The Wingham Times, 1904-10-27, Page 8t�•.0
els from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphsfrom our Exchanges.
jure in the St. Clair tunnel dis-
letrongly recommended that im-
rnethods of ventilating the tun -
factory of the Metal Shingle &
g Company at Preston, was de-
ed by fire. Loss estimated at
'a not the weather that's a fault. It's
system, clogged with poisonous
,serials, that makes you fell dull,
way, weak and miserable. Let Bur -
'Blood Bitters clear away all the
orfs, purity and enrich your blood,
e you feel bright and vigorous.
SnOlinton now has within her borders
guiles of granolithio walks, 57888
:rare feet of which were laid this year,
stir 21-2 miles in length.
iltWherever there are siokly people with
teak hearts and deranged nerves, Mil.
en's Heart and Nerve Pills will be
an effectual 'medicine. They re -
e enfeebled. enervated, exhausted,
sfpvitalized or over-worked men and wo•
aye to vigorous health.
ret The census of British South Africa in -
"Wing the several native States, gives
otte white population at 1,135,016 and
ao 001Ql'ed at 0,11036,
tt. A. fl4 ]° cte %
nom he The Kind You /lava Always Bought
8✓ n atnre • "
A branch of the Traders' Bank has
f+een opened in Cargill. This institu•
lion certainly fi11a' a long -felt want at
iftirgill, and the people up there will
'int it a great couveuience.
Before the summer comes. Dr.
cod's Norway Pine Syrup conquers
nabs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness,
nehitis, and all Diseases cf the Throat
d; Longs.
, Wheu the Raiser promised to ipscribe
yu the flags of the German troops in
Month Atrica the names of the battles
hey won he probably did not know they
cad just won the battle of Otjihinama-
t Thirty is no form of kidney trouble,
from a backache down to Bright's die-
eLase, that Doan's Kidney Pills will not
fe ieve or cure.
%f you are troubled with any kind of
tddney complaint, give Doan's Kidney
?ills a trial.
The ibo acre farm of Mrs. Thos. Oakley
Boundary of McKillop, was sold on
Wednesday of last week by F. S. Scott,
,auctioneer, to Jas. H. Brown, of Grey,
for the sum of $5,500. The stock, imple-
ents, &o., sale totalled abont,$1,500.
t C3 eft. T' Co Mit.
tears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
jitaaature 1G
a Mr. Wm. Bartleman, of the Derham
?oad, Brant has sold his two hundred
sere farm to his son-in-law, Mr. Norman
Brocklebank for the sum $10,700. It is
t. good farm and well located. Mr.
$artlewan will likely move into Walker -
He Learned a Great Truth.
t It is said of John. Wesley that he once
odd to Mistress Wesley: "Why do yon
tell that child the same thing over and
sver attain?" "John Wesley, because
ane telling is not enough." It is for the
tame reason that yon are told again and
',gain that Chamberlain's Cough Reme-
:lycures colds and grip; that it counter -
eats any tendency of these diseases to
'esult in pneumonia, and that it is pleas -
int and safe to take. For sale by A. I.
iioCall & Co.
Captain John Spence of Southampton
Ind old Bruce pioneer, died there Thurs.
pitty,Oct. 13th, He is said to be the first
tavhiteman to settle in the County of
ftuce. He came to Southampton in the
spring of 1848, taking the overland route
from Hudson's Bay. He had been an
*ice in the Hudson's Bay Co. He was
lever 00 years of age.
Ze'VAt, Speak for itself
decks Cures Sick Headache
'"at Cures Nervous IIeadache
"at Cures Neuralgic steadacile
ieltk ]l'. Cures Summer headache
410C‘te. Cures Ililioue headache
Cures any headache
Is PIeasant to Take
Is Absolutely Safe
Gives Speedy Relief
Sells for 2tjc a box
Sample box sent fret
Met tteett i
The walls of the annex to the House
of Refuge at Clinton have been finished
and the roof is now being built thereon.
If this weather continues it will not be
long after the 10th of November, the
date of t he contract before it is finish.
CI g SEA 'V X=It.
Bears the The Kind You Have a Always Bought
Signature ��
of ,
Mrs. Murdock Molnnes, whose for-
mer home was at Lncknow, died in
Clinton, Sunday, Oct. 16th, and the re-
mains were taken north in charge of D.
French for burial. She had been an
inmate of H. of R. for two years, and
had reached the good old age of 82.
For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In
factum, Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dye.
entery • and Summer Complaint, Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry as
a prompt, safe and sure cure that has
been a popular favorite for nearly 60
The G. T. R. bridge and tank build-
ing gang of this section have been hard
at}work at Clinton the past week, in -
dealing 12 cement piers (4x4), QU Which
they will build their Large 'water tank,
which is to hold nearly 100,000 gallons
at a time. It will be one of the largest
along the line.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
The.aweetheart of a man at Colmar,
Prussia, died some time ago. He was
accepted subsequently by her sister, who
died, however, two days before the wed-
ding day. In a few weeks the determin-
ed fellow will wed the mother of his two
former sweethearts,
Ran a Nail Through The Hand,
While opening a box, Mr. J. C. Mount
of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a ten
penny nail through the fleshy part of his
hand. "I thought at once of all the pain
and soreness this would cause me," he
says, "and immediately applied Cham-
berlain's Pain Balm and occasionally
afterwards. To my surprise it removed
all pain and soreness and the injured
parts were soon healed." For sale by A.
I. McCall & Co.
Mr. Wm. Wallace of the 17th con.,
Howick, near Clifford, has purchased
the Spring Bank farm of 180 acres from
Gregg & Harkness for a handsome figure.
Mr. Gregg who has managed the farm
this year, has not decided what he will
do yet.
When you want a physic that is mild
and gentle, easy to take and certain to
act, always use Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets. For sale by A. I.
McCall & Co.
Mount Sangay is the most active
volcano in the world. It is in ,Ecuador,
is 17,120 feet in height, and has been in
constant activitly since 1728. The
sounds of its eruptions are sometimes
heard in Quinto, 150 miles distant, and
267 reports were once counted in one
A Liver Pill that is small and sure, that
acts gently, quickly and thoroughly,
that does not gripe. Laxa-Liver Pilis
possess these qualities, and are a sure
mire for Liver Complaint. Constipation,
Sick Headache, eto.
W. H. McCracken of Brussels, was
awarded the following number of prizes
at the various fall fairs held in this vici.
nity :-,-Seaforth 40, Listowel 44, Ford.
with 28, Atwood 34, Brussels 50, Blyth
30, Dungannon 24. LI all 250. Mr.
McCracken was especially successful
with his exhibits of mangolds and
The Liver to Manse
So long as the liver is active in filter-
bile from the the blood there is nO
biliousness and no constipation, because
the bile is passed from the liver into the
intestines where it acts as a cathartic in
keeping the bowels active. Because• of
their direct action on the liver as well as
the bowels, Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
Pills thoroughly cure constipation, the
real cause of nine tenths of the common
ills 0f life.
When the war broke out the libraries
of the Japanese ships were cleared of
all fiction and ihnstrated papers, only
technical treatises being allowed to
remain. This is In significant contrast
to the Russian ships at Port Arthur,
which were provided with ping-pong
German.Sonthweet Africa wasaognir-
ed in 1884 --area, 822,848 square miles;
population 200,000 of whom 1,557 are
Germans and 1,310 other foreigners;
harbors are Luoderitzbuoht, Sandwich.
bafen, Wallinrhbai, Swakonnlnnd; rivers.
are not navigable and frequently dry out
oompletely; summers are dry and hot,
bat healthy; wintersare moderate,
with slight night frosts in the interior.
Owes His Life to a Neighbor's Kindness
Mr. D. P. Daugherty, well known
throughout Mercer and Summar
(*unties, W. Va., most likely owes his
life to the kindness of a neighbor. Ile
was almost hopelessly afflicted with
diarrhoea; was attended by two pixy
siciane who gave him little, if any,, re-
lief, when a neighbor learning of his
serious condition, brought bin a bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ' and
Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured ltim in
less than twenty-four hours. For sale
by A. L McCall & Co.
Mr. George Bentley, who has been a
resident of Clinton for nearly forty
years, died on Wednesday, aged 60
years. He was a native of London,
England, but saw of the world,inoluding
experience in the "Diggings" in Aus-
tralia during the gold craze. He was an
upright man and much respected in the
lis sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower
Heals the ulcers, clears the alr
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr, A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto told Buffalo,
Oa Friday afternoon, October 7th,
Mr's. 15oleman, beloved wife of Mr,
Francis Coleman, passed away at the
family residence on the let concession
of Elma, in her 71st year. Deceased
had been in failing health for some time,
having been troubled with asthma,'
dropsy also setting in towords the end.
A Remarkable Record.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has a re.
markable record. It has been in use for
over thirty years, during which time
many million bottles have been sold and
used. It bas long been the standard and
main reliance in thousands of homes, yet
during all this time no case has ever been
reported to the manufacturers in which
it failed to effect a cure. When given
as soon as the child becomes hoarse or
even as soon as the croupy cough ap-
pears, it will prevent the attack. It is
pleasant to take, many children like it.
It contains no opinm or other harmful
substance and may be given as confident-
ly to a baby as to an adult. For sale by
A. 1. McCall & Co.
Mr. Wm. Johnston,. one of the very
first settlers in Lncknow, passed away
at his residence on Clyde street on Tues-
day evening, Oct. 18th, at the advanced
age of 72 years. Deceased who was a
carpenter and framer by trade, came to
Lucknow section as one of the pioneers
and has remained there all his days.
'For Over Sixty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child.
softens the gams, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. Itis pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its
valve is incalculable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
A. P. Westervelt, secretary of the
Dominion Live Stock Association; has
just returned from St. Louis with excel-
lent reports of Canadian success. John
Campbell, of Woodville, the only Can-
adian exhibitor in Shropshires, won
$1,654, including a grand championship,
another championship, 19 firsts and 17
seconds, J. E. Brethour, of Burford, for
Yorkshire pigs. won $1,200. John Mc-
Gillivray, of Uxbridge, won $1,000, and
Douglas, of Mitchell, won $800 for Tam-
worth pigs, besides many minor sums
won by Canadians.
MANAGER VAivritte.
TruMwr rthyy lady or gentlenten to menage
Winnows in this eounty and adjoining territory.
for well and favorably known hens( et solid
fina� t' ad- standing. $2000 straight wilt emery
and Expeaeee, paid each Monday by cheek
direr.-£ fruit beedgnerters. Expenents money
advatreed. Pabitiedbr•Vmmnt, A
ilanager, &l0 Como Biock,'t g ods
Navicular disease (also called cof.ln-
joint or groggy lameness) is an
inflammation of a small bong inside
the horse's hoof. It is the most
common and serious of all forms of
hoof trouble. Write for free descrip-
tion, giving cause, signs and treats
meat of this disease.
junlop "Ydea!
ijorseshoe )adds
Put neW legs on your horse and
make his working life longer. Good
for navicular disease. Will cure or
help to Cure all forms of lameness.
. `endyyournarne OS aPSI toed to
The Dunlap 7'dre Co.,, Toronto,
forfiat natvke on horse lameness
put on by the Blacksmith
who shoos your hors*
Medicines loaded
With Alcohol
Think of it! The Danger
You Run—Drink Hab-
it is Easily Acquired,
hut Hard to Cure.
Careful analysis shows that many m-
oaned tonics contain little else but white
key—the raukeet, poorest kind of white
You may unconaoiously be using an
alcoholic, liquid remedy. Some member
of your family may be doing so. Your
duty is plain; stop it at once.
The test of a tong is the permanency
of •its cure. To become struug, you
whet build no •the blood—alcohol weak•
ens it. Yon must increase your nerve
foroe—alcohol °steadily devours it.
Give up the liquid touio before you
become its slave. The true medicine
for the run-down, depressed and nor
vont' is Ferrtizoue, It is nothing but
nonceutrated pure in tablet form. It
etiwularee the appetite, aids digestion,
fills the blood with iron, builds up in
uature's way, Never know to fail
Whether weak from worry, overwork,
thin blood or ill -nourished nerves, Fer.
rozoue will quickly make you well. It
is safe and harmless, undoubtedly the
hest tonin and rebuilding medicine made.
We recommend you to use Ferrozone if
in poor health.
Ferrozoue, known as the great food.
tonic, costs 50o, per box, or six for $2.50,
at all dealers, or by mail from N. C.
Polson & Co., Kingston, Out., and
Hartford, Conu„ U S A.
The Dominion Government has de-
cided to establish a direct mail connec-
tion between the villages of Mildmay
and Formosa, and tenders for the con.
tract of carrying the mail are being
asked. The stage is to leave Formosa at
5,80 a. m. and reach Mildmay in time to
connect with the morning train, and will
leave for Formosa on the arrival of the
afternoon mail train.
Bow's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any ease of Catarrh that can.
not be cured by Hall's catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
We, the nndersigued,-have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi-
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by his
Waiting, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale druggists, Toledo. Ont.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mn•
nous surfaces of the system. Testimo-
nials sent free. Price 75 cents per bot-
tle. Sold by all drnggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
A good and cheap paint for use on barns
and other outbuildings is made by stirr-
ing into a gallon of milk three pounds of
Portland cement and enough pigment
to give the proper color. This mixture
spread on wood. makes a confine that
after six hours becomes a good and last-
ing as oil paint. It makes the hest pos-
sible paint for trees'where the limbs hays
been pruned or sawed off.
Mrs. Wm. Fairservice, of Walkerton
although nearly 70 of age, struck for
her sister's at Dunkeld on Sunday on
foot and made the distance, 6 z miles,
i n two hours. We doubt very mach
if any of onr young girls could accom-
plish this feat. and it would bother some
of our most athletic young men a little.
A Rook for the Home.
Dr. Chase's Last and Complete Re-
ceipt Book, containing over three thous-
and medical, conking, veterinary and
miseellaneone recipes, is sold at $2.75
post-paid. There it no book pnblished
which is so nseful in the home. After
using it a month yon would not exchange
it for $10. If yon don't consider it
worth more than the price return the
book in good cnndition and get your
money back. Illustrated circular free.
Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto.
107 first prizes and 32 seconds is the
record that J. K. Wise of Huron Read,
Tnekersmith, can boast of for this year
on grain exhibits. His display consists of
4 varieties of wheat, 2 of peas, 4 of oats,
and 3 of barley. The "Michigan Am-
ber" variety tested 65 lbs to the bushel,
which is an exceedingly good showing
for this year; the "Genessee" tested 64
lbs. In oath the "Onward" variety with
Mr. Wise leads, testing 53 lbs to bushel.
Mr. G. N. Langford, first assistant
on the staff In the Walkerton Public
Schools, has sent in his resignation, hav-
ing secured something better in the city
of Toronto. The Board have advertised
for a substitute, and if they are success.
ful in securing one, Mr. Langford will
be allowed to go. otherwise he will
have to complete his time, according to
The latest census in Britain shoWs
that women ars continuing to elite*
fields of industry formerly reserved for
men. The returns by oocupptiou .show
that there are 86 women auctioneer*, 6
architects, 86 bailiffs, 816 blaolcstniths,
9,011 brickxuakers, 3,850 hatcher., .54
ehimneyeweeps, 1 dock laborer, 5,170
goldsmiths, 9.603 printers, 745 railway
porters, 117,680 tailors, and 3 veterinary
John Watton, for 81 years clerk of the
township of Mornington was the guest
of his son, Seattle] Watson, at Attwood,
Wednesday of this week. Mr, Watson
has been actively conoeraed with muni.
oipal affairs of Mornington for 30 year's --
8 as member of the council and 31 as
olerk. He reports nn less than six muni-
cipal drains are under way iu Mornington
at present.
In wholesale commercial circles, the
opiuiou ie expressed that sugar will be
cheaper this winter. The cool damp
summer has been very favorable to the
sugar beet crop, and the prices which
were steadily rising all summer in the
foreign markets are now on the down
grade. The Ontario Sugar Company at
Berlin, had just started As season's op.
eratione, and will double the output of
last year,
The wholesale potato men say that they
are beginning to breath easier as the
Drop is much better as the higher ground
is reached., The Barrie district is turn-
ing out well, a marked contrast to the
lower parts of York county, East
Northumberland reports great damage
to the crop from blight. Mitchell vioin•
ity bas potatoes to spare. In the vicinity
of Aurora, the Drop is a failure, from
Wednesday afternoon, October 19t1.
Mr. Wm. L. McLean of the firm of Mc-
Lean Bros.,clothiers,and Miss Mary Isa-
bella, only daughter of Mrs. Wright,Pal-
merstoin street, Goderlob were united in
mwedlock's bonds at the home of the brides
mother, Rev. James A. Anderson per-
forming the -ceremony. The groom was
assisted by his brother Charles, of the
firm of McLean Bros., of Stratford, and
the bride by Miss Jessie McDonald, of
Goderioh. Owing to illness in the
groom's family,only lmmediate•relatives
of the con tracting parties were present.
Saturday, October 15th, the death of
Mrs. Daniel McLeod occurred at the
family residence, Britannia road, Gode•
rich, and with the bereaved husband
and five ohildern, tbeyoungestbut three
years of age, general sympathy is felt
among the townspeople. The deceased
had not been in robust health for the
past eighteen years, and her last illness,
of typhoid, confitted her to bed for seven-
teen days. The deceased was born near
Ripley in Bruce county, where her
father, a native of Scotland, settled on
coming to this country. Her mother
is still living and is now with her son
in-law, but Mr. McDonald died five
years since.
Mrs. John McCreery, who tesided on
the Belmore road, departrd this life on
Thursday morning, Oct. 18th, She suf.
f=red for a long time from heart trouble
and other complications, when finally
death came as a happy release. A huts.
band and one son and three daughters
mourn a devoted Wife and affectionate
mother. Mrs. McCreery's maiden name
was Elizabeth Fiemen. She was born
in the comity of Tyrone, Ireland, on
January 12th, 1841. She and her hrr_s-
band resided in Carrick about twenty
years. when they moved to Hoiviok and
remained there about four years. For
over a year they lined on the fame Where
she died, TORONTO,
Right in the small of the back.
Do you ever get a pain there?
If so, do you know what it means?
It is a Backache.
A sure sign of Kidney Trouble.
Don't neglect it. Stop it in time.
If you don't, serious Kidney Troubles
are sure to follow.
cure Backache; Lame Back, Diabetes, •
Dropsy and all Kidney and Bladder
Prioo SOe. a ban or 3 for'$1.25.alidaelers.
Taranto, Ont.
Ont,, and surrounding territory,
to represent
"Canada's Greatest Nurseries.''
Newest varieties and specialties
in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits,
Shrubs, Ornamentals and Roses.
A permanent sitnation, and territory
reserved for the right man. Pay weekly,
Handsome outfit free. Write forpartici*
nlars, and send 25 dents for our Pocket
Microscope, just the thing to use in ex -
ambling trees and plants for insects.
FO1wTHILL ltlThtSltitl1Ca
ever See Abret
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules." They are easy to take, They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard fame, it remedy. They are a dependable, holi-
est r'ln'dy. with a long and successful record, to
e'-ri; 'n. ti est',n, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
..o' ..,i,lpatlon, 4, aensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
- ni' ation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
i •.iatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
.,- r.'ts,' They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
-h-Iwn systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
{ ^,id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
con tant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
..bules. Your druggist sells them. The, five-
�c•. nt- packet is en .gh for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Battik 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
12 '
K Kix K KK K?3cK K&I' Ke.K
If you ever contracted any Blood or Private Disease, you are never sate until the
virus or poison has Been eradicated from the system. Don't be satisfied with a
"patch up" by same family doctor. Our New Method is Guaranteed to
Cure or No Puy. Ey1No Names Used without Written consent.
Cured When all Else Failed
"Could I live my early life over, this testimonial would not be
necessary, though I was no more sinful than thousands of ether
young men. Early indiscretions, later excesses, exposure to
contagious diseases all helped to break down my system. When
I commenced to realize my condition I was almost frantic. Doctor
after doctor treated me but only gave me relief—not a cure. Hot
Springs helped me, but did not cure me. The symptoms always
• returned. Mercury and Potash drove the poison into my system
Instead of driving it out. I bless the. day your New Method
Treatment Was recommended to rue. I investigated who you
wore first, and finding you had over 25 years' experience and re•
eponsiblefinancially. I gave you my case under a guarantee.
You cared Inc permanently, and in six years there has not been a
sore, pain ulcer or any other symptom of the blood disease."
25 Years in Detroit. 250,000 Cured- M. A. CONLEY.
We treat and cure Varlcecele, Blood Polson, Nervouo Debility, Stricture,
impotency, Secret Drains, Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
Consultation Free. Question Blank for Homi Treatment end Books Fres.
K. &=:K.'
If your blood has been poisoned with any hereditary or ac-
quired disease you are never safe until the virus is eradicated
froin the systema. Don't trust to family doctors, patent medi-
cines, blood purifiers, mercury and potash, etc. They will nev-
er cure you—though they may help you temporarily. Have you
blotches, eruptions, running sores, bone.pains, itchiness of the
skin, sore throat, falling out of the hair, dyspeptic stomach,
weak heart—We can cure you.
Our VITALIZED TREATMMPNT is the result: of 39 years
experience in the treatment of thousands of Blood Diseases. If
we fail in curing you, you need not pay us a cent.
We Cure Nervous Debility, Blood Diseases, Varico-
cele and Strictures, (without operation), Sexual Weak-.
nese, Urinary. Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
Founder of
Dr. Spinney & Co.
Home Treatment.
290 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich;
•▪ .
The Times
Job Depariment
Our Job Department is up-to-date in
every particular ; and our work is
guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Estimates cheerfully given.
Our Specialities.
is the best local paper in the County
of Huron. Subscriptions $i.00 per
year in advance—sent to any address
in Canada or the United States.
An advertisement in the Times brings good results
Address all oommnnications W—
dlflcePhotte, 1�To.1. Wl'N�C11AM ONT. Phone, No. 74, r
000000•10100.00•000.041000011 00 - _ 0001111N4