The Clinton New Era, 1879-10-09, Page 2° tHE °LINTON NEW kRA.
.0(nonEIt. 9-;
"The words are good," I said, "I cannot
teak my seisectra. then, to methane out
But /dory seized, my and " Take (lark" sh
"Thera is a picture on the other side."
I fell to musing, We are to intent
On gaining that to which on minds are bent;
We choose, then fling the,fragments far and
But spoil the picture on the other side !
A Jirize is offered; others seek it, too,
But. on we presa with only self in view.
We gala our point and •pause well satisfied;
Bat ah ! the picture on the ether nide, •
On this,a sours( of revelry we hear ;
On that, a wail of mourning strikes the ear ;
On this, a carriage stands wit) groem and
A. bearee ikwaiting on the other aide. •
We oall it trash -we tread it roughly &Kim,
The thing which others might havd deemed 4
crown; '
An infant's eyes, anointed, see the gold; •"
Where we, world.biinded, onlybrass beholds.
We pluck a weed,• and flits it to the breeze?
A flower of fairestiie another sees,
We strike a chord with'Careless smile ancljest,
And break a lieart-string in anoth's breast,
Tread soft and -softer atilhoffyou go,.. -
With eyes-washedclear in -love's• anointing
Life's page well finished, tura lt,'satisfied,
And lo I Ildaven's picture's on the bther aide.
'There's no better fellow than Bob
Lindsay/ was the !universal voice •of rill
his neighbors-' but for .his one failing,'
they felt in conscience bound tti add.
His one tailing, a prbneness to in-
dulge in strong -drink, had been sufficient
to counterbalance all Bob's good
tips. Active, industrious, and energe-
tic, he was a man gifted Co make his
way in the world: Indeed, many times
- success Shined within his. grasp. But.
just at the critical moment,. and while.
hirsieiends were hopefully saying,
only. held out 1'.a sudden relapse
would come, and a week's dissipation'
Would -squander4he fruits of 'pendia
sober industry. • • •
Iewas a•sore trial to Meg_ Lindsay
fo seeher husband thcreleve of.a' ii;e'91-
• seme appetite.. Hers waS proud as
well as loving heart; and its stung her
to note the leek .otaimpressed triumph
Visible on the • f4Pea Qt 'Vet tain friends;
in oppesition to whoa counsels She bad
Married Bob Lindsay, in preference to
rich, old, and ugly. Didymus Dodd.
Whatever of Beh's earnings had, ;es..
eaped the pablic-hoese had gone to buy
a neat little home which would have
been a very happy One b:ut,fer: the one
great drawback. s . .
Bob hadgiven ritortgege fgt. a- per-
tiOn of the purothse-inottey; and Several
. times had taked together enough te
pay it but jest thenbis begetting Whip-
tation would • overcome him,: and the
money; instead of going 'to cancel the
'debt Which lay like a load on 11.Ittey's.
heart,-rerd htwieritke a shadow over he
home, would- he worsathan wasted, .
In course of. time oriel business this.
mortgage Cain° iHt0 the handa• PidY-
mus Dodd. From him Bob 'knew it
Would be useless to„sedk indttigenCe,
even had he felt free •to ask 'a favor 'of
Didynms Dodda homiliatitm at which.
his own, as WelLas Mary's,: pride re'r:
With that will and eel n es t nese bich
had so often befoee ciarried. Bob to the
verge of success, and needed only' per.
severance to assure it, the:requieed,su
was once more accumulated.
Yee, yes; I have the money- safely
enough. A few. hours and ers ;shall be
able t� snapi-our fingerreat Didymus
Dodd I'
Thus said Bob to *Tenn the
morning that the mortgage -money had
to be paid; .
Oh-, Rehmaeleinxionsly-oried---Mirry;-
' promise me that you will. enter. :no
tavern on your way.' • . • .•
Why,.of (ionise I won't, not ot my
way there; but, once the tnoneY .paid,
perhaps I—' •
Mary shook her head 'Siunewhat
Yoe may trust me this. time, Marys!
- said Bob, with a partin,ie kiss; and off
he started. •
With a tervent.preyee that he might
not be led into terOptatien, Mary re:,
turned. her :husbands kiss and went
about her daily duties fille:1 etith
xiety-- for what the 'day Might bring
-Bob felt brave and' strew., till he
came in sight of the road -side tavern,
Old Roan, from the -fared of habit,
turned his head -towards his accustomed
halting•place. Bob urged ,hini on, and
in a moment more would have been Oat
of danger. But just then the demon
of irresolution took posseesion of his
It's a sultry day,' Bob soliloquized,
' and a glass of something cool -just
One -can do no harm:
Old Itoan, given his heed;Was soon
rubbing his nose, in friendly recognition,
against the sign -pot, while his master,
was changing salutioes with the host
i . •
• Whisky cool, Mr. Spigott,' said Bab;
'u pair of 'me'I mean, for 1 hope you'll
do me honor er your company; and you,
. 'She'll de neither,.villian I' thundered I consumed the rest of the small cpanti.
Bob, bursting in like a shot. ty of oil without damage. Hannah bas
been judicious .in 'her , use of kerosene
ever since. A, fruitful cause of lainn
explosions is the use of lamps in which
the oil has burned very low; or people
do not trim the wicks properly, and
red-hot scuff falls trona them; others
they found a man drowned in your , screw a lamp top on poorly, allowing
clothes, and we buried him for ye ' the air to sweep in if the lamp is Diev-
33Ob's titOIT80011 dispelled the mystery. ed. If lataps,are filled, too full, or un -
Didymus Dodd ground hie teeth with- til they run over, there its great danger
fury, , of an explosion; Dor Should thy ever
' I'll sell you out all the seine,' he be filled by lamp or firelight, or near a
growled spitefully. , stove. No housewife should retire for
' Not so fast,' answered •Bob ; 'I've the night•until she has looked after the
got the money your Paltry mot- state of the fires .in the how, made
gage.' sure that fie wood or cloth is in a peel-
' Why, I thought yea were robbed 'I' ' tion where it may fall on a stove or fire,
' So 1 wpm, but I foetid my pocket- and has seen to it that there. is a sup-
hoitk all right to•day where iewas Wish. ply a watei on handin the pails. One
ed from the thief's pocket' . shotild not ee,o to bed With pitchers and
Beb paid.Off the Mortgage, .and never buckets empty, for no eine can know
drank again ; and now. he and Mery are what.daivers mey eall ter water before
the happiest couple, tied one of the best-. daybreak; .The old saw, 'an ounce of in all that country, - . prevention is worth a pound -of cure:
should -ba Written in every kitchen.
Intpraoned in BIB Own Tomb. ITOW many fires have originated from
the insane practice Of ,preparing kind -
..About .
Meet' Yeara ago' the late* ling•for the Morning' and leaving it.over
willial".1%11b1°, a Nibl°18 Garden, N.Y.' night on the top of the kitahen .stove,
built a lihndsome tamb . in Greenwood whtfre fire is yet burning when the fa-
0010?•1737, -- Re exPeoded• 4 &Me" deal mily retire ! The wood breaks into. a
Of WoileY 11.1)6n: it, andlt OatwallY be- flame, falls apart, rens on the -floor;
came one Of that_pear: .throey-piem_boaraa.are soon.en aliiaze,,
sive resort; 'Among . the eccentricities 'sad the family are presently hoineless.
of the veteran manager. was that of Another frequent WISE) of -burned houses
visiting tins tomb on sultry Faraday. is the leaving a frame of clothes beside
afternoons, and sitting there, •novel in the kitchen stove at night to finish dry -
11)111114 beforeilntili (helIeS•dboatt:::1*TS Iiiilbg:e df -11thei mg
t floor, puff of wind, the running against
ing, or airing ; some yielding of the
evening was near. ' One day Mr. NilAo the fame of cat, dog or rat, topples -it,
ptissed through the lodge -gate as usual, over, and in. a few minutes the barnin,g
'saluted the attendant in his customary garments are - scattering destruetion.
aotirtly manner, and wandering 111%9". Millions .of dollars' worth of property
That night Mr. Niblo did not return,ta have.been destroyed by carelessness in
his home. Nothing was thought of ll; taking up and disposing of ashes: Ashes
as he had such a number of friends with should alwayi be removed in the morn-
; whom. he might visit- add remain Until idg before the 'fire is lit ;. this ehoulcl be
friend," turning to a Seedy.lookIng iliqyalus stinted as at the sight 'tef
in the'corner won't you join gbot; but in an instant Mary's arms
stranger. .
- ; were abobt Bob's neck.
IIe of the seedy looks ' didnt care if 4 Oh, Bob I Bob I' sheeried„'I thought
he did,' and stepped forward into line jou were dead and hurled. First, old
without more weeds.
Roan came home without you'; then
The grog appeared and disappeared
in a twinkling Then a three -handed
ebat was struck up, Ind the groge were
several times repeated-eall at Bab's ex-
pense, for there wasn't a stingly\drop in
his blood.
The seedy stranger made himself 80
pleasant, that Bob was glad to learn
that they were going the same road.
He even offered to share old Roan with
his new friend on the old fashioned
plan ride and. tie but the latter de-
clined politely, saying, as they were
only going a short way together he
would manage to keep up afoot .if 'Bob
didn't ride too fast, Another round of
drinks, and Bob and the itranger took
their departure in right
Here:. said the latter, .when they
had reached the heart of the forest
where a ;footpath hrenebed 'rein the
main read, 'we must part, for my wear
is by this path.' . •
Bob expressed his regret at the cu-
lt:al:50d septitatioh; aectsies on the poirit
of relnetantly resuming kis. tehirney,
when the strangerbeggethhim to alight
for re sliort-i•est.
- Here's a 'lice cool place. among the
hushes/ added thastranger ; anti here's
a little something for refreshment/ pro-
ducing a fat bottle from his pocket.
Our chat has been ho pleasant that I'd
like to (Wiry half an hour more of it.'
Bub eves in no mood to be :unsooialile;
and he and hitt companion were soon
seated side by -side on a log, as cosey as
The stranger uncorked the battle arid
handed it to Bob.
What is it?' inquired the latter. ' t When ornine sho ed th
• late, nt e. w e
' Brandv:. the other'onswered. • • room unoecupied and the bed tindisturb
' Heald; and. happiness 1' said Bob,- ea tfulai ilarin Seized.- the household.
by way ef ptiefacie to a geed gulp. 'Solidi Nirt).8. made, the clubs, the place
A gurgling ..groan escaped him. d
th- . of public resort; the theatres --'-were
flask dropped. iron'. his hand. His yieitea. He frati not been ' there the
throat burned as it:scorched with fire. night previous,:... Then.ene remembered
His 'temples throbbed. A confused. the visits 'to the Greenwood - tomb.
buzzing filledhis ears.. . A sense of
When those NW bo -were Seltrelling 'for
'numbness pervade; 'bis ihtalOi and he .Willistn Nibla reached the gate of the
(di to the groundn nentiscieus, '
: 1 centele4 they Were .11:l'et, hy the man in
'1 In.a thrjqp the stranger dragged him. charge., elle .reinembered that Mr.
into. a thicket, and. -stripped him et hie
-- -----1Niblo he'd been there So many clays be -
outer garments, replaced his o-wn • there- fore --that it --had- become a •eastern,
,witheend niOuntieg.itoane rode•eff.into What D -as the matter 1 Mr: Niblo lot l
.1,11e wceeie with Bob's clothes and m°4?y- ' Come to think. of it, I didn't tsee him.
The 'robber was afra..go out-ef hole when. 1 oe ted op, a a strong sun hetit,, so that they may he
till night's in. liken, under 06ei. e kar
er ° Inetist be in •the tom'.' 'The tomb .has , ignited by what yr called.sponteneeas
darkness he hurried forward, hoping be- I en ornemental door let into the Solid combustible, ...erhteri6s : al:e 146. 61i,
an invariable rule. The ashes are then
cold and safe: • .A.thes should never be
put in barn, wood -shed, beside et fence,
or by any ecnotlen building, Wood
Ashes will retain a .central heat,. and
oommunioate fire long after they are
• n
supposed to be quite extinct: It is good
economy to dig a square ash pit; build a
brick .Wall fear feet high about it, and
cover it With a sloping roof ; if the un-
der side of the iciof-bbards are 'cOverel
with refuse tin, so much the better.
Speaking of ires I am reminded of
peeple'a Cereleseiirel- in • the ' use - of
imleaatie, ettilaa6teceb eesxi;tocsol ode, ettop
fora day -light to be well ant Of reaoh, :rock sarroundings. It -is massive; thick,
-shelves, in paper boxes, teller° Mice Min .
got f11710fig •theth ; they- are droPped
around thefiber, rind tsivent": into dusty
creeks and corners ; a hernt tnatch with
'a rect-hotend is drepped into a 'woad..
or on a flo.Or .covered WW1 nutting.
People . carry matches' abOut in.. their:
Pockets, and leatethem hanged
dusty coat, and then wonder .why fires
are" so'frequent: •. When .We think of the
.aiUionr of 'dollars 'yearly. lost by fires
'we must be eure that theee is. inekens-
al4e eereleesnees somewhere. A great
fire like that in Ohipaht."o or 13oston. as:
neoperty is:190151 isolated' firea,
tared all oi-er. theoometry one see the-
blaekened ruins bf what. were W41401110
or odornfOrtahle fartnlrouges antlfine barn.s.'
The..phrage, "'inss covered by ininranoe,'
seems t� deceive people; loss transferr-
ed by insurance,' weaild, he a truerteem,
'for thaloss is a loss,. 'end. •the :dollars.
burned . p a rercioliars-gant-I pettire-
ont. Of the -.general purse.; Tha corn-
tributiOns • of. the many' an insurance
policie havesaved the one loser from
Tula, theloss ie. spread out Moro vviddly,
and so is less felt by'a single individual;
butit is'a lees of:propeety just as much
ai when one made insurande2:----1ront
Complete Rome": • ••
Soon. a river intercopted, his flight.
It was SWollert by.recent rains, and the
rapid current made.its passage -danger-
ous to iliose•anacenstonaecl to the ford.
inuat bathe right Place/
muttered the robber et...LI observed it
CioselY yeeterdity. Yes, this is the spot.' •
"Poor .Reati recoiled anti shied, but
litkrider spurredhiirt op.
.. A. headlong plunge" buried horge_and
rider beneath Alio surging waters. 'The
two •naine pp. again, but' separated.'
With a violent struggle the:horse clam-
bered up the bank; but the man. Was
,pt Swifti own,--Vainlah-c,.0tratentli,‘I trig, posed la the bulb., 1)c. moana.. so
aettiest thedark and many Id 0•
. wraittiociiwilet;ett,filoteolaciansg,asi;ii :enw. ne
of tliose
-DaYs after, the .bady Of a, crowned
ea the accident, his shrieks ,for assist-
ance, and! thea.hia relapse into ti
and philosophieel corisideratiort of the
Circumstances. ;'; He knew .that no one
.could bear him es.11,. but her felt that the
aetiyabrains of,his triends would seek
him out, and .that sooner _or later he
would be liberated.
„. "
u tnnyiting -and seemsynstan apetture
for a perpetiitilliome for thadead,
Tend it is an 'airy .apartment: lee which
the eunliglit titeee., ' When Mr. Wm.
Nihlo entered hie favorite restingplace
that summer afternoon so long ag9,, he
iatin his acetiStomed Seat, opened his
book and fell . to reading. • The. wind
rose, the vault wits filled with air uuti1.
prepulsive. force. •was •_generated; -and
then;•suddenly therebame a shertolierp,
click,. with • eemielerkriese
Niblo, was shut in. The yaulp:doer had
s fun to, • He waslennttsittine Co
Man svas:fotind where ie had ben bOrne
by the cut ren f. ' The features werapast
:recogoition, but,it.was identified -by the
garments as that of Bob Lindsay.
Poor Mary. was liettet-broken. With
all Bob's eaultsoe rather in spite of
his One fault---eslie-loied him dearly.
And when -the funeral was over, .she
sat down in ber desolate home, and
Mourned and -would not be comforted,
e e
When Bob e.wolte from his' stupor,
and'discovered the plight he was in -
money, horse and raimeet, all goep-it
is impossible, to deseeibe his remorse and
can never leek Mary in the •face
again,' he exclaimed. Dodd will bo.
pitiles,s; Her home which she loves so
• well,, will:be-sold over her head: No;
, I min `uovep.look her *the face again l'
-Clothing hivaself, perforce, in the rags
left by•the roblIer, he wandered on aim.-
iessly, and for many days lived like any
other tramp.
at last a change came over his
spirit. • It was Cowardly to :desert Mary
thus. -He would go beck and bear his
share of tits trouble, and as much •of
hers as he could. Once for all; be wou'ld
boa ineu, and this time there should
bo no slip. • , •
And he turned again towards his
home. At length he reached the.river,
and as he welked along the inarg,in to
find the ford, which lay someway above;
his eyes fell (Mae object partly hacided
in mud. He caught ft up eagerly mut
exaMined it. An exclamation of joy
'buret from his ljp's; and -he pressed for.
ward with redduhleci speed. He soon
reached the Mal, Which he passed with4
out difficulty, (for the water had fallen
considerably,) and at night.fall was at
his own door, At the sound of words
within, he paused on the threshold.
If I could over love another after,
poor Bob,' said Mary's broken voice, 'it
would miter be you, DidynereeDocid, who
ought to be ashamed to chooe my hour
of sorrow to insult mar-
•• ''Vou shall either marry me or leave
this house 1' returned the harsh tones of
Didymue Dodd.'
Lons'esi ,by Eire.
suppose there is DO triOr0 general.
cause �f accidents than fire. Accidents
by fire have become more numerous
since the ineroduetien of oel oil for
lighting -not that the oil -is-dangerous
if properly lased,. but is constantly so
improperly used. • Servants and house-
wives too, are c'ontinually Using it for
lighting fires:• -pouring a little-ote-ille
• kindlier, to ineke a nuick blaze. The
flame Arts tip into the Oat, and there
is an explosion. 1 havo. even .heard of
a person sprinkling powder. frein a keg
uppn a slow fire to expedite it. It is
needless to say that the fire, leaping,
folloteed the rash hand back to the keg
to the deetOction of the reckless per -
seri and'room also. Helen's IIannel
had this terrible habit -'of :using kere-
sene. lielen used to say that she ex-
pected every morning to hear a shriek,
and see I1ann11 run about' the lionee*
all on fire. -She got her lesson, how.
ever:in un easier fashion. Helen's Tons
was ill, and I went to the kitehen to
Make gruel, Hannah, ihi her zeal to
quicken tho cooking, took a bottle
in which was a little kerosene; and
spriekled it on She fire. Net -knowing
what she was doing, I.turned just in
time to see the flame dart book into the.
bottle. Hennah flung the bottle from
.bat', thus sprinkling herself with the
flaming oil. Foetunately, there were
bet a few drops in the bottle.. caught
up a bucket, whieh stood full of water,
anddashed it over Hannah, and then
catching her by the shonklers pressed
he upon thefloor on her Ince, and
wrapped Oh: kitchen arra over her ;
she was spared other harm than the rase
of her apron and her Voss sleeves. The
tinitteky bottle, breaking on the hearth,
of the flue properties of well -selected cocoa,
Ur. Opp has provided our breakfast tables
with a delicately flavored beverage which may
save us many heaVy doctor'a bills.' • It is by
the judieiOus use of such articles of diet that
a constitution may be gradually built up an.
tit strong enough to resist every tendency to
deserts°. Handreds of subtle maladies aro
floating around us ready to attack wherever
there is a weak point. We may escape many
a fatal iihaft by keeping ourselves well forti-
fled with pure blood and It properly nourished
fratue."-Cirit Service auette.—Sold, only in
Packets labelled -"JAMES Brea & Co., Ilo-
mosopathic Che re ists, 48. Threadneedle street,
and 170, piooadilly,, Loden,
. . , Tho American Tramp. • • ;
A, sad looking gentleman of a sort of
yory 113 tfch retired' Hamlet, ave,th_a_naine
e -d expression of face 'entered a ealoori
in New York' the other day, holding in
hisisand a small red canister. 'Look:
at this,' -he saki sorrowfully, went -in-
to a gun shop for something to eat, and me. this can of powder.
He said I could go shooting professional
actors who Were not wanted now, thine
were so many flue Amateurs. 'pledge you
.my weed,' nid the tramp, holding the
oanwkhinan inch of the open skive,
I'm so niiserahle I've a, mind to blow
myrielf up) "Dave you do it 1' saki ti;
bystander, winking at the crotvd. The
wretched party gave a sad theatrical
lingering look, and tossed the ean 41to
the flee, The company yelled, and
rushed out of the home in all directions.
Whtn they filed inlaboub..ten minutes
after, the empty ean was sitting harm,
less on the lire. 'Not so the glalises ;
four were empty, and several luncheon
plate -salsa. Hamlet was gona,
• .A. great number of religious retdvals
occurred itt ,the past two months in the
eountiee around Petersburg, Va,,extend-
lug to the neighboring tonnties itt
North Carolina, alike among the whited
as well as the blacks. The offeet on, the
moral tone of the conIMUnity is marked.
-"By a thorough knowledge of the natural
iava vhfohgosorn the1. f digostion
and nutrition, and by a careful applioation
ebtrai aros.
1)ERSONS wishing to communicate with Dn. ilEEVE
late of OnAttnl. Can au so by addressing him at 140,
Main strott, Buffalo, N. 'Y.
Dlt. APPLBTO14.-op•nog-The me ever tk
Store of Cunningham° & Aikenhead-the Sqnare
Itesidencet-Ontario street, opposite the
Clinton, Ally 10,187%
_ — - _
V. If fnversity,,) klargeon 40.)re5tdeavo
at Mr. Manning's, three door s east of the Temper ante
Hall, Londeshoro, Ont,
Imnacebero; Ione 3.4,1879.
• It's the:height- of folly to 'neglect those
premonitory symptoms of chronic ill health
which develope themselves in the shape of de-
bility, loss of appetite and sleep, iu nervous
Sensationa, dyspepsia, and an irregular state
of the bowels. Remedy them by timely mea-
sure's or dread the WOrst., Deal summarily
with the minor ailnlont before the greater as-
sails y9a. Among the resources of the plaar-
reaeopta there is no surer na in cases
of debility, nervousness aod dyspepsia.... than
Qtrinittirrpvided the renietly is judiciously
used, Decisive cures of the above ,•aiimentS
are constantly produced by small doses fre-
guently repeated. These. have the •effea of
increasing museufar power, improving the ap-
petite, 03anQlwatildeinfv,ilieglod41 digestion. tt hsi4o4t8ri.
tate for the.ordinary drag„ and pcissesses a
flavor yAich *enders it peenliarb apbeptiLle.
It' contains nothing in, the slighteit degree in:
Jaritnt$ to the' Most delicate invalid. Sherry
Nine and Pertain aromatics are combitied
with the, principal ingredient, the whole form --
big a, chemical precaration, barmanioue 10 eont.
_peaition;pleasant in taste,thorough ancl prOiript
ttCtieuT-Bnsides-.-invigoratiugTthe systeaa,
aiding digestion and promoting .regularitY in
She habit of body, it relieVes depretsion of the
mind, which is an almost invariable forerun-
ner of dyspepsia and nervous debility. It is
extremely beneficial in cases of malarial fever
and is a valuablesafeguard against those ma-
ladies. When buying be particular to ask for
the Quinine Wiiie prepared by .NorthroP &
Lyman. Sold .by all druggiste, : "
pgrirt,o EyE-b,ALvg.
An tnfallible:reniedy Or: i11 tii8ease8 of • the
• eye (aceute or ,chron2c), granulation of the
lids, ulceration of the lachrymal glcinds,.
film, and weakness of the vision from any
.cauae,. .• • • • •
Tnn AirUrnolts..ErS,Sn'sys'is presented to the
public with the assurance of its efaciency as a
eurativ.e of most diseases of the tiyeoicute or
chronic inflamMation, whether induced by'scro-
fulous origin or otherwise, weakness or defect
of vision; diminished *trine of the optic nerve,
or ti diseased state' of the tissues constituting
that organ. Aloe: for all. persons whOse voca-
tion requires au incessant action of the eyes,
the salve will not as.'a charm in restoring a uni-
form healthy action, where weakness, pain, and
misery may have tong threatened a fatal. ter-
. mination, It. is the most simple, safe, and el.
feetual reedy ever discovered. The materia-
-of which it is made are'pure, perfeatrand
compounded with elaborate care and exactness,
, 'Adam its application, being -used externally,
awl,- of course,. atoiiding-the pain and d'abger
Whieh peCesiarily attends the introductOn of
candle minerals and eye -washes: Ripoweast,
and Qbn CHLIONle SORES,. of scrofulous origin,'
or -restating from whatever-eause, yeild to -the:
Amsarcaa 'USED ST.TO-
sSFULLYWOR.:314F18, Its .soothing et-
c ,Witninettlatcrot-t care Eequircs
but .a few applications. The proprietors of .
tn.) a. J. Praserr's A:maltreats EYE-SAINE, while
making Clew and libfkoved machinery for ink-
ing a mere perfect box for the EvE-Satvh; have
changed. the Team' Manx ou the cover so auto
•correspond with the Cut on the Wrapper, Clir-
colors, Advertisements, etc, We call Attention.
to- this, as it itight otherwise be regarded'. as
' „ ' PETTIT & BARRER, '
• ' Proprietors, FreedcMia,
• - TorontOi Agents for Caoada.
Mitcheli's l3eiladonna, reproved India RubberPorous
There never haslieen a time when the -healing
of so many different,: diseases. bag' .been caused
by outward applicatien as the present. Itis an
undi"sputed fact that over half of the entire po-
Need to the use of era
nary. piasters. . • ' . :
. The princilial ingredien4 used in anaking
these,Plasters are Uum Olibarinth-or better
•known Its the Frankincense of the Bible•, -Rub.
her, and l3urgundy Pitch which, whet selenti-
tically conipountled, is full of electricity, and.
when combined with .the pure medicinal ourns,
is forma to be one ofthe- greatest. healing medi-
ums ever brought before the litimaa.race,
They.are• ackifowleged by all who hal e used
them to act quicker than any other Blasters
they --ever- before - tried, and that one of -those.
Plasters will do more real service than a hun.
i5 -ed of the ordinary kind, All other Plasters
are slow of action; and require to be Worn eon-
tinually to effect 4 cure.; but with these it is en-
tirely different; the instant one is applied the
patient will feel its effect.-
!They possess all the soothing,.. warming, Sup-
porting..and strengthening qualitiesof all other
Plasters, Maly'. .who‘have beenrelieVed of
rious other pains' in the KIDNEYS, BREAST
or SIDE, and believe. it is 'solely clone by. the
electrical qualities which *the Porous Plasters
contain; 'tad,which is impafted to the system,
thus.restoring them to a healthy condition. •• .
' They are very sett and pliable, still very ad-
hesive ;' and a sure-eure for WEAK BACKS,
P A T NN.11.c..T.H2 STDRAND. • and.
are _invaluable to those who have a 00I;D of
long Atanding, and often prevents CONSUMP-
TION., Some even tell us they believe
they -
wore enitely pared by the ass of theni of a long.
seated Consuniption, . , . •
Prepared by OltiORGE E.' MITCIHBr4L,
Lowell, Masi; • • ' '
-Sold by all Druggists •
THEGB,B.A.T.: ALB 1.1 B I) Y.
-.10e M.OsES
This Weil knowe 'medicine is ne i mposition
but a sure ILIid safe remedy for Venial°
collie'. and Obstructions, froze any causewhat-
OVerlall d. 'although a powerful remedy, it c on -
tain a nothing hurtf tato UM eimatitution .
I tifi.o eculiarlYsuited, It will, in a short Unite
bring On the monthly perioa with regularity.
in an ia80.S of Nervous mid Spirtal AVeetions,
Pains in 'the. Duck and Limbs; .11eavineas,
reggae on slight bxertion, Palpitation -of the
heart, Elysterica, Sick lIeadachea, Whites,
and all tho painfe 1 diseases occasioned . by a
disordetiecisystera, those rine will °floe t acsre
when all other meaus have failed.
Those Pillhave never hem known Le fail
phlet, are 'well 6-bserved.
where the direetions on the,:rp;u:
Por partieulars, get a pamphlet., free,of
0101sOnSdE fliNc!nWtaYfOorilPftoSfitDaLgt I:enclosed-1'o
Northrop ds'„ Lynhan, Toronto,..orit.,• general
agenttt for the Donalaion, will illiture a bottle
oonteining over 60 pille by return ninil..
Sold in Clinton by 3.11. Combs and W. B."
W`atts 14, Melton and IP. Lumsdon, bea-
forth; Carroithroolc; Porker it Cattle
and V. Tartlet, 004(.1+01r; E. Camerer . 13e,y1
001417as. ll'iathv , 1r !and al' meal.
Department of Victoria Univeratt, Toronto, for-
merly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, Kew York,
Coroner ter the County of uuron,13Arristn, Ont.
July 22,1874. . m
ammo, Amoonohouro, OfllooillottenburYal;oef,
taat consolidated Bank. .
D, 11. Dowfmax, 73. D. A. 73, Casson, M.p.
CliAton, Mn 10, 1877.
Accouelieur, Licentiate of the College of Physician,
and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provincial Licen ti -
ate and Coroner /or the County of .Huron. Office and •
e soi:ennteo:Taa7e1071181:117 fortoorly 000nsies. by Mr.
Thwaites, Huron etreet.
OORBET LOCKE, barrister, Sm., has opened an of.
ace in the:Victoria block, Victoria street, Clinton_
Clinton, May 28, 1$79, •
.1.1i1. on good mortgage security, at moderate rates of "
Intereat. HALE; ,
Apply at•the Town Hall, or at the residence of the
subsoriber, near the London, Huron & Bruce Railway
Station. 3M3338SCOTT,
, • Teener of Marriage Licenses,
Clinton, Apri127th,
.1.111 Haman, having tried in vain every advertised
remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-eure.-
be happy to forward the particulars to any suf-
ferer on receipt of postage and directed envelope. Ad-
dress, X. T. tinwnx,t,, Esq., Mayville, narenvirsmith
London, England, • • 89m
(TATE. or TRENTON, oxx.)
Graduate of the University of Toronto mem'ber of
She College of Physicians and Suigeons, Out.
Oman etin"Rasinsm-The house formelay °eon,
pled by Dr. Reeve, Albert Street, Clinton. 21
rrn15OENTBAL HOTEL - late Fitriner's - Albert
Street, Clinton. S. PIKE, Proprietor, This ho-
tel has lately been greatly iroproved and thoroughly
refurnished, and miscues every requisite for the com-
fort and convenience orate travelling publio.. Good
sfikbling and attentive hostler.
Clinton, Nov. 2$th,-1878.
T GAVE hny areo.uni of money to lend, on good,
-1-.1afproved. farms only, at 8 per cent ; charges very
seam. ne.o.biect seenrity fimpie. I do net
lend money:for any Company.
/rot. 8, 1878.
• SEAronTtr.
o, TO 0E0, ,f9I'AIYA1T 8, QLIITuN, PeR •
SIATti\T a- UA.OX-711.1ST,ICS
Various kinils, st3ios and priees.• lexames, OxL, 80
All kiwis repaired by a PrAutical .1Gacbiniet. Work.
warranted. Ma earn s ko 'RENT by the week or month'
April 8,1879. •
aaaa a
OTIGEON D'ENTIST, Graduate et the BaYaldollege
Li of Dental Surgeons of „Ontario, has nponed roonis
in the victoria Block, Albert 8 tied, Clinton, wher,e_he
will constantly be in attendance, and prepar. d to per-
form every operation connected with Dentistry. Teeth.
extracted, ir filled with gold, anialgami 95 other tilling
material. Attificfalieetil in Serte d 2001,, ono to al ull set.
Clinton, April 17, nee. • - • 1
• ,•
A largo rosortatent of FEATITERS FLOWERS
SIL.I.kband RIBBONS, in the newest shades. r•
, A1s0a lonestock of blILT'and seaswereee,
the latest styles. CORSBTS, &e. .
Agent for Bwrzurca's PATIlarniS of garments* 92 511
deem iptione a largo stock kept on hand.
Felt and StrawAittetleEtned and altered
..• tame a'ssorrnien5 Of Isidieskhranties. , ••
stock. at greatly 1.4=0 prices, blow is )our time to
.84 Childrcn, Ledies. Soiling of suancer
t 41104 goal( Oro.mpton Impro...)47..orsets,,f.or
re6coilnetfts,r jgatlii;s2.3i0, 1819..
GRAY'S 10.1.1C.IIFICAtliEFIlICkirk.l.
tliADF, MAIM. Irhe °re." Trin.on AfAuft
for Seminal weak-
that follovr as a
sequence of Self -
•I Aimee, as Lose cif
Mornoryi• Univer•
gef6Y° Takig.nalt11aeesBitanodke,,DpIaMin- Alter Taking.
nese of vision, Premature Old. Age, and many other
diseases thablead to Insanity or Constimption, and a:,
Proroature Grave., Full partienlareln our pamphlet,
which we desire to send free by mall tb every one.—
The Specific Medicine is sold by all drtidgisto at sr per
_Lai. rhea, or.6 packages tor $5 .or., soatirce_ay.
mail on receipt of the money, .by addressing
Toronto Ont
N. D.—The donivaonrodnetoof,etuorwbbuirieihnevelent3A;pelneaoseetdiatartoses
017r removing to
all future oemitinniclatilMs.
Bold in Clinton by all druggists, and oirorywhere in
Canada end the 'United States by all wholesale, and re . •
tail (haggises..
• •
Einpoiiirm of FoshiOn, •
Mit.S.. FITCli
rrialOtS pleasure in -rinnenneing that she is now•pre.
5. pared to (1°,1)1088414mm° 15 tho latest styles,
'Toying Noy tor yore engaged as orator In leading es-
tablishments in American cities, sho flatters herself
that sho elm giv,ethe most pericetsatisiaction.
She ItlA0 has in stock a well -selected assortment of
• ./11/1.t.i4VER Y AND LINPar SITZTS
Ani wni endeavor to seer the !Wilt novelties pertsiet
, . leg to the businese,
A cALX. ni/SitetStiLLV SOLM1Trb.
clintout Uft5'18,1070` •
WhiCh thv principal can
repiiitt las part.or ail air
any time nutting the terns,
or Loan.
5151.141t TO •
we '-sv rA. ?IA:AL •
Jlibtou, rat.a.1878,.