HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-10-02, Page 8- QLINTON NEW ERA. .11,.-B1G OFFER Only 53.25 dor thi ew K'a a d Iy Glebe UP TO THE END OF 1880. WE HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS 1VHERElIi' "WE CAN mans THE melee WITH THE New Er* AT THE ABOVE RATES, TO .NEW SUn- • Semmes. PAWi'JES AVAJLIIIG THE1tSELVES OF THIS OFFER, GET OVER THREE MONTHS OF MIS YEAR reit NOTHING. AT JANUARY TJ1E plebe WILL DE VERY MITCH ENLARGED AND • IMPROVED: SEND: A;OND .T. -HE :MONEY.- COit1PLIIIIEN?S. In itsreport of the West Riding Show the Star mentions the following : • Caution . Bros., , of Clinton, showers a • 1u bat wagon, which took eec o dcri ze as from the aubstantial 'nay in which i 4 was constructed it oettainly should. They also"showed a fine. top buggy; which ;was • very much admired, As usual.Mr. H. Snell Si, Son were the successful competitors in both.thesii classes, (Sheep and Piga.) The sheep were exceed- • rngly tine, and one`of his pigs, of enormous weight,•waa front a sow .for 'which $300 was Some of the best meloilians and parlor 'organs we have seen •were exhibited by Messrs..Doherty,&CCo., of Clinton. They bad one instrument: which was really a Marvel of perfection. ,For richness of tone and power it: could not be excelled by any organ or of .its Size, and from We number of atopy and the exquisite •workmanship connected .therewith, the instrument is for suitableeither e a parlor or a phurcb. It has mapy'novel iind•galnable improvements •and we have OO hesitation b a to in recommend- ing mend- in those -of qui readers r gwho mak be con- templating the purchase of such an : organ to see this first Ma.- Tuoatas"'GRiTNDY: f sero' ing to Parkhill. 1. . REGULAR meeting of ' Council next Monday evening: . MR. GEo. '1DIEHL i1 completingthe 6. erection of hi . Ilew l ease. '.--- - `._ .. QurTE anumber of.our .townspeople, are visiting; London this.week. • ' • ' THE. wife and family Of Rev.. D. ,G.: Sutherland returned from Toronto, on Friday.. .. ' A drunken-'man'fell throtigh--•ene of the. large . windows in 'the biiok block, ou Tuesday. Ray. R. SII:trit C1, M., of Ottawa, .is tipendirto a, few days :with his .brother 'Mr. W.• Shier,. Of the 2nd con. of Rullett. The family of D.r. Reeve are remov- ing to town again, Buffalo not .having proved so desirable a place of residence.. as Clinton. ADDRpss Rev Mr. Stewart,'of Clin-. ton, is to.. deliver o. e x an add'ross in connec- tion with a eburcli social, - at' Soaforth, this evening:. ' • ' • • b'on the las' two 'vee -s'1arge quanti- ties of grain have been pucohased on ' the market 'here, the iidvange' in mice 11as inducedfarmers to bring it in.. CLrxTOat merchants feel delighted over the way in which the fall trade luta open- ed up. It is•the fine assortment of goods kept 'and lowpricesasked that 'fetcltles'env,. Ix additiento being a good general Market,. Clinton Ito the; reputation, of baingtan exceptionally good one for. bar- ' 'ley, .a'fact that farmers should bear in mind JAS, T Mimosa jI, proprietor .of the International 'foto', Niagata'Falls, .and Pireaident of the village, died at his.' Anita on- �Thixratiay.. •. [Deceased was 'a+ •iiepbcvt.of JS'Ir.:Geo. Fulton, ..foro erly of the Bayfield Road.] • ..PRIZES.---At'.tho Exeter fell.. show, last \Veelt, 'Mess1 s.' McTaggart atL Co. totik,firat prize for carriage team. • In .. Durbabde, Messrs. R. Snell d .Son took '4i,piuzee, 5-offthem firsts and in seises.,. ter sheep: they took $ prizes. IT Is something' aniusual tosee a: farfnor•layipg in A stock of coal for win - tee, but Mr. D. , lad of ' p y, the Baso Line, who is a very successful agricul- turist, shows his preference'for coal by • getting inn good winter's supply: WE will always be obliged to, any of our friends for• items of :.news, personal or pertaining to business matters; . An otlitor' is 'not itlnquitous, neither is he Otniliselentt'so if any item of' hews es- 'capes hull it ;stay ]lot be, entirely: his fault. . . 'Aare A NOTE os' IT. -7; -An exchange 'truly says :•--'Ueodtowlis are the result of well supportedindustries, • and 'anion& other •things a newspaper is not too Joust of'these. A, well -supported news. paper exerts an infltlence over business and trade above other Inediulns. The local palter does more for a town and its bustsessi me •e t st than any thing its citi- zens can patronize. , Aid if business. fail to become educated to this . favi,. they bee Sight of the medium between than and the attstomeni who ego 'where men do not keep the light hid under .ft bushel, • TIIr (.rand Trunk Railroad issues tickets at single etre to and front Lon- dpn, good till the close of the fare. Mr. A. Ricbarde, formerly G. T. sta- tion agent here; now fills a lucrative po- sition at Crhicago,-on .one -of the railway lines there,, - A PALLOR concert iu Catltle$ion. with Willis Church Choir, will be held at tiie residence of Mr. Thos. Jackson,— on Thursday °Tening:, 9th Inst: ._ .. • OWING to there being no quorum, the regular sleeting of the school board was. not held on Monday lost. 1t is likely that a special. meeting will be bold next Monday. THERE has been. a very Large quantity of wheat sewn tide fall and most till of it looks well. There appoare to be a growing feeling that fall wheat is more certain thati spring. YESTERDAY, (Wednesday) Mrs. May, Oroll and Gray left for Brantford; a,s representatives ef' the Women's Tem- perance Union, to attend a convention • O;•r Tuesday evening a little girl, aged abdut 9, daughter of M13. Ptl3sell Read, fell iijto crasher, the door: of which lead been left open. Fortunately her only injuries were a slight cut on the tread, and several. bruises about the body. P.QULTg1C Assocln_ TIo�7.-An .ef'ol t is to be'mada:to form a poultry association in this place, in order tQ get. people to take a . deeper interest In this class of stock, bring breeders together, and die - Miss Matters pertaining to poultry. We. trust thatthe-association may bo.formed, AiTIIOUGH the influx of wheat 'into this town daring the pasttwo or three weeka alas been very great, taxing: the shipping facili aesof the, i•ailioads: pretty heavily, we•aro glad to know -that our graini dealers are not obstructed in their business operations as they wore in years gone by. ' ; Cars are being . rapidly. filled' arid sent away; to their destination, RECENTLY, :the Presbyterian 'Sabbath School, of town, sent. tear" Torontb first. for Samples of libraries suitable 'for their school, ken) w i ep he 'could d nck 0 selections.. On the arrival of the books they, were found -to .be far: from satisfac=' tory, the sensational style predominating;. end they were hastily packed off again. '0oiut oT.D REPORT OF INTERMEDJATJC' ESADtJk�TATION.=A correspondent; sends. us the following Miss M, Corbett, grade, A; -Geo. W. Jackman, A:;' Miss Elliott, IV iss:,M. King•; .B ; Miss. Walker, B.; -Miss. Reid,-;-73;-Mr.'.G,-:Buchanan; 18; Mr. A; GraceyaBi Mr. T. Sloan, ' B ;; Mr. Mtirdoch, B,.:' F. Whittingham, I3.; PAINFUL: ACCIDENT. •TOn E ursday evening, Frank•Kilty,•,son of Mr.• John Kilty, of: Hullett, met with. D. painful • accident" On the..High: School grounds,': here. footbat1 snatch was ill progress,: and while making his..way towards the• school, one of the players accidentally jumped on Kilty's leg; witting the cords and inflicting. several 'bruises, .which have. singe confined him to his bed. MISSIONARY ,MEETINGS in the-. )0. cburehes, Clinton circuit; vi•Jll bo, pelta as follows f ' 'On Sunday, get.. 5±1); -bel- anoint will bepreached at Mount Ilope by .Rev. E. Shier, 0.M.J London Road, by BeSV' v. :.Ehaliplti, Holinesville, by Mr. T. O. Pinkard, and Rev. W. Chap- pie. , •Week aught meetings, as ,follows A?nil' It IIopQ, Tuesday,- ' t Oct,.. 7; Kohnes- ail'', Oct. 8th; London Reid,. Oct. '90: Deputation, Rev. G. -Webber, of Exeter, 'chairman of district. On Sundny, -Oct.', 112th; sermons will. be preached at Clin- tonf morning and evening, and e,t Alma, in the afternoon' by Rev. W. S. Pascoe; Sec. of Conference. ; •Week night: 'Olin. tong Monday,. Oct:' 13th; Alma, '.Oct. 14th; ' Deputation, Rev • W S Pascoe, Services at usual hours on Sunday; Week •ilight'services 'fa commence '.at. 7,30. p n5: Collections in: aid of mission Rind. e 411p, • SPECIAL NOTICE. Pattie; L Ping saws that require gumming, should toh ke them t Ansi• . M r� GArsA89s10. Jttirox st.,•Clinton, IrALL' sHOWt. The following are the dates of the call Ex- hibitious of Agricultural Societies in this -dl's triot : e . •• • East 1tIuron,'at Brussels; on 'Chnrsday:and Friday, Get, 2nd and ai'd. - Lest Wawanoab; at 53elgrave, on Wedues- day, Oct. 8th. ' Morals Branch, et 13lytb; 9th and filial of October • 'Stanley Branch, at Bayfield, Tuesday: •and ed W aesda Oct y, t.t Sha and Sal. A iieckt;ie social was held in Seefoi•tll MethodistChurch, on Friday. Seyeral Seaforthites have skhdaddled, leaving iluniorotts unpaid accounts.. Mr, :