HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-10-16, Page 2I, ,` � 1. - I I.. . . . I � - I . . . . 11 I . . - - �, . 1_- — ___ ---IF- 7- - _11_rr_rT?_7lPF_ __ , �� __ I I I '.. , � — . — 11 11. - � _. . � . I . - I I - ..- . . I . I - I . I . .
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2 - " . .. . THE CLINTON NEW MAI oc'Mmut 16", IK,.) �
I I - !M . !-!.2044�0 .. --9.--. . .1. I . 1.11 ..9 --9 . I � . _^ �i llas�i��i- --- - _ , . � ., 6 _ .. I ... � - �, , -1 . - .. -9. 91 ......... . I I 1 9 . -.1. - . C, 9.- 9 1 I.. �_"�'.. �
_ - ,,, - . I—. 1. - I I . .-.. - �__ , I , 0. ! ! �! � � 9 _i - ,. . - "'... m� � . . 0 1 . .. 1. . 1. :499� .-.9..,.. ., 911. 9. . .. I � - 9 1 � 1, _: . - - _. UrVs UovuA. Ga,l,ri..iPrLk.,I.0 , _ C � . I I
. . . I splinter of the cab on 0io whistle and bas ituportatico in the queetioner'o Tito itext, day about; noon, it band of U051FUUTI'No.
IA I - 91. # . .
. oreft'Ll, I there she lay,ii seething,bissirl! Berecoh- future. I tfl�out a filozon.tuounted Tex;kn rangers —1113y a thorough. knowledge of th-4 natural 'j"Mad . M ttrbs, - �
� V ! . ' . 0 laws Which gcivera thq oper4tioltra of digestion, - '. I ip . q -
__ .. , ___ ! Itig DIMS of rtibloish. . Atio0er'19cotch otti.stow was I pulling ovortook the lierdstriati Dud doniandeld and nutrition, at"! by A careful ap. __ '81), __ � - , �
Plicatioll l U N s 'WINJIlug to colurituaka" with 14'. Ill.Eyl.'. ,
- __. - � - 11
. A. �you . nts of Ulluton"eau do I'D by ad'irvobilig Iiiija at 140. I .
� _- - -- - Bit , ale stalks vbich they bad suld were of ,tile tiffs pricrierties of well-selceted cocoa, I
� . I.Plo Made tho I?Ioivcrs ? i .it above the din and rattle I hear(! I- it . ug pewort- . went their cattle, . . I UK Wj)ps. bas proviticid, our breakfast tables lialu 6trm bt Ilufftlo, N, T. .
1� ; onewilil .( shriek for help, and blind-foliled ,Into the garden, pulled up stolen. � .12
— , lekpairing I .
. -
- .(Is tho-pretty flowels I 'bell I cou , Id got close, erfough to see the first kale or cabbage stalk ,4o tonch. It was before the day -of law and with A�dolicato x1lavored boyet-age wbioll may - 1'. .1L211LXTUNOFPI0E_Thajt( . ( 9 ji, I o, . o%r;r TLV .
41 Mother, who ma . 9 I w save us trinnytotty doctor a buls, ais by J) Utuff., of CuloAlualsailiu,t Alkonheiol-fl,( 811114TV.
I ,
. That bloiisoto ('Ver"'llclie 9 the j ticticlous 4196 o vuoh artioles,'of ftiet that 011utcla, . I
. The daisies and forget-ine-nots, . i ativ,titing I found �wb�b, had it not been. ed� ,end carried it, into. tLe house. The eourt-houses in Wkills, and one hatt, bet- . - .
, - And violets- so fail'? for the face, wotilil never have been, re. ,whole future was t;�A frota the stalk, ter kill five men than steal,a mule'worth a constitution may be gradually built tip ull- Uvolaeneo:-Ontarw arckt, opppoito the LLSlibli
. I . I ; tit(, orlIA d and- the size, indicated the stature of the fit- $5, and the herdsman know it, 1-je Mi. strong oulough to resist evory'tehileney tQ jvIturch,
cogo.ized ap a miM, in e , � Clintun,"Toly 10,15"ir.
� *1 Who mado tile goldeu buttercups � disease, Hundreds .or subtle maja(Iies fire - , .- . _
[_ - That ill the )neadow 91-ONY ; bleeding mass of flesh that lily under ture partik,er irt lire ; the quantity ot tried to explain but they told him to . li7l
, 1 91 3 floating'around us ready to attack where,;er TOUNU. U.1s.; (GRAIMATE Or. O11
I The bright-eyed. little heart's case, too, one huge driver; but tit " face was with� earth at the roos showed the aluount out it short. lie offered, to turn ,PvQr there 18 aweak point. ' Wo may Usoapil Many I 0 , uuivorplt�,) llbyoleiau, Surgoolit, &o�, rotildl.Lot,
An4 Ellice white as anniv 1' ' 9 9 out a soar, and by dlat* was recognized of his, or her� fortutie; the taste of the all the cattle not llie1 owl), -but they a fatal -shaft by keeping ourselves well ftlilti. a�51r.',)IauninWs,tlxtoodooxsep;i3t of the Torupezilote '
. I �
4 I Who made the wnd retl colt � � pittell Wit what the, tem�er would: W, laughed at the proposition, and bintel, fled with pure blootl and, a properly . n6urisbod, I Hall, 1.0ro'losboro, Unt. . 9
timbille, ,as an. escaped madman who it 4cems I Louklosboro, linto 14,1679. 1 1. .
. I , on the stalk via �aot. they usually confiscated tile viable ftatno."-Civil serviel, (Atzette , . .
. .1 , iZ placed'over tile' th , .-Sold 0111 I—— - ...- ... - - -- -- _
. Anti filleft each tiny cup - . � lmd climbed on the engine tit Cowans, and wl . i 41 t . ce Packets labelled -1 'JAIIi'Ll'a E r1i, & Co." Hlon I STANBURY.,04A.DUATE or, THE 'NEDIOLL .
With holley, which tbo little bees itilobsorved, aud, pulling tile throttle door, the first ilame of the, person. eu ter- her(I and left the thief banging On r 11 J)"Wparptiont of l'ictoiia liniverifig, Toronto, fc.r.
� . � . ' 9 . riimopatliioCliemisto,48.Tlireadneeaie street, 1
.90, flailitly Op up? t open, bad start,(l on it wild, awful ride ing as the fated arne. ruerly �
. li W 13, as a warning to others in like cases. and i7O, Piccadilly, London, ol tile Hospitals licit p4spenfiefrice"N'm yorIg"
11 Who made tit(. fragrant olover-fields I I 'tile , . The islaud. ofLewes, on the coast of The poor fellow was complete 19 1 curon(xfortliff CountT of Huron, lilAvvin Y,D, oDt.
I I to gate of death,. , ,ly over. , --I------*- -,if,__ . � July!32,1874, - , 31 "
That dritilt No suinarter sbowero? i When the e._.cnr6iOn train olklue tip, l3cothind, haa some curious customs. come. They 4onsulted apart for It f6W 11,'XRJ;JRfVNOJU HASSIMPLY 111,01011i, And . the flat - , - , . __ "N:, - - . . .I;- - , .1; . -1 �
It must have takell Tery louc, 1 9 . . . . � Ow$LrwY & GII3sOjJ_..VA N 8, '
1 9 � ,TSjQ1A SU It-
, tot, minutes -later, they s,till'they found Young WOMQU, Inade -a 1-dumb-oake,' inoments and then told hini. .if be,had of tile medical falatitlty authenticates the state- D G&O'NS'Acetiuchcare kv . I . I
To make Eo inany flowers,' I . ,r*ce;Itftttonbur;f,stro6t,
. I nle litanding by the ongine, gozin'g alter- and baked before the fire witli cortain any, explanatioti to make or business to 113011t, that quinine is the most reliable spoei- wxb Cofili;oIlilatea 134-ok. �A' I . I �
I #IM alive, ; 0) . . . 9, I: ,
and. -it tonic and nervine D 11
� other who keeps the flowers 9 , ii tic for malarial fevera, V, - A. U. a IUSUN I III. P�
Anti clorbenthom every diry ? I riately a tl e' bloody driver, and lily ceremonies and. ill - 110cfect silence, 'e'x- do. .they would. allow him toil minutes . A 10"r,"'ry I
� I written order still tightly clasped in iny pecting to se� %voliddrs ; hnd tile. peop), , it to do Wand defend W-alself., . of sign:11 einoticy, 11, its usual forin tile bit. cl1.t"u,-Ala,I,,`18`7-7. I . - � . . . I 1. .
, - , -
Who wp.to'hos'over them -by i;ight, "I I I . torness, of its flavor corlititnteN an objecliofj , R. WO11 , T1 , 1IN - GTON, PIM,'ICIAN, . 917itUZOX, - . .
all bat in , "' , I . also sacrificed to I% sea god called Shon(f Ile turned to the ronali faces and to it with many persons, bat wlicil owallo%yed,.
_� To keep . I away I .� �, . I hand. 9 M) : ,, Ilow ,,).any 0 of you Illive in, the aareeable combination ),inown D Iccollehour, 14coutiate of the College of i1hysiciall, . .
� -1 was unconscious of everything save throwing a cup^of ale into the sea, and, commenced
Q? 0 I 9. . . '19 ,VI1I4nr-,c,ous,jl L,)wL-i,Cii�up,d�,[LiiltPiu%,Ineiitil,icout,
. -Irwas God, ni,,y child Nvifo formed tlwftow'�rs 1 - "Vortbrop it; Lyfliall's Q1011ine Wille", the arc. anA"fJoroatfor f4 the County of Huron. OM,cc to . . � ..
I 1 the filet I bill Obeyed orderti find: had' colling-on, him to giVe them pletity of A, ives V Two or tbroo uoddolfl. ,.How ' 1
.130 love'y find so, fair, . . . . 0 ' . I I . niost delicate P.11,14te isuotoffellkiorl by it. In rosi'lence,-Tlie lf,tlj�jixoc fc.Iiiiic-�rlz,..(oi!cii��i(:tl�'��7 .% r.-*
. . ' I � 1, e4 to earich their gron,nd.,4; �. I ,,)any of yqu 4lave"obildrealif- -41fli,ey . . �.. I 1 - .. 1, .., . . - �. - 11 ..
. . I . . Aild t)jcy, with altfij,q h6d bath, mado, -,. :--tilereby taij,ell-it,ilifa, -..They say .1--fidiA se, we . 9 tile ,ibove ,qtautfaril prepaliti'llp"Ire j4horry `111.Vlflffi-4��Hlli!flri. fioVVL-t4 . . I I
. . I 0111tou, 1,133. I(!, is,, 1. . I
Ilis kind protection shate. thing frow the instan t, Ill another 19autell tritfl, It girl'v.ould nodded again. . 9 wine and choice avoinatio iogre(lieiiLs, 11A. I . . IF
, . . . 1 edi, but I knew 110 9 1 � 0 I . �', '- - � .. I - 0
-now wito I an, t.,11king to only intilaas to it A IjIu:ks,7u,t tasto,))ut inereas., - - : - . 9 � I- -.1.1 . . -
"' oodlelit'i face g6,111to 4 bavil, holdid., wlwillllowill� , . I - - .
-N 11 HeLforuie(I each. leaf Pu -LI oj;-ning bull ' I ctis�oi,ervd that-wbijo, Ill � 9) I , , ,I Then, 1 h i . -'roi6(�clial.l,,i�,il)ui-t!4.s. , The "Q11141"le'! I . -1 9 (',�
i . . . , : , . -Ileal. Ole,' and Ile Contillued ; � I I 11
With k5hill so nice and trVic., . . , ! until four lys vil-flawakenod Tvti, awl - .8 find you'll I 6 its �1, %rdhalle , tm (F�110!5_ .
1. . . � (It after, NvIt . � sio . li,tin.l alutio, Nvidi bott. I (loot 9 . kY ino" j3 a ativ4rizign reraccly fo�.bilious,. i o, ; . J, , or � . .
I And gave, it) Ionic a gol,loit tint, , . g: I " Y . .
' I ; alij)41'Crfljl� brit OF !I di!C11111. , 'Irr first ollon, to s(No bel."filte, 'I never stok, any cattlo ; 1 UaNe lHod Inittelit alitl ill tcrl�itttlnt [ON*r, it falit'dil be. : . ct
I To settle a voilet liae. . � . I , . ., I �
. . I
. . . .1 qijestion wait, 1T)Id-0W_e)�M1l-8iol1 gat Ill - Th.o*fashiou of trying chiarms is noiy .Ili these p&rts over three years. j 041110 twt�erf tbo attitcloi-fultj u.5c.tj %$.i�lj 1)0,. I -, ' L _ ' . �. I - 91. - � - -- - . � _ .
I � � � . rI . , � '1100 � �Wltliil;T MICIM, btor'rter, &a.,licts ot,t-neiZ an oi. . .
0 a � . � . . ity, awl ait hivigorant of sarpit - ! 1 9
IT God sbiolils the tattiler flowers by night g ll',iigli4ispe,ak. fvom New Hal � . U floo In the Vleto.14 ba-elct Yfaujill, klr(i;t,-ClJntoaf, '.
- ' . rioarly otitgrotva atoon upshire;' I fViled ill tho an'd rounlai ms
. Anti cares for them by.day -,' ' �' ; Safe �, . , .. . . , . . . 9
. . . . ' Vila coroner lilalrl tin inqllk, . ing, poople. -I.t survive.9 in &tfievica as fall. of '57, dill-ing tile InAllic ,,, I I avf. i'll, into it. ItIondow:i the (khilihiled It ith ! C i-Itol), May Ef3, Is7U.. . . . . . . � I . 9
Ito giveth to qach dlirerdi�t 1)lant I st us sooll I . '
. . filt-41i vigor, colulliers dyspep�,ia, r'l-ft-ruts, an i . . I _. --- 9 -9--- I—— _. - . - I .
� . - I t�asatiitfr lio for " 8o6i.i.l. gathqritig�, been savitir, - I havio qo boille here ; illy irr, . - L�
-Its bifflutifal aira . . .. . ' I coull . . � . ) abit.of body, faiii. rug(oro" (la., tilde ONL�Y TO I.T' ,N 11, 1.1; LA' EXE QIZ FMALL SUAT$ 9
� I V . . si ( be.examineti, find the vtli,lict -a Ill I 0 It
�- . I � . __ � I 11, . ... . .* _ P., _ gular If. .0 . M tgood rI61-1;'"iI,'.a geou'lLn tit ia.,I�ofiatv rAtes (J -
. - was : `We, t1lej, .I -art, Ill 0.11v owil 411111 lyinilig pe'011ie I flow fil-liflyromain YLai.4, fov'l go. fcont'jilacie na tooe to and, onieelweLt ., . . 11 .
"Ile f-cpsIs the tsoft tefresb6lig rain, 9 1 , U. ry ji n d .t [)A i 9, .,Ii. I I) , * , ' a 11(7i'vous 8 ' ybteul. Ifitcrt.,90fl. 11.11ALV. .� , 11 . .
. Tho 'gontill Tiunimer libower.iii, . � . 1. Loup, came to bis.tlouth 4y Wric, crashi.' �beinp-,E;eedal ., coballples beffire tho glilss;"9 to place ; tljo�c 610thes I wear lire roilgh It is by Colloplete iligCOLUD find 4T*jUli1Rti01j L�l,,,It,,&,.!LI14!lgt�jtll;ltll,o. , I . . I 7-tf *
IV , � - I ..-I It Nv it � I I" 9 � 11 . a that -the bIoocljs*onrlchb:fcI. Th'is'preparation, - .1 � .. - 9 � . . ' I .. . I '_ --- .
And light, and nir,�and fahill". de . i ed, bellealli. 'a locomotivo whic - go down.mfflor backward, holdilig a ond, I at' a' hard -looking custortiev I but .I.Impt lhl,Ufi�� LICI'�Nkjl,li A41) 01111ftrICAIES.- .
. .. . . 110 givUll 1.0 the flowers. ' , -.I- 1 I � � eked by J, L_ !�,, � iiii. ope ator on eftuill . -nirror .1.1 Ci)C1jtVv ; days seein Him by giving, it Ill and. (Aof�,tuul itillicAm to ill . �% J:ld�' Rt the, I'017 . - . . 4
9 I . I %rre 11 . 0 and I .' They '10,30 ' j)0p t1lis is it hat I - ,sscls niffinerl; is the *, nicaus of .ro. ,ua . n Hall, or tit tho ru4ideuce of L.h -
I . 9 . j . ll 9 I h, Wo pro" , ' ',ill 1. a, - 1. -1 1, � ..
. -fly accordiury to tile ' hestilut,13,' t-111,1111cl, w Iliut,8he-R-k,,, llcild� I . - - Tic, -ing tile y1fil,ijitv c,f Nvh .so , , Weriffer, nour the I,011'Z 11111 -on l,,z, ,L11413'...III TMY ...
. .-hs tile s�wlfe Goa who formed the UoNms, , the _- - railw. 0 . . rooll.ills to mo, ailainontlis like your ) �%% ioll - in wy.1111fortil- Fitation. I � JAAlbS SOU'lTj I ..7. . . 11 .
.. I '. Makes myslI-eot girl His care,. ' ' - 1' I. . 11' 0 1 taper- alk(l tl..Y.;: tile 'throu-9fivadr, jujil-ried moil, vou'know t . hat but ?Or t ii Q1 nate pomons f(iLl t110Y want. Itestore - �1 ap - petitil . .. I I Issuer of )IINr.-Iag(,1.lecnsok;, . . 9 I -
. order of"D. 11. J3, 2 iis superintertiltilit .in,., ,,, . I 17i,A, t 876., . . � - . I . . . . I
. . . . . .. -rs. from li�t io-(huro lie pullet] ont al)II tranquil rilmse 410 slieod.�10vll,qf(I1lellL1ea; Olin t I) III 41irl I � . � .
Then didly raiso,t)pi ),60;461 lioaO .- - _. - �,altfd flicer, And we find fu"�_ teiit- of tile 1"(11111'e. I letitf. I . . , .
To, Him fil grateful praye . rill . . . superior 0 . . . � - (;r iLa use. Ill oont,�iiis.nothfn� - __.__1 I .-1 . .
. . I. . . . bt4i %,alutary M '111LIM-A gon� .
. . - .. I I Unched to ILL s01116 of Car citk"t, tile, boys, -oil, a,: handful of well-worn envolailes ,�ild - Iii -AN PHYSICATi DL I , I
- 9 1 thbr -tbat� iio. blame, can lie, a . . - redle]ILA, and illay be used- I-1.41 ' M, 01_� harlif
, .
� I I a. . I I 9 1 _)J � -1 -.1"-91.11'...... -11111faNyao-I coll-c-ot ON tQa4C-ettIo8,_boflt,h,, Jetter I s froing bis wire) --1 shotild got di Ing I I. 1111��IIIIT g irted in I'Mn ever3 advertUed - - . ,
A 'Velegraph Oijeratorl� Story.: aii! , X. L. D D ng" if oil I is rai wity I U S - licuMoh by I)orsatis iff'RC,Ndato o'. If iostt', firt itil 1116) Tn's - - 1 ,
. �-1--p!� I . - . rew 0,ly, he a (use bv art a A s lift pie i4o ail a of. self- c if r e, ---� ' . -1
� . 9 cc . in . . . I . ID - - -.. -Ul I a V.- () - - ['ia I . I - - I I I j y �& -'.riva�xr�i6io,i-.i-Nv.iat4y,tllltl.,El,480T-v If lie wili be harpy to forAyard the paxtioglaill to ai.y slit, , . .
— I , I .. I pany, ns the engine was, wrecked 6 laroo stones, eCu,, and deposit thein in �C�r�,�,iiv. �'T Tart o il;p4. IDdly, papal'u". ,, 'fci!6i�66 I )rt�bU!I)Vtf,lyoi�g-,o-a-A-a,-diT 9 flettla% ouvelotiel � Ad_- �,, 1. 9 .
. I I . . . . . ffflltl .
WRECRM' salvo a heavily loadeZI excursion, and the clean v&stibules, ringing., the door -bell Here art) Ole receipts, and he unfolded . Jias no affinity' with those ti'llshy prepar.
, AN ENOINE STAIULD 13Y A � - I . 0 Ca . dross, J. T.,8FlVrML, LEIl,,.BI1IYVIII0p Ilabootersnaith- I
I . . . . . . 1. . - tons which sonictin,es Otain % brief notoriety i Lontlon, Englrflutl. . . . . - fltpclo� , . . I I
. ' I � sfti�l Albert Long, beinga niffildman, was find running away. . � tile letters of acknowledgment. ' by'aad'acior-s 1 It il I`b . .
31031AX, . . 1. 0, .. , * . 1 -eX niff'ory, Rayers 8 01 ( a par. I I
.. . . the ti to th Thus the 31A -of Ootober-tet 1111all. 'pected to Ball mit and p llotne� in No- ticlihtil'to usIc' -- I " .,L - 'T -
I - . . on . onainein direct.opposi ion 0 . . . . Wine proilgil
. . . . I 0 � I . . . . . I . , fell flid "Quitlilln R, W. Wf9l TAMS, B.A., NIX,, . .
1. . company's orders.' " , . bv, 11 pope as. a 1-0 ibuii festivLd-bo. rember. Here is the testament my ad by lNortbrop & Lyman, Toronto," f� o Ill by 0 I � 9 1
1 . .
After all, ' we wit ,,station tele'ara0b . I have that - . order and a copy of tile . came in m 9 -old Ino'tber galtre -me ; Iter I i ,mediclarl doIflors overy where.. I I I , . : (rATV OF TnEINTOR, ON'T.) . . . .
- -Y I 01 . ipti-StWoug times, I The Od a is illy , . . . . ' ' o;'noribor of I .
. oratol-4 ,ire 'T' . Where IN, 'Ies"Nifyli�` ' " "' tie girl's piotifre,' and lie kiss -ed it ten� , .i . .. � . . - .A-- - � ., I ,j Gfm,1natQct the UniversityofToilont I
op no wl )Out Our" little bit ' I .
ttlly,. and I thi vflraid sidf�t bV side in my (Rally, 'it, � 0 . 0 ovaAed the ocean its Fio 9 1 . . . � .� 9 ; the College of. Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. I -
� of romauce occasibn nk 1 1 � I .1 . . . I " ,� . .
� , 9 they sball always remaill. . a i3eason for fl-blice, and ends as''astreet. derly, and contilluea : ,iNow,, motif -if - I jo,y,ansti�fcfg &lie chilffireirt! . . OrY.1071AND 1lrsDcr,NcE--ThQ house forinerly�ocell,'
call ql,ow�that we are not entirely with.- , . ' ' I — . _. . , pic,d by'])i. Re"o, Albert street, Clinton. . .
.- . out a cortnin aniount of respoqs I ib i I i ty .,I ., . :.O.ften: in my, dreams. 1 see ail I'llifle, ,boy's joke.-Olieff lThorn, in St. .Ariolio-. you have, decided to kill me f6ti what I . (Jori:r,,tNm'Ti S-L�T,wr CAs,ro it oir.r, equally suit- l=l �.. . I
- , , . . I � .
. , .
. . cognizable.4tiass -of .qniverin fiesli, an'd -Iasfor October. - . 1. . . . am innocent of, send these home', and able foi.children. and adultii. ,Cijdo�Iied by HE CENTRAL HOTEL- Vito Former' -
I but it is seldoin, ifever I , recognize4i un- -, . .9 I . . I . � � . . - ,street, Clintob-S,* PIKE, Proprietor. Via
. . I I ; - . .send 'as much Tiv. you can from tile catt)-e over 600 doctors. in.(JariadrC. '.Vito difficiult5r of T
broken bones lieneath the hugo driver, ' -s ... - � . I . . .. - tol has lately been gloatly infilr6yed and tho):9
� Mis one of ,onr immb�r Ili carejessness . a * I ", ,or I ' al� administering. nauseous medicines, and the cle. rpfnrnlshod� end possesses ov,ory.recifilsito for1he,como:n
an, d white uns'darred. face piesenis, it, . . rito alantit,r . .3 . nfilit NV � � � when. I'm --dead, Can't yCu send - b dirability of having them j)leasAnt to tile taiste; .
suddenly jYItjDges a traiin into destrue- . . . � . I .. . ' ' induced, �T, Coplailt.1 to undertake 'researches, fort and-convorillence citho travelling public, Goo .� ..
. - .. self to my gaze� A sudden shriek will .. � the'v-aluo I .-My ffilmily.will need it.". � st"fibling and atfolotiYe boRtIcr. . � -_ I.*.
tion ljy failing to deliver or- understand - ii . . It Is,4tiestionablo wh9bhei". tbo fre-. ,1jol,d on, ,low ; ttdp I . which'resulted in the'discovery of it Sweet Cas- ' 'Cl uton, Nov. 98th, -18jkT. . . . . I .
I � ' III . . .. I . .almost -cr�te mel"ana I.-atil tetu'lited to go . , I I . . right thar I'said tor Oil,-I)erfoctly palat%ble,of the same s6eng-th .. ....... . . .... ... '11-1. . �% . .. -
orders. ': � - . I . . 9 - , . . . quency of agrilcul.tural faivs which is so . . . . 9 . . . ..
I . .1 . . . ��liere railwitys are unkn6wp, where the . 0 . ager ,-Now 1 say, boys,' It o and niedioal I ary Castor . MONEY TO TX ND. . .�
. : - f 'a roulgh ra 0 . . Y .G; I qUalities as:tlie ordin . I .
The 'tityre of wbiohl� write ivills one hi I sing an1d octieeciltin �. ca' I lifettlecable in O.ntdrio at'this ,season 0 , -'PontititteO . stt%,,*Idb him'go. ive it -1 Uil ; and while equally safti and harmless, yet . . , � . 11
s . nnot -rfeacb me , . , I I . - tin- li� , '. � --;.- . . . I : � .
pleasan't afternoon in, ea*t-lv-. Autumn * , - . - .19 A I I: the yvar returns �cortespondinc, adran- - . I - J ad - with more.eertahtty,- and,producl 9. - ITAVE anSil,aniount 61 money Wiend, orb good, ' ' 9 1
.9 � 1. 1 V .�; I - .. ., . 9 .. . 0 your hand,. old' boy ,' thilt;p1ottiro and tiler -xiausen -nor griping'. Some,obildren' I icrillroved fdrras only, tit a per cont; obArges Tory, . .1 - . � i
. I the* 26d day of Iseptember, 1876, an(I as . " , . witfoliesP Nigliv. I tag " thier to .tile. furroers-, .ill *hqs'e I t4eiiii letters d ia1he business. . You call isl .. ot1wArs call it syX I lFf-th -�j all 6a 'the oncall, sum no objeab it , ity couple I.do not '. � , � "
I s ei .
. I : . . . . seent, I
. . - . .
I _ . * .1 .. I . .-- . 11 .. I.. . I q - -"a . 61liefly riittintained, . � � I.. 191 k .. , * . %rr-nt says- yo i ren. rin . any Ctiniiiany. .. . I . I ... . . ..,
the occurrence -bos tuade it qeep. 'and V � Wtolsts' dl,ev 19ii d , 1 I ". . .
. I k. I 1 1 ill . . I . go fiee, but yen i.e uc. y . intin yo," .' .-I. I). . , . .,TOAX 21. rowgrm,, 0 . - �
- vivid imp iiiii 61n- 6y uil�d, I cannot r-rolu. the, earliest tifiles' wen liruv o ' orlo i al., who . . . .) . 'blike livate 1. aliother'_'� 6. had. to bi e tile , Nov. t, 1878. . 9 . . . . * . I .
I . . . I . . - le gexiev ki,ublit� . vatronaze� � .2 - .: ., I . . . . Ish.AronT11
. . rese I , . 1, , I . I _� �Ive_lll_dLulors that, Ily ..", , -,i - i=1111 11my � I -� . -11 - a I I . I . * , .. -
__- -- f,o-ro,et-tlte�d-,ty,-%)4ii,all-Nv�6- . ::�eieil--.t-r-y?img-to-loeOA!k,c-----�4A�h-e�, U &-aa-'jh lu , � . 9 . 7=�=Z�=;�;__ - I, - I
. Al I; Lyt,"J'. . e . VIIUVL ULt!U1y,,'tI1e'sYst#IU afto - 'an "Sly little girl loog to -en. ,it twice , . . .. ii 9 . '. : - - . .
. . . " I. I, I . . - - in. Texan- (�arb' _ . .
. A � )it , oe`11-101-1--L' In . , i ii2 atid-count ,Qlio�w,sll adolle - 1 9 ... _--1- ._.. b , ottlei . I . I
. - t-flia�-'elm6 .;I . hid 6* �6 - � �t.. -Zient- - E olyptivi, . 1ad. oracles � where yljjf,,-l;i(.l 01 . man wit'll a big 16art; I *1'
. 9 t.q .; _. 9 .11-1. _ - any -6nble, and dbob. not. kilaw'-whil,t . . I I . _.-E - __
. . I , - I Of Y. a . . vithout . -'fi 1W - 1. _
9 . I,- llicir;gods were 0ppbs -, .it is, though she hates tho ordinary Cafitor,011, 1, I I . . .
and operflitoi- an t I - ed 'to ans' c' 6nd "bortlying .the, Customary brace .Qf ' . . , CAA-TWRIdArl ' ' � - ' I
If6. -'railway a- . W 1: the W-tich iWits-dily.-O advaneo Out. �ftalli_ I . ... � I . . . . . I
, . , jt�estiona. of rne4i, by dreams and .other cultural i . C, pistols ill his bell; ; I let's buy. his c.little %till we nover couldget ller to takoit'widsputa -6fi.drial'o of ttle xto�aloollese � , _
little wbile:over two itiBiltIls.; `16' line* . , . . � � titerests, ifucj, Nyhon Al. -Tit -ill, ro- . , . , .. . . ,S: �11013,04N' DENTIST,
I . . . J, - o,�.�n�l, , � ill .Y. et, another -, I I' wisil you vljij�C of Dren till $orgeollf; of Olitftli6TIMS opone&-rr60-fffT---,7�-
. . l4t�_bi,fn I . ; - Aght__ ". _ - - - I
t0b - - . I . - "' r, , I - I cf�68 ling i in the -viotolls, Block, 414ffrt stroct, oli4tov"slbe,� , :
. 9_.,_ 9. - . _9_01�_ f� Ik. Ot
. brough' parts of--Indiiinw -ways-t-th -a-tidi6itt-Gl,oeFk-��-ls,o,�-b-ad-.��frv�- -d- X-4`iT(T- I-oe--761�Fs'--96Mo-r�-v,i-rcTs-.-I'I 101 - 'it' - * �
. wa. s diroGtly t M I . : I, '� . . - , inu . . Mir SlVhFil G -T694 9( IL ; it 19 a TIP oil . eho .9. .1 . ... ,,
. . M, I an . - V -ion' tb ' ' -. .
. � �of to *station .They �diij, , d i I U. -j)1o1�eY..NFX1§., �snrq to Ulce tlio plate of itillthe common oil," "will colletarilly be in attendance, rocti'Di'tipax'd to per -
�cic" . ;
and Illinois,. ond solne'-' :tl ' s Ous Oi,a0I.e9,*Nvbi6h. peopl.6 ca, md fr�orj: sjna�jj. S'IJOWS proved, of grent bailefit, �jd * - ""y 'fololl Con
. . - I I - Iti r* tbis ficipi-ove. _ 01301 nooto(lvitliDentist!�y. Teeth .
' . to 6tfit ti , Tile, 6, -aordinftr� dernand f(l I� , - � ':
bad lie Ualegraph- office, bonseqhently far off,]�iIas fo Consult j� the Ro . axans -oil,. -peo "i's l"Hirly-, oport - ` " . and tile , natillubout * . . . P. itc. . ,� filIed with gold, aniglgara, or other filling - ; 9 . I I
. L�I[C,*, Bafib' , -to ',flil . ` I , Ulene6t a,sto,pielio�5QIio'Itl,niQLliciiieli,iot)iotiglit too clri6 1�,
I � . a -oki 9 - to stand -The long fraudii1olibimitations into theinarket but1the a. Artifil-fitt I eeth luFol. tod front ono to 9, full set. .... . -.. . I-)
. at the id , I" W,lii-too weal, . ..
Aljt_ ... fl�dcr distatic ' o wn-s.� sbiliewli-at killed certain fowl,s and:guessad. iscussion n. o.w whether, wi.tll� :11. 1"T i n-.' - - Ili 11 , . rs, oing aw . ay d'an guar(] t clinton"'Apilil'11, 1870. � ': - - . ,.30 . I
I , . lengthy, toyd there . kvtis--�tie: one- '�6:ffice fu�tllre by the dplioirrafice of t1eir int0- vrelised facilities for cominapication and otr * of Ifbpeii and fea ' b i public I theillsohies a,��ti,ill'it.,3111).�titilto,q. . . . I .
. . . . . � I I'min. hoine tip,101" snell-tryirg circqnl� lmprilloij)14� part'h'a are 'Ittompting to.1 . . .. . . I I I .1 .
1�2 .;miles qa.!� org,jin-j the Ilabid,ws .and Baby- t.110 �reato�j, dirfusi . . . . I I � rN . � I ; � .... , .� I ..
between initic au(1*.Cbwfvns , I on of'. knowleclao ' lllihici,� )Y se -011111 .9 . I 9
I , ddeli deiiv,Qrr�fcd , "I I of the repittritian of. this arbicj(�) - M.M.' BE, ESLEY'S - .. . ' � - -
. - ? . . . . . 0 . 9 . 0 In. I ' '"l, 811 ' . I . � . �.. . I . � ..
I . � . t` tiolt t1le-he'lilo 016r[,XND'S SWCUY (j.l'.ATbR Oli,, � �
. wes't'. , . .� � - I . , . .. - , ..'I 1011liatis lirld. th,oi,.6wn pectjli�r wItY,R Of till bran.ebe.c;�'of�'i.i*adusti-3,,. th6.old sy'stpul. I' anc0s, t I - , from TIT . t . . . . . .
� , , . .- . I -If - hivd� do tit 64 � , , . , T B RY .
� tea't, , lint,ld to-renda� M6 help-� Li oll botli,wrapper C611LI divectioli 11,01e.l. . . - Ile
. On this dl�� I was *q )uffing.rily 'fi�jillg,out what Ny:,as to' liapp�n. Tho 1 $9 1 . . . . . 414 .ULIN . � ` -4",stablNhweiij- - � � , . ,
. � . . ., it ie t ly: I . . . I : . . . or IdIdin-'e\I'libitions has.1106 M"VjVL-(j . , 9, The linderrigned,- ImVing i3virebased Areitt:.rs.�: - - . -__.� - . . . . .. ..�
I . . , . I
I . , . ... . .
. I
. . .
W .1 1, I 43 a chUd.2`i1(%.8-,tnk tothe,gvOlmd . T, Copland & Co's. interest ill. 010 all(IN111, 1)r(Ta- * Al largZ A,-,witinent of-,YL:ATfIL,IU,-, -1MO*,vrr,S , . .
. . in the little bat window 911d has not YO I rom 1, .�
9 ineersolimim . . , 9 �t outgrosvil il ' IQ Qnll'il)_�,' its;useftiilless� otir.. public fairs I nifty , . � . . . I
. � I .to'look ahend.� � rlib 6 11indu to -'bay ilel.s., . .�. . I . I *cOrnplete,ly -ovcvdonio,:- An hour later ' I, - " . r w dri, � qlL,19 ..... I 1111;D OXR,',in the i�,Qwo&,( shodus, , I �
.0frilyoffice, lildivisbing for somethiner be diyi6d in'to two, classe-j-"11111111ol.f.'a . .. � I I * I 11 i 1 i In Of, in,mil ,,,,,, , ,
. r� . �, . ., . I 'I,T and ',N�!M�TS, o ,. � .
. bew6ver, ll(..Ieft oil llor�i-ebac for Sit gilialrecipa., - . . . .
t ""' "'� , ow, """'
. . 9 . . .. I i A lso� n. large stock of FE
to relieve file 11ionotony, w ll;an -t 11 0 op' .q Itiffip afloat on bis.'sacred river, and jjjj�j I';I'-cviri6iaI. s is it rjot;,,!�clj . . . . . . 9 li- Q .. � , , S1 . It; � . I : . .
0. , . � � I . . . . . . . . cra-liv fjtf� 1, I, tr . -t :AILclate'Ast-Jes. COIISIITI�4', ".'e. I . �
0 . t, fortner .1111:4 b( . CI . OU : -4 I . - 2 6 . i'lintxs of attrinenCs,of, till , , , i
rater .-it Cox,vans called t , It . train des- I judgCs1-Of his futilre by tho.Ien th, a.t . , Warcst staginer ronte, 'Jild, Its tit Ely 8b , le , . , Nto)�,rjlrw &�I,vn,Az� (11,10111 0, ' Agontforbu,rifnivivsPA
. � . . I I . I .. � - ,9 . of '�Iittbd, ilu 46 i0r. 111111)- -1), sw, I'611 OJ I I '!,Uf;:; a 1,01 - n nftl,� � . I
I bimils'and bade Iviin good -by, thov 10()It- � r,.k'k for Copr,li-, h, EET (J.tf; .. ,01')- , dc-cril, Yguttmckl:Ojlto Ito . . .
yatcher And said till engine had sprung ti.116-e, ir, lluiltis ; tile -Chinarclan 'c6lisil4s. clividetlAtJ tho datrinii, I, ali?l 'y,,eal . I . . I "". lot bu doceive(l.. �Sol'l by 1111ats claaried and . ititer,
. . .. � � _ . � 111 � 11. ISIS - i .rve thu 11,1111(f. Do 3 ' ''�.- -,
. . . . � I ,.., I of tile QXIljbitjOj].,I, , . . . Prico, 25 ceiii:4. '... ' . e, rj - * .. . I
, DLljf.j )_;iLl'I'� t1lia �1.0 IT"t I
.. her tilvottlo.witli 140 ponlida orstek,iflill, " Ntlse Men, wilp pretend to *understand * S I I II(I thellapJ66-At-blind of 111�11 1 evi-i'saw, I .1 Felt aild S t,.
S n had : 191E� J)j�?, ?.(,I,, �V ' . . I .. .. ! g1j, lniu�licijw Nalers. 9 � ' . ' . . . . . I . I - . .11 . .
. , . " I . I . I'l, . . . . . . � - 'c - ' en -old C63 .1 o
c, , , . . � . __:___ . . . , i . I .. I ARGE k -el. (I ropton Irnprm -sob 'f.r - - * 19
1 . � . � I _ . . I ! - T ,I- I �
. __ ,_(, . ' r' - � . � .. : ,,o A�s, rtII;(:nt (if Litilics, :,TsIjtloF. .
go ti e. c-fi t, while t4e 'fli-etuit I . ratijer thati-iricile-ang - - 'III$. . . 1 .: - _ - ' . �____�_� .
and , iiii ,, the ignorant .Africitli* tak,eii - .-hb- 'of illitilitAsilill" , 9 .
. . gone to' Itincli, and, that 6igiiwo 16 -1466 t .1rd '� 4, * 9 . 9. . � . IV 0 �, 1L 9 14 A,:. Z . . I 5 . _4 I.
I-, wl cc tho. flies of.'b .s an& a'llilbals:; tile interes .6kcii in faliub displays ? i"t . I I �' I . � I . . .�. � . I 4 Cinijam, ml,wev, flud 1.411lep, soullfg 61 FlIlloncr. . 1� . .
1 ,., I I I , . I I. � I . . . . . 1 9 * . A ,Le�rcdlrltie L-%-; I I cl, - - e I; oo :-'.., - �- 1 � Taw,t.l.s' Lui.rcrulo oit! "vilowm ltt 9 , , ,, ... �t%t sedolyroati,rca icL,4� Now iq .Nour dialo to . -
- I n -1 i sli-I tried - to 's to otil; kjjqj-,,Ior.jgf, -it -( -1 (, . � . :. .. . . . .
11110 Y. - tbo L .1 . J in I .
I li�rig, 1 Lind bact'not; ti�:Ile to'get : 1,16b Idlicy .,I,),D- , , ft 11�ont sub ,ct' .— . 1.w Wluoor 1,, (-w)! Do TLov.N:,;o;v Anyrnz-a rccVZVL,.lj1LrghJXoli I I , I . . .
. I. wits Oi . . I �. I I 0 .0 9 b, * . i '. . . . .; Tcvl .�, f;r, I'tocl I . . j
� 01). � . . , �, lleakn�by ,,(,)I) b��yffpt they call `vvitcllo��)' Lit reolaj:lc -thA -townshily ii-bow'.4, mg -11 � . "ou ,tv I ", -of, n ? � Li, Xo-r', xx il Tt. Io.,, Y,)v Djo. . . Clifat(m, �Tuly 23rd,- IS76, * . . . . I 99 . - 1. '. . � . . . . .
� . I . A QM;�mipoildlont ftho b.ftii. be .I- .9 . . . . - . 9 . . 9
' . .. i ;a i ii , I 1. . . . I '.--TThrrt--.�s 11, . �!; ; I ,� , . � . . .
. . .All wris as i -till its, (I I t, .,.ah(l 19piritrial sts, eVe11,i),o',lv�,.�.,-Iicvo.t t, n w:ikoll .111D it'l t , .4 11 - I , "Un. eftllhlj� suur,r , ���i -. t I w: , - . , I . . . I .. .. I -..� . I . . .
oat'll fol -a tylinlat ) ;� � � I, 0 rille, (IQ im �.Ttqfl �1_M lilen , . I 4
. I . .1 1. . I I 0 I . 1111lig rvgl�,ill'i m v;uJora- . . . I
. I 1111 ,, I . I - I .
1113(411 tim dcspfftCh-n---I!v , . ,M ,�llvallvsL Alellicille. ev('r . Ili a. I . 11 Y' 1"LlIFIEC, iMIMl).-C,E,.N .", . �
(!ILI! 1 t;J UUL%;LLU P Y.,L it IIJUULULU, . , ", ():;(I dosE R -r -e--;-.-----( R % I . . ... 1. I
- to �- �� to Nvar tit ,fil. 1110,intinjan&, Whilt! ,.16 %vrit(:s -. , Aft(ir %ve:hael freely indlili- , - . - 1. !: ; T if 111111 . PRII I
ga U _ . �Ile "' . " ,vi,, "A'IllwAr; ,olle 4,tt, J.�-14�1 -)EAR,TC. A 1' I, t,'D E 3 -TA il Ii. , I
I (I —, nipt tol, . col'llucla,6c If, li'm Cured ,I , Ili
- betwocial mille 1�' - No ,sell-ious Vale nok 'into tile" -7 .116ne, -eeping,lfp I Oil ilil ,.tl1V,F)prjrI-Ls 01", tb . � - .m , . . -."911�h lady. I. I
tho oilly o0lice . . . � . the .'(1nlMa0,P;the.0 �,,�u 1`6 e IL , - . a ca III 1), and. hal l�jjfJ.yCIIYI'fs ;o 50 ct.f. -ol-th lum tlind ,ill t),rl - . I Reni �'.'. __,;'� .�. :
. . I � � I I
. � 'of, ii, I , r tavo bottl s cures Itad, :; ,---�� ".1i aulailling.rcuo , ,�.,,�Ij . .. ,, �
. . hnd Cowtms': filllt;- five winnics-lib coll- I. ftiluro bas b6on wado,.f lon.4 time officient ridin'c, or courity .sljo Ivlq,b��c'16ilir- I I ; 'ntatilling-Couall, (jilL 0 V ". "4�� ,',,I s�,'Mital;rcr.%- . I
I . . . . . . 0 I I I . 11111, Ile . VC -110.1 . -ill. 'I.Ii.61)f,�li,.-Iit.,c�(),Iittiil.),.,I.I, , , " "�� . . . ".r '6 ..,:-,."'.� " .
, .
(td .11iin-, 1161314 dio sigritil 'I 2'9,-'.'\v' 11 b.,i,11"(61 liagc�ont. I Too ?pI Of. III, ditIfe � ohLlcu 4. - . . , �. o . � l. I 9 , , C , �oi of *1111,1�'s au'l .U.II)N,j,Y. 'Xivol-w;LS ;` six 'if) �' i"I'lliatc,xv. - , - `z,- . . . I . t
--4n :the ti'aw ,, attentio �,,�,, . I
, ,5�.".";I_ . .. . 1.
I �14�1 , "., I
- . 0 . . I 141,011's, Wb reti'lail ! - " iabl, - ,,l,bt.aj;plicati�)ni4 cflm� any Ca6e (If E"."Co,iti'verm , ,.�� -�*, -.A 11. ," �,
I . ,a � .hioll'' . - tud . . a r,f inally w to .� bil b pr�� r, � .,:.! ,- If bc-.-.�
. , . $� -, t 1. infli't'llic --,N " - - , " . -_
I -till ,110 ,I ,�Xjtl : to In . -rould. oibc 'IV .01 , , " . Y, . K., L,." - - � . I
,lit "'i -riswel", I � , -, b000rno ,it frolicsome try -r is"91fatl lii.0101;11l,�01,ex, ! , - 'I ". �til it? ill " I' ron'-.1 iii ". T;.� 1 t r, t V , 2N I I'll T,0� or 1;� IlLMU 1'.1) lllm� sT ; , ('11L bottle Iniq � , �'� , ,-,,' [I , .1 ,
111(1116 (It it Ill, I . . . , . . s. 1, Iva � ill,T�df , ) .. 9. . . .0 tclLtioli's y.or 11 4 Y( . I 7;d- till. dh;0114011l. 1I . I
. . . . I a- . %.1j.',-,, N,�'. .. .
. , .. .1 I , '." -, .��3, , 'O"I't 1Alcv.t '11.4 ti . �tl , ' , . , .:
. still t1lo II!�ololollofls click-of,the tinn"L, I , clifirill.ci" Cqwciall oil One n1g, 16 Of tbe I J,ij)ition' � - I I . . , :
I�� � '.. .. Undc" . dAve. qkIT LI Ili atarl CC'S � �l-Oit)(ffltlt�".tBqllt),I(",I O%t(.11�,�ij)'.).* "'Ile higil :ofirod lanic back (I',. eiglit' yvat-s'- PA�,.Jfllill .., 1). , �`, ,-4 `- , � .
j , .. . - I " , , . ,I I r, - I I .. � � . A IN" .
- . �i �
, 01- . .... . .�, , .. , ,,. *,. .uvl,ce (4,301f. �9 I .9 � .
' I !., �14 I I I - Plauk, '-if B.muldc'i'll, , ilzt_ T -a"". .. - It'Nint i�,fll ,.';. �,.".�;�Nq ,
- ion r.fl. Ailbul_ i � A '.�tI1fR5,b;,VVllIY 1111:1-11LN,Orn�;.�'L (I I inlic, - it bot tto 9 i -I ,lan I,. "', . - Q`!" 11 ,I . , � I P . , . , ,
I . 1., t � , - � ;
I il - qtie,il . , �1,1.11:�d, IN', - t 3 -:1 -t
I . , . . I � " , �' .i,.r.--`;�,'A��
�.. .-!I ill, -QlL -1 i6,is dosirtd;io 01 it Lho , i;�'.7c."t,�1, trin , �'. ()`,j,'V-jd,;+. O,Qc� d L�,�; s ofe.. �-.l g, - .1 _ " � , , .
Tule ;. l)r(.Wutly 1,c (trisr.le! &I"i'll h �Iw�,ed` V(1:tr, 0. 1i is cllliolls..*01.1)11,� -it, i , !� I � . .
. ' . . . .. ... �; fox ,' � - I . I " .
9 hurlie tall-.ev"biltl �A'�, 111"I'Ifit solc:&ed i.iii tile evo.6f O'n fostivi%]. I . , . I * I i�":Mtll,_V, I 1) IN f.r. %7,.-Qii:\ , 3A. , . ,
, � �
I . d ill it asked i-�bollL , i'lling'- 'il) Sliovii4 i0lill '00110.11 ( I tt I 6t'�1'1111113 4 lily � . . . , . ..."�.t!]-Lt,�.itit�IL..I,E.i-,x I .
. �'- . , ko�vllsli .�. rfiL-,!_rj 1,nira )r.� 1,0VI.."'i he lj�� ,,%-,�il�lL�i-Silld"lrt!?)E,�l,('I,�'(1)];C,11,!L�:1,.I)v�,i-iij.l�ii- - , ,� ', ". � . . . ,,,,
; . � . - . r, . " I "., ,3 1-1 * .. . .
. (If ,4�11.1'_,'ttints, 'which 'was ('stablvis'lled .� , C A. . I ,
. "I"" Au,jtht r who botl', .111J, �"',tbr.','.t 1,(I11*1 , (31; -C -T !2�-111,p�ll'wl .
the cligiriv, ,,;,id it ll-�.d 1)assed 010to'lit 1, ing 'the elaorc-M618 of, tit- M,6-0.0 11M 11 t �-, - id--; Z. "", il1.11k:l3a0,,I)JIn.' I ,.. . .9 . . .
. . 0 M, . .. I rio- '' !tit to mloro.- All .,% altol" aiqou� Tat . - .
. I .4 'a thorou."ll IV 9 I - 4 . . 1, I -C -Int, vwls : " L lI_Vv 11alf 11'.11 n ,-;:) eent 1"'t'ju , ill -1 : ,,I.Vi! 2'.11, Ul C-.,.utI.I ( Q114 Al,,ii nud ri)kIly dthoT . . I
I . � , �I,l , 11 I . . . ..
a fearful: -lat". of P.poed, u6 1.1 tililitlt(o' tho soveuteel;tll eviltili-y � 1W it .IsqI;O 47T ilkg i s - ight ivc Nl�,Ell'o it�,'Akt�lll:d b;�,s� Y003t ivCt, atiX81(lo vV'wI!Ilfnf)0AIvU, if.1 6)IIIII !_-,tw)11- II,.L.jt,Zc�.j.tL"tj,!,a rn.i.jot) ca, 6,�.,,:inal-ti, IA,ona n ,!-
� . I . �t I , - .. . . ; ()I, County f'.�l r, , bit() - , T . . . - . . !� '. ..--.,- ,IZlt1iI( 1. (TI"aw", 1. , .
.- . . � . x1fitat four, -with no p(!VeUI1_A7v;L4_1a�___. - .1�l(�'J',�,.�Lti-li-Q��-oK-d_�XIL _F,ktijaa�_Wh"� pl*L 4f,Xt1a&ed NN i i - , I, - , t.ill-1,-,Iet!vtil"-rdii"-L.-r.�t,.tiL,i)laat,.- _-_____11
, .: . 'itt .q F, I .�
. . . I ) j 1. ,,, Y i e w to, -40t. " r 'n. I �1, i 1 I - -I - -. p! Tin - -". -%-Iht� 94- n, - -: 14itl i 1 C7 � - tr t 11 i citf -4i,.w lli-,,- 1',\tg4i"--3",W.H.A-...,.t.-:4"."�'i"i- 4,- - - 3X 1, I*
. , , . 3 � . I . .1 " .�d;-E.Nva fit.! , "I'l fr4 I. T -V Itivil I Olkoly ene.- 9
. . , il!:�fjjcr Or .11"J., t1lij Ian �(, m . �, 1. - . , . �
It un.s only .six lrffe'a- illore to 111',. ! 116 partietilar (lily .a.4si-11"'(1, to tII In I el �1'0�11,1 i.c...�-.';' � :11-1),IUJ%� of N.."it., i:u1Z-qt.;lv (oll � I 1'. 4"o �11,(. Me'Ev:. �
I Y �._ I . Q . w . oi , . I Lini-il!i'Ll" ns frO.fl.:I1itoJ)r r��Ijn).' � A , I . , 9 . -,�(.1��,,*,-Il�-'a�ltli-I'P";13��tsct�Irci- . . . I .
ZI ... , i ,,, *--- -, -, - -,,,.i,- v,hen� 011I 1,l,r�.,!t li;I-I 11("t ; lll� -11: ..� oi, fl,'Imeh.�,��,, !',,- ;:5,*i,r ,All be st.rit fl*cc by .
* ' " l - _I., �,,,,,-:,�� � ti`il�, .
I ( , , � .9 � . � , , . 1: , " I . 9 9
� I s If � . I., . i 4h tit 0 ill teru .'Ik of tit .9.1 1 it Ill i C. '13-11"Wit I t I t.- ,-.,,_, Ud 0 Its V (11 I'lly. 0 r ( it 1 If, 1,; , ", (.1) I ilal, i i"; ,I,.. I 'I �, H. l-llVkl*V...Im " !vv_i. ,".iil ,�11'1,-voll t:ff I) C.::v-la,�,I,� 'TN�J,Iro��61ij� t I
Itil(T ail c' -'en on. %vr.s Oil it', -,"I Y :Wviit, f'Tla, Romalls 1,1011"llt ill is. restiv,11 -,to � . . . , q 1 �� I , n :� )!IV(, . """' I , ,;
I � . - � I gtvm sflcti-,th ial, . t f-11"e."rappill.". 10"o, virvIA!, 1-owilfor�d, - � I 1! � �i,,i�c, I) f. N'tiv", I I � I I , Y. , N'. e '. t, - �,,, .: - -V "Fr � ": ., I ,
. . . , , .
I With 'I llc:-avy low of tirt�.ij picilickein .E6gj,iud ;-tIlt-ro if, bc�njno All Jlftllo�,,s, , - I. -i . � I - Tj 10"; '.1f,l-'JIW'Xl-,, co" � -, ,
.. 9 . . . . - 1. illip-orrtm � , C.. " ;; 1, f, [,;6 !, , . I . , . � - _ - _�V-L -� t.il . . �
. � . - " , . . , . , � 1:1 . i" ('*' ellv,�T�_l -1 6f bi.oilvlfli�e 'itt on" , , � . . .. ,. , .
. n11:1. Intl, actual V. -.,it ,4hltioll .0illy, - tll.'d the ov:C-11ing,I)f tor,or it: Jfallo'lv Ovel'i , it! ot _"-fa I OxIll1i'0pili. " � :w�� I I I "t', . . :. .
.1y If ft � . a th( i .1 .. 'I V,1,150, i bn.t ,� (;[(JsC,j. titinlysis C -F dw pr6falifty ,, .,.j� t, � — Toronto, eaft,
. � � 111111 0 ill . � I , , * l I . 0 � . . I . . . . I I I
. 119 file I V11ri . - . - ... . .. .
9 ' telno. Or -Hit 110-Wo(JI, W11(l tillit W' 'Ili,? � � its " *� I .� 11.1 AL 4) f'. l, on I ig I I toned .11.4 ; - i f, t 11 t I t �, fl () 1, I, ng, '%vu S. tie t , It i's UoIllj6,4I4I IIIL 7�lx (4. 'flu- lin"r (Iiii.,, ,,�; ;_-�*s"I'l 3:1 klinfi 1.7'..-A, "4111,43te't fLt'l (.�.I.1.5%vhclo .
Eight IlliIC4 efist,of alo, tile fiv.st " . lie rks.!F; ill pro-oortmij, I 11 � . . . . �
. I . . . � !I , - Lill tlio .jitQXV(jd ijt,_i;jl(; - " . � MX i!:;:�Ll'�,ini,,Itl;c,l*,.,!�,'.Ft-,itt-)Yl;l, Mh(,lV!alo alldlo. .,
grapli oflifJ6, at two-. iniviltitta , list &11r. saprcl to charing * 11 f"f . J"d'ICj'il].L,..j` j,(_ijl`.' �"lol,tll 1 , * " I , , Ials bw tiol .1"U, , �,4.!R.. * 9 .. I
. 1), , .alld. gTOJQ 0 . illlljlbtlillt(!I�� ritoppt,l � it, ,1rj,,,.t 'lltillt-tel .\ -t ; . ; 1�xolvx. It i -I n, l'-wvI ffil. llitclim ..
.1 I I � I � . 1101 u."'I, iilt��l I" 11%'I'l'.�-j-, �j rr, j�o ij�jj' — - �- .. .
� Ousl, sovenVentli Cen!1illy England geavo iii) I ,,I,,!,.!, , � a " I �', 4
Th * . I lil foll, :11.111 0:11'r ' , 3, 110.4 -arc- : .- -, - , , �, -
� 3'in" L 'NVitIj till' i. , - 1, -, IT,— . � -": I ' - ,_ 9 L
. Q defiliatchf,ii cnlif;(1'111� �Iu 1*1 Y I i 14� . �' ' 'L _Ul it "Would 1,10.illirlicaiati-ly imlil" tihi`-�,-,llill 61v ,;�� � 'apel-lor 0 'I61"t � � J...�J% � I
t, f . , :...).iN �, , lli,lg, ,.`�.`:, I, 11-0.2. Will � .,.,-,,f ;.r,5 - ". L IV P & .
allb, I I , - k . . L . I , . I I . . ' � . ). ,. ,�� _. . � , I "
. T I 1 ('11,111; - . - I,% Wl�'o'. � . ... I . 9 . . . . . .
ifiljS_it tllb JjLjI'Ij t, tj� . *f�", 0 , * 'i '-.. I 1 ,mv;i 141 t� ' Y � L W) A : P.
all'I being P't hatild and 6xpec . ., �:aiilei ,o)'A froliCI;in-'!l7j `,�,'(�igllb f-LA.V, h1'QXqbs o ;mYt'hin'o1j.ilir,- `� P .1
I 9 I - , " f�lrtllty llo� !lfw.li ; �;!', Ili"' l"I'L ,!'V'�%" 'I"I'I'lo'.4 1j : i`;';� `f -'.L ;. .0 -9 "2' L. - - " '�'; __. ...
. I I I " partilion, lilt*'! ".110 -whole I .. . . - YoU. I . .. � I ,
I-, . . .
. I 7110n, ]I',- 1 N�i�s ni)d ti;qil,'�s wpro plvuf,� -oil one I (.,,j,'ot . I I i I! - -'rn it 11, r .' a ff, ". ir. ;;�. it J!, TO I (�qml t �;11011. �-01)�,!,r%ljltilull,T5 I I� 1 .1.,tllp." J:I. ' F-�. -Ij t.�- ;% f". 4"T . .r�- 7 .
iiered Mill intmediiitely \1 .L1 . L . I fro. . . . 0 I . L . . rj;t.c'tll...,.. " e 1,,F. " ' 9 . I
4 . , �Ijtj ()f tlIC '11f, . ' ! . 1 I �. _),!.I, 9 1 iU k * 1-4 .. A,i;j - A� P, 4 ?0 �
. ., 1";'NAIX ;,�, � . . 7 2
, i.
s -aid, I Tuill yonr Switch 'JAC.1 Wreck: c7n. .51a.11d,to f lie O! hep.� arld 9( :N poilln ill, the viebm,4 coluil, V.F,; ,,.,I ll:fw 'I, y . ,�.. I 141., t,! ,` ., -,. \." jffitlq,il . . . . C.i r. . . . . .
- . . , o . j&.Ij�� 'i'.'l a T.LrjjIj0(j pjjjeQ� , jt(,t(,rp,j !,:_I',!, (��J_.14" t. .1,1,;� I'll"; I , I '. . I . . I
.1 I . L ,� . r" - . I 1. 9 ' " I . .1 . I . . . .
. b... vral"Itl"'.olilithil, I'll"', , .
. gille ��o. 11, I bill- - east � %I ild If "_I, rz��I,lio,j. . (Irack "'l`ir,,Ii0,N&;f.s t1fVii."1410 givon. to itk, lubril ticoc�isiblulo vvsitlullt� (,F -Ili Le , . .. , - , , W (.1 _'l.1IL-,IP:f;1� N�L I,Y- ' . I I IM' 'i,l� 4�"% "�."LZIC'Ifjl-ll C -TA IA. I
. - . . 0 0 . L . � 9 1. �, , . � . o 1; - yoieC-s. bidiva'ting It I).1 -'a T:1fl,('j(,.l'I L�,f. W �, ,,, ", � iii N .N,; I IT f! "; IN. , .�: ,t,;, , I . rl. . . I
. ; - E P "I.. Ili] " i IIQ fe-V01.4 wel o - for,fli . .. - , * - 1. , - T: 1,1�,,� It in t4fi. h,J; t", wt.l. :1, � .1 9 . . ". I . . . - . �. I I . I .. L I
. cinickly, ,1 clillll�ct withotit, an indem- - ;111 I tj - , 69 : I.!- LIPI"Cli"Inns, I; I . I I ., I I, I :,, , .�ra I I:� un -'if-l"*1 I F" A, mll . glil . . . . .
. . 11 a:� nlot(�'t cok)"I's,of the coutity t1licit, ih' cl(i'11111 it) lii bijudivion-1 4" �k: ' ,!.'jj"ljI JL'I".�',*. V; I ,� .1� o;,,'1r:,. �,"IllU'.1, ,�
. -.1 I * I di Vill" fc)r.9, jjjjje.�j flo:lt"in". I '.. L * I � . , . . . I r'--�,,li,'L'(,rolif,�,,I�:.,i;l,'�-r-,P',I,I:�ei),�,i-lt !"n. . ", . ., . . . I .
I IL*,l 1"i " It . jIt 'ii' � 61) - .We r,;s O " - -i%, "t, � .. .
illty ortl er. Alto - It C"usal- ", 6;. " . iii.I).`dnaU,,6 wm-n �..wlii it Wlii jishil). Y�vil to.l;�t ill(, 1113tt"r sbull " I4 11 4:0-0�, �!-* ,-,L,f,I, al�A Nli-vtl 1. j
,,rl' oil a basty , . - I n , A tou"13, . t, L I . . . I .
. . . _W. - j)L j,f. �vrC , , I . . - . .. � . ! 'j", j, L '161., " t , . ��, 4 - ,,:., W . �. I!I . *, . �. . -;ott I f�i!,:G- lll,lirr�;I`Ag: c."i,is -T, C,T�.ln- - I., , -
. . . I � "V _ , .(i,l "I"- I U " lia.joixs'\�m_� flrsl� ii�tr%ldnc,�,!,' f;o "fliat,na oV( .r 11 V . I I Ill ,IV" 113 1 11 -, In t-! �JINVIJ,,Q .1,6 . , I . . . . :
1, allil t, - : .1 I
Gttioii� wiffi tile impet,litidi dit.r.( tw� T i ', i I 1, of Cliltlr.w,
. . , � � : . q-.4"', - Z, �!, * , . . 4�4 - - . . �: ., 'I All' .. I . .. . I . I
1, .11' !%, ,.,I�5 0 e .7 . " . . . .
. . . 4 I L u, L v? it i , t . , � .1!;ti, (.11 to '1llll'1l�,M1Yjf,f1l,Ct" it' llo,�,,5'nlo, t,l!t Vol, I 11. m l. , ': i 1.11 GRIPLVII *vw,,4.-,� l.a"'. ull.,,JIT',I,71,� . I , I -I iii , 9 .
I � , t.,
afterward,i ItInrljcd, lie Vklenii,ltlfea�,l M*,itll �! yo,"Y \'I I or ti'v"'10 fo.'snatel'i Ill illik, f" , . .,til. b., .%,�, t 1: o' 9 F i a I 1�, "!, (11, u . I . A . . . � . 0 I L .,I�z , . ..
, I -ITA applf,, oil J IT 1: , t1_.(jf tj ", ]..I ;J".0' .(..f `tllj� if),%,, ' I I L, _ .. , -� I � . . . . I ., .
� all (it Owl-, vl hoso , urLusin'.1 Xtxtil . net �., "'I.illff, .e 11 .,,.J� I ; . . I . .!. I . . , 9 .
I " 'ill. j, i I I I . . - - I
a , I 11 , . . 'It(�, 00;11 -"y ., 10's*(!.Xld pift-I l)� tit ,� - �
. . ... L - - . ". . I . . � M,:.. A:4 . � U . . . . - ,� , . I , ro.;,Ali- , - , . __1 . .1 - I . I . . I ,. '. . . I
. 1 1 )6jj 'I j;! -',t4: I C�Illjlo'al� tho, ath , , . - .. . " 51 .Ii.,-:1f.w,2;,.k; ,;!,�n,�11),I)P;�.',-15,: LI.Tl.'l Ill , , , . ` 0'1*117 '-"`� , � - �
Nvol dillf, roru"(A - miiii'll 3, lay"y - il.ojl,�q I L: ., 'ir N111, . tiifokt .,.*blj 1 11" .",.�,.i,6 Of. , 11ILX!1111�11? I. ; � I. L��!Ijf fj 4"ji, ,-!Aj, lfv'aw.:�-. -� 11 , , . . I .. 9 I ; ! � .. . . .
. " I . I. I L. . - ` I . :. .0hi:( � (",;I,. 00YUJI.1 ut! Q, . . ... . . . . . - . ,,; ... " ., . . 9 . . .,L �
j L. ..�, ,'T ,., '. L I
I ;,, . ; tj,�j 4 I ' � I .
4 . . . I I I Ali'llcon, i , " I 1 �,' ; Ul _� I":'. - 1;1 i �! _"�': I Y I ' *1 1 T! L I icl '��..'4-lill f,ti ir.,;� .,.,.Ij 1")-)�J., f,_�N-j�iq . mo.. I, �l..'.� , "' , , -T-`I - '9:I,',`i -it -;-Y'� A 1"." .
11olill"l.'r, flQ111 :t 0,(;.,�C, t . .."(11"I , , - .:. -t ,l
I I t 11": 11TIOIlln'l IiYli:�%Cl*"'Ci t; - h -'i - i 'p
I t wlul. li 9 vo : lilt 1. L ) I �. . . L i ." 011't�*01, S;lI.i!iti...:, fl,r. C � , , . . , I .. . . L N � �1. A '19. � *� I ' .jI L". 4 . .
9 . . . . . . ! F , I , , , I . , � .,�` J �tl '. .1 " ... , � �.! " Q:,:1 . * � , �_. . . . I I �
. . 81l,1111 ftlillkl)ld Vf-tv 1'.-,.�ti si) 010 flpt, Ill!" .i flij! i"'.c!Ij.jC.r iln') )j'f-1Oj,-n C,F 1'11T� "� l; � L l' r (1: "' " I - u . - -I. ,;t!.o., . ,: . " I '11, .I.e. - .
�111 I : - . _--919._-99-_._9_ - _-11 � . . . I I - 'f:�Jt ' . --9 . � I,_ I ,'_.. L" ' ... � "
. .� 9 T 1_1 � , K11, ' - 9 1 .1 I - .. � 9 1 - 9- -
.'I , , ll'if7ll j, Ill C)I):"j'.l JjU.'%;�ljro�.i i, 1, "',j_' t� � _
- i 1:(P L .,7f. ', . _. .. . . , .
'il 11
I I Ili 11I.L)VIlij," - - .
.I ,1 )I I I- ,. I ' * - . '0 / * ' V., C IV - L.
I rs to n , it f�(' � If 11�1 Ill"Fthol't it, 011 cvOwtlr'-'l't�',v,.t: Nl-o�ll d I). V,. .' I If I[! I'( I. ; _11+ . " ?, ,��- . " J., 0
- .- .. Wrack Nvild. enghlo. .(- " ,seiy.-�A i1i 4� t . 'l, t Il.f. Itil,l I)Viv.�i"'O'li -o slov I j al, " t �l .l. .,M), ll I I I � 1-9 fl"k��q 9 L
Il'ol ol:vlatur a o-randI6n,,t(a' of : 1. . i In U;( -1
�_ L .� '?' .k."ll"ol. i 'It(i.,l.f. ... ...'l -'r . I .-,1,,;v,U I
. f, .9 * , . Lill ?95.. bi 1 ii, .-.: ,-.I,, , C �
Ilato to frUit..;L Or 11 ,I)Iij�.fill
, fortjIjlQ_tQjjjrl�,
! I)y .Lili"
'f�wll tOfg(,tlj(,l. Vr) , _�_ L I �M� I I n;; I . . ,
.all 11 c
. t your .va;,,teril �wifcb V, , I oxhil'its Ifl) Onr IjQja'jili0lilq,:Wf'l0 'fjj.(Y,f�jY t,1j)lic', -i1 .1) -11 11 L .
No I 1. n L .L . , , � . I . . . I . _ I t-t1l-I',,)thin,.jjl11 ".itol"i, .,ion.at; 16itill, . . ii,,]) , '9 _/"f _ fr I 1; A . L-
sn%0 collinic coull.,01'r will dafe illuning n'tit.4, reasthig.tlio'in �bvror;; 'til'o, - #'O"I - L r, , , � : . . . 1 9 . I . . -
9 `1' . .nd M .. cl 11ioro Ann �Ctil,I)p"w"':t(o.. for tile �Jl 'wo -Coti 14 -L It arn of Owtif * IV ft A that , " , 0 \11urVit, T'l%mu's : I
. I . . -011in�i t I 'i , , )I () *,,,I ., . . I . L I . I . . " * . I L . . I
and uphold yell, f1k, a'all Vill; , 0)�:lr- (lonLiniA . whou $1111,11 pxti-a tillio sylolit ill latt'lill4ifir" -4,16',O�. it i: *.�.I.Inlix-l"..�...'.11 1; It v6il,h: �. ;;vI tfi,;i(�. "U'S IN � ..
0� ca I " .411611 1 111cv \Vole, two .. 1,,,�111,-illo. six T4 .. I -j,',JJ,I .
. . . I .. I I .. .. - - - . , - , " I' it , . .. . . L I
I I *t . . I I � . I .
v. .V, L I ni,,;- .- . . .
L ... - ' hother th(I stoatlily, I, t -.!.T � ., I 'al aijitel W,Lt!r,14,�,,.�.:,I.oe)"4.1,,., 41-1)". 61. tl o, ,,I� .) � , . . I . 1. � .
. 61, I -or, , I 1 'u,lipt "
. � : 1). rt. 13., hoated,--�-,i y. burn s , � . .. .
- . . I L , I (11' foirs ' ,Mnil� ..I e r - r:' -as, o I i.s wil s it rtge,iit I hat . ' , " " ? Ill RL' ' " - '�,, �.' L ' . � I 'r , 'c`,!�,);-11 .1 ..
- ,
I- ;tl,.11l(,(lillto3,'L(!Cf,l')�lt.c"l(�'d 1117 118j, liql1nect. aiviLY, oi� Utirst �%ifli, a noi�v, � c!ilactillg, 111�4111 title nd tll,lb t1t,"I"�1. ,,,',"`,",ill. cjjj 'to f4;L0 tj ;Li I '. t I " ?�.--, o' '. (I � r%,:-1W:l,_M '1111P.C.3 , A f., .. I --
I .
I L V,.9, 10;ft cff tile eltlj�,M(� 1 114 'thomselvel", ;1i 11 V I 0 . I ir sweet. 11 '. - .1 I "�.4,14 'u", fjnl,,,;�-, !�.�,,.,; itm,li. V I.,
o . b . . I . - '111kh 0, Yt '' 'L -- � - ". . ) ,., L
�n 4f. . , ,
* I . �, I
. ol. I Mider.ifavidiiig" Rilt:1 tlirl�ed to.1001, cf�,..ch no . . A I .,,�tl�'m in, (l,111, IT11111il- I;Qjl,fg,. v4ullyltli, lT1:,UIlt ?I U)"!(1 01r, a"111 .1" . ", �, WAT 1-1 `RES�. .. C " T. j 0 C _V11. 8" .
Z 'L ' . ;!, vari,v*h of"C0110iffit, � -11-e .�ht., . . I I . I . �
. . I .1 . 4z i,,I,f Lit . I I
I for tile engirle, �Acll (11thoug,11'. (110 colt- -ing of groaHropqrtallco, .. I , I ,.I , it, � `.Q - . *. . otf-g _.Iiion, I alv,.�!'!, , I . It
.,; ., 0,-,..`,t,., 0III I ll 1, � .
. . -1 I . --l'jo-A'a Obneel"'I" It .,I)t", Q. .- . - , ". " - VyTit,.,�, *, . . . . 9
( Ind (Xbibitiolol. . � 1 �s (I Av,jq: ,I I 1 � wl. I A., , . . llo.iIA.:ITVst4te,,� - .8,1" F, , - .ANP . L . .
,ca , in tl,l((l by errjjjcjijj(, ' * I I � . .j - . - , ;. . , , . . � . 11
it. I ., . 1W..0?1Itl1C1l-J If 'I 4i i 111ie&l:"1l*1l'd by Tit'
vers.ition botween ill% Hand the d�c�t_ - 01:10 iltltlei-t N�: . .1, !� � . . .
- �ijtj't L . t, ::� . I __.1__-_____-M0_I , . . . -9119- � - . , . - I.. . - 9 1 j. - I . � . . . 9 . . . .
.. 1) fottr inintites, Alld Mix-ino" tOgetbo, git walrin f, . - - . . 1. . .1 . �. ... " -1, , I , "', "CC( a0hre, � . :
.1telter beil cotISM110 linzelmit '. - � , 11
L L 11!5 . . . Under tile Xatoti - , . A Ilosurl vii F.,t0r.-, -XervULl!4.if,fS il, tile -Sonso -1 i.1014, `TC', It , 't �.L 1, ., ix., '. , , , '. - �-� . I L L I., B1, 11 '�2' f;, I _
. . - . I � . �K 2" -X'/'_ I'." L , . . I
g, 1jilikill;
.? it � .1 I... _.
in.toL j)jIjS , ,��jj 11 . ' . . -i, t �,Lability of tile %%rli�ll-���ll�4LIleri.,�..--I-.Il�-11,.-.v:, �i,��!!,' . - L
. I F,I,w lier comilt'ge at till' grandoat, rate and nutmil . , . I . I . . I I I k1f, ft,cbIonlc,w..l, or Iliv, lilolz , . . I � �e'et .0 L. . I I . ..
. A Tl1,lRI6NAN*.s mign 19A�Tjll BY 1119 IV I i,�T; S, ! 1l(1rvou';,-y;i1;0IIl, To d i Lit! n,',' I I if-11.*(.,l, fl. LL111 th 0 rest 11,110jo Dille, have. nov-,"-f 1.� �- 1.,.,&4��l ;t ,,, �� .1j
of speed I evor witIjCr;8(;(l, nIjdL'8jjntoh_* lit1tW aud angar aiidswitllou,in� lft,Dwr, . I J, C
. 9 1 . . . . . 9. t, .1 I-, :� - �%. ). I
, . I .. + of tile 1101'. It is prc-wnill(�tUy a duloa.�,Ot twhoro t[w " " � ;! 1 ;,I: I,,. l .;I ..I.ni ! . U F.J U , . L .19 .
niy order I ran -to thr, s"A"itall gatp,' ,going � to I 1),.ifl. livotidlelful dl-ORIMS ,. - , I,l','tTPM"3 !Jto.X 1101M. . I . . ,1lr0.t`c1f,*,1A Oil � I III Albe,r � �. LINTON --
' . . 1. -hroli Xorth . ,aWt1llTjb';Io�..;,' I .. I I .
it". — , . in(I niora �Nvitloly ,gilreatl L ,,It the 1 - pllkt, it, .., " , -(.0,or . I—i— . . I . � .
I a f, all.,I w1foll I 11,14 unlock. k0ld f011OW (which WITS not I . 9 . . . U04 I 0,0, ill"ill I .
aboub 150 fee 81111P61 I 1.1g.) - orn. Allir R',otern"parp of tile 'V311 8tattils Vor fill) ilinttir"111 I. ..I. P, ::,o.�... "", . 'J, . . . I . .
land ti 1, . ,�
. 1w. Illt"U, -, .114 It rveel$L Va46 it! tile rk,001-der's it tlf (Allitifflathall ill (Any other 1% (I 11 I . . %r, b - col1l. ..lie I ftick a 111;d . .
- ed find tbrown tfio nxil UA� roaring In $111"NI-stiti011f; Hootland, I . L 1"oll'illio . ;.. , ,*, ", il 0 I"It ("f . .
IN .
. . . 'lo�,,",:,N,I:,"il,�� * ,�,NY,_l'It,' _jYlly-1 ... ..
. �. � 4()I,.I, I. I . � . .
iflonstor was billy abont 100 fe WAS GjYMI elltirely to '10111MILS and so"an. Cotirt AtUrney J, W'I Dollovillia told the Iritt oftho vrotlo'l, NVO vill 'lot 13LOP to -MY 'All, " o., _ . . . L L . . . .
I . � ekaway. I I� -.�,,,j4� I I )
I I liMeM fl,ightfil "Lt('OnjI)t8L to ' ' Y thi14 it; illo i - M.00 .vitl I ?;.1,�Ill'! ha. 1�wlfmr, c-lifl, ,;, . i I M
I 1)1(t Elly 'NV[ifqll itIl lily lland, and Step. ; poor into the fe lowing story. -Tt hails -from Toxiiii : M, mito, ITO wo (It) amplattiottIly . I I I
I . I � fatly tile vtmonl.� Co.�Trol,.\I) Sl I"ri, ov fill, , irillrop& I.,,.&lIfo!. Iol%"Ao, Ont,,,�(�.Al I r
I . 0, S ( I � . I ,El 011d G UITAR S' I R
. 3 I I 'INGS,
ped quickly back outof-h,xrjll.I� %ray, fut.31110, by moans of cliftruvi. Ono I way . On, a. ljo� dav ill julv) 1860, 1.1 hords. j1Xo8j13IITI*l Will b0 folln�an itivaluablo'lla'Ai. veol - tit for th.o. i),"114,11on , %v i, 1 -,'.;A,l;N, 1� bottle M I I .. L 9 .. I 'I,
* � OfL trying forti It 'a It or . " I ' 'ervousli , . - 1 9. .
I ino was to thiow, I a no"Ving Iiis cifflo to 6 now 0 Oil afriletoclwith'�s .
whell Rb extirtly 20 tilinutfr.-A -11jan was I �, ,ine for all parbi 1111M, ') l�,tnilftf# ov"... -n�% .-RIT; I -A! i.-hirl" mah. .--- .0-- � -, . .
; . past. 4 sl , I , L13. I I I I
,went bver, and tuol *as bludyaril out Of it Nybadow, and Nvillkl I'Ahell ftl tirmi nottll, 110ar U0101111, Tox. 0yeliepsill, Con"AlknIftiob, Dotcative Nntriliqv, I L ,;l,1,1 ill -I I ,I L .
. I an.tinemthl e I r j 6j (,,jjljf,c,-j f)3, �)`. ff. (,!vi, It c, IaA W` wlp�
. . 't ) Y'Veir . l -,on aria ca. ;M , i
. nj , L 11 'o It ball again froiii the Other eud. luid, liassing down the banits ofl,a strolini 0(1110t I 1)"I i I - . P F. CIO W .
I bopo I way ilover * too Ilearl'a j, I it in! tity, Oil Weakficris (it the vill'olo Mitt.1 ., 11. Y I LV -1.).001.1, �14 (M , sh 0 L P F, Q � " ,
11 . , 3af fiyatpm, (.)no t3k tile JarALffacts i., All bl�drofiqe !,3-�tl,,,J.'Ki.,I'I,(!..Vl'Otilil-",f,�l,.--'P�i"grr. & 6ttlo . .. I . I I
I ` hifil iiard beemn(yinixecl With ,otlior ( ,- . . . I
110 dirt and stjonvsAdw r, � 1) f(. Q I I Ne'.11I tile last Homotbing woulil h�jd It of tho jiorvo,a3 or vital,oilarq followe I )ly .it :i,.,i`,V, Tor,44�,..J. c�cjf,lk eli'll, tU1.-"1`,'l Jor(Ill" Day. ,AT,W.ty9 !MPT IN WYOVE, .
'I I ..
tho ail"'tIlai engine tit . , � I 1,11-f M-holl the winder wimb tislk : 1 Who 't,le thitt ,Vvera grazill'y in tile lilloy, kill fooling of ullasilal t"0111firl Aild"J"t-cligUli Por I fif" tlffll.�;.-a,."", it
. . MCI (I C , . I � ,, . I, I!, IF , J . . . jiw),' )l,6rvlllr,I and ifillinedi. ' . - - � 1. l I ..
I and Uopli(d oil )ter sido I, I)u,.,,Ili! � ;iolds V Tho tailiwor woul(I wanin w1jr) f4ollio of tilem faill�d to be sel)-itAted. sille-by .T. 11. Colilbe atid.)Vatts ,� Co. On( lealoi*zi - . . . L #141toll, (let. q4l);M. . . I �
. I . . I . I . . I I I . 1; . . . .
. . . . . . . , L . I : . I I . I . � . . . . . � . .. . I I L I . � I . 9 � I 1. I .
11 . . . . I I I . . I I . . I . I . I I 1. I .. I l!I . . . . . 1. . .. .. �
. I � . . .. � . . . I . I . . . . . . . I . L . .
. , . I . I . . . . . I !
. . *.. �
I :) I
, - I
i ,
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rcoro:n I
e__dI �
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t ae;
i - "
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I . . I .. � I . 9 . -.1 - .- . I l � . I . I . . � . I . . . . . I I . : I . . � . . . '. .
. � . . . . 9 . I 1. . � � I I . . I . . . I
. � . 1. � '. P. � . . -
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. � . I I . , , I .- . . . . . '. I I I . . . . . ., . I I " . I I I I I . . I . . � . ; . � I . I . 'L . �
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. . I : . I . L . . � . .�, I . : 19 . . � I . All . . . '. L .1 I ,, . � I . I I . . . I I . . 9 L I . I � I I . . 9 . I L . . i- , I . ;9.4�- . 9 k .
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