HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-09-25, Page 5SEPTEMUEa 25, 1870 Ti1:>i•, CLINTON NEW ERA.. GFODEItIs.7lt MARKETS. September 24, 1879. $0. 95 a 1 02 0 90 .a 0.90 4 50. a 5 80 0 25 a 0 28 • ,51t11 aa 0 054 . 0 46 • 0.00 a 000 0 25 .a 0 30. 0 9 a 0 10 • 0 07 a 0 10 00 a 9 00 TAiI.ORYNG. First-class Vit and. no ,Humbug, or no sale. J"0 1 -11\T 1-1072g21-111-8 `Respectfully announces that he continues the agreement with Mr. W. COT:cIan, to make clothes to order. Heis a really TIP—TOP CUTTER, and makes up • garments in a most satisfactory manner. • I have a kine lot of choice TWEEDS, CLOTHS, OVERCOATINGS, &C:., and will he pleased to fill any order in that line right and on short notice, SUITS BUILT FROM *12 UPWARDS. Also -;everything in 'GENT'S FURNISHINGS, in: READY—MADE CLO.TR- ING, OVER COATS, UNDER, COATS,. VESTS, .PANTS, UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, FINE SHIRTS, FTL,ANk7Ett SHIRTS, • __..SILK -fi'E3, SOARRS, .;HANDKERC3 i.Eli'3,...,BQ1'PS,_.:.. COLLARS, CUFFS, -HATS AND CAPS, • Patronage in• all the'above.lines respectfully solicited.. • XX M,ilnery Dispiayf Owing to alterations being made in our. MillineryRoom, we are delayed. in making our SPECIAL GftA�D 11111Elli..OPE)ING. TILL URDAY, 4r„ OF OCTOBER, . .•. THE FINEST SHOW EVER MADE IN THIS .COUNTY,' WILL BE PRESENTED • BEFORE THE PEOPLE' OF CLINTON. • Wait for it!__ Watch -for it! Don't miss it! JOHN . HODGINS,' Manchester House GUNTQN, Sept. 25.1879. Have much pleasure in informing their friends that they are . Fully prepared for lie Fall and WiRtor Traria: • Our importationsthis season ':are. double any house in town, IN. STAPLE LINES: we are offering astounding .bargains, in fact we guarantee to sell at priceswhich all _other .houses in'town have to pay wholesale ' We are lliq,a position to do. this, because the best, wealthiest, and most 'reliable. houses in the country:confine their accounts entirely to us. IN -TWEEDS we are'offering the largest stock to select from, and at p1'ices which defy competition: • CARPETS. --In our Carpet Department we are showing all the newest designs in • Brussels, Tapestry,' `Wool, Unions, Axminster _Rugs and Cocoa Matting. SPECIAL. -',A job lot of Tapestry, bought considerably below the.regular price, Offering; at 45 c.'`;• an early. inspection is advised, as' the lot is Iiinited; and is selling fast. . `- --DRESS-'GOOD'S.*=a'u' ress Goods—Department-is repiet- with.every novelty in' OAsniVMEltES, FLANNEL SUITINGS, LoUISE CLOTHS, BROCADES IN.SULTANA,. RUBY -arid GARNET ,colorings, with BROCADED VELVET and WOOLLEN' FRINGES to match.— " The prettiest goods in the market " .• .MANTLES.--wo are the only house in town showing H. Suoiuw.& Co's (Gold Medallists) MANTLES. .We have theni at prices ranging from'• 1.5O to. -25..:.• friends , We 'apologize tis 'obi ei�ds for. delay111filling their MANTLE orders. • We •are increasing our staff', and expect to be able to complete all present orders next week. • . .CLOAKS. -.We arc re -ordering diose CAML1.-I A to CI.oAKINGs which are selling so fust this season,',:. "Nulibiest goods out." • 4 — „-> 000 .. . 3 IT T '2' • 3ii2 Tab'schoice DAIRY BUTTE-, waisted, U U for w'}neh we will.,'pay 12 Cent l?,A..IE• !COM on, Sept.,' 185$'. iLdW`fnat, ]`+� MONTREAL no ;, ser. ib • VLINTOB1 itLAI;JILETS. September 25, 1879• In consequence of the continued bad waather in Dngland4he price of wheat has made: quite a jump up, and there; is s>me appearance of a still further rise,. especially if the weather does not int- prove. The whole summer hasbeen an excessively wet one, and therefore .a great d40e4cu_in tLesupply wilt _be. the ,result: Butter has also tak n a move up, and the demand is.firm. is every likelihood that a good de will exist for all kinds of 'provisions, and consequently:better prices; Wheat, fall; red, ipbush, $1 00 a 1 08 Wheat, fall, white, 1 00 a 1 08 Spring, Bedohaff, ,. • 0 95 a . 1 00 Fife, . •.d 0 95 a 1 00 Qats,• - r'+ - " 0 25 a 0 26 Barley, • 0 45 a .0 .50 Peas, 0 50 a 0 52 Flour, . - • - 5 00 a 5 50 Potatoes, :..., 0 25 a; Q 30. Butter, -iv., • - Q 11 a 0 12 Eggs, r•. . 010 a 011 Hies, ` - - . 4 500 'aa 5 25 0 s, .. Sheepskins • ; t • 0'25 a 0 60'. Clover '- 3 50 a 3 75 Timothy' • -•1 75 a 2 25 EAFORTII, MARK JETS September 24, 1879 Wheat—Tall • , $1 00 a 1 08 Suring ' t • • 0 95 a 1 00' Oats. . • 0 25 a 0 26• Peas •; • 0 50 a 0 52 Barley 0. 45 a. 0 50 Potatoes • 0 25 a 0.30 Hay- 700 a 800 Butter . ,. • 0.10 a 0 12 Eggs, - • : ' 0 9 a 0 10 Aides • 4 50 a 5 25 ,Wood - - - 2 50 a 2 50 Flour, ' • . .. 5.00 a 5 50. .' Wheat—Fall - Spring Flour • - Oats, - • Yeas;- , - Barley, • • • • Pork, - - Potatoes - Butter - Egga, • • Ray, 5 140 DQN_.n1fd,RARTSr_ _. September 23, 1879. White wheat,, per 100 lbs., $1 75 a' $1 81 Red Fall, do 1 75 a 1 80 Spring, do 135 a 145 Barley, do 0 90 a 1 10 Oats, do • • 0 90 a 0 95 Peas, do 0 80 a 0 90 Egger. 1 -. Butter, 'rolls, • • 0. 0' 142 aa 00 1146 • TORONTO MARKETS. - September, 23, 1879. Wheat, fail, per bast„ . $1 07 a $1 10 Wneat, spring, ado . 1 Q5 a 1 08 Barley, do' '0 50 a. 0 68 Oats, do • 0 33 a 0 34 Peas, do 0'59 a 0 60 .Rye, . dfl . •.....0 53.. a.. 0'53 Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs., 5 ,50 a . 6 00 Beef, bind qrs., per 100 lbs., • 0 DO • a . '0 00 Butter, tub, • 012 a 0 14 Eggs, fresh, per.doz., 0'11 a 0 12 Potatoes, per brl. —•---- 0 70 . a 1 00 Wanted, IMMEDIATELY, a good general', servan t girk. •" Apply to MRS, .RAILTON, Clinton, Sept, 17, 1879,: • ,' t • For. SPANlersBl .hackeapPonies, sound, and good travel - • -7 ,. ..- .;: DINGMAN•& HUMBLE. Clinton, Sept. 9th; Subscribe for the-}ew Era• the 1VIARQUIS OF LORNE and the PRINCESS LOU'ISE are travelling through Canada; • $0 MADE AT' The..' reputation of' our MR. FOLEY, as an A' 1 Cutter, is: widely spread throughout the County of Huron. Our prices are lbw, and we guarantee a, GOOD FIT or , no sale... ;..�..�; TE HAVE , AN IMMENSE STOCK crila DS, CLorrims, Staple and :Fancy .dry Goods OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 12+ CENTS FOR GOOD TUB BUTTER. or No trouble to show goods. or Prices 'marked in plain figures. R. CALLANDER & Co CLINTON, Sept. 95, 1878. • S CI3QOL-SOOES 0 • 0 id A Targe, stock' -of all tille latest edltious of AUT11OP.IZ ED SCIHOO:I BOOKS ° •• just reeeved at the:• • - CLINTON"BOOK STORK: • Also,.a fall` assftlttnuelitt of Pens; • Papel, • ' Ink, Slates, PoncaYs, and every School i eq nests DTl C M AN & KUITIBLE C ooL $coo Q 0 0 0 Vs ' WOTTO: ----- --4 . 000 No 1F,'RELIMINARY in our CAMPAIGN. We wish to get at actual FACTS as soon as possible. .. FACT NO. l—We have now in, store here 150: Stoves, comprising COOKING STOVES, PARLOR HEATING. STOVES,' 'PARLOR -n COOK STOVES, BOX • STOVES',. TRIPLE HEATERS, COAL BASE BURNERS, all varie- ties, COOKING RANGES, &c. FACT ',NO 2.—We will sell thein at such fabulous low prices, tat if you have CQNSOLIDATED BILLS only, (which we take At par) you can get your choice of the above. FACT, NO. 31—The above are POSITIVE FACTS.. 000.. Paints, :Oils, Glass, Putty, Brushes, &c. Machine Oils (a specia1ty.1 BUILDING HARDWARE of ' every class. BRASS and, ENAMELLED: KETTLES, GRANITE IRON' WARE.. COALSTOVE, EGG, NUT, AND COAL. (rRAT`E, at lowest figures. • The best lightof the nineteenth century, (we...erxcept Eclisons,) LAMPS, OHIMNIES, &c. OASIS for Hides, Sheepskins, &e. Mammoth. Hardware Store; Albert St., Clinton. 1879 DAVS & PAY August 28, • PEOPLE .ON' THE LOOK- OUT FOR. BARGAINS, SHOULD'SEE THE PRICES AT G -IL ,QY'B. 1879. 79.. arlancl res. "DEG TO ANNOUNCE TO TAE 'PEOPLE 01' CLINTON AND VICINITY, THAT THEY HAVE MA It preparations on a large scale for thb Tall and Whiter Trade of 1870, and have now on hand • One of the largest stocks of Stoves in the County, Comprising C00E STOVES, BOX STOVES, PARLOR STOVES PARLOR COOK STOVES, of the Iateab ha - roved kinds, and finished ht the best. style. A1so, .the PATENT CHALLENGE HEATER, which has gains* such a reputation durhfg the last two seasons.. Wo have also on hand a quantity of the CELEBRATED RADIANT HOME BASE BURNER COAL STOVE, tile' only reliable Coal Stove in the market; any person requiring a Coal Stove this fall, will And it tO tbo8i' 'advantage to - .call and got a'RAIbIAN'1' HOME,' oya PRICED sus Low And We warrant 070 r r�r stove to work satistaotor[ly. „�iAV1NG BOUGHT IN THE BEST 3IARKETS, WE ARE IN A POSITION � • 4, . gIVE STOVES, rte., AT BOTTOr'I PRICES. whitee sad, Oils, Varnish, Glass; Putty, A LMtQE sroctf o>=° . • Brushes, :Locks, Nails, Hinges, Etc., Etc. ALL KINDS OF BUILDERS' HARDWARE AT WONDERFULLY -LOW ,PRICES, A. full stook on 'hand of BRASS and ENAMELLED KETTLES and GRANITE, mot WARE. Just reeetve4 a 8In 10 su t ly-of Lars,. BCsae',0ttonfm NO. 1 GOAL OIL, 15 GENTS PER GALLON. Wo advise all in want of Anything in the above line to call and °tontine goods and -rices and bo convishat. by seeing, that nye are new offering THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER MEW) IN CLINTON. XDiitltila leh, .lie place to b'ur,.$,PO.T' 'S ciao, is at HARLAND E%O,1., 7riel °'w— B3lock, Clinton SifIlt of the Padltoek Clinton,,Sept.4,1870. r , ax• TiA.T4 ,A..ND -BRCS.