HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-09-18, Page 8,8'
- MII``Tr 'Q .NEW ER•A.
Cit I71GC t l .ell ItEC%'TOORY
Services are Hold in the churches is Clinton as follows
WILLIS-(Canada Presbyterian) -rev. A. Stewart'
pastor. Sabbath. -11 a. in. and 6.00 p.m.; . praytr meet
Yng at 9.40 a.m. • Sabbath. school -2.60 p.m, ; genera
prayer meeting—Wednesday, 7.00 p.m.
CANADA HETHODIST.-Rev. o. SuthWand, pastor,
Sabbath -10.80 a.m., and 6.80 p.m.; Sabbath school--
. 2,80p.m.; young people's prayer wee ting—Tuesday,9,00.
• p.m. ; gonoral prayer meeting- Wednesday, 800 p.,n..
BIBLE CHRISTIAN.. -Rev, R. Thomas, pastor. -W.
.Chapple assistant. Sabbath -10.80 a.m., mud 80p.m.;
Sabbath sohooi-L80 P.m,; prayer besting-wednos•
Say, 7.80 p.m.
ST. PAUL'S -(Episcopal). -Rev, R. 0, Mathew, pas,
'tor.Sabbath-11 O.M. and 7 p.m.; Sabbath school -8
p.m.- publio servioe—Wednesday, 7.80 p.m.; young
people's prayer meeting -Priddy, 7.60 p.m.
Comity Mold nl Directory
W. 15.. SQUIER,„,Judge.
ISAAC'F. TODMS,..••..• ....,.....J.unior Judgge.
1IOBE)RT GIBBONS, ., •Sheriff.
MACDERMOTT,Master in Chancery.
D. MAODOISALD, , Clerk of the Ceuuty Court.
7B34 LEWIS, Clerk of the Pease and Cennty Crown
▪ JAMES DICKSON, .. a.. .... •. , . Registrar
vex w. VARIAN, 'No. 8
B. FRALLOR, No 4, ..,
70111S COOE;E No. 6, •a Dungannon.
W. W. CQNNOItoNo..7, • ,- ,
DIXIE WATSON,. No. 8, ., ....w�lrigham,
GEORGE GIBSON•, No. 9, . ...Wroxeter,
----Aerie 7th and October 6th, sittings for trials without
9nry. Jane 10th and December 9th, sittings for trials
'With jury.. • .
• ' Ohanr'bere every day at 10 •a.m.
GENERAL. aEs8IOr8. m
June 10th and December 91,11,
January term, 8th to 11 th ; April term, 7th to 12th';
--3ulyterra, 7th to 12th; Qatober torm,..ath.to.;,hlth...
odrih .,.,Treasurer.
A. M: 8 G 0 .. e..
BOSS, ( e )
T. E. BAYS, (Seaforth) ” 'warden.
J. R. MILLER, (Goderich) W. Huron
School In
A. DE AI,f9eaforth) East Huron School Ins ootor.
PETER'ADAMSON, (Goderioh).,......,eounty Clerk.
L. MEYER, Nor2,
A. Loot and hinge has been pieced
upon all the 'water tacks in town.
SEvsttaL of the merchants sllippetl a
quantity of butter on Friday least, •
Tun Vary heavyyains of the last few
rl I.1E urro!?I' NEW ERA.
Mr. P. Bell v, of Myth, who is tit pre- }
sent in Manitoba, has purchased eighty
square wiles of laud, known as the tial-
ber li wits..
Johnston Brea., have disposed of the
'days }ava so'me ha
t retarded
seeding g
to lass
operations. Jas Kyle n1 Jus. Forsythe
for the sum
PARTIES attending the Western Fair, ' ofG,700.
at Londpon, will be able to roeure tick Exeter Driving Park A.asociution
i l Agricultural • l ro ds
ets of the G.W.R. good for the whole have leasee the
Aurical urs gt un
week. •for 9J
years, and ere
make -a,
Ma. Tiros, JAoxsoN and daughter, ar- pleasure park of it.
rivedirome from; their ocean drip, on Amolrg the. presentations-to-the•�Lzl
Friday a evening, in t e i 1 u ovec] quis and Princess, at London on Tuesday,
d y. be g m 1 .n-1 we notice the names of Rev.A. McLean,
in'Ti .:.lt thereby. .
e t 11 Blyth, and Miss M. Graham, Wingham-
MR. 'J. W. RowLAN>as, represented.
Court- 'Maple 'Leaf, Clinton, at the Mr. and Mrs. . G. Sproat, of Tucker -
:second annual meeting of the Indepen- •.smith, returned from a trip to the
dent Order of l;+'ttrrtsters, at Toronto. western States. last Friday. They en-
n but r
' ON' TUESDAY and Wednesdayevenings. toyed there visit. very .r arch, M ,
the shopof 7essrs. Davis was Sproat thinks the county of Huron, for.
1 Pay Agricultural purposes; is a long' way
handsomely illuminated, from top to bot -
ahead of an thin he saw on the other
Y g
tom,the band la ins on the remises. •
GooD FOR gINION.—Mr. Lon' , of side:
S Mrs. Duggan clied.on the 6th inst, at.
Port Hope, visited. Clinton ,this week theresidence of her •son -Mr. Edward
and purchased of Messrs. W. •Doherty di; .•
Duggan, Goderich Township, and was
•Co., of.tthe •F•�linton„Organ•Factory, four buried on the llth. She was, in her
sof their superb organs. This is ,the ,
fourth to of show tock theyhave• made 88th year. .The deceased came with her
t, s Husband, who •predeceased her twiny
up 011ie fall. . a .years, to .the Huron tract, in the year.
HU•1tON AT TORONTO EXH113ITION. •1834 and settled at what is known as
The followingparties frclm this 'county ''.Duggan Corner' on the Huron Road
have taken . prizes at 'this show :—T: and has resided_ there ever since.--- She
Tipling, Clinton, 2nd for iron: harrows l was.aszativo: of Queens County Ireland,
Latvia 'Elliott, Goderich, 3rd. T.' .Tip- The. anlliversrry of the Suurwer 13111
ling, •2nd.;forhorse. shoes. , W. N. Cress-, B.C. church will be held on the 21stand
well, ,Seaforth, five seconds. and. two'22nd last,, and on Sunday two Sermons
thirds for; paintings. Stapleton Salt will be readied; at 2;30 p.m., by.Bev.
4Vorka, Clidton,-,lst foa
r tble. nRlc _„
R.ShIO r C cif Ottawa and .at 6.30
Tun Battleford, N. W, T;, 1182.41d ,p. m. by Rev, J. Grof _Canton.
Y a' �,
of July 28 contains this item :—On •
(:o1 Monday a public torn will be served
Sunday evening, 13th; the Rev Peter 'at' 4 p. -m. tickets 25 cents. After which
treith of 'the Presbyterian Chureh
S will Rev s.
addresses I be delivered byRevd
Y , seas � 1
.preached his'farewell sermon here, "the messes, shire, ,Gray, Thomas and Chap
term of his engagement for this mission .pre. A collection at theclose el, •t•le
having expired. The reverend gentle- services on behalf of the `.Crust 'und :
man has during his' stay won the'esteem The Globe of Tuesday spestk.ing'of the
of all with Vliom he came in contact, cattle exbilliit).says -:-
'and he carries with 'Urn ,the heartiest ;B; Snell Sa Son,- of Clinton, show the
wishes forhis welfare and success in Prince of Siam, a pore Princess bplPfrom
'whatever place hit lotMay 'be cast. •.. the herd of Wadswiu•th, of Genesee Valley.
LEG B1soN N.,--•On;Monday a Young 'He is four years old, and is a grand bull;
marl named Alex.- 13evllle, had the finis-
His carer is.darl: reel.. elf is: fore•quartora
are immense,• and he has a'proudupatand
fortune to break his leg. while threshing .ing carriage that bespeaks his' lineage.
at W. Divine's, ill the north end of the
Messrs. Snell glen show Thyra, a splendid
town: It seems 'that,he was driving, six.year.old cow by Dixie Duke ; tho two-
and: • a .trace becoming detached, he year-old heifer, -Red Rosso, by 3rd Earl of
walked oub on the „arm -of the horse Goodness, .Uy imported .:British Baron, a
FRIISII sausage•'hat made its appear-
ance in town,- and is •sold at 10 cents .
a -pound; • ' .
NEW STORES.—Mt Jas. Gallanger, of
this place, is erecting tlSo- (ramp stores
• in Lucknott
Ma. A.. 1M.. ArxENs, (brother.of Rev.
• Mrs. Sutherland, of thieplace,) has been
elected President : of the- Winnipeg
, Young Meu's. Christian Association..
CORRESPONDENTS. --7,A8 the har\ est is
over we shall be pleasedto hear from
• any of our rural friends, items- of inter-
est that occur in their neighborhood.'
The 'NEW . ERA' solicits : and is always
willing, to-publitb anything of local au '
A Pcienl .E FACT.=It's' funky „when
-ya11'-asir annrau tradveitise-ht-generally-
deelines with the statement thatnobody
• 'will see •it Blit. if veli advertise some
little caper of his In the news: coliiuins
gratis, he gets indignant over.: the cer
_tainty;that everybody will see it. •
the Cattle Exporting Company, •of this
town, shipped 215 bead of fine cattle;
for . England. Messrs. ,John. Freeman.;
and James Hearn accompany the cattle,.
Among them.• were a„yoke ,of :two ,ty.ear
steers, • Purchased from Mr".feseph
Lyons, 13th eon. of Hullett, 'which went
2,580. lbs.
: MR JADtES 1IO:WSON, . of ., ,lintgll .
Cricket Ulub, :was eboseri -0,1)14t With
the Canadian Twenty-two ttgainst;Daft's
English Eleven, 'at London, next week,
but will'be unable to' attend;„ ,Mr.. H.
Cameron, of Brucefield, a. member of
Clinton Club, -is alsochosen and will
likely play:.
A,SENSEBLE' IDEA.-- A fanner, writing
to the Globe,, advises railwayauthorities.
• to advertise • their . excursions. in - he
weekly papers,•as by this means many
would 'see the announcements: who do
not. see the bills. that are generally sir
.eulated. Railway Cohipanies • will _find
it to be in their interest to -act npon
-'this suggestion. •
eurpy, anronese.
The fi'r, T. R. has justissued their egg -
from. and we are pleased tu know the greater
almost every part of the township,
ions number enjoyed themselves. The reel..
along the line, .gnome which 510 end rho ' . e arta address
following:-- addedI a .gxcelleut recitation, which. j
CLI x g in we were thele e t t d with
foolery return from the various fitak Mt' Ltviogaton dehv ted bre dei
atg+ y to the pleasure of tlte.even-
N:ror.--P 11 1 at lata b dth ,
be use music •
o d con 'f" t ra o
, • a c to P. d1 rPl av
r n r rte kel
s la ,
I� Q
front Go a „a a North dr tr street h
a 6 church choir,
, r
yield.., 2 'bushels per acre, Sprint; wheat, i it hula}; in attendst,c,, no else occasion, : .
average quantity sown, about one-third eller'which the Rev.... Philp introduced
tinder. average. Oats, good, 50- bush per. Rev, Dr '1Villiteus of Goderich We
it kr' le res
tiSEl'TE:1t11I:1 1ti, 1i�i7t)
esogeseuessseseeeor een
sore. Barley, oter average- Peas, lt.,ht, have no hesitation in saying that his ad-
dress will be presotved in tl)e minds of
many, who, for the time being, were plac-
ed under lei
bis supervision,
n w sincerely
a d e.
-rope will prove -beneficial jar after lif” �
The amount .of money raised at the tea
meeting, was 131:75, '$11.0 being raised by
subscription*. leaving! $65 as the: omola,
meats of their plly.ical repast, and We
might further state that many who left
their home low-spirited at thinking they
were going to have but few to regale on
their well-prepared luxuries, returned with
a. new song in their .mouth, at snob a grand;
,Success, and "yielded their drew, ayes
to the 'kind .muse et, mein!' and alept as.
cosilyas a tick on acladsheep.
ek wells e.
h P
• •• M. R EL?i,Ibrr,
• 'Porter's Hill, l5ept.15.'' •'•
about two-thirds of an average crop. Rout
o condition.
chaps, In good
--.Falll lest o be
H wheat, d t
LRIC q a
r b`
known for years, -30 bush pee wee -Spring
wheat, about 25 per acre, Barley, good,
a good deal sown! will yield largely. Oats,
splendid crop, about 30 bush per acre, Peae,
very good, about 30 bush per acre. Root
crops, such as potatoes, turnips, &c,, a.
splendid crop, • Such a hakvest has .not
been known fpr years. in this'' aecticm, and
farmers seem to be in good spirits over it.
SearoarR,—Fall wheat in hthie vicinity
is very'geed,: large area sown,.yield from
25, to 30,bush' per acre, Spring'wheat has
he n injured; bymidge,not•ver macre
e, l d gr y
sown, about •16 .bash per sere. ,Barley, a.
fair average crop, sample good, from 25 to.
;30 -bush.. -per acre.. _Oats,. en.exeellentcrop,
very large area aowu, 40 'to 50 bush per
acre. • Peas, a fair�croli, not much sown.
Hay, a fair orop and well saved: • ,1"1ax,.
good, but very little sown. Potatoes and
other root crops, protuiaing well, . Apples,
only about half an average:,
?'o the Editor of the Clinton New . tee
DEAIt 814,-1 noticed in your last edi-
tion an account. of our church opening, on
the 8th. con. Goderich township,•-whiolrels
beg leave to say was entirely erroneous,
and the: person who seat you such; a fabu
loos- report we slope will not be surprised
rf lies iheiil�d`Ibeconi@ ' ho `lialilirree)pi'ent'
of a coat of tar„ornamented.with feathers,
and a free ride on the business angle pf
rail. The tea iueetirig was a'grand success
and largely attended; the night being very
favorable, immense erowds' of people came
Sale itegleter.
Farm;, 'farm stock, furniture! Lee.,•of:Mr.:'A.
pockerlipe,; lot 25, ,eon. 11, Hulled, on tho
18th inst. This farm is one*of tho beat in
Hallett, and an unusual chance is offered
intending purehaaers. Jas. Iiowsou, auct,
Waggons, Household furnitiire and village
property, belonging to Mr: Jas. Wheuham,,
at Londeaboro, qn the 20 last„Jas. Howson
Auctioneer, . •
Lots No. 44 and 42, hall acre, Princess Street,
(Clinton,, property of Mr.' E. Chesser, on the
Market Square, en the 22nd inst. James.
e•Hawgcn, Auot: ' ' _, '
Farm stoek;implements and household fe• rmi -
tale of Mr. Jas. B. 'Eichborne, lot 18, con.
fi; •Goderich Township, en the 29th inst.
Ja's, Fiotywon,` eluotimrcer, -' _-___ .
Mr. M. Switzer, of ;Ellice, brought to
Mitchell the other day, in one load, 237
bushels of oatsr,..._ .. _.
TS -.and.
Jkin"Fa�ou� Eat
?Cap Store;
powor.'to adjust it,. 1rLeping the horses ,promising calf by Prince of Siam, out of. `
• I ties, Leicester
-ix.:motion:; His foot=slippeca' Hee his ,r IFI];, L�t1G' Si'"AI333`I`I fESt' ASSDITT1Vii+:15? f'"Oi�`'ili 1.8 1 VE G 6 DS
rause, a y�arlm aud• a three•shour ram.
leg was broken 1n ai> .iilstana. He call; - o.s.• IN TOWN. '
ed 'on the horses to stop, which they did,. ' GODE,giC H TU�lV1�TSk1IJi'. :
otherwise his injuries •wo ld 1 b
inose semens.
THE. GRIGG HOLSE -=•Wenotice that
, Mr. S. Grigg, (an old' Clintenian,) has
just opened ft magnificent hotel on Rich-.
° mond Street, London, opposite his form-
er stand, and christened it as above.
Parties from this neighborhood visiting
'London, 'and wishing •hotel aecommo
• lion, 'will not find a bettor place to stop
at, .or'•a more Painstaking host, than
'Sam Grigg•
AgothENT =On Wednesda , as Mr.
'and 111rs:.. Ruinball, oft tri con.
'Goderich township, were., g into
town,:their horse , grew 'restless' at 'the
approach of a train, In tryingto get
out of the buggy; Mrs. Rurnhall'get hot
feet entangled in her skirts, and fell
violently to. the ground,beingstunned
by the fall, ; Tier system received a
were shock, •arid itwas some , days be-
fore aho,ecovored therefrom, •
•Y OTEIis',LISTs.--The Town derk has
gbown ns a printed copy of the Mullett,
Ifuson Co.' Voters' List for ',this„lye„ ar
printed at the N'Ey ERA ofli.ce,.:Clinton.
° It seems ;to embody some improvements
worthy of consideration by other mini-
oipalities. ' -very: second page is' print-
edand ruled as . a blank form . for the
inser tibn•b'silch names as mitybe adds
on rOVrh)tb14b . e County Jude. In-
!teat} e( ihoti,,`:i tificate usually print-
ed along w'1"f, re list there ere two,—
one in case of their being alipeals) the
other to be filled in when ,.there are
cone. The paper is of much finer qua-
. lity than is generally used for 'Voters'
Lists,,, but the slight additional costap-
pears to bo more than balanced by the
Improvements we have pointed out.
Aida Observer.
n, rape Sell
- MR Ji n i1 LL-t0TT•has-a ]gorse wltinii
ild,acti. Diem LLS.:- •u has beeirina n ;answers tc ; the dinnerctil .,, _„• .,
fo& die time'that illicit distilling was : Ala. c• -c;. i e14IIlo tat es a}rd falnil} were -
carried on in the township of Hay, but the only. represent'a`traes- f ' St: James'-, '
Church, at the Benmiller liicnic. We :show a full range. of (HRISTY'S ENGLISH GOGDS' in Sguare' and
exactly where was the secreta ' Collectorg.
y ' .T,a,s, farmers of this 'township are Round Orotviis also,, the leadingnovelties in AMERICAN •STIFF HATS
Cavan,` a . vigilant aril efficient officer, al)out through ,seeding_; _ our. cvotthy •''
learnin of. the •whereabouts of one such
g. •. . • • reeve has forty acres in fall'Wheat. in the vicinity of ( raid Bend,.,assooiat• IF. 'VE' -get. the' new post, office at
ed with Constable .Gill, of..Exeter, and. ;
• I;offt s corner,. and. the Bsayfield' railway ,t a �
-on Thursdaylest. 'made a raid thereon. J; 1
, sones that 1V -ay,. we hope to have `a flag ' r- Illitr ��
Seaming the apparatus. On Saturday, station. - .
°a second one was -seized at Black Creek, WHILE Mt. W. Perdue was thrash-
. Monday ,a -Mail .name& A. Keltie, . ing; at W 1s Crai's • the •other.
.,was:airested at H0nsall; •olsatged,:'witl>i b t m f , days. a
_Lein the eivner ceche of the stills;' horse-shoe tdent throt gh the - Machine,,,
IT playing havoc with the teeth
' LL• Bu5IN'ESs, ,The.£all:trade may ' A Go0in YIELD.—Mr:.A Goodwin, d
be said to have fai,rly,svt ,in,, '. and judg-. •the' Maitland oon , this- year gathered
ing by the very large.quantity of goods eleven bushels . of.. pears from a single.
?being•opened by Clinton merchants and: tree; 7r ,,This is,an•enorinous 'yield. ,
'tradesnrten,;•st they:expect it to'bq'.good 3h rias. E. Ttchborne, of the fitly con:.
'season: The summer has been' souls- of Goderich township, hat rentedhis
what quiet with trade -dull, but con farm to 'his brother, and` purposes' re-
saielering the effects••- thereof in other woe ingtl the neighbolhoowl of Chatham
places, our merchants.are to be corigra MR .JoaN O: ELLiOTT ,has been
tulated.in having pulitid'throughas well -•
as.they•leave:. Some suppose.that the awarded : the o Junoot of raising and,
hard times -heave touched. bottom;• wiaile walling Mr.D. Junors's :'new barn,' on
others, predict a continuation- thereoftheoldcat ld :line. • John is an old and
'through the winter. We 'are net going practical hand, and It good job is iusurecl•.
to. make predictions, but we hope the Mi' Junor
tworst has been passed. 11 (lir' as' relates •. WHILE a daughter of Mi' .Marshal]
to local trade this -much We do ',know, was p`awingtl�rist�gliMl. ;Jo[in E1Ttottrs
barnyard, last week, accompanied. by a: ..
small dog, 'elle met with?ivhaf came near Xoath's and `Children's ' flats Cap! --fieri I' i ge
cand.• that is, ;parties wanting goods. of
any description.. whatever; either for
wear or consumption, will not. find - a,
a better or cheaper , assortment at Any.•
place' ' in the county, than is kept in•
Clinton ' ; Customers. should • .:snake a
note of this fact ler their future guid-
ance. .
Aoxvtz I4ip; 04 VillageAxter.0:
Seaforth is - trying • to get'.:# 'second
b 'rrk'isgenoy. •
Messrs. Cook, of Dashwood; are erect;
ing a. mill at Zurich; .
• Mr. John Aikenbestd, a Sta,nleyite, has
opened a Veterinary Office- at Gbderiioh.
While wrestling eel- the -8t11 i:nst ,:lv-t;
J. Lamb, of Ilu11ett fell and broke his
McDonnell dt Waugh 'Have bought
out Bissett Broil.,' and W. • Swenerton,
at Hansell. '
• Mr. Johnston, hote.L'.koeler•, at Blue -
vale, was lately fined $20 and costs for
selling liquor on Sunday.
• Mr. John Christian, formerly of Clinee
ton, has been:appointed V. S. assistant
commercial agent at. Goderich,
Messrs. Petty and. Itappie, of . Hen-
sellr shipped 1,200. head • of sheep, and
lambs to Buffalo and • Liverpool within
eight. days....'
On Wednesday, some miscreant spoil-
ed a pair' of boots which were placed
for the inspection of the public, in front
Of Mr. D. B. McKinnon's store, Blyth.
The boots were almost hacked to pieces
having • oats in them three and four
incheq;ill length, '
We have a :"magnificent lot, imported direct: from New, `York, and Buffalo,
• IN 8 I3LA0:1 AND • COZIES.
'Mplendtl range 'of
i1G.7NJ.1JL�il�� ,. 171
being a serious accident,, ` A cow ran
after the dog, which ran to.* the child,
when the'cew started hooking, her, and
had it irotbeen•for the bravery. of Miss
Elliott, who at once went to her assis
tanee, she , would' have been seriously
• CHURCH. --IR -.'connection• with. the.
late church opening on the' 8th con. -a
correspondent sends us the following
Our opening 'tea -meeting was well !it -
tended, and
ttend:ed,'and was one of the most success-
ful ever known • in this section of',the
country.- •A social Was held on Mon-
day evening,
1Ton-day,evening, which was not very largely
attended, , owing - to , the unfa,Torable'
weather, there being only about one
hundred ierserispresent. 'In connection,
with the opening services, enough Was
secured in cash, and subscriptions to
provide for ' entire cost of church„ leaving•'
a balance sufficient to erecta good sub-,
stantial shed. .
7'o the Editor of tlse Clinton :Yew Erd,
Seri, --We noticed in your last week's
issue of Mr. T. Dyke, challenging in' to
Y cg g
walk twenty Miles and cut three acres
of grain by sundown, but that is, rsither
thin. We have no 'hesitation 4r,. believ-
ing that Mr. Dyke is naturally smart,:
reverse the gotirse of the Niagara, And
then the sturdy youths of Goderich
township will try what they can do
The farmers in the Ottawa, iistriot
are preparing •' to ship hay for the Eng-
lish Market..
We are the .only house in town handling Chris 's
English Goods, .which are acknowledged superior.
to .all others.
We keep-Uats from'6y 'to :7'l ire size.
Jackson's Hat, Store,
pOL 8 0 OltS.
barge stoelE of all the latest editions
• lust received at
Also, a 'full assortment of Pens, Papel,
11n , Slates; Peiic1111 `Y nd• .every Sekool
' requisite,.