lungs, Pimples,. Pustules,
Boils, BlOtches, Tumors,. . .
s' "letter .81111--Rheinn-,-Seald '‘'.
Ileachshlingagenna Uleers, „
Tiine is smiting thaenta-gi itatemag----- -
-And the year„the year,. is wadi*,
• • -.
. • Prettiest cookery "eon° . of • the branchee
iif education taught in the Ferasle. College,
at Oshawa, but the girls have struck against
washing dishes, claiming that they are already
proficient enough in that- rapped, .. . •
Daughter (reeding letter): " But, pa, dear,
in this Jot word you'veput a letter tee ranch."
Pa (seltmede, and net a bit of pride abont
hinh : " Ave L -my dear ? Neter mind. I'
dessay•I've left Me :out hi !some °the; word
. --SO that'll iquareiti r .. " • . . .
4 yeiting lady has written to know what le
a ewe cure for loveeicknese. Aa. other.
eminent physicians have ' previously, ' pre.
. - -
' The erection of ,exteneive smelting works.;
at Belleville, says the NapanerEsprees, was,
certainly, a part of the originei design in
tion• with the -build's) of • the Mad '
come° . . h .... g. cc
and it s the primp
Railway, wa .. al reason why
the. taxpayere ..nt_._Betteville conaRT4c4-11r-as--a-
nose a ' verv heavv---htitden -hit • -their
-i'n- ----'m - - - . ----
• ehoulderrin-atitchstiregoatra-TirehaNtiticsiihr
Polley " bee effectually crugheh out any. duoh•
hope. :Without - oheap omit Mean iron
. . , . • -
cannot be manufseturechm Canada, -and the
. . - . . . • . .... . •
Dumas cannot 'incessantly . oorepete
against the •American manufaetures. The
" N. P." has impoied a duty of 50 Cente er
ton on imported coal, and andher 25..6 Pt •
. . en e
hi mull agit-ated for. .0f 'Gourd) that means
. •
81 per ton extra cost On the manufacture of .
the irori-st tax whien the Waimea oannot
stand arid com'pete against American mann.
facture. Wo have, no cool for . the • pur•pdini -
suniehea. 7.y.e . impost... it Am. „. the . Tinite4
;Grates. The coal from NOVA SoOtia - cannot
lpe.-laid•dowri.aft ohsaplat-itt-telloyillehasathat-
frolnilui United States with.the duty added, •
.tind besidea.that ii is• bituminous che.),•and
not at all adapted to km smelting, • • .. •
• a irr
fa HORD FOB • 1120E730111. -kr. .AratAb'ald.
- Thomeom.writing fiom Port Carling,. Mum-. -
• koka, to.the Montreal Witniss, in reply to
ennther-i'correepondent;--who. had refleeted
upon the eon ot - that . dishiat states -al
•• - • . • • ' ' .
. have been intlaskoka eight years, and say,.
without doubt, minim as good' soil ea %can
th found in any part ot ' Ontario. We hive
' 11 k' d f '
a in s. o sod-loare, clay, muck and sand,'
and the hest of eoft weter tr ' ' k
om Fining oree 13,
mere and lakes • also niotisitain and valley.
- • ' . • '
great' - i
'We can proatice as good , vegetablee
*•roofe and. hay as oan be raised an any neW
fiectmn of . Ontario. We •haye as good horses,
and • pou tie •can be
battle, sheep, !swine . Itry • ..
raided of• the same breeds anywhere eke.. Our
olimate-is healthy We have ame,• fish,'
'. ,_,..
e nute . In e undame.. we
with 'berties a d . - b • g • ' '
.have a hi 11, b ' ' t • t
g way - y oar or s earner. o any
part'of the World ; welear riot•fami.ne, sword-
. or estilemea We are'poshine the food batik
ilo the wildern - . Alci t f ----
a ' oame. here
000: . a 0 11 .. . .
• o • L '
p or, lit wean living better growing wiser
- d• • a s • ' • - .
. an , more generetie. .
• .
, : fl a curious fact that all the men .whose
es activity. a now 'Btu's lug- e peace
resa • - • ' 1 • ' els. b' th
of Eurone are se far advaneed in ear that
.ew,.... , . . . . 3
• , , ix any of-, tnem, can hopeto witness the-
redizatien of their • sehemea. .Prinhe Oats.*
ohakoff, the nregent C.hantellor" of - hand* is
no* in • ,his 82nd 'yeah having •heeti born
aaa, . „, . _
•"4-4447 to 148.- The -Czar himself, horn April
29, las, ie . already dose n on 62. General
. T dl I) • h' d" - 2 • h d ffe ' •
° e °E4 ni Most 'sting= e c ear, ts
only it few doye younger,. Lord'Beaconsfield'
. will ba 74 on Dee. 21. Pcinee Bismarck,:
born April V, 1815, io lees than ten. years
behind him. , Tho latferh. right•hand man,
Count von Moltke-the taotiturn strategist.,
who, "'ban hold 'his tongue in seven -Ian.
guages"-dates beak to the. 2611a of,Oetober,
1800, arelle thug on'the very. threshold of
his eightieth' •year. . The Emperor Willinin
• • • • ' •
• himself, born on the 22na of March,. 1787,•is
now nearly 83, , Amid 'ouch. a' grouh - of
• . .,
voterane„ Count Andresey a 56. years, Coont
Behouvaloff's 52, • and the 49 of the Eniperot
• • - •' •
of Auetria (born 18th.of A.usist,18301appeer
quite youthful, . .
'. a - . '
etrible sigh
' A Parte correspondent says a t t
was witnessed on.the Ifith ty pendia by in
tront of tha Hotel Dieu. 0110 of the patients,
of the hospital went mad, an'd; leaping. out of
a, hide o lookla 'the !street, perished on
w w . ver i g
tho ocintioa. Ho addreseed thihorovid halo*
in incoherent , language, , and threatened 'to
throw himeelf doWn When any.orie approached
the window. Mattraimee and rugs were epread
. on the 'pavement and the• firemen were
-, . , s. • • • ' ' .
immediately ,enit for. One of .,the littler let
himself cleft by a rope, affixed to the root
and, securing the iaadman •under the' arms
. managed to thrust him into the opennindow,
where he was taken, charge Of hy the tit.
teridaiate, ' The plucky condinst of the fireman'
• 1 • d a b-
Wee ou ly °neon y the •crowd below.
• - . • • •
• lin 0 Itlentraiehiler ". 30111e. -In. tho ease of
O'Hare ye. the Lancashire Insurance 'Com.'
pany,. tried in- the Assizeg at ' Belleville 'on
Pdonclity, the intelligeiat jury returned a
verdict for the defendante, • wheread it had
been their intention to find tor' the plaintiff
for 11500. After judgnient had been entered,
they desired to hirSei the Verdict. °hanged,
kit [Mud it Mold not be done .withotit an
- t • - - t • 4 -
expensive .appeal to he Cour in- Term.
Metiotirde they : Wen all 'ilignal a noted
-Bettina the verdict att recOrded. •The mietake
wife °staged by their failure to understand the
quOation laid before thin' by the' jiidge for
decision. ' ,
wad *recently dragged tinder a
A *Mien '
railway train at Newcastle and killed in con.
earldom° of ehaking. hinde With a trona at a:
. . - . .
Oar Winslow. as the train MOved out.
A young heiitleman advertised. foe a wife,
through the (bingo Opera, and. rimeived
answers from eighteen husbands, eayineahat
11A nnnitl iltkirtitillifrO. X,
-OoleTaktontraid=Gons-nagarahhathiitton, it.
-Henderson, D. , A. Budget•KingstonshG. M:-
Mitedonnell, G. B. Bleadciws ; Port Hope- .
It. Gray ; Sarnia-ls. W.•Niebett, ; .London-• .
W J Penland • Hamilton --:•G A Young ;
• • ' . 4 • • ,
aNsin ve, Howiane e•
pronto -J.B. • -13,1 , . . . , .
(ales, T. . Wilkie, D. McLaren,' ,O. Cahn.
."' rt
eat .1 0 Anderson 3' J Gartehore
-- ' • • •• . • ,- • . . - . ' 8' -
Briggs. .• • e . .•
•c) tested remedy -I -marriage. It his never
been.known to fail. . .
.. u Death Pays all. debta" solemnly reMarks
a reverend .gentlentan in . •the • Christian
Union. If thigh Abe. ease, old covey, •.we•
know a greet many people. who -.meld die
to &whit good advantage. But it• wonla he
the firth debt they ever .paid: . • .
. . ,
Dr. Holmes seid twenty .yeara ago, "•Put
not your tenet in moneih. brit put eoutanioney
ta trust." --Twenty yeeth helie•so changed the
complexion of affairs) that it is 'quite as dan.
,geroue.te obey ihe liteV•part of the injunotion,
as if is impoYeible tti dash ilie• hieti.• '
_ . . • :
• • •-"A.-iitikkeilpoifilitif "or -TiTzth-writee tomar
that one of tlae racist hovel " tit-bhe " of the
mason may be made by wrapping .an oyster
in a holier of Moon, then putting it before"
the fire until the boon' la woke& through,
when it will be -found ready lot -eating. ..•
00:This is the healthiest.plecii in America,"
saffillni landlord of a •hhiagere lichtilatiithe
toured.. ".Nobody ever dies here." ""No "
replied the• traveller, in• thehone of a man
whh was thoroughly oonviimed.ol it,: " no, :1
reckon not. . Nobody would 'stay, here long
. • ...... .
enough to die.'' ; • • • ..... .
- • . •
"Is Mike doin' well in the new efounthry ?"
asked Mike's father of. a Wend who had just
returned to old Erin from -Am'eriea. 44 Doin'
well ie HP rephea Mike's. friend. "Shure
are •ye may -welt. say. 'se.; Ye'll niver .find
• Mike without Li quart av the.beet twenty-five
cirri whiskey in the house." •
. . , "
. First Senior': • .. I don't. know what. is.. the
.trouble, but evera evening after I. go :out to
call, my'knee is so lanie I can hardly walk
home. It must 'be riagnmatista." BeCOnd
Senior: 0 Yon ought to Menge knees Oe0a.
• atonally." Filet e.udent : ". What ? Change -a."
then, as a thought, strikes. hiii, h Oh • hum -
yes. Letli tike euthin." --. . ..; . • -
According to the Booliester .Fxpresh the,
.following.were the Int. words of Louise to.
Lotne : -." New; -don't you Bethke in the par. •
ler while I am goni3 ; keep the blinds closed
so the carpet won't fade,. be oarefol not to-
bring any dirt • into the houeenn your boote,
take the friends who may .vieit • you . into ehe..
sitting -room, and don't you dere melte) any
but gentlemen conapany." , . ... . , • .
To people in this latitude and longitude.,
+alio rented last. week' tinder a midsummer
ihrograture it has been tantalizing to leain
that in Auetria, at the 'sera° timew-there was
9120w Several feet deep, tied that at the West
the Union. Para° Railioad "Was blocked by'
deep snow etorme, In Vienna last wealth
weather was unprecedentedly like Janctary ;
in Canada unprendentedly like Juiy. •
• • • • '
Apeetess singe, 441 love thee every hour."
That•is right. Ghls whel love a fellow- only
font or five hours out of the .twenty.four, and
bestow their affeetion2 . upon several other
.01tepti during the.. remaining hours. of hhe
day, aro what tlie onetoni officers would call.
.. . .
--frauds inasilk."-aTheyhtffilitildhltietaahh-hly
, .
hour or not et all: ''..
. . ' • .
Indic', broUght chiefs ever the .nyountaitis
to him os on a pilgrimage ghve him att.
. - • -'
' unusual acqumntance with the -leading Men
both of . the frontier and Afghanistan, and
When a few wee 9. s nce Lord, Lytton seleoted
k i •
* him, still a piadiaing surgeon, for the first
• diplomatie appointment in Afghanistan, no
one in the northwest was either surprieeds.or .
• - • • • : - • . •
envious. Service etiauettes are apt to . give
••• - • • •
wey to India When. work isato ha done, And
th ' • h • - '
e Viceroy .hachselected •t e inlet -'informed
• • . , • • • .,
man and • mat. experittre x sevey be coma
find 'anon the men who • bold - .opinions•
,,f III tg.th - li . f • d ' ha E ' •
iwora e o e po ay o a omit* , e. m` •
• pike heyond the Suldman, s.
- a -- . ---- - - - — - a - --ha
Bones ,
4. •
• Propsys
• .
Thie Smariparillais
1. Yellow
leo is.
e' '; - .
li is assured
t6 lye harmlese.oyen
-so effectual.
tem thos
The • teputation
its. cureehandilte
to any•other
ne0d do.
• a
J. C..
Neuralgia, P. ain in •
Shle and Head '' F le '
i . , , • ema
Sterility; Lencorrlicea, a:rising '
ulceratiOn,.. and Uterine .
and Mercurial die. . -
• -
Dyspepsia,: . Eniaelation,
and for Purif in the '
s • . .. Y .g .
a ' • •• .. .
• a- combination of *
• • • . ,.
etheratiV'es ez- Stillingia, Man-
- . . Dock.-.--'. with the Iodides
and Iron alid is the Most '
medicine vet L'• -no 11. • far •
' . . " ..S% ." • '
it is intended to 'cure '
als• ....... - .. • haeahs •-r• • ' _
the bill 'alterative effect . of ' •
and'while it is.ao mild 1. '
4 . • . .
to . children; Weis. . .
its to.pttigo •Mit f torn the• '',...' -
ini ur• • - d • • • ns•
e p. ities an coiluptio . . -... . .
into loatheome disease.
it enjoys is derived...a'.
confidence which. : -
.physiciana ..al 1 oVer •the.coun. ...
it, proVe • their eperierice-
. • "
' '
attestin - 't • •t 1 ' '
g 1 s, vh.. nes lave
nd re ' i t tl b ' -
, a a . cox s an y eing
as manY Of these cages are .
they furnish convinMng
the Auperioritf of thisiSar- ".
,- • •
over :every,. ...other alterative . •
• So . generally 'is- its sliperi-
medicine known, that. '•
no More' then to asSure. the -
the best qualitiesit has eVer ..
. . ..
are -.strictly maintained.... , .......
. .
. . • ' ' • .
'. LONDON: -, •
. . ha . • • e , .
'N.h.e Gundinek .4 toast Blorleim."
. • .
Lonnon,Ontario.-Dratleore, who assiated
,e..t..o*post ' mortc, ,ctia Gundisok, nye that
the cat on the neek Wegibide in the comae.
- • • • • .- ... • '
the body was lying -on its hieehanh. thifl• may
'have. depreseSd the noise, bob did . not
hreak • it, • The. out' was ,reade in -000
*that hthe .doistora, Might . ha •prepered
•• to answer anyqueetionti. Mr.'Grigg intern:is-
• ' me that the body was in the: ode • ef 'the
authorities...oho. being. henebveh- fromhhis
hotel- to the boapitel and he .never ea* it
afterviarde. The friends .and. helations of
d . -
meased in thie oity took.chergeof thr body
a r e• ent or. ins gay .1., up, . . here is
fte th ' h. it" ti I- ' • • T •
-no rethon to supped), -the quen.nistiimes of
dea th were ether nian.those attret furnished
• • •
General Newel " •
• • , • . '
, Dlr. 'Alex. 13egg, the. Manitoba' ChitiMhs-
sioner,!artived in- N•Vinnipeg on":this. 22nd,
-where he Was hesitil9 Weloo,med.' • . . . ". - •
. . .
: There is 'no truth In the rumor circulated
• by A : Toronto paper that the locinnotive•
: engineers on the Q. T. It. are agitating fer a.
• .
strike. - - . • ' - . ' . • ' • .
' ' A number . ,of you* swim -hankie • left
'Biainnton last week kir tbe United-. States,
to find that 'entployinent whiela the “11..P."
' •
has failed to. confer. • .
. Mr. Base will retire from 'Parliament' and
Truth thinks that, in case Mr. Gladetone is
defeated in. Midlothiau,. homight . be elected ,
in Ur. •Basa• place. . _ ' . ,
• •
. Mrs. Broom D. E. N: Southworth 'is now
' • ' ' ' " '
al work on her sixtieth novel She has been
. ' • • • • • . - •
geenpied.in that sort of way Rime sh.e:_nas. ,
with letters. ordering a cessation- of•hostili.'
flea. The rtnners reached Whitiltiver j'usf
ha the white reinforcement!! arrived. The
' Iediarte deolereh -that they • would . have
Maeettered theionimand had they - not ..been
behind the breastworks:- Theh also zahl.411e
Whites fought - lilie ...hevite. ..0aray .iit.,
trihntes the trouble. to Mieket's . re.
feed to give supplieri .to 'a remnent Of the
Old Denver hand Who shave led a roving life.
He says the Inhians were inflamed ' by the '
approach of :troops, and-ohargeci•Meelier with
havin • '
g summoned . them. Among .• . the'
Indiane killed in the Thornburg fight . was
Ouray's nephew, Harry Jim. A White River
Ute ea s that all the. Indians in the fi ht
e Y t a' d d hi th 13 thg '-
wer no rme , an a e . ou ern
, i
Indiana and nart of the Nerthern Indium •d'a
- • - h
not emotion t e manaore... Mon people in
. - . • •
the west Would like.the Utes to • be extermi•
nated or driven. adray... A etege• 'driver opt
ihe Indiantaare not teeponeible forhill. fort*
Area's!' many freighters careleasly light firee,
which the Tatdians came to spread; ' One of
the chief Complaints bY • the Uncompahgre.
Utersinor1878. is that the promiee or ..610,.
000 made ...to..thein. by• the United htatees
Commitaion for •Onoompabgre Park ham been
*weed:by' Congress, . • . - " • '" .
' Beim's, Oetober.-Newa from Merritt's
Camp teports that Agent Adareignuited the
thee ten days'armistioe,rin anount of them,
render of the agency captives: 4 pig talk wilt
be had betWeen the Chide and 'commissiciners
et Uneampangre Agenoyiat 'which conference
sharay will be present. The ptotocol agreed
upon•will .finally be atibiliittechte-thesdathoti..
' t 'I 'n t • a • here wait.
time .Wa. hi g on. Adams e ys t .
grid lamentationin th.elostiie satinp.on.his.'.
• depaiture, seuerve flocked about him implor.
mg im to fiend the t nope away. -
Crimea°, Oetober. 1:itteridan's anneal
ide i: oo mend
report says .the force n r h o in . .
11 corn riein only• one man to
is too emit , p g . . .
every govent.y.five. either° mho in •the de.-
• pirtm'ents '0 glom°, •Dakota and aMlimoura
and. our Min to every hundrecLaird-twerityi-
- a 1-• ' ' ' h d t t • f T ''
square mi eg in t a . .epar men o : exaq.
The .report .states that when the. buffalo again
' • a . • .
rn aoutn of the Northern Boundaryline
ran . , - •
.they will be follewed lay the Indians. •• It will—
shas . • • , . . • . d
be anuoult to prevent mob an mvasion, an,
the report, therefore - reaommende an appro,.
priation of 4200,000' fin the establishmenhof
0 a iarge military poet inicitedy intw.eare•Forte
a., - • . .
" liford.and Aesiniboino, ea near as possible
to 'the N rth B u d . Th e ott
' • 9 "9 9 n erY• .9 T 1?
refine to the outbreak at Fortallobineon '
d'd' 1 '. 11 'b' ' '
lity on the art .of
Vile arim"yalmIat adetrleoirth th Most Pguilty
of the and .of horrther: Che°ye nes whim-
• . • il b t th - • t• li A ' I b
escape a on e same ime ave no een
puniehed..- Th • f • t f • t ha t
p epor re erring o e nom
outrages in New•Mexico etate that the• roil.
.- .. • . . ' . P. '
1 for the capture of tne Indians
Peet 10 la r . .
cern 1. The recent outbreak -among the
Mash -a°
a t 1 ' h b
, 1 --, 128 ; eve been brong t about_ 9
' oas otiose* rpribles on the Mexican border
have ceased, pwing. to the succeeded efforts!
on both eiclee• of the line to capture raiding
perils)* Sheridan dates that there bee bben
no general cembination.of Indione daring the'
, past year. It is doubtful if M011059,111 elan.
who exiat,' ail 'this 'shaman of railroad
improvements and frontier settlement(' nbw
impede communication between the different
thew . „ The. Indiane ' ehould ,be •More
abundantly prcivided • for. Shetidan eays a
fte t "f t obi ' th f • v 1 t
quer' cause o ro e is e elm a 0
- • • ' a
Indians from their birthplaces!. to whush they
are alWaya etrongly attached. • Hia hellcats
that the enapiakin that they (the Utee) Were
to be removed from' theit Mines 'led te) the
'Mont Colorado trotible, a
• binedi.
. as
. prominent
. tryrepose-iii
of -its
• .
a received,'
• Publicly.
• medicine,..
.- oritY
. .
• Dr,
. .
Women Plesess,---The ordinnry epecimen
of tho wonian-hafera says e, .foreign revinve
nitiy ueually be tehen to be 'one. who- is
differing from a terciporary mental. didorder
in eon • ' • ' f t ch. ' .
. sequence o some ama ory splatssant•
ment, as in the ease of Ooivietafor motion:
Cowley . was at one - *time rether R• MVO
man, .but P.Leonora " 'did not treat hiM well,
and•when she married.the brother of Lean
. Sprat, the dieeonselate poet foit, or •pretend.
ed to feelasuelhan .averaion to the en, thet
• he, would rise and teats a room; the, moment
a woeaan entered it. . The rant- eeraarkable ..
instance Of this eeolesintietil raisogynism is .
that presented by the monka of Month Athos..
How many of them'there are now wehre not.
quite sure, buts few years ago Were nub:anted
at about 8,000 and not a woman hi -to .be founh
.011. the whole peniniula. Sentries aro posted
across . the neck of it. to exclude ..ell visitors
Who' ere 110t PrOtilded With par100/1, whiolhate
'11 0 8
nev,er issuedle. ladles ; nd th native of
adjacent countriea are 'convince.' tnateudden-
death wouldovertakhany ad.'s:mimeos female
- • -
: who should dare to het fuot on tlae seated _soil
o Athoe. . . . .. —
. I
44 What . Mr. Darwin Sew "-O•now book
issued by. Harriet 84: Brothers hhe ,Oompiled .
from the works of Oodles barwin, the !anions'
ecientiet and philosopher, and 'arranged in a
simple and attractiverform especially designed,
for ohildron's reading. Wh Ine i *
- -en - "W -It - es s •
vet= man he received an •anpointment AS
- • - • • - . •
. naturehst on the •hhip .Beagle, 'which made ,a
age of exploration Mound the world na
• v•63' - - - • f a
from the records of that trip' are drann: the
s' hte arid. ecenee depleted in this volume
halt. „ay:as- • - • a
" " "''''' "' the compiler is to tete% little
. folks' to . see more (heart • and ..oarefulf -
• . y y,
and lion to • um the Willa' of :Oen ' obeeiva.
done. Certainlh, if enable anh entertaining
deacriptions and beantifill illustratione (there
• . • ii
hi hdd fth'1
are a ou one un Fe o a atterh, yit
inculcate thut -Most important of tenons this
h d • ' 1 '11. ' •
an some vo time -w 1 bo a. markede etioceee
Of , tho 4). railwaye in Michigan retire-
Muted jiy'dietinctoorporatione five last year
failed to earn enough to -meet operating
' s • nine defaulted' entire in : •
Menu , • Y thetr
interest, .gevenett• paid . only part of their
inteteat, anh eightee.n failed to etunthelt
operating exponent intereet• and Ontal.
Oniy fie° paid any dividende--one
Pujing. • 2 par cent., one 4, ' . one .7
. on ptelerred,send 5 hn conainon, One 10
inn preferred, and 4 'on ooratimat, and one 10
onho mon ahrn t k, ' - •
o m . . ati i 1 8 00 , ,, ... • . • .
' ' ' Lain Summer/ Founiitina,A8 a' cense.
quence of the'peregraph publiehed the other
hay teepeoting the projected estibliehment
by Frenehcapitalista of fish canning factor.
fee eking the north-shere of Lake Superior,
it hi -understood that the attention oh 'leveret.
Ontario Capitalist!' haii been. directed tit, the
matter, And enquiries respect ,
thysethe fishery
remourebs Of the -goat lake de being made.
The Railway Pasulanger and Freight Con.
&Wont Mutual Aid and Denali • Aeffoolation
hae 'mid out in premiums for deaths and
dinbilities 463,622 dime its. Organization
in 1876. in the firet Year the Payments Were
520.78 ; ' lad year . they. remand 827,288
showing a rapid groWth in the good work.
' The memberehip 01 thid mamoiation-ima Of
several dace excellent character -AU 1,804.
MO. Simian front Malahlile;.died at the
Eight Rohde ofibultietty on Monday, M the
ativraNititti nod nf 1116 Whili•111.,
y-iiiiie 01E7 ,. .: • ' • • • . .
• - - ' • ,
M Da ()anthills - - ' '
' , o French etatiatioian of
eminenees, estimates that a century 'hence ,
Eagliab will be the Ocieeih.:of 860;00;0'06
pereons ; German, 124,000,000 ; and French,
• • - • •
f 69 000 00 - ' ' • . • ' .
0 ,.. , „ O. -
The Mvel -engineering 'feat •of litillding a
• •
bridge on elnire and then 'shining it 110r000 -
the river has been anoMplished at Dinarcl,
France. . The litructure is '814 feet • hying,
• :
weighs over.200 tone and 'was ptojeateil into
•ite• place with twelve etrong Windleeses.
' Frank Mayo, the actin Was robbed Of
4500 'in Money and vain:blest. its an Erie
eleepiawcar . yesterday morning. • He watt
going to San Frandeco, and had to leave the
- "
•cars at Elmira, N. Y.', A° get money to carry
him througlaa as- hie and. hie . wile's tickets
• were, stolen. • ' . , , .
Tile opening of the Natimal•Fair at Wean-
ington ayeaterlay. wee marked by • partiel
' eimpension ot. public and private business.
The industrial procession, four nyitee Ping,
marched thfough the principal streets. to.the
(+rounds. ' The ' Preeident, 'th Messrs.
.. wi
- • .' "• • '
Hearts, Schurz, Devensa• Key ,mid General
Sherman, were reosivedabyS the Direetore,.
• • .
Io the - main. ,building...the. Predidett •pf the
Fair Atieociiition made an address of weleoicaei•
to which.the Ptosident briefly responded. - .
. . • .
• • 'inierailihe aY • .
AYER St, CO,„ ,...Lowell., Mass. , .. :, .
and Atialyticia Citetneists. • '
, , .
- IndigeStion,
. :HAerapiche,
, in
bl -
. obt'tinell
1J ea
. Dr,
ail the
' Neuralgia,
. . for
,- la
e?"*.' :0..!:•1..-f-7
. .
- .
Oathartio....Pills .
purposes oh a Farnily Physic', -
CUrila_g COStivenase, Jaundice • . •
FOul .• stomach, Proathaa .. ,
and, skin . menses, Bil-
as • a- ..Dinner..• Pill, . - - •
.Purifyine the Blood, .
- - Ate the most eh
• . .
• fective and; eonge-
• . nialputgative ever
- 'discovered, They
arc. Mild, but • et:•••• •
't fectif al - In their
a ,
ssa. •
,dperation moving •
-7•15-f:'- , ‘
0 t .0waS Stir* .-
-...... .
and without .pitin. -.
Althotieh gentle::
s in theit operaticins. •
''''4, ,
" they are etill . the .
a ,, .1 mbstthormigh arid
aa--- Searehing eatharh.
that cari lie employed :.cleans- •
.1 and 1.) eels and even the
1 . , os ,.,
all ..d 6 f one pill! .1.'ilay .• .
sm. os s o . . . . ..
the • digestive.. organs. and -.
health. •, ...• . .. .. • -,. .
Pitr,S haVe been ictiown foi..' •
antler* or- a eenturthand. have: -
world-wide reputation. for .their.'. •
They cermet diseased. notion io
aSsimihitive• nrgans of Ale°
• d 1 t I) t • -
.1re-so compose t la o .s 've-
. . , . , .
their rhroae via virely With-
A ' * ' ; - • .
them.. Not, on,r de t y
every -day: complainth Of eVery- -
also Ihrmidable • and dangerotis
li•vire baffled the best .of
.4 • .1 ' d -
• Ulu &they prO mg power -
they are, at the .sante lime"), the . ...
. best phyde- for ehildrnn. 13r
's '
action they gripe. much des
common. purgatives, and never
the bowels are not inflamed.
the vital fountains oftheblood, ..
tl th 14 t b Nen& • it
• ten 0 ys ein y i i a. .
of weakness. . '
to all ages Mid cendliTOlialit* '
containing neither ealoneel
1 t ." 4 —. th * Pills nety
0 e emus rug,, eSe .
with safety by an,bady. Their
pi•eServee theni -ever fresh,
0- . , ..
them leasant to take ' 'mime
. p , , ), .. , ,
harm can arise •
vegetable, no . , .
use in any quantity. .
• . Maranen in: •
AYER & C0,1 Lowell, Mass., '
mid Ankivt keit 0110111M fx. ..
ALL intutiauvra EVERYWHERg. .
, -
,„. ,
tl t
g fo.s omac
. d e 1.
oo . n
4 -
. _ ., .
I y and
i I '
. .
pain ivhen
s rerig
d t
the elements
any d
o .
d kes
J. Ca
loan Tired. ' • a
' . • •
home hie • k - a " t • - - . a
., wee shgo an anoun : appeare
in. e isms o amen . eeerting le wi 9 in
th T.' ' ' f ' '' d ' h"f '
Toronto and coming -to Hamilton with another
' woman, all that- "was left to 'the unicutuntita
wife being a. eloak. The runaway couple
came to Hamilton and' rented - a' hoarse-
belonging to Mr, Whippte, giving out thg
they wers brother and. ouster. . Things Wene
emooth y for awhileabut yesterday. the man
got.tiied of his neW lady love and left her.
seeing that he.was going to math° ',Chief ot.
Police. - Since' then he has not been seen and
the wcimati ha ,d to go to the House of Refuge.
The nap took away all lisaptiesibly'Ould, and
all that was left in the • hotise• was a bed.
Meanwhile the' woman is anxious to get a,
, . • 1 • .
t oket batik to Toronto, presUme,b y to mingle
her tears • with • the ill•treated . ,wits of her
. -
flokloparamourt . . .
' • '
It is a good thing • to be sent home from
Africa with despetohee. Captain Lord Gifford,
who 'wee dispatched by Sir Garnet Woleeley•
with tha' announcoment'of the capture .6f•
°dewily°, teeeived on hie arrival in England
82.500, which it ie eustorciary to'grant AO.the
(Meer. bringing home the dispeteliee announ-;
eing the ennessful ,olose of o oanipaign. It
is Customary also to give a brevet promotiOn
to tho'officer selected to place the dispatcher'
in. the .hands of Her Minesty,', The British
• thaiverninent AlWAY6 &lee - this. The American
Government never sees it by the Immo Wive,.
aid dbesn't do it at all:. ,
• • •
A . Familiar proceei has been invented in
Germany by whiehlabele are printed on
bottles by a siMple operation, neither paper
• nor =allege being required. The promise le
nn Rental:printing On the bottle(' thenteelves,
and the labels can be scraped •offWith a knife,
though they are not affected by Water. The
proiu Se hi said to be inexpeneive and certainly
Odd be convenient.' '' , ...
One of the phenomena•of the' station Is a
setiond crop of rateiberriee and otrawberries,
which hi being sent te the New York market.
This otop bee for the past two weeks been
offered in the markets, home Delaware. and
Maryland.. One groWer has iihiPped at one
time al many as 120 plete e!',.. xaripbergiee
from, hie husliere moonforop.this sermon.
D/SOOYEDED W LAST 1 Prof. '13, E. VOX.
ning 0 found. HO haa cad Mide.hie "court.
etiquette " and noW Alla the poettion Of ro.
partet Of a NeW York paper, The Prefeseor's
notirtly mid Polished manner° rendera him
...1..e.. II motet A ii•arl tAti ttui mrtaittAol.
• ' h • • • •
. EvOn.Death can bo robbed:of half his ter;
rcire by a large• inheritance. Two *people
Were riding together In a dap Moll, One of
them in deep • mourning. " Somebody dead,
' ?" wad the g,nesticni An affirmative
=hew e .• a
"'MIAOW, ina'ani : ? Another ' 110ti.
huh,' „
,i Did he leaVe you his prOpetty, MA'AM V'
Still another inid, ' ." And are yott'appy about
laid soot, MA'AM?" One more ned. The
sympathetic etranger stroked hie beard. for
a few Went nannies and then added in very
. 4
• tom "Well • 'Ma'am if on have in-
tender , , , , y
hibrited ail hie property' lull feel atopy abont
hid emit, We not no .raueli of a trial, ma'am,
after all."
" Do unto others es you Wonid be dOne
by," but take pre/done care that hOri are not
41.41Atili ” 11V Atilill'IL '
e ar sing ga an as no . qui e o
Th t of b ' ' 11 t - t ' 't 1 et
i . p a i /
ti MIL 4 1 ninet be that I am very awk.
„ Wara,"•safd age, playing at billiiiide ; 4!,,I.efin't
ton& a hall,'" " Princeao," responded the
Morquie, Is thet Is bemuse a billiard hall le
, -
net a hear t.' , . . . .. ,
Therdas Catiale has Sabred frith dyrpep.
OA star shine ha *as a boy,