HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-10-02, Page 22 , A MISTAKE FOR LIFE. The eftereoett eork was finished. The little thildrea were enjoying the trweet comforts of an efternoon nap. 'Clanging her dress end re.curl- ing her hair'Nellie Gray was at last at • leisure. She seated herself on the stone door step, sewing in hand. .13ot • -the workdrooped itt hoe- side; eud she - leaned her heed egeinst the side of the horse, feeling yelp tired. The merry twittering musio of the „ leathered songsters, the almost inautli- \ ble whisperings of„the leafy trees, and even the soft cooin„e of the doves among the old rafters of the barn, mid- her think that every one was happy but herself. The well -remembered voice of her frillier, tEe kind, sympathetic tones. early loVed mother, even now, likee, "Spit it voices, rang within the ohember 'walls of Ineememory. _ • Nelliel.s parents had been well.to-do, farmers among,the hills .of New Hamp-i ,you 'have .come, Miss - .shire, but 'tier -father, ite, Way,' Mrs. Bennett said, earth° viewed, in'an 41111"'beadlo-foot. 1 'Well,' she thought; but is too hand- some. -Aeleyou tire tired,. you bad bet- ter go your room, and 1 will send yon smile super. To•morrow I Will ibtrueltice you .to the children. We breakfeetat nine.' Nellie thanked her, and Was .glad to a THE CtINTON" NEW ERA. No, uncle. Ent as II is so early,' I It was rather a good thou,ellt of my I gone. have emote,u no less than will try to take a nap if the stage goes aster to ask you to go to the city with The next daY Mr• l'ieree gave a din- &en. •One family numbers 21' 85 chitellildree, .not jostle too badly. • That's right; and I will have a sinoke.' 'You will not mind the pipe?' She did mind it, fot the tunes ef tobacco Always made her sick ;het any- thing to keep her uncle still, so .that she could think. She could not under- stand it. Why should 45 leave with- out seeing ,nre V she asked herself, but dared not answer, It was eight o'clock the next evening as the cars thundered into the station of one of the small towns near the great etty of New York. • Please, marm, are you the lady that' is to go to Mr. Bennett's?' were the dist words that greeted her, and she saw an Irielltoan before her, hatin baud. 4 Yes,' was the answer. - She entered the carriage. -Presently it stopped in front • of a large house; inelawn aronlid it. me.• You will rta,y yes to my answer 1 ner party, rfild Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Frank, whispered Irank, as they were being were the last to arrive.. As they enter - swiftly °atrial away from home. ed, all eyes were directed toward them. Hea answer must hay,e been yes,' Soon.Nellie bad a crowd around lier, • for jrist as they were to leave they en- and talked to them with merry smiles, tered one of the large jewelry stores, eliasing the dimples around her month, as though she had not a care in the world. Dinner was anuounced,end she found herself by the tilde of Mr. Kendal, The coloreleft hor. face for a moment as she took hid arm. • This is- indeed a pleesure. 1rs. Pierce must, have known that we were • friends,' she said. • Her companion bowed. Then you consider me Your frieed again 1 You are very kind.' 'When have I eyer treated you aught than as a friend r You cannot have forgottea that day in the PT-Warystere.- You -Auld riot" reeo•gnize me then 'Would I not ?' she said, slowly. • Kate -spoke to lier.then; .and anewer- Whim no more. • The dinner went on to•its end. Mrs.' Pierce soon rose and the ladies follow- ed, leaving the gentlemen to their wine. Presently they :followed the ladies, and as .111.r. Kendal passed Nellie she offered. him a chwheand said f. • Now you must tell me why you left your home so suddenly, and when yen were there.)aee. 11 have never been there sitme I left -soelongego:'•• • • - - " One would think you an old man. enly• five years since you were there.' • They have been happy ones to you, perhaps,'be answered, bitterly, but long ranee to me.' •. He looked up searchingly to hee fee°, but deep in his heart he knew she. was not happy. 'They have been peseable ones tet me —neverhappy,' she said, with ,a ehort, geick sigh. mordent, mortgagedinse.farm to raise • money for his brother, and. lost every- . thing. He could not endure theehnek, • and died. Ills wife soon followed -him • to the grave. But before her death she 'sent for her brother in Maine, end made hien promise that Nellie should have a •• home with him until she was twenty- onet be, alone. Tho. turning -point of her life aka: e-iiie• hadtaa coe, ndslie•-yembled, for _the That was four yeara ' • '•• had- lived threugh those long years as a • future. drudge for her aunt. ' , Alehough. she . The next morning was fair. Over • had rr splendid eduealion with which othe bright, blue sky drifted the. 'fleecy earn. a living., yet see felt it her duty to 'clouds. Nellie lose early. Pler.simple . 'fulfil -her mother'S -wishes. gray dress dideurt'admit .of , any geeret •.. •It would be mere folly to try to de- variety of combinations, but . the:. plain • scribe the beautiful picture. shemadelinen collar, the knot of cardinal ribbon. . , • seated in the old door. Some one corn; A Ult.:tat andwrists, the black velvet, ing with heavy footsteps ,•up • the walk band that held her merle, one and all caused her to look' up, and site .saw. received the most careftel attention.. . young Kendal,the owner of the neign" h- •At the first bell she 'went down stairs. boring farm. She motioned him $' The 'family were already riesenabled. t :seat beide Jeeij4 • • Mr, -and Mrs. Bennett were wealthy '1 thought a'fin would not be at home People, both, II-eying:etch. pareues ; they' in thno Dar 'me to bid you good-bye. " I ,WPre 4.013" APa eoesidered the lack of riches the greatest .crime. • • The twoshallbe twee ty. one .iir two weeks, and then I shall •gte '.fican here. My aunt girlsi'aged eight and ten, bid faire: be ' • , knows nothing efit.' ', •• like thetr parents. ., . • . . . erhelinyeethat eider of „mine he.'s for- -- ----.-Iler-ooraptlicni. looked -are wift-711-- . ten me: And as we bet!' ere to be • --- .e.exeletful..expeession-en- -his.noble, •sen:••,19-t' burnt face, as ,he said ... ,- here. for -it -Mee tithe, l': tliiiik- I'nfiglit.' .. . ' 'Don't leave es,Nellie 1 I shall iniss have an introdnetion to this lady.' .. you se muelh.when you are gone !Whom A frown pessed o.v.er. .the ohne fair 13h8111 .1111V0 to read with when etou era lace of Mrs,' Bennett as sho• presented . .gone e• . .•. .,•. her brother, Fr iik.. Men I, to Nellie. course you will Mien me.; but :e on The girl saw it, ailtt bowed witY"ss.much will be the wily one,' she.said,,sadly.., : indifference as.possible... .: ' Nellie !Nell, where are you?' they . ' The breakfast Was seen civet; and . ...... ,ii.eiti.d., Li; . fiea.t.tir:vaibei_aincii.g.: ..,;.01...d..6.... "Nellie. anet,....the..,Childrep:eviont.lto th ee edhooleroom. _ In . a 'short dine Mrs., - elare I here yeti are doing,nothine, .and the supper net .begun. Do' you °ItnoW,• Bennett joined' them,. and told :Nellie •• . Mr. Kendalethat She does not earn her what he warded .done, and theyoung, salkir And with thia. lase tatent,..Nellie's govereneee. 'commended. her duties in . aunt left them.. " .---7. '-::•.- •: t-,-----.. earnest: • . . • •.' .. . - ., . - The cenipreseed• .11pri. .. and -flushed. .. 4 . 1".' . 4 '' *. 'faces Showed that it had cost them both 'e .' Please,. Miss Gray, :mother Wants something to keep from replying; • .. you to eoine down stairs and sing.' • ' Nellie, wonl you "be- my Wife; and .Nellireerose, feeling disappointed for never enter 'this ,house 'again ? I will she Wanted to -be alone. .' . ' .make you scohappy.': .. -...e. , ' • ' 'We were afraid you' had 'forgotten • She.seemed not to : have heard him,. tur this evening,' Mr. Bennett said, as . 'but stoOdWitichershands-elaapeatightly.' 'entered the dralin • O m: ' . . --,••••" Her:blue.black eyes were looking afar • ' rdi not think it late: 'reinvent ' • • - •' • .----- '-a' ---- ' 41. o • * ''• • ..teffe as thoughsfis wciiild read thefuture. acme annaic, 1 believe.. What shall it Nellie,' • hp said -again, 'won't you be?' she airked,ets she Seated herself -ab •, 4i4tery. to, me 9- Be my wife... Although I. the piano. - •- - ' . • ' • • . • ' • are net rich, yet .I own the .farei and • 'Sing •' Departs,' Tetide and True.' ,. and he called for the ring left there in the morning. Does it fit he asked, es lie slipped the diamond On her Anger. The poor clerk. whiled he was rich, and had such a lady -.love. And yet he wondered that she was ildt dressed • ketter. • Nellie turned around quickly, for one stepped behind her, and she saw liarry Kendal. He bowed kindly, and held out his hand; but she, in re tone of ice'answer- ed, 'You are mistaken,' and taking Mr. Merrill's arm, left the store. Bitterly enfagea. Yves Mra, Beniqtt againseNellip when she knew that 'her brother -Was: to marry her. ' But in 'caldterontstnents"sheeknew he would be useless to Oppose 'h' im 'and so he told Nellie that she must be :nun ried from her house. • * "It was the morning ef Nellie's wed.- ding day. , No expense had been spared to make the scene impressive. The daylightwas excluded from the hcinse. The brilliant gaslight, the fragrance of the devote's, the heavenly rnusie, all tended to make the scene worthy the' brush of a painter: The bride was dressed.in white satin and point lace; diamonds glistened on her neck • they were the gift, °rarer lover. Tfiere wawa bright red spot. on either oheek, but she suddenly became very pale. - • •At last all was' over. •• The young pair' made one, and ;by wmho? By the 'Rev. Harry Kendiel-leeeThat was 'what caused Nellie's heart totstand still. . CHAPTER . in match' • Pride, which'is ever a woman's best Thleblawr4gsearatrindl'red;se'lwryered'i'clYriven against ally, called her to herself, Why should the window, cruising Nellie to .shedder she lot htm see that she had suffered? at everyegnsLofewind.• Do youhracew-that ra,m going away?' ' Two years had.paesed since she was treveried; and llseee. had not been years of happiness, as One could see by the care- worn face: . 'It was early in the eiening, end she was uot dreSSei. She sat in a crirostin velvet chair, which Ooptrastod'Vell with Lee White mornine "these." -She had a book in her hand,.but *air not reading. Jame -books -wandered :around the. room with its costly furnitetro, bought at' the best of -broken hearts. She let the book' fall As she mid— OCTOlfElt 2, 181f.t. and others, which have had but one. mother, eihnhering 18, 17 and 14 les- peatirely. ErR's C000/1. ARD CONVOWELIM a thorough knowledge of the natural 'awe which govein the operations a digestion and nutrition, and by a eareful application of the tine properties of well -selected cocoa, Swith aPtitelichaltselPyrftivvitioerlighlierVebrra7e1SWf4hieltkan4113 6thaTeci illicisicmioatinsynbea:ovfYsduoehetoarr'tsieblesiliosi dliettisthbayt a constitution may be gradually built up un- til strong enough to resiSt every tendency to disease, Hundreds of subtle maladies are aoatiag. around Us ready to attack wherever there is a Weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well forti- aqui with pure blood. and a properly nourished frame. h'errice Oazt,tte.-,Sold only in Packets labelled-"JalnES EPPS dt Co. r nu030pathie Chet:0448,48, Threadneedle street, and 170, Piccadilly, London. etrigni arlp7s. 1-3,1iItSONS wishing to co- mmunicate with Dn. 1:nn•cr. .1.,late of Clinton, eau do so 11 addressing:lair:1 at 141.. Xaiu atrett, Buffalo, N. X. 22 _ eye. eeverro-N.-oeeem-treentertie over 110 . .11-1 Ste), e el Cunningham° nikenhead-tl.e fi na re - Clint ,i. n, 11.i, 1878 . nee:— Ontario street, opposite the Anplikh youNG.„ II, D.,. (GRADUATE OF TORONTO 41 IYaM11.1I:30jun:41(1v bnfi • dily e°4::141 lia g0ernt °T'c'rar Iftedr :114 45 14on4eshore, uno • 14,1879. • . Vt. STAN13URX, GRADUATE OF THE MEDICAL •A! Department of 'Victoria. Universiq, Toronto, fm. • merly et the hospitals and Dispensaries, New York, Coroner forth.) County ef Unroll ,ItAYPIEZD, Ont, July 22,1874.• 31 TIOWSLEY et GIBSON, PHYSICIANS, SUR - mous, Accoucheure) &a, Ofiloe,Rattoubury Street, r.,ext Consolidated Bank. , D. II, Amman, M. D. 4.M.Alinsow, M. D. Olint0n, May 10, 1877, : • . ri,R. WORTHINGTON, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON) AecouclieurVLibmtrate of,..the College of Physiciani' awl Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provincial Licenti- ate aud Coroner for the County of Huron. Office and - residence,- The building formerly occupied by .10. ThWattes, Harem street. , TORmENTED bY the many disagreeable sensations, produced by dyspepsia, or are 'thin, nervous and weak, Should use the standard tonic .,-IsTorthrop Lyman's Quinine Wine. They -will find it agreeable and -beneficial. ; henrichee the blood by aiding digestion and ; soothes and. invigorates the nervous system, and imparts a healthful Appetite. When used as a remedy for bilious.and intermittent fever,, pro- duCes the happiest results,. if taken hetw.een the attacks. convalescence is hastened, anduntime- • ly decay of the physique and constitution is ar- rested by it. The spirituous constituent, sherry wine,.isbf the beat quality, and the aromatics combined with it, Tenders its flaior additionally pleasant. They who use it gain itesh as well as streh,gth, and it exerts a cheering.iniluence upon the anunt . It promotes. a healthy tecrotion and flow of bile, sound repose and regularity in the action of the bowels. If titlicionsly used it may be.tabien.withouLappreffension.of_any.111-resul by. persons of the most delicate constitution. A fair trial is all that is needed to prove the.genu- ineness of its claims to Public confidence, anti to the truth of the general. verdict in its behalf. No • Arai*: ot its class commends itself•so strongly to nervous inValids who require -building up -none is so well adapted to fortify the system against the. dangers which threaten the. debilitated. It should -not be mistaken for iv mere stimulant of OPPOSte, Willa many so -celled tonics simply are. It so regulates the .stonanch that itis enabled to perform its various funetionSWith re,gialaritY and vigor, 'and its action is not only thorough but prompt, Ask for the, Quinine Wine of ,Nor- throp -Lyman." Sold by all druggists. What a:waste of time to read this 1 My sorrows are all I can • hear,, without reading thee° ,of others.' .She was very tired of everything. was 'more • bearable at My' uncle's. Can it be that I have no heart --that it died where ramtlier died? Ihave tried to love my hueband, but cannot and yet I °mild have loved.' . • She dared not speak his DE11110 even when alone. . • • . ;• The door opened : young girl entee- • 'Mrs. Blerrill, do harry and dress, ferfather is here, and ern minister.' • i Why:need-he come to -night, when I am so very -tired -1' • • _ : • , Mrs. Merrill) in a 'surprised ;voice, '1. what do you mean 1 You have'been •liere*three weeksearal of course it was his place to call. But I win'. tell: him that -you do•not •cere to see' him.' Aerti smilopaeied Over her pale fate. Hear- ehe looked no, tears in key:eyes'. ••• •• - ing heavy •footsteps in the 'she wr.nt down stairs end saw her Inisband dead! He b s been. th row n• from his •caiviage aryl killed:iestantly.° " ‘,._4,x_ex,y_parti en t of my Iitttelpent• Thetis a fevorite of mine, and •have in making you happy.' : never heard you sing it,' Mr. Merrill • She heard him now, and longed .to said, as he cepssecl the ream and' stood let him lciye her. But she had said at her Stde. eehe would never marry "a peor man. So' prank Merrill, was what the evoel'il she ansseered him bitterly, while :tepid calls a charming fellow; he wee amiable •langh rang.out trom her -lips— • '• Lula Obliging, but that was all of Ms• ' .‘ Y.od...are a. farinee ; have.IneVer told ;good qualieiat -Ire had itegoOdly ;share yon.that 1 .would not narreeft peer man Of Masculine selfislinesa.," . 'He was gs- ','.`,My' 'little Katy Pieree'shoeld not . e-egid that I [rated to.live on a. farm 9 eaerelly.gity, at the beck. add bidding Of :Mind what•I seri; r•tict ' want .to :see_ It Would he the °senile., as: it, i.S nOW-----, his litly friendi. • He had grown ,tired yoUe minister, and ifyou will ring tbe, • work fearer morning to night.. • - And yet,' cif society ,women,. and When he, Saw .bell for S•areh I will Areas at'orice.'.. • :.she added, softly, had either of us beet);Nellie 'fell in love with her at °nee. ... ',' Sometimes Illiink you aye glad to • rich, I might hove' loved: you. 1 .shall , •Nellie tang the sopg. at requested; see nee, . and .then the next. time :you . . . 'InairrY any en ,e it mist be a: man who solool-rome. • She bad -hardly seated . • .' Do Ie. Katy ? • Yet I , like to. have treat me so .coldly.' , ... , • . • • • • . ' -find 4 place ha teacher, and. 'if .I ever end, after, staying an hour, went to the e has money. Don't .stand there looking herself witbsi hoOk" when Fraele.•Mer- yonavith me; you drive away thehlues.' .I'' - at maze l' the added •rilearply. . -i : . rill entered. - • .. . • 'You have the blues, . When You aro - Without a :word he, turned and; -left . 'It . was' 'IonelY down stairs, and - r to hrtirde'orrie and hatc-eiierything you . her. ' . ' :• : • knew it was pleasant here;' he said,. as Want'? -A. geed husband and -4• ' • ,A audderritepulse mune to bee to (tall '.be.tried.feernake some kind.** .an apo- . "Don't tell me .any. more ;; T. ha.ve him back and tell hini 4.0 did love him joie, foe, coming, . ' , .. . • . . . . . everything I want but onething,' and , and would be his wife:- But her .anntthat iswhat I .never can have now." . '' But ie 'this just the. place. ;foe. you --ewaa--calling'-rhet=e•adaire-ralid--"Islie weak l‘fr. Merrill 1*----, •- -- - ---- - --------- - -"4-Don't'Wear-thategray-siller.fot-Mr.- , into the house, • • e' . ..e. - - . 'Bliss Gray,' said: the young Wan,' Kendal does notlike that order- • He . , . Harry Kendal did n, . • ot: come again, taking h '..1plearie let. me.stay. told ine soIk ..e. ased- hint why, ' . erband,. . , ld , , and he and yet, as every clay 'passed,..Nellie for ilove you.', ''''. : . • Ieft Me without saying a wor,V. • .", • .... .4bought •,' He:. will come to-mOrrow.' .' Nellie,'s heart beat .voildlyt • She did. 'Anti; Who is Me, ,Kendal -r. Nellie T000trow and another tomorrow came not love him, but she Would Marry him, • asked: . • ' .' . . .: • • . ' ' • and still he came not, , •. for he •„was rich.. She. waited,, 'willing. . 'Why, our minister. . Rev. ,Harry •Tbenautterings of a threatening tem- to'ha more. ...• ' e • ' . e • .Keridel. I think he het. 1 e .dlsa - Viet awoke. Nellie on her birthday. • • 'I love TM,' repeated' Mr: Merrill.' pointed in hive,' for—for--.there 1 I pan- • Shelled secured a pleee as terieher in a ' Will you loVe me a lilac; in return V' .not tell.' T. private Wilily near AT:ew.York, and she • -' Ido not knew,' she replied., , . • .It,evas well She oonld not see the and her encl.° were ter.take the nearest 'Will you try V he asked, possessing deathlike paleness ' c)f Neiife.,. ..That • station';Which -was about forty.•railes bin-led:tee het °theother'bawl'. .. ., .. '. .. name caused :Marry' painful thoughts.• . distant. • • - ' .• - - 'When we know each other' better,' And she must see hitt 1 , It was 'will" Itabt heart that she .she answered, slowly clisengriging hermit She entered the drawingloem calmly. bade goodbye to her aunt. ., As •they. .. .,,ePleefee.,,,,e0,,:youev.111,. be.. my wife, One could see the.terrible emotion witlt;: iiefired-thet•litinee 'Of "Her& 'Kez:nar her it el l ie, • in. . • Her husband introduced her to . •• 'Your sister •?, What..will she- say V their guest, and saideeek • -, •. ' 1'I'• "Went to; stop }Ina ses ,II.aery t" •.'"I am my.own, master e se you need •'Thia is tho minister who therried nee 2u1nnte.'•7 • :. net think of that. • Given:le an answert Nellie.. I)o you remember •Iiim l' . . , ' And tell him 'leant to See him, too.' and let it be yes.' :., . • •'Yes,' she answered, elorvly. 'And ' Of emirs° yeti do, Nell,' in a rough, t .1 will answer your.quegiori, to.moe., we had met before, that, . Hitrfarm ktna voke. ,Ile will eonae 'without to tell her why. She dared not doin telling-hier that,' 7 •.. - - Y row. And with that the young man liad jeinenr d y untie's.' • ' ••. • • gime. Nellie looked up erned waited The' next morning it: rained; e. The filisTiclitli7en'svasa ottaltelte.atCbryossitini6g tslildeer"O° olgM; 'to content himself. '' ° •• . • , Iry a few minutes he ciente back, . but . for Mut vvs. • :•aidataii.. , . Win. tAll 8 •fieatecl herself by Katy's father. ead,,cold light, streamed int th'e .1q.s! broth is going to the city this bier She could not trust herself.t& 'speak to twain ,• te , t but elie felt that hie eyes speak) lest her tears should flow too ' . therm*. I want some of that silk. at Weed on bet .- .' • . , • -- " °Ile is not at home. Mr. Mollimay sttmar0E, aria 7 I dare not trust, himlier hffikanti WO surprised, for' AO. • riaid'he left two weeks ago, and haat* Will y ,go 1 •..The children toed it. ' lia farm. 13.0 you uaderetand wilat It libliday, grad Mit, &dinar tee -1\141114V Was not.usually so silent in, 'company. ' ' - Thu/ did-not-makerLaAortg- call and "tens il .• ._,... •irbp ivo, ilf noguissood, . ? • • ,. ....eteee be asked. I, have acceptedee call else- where,'. • . • She smiled a -little sadly us She an - veered': . '1 am sorry.' • . • !Mrs. he whispered, in ft •pitssiorrat,e arn 'going lie- -cense relotre'-yonbentrat -1.d-ere-not stay near—, ' • She checked hien by a gesture.. ' --TYTer't oPgeb yonrself; Mr. eiUT1' But he satetlre expression if her face, and -knew. that she loved Jiam The' fleshdied out �f her face, lea-ving, her as white as the- gloves , on 'her heed.. He Watched her a, mOinent, then sud- denly sPedng t� her side and. tried to save her from felling; she had , fainted- itt.1ile antis. : They berried her honie, and she io- rnainedinsensible several -hours. When she . recovered-. consciousness her bus - 'band was standing by bele ',She felt'. a bitter hatred toward him, unreasonable eis it was wild; and reqnested. him :e0 leave ber.alone. , When: she knew no.' eyes were.upon her, her,laitten twits un- restrained. • . .• • • . For an .hour .the yielded. to 'a geief hat-wes-rogony •; then; falline; upon 'her_ knees, she prayed for strene,th. She arose calm and strong.. She had maeked".out Ler ft:three:life:. Hertee- foeth tryto do her duty -to herhusband,.. and love hien A faint e • • * • For Nellie life was over. She never recovered from the shock of her hrts- band's death. • She, refused to see Harpy Kendal, .remembering that thoughts of him had caused her' to speak harshly to he'husband on, the very day he died. She secluded herselfefrom socisty ,and lived only to comfort the poor and de- solate; Surely her ambition was fully punished. • - A.way off in„the InAine .,1-lereey Keedrel labors for the poor heathen, waiting for the call; dry work , is done. Cotnehome.' ' PARIIICNOtES. In the United .States fully, two:thirds _ _ , theestotile Are enteotay eeptUflortton. the mil for supperteandpf the 9,600,- 000 •iolio are engaged in productive: in- dustries oyee moo,oco ale fareneeri, • 'William Stinson, of Lower .0xford, Delaware County, Pe., is the owner of. a Guernsey cow not tweyeare old-rwhielt on a combon pasture made -eight end 11., half fecanitis of butter iti an" Ptie Jeettey red pigs grow•repidly to an enormoils size; but.tho flesh is timely all fat. _Where this IS nEit an objection this is perhaps tho best breed for one who desires. to peocuto heavy pigs at an thly age. • • • Neve! try' to get a very heavy day's work out of a team. Moderato • and steady -going is what tenets in a long race, and the farrner's VICO is it long one. It takes but a few hours, or oven Et few. ,reitutee, to so tux it borate that he is out of fix for Months. • • uncle said__ • -----ThereeenfiverfamiliettlivilignmeNeW. • r stetituttotts at OOltliET 1,001M, barrister, &c., -has opened an of - Sae In the Victoria block, 17icteria street, Clinton- ' Clanton, May 98, 1879. --••••,..••• Joy ItillOng the • . • 00,VELARD'S SWEET CASTOR• OITA equally suit- able for children •and. adults., • Endorsad. by over 000 .doetors in. Canada. The difficulty. of -inlministering-nauseous hodiginesi-and-the-de- :arability of having them pleasant to the taste, induced T. !Copland to undertake researches, whieli resulted in the discovery of a Sweet' Caw. tor OII,Yerfectlypiilatable: of theSairie.stre,ngth: and medical' qualities ,as the ordinary' Castor. Oil ; and while equally .safe and harmless; yet acting with more certainty,' and...proclueing nei- thor nauSea, nor griping. • Soule children say it is honey; others callit syrup -,-:they all saythey like it; • •One parent says-" my children drink it like-nfater ;" -to-M-de-tho bottle Or they would have,finished it right off ;"- Ituother--" little'sirl' has taken it twice wdthent_tinY..troable, and_does _mot know .what ib is, though She hates the 'ordinary Castor Oil, and we never °mild get her to take it without a fight ;" yet another-" I wishyou success • et your SWurr Ce.sToft On ;•it is a splendid thing -sure to take the Place of all the"coininon oil." „The extraordinary demand for this improve- ment ot a staple honsehokl,medicinehas brought fraudulent limitations into the market,but the teem° can guard theniselves againat substitutes (which unprincipled parties are attempting to sell on the reputation of this article) by 'seeing that thii, name COPLANn's.OWEET CASTOR 'OIL, is on both wrapper and direction label. " • Theundersigned,: havingpurchased Messrs. T, Copland. St Co'stinterest in the above prepa- ration, are now, manufacturing it from the ori- •ginalrecipe. • • • , • NORTIIRO.P & LYMAN', TorOnto, • Aslef Or QoPLAND'S SWEET CASTOR Oii Ob- serve, the name. Do notho deceived. sold. by au medicine dealers, Price, 25 cents. . '0 iteer're " Tuo:tras' NOLEcTIn, Oxal WORTIC rrTiMf.18 ITS WEIdirr TR GOLD! DO YOU' 71X41,7 A'AYTILINCV ° TO LEND, IN LARGE 011 slum. sums .011‘2,good mortgage seenrity, at moderate rates of interest. H. IIALE, • Clinton, August 9th, 1869 ' ' 7-t r AIIIIIAGE LIOENSES AND CERTIFICATES.-• ILL Apply at the Townliall, or at tho residence of the suhseribm goar-thcr-Lordim;- Huron-&13tneelthilw-d-1 Station. • JAMES SCOTT, ; • Issuer of Marriagm Licenses , Minton, AprI18.7th, 1870. NI,voris AND PHYgICAL DEBILITY. ---A. gen- tioinan, having tried in vain every advertised reinedy,ints discovered p simple moans of solf-oure.-- Ho will be happy -to forward the partiettlars to any suf. ferer on receipt of postage and directed envelope. Ad- dress, SEWEnn, Esq., brayvine, Hammersmith • Londoa, England. , 818m 1 4.„ I R W. WILLIAMS, B.A., 51.B.,. • oare oe TRIO:TOR, ORP.) • • • Graduate of the Universal of 'Format. ; member of ° the College et Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. . . OFFICE AND ItEsnmEcE-Tho house forMeril Caen - pied by Dr. Reeve, Albert Street, Clinton: . 21 . revile CENTRAL HOTEL -late Farmer's -.- Albert Street, Clinton. S. PIKE, Proprietor. This ho- tel has lately been greatly Unproved tins thoroughly -ref uraiskedrand-possessow every rtsprisite-for Lk -Cows - fort and, .convenionce of the travelling public. tErc• oa stabling and attentiVe hostler. , • • ' . Clinton, Nov. S8th,1878.4 `• • . . , MONEY -TO. HAVE ADS,' amount of money .to lend, on good, • 'I.ialeoecel farms Mary, at 8 per bent; charges tell small. Sum no 'object if security ample, 1110 not lend money for any Company, • •eorne S. POliTe411 -140yrGr,1878.. • - - • -"SEAPORT Gp ee nee. Arreneixte t.onneical; eery Various kinds, stylce and prices. NEEDLE s, All kinds repaired by a Practical Machinist. Work w ' arraCI warranted. MAIIINpS' To BERT by the week Or inonth ALAI 0, 1879. GMT - 4firilimss WE. CARTWRIGHT 4.;;Ulie7ION DENTIST, Graduate of the Royal College • Li of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, has opened rooms in the:Victoria:Sleek, Albert &red, Clintoh, where he will constantly -be in attenclancti, and prepartd to per - forth every operation connected with Dentistry: Teeth extracted, Jr Ailed with gold, amalgam, or other iillb32 material. Artificialt ceth ineerted from one waft:Meet. Clinton, Aptil 17, 1879. • M 13 RS. EESIEY'S MILLINERY-- Establishment . large aasol•tment:.of FEATHERS, FLOli'ERS . . . SILKS and.HIBBONS, in the newest shades, . ' Also, %largo stock of FELT and STRAW RiiTS: 0 ' the latest styles. CORSETS, &o. • ' OP T1, ? , Man TEIFIF VOT. „- • • • , Agont-for-st rramies-Pavykints-trf garments descriptions; a largo stook kept on hand. • ' • • •• - • , • Pain cannot stay, where' it is• used. 'It 14 the cheapest Medicine ever made, One dose cures CORIUM, SORE TDROAT ; ORO bottle. has Mired: BnobioniTTS ; 50 ,cte. worth has cured'. an,old standee; Conn ; .one or two bottles cures bad •baseg'of P7LE8 rine Kinser prounese;, Sie to eight applications Glues any case -of EkcoitiaTso l'PLER Op Ixelaiiinn-BusnsT ; one. bettle has, cured lame hack of eight years'.statitting.• D, Plank, of 'BrOokfield, Pa., say e :;--" I: went 30 trines for a battle of your (.711, which' effected it wonderful cure of a Croelted Limb. by iiappli- cations." Another who has • had Asthma. for years,' iays ; 'ati0 'cent bottle left,•and $100 woulthiot buy. it if X ceuld getnO more." ltufus Robinsen. of Niincla, IsT. says : "Ono small bottle of your Eclectric Oil restored the voice where ,the person bad not 01.)01C011. above a'whifsper in five years." .. Rev. J. Nfallory," of Wyoming, N. y., writes "Your Eclectrio' Oil cured me of :Bronchitis 'in ono ..sve• Iet15;co. nipoied of Six OF Tlip. BEST OILS THAT Ann El•EONV$.' It is as good for internal as for • exte =alio, and is believed to be immeasure- ably.-superior to .anytliing ever inade. 'Will save you raueh suffering and many' dollars of expense. - 13sWAIIE OF imirATions.-Aek for De, ThOro0.8' Ee- icctric Oil. -See that the signatnre of , S. IV %SOMAS, 1435 the -wrapper, and -the -mune -er-Nowrirnor*-Erit•- atAN blown in the bottle, and TAKE NO OTHER. Sold by all medicine dealers. Price 25 cents. Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, proprietors for the•Dominion.• • Ildes.-e-Eelectruveetelected and Eleetrized. • • THE GREAT FgIVIALE itE.1VEDY, " JOB MOSES PER,10111134L PILLS _This well known medicine is no tmpotition but a sure and- safe remedy for Female Di culties and Obstructions, froni any einsowliat- ever:ea:el althouglea powerful remedy, it'eon- talnenothingb urtf el. to the constittition . TO MARRIED LADIES „ ftie peouliarly suited, . It will, in a Illibittinie bring oh the m.onthly peeled with regularity. alleasas Nervous and •Spinal Affections, Eitias bi the Back Arid Fatigue on. slight exertion, l''alpitation of tit e heart. itysteries, Sick Ileadaches, Whites, andallthopetnial diseeses orteaeloned by it disordered systcat, those Pills will offoc (were when all other means have hated. Thoiie Pills havienever been known to fee; Wheie the directione on the gua page of prim. plilet, ereVell observed.. , poet etteareteniers, get a iierephlet .free,Of agent, • JOB MO .St , ENV YORE Sorer Peorenrecte, el..00 and 12i dents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, At., general agentafor the Dominion, will insert" it bottle 'containing over SO pine by return mail, . Sold in ()Unto* by 3', 1/, Combo arid W. R. Watts t Si. Hickson and F. Lumsden, Sea. (oral: Carronbrook; t'atker & Cattle arta , Ordati , Stodertele E. Camden Eay- , fieldflaretienthren,Bodgeryille:andallmedi. Nellie was thankful wlien they woes" 'Jerusalem, nerks comity, Ra., wee eixtedealers. Fon arid Straw Rata cleaned and altered ,. ‘.' ' .Igirge.„Assortment of La. dies!..iffantice. ' A.giiirer3.1stol4c,_,triVikldliZafrgiT.T.`44:,t1if,:f ' -L stook at greaay reduced pricss. Nov is your time .to , receive bargains. '• , . . • ' ..: Clinttin, Jtily2fltd, 1879. .. . ....„ ,, • GRAY'S SiECIFIC ArEtozcx.N.r. . _TRADE. MAIUK.E'nTiesil°4en,"eidy.T.TLADZSTOX7=. . „ ' .1hntooln• 11978110n" irpal:nol :awe tnecouriar kryr6-; ' • ' and' all diseases 'that follow as a AN etquuseen, omen, oLfo,t1off- , ...-, • )),.... •r, 'Minetmhoe rHy ncUakn,eHipvieemirn.. Befoe Tak' 0nacA...,,f.t...e.. r„, ... Taking. • ,• . al 1138808“ :ell tVett)1110 a, aPrteolninastuanrei603e0drAegoon,saunradix mtioann,yaontah.ear Premature Grave. Inn particulars in our pamphlet, • which we .desire to send /roo by mail to tivery.one.- The Specific Medicine Di sold by an druggists at S1 Per . -Package;or 6 pack:HgoBa mfoollrA878, hifEor*3111clibile3smochot .f:ee by mail on receipt of the oney,' by addressing • • - .- - . . • • .....____ • • • T, oronto„ out,' Nhe demandi of our businceshalionecossitat ed... our renioiring to Toronto, to which plao please address - all future communications. .. Of” Sold in elinton by all aruggisis, cola everywhere in . • Canada and the United States by all Wholesale and re ' • tail druggists, . ; . • Eniporinin of Fashion. (3.41bsorr BLOCK, CLINTON. IVERS.'FITCH Tcl do DRP.SS-MARING hi the Webb Styles. 4puRrEes. to 00.....J. announcing that silo is now pro-. .• Ifs ving been for years engaged as cutter in loading eti 1 ' tablishmonts in AtiOrietal • cities, the flatters herself that shMt e n give the.MOBt perfect satisfaction. • - . She also has In stock a 34ot:se1ected assortment of 4.5d Will enderti•or to keep the fittest noveltide pertain- .. • Ing to the bUsiticati. 't 0Ai.fnnarEOrPuraN sor.rePrrn!‘ Clinton, lifay 1S, ;070. !' • Itif 0 21,SY L.0 A IT ON -EASY TERMS By which the prinetpal etin be repaid In part Or all ...at . any Untie during the terni Arrmt TO W. W . tARRAN. , Clinton, March.1.878,