HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-10-02, Page 700TOBE1 2,1870
Below we give the prizelist of the West
' Bhliug Huron fall show, flew a 004eriek,
het week; •
Iloksgs-uE.tvy Duane:am-Tyre year
01.4 filly, 34 W Fagan, 21.1 G Morris, 3.1
Spronee Two year sad geldinge 3 Girvio.
One year old filly, W Fagan. II eaVy draught
team, by A NI RosseM P P, diploma, lst
F S'eegtniller, 24 E Gaunt.
Geeeekea,Ppare8z.-11r00d ruare,havin,g
raised foal in 1879,, diploma, 14 H Morris,
24 j Torrance, 3d C Stewart: Spring feel,
.14 11 Morris, 24 J Torrance, ad 0 Steware.
Two year old filly, 14 J 0 Stewart, 24
Hunter, ad A Young. Two year old geld-
ing,' 1st T Amderson, ad W Robinson, 3d
3 Salkeld, . ()lie year old filly, lat NV -Robin-
son, 2d J Duncan, 3d 11 Howell. One year
old gelding, 14Clark, 2d 0 Sprang. Span
general purpose horses, ;Pares or geldings,
diploma, 14 3 0 Stewart, 24 T NI. Elliott,
ad J Qumings.
ROADSTERS. -Brood Mare, liar ipg raised
foal in 1879, diploma; 14 W A Ed wird, 24
R 0 Hayes, 34Clerk. Spring 'foal, colt
ex fillyelst R.0 ;Ieleyee, 24 W Dpgi, 343
• -.-Glennel 'One. year.old 1et 0,i001,4e,•
• . 24 13,4e, •Two year old gelding, let 3
43rutiedeni 24rSalkeld. Teeeyear old filly;
14 P Carter, 24 J Jenkins "34 C Nat-
• tel.. Span carriage horses/by II Y Malt,
• Estee drplorna, lst W MeLean„ 2d not
• known'3d A Young, Buggy bore°, lat J
• Knox, 24 D McDonald, ,3d J Shipley, Sad-
dle horse, 14 net knew n, 21F Jordan, 34 3
0ATTI,E-TH0ROUGHBItED. -Mild' 'cow,
having raised .calf in 1879, diploma, 14 H
Snell, 2cr"end 3d 3 Dickson. TwO year old
heifer, 11 Snell. One year old heifer, lat
H Snell; 24 J Dickson. Bull calf, 1st, 24,
and ad J Dickson.. Heifer pelf, lst and 20
H So1L Herd, consistingof three females
• and one irsalneeeliplerea, Asp §..nel.k2d
raised calf in 1879, let.S Furse, 24.11, Medd,
3d .T Hunter. • Twe year old beak., lst J
Duncan, 24 G Young, .3c1 El Morris. One
year old heifer, lat J Dickson, 24 1.1
3d 5 Foca: Bull calf; let..1.1 Wells, 20 D
MoIlwain, 3d -J 0 Stewart. Heifer calf,.
est not k nowise -2d R klaWley, 333 Stew-
art. Yoke two-year old steers, let Ti Medd,
2d3 Yeunge_Ftetox or steer, prize by the
butchers of Goclerich, lat W MeLeau, 24
and 3d SeA.ndrees. • Heifer or cow, .prize
by the butchers of God , let S Andrews,
24 A )(Marg. Yoke of working oxen, 14
Young, 211,T Kelly, 3d W Clutters,. '
SPeer-Larceseeete-Aged ram, ist H
Snell, 24 J. Hunter, ad J Ross. Sheerling
ram, 14/ 11 Snell, 24 J 0 Stewart. Ram
• lamb, 1st 11 Snell, 24 J 0 Stewart, ad 11.
Snell. Ye -Pah -deed owes, ha,.vieg raieedlambe
in 3879, lat HeSnell, 24 J 0 Stewart, ad
tinter... Pair shear:ling ewea, 1411Snell,
21:1' 3 O.Stewart. Collection, of one ram,
ewe, drplothae g Snell. ' .
Oorsevoef). -'Aged ram,- 3: GtimingEr.
Sheerling.eam, ist H. Snell, 24 and 3d 1
Rainelambrlitell Bnell, 2d, J.,
0unilogie i Pair' aged e Was, 'lleving .raised
• lambs in 1870, lst 11 Snell, 24.3 Cumingse
'Pairehoarling ewe, 14 11 Snell, 24 j
mings. Pair ewe lambs, 1st J Ceminge,
• 21 II., Spell. • Pair fat.,ecs,,or weathers,,'
any breed, 1st 3 Buchanan, R Bealyin-
an, 34 5 Andrews. Collection of'one ram,
pox agedawee, pair shearibig .ewes, .pair
ew,•lambs,.dip1onia fl.Snell. •
; .Brtneo. -.Boar, 14 11;
Bean, 24alke1d. Sowunder, one
year, 3 Salkeld.. • •
' SMALL Bitaini-Vireorat.H-BOare isi 3.
'.2" Fidler, 243 Gov ier. Sow, having littered
in 1879, Iit, 2d, instead, 3 Gorier. Boar
. pig'under .one year, ist and 24 Govier,
• 3d 11, Hodge. Sow pig, 'under one year• ,
lst, 2,1,--anir 3d, Govier.. '
SMALL .131neenBERXe1lIne„ -Boar; 14
jRosa,. 24 J Duncan. .Sow pig, having
littered -.in 187944lIienell, 23etIfecess,_al..
den, 34 J Warshingtcu. Two buebels .Claw -
on fall Wheat, let A Green, 24 A Yeung,;
31 W Doherty. Two bushels Scott fall
wheat, let W Beever, 240 L 1VIcInteele. ad
W Swaftield. Two beetle's any other vse-
riety fall wheat,. let P °Oren, 24 W Goode,
ad 3 Porter. Two buelusle spring wheat,
white, Fife, lst W j klayclen, .24 it Ranci-
man, ad 3 Buchanan. Two bushels Lost
Nation, 1st J &Weld, 2d 3 Glepn, 3d j
liuntor. Red chaff, 1st 0 3 S Naftel, 2d R
Buchanan, ad W Potter, White Russian,
143 Salkeld, 2t1 R Bocbaean, 34..1:Bunter.
Spring wheat, any variety, lst Salkeld,
2d D Mcl3rien, 34 J 0 Stewart. Rye,lst
3 Clark, 2d not known -Barley, 1st G Thur. ler. Early bort) carrots, 14 J Porter, 24
low, 24 3 Hunter, 3d S Oak. Small peas, II Horton. Table paranips, let j Cox, 24
lst W J Hayden, 2d A. Young, 31 W Pet- W McLean.' Reel onions,lot 3 Heasley,
ter. Large peas, ist: P Carrell, 24 W J 2d II Palmer. Yellow onions, let J Hew
Hayden. White oat, 1st J Stilkeld, 24 J lop, 2d Q Clark. Silver akin -onions,
Andrews, 31 WHayden. Black ()ate, Cox. Cob's corn, table, let 3 Vaicoe, 24.
lst W Doherty', 2-d 3 Porter. Flax seed, J Variety, table, E Bingham.
let J Clark, 2'd J Salkeld, ad J B Salkeld. Water melons, let J Stewart, 24 F Beeg-
Tituethy seecl, let 3 Co; 21 3 Salkeld, 34 miller. Minsk melons, Ist and2d J Stewart.
1 Salkeld. Green flesh melons, 1 Stewart. Cauliflowar,
Feturr-Aerets.-eSpeeial prize, by A M let j Stewart, 24 W Swaffield. Tomatoes,
Ross, M .P--Proollection fruit. diplema, :tat IStewart, 24E.Ilirigharn. Salsify, let
Steware, eerwenty varieties, let 3 Torrance, ,T Stevrait, 2410°e4ill. . Garden proaupe,
2d4 .acl j Stewart. ,Teri varieties, distinct, from other entries, lst E Bingham),
elest3 Pletfotielcl-F Seettinillet.'340e0rnere- 2t1-1-0mede11. ••,.
Six varieties, let 3• Mitoliell, :24 J .5 Me; Horde Mateuradunes. --Cloth, - let 3,
• Dougall. Northern spy, let M 0Gordon, Young, 243 Morris, 34 WDoberty, Blank-,
-211W Dohertye Snow, let J Dickson,. 2d ets, let Young, 24 A IV Yogeig, 3, A.
J Thomsonukeile island greening, lst Yenniete flame made yarn'lst T Hamilton,
D McBrien, 2d 3 Patton. Baldwin; 1st' F ,2dentry ticket lest, 34 Mr Robert. .Coun,
Seegmiller, 2d T M Elliott. St Lawrenge, •.teepane, wove, lst P Fisher, 24 Young,
lst J Gordon, 24 D MoBrien, Duchess of 34, 'Voting. Double set farm harneres,
Oldenburg, let Gordon, 20 J. Stewart. Stranbel. Set ' single buggy harness, .
Gravenstein, lst P Carroll, 24 if Davidson,. Straubel. Gent's sewed. boots, E and J
Spitzenburg, 1st 3 Glenn, 24 H Davidson,- •Downipg. Boots, E and 3 D stvning. : Pho-
Kele, of- ton:I:skins ociunty;•14 T M Il1hott, tographs, E Johnson.Home Made wine,
24 J Gordon, 3d 3"Porterf Twenty mine° lst 3 Mosley,,,211 T le'l• Elliott; 'ad E Bing-
lst 3. Hunter, 2d F Seegmiller, barn. Organ, J Weathereld. -Sewing nia,
Ribston pippin, lst T M Elliott, 24 W Doe chino, let J Weathereld, 2d and 341Stery.
herty. Hawthordean; ist J Dickson, 2d J Suit of nincle clothes; Mrs Stokes. "
Thomson. ' Hubbatdeon'e• nonsuch, 14'3 FIELD Viawranees AND ROOTS -AM.:
HO -ter, 2471-Steweete---Piemiersegiltee-Tet "geoldnevteele; '133 -t -0 -Th McIntosh; 2n1-3-
3 Stewart, 243 Salkeld, •,A.ny variety, 14 .Selkold. Swede turnips, let R Davidson,
W 3 '
:lelayden• 24 T Weatheralde Crab, let 24 0 -Gordon. Red carrots, ist E Bing-
Smaill, 24 0 Bates. • ham, 24 J Mitebell. White carrots, lst
• FEARS. -Sik varieties, 14 A M Ross, 24 WSwaffield-, 24 3 Porter. °ohms, 1st0
j Stewart, 3d 3 Hunter. Three varieties, Clark, 24 3Peeter., Coen, let G Clark, 24
let 3 'lento; 24 R Re) ncitrian, Bartlett, M Urdon. 'Pumpkin, 1st leleffslie,
lat FSeegmiller' .24 W Vigo. Senceicle .Squesh, 1st J Glenn, 21 jeStese,
of Winktielcl, lEst3 Glenn, 24 J Steivart. t.•• Pole corn, J Wright, vecemmended. •
Dechess d'Angonlorne, :1st. 0 Bates, 2d IDarner Preemie:B.-Table better, diplo-
Renter. Belle Lacrative, 14 Stewart, ma, lei N Morrish, 24.? garrollc3d • 3 Q
2d A 11 ROBB; Lonis Bonne de Jersey, lst.Stewart. Tub or crook, 14 .7 Stewerte24
• 3 McIntyre, 24T Hood. Benne) cl'A neon,
'ist T Weat1iere10e,..2d.A M Ross..White
Doyennee lst: A M. Bras; 2,1 J MIntere.
Ileurre Clargean, lst P.Adarrison, 2d .A. M
.Ross. Howell, 14;e17 MoLecaie 23 j•Dick-
son. Onondagee 14 J Fleeter; 24 k M
Ross. Seckel, T Weathereld, 24. '3
. .
Hunte. Clapp's levarite, W 3 Hayden.
•Lawrence' - A NI,Rote. •13ellain,
243 Mitebell. tltriety;lst J
Iltinter„ 24 „ •
Pierers.,e-aeTine ,varieties, lst
0 Bates- 2,4 3 McIntyree 31 E Bingham.
Wesilelpgtori, 3 :Ifielekebridge. Breelehave,
Jellelietyre.-- Pond's. seedling;*. 0 'Bates.,
Yellow Mageum Bonum, T Weathereld..
Duane's ,purple, let ' T.,Werithereld, .24 A
ebickeemer .,Leertheed, Iste0134else24 j Me .
Intyre: ' GeneralHand, tWeatherald. Co-
Lembia; :A Dieksorre• Anx,variety, ,lst'.A
Dickson,, 2d E Bingham.
Pkaceees.-Four.variatietd, -six ofeetach,
'T IVeE11iott , Nettled, istR HisevelleN T
11 Elliott: • Quinces,. lst.A 111 Rose; 243,
Andrewe.. , ;•
Three table erpiash, ist Dinehain, 24
Stewart. Three whiter, for eatile, lst E
13ingbarse 24 G Clark. White celery,
Goodall. Winto,�abbage,1st11 Armstroisg,
240 Clark. Fall cabbage, I st R.Gibboz,
24 H Armstrong. Savoy, ist 3 Mitchell,
24 (,t Clark. Carous, lat J Stewart, 24 F
Seehmiller. Red cabbage, lst J
E Bioghain. Table beets, 1st 11 Horton,
24 E Bingham. Turuip blood beets, for
table, let A Bingham, 2e j Mitchell. Redi-
rich- or poor, it colts nothing to give thin
great remedy a trial. Dr. Iseinges California
Yroldeu Oempoural, for Dyspepsia, Sick:Hence-
ache, Low Spirits, Lose of Appetite, Sour
Stomace, Cotnino eup•ofeFood. Yellow Com-
plexion, General Debility, Inactivity and
-Drowsiness, Liver elomplaiO, Jaundice and
Bilieueness, for which. it is certain andel:seedy
Care. ler o person should he without it. In
order to prove that it will do all thab We claim
for it yea are given a trill betties free of cost,
which will convince you. of it e truly wonder-
shes, lst G Clark, 24 E Ilingbare. Table ful merits, aud show you what a regular one,
turnip, 3 Stewart. Long orange carrots, dollar size bottle.will 40, For sale by ,L IL
1st W Merman, 21 E Bingham. Interims, Combo, Clieton.
diate carrots, lat J Salkeld, 24 F Seegmil, ilneklen20 Arnie% Salve.
The best Salve in the wor14 for Cuts, Braises,
Sores, Ulcers, Sult Ithetori, Totter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds a Skin
Eruptions. Thia Salve is guaranteed. to give
perfect satisfaction in every case or Money re-
funded. Price 25 cents per box. For eale by
S. H. Combe, Clinton.
W GIOver. Belie piginnelee-one 'year, let
II Snell, 213 Ross, 3d-00rece. Sowepig„
tinder one per,. latII Seel], 24 j Ross, 3d
• H Shell. e • • . • .
• FpOLTRY.-110lld8,1:18,4st. A Kirkbride,
2d W Afford.' Pair .brahum, _white, lst D
Ferguson. 2d W Sreith. Pair bralima,
• dark, la 1) Ferguson, 2d A Kirkbride.
Pair black Spanish, 1st Rey a Clark, '24 R
Runciinan. Pair Polands, lst J Young, 24
• V1 Mammon Garne, lst and 2d Rev. a:
Clark. Pair homburgs, lst and 2d Rev.. G
Clark. Pali bantams, lsteltote 0 Clark,.
ftd R Roncirnan. Plymoutlyrocks, lst and
24 A Kirkbride: Legharns, 1st 11 Runci-
man, 24 Rev. G Clark, Fowls, any other
improved breed, let'D Fergieson, 2d 11, ltuu-
Oman. Turkeys, 1st 3 Govier, 24 J Sal'keld. : Geese, 1st P Carroll, 24 Salkeld.
• Ducks, let W Swaffield, 24 judge Spier,
Mosirovy ducks, lst and 24 J Salkeld.
'Collection of Noy pigeons, fst W
son) 24 M Malaornson. .Pea fowls, J Young.
eGuineatoiels,lst W Swaffield, 24 It'Porter.
Ceellectiini of fowls,. improved breeds, dip-
loma; Rev. 0 mark.
• skRING Onzeitetes.-'-Btahnut; *Hee lat et-
Kirkbride,24 D Ferguson. Brahms, black,'
itt D Ferguson, 24 W fl Smith. -'Black
Spaeitsb; lat R Runcimape 24 Rev. 0 Clark.
Polands, let and 2d Rev, G Game,.
1st A Kirkbride, 24 D Ferguson,. Ham-
burgselst Rev. Se Clark, 24 MMalcomson.
Eoudana, 3.st R Runciman, 2c1 3 'Robert-
son. Bantams, 1st D Ferguson, 2c1 Ramp:
&than. Plyrotith rock, lst A. -Kirkbride,
. 24 It Runciman. Fowls, any other. im-
• Project breed, lEat arid 2.4 R Runciman.• .
. hareaereNTs.--Phecton" or open buggy,
lat Morton & Creasman, 24 and 343 Knox.
Two horse boggy, let lgoreton .8e-Cressm00,
24 3, Knox, Otie -horse 'buggy, covered,
.1st 3 Knox, 2s1 Oantelon Bees. Gang
plough, 1st It Yung, 24 R 0 Hayes, Iron
..e;litereewe . „1„! Pel Thempeon,
4. Field rOlier, lst Ileinber foundry co.,* 24
Armstrong Bros. Horse hay rake, sulky,
Billiegton. Set horse oboes from the
hammers lst Jones Couch, 24 L Elliott,
'Pump, lit Armstrong Bros., 24 Weller 8.6
Martin. Wooden axle lumber waggoe, lst
L Elliottela Cantelon Bros, Iran plough,
Humber foundry an,; Iron beatri ,plough,
14 Hutnber foundry compaey, 24 3 13
Weir. Steam engine, R Runcitnan, recom.
mended. Bee he, P Fisher, recommend-
ed'. " •Sifigle, reaper and mower, L tlliott,
recommended. Patent buggy ton, S Fisher,
recommended. Portland cutter, Morton So
Cressnian. Horse hoe, Masson martufao,
tilting company. Seed drill; lat Matson
manufacturing company, '24 It Young.
• GRAIN* Alen. Seene:-Two bushele Tread,
well fall who , lat Ti 130an, 20 W 3 Hay,
Ceitareeeeeltinr vexed:Ogee one cluster 'of
each,:grown blldpr. glees -eel -et Taocidall, 24
A hi Ross, 3d .T.8 McDieugall ; :and heavi-
est two. clusters, White, under glass, lat
McDougall, 2d '1 Geodall ; an heaviest
two plasters, black, under glass, 143 Goode -
ell, 2d 3.8 MeDougall. Twelve. varieties,
growp in open air, two clustets, lst AM.
Ross, 2d E Bingham. Four varieties, two
"clusters, 3' „II Williams, Three elustere-
Delaware, lit A M Ross, 20 3, Russell.
Three, dilaters Concord, it A M Ross, c1
R Miller:. -Three clustere Hartford, A. NI
Rem Enmelline Jet A firelloseT,-11-3-11-
Williams. ' Rogers,' lst A M: Roes, 24 E
BinghaIona, 34 A. NI Roes; 24 W
Knight. $alein, 14 A IVIRoss, 24 J Wright.
°reveling, lst A M Ross, 24 3 R
Apy variety, 1st A M Ross, 24 R Bounty-
Seedlipg apples, JPattOn.. Three' bnneliee
Allan's hybtid, Rdloparny. Seedling:, three
varietieseW redommendocl.
W 3Rayden, recommended: Wag -
e'er, J Dickson, recarnmOudod._ •
FLOWERS. -001leeti011 Opt flewers,
ni J Goodall. Twelve varieties., dahliete,
ono bloom of each, J Stewart. Eighties:
NEW Tii/IE .
.131.11,AND TRITNN•
Palisenger Trains will leave Clinton stntioh s 10110P/V
Gonna Baez -EXprese, 12.40 p,. Mail, -7 88 a'
in., 0.55 p. m., 4,8o p. in. • „
Gower Was. -Express, 8.80 p. n.; Mixed, 945 a.m.,
1.45 p. M., 9.15 p. m.
" retoicseet, General Manager.
A,. ST RA.LT ON, Agent at Clinton,
Minton, Any 24, 1879.
. .
r Laddro
' Good Securities Purchased.
Nov. 9, 1878. ' ' 47
'NV Dohbeey, 31 3 Goyim Factory made .
' • . ' • - —
Cheese, let CI Young, 24 111,Govenlock 3d -
. , rime seensonenaneenstaxa trieneiriene eat;
%Young. Unlit°. made, let 8 Iliss'ett; 24 ..i. sincere thanks for the liberal ober° et patronage
afforded him, and Would lose inteneto that he hue, dur-
.IttobertS01). ' Maple sugar, Ist N Morrish,
- ing thereat whiter, laid in a large stock of firet.class
2,4 3, Roberteon. ' Maple syrup,. 1st. A Mc- materlalAnd is nevi prepared to make and put in, the
Neil, 2r1 ,T Robertscee. Honey .ebmb, ist . .
Dedd, 2d• 3 Mitchell, 3d R ;rile MOST SUPERIOR PUMPS,
honey, 1st le Fisher,. 2d II Howell, 3d C .
Doelde Home..made bread,,ist Bissett,„ -ot dv,ory deseriptien, on •tbe. •Snoarssr and
2d J Stewart, ad J 0 Stewart.- Biker's : ou tea rnoat,e0asonabie toms. .
.re,e Reneember the place - riekt ' door to. A. '
Cane:donnnrnmpnde, L Sterdy, s Matheson's Blacksmith ShoiN
Weed', 443. L Sturde 24 D
C 1 April 19, 1877... 31:1"8 rElt-Glir. 14 •
L eleeat' Vs shirt, lin en krone,' '
band ,mseke 1St. Miail Be chtipen- 21 nt°t`
Hamiltou, ia 4 0 Goielon. Gebt's • shiet,
linen freest, machine made, lat•NIT"Gor-
clop, 24 Miss Burgess. ()ent's 'fancy flan-
gielahire, machine 'made, lst Mrs Stretokee,'
2d C keumear. Cent's fancy flannel ibid.
-hand made, ',1st Miss L Buchanan, 2d 3
Buchanan. Linen or cotton clie`mise, hand
made, 1st Miss L Bifehanan, 24 Miss, Bur -
gets, 3d M Ocireton. :Night dress, 14.,
,1VIise Burgess, 24 Mise,L 1.3ticharian.„. ' Tate
ting, Miss Burgess, Crochet workelst Mrs
jiewell, 24 Mrs.Ira LeWts, 34 MissBurgess.'
Embroidery in cotton nr. lst Mita
Bargees, 2d Mrs R W McKenzie; sa Kies
Payne. Embeeidery in worsted, Mrs W
Stotts. Embroidery in linen, lot Miss
-Sneyd, 24 Mra W McLean. . Embroidery
in -silk, lat Mrs W Stotts; 2d Alia T B Van-
Everyead Miss Hutchison. Leather work,
let 'Mrs 'G Evens, 2cle Miss F 'Seegrailler.
Bead work, lat Mies Sneyd, 24 W ge-
• Lpan... 'Fancy braiding, lst MraSeeyd, 2d
Miss Pareonse3d Miss•Payne.. Fancy braid:
img on silltelVfleancricuitting,
lat T Hamilton, -2d Mrser Stokes, 343' Pat.
ton. Fancy patched workelst Mrsil Mew -
ell, 2d Mies Payne, 34 Mrs W Stotte:
Patched client, in cotton,, lst Ilemilton,
2d .W 5waffiel4, 3d Mrs .8tolces. Parched'
cmilt, in. wool, 1st T Hamilton, 24 Miss
Weihingten, 3d Mies: Burgess, • Feather
flowers, let leties Speyd, 2d Mrs W McLean.
Hair flowers, it 3 Syiniegton; 24 -Miss
•Btfrges ,Et ad Stokes. ,Ladies' devoeionel
chair, Mrs W Nfoloan, Wax flowers, lit
Mrs W1VIcreare 24 Mrs Vanteery, 34 Mrs
G Evans Paper &niers 1st Mrs McLean,
rieties, dahlias, ist E 'Bingham, 24 A. Wat- '2d T liainiltee. Berlin woorflowers; W
son, 34 J Stewart. . Four varieties, dahlias;
lst M Rees, 24 E' Bingham, 3d. Stew- .
art. ' Twelve varieties verbenas, 1st 3, Stew-.
art, 24 3 Geddall, 2d W MoLean. Eight
•varieties verbenas, lst Stewart, 24 J Good -
9.11,24 .A. Dicksep. Four varieties veebenas;
lst 13 .A.rmatrong, 243 Stewart, 3d 3' Good,
all. Four roses, lst J Stewart, 24 EBing-
bam',, flolleritien perennial phlozeaLE Bing-
ham. . Collection inntial phioos, 14 A
Dieksep, 2d 13 Armstrong. Twelve valeta-
' eiee-gladierluselst-E Bingharnr Goode,
ell, 3d A Watson, Eight varieties gladide
E Bingham. Four Varieties gladiolus,
itt E Bingham 24 3 Goodall, ad A 111 Ross.
Collection asters, 1st H Armstrong, ,24 .W
McLean. • Collection pansies, 14 W Mc-
• Lean; 24 E Bingham. :Collection 'balsam
spikes, ,in bloom, lat II Williams, 24 A
Dicktion, Stock spikes, lat J Goodall, 24
HArtustronge Fannies, singleelise3 Geed,'
all, 24 H Arinetreng. • l'atuniae, double,
1st J Stewart, 243' Goodall. Annuals, W
• McLean. Fourbalsam pTan'
ts in bloom,
lst S'Mosley, 2a A Dickson, Boguet for
table, 143 Goodell, 2d E Bingham. Hand
boquet, 1st E Bingharai 2d W Elwood.
Fonr aeliimenae; 3 Goodall. Six begonias,.
rod, lst E. Bingham, 24 A Watson, Four
varieties fuchsias, in flower, J Stewart.
SPechelen fuclusies, J Stewart. twelve ge-
=Wipe, tingle, A. Watson. Six geraniums,
3. Stewart. Twelve geraneurris, 'double, J
Stewart, Nino gton house pleas, 1st J
Goodall, 24 A Watson. Foliage plants,
colours, ist "Li' Bingham,. 24 I Stewart.
Floral design, lst E Bingham, 24 W El-
wood. Zinnias, double,Ist Goodall, 2c1
J R Miller. • Three hanging flower baskets,
A, Watson... -One zinnias, ist J Goodall, 2d
ntewart. Truss gerainuins, Single, .1st 3
Stewart, 24 A Watson. truss ' geraniums,
double, W MeLettn. Special, African marl-
lds, 3'33.1VIll1er, recommended.
Vitrieties, lat Audrewa, 24 W j Hayden
34 W Swaffield. Seedling, 8-McDougallt.
Varlet let NI Gordon' 2d G 'PhurloW,
Ball. Berlin wool week, flat, lot tBeattie,
24 Miss Parsons, 3d Mrs Howell.. -Berlin'
wool Wok, raised, 1.st Mrs McLean; 24 W
11 Smith, 3d J Symington. 'Cryatal paint -
in geJ Vivian. Rag met, lat R Thompson,
.24 W Arthur, ad ' 'Fancy rag- mat,
lat Miss Birchen*, Am' Arthur, 3d Miss
Parsone. Watercolors, 1st Miss Parsons,
24 Iva, AiloMicking,,341,11iss Lewis. Pen.
cil drawing; ist Miss McMicking, 24 Mise
Parsons, 3d Miss Lewis. Crayons, lat Miss
Lewis e--2c1---Miss-ParEsonsee-Plante of new-
• town hall, 1 Senna etabornmended. • Wool-
len stockingEs,T Hamilton. Woollen sec's's,
'1st Mies Hemilt013, 24 Miss Buchanan,.
• A Henderson. Woollen gloves, lat /1,1rs R
Buchenane2d Mra Stokes. Woollen mite,
lat Mrs Stokes, 2d S Symington. Patch
on an old garment, lat Mrs Stokes, 24 Miss
Burgess, 34 1VIise Payne. Dain -on an old
sock .or stocking, lst Alias L Buchanan, 2d
M '0' Gordop, 3d Mra S' Stokes, Fancy
shell, Mrs VanEvery. Farmer's wreath of
seeds, Mrs VanEvery. Flower wreath, 1st
Miss Lewis, 24 Mrs VinEvery. Fancy
netting; Mrs -Gibson, Motto on card board,
lst Miss Payne, 24 Mrs VanEvery, 3d Mee
McNair. Sample wait, let Mee IVIoNair,
24 W Ball, cloth mat, Mrs Swaffield.
Counterpane, knitted, ist Mrs Ti W Mc-
Kenzie, 24 Mrs W Young. Counterpane,
crochot.work, Mrs A 'Henderson, Cotton
tidy, 14 Miss Payne, 2d Mrs McNeil.; 3d
Miss Hamilton. •Wool tidy, ist Mils Van
Eve,e5's ,2,4 Miss L Buolia.trate 3d Mrs W
Sremeatie--Lacliee' work, diplom ,a Mrs
11 Jethroston, Ladies' Work, Mrs VanEyery.
Me II Iloevell'a stamped patterns for cut-
ting ladies' dresses were highly recommend-
ed. A uecrom co bracket,. the property,of
Dr MolVlicki g, was much admixed and
highly rem mended. Valley table Tice;
property Mrs McLean, wet recomtnended.
. • •
Free of Cott* '
The most wonderful remedy of the- age a
sa GOraom Green peas, 13 Horton. now pliteed ivitbin the reach of all. Be he
.. • . ." • .
THOS. 111EILA:1\1S;
ISA 1tLOCE,. 0$1T.
Partners wishing to insure will find tlAs Company
ono of tho.bost and. cheapest to insure in, and will be
waited on at their homes If information be sent to the
Agents' °Moe. dy
rill:1E undersigned having perchased the kook and
leased the premises of Mn: W. antra's, on Albert
Street, oppoeite Mr. 'Fair's Mill, takes this means of
netifyinghis friends and the public generally, that he
intends carrying.on the Blacksmithing 'business in all
its branches,' and, therefore, solicits their'custem.-
Being practically acquainted with everythingconneoted
• with the business, he can guarantee satisfaction.
'torso Shoeing a Specialty.
A.pril 24, 1879.
• T .
attendOd at their own.reSidellecs, if neeessary.
RE.S'IDENCR-:One dooe:worth of 1119..
liartee, Qacen, 'Street.•
Clinton, May 1571879. • • • ' -
And ell kinds of Field,' darden and Flower Seeds.
• In returning thanks to my patrons for the liberal sup-
port accorded Inc the past year, I take pleasure in in-
forming the,publie that I have, at eonsiderable expense,
carefully selected my present large stock of seed grains
/tom the most reliable. growers, I Can Confidently re-
commend the
its the beet 'spring Varieties grown, both for quantity,
quality and milling purposes. My PEAS are seoond to
one in the Province tor purity and quality. .BARLEY
and OATS of the very, beat varieties. onoymn and
TIMOTHY seed, TURNIP, MANGOLDS, andel] other
field and garden Eieede trash and ptiro. 1 always -take
-Apaelitteare-td-seloot seeds -clean and free from anneal%
'lone weed , sped. Always glad to show my seeds, and
give any safer:nation desired by farmers and °there.'
• • • .
nnernmnnn arr. STAND;' •, • '
Hamilton Street, above • So))).10Arnivie EHseteDlicONeAderutio.h
nasorish, March, 1879.
atetv GREATLY ob.
Reduced Prioesi
. .
T" eubeeriber will ,offer the balance of his
Summer Stoek of 4
° •
The subscriber has opened out his -
stook of Boots and Shoes, whits]) consists
kees. of Elu exeellerlt sasortment. of the several
1 9
Jea Boy'o, Womees, Ohildrea's lime wear
Which will be solchat
In this department I would call the sittontion of Farmers and others, to my very loge stook
of both Liam asn HeAve, Downes Alen Smou ILuteress, made with the best stock and
workmanship, Employing none lree the best workmen, I will guarantee all work,
TRUNKS and VALISES -A very largo assortmoneane very cheep. TRONR.S.frorn 75 cents up.
let and 2n4 class SHINGLES, from 40 cents per up. A. room over the shop to let
widersignetthas opened a harness,shop in the
preattsestateir occupied by ' '
Where he will keep On bowl an assortment. of the arti-
cles and stock Initially found in a store of this kind.
Being a praotical 'workmen, lfe ia•prepared to:execute all
Orders in good st3le.
Repairing Promptly Attended to.
. • R. wrEvANs.
Olinten, May 1s1, 1879. " 18'
Cahill, Intermediate and SteerageTieh.
eta at Lowest Sates. . .
Eept. eth
" lath
SARDINIAN ..... , " 20th,
MORAVIAN '- . , " 271h
enieuvreN . • ' oat. dth
rovyNnsTa.w '
pArtiee desiring to bring out friends /rem theold
country, can save moneY by pirchasIng prepaid eettid.
eatos 1 OM the, agent dn .01int0n', • •
• •
Liverpool; .1"wril1onder1;li, OlaAgino, Queens.„,
Bellase, .London, Pa:ndir.
FOX Ihugix tickets and every inter/nation aPplY to
STRAITOgr Agent, Million,
. Clinton, May. 80,1878. • - •
rilHE sunsonmEn nnes LEAVE TO STATE
-1 to the public that he keeps constantly on hand
a largo and superior elegant . •
• •
Cofau Triluinings and Robes,.
Withu splendid IIEAESII. Preens COFPlia atways
en band. Partiqs canbeatIpPied in one hour, at
• .any time, at •.
Thai aall be procured at any oteor Ono.
.A.fulistock.of FtikifITUAE
Always on hand.
Olintoo , 10;1877. •
Watch' and Clock Maker,
%Vouldresiitaiirldr announce to his onstomers and tho
&bile generally, that he has removed into hie former
. !building, on -
Where he will keep on hand a select assortment of
Olocks„Watchea,ieweiry, arse eilverveare of all kinds,
Which he wilI sell at reasonable rates. Repairing of .
every deseriptionpromptlyattended to. •
• .1, BIDDLEOOMML , AralliXT elraxEr
•Clinton, Deo. 5,.1878, . .
Clocks, Watches, Jewell.ery,
•• •
• Desires to return
to his numerous
al shateolpatron,
served irhilecatry-
lag or business in
by a qtriet atten-
tiOn to.bnainess,
and wing every
•offer t to meotthe
want e ofhi simony
friends, to thntiro.
' ne to rotaintheit.
Ilewould also take this opportunityof stating thtitt 110
iias taken his San into partnerehip ;and .that the busi-
ness will be conducted in into re puffer the style of 9•
FOWLER & SON., _The firm Will keep onAtend •
•• And all other articles in.their Dalt
All kinds. of Pipes Repaired and Miiunted.'
Repairing,elekiiing, Lte., done (pi short notie o, in. a
Welkmanlikemanner, and on reasonable terms: • .
Clintbn,Dow,,6,1877., • • ,
• Wattles, °leeks', Jewellery, Spec plea,
JOHN 8.31 1.1111,
Having. opened calt it, shop 4.In
Huron Street, Clinton,
procured a • WELL ASSORTED STelflli OP ,
GOODS suitable for his bitsiness, will bo. pleased to
flee, all his oia Cuetomers evil as limy new ones. .
May :favor hiha with their patronage, • 7
.. •
Good anortme4 of Gent's rurnishiagon.-dock
A splendid assortment of ffist-class stvirnsiG MACHINES on land. NEEPLHS
and 'every furnishing kept in stock. • •
ALSO R EA:IA.1111'1'N G S 1,1 0 P.•
Sewing' Machines of every make:repaired, and new parts IcePeeon: band.. . Being itinnielf,
practiValmachimst, all work done -here is warranted to give good satisfakion, '
cknrges*KtOderate. Nonsw,011THY,'Posti OfflaBoi 21)*.•
'Union Street, one.door Went of the Commercial CIJiitOn. �at'
IN60EPORA;TED 1871, simeessiscire to Thomson ee Wtt1ame, Of
ROBERT THOMSON, Pensineem; A. M WILLIAMS; Vice -Pegs. ; AttEee.
BeceeTetas. ; S. REDFORD, 'W. NIOWAT, 3. coitoort,AN,
41., •
Groitly NEU NM
FOi the next 60 days,
'To make mom for Pall Ideas,
�Iletos,ieg. 7,1870;
ohnston harvesters, Singleleapers, Mowers and Combined 114chines,
.4.13roadcast Seeders, Seed trills, Horse, Powersi Sawing
Machines, ilrittri crushere, straw. cutters, Flows, Gang Plows, tre., '
lulliders f teanitngs andBoiler%alsizes,3oS,ine..
Contractors for arid and Saw Mills complete. Also for Water Works for Cities, town,' and
• akiget; on the Holly Splint.' Olteeee Zaetciry Mitcltinery a Specialty,
Address, TilaiNISSAT Manniactearing Co#, Stretford, Oat
eb, 9y 1876,