HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-10-30, Page 3X001 UZZWER11exv AN". XTO P".
. wimu CURE,
. . Twel years' confluo.ment. In, tbe Poulton.
, . Ill. r I - . which bag been passed
, -,a. Y. is the sentelGOO
. ,on � I .
�, Chiiiep Lancaster, the embezzling bank
. slailk at London.' The sentence is severe, but
. deserved, And aboulcl prove a warning .to Ali
� Olson .. I . � �
I BUlding positions of trust that the,
;6ill not, 09 permitted to carry on dishonest
The vallau-
. Aliov
The 141ttm
. �, .
1prlictfdesl� with impunity. Very . likely the SUOMI $arglei
I .
� �
punishment would have been greater, bat for tile
. i44 , Igo% tbak it was proven Lancaster bad to .
,-, .0 qo � yealdo . rable Extent been incited, As hie PTATEMIMS
;pOotilitioug, by�a fellow-claxt, ton 'Years Ilia , � !
senior, who Poem.K to have pursued 6 oystbI.A. IMANLAN IWAL11
Atia 40u.'roo of witokmait,aftvr he once bud the ' E 8111 V IV]
. . ,. �
I .,dishonest ledger,keeper In. his power, � . I ME
Iribe frequency with which persons on. '
, . 1.
iruted With the Gore of money in banks The Great Hop i
- said other nionotary inctitgtious b000mp
defaulters .is a matter which ought to will, we think, prove
- receive ;boat earnest Consideration, To f0osional sculling 1
I A cortidia extent, we believe, the managements auryourioed 'jotair
� .48
I Of public institutions -Oro, to blame for this. had, boon out and thi;
14ruslatille state -of affairs, There has been The following Are th
., - too.grest &Jendency in � the past to condone. aftair, with the state
, -01irloilisoffenoliao-wellas , griefs w 0 , -- .THE, PB
I enables *en to look upon embezzlement as At abo4t half-pasi
minor crime, As An offence. not deserving party, wont on board
a � I . .
. punishment, providing the embezzler or, his And, travellei
"I friftoontakere'stitation.. Andthus many a, =y g nags Bad th,
I . ertathial who ought to be in the Penitentiary. c house, Where, at ter V
I I - I I
, Wiley has been allowed to! go soot free. Napa I .
- � I I .. . � the dooropeued ape
. . It be wondered, then'that young Lancaster 'talier, appeared. T1
��, should bay& thought it but it Small offence to
. . . nobody as come a
- bel� hireme f time and again. to the tunas of aftor MP couriney'k
� � the Me 14
,, robg to' Bajbk, ln:.which he was Gin- him to Send come on
. - � � -..p19y.q#i or th�t,,.GOII Relent -OL. leniency PI -on board, the -tug,- an
� . � , ,.. she d -
. , i
, he be discovered, be Communicated bb'111011 boon unable to find
I" 4 - - 91- It getting- along �1 to , him- foliow-olerk,* - ACV as him 14490 at -ft
' ' .
. . � vho used the information Be a Inagua to him that, I would
of making the .peculator, VJ40 thus and rowla any sor
. - became his vi I oticti, sink deeper And h
�. , get,. oven if he 8 ,out
490per., III crime'?� Up�ii embozzlerment
, . 4 messenger wO
� Is punlobed'-with* that degree of -severity UourtAey Bud very
. . Which it deserves, without' regard to the back,. saying that ly
social. poiWOU of the criminal or his ,relations; that it '.was not I
�.* we can never regard the funds .of public judges -to not for b
. corporations am abiolutely free from peatila, steamed d,owp toAl
�,7 , tiOli An - Any groat IMBASUIA-1; Lot till-tAPPing Hanlan Was sitting 1
( � � (for that is all it. is) be treated its a scriO116 start. Th's' Chapp
. .
-:�- -,-- .*jp I AP!t..�oma.a.p�4�tol�.-JO.�,�0', bw, h4ld-to-, me
- _; Apnopil - _.tioia.;Bte�&Velbg� W)ry
nukla yavIt.VwitlibUrglQ:,4i1i*W `h -
_g I ,tpnn'B - a.few,momentAl op
f. - �in�thez5asofEar,4iiiert-s'didtyca-
-=:i -6 ijp �jp-au, ,.. - a - "'
,qr I _-r , .
. , . 0
I. young. ancastw"a, . 0 Once. will lid, of, steguily- tip and Jaigal
1 . , uchrarer.00eur enco a OW. . I starting. Tne lredep
. . .
. I 'UndbubtedJy. the bank cloik has -his Peon.
. . X. Oulvin, of the N
I Bar temptations. He hop tar keep up with as .judge for Oilurtn(
his " Obtltor, at least, he thinks, so. And quiestior? a000pi�ed tb
I .
. 7 - 0 'When toh pooli follows so; Iianoaster�whope- Till
Inother is a widow'not t,69� .Vell off (which .
� .
. Easy account' for hiff � punishment . At about half -past
. '. � I - .)�hmve to Place at the startityl
. uoix'wIth comrades .who are, the, adavlot readiness. Hanlon
wealthy artil. inclulgefit pgreuto� Some . of,
Whom Lots almogt-cortain to be 'Pfast," there. kart7ficiLflog. The
Is always danger, provided, "there L is the -Puncan,,C L )I ,Jaw Yo
bond re'qdy to take I
Inclination todo wrong. Soeiet'N'so-oatiod--� LDouglass Satin the
.. in better phraze, the world 'in Which they send him off.' Onde
P L inoie-li livare or Ion to blame for its foolian ateam. up the lake, t - 6
- I I L and inconsiderate encouragement, of young .,than -steamed back t,
ymemw j3b�o�f.r�6t6iiiii-6't-iinfreqtLoiatI have
. y at ton minutes t - f y
jobs hod-timar to-bauomvLfo�mcd;-MaUy-ol ---- -ul
. JhCrPLh&ve. 0 1 thti reforms c4lied-oul
great deal, more - time on their - , .. 11.
� . hands. than tilisy-finil-it-easy -tontakQ-jocid-use . ..' . - - --�:L. I!,ABI1 .you
. . I
-- . % . W. They- iie ilisrofoyle particularly prond to And. Hanlitax-eatchily
� -
temptation. Such an cfficial was Barber, AS though a keeU.
- . . Of[ Toronto, whcy�basjudt beon * rel�oaabd frornowept-A,ffAy with -.0
� a term in.'the-paiieW.n,tigr3o,4o:r.�'*f3lb�9.1kiWg- �&iUffW=d1ff-:n--H4--1
. .
: . . ivialet he was teller of the BallikOf Montreal.. oame,eway, nonchaza!
L :� - , . ,kismartJolly follow, he found spare hours. all hia. races, and -7
. �
I . , - lagging heavily o4his hands.. He draw on: Id .two: minutes, &
. .
. �. bio,oalary to &he extentof gEttingA fast horse: liassed the 1303f Mille
. and oatfit..- Ti.wu he faun& thit was, ubt �thau.pulled 85. for
. , - - sumoient ana.-hu bought anotheri The result' stuppled.,to look arc
L � I I.- �-was thp6t--,hw-."�rp,�Ti.0,�as--us'-'w7guY-YOung viere'linths:'WaWto
� . man about town footed- up- to .'four times 46-irefeiaswas ihoii
, . his acklery, ILs -had 'to'get iytortl6y, -kome- � He'ilien'Ar6ppea. to
. . . where. klo took iC lroni *W6 .1yank 'till,"und Those (in the refordi
L .
. . when the eurmin V-11 an his carutr h6. was his -boat mutit,ho &
being reaovk;d from ar crimingi . clock With thlievo ' as '- Ned,
. . ,
hiR character ruined and. prospects blasted.- coolly. On he %wox
Linaester did not .take to fast Itormosi Ing the 'firit MajJ6 L
. although. Lis likitigs weie'lu A- airseticiii. and .A' ,balf in '9.1
- 't(' 0
1 . -equally hital .to. the prospects Of a No Bi- atia"I oking�aroand
. - man with limited -income. He :Was. ,an ,his baudIcerchied. !
� do . SEX,, iL, -;
. Or at Scimitar of the lair a itielf no the FpIendid-time hi
I I barm, but, he waij so led away lo� him ' infatu- .that he ti"R'd even'
.; � .. aticti And so anxious to. ktand well Ail thb� Ward's hitherto Un
I . I good graces of those he admir6d,that lie stole record. *of 35 10 - li
. the money ot'tho b,.ibk t . cy enable him to buy shall was orespin; t�
I . exb6paive jewoiltry zloi his 1001!deg, Wbil0i much I aster rate -the
. many a doliar was .6pout in horse hire and he finished the two
" .
.- ontertaiumbut, . rolling up' � his expenses 'the . minute -in -13 02
i largii)Y*beyoud the point warranted by his by the, swells cif'm Is:
. salary. - .. I . . ; . . . o ... @PitQOf,tbe j�ajuncti(
. . ' I. I . . ,
. . I It cannot be too. earnestly Itupressed.on ,-tuted't6o nej6r-the
. those hoidirV positictia. Of trust, suct who. are appaar,io; embarrass
1. . tcwptcd to'b.tsal, tho.t'liboner or � I ' ator their. -ev6r, - , and be pullod
s I sin Wilf find them iyut. 1:1 �,, an . a Wells ail though ho':
� .
employee has a , Chief 'Who , - knows,. "ever. Miami ' rig A 'a
- � -his - �Iisiataffs and - duty, a -4.fafitll Around; He was ni
;i . career on bia pait will. pot long qdickening him sirok
?Iil remain unaiscovomd,. for.. it, iik � not to be fwidla of hl� buOy mi
, .. .
expected t - hat an.lacome of. $606 yearly ai�ty FOW 1hotime.9f sta
� -baplindetofoot billowhichreach to.02,006. .. , * . .. - ON THE E
_ . .
� in the came period. Any employee who ,h6vuliea. , a . ioseto thi
� . tiles t6 prove that this is lal4'd should � be: *Iioddtd a reply t6 ill
I .
I . Watched and detected als"opeedily as possible, ,Who Sippeeircd compl.
.. fo�r his own sake, as wullAo for that 'of his little fellow,, W . ho
� I friends and, the irystittido,n whoob.33abnoy',he jsst6St*.0m8 on-ji
. to diabortestly taking. Yetj -it ebm6s out. in P.Good.boy, Neal'
. .1 evideiace that although- Lacoastor peculated Williams,, of the
. . I
. 02,000 in psicemeal fashiou; ovor .9, year, -1 Think, you, air," rG
I . elapsed before- the d6f alc�itia'n wag. discovered Spurted for- a few'otr
. by his ou&r1ors. If such things are pomai- oort'of a bo� he c,
. hie; it a j�nlor' officort for instance, . Can The little lyall. j ingli
. embezzle a large sum. fr6m a Dank" till . and the Olivia Shook, el
ekspe -detection for oucii a !bug period, keep pace with I
liarelyit isbot unreasonable toBsy tbersis miles were 'finial
so, great-riecossity for a reform Ili the7 method stilil. Hamlin sho,wed
. . Of RUP&kViSi011 as therb is for A r6thtn'tO the , and- was 'rowing ' vp
. . first principla of' morality in regHraing 'In still pulling .84 t
.. � , . punishing the crime ,of ombOzlovoldv� stopping occasicint
I. � Hamilion Times. . I . . I..� . , before. -Three It
. � do
I I . . , ,
. .. . .. I I .1 ... . was the record at till
. ,
-..-------- � .
. .. .. Was Still alieming13
. . I
The London Adverttsof Soya; A reporter _started. From this
- -----oftho*miitmrTruiza-huTingl�a!4 bomphint Dulled valcy loisural
I before the Police Commissioners o . f urcivii times 30, ,81,.38., 32
� conduct against Doif!otiveis RonssoanxAna frelih as a daisy the)
1. , . Macpherson, theso'cifficials have been Bus- 60161411timo. . . .
. pbuded-one fdr it wooki the other for. n'toxte. maThe following, As'
I . night. A constable hasA160 been suoperldod item i ", � - .
in connection with the Rome. Case. A fe4ture Frilf ...... ; . ..........
I . of the of1fair was the sitreme dbility'of the Mile ......... .. ;# ...............
I Mile and,half ..........
. officers.in forgetting all that they Paid, while r.vwo Myles ......... 1�1;.
- vividly- nmeynb6ring the reporter's wokils. Two and h halt. miles
. Therow commouabd in the police .statibb, Three mi -los-... 1il"
- . -Three and h hali'mi t
. where the reporter' wag in' soarch,of Maws, FouriW�les..
14 The decision itydiestei that ,thd- Police Com- F our -and Mlf'mileik,
I miesionero of YJ,istailton , reo6gleiza .the *fact, -Five miles......,........
. . . 111114 reporters do. not gala thOr information , T40 fasteot five.m
� . from police records . on Sufferance, but tie a Made by Josh Ward
matter of tight. � . . I � 1.1th 043tober,.18590
. .. . CONOTITtTIONAtItY oil TRE * SO,= ACV. -A ,tance in 85-10. 11
. few days ago Ron. Mr. I'Lrrier, Ray. Thomas thongbi tbai.elthev '
Gales, the Secretary ol'the Dominion All!. or his minutes were
I . once, and R,�v. M L. Pearson,' representing safe to toy thad a
. the'Donlyinfory Alliazdai Waited on the. BOB. have boonmado in tl
1. I I JAMIGS * Macdonald, kinistok of 'Susfi6o, as a those days, Accept!
. ", - tie b0WOVor,: HAblall IDO
. ,,put,&,1,i,o,,,,to urge upoh! the Government the
... a Causing an immediate beirlbg.of His * time to-dity Over
. appeals fresh the Maritime Viovinas u to moo,, at the came IS
. the conetittitiolaglity of the Cadada Temper. have carried him a
. . lines Act of 1877, better known aitho Scott yards, 06 that looh )
Act. 'Mr. Macdonald promisea.to scoade no , been distaXiced, I
� tar as praotioalcle to the reitneist. It wag also At the fini6h Aefox
0 urged that lion, Mr, Scott be retained by the doolsion. , awaraing
. 06verntagot to defend the appeal, go he Wag - PtIZO to Hanleft-'.
I . acquainted with the whola queotion, but it is 06111ITNE'XIS talkliciEl
. understood this requot has boon passed over I
I in favor of Mt. 0. gobluatino Q.0., Toronto., � . I
I A LltlllbTIAV,� 3atlldd . M � aynard, twenty. The following Ati
� , - boon made by Courti
Ave; years ol'age, and a little Over forty inches last jo,oila e
ift height, In bat Clark at, �ho QadeWd Ito i U1, sontativeo. It 10 A:
Guelph. �At and time he wa3 Gen. Tom down In writing at i
ThumbIg ociabliman. : I . 6 meeting to -night:
7�1 1 - A
. I
T", f - " ""'q, .
I .
f � - I
. I I
I ,
41 I
. ,
61 ad
- - "'
Dow (Rey I meo
3UZVML11, Chautauqua 0OUAly.—Obarloo
I � � -
0 013 telogramb, blaullk. Brioter
Parrecide Pill
. 4 lffttirleloa.,
I, I - I � �
I . . .. I .
I 0outtuoy osys-That on the Ulth day of
t"20k, it and
, , met Mae Again in on
. I
"I . I
— .
He2tembors 1879, 64 about 9 P.M,, At $lee
poor 04 the Wharf, and told me Courtney
TertAblip Virime oil a Railroad Fero
. .
' Thq, Obvervaitionit oir a Slamiltenitan. I
Brackett House, RQohestor,X.Y.s in room 14,
I I .
be, thilaks, -Edward ilarylan and David Word,
would, not do.it Unless. be bold a similar
document from. Hinlan. .
I told b4a to
-p�to-IRO Murders 410 Wallogr and
. �
Plother Wriev
. I
DRAB TINEs.-BOIng a late resident, of Nor .
� or. I.,
VOUE, V. .
I � . 11 I- . .. I I I
of Toronto, were present with him, it being
1. .
away, to got their Man 0 oil
, in ready, to g t him t
antl to )Kill 111116
nVothoir-MAng"Ing Aitann'er at, Axiii,
"Ambitious Pity," and very justly�o q
I � .
� Alled-s
Ism Constantly .
writing to friduc(p there, Al.
his room and they having called there to #me
. . . .
him. Ward did about all. the tAlking,but
when the rafe,rao called, and'that, we w9iiiii, ,
give them nothing, 411 we cteeired, wa's to.
Arrcn�. � �
I _ . I
lustratino the glowing . and Pr � ocregal . *0 11 otat I 0 r I
A Dose Ye
. t,.
Haulilvi i
. emalned present and, board -it All.,.
ostch their
. . . I . man 0400werter,
Illsaxii, Ohio, Octo'bar.-Last night Qotlis
I I .1 , � , Ili
Matter woo murd6red ;, his wife fatally and
, of this now province of the Ngrrillmoot, but, I
I . 11 I
which, I fear, his, hitherto remained dormant
-- ,
I Ward said-, .ill. .fellow, 44113g.
Wh (me
Hanlan, so no One �,olpa was present) -
Q. -If Courtney had ilkned the pfelgoalod,
document did youintend that H
him Pon oarionsly,woundoill. An Older
I . son Ili
so far am the public mind of Hamilton is'pon.
tj Operations on
. I :
- -
"wouI 90 there (moaning to the
proposed race At Chautauqua, between
I I Sulau o GUM .
win �ite race? ' . � .
: Mr. Davis -BT All means.,
omopecteakoll railroad, f6reman, arrested
Lewis ar,,l
� . I
I . I .
earned, a eiroun-2stanoe greatly to be regretted. I .
I therefore take great � pleasure. in. laying
Boats. - �
-- � -
11mulan and me, for which we had signed
. Q. -What Wag, your obledt 132 drawing Up.
at Cleveland to -day, a onlossed be killed,
life father and wounded big mother . and
belcizethe numerous-remilers.of y . 11
.. our Worthy .
paper a few facto. qrspoit to, the above. Thai
- . .
4rtiolos that day.) Ward.continned, U being
. a nice bit of money, It's too hoc 11
, .1 not to go a d
tho document ? .
-As a, last weloo lojnduce 0040noy to
I I .
brother near here. A, digtective was showing
. I
emlgra I tion season of 1879 is fast drawing, tc, . . � I
�C!N, 2%EE. FAj§T1
- I I..
get it; and you and he can out the, purs.e in
two.", He also Palo. something about. hie
I , ,
oomeout rind take the word Ilgo. I We intand-
. � I
ad. to diaregolril � the propooltio . I
tip, 00012 fig
l4ewlO victuro to. the' railroad men,
,When Lewis himself looked over .the
a close, and that Steady winter so pleasantly.
opokelli of by all old residents - . I I
I L , here. will soon I
" .
1 171111LIGN. ON .
I;0J14XJ, '.
, (Elaulsals) being plg-bcadail. I didn't say a
.1 11
., all L
word I lot him (Word), do, the talking.
mado,lathoprop6oedagreemen . Iggv B -
. � 4 rig
tor� the, draft of tba propositio Zito allow court,
L _
offloies illioulder. The ofdoer turned and
. recognized him, Tipp � -r at so, th,
�Iaouo ic,lar
, pr
. - , .4
bowithtura.gs.iri. Theireminisconeepolon. I
L " L 1. L ,
tario,, Hamilton especially, will be gladly re�
�t7r Viapoo, is. over, and
, L
I was suffering terribly %hat, night from, a boil,
and bad just had A lauded befdre I left
neX to Win the race by, paying Hanlon 03 000"
I . , ,,
and Immediatoly went to the botol find cow.
murder unpremeditated. � He wont to him
L I .
father's house after all were asleept and got.
. �
vived Around many a fireside,this city being , I .
well repyr000nted from, there at: present. I bay -
- L . L a.
th knoll Of pro.
. I
a thiaL country, -We
home by Dr. Fordyce, of Union. Springs.. It
' L L . I
seemed as though he the lanoo Irk
. - ,
murtiouted to Ward an d 0oulson what I had
done. Coulson
In t . .
bi lyrotliglt the window. Hii father board
malad learning who it wAs,.ordored him
I . . .
, .
had good opportunities of, Seeing the daily
inoraas6 . of freig I lit of all descriptions arriV- . I
r that Courtneylp boats
. .
t, there
I . . I ,
handle and all. I Amid I .bad sufforad
last iwaoln L 11.1
and as pelf felt satisfied
I I y
that " this would have the effect to bring.
away. , Jae so
. ya this in do him angry, mud be
. .14 ., .1
fired. TOO story is not, credited, howeiver.
I.. .11 L,
Ing here
. from all parts of the, world,
thereby showing the *aq� amount of terrifty ' 0
, Gala be no too
L e.,
i fall pirtioulara, of the
I 11
enough fall when nocent, with-
out Again going through the came thing,
Courtney to the goratch, Ward did not thipk,
the letter woula have th ' ' ' ' L
0 desired effoot. He
. I .
Another report to that he WooL angered at an
over which.the gains anticipatingly has to be - .
I L I .
Bank of both parties :
knowing myself to be guilty, or words to
' L
then t6ld Houlart to beg Courtney all he
I � .t -
attempt, real or faused, of the .balance of his
jam ily, to take advantage of him. Lewis
,distributed and for - which an immediate . .
. I . .
market in open now and will be . . .
three the relera 0 Rua.
that effect. .They didn't, stay throe minutes
. . I I y
and left on the tilain. for Torout
, C, ,shortl
. could.
'Tn7fartholi —ques' ' ,-L�L-10--$Wfinty-thrrme
' --W4rd, . tionlog by moam.
I Yearyr-4dIL '-sai"l-fine
I ,some, . ,
. .
few years tomonte. Tito , Extensive building .. lvzl:��
. I I
he Olivia. a small Stearn
. I 11 .
after. I did Dot moo, either of them again
I I - .
until I Game up here to the lake come two
berg 'of the meetlig, ktatedL11ant no WitneSo,
win present when Briater amid that. if court.
expresses no coniri.
* ticity. The. prisoner a d him father have
I a ,
operations that are now. goingon in all parts I a I
� I .
0 a likewise 'evident proofs of . I I .
I I the Province ar . . ..
, up the course to the
ties to Courtney's boat.
weeks ago.
Bey was pot permitted tat win th
L � o race he.
Dot been on g�ocl terms, for. several
Tears, owing to tro0,Iq about
.. ,
its everit all prosperity. Never pan I remem� . .
bar oeeiuug more forcibly the del . ly appliances .
Siting for a few Seconds,
would break the boats -or I play sick, .
. .
. .
� .
property., The son who was shot. is - an
. I L . .
of health ad vigor displayed than In the
vBert Brown, th o .
' .a , Are-
. ,
The folio Ing is the statement of 6urtnej
PAYHRI; T 03P TER §6,000 T , CONT. .
. . 0 BE ERTED
idiot, I
I .4 is ouppoead the inurderer left big
. . I .
daily routine of business AD I d pleasure as .
I .
a referee said : 41 As yet
ioard the boat. to look
as tobip doipgo lost night:- We left the
. ,
Mr. Davis was naked if Any proposition
L .
viclinig for des , but Mrs. Muliloi,, regaining
consciousness,, .a climbed out of the .
. . I
practiced W. this city of the Noithwoett. The L
state of eivilizatl n At which it 'has 4rrived L - .. . �
interests. Please tell
boat-houeestsizWolook. AthStfloasteiglit
. . I
Robert Larincin And Burt Brown discovered
wag made 1 AcchL
L U Pster to - Courtney to PER.
race. WarIL Was .
asked the Same.
calls be son, ivh 'I
a Lr o had also revived, to go
lie . J - I
. . . .
comprising everything roquiolte. to moure an '. I
I to get as judge for him
I �
tell him ploo that I have
the boats were out, Thinking that I might
. . L
.the i queo-
tion, and both denledit. L_ � .. .
for the neighbors. Two men living near
I . .. L I
We, 0
0 AT a9ek'and went. to the, scene of the
APPr@ 9i;1#0341 QfOity life, colipled, with the I L . I I
large ech6moo yet projected to � r its. further
&r. Brister, Who wag; to. -
)Latart.'sna'Anish. bay
row in -Frefichy Jolinsonlo, boat, and fearing
to- keep, Me aWakeall night,- they did not
1. .
. Mr. Soule stated that, he oa,W th
. , 11 ,in
tancerof the position he bad taken- In X 10
#ag@ylyt'_14vwAs .1ind fllopped.at,an botalin.
. Borea,at three a. in. - makin 40-bo-�Gilled
L - .
improvement, All tend to 4tabliolt. and on. . . .. . - �.�
I ' I
ik a to'see him come out
inform me 7A�t had oeourrod- until hilt-pailt
live this morning. As soon am I learned that
to the prizi offered for this race. ,,,,R`r.
- Was
neither a gambler nor iporting, man Ili any
� ,i at
sixi' When th(f watdbm a. welit tocallhim
. I a
gender -a dboire in thd- hearf of tb emigrant I . . .
O' .
to . It him - home. . ..
remain 0�ua.mike , The In. . I I
of a boat that he Can
. mile.'J. L ;
Ilan beaten 4,
the boats ,bad been out, I dreamed myself,
to boat!bouse. I
Shape. He macto the offer. to got the m6n
he had disappeared. This, Aroused one-
plolon, and finally led to his arrest. -The
distis of..the ourrodhiling country, of course, .
are. a great source df . profit to the -city in the I . I - - .. -
despatabod to Consult
And went the,- fouBd that,
. I ,rig LL on the lake, bad
the, east door, treat! ..
together to pea a fair race. The motive was
toadvertioe him business.. The proposition
I ather was Aged . fifty. Mrs. Mullpr reogiv a
three wounds 'a the book of th . -.0
2 e head, thre
way of, trading, no I . I
I I . t omitting, fit. the same 1, . 1: . �
1. I
) declined to row and
been forced �and tbe hoats CUtLWIth a fine saw..
I ordexqd the bays 'to look the doors, and
WAZ that Hanlan and Courtney should row
to *IW tho,prize. He Wished
. , 1 a
in the breast and in the hip, The son, aged
, . moo to mention that . they afe equo.y -a .
gre ' * ' .
I .at 'Source ,of .pleasure in viewing their - I
aceseary to have any
Me. ' The Olivij �
I ,hen
not touph a thing, and leave -the boats just
, I
to guard
againit rascality
I of any mature, and K;.,,
- ",
eighteen, Waff Shot in left breast and
-y , .. -on.the--head-tyrcyms mo:d,d11--TI1e-jVr-aWIGHons
peculiarities In the SbaPQL I. mi ti .
- .. -p dre .An&au O0-- ..-.,. �- -11 . L,
-1 .
I - .....- � . L' .
for-iiie-c.onting spring--arel
0--stittluo slagai- where-
a theylf w.dr &�
,j�__ p1quil them, Affor' t-1,
was sent td Win. Blalkle, *who Comedown'
Blaiklej thc4e
I f6TOe, tola-ftlmli6 alk-w-usifew"
to take it-Qut of the- pro vin�69o.f.tbegamblere.
instrument, The old man'is body was f4irly
. L I.. -
L ,. I
1normous as to the amount of immigration .
2 the T Orouto ready to
GA dregae I L
at- eleven '.ofolook, and was followed
- '
He would not L Pay th6 money after --the:
riddled witli,bullets.
-- , I . —-.-J-
MuDawtattorlill -espa --. -
I . into-th"ountry,-. I chilly . I
` - �-
in,the vicinity of the Little -SaekatChoftff. � -- ` '
-WAS. , .
� �
- - L I . ..I -will -stat .�-�developmeniii-,�inu-d,g"-tti--iii-9b'r"',E[6'-;hh6nla'
tliit Done ofmy men did it, A .. St.
. Th O'L
'V1-JP.C'A""%1j)LV - 1[JO CIDE.
- -... .; I——
' I .
-1 ' '
-Thoi-Pembinamountoln .
11 -region-i I 8�'also-highly- . . .. . .
. . .
, ation. with.hImAhe-
__ .
: . I
1itturda�;Daie War 'a� .
-d; , a-m-e7ti-only, boat-bouse'.
,alod" gal&-h9-woftVWfOF4,maUc-`Hi a - the-
Oe .Vare� to: caivd L .j-
__41.1p! -Z0:0Cmvhny ---to �W alr�
can age-oi 2 the Sales -and the-
. : - L ... 7A,spokeu�.cyt..�'Inf&Ot
" t-' I
..� -': �, _'�� �r==
nQ Cou'relcle's Trial Postponed Until
there4aliardlyapoition �7�t, - - �� , L-.. �
. Manitoba but r at ,race* L- .. , , . , .
, '�'
Of wh -Jual . .
I Ives an a( � ." L
' - "
the Ociuree.proviQua to
a. requegtoa Mr. Charles
winner of the race, :And offore& Mae ther Aill,
1 -of pools gam. -
blers' privileges connected with the race.
- - -, Ne* -t As Ik 0�.�rl,e Doence watt to
. 14, el I Is L .
Prbye illie. PIrtmoner's Xnannity.�
anyount -' of praise, ' in certain re'. . , - - .
' . I . .. . .
spooto', ' with regard to Its resources. -
3;� York Clipper,-tonaLt
L amount of.the prize, And a division of the
Pools, if, I. would agree to it. I said ,4 No."
Davio,',on behalf of Hatilary,,called for a
obeque or order -from Bletikie on the'Bank of.
. . �
ToILONTO, Ontario. -Mr. Dalton McCarthy,
Like in'Qntario, railway matters are on ihe . L . L .
I �
vp andttha gentleman in
a Position' L . .
Brister was esent,,and Fratichy Johnson
. .pr
Itiono .
a ter for ffie'atryourit of.the purge, which
Q. 0. � renewed)his application at the Assizes
on Saturday for a the trial
fapiv,, v1Z., the, extencion of the Pembina I .
.Branch from . St. Boniface (on the other side I . .
was conecalad outside behind this ��oat-houae.
Ward said. if Harylan did not'think he could
was given him by Blaikle. * L. .- .
Mr,'Squla stated he would Contest the
postponentent of
of Robert Del(lpurol6r, charged with the
. -�..
of the Rbd River) Anto The city 1: the W,Inni� . .
. . .
four . tile Olivia took. her
wit) � 1119"Uld not be pulled out "of that bomt-
. .
with a logging chain. Since then 11sivi
Payment of the sum, until both rien had
. . . I . .
murder of hik brother Edward at Lentlyton,
Mills. Ito explained to the Court that. -Ing
,,peg It Southwestern, 21and-ford Flonallog baln.g L ,. . .
. . ., I I
at pres6itit engaged in that survey, and Others I ..
figgs, and ylIX being in I
took his' pla . 06'. -At his
been approached- by -two other men at two
different timem The� offered me- §.16,0 00 or
rowed. . . . .
. . .
The Inseting then adjourn d ' I �
I I? - .,
-had fyled, an affidavit 'mado by- a medical
g6ntlonlan who* hiid: expressed t
- he opinion
. . . . .
too numerous to mention. Next ocy!meO the . , I .
. L I �
, , .
groat bridge question, which, I itlippome Vill , .
. . I
GM6iml timer, General
*j- stood L ,With W.At,ble
one .half of the 13rocoodo of the: POOlO-- I-
. - Hen ,an .he forwarded thall following
letter to. Mr. atlaik . ip, referee 'ot,the .late
that thei prisoner 4t the t .
unable to-tinderstand
, I
.mcion be. solved. In the shape of ,004 via . , . I .
exoollont shootilog-m�clucka and - .
[to start, arid Ward' and
starting boat ready to
replibit there .was money � enough
in ,'America to ,got mo - to lose - the.
match,,in Keply-- to that g6ntl6reau'd letter,
� � I .
was the gravity of the
got which. 140 oposinfl,t6d. Hehad also fyled
Lhave prairie .
. I
chickens in Abu'rydaice--:-and any number of . - .
�. I
morethe Olivis, had -to
race if I - 6ould' via", Bristor brought'
Mi6. S. this, morning. It' VAR
already referred to by as . . . �
* DEAR -13yiu,-In reply to your lottir of, tfie
affidavit of Mr.
All, - Pearson, solicitor for.
the' jrWofiei, 'which net - forth that time
!1sh. (11 red eyes I" they Call them) to' be caug4t; . . I
River. I 06 L " I . . . . I
in the Red uld stillfurtheren. -, .. .-
Clear the course. She-
1� the-8tartintc Rags,iu'd
�ykittoa by John Davis ; it wag sent to me to
21A inot., I have to state that, in the first
! . .
would be no4saary -
- — — _ko� A udoq"ho-hiStor-y-of
.. . I.. .. � ,
J#yg� - oAJ-hikAnbjR'OJ"but I hnVO.L' DO L .
. .
�,-alLhelng-la-roadiness :
wr -g-
0 Urn .
- -W,tit'i�aziii-cl-ijEA-'-!-Ii.-,.i�yi�6i��hul-ra
- plpoO;--I-:�vdah-it,,,,,distiitetiy---nddVf400
- - --MAV
A lid"primquoFin oijer-to & able to � show that
.1 . .
. ..�
. .
. doubt, -.:Xr--RdIt,or9- -Jou----have. ,alro 4� ,. .
. ' 4.V . �,
. I . I . '
-I,ueverL.Wa - . . I
a in as good* condition* i,iL.nl,y life
�ny�bing Contained in this lette'r shall not
he was inaftue when, he conlinittea t
received several figpIgAL,�- of , mhmil8r-�--- . .
. -77' I
`e -Pis
. . .. . .1 .L
as I am now. - I hkar'd of no prQpoo.it ii: t'
in ILI - mvaIainIS;-Ie0gt_o'
IYALky-minaice . ir�
'a '06,*060,
- --J-hQ-V,01
_empoeft,11y ... Jig -his -TaUbi .... iid. mother'wero
I . �
Zcso�weyCrTin coln6lusion, I would . ' I . .L
READY? ooj!�.'�
uC,sFIIk-nTa-n`s--Ii-oaim.`-I aCula not use them,
to the pur a of which I con-
-doft� s�d �he only - relative " he had liviMg
. . .
simply - BtutO thfit I ft . - .
. in- -in rowlse . .
g the-vater as promptly
I- could not sit' in them, and besides the
sidorI have fairly won, -and which, aocordl,ng'
Was minor,L train vilicird incieuchinforma.
acting as an immigration agent, biit �puraly � - ' , .. .
d4al 7were .boy,ide hini,
outtipp were different. Stei6F,:of the
Lto the best legs. . . . I
I � it Authorities in Caugda,�abd
Con Gould, ba obtained'. The prisoner's
. .
reciting tha factoft The immigrant or tourist , - - - . I �
. . � .
-long Olson .35 40. the-
.gers .
Nor_thwastarti -0lubi,Sfferea: me his: bout,lyour
own ruling, is mine afti-adyi both
I ,
" -01%4, '
father bad, committed ,sulcido by takheqL
. .
Will be well repaid at AnyAlme by a visit.,*to ., -�,�. � I 1
I . ... L
.If . I
-1 I 7wil -
.; -..-. I
thia;�oountry, aud'far,batter4rcnit -;t,injiming.-m�-,--,�.,..,'--.;-:.��...!,.�..', - , -
saidlys'eciuldielograply'lorIt. ilfa.ha-ve it
.111k"R T.-
L unchaistanding, , am-. willifig to admit
,insouity was-ye-r-sai-far-y.--a-e-afdw-lil-gwra--Pei.96kalL*Tiew�of,�.Ita.��e.ur.rLo.nndiiga
thfiub� '. � ..... .L., . ... .
I ,
ife-d�ntly dropped to 34.
� heria . by Saturday.. .My Paper boats canii6t
that An e'a.-e Mr. Courtney cat be -Induced to
'iahiplo* attentiou to Several recent micia.where
. .1
merely reading publishid Accounts. Thom - � I , t � . I .. 40 .
1 7- - '4�.
id forty-five'seconds .ly a-
- L
be fixed without being takon: to the taot6ry
row me for the pursa. like i6diost;d inLyour
. .
it .had .boon, deCiaGd.*L that thong ja t
h 6 lea
.. , ,
ar�e of couiae- many minor impro�romcnts yet - , - I . ... - .
flag"Jillrowilylg3l. He
L .
sua jut 9ii the form. � I am re "y t6 row
le�ter; itv.ould be onaltir for me, and. more to*
should be -&drayinietored as promptly as
. I
to, be4eii6xid. in the way of tviaffic and other : , . "I . I
. .
a law Seconds, and moon
.. .
antap,sa Boon a a b6a,L- - I think
11 '' ' ' 0, I Gin get L' .
my taste, to
L I win what is' alisady. my -due, on
possible, yet -the, interests of'. priAcinaro
I . I 1.
. . .
slight obipoftonsiqplatingent.theitato, which' '. I .1 .1,11 I I
and at memo boats that
it unjust to give the, Purse to � ,nIan, an I
Ahe water ratber than I a CO.UrtL6f Jaw. '
. 4 In
-. especially those - accused of capital r
are being claily:obaeryed by the -proper out or, � .� - 11 I . .1. I
. .1 . Ili : . . 1
tile 000 anta,01L Which
up, .
. RTRA.0d -bim, ten" day"OF"Of a - t 0onercont,
Be it, ruos�.ohcyuld 'be'-firrdriged, �howova-,I-
9" .
*ohouldn-otbes&dlJked-.'- �' � ..-. �:.. - I -
ritieesiad*illin time be -totally - nmedied.�' . .. I . . I I .
, � '.--.
i.ing "I Oloar the course 111.
I, hr,Ve . r6w6d 'this. Course 4 ,I, d.3- in, prao.
plibilld inei0t. that.' th-0 rhorie�. be placed, �ot
.. Mr. -JlhvvsG, Q. 0.1. Paid thO thi dra'a'.
B .,� : . . ..
Wo haV6 a iory able, onergkiaiL'a d parOeVer. .' I . ... , I -I
S1 Aud atoppod:again-
" � ff N()ar-L.
ilea. Han, )an is - ,not - as. good thl
. . I �
Merqty-KMbj,o,bt tb-�fGdt1ordar---`b-Ut., la"y,ou"r--,"-,--w-o,falLl*1;6-i)ie*pi'-cT*t"m'-
� - "
10 go on wit b t a '- (
h i4aa-t biy�
. I. :..;��'., --- ,:
A�9,-bodydf, Alderman who-Jo--n'ot SIIOW -Ihw.� z: . � .-
. . . - --
'a bust now thought.that.
-as last. . If he. .doei not row that course
hatilds, td be hin�4ed tby. you i1a the witinsr.
Monday or.Tuesday, but, of Course, W.was in
giaos .-to uviler.their feet.�. We have '. . �* � . - , . I
ling, but1theY were rate'. �
in -thirty minuitea 1. to.day - I will _ bet
when in youi opinion he had won� the race.
I the diot6tion of ifie Court. to grantoriefuse'
*cry able but lenient judgis, aiccluntable . , - .. . . . ... '. I .
1. . I
wag 'only ..takitg At.
�5 000 I can beat-'his-1ime. As soon no mi.
IL "It or into eiliolt an arrangcment it.will be
the application. .. .. L - ...
' L
. . . . .. . ..
from.thb laot of there being w great scarcity . ; .. - . . � I
. .�'.
� in this way, finish-
, .
Blgikle arrived I appria-d him bf the inieeting
i purpose of avoiding the annoyance
" HIALOAD81112,8ftid .he had read 'the.affi. -
fineco; Which .L .
,of crime here, Chiefly minor bff .
I .
in 5;28, and the mil-
. .
mt,tbe boathouse and Ward's proposal.. " THe
. " Ali
And delay'of a law -suit, and no,lo
davit -joL. * The
a alludi'd -, i medical gentleiVan
-alad speaks Well for our �',Praiirie' Province." -, . .
' . , .
. D, itk4nantly fit0pliftIg
or w1pWg, Aiis f
Dixt day Mr, Illaikle tolak it ail down"'Jawrit.
be - let i through L which- any,opp.1110-1-11hl� ()I,.
ly'r-oria. - au.*.Creep 'for' the.,
-had given. it so'hia opinioik'tbdt theL priadner.
.. I
was not for the
and. in fillot, on the Whole. 'we .can tank, with - ,
L. , "... �; L � � .
I . , . . .
any of our neighbors. I shall be, happy to - 1. . . . 0
ace with
. 'boso;wh.0 did 'not know
Ing." Said it was a'wi,I14 isaho, and in his
offaial. poellionflLSIL '
rofer"be Iiii had motbing to
. I Purpose of
�tglivi,g By. Irdrubld . in . � the
� . � -qallec-
roopcinailyle tiet-at this tilme of
.. � L had
the 'ityurder; land con'siderimg that r
� � . . I 11.
* , . .
- furniali you with further particiiiars it a latex , 1 . . I .
, � .., I . .
was making euppbsed
d6with-It. Thlayace.Wast . he most villainous,
on of . my.. whiniagg. - To this, end I
only' receptly 'occurred, .and voiy lit,tle
4MO,. in th6 moantlmay,-�Romaiyi yours. trilly, : . , '. '� 11 I I
. � . -
Ip all idea (it b"ating
echamo over.conaocted in any Wuntry", I can
,Would auggeet that the race be made play or
. .
U92 -n allo*ed-'to. propaia is-iidenoe
� t had bl)� I
.. .
. � . . I . �
. � I
� ' .', � I . 'K.. BONYDRN. I .., � . I
)mmllelea,'bul �ntyc-.,Glolal,
telf nough -ab4nt Hanlan'o bi ' d
row to -fill -a
pay in everyrep poet, Subject Only to the con..
'of '
bey Was reluctant to -let the .case be p Gaeta.
.. . . . ��
: Wlnnip,g- O.et.4 16,11879, 1. .. 1, . .. . . : ,.
) . . . L
ii Haulan's fine linvd
.1 .
. . -
book as big as 11 ajetionary, and 'more
ditio'n the Niater.L I dot not ve
belieL that
It WeEr desirable ' t
. .the justice Should his
. I:.,
I � . I
... ":, . " L'
'L ' - . . I ..
. I ... .1 �
iro4h.tho wat�,r dCa
- .
than that, I am willing to. aw6tir- to what I
Mr. 0ourtney wifibse to enter into a fair And
administered is' promptly me Possible, but it
. I . .. - , I . L . � . . . . L I . . .
13reilfteth. .
2APY One supposed SO
mifts witli 25 bitrokes Lto
o6y. I have.not.asen: Hablan, lately. He
'madis no. propoeition to ,.2100, nor I to himi. It
. L
liquare contest'with 'me, and I .have no W I.., h. L
it. I take the time and trbubleLto got ready for
was much more desirable.that the interests
of ilVisoners should be, proteletid., ke w6uld
I .
Joirrold-ollft .Spoke Of a danger . ou.i illnese . . I . . . .11.,
. through Which he bad passed as " it riinij�ay r . L �. ... " . . . .
Here he was Nisohoid.
ba5i always been cityr, .6udlorn to Inate, our
� � '
, is race, t.6 be.de�yriVad of� May.earnings either
by '
tiferdfore grant the application - for A -pogio
"knock At death's. do r.11 .1 . " ,, , . ... "I. . _ .
10 . 'L .. I
. ,� -
go steamer thitt' hAdt' in
as�,of lbe'.rofeyea;�I-veu:.
hoethoumeir - unguarded. - We did. 'wrong
in arid- 'Brown were . Fit
fraud or cowardice. 1 sm of ojinion'that
if this oontost. lye,mado subject to the eondi�
ponement of the irial'untit ixext assiz'cg� ; .
. I
. . .
' . — .-
. IL ".. , . . ,
- 4 Do unto, o . thers as � you Would he done ' - .. .
I .1. . .
'not '. : ''
Isoutor. Thiii did not.
.this. .Larm63i
the " �bcip
. .thbu.Ee, at: aigh�. 6,01601C �ana
. I
tion of Mi. 0 Ourtusy's Coming Out 'upon OTC*
I I . I
. . I . I � .''
The Malyarviall, Dhu.10ep Singh is in what
b N,11 but take praoicius.oare that,yon, arc - - ,'-'. �
11 done 11 by otlygirs. :. � � . 11. % : - - 11 �
lheplit6ky fcllow,, how-
brAvoly t1irougly tho.big .
slept there.. We .are'sorry we did fiot
-gu4rd the boathouse, Was a fital
mOL * it
water and rowing we a fair race, it will Bever.
c0meOff; but if the mcivay be placed: in your
Mrs. Partiiigtoli would call 11 indignant air-
Bose.'! He finds 'himself - to
'.. .. - I I
. . � .. . .... . . � I .. � . .
an of the idrength of a mb,nlfj - � - , t ' ' - j . . ..
You cannot jud, I .
L .. L
lild,been in �Cal - wat6ro
L . L
* mistake; .1 expect to be able to pr6ye that
I . L.
hands for, 6 Play -or pay race upp a'6ortalic
I a .
quma�ta unable.
got on 'with -the 0200,000 a ear allowed bilm
!on by his effurs to bat With th9jeL Who. " L .�. . . . s
. L .� . I L
F1111io, I
no ., .
;kokb , or even looking
I I .
wnear the tam without
.Ward Wrote i
W -New Yorkthat -if ho -could. fix
the -ii-e-9-h-6-wo-uld telograph i 41 I hiiabciught
* dai6,br the-flysi'day thereafter whon.amooth
. water can%be�fiad, I think I pan "win It" with
by tho'Briti$h Goveklial'Flay
. I I t, And tbor6forq
Asks for an Increase of 050,000.'L, this pill �
mon . I- P 11,
. By. I 1. . I . ..
I . .L .. � . p . CcootL' . .� . .,
He -said he Wanted -be ' r to be big he] , I , ., ' . .., .1
'.. �
-,. and swin&29. ratly6r
A, horaoi)! if not, 11 I have . boug'at,it .00101 -
a in,that'Way than I could through
. ,!race iroultyl ' - '
ia�fhe.clescenclautaf Tippo-LS&hib,. and wiW
. I . I . I
and she replied that'she o6ald,never be moru .' . . . L
. . - I
' :: -
de, the, tGr4 .iu 16.32i
Th6:Haulaa 'Cltib.neVer did row'- . �
a Square
a IRV �uit. Lat.,the race -be play 6
- . � r PAYe And
brought over to bo'educated, 61iltl[ly to get.
, ,
. ; . . . I -
than, asiyliitei� W bity;," . . . . . � . .- : . ,
. . I . ...
Ling., - : -� , I " ",
race. -`1 have done 0* omo thingarto'.6i lead-,,:
if anybody cilitsm,,ir-boits Mr. Courtney'. can
,.bill, -&W'I%y from
I "I'Dabeg-in,the-Wocid"
I .
L ,The Xing of F eFj . . �L. . .11 . I. I �
as Islands is Said to rel .
. . . ..
. I - -
-the Ranian. par�ty oinio.tbiy have boon here,-
I ,
� . .
I)AVEL the Money,_YoUre t I
.. . I . ra Y, .' - - - '. �- '
I . , .. ,
. ,%
� .
,kfna�of uncle. 110'-weig bred -s-
. 0firiation,
... I . . .
Ish"BaloyAline! wo it 04 , - , , , .
I-ve in- 'it I ' ' ' .
udi.' .Hall 11
Olivia, ��d -orailingiy,
,buttothing'dialicinorible. ' ., . � .. ...
. .
. . . ..
. I . .. . 'L I DVASD IIANLAN.
, -- , . , . .1
took verN'kindly io British soil, and'his
sky . .
.. a I I - . I 1, � ,, I
-the spit, with mushrooms. ' I- .. , L �:
. .
� O!iaera of -the, ladlei,
- Y, Lpro
on *091,11 copy 1 -his- posal drawn Up by'L
' - P. V,, -7-I take this nigrans
- of iiudicAtlilig,
iolway6 been recognized by tfie Qoteen �ss�
1, . , , ", ., :.
', - There is'nothidi new uEdeil the sun. Th' .. .
Italy WODL by., th gallant
i I- . ., I
Day a, whiohroads an follows: .' :
. .1 I .
mysel f ai2d friends, and'shoWing the:�World
.16yal, and treated with great me nOidoTatiOn-
1 .
.. , . . .1 � ,.
. . . I
go,as-Scyu-pl6affe style bite been in, vogue,
Fee, Cutting d9.wn th 6
. 1, i . I ... 'KiTVILLE, K. Y . .. (5et, 15
. .
-that I am now and -have been, all - alouw a7A;K,-
re orring-EnglAnd-io. India, he bought ftom
I � ,
among servant.' I I I . I . . � ,�.
girls for,.Ve%ro. � ." . " .. - � ' - L 1L.,
I cord, I,ju5t for. Ian,":
Shouted Mr., George
I 'L
E;,Han7av,Vsq.: . I 1.
I heroby'agroo, fo hand Ojer I to i0sti
. Cw,- -iiie;--fh-8tw0-
long to �Prove whi�o-kjjLAh&_bqtta-43eullet�-.of-
I lihould mention that the
the a marl43-Elovdb.it-g.ill,N-or-folk,-
-i- � loudid Sporting, eat Ai0e; Which be has
.1 .
- There . is a . great a) arenas irli'milknia " � , , �.. . . . -
IN � ; .
.: ..- . .
. -Iqdw"-- Yokk"Riii,jildl-
, 1.
Simi. of throe thousand dollaiS (L$3,OCO) , being one.
. proposal
: L I bolio make � will 4amain. opari till. Monds.
I -y
devoted to game.,preaervos n A Scale never
The Milk made in lhi country Wiltot . 'L, I . I.
I . ..
0 , . . . . I . . ...
I ame its tho-milk made in �th' ' It �-
. )I -Nad, cheerily, and
ku jast,to show'whet,
half of the Hop Bitters Compazjyl� PAZO, foe
wnicih we are to coMapete to-murrow or no jarBt
next,11tu race to be -rowed not later thaft-t-en
days. Vtorward, and over the gains course.
.before attomptbd.'. In-thiR
i L 'Ptirsuit he -,has
exceeded even he limits :of him splendid
.0 . .- I
I L IN L '.
. . I
. . I
I It is said thaL Indian. babies nevei cry. , , . . . .
itid whon. his 'tried.
daythAreafter, Should 1�be deolaxod"
-the wirlu r of said prize. . ., L I
. .-. , . . . . .
- .-
I .
- allowanee, and� now lashis for more, .'*blob, -in
This -an to - - - -
'th�y are never tqk � I
L for more'ateam, and
.0 .. I . -
. . . . . I I . ... L,
. '
IritfM C0N$0LlfD:A1WE.0 ]BAT .
q E,j
the tarribly.depresmait coidition of India, ,.he
. .
ll�q,*dause . . .,
.Pub 0 entertainmenti. . � ., � . I .. I
. . . . " . . I. .. �
iortid.: and groaned to
lic champion. Three
. . . .
� ' .
Mr. Davis, of Wi4dior, Crib., then made a
L .
. .
. .. I ,
dw . I . I � �
' I . I .- . . . 1. I �*
is not very likely ale a- �
. to get., 1ile jaw to.
said to be worth Some 02;000,0'00,1.,Ro th!&
Never 0.y, when .retiring-, I Will. gat up � , :, .
early to-tio'cirrow ; for doesn't the goo . . .. .
4, book.. ". � � 1, . . . . .
ied , hi - .20 27i. Slid
Statement. He said that when he Game last
Monday -evening hii wag surprised to hear
. .
1: I .
Zffo%v - tile, CORMVIC114DIA -at., bir
if -the wriat comes to the worst, he asn
I I . . .
Bay all liars shall have their part ? . � . I I .. .
I - .1 . . I I ...., ., L . I . I
no signals of' distract;
01 within -his kpeed;
I . .
from Ward that he fearled that, Courtney
. . .
. - 'tVaq L'
. rvallel"A )Iffiaiclis L . , ..
' '
striyggle on by theif smite.. .,Who -Maharajah
Liganamiable man of forty, and bearo-arly
.4s -Whom Bin we trust?" is the blaok'type ..,' . . . . I . . I
. . . . exchange. -Icfs�cifilo io I Dos. . . . .L. -
. enquiry Of'an .,
I 1b, .. . .
) a minute, and
Would not start in tha.Lra(lO. He asked Ward
wb.T. Ward. i3aid.Mr. Bristai: had called on
, , ., . . Me.cieliV'C41- ' - - "
. . . �. , ..
, L., � I
excellent chaacton - Hale dkarri - . '
_ ' * . ' L . ad, and'hite
Children. .. L. . . .
� . �
I I .
It �64 Whom ,O& ' � include t' tri mi I
�q i Ones. . . . n we 10 It 1. .
Ily' to look. Ground
. -
ilea and ii-lialf in 23.50.
him several'timeo and wets very 'a lo*u" to,
arrange tbat.Courttiey *could win th6 race.
. . -1 7- ` : !
- ,
Mo�W:anAr,,.Q"bEo.- The Impres6iona.:68
. . . L' .. .. .
. I
The husbands of Aleppo L
. andergb A. trying -
I . . I . .
us.?" 0 the Soul agon zer. , �, I . .
. � I . I .
- "Fullnesounderthoeyedefitites lauguoge," , ...
L, . , -
3.i1ext flag, and' Hanlan -
. I as:ftd6n'ns -wbo�n he
Bripter stated that if -defeated it ,.would end
Courtnay's but. it
to the vadiat in the case of - air Pranoi
I .
Meeks ma -many. mAd vvikle(l. Alt eip'lless,
ordoal before' ihey Via,- their bri as. a pt.
urnaby, 4uthorcil" i a to IV Ill Ila
a W
L' '' . L -. ...
Wd a Is told. So it doeo,-*aud,' we fear, bad, , I
- . , , , '
nags, too, at times. 'In a recent inBtandai* - . . -.1 ...
to Rai Ih Hanlon -
t'. ahioving at AiEoxent-
career, permitted to .win the
, , It '
raed awbuld atilt hold a place as a pouller.
-DAvis 411
�Surpriso 'at t
,ho result, Mr. Angus, late of:
-thsB.&nI;:.' of- -9.6nireal- Call -
- it- U13j ast,
,a Asia recently, )red t e core 0
I ... do I
so ibed
- -fiim-by-��.gbo fro - ' Is . j, girl
ppio A
. .
"a I Is at, tho, � . ..
iineoe under the - eye denoted th , . . .
- ... . . . . 1. .
. . . ,t . I.
-64 calledla� mia,-5 lfV4 .
31 a -ad 86,.fialahing as
ftht on: told ward-WAT IrefinT
, 'a
could, and obicinld beat this man as far as be
I .
will -bo * amou"
find says it It .to Red a:
bay 44
:bas, Ay,. threa. lovers,." 'oat . t Q . . . he
,eosiieilsoi I " . . I I . .
� . I � , .
I . ..- .. . �. - : .. " .
Vo I 411 villas in �
.1 . .. ."Ok'
� .
. ..
-could, ,which would be half it mile, or moke'.
bank presidont hereafter. Mr.. W61r,-c)f the
Jue4ugs .0artior Bank� called tbQ' Judge'd
take throe We .
is of live ,a aincialfro out of
the fire; giving cgohicif or lovers a lie$; she
. .
A London paper contains the' following: I � .. '. I I . .
. .
. . .
It No woman,has ever ddne large and living, - I .11 ,
lho roo�rd.of the lialf.' .
but . probably Courtn��y -'Would' - turable-
out. Ward , told I
charge moituafairly'stiong.'11M. Thomas$
tells them io place it in t 13' Pat ' -of their*
. .
in 'musical comp6sition, Masio has , . . .�.
, . �. I .- I .
. . . . ;
rao'.. at. .:)soon on I
Tu6oany that B xisterhad aphi ealledon
of Mo1ion!a1Sank1 believed the ,Verdict unfair,
hoinds.Thaflieburio 't rOugh'ille, .skin, the
.Work . ., .-
I I � .. � . I !
hitherto been the one. art In which soi has. - '' I . .. .
... 4.1........: ............. 11 2 45
111.1 ..... I ........... ... . . . . 628
him that morning and stated that if it woo
not fixed that Obarliq should win the raoO,
and Bata, !, Y'osterday I wbuld.not - have be.
lieved that Sirritanots would have Wenfound
tendons are* laid barel Sometim6sthe amorbus'
gebtlemon will roefst till the flesh has been.
. . .
-asserted iteelf, in do Ill of th dearest" � . . . .
theories of the advanced. -Is our 0 t 0 to . . .
AM . . .
.1.1 ....... � .................... 030
11, 61
he , ld break him boats or play sick. I ifaid.
guilty, but' to,day,�Vbon I who informed that
to the bone; Barb one or two of them
see this dontradlotion of this Jact? A& the ,. . .. . I ."
..... ...... ....... ,.,13.0,2
I...,.....,........" ..... i 10 821
. .
to-curd'it was too bud to sign artiolea'tio
the, Jtidge's Charge -was so strong , agalubt
genorally,suiloumb, 0. the are, . the ,man
Royal Academy Of blitsic, $be -Mend deflohn . .. I
eid , .
......-I.......,.......... 20 27J ,
sgroa& and come'to row 4 race, and at alinos b
fibn Wgroatly surprised mo.il - -
I ..",
wbo.'reeligto the longest wile the ia'ay:
. . .
. � . . ..
by. it .'. I � .
sicholarship was gained for the first tim .. . I . I I
1* ..... � ...... � .......... 23 50
25 14
, .
thb last minuti 6BOrt to octolf menno.' Ward
The following to the panalty governing
WatAT IS. WaoxG 2-Thb- London Adv ert,zser,
. -
Woman-&') .
Sligo Mind White, W110710 ndw at . . .. . . .
. ..........................
.............. I ......... 1. ".. U0 31 �
Baia lie was firmly convinced that some one
tha*opwa :-!'Under the Aot'S� and'33 'Via..
complains that the Directors of their F air
I I I .
Work'UPDA An Opera which is described as . ' ' . .
............. - ... v-,- 33 501
of the many tricks previously resorted to.
see. 7G, cap. 91i, any director found guilty of
hold their ineetings in a hole-and-o'oruor
ly drantaiie,' - Her libretto Is. * I .1..
16 timle on record'
is that
would be tried, arid'U:mt Pouringly would
.makingfrandulonflimise statemonts Is liable
to. Imprie6deA
manber. Audada8:* When a,bodyofmon
. . �.
.-taken from Lamarkinalo i-JTooelyn,,1 mud tho. . I I . .
. .
it statenihianaon the
never face the 'starter. Ward said that he
be I in the ptititontlary for
� I
who have the manipulation, of lar& oums of
young Composer's attlefit hope is that, whan . . . I . 1 7
I .
whem.he rowed the 4io,
Is gonorglly� bolleVtd,
WAS 'A duffer. Ward requested me to see
Britter, And I said I Orefdrred riot , to See him.
any or no OxCCO 9 I n " a Bud Dot
loom,.t an WONE'Sis, 7: . A one , in any
I 9 I
MOBOY�-Ooutrlbuted directly or indirectly by
the publiomaire afrai(f to. have their proceed-
her clatling.work Is produced, stie m&y,..ba - . .. .. I I .
allowa&to guide the.orohostra to tile full, - - I .
vardlo Milos ware short
He ur�od'tho meeting, no Ward odid,ha Was.
Oth or Gig
jail or place I confine im t for any I
ings made public it is apt to lead to Suspicious
interpretation of her modningby Condit ling *�. . . .. � . ..
Ong ones; in fact, it 18
tch time never could
sick and tired of this eternal post, BKlater, I
. 'Ought I hac
askodblinwhat be th I �e'tter. do
in It
ter legs that) two years wit Or without
Its, labor, an wit or without Solitary I
which may -be unfounded, but ,Which -at not
likely to be de�roaaed by re copi developments
ib.in poraciA." .. . �$ . .0 I ..
. . .1 I 1; I . . .. I .
This karaguayan.Governnli6t has imptlBeit , .. ... I . .
z old I aohiciaid boats 'of
with the man'. . He said he aid .not think
it nIftftered much,
n no orit.,' , I .
fi . �
00 i
The utmost'. oxditoment is said to prove'
in conne 04161i With the Provinc del Fair AsioOla.
tion," Ill all means 14 everything be Above.
- . .
a� tax of 65 a year opoli all single Ditin between � . . .
the 25 ' - . . .
3g the record as corrobt,
its I it by I min. .13i Sao*
. ad. -he wis oatW
Rod Courtney would not start& I told
among the other directors' of the bank, who,
'be '
board. , ' . . . I
age of and 50, Women are not tAxed,' . I
Ott the Assumption, no doubti that many of .1 . .
,gdd smile in 6 min, 471 I
him that, taking that view of the Game, I
seem to believe that the verdict will the
basic -for a 6iiii notion on tile part of the
Thar art of being agreeable in Ecilyiets. .
, '64'
. .
them Would�gat mArried,if they could, and Or . . I .
a .
�e of going 1. 192. Would
distance of about 820
was prepared to make hith very large offers
for the pleiiatiti, during -the conalagwintorr of
shareholders against them for the'Oulount of
finding yourself in a house where they adore
Carlos and being showd-a:�VoIliclGrful, piece of
therefore, hot to blume for not becoming
wivea. The obji,ot is to me . I .
ke up for tho
rata would litorall� have I
looking back !at him (Courtheylo) defeat. -X
their l000ei, is eaofi Airaotor's name Is marked
49 preierit 01 at the meeting at which the to,
816r66 bought at A wonderful prieb.. At By
I 1.
1088 of population caugoil by the lozg and - . , .
. , I
)a Malkin autionnagabla
Mr. Ilklater yesterday morning in the
, down otairsi ahil'tor ilia first
turn wag Wac � (011 I Considerable sympathy Is
Jo.voo how wall they' are getting t� Militia
thead, things I Ninety-nine persona Out of ft
terrible struggle between little Paraguay on . .
one side And 'Brazil and the Argentina
ke race and the 06,000
, =aPkalfiayoloo'cluvoreation with him I ever
felt for the accused, and'an effort An his behalf
Ali bb made, but the predime shape It Will takey
hundred would -think-that was gouninot
P,ontedoration on the other. A few yomra � - I
I � I . I .
his or any race. Brijot At Ong
liao not yet been datermindgi , -.
.Firtoat imitation 1, over saw in'thy life P -
I .
hanqoth6'effool"of thidt6zilli beWOrlh .
. I .
� .
ackbit its if 1 was prepared to meet their
Views, I told film that I tiDderoto.od their
I . . .
' — .
AS 0aftypliall, & Ko-;7ErnniWiako In
h 11
It in Dow definitely nottlea that Gilbert,
Sallivan and their manager, J)'Oyloy Carto,
oblaoxving. . I .
I I - .� �. ",.,. V.,
One of the-Phonomoun of the a . ,." �
kr.Ty., . .
. -
tement AS sold to have
via wo word that Courtney *Am to win the race,
And would )act Start under any other doniii-
Ottlaws, and long yesterday ptesefited,
with An Addl!600Y AiO stiaGAW Of GUAVA
come to this country. ,j!ho opilin tkoupe,hoo
already called andis expected to Arrive,
second croll'of raspbatiee; and . . "'. . . �
= �nl`rrl a 0, ,$� . I I- ,
which In being Sent to thowNew York market, . I" .
ley on Saturday moraing.1,rdobfilt
OP Bitters mal"O iOPXQ&
tibho. no said thdy Verb prepared give
61 this priza if coutinq *ero allcy wed
collegeiv , ..
le , . I
� Rey* Dr. Coohiste has
a week. The three ptiaoipala will leave Eng..
land for thai United States October 26th
Thidorop has for the pact two week ,
� , 'a been . . , "I.
oLored In the markots, from Delaware Brad � . 1, I
iegtd that it wag taken
is time and read at the
to wit!, soil that Courtuaywonla give. Raulau
A letter to that affect, and Its requested me
received :Z106
Atoillby Irbin the Treab�loirian Church -in
Irellabd, in old of the Hfta Mlasib* Vaud bt
, I .
Mr. t, Mi P., and the Ron.
Peter A.t.liTity,
Maryland. .0110 grower bag shipped at one , , . . � -1. 1, I
. I
thasan radby so 120 Plata of rasplibirl6o . . . ".
to draft A. letter, Which. -1 Mi And I
I .. I
the Ptoobstokifila 01furch !A Canada, .1
returned to MOutr0al Item,
Manhobs on SMUtday. .
.J I
(rom him billihos, second Crop ibis season, I I
.1 I
I �. . .
. I . �"". .
. � .1. . .
� . ,.
. �
. I I
� � . I
". ,
.� I . - .
� I 1�.
0 . � . : . . . -
I . - I . �. . t I I . , . ,.-
L�k. "'41, ��-&�. , i.�
� I I .
,. I . I
� I I . . .
I . .. - . , I I I . �
. . 1. I . I . � 'W � . I 1, ..� . � 1. . . .
I I . . . I I .. I 11
!. . . . . . I � I I- �
"I I . .
. I
. I . . . .
. � I . I . I I I
- ----- .. . . . * I . - 1. � . - - I . 1, . . I
. . .
...... - ..--1.! ...... : ...... l.. .. ., '.. - . . � L - I . .- I . I I I � I.. -1.1-1-1-- -, - . ---
. I . —, �
. . � I
� . . J. � . b,
I I . .
. I
. � I I � I
I �
. I . . I .
.1 I I
.. 1. I'll 1110111111111111116