HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-09-25, Page 88.
SEPTEMBER 25, 1871
Onily $3.2.0
-�o� 1oho
_ _ a -Nei bra a�� W�e�t th Y G
. lip TO THE .END. OF, 1880.
'.The third annual sale, under the sus-
pices of this association,, "v'vill•bo held in
this town on the 15th' of Oct., and
owina dayif necessary. Among the
stock to be sold is some from the very
best breeders in the country, and tliere
is every probability that a number of
buyers will be present from a diiatance..
1 is to become 'apermanent
.Tf rho sae me
n t urge too strongly r
:success, we can a o g g y o�
our agricultural friends the importance
of giving it their heartyassistance. As
gv g
-•-•-•-the•-seeretary:will•-receive entries- up to
thetoinm of, the sale—reserving
-right offer stock previouslyentered,.
, first---farmers
who have animals of any
kind they' wish to dispose.of, should en-
• .o doing g
'ter them, the fee far so loi b being
glia ce of their selling
small, and the n s se g
being much greaterthan by the erdi-
nary'methods. ltis often the case that
w i si e'eptional adarantages._aoffer-
ed for the :disposal of stock, farmers �,
afterward:9 with they had'. taken this or
the other .animal aiid put it up ; to ob-
viate any after wishes in this ease will
be very easy,, and with farmers' alone
rests : the remedy. Let all unite, then,
inmaking this sale a•good one in: every
MOsiCat. --•'The Clinton Orchestra
took part in a concert at Seaforth, on
Tuesday evening, their: playing being
much admired.
'd is,whe.
ti newto decide THE, question I o
they to put on your heavy under cloth-
ingmo suit, ins with your light summer s t, oi, your
light under clothing with your winter
spit. .
RAM Some—At the Toronto ex.hibi=
tion Messrs, H,, Snell Son sold a
year old Leicester ram to a gentleman
from the nei hboi hood of Brockville, for
the sum of 45'. Who says that good
stock is not Profitable'
A Goon FIGURE. ---Recently Mr. T.
Tipling, of this place,, purchased of Mr.
T. Moon, Hgliett, .a spring colt, for
which he paid $100. This is a good
'figure for a colt, but the coltis a good one.
day Messrs. Glasgow, Macpherson d. Co.,
of the Clinton Foundry, ,shipped three
thrashing machines .to Manitoba, and
one to be ei hibited at Ottawa. •.This is
tate third shipment this firm, has made
to Manitoba this seasolxe '
AUCTION SALES. -Auctioneers, farmers
and others who requite sale•bills will find
it to their interest to give :us a cell. . Be-
sides doing the'work neatly and at low-
est rates, we ciln give our ,patrons an ad-
vantage:- Those procuring. their, bills': at
this office are entitled to a. free, notice of
' er lde
1 in our ale lie ist
their sa esS
g ,
thus give free of cost an advertisement
worth many'tiines over the 'price of the
bills: •
Z01,1419100 'Illi .3iU T � YltttCl~O.
serious .accident happened on Friday
morning last, oil the farm •of Mr. John
Kerr, Killothrashing 1 w s in
Mc p. A th stili g va i
progress and in attending the uwachine
a young man, named Thomas'Mitchell,
caught his left sleeve in the gearing of
the`io a d i aninstant his
1 Wel, n n
s i
arm was drawn in and borriblyn*ngted.
Medical aid was at once called iti, when
it was found necessary to amputate the
arni below the elbow. •
A SHORT time age Mr, A. McDougall,
of Porter's Hill, .was out shooting, when•
the breach of bis gun burst, carrying
away two of his fingers.
Mn. EDWIN LOFT, who has' been a
resident of .this township for ..many
years, left on Tuesda • last, for` L eer
Co., Michigan, where he will engage in
the. blacksmit ii ig`Utisineed with a bro-
ther residing there.. with.
Saturday night last, Mr.. Henry
Beacom, of the Bayflbld Con,, Grcderich
ithirteen h e rri d by
township, had Sheep p wo e
dogs, ell of them dying of their injuries,
This was his entire flock;, and as. they
were good animals, the loss is a serious
BECOVERINO.—We are pleased to
learn that Mrs. J. Tamblyn, of the 12th
ScrenuLE oFCorwitmONs.—We pub- -con. of Hulletti who has been quite ill
. 'list o convictionsg
lish this .week the 1 s f• co c for a short time, is recoveilulb.
ofthe oil t
made by the, magistrates c , n y, Rum SonD..�-0i1 Friday hist the farm
t' t h
for the 1 its • ending the 9thinst. e
o a i�
1 b
f'Mr Cockerlino lot 5 •lltli con.
.A, 0 2
n , ,
total num a is eighty le ' than for the .
b t g y ss a ,of Hallett; 75 acres, was, sold by public
last quarter, . and of them 23. Ire by Auction, Mr. R. Backwell, of Lttoknow,
Goderich magistrates,. 20 by Seaforth; beingthe pul;chaser at•$4,00.0. This is
15; by Clinton, 12 by Wingham, 16 .by considered a very fair price,: although
Exeter, and a. number of minor coin- the. farm is one of the best. and most
mutants, 21 are for drunk and '.'disor-• conveniently situat, d' in•the township.
dorly ; 12 for violation of the license
A: GOOD OFFICER —Fes ownslti s
Y t
act; and 2Q for assault: ' The . total p.
amount of the fines in4oso was $5c92. _can boast. of retaining a collector in its
GLINTON• FII(III SoHOOL.—B the last employ for any length of time, but Hul-
ort of #hs.ats ec ore, for tllo half- lett can boast of one:who has continu,
•onsly collected the. taxes for eight or
ea ending 30th June, . 8'�9, the-Glin- "nine ears, and -this is. Mr. `1'. eI sus,.
ton High School stands. at the head' of who, notwithstanding.his multitude of
all. the High Schools in the Province; otherduties, performs this one very sat-
isfactorily. May he long remain to. fill.
the position.. • '
PEnsoNAL "Dr. Graceyend wife have
been in town for .the last few days; but
left for home yesterday; We wish Mrs.
Graceyall 'happiness in her'new heels.
ENLARQEMEN'r.--Owing -to the -eaten.
sive business ,carried, on by: D. B.' Mc-
Kinnon, he. . has :.found it .necessary . to.
make anaddition to Tis store. It is
24x40, and is at present.under construe -
Sipco writing the -above we -learn -that
a number of thoroughbred Durham bull
calves will be offered, of good- pedigrees.
, ' The opportunity .thus offeredof obtain-.
- -- ing-first,class'-'stock 'shoul'd not be lost
by our 'farmers, bid let them conic. to
$he- sale -with the intention of securing
one. .
;Below Wit list' of corrections where errors
occurred in the prize list: of 'the ° Hallett
Branch'show last week:—. • ' •
Buggyhorse,. let, -J. Shipley, 2d, John
• 'Mono -BRED • CATTLE.—(Omitted last
Week) mach cow, let, W. J. Biggins'; 2
year old heifer, W.J. Biggins ; 1 year old'
heifer, M. MoTaggart ;, bull calf, let and
2nd, M. ;McTaggart ; heifer calf, W J.
B gine..
" Gsena CdrrLE,—Milch cow, let; H.
Snell & 2d; R. Ferris ; 2 year old
heifer, .let; J. Shipley,, 2d, R. Ferris ; 1
• year old heifer, • l,et, R. • Ferries 2d, C. J.
Disney; bull calf, J, Shipley ; heifer ,calf,
lit, H. Snell :& Son, 2d A. Innes ; 3•year
old steer, J. Stanbury; 2 year ..old steer,
tat .and.2nd,4._Shipley- • •
Pigs, small breed, 3st; M, Kelly. • .'
Collection pigeons,. let, W :Robinson,
-- 2nd, J. Keane:
THE• -'cattle Exporting fir'ni' of :.this
place;on. Saturday, shipped a bar load
of lambs and calves to New York.
PEIisoNAr;.-Yesterday Mi'.; H., Miss,
and Mrs. Rich Ransford,of this place,
nailed . per steamer' .Cythia, from New
York, •for'England
Rev. A: Beamer, :whom .some of the
--- Presbyterians of town 'purposed •ex
tending a call to some; time ago, has'just
resigned his .charge of the Aylmer .Pres-
byterian church, • ro'`
PARLOR . CONCEIt'P• - The choir'. of
Willis •Piesbyterian Church will hold.
n parlor concert at the residence •of Mr.
_ '
O. Jackson, during the second week
*Met-Ober. Pate and partioulars next
week. •'• . ;
TgANxs M Wm. Morgan, of
Goderioh towrial�i' . is entitled to our
thanks for a few'10411ent peaches and
• pears. ' Mr. Johhopoland left with
aa•a couple :of mons* pumpkins; and
trill also accept the 4100 therefor:
IhsetiiikeErut. Az`t"• ii On, Saturday
• a couple0.yquhg Men . named
rte a _ d,X:attaotafrto a fight. g gh on On-
tario Street. It is said they were going
seratside the : •carperatiohl 'to fight it out,
*hen Latta sttuck Glue with a stoney
_.. nd-theyelinched, the latter having.his
face fearfully disfigured. Parties in. the
'vtoinity endeavorett to separate the'com-
lstilitats, but wore prevented by a limn-
ter o syrztpatliisers.Wh.o salary watched
,f� the disgraceful procetdings. Warrants
waste issued for the arrest' of the two,
but Latta left • the vicinity, and 'Glue
pleading guilty, the matter was adjourn-
• ed for a week.' It may ,got bo atlii>ls to
inform those whir were witnesses of the
affray, :Without interfering, that they are
liable to a fine, and should the same
ihing.occur again, it will, be in the' in-
-barest of order and justic-. :e that ,it
ial inflicted.
Whitechurch .
A waggon maker wound make out well
Mr. E. Cranston, E. \Vawanosh, has
just received for sale a good glass of plows
inanufactured'by Bell Sc Son, St. George.
M M r.
The sons of WoI. Hepta W. Wa•
wauosh, and Geo. Tomnth, Kinloss, each
broke an arm; the former was thrown from
a colt, and the latter accidentally fell and
broke his,
Winter .wheat has many risks torun—
Weeds, changeable weather,drouth, spring
frosts,. Surface killing, ice, or an .over
growth.in warm seasons, the reverse in
Te Some farmers, as a rule, raise good
while their neighbors have indiffer.
s. Get down to bottom facts, the
F foundation, a compact, cool soil is
needed, well drained. If the:soil is rigid,
work it and reduce it to mellowness, spply,
Manure and BOW two bushels to -the acre.
Tt is an advantage to top dress wheat at
sowing time, harrowing in with the grain,
riffling before sowing. On light Boil aow
early, on strong, later, from•the 1st to the
20th ; trouble and expense will pay welt
Lime and eat make a good top dressing,
the former isto be had in your Immediate•
vicinity, for a trifle, andsalt can be had
fc;r-agriogltural purposes at low cost; Our
potato patch got a dressing of the former,
before plowing, and the latter after .seed-
iug, and we think'the spuds will compare
favorably with those 16 that 'filled the
peck, from Joe's garden.
Mr. Miller, school teacher in Manchus
ter,. is re-e6gaged'for next year.
Miss H. Kinsman, of Exeter; has been
appointed teacher on the 14th Oou. of Hay.
Judge Squier has fixed the second Tries -
day in. each mentli for the trial, without
jury County Court Cou Woo..
Y of
o ar-•
John Connell -Wingham, who was
Q , f � Ing ,
raseacharget d on of'fraud' someg time ago,.
has cleared obt.
. Mr. Thos. Oke, of Exeter, ha grownn o-
tatoes, of the Beauty of Herbison variey,
which weigh two pounds.
Mr.. T.,Adans, plasterer, Seaforth; got
one of his o badly injuredfew ,days
Y • a e
ago by lime falling into 'it.
Two human skeletons were found' at
s Point,Lake ur some
' Middleto
n$ n
days ago, supposed to he those of Indian,:
The regular sitting of the fall Court of
as regards school accommodation, quali-
fication of masters,and excellence of the
instruction given. In these respects it
ranks next to the Collegiate Institutes.
The ineunt,aivaided to the school: for
the half-year; "on the' results- of inspec-
tion," is $94. The next schools in rank
are those of . Berlin and Brampton, . each
with ' $92. , , Then'couies Oshawa 'with
$89n:50,. Port—Perry with $89, Barrie
with $88, P.oi t: Hope: and . Whitby with
$87 each, and Goderioh With $86 Strat-
ford.gets but $44, Mitchell bet $42.5A;.
while Seaforth makes .a fair beginning
with437,. Williamston receives only $9
PRIZES TAKEN. AT Tonoxro.—In 'ad-
clition to those mentioned last week, the:
following, prizes were taken at the To-
ronto Exhibition by parties from this
neighborhood ••-Heavy draught stallion,
4 years old' and upwards, •T., J. Bell,
Londeeboro,1st and diploma. for. heavy.
stallion of 'any •age. .Durham ' bull 3
yearsand upwards,'Brti;; H. Snell &Son,
Hulled, ` and year-old: •Durham• -heifer,
recommended.. 'Leicester' rani'' . two,
shears and over, 1st IL Snell do Son ;
shearling . rain, ' 3rd • H. , Snedl & Son•:
,Mr Bell has great 'reason to be highly
pleased ' at the position: taken by his
horse, and Huron can boastof.possessing
a.. horse . that hold a betterstanding
than anyone horse ever did before in
the country, it baying cafiied first prize
and diplomat at two successive previ.noiel
shows, and the same at the Toronto In-
dustrial,just held. Messrs. Snell & Son;
are also to -be congratulated on their
suocess as breeders' of implored stock,
Huron occupies't prominent position as
an agricultural county, possessing some:
,of the best horses, cattle sheep and pigs
the country affords.
opinion has been given by Mr. C. Robin-
son, Q. C., '. which . is of some interest.
The•County Council of Huron applied'
to him asking him to state what accom-
modation, in his opinion, Such as light-
ing ;fires; cleaning • offices furniture,
lamps' and Oil; 'stationery and, • postage,
(if :any), are each of the following officers,
entitled to receive from the Council;
viz• The County Judge, Junior COun
ty. judge, Sheriff, Deputy Master!! of
Chancery, Deputy Clerk of • the , grown,
Clerk '.of the Peace and ileigiatrat of
Deeds, &c. Referring to several Sec-
tions of the Municipal Act,.Mr. Robin-
son .considered that with the exception of
the Registrar, the officials -named should
be provided' with all necessary and . pro
per accommodation, Fuel and light, and.
furniture, and the 'county mist attend
to the proper lighting. and cleaning of
their offices. Stationery andpostage
could not be claimed, except perhaps by
•the Clork of tho•Peace,..whose duties are
in many .respects performed for the
Council. •As to the Registrar,, his (AUG
is not in thp Court House,:and:his ease
is provided for by the Registry Act,
which dire'ets .the County Treasurer to
furnishhim • with the books required,
and as to his office, requires the County
Council to bee thesame furnished
f rnislie
with fuel and furniture and ingood re-
pair., This would not include the daily
cleaning and attentions' required for the
ro• •s, or the lighting° and heating of
13russele taxes for 1879 will be 4; milla
on the dollar.
Mr. AL 0. Cameron. Q. C.,.ofGodericli,
has been appointed to conduct the Crown
business at the ensuing fall assizes, which
iarect Jtoctobbeerh.eld in London, the aeoond week ,
1VI. A. Mollie], 14th con. Grey, takes the '
front rank in big sunflowers. He has now
inthan his65 garhden,sada. a sunflower of the mammoth
species height 13. ft., containing no leas
The aon of Mr. J. Pritchie, of Seaforth,
who fractured his thigh bone slit weeks ago,
fell out of a child's carriage tin the 15th
inst,, astnildl brosoft..ke the bone again, the union.
ENTERTAINMENT. -•;--4,n .entertainment
will he given on Friday evening next,
in the basement of the °Presbyterian
church, when there will he singing, read-:
ings, recitations, speeches, &c., the ladies
have spared no? pains to make it;inte-
resting.. Admission; 15 cts. The funds
are for.the Ladies Aid Society.'
' A POULTRY _ FANCIER. -Rev; George..
Clark, of Blyth, is quite a poultry fan-
' cier,
an-Frier, hiving some excellent varieties.. A
visit tothe parsonage grounc7s•will show
alt manner of contrivances for the 'con-
venience,and:oomfort.of his stock. He.
was an extensive exhibitor at:the West•
Riding. Show, and carried a number' of
'gbed"pxiEes. --
KILLED Information has, been :re-
ceived of. the' : shooting of a young . Pian
named Smith, at Alpeena; Mich.,.a form-
er resident of Stanley. No particulars
yet given- ,'_ :. _-
FARM NoTEs.—Farmers Have been
very busy of late, getting in fall wheat,
and a large acreage is sown' this" year,
Many farmers have threshed, and find
that .oats,- bailey and fall •wheat are
turning out well. Potatoes are also a
good crop:
Oetrtote.—T:he.Ree`.ve.called a special
meeting of the council last •weak°, to de-
cide on the amount necessary to be.ex:
pended on, the London road, *hen it
was moved by Mr. Douglas, sec. by Mr.
McKinley, that- the 'Ree've and Mr:
Aikenhead be authorized to repair, with
gravel,'the London road north of Kip -
pen; itndrepairorrebnild'Avery'sbridge,
as they deem best. -Carried. , The
Council decided to meet on the second
Saturday in 1�Tovember, when all gravel
accounts. will be paid. Wx. P,tu iris;
clerk.:.._ '
Sale Register.
Farm stook, implements and houfehold.furni. '
, tare of Mr. Jas, E. Tiohborne, lot 18,.con. •
6, Goderioh Tgwnship, on the .29th inet.
' Jas. Howson, Auctioneer. •
Farm, implement, wagons, buggy, 1ia.;, on
the Market Square, Clinton, on the lath, of
Cot, . D. Dickinson, auct,
Mortgage sale of town.property!'bcing lot 69.6,
corner of Rattenbury and Frio streets, on
which is two 'good' houses; at the Market
Square, Clinton, on the 11th Oct. David.
Dickinson, .aunt, • •
•���,�•a8.'?'ITCH hes' inst rotas id4 trete Terdalto with a
J.11 complete sesoriment of the.Iateet fashions id
Milliner - highohowino enearoda andtako
Winery, p Y. pleas..
uro in showing to an, Having secured a MIIlino' of
thirteen rdare city experience she foots donadant that
eh() can give porfeet eatiefaetlon. Drees rnahing•in iU
is_branches, and Cloak making g a specialty:
THE slang phrase " What, never,"
Imo boon changed to " Almost 'always.'
Assize will commence at Goderich on Tues-
day the 30th•inst. Mr. Justice Galt will
'.reside. • •
Mr. R. Aldsworth, of the Bayfield road,
near Gcdericb, pulled nineteen barrels of
early Baldwin apples from one tree this
Mr. T. Gibson,of the 0 con. of,Howick,.
hes purchased 200 acres of land from Mr.
R. Braden, on.the '5th`•con. of the'same
township, for $5,000. •
-14E - Po'llook'' ea�1V a -�oi of O'rotiericli '
Si � I Y ,
wits "in'Em.eraon last week. He, has be-
come enthusiastio .about Manitoba, and
will likely return to the Province.
- R: Hamilton; of Colborne; has' -:gene- to
Manitoba,: where he intends taking up land
and erecting a house en it for the reception
of the family who'. intend removing, there
next spring. ' •
The business men of Wingham are anx-
ious for the establishment of a chartered
bank in that town. Since the failure of
the Consolidated Bank they have been
without a chartered, monied institution..
Early on Friday night the barn and shed
of Jas. Pickard situated, in the north-east
part of Exeter, was burnt, together with a
large quant;t�yy, of p 'thrashed wheat, hay,
and t anew ra'• t; Los abo it$ 2 0
w ,,a s c s$., OQ,
insuredfor about $1,000.
A son of Mrs. ,Album, widow, who re-
sides in Egmondville, met with 'a severe ac-
cident a few days ago. He had been 'climb.
ing a tree in search of beechnuts, when he
missed hia hold and fell to the ground, his
forehead striking on a stoke, which cut .• it
down to the bone.
On the lath ipst. a very auccessful Sun.I
day School picnic was held in Ball's Grove,
near KiPPen The
picnic- wasi
in connec-
with the Sixth__Presbyterian.. Church,,
and a.tiiie repast was spread by the ladies •
of -the congregation. Addresses, were de-
livered by the Rev. Mr. Cameron, pastor
of the church, and Dr. Campbell, of Sea -
Davidson,ti th haarrested
Cpnstable Winghani, g
John Graham, a notorious cattle thief, at
Winghanm, Thursday, night, andtook him to
Exeter to be tried before Squire Tilley,on
a charge of stealing four head of cattle
from Louis Croft;n
tows h. ip of Stephen.
He was cotnmited by Squire Gidley, on
Saturday, tostand hie trial at Goderioh
for stealing Croft's cattle, and while in the
look -up, awaiting to be taken to Goderioh
gaol, he cut a hole through the floor and
escaped.. It is thought lie was helped by
some one. from the outside, who must
hard cut a hole through the floor and sup-
plied him with a chisel and saw.:. •
y Eal
0 `'Sry�
nn a
0 Tn
:• „
While Mr. W. Johne, of Usbornewas
being let well some o feet diep to
finish digging; arid when within about Six
feet of the bottom he was suffocated: and
fell out of the bucket. -The men op the
top finding thebucket empty, drew it to
the surface at onco, and another' man got
in,a id. lashed himself .to the rope,:. but he
onlydeacended Omit 40 feet when he
shouted to pull up, and when he was taken
f anisicbuokeLhe :was quite insensible
and did not recover for. three hours. By
some means or other• the bucket fell from
the top .of.thewell, breaking.'Mr. John's
-Ieg; but it is thought he was dead•. before it
struck him. They had to get 'long rods.
and attach grappling irons before he could.
be taken out. Foul air was .the' cause of
• the accident: . '
ashionabTe CiothingHuusi
Per S.:'$: " State of Indiana," direct froth Glasgow,
Two aI: or COT aVTN&S
Which complete our stook; and We now present, 'WITHOUT ExCErmION, the finest
' . Woollen. stock. in the west. •
Our Sc .• e .
U1;Ch Tweeds comprise the Latest Noveltiesto he obtained
in the best markets ni-Scotland, and-alLsiei.e bought' parsonal1y b3°,1MIr:-Jackson,
• • •. during his visit: there.
Our c+um lac tocl of Trimmings are all imorted. di-
rect, _ g p
rect, and are 'of the VERY .BEST QUALITY.
MEM' in *all new shades .00. patterns.
WORSTED. COATINGS in o'ety conceivable—pattern; and at
all prices.
We are now fearfully busy, and would recommend,
customers to leave their orders , early, and make
their selections from the finest stock in the west.