HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1879-09-18, Page 3SEPTEMBER% 18, 1870 THE ()LINTON NEW ERA, gninox uz. A little nonsensenow and thou, Is I elished by the wisest men. The fellow who asked fora lock of bis girl's lair was informed. that it costs' money hair dues.' .After trying in vain to start a balky herds Or the Wise. Ob, howsrare it is,to- find ;t soul atilt enough .to hear God speak.--Peneton. Nothing will intake Its: so. eh:at:able and tender to the.faiults of others es l,y .self examination thorotighly to know our own,•,Foiteloa, If I have not a broken and contrite, Mare the driver touched her flank with. heart, God's mercy will never be tniue; his lighted cigar say, I've Fried 'all but if God had not mitnifested his mer- means to Start her,.now 1'll try to back cy in Christ,: infinite and free,. I could never have a broken, contrite, heart -- Dr. Amlot. • It is not falling into the water but lying in tho.water, that drowns, It it. not falling into sin, but lying in sin, that destroys the soul. if sin and thy heart are two, Christ and thy heart are one. TZt3mas Brooks. ' Wisdom: i3 better .than riches.. Wis- doin guards thee, but thou must guard toy riches,. Riches diminish• in the us- ing; burwisdonl-increases in the use of it, -Arabic Proverb. her, A. lady said to bee husband' that she. had read the art .of love just -to make herself agreeable to him. '1 bad rather have your love withoutthe art,' be re- plied. - An old bachelor, seeing the words ' Families.supplied,'•in.the window of an oyster saloon, wept in and said he.w'ourd. take a wife and two children --a beyand. - -a girl. ` • 'Investigator' wants to know what is good for cabbage worms. Bless your soul, mad, cabbages of course. A good plemp cabbage will last several worms a week: 'Humph? said a young gentleman at a play with a young • lady. ; ' I. could play the lover better than that myself' '1 would like to see, yen try it. rwas tho the naive reply.'• ' Give nae your hand,' said ihetvillage schoolmaster, sternly. ''And my 1leart,. too,'. she meekly replied; Being pretty, her soft answer effectually turned away his wrath,and the wedding soon followed. The: Bvt:l well-Times•-recommends-th: young folks to ' put their heads togetber- and form a literary society.'' We have occasionally .surprised a couple of our young folks in the act,, but .we never .knew the objiaot before. r. A'crusty old . gentleman, not liking the way his landlady's' daughter had. of making free with, bus hair.oil, filledthe bottle with liquid glue the•day before 'a', ball to which the girl had beeninvited, and -site stayed a borne. • A man adornecLwith a temperance badge went, into an apothecary's shop and said to the assistant,' 'If ye plaze, sir, I'm a tinipei:anoe man :. but if ye have. any soda -water of the strength arid quality of whiskey;. I'll trouble ye. for a' little.' A man , asserts .that by careful study and analysis; heha5'at length discovered what ate the" principal, ingredients'of snaff.-.`Ay, man, ..and.w>;at'a_it.made jtiet w '"coffee'"sic"giun''glaise an' it's the. gleiss tlolil n' yer tiizz_ that gars ye sneeze: ; A young lady .of the mature age of 6, after the story of the•crbation •and the• fall had been related, and the young lady .had been meditating.for some time on the moral of it, suddenly • broke • out- with :''Aunty, after' Adam and Eve:dis- obeyed God, why didn't he kill 'em and begin over again.' Instructor in'German;after astonish• Jug, the division by the.announcement' that the'German words for ' heaven' and ' shirt' had the same root -'Mr. X,, canyou `see any,' difference bet ee Y. ,w n Heaven and a. (clean)'shirt, for instanoel' Mr. X., hesitating_' Well, sir,.they are -both 'goed-tliings-fo'r it limn . to got into.' , The London A.dve'r tinea' man has,. been there, and this is his experience: --When a man sneaks. into'the house at midnight and tries to get into bed -without waking up the family, 'every stair and. ar 'floor - ' beard' creaks like -'rusty swinging sign in a gale;.. but a burglar;ean go all-over the same house as noiselessly aa a float- ing' zephyr.'' A Yankee father .has purchased . a lever's alarm clock that works'. like a charm. At 10 o'clock it:'strik.s loudly . . oorsopen, an 'a Inan a dressing gown and cap on glides out, ilolding;in his hand it' card, inscribed Good night.' As he. bows and smiling- ly milingly retires back into the clock, the young than takes the hint,' says. '' Good night'. to the fair daughter and departs.'; - 'It was oat West• in 'one of those local The shortest and surest way to live. with honor in the world is to be in 're- ality what we 'would appear to be ; and, if we observe, we shall find that all hu- man. virtues increase and strengthen themselves by .the practice audl experi- ence of theta,-Socrates, -Povertyi the ._ . s by load of -some, and wealth is the loadf 0 others perhaps the greater load of the two. It may eigh them to perdition. Bear the load; of 'thy neighbor's poverty and let him Ilea with thee the load of thy wealth. Thou lightenest thy load by lightening It were- a desolate thing, -indeed, . to forbid the loge of earth, •. if • there were nothing to fill the viicant space in the. heart. But it is just for this purpose, that a sublimer fteffotion may find room that the loweris to be expelled. --.F.117. Robertson. Do you;say pin is too strong for you? It is not too, strong.'fgr Oininipotence hat -d tueileth-in•-yeu. I-'ilvn't-vant•-se . h . g., :as to. Much to be afraid of oin� to hell be,afrald of sinme-be-afraid. Let : of sin, and then ' I need not be afraid of going to hell. -Rowland Hill. • The height of 'all philosophy is to know thyself, and the end of this know. ledge is toknow God. Ii`uoiv thyself. that :thou mayest know God ; and know Godthat than mayest love'.- Rias; nod' Serve Him, 'and he like 'Him. In the. one thod sit initiated into' wisdom, And in t_lao other. perfected..in.it.-1 atar'les, The most useful: pedestrian is the man who 'walks tip •and down t.ie room all 'night with the. baby. • ,IntenEe distress is. feared among the working classes of. noi'th•enstern Eng, land -the coming winter The -Methodist.' pastor: at Oeonto:: •Wis., has informed his congregation of- ficially, that he will nagain of preacha Y, vain until' they pay.hlni enough :of his past due'sala'ry to buy a suit of clothes fit to wear:in the pulpit. • • The .most therotigh; enthusiastic, and efficient temperance workers. are those. who study every phase'. ;of the tempe. r= anco qnestio1, and read all -the import- ant W ort - ant temperance literature of the day. .• . In Er nssia one person in 460.is insane,. The cause is chiefly the abuse of Alco- holic liquors. So says Dr. Pinkelberg, Professor of .Medicine and Member of the Prussian. Commission of .Publio Health. . '' •P.'Bain, of•Bourgeval, France, gain- ed the .'consent' of his : sweetheart:to marry, and 'started for home, 'singing joyously es he.went. The girl' listened to hisvoice-as lie: -creased, a fi:eldr and noted that it stopped suddenly in the •middle' of the song This odd biesking off:excited.ber.wonder::f' She wont to twolittled' ' d with learn the cause, and_found her lover. murdered. A rival bad overheard hint, followed bine,' and struck hitn down from behind. • • . It was a conseientioua snob that de- stroyed Smythe's Hotel; at Cardington, Chia.: . A. murder was 'committed.:in •the house, and, on the following bight, courts. where a 'friendly talkative way a party'of masked men.demolished the marks the intercourse between judges,. I establishment, which contained .a large juries, counsel and :clients. ' 1!' man of stock of liquors'' and cigar's'; : but they the law,• after developing considerable had ,esolved not to smoke or- drink eloquence and• -perspiration in behalf of anything, and nota tiling was spared a prisoner, perorated 'by' sa in' 'Gen-' from ,the thanes. tlemen, after what 1' hae stated. to you, Over the grave . of •a three-year . old is thisman guilty 2 cat 'l a be guilty ? Ill child buried near 'M'idford, Conn., last • he guilty)' Greatly to.his disgust, the. ',year, a beautiful white swan has et or foreman of the jury, after a copious ex-' since •kept con stab t:wtitoh,'scat�oely leav pectoration, replied : ' ''ou just wait a ing the;nsound eyen to eat. Any one • , little, old hoss, and we'll tell you;' As who attempts a' near approached is the poker -player would Say, ' Foreman greeted, with the bird's shrill cries 'and - had_the age,- and counsellorpassed'out. melioration. for_.an attack: The swan's Mee.. G. has been el opping.: 'ThO mate endeavore. her ed for some time to in- eeurn , to the clerks,' shesn a 'treated me 'with the juke; bat w thoutlauoeeason to i'and eventual- eouldcondensations , longs they ly died of. grief., Hundreds of people could get anything otic o me but 'no sooner had one of 'ern found out that have visited tl:e cemetery to. witness the two yards o' calikerand•a bank o' yarn singular conduct of this self stationed sentinel. was all I wanted, than lie began scream'- rs Gei,Nan syrup.ri ing out, ' Cash I' afore he'd" half done ' No other medicine in the world' was ever 'Om up. i jest told him that ifI didn't given anon a test of its curative qualities as have a tail two yrtrds' long a dangling to .Nessus '8 GEntpAN &rave. In • throe years two tho een(l'of n1 own and u bonlit on the millions fang hntulrod.thonsl1hici small bottles Y.8 of this medicine were distributed free of tip end o my pug, I wasn't to be insulted.-c7ttarpe ,by bruggiets in this country to those' by a podinlay like flim. Ho looked afllicte� With Consunnption, Asthma, Croup, cheap enough, 1 can tell yet, and tried savero Coughs, Pneumonia, and other dieeaaee to make ern explication. But guess of the throat anti lungs, giving too A.meri- enn peoi,lo tindeniaitle proof that GEttIXAN they don't think much on hien in the Svaer will taro them. Tho result has been shop, for no sooner di . d r take.lny puss out 'o my ridicule' than up' steps; a null art. little bra DO bigger' platy y, b ;;;g i n our i�teve, and takep the slonry..right out o' the hand ole that lira* hoz.' N 0'T C E , I FURNITURE,. LD ACCOUNTS DUE TOT X'IE GODERIC31P0UN- i nnX anti aianufaoturing Company (Limited) must RING- be promptly settled to avoid coots. No parsons are au-1,IN Vt, BED thorised to. rceeive paymenta or make settlements. on i behalf of the Company, except the undersigned. JOHN is HOR IAN, PreSecretary. 411.1. Nl) MATTRESSES. JOHN CHRISTIAN, Seo[etary. (3oderich, June lath, 1879, Land for Sale. TgE subscriber offers for sale 30 acres, more or less, being east part of lot No. 31, in the ,Ith concession of the township of Stanley. Frame barn and house on the place,. never -failing spring of water ; soil, clay loam. Terms easy. For•further particulars apply to, JAMES FISRER, . Baum P.O. Aug. 7,1879, Im Farm. For Sale. THAT .FIRST-CLASS FARM, No. 35, en the 16th con. of Goderich Township, be- longing to Mrs C. Gordon ;will be sold for cash or,on part credit.. Only one mile from Clinton. The farm contains eighty acres of choice land, in goocj condition, fine orchard, &o. Apply to R. HALE. Clinton, July 21, 1879, ' . Choice '.Farm for Sale. OT thirty-three,Tenth Concession, Gado- -1-4 rich Township, comprising eighty aores, seventy cleared --excellent soil, good build. ings, fine orchard, -in all respects a first-class farm, Terms easy: 'A good dwelling house and lot in Clinton, or a small.'farm near the town, would,•be taken -in part payment. Ap- ply to the Owner, ROBERT M U RA pp I h w OBIS cM R Y py, B , or to II. HALE, Olintont Aug. 28 1879. Cutting Cordwood, ' THETHE underalgned has Ecom ten to' fourteen fi good iia 'dwood lied, oil t"he'Ln"d; concession of Stanley, which he .desires out in long and short wood, Tenders for cutting the same will be received up to the 15rn: of SEPTEMBER. Partioulara on application, JOHN McMILLAN, Lot 52, Bayfield Con., Godertah Township Aug. 28,1879; ' Store for Sale.. • THE undersigned offers for sale the store and land, 9coupied..1?,y_,3'fr.1..1W. Cl:nham,_ Huron street, opposite the Commercial hotel (owned by Mr. D. B. Strathy) on reasonable terms- Will be sold subject to a -lease:: • J. •CURTIS •STEVENSON. Clinton, Aug;•28th, 1879, Stray Steer.. CAAM> into subscriber's premises, Iot 23, 3rd' • eon. of .Hullett, about two weeks i since, a red•and white STEER,. The.- owner is hereby uotifled' to prove property, pay charges, and take it away.. �.. til ,, .;. SHAN.e11 AN �.. 1#ullaft'dug 36;1879.' TAB C L I)TT ,O\ d.N,EOFTHE SRA MIRE RE subaertber begs to inform the inhabitants of -L Clinton and sarrounaing country, that he has aped a New Furniture Store, ON VICTORIA STREET, OIVIt DOOJL SOUTH OF 0, DII:IIL'13, Parties in need of anything in his lite, are respectfully invited to pall and examine hie goody before purohas- ingelaewhere. • - Remember' the place ---•• Victoria Street. W. B, °RICH, Clinton, Jane l2, is79. REAL ESTATE FOE. 'SAS. 1, Farm Lot No. 84 in 'the Fleet Concession (Huron Road)' Tuokeramith, contains 98 acres of. Bret -class land, snout two ?Hiles from Clinton,board fence in front, good hardwood timber. Maybe made a superior dairy farm. 2. Weld, Half of Lot E.igbt in the. Eleventh Conces ale. of Turnberry, fifty acres, good wheat land, six mi,ee from Wingham and ono mile from the. Gienannan Stn, tion of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway. A smart clearance on the front, balance hardwood timber.. Would sell oheap for gash, or exehango for town proper- ty in Clinton. Apply to the owner, 9amuelThrower,ato, Fair's Mine, Clinton, or to the undersigned. 4, The large and convenient Brick Store, in the Al. bort atreetBlook, now occupied by Mr. Jas,Biddleoombe. 0. Firet•olass grain store, at theGrand Trunk station belonging to A. Jamieson., . . • 7r he-large-factory-building.and-lot, adjoining the Grand Trunk station, formerly occupied by J. H. Bel- fry, with 'engine and boiler. Premises well suited for manufacturing purposes, pork -packing, &a. 8. Lot 0, on Victoria Street, (Gordon survey); a ahoioe building lot, between the G. T. Railway and the River Itell-fended, planted with trees, good well, &a. • 9, Lob 24, - Frederick street, belonging to. Mr. John Powell. ` Good frame cottage of Ova rooms. Welland pump.* Good garden.. Just south of 11r, Wm. Shep- herd's residence, .If. HALE. Clinton, Jan. 24, 1879. • •:A.. GR E -A -T.70 FRE --FOR $`10,50- 'w o will nand you, bound in full sheep,, an unab,idge, Worcester's Dictionary, The Fortni nn•t1 Review,. gl� Y For one year.. • ' Retail price, Worcester's Dictionary s12:60 $nbscfiption price per annum, "Fortnightly".. 5,06 • _0r;.iio will:givean unahridgo8, bonnd.ixt.alleep, v{ 0t{•. °ESTER'S DICTIONARY for five. yearly subscribers to TILE 'onernorJTLV nwVIEN, or for four yearly sub. Scribers to the eame,.we Will give a-copyof that famon$ •work; bound. in 2 -vols:, 8Immo/t TVRAL RELzoIos. .Ag•erits'Wanted-to whom we will .pay a good commission to canvass their Iocality. For particulars, ordetbooks, specimen copies, &o., address the 'publieh- ers, BELEORDS, CLARICE & CO,' 60 York St., Toronto • A.11'- R,R,"� CONSTITUTIONAL • UATARR]3 REMEDY - t T _.R.R E _.:C.A..•A S R thauiaado Applaud •its Wonderful. Curet! Hear what- a.Rever'en' Gentleman says 'of the .Constitutional• Remedy t= T. B. EARRING, Eaq., Brookvi le, Ont. • Dear Sir, -It is now two yearn sine your " Constitu- tional Catarrh ltemedy" was introduced to mo.- I have waited this long id see if .the cure would remain per, manent.before..doing..this,. my duty to you,.as at brat •tj}e happy:efects seemed tome to be "too. good to bo true,' I ' walk 'afflicted in my head for years before I suspected it to be datarrh. In reading in your Circular I -saw my case described in many particulars. • The in- ward!'drop"from thelread had become very disagree- able, and a choking sensation often' pro`ronted Ino from lying long t I wonld•feel like emotheriug„and be'eoin. pelled to sit up in bed. My health and spirits' were aerioasly affeoted.. When your -Agent came to Walker - 'ton, In Auguat,1876, I soured three bottled. Before I had-uaed-a-quitter of tursost Gars o • e • o 0, found deoided relief; and when I 'bad need two bottles and a third, I quit taking it, feeling quite oured of that ailment, and have not• urged any siaoe, till of late I have Laken some for oold in my head. A sense of duty to ahfferasfrom that loathaome.disease; Oatarrh,prompts me to send you this .Certificate, unsolicited, with leave to make what use 0 it you may see proper... ' Yours truly, • • W. TINDALL, 72ethodiatminister. Port El: in Ont., An:. 24,1818. - ' Ask for Littlefeld's Constitutional. tarrh Remedy, and take no other. T. J; B: H.inDINe, Domicion :Agent, Broekvilie,.,Ont. • ?s' sale by all 'Druggists at only One Dollar per .Bottle. EUY T. 8* ' : TRY. IT k that Drpggieir in every town and • village in the Cfuued's anti Uribed ,,testes aro rococo:: RDA.DIIVG MA.TT. + R,. I,fAIC1.NG IT an i di it Hato athir awtoma • eo io your Drairo their they 'blow shout it. ONE . Ol+ TRIO MI ST INTEREST, BEST -LOCAL PAPERS DT' CANADA, WILL BE` MA.ILDD. TO ANY ADDRESS IN THE „UNIT- ED T -ED STATES OR. CANADA,' FREE OF POSTAGE, FOR TIIE SUM OF PER.ANNUM. IN ADDITION 10 THE L' ARGE :A: OUNT 00 LOCAL NEWS CONTAINED IN EVEIU" ISSUE, .L.III,ItE IS A COMPLETE SUMMARY O1'' GENERAL NEWS AND ' UA.REVIT' LLY 'SELECTED' dalnpie lioWali 10 call* . Degulgs size, 76 cents: :Three doges will raliwo airy caro. ING "lI'L`RS I'UT IrI(iltl ' 1 tiob,us928,�E Dointnioa'lolegraphbAlcC. WEN() • T� 1 •CO3IB.E, I CHEMIST a DRUGGIST, PRINTING. PRINTING. PRINTING.. PRINTING". PRINTING. PRINTING. removed to the remises known s PRINTING, PRINTING. PRINTING. Rao e p k w as rhe QL.D C:L.INTON MOTEL, Where he will keep for Sale a select and general assort went of DRUGS, OfII', TICAL . AND MEDICINES,. DYE STUFFS, OILS, &c. nreitrrlpetor,N, Receipts, and Compounds care- fully made tap, vial despatch. Ciinten, Feb. 37, 1879, Sewing Machines or AL, RINDS, r Vii, E F• A. : xi, E_ • AND ¥A1,11 4.4 GOOD AS NEW, Allkinds,or siACIIIINE FURIVISII1NOS kept oaa hand. REMEMBER TES TRACE -HURON STREET•, one door wort of the Commercial Hotel. ' H, NORSWORTELY, Post ofdoe Boa 105, . OLIA'Tow, Owe. flyer's . For restoring Gray Hair: to its natural Vitality and Color.. fir 1 h' \�\�� � n gray Bata is soon l original. color• with the gloss and freshness off�, youth. Thin hair • is thloli;ened;•' falling, hair„ checked, and baldries's'offen; though' notttllvays, cured by its use:. Neth= ing can rosto�o ,the hair whet© the �ollicles are destroyed,'or- the glands atropllietl..:anc;.cq'eca3�ed,:Iint:such,as.... 'lceyri'aY�i can be saved-• for usefalneas: by, this application. Instead effect- ing file hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep i.t cleats and vigorous:; Its occasional use will prevent the• hair .from. $ceiling: �rfyy or fall'i}1g_ off, and consequently preveiit baldness:. Free from those deleterious substances -Which make some preparations, dan- gerous, and injurious as the hair, the, harm, '� benefit kit not ha 1 a1 can only e b b Y1? • it. If wonted• -mel e1y 'fol- a HAIR OntSSING,' nothing else can be "found- so - desir- able. nor 'able "Containing,:neither .o brie dye,. it. does. not soil .white cambric, and yet lasts longon the hair, giving it a, rich; glossy lustre and a grateful- • perfume. ' ' Prepared by Dr; J, C, Ayer .&"Co,, Practical and Analytical CLemGts, • LOWELL,!YASS. dr'es'sing which is at once agree.abie, healthy, And ef- fectual for re- ;,;�, serving the hair.Faded or 'rte •.d„'_: N''•' • ftp,. restored. io - its 11', :.flyer's. 'Cathartic :Pills,:. 'Far SII the purjiosee bf a Pamir Ph le, _aInd f er _ euring Baric sa, . ds me1gti, , B• ttilrla43, re th, :77 He eels, Thyeippelaa, Rheumatism, ll:u tions and Skin DisoMea, • Bit-. ioubnes,r, Drepsy,Tumorpy'Worme, Nearalea, as a Dinner, Pili, . . for P ifging the Bl ur ood;Are', the most ef• - fective and conger nial purgative ever. ' discovered. They are mild, but .ef• - ;; .fectual in 'their operation, .moving the. bowels :•surely and without pain. Although; `gentle. in their 'operation, they are still the most thorough and searching . cathar- tic. medicine that can be. employed : cleans-; ing the stomach and bowels, and even the . bloody In small doses of one pill a day, they stimulate the dinestive' organs and prolnoto vigorous health.. ' . . AYEa's PILLr have been known ibr more than a quarter of a century, and have obtaineda world-w•idti; reptttation for their virtues. • They correct diseased:action in the several assimilative organs of the body, and are so cemposcd that 'obstruc-' tions within ' their .range can rarely with- stand or evade :them. Not only do "they euro the every -day complaints; of every- body, but also formidable and dangerous diseases"tliat have baffled. the best of . human skill; While they produce power. ful effects, they are, at the sante lime, the safest and best physic for children. By. their aperient action they gripe much less than the. cominon°pnrgatiye,e, and. never give pairs when the bowels are not inflamed. They reach the vital fountains of the blood, and strengthen the system by *Meg it frdun the elementsof weakness. - Adapted to all ales and conditions in all climates,; containing ',either" calomel nor any' deleterious drug, these Pills nlal' be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar-eoating preserves thCtm over fresh, and makes .them pleasant• to take; while being purely vec,etable, no harm can arise "loon their use in any quantity.y. , • rltta'tulsn ill" Dr, J.C. AYER &. CO,; Lowell l' Mass,).. Practical anti.litafyti.eei Chesniatt. SOLD BY ALX, Dam:mars 1SVEliYWHltIli. 4TEAr11.• NEW CARRIAGE: WORKS 1'111 . SLYT14. JAMES CLARK Hat pleasaro in annonuoing:to tho inhabitants of Blyth Mid' vicinity's that ho has oponod out in the Carriage making bdainoos, and Is low prepared to .8111111 orders for • 0ARR1 AGFIS, .WA(#(i01TS, - BUGGIES,. Ero., upon rho abortost notice, and at the most roaponable ratan. • Nouo but deet•class• workmen employed. anti thovory boot cuatoriatusod, =PAWING attended to promptly and satislaetorily. nonSE SHOEiNG epoeialty. • (. I � i i c ; Arent Col item s i\.mliellltlllHCl1i Remelts y" 1 Ono of, thobestu,anufaetorieainCanaan. Callan daeo sampler of Boapors. Rioworo, Hood Drills, flora o Bakes, ,•e. . A, 010 o h c . Plou h & . &c, bolero urahas w e Ploughs, g 8 , , , p It¢. fe l 'Heir @VEliiN STitEW4', ::.,.:.4. b - _ ......, 0. • Is equipped with The very b st .'Meich4nery -n-tit f ••� e way a AST.1'RREs.s.Es:. And has'„ Tlla Largest •sortmnt 'off d" toleof u ncountry o n 1 any co t y fllc o e in aana- da Its prices being a9 reasonable :as those of any siinilar.establishment, and a competent staff''of'workmen .being 'alwaygs engaged, giire. it unrivalled facilities ftfr' the execution of all kinds of'. ' -HliattY0TILE PRINTING'. ;72177- * DODGERS, HANGERS. 'STRE AMERS- POSTERS BILL HAD . • LETTER HEADS. ' M EMORAND.A SS. . STATEMENTS::.. . NOTES. •. CHECKS.- . ORDERS.' :RE( EIPTS.:. PX;AIN oR Ir COLORS. Call and see samples and -get pries E. IiOLie1ES di SON, • • Nnw ERA, OFriOl. PRINTING. , PRINTING. PRINTING. - PRINTING. PRINTING. PRINTING: PI,TING. P TING. MTING. .L.L� Nl7f. •