The Clinton New Era, 1879-10-09, Page 8• 8 CLINTON NEW ERA. A BIGOFFER! Oily X3.25 • for to- New Era Ai WOO ly •Globe UP TO THE END OF 1880.. . • 'WE HAVE MALE ARRANGEMENTS WHEREBY WE .0,or CLUB. THE Glebe WITH THE New Niro AT THE ABOVE RATES, TO NEW SU- B `SCRIBERS. PARTIES AVAILING THEMSELVES. OF THIS OFFER, GET OVER THREE MONTHS. OF THIS YEAR FOR NOTHING. AT JANUARY • THE glebe WILL BE VERY MUCH ENLARGED AND IMPRO.VED, —SEND ALONG THE MONEY. 01110 gopitO. Town Council, The regular meeting of the Council was held on Monday evening, present; The -Mayer in the chair, and Messrs. Menzies, Sheppard, Turnbull, Mount castle, Stevenson, • Cantron, Le> lie, IVlobi'e'tmd; Fo rester;;-" " Minutes of last Meeting, read and ap- proved, " . -. • The Mayor asked if the Street Com- mittee had ordered tbe work .of paving the street at the end of Carson's block, parties wile had 'paid tor siMilar work elsewhere,'being of the opinion that the town sbotld nos do the work. Mr.- Paisley r:Paisley stated that the stones bad been put in by him in •lieu of . gravel with the knowledge of the chau'm:tn of 'the Street Committee. The report of the Finance Committee, recommending the payment of the fol- lowing accounts, was read Paisley,' Cgs. salary,. $113.50.; J. T. Wil- son, lumber, $27.86';• Erwin &.,Scan- dlrett;•obarity, $5,50;'W. C. Searle, ex- penses, $7'; I'.. Mcl ay,, work on scales, $145 ;;-W. H. 'Cooper, piece of marble, $1 ; R. J. Curiett and others, work on streets, $90.40 ; D. B, Kennedy, team- ing eam=ing. and gravel, $149;-W. Cook,' work on tanks, $21.7 ; W. H. ;Ransford, ste tionery, $2:68 ; D. Menzies, expenses, $8.65; W. Aikens, cattle sold,. $4.20; D. B. Kennedy,; livery for Colberne.de putationjo5.50 ; A. Bay, survey ing,and plans, 16; E.Scottrhose covering $1:561 0. Locke, legal opinion's; &o , $42.78.; Jones & Couch, blacksmith,, $11.5.:'.. '.Mr. Forrester asked 'or • information in reference -to the Colborne livery hire, being of opinion that the .Council `dict' not authorize the deputation;' as it • was composed mainly of private individuals, nand for the•Council. to pay the account was going a little further than he equld: conscientiously. sanction. • . The . affair: had already cost. about $70:. Conn., Menzies stated that although he and the. Mayor went' With the. dele- gation, it Was not. authorized. by the - Council, this was • the only occasion when an account bad been. ,sent in al- though there had;.been seter'il delega- tions to Colborne. Cain. 'Stevenson asked if the . delega- tion went in the interest of the town; or', of private individuals, and: was informed• that it ;vas in rho interest of . the town.- - •Coun. Turnbull .agreed with Conn. Forrester as to the principle involved, and believed that •in.fnture.the Council should see that such: matters `originated with thernseves amid • should be. 'under their .contiol;',hut as a member of the Finance . 'Cora mitte, . and the account having come before them; he believed it should be paid. ' Mr. Moore believed too rnuch money was coming outof Clinton with out getting any return for it.' ' Ho thought one ,clo legate in reference to the inatter would have been enough, instead of two. • The Mayor''ngroed With.' Coon. Far - rester, but did:' not, see how anything could be done now, but pay the account, The item then ;passed, - Some discussion• ensued in reference to the account for legal opinion,.several of the members . being of the opinibn that the amount was excessive. • Ex-' --planntions were given; •in answer, td" en-` quiries, by the Mayor., 1GTa; Menzios`and Mr. Turnbull; after, whish the item :was passed. 'On motion the remaining item of Finance Committee's report wore passed. The mayor stated that many complaints 'were,made to him, when it was the In- spector's duty to look After these, with out throwing the responsibility on him, Mr. Paisley said the Mayor should .refer all partiesto him, ,, The Mayor directed, the attention of the By-law Committee to; the 'fact' that town cows, in straying into the country, erten brought young cattle into towir, which were impounded and . sold, ,'very often at considerably less than . their value, much to the :annoyance and loss of their owners, and hoped the By-law Committee'would considerthe matter, Mr. W. B. Crich was granted per mission to use the streets for: building .purposes, On 'motion of Coun. Mount- castle, sec. by Coml. Leslie, the -stlm • of $32 was passed towards defraying the expenses of street watering, On motion the map prepared by 11.Ir, - Bay, describing'the precise centre ofthe town, was ordered to be filed in the Clerk's office. • Council then adjourned, Mn. A. GRACEv,, late of Clinton, is at- tending Trinity 'Medical School,. Toronto. Farmer's are taking home large num- bers of barrels for the packing of fruit therein. Avery heavy,, thunder storm passed over the town on Thursday, but did no datnege. WN regret to notice that the hard times Lave . resulted disastrously to the firm of Dingman & Humblt , TJIE pile of stones that so long graced the Market Square, are now doing good service on the streets of town. `- REv. R.. CRAIG, basing concluded his term of mission work at Horning; Mills, has returned to Knox College,. Tor onto, THE estateeof Messrs. Gordon & Fin- Jayson, grocers, (formerly in business here) offers a dividend of 5 cts on tbe $. THE weather for the past two weeks has been remarkably fine and warns for the time of year, We may`look for a change at any time. - A petty larceny affair carne'up before one of the town magistrates, on Wed- nesday evening, but it was of such a twilit ing •nature that lie dismissed it.' • lHeE lx CLINTON •NE LNiON'NEW ERA, RA, A shooting gallo=•} in the brick block, eetns to do a rushing business. TIIE Dominion and Montreal Tele- graph Companies have reduced their former charge of " twe'rty4ve cents for 10 words or under,;" to 20 ecn's. THE tax .collector is about to start on. his r'onnds. It is unnecessary to tell people to prepare for him, for be is about the only man who gets money when lie gees after it. Burne uiur trees are: amore than usual- ly loaded •with nuts this fall, and boys are realiing a rich ; harvest of- them. Several boys, a day or two ago, gather- ed thirty bushels of -nuts in a few hours. F nx,—lj1r. for rester states that con- siderable ground rias been. 'contracted for, on which to sow flax next suing, and he has hopes that next year a good business will be done in this trade. . SALE or Sroeic,—At the Western Fair, Messrs„ H. Snell & Son made the following sales to American buyers -i --- .Six Cotswold, .ewes, for $150 ; one aged Leicester ram, $80 ; and ".one Durham bull calf, a week old $75.• THE BAYFIELD RAILWAX,- NOtiee 1S given in the "Ontario Gazette'tgart appli— cation' will be made, at thefirst sitting of Ithe Ontario'Pariiament,for a Char- ter to construct a;railway from Bayfield , 0--.0h?tln VA Aine.-L tber.,point ....on -the, Grand Trunk Railway. '• ' AGOOD IDEA.—The Methodist church of town has issued large cards, to. be hung up in different' parts of the place,' on which the various service's in =nee - tion therewith are printed. These will. by a great convenience, and the idea is worthy of imitation, M.R. D; H. Drost, formerly of Clinton, but lately engaged' in teaching at S.S. Ito. 10, McKillop; intends retiring *gm the -profession --on- -aecount of -ill-health: M on:lim :—A young boy :named Ma- son, while riding a horse the otherday,. was thrown off, the horse stepping on his chest, bruising him, but breaking no w bones,: . , HARrII:ss Soil—lvXr. Dani 'McDon- ald, of Godericb, has shown his good taste andjudgment by purchasing the prize harness of Messrs. Newton & Den- nis, of Clinton. • CLEARED OUT. — A young, married man named David Connell, who has been a resident of town for a couple of years, suddenly left for "fields -green and pastures new" on Fri, His lia- bilines are in the neighborhood of $1,- ,000,' while his assets are al niost nil.' Snaiovs ACCIDENT.—On Monday last M.r. E. Corbett met. with a seriousacci- dent while engaged in his factory: While up in the loft he accidentally fell through a trap door, striking; on some article that broke a,,rib and inflicted a number 'of. Severe •bruises.` He is a heavy man alid•.;it is a wonder hisin- juries were not even more serious: • CORRECTION. =- We, wore slightly astray hist week :in reference to.` the books procured' by the ?•resbsterian Sab.= bath School. .4.11 the books were not returned, quite a number being retained for the library.:* It was` our inforthant that led us into -the, error. ENTERTAINMENT; -A musical entertain,- merit, ntertain=meat, under the auspices of the Young Men's 'Association connected with the Presbyterian Church, is shortly to, bo given in the town -hall, here, in which Prof. Jones, and family, of Seafot•th,, an expected to take a leading part. • . Sut)ULD 'nu • BOtiptennun,-A recent decision 4 $ e Supreme Court niskes-it necessary, befoi a•471-Riit dissolution of partnership .can be. made; to -publish a -T:dissolution notice in.a.nen'spaper.-of .the'. tgwu if there is !one,_and_fr141, then An,. thenewslaper nearest the town. . STOCK . PURCHASED.—Mi'. S. R. Ste- vens; of 'Clinton, has.purchased: the har- ness stock and ' good -will: of: Mr. -John. Campbell, at 'Blyth; add will at once as.' sumo possession thereof. Sam is an tn- dustrious youth, and Will, no doubt;' do his .utmost to please: all favoring him, iith•their'pati'onoge. ' . • . PRIZE 1:IANUFACTURES SOLD. =.The Buggies and w.tggori nlantrfattured by 'Messrs..Cantlon Bros., 'ef tliie. ]lice, which have -taken prizes at the different shows, have gill 'been disposed •of, Mn A. 'Knox, of Holniesville, buying. the phteton, Mi. •Cox, of (.aoderich township, the offered•, buggy, and Mr. -.W.. Cnd more, of the London .road, the waggon, .We take the following iraragriijTh from .A late issue of the St, Louis. Presbyter. icon.. t1ie« gentleman there' .refered to 'being well known hero , - P.ev T3. itl,1? t inter, who sends us a; trtbute to the ate i• rs. .E. F. Sin tb, of Boonville, ' has been in England:Anel Scotland since. lune, .Dori - ducting . protracted ,meetings:• .,At•tl;e' date:of his letter, he•:haid jut Closed• a, meeting at Hull, Epgland;' iii the citureb of which Dr. W. P. 1icKay, the author of"Grace and .'Trntb," is pastor: •.He. was about to ,go to glasgoiv fora month, thence to Edinburgh, Aberdeen, &c., &c. II•is'labors are in connection with. the Presbyterian `churches 'and are said to be attended*with excellent results.. • • PARLOR CONCERT to be held • at the -residence of Mr; Thomas .Jacksono, this '(.Thursday) evening.. PROGRAMME.• .,. • Instrutuental-Pctersdorf March .,, , Orc]lestra Anthem-" One thing have I desired"..... Choir Duet-" What are the -Wild -waves `saying' [Lizzie and Mr.Thomas Jackson, jr. .Song and Chorus-" Golden Stairs .Mus Straith Ins'trwnental-•Saaiban.Qalop,r,..Orchestra Song and Chorus-" Island far away",..:Kiss Broadfoot Selections from "Pinafore' Choir Instrntnental - - •- • Orchestra ljia11161lary10N OF IIALF •AN IIOUR FOR TEA, `&0. Song and:Chotias-"Widow Sprigging" baughtoe"..Mr. fstreith Solo-" Bessio's Wooing" Miss Jackson Song and Chorus-•" Evangeline" -lir. Sir. Balfour Instrnmontal—Seleetiuns from Fattst. , . ,., , - Orchestra Solo:!! Far Away" Miss Straith Anthem -",There is a happy land , .Choir Snstrnntental-Waltz, , , , , , .'Clrelioltra' Anthem—';We 11 rest in thy love" • Choir " God Save the queon' Orchestra and Choir: Serenade . ...., „ , .C.hoir SPORTS. .4'2) A:1fUSE17fi CRICKET. . A'ci'ieket rnatch.betwcen the counties -of Perth and lYaron took,plaoe at Strat ford, en Sal;urday. last, resulting in a !victory f6r Huron • by 27 roils on ,the first inningi. .Huro>1, scored 92 and -53, Perth 63 and 10 for trioloss of- 3 wic- kets, -Messrs. Howson and Ludlam of the home club took part, . the former making 0 aisd 10, and the latter, 4.and:8 A return matcli.is talked of to be Play-, ed on the Clinton grounds, ' •• x NORTH HURON TEACHERS) A$SCCIA• - 'TIO '==Thele isi=atiuntal-Meeting-of-this- association , will be • held in the Public Sehool,. Seaforth,. on, Friday ancl- Satur- day, Oct..24th anE1 25th. •On •the even= ing of Friday Mr.; J. A. McLellan, LL.D., -will deliver a• lecture ons"Cana cia's elerrients of "uatidnal power." The programme for- the t'vo days erribraces a' variety of subjects calculated to be.of interest to the profession. ' RAILWAY.-A'cOIDENT.—On Thursday afternoon as the mall train on the L.,H. & 13. 'was • approaching 'this town,' the driving rod of the engine broke, 'smash- ing the side of the caband making a hole.' in :the boiler, which. allowed the steam to escape, the ,parties in the.' cab narrowlyescaping injury.'.•by the • hot water.. An engine was telegraphed; f&i to' Wingham, which arrived. after a de-• lay of abent three hours, and .the train proceded on- its way. -Our friend ofthe Cgterox•-Nt-w-EitA insist' have boon laboring under a horrible fit ,of the "blues?' when visiting the showhere last Friday, else . he.. would 'have soon things in a different and-mtireiesrrect*:Iight than:ho seems :to,have dote:-rSYeaforti poattun `- four principle of '" telling the truth, the whole ;truth,' •and nothing but the truth" does not seem • to be appreciated by our- friend.- of -the: Expositor:: Wo considered -that we gave' facts: only in reference to the show, and oar remarks.' are cerrobor'ated by the Seaforth corres- pondent of the Mitelhell Advocate,] TUE LIVE STOCK .SALE. --Next Wed-. nesday is tbe day fixed for the sale of live stook in this town, and we :cannot` urge again too strongly on; farmers and others, the importance of 'attending the aame,.either in the capacity of buyer or seller. Should there be su'dioient'stook offered the .'sale will be ;continued. ori -Thursday, If. the. dayturns out fine. and there is 'a good attendance, we would suggest to parties ' owning flags that they i'un them up; it,is'very little tree- lnle,,and the increased beauty to the eye is worth it. Weunilerstand that a herd. of •kyreshiros, from London, will be of fared at the sale, - . • • MILLINERY L1.HtnI'r,-4ccording to their previous custe h, the merchants of the town made °a's solar exhibit of trDir millinery. 611 Saturday evening last, the principal dealers in these goods having; arranged their windows especially for the occasion, and we beliere'we are n,ot over-stating it •• to. iay .that the exhibit• would have done credit to places of much greater pretentious than Clinton, and was not surpassed anywhore•in the county. The crowds who examined the display at Hodgins', Craib, Mao'Whirtei' & Co's and G, Id, Wright & Co's, cer- tainly found an assortment sufficiently varied, -attractive and fase'inating to meet the wants of all, itnd must have been struck with the particularly good taste Manifested by the selection of these goods. Miss Scott, who had just open. ed out in the Carson blank, had also a rich display. The building was illunli-' tinted, and the playing of the band in the,balcon•y, drew quite a et'owd. ' go n td POOP BALL.. .L game of foot ball, under. the Rugby Union rules, , bel wean tho.`Cliiiton and High School clubs,` took prase nu Fri - clay afternoon last, resilting,in a Victory for the High School boys by one goal to nothing. Some good playing, was eachi- bited on both sides, but the High School club showed signs of practice which: en- abled thein to defeatth mown club: . 0 O(' 1oJ3EIt 9, 1879 kT CXSOIT'.S FTJRNISIIING. IIOTJSE, VICTORIA $LOCK, CLINTON, ONT; IZSTABL1Stlisn _ 1g -'F_4, EE OUR SHOW WINDOWS ON SATURDAY EVENING NEXT,, ---F T OR _ NCsEdiiplayolBE1'l"SFOM1391NG000BSnorshot . IN THIS PLACE. Our stock is now replete. with the LATEST NOVELTIES to be'' obtained from the best markets in this country, and for variety Anil style CANNOT BE SURPASSED BY ANT CITY ESTABLISHMENT,. Magnificent patterns in SILK RAriDKERCX IEFs and SILK TIES. • DUKE SCARFS and BOND STREET SCARFS ' in. all shades and colors.- An' immense line of GLOVES, in Kw, BUCK, CASTOR,. CLOTH,' LISLE THREAD and -DOG-SKIN, • •- ` In HOSIER Y we can sell 4 pair of COTTON SOCKS .for 25 -cents. Full range of SII;K, MERINO and WOOLLEN HOISERY. SILK 'and WORSTED BRACES at all prices;' Sole agent 'for BTJRLOCK'S NEW. YORK SHIRTS, white and. colored, • LINEN .COLLARS, stand up and turn Clown, in sizes from 12f• to :17, and all the latest styles. • LINEN and PAPER CUFFS in now styles. . PAPER COLLARS .in every size and shape.. ,:CJMBRELLAS= at all prices'. Our stock. of. UNDERCLOTHING is by far Ole largest and• finest,; stock we have ever. shown, ' . • . ' ' Fina Scotch Lamb's. Wool. Uadarclothivgr Fiac a<tri c Merino •Utilmlothing,. • i+INE:KILN. UNDEIteLOTIITNG..-....,_ ;. Splendid suit .ofii nderclot 1 ing for $1.25. - Boy's Shirt-and-Draweis-for 501•cents. Cuff Buttons, Studs, Pins, Ai•mlets, Wool Cuffs, Drawer Supporters, ' d;c.: 'JAQ SQN'.S . F C5 Ei NISi3TN Com' T30TTS�7. • • H,R H :the MARQUIS:- • OF R L•ORNE' - , ?mfr • .d thee PRINCESS .,r-� a�.L�IJ'I�E are travelling through Canada, • SO ABE-. NOBBY SUITS TIA IDs .The reputation of. our' -MR. FOLEY, as, an .:A ' . Cutter is widelysread:throw bout the Colipty Of Euron. Our prices ;are low, and' we guarantee a 'GOOD, FIT or no• sale. E;;T AVE AN IMMENSE'` STOOK. {.1F ri w ? s, CDorr23S, Staple and po nt: Dr Goods OF EVERY DESCRI?TI0tii. 12i. CENTS. FOR .. GOOD TUB BUTTER. troubie'°to 'show goods. „ Prices marked in plain. figure CLINTON; epi - `2r,, 1570.. 'Its & Ce