HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-10-16, Page 3OCTORKIt 1,0, 1879
we Of the most popular $tinidin
ha$ stood .so lone that.it is time.
they wetee-ellowed to rake a back seat.
I have a love letter,' saidu servant
to her mistress. Well ye :rode it to ore?'
And here ie EMS COttOn wud yestuff in
yer oars whoile you rade it 2'
I rise fee information,' suit! a .mem-
bey Of a legislative body. I ant very
glad to hear it," mid a bystander, no
man -wants it. more.'
A religious wag in'a Fairfield prayer-
• meeting recently prayed for the absent
members who were prostate op beds
ofeiekness and chairof wellness.'
A young tad's hat blew off and was
run over by alexoad-wheeled cart: -The,
. r Hiltons. eeere. Kate wintLeoileele Qt...
hat is now the very latest falleshape.
Father (addressing a little boy, .who
has brought home a bad mark from
echool) •'Now, Johnnie, whae'shall I do
‘zith this stick 'I' Johnnie Why., *go
for a walk papa.:
-'Don't be afraid to. praise 'your servants
when tbey deserve..it,rernaelee an •ex-
charege, 101: the minute the: husband
tries that on the hired 4li1 he has -..to
. hunt for another eittuttion,
Young wife. " Oh .my dettre there is
most timely set-e-epin, ear -rings, and.
sleeve -buttons. Do go .buyet hem.' • Mr
Tightstring. 4- Yes dea'Iieu to go.
by them aarciniek as-possib1e2 . •
A Mississippi candidate.thus *frankly
announces himself: • "At the earoest
• , ieliaITOTtrEir tit t -Wire
Money, I have consented, to bereome a
candidate for a county• -treasurer' .
D being claimed by one, of this 'stern-.
er sex. that men was made tirkt and lord
•of creation, the question ,was asked by'
an indignant beauty hoW long he remain-
ed lordof creation, Tillhe got a wife,
was the 'reply. ' •
Two -men ar.e in tremble over the oWn-
orship of a ladder'and are. taking steps
for a tawsuit.' The result of•this wilfbe
that one lawyer will get the. •sides and
, the other lawyer will -get the rounds,
leaving the holes to the litigants.
Will some one Who •isversed in the
ecience of Sound please get tep and
7 plain h&boteI:waiter. who ein't hear
the call -Of a hungry rnan.two-feet -arida
half awayeenaliehear the. jteglte:ofa-qUer-e,
• ter clear acros3 a dining-roem.•?•,•„••*,...e,,
litte:b4, Whose sisters'strollinthe
Woods for the .bright.huedleaves of Au-
turnu tinmeetw thentconting,_licime. the
other day with a red -whiskered gentle-
man, whoni he greeted witlthe'remark:•
My! youlgot Autumn -key° .t;713iskees,
aint you?'
I am glad,' Said an sillttOtet /*each-
er, that the Lord • has •opened -.my.
tnouth to speak/ • And well you may
be,' was ,the rejoinder, for IneneVer did
such athing but. mice -before.'
when was that ?' asked the' preachee.
'In•Balaatu's wits the .conclusive
'How came these holes in yew. elbows?'
said a Widowed mother toiler only son.:
Oh, mother, I hid behind. elle sofa.
when Colonel Goblee .was seyin' . to, mer
Maria tittet he'd take her, even -if yeat
had to"be thrown in; and he' didn't
know r was there, and -so held in and
tanghed in my 'sleeves till I:lmet
. A well-drPssed little child loat-by some
• negligept_nursemaid, was the • Centre :pf
a• sympathetic • Crowd. of „gentlemen,
Questions poteeed in upon the Child fienn
all sides, but•with no effect At Jest a
gentleman asked, Where Were. you go,
--jag to.; nry-littleredetnef-----4.-/elneWire
• bored the infant, .‘'sed I'se ,go to
Heben.' • • • •• . •
there a letter here in tvecented
• envelope for my. wife' he 'asked the
pestmastee, while the green fire train.
- his eyes made the °Mee look liken leefy
forest. Yes, • answered the post-
autster,:ai he. handed it. when, lo and
behold! it was theetillitier!s hillfer $50,
No eueeeeding. chapters.
Once in travelling thelley: 1)r, RI &teat
was ex,cedingly annoyed .bY a: pedantic
- bore whoefeneced himself upon him,' and
made a great , paradee...of hie • sletllow
learning. The doctor bore it as long as
ho could, and at length, looked at him,
gravely, Said• My friend, yoii and I
know that is to, lie known!. '11°W
is that?' said the man, • pleased with
what he thought a Yore; aotoplimeu tary
nssociation. said. the deetor,.
yon know a ve'rything exempt that yon
are a fool, and 1 know_ that.L
The other day a shiiiit 'looking y,outh
walked up quickly to the (taunter of the
post -office in a country town, :amt,erup:„
tying a -bag of coppers tbereoh, asked
the clerk, who was nttending • to other
customers, for a dollai"e worth of. ono
' cent stamps. 'Oh, you bo'bothered1'.
was the ansWer. ‘Thatls net it legal
tender ; it is all • copper,' Whtit 0,
tender, thenr asked' the boy..
• Why, one tenet bee, legal temder for a
one cent memo,' Ohl' exclititned.the
yonth, is ib.? floret) on, then,' passing
)- a coin from (whoop : 000 cent stemp,.
please.' Tho clerk gave -hinfone, An
other, please.' Stop that,' the "Clerk
said. " Give. me the money...• It wilt he
tho ehortest way to get rid of :you.' Af-
ter counting tho money, 'he gave • the
wine theeeof in stamps'to the lad, who
wt 8 henrd to nnitter theeght I
wonld tire hint out'
ThiS column is supplied by the WOMC1I'd Tesupcianeo
Actriletts sermon.
1). TO$$, $T. PAUL'S ¥ E. CITURVII
" If the Watehman seethe i•word Coroo, ood Mow rkot
the trumpet, and the people Do net warned; if the
OW01,11, COMO and:take any lerson trete OM0111,1 them,
bele taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will 1
require at tho.watchnian's han'.-Estkiel, xxUIi. 5.
;I:liere aro reasons very nunterotta and
very weighty, for which this theme
eltonhl .be. urged on the attention of men
from the pulpit.
My object in showing the intimate
relations of this theme to the Christian
pulpit is to inteneif,y -your convietion
that it has imperative: claims on the at-.
,teetton and ;eytnerathy of.eyery_
tbropie man. if 'it is my dut.y to 'help
forward this chief atuong the moral re-
forms of the age it. is your duty. also.
That'it is my duty, and the 'tit:ay of
every Pastor; who can doubt. If drink,
accursed drink, be. not a devouring
"sword" by which 'many a wretched.,
self -destroyed "is taken away.
in hie iniquity," then let the watchmen
".blow not the trumpet but if it be the'
-arch-destroyer of men, ,even of the
strongest, More fatal than the .sword 'of
Alextender'or •Napoleon,•• then let the
trumpet everywheee lift up its 'Dote ,of
'Alarm and nowhere give an uncertain
eound.'r • •
The pulpit should pet , itself ,against.
the sin of intemperance because of the
- and incowpatabI evils.
which flowirom
There ere but few families•whichhave
not been •befouled by tire slime of this
Serpent, azid pierced b.Y. the 'sting: Of
this adder. If net in the immediate
oh•cle of the hotue, then in the next
larger cirdle, of near relationship, the,
ctirse has fallen. • -•
'.11oW many in the discharge
of•my pastoral (Unctions, haia I, visit.
houree in which. there • has 'beenettn.
ominous silence concerning some. one
member' ofthe • family.; perhaps a htis-
band,. a brother or a faeher. By and by
without any inquiry the Sadtrutly which
I 'feared:10a- come to my knowledge.
He is a.cirtmkerd, a Voturitary vietim of
thael accursed' appetite • which, liaa'
roitoltb-ni ore--vivrions nmi-.:---blast+
evils' among men thantiny ether of
a ga4rigt
-Lord Becon.seys." all the criminals Ma
earth di) not destroy so Many el the Int:.
Men nee, nor 'elm:date' so much property
as drunkenness." Take thebold and ter
rible fact thee 'every year-6,0,000:huinjin
wrecks are buriedin drunkard's 'graves'
in the. 'U. S. alone; 1,299 Polluted souls'
go howling -forth into a .clrunkard'e bell.
every Week, 170 per nay.
This annual centribotion comes 'from
the renke dein artily of clrinaltards 609e
000 strait:4.. But the death of •So.many
inebriateeis the hat of all evils of in-
temperance to the community at huge.
To the victirtis themselvee,:it is indeed
the.eunt of inconCeivable•eedea, the ful-
fillment -.of that divine •warning often
soundedhi their ears. At the .last it
.bitth like. a Serpent ana:. stingethe lik
anetdder, lent to the -community their
exit is a gain. . • • ,•-
`, Their ..loatheome-ebodies and ritined
intelleetenndeoerupted Souls Were: an•
offence to Men, andlthe leopeless.eagony
of breken hearted love had long wished
them gone; •Theeloss to the commiinity
dattid back long bore tho final 'catas-
teephe, t� the time whenthe' hand' be-
gan to tremble and the brain began -to
he-eloudecleancletheefreeematt begin..ter be
„ Take the fneee that intemperance in
thie nation has actually- cost' it more
money -than all its,sahools, oollcgee'end
churches,andall the expensese-tefe.tine'
government befere•the war, and that 'of
all the murders -robberies and :other:
crimes, four out :of five' AIM directly
chargeableete 'drink.- ••• •
,In Potter :County, : .where no
liquor was Sold in -1865, not a :single
was -brought .ferward for trial at
the autumn sessions of the court.
- • ne coximito. '
• Timis is no remedy for felealeeconiptainte,
SO good OS VIC:1'01MS. liTA710/ aiid UVA., Una'.
After its use for a few days, the whole system
seems invigorated, the nallid lipe :and cheeks
soon show a rosy tent, and oD.eorfilluess drives
away tho Melly fears and nervouepains which
destroy the•pleasures of then. Who stiffer from
the' neenliareoinplaints of the ..gentler sex.
For sale byJ. Ir.'Qombe and Watts, &Cm
; riali stews areetever :felon in Ireland,
Catgitt:•is not the gut of a cab but of a
Sheep, IUd gloves are. not made of ,lamb-
. Black leaddoci not, contain it.,
part icl of lead, bu bi4 com posed • of ear.
•b()11 enti iron. .gettling wetc. is not wax
etbeilt nor ,looe it eon taiu: 0. particle ofe
that eub.etatice. e • -
if .Dettioethenesbad. not 'aaffel,e(1, and by
unwearied efforts overcome great obstnehip,
would'he little 'become the greatest orator in
Lha Worldt. tf our motion) Demosthenes have
cough, old, or tiukling of the throat. no -
Wing will relieve them eo speedily. as WAG,
vAltofs Pscretw,11.kts.Lu. It is an excelletit
'remedy for gait**, intitieeze croup, whoop-
ing cough, bronclutie ate. For sale by j., If.
Combo,. and Watts Lt.:Co.
A, Mat XsetissiTt.-Xo liouse .shetild be
withoet a bottle Of 11Aav4n1)'s."'SN1I,OW OIL,
in ease of accident. There is no preparation
offered to suffering lintnabity Thatlias‘iii ado
so many permanent cures, orrelievettse much
pain and misery. It is called gy some the
Good ,Saltaritan, by others the Cure all, end
by the afillefelentegngeoIbf -Afer4.7•---761,- sale
by .1‘ If tenalee /aid M'ette (el
• 14
Succesorld. yv[67.
The year 1879 will pass intm Arnerl-
ean histcry.ae a,year of wenn:keel agri-
cultural. eiospeeity. The cotton crop.
is larger by half n million bales titan
ever before, tobacco crop "12,000,000
pounds greater; and the sugar crop ex,.
ceeds by Emile 200,000 hogsheads all
previoes yields. These are crops which
belong almost exclusively to the south-
et.n half of the republic. Ip behalf of
the Northern States the excess of pro-
ducts this, year over the crops of any
previous year is, according to the Obicego
Journal of Commerce, 20,000,000 bush-
els of wheat and from 80,000,000 to
100,006,900 bushels of corn. The bog
crop also is larger than. for a UUMber of
years past -if it be not the latgest ever
John Wesley once was troubled in
regard to the dispOSitiCn of the various
seats and the chances of emelt in refer-
ence •',t0 future happiness tn.: punishment.
A dream one night transpoeted hin3 in
its uncertain Wanderings to the gate of
hell., • •
Are there any Roman. Catholics
• here?' asked thoughtful Wesley.
Yes,' was the reply:
-Any l!TesbyteTian's 2'
' 'Vas aetun -the answer.
Congregetionalists 2'
• Yes.'
'Any Methodists '1' by way Of a clinch-
er, diked the pibus Wesley, .
'.Yea,' was the answer, to his 'greet
. .
• In, the mystic way of dreams, a sa-
da' transition, and he stood at the gates
or heaven. Improving his oppdAunity,
he again enquired :
"Ars , there any , Reman, Catholie
'No,' was replied.
' Any Presbyterians,f
4 Any:Methodists
No.' - . • .
'Welt, then,' be asked, lost in wondei
who are there inside?'
Christiqns 3' was die jubilant answer.
A. Light in the
• . , •
. Next tirne you go out on -the Iliobie
lean 'Central road take seat on the
righ hand of -the -dile so that you
may noticee-ahont 50- &Own' the.
•roadra -little old red fartn,honie. •The-
curtitins will bp 'down, the 'doors shute
and 'rank weeds' and-tall-graekes ivill
meet the flying glance in theltent yaed,
A• month ago old -Nan Rogers -lived
tlieree`te-day the place is 4n the keep-
'rats and retce .and dokolation.
The old woman was a' widow tiled child-
less.. rIf.shehad a •rehetiVe anywherein
this great World, those who buried her
were not aware 6f the fact. ' She. lived
all alone, having only a bit of lend, and
being. aided by kind neighbors te' raja°
enough to supply her wants. • Seven or
eight years •lig°, \Olen her last, i!bild
left her 'home to Meet vielene (loath
an title ,serne road, the men of the rails
deearne intereeted in ib.at quaint old
faimehoUsee One night they, 'saw a
bright light ' one of the windows
. -
Its rays streamed ont over the flowers -
ant u upon-thejails along which the
wheels- thundered, and the .engineer
wondered, over the signal, The' ,lamp
was there•the next night,nnd .the next,
and it wee,nevere•missed for a 'stogie
night until one 'evening a' month ;ago.
Old Nan, depriVodofludband• • rind
children; made ft iends, with the rushing
trains and their fmrdems; ' :The 'train-
men soon found_thai the Jam_ was for
them, and they •Witche-cl for -it. Dun
•ing the early : evening. hours they ..saw
old Nunny'S faCp.behin.d the light or at
tint door; andirthousand times eooduee
toys, -, engineers; •encl., brakesmen have
,called ehediily' through the • darkness;
.` Good night, eld Nanny, God bless yen!'
Winter and :stin3tner • the train -men
looked for it, and the mere. thoughtful
..ones often left a bit of moneyewith the
station 85100 beyond to help the eld wo.
man to. keep Atte bright "rays shieing.
The lamp was not there •for one train
hut foe all, and all inen,understood 'the
sentiment and appreciated it. • One dark
night not -long a:go, when the wind
howled and the.rairielrops beat fiercely
against, boaellight and cab, the engineee
missed the signal -light. , They looked
feeit again-intd teem), is ono suddenly
.misses airold lam.d.marit in a • city, and
when they failed to find it the hand in-
stinctively went -pp to the, throttle,as
If danger larked on- the eurvc below.
Each train that night 16oked for the
signal, became anxiouti, at. its absence
and matle#inquiries above end below.
Next !lay ltrOn went clown to the littleota house, foaring old Nanny .tnight te
•ill. There eat the Tamp on the window
but the oilwas exhausted. Trilter
bed, seeming to have only fallen asleep,
was the pooe• old woman ccddanddead.
Life an.d lamp hed gone out 'together,
and men of rettalt -look and lierdened
heart replied astheyheard the nette
Poor old wolnen ! May laer•spirit
rest in 'heaven 1:•.-Deleat •Peee Prem.,
. • .
• A 'physician of Chicago who •lattq
died at the advanced ago 'of, 83 years,
cemmenced to 1)1eed,himst7If once or
twice a year -before IM Willi twenty viers
old ;11. practice Which be folloWed;
etoasing its frequency, toe the day °this
'death. . Habit made it imperative. - •
P •
ram meto,,. •
IiSTATE FOR, SALE. 11 E 3.1 0 V,
Wild* peppermint seattered around • -
the Wells and flooreof barn, is said to
drive eveay rats and mice. '
The' report' of a cOmmittee of the In-
,cliana Millers'A.ssociation 'Jaye ,barrel
of flotne with 9o, to 1.00 pounds of wa-
-ter mad salt used in mixing, yielded
from 270 to .280. pounds of bread.
Kansas, in 1878, maratfactarad, 13,-
790,374 pounds of blittpT gild 1,005,958
.151,551 pounds 'were made in family
dairies, and 854,497‘ pounds were made
in factories.
pounds of cheese. Of the cheese
, The Ohio Farteer says th a timid plow-
ed fermi one to two months befot•o seed-
ing time is 'very witch morelikely to pro-
duce a good crop of wheat than if plow-
ed later. Correct, peovided. the crop
that springs up in the• mealtime is kept
f&nr1. rendering the'giound traelly
• ..
According to tho reports, just received,
of Secretary Alfred Gray, of Kansas.
Board of Agrieulture, the nutnber of
horses in Kansas in 1878 was 274,450;
mules and asses, 40,564 ; . milch . cows,
286,241 ; other cattle, 586,002; sheep,
243,760; tivitine 1,195,044.
The yield of Small fruits is.estimated
by Mr. Charles A...Green in the- West-
ern.New York HortieulturaI Society as
follows: For strawberries, 300 bosbels
per acre a possible yield. For raspber-
ries, 190 bushels ,e satisfactory yield;
althongh often aboVe thenverage„
. ,
Oats are justly adVoeatecl as the gram
above all others adaptdd to horses,, and
it is true that - for young "roses, .and.
-.those us'6,d'on the road; there is probably'
nothing equal tootles, but they ought to.
be' crushed or bruised, and not grOutid.
In 'fact, all grains are better fed in this-,
way! • •
. Laud andWater notices tin extraord-
inary lee)). of a yearling colt. The colt,
.a -thoroughbred yearling,, wtts•confined in
a yard 13 by 12 yeteds, stirrouridecl by a
wall 7 feet ten inches high.. • I -lei -untie
ed this, only just tonchitig the trip enured
with his hind feet, and lauded on the
other .side without. any ie j twee . •
••Otto 'thing about ••turnipS.--no. farmer
*can afford to be without them'io winter.
All. My stock -horses, hop, cattle arid
.foWls-Lhave them daily. • T do not
thinkthere is any fat in them, but they
i'n11 • in other wa 'se .Ie
Itied an experiment. With my Cety:this.
Ifi 'turn ip'ette ni'
n. added an equivalent in naeal for tine -
week, and the Was . less yield.
of milk and her food not .digestech-
. •
•Three or four bushels of corn .ntenl,
With a 'quart'of salt; in a hogshead of
water, eitirred oceationally for three :or
:four .days until it ft:km(2.1,as, 'its-. much
better and faicheaper ante feeding t her.
Meal. Corn' to growing pigs. can
add bran or .iniddling or slcips to it; and
Whenlielf.used,,All•np with 'water, and
se repeat, adding meal when ,needed, and
a little This,Will bear a. good deal
thinning, libel it's the cheepeet nec'•;•
thod kabwre of inakingpterk..
Biteklen's Arnie!'
Th e beat Salvii in the world for Cuts; BettleeS;
Sores, Incas, Sait''Flh'eum,.Tetter, Clhapped
Corns, and till kinds of kin
lgru Patine. This Salve is guaAnteed to give
eat Sittisfactiou .eyory-esse.er-mOne3 re.
landed. Pried 25 cents ppr bOx. „Per sale by.
J. IL Conibe: ,Clinton. • • ••
' • • :petter than Glad.. • -
-The'gratid climax of success' is at last achieve'
ta. , The poor rejoice;lhe sick arise and.walk•
the rich bas.k in tha'solden sunshine of perfect
health. Thii•phyical miscrieS of _the'hinnan
frame need no longer be endured, Ps. Kutte.ti
CALtifoitrim.001.DMf Clotroustit;foi:Dyspepsia,
Consumption,..Sielt kIendtichei Coining up of,
Food, Jauudiee, Liver Complaint, Biliousness,-
GeneralDelyility;browsiziess•an d-low-S-piritsr
This wonderful renietly will poSitiyely cure,
and that"Where every reniedy has failed. . To
prove that this wonderful reinedy Will do all
we .elaint, far it you are•prOsented With. A trial
.bottle free of cost, by. which you Will 'readily
perceive its.wooderful curative• gtialities;ari.1
.Whiclr will slim/ you What a rogular:.onedollar
size bottle will do. For sale by 3. H. Combo,
. ( r VATI.: ,FUX.D:4) •
r leo LoA.N Pu0PcitTic, INTL:REST
8 per cent. • Principal ipIty bo paid 01) at any,
time after eXpiration of one year. Apply to
c0813'ET LOCIf„E, .itarristerd,
Clinton, Sept. 28, e879.4. " . ty
-- • - .—
friatT VIII.ST-ClhASS.F.AII.111,. No. on
T Farm For'Sal.T.
tho 15tli, con, of Goderteli TewnShip, be
longing to'lqui, Chirilon ; sold for cash
or on part Credit. Only one tulle from Clinton.
farm 'contains ,eighty 1101:8g of choke land,
in 400d e'ondition,.1ine oi'chard, &c, Apply to
(mato), .flOy :11,1818. • :
mese xe'breu, test no appointment of Mosere,
it, )coo; 6 itvpstiv, 8 IrellHany NA Agents tIt t
Mutual Firt insurance Companyl
Of the County of .Welittigtou, ts Otie any etineelled.
*7. W. 11,A8CRAN4 bile been ntipoingid
Agent for this tetrit and vicinity, end is now prepared
to take e:pplilakbatkatr gds. Company, ills 811001101the Dominion, .• • In
ne ctaer •. (111/..ilL1718 'DAVIDSON, •
Guelph, 4th440.)1078, ' tf,
OH" A f1l,? VII gearstarea. 812 a.
,15,.. h ime wide li5' ri.1 6 inatis.
and .yiris make -Money faster at
8.11s. for iis thou rtt anything else
The work iff light and plea.fent,
trios 1. Ur pi ial Mit m11111.0/1 vvi,
Will :tot yon. ..:Slon, wornen,boys
- . - mitt:mob as ii% yone a 111 al) ti4b tfit
TiteSo who ire wim who inn this notice will stud us
their eadress at mice arra i*3for them ;oleos, Costly
cctat rimiterm 4 two. Now Is tas Niue, Those already
St fvfnfl: are laying up hm., sum ; of money. Address
TUVE 6 00.„1figit•ga, 'Aldine.' ' . 11,1
1. l'Aein Lot No.84 in the Floret coneeselOn .n
bout knWenIsti teho'm8 °Dal Int': 0%8 ,911808a8r8de ;eon( c $el 'tint 1114 t5,1.414coda
hardwooa timber. Maybe made a euperlor 4018y farm.
e. West C'air of Lot Eight in the Bleventit
e enannan Sta.
teiloorairottfneteheLerftte,ii.*74 lis,d Brur eTan.
114 xma, pp y owner, SamnelThrower At
Werda sell cliesP ferrsi:i h iluuncae:41:faefer:::(4%"PrM011:::
t y 411 u:Chl o . A I t 13t11°1. 8804011°5
Canton, or to the
bey t S tr ce :WielligoZO:reTitt bl;re Store, In
• •
0. Pirst•class grain tore, at the Orand Trunk station
belonging to A. .Tainieson. •
7. The Fag() faetory builling awl lot, aajoining the
-Grand Trunk Station, formerly ,ocennied by J. Bel-
-fry, with engine awl bolter. Premises well suited for
eniannfaeturing purposes. pork-paekin .
2 •
S. Lot 6, oullotorla, Street, (Gordon Intrvos); a choice
building lot, betWten the G. T. Railway ane the River
well•fencea, vlanted with treree,gocul well, 60,
• Intl b
P Rt big; tlittwa tdibgriMie.Y‘!.e.rtln
t I 1
pump, "Gooa garden. .,ifiet „south of it, Wm. Stun -
1, he rd's reeldepee, • , .
I •
Clioton, Sam 24,1875.
C COI 13 E
Ilits removed to the protests tiviwn •
rile ()LI.) f.) NTON' 1:101'Er-4,
Wbere be will keep for sale a Meet. sod general assort-
.- merit of
DRU, ettiOliCALS Am)
r;,,esiTipti4n$, ni ipts, mut Compounds eate-
f illy mule up, with I/optic/I,
Clinton, Feb. e7, 1870.
Sing Iillachin es
Qg ALT. KiND•-i,
ii•H&LE, .1 ITL- 11)
Canada Company Lands.
..ta, the Canada Company maybe/leen At the Office of
;undersigned., • •
ClintonJan.1.7, 1870.
4,-. - -
TO es000 A TEAlt, or $3 to
No risk. 141,,,,nion do as well
$20 a day four own locality
ae roma. any wake more
than the amount stated above.
No ono can fail tomato money
fast. Any. one San do the
work. You can make from ae
cents to $2 an heur-by devoting your crionings and
spare tirau to the business. It eosts nothing to try
the business. Nothing like it for ttionoymseing ever
offered before. nu/dhotis pleasant and strictly honor.
able; Readeriif you wane to know all about the beat
paying businese before the publio.eendlis your address
and we will mind you fullpartiettlara awl private terms
free; samples worth $5 also free, yon 08.71 then make
I1P your mina for vourself. A adAes GEO, STINSON
& CO., Portland, Milne. 80
We iv111 Auld gott, bgund -sheop, an unabridge
Worcester's Dictionary,
The Fortnightly 'Review,
, For one year.
Ifetaltpr100,•Woreester's Dictionary .818.00
Subscription prlee, per annum, "Fortnightly"... a 00
Or, we will gt;ie nntbridgetl, bound in Asep,-V,011.
CESTEB'S MOTIONARY for Aril yearly subscribers
• Lo l'its,..FOIrrNIOUTLY REYXLV.:,, Or for four yearly sub.
Seriber( to tig‘86.111PJ Wa giVO a Pivot that famous
' work, bound 3n,.2 Soreinumtinax, Itamorott.
'Agents i'Vantett-t/ whom wo •Will pay a good
commission to canvass their locality. For particulars,
:oe:r.8dr. books s 3B4inien deatirispenthne ,kpi,:obloirf,h-
' 60 York St.; Toronto
an ny other inflammato j7jiII 1!!
anso cured in a few hours.
Erysipelas,scrofula pearl.
• ago,. skin irritivelon,ulcors from any cause, Ando him -
:area otlfer-drseases are mused by an ada fermento
which produces inflammatory action. Brunton's Ab.,
sorbent vvill positively effect a eme In a few hours, by
absorbing the acid poison from the 'system. Sold by
druggists. Price, afie. AdNire in particular Asesfree.
W. Y. MU .
1,ondgn Ont.
:TT -1E .8AN,14N
canto, enterinedeate and Steek•ii 'rick
cis let Leekest Mites.
5A1iM1Ith Sept. 6101
CIRCASSIAN ...... . ... .. ' .. 13th
SA11DINrAN, 5085
MORAVIAN.. ... , ... . .. . 2715
PERUVIAN „ Oct. 40.
1•01aN.1481AN ."--11111
, .,....... ...... .. . ..,. •
Parties desiring, to 'bring chit friends Ironi the` old
• country, can save money by plreltasing prepaid eertifi-
sates 10,11 tho agent.in Clinton..
...ha:to:poet; 'llonconclerry, GlasyowQueens.
' town, Relfclet,` ,ionclon, Bristol .
• Por threnglr tickets Ina ever)' information apply 50
STBA.PION, G. 'V. R., Agent, ClIntott.
(ilinton, Miy 30,1878,
- .
43) gene G0DD 'AS NEW, •
A;11/1.11(174 M.ieleu.NE Etre AT IS 111.1111S1147
. Ise et lann4
081 Brat.
nen Tns PrACZ --HURON• ' STREET; one cider
west of the Corsinerolal Trete'.
• . .
xoneworernv, Post 061ce Box 140,
• CrArrorr, Oar.
A.ye r's
qtr. igor,
For restoring Gray Bair to
its natural Vitality and Color
A dress'.
e 4 e , agreeable '
healthy, and ef-'
which is at °AO
fectnal for pre-.
serving the
.11'aded or
‘'N o7iginal
0,;‘' • ijray .1:air is soon
restored to its'
with the ykss ignd freshness of • youth.
Thin haie. is 'thickened, falling hair .n
'checked; and baldness 'often, though ,
: not always, cured by its use.- Noth:
mg can, restore the hair where the
-1:tirloiCptie-crae 'ntsdeclyele-Itcc'realt
rsuch us
emain can be saved for usefulness
by this -applicatien, • eInifead of fent-
mg the hinr-witha pasty sediment; it
will -keep it Omni and vigorous; Its
occasional .iise,evitl. prevent the hair.
from turnip°. graror "falling .off, and
• consequentl;prevent,baldness. Free .
. fkonv thOse deleterious Substances .
which • make some preparetkons clan-
gerous, and injurious teethe hair; the '
:Vigor Can: only benefit but not harm
it. -If wanted merely for a
nothing else can. be foam.' so desire.
able.' Containing neither 'oil nor
dye, it does not soil white cambric*
and yet -lasts long on the lair, giving
it a rich, glOSSy lustre and a grateful
perfinne: , e.. . •
'Prepared by Or0-.1.,C.;../tYer 41,CO3;-;
Practical and'AnalitICIII.Oiemfota;•
• LOWEtiTe,
.77 -
Thumb Applaud it Wondarful Cuna 1
• p P
flecto• •11.111at-4,,,Ret•erkrt (lenyeiliatt 8!///ottf
VoitititutiOna), ;-• • •
. •
• iimtrase, nsq., Br�okviflo, ont.
Deir Sir,—It 10 0030 two yeare shietlyiant. " Cansti t if-
tio no 1 Ca tarrhileineay" was lutrocluced to um. /11(180
waltedthish,ig Co no if Ch0 kiln) 0011111 remain (101-
11118111011 before doing this, fey duty to you, tra at first
thehappy °nets seemed to nie to be "800 gooa to be
triie." I was aillieted in my head for years -before
frfusliected it to be Catarrh. In reading in yourcironiat
Tete my eerie described In many particulars. The in;
'wara "arop" fro01 the head had become very disagree-
able', and a elfolcingiTenSation often provantea me front
king long; I wonla feel like smotheiing, and lie coni.,
pellet* to sit up in lied.: 'try health and spirits were
soriousfy anotoa. when yOtIr Agent came to 's%'olko-
80(1,111 August,1876, 1M:0111.0d three bottles. Pefere
11181 used 11 (porter of the tontente clone bottle. I
found derided relief, and when I•lind,usea two bottler;
fin l a Pura, 1,11111 lakinfa 8, fooling infito enroll of that
Ailm,Int, eel e two not mica any since, till fILIke I have
801011 soe for a 0,411 in my head, A ;muse of 'duty to
sufferers from (1191 10511110110 alsoise, Critithh.proralif A
MO to seml )1111 88110 CcrClicate, unsolicited, vipir leave
maks whatinte of it yon 8103,1044proper, .
Yours truly,. -
• ' W. TINDAI.ii,'Itt•thotliat minister,
Port Elgin, Otit., 'A mt. 24, 1878.
, •
ror I Attlefield'S
14,entle6y,. 511d tak e 110 other,
.• T. B, itt It30, Poleinion.,Agent, BrOsItville,
,71e 80,13, by (871 Dritogis18 it ,r,nly One. Daftly.,
pee 'BOUM. .
rsu-sr IT. 8* Tay IT.
114NEY TO .1,0AN on Approved NoJesi*
A nuntbor of good riinzsrVOR SALE
• somn tow,Ntr,:ns
Apply to
ellutf.n;%Ifrf.c .1 t,:
it ‘11,71`1, Allot:18) ,t77,
, •
Et 11131
• • '2...standard article' is compound-
ed With the greatest.care. • '
• •Its•effecte arens wondeeful and aa
• satisfactdry as.ever. •
It restores grey -or faded Itatr to ite
youthfut.color. • . . •
• • It removes. all •ertiption's) itching
and. dandruff." It gives - the hand- o.
cooling, Soothing -sensntion .oi grant
comfort,: rind ,the Its use
bcccimos white and:clean.
Ey itstonic propertieS• .1Li05LO1eI
01111d$ 10 their normal
viger; preventing baldness, end mete,
• ing the ,ittair grow. thick and et rong.
. 'As ft• dressing, nothing 11 85 been
found so effectual or desirable.
A. A. 1Iayee,31.a; Stale Aeenyee•
• of Massachusetts) says, core.
stituents are pare, and cer'efully se -
looted for excellent, (minty ; rind
con*sider it the 13EST PREPA NATION'
for its intended ptirposes'."-
Prite, One. peneA,
EtttokingbAmarz 13ye
This elegant preparation: Iney he
relied -on to thane the Coler of the
heard 'from gray Or any other Amdesir-s
able shade, to brown or Nook, at
-oration. It is easily appliedbeing in
-one preparation, and • quieloly and of-
fectualtyprodnces a permanent COlor,
Whieli will nei they rut> nor *a...ill •oit
'Manufactured by.R. P. RAU, & CO.,
Pall by All DrIz582t4, 8185 Wan 14.24(aktfif.,.