HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-10-16, Page 1Ameretmw477 ---------- • vox'. 14, NO. 42, ERMS-$1.50.Pep Annum, in atiVanest. 5 AND CENTRE 111.1RON GENERAL „ • ADVERTISER,. OLTN—TON, ONTARIO, • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1879. gkavertiootento. Stray Heifer. O4s1Int,, subscriber's prowisoo, lot 24, 2n0 eonees- emu of Stanley, ettent two weeka since. a red and white HEWER; IfSitig three, -heti Mat calved. Tho owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges end tekeaway. t . WILLIAM 301INSTON. Stanley; Cote 10, 1879. • 4, • • • • . House to 'tent. flIIIAT conveniently eituatetkhonso et present occu• .1.• pied by H. thekman as a store and residence, lust smith of the G. T. It. R., WI161.0 a good businees ea a -grocery has been eariied on, Good steble end other conveniences on the lot. ALLAIS ON. Clinton, Oct. 10, 1879. fluberls Grist Mill, MBE attbseribere desir.fQifllimLfe latite-Petddegf -a- Hullett and eurroundiug country, that,. nAvrxe nurAinsn winoGRIST MILL, they have reopened the same, and are prepared, to eatiefairterily.cxeoutall orders entrusted to them. • HUBER BROS. Londesber,Oet. 16, 1879. . • Voter' List Court. ATILLA.GE BAYFIELD -Notice is hei;ebY given V that a court will he hold, Piltenellt to " The -VOWS' List•Aot.P by His Honor the judge of the County Court of the 0 ounty of Enron, at the ORANGE HALL, BAY - FIELD, on the T IURTIETH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1879, at ten °Week, a. ra:, to hear and determine the rieveral eomplaints bf erre, s and omiesions in the Voters' List of the Municipality ot Bayliold for 1879. All permits having business at the court aro regaired to attend at; the said time and place, WM. A. MORRISON; „ :01ork.of the said Municipality. Dated at Bayfield, this Oth day of October, 1879. . Insolvent Act Of 1875, • AND AMENDING ACTS. • , he matter of James. Stanley Dingman and 'oe Humble, insolvents, • . . c.f attachment has boon issued in thie cause, the creditors are notified to meet at my office, odorieh, on THURSDAY, the 00th, day of ()debar et., at 8.80.o'elook,p. ra,, to rebeive statement of their affairs and to appoint•an assignee if they see fit, and older the affairs of the estate generally. • ROBERT .0.1BBONS,•ofileial assignee. • • Official aesignee's office,• . Goderich, Oot. 16, 1879. 5 Insolvent Act of 1875 - • AND AMENDING ACTS. o I • II • vent. A wit . of attachment has been issued in this cause, and tho creditors ere untitled to meet at my office, in Godinicb„on THURSDAY, the 80th darof October next at 11 -old 'cible, it m. to receive statement • et his affairs and to appoint an assigneeif they see flt, • and order the affairs of the estate aenerany. • • ROBERT GIBBONS, official assignee. Ordffieiaisignee's °ince, • • Goderieb, Oct. 15 1879 JUST _ ARRIVED, Al' Mrs. a NorswOrthy!s, THE DEMOREST Patterns! Novel an d, beaiitiful..Fall Styles, the 10 058 fashionable, . world's itleal•of artistic beauty, novelty, •utility, ' variety, ciecuracy,economy, and fashionable elegance. Alwaystirst premium and exclueive 'Centennial sward. Also -for sale : .. • Choice PIANOS find ORGANS.' end the best • SEWING taut! KNITTING MACHINES. .• • . . . ..That the world eon produce.' Rmaiumun TUN PLAOZ-.4thERT" CIAINTON. • . Pest Box 105.• • ffin CARD 00 1111AlifiS! JOHN S.MITH, -DEGS to tender his thanks tw the publie.in gOn'eml $or the patronage bestowed el. hini'for the poet e•ndyould now ray lat•link on' hand a large . an d well eeloot el steek of ' ENRIISH and 'Pend Worsteds, _Jr_o_adelotks. _Doeskins Scotch English, and Canadian Tweeds, As ever 'Shown in Clinton; beeiddea fair aisortment of • crErms FURNISHINGS; in Late, Caps, Shirts, to.1- lars,OuthicTies, Scarfs, Underclothing, .te. • Goods all new-nd old stoelt-.-amP be- sold aS e.heap as any .other bongo in Clinton. • , . Ho would alSo state that Whoa taken inlet partner-. ship lir. IV. DI. MOORE, (for the'pastample of yore • salesman with Mr. Plureetee), • The Mignon will he canted On futnre under' the name of SMITH iSt MOORE. ' • All garments turned out guaranteed a perfect fit. , A Call , espectftally . Solicited. •. • ' • • -slir/Ta ()Enron, out. 15. 1979.` t! REDUCED ..FOR: 1880, A Valuable Premium given away ,to every eubseriber to tho Groat Family Newspaper Of thOlVeift, Western Advertiset 4ntl, WoRlOrtiboral: isoste.• BALANCE •OF 1879 FREE TO -.NEW • 'SUBSCRIBERS. • — SPLENDID Kiwis To AGENTS, : BEST EVER OFFERED IN CANADA; • Tun Waimea:5, Anrstrasfut AND wnnxiv LiniffiAr, iP an eight.page newepaper et the largest class, printed • on good strong voter, and got hp in first.clade Blume, its spooial features ere a sr -001011y edited Teachers' Do- . pertinent; Fannon' Page, edited by Rev. W. V, Clarke, the best knotrn Mid ablest agricultural writer in Cana- da ; • Veterinary Department, by Piot: Wilson,,V; S., London, Ont.; Lidice' Depaitniont, spot:dilly edited; Mimic,. Pictures, ete:;' Originel I/timorous Sketches, •„,„, Temperance Record, de. 'w In newer markete, editorial writing, end rpportitig, • the ADVERTNES 113 0808111 to none. • • TigItIrrs tort isSO-$1.60.ttrt ANNI7M t • with copy of our Premium AnsttAr., free to every so, scriber for 1880. or Balance of 1879 freeto new tab - WHAM 0r9.-Undtli Ode Season the WO Of 141.1b801.1i)tIOD has beagj$1. 0, with prostate, Wo Lave now minded' It to MID, with Plintittlt AN.NrA L a' Any Of our former proreitunee,ChOso's Rook, engravings" Wellington and Illatelier," or " Tho Smentery"-den still be Intel tit same torres,"vir.: 10 eats extra, or 81.80 in ell. A.GENTS WANTED, We offer exceptionally liberal toting this town, ohlte kr particular, Free Ham. ples and weseats Veda go" by return mail. Addeette towinulnientions te JoliN CAMERON & , At:wet:mess, orrice, nottaoe, f. gtw"glartrtionnentk. 1 Canadian News items. Poundkeeperls Nntiee. i A little 'boy named .KiTkniall . was c hese.. a rem rirmuinfAl'Igittlhiefallatir el folirehead, and white . 'Inclement was given ht Elie Selkirk [election case on ,Saturday, and Hon. 1). : A.:. Smith Reform, is confirmed in the .Maie•-•Meamber. . Wanted. . I seat. . .. .. . • . . — . hfred bushels of potatoes is a . 1401'141E011y icquilcd, APPIlealioa b) he made, : 1,,,,e({11; 111: i I 'VCR No, 4 School Seetjon, On'en as 13aeo Line) • U- Scowl class preferred. I .,,,,, bidl °ad. far ooe team to din 55% 0, , JOHN RUDD, XraStee Actinit Seerttery. • I air. Jos. Aikens' of Parkhill, ditrit the Olintoe, Oct. fith,1879. ' . •. ., .••" other day. . •-- : - • • . . spot on side ot neek. If not redeemed it will be eold by Public) Auction, on SATURDAY, flot ,25th atlp.in • JOHN WHEATLIY, Poundkecpm. •Clinton, Oot,, 1879. killed at Elore, on Weditesday, by a plank falling on him. • •• Voters, List Court. mewls:slur •of 8 tauley.--Igett .o is loreby given thet it Court will be bold, purenant th the Voters' Lists Act,"- by Ble Honor the Judge c,f :he County Court of the.Caunty of Ifuron,.at the NON\ N Still HALL, VAR NA, on Nittortl al*, ()Ct. 2011s, 1879, at twill. nt. to hear and determine the several e, mplaints et errant suctomtes.ions in the Voters' List of the luu.ureipusty u Stanley,- for 1879; all persona having huelneve at the Court nrOrequired to attend 'at the Sail time and place WI!. PLUNKETT, C'ork of Munieipality. Dated at Varne,•tbe fith day a Oet., 1879. • .111,011106, AGE SALE: , . OF • - A il.mroX.furres SON, Ptelelisherts. Two sportsman front New' York, shot and bagged 32 partridge and quail, at Rolla Eau, on Saturday last, Not bad. • An apple raised in the Orchard of.Mr. lI. B. Lape, Dorchester, was measured and found to be fourteen end' one-half inches in eircumference, I Collector, • °even, of Stretford, On- ' Thursday- seized an illicit 'still in the townstip of Logan, and captured the• owner. • • • , ,Peaclios lifiVe: for the"::liii4: dine In: Many yeaie, been growl) and successf'ully ripened in the of.Belleville dur- • ing this peason. The Marqiils or Lorne will shortly leitve on •it shooting. ekeurSion to -.Clair Flats, (county of Lartibton.) This • will be after the Princess sails for the REAL ESTATE. Old. Country,' Bviry fue of a Power of Sale contianed in a eertem Mortgage oracle by the late.GEere FREDIWICI: ZA'PFF.'; Mid SOMIA ZAPPE, his wife, for the purpose of baring her dower, to ,Tourt Essex', defeult baring been made in • peyment thereof, the: o will be. expend for *ale by PUBLIC AUCTION, c n Saturday, 8th of November next, • At two o'Cloek; p.m., on the prerulies, 1,01111, 14s ef the • • Market .Squere, in the VILLAGd .•4510 BAYFIEL.b, County of Buren, the'following vehtible property hang composed of Lct age o ay , ituotc on the nuthatch) of the Market Square. . There -is on tho premises it good frame -Dwelling House, sine fruit trees, a good pump, (kee'llhehouse is et pie:sent occu- pied: us 'a tailor shop and dwelling. :Tams Made known at sale, when mortgage ard eller title deeds will be P"dn"d. '3:erne nsecie,,, stertteest. Dated at hayfield, Oet. let, . . SCOTT -&- BOWNE5S STOR 01 Is prepared in a form perfectly agreeable to children and most -sensitive persons. In its manufacture the propertiesef the oil that produce pain and griping are eliminated., and it is rendered not only mild and pleas- ant in its action, but absolutely tasteless and palata- ble. itis pro.eminehtly the finest laxative and ca. thartic known, and at a remedy for Costiveness, Con- stipation, and 1'11/Intestinal Derangements i t une- qualled, and inEttifted to take the place of crude oil and all drastic pills and purgativess. For sale by all Druggists at ap cents a bottle. ,Dort't fail to try it. JR). m. izA•Cm-y-, IMPORTER CARRI4RE & RUIDERS'.11ARDWAR4 , OFFERS The shipment alive stock front „the Port of Montreal to Eogland since the •opening of navigation this s.easen has • been 90'425 catile 66-016. sheep, and . 1,482 hoes. '5 ,'he exodus fermi Nova Scotia, to the Now England States 6)11th-tilos uncheck- ed. The Steamer .which left Halifax for Boston, On Saturday evening, earried •away three. hundred people. • • Mr.- 3'. McIver- has pm desert from L Townsend,his farm,' being the • Eiistliall of Lot 28, -con. 6) Ilibhert. • The farm • contains 50. acres and • was purchased for $2,200 cash. Two children of Mr, M. Sheeler were buried in a sand Pit at' Winterbourne, on li'viday. One, agirl ;aged five . was • takerr;ont: otlierane.„ of recoVery,..ulthotigh seriously, hnrt.- • • A Miss bleIntost, coulmitted suicide at .Norviti lest week, the °tinge of *Mali was that nearly elf of lier'riathet'S end sisters had died of ..eonsumption, :and she rfis efraid of being left alone; the. thoUghts of .which inade lier very melan- bholy., • She was litho* thcc healthieet of the family: EridaY,, farmer, of 'the • th con. of Reach, About fit13 milea'from Tjx- beidoe discovered large bear in ir ; -turnip field adjoining his farin. • .With .the assistance of Some neighbors, dogs and grins, 'and after an exciting chase of two ,miles, the' bear Was shot.' • He was •• it fine specitn en and. weigb 400' ppends. • A Kehig,stonelergyman, Roy.. Joseph • •Yoinig,-, has. been, preachini, sermon on profestirmar boat recipe. 61:Ie comes. to threconclusion that all the fulsonie fiat- tery:Of 1,Iiinlan:and -kindred athletes is diegnsting----In-thisethe tev.•-gentietnan SPE CIAL BAR GAI.N8 • • • • Will find that he is agreed with by many - _......./.2,;',_, - 'who 'do not go. the length altoftether of c,. ' - condemning boat -racing and other "out,-. aoor s )orts. '• . .'• ' . IILV• • Ftiilliated Shot, for $25O ' HAVING LEEN mime ei.r,rtessr;st Pea :THE ENGLISH, 1,1,11%-.91414 AND AMER/CAN AltbiTifS. • . ' ONLY A LIINIXTED QUANTITY, AT ' • R, M. A (.) E Y..' S . . X 'X .X • • STIELP 1.1.41,.11.1)117A s frk ,COAL; RA1? 'Rog, . . ce 11,E1? L.1:1111.7. • . CLINTON july_10,.1879.. • .. • iliji Lilrg,. ott ..,,g, 1 5g. ,g...i:,:g.:„„v:.:1 ,,,,iti -0 . . A .'.'1U 0 hg!g Q5 w C - .4 g::•4 7,"1. s..'a.,..04,:i•iti 15.1"PAt.§ il :6-'3.74g. 0 pri74 ...'2;!:•'. g.F5 6 brel ' . 5: p ojoi. IN tv: r M. 01 114, ri A..3.5,5.... i• l'..;:`,41rtetii, MN 'Ca' 'H• --- ?2',..3' • ..g• '' *1 r .. , ...._ . • •.....• _ c.•• -.e --..... P.17. . • 14 g'i't.-gg :114 5'•,,'Irp., 0 :...4.1,7ss.s. 1.4 E1 -`,TY gl.:2 . 8 17 r .6I 0'1 a 1,11 'Hb P e e g ' t_,i a-11 . '-44'p' r '' m'e glr0 esi 8 ,,,l, 4 E.F4- .5 •s -f., r.; tO N.e, 7.0'1`,.4...00.1. 02 iii g.p a 9 6 r• viva gi g 541 0111 g.it 0 N'il•ag .4..`113.g...° ; '9' t:1 t &II'. II.i.7°;r?.? .4.44 • .A.largely attended. gethering. of the 'Reformemof OxfOrd,Eigin,und:Norfolli,•. Was held at the: town Tilsonburg, on. . cittirtlayr When. able addresses were de- • ..liveredeby-4Iorieee&laiandee Maeleenzie - and, Sir Richard 'Cartviright, 4,11O OVening a .baliquet 'wee giVen to the Re- form •leaderi, which • Was. attended by rinintof the mast:prominent men of the • district, ' • . • • . • - . • •-• • Advantage is to be tiikee of 'the re: cent 'fire in the I-Tonse optinnons to • As a young lad named john McOlory, was driving a team -with a load of salt from Dean's Station to Cayuga, he fell off the wagon, and one of the bind wheels passed across his chest, causing almost. ihstant death, All the business portion of Slieditte, N. B., • Was wiped out by fire on Sundey night, The total losses. foot pp abbut $98,Q00„ while the insurance is leis 41'mi-one-quarter- of that •fire is said to be of incendiary origin, • A sensation was caused -9n the streets Of London on Thursday', by an .ancoun- ter between Ald., Williarqs. and 'a Pres Press reporter. The Alderman hit the reCorterin the eye in an Unguarded vuo- men t, and received 11. firet-class ni ping • The hanction of the,,'Rev. A. R. 'Dickson to the pastorate . Of the TYnion Church, Galt, took place on Tuesday tit 11 a.m. There was a large attendance cf ministers from the neighleoring, Church- es and n full congregation. • The... - dealers in manufactured -.India' rubber goodsof Montreal have resolved to Advance the price .of their goods -by fonr pei, cent. Manufaeteres of. India rubber goods were raised from • 17- to tbe 2.5 per cent, list. Now:, does a dety inereftsci :tile price, er not? ' At the York Assizes, rluesclay, two tiue. bil's-..were found -against :the Deal Brothers, the first :for forging the name of•Chief Jnstice:Wilson to h WI titten: doeurnent, and 'the second for kid- napping RTherobetourn.t jeffriaoylw. tw' Their tria1 was . 'A ledger -keeper-- the, March an ts' 13ank.in.London, was .arrested,on Mon- cloy,..eluirgect . with enihezzl 000 Of the Bank's funds. _Another man named G.e0.1lowe,. has been arrested. for reeei•ving-, part of the stolen property,. and snspicion points to hiru. its the Jed-, tver.keeper's aecomplice. and instigator: To a breach .�f promise' ease Snit at ,the London 'Assize Court on Friday: tt woalthy and ; respectable Middle-aged gentlenian'of london .was multcheil $4,500 ' damages for trifling with.. the • • Aftectione of it GOderieli girl, named Woodman. The trial was. more•thnn eetiallY 'rich and racy. The girl former- ly resided With her father on a :farm. ie. Colborne. • • '.• • • • • • lir.,Dctweon; M.P.,. remits that tbe: JklgOrna Distriot is,2making gratifying. progress -this season.. 'Pepplatign is StOfigi.lr inareasing; . and, the farming, mining' and fishing fnteveste are 'in a flourishing state. The liberal pOlicy of die Ontario .GoVernmentla doing much for -the 'development' -of 'Algoma licit, . • , ' . • . : . .• , • • • . • ' named Plitzner,. residing, neer Combermere; Renfrew; was recent- ly the victini of his 'own stripidity:• frig but huntiug, !tied xleciding to- camp - t 1'i:third-Mit h is` in afelie-s- • would not light.. A. bright idea struck. .hitn._ He loaded his gun with powder,. and :holding a meta- at the muzzle; fired Ais weapon oft. The ex.periment was e s to be amputated, • •• . ' The Rev..Wro..Ingles; for some yea's Ormneated with .the staff of the Toronto Globe, lias•resigoed his 'position on • that jotirnal to take tlte editorship of Phe Canada PresbyteriaicOt which Mr.: C. Blackett Robinson, of Toronto, peb-' and proprietor.' lgr: -Ifigles-is- ,nrobribly the ablest writer on Presbyter, ian topies in Canada, and hag long been recoanized.as 'one. of,:the 'mit powerful writers on genera. `stbjects the Do- , • make anuMber of impeoveinents, more particularly in die ventilation,. which bas been so 'defective in the past. It is I proposed to conned the galleries of the dhatnber with the. large. fans in the furnaee reoursrand thus keep-,np et -sup- ply of, fresh air. The- walls of the Chamber will be tinted, and it is pro- bable that the closets will be remoVed, An ihteresting case Was tried at 'the as81ze London, on &tardily. R: Sinoes:applied for a fire ineurance;palidy .10 the Commercial Tjnion to a man • named Smith, an insurance broker,. and- - paid therefor, reeeivieg' an interim re- ceipt. Before the polidy cOnld be, got. crat the building .was burnt, whereupon *MB Smith' redirned the rneneyjuld denied. diet he was the agent of ::the &mint/1y, SiMes brought suit and recovered a•ver- diet for $800, two-thirds of what was, rlaimed.: • • • : A singiilitreuit was recently brought in the St. John City Conti, A party who•bad in his lossession,ft Bank of Now Bru ITS W iek Ti nab placed it Silf0 keeping in one- of his booth.- Haeing got his feet • Wet the note was stained ancl.dattaged and he tould not pass, it °fr. • elle then presented it at the.,banic.counter,,,' but nayment wcieere- fueed, meet appealed to the Prog-, dont, who laid the matter before Direc- tors who decided not to redeem it. The itekic-e•stted the Bank in the Clity Court, the Bank defended, and the Celia • gaire judgment in favor of tho holder. •• • successful bet One h .fineer had A• curious. case ••occerred at .II0ifax1 on Thursday. On )7,..r.ednesday night a female sought. proteetion at. the police station. She eaid she wee to • bo : Mar- ried the night' following to a corporal of. Next night she, turned tp • at church, bet instead of e corporal,: a private of marines, appeared to fill 'the peat of bridegroom, He -had .A and ste either. did not.uotice thaehange feta, moment,' or did.nob eare :and the ceremony, was performed. It turned 'out the Corporal was &hiking •at ealbon to • nerve him for :the expeCted tesk, While the private, who had previous: ly arranged to cot him out, was being married, All three subsequently met in a :bar reOm.: -The bride was wild with grief and throwing her arms arortud the imek of the num who wits to have boon herliusband swoie she worild ,never 1oav liirn. The sy,ccessfol and uesuccessfol suitor9 then indulged in long and hard ftstio ootifbat. no briao refuses to live. With her hosband and te left her. * •• /117147,4ETT. WOnif.-The continued fine weather has been a good thing for the finishing VI) of fall work, and. a great deal has been done in excellent order, RE-OreNK).---Meesrs. Haber Bros. having reemired and refitted their grist mill,' have re -opened the same andb are poretphaerrned. to excute All ordere .entrneted BAYVIlE1;1[10. BU§INESS.-Geneeal busineSs here is sernewhat better than for months past.' STATistros.--We have had six mar- riages and twenty-four births) in this vit. lagecluringthe pest mont,11„,se„)),ed dune Bovneo.-Mr. Routiedge, who beught grain at Brimefield last winter; is now buying here, and has already handled a considerable aniount. APPEAL:S.-There are about fifty ap- peals against the voters' list of Bayfield, ;most of them being of miner errors. A court for the hearing of the shine will be beld meth° 30th inst, " • TUC iCERSM11111. • .i•TGAGED.--Misa Rodgers, A teacher holding a :second class Certifiestte, Grade. A has been Ongaeed to. teach a school . ; , near Kippen, af a salary of $375. AureesmEn.e.-The man Whiteford, who is suspected of having fired the barn of. Mr. W. dudniore, on ,the London Road, a couple of months' since, was Arrested last week and cofntnitted ,to Goderich- jail, to stand "n1 rt a/A1COrA,-mn 'Monday next lgessrs. William and Istuic Townsend and Fred Bibb, of Tuckerstoith, aceonie panied by several others. from Perth,. leave forDakota.• 3fr. Robb takes with dm quantity of.stock_and•infplements.... HOLMESVILLE. ' oPPJNSi;t7.4_ ffi911•91*q. • .wclulcl dn. • ' ' • . • PERSONA.L.P. H. Disney, of this place, „ who attending London &ni- t:nevoid College is on ealiort 'visit to . his friends' here'i • : STATION. -Mr. Kelly, :post rims - ter of this 'place, has •be.eh 'trying .to work into the good graces of the: G. T. R. Co., by petitioning them to met. a • station house on a small scale hero • ' • are sorry td hear that "Edward's" hopes have.been "-nipped in the bud." . Roetaws.v.-As D. Caution, of Gocle- rich :township, was drivieg to church on Sunday- last, lis horses took fright at 04143thing and ran away, upsetting the buggyand`throwing the occupants into the diteb. The berses' were brotight to a stand still -N.1 er running a s ,ort' .is - lance, by two eldely ladies threatening them with destruction with their para- sols if they attempted to pass. Fortu- nately no one was seriously hurt. • CIITYROH OPENING AND TEA Mutrixo. -A, tea meeting' was held in theltIetlio- 'dist Church, at -fIohnesville, on FridaY evening, the 16th•inet.,.whipli .proved --grand-sticeess;---; Tevw ad.ser yea -at ; 5 p 111 111 tho basement, . lifter which •the Ciewd returned to the main body of: the ehrueh, where they were entertained' by. Rev. 1). G. Stitherlancl,,13.•D, . of Clin- ton, followed by Rev. Jas, Oaswell, of Londesboro'; Rev. J. A. Williams, .D. D., Of •Goderich, and Rev. W., S. Grit'. fin, 'of S. Catharines,- President of :the. 'London Conference: The Goderich choir were in attendance and enlivened the. proceedings with a choice selection of anthems,: chartises„ The'proceecis at the door amounted to :$136 While: oVer ,.$8.00 were stailiaciib-ea toward the build- ing fund.. The church was dedicated for dlvine service. on Sabbath' morning, by 'Rev. W. S. 'Geiffiroi President of dui Conference; the .pulpit . was .occupied in; -in the afternoon,by It, and agein in the evening, .by Rev. W. S.; Griffin.. The church was erowd- ed to its utmost capacity mi all these 'Occasions, the congregations. listening with wrapt attention to three appro- ptiata and eloquent Sereacris.: The 'hi- lections. on Sabbath: amounted to the 'handsome stun of'$65'. which, with. the .amouni raised•tit 'the too, ,ineetinee' pro - .:vides for tho entire •eo,st of the. Aura"' and its furnishings, 'leaving aboid $75 towards the removal. Of .the shed and erection oe a ,fence, ' The ?opening sere ;vices will be continued on Sabbathnext, when Rev, Jas.: Caswell,' will preach in the !morning, and Itev, 11 C-, Suther-' land in the afternoon and evening% , To ormnectioe with the inorniue servx love feast will be hold, and ° sacram ilia be administered • in the afternoon. The t?eople Of Ifohnesville •haVo now 't.t very neat ain't commodioiie clinrche and the pastor, Itev.,S. Philp, is to be con- grittelated on ite-successful opening, and the feet of, its being comparatively free :cora debt, • New BAksay.-A new bakery hail been opened out in this place by Wm. Drum- mond aud „Tohnston in the old stand of L. Shane & Co. The tenth of October is past mid gone, and with it our agrioultural shov. has be- come a retroapection ; not, hotefdpr;, with, out the. event leaving behind it thoftnprese that, artieegst the mariy,exhibitions ,ef kindred sort held in our county during the present year, that held in Blytb.stand's in the foremost rank. To say that the horti- cultural display was magnificent is obly.the truth, While the agricultural specimens sun - ply proclaim that the farmers adja- cent to our village, understand their caning). and utilize their knoivledge. Noeshoold ' - our matrons, or their drmehters be lost sight . while eid;eizing their. male. relationg. 'Their attendance to the exhibition was, to say the least; creditable: The domestic ar- doter; such as butter, bread, knitting,: and • . quilting apecimens, &e., were very attrac- tive, and elicited many encomiums:from the :numerous. spectators who. visited the hall, Various specernens•of valigraphy weee all;to on exhibition, and commanded considerable attention. Indeed, from,.the incessantly crowded state -of the corner in which 'the few specimens of the fine arts had been placed,it is manifest' -that our people are beginnineto xis.° above the level of. past days, and this fact should infinence the di4. rectors '4) make Preparations in future for prizes worthy of competition in that line. our various business men none is there in out'village who. takes .a Stand more promitient than D. B. McKinnon,' Esq. Grayling with the difficelties of the ' late financial 'depression, be not only sur- mounted them, in, toto, but, indeed, made: them contribute to his prosperity. Hews; others have decreased, 111r. -McKin- non has inereased--and the result is, that • he has foundit itnnerative to add tO )118 ay-. commodatien to such :an extent, thdt, his establishment isnow twice its forni.er Size., • The post office arid.telegkihdepartment 18 new situate in the eastern side of the new. ' bnilding, while:the extended ;millinery de - pertinent, under -the' efficient management of,Mias-I_Cerri4s..loaatedladjacent •thereto,.. Going I posiTivelptheTthird, and last time a asking.! 'familia to be the order, of tbe day in this neighborhood at present. -Whottiereitie Ureeberlea.Ramilton's..pere... aerial attractiveness, Or. the facilitYwhieh he. possesses for finding Ong the,good'Inalities of the goods he caned upon 80 'anction while, like all honest auetioneers, he never . .eari see a.defeet., certain it is that namely • day has :passed over Mr: Hamilton's head du riug the last two weeks -.n -Which he has •' not had flai all.OtiAM. BOO ; from: .8110 :many.. ad v:ertise men to ‘v h ich meet . ths, . eye, two or three. weeks I olity:40 he can rest on his oars. he extgencies of the gram .trade in our village, haeinginiperatively clematdecl ed. 'ditional:beyers, Our reeve, Mr. W., Clegg, .and: Mr. John.l.eiidlaw; have conjointlyen tered upon the ' besittess, and now ,We,have three beyers **n the namely, Mesers IVIcKinnon, Tftylor; and glegg. 'So far eetin, petition" has proved the Siail•of trade this' direction. Each two respectively take good - care that the thirf.liparty gate no cleft bar:: • ins • •'‘ The Attila of the .Escoil4 having ,dralii his.sword against the Bxpositor., the hand- Writink•on the wall looms forth against the' latter journal. • &las ! alas 1 for the .E.eposi- Jot- ! We, of tlie Rum -4, having 40,3ke forth to battle, etriblaZoned on his shield: renovide 'dee, the literary world stands' trembling in dismay, and ohl my philosophic soul, sym-. pathy.fonthe doomed rack My brain I Irony apart., it is really a piece of unmitigated - assurance on the, part of the. prececions 7yeitth•-of ettailipt, breaking a lane° with a giant, while the former is the veriest pigney ! If the • Record juvenile, Would devote smite of his spare titne to an examination of the laws of etymology and ' syntex, instead of bornmenting censoriously . on, one of our leading connty journals, the. emanations of MS pun 'alight eventually be less a burlesqoe on- the editorial:Chair-7- than the crude tee.apoarent Therein proclaim' hien to be: There is truth in the adage,-' "There is °tile, a a tep.frdin-the sablinie to • the ridiculous.? ' • The pupils of the Presbyterian Sunday 'school have 'er4ered tipon prelitninaries an. ticipatory cif •entertaineneete, Vocal, inetru---- Mental, and festive in the course of a fear • Weeks. Judging froni the steps being taken at present We will bitreitted to semething worthy of appreeietion. Those Hermes Again. • Published by request. Mx, EDITOR, -For reasons easily explained, I have said nothing in reftitation'ef the asset - Con Of Mr. David Walker some time ago, in relation to horses belonging to Mr. Saeob Mc. dee, Jr. .No deabb Mr. Walker's opinion ought to be of some weight; he being Ileeve of Tuakersmith.Unfortunately, however, Itis opinien is bakd on, hearsay.: His olfae- tory orgadwaS not much injured by the bad smell his neighbors told him abut. Hearing different reports about these horses; 1 went . -for my own satisfaction, unsolicited by say person, anal am under the firm cenvieblon that it would led almost impossible for any animal to cut the horses in that manner,- enkoh eat :was perfectly smooth and clean -one about four and tho °that about five inches in length, almost exactly in the satin spot on the left side of each- horse. Both cuts' were nearly perpendicular, ono a little on the fu. elino. I lave shoiyn1s amoral pons how:• it could blo catch-Mgthe horse by tho mane on tltb top of the heed with the left band, the right would roach Rent the spot .• where each horse was cut, I feel satisfied that no animal coulcl possibly out so smooth and clean, unless she learned the ail of sur. gery. In the interest of truth and justice I melte this statement, and I am willing, if no. eessary, it testify to it on oath. Arrunhw Cuss:ter. Mlle% act, 7,1571).